Wow warlock. Warlock: demonology (warlock demonologist) Guide. A useful profession for a warlock

Warlock “Demonology” is able to achieve what he wants with the hands of others - in particular, summoned demons, many summoned demons. He himself is gaining strength in order to carry out the call of these demons and strengthen them. In general, read this guide on the warlock of demonology - we tell everything in detail in it.


Basic information on the spec:

Demonology Warlockuses 2 main resources - soul shards and mana. The number of soul shards outside of combat always tends to 3. The maximum you can have is 5. They are spent on strong spells and on summoning demon pets. Mana is used as a resource for any spells.

Let's look at the strengths and weak sides this specialization:


  • Strong sustained damage on a single target
  • Good burst and stable AoE

Weak sides:

  • Very mediocre switch
  • Extremely ineffective on a cleave
  • DPS is very dependent on the amount of movement in combat













Miles and range zone


WoW for Russian players initially existed only in foreign languages, since the native language of the game is English, many terms are still formed from the English names of established mechanics and many abilities.

AoE- (from the English. Area of ​​Effect) literally - this is the area on which the effect occurs, whether damage is inflicted in this area, or healing is performed - it does not matter. Usually this abbreviation is used as a command to deal damage to a group / raid on several targets. It is also used to describe any boss ability with the above effect.

buff- positive effect. By default, it is displayed to the left of the minimap along its top edge.

Burst- (from English Burst), an ability that gives various ways to inflict a large amount of damage in a short time.

gir- (from the English. Gear) in fact - this is equipment.

GKD- (short for Global Cooldown) is the total cooldown time of abilities.

Debuffnegative effect. By default, it is displayed to the left of the minimap along its bottom edge.

DoT- (from English Damage over Time) is an effect that deals damage over time

DPS- (from the English. DPS - Damage per Second) is a value that displays the damage done per second.

cleve- (from English Cleave) the ability to deal damage to secondary targets, through causing damage to the main target while not having loss (or with minimal loss) on the main one.

Cooldown- (from the English. Cooldown, you can often find the abbreviation "CD", or "cdshki"), the main meaning is the cooldown of the ability. Also often used in relation to bursts or various defensive abilities.

Miles and range zone- (from the English Melee and Ranged, respectively) Miles - means a melee zone, also used to name all classes / specs that deal effective damage directly in this zone. Range (you can also see "range") - usually means a zone that is not a melee zone, and, accordingly, is also used to name all classes / specs that can deal effective damage from a distance.

Trait- (from the English Trait) the name of the "talents" of your azerite armor.

Basic abilities

Offensive abilities

Bursts, important DPS cooldowns and passives


General information. Upon reaching several new levels, new “tiers” of talents will open up for you. In each such line, you can select only one talent at a time. Talents can affect abilities in different ways: add new ones, replace old ones, passively modify various effects and spells. You can change talents while in sanctuaries or in any rest areas, however, if there are no such places nearby, you can use the “Tome of the Serene Mind”, which will allow you to change talents within a minute. Talents cannot be changed in combat. The talent cannot be changed if the talent selected in this tier is on cooldown, you will first have to wait for it to be restored.

Tier 1. 15 lvl.

Tier 4. 60 lvl.

  • From the shadow. Summon Dreadstalkers from Increases the target's damage taken from your darkflame spells for 12 sec.
  • Soul blow. An additional attack by your Felguard with a 10 sec CD. Creates 1 Soul Shard.
  • Summon abomination. For 1 Soul Shard, summon an abomination for 15 seconds that will attack your target.

* Classically Summon Abomination is considered a single target choice and Soul Strike is an AoE choice. On a single target, you can choose any of these talents, but on AoE only Soul Strike.

Tier 5. 75 lvl.

  • Dark Fury. Reduces the cooldown on your Darkfury ability by 15 sec.
  • The face of decay. You have a chance to rout an enemy for 3 seconds and heal yourself for 20% of your maximum health. The radius of application is 20 meters. CD 45 seconds.
  • Demonic Circle. You create a portal below you for 15 minutes. You also learn Demonic Circle: Teleportation, it is this ability that will teleport you to a pre-installed portal, as well as remove all slow effects from the warlock.

* The choice comes from your situation. Need more stun - Dark Fury . Need additional mobility or teleportation itself - Demonic Circle. Face of Decay - additional control or the possibility of a small self-healing in battle.

Tier 6. 90 lvl.

  • Mediator of souls. Gives 20% the chance of not using up a soul shard on a spell that requires that resource.
  • Inner Demons. Once every 12 seconds, you will passively summon a Wild Imp. But with a 10% chance you can summon a stronger demon for 15 seconds.
  • Grimoire: Felguard. Summon a second Felguard for 15 seconds. It is 25% stronger than your permanent pet, and when summoned, it immediately stuns your target, dashes, and casts Felstorm after a few seconds.
  1. Demonic Power / Explosive Bilebugs
  2. Broker of Souls / Grimoire: Felguard

Without traits (weak version):

  1. Demonic Power / Explosive Bilebugs
  2. Grimoire: Felguard / Broker of Souls
  3. Gate of the Void / Sacrificed Souls

Azerite traits

In BFA was introduced new system traits on things. Helmet, Shoulders, and Chestpiece are now special Azerite-enhanced items that have several rings with so-called traits that provide various combat buffs.

