Passage of the legend of. Passage of Legend of Grimrock. Destroy the Spirit Barrier

New game Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild full of interesting quests, many locations to explore and enemies to fight. The game also contains intricate tasks, which are not always easy to deal with. We have collected the most important tips for players, following them you can quickly progress in the game and not make unnecessary mistakes.

Don't spend too much time in the first location

During the first couple of hours, players need to destroy the enemy camps, complete the first puzzle tasks in the sanctuaries, familiarize themselves with the set of features of the Sheika Slate rune. In addition to these three important tasks, do not waste time on secondary activities. Don't worry about your supplies, you'll have plenty of time to collect everything when you go down the cliff. Engage in completing assigned tasks.

Watch out for anything that seems out of the ordinary

In the new open world of Hyrule, players will often meet not quite ordinary things. Something may look not quite complete, and the other, on the contrary, overly ideal. These are not just decorative attributes of the game. Behind these things are hidden special friends, the little forest spirits of Korok. They are very skillful at hiding, so it is important for players to identify them.

The very first spirit on your way is in the pond, almost immediately after the start of the game after meeting with the old man. In the water you will see a perfect circle of lilies, dive right into the middle and a tiny Korok will show itself and give you very valuable seeds that go into your inventory and will always be missed. Therefore, be on the alert, spirits can hide behind a stone in an unusual place or in a brick that has fallen out of the wall.

Open as many shrines as possible

When you see a smoking sanctuary in the distance, press the right stick. This will open the binoculars and you can mark it. The more shrines you can unlock, the faster your travels will be. Do this even if you don't have the time or inclination to complete the tasks. But note that quests with shrines give you the opportunity to get powerful weapons, sometimes armor and magic balls, which make it possible to improve your stamina and other characteristics.

Gather food

Do not pass by plants, mushrooms, or fruits and vegetables. They may be needed later, to restore vitality. But you will get more reward if you cook your own food. Once you find a pot or pot, start experimenting with the ingredients. Some dishes can affect not only the character's stamina, but also protect him from cold or fire. With the help of various creatures or their parts, you can also prepare potions.

Don't waste your weapons

In the game, weapons have an "expiration date". If it is used too often, it may break. Keep more powerful weapons to fight strong enemies. This also applies to arrows, use them wisely.

Don't miss a single hill or cliff

Each hill in the game holds some kind of reward. These can be treasure chests, rare minerals, or Korok forest spirits. If you get the chance to take different paths, choose the hilly one and explore it carefully. You will definitely find something worth your time there.

Tame your horse as soon as possible

The game has a huge world, and the character has to walk a lot. But at the very beginning of the game, his stamina is at a minimum level. A horse can alleviate the fate of the players. As soon as you leave the Great Plateau, follow between two large rocks. This will take you to the bridge and then straight to the Duelling Peaks Stable. When you see a herd of horses, and select a suitable animal, press A to mount it, and then the left stick to hold on.

Before saddling a horse, it is better to talk to the owner of the stable. This will allow you to register your new friend and give him a name. This gives a great perk - you can summon him from any stable in your path.

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – new game in the action genre with elements of open world survival in its 30-year-old series. Main character, the unchanging Link, fights for the safety and well-being of a fantasy kingdom. He meets many trials along the way. interesting tasks, awards and evil enemies.

In Breath of the Wild, you can create an incredibly large number of culinary masterpieces that will help you make life easier on your difficult journey. But it can take a lot of time and effort to create truly the most healthy culinary recipes, since rare ingredients are not easy to find. However, do not be sad, because we have carefully studied the cuisine of Hyrule and prepared for you the top of the best and most useful recipes in the game.

10. Baked fruit is an easy way to heal.

Probably one of the most simple ways improve the medicinal properties of products - bake them. Fruit are very common during the game, and they are easy to bake with a fire or on the ground in locations with a very high temperature, such as in the Eldin mountains, where is Gorongrad. When baked, their medicinal properties increase by 1.5 times. The advantage of this recipe is that one type of baked dish occupies one slot in the food section, which has a limit on the number of blanks you can carry.

