Professions related to the creation of games. Professions in the gaming industry. What to choose? Where to begin? Description of the profession "Artist"

Game developer is another highly paid specialty that is in high demand today. Let's try to figure out how difficult it is to master it.

How much does a game developer earn?

Many choose their future work not only by vocation, but also by the level of salary. You need to decide on your vocation on your own, but you need to think about the level of salary even before you start mastering the profession. The first screenshot is a vacancy found on, the second one is three more vacancies from

Use several resources when searching for vacancies. For example, for the query "game developer" on Yandex there are few vacancies, and on there are many (218 only in Moscow) with a salary of 80 to 200 thousand rubles.

What languages ​​are the games written in?

The complexity of this profession lies in the fact that the developer needs to be a real polyglot - you need to know 2-3 programming languages, since there is no single correct answer to this question. Unfortunately, there is no universal programming language like G# in which all games are written.

First you need to decide what kind of game you want to write. Games for mobile devices are written in Java (for Android) and Swift and Objective-C for iOS. For simple browser games, HTML, JavaScript and RoR (Ruby on Rails) will suffice.

Create simple game for a computer using Python or C#. In support of my words, I give a link to the "Snake", written in Python. Note that this is a full-fledged game with a graphical interface.

Major games are often written using their own engine. Very often all or most of the engine is written in C . So, the developers of the famous Call of Duty use their own Treyarch NGL engine. C language- complex and few people start to learn it from the very beginning. First you need to learn more simple languages, for example, the same C# that appeared later, but is easier to learn than C++.

Python is often used not as the main, but as an auxiliary programming language in game development. It is often used to describe a series game processes. Therefore, it is important to know at least two programming languages ​​- C# and Python. Knowledge of the basics of databases and the SQL language will also come in handy - often the results of the gameplay have to be stored somewhere, and the database is one of the most efficient storages for all kinds of information.

Where to study?

The first problem that a novice game developer faces is the choice of programming language. As already noted, it all depends on the desired specifics - there is no point in learning Java if you want to create games for desktop computers.

The second problem is that this profession is not taught anywhere. In most universities where they teach programming, there is no such specialty. Maybe, of course, 2-3 lectures will be devoted to creating a game, and you will write a simple console game in Guess the Number style.

The alternative is attending special courses that will make you not just a programmer, but . The stages of mastering the profession look like the graph shows. In four months you will complete five practical courses:

  • basic C# course;
  • advanced C# course;
  • initial Unity course;
  • development mobile games using Unity;
  • video course - the basics of databases.

As a result, you will have a resume, portfolio, certificate, two months of experience, as well as team development skills. But most importantly, you will learn how to create multiplayer games using Unity3D. The salary level of a Unity3D developer is shown, by the way, in the first illustration.

You can familiarize yourself with the contents of each course and apply for participation. The training time will be six months (together with the internship).

Who Works in the Game Development Industry

A wide variety of specialists are involved in the development of a game in a large company, and now we will try to introduce you to most of the specialties involved in this process. All developers can be divided into groups, each of which has its own area of ​​responsibility. In general, this is:
  • design (game design)
  • programming
  • graphic content
  • testing


Game design- The process of working out the main concepts of the future game, its rules, content, game world, mechanics and gameplay. A game designer must have both artistic, technical and writing skills (for documentation, design documentation).

Lead Designer, Lead Game Designer- the head and coordinator of the rest of the design team, his responsibilities include identifying and developing the key elements of the future game, interacting with other heads of other departments (art director, lead programmer, etc.), solving other design tasks that are impossible for some reason or reasons to entrust subordinate designers. In general, it is the lead designer who is the person who determines the final look of the game, its "essence" at the gameplay level.

Designer game mechanics - The person whose job it is to determine the needs of the code to implement the ideas and gameplay developed by the design team. A game mechanics designer must have some technical programming skills in order to competently set tasks for the implementation of gameplay through program code in front of programmers.

Level designer, level designer- a person whose tasks include the creation and assembly game levels, maps, locations, etc. A level designer can be either a highly specialized person who only assembles locations from ready-made elements (models), or combine this position with another - for example, a level designer can also be a 3D artist.

Interface designer, UI designer- develops the user interface, all kinds of menus, HUDs, windows, etc. It is not at all necessary for him to draw them on his own, but in general it would be a plus.

