Complete walkthrough of the main and side quests of the second chapter. Complete walkthrough of the main and side quests of the second chapter Quest eternal battle the Witcher 2


Prelude to War: Kaedwen

If we helped Roche kill commandant Loredo, then we leave Flotsam on the ship of a special detachment of Temeria. We are going to the border of Aedirn and Kaedwen. As far as we know, Leto fled there with Triss. In the same place, near the city of Vergen, the Kaedweni army is preparing an invasion of Aedirn...

We start Chapter 2 playing as the Kaedweni King Henselt. Accompanied by Sheala de Tanserville, the sorcerer Dethmold and the Kaedweni knights, we set out to negotiate with the Aedirn nobility. The nobles seek the patronage of King Henselt after the assassination of King Demavend. Henselt intends to use this opportunity and seize the lands of the deceased neighbor.

The famed Maiden Saskia, the dragon slayer mentioned by Iorveth in the first chapter, intervenes in negotiations with the barons. After a mutual exchange of "courtesies", the girl challenges the king to a duel. It is up to us whether we accept this challenge or follow the advice of Detmold and try to capture Saskia, which will lead to a big battle. [Combat] We shouldn't have any problems, just block enemy attacks and deal heavy blows with a steel sword. AT certain moment the priest of Kreva will try to stop the battle, but Henselt kills him in a fit of rage... The sky darkens, fog thickens, and spirits emerge from it.

Geralt and Roche approach the gates of the Kaedweni camp. The witcher's medallion begins to tremble, warning of impending danger. Suddenly, a ghostly haze covers the area. In it we meet Henselt and his companions. We must take the king out of the phantom battlefield and get to the camp. Detmold shows us the way and surrounds everyone with a protective magical barrier. [Combat] The ghosts that attack us quickly die after entering the protective dome of Detmold. We shouldn't go outside the safe territory - we won't last long outside.

In the fog, Detmold is stopped several times by ghosts. We will have to defeat them all in order to free the mage from their spells. So, we get to the Kaedweni camp. At the gate we meet foreman Zyvik. The king instructs him to show us the camp, and then bring us to the royal tent.

Zyvik leads us through the camp, showing us the blacksmith, the canteen, the hospital, and the fighting arena. If we have no desire to tour the camp with a guide, we can try to convince the old campaigner to take us right away to the upper part of the camp.

At the royal tent, we meet the Nilfgaardian ambassador - you can talk to him. Then we go to meet with Henselt. The king asks us about the murders of Foltest and Demavend and asks us to remove the curse from the battlefield. He also tells us about the events of three years ago. When we leave the royal tent, Detmold approaches us and asks us to give him some time.

Conspiracy Theory (Part One)

The task regarding the conspiracy in the camp begins after talking with Detmold: the sorcerer will come to us when we finish talking with Henselt.

[Choice] We can track down the conspirators in two ways: help the son of Manfred [A] or find a certain Audrin and gather his drinking companions [B].

Butcher of Cidaris

[A] Wandering around the camp, sooner or later we will end up in the dining room. There, among others, we meet Manfred, who is drinking vodka alone. If we talk to him, he will tell us about his son Sven, who is waiting for a duel with a certain Letande Avet, also known as the Butcher of Cidaris. If we offer our help, Manfred promises to do his best to thank us. We're leaving to talk to Sven. At first, he tries to get rid of us, but in the end we convince him to fight the Butcher together. We go to Avet to pitch our idea for a 2v2 fight to him. He agrees and we return to Sven. When we say that we are ready, we will be transported to the arena, where Avet and his partner are already waiting for us. [Combat] In combat, the main thing is to repel the attacks of the Butcher and deliver strong blows with a steel sword. You can immobilize the enemy with the Sign of Yrden and stab him in the back. At the exit from the arena, we will meet Manfred, who will thank us for trying to save Sven or for saving him - depending on the outcome of the battle. We can ask him about people with square coins. Manfred is true to his word: she gives us a square coin. In addition, he advises us to go to Madame Karol's brothel and ask for Zosya the Whistle. We must ask that "her smile will open the gates of paradise for us." This is the password of the conspirators. After the fight with Avet, Proxim will also approach us, who will say that King Henselt was watching our fight. He liked it so much that he ordered a jousting tournament. Proxim invites us to take part in the tournament, and this will be the beginning of a new task (Ave Henselt!).

Truth in beer

[B] We can also find out about Whistle Zos if we help the drunkards who roam the camp in search of their friend Audrin. To do this, we need to talk to one of the three drunken soldiers. We can go around the whole camp, but we won't find any traces. Audrin sits on the banks of the Pontar. We're leading the drunk soldier back to the camp. Guards stop us at the gate. We can tell them that we got Audrin drunk as he is an important witness in the investigation we are running, or just bribe them. In any case, they will let us into the camp. We will have to wake Audrin twice: to find his comrades and to take him to the dining room. If we found all three of Audrin's friends, then we can go to the dining room to drink beer. If we build a conversation correctly, these gentlemen will relax and loosen their tongues. They will tell about the brothel, Zosya's Whistle and square coins. To do this, we must say that everyone is afraid of Henselt, and then that we need information. Otherwise, we won't get anything from them.

[Choice] When we have a square coin and information about Whistle Zosa, we can go to Detmold and tell him everything we learned. The matter will end with the fact that his soldiers will help us in the battle with the conspirators. However, we can continue to investigate the conspiracy on our own.

So, we go to Madame Carol's brothel. We say that we want to have fun with the girls, show her the money and choose the Whistle Zosya. We say to Wendy: “I want your smile to open the gates of paradise for me,” and she will open a secret passage to the lair of the conspirators.

Downstairs we will meet Vinson Trout, whom Detmold and foreman Zyvik told us about. Vinson has one of the magical items needed to finish the ghost battle - the Seltkirk Armor. The conspirators leave us no choice: we will have to fight. [Combat] The easiest way to kill opponents is to knock them down with the Aard Sign and then finish them off. It is important not to forget to search Trout's body after the battle and pick up the armor. There is an interesting note on the table in the middle of the room. It's worth reading. Suspiciously reminiscent of Master Buttercup's style... Looks like we'll have to talk to the poet in the camp. The first part of this quest ends with a conversation with Buttercup. Meetings with the leaders of the conspiracy will have to wait. After defeating Trout and other conspirators, we can go to Detmold and tell him about everything. The sorcerer will pay us a reward for each killed conspirator, so that we can make good money.

Blood Curse

Complete walkthrough main and side quests of the second chapter

Complete walkthrough of the main and side quests of the second chapter

The king will tell you that three years ago his former adviser, Sabrina Glevissig, cursed him when he sent her to the stake on charges of betrayal. We decide to help the monarch and remove the curse from him. To do this, we need to look at Detmold and ask him a couple of questions. The sorcerer gives us a lot of valuable information about the curse, Sabrina and the spirits that attacked us in the fog. Among other things, we learn: in order to remove the spell from the king, you need to perform a special ceremony. To do this, we must find out as much as possible about the events of three years ago. In addition, Detmold advises us to inspect the place of execution of the sorceress.

lost sheep

We are going to the place indicated by Detmold. At the exit from the camp, foreman Zyvik asks us to look for two missing soldiers at the same time. We must order them to return to the camp as soon as possible.

We cross the stream at Roche's camp and walk west along the shore. On the way to the place of death of Sabrina, drowners will attack us. [Combat] The silver sword and the Aard Sign will help us against them.

We approach the circle and meet the soldiers Zyvik is looking for. They ask to be taken to the camp. But before we help them or leave them to their fate, we must inspect the place of execution. If done carefully, we will find a letter from a soldier, square coins and a nail, and we will also notice curious marks in the ashes.

After inspecting the circle, you need to talk to the soldiers. They will tell us about the cult of Sabrina, led by a man nicknamed Inspirational, and about the execution that took place at this place three years ago. They will try to take the nail we found, and if we do not agree, then our dialogues with other admirers of Sabrina will change a little.

We lead the soldiers to safety, and along the way we fight drowners emerging from the river. When we reach the ford across the stream, the soldiers thank us and leave for the camp. We've completed Zyvik's mission. When we return to the camp, we will receive a reward for our help: we will be allowed to speak with the captive Scoia'tael. He will tell us about the plans of Serrit and Egan, Leto's henchmen.

In the circle we found some interesting clues. They must be used to remove the curse from Henselt. The soldiers mentioned the Inspirational One who lives in the gorges behind the camp, and the Relic Vendor that can be found at the canteen. So, we return to the camp. On the way to the dining room, we meet soldiers who are arguing over a relic. If we have the nail we found in Sabrina's circle, we can compare it to what they have. It will immediately become clear that their relic is an ordinary fake.

