Passage of the game stalker Korean kink. Cut out mutant - Kink. The stalker must know the enemies by sight. What is known about the mutant

The most mysterious inhabitant of the Zone. Kinks are the remnants of people who survived the terrible reality of the Zone. It is not clear in these miserable creatures, only one thing - what factors could influence those unfortunate people who later became one of the smartest and most mysterious inhabitants of Chernobyl. No wonder it says "one of the smartest." Indeed, this tramp differs from his neighbors in the Zone by the vastness of his intellect. I'm not even talking about his "eloquence". Something human still remains in him, including a sense of benefit (you give him food, he leaves you alive - everything is simple and understandable). But despite his great resemblance to us, he will consider us an enemy and a direct competitor for possible prey. And he will fight for survival with us not with a fancy screw-cutting barrel, but with his bare hands, moreover, if one of his hands is normal and quite healthy (unless a manicurist could be corrected), then his other hand can be considered dangerous weapon, because if he bites you with this hand, then your wild little head on your shoulders is not destined to sit evenly, alas. When meeting with this comrade, you should not run away, because he will not leave you behind. The only right decision is a more powerful gun and a backpack full of cartridges and shoot at it from as far as possible. And do not forget that over time you can damage his weapon... and at this moment you will need the skills of a real sprinter and, literally, fly on the wings of fear to the nearest camp as a stalker, change your underpants and stuff lead into face of this villain.

The funniest thing about this brat is his speech. In particular, this is a mate (you can immediately see - our Russian man!). And he swears worse than a shoemaker, believe me.

The PM was cut out of the game by the developers.


The domestic pigs that found themselves in the Zone, like many other living organisms, underwent a strong mutation. Since the genes that control metabolic processes were affected, the phenotype of the animal changed dramatically. The mutated pig, which stalkers call "flesh" is one of the most obvious examples of the Zone's abuse of nature. These creatures developed a scaly-bone protective cover, the body's ability to regenerate significantly increased, and nervous system. Like an ordinary pig, the "flesh" is omnivorous, therefore, being hungry, it may well attack a stalker.


A large animal, reaching one and a half meters at the withers. With its vitality and aggressiveness, this animal surpasses its relatives outside the Zone and is not inferior to most mutants. Mutagenic processes caused by exposure to radiation and anomalies have largely affected the appearance of these mammals: in some places the latter became bald, and in other places, on the contrary, overgrown with very long coarse hair. The hooves of the animals changed their shape and became sharper, acquiring some resemblance to claws; the pupils were discolored, pigmentation spots and deep wrinkles appeared on the bald head. Boars of the Zone tolerate radiation well, which allows them to stay in heavily polluted areas for a long time. Usually these animals attack from a running start, trying to rip open the stomach of the victim with fangs or knock it down.


In fact, these animals are not related to the well-known jerboas, although they are very similar to them. It is not yet possible to indicate the species from which the jerboas of the Zone originated; it can only be argued that their ancestors were pack animals, most likely rodents. Reaching up to 40 centimeters at the withers, they are much more mobile, more aggressive and voracious than a desert animal. They live mainly in dungeons and ruined buildings, eating everything that comes across - from plants to gaping stalkers. Sometimes even large animals and mutants become victims of jerboas: attacking in a large flock, they will easily tear apart any creature that did not have time to escape.

blind dogs

Children of wastelands and dumps. Blind dogs are found in packs of 10-20 individuals. As a result of numerous mutations in dogs, the skeleton and muscles have changed, vision has atrophied, and immunity to radiation has developed. Long-term research has revealed incredible facts - the last generations of dogs have something like a sixth sense, vaguely resembling telepathic vision. It seems that the new sense organ perfectly replaces atrophied vision, allowing dogs to feel the enemy literally through the walls. This gift develops with each generation of blind dogs, and experts prefer to remain silent about what further mutations will lead to.


The Chernobyl dog is unusually aggressive and voracious. His strong jaws and fast strong paws are complemented by some more psi abilities, which makes him unusually dangerous. Like fighting dogs, his pain threshold is greatly reduced, he will attack to the last drop of blood. It would be wiser to simply bypass the accumulation of these animals.


