Games for a summer holiday with musical accompaniment. Musical games and competitions for any holiday. Music games for adults at the table


Tasks : To consolidate the skills of performing simultaneously “springs” and claps, jumps and claps.

Game progress:

\ Sun, \ sun,

/ Look in \window:

\ Your children \ cry,

/ They jump over pebbles.

Game progress

On the 1st and 2nd lines of the test, an adult, together with the children, performs frequent half-squats - “springs” - and at the same time claps his hands.

Under the text of the 3rd and 4th lines, jumps are performed with simultaneous clapping.

The text is pronounced at a slow pace, in a singsong voice, with a brightpronounced metric pulsation, without stops, accelerations and decelerations.

\ Sun, \ sun, / Look out the \ window, etc.


Tasks : to develop the expressiveness of performing light jumps, a soft spring step.

Jump, jump - jumpmoving forward

young thrush, jumping

Went to the watergo soft spring

Found a young lady. step

Young lady, narrow the circle


/ Itself with inches, sit down

Head with a pot. put palms on cheeks

They shake their heads.

Game progress

Children stand in a circle, bending their arms at the elbows, fists pressed to their shoulders - imitate wings. In the center of the circle is a bird (toy)



Tasks: development of a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements in accordance with the tempo of the music.

Game progress: starting position - legs wide apart, the children sit on the floor.

/ clap \ times, clap on the word "clap"

/ Again hand strike on the knees

On the word "once"

/ We FSUs \ burst \ now repetition of movements

And then hurry, hurryrhythmic hand strokes

Slap, spank more fun. floor

The first three lines are pronounced with a pronounced rhythmic pulsation, the descending intonation of the voice falls on each strong beat.

The last two lines are sentenced at an accelerated pace


Tasks: Development of a sense of rhythm, coordination, the ability to coordinate movements with the text.

Game progress:

Shadow-\shadow, sweat\shadow.Rhythmic clapping

Sela \ cat under the plait \ shadow. knees

The sparrows flewWaving the hands


\ Clap their hands. clapping

Fly away sparrows!They threaten with a finger

Beware of the cat!


Tasks: Improve your walking skills

the ability to end the movement with the end of the text.

Game progress:

Pussy, pussy, pussy, come on!children wag their fingers

Don't sit on the path

Our baby will go walking in place

Through the pussy will fall!

Bach! squat

Guidelines.When walking, you should pay attention to the posture of children, to improve which you need to put your hands on your belt. The end of the pronunciation of the text should be clearly fixed - the children squat.



Tasks: Development of gross motor skills, coordination of movements.

Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta!Children clap their hands

A cat married a cat!

For the cat Kotovichdo two knee slaps

hands at the same time

For the cat Petrovich!Do two knee slaps

two hands alternately


Tasks: To consolidate the skills of performing light jumps with forward movement, a soft springy step and an easy fast run.

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end

The mouse lives there

Your tail will bite off.

A "trap" is chosen for the game. It can be one of the adults or a child. "Trap" goes to the other end of the hall. The hands of the players are on the belt.

Game progress

“The trap sits on a chair against one of the walls of the room, the children gather in a flock against the other wall. On the text of the 1st and 2nd lines, the children move in the direction of the "trap". Under the text of the 3rd line, the children continue to move with a soft springy step, shaking their finger at the “trap”. The last phrase is pronounced by children. Standing still, and is a signal to run. The "trap" catches up with the children running away from him.

The text is pronounced expressively, in a singsong voice, at the end of the 3rd line there should be a slight pause, while the voice “climbs up”: there is a mouse

live / wet. The last line is pronounced tongue twister.


Tasks: consolidate the skill of a fractional step with moving forward. Development of imagination and creativity of children

Choo, choo, chug,

I puff, I grumble.

stand still

I do not want.

I knock with wheels, I turn,

Sit down soon

I'll ride: chug, chug!

Game progress:

Children stand one after another, arms bent at the elbows, fingers tightly clenched into fists. The legs are comfortably slightly bent at the knees.

An adult offers to go on a trip. For the entire text, a rhythmic movement of a fractional step is performed with an acceleration of the tempo of its implementation by the end of the game.

Guidelines.The text is pronounced very easily, rhythmically, with acceleration. You should pay attention to the good straight posture of children, as well as follow. To keep the step short, not shuffling. The game can be continued by inviting the children to get out of the cars and walk through the forest, picking flowers, berries, or picking up bouquets of colorful autumn leaves. At the signal “Tu-tu!

finger game"CAT ON THE OVEN"

M.Yu. Kartushna

Tasks: The development of fine motor skills, a sense of rhythm.

cat on the stove banging fist on fist

crackers pounding

cat on the bench show how to sew with a needle

He sews a shirt.

small kittens raise bent at the elbows

Sitting on the stove arms at chest level

They sit on the stove, shake their heads, brushes down, and

right left

Yes, they look at the catpoint to the eyes.Everyone looks at the cat

and thumbs ("glasses")

Yes, they eat crackers. Clicking their teeth

GuidelinesThe text is pronounced in chant On the 1st two lines, the movements are rhythmic. On the 2nd two lines - smooth movements "pull the thread." The words "small kittens are sitting on the stove" should be pronounced at an accelerated pace.


M.Yu. Kartushina

(to the motive of Russian folk song

"Like ours at the gate")

Tasks: Development of a sense of rhythm. Emotional responsiveness to music.

Tambourine, tambourine, call.

The leader walks in front

Children have fun

children, shakes


The kids are playing

They hit the tambourine.

Clap - once and

holding a tambourine in front

Clap two!

baby, baby

Interesting game.

At gives a hand.

Tanechka (Vanechka,...) is playing,

It hits the tambourine.

The game is repeated with another participant


M.Yu. Kartushina

Tasks: Develop the expressiveness of movements, improve the skill of easy running (on toes), the ability to coordinate movements with the text of the song.

Game progress:

The sun shines in the morning rotate their hands

So it's time for us to walk. " flashlights"

good under the sunrunning loose

Run and play, around the hall

good under the sun

Walk in the yard.

Cap-cap-cap! - along the pathtapping a finger on the palm

"CAT AND MICE" by M.Yu. Kartushina

(to Russian folk melody

"In the garden or in the garden")

Tasks: To form the skill of moving in a circle, the ability to coordinate movements

with text. Develop coordination and speed of reaction. Cultivate endurance.

Game progress Children form a circle holding hands. There is a cat in the center of the circle.

Mice dance.children walk in a circle around the cat

A cat is napping on a couch

Hush, mice, don't make noiseThey threaten each other with a finger

Don't wake the cat Vaska.

How will Vaska the cat wake uppull forward

Will break the whole round dance.Hands palms up

The cat moved his earsput palms to the head - "ears"

And the whole round dance away to places

GuidelinesThe text is sung at a measured pace, the penultimate phrase - in slow motion, stretching the words. And the last one is short. Necessary. So that the children scatter at the end of the last phrase.


(To the motive of the Belarusian folk polka "Yanka")

Tasks: Improving the jumping movement with moving forward.

Game progress:

Jumping, jumping frogsfrog children jump

Jump-jump, jump-jump.on two legs in any direction

Jumping brisk guys -

Jump on a bump, under a leaf.

The stork went out into the swamp"frogs" perform "springs", the stork walks

Take a walk, take a walk. around

Hide alive, frogs,frogs squat and do not move

To not be able to find you!, the stork walks between them, touching his hand



\ This is what, \ this is whatthe children are seated

\ The ball is motley, \ mischievous.and look like a leader

\ Never \ cries,hits the ball to the song

\ On the track \ jumps.on the floor and catches it.

I will hold the ball in my hands.holds the ball and walks in front

And I'll show the kids.children showing it to kids

To whom to give? To whom to give?

Who will throw the ball?

