Chess sport or game. Chess. History, development and stages of the party. Physical training for chess players

Chess is an intellectual sport. It develops memory, intelligence, thinking, logic very well. It is better to start learning this game from childhood, children have very good memory and it will last for a very long time.

You need to be able to think several moves ahead. Chess players usually develop a mathematical mindset. Why this game classified as a sport? Usually in sports they pump up muscles, but here the brain. Officially, chess became a sport in 2006 and has been recognized by more than a hundred countries. That's just in Olympic Games this sport was never included, as, in fact, other intellectual games. Not all sports require physical strength, for example, in shooting, accuracy is important.

Playing chess requires practice, constant practice. For chess, speed, speed of thinking is also important, as in other sports. A physically weak person will not be able to sit at the board for a long time, this requires perseverance, calmness, energy, which you will not find in every sport.

The board consists of 64 cells, white and black equally. Each player has 16 pieces at the beginning of the game. Eight pawns, two bishops, two bishops, a queen and a king are pieces that each player has. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent. Checkmate can be put when the king has no move, all the fields are occupied by the opponent's pieces or their own. The player with the white pieces goes first, always. All figures move differently, for example, the horse moves in the letter G, and the only one can jump over the pieces. The king can only move one cell in any direction, the queen can move along any straight line and any distance, but cannot jump over the pieces. The rook can only move horizontally or vertically. The knight moves any distance, but only vertically. Pawns don't move backwards, moves forward one square per turn. They can also transform into other figures.

There are many tutorials on learning to play chess. It's not that hard to learn. But it's better when you learn from an early age, there is every chance of becoming a professional. In fact, this game requires both strength and intelligence, but rather the strength of the mind. By the way, speaking about the safety of this sport, the intellectual game is really the safest. Although there are people who, in case of defeat, enter into a fight.

The movement of chess pieces on the field obey strict rules, develop thought and intelligence, endurance and respect for the opponent. Happy is the one who has learned the pattern of playing chess: analytical work, psychological attitude to the internal state of the opponent, painful search for a way out and insight leading to victory. The player at the chess table experiences an emotional upsurge comparable to the impact of music. At the same time, he spends a lot of physical strength to withstand huge loads during the game: intellectual stress is perceived by an untrained organism more difficult than physical effort. The duration of the game - one and a half to six hours - requires stress resistance and physical endurance from the intellectual player.

Where did chess come from

The history of the exciting game goes back one and a half to two thousand years, but the recognition of chess as a sport discipline occurred in 1999. Scientists have found the first mention of the game "chaturanga" in the manuscripts of ancient India, dating back to the VI century. The name reflected the movement on the battlefield of all types of weapons: infantry, cavalry, chariots, war elephants. The formation of figures on the field accurately reflected the dispositions and composition of the troops of the Indian army. When the game found its way into the Arab world, it was given a new name: shatranj. The Iranians changed the order of building the “army” and the rules of the game, turning it into gambling fun - they put money on the line. The church hastened to bring the game into the category of forbidden ones, slowing down the development of the game of "warriors" for a decade. Once in Europe, the battle on black and white squares received a new name - chess and spread throughout the world. The end of the 19th century in the world of chess was marked by the first tournaments, competitions and championships. It was a time when the game received unshakable - classic - rules. Last century"Noted" by introducing the title of "grandmaster", which was awarded to the winners of world championships.

Why chess is a sport

The purpose of the intellectual game is the expression of the person's own "I" at the chessboard, his desire to defeat the opponent, strengthen his position, achieve the highest readings in this discipline. Here chess is no different from power sports, team games. There are other signs by which the game is classified as a sports discipline:

  1. Chess players “fight” according to certain rules.
  2. The outcome of the game is decided by the referee.
  3. The tournament is attended by spectators and fans.
  4. The winner is determined in the individual and team standings.
  5. Coaches create individual training programs where there is a place various types sports.
  6. For adherents of intellectual exercises, the principles of sports nutrition have been developed, which are aimed at stimulating mental processes and physical endurance.
  7. Compliance with the sports regime, achieving a better physical, emotional and intellectual form.

Intelligence and Strength

Thousands of chess tournaments and sports competitions take place every year in the world. In 1970, world-famous figurines went into space. Vitaly Sevostyanov and Andriyan Nikolaev played a game for "Space", "Earth" answered them in the person of the head of the training of the cosmonaut detachment Nikolai Kamanin and cosmonaut Viktor Gorbatko. The party lasted about 6 hours, and spaceship managed to turn around the Earth four times during the Space-to-Earth tournament.