We will try to collect a few specific traits that are top.The following traits will be our priority:

The first thing to strive for is to collect x3 Implosive Potential. This combo maximizes damage dealt.

You should also be sure to have at least 1 Malicious Charm, because. and the Tyrant himself is strong, and this greatly increases the number of soul shards per battle.

Since the Demonologist is strong in Mythic +, it is worth strengthening Hand of Gul'dan with at least 1 trait - Demonic meteorite.

Also of note is the strong raid trait

When faced with demons, most heroes see only death. Warlocks see huge opportunities. Their goal is power, and the dark arts help them achieve it. These sorcerers summon demons to fight by their side. At first, only demon servants are available to them, but as the warlock's knowledge grows, seductive succubi, demons of the abyss and terrible fel hunters begin to obey him, smashing anyone who opposes their master.

Warlocks, in the game they are also called loks from the English Warlock - a class that deals damage with fire magic, dark magic and can summon various demons. Warlocks are experts at placing various negative effects on enemies that lower their stats and deal damage to them. Capable of summoning allies to themselves, able to resurrect themselves after death and their allies in and out of combat, warlock demons have a large "arsenal" of spells and can perform various functions.

Warlocks have a large arsenal of control spells and are considered a good class for PvP.

Depending on the direction that the warlock has chosen, he has certain bonuses:

  • Demonology - the warlock demonologist (Demonology) is able to summon a large number of demons, each of the demons has certain functions and gives certain bonuses for the warlock and the raid group. The demonologist also deals damage with fire and magic spells, but still, part of his damage depends on the demons. The Demonologist is able to take the form of a demon, thanks to which his damage and other characteristics increase.
  • Affliction - Afflika warlock's damage depends on the negative effects imposed on the enemy and damaging him - dot, specializes in dark magic. It has a large number of curses that lower the characteristics of enemies, a large "arsenal" of control spells.
  • Destruction - The Destro Warlock specializes in fire magic, and his spells deal immediate damage as soon as they hit an enemy. The most dynamic warlock specialization.

What are the benefits of warlocks

Warlocks are useful in the raid and in the group thanks to:
They can resurrect allies in battle, they are also able to resurrect themselves if they hung the Soul Stone in advance;
Call allies to themselves at any distance and in any quantity - Summoning Ritual;
Create stones that heal - Health Stones;
They have a large arsenal of negative effects imposed on enemies from reducing their characteristics - curses;
Increase the characteristic endurance of the raid group - Bloody alliance;
Increases party and raid spell power - Demonic Alliance.


Resources: Mana, Soul Shards
Armor Available: Cloth
Available weapons: Daggers, One-handed swords, Staves

Available classes for the Alliance for mages are dwarf, dwarf, human, worgen.

There is no choice for warlocks for the Alliance, only the worgen, thanks to the Viciousness bonus - + 1% to the Critical Strike attribute.

For PvP - Alliance - Human - Every Man for Himself - this racial ability removes all slow and control effects from you, which allows you to equip an accessory that deals damage or increases your characteristics.

Available Horde classes are Forsaken, Blood Elf, Goblin, Orc, Troll.

For dealing damage, a warlock playing as a horde is best to take an orc - "Blood Fury" - increases attack power for 15 seconds, once every 2 minutes. Dominion - Increases the attack power of summoned demons, permanently.

For a mage in PvP (player versus player) playing as a horde - a blood elf - the racial ability of the blood elves "Magic Flow" will allow you to restore 6% of mana, as well as impose a negative effect of silence on all opponents within a radius of 8 meters for 2 seconds, as well as interrupt the casting of spells by opponents, if the opponent is not another player, for 3 seconds, can be used once every 2 minutes.

Warlocks are ordinary magicians who have gone deep into the study of demonic magic. Consumed by the desire to learn dark magic, they revealed the magic of the chaos of the other world. The Burning Legion feeds their powers, channeling destructive energies and allowing the sorcerers to summon powerful demonic creatures.

The sorcerer is a fairly heavy class to play. Sorcerers can summon pets, have a variety of combat spells, and some spells require special reagents. Therefore, learning to play a sorcerer will be more difficult than some other straightforward classes. You will really enjoy playing as a sorcerer when you get comfortable with all his abilities and spells.


Can use pets to distract the monster or just for fun.
- Able to create Soulstones that allow him to resurrect without anyone's help.
- Able to create Healthstones that can restore health.
- Can summon (teleport to itself) other players using the spell Calling Ritual (Ritual of Summoning).
- Can breathe underwater using the Unending Breath spell.
- Can summon a personal horse (Felsteed).
- Can use the Eye of Killrogg spell for reconnaissance.
- Can control Demons for a short period of time.
- Can be healed using the Drain Life spell.
- Can successfully play without a group, using a pet and complementing each other's abilities.