Pseudo-dog... Despite the name, pseudo-dogs did not come from dogs, but from wolves. Wild animals that lived in the forests of the Zone at the time of the disaster became the ancestors of one of the most dangerous types of mutants. Pseudo-dogs are as different from mutated dogs as wild wolves are not like mongrels. These creatures are territorial and will savagely attack anyone who trespasses into their domain. Lightning reaction, incredible mobility and sharp teeth make the pseudo-dog a very serious opponent, which is hard to resist even for a large mutant or a well-armed stalker.


Zombies are people taken under the control of telepathic creatures. Reduced vitality and completely destroyed personality. All that remains of a person is a body with weak coordination, which performs semi-crazy actions. When zombies notice an enemy, they will send a message to the telepath and wait for an order, until there is an order, the zombies will stand and look at the enemy.

Cut from PM and not later added to any of the game's addons.


These beings appear to have once been human, although it is hard to imagine what conditions could bring a human to such a state. Snorks are crazy creatures leading a completely animal lifestyle, essentially differing little from the predatory monsters of the Zone. They move on all fours, bouncing above the ground and constantly sniffing it to catch the scent of the victim. They hunt carefully and prudently, lying in wait for stalkers like predatory animals. Lightning reflexes and hypertrophied muscles allow snorks to make long accurate jumps and tear the victim to shreds in a few seconds. On some individuals, details of an army uniform or individual details of equipment have been preserved, which suggests that they are missing military stalkers. It is believed that snorks are stalkers who survived the Ejection in the "fresh air".


Truly supernatural invisible creatures found only in the depths of the Zone; live, as a rule, inside dilapidated buildings. Nothing is reliably known about the origin; There is a legend that these are the spirits of stalkers who fell under a powerful ejection. The mechanism of manifestation of these invisibles really corresponds to the legends of the poltergeist (hence the name) and is diverse: from periodic howls and laughter to dangerous fireballs appearing out of nowhere. Unfortunately, all information about this phenomenon is drawn from vague and rather contradictory stories, the veracity of which is in doubt.


A semi-legendary monster - seasoned stalkers describe him as a tall, stooped humanoid with many tentacles in place of his mouth. According to them, with the help of tentacles, this creature feeds: digging into the neck of a living victim, it paralyzes its prey and sucks out its blood; after such a procedure, only a dried, mummy-like shell remains from a person. The most surprising thing about the bloodsucker is that his ability becomes invisible. Apparently, these creatures are responsible for the death of a large number of stalkers. Few of the eyewitnesses survived - and, judging by the stories of these lucky ones, bloodsuckers prefer damp places like swamps and dungeons to live ... ... Kalashnikov crackled deafeningly. The lifeless bodies of the Bloodsuckers fell to the ground. The young, still inexperienced Stalker breathed a sigh of relief and bent over the body of the mutant to better examine the vile creature. Suddenly, from behind, out of thin air, another bloodsucker appeared! The stalker's hand slid to the handle of the machine gun, but it was too late...


Controls zombies from a distance, forcing them to attack stalkers. It tries to move in such a way as to constantly keep the enemy in sight, therefore it climbs on hills, roofs and trees. The controller took the squad leader and the soldiers away... In the morning, the squad leader and two soldiers disappeared, they left the checkpoint and did not return, they went out to patrol the territory. It was surprising that the squad leader had experimental equipment that protected against the psi-effects of the creatures of the Zone. The guard did not hear any shots or screams, they just left and did not return. The radio was silent... ...they were brought out by the controller - a telepathic mutant. He got out of the Zone, made his way through anomalous zones, through packs of mutated rats, dogs. Having reached the checkpoint, he was greatly weakened, he could not take control of the entire checkpoint, he only brought out the commander and two soldiers. Settled on the roof of the factory. He ate a little of one soldier, placed the rest so that they would immediately notice the approaching enemies... The checkpoint is under control... The controller who made his way sat down in the checkpoint taken under control. At first glance, the checkpoint looks like everything is going on normally, the zombified soldiers communicate by radio, communicate with each other, move around the base, but if you look closely, you can notice the stiffness and anomalous movements, facial expressions and phrases that they pronounce (endlessly repeat the same and the same, etc.). If you get closer, you can see the eaten corpse of a soldier lying in the corner of the courtyard...