I will give the ball to the ball to the child

Kolya will throw the ball himself.the child throws the ball back to the leader

The hit of the ball falls on each strong beat.

The child returns the ball after the words "throw himself ..."


A task : developing a sense of rhythm.

Game progress:

Frogs are all in the puddles

Slap-slap-slap, kids making flip flops

Slap-slap-slap! on the knees

And the guys on the track -

Top-top-top, top-top-top!Footsteps.

They walk around merrily

Together they sing a song:

La la la la la la!Clap your hands

Speech exercises


A task: Development of a sense of rhythm.

Children take instruments (bell, sticks, etc.) and rhythmically note the rhythmic pulsation.

The rain dripped on the palm -

Drip-drip, drip-drip-drip!

On the flower and on the path -

Drip-drip, drip-drip-drip!

He pounded on the roof

Drip-drip, drip-drip-drip!

And there was a clear call -

Drip-drip, drip-drip-drip!

And what is this bump?

stretch palms forward

I don't know, the bear whispers.


One two three four five.children bend their fingers and count them

A task: The development of emotions, expressiveness of movements, fine motor skills.

Game progress:

The bear is walking in the forest

children stomp their feet

He collects cones in a basket.

P swaying from side to side

Bump one, bump two

assemble with one hand

I'll put them here.

Fold into the palm another


A task: The development of rhythmic coordination, expressiveness of movements, the ability to coordinate movements with music and text, the development of attention.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle, holding hands. Hedgehog sits in the center of the circle.

There lived a prickly hedgehog in the forest, yes, yes, yes. go in circles

Was a ball and without legs, yes, yes, yes.

He couldn't clap shake their heads

Clap-clap-clap. Claps.

He couldn't stomp shake their heads

top top top. floods

He couldn't jump shake their heads

Jump-jump-jump. jumping on two legs

Only sniffed his nose - shake their heads

Sniff-sniff-sniff. Ppoint the nose

The guys came to the forest, yes, yes, yes. the same movements

And the hedgehog was taught to dance, yes, yes, yes.

Taught to clap - clap, clap, clap.

Taught to stomp - top, top, top.

Taught to jump - jump, jump, jump

And he .. sniffs them, sniffs, sniffs, sniffs.


(Russian people. call)

A task : development of the emotional sphere, coordination of movements.

Rain, lei, lei, lei.

Waving their hands

For me and people.

Hands to chest and bred to the sides

On people by the spoon,

palms folded into "spoons" - grooves

Little by little on me

hands to chest and fingers folded in a pinch

And on b-a-boo Yagu

Grab your head with your handsshake your head

Lei for a whole \ bucket.

Throw arms down with torso tilt


Tasks: Cultivate a sense of rhythm, consolidating the skill of moving in a circle.

Game progress:

Start a round dance

In the center of the circle is a child playing

Around the accordion -

on the harmonica. Children holding hands

go around him

above the handle,

stop, raise their hands


Clap your hands

clap your hands once.

Top - top, legs!

stomp their feet 4 times.

The exercises are repeated, the harmonica is played by another child.

Tasks: Development of dance creativity, expressiveness of movements in accordance with the game image, a sense of rhythm.

Game progress: The leader puts on hats of pets and birds, invites the kids to stand in a circle.


Knock-knock-knock, open upchildren clap their hands 3 times

3 times slapping with palms


Let's visit soon!Alternately stomp their feet

Come to us roosterclap, in the center of the circle

Dance for us, my comes out

We have a lot of funcockerel in a hat

There will be a merry dance.randomly dances


We ask the dog to come out:

Come visit us dog.

We have a lot of fun

There will be a merry dance.

Chorus: do the same movements

A goat jumped to us

He stamped his feetruns to the center of the circle

We have a lot of fungoat and dancing

There will be a merry dance.


The gray cat came running

He waved his tail.

We have a lot of fun

There will be a merry dance.

three flowers

Didactic game to determine the nature of music.
game material
Demonstration: three flowers made of cardboard (a “face” is drawn in the middle of the flower -
Sleeping, crying or cheerful), depicting three types of music character:
1. Kind, affectionate, lulling (lullaby)
2. Sad, plaintive.
3. Cheerful, joyful, dancing, perky.
You can make not flowers, but three suns, three clouds, etc.
Handout: each child has one flower, reflecting the nature of the music.
1 option. The music director performs the piece.
The called child takes a flower corresponding to the nature of the music and shows it. All children are actively involved in determining the nature of the music. If the work is known to children, then the called child says its name and the name of the composer.
Option 2. In front of each child lies one of the three flowers. The music director performs the piece, and the children whose flowers match the character of the music pick them up.

Sweet cap.

Didactic game to consolidate the material covered.
game material
Demonstration: caps of different colors according to the number of musical numbers and one more for sweets, cards with a task (sing a familiar song, dance, round dance) on the cards - drawings on the plot of the work or text that an adult reads. Candy for every child.
Children sit in a semicircle. Caps are placed throughout the hall. Sad Petrushka comes. He prepared a sweet treat for the children, put it under the cap. And under what - forgot. I need to find this cap! The music director invites Petrushka to go to any cap (except where the surprise lies), and the children complete the task found under it. Under the last cap is a treat. A cap with treats can be not only in the field of view of children, but also be hidden somewhere.


Didactic game to determine the nature of music.
game material
Demonstration material: soft small toys (hare, bird, dog, horse, cat, chickens, etc.). A small doll table with chairs, tea utensils, small bright boxes are gifts for the Bunny.

Muses. Hands: Look, guys, what an unusual Bunny today, even tied a festive bow. (The Bunny is busy with the housework. Putting toy dishes on the table. I guessed that it’s Bunny’s birthday today, and he invited guests. Someone is already coming! I’ll play music for you, and you guess. Who is the first to go?
Muses. The leader performs the work, the children express their opinion about the nature of the music, recognize the musical image.
After that, a “guest” toy appears with a gift and gives it to the bunny. Then the toy is put on the table. Thus, all works are performed sequentially. At the end of the music game. The leader asks the children. What will the children give the bunny. It can be a song or dance familiar to children.
Fun gymnastics

Rain: wow!
Rhythmic speech game for middle - senior groups
Developing a sense of rhythm

Children sit on chairs and clearly pronounce the text with the rhythmic movement of arms and legs.

1. Bird: car. Kar, Kar!
Wind: clap, clap, clap! (children clap rhythmically)
Rain cap, cap. Cap 1 (clap hands on knees)
Legs slap, slap, slap! (stomp feet alternately)
2. Children: ha, ha, ha! (stretch arms forward, palms up)
Mom: ah, ah, ah! (shake head, holding hands)
Rain drip, drip, drip, (clap hands on knees)
Cloud: bang. Bah, bang! (stomp feet)


The children line up. They put their hands on each other's shoulders, depicting a centipede.
They learn to clearly pronounce the text, to perform movements in the rhythm of the poem.
Performed without music.

1. There was a centipede
On a dry path (children walk in a rhythmic step, slightly springy)
2. Suddenly it started to rain: drip!
-Oh, forty paws will get wet! (Children stop, squat slightly)
3. I don't need a runny nose
I'll go around the puddles! (they walk high raising their knees, as if walking through puddles)
4. I won’t bring dirt into the house
Shake with each paw (stop. Shake with one leg0
5. And then I will stomp
Oh, what a thunder from the paws! (children stomp their feet)

  1. BOMB

the main objective

Developing the ability to listen and find the source of sound.

Additional goals

Development of cooperation in the group

What you need

Alarm clock (can be replaced with a metronome).

Number of participants

From 3 to 10.

Basic option

One of the participants leaves the room, and one of the remaining hides the alarm clock. When everything is ready, the driver is invited into the room and asked to find an alarm clock.


The group can be reminded not to make noise and tell the driver where the alarm clock is.