Can only wear rag clothes (Cloth).
- Very fragile and dies quickly in certain situations.
- Each Soul Shard occupies a separate slot in the backpack.

Available races: orc, undead, human, dwarf

Standard Bars: Health/Mana
- Available equipment: rag clothes (Cloth).
- Available weapons: daggers (Daggers), wands (Wands), staves (Staves - need training), swords (Swords - need training)

Soul Shards
The Sorcerer needs Soul Shards to cast certain spells and summon pets. You gain soul shards by using the Drain Soul spell on dying monsters. But you don't get a soul shard if you kill a monster that doesn't give you experience. Therefore, you will not be able to get soul shards in beginner locations by easily killing monsters. One soul shard takes up one slot in the inventory, so it makes no sense to collect too many soul shards. But you should have a few pieces so that you can always call a pet (Pet). When using the Drain Soul spell, you cannot move, attack, use another spell, otherwise the soul drain will be interrupted and you will not receive a soul shard. You need to learn how to skillfully use this spell.

If you run out of all Soul Shards, you will have to mine them without most pets, which can be quite difficult. Imps can be summoned without using a Soul Shard, so you will be able to summon them in such difficult situations.

Basic abilities

Pillboxes - damage inflicted over a long period of time. Precisely because these spells deal damage gradually, it makes sense to use them only at the beginning of the battle, so that they act throughout the battle. In addition, you should not use this type of spell if you kill the enemy rather quickly - they will be ineffective.


There are several types of curses in the Warlock's arsenal, and over time the player begins to understand which curse to use against which opponents. It is only natural that curses can only be cast on the enemy. In addition, only one curse can be active on each opponent at the same time. That is, each new conjured on a specific monster will stop the effect of the previous one.

Corruption - infects the target, causing X damage over Y seconds. Can be used in conjunction with Shadow Word: Pain.

Curse of weakness(Curse of Weakness) - Damage dealt by the target is reduced by X over Y minutes. Very useful in short fights.

Damn recklessness(Curse of Recklessness) - Increases the target's damage by X, but also greatly reduces their armor by Y for Z minutes. This curse is quite popular in groups. Other than that, fleeing monsters are ideal targets for him.

Curse by the elements(Curse of the Elements) - Curses the enemy, reducing their resistance to fire and cold magic by X for Y minutes. This curse is best used in a group with other spellcasters using these schools of magic. In addition to lowering resistances, this spell also increases the target's damage taken from these schools of magic by Z%.

Curse of Agony - Curses the target, causing X damage with shadow magic over Y seconds. During these seconds, the target will receive massive damage. In addition, the target will continue to take damage from this curse even if the warlock dies or moves out of the area.

Curse of Shadow - Curses the enemy, reducing their resistance to arcane and shadow magic by X for Y minutes. This curse is best used in a group with other spellcasters using these schools of magic. In addition to lowering resistances, this spell also increases the target's damage taken from these schools of magic by Z%.

Doom Curse(Curse of Doom) - Curses the target, dealing X damage over Y minutes. If your opponent dies from the damage received, and his body may appear Doomguard. Cannot be used on players.

Life drain(Drain Life) - Imports enemy health to the caster. We recommend using this ability during combat - you not only deal damage, but also heal yourself. In addition, this spell is very useful against high-level monsters, which can usually resist all your other attacks. The spell will deal damage even if your health bar is full.

Pumping life(Life Tap) - converts health into mana. If you need mana - just use this spell, and then "steal" a few hit points from the enemy. This spell is also enhanced by equipment and other effects that increase your spells with magic.

Mana Drain- Imports X enemy mana to the warlock every X seconds. This spell is somewhat reminiscent of the ability of the Dark Ranger (Dark Ranger) from Warcraft III. As soon as the monster moves out of range of the spell, it ends accordingly. We recommend using this ability on enemy spellcasters to drain their mana and replenish your own.

Fear (Fear) - makes the monster run away from you in fear. With this spell you will be able to survive in difficult situation, as well as deal with several opponents at once. However, be careful: running away from you in fear, the monsters may call for help from others. Therefore, we do not recommend using this spell in dungeons. Don't forget that the effects of fear on players are much shorter than on monsters, and it's unlikely that the effect will last more than 15 seconds.

Howl of Terror - The Warlock howls, causing all enemies within X yards to flee in terror for Y seconds. This spell will help you if you find yourself in a circle of monsters, as well as in PvP. Unfortunately, it is very likely that the effect will last less.

deadly noise(Death Coil) - Drains X life from an enemy target, transferring them to the caster. In addition, it causes the enemy to run in terror for a short time. The effect of fear cannot be removed.


Shadow Shield (Shadow Ward) - absorbs damage from the magic of the shadow school. It is very useful to use this spell when you are sure that the opponent will use the magic of this particular school.

Demon Skin - Increases health regeneration and armor. Thanks to this spell, your health regenerates constantly (even in combat), so you should never travel without this buff.

demonic armor(Demon Armor) - Increases armor, shadow school magic resistance, and health regeneration. Thanks to this spell, your health regenerates constantly (even in combat), so you should never travel without this buff. You can only use one spell at a time (Demon Skin or Demon Armor).