Pseudo giant

The pseudo-giant is a healthy, but very stupid comrade. He is unusually aggressive and strong, but his stupidity and sluggishness can play into the hands when fighting him. The advantages of this monster can also include a very strong skin, making it extremely problematic to shoot. In the absence of a well-armed player, the best tactic against the pseudo-giant is the battle cry "Palundra-ah-ah!" and passing the standard for a hundred meters to the nearest room with a narrow entrance. ...Stalker cautiously backed away. The light of the flashlight snatched out of the darkness of the night the huge and ugly physiognomy of the Pseudo-Giant. Sometimes a sharp grunt spiced with a wild roar could be heard from its mouth. The flashlight went out, the Stalker stopped for a second and shook it. The newly lit light illuminated the monster prepared to attack. The stalker pulled out a pistol and fired three bullets at the mutant. Despite this, the monster still dealt a fatal blow...

What happened then before I woke up in a similar state in the middle of the forest? Memory carefully hid these memories, but I still understood that there was nothing good. Be that as it may, staying in place for a long time was too dangerous and stupid.
I tried to rise to my feet, but this action turned out to be a very serious mistake of mine. It became clear after a few moments.
A sharp pain shot through my back and I fell to the ground again. His breath caught in pain, and purple and yellow circles swam before his eyes. The body once again brought the strongest convulsions. I clenched my teeth to keep from screaming. However, an old habit worked here - now I still wouldn’t be able to scream, I wasn’t even able to call for help. My throat was dry to the point of impossibility, so apart from a barely audible wheezing and hissing, nothing escaped my lips.
I couldn't figure out exactly how long I had been in this state. In my memory, darkness succeeded daylight three times, but memory could be wrong. When I came to my senses a little, all my belongings had already disappeared: stalkers had always not disdained looting, and now they were not averse to rob a dying man. Yes, and I myself, sometimes, acted in a similar way. So all the vile deeds returned to me. I now had neither a PDA to ask for help, nor a flask of water to quench my thirst, nor even the most shabby weapon to quickly and almost painlessly end my suffering. There was only one way out - to try to survive.
In those few short moments that I managed to stay on my feet, I managed to notice a small pond located in a ravine just a couple of hundred meters from me. Now all that was left was to get to its edge. However, this very “only” did not mean the ease of this task. My body was severely mutilated, and every movement was accompanied by wild pain. But the thirst for life was stronger. I waited until the pain subsided a little, and slowly crawled between the trees towards the reservoir.
Time has turned into a viscous elastic substance, capable of stretching to unknown limits. Therefore, it was impossible to measure how long it took me to get to the edge of the pond. In this situation, I was even ready to agree with those who believe that time is only an illusion, but in fact it does not exist. But I had no time for such thoughts.
Be that as it may, I reached my goal with the last rays of the setting sun. Blood-scarred fingers plunged into the muddy water with a slight splash, leaving behind a blood-red plume, dissolving in the water, like cigarette smoke in the air. I pulled my other hand up and froze for a moment, enjoying the unexpectedly pleasant sensation. After a short respite, I gripped the soft clay bottom as tightly as possible with my fingers and began to slowly pull my body up to the water.
Water beneficially acted on the wounds with its longed-for coolness. Very soon, the burning pain was replaced by a slight tingling numbness. Perhaps, in a different situation, I would have decided that this was not good, but now I did not care about any precautions and prejudices. I felt better, I felt better. You should never disdain what you have, especially when you are on the verge between life and death.
I drank greedily for a long time - several days without a drop of water in my mouth made themselves felt.
Having finally quenched my terrible thirst, I made an effort on myself and rolled over onto my back. Stars twinkled in an unknown distance above the crowns of silent trees. Their light, of course, was not bright, but for some reason I saw everything so brightly, as if during the day. This state of affairs did not fit in my head.
