Political outline map by. Outline political map of the world. What to see on a geographical map of the world

November 28, 2019 -

We would like to make an early announcement of an absolutely unique and breakthrough service for...

We would like to make an early announcement of an absolutely unique and breakthrough service for planning independent travel, which our team is developing. A beta version will be released next year. The service will be an aggregator of everything possible and necessary for planning a trip to any country. In this case, everything will be on one page and one click away from the goal. Distinctive feature of this service from other similar ones, although there are no close analogues, the thing will be that we will not slip you the most profitable affiliate programs without alternative, as everyone else does. You will always have a choice from almost all possible options.

Let's give an example of what everyone does and what we won't do: all travel sites usually take you along this kind of uncontested path: Air tickets - aviasales.ru, accommodation - booking.com, transfer - kiwitaxi.ru. With us you will have access to all options without priority to anyone.

Support the project and get access much earlier than the start open testing you can contact us by email [email protected] with the phrase “I want to support.”

January 20, 2017 -
December 7, 2016 -

The geographical map of the world is overview map relief of the earth's surface. On geographical map the world is marked with a coordinate grid. The geographic map of the world does not display individual states and countries to generalize and simplify the display of surface relief above sea level (the darker the color, the higher the surface). A geographic map of the world clearly and concisely shows information about the main continents, seas and oceans and allows you to quickly create an image of the relief of the whole world. View geographic maps of the world online in Russian:

Detailed geographical map of the world in Russian:

Geographic map of the world close up in Russian- opens in a new window in full screen. The geographical map of the world shows in high resolution all the continents with names: Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Antarctica and Australia.

A geographic map of the Earth shows the location of the oceans: the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. A large geographical map of the world allows you to see seas, islands, peninsulas, bays, straits, lakes, deserts, plains and mountains. Geographic map of the world is a map globe and looks like a map of continents, seas and oceans. A geographic map of the world can be downloaded for free at good quality.

Geographical map of the world in Russian in large format:

Geographic map of the world with latitude and longitude coordinates, showing close-up currents of the world's oceans:

Geographic map of the world in Russian in large format opens in a new window in full screen. A high-resolution geographic map of the world shows a large-scale map of the world in good quality in Russian with parallels and meridians, with oceans and seas, with latitude and longitude, with seas and oceans. The geographical map of the world shows the plains, mountains and rivers, continents and continents of the globe. If you enlarge the geographical map of the world, you can see a separate geographical map of each continent.

Outline map of the world

Geography lessons at school often require contour map world:

The contour geographical map of the world opens in a new window in full screen.

What to see on a geographical map of the world:

First of all, on a geographical map of the world, the mountains and plains, marked in different colors, are striking (the darker the color, the higher the mountains). The highest mountains on a geographical map are indicated by the height of the peak above sea level. The largest rivers on the map have a name. The largest cities are also indicated on the geographical map of the world. This map immediately shows where the oceans, seas, islands and lakes are located.

Continents and continents: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica. The largest continent is Eurasia.

Oceans of the world: There are four oceans in the world - Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic and Indian. The largest ocean in the world - Pacific Ocean.

Largest seas in the world in descending order of area: the largest sea in the world - Sargasso Sea, followed by the Philippine Sea, Coral Sea, Arabian Sea, South China Sea, Tasman Sea, Fiji Sea, Weddell Sea, Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Bering Sea, Bay of Bengal, Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Gulf of Mexico, Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea, Scotia Sea, Hudson Bay, Greenland Sea, Somov Sea, Riiser-Larsen Sea, Japan Sea, Arafura Sea, East Siberian Sea.

The largest islands in the world in descending order of area: the largest island in the world - Greenland, followed by the islands: New Guinea, Kalimantan, Madagascar, Baffin Island, Sumatra, Great Britain, Honshu, Victoria, Ellesmere, Sulawesi, South Island (New Zealand), Java, North Island (New Zealand), Luzon, Newfoundland, Cuba, Iceland, Mindanao, Ireland, Hokkaido, Haiti, Sakhalin, Banks, Sri Lanka.

The longest rivers in the world: the largest river in the world - Amazon, after it there are rivers: Nile, Mississippi - Missouri - Jefferson, Yangtze, Yellow River, Ob - Irtysh, Yenisei - Angara - Selenga - Ider, Lena - Vitim, Amur - Argun - Muddy Channel - Kerulen, Congo - Lualaba - Luvoa - Luapula - Chambeshi, Mekong, Mackenzie - Slave - Peace - Finlay, Niger, La Plata - Parana - Rio Grande, Volga - Kama.

The highest mountains with a height of more than 8 km: the largest mountain in the world - Chomolungma, a little lower are the mountains: Chogori, Kanchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, Cho Oyu, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Nangaparbat, Annapurna I, Gasherbrum I, Broad Peak, Gasherbrum II and Shishabangma.