Detect Weak Invisibility/Invisibility(Detect Lesser Invisibility/Invisibility) - Allows you to see invisible enemies within X yards for Y seconds.

Feel the demons(Sense Demons) - When using this spell, the location of all nearby demons will appear on your mini-map.


Warlocks can create a variety of pebbles, using them themselves or giving them to other players.

Healthstone (requires Soul Shard) - Creates a Lifestone that instantly restores X hit points. It has a different cooldown with health potions, so it is very useful in long and difficult battles. The pebble disappears from the inventory if you are out of the game for more than 15 minutes.

Soulstone (requires Soul Shard) - This is the so-called "respawn" by the warlock method. The caster creates a soul gem that can be used upon death and brought back to life with X health and mana. In addition, Soulstone has a cooldown of 30 minutes per use. The pebble disappears from the inventory if you are out of the game for more than 15 minutes.

Spell Stone(Spellstone) (Requires Soul Shard) - Creates a Spellstone that can only be used by the Warlock itself. When used, removes all magical effects from the caster and also absorbs X magic damage over Y minutes. In addition, this gem increases spell critical chance by Z%. Spellstone is very useful when using the Hellfire spell, as it will significantly reduce the damage you take. The pebble disappears from the inventory if you are out of the game for more than 15 minutes.

Firestone (Firestone) - creates a fiery stone that can be taken in the left hand (not the main one). It conjures your weapon with fire, giving each attack X to Y of fire damage. In addition, this pebble increases the power of your fire spells by Z. The pebble disappears from your inventory if you are out of the game for more than 15 minutes.

Banish - Banishes an enemy target, preventing them from moving or taking any action, while at the same time making them invulnerable for X seconds. The Warlock can only keep turning one target at a time. Can only be used against demons and elementals.


Searing Pain - Deals X to Y fire damage to an enemy. Causes a lot of aggro.

Sacrifice (Immolate) (DoT) - sets fire to the enemy, causing X damage immediately, as well as Y damage over Z seconds.

Shadow Bolt - Fires a shadow bolt at an enemy, dealing X to Y damage with shadow magic. Very useful against fleeing opponents, as well as for "finishing off" monsters, etc.

Hellfire (Hellfire) - sets fire to the area around the warlock, inflicting X fire damage per second to all nearby enemies, as well as to the caster himself over Y seconds. This spell is quite useful when surrounded by enemies, as it cannot be interrupted. But, if you are not careful enough, you can die yourself.

Fire in the soul (Soul Fire) - sets fire to the soul of the enemy, causing X to Y damage. This spell is conjured for a very long time, so we recommend starting your attack with it.

Other abilities.

Eye of Kilrogg - Summons an eye under your control with which you can explore nearby areas (same as in Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness). This eye is invisible and has only 1 hit point. In addition, he cannot fly. Does not cause aggro. The spell will break if anyone attacks the warlock.

Summon horse(Summon Felsteed) - Creates your own horse! Thanks to it, you can move around the world much faster. Than on foot.

Endless breath(Unending Breath) - You can breathe underwater! In addition, the spell can be used on other players.

Enslave the demon(Enslave Demon) - enslaves a demon for a limited period of time. You can use this ability to take control of an enemy demon and force it to attack other opponents. The demon's attack speed is reduced by 70%. The spell requires a soul shard. The more times you use this spell on the same target, the higher the chance for the demon to break free. To increase the chance of enslavement, you can use Curse of Shadow on the enemy. This spell cannot be removed.

Ritual of Summoning - starts a ritual, thanks to which you can summon the selected party member to you. It takes three people to complete. To use this ability, first select the target to be summoned (icon in the group), then start casting the spell. In addition, you will need two other people (necessarily from your group) to click on the portal. The spell requires a soul shard. If the warlock is in a dungeon, the summoned target must be in the same dungeon. You can only summon living characters.

health tunnel(Health Funnel) - The spell exports X health every second to your demon until it is interrupted. This ability can be used during combat to keep your helper alive. If you need hit points yourself after that - just use Drain Life, drink a potion or wait until someone in the group heals you.

The Imp is the best beast to use in a group. He attacks the enemy from a distance, but will also be able to continue the fight up close. The Imp is a rather flimsy and cowardly creature, so it constantly tries to run away from opponents and continue the fight at a distance, so you will have to constantly control it so that it does not aggro other monsters. In addition, the imp can believe on the whole group a buff that increases stamina, as well as a fire shield that deals X damage to the attacking enemy when attacking. It's not the best demon to use if you're traveling alone, but on the other hand, it's the only demon you don't need a Soul Shard to summon.

The Voidwalker is the perfect demon to travel alone. You can use it as a personal tank. He has a lot more hit points compared to all other demons, as well as a special ability "torment" (Torment), causing aggro. Unfortunately, the damage it does is so negligible that killing opponents will depend entirely on you.