We'll find a merchant in the canteen. If, when examining the place of execution of the sorceress, we noticed noticeable traces, then we will learn much more from him. The wandering merchant will tell you that Yagon pierced the dying Sabrina with a spear to end her torment. In addition, he will advise us to meet with the Inspirational.

We leave the camp and head east towards the gorges. On the way, we are waiting for the corpse-eaters, scouring the battlefield. [Combat] Monsters will attack in groups, and when they die, they will grab their heads and explode. It is best to use the Aard Sign against them and finish off the stunned and knocked down creatures silver sword. If the corpse eater grabs its head, you need to quickly jump away from it to a safe distance - it will soon explode.


In the ravines we meet two soldiers fighting off the rotten ones, but we do not have time to save them. After defeating the monsters, we turn north and reach a clearing where the Inspirational hut stands. There we are attacked by harpies. [Combat] There are quite a few of them, so you should shoot them down with the Aard Sign and run to the hut. Candles burning around will scare away the creatures.

The inspired one will immediately guess that we did not come to him without a reason. We learn little from him until we win his trust. To do this, we can try to bribe him or start worshiping the cult of Sabrina Glevissig. If our purse is empty and we are ready to deceive the head of the cult, we will have to pass the test - drink the potion that the Inspirational will give us and spend the night in a crypt in a hollow nearby.

We're going to perform the ritual. In the hollow we are attacked by rotten ones, and we deal with them in the same way as with the previous ones. We find a crypt between two lakes. When it gets dark (at 21:00), you can start the ritual. We drink the potion we received from the Inspirational. We will remember what we saw for a long time ...

When it's all over, we'll return to the Inspirational's hut. As new believers, we will ask him about the events of three years ago. He will tell us about the curse that Sabrina placed on Henselt. If we ask about the artifacts needed to end the ghostly battle, the Inspirational will tell us about the Zeltkirk of the Gulet and say that his armor may be the symbol of courage we are looking for. We should also ask him about Yagon's spear, which is needed to remove the curse from King Henselt. We learn that the relic dealer must have it...

It looks like the trader didn't tell us everything... We head to the camp to have another talk with him. He confesses that he once had the spear with which Iagon ended Sabrina's agony. If we bribe, convince or intimidate him (in the latter version, we need a nail found at the place of execution), he will tell that he lost a spear in the bone to some soldier. Later, this soldier fought with the Scoia'tael in the Pontar Valley, and the spear fell to the commander of the elf detachment, Iorveth ... The merchant will say that, according to rumors, the elf joined Saskia and that he is now in Vergen, on the other side of the fog. We need to discuss this with Detmold. Maybe even now the sorcerer will be of some use to us.

Get out, evil spirit!

We inform Dethmold who now has the spear needed to break Sabrina's curse. The sorcerer recommends that we go to Vergen, a fortress on the other side of the ghostly haze. He will give us a medallion that will show us the way in the fog, and an embassy flag, which (in theory) will open the way for us to the city of dwarves.

At the exit from the upper camp, we will encounter Zoltan, grumbling about the racism that flourishes in the camp. Our friend will be happy to know that there is an opportunity to get to Vergen, although he will be wary of this venture. Thus, we find a companion for a dangerous journey. Together we step into the ghostly mist.

Before our eyes appears the battlefield of three years ago. Our witcher's medallion, combined with the amulet received from Detmold, will show us the way to Vergen. In the fog, we are constantly attacked by the spirits of fallen soldiers and draugirs - demons made from the armor and shields of the fallen. [Combat] We will have to fight for our lives. Trying to kill all opponents in the dark does not make sense. Our goal is simply to get to the other side. Against the spirits, a silver sword and the Signs of Aard and Quen should be used.

Coming out of the fog, we will follow Zoltan to the city of dwarves. In the burnt village beyond the ravine, we will encounter a squad of Scoia'tael. Thanks to Zoltan's presence, the elves won't kill us. They will advise us to meet with their commander on the outskirts of the city.

In the mentioned suburbs we meet our old friend, Yarpen Zigrin. This dwarf now serves as the commander of the guard. In a conversation with him, we learn that the banner of the Brown Banner - the symbol of death that we are looking for - can be found in the catacombs in the forest beyond Vergen. Yarpen cannot let us into the city as parliamentarians, but Zoltan decides to stay in Vergen and not return to the Kaedwens. He promises us to get the sword of General Vandergrift from Saskia - another memorable item needed to remove the curse. We agree with Zoltan that we will meet in the abandoned mines under the city. You can get there from the gorge.

Symbol of death

So, we decide to search for the banner of the Brown Banner. To do this, you need to explore the catacombs in the depths of the forest. At the entrance to the catacombs, ghosts can attack us. [Combat] The silver sword and the Signs of Yrden and Aard will help us deal with them.

We have to get to the lower level. There, in one of the halls, we meet the spirit of the standard-bearer Brown Banner. [Choice] [A] We can trick him into claiming that we once entered Buruya, or [B] we can fight him.

[A] If we claim to have served in the Brown Banner, the spirit will not believe us. But if we insist, he will ask us some questions to check. The answer to his first question is wrong. The next answer is Manno Coehoorn, and the third answer is Manno Coehoorn was killed near Brenna. The answer to the question about the generals in the battle for Vergen is Zeltkirk and Vandergrift. The last answer is that Bigerhorn took us prisoner. So we will convince the incredulous ghost, and he will allow us to take the banner from the sarcophagus. If we make a mistake, but we have a beaver hat or a cloak of the Brown Banner, the spirit will give us another chance. Otherwise, we will have to fight him. We can get these items during the Baltimore Nightmare quest or win them in dice from Scalen Bourdon.

[B] If we're not in the mood to chat with the spirit, or we give the wrong answer to one of its questions, we'll have to fight. [Combat] This is a very difficult fight to prepare for. The sign of Yrden will help us a lot: it will allow us to immobilize the enemy and finish him off with a silver sword. Now we can take the banner of the Brown Banner.

But that's not all. If we deceived the ghost, he will periodically pursue us in other battles.

Symbol of hate

We've done our part. Let's hope that Zoltan did his job and got a sword... We're going to meet the dwarf. We pass through the outskirts of Vergen and the burnt village and find ourselves in the same place where we left the fog. At the crossroads we turn left, towards the gorges, and after passing through the old gate, we turn left again. So we reach the secret entrance to the mine.

Complete walkthrough of the main and side quests of the second chapter

Complete walkthrough of the main and side quests of the second chapter

Dwarven mines are a real labyrinth. We will probably get lost more than once before we begin to navigate them and find the way. Not only that: the dungeon is dark, and the oil lamps are of little use. I advise you to stock up on potions in advance that will allow us to see in the dark. In the mines we will encounter corpse-eaters. [Combat] We use tried and tested methods: knock them down with the Aard Sign and finish them off with a silver sword, remembering to jump to a safe distance when they die. After a long wandering in the mines, we reach a room where we will be attacked by a two-meter duckbill. This corpse eater is big and strong like a troll. [Combat] The easiest way to deal with him is with the Sign of Yrden and a finishing blow to the back. In the corridor behind the door we will meet Zoltan and Saskia, the Dragon Slayer.

To our surprise, the girl herself will give us the sword in the hope that we will remove the curse from the battlefield. In addition, Zoltan will tell you that Iorvet lost the spear we needed in the bone. Its new owner, Scalen Bourdon, is the young dwarf we met in the suburbs.

Looks like luck is on our side. We need to take advantage of this and play dice. We return to the city and challenge the dwarf. He immediately agrees, warning that we will lose anyway. We need a spear, so we play until we win. Then we return to Henselt's camp through the mist.

Like the first time, we use our medallion in the fog and follow its instructions. This time it will be much easier to get through the fog as we can see the camp in the distance. Spirits and ghosts will meet us again. [Combat] We deal with them with quick blows of the silver sword, and if necessary, use the Signs of Aard, Quen and Yrden. Coming out of the fog, we meet Rocher with a detachment.

Vernon says that a woman came out of the mist shortly before we arrived, and that the Blue Stripes were attacked by the Nilfgaardians who met her. It looks like it was Philippa Eilhart's maid, whom the sorceress sent here in search of Triss ... Or maybe she is spying for the Empire? We hurry to the camp: perhaps Ambassador Shilard will explain everything to us. In the camp it turns out that the Nilfgaardians have already sailed ... We must talk to Henselt. Perhaps he will let us follow the Blacks.