9. Spicy juicy mushrooms - an easy way to stay warm

Spicy juicy mushrooms- a fairly simple dish of mushrooms called Zharomor. Thanks to five such mushrooms, cooked in a cauldron, you can not only replenish five hearts of health, but also protect yourself for 12 and a half minutes from a fairly severe frost, thanks to the effect of the second level of protection from the cold. These fungi are most commonly found in Eldin Gorge and Gerudo Highlands. After eating this dish, you will be able to run in only shorts in the coldest locations, but swimming in cold water is still not recommended.

8. Ice Juicy Mushrooms are an easy way to beat the sweltering heat.

Ice juicy mushrooms- the exact opposite of a dish of spicy juicy mushrooms. Unlike the previous one, the recipe perfectly protects from the heat for 12 and a half minutes, and also replenishes five health units. For cooking you will need five mushrooms Podmoroses . These mushrooms most often grow in cold lands, such as Eberian mountains and Mount Laneiro.

7. Steamed Quick Fruits - Speed ​​Up

Thanks to the dish steamed quick fruits” You can increase your running and climbing speed by 3 levels for a full five minutes. The dish is prepared from two agility-lotuses and three quick-violet , and together form a fairly healthy travel dish. As a bonus, it also restores two health points. Quick-lotus can be easily found in swamps of lanheiro, but agility-violet have to look in the cold Eberian mountains or Gerudo highlands.

6. Thieves' fish for a couple - quieter than water ...

If you can't sneak up on your prey because you make a lot of noise, then a dish will come to your aid. steamed thief fish". To prepare it, you will need two mushrooms Hidden cravings, two flowers Silence Princess and one fish Quiet trout . Thanks to this dish, you will be able to move very quietly for 10 minutes (Stealth level 3), and also replenish 8 health points. Quiet trout you can catch in the waters around the Korokow Forest, Silence Princess grows at Big Fairy Springs, a Hidden cravings most often found at the source of the Laneiro and in Western Neklude.

5. Wonderful Juicy Mushrooms - Take your health to the limit

There are dishes in the game that not only fully heal you, but also give you extra hearts. One of these recipes is Wonderful juicy mushrooms", which are prepared from super truffles. Cook in a cauldron five super truffles , and you will receive not only full healing, but also an additional 20 hearts. However, there is also bad news. Super Truffles very rare.

4. Protective fish for a couple - armored body

On the way to save Hyrule, you will meet quite a few dangerous opponents who will take down the lion's share of your health with one blow. To prevent this, you should prepare “ Steam guard fish”, which gives protection against physical attacks of the third level for 250 seconds. To prepare this dish useful in battles, you will need three flowers Plateflower and two fish Plate Pagr . The first ingredient you can collect in Akkal highland and Khairul ridge, and fish can be caught at shores the sea of ​​Laneiro and the Neklude Sea.

3. Fighting fruit mix - on the offensive with triple strength

If you don’t want to defend yourself, but go on the offensive against the enemy, then the dish will help you with this “ Fighting fruit mix”, which will grant you three additional levels of attack for 250 seconds. A dish is being prepared five wedge bananas , most commonly found in rainforests of the Faron region, as well as dropping out when killing clan members yoke.

2. Living juicy mushrooms - fast replenishment of stamina at minimal cost

If you were climbing a mountain and you suddenly ran out of stamina, then a dish called “ Living succulent mushrooms”, which not only instantly fully restores your stamina, but also adds a little extra stamina. The most amazing thing is that it can be made from just about anything. one mushroom Zhyvushka . This makes it one of the easiest and most useful recipes in the game. These fungi are most commonly found in Khairul ridge and plain.

1. Wonderful salad - quick health replenishment at minimal cost

We decided to award the best dish in the game to wonderful salad, which is prepared on a cauldron from everything one miracle radish . The dish proved to be quite healing, and not only fully heals Link, but also grants three extra hearts. Even shish kebabs made from a few raw rolls and rump turn out to be less useful than one radish. miracle radish most often found on Khairul ridge and in Eastern Neklude.

After the introductory video, you will find yourself in the forest, not far from the village of Seles, which was attacked by unknown forces. Dart will hear riders galloping through the forest. Two of them will stop in front of the main character and ask who he is. A very unfriendly conversation will be unexpectedly interrupted by a green dragon. After a few hits from the monster, Dart will choose to run away. The dragon will follow him. When you are once again attacked, a girl in blue clothes will appear, which will help you avoid certain death. After the dragon leaves, she will inform you that your home village has been destroyed. Dart will run to Seles.

