Spider solitaire rules. Solitaire card games - spider. Rules and Order of the Game

Among the many motley solitaire games, a special, one might say, honorary first place is occupied by Spider Solitaire. If we turn to statistics, it really becomes clear that this solitaire is leading by a decent margin, overtaking all other types of these interesting logic card games. Why exactly him, and not some other? Probably, the percentage of convergence, the dynamics of unfolding and the general perception of the game determine such a high position of "Spider" in the solitaire community. All these properties of solitaire, intersecting, converge for this game in the "golden mean". Since there are only a few varieties of this hit solitaire, we consider it necessary to tell you more about each of them. Perhaps each of you, dear readers, will find something new about the "Spider" in this article.

The main varieties of Spider solitaire include game options that differ in the number of suits. In ascending order of difficulty, these options are as follows:

  • One suit - 104 cards of the same suit are used for the layout, most often spades;
  • Two suits - the same 104 cards, but two suits;
  • Four suits - the number of cards is the same, but all four card suits are involved;

Why does the number of suits affect difficulty? It's about the rules. In any variation of solitaire, you can only drag an entire column of ordered cards if all the cards in it are of the same suit. And nothing else! Nevertheless, it is quite possible to collect a column of cards of different suits. Hence, there is an increase in complexity with an increase in the number of suits involved in the layout.

Additional variations do not conceptually change the principle of the layout and the game and consist only in the ways of dealing the rest of the deck, the options for playing against the clock, sound, changeable card backs, and so on, but the latter relate more to the settings than to the gameplay itself.

Spider Layout Rules

In this section of the article, we will focus on the rules for layout and playing the four-suited version of "Spider". Two standard decks of 52 cards are taken. Stacked together, the cards are thoroughly mixed, and 54 cards are laid out on the game table in lines of 10 piles each. Imagine that you are dealing cards for 10 people. Having dealt evenly to everyone 4 face down, face down (total 44 cards), the remaining 10 cards are dealt sequentially open. Thus, it turns out 10 piles, four of which have 6 cards, and the remaining six have 5. The top cards of the piles are open, the rest of the deck, closed, is placed side by side in one of the corners game table. Solitaire is ready for layout.

The main task of playing "spider" varieties of solitaire is to restore the hierarchical order of the cards in the deck, as in a freshly unpacked from the factory packaging. Each suit must be collected separately and sorted by face value in the following order. A queen is placed on the king, a jack is placed on it, then a ten, and so on up to a deuce. The ace-father closes the procession. It is not difficult to calculate that in the process of disassembling Spider solitaire, the player will have to recreate as many as eight piles of 13 cards each: two piles of hearts, two of spades, two suits of clubs and a couple of diamonds.

It is worth noting that in the two-suited and one-suited versions of the game, three or two extra suits are replaced with those used in the layout. For example, if you are playing Spider with two suits, then 52 cards will be of one suit and 52 of another suit, such as spades and hearts. The sequence of collecting suits is not regulated. So, the cards are laid out, the player is ready.

We will immediately give a simple, but not always, unfortunately, feasible advice. Never rush to use the rest of the deck without making sure, by several times checking each pile and cards in the columns, that there are no more play options. Remember, you can scatter 10 cards from the deck across all the piles in one click, and it will take a long time to restore the previously selected combinations with such difficulty, and it is not always possible.

The analysis of cards is carried out according to the principle: the denomination one lower is put on the highest card, without taking into account the suit. For example, on a cross eight you can put: a cross (preferably, if there is such an opportunity), spades, diamonds or hearts, but only a seven. By analogy, analyzing the possibilities and trying to collect the largest possible column of the same suit, the cards are laid out until the moment when there are available moves. When there are no more options (again, pay attention to the previous paragraph), they use a deck, by clicking on which, you immediately get up to 10 cards (if the rest of the deck allows), one in each pile. Having received new cards from the deck, they try to restore and gain access to already collected combinations.

Thus, all cards are laid out, trying to collect complete sequences of 13 cards from king to ace. Rows collected correctly are stacked and eliminated from the game. So, by adding eight 13-card piles, you will collect solitaire and win the game. Statistical studies show that on average, the number of wins for players in the "Spider" when laying out four suits of solitaire is 30%. Much depends on observation and attention in the process of unfolding and assembling the sequence.