I closed my eyes, escaping from obsession. There was only one thought in my head: what happened then, a few days ago? In addition to the terrible pain that breaks bones and turns inside out, I remembered an unimaginable roar and a bright red light that flooded everything around.
Explosion? Then at least some traces of him should have remained: broken trees, the smell of burning, ashes and ashes. But I didn't notice anything of the sort. Perhaps an anomaly has worked? I don’t know, everything can be in the Zone, but where, in this case, did this anomaly go after? ..
For these reflections, I did not notice how I fell asleep. I dreamed that I was rushing through the Zone, faster than the wind, as if I knew exactly where and what anomalies were. I dreamed that I was fighting mutants hand-to-hand. And also how, with genuine horror in their eyes, quite young stalkers, whom I had never seen before, were firing at me: neither alive nor dead ...
I woke up in a cold sweat. At that moment, I decided that it was just a nightmare and quickly calmed down ...
If only this was just a dream...
... lightning traced the sky over the forest that began beyond the field. I cursed and rubbed my blinded eyes for a moment. The bright light made me blind, and I became helpless, almost like a newborn kitten. As a result, I could no longer move around in daylight. There were quite a few cons, but there were also pluses. The night replaced the day for me - I saw in the dark better than bats, and could move around the Zone in a way that no sane person would risk.
But I was no longer human. Not only my vision has sharpened to the limit, but also my hearing, flair and intuition. I always know where this or that anomaly is located, even if it does not manifest itself in any way, I am able to hear the breathing of a person and the steps of a mutant that is a kilometer away from me. Sometimes it begins to seem to me that I am able to read people's thoughts and even subjugate them a little to my will.
My abilities are getting stronger every day. But the price for this is too expensive - more and more I become like a monster, less and less of a person remains in me ...
Rain followed in waves. A pair of blind dogs that had previously been lying half asleep near the old tractor, on the roof of which I was located, whined and hid under the bottom of a rusty dead car. I chuckled: after all, animals always remain animals, no matter what happens. I stretched and lay down on the rusty metal, exposing my body to the cool jets of water. It was water that gave me another chance at life six months ago. And I was grateful to her. In response, she gave me new strength.
I smiled and closed my eyes. The memory came back to me a long time ago. What happened on that fateful day when I became the Other? Nothing special. An ordinary release, which happens in the Zone at least a dozen times a year. Only that time I didn’t have a chance to wait for him in the shelter - I didn’t have time. And here is the result: I became another terrible creature of the Zone, the Break.
I can’t say that it really bothers and upsets me. Rather, the opposite is true. Now I am able to see humans among mutants and mutants among humans. After all, it's not all about looks and genetic code- everything is much more complicated. There is something that people call the soul. Ordinary people, like many animals and mutants, smell it in their own way, but very vaguely. I am able to understand her smell, hear her vibrations and, at times, even see her. Who would have known how beautiful she is. But, unfortunately, not everyone has a soul. The saddest thing is that it is much more common in mutants than in humans. But nobody believes me. And besides, who will believe Izlom? There are only a few stalkers in the entire huge Zone who will really understand me ...
The further I get from people, the more I unite with nature, the more often I wonder if I myself have a soul? But I couldn't find an answer. Sometimes it is much easier to understand others than yourself.
Somewhere in the distance there were screams, an angry growl and automatic shots. With a soft sigh, I jumped off the tractor into the sticky mud and ran as fast as I could towards the sounds. Why shouldn't I stay to rest? Why am I going to interfere in someone else's business? Just maybe today I will be able to save another soul from death. And who will be its owner: a man or a mutant - it does not matter to me.