Screenwriter- the person who is responsible for the text component of the game. His duties include compiling dialogues, working out the plot, describing all kinds of scenes, events, options their development, filling in-game literature, if any, etc. - in general, everything that will make the gameplay organically fit into the game world. There is a fashion among newcomers to call themselves "writers", but the real content of this word is much more voluminous than simply writing the plot for the game. A much more difficult task can be the compilation of consistent, logical missions and tasks, writing realistic lines for different characters - all this requires high artistic skill, command of the language and a certain amount of talent.


Game programming- the process of creating program code for the purpose of visualizing the game world, the player's interaction with this world and movement through it. Video game programming is divided into a large number of specialized areas, each of which is responsible for some functional part of the future game ( artificial intelligence, physics, visualization, etc.).

Lead coder- the most experienced and technically savvy specialist, whose task is to bring all subsections of the game engine in the broadest sense of the word into a single working system. The leading programmer can deal with programming for a smaller part of his time, because. his main duty is still precisely the coordination and connection of all systems into a single whole. Also, the lead programmer can write the "skeleton" of the game engine for all subsystems that other people will already be involved in.

Game mechanics programmer- the person responsible for the software implementation of all gameplay elements. For example, if the game designer has provided the possibility of using boxes as projectiles, the task of the game mechanics programmer will be to make sure that the player can pick up these boxes and throw them.

3D engine programmer, graphics engine programmer- a specialist responsible for displaying the game world on the player's screen, shaders, graphic effects, etc.

AI programmer(artificial intelligence) - its tasks include the software implementation of various models of enemy behavior, a system of triggers, conditions and other elements that control the behavior of in-game objects from the computer.

UI programmer- Responsible for user interaction with the game world through the user interface (UI), various HUDs, menus, etc.

Toolkit programmer- Its tasks include the creation of all kinds of utilities, editors and other tools that are designed to help artists and designers perform their tasks faster, more conveniently and better. A convenient toolkit can significantly reduce the time it takes to create individual elements of the game.

Netcode programmer- Responsible for the interaction of the game via the Internet (or local network) with update servers, other players (multiplayer), etc.

Graphic Content

Graphic content, assets- a set of objects in the game world that the player sees on the screen. This includes character models, environment objects, terrain, and so on.

Art Director- The head of the art department, usually the most experienced member of the art department, is responsible for coordinating the work of subordinate 2D and 3D artists, controls quality, and ensures that the overall style is maintained in all works.

2D artist- a generalized name for a number of narrower specialties. The task of a 2D artist is usually to create graphic content in 2D editors (usually Photoshop) in the form of sketches, textures for 3D models, various kinds of splash screens, background images, etc. The narrower specialties of 2D artists are: concept artist, texture artist, background artist.

concept artist- Responsible for creating various kinds of sketches, sketches of characters, buildings, scenery, locations, etc. - In other words, in a visual form it represents the images and ideas of the future game. The work of the concept artist serves as a source of coordination for the rest of the art department, serves to demonstrate ideas to management, investors, etc.

texture artist- His responsibilities include creating various textures for 3D models created by 3D artists, according to concept drawings.

3D artist- a generalized name for a number of narrower specialties. The task of a 3D artist in general is to create 3D content in the form of models of characters, vehicles, architecture and other game objects. Narrower specializations of 3D artists are: character modeler, environment modeler (environment artist), animator.

Character Modeler- is engaged in the creation of a 3D model package game characters, their clothes, weapons, armor, etc. However, characters can be both organic (humanoids) and inorganic (various kinds of technique), so many modelers consider themselves to be either organic modelers or inorganic surface modelers, depending on their skills and preferences.

Environment Modeler- its tasks include modeling objects of the surrounding world, landscape, buildings, etc.

Animator- animators can be identified as a separate category of specialties; are engaged in animation (revival) of 3D models, most often characters. The task of the animator is to create movements of walking, running, jumping, attacking and similar movements, depending on the requirements of the gameplay.


Testing, quality control (QA, Quality Assurance)- the process of identifying various kinds of errors and defects in the content of the game. Testing must be carried out in order to avoid partial or complete inoperability of the game for the end user.

Testing may be conducted by the game publisher's testing department, developer's testers, independent testers, and during public beta testing by regular users. The testing process boils down to conducting and checking a number of standard scenarios (for example, does the game freeze when exiting the desktop), testing gameplay, various situations, etc.


Sound- The sound department provides the game with sound effects, music and voice acting for the game characters.