This solitaire loves those who are attentive and patient; it does not forgive mistakes for hurried and fidgety people. If you have a very limited time, you should not take on the Spider layout, allocate at least 5 minutes to the process. We wish you good luck and positive emotions from playing this wonderful solitaire.

Spider Solitaire for one decks out of 52 cards.

28 cards are laid out in seven rows as follows: in the first row - one card, in the second - two, in the third - three and so on.

The top cards are face up, the rest are speck up .

The deck is on the left above the working rows.

After each move, 7 cards are dealt from the deck - one in each working row.

You can move any card or a series of cards in descending order to the vacant working row dignity and similar suits .

Please note that before the next distribution of cards from the deck, you need to put some card or series on all free working rows, that is, all working rows must be occupied.

Working cards can be drawn in descending series regardless of suit, but it is better to try to arrange them in descending value of the same suit, since only such series can be freely moved.

The goal of solitaire" spider" - lay out all the cards in four blocks of 13 cards of the same suit in descending order of value.

When a block of any suit is completed in its entirety, it is immediately removed from the playing field.

Considered solitaire increased complexity. Spider Solitaire is the result of a fusion of solitaires “ Spider" and " Klondike ”.

There is also a simplified version of this solitaire called "Baby Spider".

In this variant, there is only one difference: it is allowed to move blocks of cards, arranged in descending order of value, regardless of suit.

This simplifies the movement of cards and increases the chances of winning.

Spider Solitaire: Four Suits is an exciting puzzle game from a series of online card entertainment where you need to add certain combinations. The player's arsenal is represented by a deck of 52 playing cards and game rules.

Here is located online game You can play Spider Solitaire: Four Suits for free right now!


The initial alignment is done automatically. It represents 7 card rows, where in the first row there is only one card, and in the subsequent rows there is one more than in the previous ones. The upper ones are open, the meaning of the rest is unknown.

  • cards are laid out in sequence from kings to deuces, the final one is an ace;
  • the king cannot be put on any other value;
  • when moving, the suit is not important, only the face value;
  • you can move several cards of the same suit collected sequentially;
  • if the row is empty, it is necessary to fill it with any card or consecutive group.

The solitaire is completed if the sequences of all suits are collected

1 deck. Difficult. No transfer.

Solitaire uses one deck (52 sheets).

7 horizontal rows of cards are laid out in the form of a right-angled triangle with one vertex down: the first row contains 7 cards, the second - 6, and so on. until the last row containing one card. The top cards of the resulting vertical piles are turned face up.

Purpose of the game- collect four descending card sequences from king to ace. As soon as such a sequence is formed in a vertical row, it is considered "won back" and is automatically removed from the layout.

Rules and Order of the Game

At the beginning of the spread, the playing cards are the bottom open cards of the vertical rows. They can be transferred from row to row, collecting descending sequences without observing the suits. The sequence ends with an ace, on which the king cannot be placed.

The resulting sequences can be transferred to game card another row in whole or in parts, if, in addition to the correct descending sequence, the suit is also observed in them. From this it is clear that it is worth collecting sequences without observing the suit only when there are good reasons for that.

When an open card is removed, the card following it is turned over and becomes a game card.

After any row is completely dismantled as a result of transfers, then any game card or group of cards can be put in this place. Kings can only be transferred to these vacant spaces, and cannot be transferred anywhere else.

After all possible transfers have been made, and the layout comes to a standstill, one open card is placed on each open card. Before each such hand, all empty places on the scoreboard must be filled.

What to do in the game

Spider Solitaire is card game, where the goal is to collect all the cards in piles from the King down to the deuce and cover the deuce with an ace. As soon as the stack on the table is collected, for example, king, queen, ... deuce, ace, then the entire stack is removed from the table. As soon as all the cards left the table, the solitaire matched. Spider Solitaire is played with two decks, i.e. 104 cards. Initially, 54 cards are laid out in 10 columns. The first 4 columns of 6 cards and the remaining columns of 5 cards. All cards in the columns are face down, except for the top ones. The top cards, one in each column, are face up. The remaining 50 cards are placed in the deck at the bottom of the screen. Three people can play Spider different ways, which affect the difficulty of the game: beginner, advanced player and expert. In online solitaire for a beginner, all 104 cards are of the same suit, this game is called "Spider one suit". In the advanced version of the game (Spider two suits), there are suits of Hearts and Spades. And in the version for experts - all 4 suits. The number of cards on the table remains unchanged - 104 pieces.