Outstanding grandmasters combine several sports. For example, a person likes power sports, team games and he is accustomed to work intellectually. In the sports world, there are a number of techniques for combining interests during training and tournaments. Leave complex groups of strength exercises for simple chess moves. When you solve a complex intellectual problem, accompany the search with easy exercises. During the "home game" a chess player can be distracted by walking, playing table tennis. You can do several yoga exercises.

Alternate strength and mental training, using the principle of fatigue: it seems to you that the brain is tired - switch to physical exercises, and vice versa. When preparing for competitions, turn on power loads on the first day of training, on the second day, engage in intellectual games, after which it is worth giving a rest to the muscles and brain for one day.

Chess is not an active sport. The player has to sit at the table for hours, playing games, multi-way combinations. To win, only the mental superiority of the player is not enough - he must be in excellent physical shape.

Physical training for chess players

In addition to “mind gymnastics”, a chess player experiences colossal nervous and physical stress during competitions. Chess training is aimed at developing visual memory, tactics and strategies of combat. No less important for a chess player is the strong-willed and psychological attitude, the departure from a sedentary lifestyle. Outstanding grandmasters preferred complex preparation for tournaments and achieved high results.

In sports of the highest achievements, the following should be harmoniously combined:

  • talent;
  • character;
  • physical endurance;
  • professional training.

Chess players can recommend team sports: volleyball, football, hockey. They are not required to play high level enough to maintain physical strength. Morning exercises with contrasting water procedures are indispensable. Long walks, jogging, swimming, skiing, skating are part of the chess player's training system. The coach draws up an individual list of classes, where mental and physical activity, days of rest and relaxation reasonably alternate.

Thus, the athlete will be in good shape and prolong chess longevity.

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State budgetary educational institution Secondary school No. 949 of the Southern District Administration Research work on the topic: Author: student of grade 1 "b" Antonova Amalia Supervisor: teacher primary school Galishnikova L.Yu.

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In this game you need: to be able to think, to have perseverance, to be attentive. Checkmate The ruler (shah) is dead What is chess: a sport or an intellectual game? Tasks: to study literature about chess; collect the opinion of the people around me: learn the history of the emergence of chess; state the basic rules of the game; find out all chess champions.

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. A merciless rajah lived in India One of the subjects came up with a game where the king means little without the support and protection of the pieces The game turned out to be surprisingly interesting and the rajah offered the creator any reward chessboard he was given one grain, two for the second, four for the third, then eight, sixteen, and so on. However, it turned out that there were not so many grains in the whole world. Here is the number 18 446 744 073 709 551 615

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there were only 4 players, there were 4, not two (they played a pair against a pair); moves were made by throwing dice; to win the game, it was necessary to destroy the entire enemy army. The game originated in India in the 6th century and was called Chaturanga Differences from modern chess:

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In 550, in the Arab East, chaturanga began to be called: among the Arabs - "shatranj", among the Persians - "shatrang", among the Tajiks - "chess". The rules of the game have changed: there are two players; each received 2 sets of figures; instead of bones, they began to walk one move at a time; the victory began to be fixed by setting a checkmate or a stalemate. By the 15th century chess has acquired a modern look.

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, Popularization of chess Organization of various international competitions Founded on July 20, 1924 in Paris Has its own flag and anthem, the FIDE motto is “We are all one family” FIDE goals:

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Each cell has its own name. Cells are designated: horizontally in Latin letters from a to h, vertically by numbers from 1 to 8 from bottom to top.

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The white pieces start the game. Moves are made in turn, 1 piece each. The moves of each piece are shown in the diagrams below. Each piece has its own rules of motion. King's move Queen's move Knight's move Bishop's move Rook's move

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If the king is in check and there are no more moves, it is checkmate. If a player does not have a move in his turn, but the king is not in check, this is a stalemate. Outcome of the game The game ends with a win or a draw.

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All official parties use time control. Time control has been used since the 19th century, for this an hourglass was used. At the end of the 19th century, Wilson designed a mechanical chess clock (1883). Nowadays, electronic chess clocks are increasingly used. Mechanical watch Electronic watch

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Sport is, first of all, overcoming oneself, achieving mastery, striving to become the first, to win the highest awards and titles. Chess develops memory, attention, ingenuity, imagination, educates will, character, accustoms to independent work. A person who plays this game also acquires valuable qualities.