Composer- His tasks include writing music (soundtrack) for the game.

sound engineer- is looking for ready-made sound effects for the game or creating new ones by synthesizing several sounds or recording original ones.

Voice actors- voicing game characters.

These are the main specialties in the game development industry. Of course, there are many more professions that have not been mentioned (for example, producers or special effects artists), but the main people involved in game development have been listed.

Do you want to be a part of gaming industry? Get a profession that will allow you to constantly be at the forefront of computer development? The course "Profession: game developer" will help you master the specialty, which is the most in demand in the online labor market.

Development computer games never stands still. The demand for specialists is so great that you can easily find a freelance job or work in a professional studio.

The GeekBrains project is a team of experienced IT experts, a catalog of many free materials and assistance in TOP areas of IT training. You will learn not only how to develop a game, but also profitably sell it. The ability to program for any existing platform does not require any initial training, only desire.

Game Developer: Training from GeekBrains is:

  • All preparations are online, no trips by subway or public transport.
  • Checking homework and detailed analysis of mistakes.
  • Communication with the group, online chat.
  • Final testing after completing the course.
  • Solution of any issues by an experienced team of programmers.

Creating computer games is an area where it is easy and fun to work, and the income is incomparable with any job in the office or in production. Start living for your own pleasure, get trained and plunge into the world of computer art.

Probably, at some point everyone comes up with the idea to achieve success in professional gaming. Often when I watch some competitive game, a la League of Legends or Dota 2, comes to my mind: "It would be great to be able to do that myself". Indeed, it would be great, but not everyone is as dexterous with the keyboard and mouse as "Suma1l" in Dota 2 and "Faker" in League of Legends. I consider myself a pretty good player, but I just don't have what it takes to be a pro, and I think a lot of people reading this feel the same way about themselves. Fortunately, there are many other interesting activities in the gaming industry besides directly professional gaming.

Article author

Writing articles about games is probably the most accessible and varied activity in the gaming industry for most people. Every major gaming site (including website) needs skilled writers to cover latest news, for writing opinions, reviews and previews. High-quality content provides a stable influx of visitors, which in turn generates advertising revenue. The more we grow, the more article writers we can hire, the more we hire, the more we expand.

Where to begin: The best way to become a good writer is to start your own blog and post the best quality content possible. If a potential employer asks for a sample of your writing, just show them your blog. Alternatively, you can offer your services to a reputable gaming portal for free. I'm not suggesting that anyone write for free all the time, but it's a good way to build a resume and take your first steps in the industry. A specialized education is not necessary, but it certainly does not hurt. Sites such as, an English-language service, can help you in your job search by finding jobs from big companies like Activision Blizzard and Riot Games. But in this case, you will need a brilliant knowledge of English.

Keep in mind: Just because you're interested in games doesn't mean you can succeed in the industry as an author. Writing articles and opinions is fun, but rewriting gaming news can be pretty boring. Article authors often have to promote their work through social networks and understand popular online publishing platforms like WordPress. Most of the work is pretty routine, as sites will squeeze as much quality content out of you as possible.


Anyone with a decent PC and a solid internet connection these days can stream thanks to services like Twitch and Youtube Gaming. The development of these streaming sites over the past few years has given rise to unprecedented opportunities for players to create their own shows or streams. Most users of the services stream "for the soul", but for an increasing number of people, streams are becoming the main method of earning money, not bad, by the way. Jeffrey Sheen aka "TrumpSC" (Hearthstone streamer) was quoted in Forbes as saying that popular streamers make over $100,000 a year just for streaming, and that's not counting Youtube videos, sponsorships, etc.

Where to begin: the best part is that breaking into professional streaming is damn easy. It is enough just to download streamer software (for example, OBS - Open Broadcast Software), set it up, and go ahead - the path is open. Remember: finding an audience on Twitch is not easy, it takes patience. You also have to be damn good at the game you're streaming or entertain viewers (both ideally). Don't expect instant success, and try to stream regularly to attract subscribers.

Keep in mind: making a living streaming alone is not easy, it takes a FUCKING hard work. In an interview with DailyDot with Stephen Bonnel, aka Destiny, the latter stated that he streamed around 200-250 hours a month, which is about 60 hours a week. That's 20 hours more than a typical work week. Most gamers probably don't see streaming as a full "job", but in a certain moment this job is starting to get boring. We know from the interview that Destiny has made about $100,000 in his streaming career, which is pretty good, but not everyone can reach his level of popularity (on average, his streams are visited by about 2,500 unique viewers).