We go to the king and tell him about the artifacts that we got on the other side of the fog. The king wants us to begin the ceremony immediately. He and his guards head to the site of Sabrina's execution. We need to meet with Detmold to get magic powder from him. With them we will draw the runes that we read about in the book taken earlier from the sorcerer. Having received everything we need, we go to Sabrina's circle.

After a brief conversation, the king leads us to a hill that overlooks the area. There we have another conversation with him. We need to accurately recreate all the events of three years ago. Under our guidance, Henselt must draw the runes that are needed for the ceremony.

It's kind of like a mini-game. If we read the book that Detmold gave us earlier, then we can easily draw the signs in the correct order. We need to create a kind of goat skull inscribed in a circle. To do this, we advise Henselt to start at the witch circle and move towards the petrified bread. Then we ask the king to go to the charred tree, and then to the carcass of the raven, curdled milk, and finally again to the witch's circle.

Now we need to set fire to the runes - this will allow the rite to begin. The signs on the ground will light up with blue flames and ghosts will appear outside the circle. In time, the barrier protecting the king and us will disappear, and evil spirits will enter. We must protect Henselt until Sabrina's spirit speaks the last words of the curse. [Combat] We fight off the attacks of ghosts with a silver sword and use Signs as necessary. Soon the king pierces the spirit of the sorceress with a spear, completing the ritual and removing the curse from himself. Henselt will be so grateful to us that he will promise to hand over the medallion - a symbol of faith needed to remove the curse from the entire battlefield. In addition, the king will invite us to the tent to celebrate the liberation...


Complete walkthrough of the main and side quests of the second chapter

Complete walkthrough of the main and side quests of the second chapter

When we remove the curse of Sabrina Glevissig from the king, Henselt invites us to a feast. Arriving at the upper camp, we see that the monarch is receiving the Redanian ambassador. The guards won't let us into the king's tent, and we'll have to wait until evening. After 22:00 we make another attempt. The ambassador informs Henselt that after the death of Foltest and as a result of the tragic death of Prince Bussi, his sister Anais may become the heir to the throne. The king asks us about some details of the siege of the castle of La Valette. However, the conversation is interrupted by the killer, from whose hand the ambassador will fall. We save the king with the Sign of Aard. We are waiting for a fight with two killers. [Combat] Our opponents are strong enough. In a fight with them, it is worth using blocks and the Yrden Sign.

At a certain point, Sheala intervenes in the fight, and one of the assassins manages to escape. Henselt wants to talk to us again, and this time he invites his court sorcerers - Sheala and Detmold. The latter wants to resort to necromancy, magic forbidden by the Chapter. it the only way get at least some information from the dead killer.

Now we are free. We can finish other tasks or wander around the camp. But if we want to know more about the killers, it's time to visit Detmold. We'll find him at the field hospital in the lower camp. He proposes to conduct a necromantic ritual together. To participate in it, we need Rook potion. If we do not have its recipe, we can buy it from one of the merchants in the camp. The ingredients can be easily found on the field next to the camp. When we prepare the potion and drink it, we need to talk to the sorcerer again. Dethmold begins the ritual...

Thanks to necromancy, we now see the world through the eyes of a killer - Egan. We are in a gorge, far from the camp. We have another kingslayer with us, Zerrit. We need to get to the hideout. Along the way, we encounter harpies that live in the gorges. [Combat] Strong blows of the silver sword will clear the way for us. Soon, Serrit leads us to the hideout. We go strictly behind him, trying not to touch the traps with which it is surrounded. So we will reach the place where the main killer is located - Summer. We talk to the Kingslayer and learn that Sheala de Tanserville is also involved in the plot and that the assassins no longer need her. Also, Leto says he's going to Loc Muinne.

Then, still under the influence of Detmold's spell, we are transported to Henselt's camp. Zerrit is walking along the wall, and we need to sneak on the ground. If we fail, we will return to the field hospital and the vision will end. If we want to know more, we will have to try. We must hide behind a stone on the left and wait for the sentries to finish talking and leave. Now you need to get to the end of the passage between the tents and the palisade. If we succeed, we will find ourselves in a cave under the camp, where Zerrit will voice his ideas regarding the creation of a new Council and Chapter of Sorcerers at a meeting in Loc Muinne. Then the spell will take us to the upper camp, where we will have to fight to get into Henselt's tent. [Combat] We need to deal with the two-handed guards and shieldmen armed with two-handed swords. We must parry their blows and deliver power blows with a steel sword.

The action of necromancy ends, and we come to our senses in the hospital. We briefly retell everything we saw, and go to the hideout of the killers. The wounded Zerrit is probably there. First we can wander around the camp and finish the rest of the tasks. After that, we go to the cave of the killers along the path that we walked during the vision. We find a dying Zerrit in the same place where we met Leto in the vision. We briefly talk with him about Sheal. Now we must return to Detmold and tell him about everything. The sorcerer tells us that it's time to remove the curse from the battlefield, and gives us Henselt's medallion - a symbol of faith that we need to dispel the darkness. After that, it remains for us to uncover the conspiracy. If the plot is already revealed, you can remove the curse from the battlefield.

Eternal fight

We promised Henselt that we would at least try to lift the curse from the battlefield. Only by getting rid of the ghostly haze will we be able to leave the king's camp and go in pursuit of the Nilfgaardians who kidnapped Triss.

Throughout the second chapter, we will collect information and look for a way to get rid of ghosts. Thanks to our own experience and the help of the sorcerer Detmold, we find out that we will need four artifacts related to the battle three years ago: symbols of faith, courage, hatred and death. When we complete the earlier tasks that make up the 74 main storyline, we will come to the conclusion that the artifacts needed are the following: Henselt's medallion, Seltkirk's armor, Vandergrift's sword, and the banner of the Brown Banner. We will receive the medallion from Henselt when we complete the Assassins of Kings task, the armor after the battle with Vinson Trout and the conspirators (Conspiracy Theory), and in Vergen (Blood Curse) we will get the sword and banner.

Having obtained all four artifacts, we go to Detmold's tent and ask him for the last advice. Then we go into the darkness.

In the mist, the spirit of an Aedirnian soldier takes possession of us. Our commander gives orders to the archers and sends us to capture the enemy banner. We run through the defenses to the spirits of the Kaedweni warriors defending the banner. [Combat] We must block and strike quickly. We are deprived of witcher abilities, so we will have to do without Signs, potions and bombs. After that, the spirit of the Kaedweni soldier is instilled in us.

We must inform our commander that the banner has fallen into the hands of the enemy. Arrows rain down from the sky. Hiding behind wooden shields, we cross the battlefield. The archers fire at regular intervals, so we're safe between shots. This is how we get to our general. Vandergrift. Draugh. The General enters into battle with Sabrina Glewessig, court sorceress of King Henselt.

Sabrina sends a rain of fire onto the battlefield. We have been possessed by the spirit of the Aedirn commander Zeltkirk. Once again we engage in battle with the spirits and ghosts of the Kaedweni soldiers. [Combat] We only have a sword at our disposal. We try to block enemy attacks and strike back quickly. In the end, we find ourselves face to face with Vandergrift. The spirit of Zeltkirk leaves our body, and in the battle with the draug we can finally use all the abilities of the witcher.

[Combat] The fight with the draug is one of the most difficult in the game. The Kaedweni general has become a demon that can turn into a tornado, call in a volley of archers, and finally send Sabrina's fire hail at us. When the draug uses his special abilities, we'd better take cover behind something. When he is not using them, we should attack him with a silver sword. Most Signs are useless in this fight, but Quen can be useful. You also need to use dodges and rolls to get close to the demon from the side and deliver a powerful blow.

After the death of the demon, the spirit of the Kaedweni priest will take possession of us, who will try to lead the soldiers out from under the fiery shower. Hiding behind covers, we head towards the edge of the fog...

Conspiracy Theory (Part Two)

Complete walkthrough of the main and side quests of the second chapter

Complete walkthrough of the main and side quests of the second chapter

After we have removed the curse from the battlefield, Dandelion will wake us up. He tells what happened in our absence. The soldiers are dissatisfied with Henselt's agreements with Nilfgaard, and Detmold has arrested several conspirators, and if we do not do something immediately, he will send another half of the camp to the rack. Henselt went with the army to Vergen. In addition, Buttercup informs us that the conspirators are hiding in the house at the top of the hill.