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Chess has a system of regular tournaments with national and international leagues, chess congresses. Chess as a sport is recognized in 100 countries. In 1999, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) recognized chess as a sport, but did not include it in the Olympic program. FIDE holds its own Chess Olympiads.

What do we already know about World Mind Games? They were held for the first time in 2008. Initially, they included 5 types of games: chess, bridge, checkers, go and Xiangqi (Chinese chess). This year, thirty-five gold medals will be contested by 2,763 competitors from 143 countries.
The World Intellectual Games are gradually moving to new level. Now they are organized and conducted by a well-known and respected organization SportAccord. They organize Olympic and non-Olympic sports and also establish various conferences and sporting events.

Difference between games 2011 and those that took place last year, that the participants were invited, which means that only the best of the best will play. $11,000 is for each winner of each Men's Game Competition and $8,000 for the Women's Game Winner chess games. Undoubtedly, there will be a very interesting fight and tough competition in every match.

The tournament starts on December 9 rapid chess(ends 11), it will be held according to the Swiss system in 7 rounds. Time control: 20 minutes per game + 10 seconds per move. December 12-13 will be held circular blitz tournament, control - 3 minutes + 2 seconds. But on December 14, the main event will take place - blindfold tournament. It will be an interesting spectacle, especially since the game control will be 20 minutes + 10 seconds for each move made.
At the tournament you will be able to see such players as: Vasily Ivanchuk, Ruslan Ponomarev, my beloved Hou Yifan, Ekaterina Lahno and many other famous players.

ended rapid chess tournament in Beijing at the World Mind Games. We were pleased Alexandra Kosteniuk, which took the "gold", scoring 6 out of 7 points (without losing a single game). In second place is Ukrainian Katya Lahno with 4.5 points, and in third Georgian chess player Nana Dzagnidze.
In the men's tournament, the results were not encouraging. Sergey Karjakin took 10th place and Alexander Grischuk 6th. In the first place in their group is a Chinese Wang Hao. Silver went to Vugar Gashimov, bronze went to Gata Kamsky.

Today ended blitz tournament in China. Current World Champion Hou Yifan(part-time my love)) took first place among women, scoring 11.5 out of 15. She was followed by Antoaneta Stefanova and Anna Muzychuk, scoring 9.5 points each.
Among men in a lightning game won Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, who scored 12 out of 15. Our compatriot Alexander Grischuk took second place (10.5 points.) Bronze went to Shakhriyar Mamedyarov (10 points). Why is Alexander Grischuk so sad in the photo? Dissatisfied with second place? Yes, it seems to be not, especially having opened as much as one and a half points. Or maybe because Sergey Karjakin took the insulting 4th place? What do you think?

So the World Intellectual Games have come to their logical end. Blindfold tournament ended.
The first place among women was taken by ..., who do you think? of course, the most beautiful and amazing - Hou Yifan. I personally congratulated her on her second gold medal at these great games. She was one point clear of second place, which went to Victoria Cmilyta from Lithuania. Well, the third place was taken by Alexandra Kosteniuk, which cannot but please us - fans from Russia. I note that Hou Yifan is the only athlete who was able to take the "gold" in two tournaments at the VII.
As for the men in the blindfold tournament, the first place went to Zoltana Almasi from Hungary. Maxime Vachier-Lagrave from France is second, Vugar Gashimov from Azerbaijan is third.

Once upon a time, entire generations grew up listening to the sound of dominoes in the yard. And boxes with chess, checkers and lotto took pride of place in almost every apartment. Today, the computer and television have pushed board games into the background. But experts say that by deleting the passion for intellectual games from our lives, we deprive ourselves of great opportunities. After all, board games are both therapy and the development of skills necessary for competent management of one's life.

Chess. mind gymnastics
A LOGIC game that combines elements of art, science and sports. One of ancient games on the ground. Chess contributes to the development of mental abilities, memory, creative thinking. Learn to develop multi-way combinations in your mind.

Go. Craving for philosophy
More than 50 million people play GO. This game develops systematic thinking, the ability to think strategically and develop tactics. Also, the game inclines a person to philosophizing. The point is that people who play Go deal with images. A fuzzy image of a pattern of stones formed on a board spins in a person's head and mysteriously influences the fuzzy logic of decision making. They say that is why the computer is not yet able to beat a person in this game.

Checkers. Thinking patterns
LIKE chess, checkers reproduce the actions of forces fighting according to certain rules. The game develops the combinatorics of thinking (the ability to think in combinations of images).