Where to begin: create a channel and start uploading videos. That's how simple it is! It's hard to find subscribers and attract an audience: it can take years. The best way to rise quickly is to create unique content that viewers will share with friends.

Keep in mind: shoot good videos! Youtube has countless channels with many videos and no views at all. Create a simple gameplay video with new part call of duty not the best way to stand out, because the bigger channels have probably already done it for you. Instead, create useful guides to fresh releases or review smaller projects that other channels have missed. Making videos of lesser known games is very important because there is much less competition along the way, which means your video is much easier to stumble upon when someone is looking for that game.


In fact, coding for video games is probably the least accessible profession on the list, but also the most stable. Anyone can try to become famous on Twitch or Youtube, but most of those who dare fail. Programming services, on the other hand, are almost always in high demand. Even if the gaming industry slows down, skilled programmers can find work in the booming IT industry. The term "programmer" is used here in a broad sense, and there are countless different areas in programming, and therefore professionals: from networking to artificial intelligence developers

Where to begin: anyone can get basic programming skills for free on special sites. Websites are great for starting self-learning, but those who want to build a serious career need specialized education. Jobs can be found through ordinary job search services. Programmers can also try starting their own projects. Marcus Presson, better known as Notch, single-handedly created Minecraft, which sold for $2.5 billion!

Keep in mind: most games are based on well-known engines like Unity or Unreal, which are usually available for free (as demos or for personal use). Study these engines inside and out, and you will increase your value in the eyes of a potential employer. It also makes sense to focus on the rapidly developing areas of the gaming industry. Now, for example, such direction is the development of mobile applications.

This is just a small list of options for those who want to find a career in the gaming industry, and it is far from complete. Anyone can find a place in the industry: from talented artists who can create cool concept art, to composers who create great melodies. And let's not forget about game designers who develop the very concept of the game even before they even begin to create it. If you are passionate about video games, there is absolutely no reason why you cannot find a job in the gaming industry. And if programming is not available to everyone, then writing articles on games, streaming and shooting near-game videos are open to everyone and everyone, you can start right now, without any formal training and education. What are you waiting for? Start a blog, start a stream, or start your own Youtube channel.

Or maybe all at once!

Who is a game designer?

Quite often, novice PC users ask themselves: “Who is behind the creation of computer games?”. The answer is quite obvious and simple, but let's talk about everything in order.


In the era of the emergence of computer games, the concept of "virtual entertainment" was very distant for us, since in the post-Soviet space this term was used only by a few specialists.

What do we see today? Rapid development information technologies and various branches of programming"opened our eyes" modern world gaming industry. Many of our specialists are involved in the development of foreign computer games and bring projects to the highest positions in the ranking of virtual entertainment. learn programming or modeling 3D objects- this is no longer difficult, because now we have a huge amount of specialized literature, global information networks, various training centers, etc. For example, the resource offers everyone courses on the study of such complex applications as Compass-3D, 3D Max, Adobe Phototshop, knowledge of which is mandatory to create one or other game news.

As you know, people are developing all the games that are present today in computer world. Previously, when the game was just a small “piece of code”, one or two specialists worked on its creation, and now, when each virtual entertainment takes about 10 GB on the hard drive and the amount of code cannot be counted at all, there are several dozen behind it, and then hundreds of programmers, artists, animators and other "experts". Everyone is responsible for their part of the program. Why "programs"? Yes, because the game is also an application written in one of the programming languages ​​and supplemented with character models, audio and video content.

First there must be an idea. In other words, at the initial stage, specialists create a plan for the future game. Then the budget is calculated needed to implement this idea. Ready "numbers" show publishers. If he is interested in an invented game, then he will definitely invest the necessary amount of money in its development.

After obtaining funding, the stage of project development begins, the creation of the core of the game, code writing by programmers, sketches of character models by artists ... All stages cannot be counted in one article, since each game genre has its own nuances. For example, for a shooter, developers need to think over a shooting system and a set of weapons, and for a quest, interesting tasks and good storyline.

After all groups of specialists have completed their part of the work, game "getting together" and tested for errors. After successful testing, it gets on store shelves or digital distribution services. That, in fact, is all! Now you know exactly who creates games and how!