We hasten to the place the poet spoke of. To our surprise, we meet Vernon Rocher there. We have no choice: we must help Roche. Together we rush to the Temerians' tent in search of Bianchi. At the Blue Stripes camp we are attacked by Kaedweni soldiers. [Combat] We will win if we skillfully parry blows and use the Signs of Aard and Yrden. We see that the tent is empty. The camp whore reveals that Detmold has invited Roche's men to a banquet in the camp dining room. We go there, but on the way we run into Kaedweni soldiers left in the camp. [Combat] Our enemies are numerous, some of them have halberds, so we will have to be careful. You need to put blocks and dodge. The signs of Yrden, Quen and Aard will also come in handy. When we arrive, we'll find all of Roche's people... hanged. Only Bianca survived. She tells who did it. Burning with a thirst for revenge, Rocher rushes to Vergen to find and punish Henselt. Geralt is more interested in Sheala de Tanserville, who also fled to Vergen. It's payback time...

Assault on Vergen

Complete walkthrough of the main and side quests of the second chapter

Complete walkthrough of the main and side quests of the second chapter

So, we are heading to the besieged Vergen. Our path leads through the gorges, which we are familiar with on the assignment of the Assassins of Kings, so we are again looking forward to meeting with the harpies. In the depths, where there used to be fog, we find ancient debris, and next to them is a troll.

[Choice] We can talk to her politely and find out that her husband recently met someone going to Loc Muinne. Or we can kill her to save time. On the way to Vergen, near the old quarry, we should be ready to meet harpies. Then, in the hollow, we will have the opportunity to save the troll's husband, who was attacked by three Kaedweni mercenaries. If we killed the troll before, her husband will attack us. Around the bend we meet Kaedweni shieldmen. [Combat] Don't forget about blocking and strike hard with the steel sword. After the fight, we will notice one of Detmold's men nearby. It turns out that the sorcerer also knows about the secret passage to Vergen.

Wasting no time, we hurry to the cave. We don't have to look long for a runaway soldier. We face him... and his comrades. This is revealed to be one of Adam Pangratt's men. We have already seen him in the camp. He will order his people to kill us, and he himself will go deeper into the caves. We'll have to draw our sword again. [Combat] This is a rather difficult fight. It is best to block enemy attacks and use a combination of powerful and speedy strikes with a steel sword. The signs Aard and Igni will also come in handy. Deeper in the caves we will find another group of mercenaries. Making our way deeper and deeper, we will meet Detmold himself. [Combat] The most important thing is to deal with Pangratt. To do this, you need to alternately use strong and high-speed strikes and put blocks. You should also beware of Dethmold's spells and use rolls to dodge them. When the mercenaries are defeated, the sorcerer will open a portal and disappear. We rush forward: Vergen should be close by. At the exit from the caves, we meet Zoltan, who tells us that Sheala is in the house of another sorceress - Philippa Eilhart. [Choice] In addition, Zoltan will say that the Kaedweni have laid siege to Iorveth . It's up to us to decide [A] whether we want to help the elf, or [B] immediately go after Sheala.

[A] We climb the stairs to the suspension bridge that Chivay was talking about. Roche runs ahead, but the bridge falls and we are left alone. If we want to help Iorvet, then first we run to the right, to the fortification that Zoltan told us about. There we will face a large force of Kaedweni. [Combat] In this fight, you should not forget about blocks and strong blows. After the victory, Iorveth will have a short talk with us.

[B] Now we just have to find Sheala de Tanserville. On the way to Philippa's house, we will come across a few more soldiers. Then, after a couple of steps, we will have to face the monster that the sorceress summoned. [Combat] It is important not to forget about blocks: this monster can easily knock Geralt down. The Sign of Igni and the strong blows of the silver sword will help us. We get to Philippa's house only to see the sorceress open the portal. Sheala de Tanserville will advise us not to look for her again. She will disappear along with Saskia, and Henselt will appear instead. The king will order us to be killed. [Combat] In this battle, we will need a combination of blocks, the Sign of Igni, and strong strikes of the steel sword. After defeating the enemies, we will have to deal with Henselt. Meanwhile, Roche will break into Philippa's house. [Choice] It's time to decide what to do with the king of Kaedwen. We have a choice. [A] We can spare him and tell Roche it's better to keep our hands clean, or [B] let Roche kill the king. This decision will have serious consequences in the third chapter.

Looks like all roads lead to Loc Muinne...

If you choose to side with Iorveth and the Scoia'tael, you will start the chapter playing as Stennis, Prince of Aedirn. You are sent to a meeting between King Henselt and Aedirnian nobles who want to sell the country. The King of Kaedwen and his troops will publicly attack you and your allies. As in the case when you played Iorveth, Stennis has all of Geralt's combat skills at his disposal, except for magical signs. Focus your attack on the king while Saskia and the others deal with the troops and mages.

Now you are playing as the Witcher again. You are surrounded by ghosts and draugs. Let Iorveth deal with smaller enemies, and you take on a large enemy with a shield. For protection, use Quen to keep him at a distance - Aard. If you have upgraded the Windmill and Reflection of Pain skills, then this fight will not be difficult.

Now Philippa will lead you across the cursed field, surrounding you and allies with a magical shield and shooting off most (if not all) enemies with lightning. Sometimes spirits and draugs will get in your way. In this situation, it pays to quickly and effectively deal with the spirits that support the spell while your allies fight the draug.

Soon you will reach Vergen where you will be guided by Skalen Bourdon. Follow him to the tavern where he will show you to your room. After that, you can go to the war council to hear about Saskia's plans. Eventually the leader of the resistance will drink from the poisoned cup, and you will need to look for an antidote.


The first ingredient in the antidote is immortelle, which grows deep in the mines of Vergen. Go to the tavern and talk to the dwarves Zoltan and Yarpen. They will want to help you find a cure and will take you to the entrance to the mines. Before entering, stock up on Cat and Swallow elixirs.

Almost pitch darkness reigns in the mines, so the Cat's elixir will greatly facilitate your work. Dwarfs will also be with you, which will greatly facilitate the battle. You will mainly fight regular and large corpse eaters. Keep in mind that they explode before they die, so after killing each of them, quickly roll to the side.

First, go to the corral to the west (according to the map) of the mine, where you will find the corpse of a miner. Search the corpse and you will find the key to upper mines. With this key, go to the northeast part of the mines. Head to the dead end to the north and you'll find another corpse and a key to the middle shafts.

Use this key to open the door in the center of the map. Here you will find good weapon and a third corpse with a key to the lower shafts. Exit the room and follow the corridor a little to the west. This passage leads to the southeast, where immortelle grows.

The grass is heavily guarded by the duckbill and a pack of corpse-eaters. Your allies will serve as a good distraction for the creatures. You, under the influence of Quen, will have to stun, lure into traps and in every possible way beat a healthy duckling. Yrden will help you keep it under control. You can also use bombs to kill corpse eaters around the platypus and thereby damage it with explosions from both dying corpse eaters and bombs.

When the enemies are finished, take the immortelle and other treasures. Like, for example, the recipe for a silver sword made from a red meteorite. When you're ready, get out of the mines, killing enemies that might reappear along the way.

Harpy nest

If you bring the immortelle to Philippa, she will help you find the next ingredient. Find Cecil Bourdon and ask him where to find the magic stone. He will offer to go to the tower, which is located in the forest.

Before you set off, upgrade your weapons from merchants. If you find drawings of a silver sword from a red meteorite in the mines, be sure to use the services of a blacksmith. Go to the back gate of Vergen. You will be attacked by 4 Scoia'tael.

It turns out that not all of Iorveth's followers are loyal. First kill the archers, then the enemy with two weapons, and finally the dwarf with the axe. As long as you use Quen, you will be safe.

Now go along the shallow part of the river and to the right up the hill. If you are attacked by harpies or soldiers, be sure to deal with them, otherwise during the battle you will not be able to jump over the cliff. Jumping from one hill to another, you will eventually reach the tower that Cecil was talking about.

You will be attacked by a flock of harpies led by a harpy keleno. Use Aard to disperse the group and defend with Quen. Defeat the little harpies first and then their leader. After the battle, take the stone in the tower and head back to Vergen.

Talk to Philippa and Cecil and you'll find out that the stone you found isn't powerful enough and you'll have to head to the harpy nest. Persuade Cecil to give you the key and move forward.

As the name suggests, the harpy den is infested with these creatures. Make sure that all your items, elixirs and traps are suitable for fighting these enemies. Because they fly, harpies are virtually immune to some common tactics.

In the lair you will find several crystallized dreams, one of which turns out to be a dragon's dream. There will also be dreams of Iorveth and the peasant. Be sure to search the dead soldier inside. You will find excellent Kaedweni armor on him, which will come in handy for the next battle.

At the end of the lair, you will find a projector that contains Summer's dream. Drink elixirs and set traps before taking sleep. Because then you will be attacked by an army of keleno and the queen of harpies, a total of 8 enemies.