What to do in the game

When playing in one suit

The game starts with 10 open cards on the table. out of ten open cards you need to find ordinal combinations and add them from the highest (king) to the lowest (deuce, which still needs to be covered with an ace at the end). In other words, a card can always be transferred to another card of lower value. For example: 4 can only be put on 5, and the whole combination of 5 + 4 can only be put on 6, etc.
Please note that the combination 9+8+7+6 can be dragged, but 9+8+K+4+3 cannot. But in the second option, you can take 4 + 3 and move them to 5-ku.
The goal of solitaire is to collect a full pile on the table from the King to the deuce with an ace. As soon as the stack is collected, it leaves the table.
You can also shuffle one card or an incomplete stack to replace an empty column, regardless of the card's suit or value.
If the available combinations of open cards are over, click on the deck located in the lower left corner of the screen. New 10 cards will be opened, which will cover the cards lying in 10 columns on the table.
The collected stack - King, Queen ... deuce, ace - are automatically removed from the screen.

What to do in the game

Spider solitaire game in 2 and 4 suits

The rules remain the same, however, with some additions. In the process of unfolding solitaire, you can stack cards of different suits on top of each other. For example: 2 hearts can be added to 3 spades. Red cards to black cards and vice versa, only in this order. However, in general, this combination remains temporary, since the final deck should consist of only cards of the same suit.
As for moving stacks, you can move stacks in which the cards are in the correct order in seniority and at the same time have the same suit. Those. You can move the stack of "Queen of Spades, Jack of Spades, 10 of Spades" but not the stack of "Queen of Spades, Jack of Hearts, 10 of Spades".
NB: Spider variant in 4 suits is ready and you can play it.

What to do in the game

Ranking in Spider Solitaire

Points in the spider are calculated differently and the rating is built differently in different options games. We adhere to a simple rule in building the coolness of our players - the faster the player collects solitaire, the faster he thinks. Although we adhere to this rule, in the near future we will switch to a move counting system. The fewer moves a player makes, the better. +1 for a move, +1 for a hint, +1 for canceling a move.

What to do in the game

Features of our game

We have added new functionality to the Spider, which you will not find anywhere else on online services - this is a solitaire game in full screen! This feature is very convenient, especially for laptop owners whose small screens do not always fit all the contents of a web page. We have unique layouts for the Spider in 2 suits, which will help even beginners to collect solitaire. Our Spider Solitaire matches almost always. Over time, we remove the layouts from the database that the players cannot collect and leave only those that have already converged with someone. Those. Crowdsourcing helps not only to fill the database, but also filters out layouts that cannot be decomposed. We do not charge money for the game, so you can play Spider Solitaire completely free of charge. Our solitaire is cross-platform, i.e. you can play it both on your computer and on your smartphone (iphone or android) the size of the cards directly affects the usability of solitaire. While you can't save the deal opened on the table, but you can remember the number of this deal and replay it at any convenient moment. The last 20 spreads issued for collection are available in personal account, unless, of course, you entered the site through social networks User registration allows you to participate in the rankings with other players. You can keep track of the most popular and most difficult spreads and try to improve their results.
A Complete List of Our Spider Solitaire Chips

What to do in the game

Spider Convergence

There is an opinion that any solitaire with the correct layout converges. This applies to the suited Spider when considering A) that the player does not make mistakes. B) the card layout is generated in a special way and is subject to certain rules. The first rule depends only on you, the second on us. If both you and we do our job correctly, then the game converges. Here it should be noted that the convergence of Solitaire is much higher, so it is more appreciated by the players. There is a mathematical model that we use when dealing cards (more correctly, when generating a deal), according to which our Spider converges almost always (99%). Although we write 100%, this is not entirely true.