Other options

The driver can be blindfolded.
You can add an element of competition by choosing two drivers at the same time.
The whole group can search for the source of the sound at the same time. In this case, the players should try to move silently around the room.
The alarm clock can be set to ring in 1-2 minutes. The driver should try to find him before he rings.


the main objective

Developing patience and listening skills.

Additional goals

Development of the ability to predict events.
Development of the ability to concentrate.

What you need

Number of participants

From 6 to 10.

Basic option

The participants are divided into two groups according to the types of instruments, sit opposite each other and prepare to play in turn. The facilitator explains that the group with bells should play quietly, and the group with tambourines should play loudly. Music is playing and the bands are playing accordingly.


Each group may have a "leader" or "conductor".
At first, you can take a break between musical fragments of different styles.
Some participants may need help listening and waiting for their turn when another group is playing.

Other options You can use contrasting music - both energetic and
and calm. Each group can have its own song or theme song


the main objective

Development of cooperation in the group and the ability to concentrate

Additional goals

Developing the ability to observe.
The development of listening skills.

What you need

An equal number of bells and tambourines with cymbals - one instrument for each participant. Portable synthesizer or music audio recording.

Number of participants

From 6 to 10.

Basic option

Participants are divided into groups according to the types of instruments: in one group - with tambourines, in the other - with bells. When the music starts, everyone dances, moving freely around the room. When the music stops, the participants with bells form one group, and the participants with tambourines form another. The music starts again, the groups mix and everyone dances. The game continues in the same way


At the beginning, adults can take part in the game to help group together at the right time.

Other options Other suitable tools can also be used
use not two, but three types of tools.


the main objective

The development of listening skills.

Additional goals

Formation of control over movements and an increase in the speed of reaction.
Formation of spatial representations. Stimulation of creative vocalization.

What you need

One harmonica

Number of participants

From 3 to 6.

Basic option

The group is located in a room, leaving enough space for running. One of the participants is chosen to be a motorcyclist who will circle the room on an imaginary motorcycle. The host or one of the participants imitates the sounds of a motorcycle on the kaza: the moment of starting, acceleration, deceleration, turning the throttle.


It is useful to practice imitating sounds before the motorcyclist starts moving.
This game can serve as an occasion to talk about road safety.

Other options

The facilitator can arrange chairs in the room so that the "motorcyclist" moves in a circle, etc.
Two participants can ride a motorcycle at the same time to the accompaniment of the same kazoo.


the main objective

Developing the ability to listen and concentrate

Additional goals

Develop awareness of one's belonging to a group.
Formation of ideas about the direction.
Endurance development.

What you need

Bells and portable synthesizer

Number of participants

From 4 to 10.

Basic option

The group sits in a circle. When the music starts (in the middle register of the synthesizer), the players begin to pass the bells clockwise. Suddenly, the leader strikes the two highest notes on the synthesizer, and the group reverses the direction of the bells, passing them counterclockwise. The music continues to play, and every time two high notes are heard, the direction of the movement of the bells changes.


There is no need for a synthesizer player to be proficient in the instrument. However, he must be able to make sure that the direction of the movement of the bells changes in time and remains unchanged until two high notes are sounded.

Other options

Other small instruments, such as the maraca and cababa, can also be transferred.
A portable synthesizer can be replaced with other melodic instruments, such as a xylophone.
The signal to change the direction of movement of the bells can be given by hitting the cymbal or drum with sticks. In this case, instead of a synthesizer, an audio recording is used.

  1. Catch the Rhythm!

the main objective

Developing Listening Skills

Additional goals

Increasing the ability to concentrate.
The development of short-term memory.

Number of participants

From 3 to 8.

Basic option

The group sits in a circle. The facilitator claps his hands, using an uncomplicated rhythm that is easy to repeat (for example). Whenever possible, the participants join the facilitator and eventually clap all together. Then the leader can stop and set a different rhythm.


The facilitator may need to encourage participants to listen carefully and not to clap their hands indiscriminately.

Other options

You can tap the rhythm on different parts of the body.
Rhythm can be accompanied by words. For example, "Da-vid Hall" or "Soup with noodles."
Each participant in turn can be offered to become a leader.
For accompaniment, you can use a musical audio recording.
You can use instruments such as tambourines.
Simple rhythms can be repeated immediately by the group (like an echo).
Participants can repeat the given rhythm one after another, in turn.
When the first rhythm is mastered by the whole group, the leader can move on to the next one without interruption. He can say: "Everything is changing" to signal the group to move to a new rhythm.

  1. MOUSE

the main objective

Development of tactile sensations.

What you need

A toy mouse (or soft doll), a tambourine with cymbals, a scarf.

Additional goals

Developing a tolerant attitude towards physical contact with other people.
Development of awareness various parts of your body.
Developing listening and concentration skills.

Number of participants

From 3 to 6.

Basic option

Two participants sit on chairs opposite each other. One of them is blindfolded, and the other is given a tambourine. The leader becomes next to the one who is blindfolded, in the hands of the leading mouse. The second participant sits quietly and watches. When he starts playing the tambourine, the host "releases" the mouse, which "runs", "jumps", "climbs" (according to the nature and pace of the sound of the tambourine) all over the body of the blindfolded person. After a while, the participants change places.


The participant on whom the mouse “runs” should not try to catch it with his hands. He should concentrate as much as possible on his feelings.
Participants can discuss their feelings with each other.
The most sensitive participants can initially play without a bandage, and the leader should in such cases direct the mouse very confidently, “definitely”.

Other options

One of the participants can control the mouse.
You can use other tools and other toy animals.
You can use two different tools: one - under which the mouse, for example, "runs"; the other - under which it "jumps".
Different tools can be used for different parts of the body that the mouse “runs” over: for example, hand bells and a foot drum.
The participant controlling the mouse can sing along to himself, replacing the sounds of the tambourine with his voice and improvising on the theme of mouse movements


the main objective

Development of the initiative.

Additional targets

The development of listening skills.

What you need

Tambourine with cymbals for each participant. Portable synthesizer or dance music audio recording.

Number of participants

From 3 to 6.

Basic option

Participants dance in a free manner and play the tambourines. After a few minutes, the facilitator turns down the music and invites the participants to play the tambourines, showing the different places they will hit with the tambourine. This could be another participant's back, the floor or wall of a room, your own knee, etc.


Calm, melodic music helps the participants not to hit each other with tambourines too vigorously.

Other options

Participants can themselves suggest a variety of places to play the tambourines.
You can balance by trying to keep the tambourines on different parts of the body.
Participants can pair up with one common tambourine.


the main objective

Additional targets

Endurance development.
Improving movement control.
Increasing self-confidence..

What you need

Small colored patches (approximately 20 cm2), one for each participant

Number of participants

3 to 10

Basic option

The group sits in a circle. Each participant chooses a flap. One of the participants stands in the center of the circle, spreading his arms to the sides. The rest come up to him and hang their patches on his head, arms, shoulders, legs. Then everyone but the "scarecrow" returns to their seats and sings some kind of calm song, for example, one of the versions of "She is a lassie from Lancashire" (see below). The "Scarecrow" is spinning very carefully so that the patches do not fall off it. Gradually, the singers increase the pace, the “scarecrow” spins faster and faster and finally shakes off all the patches.


Singing can be accompanied by clapping, and when the "scarecrow" throws off all the flaps, applaud him.
At first, the scarecrow participant may need help to stand still.

Other options

"Scarecrows" can be several participants - they are spinning, holding hands.


the main objective

Developing leadership skills and building self-confidence.

Additional targets

Increasing the interest of participants to be active in the game.
Developing the ability to observe.

What you need

One musical instrument for each participant, two or three large paper flowers on sticks

Number of participants

3 to 4.

Basic option

One of the group plays a musical instrument while the others listen. Along with the sounds of the instrument, a flower (which is held on a long stick by one of the adults, not visible to the players) appears from behind a piano or other piece of furniture. If the music stops, the flower stops "growing". If the music is fast and loud, the flower "grows" faster. When the flower can no longer "grow", everyone starts dancing or imitating the "withering" of the flower - it depends on the nature of the music.