Succubus (Succubus) - this demon inflicts huge damage on your opponents, but has very few hit points. The damage is further increased if the Succubus attacks enemies from behind with the Lash of Pain skill. In addition, this demon will be able to take the enemy out of combat for a while using the skills "Soothing Kiss" or "Seduction".

Felhunter - This demon is best against enemy spellcasters. It has the ability to interrupt opponents' spells for X seconds, while also preventing them from casting spells of the same school of magic for Y seconds. In addition, he can remove harmful effects from allies and beneficial ones from enemies.

Inferno - Summons a meteor from a parallel reality that deals 200 fire damage and stuns all enemies within its fall radius for 2 seconds. From the crater, under the control of the warlock, an infernal rises. So as soon as the caster loses control over him, he should immediately use the enslavement spell, otherwise he will attack the warlock. Reagent required to use. Can only be used outdoors. The quest to obtain this demon can be obtained from Felwood. On the this moment, you will be able to enslave the infernal for a maximum of five minutes before it switches to the warlock. Enemies can resist the stun effect.

curse ritual(Ritual of Doom) - starts a ritual that sacrifices one of the participants to summon the "cursed guardian" (doomguard). The warlock must immediately enslave this demon, otherwise it will attack the participants in the ritual. It takes a group of five people to summon a demon. In addition, the ritual requires the Demonic Figurine reagent. The quest for this skill can be found in Tainted Scar.

Monster Aggression Control
You need to learn how to control the aggro of the monster, be able to run away from the enemies attacking you in time, and use the pet in order to divert the attention of the monster from you. When attacked by a monster, stop casting any spells and use any pet abilities that might attract the monster's attention. Remember which spells of yours anger the monster the most and use them carefully, trying not to cause unnecessary aggression in the monster.

The approximate course of the battle and a bunch of spells
At the beginning of the fight, it will be useful to use a spell that deals damage over a certain time (DoT spell) against the enemy and make the pet attack the monster, then you can use other spells, including Drain Life, to replenish your health. At the end of the fight, if you need to get a Soul Shard, use the Drain Soul spell.

Use several spells that deal damage over time (DoT spells), and then the spell Fear (Fear). When the monster starts to run away, use a couple of instant damage spells.
If several monsters attacked you, then use the Fear spell to reduce the number of enemies attacking you. Use this spell with caution, as a runaway monster may return after a while and bring "friends" with it.


Choose for yourself things that give an increase to Intelligence (Intellect), Spirit (Spirit) and Endurance (Stamina).
Use the abilities of your pets during the battle, many of them have the ability to autocast.
Visit coaches occasionally. They can give your pets additional skills and abilities. First, find a pet trainer, then call the pet you want to train and talk to the trainer. If you talk to a trainer without a pet, you won't see any training abilities.

You can choose any two professions to learn, but the ones below can be very useful for the sorcerer class.

Sewing (Tailoring) and Enchanting (Enchanting) - the sorcerer will be able to sew rag clothes and bags for himself or sell them to other players, and with the help of enchantment make things more powerful.
- Herbalism (Herbalism) and alchemy (Alchemy) - the sorcerer will be able to create drinks that will increase his parameters or replenish his mana and life.

* It is also useful to learn secondary skills: Fishing (Fishing), Cooking (Cooking), First Aid (First Aid).

Demons are the most dangerous creatures, meeting with which does not bode well for any hero. But only one character from the WoW universe can easily cope with them - the warlock. able to subdue not only the most ordinary demons, but with a sufficient level of knowledge, charming succubi and even invincible Fel hunters and demons of the Abyss are subject to them. The warlock will tell you about how to develop a character, about his skills and much more.

Unusual hero

The Warlock is the most versatile and interesting of the spellcasters, who loves to use dark magic in the name of good. This hero will boldly look to the very bottom of the Abyss and use the destructive power of Filth to achieve victory, which frightens even his allies. Warlock - another name for this class - will easily force dark and fire magic into his service, as well as call all the demons to his side, which makes him one of the most powerful characters in the WoW game. The Warlock will easily place a negative effect on the enemy, reducing their performance and causing damage to health. Also able to resurrect himself and an ally on the battlefield. A huge arsenal of spells makes this class useful in any adventure that awaits the player in the vast expanse of WoW.

The specialization of the character gives him certain bonuses, but it is impossible to pump all the skills, so it’s worth considering in which direction to develop.


While any warlock is capable of summoning creatures, only a demonologist can summon swarms of demons to sweep away opponents. This specialization allows you to absorb the souls of slain enemies and use their power for your own purposes. Such WoW characters themselves are able to turn into demons, which significantly increases all their characteristics. Demonologists have a large arsenal of useful spells:

  • Call Dreadstalkers - Summons two hunters to attack the target for 12 seconds.
  • Demonic Empowerment - Strengthens the top three active demons and increases their speed and health by 50% for 12 seconds.
  • Shadow Bolt - defeat the enemy with an arrow of darkness. Grants the ability to accumulate 1 Soul Shard.
  • Doom is a curse that deals massive damage 20 seconds after being cast.
  • Hand of Gul'dan - Summons a demonic meteorite infested with wild demons that will attack the enemy for 12 seconds.
  • Demonwrath - Every second, all enemies within 10 meters of any demon take minor damage.