The traps that you set before the fight will help you weaken the pack. Use Aard to control enemies and Quen with Reflect Pain. Due to the limited space in the lair, you will have to run around the column in the center and lead the harpies behind you. It will also give you time to regain energy and health. As with most boss fights, deal with the smaller enemies first and then the queen.

When the harpies are done with, play the crystallized dreams in the projector to find the dragon's dream. Then head back to Vergen and talk to Philippa.

Trolls and Mercenaries

Go to the tavern and talk to the drunken gnome in the bar. He has information about the whereabouts of Triss, but he will only share it if you treat him with a beer. Give him about 20 orens and he will tell you where your girlfriend is. So you will get into the gorges near Vergen.

At the familiar crossroads with the altar, turn right. Here you will meet the troll who looked after Triss. You will have the choice to kill him, but it is much more useful to talk to him and agree to help get his wife back. After talking with the monster, go further deep into the gorges, and in the end you will find the troll's wife, who was attacked by Pangratt and his mercenaries.

You can make a deal with people and kill her, or you can keep your word and help her. In any case, you will have to fight, and you will have one or more allies on your side. As before, use Quen, let your allies take the main hit, and you deal with enemies one at a time with rolls and quick strikes.

Whether you killed the troll or Pangratt escaped, you must return to your husband and report what happened. If you killed his wife, he will attack you. His fighting style will not differ from his wife's. However, if you helped them reunite, they will give you the Triss ribbon and become Vergen's allies.

peasant riot

Upon returning to Philippa with the ribbon of Triss, we learn that the peasants are indignant and want to kill Prince Stennis. The sorceress will remind you that for Saskia's medicine you need royal blood... the blood of Stennis or Henselt.

Go to the prince's chambers, where you can listen to the opinions of nobles, commoners, soldiers, as well as the prince himself. You will only be able to interview 5 people before you are asked to make a judgment.

The prince himself will not tell you much, as well as the peasants who want to deal with him by lynching. However, you can find out a lot of interesting things by talking to the blacksmith who made Saskia's goblet and the servant who poured the wine. But the discovered evidence in any case is not enough to name the perpetrator.

You can choose between lynching and a fair trial of Stennis. In the first case, you will be able to get a king rabbit, in the second case, you will have to take blood from the Kaedweni king. Although this quest is not resolved in any way in the second chapter, in the third you can find out that he is actually guilty.

Kaedwen and Nilfgaard

You will have to go to the other side of the cursed battlefield to find Triss and maybe even get royal blood. First talk to Philippa and she will agree to take you through the fog. Exit Vergen, follow the road down and to the right, into the ghostly fog.

As at the beginning of the chapter, you will need to be within the magical field. Also, since Iorveth is no longer with you, you yourself will have to protect Philippa. As before, when the sorceress's spell is interrupted, quickly deal with the ghosts with powerful blows, rolling from one to another. You don't have to worry about the draug.

You will end up on the other side of the fog. After a short conversation with Roche, you will learn that there are two ways to get into the Nilfgaardian camp: sneak through the Kaedweni camp or bribe the courtesans on the hill.

Bribing requires a considerable amount of orens, so it is recommended to save money and choose the second option. Travel to the coast to the northeast (on the map) and infiltrate the Kaedweni camp.

You will need to move very carefully, because if you are noticed, then after a while the game will automatically end with your death. First, wait for a group of drunken soldiers to leave the bar. Run behind the tents and move on. A patrol will come out of the gate and head to the center of the camp. When they stop, knock out the lone soldier at the armory and continue west, hiding behind the tents.

Now wait for the guard to relieve himself and return to the fire in the center of the camp. Keep moving forward, the cook will notice you. Quickly run up to him and use the Axii sign on him to convince him that he needs to rest and go to bed. Walk right. A patrol will come out of the gate. Wait for the soldiers to leave and use the same door. Knock out the soldier on the cliff and go down. Walk along the beach and enter the caves.

There are a few corpse eaters waiting for you here - nothing dangerous or new from your adventures in the mines. Move through the caves, and when you get to the Nilfgaardian camp, you will be caught by the guards and taken to Shilard. After the conversation and cutscenes, Roche and Bianca will join you to deal with the remaining enemies.

While your allies are taking the brunt, use Quen and focus on the wizard. Dodge his fire magic, and when he uses protection, switch to weaker enemies. As soon as the magician's defense falls, use Aard and hit him with all your might.

When the wizard is finished, Roche will help you get through the Kaedweni camp. If you let Stennis die, you will have to play along with the fact that you are a prisoner and answer the questions of the guard at the gate. In the first case, select "Game", in the second - "Silence".

If you didn't let Stennis die, you'll have to sneak into Henselt's tent. Hide behind the crates and wait for the soldiers to leave. Here, without leaving the boxes, move to the right along the cliff and behind a large tent with two guards. Use Aard on the barrels, the guards will go to see what happened. Go around the tent in a clockwise direction and go inside.

In the end, you will find yourself outside the camp. Meet Philippa and head back to Vergen to heal Saskia.

Symbol of Death

Now that Saskia is alive and well again, you need to put an end to the curse on the battlefield. You need to get certain relics in order to put an end to the Eternal Battle. After talking with Sasky and Philippa, you will receive 3 necessary items: Vandergrift's sword, Seltkirk's armor and a magic medallion. The last part of the puzzle is the banner of the Brown Banner in the forest in the catacombs.

Use the upper (on the map) exit from Vergen, cross the familiar lake, pass familiar hills and enter the catacombs. Come on down. Many walls can be broken by Aard, but there is almost nothing of value there.

You need to go down to the lowest level of the crypt. Kill ghosts on your way. And in the end you will meet with the ghost of Eckhart. You can talk to him and convince him that he is right by answering a few questions. First answer that he is wrong, then - Manno Coehoorn, then - Manno was killed near Brenna. The army commanders are Vandergrift and Zeltkirk. And finally, that Bigerhorn took you prisoner.

If you make a mistake with the answers or do not want to talk at all, then you will have to kill the ghost. The Yrden sign helps well against him, which will allow you to go behind your back and deliver powerful blows. Also, do not forget about Quen and rolls. If you pumped Power and you have a strong sword, then you will quickly cope with it. In any case, take the banner from the coffin and return back to Vergen.

If you didn't get the other three relics, talk to Saskia again. Then talk to Philippa one last time to go to the cursed battle.

Eternal fight

You will be possessed by various spirits, during which you will be deprived of witcher abilities, such as magic and elixirs. First, an Aedirnian soldier will take possession of you. While your allies fight the Kaedweni soldiers, concentrate on the standard bearer. Parry and strike quickly, and you can handle it.

Now you will be taken over by a Kaedweni soldier, who needs to run to the commander and report what happened. However, your allies don't know you're coming and won't stop firing arrows. Use barriers to take cover from a volley of fire arrows and quickly run to another cover when the archers are reloading. As a result, you will reach Vandergrift with a report.

Then you will be taken over by the Zeltkirk. There will be many enemies, but, as in any non-Witcher battle, the tactics are the same: parry and counterattack with quick strikes. In the end, you will meet the draug and be able to play as Geralt again. Kill the standard bearer and prepare for a boss fight.

Sabrina will unleash fireballs on the battlefield, while arrows and trebuchet salvos will rain down from Vandergrift. Quen will be enough to block many of these attacks. In a defensive stance, Vandergrift will often counter-attack, so it's best to just wait out this moment before attacking.

With a fully pumped Quen and a lot of energy, you will be able to avoid up to 15 attacks in a row. This is very handy, as every hit from Vandergrift can be fatal. First, focus on breaking the Draug's shield with relentless attacks. If you run out of energy, hide behind the rubble and wait until one or two strips are restored. Use Quen and attack Vandergrift again. Use a combo of three quick hits. Then run away again to restore energy.

It will take a long time before you deal with Vandergrift, but the above tactics are very simple and safe. After the battle, you will play as one last spirit- A Kaedweni priest. Avoid Sabrina's fireballs and exit the fog to end the curse.

Siege of Vergen

Now that the curse is over, Henselt will attack Vergen. At first, his troops will attack from the main gate, but Zoltan has an idea on how to stop the first wave. Use Quen and go up the stairs on the right. There is a lever here, by turning which you will pour boiling oil into the main entrance. While you have Quen, enemies will not be able to interrupt the interactive scene.

After a few cutscenes, you will find yourself on the wall of Vergen with Saskia, Zoltan and a crowd of allied soldiers. The Kaedweni troops will set up ladders and their soldiers will start climbing the wall. Allied troops will damage them with arrows, but when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, everything will depend on you.