If possible, the lesson is best done in a room with high ceilings so that the flower can “grow” for a long time.

Other options

Two participants can play different instruments at the same time, "leading" two flowers.
One of the participants can help manage the flower.
You can use different colors or differently colored.


the main objective

Increasing confidence when performing solo on musical instruments.

Additional targets

Encourage creativity.
Developing patience and improving listening skills.

What you need

Approximately twenty multi-colored patches, approx.
20 cm2 each. Portable synthesizer or musical audio recording of various styles of dance music.

Number of participants

From 3 to 6.

Basic option

One of the participants performs a solo, and the rest are spectators. The soloist lays out the patches on the floor as he likes and chooses the music. After that, he dances, improvising with the flaps: jumping over them, as if over bumps, or circling around them. When the dance is completed, the soloist is applauded, and he passes the patches to the next participant.


If the audience gets tired, they can be invited to join the dance by clapping their hands.
Some participants may want to choose certain pieces of music for their dance - either very fast or very slow.

Other options

Spectators can accompany the dancer on their instruments.
Two members may wish to dance at the same time, or a soloist may wish to be accompanied on a particular instrument by one of the group.
If the size of the room allows, hoops can be used instead of flaps in the dance.
This game can be a successful continuation of the Glued Leg game (the last one), in which all participants dance at the same time.


the main objective

Development of the ability to distribute roles and objects.

Additional targets

Improving the control of movements and the ability to maintain balance in a sitting position.
Developing Listening Skills

What you need

Hoops for each pair of participants. Portable synthesizer or audio recording of rocking dance music

Number of participants

From 4 to 10.

Basic option

Participants, divided into pairs, sit on the floor facing each other.
Each pair has a hoop. When the music starts, couples holding on to the hoop
from opposite sides, begin to sway back and forth. When the music stops, the movement stops.


You can choose different sitting positions, and each participant should be helped to find the most comfortable for him.

Other options

The tempo of music and swing can be changed.
Participants can swing not only back and forth, but also from side to side.


the main objective

Development of the ability to cooperate in a group.

Additional targets

Development of the ability to distinguish sounds.
Development of eye contact.
Development of the ability to correlate movements with sounds.

What you need

Two contrasting musical instruments. One ball.

Number of participants

6 to 10

Basic option

The group sits in a circle, and one participant is asked to take the tools and sit outside the circle. Someone sitting in a circle takes the ball. The group decides which of the instruments will be signaled to throw the ball, and which to roll it. Participants throw or roll the ball to each other, depending on which instrument is played by the person sitting outside the circle. During the pause, the ball remains with someone from the group.


The facilitator may need to remind the participant playing musical instruments that he should pause during the change of instrument.
Playing outside the circle, in order not to be distracted, it is better to look away, and not at the group.
Competitors may need to be reminded to remain in a seated position during all manipulations of the ball.

Other options

The player behind the circle can sing songs that are contrasting in sound.
You can use balls of different types and sizes.
Other objects can be used, such as bean bags or hoops (to roll on the floor).
You can try different ways of passing the ball, for example, with your feet.
Three or more tools can be used.


the main objective

Additional targets

Development of the ability to concentrate.
Developing the ability to be aware of oneself in a group.
Development of responsibility and caring.

What you need

Hat. Portable synthesizer or music audio recording.

Number of participants

4 to 8

Basic option

The group sits in a circle. When the music starts, the participants pass the hat around, taking turns putting it on their neighbor's head. When the sound of the music is interrupted, the host asks the participant, who at that moment had a hat, to show some kind of movement - so that everyone else repeats it. The music starts up again and the game continues


The host needs to ensure that the transfer of the hat occurs precisely through putting on, and not pulling it off a neighbor.
The tempo of the music can affect the speed of the hat.

Other options

You can transfer other items, such as a scarf, gloves, jacket, watch.


the main objective

Development of cooperation in the group.

Additional targets

Formation of control over movements.
Encouragement of the initiative.

What you need

Hoops, one for each participant. Portable synthesizer or audio recording with slow marching music.

Number of participants

4 to 10

Basic option

Everyone takes a hoop and with its help “clings” to another participant - and so on until the whole group is linked by hoops. Having connected in this way, the participants stand quietly while waiting for the music to play and then try to move in such a way as to maintain the chain.


The facilitator can tell the participants different ways of gripping: by the shoulders, arms, legs, head, torso, etc.

Other options

Participants can huddle together to form a very small "group in hoops" or, dispersing as far as possible from each other, a long chain. They can also get creative and give the group a pointed or rounded shape.
Instead of hoops, you can use small flaps (each about 20 cm2). Participants can "glue" to each other - see "glued leg".
Once the hoop band is formed, each member can be given a small instrument to play along with the music being played. .


the main objective

Development of endurance and cooperation skills.

Additional targets

The development of a conscious relationship with other people.
The development of listening skills.
Formation of the ability to lead.
An exercise in color recognition.

What you need

One large drum on a stand. Stickers or paints suitable for hands or nails.

Number of participants

3 to 4.

Basic option

Each participant calmly puts his hand on the drum. The back of the hand is painted with multi-colored paints or stickers of different colors are glued to it. One of the participants leads the game, naming the hands by color, for example: "Red hand" - and the hand hits the drum once. Then another hand is called and the game continues.


Perhaps the participants should all play the drum together for a while so as not to lose interest in playing while waiting for their turn.
The participant leading the game can also be a "painted hand".
The leader of the game can determine the strength of the blow to the drum by naming the hand in a quiet or loud voice.

Other options

It can be played with two hands painted the same color or different colors.
You can duplicate colors - so that two or more participants play at the same time.
You can paint several nails or fingers with multi-colored paints.
Competitors, while waiting for their turn, may keep their hands on their knees instead of on the drum. In this case, the game leader should remember which colors he calls.


the main objective

Additional targets

Development of the ability to concentrate.
The development of listening skills.
Develop awareness of different parts of your body.

Number of participants

From 3 to 10.

Basic option

The participants clap their hands while the host sings the appropriate words to the melody of the song "We are not afraid of the gray wolf." For example, such: “Well, everyone clap your hands ...” (see below). Having finished the phrase, the host continues to sing at a different pace, much slower,
with a change in words, for example: "We are trees in the wind, in the wind ...". These two versions of the song can be alternately repeated as many times as needed.


Participants will be more attentive if there is a short pause between parts of the song.

Other options

After several repetitions, the melody may sound without words,
and it is enough for the leader, by making appropriate movements, to encourage the group to follow him.
You can try other movements, such as stomping your feet or nodding.
Participants themselves can suggest movements for the game.
Participants can play in pairs, clapping each other on the knees or clapping their hands.
The facilitator can change the words of the song, naming the parts of the body according to the movements.


the main objective

Formation of control over movements.

Additional targets

Improving listening skills.
Development of endurance and the ability to predict events.

What you need

Small colored patches (approximately 20 cm2) - at least one for each participant.

Number of participants

From 3 to 10.

Basic option

Each participant chooses a patch for himself and puts it on his head like a hat. The leader begins to sing: “We have hats, hats of all colors!”, repeating this line several times, and then at the end: “One, two, three - shake it off!” (see melody below) - while the presenter shakes his head, throwing off the flap. At the same time, repeating after the leader, all participants take off their imaginary hats.


Participants should not, throwing off the flap from the head, help themselves with their hands.
Some participants will take longer than others to throw off the patches.
The group should wait until all participants throw off the flaps, and only then continue the game.