Once in the village, jump over the fence. You will see two soldiers trying to kill the old man. Dart will fight them. After defeating an enemy unit, you will receive two Healing Potion. The wounded old man will have time to tell you that the truce with the Sandora empire was over and the war began... Take Bum Out from the chest and save (previously approaching the unusual glow). Head to the next part of the village. Mayor Seles will inform Darfy that his childhood friend Shana was taken prisoner by Sandor's troops, but he does not know where she may be. At the end of the conversation with the mayor, two Sandor'bi knights and their commander will appear, from whom you will learn that Shana is kept in Helena Prison. Next comes the battle.

Boss #1: Commander
When fighting, use Dart's special strike, which is activated when attacking an enemy by pressing the button in certain moment(In the future, you will have to fully master all the special attacks in order to more effectively deal with enemies). If you have been dealt heavy damage, then use the Guard command (recovery of 10% of maximum health) or use Healing Potion (recovery of 50% of maximum health).

After winning the fight, you will receive two more Healing Potion and Bum Out, as well as a new special attack - Volcano. Run to the village cemetery. Two people are talking around him. One of them is Master Tasman, who will help you figure out the combat system in the game. Having trained enough and gained basic knowledge, go to one of the tombstones and take the first Stardust. Leave the village and head through the forest to Helena Prison (you can upgrade the hero a little along the way).


Once near the prison, run after the merchant's wagon. They will stop her at the gate. To avoid being detected, press the button when an exclamation mark lights up above the hero. After making your way to the prison, jump off the wagon and save. Go to the upper left room: inside it you can take from the chest Bum Out. Come back. Approach the merchant who is standing in the passage on the left. As soon as he sees you, he will immediately call the guard. After dealing with the guard, approach the merchant again. This time he will offer you his goods. Having bought everything you need, run to the left passage. There are two soldiers walking around in this room. You can run past them unnoticed, but I advise you to attack them to get additional experience points (in the future, you should also attack all encountered patrols). After defeating all the enemies, go to the right and climb up the stairs. Kill another guard and go to the next room. Save.

Enter the room for Savepoint "oM. You will find yourself in the barracks. Kill all the soldiers, then take all the useful items from the chests. Exit the barracks. Get into the elevator and go up. Run to the prison tower. Inside it you will meet the Basil knights and them commander Lavitfa fighting the guards. Help Lavitz "y deal with the enemies. After the battle, he will join your squad. Walk through all the cells: inside them you can find a lot of useful things. Then find the room where the lift goes, and go outside. The guard will attack you. After defeating him, sit in the lift and go upstairs. There will be a tower to your right that you need to get into, but it is locked and you have to find the key.

Run left. Entering the room, which is just filled with guards, go up the platform and take the key lying on the box. Return to the tower. Use the found key on the door. Once in the tower, search the rooms without guards, you can find money in them. After collecting all the coins, approach the three guards. After a short dialogue, they will attack you. After finishing with the enemies, you can get into the cell in which Shana is being held. After freeing her, deal with the guards who came running and head to the exit from the prison (you can buy additional Healing Potion from a familiar merchant along the way). At the bottom of the stable you will encounter Fruegel "ohm - the head of the prison.

Boss #2: Fruegel
Despite his size, Fruegel is not a very strong opponent, and it will not be difficult to defeat him. First, get rid of the annoying bodyguards, and then take on the destruction of the boss himself. In order not to suffer with him for a long time, use the special blows of Darfa and Lavitz "a, and let Shana attack Burn Out" ohm.

After defeating Fruegel "a, you will leave Helena Prison. Go to Prairie.


Run straight down the road. After hiding from the soldiers in the bushes, wait until they leave, then go down to the left. Go into a small forest house, Shana will provide first aid to Lavitz. After Dart tells a sad story about his childhood, leave the house (if your heroes are very battered, you can sit on a chair and rest). Climb the small stone ladder up. You will come out to a waterfall, next to which there is a cut down tree. Go back to the house and take an ax. Use the ax to cut down a tree. Now go to the place where you were hiding from the soldiers. Move up the left path. You will find yourself at the foot of waterfall and you will see the very log that the unfortunate lumberjack Dart cut down. Cross it to the other side of the river and exit this screen. Open the chest: it contains Angel's Prayer. Talk with civilians and come out of the prairie. Move to Limestone Cave.