Thanks to the huge number of allied troops, we will not have to resort to sophisticated strategies. Enemies will often be distracted and you will be able to backstab and use Igni and Aard. In fact, you will be able to land 6 or more hits on the enemy before they switch to you. By that time, however, the enemy may already be dead and will not be able to fight back.

After two waves of attacking the wall, Saskia will ask you to go with her to the mines. She will guide you, so just follow her. Kaedweni troops have already infiltrated the mines, and you will have to clear several rooms of enemies. They are easily downed by Aard and should die with a couple of heavy sword blows.

In a large hall in the mines, we meet with Detmold and another crowd of soldiers. Use Quen and let Saskia take the main attack. With any luck, she will push them to the edge of the room, giving you time to deal with them one by one. Although Detmold is a big threat in this fight, it is not necessary to kill him. It will be much more practical to dodge his spells and focus on his henchmen. When only two enemies remain, a cutscene will play and the battle will end.

You will return to the wall and clash with another wave of soldiers. The strategy is the same. There are many allies, so there will be no difficulties with enemies. After you deal with the first wave, go after Zoltan and meet up with Iorveth. Cover Zoltan and he will break the gate mechanism. War is over.

After the heroes have negotiated the terms of the peace treaty, explore Philippa's room and talk to Iorveth to end the chapter.

No matter how much you swing in the game "The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings" and invest in character development, it will not help you much to get through the ghostly haze (before the battle with the draugir), but all because during almost the entire battle you will control characters carefully prepared for you by the game. And these characters do not know how to roll, let alone use the Signs. All that will be available to you is running, attacking and blocking. On the dark level difficulty to go through all the stages of the "Eternal battle" is not so easy.

Capture the banner of the White Banner

The first stage of the "Eternal Battle" - the spirit of the Aedirn warrior is infused in Geralt. Your task is to destroy the standard-bearer and three soldiers from his squad. On the dark difficulty level, I tried to complete this mission about two dozen times, until I finally understood what roughly needed to be done.

Do not hesitate and immediately run into a fight - your allies will "merge" in a few seconds (although the players had exceptions - sometimes the allies held out for a very long time, but this is extremely rare). In this short time, you should have time to run up and knock out one of the Kaedweni soldiers from the back (two hits are required per soldier). Then immediately run away.

You're inside a fairly small circle of fire that deals fire damage when touched and gives the Kaedweni ghosts time to finish you off. Start running inside the circle right next to the fire, but without touching it (running a little behind the flagpole) and avoiding the standard bearer's offensive attacks. When you see that the soldiers slowed down for a second, immediately hit one of them with a sword and immediately continue running to the side. If you get up and try to finish off or block the ghosts, you will be surrounded and quickly destroyed in a couple of blows.

In total, you only need to land about four hits on two soldiers, after which you can calm down and start a fight with the standard bearer using blocks and sword attacks. If energy is not enough, continue running until it is fully restored.

Report the capture of the banner

You continue the battle already in the guise of a Kaedweni soldier, who must run to “his own” and report that the banner has been captured by the enemy. On the dark difficulty level, the mission is about the same as on the normal one, so there are no special tips here - just hide from the fiery hail under wooden shelters and run on.

Destroy the Kaedweni in the form of a Seltkirk

And again you are on the side of the Aedirans, this time in the guise of the great commander Zeltkirk. In front of you is a small enemy group, consisting of an ordinary soldier, a heavily armed knight and a shield.

First of all, run from the edge to the soldier and try to destroy him as quickly as possible. If it doesn't work out, you can block and quickly run away, then run up to this soldier again and destroy him. When only two opponents remain against you, use blocks and counterattack. If the energy is over, run back, run in circles and get down to business again.

A little further away is a larger group of Kaedwenians, but it's easier to deal with them. You can carefully run up to them, luring out just one enemy, and thus kill the entire squad.

Kill the Draug

With the standard-bearer of Vandegrift, you will already fight in the guise of a witcher, so the duel should not cause much difficulty. But with the main boss - the draugir, problems may arise.

What it is, you will understand as soon as the battle begins. And it begins with the fact that the draugir “erases half your face” with one blow (on dark difficulty). To prevent this from happening, you need to immediately jump to the side.

If you run too close to the draugir, he will deftly hook you, despite tricks with rolls and dodges, but at a certain point the draugir becomes very vulnerable, namely at the moment of acceleration on you. All you need to do is dodge, roll towards the draugir, and slash him in the spine with your sword.

If you swung approximately as it is written in, then the draugir will “fold” somewhere with three hits in the back.

Bring people out in the guise of a priest of the Cross

The next task is a real trifle. You need to run across the battlefield, avoiding fire boulders hitting you.

Where is Triss?

Step 1: Talk to Philippa Eilhart about Triss

For advice on how and where to look Triss, go to the house Philippa Eilhart (M15, 14). When you ask her about Triss, she will ask for an item that belongs to her. The thing is needed in order to track the path of the sorceress. You will also learn that one local dwarf - a bastard saw a red-haired woman - it is worth talking to him.

Stage 2: talk to the dwarf who saw Triss

Go to the inn and look for Mantasa Biruta (M15, 1). True, to get any information, you have to buy him a beer. You can also ask the innkeeper to tell you this story, but you still have to pay. You will know that Triss most likely teleported somewhere in the gorges.

Stage 3: explore the gorges that the dwarf spoke about

Leave Vergen through the western gate M15, 7) and move towards the gorges. Turn right near the wooden altar ( M13,8) and you will come across troll (M13, 10). You will learn some details about the appearance Triss. Now your task is to find troll and decide her fate:

Promise to bring home. Description in stage 4, option A.
Say you are going to kill her. In this case troll you attacks. Description in stage 4, option B.

Step 4, Option A: Convince the troll to return to her husband

Head south and turn left at the crossroads (on the right there will be shipwreck ). As soon as you climb the rock ledge, a cut-scene will start and you will see troll (M13, 11

Help the troll. Description in stage 5, option A.
Help the mercenaries. Description in stage 5, option B.

Stage 4, option A: go to the troll for Triss's handkerchief

If you told the troll that you will kill his wife, he will attack you. The fight shouldn't be particularly difficult. Use irden to immobilize him and watch his fighting style - try to fight at close range, because if you get too far away, the troll will start throwing boulders at you. Head south and turn left at the crossroads (there will be a shipwreck on the right). As soon as you climb the rock ledge, a cut-scene will start and you will see troll (M13, 11). Again you have to make a choice:

Help the troll. Description in stage 5, option A.
Help the mercenaries. Description in stage 5, option B.

Stage 5 Option A: Defeat Pangratt and his men

If you decide to save the troll, you have to fight with Adam Pangratt and his mercenaries. As soon as you kill one of them, those who attacked the troll will pounce on you. Be aware of dodges and try to attack from behind, because the opponents are in plate armor. When Pangratt is almost defeated, he will surrender and beg for mercy. Send them to Saskia and Cecil Bourdon . Depending on our previous decision on stage 3, there are two options:

You promised to return the troll. You'll get Triss scarf and troll horn .
You promised to kill the troll, but you didn't. You'll get Triss scarf .

Go to stage 6.

Stage 5, option B: kill the troll

If you decide to help the mercenaries and kill the troll, you will be outnumbered. Immobilize the troll Irden and attack from behind for more damage. Don't forget to pick up from her corpse Triss scarf .

Attention! If you killed a troll after promising the troll not to do it, then when you pass next to him, he will attack you.

Step 6: Give the handkerchief to Triss to Philippa Eilhart

Take Triss scarf in Vergen , Philippe Eilhart (M15, 14). During your conversation, you will hear screams from the street - you will learn that the peasants are accusing Stennis in poisoning Saskia and they want to commit lynching over him.

Additional Reward: 1500 xp

To continue the quest, you need to complete the task " Royal blood ".

Step 7: Talk to Philippa Eilhart

Go home again Philippa Eilhart (M15, 14) (you will interrupt their game with the apprentice sorceress). You will learn that Triss is most likely on the other side of the mist, therefore, you have little choice - you need to go through it. Philippa will help you in the form of an owl.

Stage 8: cross to the other side of the ghostly mist

Leave Vergen through west gate (M15, 7) and head to the side mist. Follow the owl, trying not to go beyond the protective barrier that it has created. As soon as one of ghosts enters it, it dies immediately - at low difficulty levels you don't have to do much. For more high levels you will most likely have to finish them off. On the way, the owl will be stopped three times ghosts, and will appear draugirs. You should eliminate the ghosts that are holding the owl. They like to move from place to place, so use a quick style, bouncing from one to another, dodging the draugirs' blows.