Other options

You can also throw off the flaps from the arms, feet, neck, palms, etc.
The flaps can be matched to the color of the clothes.
Those who, for example, have red flaps, can be the first to throw them off their heads, and everyone else - after them.
Participants can, shaking off the flaps, wave them in the air.
The words "We have hats ...", etc. can be spoken, not sung. You can also accompany on the guitar, synthesizer, tambourine or clap your hands.
This game may predate the Scarecrow game.


the main objective

Formation of control over movements and development of the ability to concentrate.

Additional targets

Development of cooperation in the group.
Developing a sense of responsibility.

What you need

One tambourine with cymbals.

Number of participants

From 3 to 10.

Basic option

The group sits in a circle. The host very carefully takes the tambourine and silently passes it to his neighbor. So the participants pass the “sleeping” tambourine in a circle, trying to do it as quietly as possible.


The facilitator can encourage participants to follow the movement of the tambourine, and not just wait for their turn.
This game can be useful as a counterbalance to more noisy games.

Other options

The direction in which the tambourine is passed can be changed at any time.
You can use other musical instruments such as a maraca or any rattle.
You can transfer two musical instruments at the same time.


the main objective

Developing listening skills

Additional targets

Increasing the reaction rate.
Encouragement to cooperate in the group.

What you need

Hoops, one for each participant. Portable synthesizer or music audio recording

Number of participants

From 3 to 10.

Basic option

The host lays out hoops on the floor in a large room. As soon as the music begins to play, the participants begin to walk, dance or jump around the hoops. As soon as the music stops, everyone finds a hoop and stands in it.


Competitors should not stand in the hoop while the music is playing.
The facilitator should extend the pause so that each participant has time to find a hoop before the music starts again.

Other options

You can not lay out the hoops throughout the room, but place them in its center.
Instead of hoops, you can use small rugs or flaps.
The number of hoops can be equal to half the number of participants: each hoop has two participants.
If the hoops are placed close to each other, each participant will be able to stand in two different hoops (or step on the place where they touch).
You can use three hoops of different colors, picking up scarves (or patches) of the appropriate colors for them. While dancing, the participants wave their kerchiefs, and when the music stops, everyone finds a hoop according to the color of their kerchief.


the main objective

Preverbal vocalization..

Additional targets

Development of cooperation in the group.
Controlled energy output

What you need

One railway whistle..

Number of participants

From 4 to 10.

Basic option

The group sits in a circle. One of the participants has a whistle. The facilitator begins the “train journey”, beating the characteristic rhythm “thump-thum-thum” with his palms. The group joins him - at first at a slow pace and rhythmically, and then evenly speeding up the movement. When "the train reaches its maximum speed", the participant blows a signal with a whistle. The whistle means that the train must slow down evenly and eventually stop.


The slower the “train movement” begins, the more interesting
And this game is addictive.

Other options

If there is no whistle, the signal can be given by voice.
Participants can produce sound with more than just their palms,
and the movement of the palms on the knees.
Other sound effects can also be added. For example, imitate the sound of opening doors, braking, warning horn, etc.


the main objective

Additional targets

Increasing the reaction rate.
Encouragement to cooperate in the group.

What you need

Several large percussion instruments, such as drums or cymbals, one at a time.

Number of participants

3 to 4.

Basic option

The host places the percussion instruments as far apart as possible in different corners of the spacious room. When the music starts, each participant finds an instrument for himself and starts playing it. At the onset of silence, all participants scatter and take their places near the new instruments in anticipation that the music will sound again and they will continue the game.


Before running away from the instrument, the participants should leave the sticks near it.
When soft and loud pieces of music alternate, participants listen more carefully.

Other options

You can use smaller musical instruments by spreading them out on a table or on chairs.
One of the participants can use the whistle to signal the group to exchange instruments.

  1. Flip over and say hello!

the main objective

Development of the ability to turn lying down.

Additional targets

Encouragement for social contacts.
Attracting attention to tactile sensations.

What you need

Large mat or thick carpet to lie on

Number of participants

From 4 to 10.

Basic option

Participants lie down on mats. Lying on their back, form a circle so that their hands are in the center. Everyone sings the song together (see below) and each member rolls onto their side (or is helped to do so) and reaches for their neighbor, who also turns around, and they greet each other with a touch. After that, everyone rolls over to the other side to "say hello" to another neighbor. Having finished singing the song, the participants change places, and the game continues with new partners.


In some groups, it is necessary to agree on the direction of the turn for each participant before the game begins.
The host may have to slow down or speed up the tempo of the song depending on how soon the members were able to greet each other.

Other options

Participants can, turning to a neighbor, immediately touch his face, hands, palms.
Participants can hold small musical instruments and, turning to a neighbor, greet him by playing the instrument.


the main objective

Developing the ability to observe and imitate.

Additional targets

Improved coordination of movements.
Learning different types of movement and dance.
Development of initiative and self-confidence.
Development of eye contact and the ability to concentrate.

What you need

Portable synthesizer or music audio recording.

Number of participants

From 6 to 10.

Basic option

Participants dance freely to the music. The facilitator watches the group for a few minutes and then stops the music. He invites everyone to dance, copying the dance of one of the participants. This member shows his dance and the group starts to dance, imitating his manner. The facilitator then selects a participant dancing in a different manner and the group imitates again. The game continues until everyone who wants to show their dance.


The facilitator can introduce the participants to this game by offering to copy his own dance to the music.
The facilitator can choose to show the group the simplest movements (for example, shaking the head) or more complex ones (for example, consisting of three or four simple ones).

Other options

Participants can try certain types of movements: sharp, flowing, angular or "round". The accompaniment must be selected in accordance with the nature of the movements.
The facilitator may invite the participants to imitate the movements of a swaying tree, a writhing snake, a flying bird, or an elephant making a trumpet sound.
Participants can try different movements in pairs


the main objective

Formation of control over movements.

Additional targets

Development of self-confidence.
Development of cooperation in the group.
Endurance Encouragement

What you need

A tambourine (with or without cymbals) for each participant, except for the driver. Portable synthesizer or music audio recording.

Number of participants

From 4 to 10..

Basic option

One participant is offered to be a soloist and stand in the center of the circle. The rest take tambourines. Music is playing and everyone is dancing around the soloist, playing their instruments. All this time the soloist stands without moving. Suddenly the music stops and the dancers freeze like statues, holding the instruments at arm's length in any position convenient for them. Then the soloist comes up to everyone and plays all the instruments in turn.


The new soloist can be chosen by the previous one.
It is preferable that the participants move around the room, not just in a circle.

Other options

Soloists can be two participants at the same time.
Other small percussion instruments can be used.
The presenter can accompany the soloist, performing music of a contrasting nature.


the main objective

Development of the ability to coordinate auditory perception with motor activity.

Additional targets

Providing an opportunity to release energy.
Encouragement to cooperate in the group.
Development of the ability to concentrate.
Formation of spatial representations.

What you need

Plate on a stand.

Number of participants

From 4 to 6.

Basic option

The host puts a chair against the wall of the hall. The group is located near the plate on the opposite wall. One participant prepares to run, the other - to hit the plate (once, loudly). At the moment of impact, the "runner" rushes to the chair, runs around it and returns to the group. Out of breath, he sits up and listens to the fading sound of the cymbal.


All participants should listen to the sound fade without touching the cymbal.

Other options

You can use other instruments that have a continuous sound, such as chordal zither, metallophone, or lamellar bells. On plate bells, the presenter should choose the lowest sound in order to increase the duration of the sound.
"Runner" can be given additional task: determine which of the two lamellar bells was hit with a stick.
The "runner" itself can hit the instrument before it starts to run.


the main objective

Formation of control over movements.

Additional targets

Development of cooperation in the group.
Improve color recognition and memory development.

What you need

Small patches of yellow, red, blue and green colors - each about 20 cm2. Portable synthesizer or music audio recording.

Number of participants

From 4 to 10.