But that's not all that a demonologist is capable of in a WoW game. The Warlock can use his special Implosion talent. In this case, the summoned imps will run up to the specified target and explode, dealing significant damage to all enemies in the area. The spell is applied instantly and spends 6% of mana.


Such a sorcerer specializes in applying negative effects that cause massive damage to the enemy. The ability to use dark magic and a huge selection of curses, as well as the ability to use control spells, make the sorcerer a rather dangerous opponent. Basic spells:

  • Unstable Affliction (Unstable Affliction) - a dangerous curse that deals significant shadow damage over 8 seconds. If during this time the target dies, then the sorcerer receives a fragment of the soul back. The caster who ventures to remove the curse takes significant damage and is "silenced" for 4 seconds.
  • Corruption (Corruption) - a curse that deals small damage to the target for 14 seconds.
  • Drain Life - A spell that drains life from the enemy and restores the health of the sorcerer by 18% for 6 seconds.
  • Agony (Agony) - the target takes damage for 18 seconds, while the level of damage increases every moment. This spell grants some chance to accumulate a soul shard.
  • Mastery: Potent Afflictions - Increases damage from other spells by 62.5%. The level of damage depends on the equipment.

Also in the arsenal of the sorcerer is passive ability Contagion, which allows you to use the Unstable Affliction curse repeatedly at no cost. Next, we are waiting for the most dynamic specialization that the WoW character warlock can use.


Warlock, who chose this development, is able to control the destructive force. His spells instantly inflict massive damage to all opponents, not only with fire and magic, but also with pure Chaos, shadows and Fel.

Basic abilities:

  • Havoc - The target of the curse is marked with the Mark of Chaos for 8 seconds. However, curses that hit other enemies will also deal damage to the marked target.
  • Incinerate is a fire spell that deals medium damage. Range - 40 meters, cast time - 2 seconds, costs - 6% of mana.
  • Chaos Bolt - Releases a powerful bolt of Chaos that deals critical damage to the enemy with dark magic.
  • Immolate is a burning spell that deals low damage on cast and increases to a critical value after 15 seconds.
  • Conflagrate is a useful spell that causes the target to explode, allowing the player to accumulate a Soul Shard. Also useful properties include reducing the cooldown of other spells.
  • Mastery: Chaotic Energies - Increases damaging spell damage by up to 40%.

Using the Channel Demonfire special talent allows the warlock to fire 15 felfire bolts that set enemies within a 40m radius on fire and deal moderate damage over 3 seconds.

Character Benefits

The amazing characters of WoW warlocks, thanks to their abilities, are useful not only in single player, but also in a raid.

Hero Skills:

  • Resurrect yourself and an ally. The skill can only be used if the soul stone is hung in advance.
  • Create Healing Stones.
  • Summon any number of allies at any distance.
  • The ability to impose a huge number of negative effects on the enemy, reducing their strength and health.
  • The ability to increase the stamina stat and spell power of any raid or group.

Races and factions

A properly selected race will give a small bonus to a warlock from the world of WoW. Classes that increase character abilities when playing as an Alliance:

  • Worgen - +1% increase in critical damage, thanks to his ability "Angry".
  • Gnome - Increases base mana by 5%.

The situation is completely different if you're playing Horde in WoW. The classes available for such a warlock are Forsaken, Goblin, Troll, and Goblin. But, playing as the Horde, it is better to focus on the Orc, because his ability "Bloody Fury" will increase the attack power of the summoner and his pets many times over.

A useful profession for a warlock

The character's equipment is of great importance in the game. And in many respects the choice of profession for the character depends on it. The best choice for a warlock is because this profession will give you the ability to use the Lightweave Embroidery spell (+295 strength for 15 seconds). Also, the player will have access to cheap patches for pants and a flying carpet.

Jewelery is a fairly profitable and useful profession. Having mastered it, the player will be able to make unique gems that will add 60 additional units to spell power. Also, the jeweler warlock gets huge opportunities in terms of earnings.

Engaging in alchemy will give the character the ability to create stronger potions with maximum duration and effectiveness. More specifically, the hero will receive +37 potion power, and the duration of all potions and elixirs will be doubled. Another advantage of this profession is the ability to create flasks that will come in handy when traveling through the world of WoW. The Warlock Alchemist gets a lot of bonuses plus huge earning opportunities. It is better to do this business in tandem with herbalism, which will add the Blood of the Earth spell, which restores 2 thousand units of life within 5 seconds.

What else is worth doing?

Another useful thing is enchanting. Possessing this profession will grant the warlock good benefits. Enchanting both rings gives the hero +38 spell power. Another advantage of this occupation is the ability to earn more gold, because most enchanters charge a lot of money for their services. You can also always disenchant an enchanted item and sell its ingredients on the World of Warcraft auction house. The Enchanting Warlock will become even more powerful if he chooses the right secondary profession.