Unfortunately, Philippa will not be able to go with you. Move forward until you hit dead body (M19, 1) - near it you will find strange figurine . will appear Rocher. You can tell him that you are looking for Triss - no matter how you conduct the conversation, Roche will help you, and show you two possible ways to reach the camp:

You can sneak through the camp. Description in step 9, option A.
You can go through the caves. Description in stage 9, option B.

Stage 9, Option A: Find a way to get into the Kaedweni camp. We go through the caves

If you decide to make your way through the caves, head west to Madame Karol (M19, 10). You can have a good time with whores, or talk about getting into the camp - for information, however, you will have to pay a pretty decent amount. You will find out that in tent there is an entrance to the tunnel that goes ashore near the camp - go to the tent ( M19, 11).

Stage 10: find the passage leading to the Nilfgaardian camp

Enter the lattice Door (M20, 1) and find an opening in one of the cells - it leads to caves under the camp (M20, 2).

At the crossroads you will be attacked duckbill (M21, 1). Watch out for his attacks and don't forget about Quen. You can immobilize the monster Irden and attack from behind. Also in the caves you will encounter large foulbroods – be careful as they explode before death.

You can fight if you want. golem (M21, 2 magic circle armor and bootsM21, 3

Let's move on to stage 11.

Step 9, Option B: Find a way to get into the Kaedweni camp. We go through the camp

If you decide to make your way through the camp, head north. Along the way, you will encounter several rotten. You will run into a cliff - you will have to jump a little.

Stage 10: get to the tunnel leading to the Nilfgaardian camp

Attention! If you are spotted, you will be shot on the spot!

As soon as you enter the camp, stealth mode is activated. Approach the first tent and a drunk will come out soldier (M19,3). Wait for him to leave and distract the attention of two associates ( M19, 4).

Then move to stockade (M19.5) - from now on, hold on to it all the time. Reaching the first gate, wait until all the soldiers leave ( M19,6).

Moving on, you will stumble upon a pissing soldier - we are waiting again. Walking a little further, you will come across cook (M19, 7). We calm him down Aksyem(quickly pressing left mouse button)

Waiting for the second gate (M19,8) all the soldiers will come out, and we pass through them. stun soldier standing on a rock, and descend into cave (M19,9). Head towards the exit to the surface ( M21, 3). You can fight if you want. golem (M21, 2) - near the gate you will find magic circle. The golem is a rather serious opponent, but the fight with him is quite profitable, since next to him you will find excellent armor and boots. Move to the end of the tunnel where you are and get to the surface ( M21, 3). Unfortunately, the soldiers will grab you and take you to Henselt.

Stage 11: get to the tunnel leading to the Nilfgaardian camp

During your conversation with Fitz - Esterlen an animated insert will begin (quest " return of memory "). Subsequently, you can talk about the vision with Buttercup. You will find out that Triss was imprisoned in a magical figurine. You will be sentenced to death, but at the last moment you will be saved Rocher .

Vangemar- a sorcerer, and he has several tricks hidden away. First, he is good at Signs- beware Igni. From time to time it activates Quen- attacking him at this moment does not make sense. He also likes to teleport often. Concentrate all your strength on him, leaving the soldiers for later. Use a quick style against him, and don't forget to Quen. Once you eliminate the sorcerer, help Rocher and bianche finish off soldier. Depending on the choice you made in the quest " Royal blood " on the stage 4, there are two ways to end the task:

Stennis is alive, we need to get Henselt's blood. Description in step 12, option A.
Stennis is dead, Roche will get you out of the camp. Description in step 12, option B.

Attention! Before you leave, you should search the tents in the camp. You will find Song of the Hunt and first letter from Emissary Shilard Fitz-Esterlen to the emperor .

Stage 12, option A: get to the Henselt's tent with the help of Roche

If Stennis is alive, you need to get royal blood. Roche will distract the guards and at this point you need to sneak behind the tent and barrels on right ( M19, 12).

Then move to the right of the central tent. You will see barrels ( M19, 13). We break them with Aard or Igni to divert the attention of the guards from the main tent. Thus, you will be able to freely enter Henselt's tent (M19, 14), unnoticed by anyone.

After a short conversation Henselt will give you a vial of it blood. A soldier will lead you out of the camp, so no one else will disturb you.

Let's move on to stage 13.

Stage 12, option B: leave the Kaedweni camp with the help of Roche

If Stennis is dead, you need to get out of the camp - Roche will offer to deceive everyone and pretend that you are his prisoner. Commanders should beware. Try to move non-stop towards main gate (M19,6)

Step 13: Talk to Philippa Eilhart

When you get out of the camp, tell Philippe Eilhart (M19, 15) news about Triss.

Step 14: Go back through the mist back to Vergen and talk to Philippa

You will again have to go through the darkness. The owl will point the way and you will be slowed down twice ghosts and draugirs. When you reach the city, talk to the sorceress ( M15, 14). Turns out, Cynthia ran away but forgot to take rose of memory .

Reward: 2250 XP

Eternal fight

We get the quest automatically, upon completion of the quest "military council"

Stage 1: Find the banner of the Brown Banner and the sword of Vandergrift. Then talk to Philippa about ancient artifacts

Move to Philippa (M15, 14) and talk to her about the artifacts.

You will unlock the quest " death symbol ".

You will unlock the quest " hate symbol ".

To continue the quest, you need to complete these tasks.

Stage 2: talk to Philippa

After receiving the artifacts, talk to Philippa Eilhart at her house M15, 14) and tell her you're ready to fight.

Attention! Once this quest is started, all other unfinished quests will be considered failed!

Stage 3: take part in the ghost battle in the mist

Leave Vergen through the western gate M15, 7) and move to fog. Entering it, from time to time the ghost of one of the warring parties will inhabit you.

Attention! While in the form of a ghost, you will not be able to use Signs and dodges. You can only attack and block.

Stage 4: Defeat the Kaedweni standard bearer and take the banner from him

Your first task is to defeat kaedweni standard-bearer and soldier, and then capture kaedweni flag (M14,3). Focus on the standard bearer, and your allies should deal with the soldiers.

Stage 5: report to the commander that the banner has fallen into the hands of the enemy

Now you have to control the enemy ghost. You need to inform the commander that the banner is lost. The task is not easy, as you will have to dodge the burning arrows. There is only one tactic here - we run to the wooden shield, wait until all the arrows fly by, and run to the next shelter. Eventually you will get to commander (M14,4).

Attention! The shelter can only withstand two waves of arrows!

Stage 6: Defeat the general of the Kaedweni army

This time you'll be in control Zeltkirk . Move forward until you reach barricades (M14.5). Defeat ghosts guarding it, and the barricade will be destroyed.

You will reach the meeting point with Vandergrift's standard-bearer (M14,6). This time, Geralt will offer Zeltkirk to retreat - he will obey, and you will have to fight. Combat shouldn't be a problem - just try to use it all the time. Quen and immobilize the enemy Irden. In the end, the ghost will give up and beg for mercy.

Unfortunately for him, there will be Draug and you will have to fight him. The monster uses several types of attacks. The running attack is pretty easy to recognize, just dodge it to the side. The monster also turns into a kind of tornado, with debris rotating around it - use Quen so they don't do too much damage to you.

In addition, the monster can summon fireballs from the sky - we often dodge and use the same Quen. The places where the ball should fall are marked on the ground with a bright spot. Better not attack Drauga in the open, and wait for him to perform a charge attack, dodge it and attack from behind - otherwise you will first have to break his shield (blue bar).

Stage 7: lead the squad to the king's headquarters

The last task is to lead the squad to a safe place, which is king's location (M14, 7). You will again have to dodge fireballs falling from the sky. The place of their fall is also marked by a bright spot on the ground.

As soon as the fog clears, the memory fragment associated with the quest will return to you again " return of memory ".

You will unlock the quest " siege of Vergen ".

Symbol of death

Stage 1: Talk to Cecil Bourdon

Can tell you about the war three years ago Cecile Bourdon (M15, 12). After asking him about the details of the battle, you will find out that the symbol of death can be Banner of the Brown Banner .

Stage 2: go to the crypt in the forest and get the Banner of the Brown Banner

following directions Cecil, go to the forest. Leave Vergen through north gate (M15.8). Move north to dwarven catacombs (M13, 14). After reaching them, move forward until you run into a wall. Destroy it Aard. Once you are in the right room, a ghost will appear Eckhart Henessy (M18,4) - the standard-bearer of the Brown Banner. There are two ways to get a banner:

Kill the ghost. Description in stage 3, option A.
Deceive the ghost (say that you also served in the Brown Banner). Description in stage 3, option B.