Basic option

Each participant chooses a yellow, red, blue or green patch and puts it on his head. The facilitator lays out patches of different colors in all corners of the room. When the music starts, everyone starts dancing, making sure that the patches do not fall. When the music stops, the participants disperse to different corners of the room according to the color of the patches. Then the participants can exchange patches and continue the game.


The facilitator may need to remind the participants what color their patches are.

Other options

Participants can balance by trying to keep the flaps on their arms, shoulders, hands, etc.
The facilitator may invite the participants to run or jump instead of dancing in order to provoke the need, while balancing, to hold the flaps.
Participants may dance in pairs.


the main objective

Formation of control over movements.

Additional targets

Increasing confidence when performing solo on musical instruments.
Development of the ability to concentrate.
Learning to associate ideas and actions.
Increasing the reaction rate.

What you need

Bells, a drum, a cymbal on a stand and a few sticks. A table on which you can lay out musical instruments and sticks.

Number of participants

From 3 to 6.

Basic option

The host lays out musical instruments on the table close to each other - so that the bells and sticks can be easily reached. He then explains to the participants that each instrument has a corresponding movement. For example, head shaking is associated with bells, raising hands with a cymbal, jumping with
with drum. One of the participants plays all the instruments in turn, and the leader, standing or sitting opposite, performs the corresponding movements. The game then continues with the other participant.


It may be helpful to experiment with different moves before the game starts. See, for example, "Repeat my dance!".

Other options

One of the participants can perform the movements, and the whole group can play the instruments.
The whole group can perform the movements, and one participant can play the instruments.
You can use different tools and movements.
Three participants can play, each on their own instrument.


the main objective

Development of the ability to coordinate movements with the process of listening.

Additional targets

Increasing the rate of reactions.
Encouragement to cooperate in the group.

What you need

Several sturdy yet lightweight chairs, one for each participant. Portable synthesizer or music audio recording..

Number of participants

3 to 4.

Basic option

Participants sit in a row on chairs in a large open room. When the music starts, the participants begin to move forward, holding on to the seat of their chair with both hands. When the music stops, they stop and sit down.


Competitors should listen to the music and move quickly or slowly depending on the tempo of the music.
Participants should be careful not to collide or get close enough to each other to prevent the neighbors from moving.

Other options

Each time the music stops, the facilitator can give brief instructions to the participants on how to move: back, sideways, etc.
Participants can also exchange chairs, walk around the chairs, stand on them, etc.


the main objective

Improving movement control.

Additional targets

Development of the ability to concentrate.
The development of the imagination.
Developing the ability to observe.

What you need

Two marks. Portable synthesizer or music audio recording.

Number of participants

From 4 to 10.

Basic option

Two participants stand facing each other, each holding his own maraca - one in the left and the other in the right hand. The rest are watching and listening. The soloists decide which of them will be the leader in the pair. When the music starts, the lead soloist makes a maraca movement, and his partner tries to repeat the movement exactly. The music stops and the soloists stop. When the music starts again, they continue the game, switching roles, or two other participants take their place.


It may be necessary to help the facilitator in pairs start with slow movements.
It is worth saying that no matter what movements the soloists do, they must always see each other.
Since the maraca is a rather fragile instrument, it is reasonable that the rules of the game include the prohibition of touching the instrument with anything.

Other options

You can use other small instruments, such as cymbal tambourine or castanets.
One participant can stand in front of the group, which will repeat his movements.
You can try dance music of different styles.


the main objective

Formation of control over movements.

Additional targets

Development of cooperation in the group.
Increasing confidence in leadership roles.

What you need

Small patches of different colors, each approx.
20 cm2, one for each participant. Portable synthesizer or audio recording of musical fragments of different styles.

Number of participants

From 4 to 10.

Basic option

Each participant chooses a flap and a place for it on the floor. Putting one foot on the flap, the participant, as it were, glues it to the floor. Music sounds, and everyone dances in a free manner, without tearing off, however, the "glued" leg from the floor. The leader watches the dancers and invites one of them to dance for the whole group so that the group imitates his manner. The game continues and the participants present different dances.


The facilitator may need to remind the participants of their "glued" leg.
When the music stops, the participants should remain in their seats and remain silent.

Other options

You can “glue” different parts of the body to the floor, for example, knees or palms.
If the size of the room allows, hoops can be used instead of flaps. Participants can "glue" to the side of the hoop or stand inside it.
A successful continuation of this game can be the game "Create your own dance!"

The development of auditory perception.


MATERIAL: audio recording with a variety of noises, such as a telephone ringing, the hiss of a boiling kettle, the sound of breaking glass, the sound of water flowing from a tap, the sound of chalk writing on a blackboard, etc.

The host shows the children the noise, they must guess it. If the noises are voiced by voice or improvised means, you can arrange a competition, who will reproduce them more accurately and guess.


PURPOSE: development of auditory perception.

One of the players goes behind the screen and, with the help of objects located there, makes some kind of sound: throws objects on the floor, hits an object, rubs one object against another, etc. The rest of the players must determine which items he used to make the sound. If the item is indicated correctly, the player comes out from behind the screen and makes the same sound in front of everyone, and the one who guessed it becomes the leader.


PURPOSE: development of auditory perception.

MATERIAL: a set of “sounding” objects: a bell, a tambourine, a metronome, a rattle, a whistle, wooden and metal spoons, etc.

For the first game, a set of the simplest sounds familiar to children is used. During the subsequent game, it is necessary to add the sound of new objects, and children should be introduced to each new sound in advance.

From among the players, a driver is chosen, who becomes his back to the players at a distance of two to three meters. Several players (three - four), at the signal of the host, come closer to him with the words “What are we playing with?” start making sounds. The driver must determine which objects make sounds. If he guessed correctly, he can go to the group of players, and the players choose a new driver. If not, then he continues to drive until he gives the correct answer.


PURPOSE: development of auditory perception.

MATERIAL: audio recording of musical instruments, or musical instruments themselves. Pictures with their image. The name of the tool is written on each picture.

Children are given to listen to a musical passage performed by one of the musical instruments, guess which sound they heard, show it in the picture.

If the children are familiar with the instruments (they have heard them repeatedly), then another, slightly comical version of the game can be played. One player voices (in his own voice) the musical instrument he has conceived, while the others guess it. The players then switch roles and the game continues.


PURPOSE: development of auditory perception.

The presenter turns on the tape recorder with the most popular songs and turns it off after three to five seconds. Children must name the work. If it is not guessed, the tape recorder turns on again for a few seconds.


PURPOSE: development of auditory perception.

MATERIAL: 10 - 12 Kinder Surprise boxes filled with various loose, rattling, knocking and rustling materials, such as peas, buckwheat, river sand, beans, small pebbles, etc.

The participants in the game must find among all the boxes two that sound the same. The main principle of filling the boxes is that the material in paired boxes should not only be identical, but also approximately the same in weight and quantity, only then they will sound the same.


PURPOSE: development of auditory perception.

MATERIAL: 3 - 5 glasses or some other container into which water is poured. The water level in each container is different: a quarter, half, more than half, full (or just empty, without water).

An adult - the organizer of the game - knocks on the containers several times, demonstrating how each of them sounds. Then the driver is selected - a child who turns away, and an adult or one of the children at this time knocks on one or another container. The child must determine which container was tapped. If the answer is correct, the driver changes and the game continues. The one who gives the most correct answers in the game wins.


PURPOSE: development of auditory perception.

Each player chooses for himself the role of a bird whose cry he can imitate. The birder stands in the center of the playground blindfolded, and the players circle around him and chant in chorus:

In the forest in the woods

On a green oak tree

The birds are singing merrily.

Ay! The birder is coming!

He will take us into captivity!

Birds, fly away!

Birds run across the site. The birder claps his hands - the birds freeze in their places, and he begins (blindfolded) to look for them. As soon as the birder has touched a bird, it emits its characteristic cry. The birder must guess the name of the bird and the name of the player. If he guessed correctly, the recognized one becomes a birder, if not, the game is repeated with the same birder.