Probably, the brainchild of the developers of the Kyiv studio GSC Game World won the hearts of millions. This, of course, is about the game "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." After all, since 2009 and until now, fans have been waiting for new parts. Even now, after so many years, the game does not lose popularity. But this article will not be about that.

Truly a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. formed a cult around her. And its longtime participants with a 100 percent probability know who Izlom is. The stalker, the newly arrived, will find out at the end of the article. Now we will analyze in detail the mutant that was not included in the official series of games and talk about its characteristics, habits and much more.

What is known about the mutant?

One thing can be said unequivocally: The fracture appeared as a result of human mutation. This is evidenced by his legs - human, apparently not mutated. In addition, his clothes are also a clear indicator that before the terrible mutation he was a man. By the way, this mutant is not aggressive at all, it attacks only in those cases when it is provoked by the player himself. But besides this, he skillfully rubs himself into trust.

Unfortunately, Izlom is a cut mutant, and in a series of games you won’t be able to interact with him, but despite this, in the 1935 build that came out to the “Shadow of Chernobyl” part, he could be seen at the “Military warehouses” location.

It will be difficult to fully consider this character of the game, since the developers rarely spoke about him. But there are several theories. One of them says that the Fracture in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was born after a terrible experiment of scientists. They tried to create a universal soldier, but, apparently, they did not succeed. The second hypothesis says that this is a civilian who lived near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant before the accident. It is also known that this type of mutant runs well, has a mind and is able to make contact with a person through conversation.

References in books

Everyone who has read the author's Hourglass novel knows that the mutant has some kind of power that allows him to manipulate gravity. In the book, these events developed under the Research Institute "Agroprom" in the laboratory. Izlom tried to get into the ventilation shaft there - the Stalker scared him. And in order to do this, he raised his limb towards the object and distorted gravity, as a result of which he flew through the air.

By the way, the mutated left hand is his weapon. In general, it looks like a praying mantis paw, just as long and often folded in half. At the same time, the right hand is absolutely not mutated.

The book "Dream to Defeat" (already by the author Kalugin) talks about a stalker named Gupi. He claims that Izlom (Stalker, whose voice acting indicated that he was not sure about this) was his escort. In this passage, he shared his impressions of the appearance of the mutant, saying the following: "His face had quite human features, but it was completely motionless and had a strange texture. In general, it looked like it was carved by a skilled craftsman from a piece of old wood that had lain in the water for a long time."

Lifestyle and character

Now let's talk about how in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. the mutant interacted with similar individuals and what kind of life he led himself.

The main distinguishing feature of Izlom is that he is one of the mutants who somehow comes into contact with a person. Even more, he is able to help them in something. And what is most surprising, not for nothing, which speaks of his reasonableness. From this we can also conclude that he is peaceful, but not always. He shows aggressiveness, but very often. Usually he only defends himself, although he is able to attack people on his own initiative, but hunger pushes him to this.

By the way, it is worth mentioning something else about such a character as Izlom: the Stalker, seeing him, immediately starts shooting. But since a specific hand gives out a mutant, he always hides it behind a sweater.

Also, we must not forget that he is unusually cunning, at least unlike his relatives. To attack the victim (in this case, the Stalker), he, hiding behind the bushes, calls for help. In addition, he is able to throw short remarks to attract attention. When the Stalker approaches the bushes, an extraordinary blow awaits him.

If we talk about how the hero of our article contacts other mutants, then everything is very bad here: he just eats them. Of course, not all in a row, but only small individuals. In his diet is also all the food that a person consumes.


Of course, Stalker can talk endlessly about such a mysterious character as Izlom, but, unfortunately, there is very little information about him, and the one that exists is not at all from reliable sources. The developers themselves are stingy when talking about it, and more detailed information an ordinary player can learn from books, but there the fracture is presented in the author's interpretation, and no one knows completely how he was conceived in the game.

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release date original game: March 11, 2007
Mod release date: June 17, 2014
Genre: Action
Developer: Shtopor (Anton Tsapesh), exshel (Sergey Kolesnikov), Snow Fox, ins333, koshak, stalkersof (Alexey Lysov)
Publisher: GSC World Publishing
Version: 1.0006
Modification version: 1.5
Platform: PC
Interface: Russian
Voice acting: Russian
Tablet: not required

This mod is made on a freeplay basis and provides the player with freedom when moving through the levels. You will have to visit different legendary places and engage in the main stalker business: hunting for loot and fighting the creatures of the Zone. The player is provided with a completely different quest system, which was not in other mods: we find various PDAs, documents and other things of a similar type in order to unravel a story, or just make money on equipment. The choice is up to the player. Players are also provided with standard new quests from characters that inhabit the Zone.
The Zone is many years old, it has calmed down, and it is no longer shaken by daily emissions. Somehow, the usual stalker life was adjusted: equipment repair, medical care, trade. But from this the Zone has not lost its oddities and has not become less dangerous. It has become different, but still lives its own life and is constantly changing.