Shogi (Japanese chess). Game of feelings
THEY SAY, in order to make a correct, winning move in shogi, you need to feel it. Even in ancient times, shogi in Japan was recognized as a game that develops strategic and tactical military thinking. In Japan, this game is elevated to the rank of shrines, in many schools it is included in the compulsory curriculum. And although few people in Ukraine have even heard of shogi, it was the Ukrainian who became the champion of Europe and the open World Championship in 2008.

Domino. Understanding the structure of the universe
It is said that originally dominoes were intended exclusively for divination and magical ceremonies. It is even supposed that the dominant system of the universe is encrypted in dominoes - the Universal Law of Harmony of macro- and microcosm. And even the newfound name of the game - "goat hammering" does not detract from its merits. Domino develops focus, concentration, logical thinking, the ability to analyze the situation, attentiveness, observation and memory.

"Cash flow" (CashFlow). business game
"CASH FLOW" is a modern adult version of the well-known "Monopoly". A specially trained trainer can teach you how to play Cash-Flow. Supporters of the game claim that the money spent on training (about UAH 100) will pay off very soon. After all, the game allows the player to analyze their life and financial mistakes, realize them, and then real world to correct.

THIS IS ANCIENT oriental game had a special meaning for the Persians: it symbolized the movement of the stars and served as a subject for divination. In addition, according to the results of the game, partners often resolved commercial disputes: the winner dictated his terms to the loser. This happened because, according to the Persians, only a person whom fate loves could win in backgammon (sends a “good stone” - suitable numbers on dice), who knows how to think logically and see through the enemy, foreseeing his possible moves and blocking their negative consequences in advance.

EACH card gameseparate world. And almost every one is useful for something: preference and "fool" train the mind, the ability to calculate the situation in advance and memory, and such "children's games" as "witch" and "hello, jack" can turn players into real psychologists who can concentrate at the right moment.


Today, the Federation of Board Games of Ukraine is trying to return the former glory to board games. And even dominance computer games does not scare the activists of the federation. “Due to the intensive development of computer games, board games are now in a period of decline,” says Denis Krasnokutsky, Head of the Department of Mass Events of the Federation of Board Games of Ukraine. - But the fantasy of man will not allow this to happen, they can be reborn. We strive to expand people's understanding of board games With the help of special projects, we plan to open intellectual clubs in every school. And in the near future, going to a cafe or a bar, over a cup of tea, each visitor will be able to have a good time with friends, playing their favorite "board". We can say that we are creating a new culture where sociability, intelligence and other human qualities that can be shown and improved through the game will again be welcomed.


Valery Aristov, President of the Foundation for the Development of Intellectual Abilities, "Galaktika" President of the Association of Intellectual Games, Researcher Institute of Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, director of the author's school, academician of the European Academy of Natural Sciences and the International Academy of Original Ideas:

“The one who looks at chess or checkers only as recreation and entertainment is mistaken. On the contrary, games should be perceived as a psychological model for the development of human intellectual abilities. And above all, as the development of attention, which is always at the epicenter of mental activity. Intellectual game creates cognitive therapy - the management of emotions, develops imagination - the main component of creative thinking. On the model gameplay, in conditions of hidden delight or panic, the player involuntarily learns to control his emotions. It is especially important that they are brought up at the table volitional qualities player, his tolerance is formed, there is a consideration of processes that will later be useful for life situations. This is the planned formation of experience, or as it is now called - training.

In the course of the game, a person is formed who learns to take risks and always, in constantly changing situations, strives to play his game without losing to the opponent. Each time, overcoming psychological discomfort from the destructive impact of internal "brakes" - insecurity, doubts, feelings of danger and fear - the player cultivates self-respect and pride. At the same time, the ability to doubt the obvious is brought up and, neglecting the authorities in a particular field of activity, to look for alternative ways to solve the problem. And what is especially important, the culture of player behavior is being nurtured.

An intellectual game is good because most players, without even thinking about the consequences, develop in themselves not only memory, steady attention, attentiveness, observation, figurative, logical, creative and philosophical thinking, speed of thinking, thinking on, the ability to think for a partner, as well as patience, confidence, endurance (during psychological pressure, loss or gain), perseverance, tolerance and other strong-willed and personal qualities. They help you communicate! Mind sports are needed no less, if not more, than physical ones. The development of the intellect of the nation and the well-being of the country depend on this.”