It is very useful to engage in enchantment along with the inscription. This case will give an increase in the power of curses by 32 units, which in itself is not bad. You will also be able to craft the most powerful shoulder enchantments. Increasing your reputation with the Sons of Hodir faction will give you a 15 critical hit boost. Spell power will also increase (+25). The inscription is quite easy to pump, having a second profession herbalism. But before using expensive materials on the higher levels, it is worth making sure that you use the best recipes. The Book of Knowledge of Symbols will help in this.

Useless Professions

Engineering will allow you to create a variety of items from grenades to any accessories. But since engineering does not provide any bonus to damage, it does not make much sense to engage in it. Blacksmithing will allow you to create additional slots for gems, which will give an increase in spell power equal to 46 units. But the warlock should not become a blacksmith, because the hero will not be able to use any of the created things. Mining will give you +500 health and +50 stamina), which isn't all that impressive. It is better to take this profession in tandem with jewelry and blacksmithing as well as engineering. Skinning is only useful for the Destroyer Warlock, as this profession increases your critical strike rating by 32.

H the warlock can gain the ability to summon seven demons. In addition, he has the ability Demon Enslavement", through which he can also gain control over other demons, however, for a limited time. Each of the demons serves a specific purpose. Currently ( The wrath of the Lich King, 3.3) the three main demons are directly linked in PvE to the Warlock talent trees. So, the Imp helps to increase the damage to the Destroyers, and the Fel Guard is the main weapon of the Demonologist. In PvP, Abyssal Demon (the ability to see robbers and a shield) and Succubus (control) are very popular. For more information on how to find demons and what to do with them, in this guide.



T level required: 1 .

P The first demon of the Warlock, outwardly similar to a green devil. In my opinion, the funniest of all, jokes every now and then, sometimes very on topic. This is a ranged dd, the main damage of which falls on fireballs. The demon has a relatively small amount of health, but is able to go into the Astral, that is, become inaccessible to enemy attacks of any level and strength. While in the Astral, the demon cannot attack. In addition, the demon is able to cast a spell on the Warlock and his comrades " Fire Shield", which will deal damage to those who attack with a melee target under this spell.

P You can get an imp by learning the appropriate spell from a trainer or by completing a simple quest on the first level. Until you have the Demon of the Abyss, I advise you to walk with the Imp - more fun and faster. Summoning an Imp does not require Soul Shards.

Abyss Demon


T level required: 10 .

AT The second demon, often called "bruise" because of the color. The elemental-like dark blue demon tank is available from level ten. He has the ability to create a shield around the Warlock. The shield will absorb damage and will disappear if the amount of damage exceeds the shield's capabilities, or after a certain time. The demon deals melee damage. Also, having a large supply of health, the bruise can generate additional aggro, thereby allowing the Warlock to shoot enemies from a distance. To work with him at low levels, I advise you to pump the First Aid skill. And finally, another ability of the bruise allows him to restore health, while simultaneously imposing on the group an effect that makes it possible to see the enemy in stealth mode. In PvP, this is useful for fighting Rogues and Druids.

H You can learn how to summon the Demon of the Abyss by completing a simple quest at level 10. Alliance Quest" Gakin's Invitation"must be taken from Remen Markoth in Stormwind. The Horde take the quest from Ageron Kargal (Brill, Forsaken), Ofek (Durotar, Orcs), Karendin Khalgar (Undercity, Blood Elves). Summoning the Demon requires a Soul Shard.



T level required: 20 .

T third demon, a woman in a revealing outfit with horns, a tail, a whip and wings. Deals melee damage with a whip. Just like a demon, it can hide. Possesses the ability seduction", with which it can seduce humanoids (including players ... and their characters). The succubus is a great helper in PvP, as well as in PvE, if you can control her control ability. It takes some practice to do this. Groups of some monsters for In the absence of the Mage with his "Transformation", they lend themselves perfectly to the "Seduction" of the Succubus.At low levels, the Succubus will help you develop the character faster, since her damage will exceed that of the Abyss Demon, and her ability to survive is similar to that of the Imp.

P Succubus's call is a quest reward. Quest at Alliance starts at Lago Vilefiend (Ironforge), the quest is called " Gakin's Invitation". Go to Gakin (Stormwind). He will send you to the Barrens, where you will meet with the real Seer. Well, the Seer will send you to Ashenvale for a tree, after which you will have to return to Stormwind. Now the most important thing is to summon the succubus and win after that, turn in the quest and get the skill. Hordes several quests. Orcs and others take the quest from Gan "rul in Orgrimmar. Blood Elves at Alamma (Silvermoon). Summoning a Succubus requires a Soul Shard.

Fel Hunter


T level required: 30 .

H The fourth demon, like a dog. The eyes of the dog are on two antennas, and the color of the dog is red. The dog deals good physical damage and works great against magicians, both monsters and players. Thanks to the Silence and Cast Disruption skills, the doggy is very effective in PvP. In PvE on some bosses, her skill is also useful. At low levels, the Hunter is a great way to diversify character development, an alternative to the Succubus. From the point of view of DpS, her positions are constantly changing, so you can only calculate the exact parameters yourself on a dummy or during a battle. In some builds and patches, she is a convenient companion of the Sorcerer.