Attention! It will be more profitable to deceive the ghost, because in this case, in addition to the banner, you will receive Brown banner sword .

Stage 3, option A: kill the ghost

If you decide to kill the ghost, the fight will start immediately. Using a silver sword and helping yourself Quenom and Irden, defeating him will not be difficult - attack him from behind or from the side. No other ghosts will appear, so you can focus on Eckhart. After killing him, search the sarcophagus and take Banner of the Brown Banner .

Stage 3, option B: deceive the ghost

The ghost will ask you some questions to make sure you are telling the truth. Below you will find the correct answers.

Attention! If you make a mistake, the ghost will immediately attack you ( stage 2, option A). However, if you have cloak of the Brown Banner (can be obtained by beating twice Scalena Bourdon in bones), or beaver hat (can be found in the chest during the quest " Baltimore's nightmare ") you will have another chance.

Question 1: "You take it wrong"
Question 2: "Menno Coehoorn"
Question 3: "Koehorn is dead"
Question 4: "Vandergrift and the Zeltkirk"
Question 5: "Bigerhorn took me prisoner"

After successfully passing the test, take from the sarcophagus banner and Brown banner sword .

Symbol of hate

We get the quest from Philippa Eilhart, after we talk with her about the artifacts

Vandergrift's sword you will receive from Saskia who will give it to you, in gratitude for saving her life (at the end of the quest " matter of life and death ").

Siege of Vergen

We get the quest automatically, at the end of the quest "eternal battle"

Stage 1: talk to Zoltan Chivay

Move to the western gate, where you will be expected Zoltan (M15, 22). During your conversation, a siege will begin.

Stage 2: activate the dwarven mechanism

You decide to meet the advancing soldiers with boiling oil. Climb the right wall and run to the end - to pour the oil, you need to activate the mechanism ( M15, 23) by quickly pressing left mouse button. beware kaedweni knights .

Stage 3: meet Zoltan at the gate

After pouring out the oil, return to Zoltan (M15, 22).

Additional Reward: 300 xp

Stage 4: retreat after Zoltan

Unfortunately, the enemy will be able to break through to the first gate, so you will have to retreat to the second ( M15.5)

Additional Reward: 200 xp

Stage 5: defend the walls of Vergen

Climb on wall (M15, 24), where for a fairly long period of time you have to fight off enemies. You won't be alone, so don't worry about being surrounded. soldiers will climb the walls by two ladders. Very useful Aard, which can be used to knock enemies off walls.

Additional Reward: 400 xp

Then you will have to fight off another wave of enemies - we act as before, and there should be no problems

Additional Reward: 400 xp

Stage 6: check the secret passage leading to Vergen

You will learn about secret mines near Vergen. Almost no one knows about them, however, the scout team sent there, for some reason, did not return. Together with Saskia move to secret tunnel (M15, 25). Moving along it, you will stumble upon mercenaries ( M22, 2). Try not to be surrounded as the enemy is outnumbered.

Additional Reward: 300 xp

Stage 7: Kill Dethmold

In the end, you will reach a large cave, where you will meet Detmold (M22, 3). What happens next can hardly be called a fight, since you are the moment when the sorcerer attacks you with a spell. In addition, your movement will be limited by the force field. Fortunately, you will not die, salvation will come from an unexpected direction. Detmold teleports.

Additional Reward: 300 xp

Stage 8: return to the walls and protect Vergen

After a short conversation with Saskia, leave the caves and return to Vergen (M22, 1). will meet you Zoltan, and you will automatically land on the city walls.

Additional Reward: 300 xp

Attention! Depending on who you helped in the quest" where is Triss? "(troll or mercenaries), one or another will come to your aid.

Stage 9: Protect the walls of Vergen

You will again have to repel a wave of enemies climbing the ladders. Don't forget to push them Aard. coming soon Iorveth with a team of archers.

Stage 10: break through to Iorveth

At the council of war, Philippa and I discuss how to remove the curse from the battlefield. According to the sorceress, for this we need four magical items related to the battle three years ago. They should symbolize courage, faith, hatred and death. Philippa promises us to find the first two, leaving us symbols of hatred and death.

We must learn as much as possible about this battle. To do this, we need to ask Philippa, the headman of Vergen Cecil Bourdon and our dwarven friends Zoltanai Yarpen about her. They will tell us about the sword of Vandergrift, which Saskia now owns, and about the banner of the Brown Banner. It turns out that the Kaedweni general who owned the sword was notorious for his cruelty. In addition, we learn from the side that BurayaKhorugv died in the battle for Vergen to the last man, and the bodies of the soldiers were buried in the forest, not far from the city. Since the elves guarding Saskia won't let anyone other than Philippa near her, we'll have to wait for her to recover in order to get the sword.

Symbol of death

So, let's start looking for the banner of the Brown Banner. We need to explore the catacombs in the forest. We can do this while searching for the dragon's dream (In Search of Magic) or investigating the murders that have happened in the city (With a trembling heart). We set off into the forest: from the outskirts of Vergen we get on the walls and reach the area where Iorvet's detachment is quartered. There we find a tunnel overlooking the river bank. The forest we are interested in is located on the other side. Somewhere in it there is an entrance to the crypt. We'll probably be attacked by ghosts inside. [Combat] The silver sword and the Signs of Yrden and Aard will help us deal with them.

We have to get to the lower level. There, in one of the halls, we meet the spirit of the standard-bearer Brown Banner. [Choice] [A] We can trick him into claiming that we once entered Buruya, or [B] we can fight him.

[A] If we claim to have served in the Brown Banner, the spirit will not believe us. But if we insist, he will ask us some questions to check. The answer to his first question is false. The next answer is Manno Coehoorn, and the third answer is Manno Coehoorn was killed near Brenna. The answer to the question about the generals in the battle for Vergen is Zeltkirk and Vandergrift. The last answer is that Bigerhorn took us prisoner. So we will convince the incredulous ghost, and he will allow us to take the banner from the sarcophagus. If we make a mistake, but we have a beaver hat or a cloak of the Brown Banner, the spirit will give us another chance. Otherwise, we will have to fight him. We can get these items during the Nightmare of Baltimore quest or win them in dice from Scalen Bourdon.

[B] If we're not in the mood to chat with the spirit, or we give the wrong answer to one of its questions, we'll have to fight. [Combat] This is a very difficult battle to prepare for. The sign of Yrden will help us a lot: it will allow us to immobilize the enemy and finish him off with a silver sword. Now we can take the banner of the Brown Banner. But that's not all. If we deceived the ghost, he will periodically pursue us in other battles.

Symbol of hate

Once we've got the banner, we'll have to get Vandergrift's sword. To do this, we need to collect all the ingredients of the medicine for Saskia. When the Dragon Slayer heals, she'll just give us the sword.

Now we need to talk to Philippa to get the other two artifacts - the magic medallion and the Zeltkirk armor. Having received all four items, we go to the ghostly haze.

In the fog, we turn into an Aedirnian soldier. Our commander gives orders to the archers, orders us to capture the enemy banner. We run through the defenses to the spirits of the Kaedweni warriors who defend the banner. [Combat] We must block the enemy's attacks and strike quickly. We are deprived of witcher skills, so we will have to do without Signs, potions and bombs.

After the victory, the spirit of the Kaedweni warrior will take over our body. We must inform our commander that the banner has fallen into the hands of the enemy. Arrows rain down from the sky. Hiding behind wooden shields, we cross the battlefield. The archers fire at regular intervals, so we're safe between shots. So we get to our general... This is Vandergrift. Draug. He quarrels with Sabrina Glewessig, court sorceress of King Henselt.

Sabrina sends a rain of fire onto the battlefield. We have been possessed by the spirit of the Aedirn commander Zeltkirk. Once again we engage in battle with the spirits and ghosts of the Kaedweni53 soldiers. [Combat] We only have a sword at our disposal. We try to block enemy attacks and strike back quickly. In the end, we find ourselves face to face with Vandergrift. The spirit of Zeltkirk leaves our body, and in the battle with the draug we can finally use all the abilities of the witcher.

[Combat] The fight with the draug is one of the most difficult in the game. The Kaedweni general has become a demon that can turn into a tornado, call in a volley of archers, and finally send Sabrina's fire hail at us. When a draug uses his special abilities, we'd better take cover behind something. When he is not using them, we should attack him with a silver sword. Most Signs are useless in this fight, but Quen can be useful. You also need to use dodges and rolls to get close to the demon from the side and deliver a powerful blow.

After the death of the demon, the spirit of the Kaedweni priest will take possession of us, who will try to get the soldiers out of the fiery rain. Hiding behind cover, we head towards the edge of the fog...