System requirements:
. Operating system(OC): Windows XP(sp3)/ Vista(sp2)/ Seven(sp1), 64-bit OC recommended
. Processor (CPU): Intel Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHz, recommended Intel Core i7-920 2.66 GHz
. Memory (RAM): 4 Gb, 6 Gb recommended for Vista/Seven x64
. Video adapter (VGA): ATI Radeon HD7750/NVIDIA GeForce GTX640 DirectX 9.0 compatible, 1024 Mb
. Hard disk drive (HDD): 12.15 Gb free space

More about modification

The main features of the modification:
. Bar "100 X-ray" (from assembly 2571)
. Plant Rostock (from assembly 2571)
. Dungeon Research Institute "Agroprom" (from build 2571)
. Cordon (from assembly 2571)
. Bunker Radar (mix of assemblies 1935-1865)
. dark valley(mix from assembly 2205 and CHN)
. dead swamps
. Rotten Floodplain
. red forest
. swamps
. dog village
. Chernobyl 4
. Mine
. lair
. hollow hills
. Laboratory X-8
. Warlab
. Generators
. Hospital
. Thirteenth sector
. Dead city
. Garbage Giza
. Subway Agroprom Sector 2
. science station
. Surroundings of the plant "Jupiter"
. Eastern Pripyat
. Backwater
. Limansk

. Models of boars and flesh from ZP
. 4 kinds of pseudo-giants (huge pseudo-giant, mutating pseudo-giant, black pseudo-giant, pseudo-giant jumper)
. New dog models
. New Controller Models (Cloaked Controller, Build Controller, Stalker Controller, Branch Controller, Fast Controller)
. Snorks "Without gas mask"
. 3 types of kinks (hard kink, dwarf kink, swamp kink)
. New mutant Goblin
. New mutant Bonebreaker
. New Mutant Wolf
. New Mutant Lizard
. New Mutant Dropsy (Spider)
. New mutant Zhmur
. 1 new boar model (3 times the standard)
. Build Flesh Model
. Added psi-attack to pseudo-dog like in build 1935
. Poltergeist (crawls on the ground, attacks with fire)
. Lots of new zombie models
. 3 types of mutant cats

. For everyone underground locations very dark, the lantern shines only for a couple of meters
. Most standard levels have added a lot of moving items
. Anomalies appeared in new locations
. New freeplay type quests: we find a thing (PDA or document) and unravel the story along the chain
. Almost all NPCs have an individual appearance(costume, face, equipment), over 200 new models added
. Added groups "Dark stalkers", "Last day", " Clear sky", "Legends of the Zone", "Black Angel" with personal visuals, voice acting and bases
. NPCs can throw grenades
. NPCs added a lot of dialogue. GG can exchange things with them, ask them for money, rob them, help (give medicines)
. For fans of campfire gatherings, new random NPC phrases + completely new guitar compositions have been added
. Rupture of bodies of NPS-s during explosions
. Unlocked many animations for NPCs
. More variety of stalker voices (taken from late builds and even other games)
. GG name at startup new game randomly generated
. In PDA, you can put marks on the map
. Dynamic use of guitar, walkie-talkie, harmonica, cigarettes (all with new voice acting)
. New dynamic news
. New particles of anomalies, explosions, fire and more
. Added stash bag
. GG death in first person
. Collision of corpses as in builds
. Upgrade weapons and armor for technicians, repair weapons and armor (only if the GG has money)
. In the Zone you can find many unique documents, PDAs, diaries and notes from stalkers
. Camera from 2nd and 3rd person. Now on these types, where the GG aims, he shoots there
. The contents of all stashes will spawn randomly
. The bolts are now finished. They can be thrown away, bought, picked up from the ground
. There are guides in the Zone who can take you to different points of the Zone for money.
. Added new items with personal hoods (lighter, watch with dosimeter, flashlight)
. you can remove a broken PDA from NPCs (at a disadvantage)
. Added Anomaly Detector (PP-4v) and Elite Anomaly Detector with personal hoods
. New bulk ammo (grenades, ammo in bags and crates)
. New animations when the GG is injured by monsters
. 3 new Bars have been created: Dead City - Bar "Stalker", ATP - Bar "Last Hope", Chernobyl-4 - Bar "Shti"
. Cartridges for use must be hung on the belt
. With some stalkers you can play mini games ("21 points", "Find the ball", "Test for knowledge of the Zone", "Guess the number")
. The characters of the game (like NPCs and mutants) roam freely around the locations and between them. They can be found in unpredictable places.
. A lot of caches appeared on the locations as in the ZP. But you have to look for them yourself.
. Stalker radio appeared in the Zone. Stalker nicknamed "Storyteller" makes his radio programs for stalkers
. Each bar has a receiver from which you can hear different stories, tales, rumors, stalker jokes and music. Each bar has different and never used before
. Bludmarks restored. 60% chance to trigger on hit
. New atmospheric weather
. New random sounds
. New ambient music in all locations
. Reworked vegetation and level design
. Atmospheric menus and random pictures during game loading
. Sleep function added to the mod
. New models of original weapons + new barrels
. ZP style interface
. Added gadgets for armor: gas masks, helmets, firmware and other things
. New PDA
. Dynamic costume hood