PURPOSE: development of auditory perception.

The teacher offers to stand up those children whose names consist of as many syllables as he makes claps.

For example, the teacher claps three times, the children count (to themselves) the number of claps, after which Se-re-zha, Ma-ri-na, Ok-sa-na should stand up. Ta-ma-ra and others


PURPOSE: development of attention, mental operation of concretization.

An adult asks children:

  1. Do you know what is planted in the garden? Let's play this game: I will name different objects, and you listen carefully - if I name what is planted in the garden, you sing “do”, and if what does not grow in the garden, you sing “mi”. Whoever makes a mistake loses. Carrots, beets, plums…

The games “Let's set a table for guests”, “Let's plant a garden”, “Clothes”, etc. can be built according to the same principle.

On this page you will find the rules of the game Merry Musicians, you will definitely need this information for your overall development.

Great music game.

Game description

This game is designed for a large number of children: from 5 to 20 people can participate in it. You will need 2 sets of children's musical instruments: 2 tambourines, 2 maracas, 2 rattles, 2 bells, 2 noise boxes.
Ten participants are given one of the musical instruments in their hands. Cheerful music sounds. Children should pass these tools around to each other, they should not linger in anyone's hands.
Children who have paired instruments remain to continue the game, the rest sit down.

Rules of the game

1. This game is designed for a large number of children: from 5 to 20 people can participate in it.
2. Ten participants are given one of the musical instruments in their hands. Cheerful music sounds.
3. Children should pass these tools around to each other, they should not linger in anyone's hands.
4. Children who have paired instruments remain to continue the game, the rest sit down.
5. The last one remaining wins.

Moskaleva Yulia Mikhailovna
Music games summer for big and small. Advice for parents

The sun is shining more and more often outside the window, the air is getting warmer and warmer, and you already want to leave the apartment that has bothered you for the winter as soon as possible. It draws to go out into nature, to walk barefoot on the ground, to breathe fresh air filled with the smells of young greenery. And, of course, when going out of town, you will take your child with you. He will rediscover for himself forgotten during the winter, and somewhere even new world. If the baby’s birthday or name day falls on the warm season, then the celebration can be transferred to nature, but even without a proper reason, such a trip will be received with enthusiasm.

We bring to your attention some interesting, exciting games, which you, your child and his friends will like to play both outdoors and at home ...

The game "Favorite Song"

Teaches listening skills

Any song develops language skills and listening skills.

Choose a song that the child is familiar with and sing it a couple of times to make sure the child knows the words and come up with the actions that accompany them.

Explain to the child that you intend to sing this song with him, performing the same movements, but replacing the words with different sounds, for example, "la-la-la" or "oh-oh-oh-oh", simply by whistling, or the entire line by humming its initial letter.

Don't sing at all, just do the actions. You won't believe how quiet kids can be!

The game "Let's Ride"

Gives information about vehicles

Talk to your child about different ways movement and different means of transport.

Try to pick up and sing songs with your child dedicated to each mode of transportation. It can also be poems that you will sing with him to famous melodies or simply recite ( example: A. Barto "Mushroom Train")

The game « Musical ups and downs»

Teaches the scale

Sing the main scale. It turns out you know her very well! Well, of course: do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si, do.

Start singing with your body low to the ground, and then gradually straighten up as the sounds rise.

When you reach high "before", you should stand on tiptoe with your arms extended high up.

Now start high "before" and move down the scale in the same way.

Another version of the gamma is as follows: go up the scale slowly, and go down very quickly.

The game "Songs about the Sun"

Develops memory

Paint a round paper plate yellow and glue it to the stick

Talk to the children about the sun and how it makes them feel.

Sing a few songs about the sun or learn a few poems.

Let the children use twists, squats, and stretches to recreate the different movements of the sun that you hear in the songs you sing.

Among the songs about the sun can be called:

Solar circle, the sky around,

This is a drawing of a boy...

Repeat this game, but with songs or poems about the moon or stars.

The game "Mysterious music»

Teaches listening skills

Take the melody of a familiar song and purr it, sing it with your mouth closed, or sing it on "la-la-la".

Let the child recognize this song.

Repeat the song from the beginning, stopping at a word.

See if the child can recognize this word.

Ask him what the next word of the song should be.

Also, we offer games for the little ones:


Russian folk song "Hare"

Bunny, bunny!

little bunny!

(the child turns the arms bent at the elbows to the right and left, freely lowering the hands)

long ears,

(puts open palms to head, "ears")

Fast legs.

(claps hands on knees)

Bunny, bunny!

little bunny!

(turns arms bent at the elbows from side to side.)

Are you afraid of children

Bunny coward.

(shakes hands down, "bunny trembles")

A song that many people know from childhood

"Pies" (music by A. Filippenko)

I bake, I bake, I bake

All the kids have a pie

And for the sweet mother

I'll bake two gingerbread.

(children bake pies - then one hand on top, then the other)

Eat, eat, mommy,

Delicious two gingerbread.

(stretch arms forward with palms up)

And I'll call the guys -

I'll treat you to pies.

(They beckon with their hands. They bow, stretching their hands forward)

Summer is such a time when your child, running and jumping, develops physically, in addition to this, he learns a lot of new things. Let the warm season leave a bright mark in the memory of your child!

Related publications:

Advice for parents "What are music lessons for?" Musical education is a multifaceted process, which is the formation of a child's personality through exposure to music. Kinds.

Advice for parents "Observation of nature in summer" The long-awaited summer is here. The days are warm, sunny and long. “The dawn converges with the dawn,” they say among the people, because the bright short night.

Advice for parents "Holidays with a child in the summer" Summer beautiful time of the year. A long-awaited vacation is a well-deserved reward for long days of work, life, and care. Family vacation is the best.

Advice for parents "We have a rest in the summer" Advice for parents "Let's rest in the summer" Summer is a delicious time, And it is always watermelon. And in winter - mezzanine, It's just a disgrace.

Advice for parents "Dining etiquette for young children" The system of work on the formation of norms and rules of cultural behavior of the child at the table must be organized from early childhood. They are being developed.


Right and left everywhere she lies:

Igrolya, Igrolochka is a wonderful country.

Everyone has been here many times

Who ever played.

And let the boys and girls -

All the mischievous kids - today they will say loudly - loudly:

"Welcome game!"

"Games with the hall" - symbol games that are held with a large number of children during mass holidays and programs (in halls, on playgrounds and stadiums).

I am faced with difficult tasks: to arouse interest, hold attention, cheer up. In a word, to control the mood of children, to regulate it. To do this, one must not only know the content of the games, but also be able to correctly intonate them, have an ear for music, and a well-trained voice. It is very important for me to feel the hall, to distinguish the shades of its mood, to be able to motivate children to play. The success of the whole program depends on how I can "have" children.

Thus, the main purpose of games with the audience is to create an upbeat, festive atmosphere, to tune in to the perception of the subsequent action.

In addition, such games relieve muscle stiffness, develop the ability to concentrate.

It should be noted that most games are characterized by a mixture of various forms, that is, a game can be at the same time a game - a chant and a game with movements or a game - a tongue twister, etc.

Children really like musical games with the audience.The peculiarity of these games is that all children remain in place and repeat words, stage movements for the leader on stage. The game is repeated several times (acceleration of the pace of the game is allowed), the hall actively responds to the request. Such games are designed to "warm up" the hall before a detachment, camp event or as a pause between the stages of the event. I offer several such games:

    At the deer the house is big

The deer has a big house. ( Hands represent the roof ).

He looks out his window. ( Hands bent at the elbows, first we put vertically, then we lower one hand horizontally, like a student who raised his hand to answer ).

Bunny runs through the forest. ( Improvising running ).