P You can get the Hunter in the quest " In Search of Fear", which gives Lago Vilefiend (Alliance, Ironforge) or Gan"rul Bloodeye and Karedin Khalgar (Horde). Upon completing the quest, you will receive not only a skill, but also a bag for Soul Shards (14 slots). Summoning a Hunter requires a Soul Shard.



T level required: 50 .

P yat demon, looks like... Infernal. Several glowing green stones, folded in the shape of a man. Infernal falls from the sky, stuns enemies around him and helps the Warlock for three minutes. At the same time, if another daemon was called in you, it will disappear. Warlocks like to call Infernal in mass PvP, as well as before Shaman Heroism in boss fights. The effectiveness of calling Infernal depends directly on how exactly your demon should help you: with its direct damage or a buff to your damage. For example, it would be rational for a Sorcerer to summon him during a fight if his main demon deals little damage. At the same time, it is not recommended for the Demonologist to summon Infernal, because his main demon will almost certainly deal more damage.

P It's hard to get Infernal, but a real Warlock just has to get all the demons, right? Well, first of all, there is a small chance that you will find a Grimoire in Blackrock Mountain from local Warlocks. The hard way is talking to Nibi- the great warlock. Let's take the quest What Nibi wants". We talk with the Imp. The imp will send you for various essences, which will be quite difficult to get if you complete the quest at level 50. After that, return to the imp. He will say to talk to Nibi, after this conversation, kill Kroshius. Now Nibi will teach you how to summon Infernal Summon... No, you have to see it for yourself.Summoning Infernal requires an Infernal Stone, which can be bought at the Ingredient Shop.



T level required: 60 .

W A simple demon, looks like a big scary orange orc with wings and horns. Moves through the air, sometimes stomping loudly. The demon can be summoned for fifteen minutes with the Ritual of Doom. The Ritual requires a group of five people, including the Warlock. After the Ritual, one member of the group (randomly) loses most of his health, some time ago, after the Ritual, a group member died. But this had a bad effect on the desire of the group to call the Guardian, so now everything is more humane. You can use the Guardian in completely different situations, it is worth remembering that during the battle you will not be able to call him. The following combination is interesting: before the start of the battle, the Warlock calls the Guard, when he disappears, calls the Infernal, and, if necessary, after the disappearance of the Infernal, calls the main demon. It is important to apply as many necessary buffs as possible, then the Guardian's damage will be very high. With proper handling, it can add +3 to DpS. In PvP, using the Guardian is difficult due to the difficulty of summoning.

P You can get the Dreadguard by learning the corresponding spell from the book: Grimoire of Doom. The chance of falling out does not exceed 2%, you need to kill elite monsters, at level 60 you simply cannot do it. The elite monsters of the Blasted Lands are a threat even to a level 80 player. Easier and more interesting to pass the quest. You can take it from Dayo the Decrepit, which is located in Blasted Lands. You'll have to do a few errands: go to Winterspring, kill some monsters there, and visit the Dire Maul to search for Satyr Blood. Quests at level 60 are difficult, require the presence of a good (thinking) group, preferably with a healer and a tank. The last quest in the chain, Imprisonment, requires special preparation. You will have to clear your way among the elite monsters and fight the most elite of them. On this necessarily need a healer. If you are level 80 just be careful, phys. Demon damage cancels your spells. For the Ritual of Doom, you need a Demonic Figurine, sold in the reagent store, along with an infernal stone.



T level required: 50 .

FROM The seventh demon, looks like an iron woodcutter, is also called by the people, walks with an axe. He says terrible things, looks great in the company of a Dwarf Warlock. The basis of damage for the Warlock of the Demonology branch, requires careful maintenance: buffs, health replenishment, etc. In PvP, it is interesting only because it can deal damage while the Warlock himself is out of combat or is far away (read: running from the Warrior). In other cases, it is preferable to use other daemons. In PvE, sometimes Warlocks with Guardians go to decent DpS places, but in case of loss of the demon (AoE boss, change of tactics and place), the owner's DpS drops to the level of tanks. Behind him you need an eye and an eye, although you can see him from afar.

P the call of the demon is learned thanks to the talent of the Demonology branch, the talent is at the very bottom. There is no other way to get this demon, unless you find one somewhere in Outland and subdue it. To summon a Felguard, you need a Soul Shard.

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Destrolok January 22, 2015 at 16:10 Reply

Yes, everything is clear, the only thing that infuriates in the lock is that the fragments in one cell do not add up to 20, they take up a lot of space

Guest December 08, 2013 at 03:32 pm Reply

damn found two mentors who gives kv for a hunter they just don't have

Guest December 07, 2013 at 04:58 pm Reply

I come to Ironforge to take an apartment for a dog, but he is not there, what to do, help!

Vitalik November 22, 2013 at 01:37 Reply

thank you for the hint, it's very nice to play with the help of wowhead

Guest November 14, 2013 at 19:11 Reply

I don't have a job :(