The largest lakes by continent: in Africa Lake Victoria, in Antarctica the subglacial Lake Vostok, in Asia - the salty Caspian Sea and fresh Lake Baikal, in Australia Lake Eyre, in Europe - the salty Caspian Sea and fresh Lake Ladoga, in North America- Lake Michigan-Huron, in South America - salty Lake Maracaibo and freshwater Lake Titicaca. The largest lake in the world is the Caspian Sea.

November 28, 2019 -

We would like to make an early announcement of an absolutely unique and breakthrough service for...

We would like to make an early announcement of an absolutely unique and breakthrough service for planning independent travel, which our team is developing. A beta version will be released next year. The service will be an aggregator of everything possible and necessary for planning a trip to any country. In this case, everything will be on one page and one click away from the goal. A distinctive feature of this service from other similar ones, although there are no close analogues, is that we will not slip you the most profitable affiliate programs without alternative, as everyone else does. You will always have a choice from almost all possible options.

Let's give an example of what everyone does and what we won't do: all travel sites usually take you along this kind of uncontested path: Air tickets - aviasales.ru, accommodation - booking.com, transfer - kiwitaxi.ru. With us you will have access to all options without priority to anyone.

You can support the project and get access much earlier than the start of open testing by contacting [email protected] with the phrase “I want to support.”

January 20, 2017 -
December 7, 2016 -


“There are several programs that open JPG files (maps are usually in this format).
This includes Adobe Photoshop, ACDSee and others.

But I will describe working with a program that is available on any computer, since it is included by default in any Microsoft office. This is a Paint program.

1. Open the folder with the desired card.

2. Click right click mouse by the desired map and select Open with - Paint. The Paint program will launch and the desired sheet will open in it.

3. Set up printing. File-Page Settings. We make all margins 3-5 mm (the default is 19.1 mm). Uncheck Centering. Orientation can be Portrait or Landscape.
Now Scale. You can leave it at 100%. Then the map will be printed in the original scale, which is not always convenient (1 cm - 1260 m). It is often more convenient to have a circular scale - 1 cm - 1 km or 1 cm = 500 m.

4. To print 3 layouts on a scale of 1 cm = 1 km, the scale must be set to 126%. In this case, the overall sheet size will increase, and the map will be printed not on 6, but on 8 or 9 A4 sheets.

5. To print a 1-verst map on a scale of 1 cm = 500 m, set the scale to 86%.

6. After the settings, you can see how many sheets it will be on: File-Preview. Sometimes by changing the orientation of the sheets from Portrait to Landscape (see point 3) you can reduce the number of sheets. You can trim the margins of the map a little so as not to print almost empty pages with margins at the bottom of the map.

7. Click File-Print. In the settings of your printer, select the print quality (I set it to Best). And print it out.

That seems to be the whole explanation.”

http://www.spin-club.ru/showthread.php?t=513 -

CorelDRAW -

Photoshop - Using the table of paper format sizes, set the value in Photoshop and do everything there. If there is no place nearby where such formats are printed, then divide the sheet, for accuracy, using the guides in half (if it is A3, for example), select and copy this fragment, paste it into separate file with given dimensions a4. Print. Do the same for the second part.
You can create separate A4 pages in Word by throwing fragments of a common image onto them.

Acd see - you can set canvas size parameters and copy/paste/crop.
seventh mind manager

http://forum.ixbt.com/topic.cgi?id=23:14415 -

In CorelDRAW you can set the size of the “overlap” of one page to another, which is good for gluing maps. In short, this is done like this: Print->Print Layout->Print Tiled Pages

QuarkXpress is the best.

http://www.linux.org.ru/forum/general/5433206 -

In Gimp I made the required number of rulers at the intervals I needed, then from the scripts I selected “image mapping” and got a lot of pieces, each of which I then printed separately.
In Gimp you pull out the rulers, then Image -> Transform -> Guillotine.

http://otvety.google.ru -

You need to divide the picture into 4 parts in order to print it further on 4 A4 sheets.
4 sheets of A4 are A2 format.
CorelDraw program, at the top left you set the A2 format, horizontal or vertical (there are buttons), insert your picture onto the sheet (as if it were 4 sheets of paper already compiled). And give it to print. It may ask whether to do the breakdown automatically. Say "yeah" :)
In the print settings, set A4 sheet. Next you do a “browsing”. In the preview you see the borders of 4 sheets. There you can also adjust your image (reduce, enlarge). And you print.
When printing on sheets, there will be about 0.5 cm of space left for gluing sheets.
CorelDraw is best suited for dividing images into sheets.

For general erudition:

This is how chaotic it turns out.