There is a knock on his door: (knock)

"Knock, knock! Open the door!" (turn to the right, improvise a knock on the door and as if opening the door)

There in the forest (pointing with the thumb behind the back)

hunter (we imitate as if we were holding a gun)

evil!" (we make evil eyes)

"Bunny, bunny, run in! (show the ears of the hare)

Give me a paw!" (stretch out the right hand, clap the left hand on the right).

The music gets faster every time.

The deer has a big house,

He looks out his window.

Bunny runs through the forest

At the door to himWith clouding.

-"Knock, knock! Open the door!

There, in the forest, an evil hunter

- “Bunny, bunny, run!

Give me a paw!”

AT recent times the cartoon "Fixies" became popular among children.And the camp dance game "Dryts-tyts helper" turns out to be very funny and fun.

Dryts-tyts Helper

Description of the game: DRYTS-TYTS - vertical claps up and down (nothing more difficult is needed, because it is repeated too often and if someone does not have time, then he just leaves and loses interest, and children love to clap, so more song is obtained AT ATTENTION)
TWO FIXICS INSIDE - shake over your head with 2 fingers of both hands,
REFRIGERATOR - show cold,

COFFEE GRINDER - twist both hands
FAN - turn the motors in front of the chest with your hands
CALCULATOR - with the fingers of the right hand, type on the left palm (the left palm is spread out in front of you)
TRANSFORMER - clench fists and show boxing
SYNTHESIZER - with two hands we play an imaginary piano
EXCAVATOR - imagine how we wave and drip with a shovel
NO-E-ET! - shrug your shoulders and shake your head negatively
ASSISTANT - greet each other


    TV, TV,

Chorus: Dryts-tyts TV,
Dryts-tyts TV,
Dryts-tyts TV
And two fixies inside.


refrigerator, refrigerator,


    Coffee grinder!

coffee grinder,
coffee grinder,
coffee grinder, coffee grinder,
Ko-ko-ko-ko-coffee grinder.



fan, fan,


- No-no.
- Transformer!
- No-o-o!
- Synthesizer?
- No, you didn't guess!
– Excavator?!
- No!

5. Helper,
Helper, helper



Soku Bachi Vira - Italian words (faith, hope, love)

Game description: To the words of juice, juice - we beat with fists (edge)

To the words of Bachi, Bachi - clap your hands

On the words of Vira, Vira - hands cross - lay crosswise on the shoulders

Soku soku - two times hit with fists

Bachi, bachi - clap twice

Juice, juice - hit fists twice

Vira, vira - clap twice on the shoulders (hands cross - crosswise)

juice - clap your fists once, bachi - one clap,

juice - once with fists,

vira - once hands cross - crosswise

juice - cams,

bachi - cotton,

vira - hands cross - crosswise.

The music speeds up every time.

Soku-soku, bachi-bachi,

Soku-soku, vira-vira,

Soku-bachi, soku-vira,

Soku, bachi, vira.

Chu-cha - cha-cha

There should be a selection of incendiary dance music. 7 tracks

I say thumbs up. And I make this move. Children repeat words and movements. I say: Chucha. Children shout: Chacha. Incendiary music is included. Children jump up and wave their hands up and down.I say: Fingers forward, elbows bent. Children repeat. I say: Chucha. Children - Chacha. Other incendiary music is included. We dance, pointing fingers back.I say: Fingers forward, elbows bent. Backs bent. Children repeat everything. Chucha-chacha. We move our elbows and twist the booty. Excellent.Fingers forward, elbows bent. Backs bent. Shoulders straightened. Chucha-chacha. I make a movement, as if we are pushing off with two fists.Fingers forward, elbows bent. Backs bent. Shoulders straightened. The knees were apart. Chucha-chacha. We raise our knees.Fingers forward. Elbows bent. Backs bent. Shoulders straightened. The knees were apart. Heads were thrown. Chucha-chacha. We push our hands up.Fingers forward. Elbows bent. Backs bent. Shoulders straightened. The knees were apart. Heads were thrown. Tongues out. Chucha chacha. And now everything is in a row.

Music always and everywhere accompanies us, reflecting our mood like no other art form. There are few people among people who do not sing at least mentally favorite melodies.

It is impossible to imagine a holiday without music. Of course, competitions that require encyclopedic knowledge and musical education are not suitable for an ordinary company of friends, relatives, and colleagues having fun: why put someone in an awkward position? Musical games for adults should be fun, take place at ease, focus solely on the love of singing and music.

National music game karaoke

In recent decades, the musical fun of karaoke has become truly popular. In the park, on the coast, on the square on the day of the fairs, at the celebration of a birthday, at a wedding, a microphone and a ticker screen attract crowds of people who want to try their hand at vocals, support performers or just have fun. There are even television projects in which all passers-by are invited to participate.

Guess the melody

At corporate parties, men and women willingly participate in the game, which also became popular thanks to the well-known TV show “Guess the Melody”. Two participants or two teams tell the host how many first notes they can guess a well-known melody. If players manage to do this, they receive points. If the melody is not guessed from the first three or five notes (it must be said that three is not enough even for a connoisseur), the opponent makes his application.

The tour lasts until the melody is called or until 10-12 notes, when the host, having not received an answer, calls the piece himself. Then it is performed by players to the phonogram or professional vocalists, which decorates the event.

A simpler version of the game is to guess the artist or. To do this, the toastmaster chooses fragments of not the most famous hits. The age of the participants must be taken into account. Those who are 30-40 are not fond of the music of teenagers, just as they will not know the songs of the 60s, 70s.

Music Casino

4-5 players are invited to participate. From the equipment you will need a familiar top with an arrow, as in “What? Where? When? ”, And a table with sectors for tasks. Tasks are two or three clues contained in abstracts or questions that will help players guess the name of a singer or singer.

The trick is that the questions should not be too serious, rather with humor. For example: “He thinks that it’s better in no way instead of somehow” (A. Buinov), “For his outrageous appearance and hoarseness in his voice, this singer scares naughty kids” (N. Dzhigurda), “He is the only one in the whole country” (N .Basque).

If the player guesses correctly, a snippet of the song plays. The winner will be rewarded with the right to order the next musical composition of the evening.

Song in pantomime

One of the players must, solely with the help of gestures, depict the content of some lines of the song. His teammates have to guess what song is trying to “voice” with his pantomime “toiling”. In order to “mock” the writhing pantomimer, you can persuade the guessing participants in advance not to give the correct answer under any circumstances, but, on the contrary, to simplify the task, you can simply call the name of the performer or. Two or three teams play, 2 songs are offered for each team. The reward for the victory is the honorable right to sing karaoke together.

Music games for adults at the table

Board music games for adults keep the audience as long as it's entertaining. Therefore, to the well-known competition "Who will sing whom" need to be creative. These should not be just songs, the text of which contains female or male names, names of flowers, dishes, cities ...
It’s more interesting when the toastmaster suggests the beginning: “What! ..” The players sing “What are you standing, swaying, thin mountain ash ...” or another song with such a word at the beginning. In the meantime, the maestro, as if by chance, can play several notes from different songs - sometimes this hint helps to avoid unwanted pauses.

By the way, a video example of such a game is the scene of a wolf with a choir of bunny boys from the famous cartoon series “Well, you wait!”. Let's look and be touched!

Another fun music game just for fun is "Additional". Tamada offers everyone a familiar song. As he explains the terms, the melody plays softly. While performing the song, the participants add funny phrases at the end of each line, for example, "with socks", "without socks", alternating them. (With a tail, without a tail, under the table, on the table, under the pine, on the pine ...). It will turn out like this: “In the field, a birch stood ... in socks. In the field curly stood ... without socks ... ". You can invite one team to prepare phrases for the “add-on”, and the other team to choose a song, and then sing together.

Musical games for adult parties are good because they quickly cheer up the whole company and help to relax, leaving only pleasant emotions and vivid impressions of a cool holiday spent in the company of friends.