Worked on the mod:
. Shtopor (Anton Tsapesh) - Project leader. Ideas, quests, scripts, platform
. exshel (Sergey Kolesnikov) - Texts, dubbing, quests, songs
. Snow Fox - Ideas, quests, texts, voice acting, testing
. ins333 - Scripts, quests
. koshak - Administration, quests, testing
. stalkersof (Aleksey Lysov) - Ideas, scripts, weapon edits

. The developers of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. GSC Game World
. To the modders who don't let us forget about this game and develop its world
. Portal for resources
. To the ap-production portal for video reviews, the theme on the site and technical support. support
. Site for information on modostroy and guys who make us happy with new features
. Well, actually the players for tips, ideas and patience
. Due to the fact that the work on the mod is not finished, this is beta testing, not a full release.
. We continue to develop the mod, but we need your help in bringing the mod to perfection. Anyone who can provide real help, please write to the LAN.
. Folk art is also welcomed in every possible way.
. All your worthy creations (if, of course, there are any) will appear in the topic header.

Special thanks:
. Voice assistants:
- Oleg Korotaev
- Andrey Bulatov
- Nikolay Rudakov (Kharkov)
- tuneyadec (Oleg Tolstov)
- Valery Ryabchenko (Kharkov)
- Apolliner
- Lonely Dragon
- Amsterdam
- wolfys
- Leo Gagua
- Sergey Belousov (Vladivostok)
- wolfstalker
- Artem Shved
- Wo1fRam
. Help in scripts: ColR_iT
. In fashion, with the permission of the authors, author's music is used:
- Oleg Korotaev (Kharkov)
- Andrey Bulatov (Shebekino)
- Mikhail Samorokov and the group "Shadow".

Mods used in the development process:
. NLC 6
. LW
. Danger Zone
. Artifact Pack1
. BB_Mod_Redux.v2
. Realistic Dialog Pack v0.5

In the mod used the work of the authors:
. Lech Slon, Tris, Aahz, Shpiler, Abakant, MaZaHaKQ, Shadow, Aligator_M, Piter, lafugix
. Animal, Charsi, eXiu, DJekman, optivankiev, Jonahex, SkyLoader, Lenya Banshee, Real Wolf
. Snout, Artem_K, Ruwar, lafugix, Lex, 22ff, kiavan92, Amik, Sin, Alexandrych, nafigator
. YOZHEG, PAH@(N), Trix, staff, Hells1nG, Sergg, Kirag, PSEUDO-STALKER, sniper, CON
. virus96, hellrats, kenny, VEGA, Ruwar, LAGAEM, xxx5, Stalk15, AzzzA, singapur22
. mortalheaven, Animal, P.A.X, Rekongstor, Fun, jgar, Kolmogor, Yakut, K.D, alen-fantom
. CRAZY_STALKER666, kstn, Buusty, modoskea, Best, purke62, VaLKoV465, 13DieS
. We apologize to the authors whose names were lost in the process of work, and we forgot to credit you. Thank you for your work

Patch 1.5:
The patch is obtained by highlighting the differences between versions 1.5 and 1.0. Difference files became the basis for patch 1.5
Changes introduced by patch 1.5:
. Eliminated almost all crashes and bugs (there are a few minor ones that do not affect the passage).
. Completely redesigned sound (all, up to weapon sounds).
. Added a few original little things. Fixed weapon configs (not all, unfortunately).
. Checked and corrected almost all errors in the texts.

Run setup.exe