Take Detonate Rock from the chest and run down. Use the water slides to get to the chests. One of them contains money, and the other has a Bastard Sword. After picking up all the items, continue to move deeper into the cave. Get over the bumps through the underground lake (on both sides of which there are chests). On the next screen, go right and take 100 coins from the chest. By approaching the yellow glow and pressing the (x) button, you can restore the health of the entire squad (by the way, this is a pretty convenient place for pumping heroes). Open two more chests: one on the right, and the second at the top (it can be reached by the cliffs). After collecting all the good, head to the next part of the cave. When you get upstairs, go straight ahead. In this place you need to catch a frog. After you do this, she will leave behind a Poison Guard. Return to the previous cave and go to the right passage, opening another chest along the way. After reaching Savepoint "a, save and head to the luminous passage.

Boss #3: Urubolus
A very unpleasant-looking snake that lives in caves. Killing her, in principle, is not difficult, the same tactics as in the fight against Fruegel will do. The main thing is not to forget to restore health. After killing the snake and watching a short video insert, get out to the surface. Follow the Indels Castie Capital Bale.


Arriving in Lavitz's hometown, go to the very first house. Approach the artist girl - she will draw a portrait of Lavitz'a and give it to you. Take 50 coins from the box and go outside. Go down the stairs. In the passage under the fountain stands a drunkard who wants to drink. Remember this place, you will return here later. Visit the inn (the building marked with a yellow cursor). Save and go to the bar.

Buy a drink from the bartender and leave the hotel. Cross the bridge on the left to the next part of the city. Go to the weapon shop. Approach the peaks and take Stardust. If you want, you can buy yourself new weapons and armor. Now head towards the castle (passage to the left of the weapon shop). After entering the castle, take from the chest in the stable Sparkle Arrow. Here on the first floor in the fireplace you can find another Stardust. Rise to the second floor. On the left there will be stairs, going down which you will get to the basement. Turn the steering wheel on the wall to open the passage to the boat. Rise back to the second floor. In the leftmost room in the chest, take 50 coins. Rise to the third floor. In the room on the right, pocket 100 coins. Upstairs on the left (where the woman walks) take the Stardust from the window. Once outside through the room on the left, go into the room on the right. Go down the stairs. After searching the box, you will find the Active Ring in it.

Return to the room where you found the last Stardust and go up the curved stairs to King Albert's reception room. After talking with the king, follow Shan "oft. After a long conversation, return to the reception room and go through the door to the right of the king. After entering the neighboring tower, slide down the chute. Exit the castle and head to the Lavitz" a house (passage to the right of the hotel ). Before entering the house, take Stardust from the well first. Once at Lavitz's house, you will meet his very hospitable mother. After a long conversation, go to LavitzV and ask him to show you the house (Show me around your house). Go up to the second floor and go into the library. Lavitz will move the ladder away from the closet and will move it to the window. After sitting on the roof for a while, you will go downstairs and find yourself in the kitchen. Behind Lavitz's mother lies Stardust in the closet. After taking it, go to the library and climb out the window.

After walking along the roof, jump into the stable. Walk forward along the beam, keeping the balance with the button. At the end of the path you will be able to take the Healing Breeze. Jump down and run to the drunkard standing under the fountain. Give him the bottle you previously bought at the inn, after which you can go through. Climb up the spiral staircase. Run straight. After running to the underground river, climb up the stairs and take 20 coins from the box. Then go downstairs and get into the boat. After circling around the city a little, you will come to one of the houses, inside which you will find Stardust. Now you can leave this city and, by order of King Alberta, go to Fort Hoax.


Entering the city, the first thing to do is visit the hotel. There you can rest and find Angel's Prayer. Leave the hotel. Go up the small stairs (on the right) to the top and go into the house. Go down to the basement: there, in the fireplace, lies Stardust. Climb onto the roof and run to the rightmost house ( it can only be accessed through the attic). Take 20 coins from an inconspicuous box on the right. After talking with the old man on the rocking chair, go outside. Go down the stairs and go into the room under the palisade. Open the chest: it contains a Healing Potion. Collect all useful items, head to the building to the right of the hotel (two soldiers are standing next to it). Approach Kaiser and talk to him. After the conversation, take Stardust from the box, then go outside. After walking around the city for a bit, return to Kaiser's answer to his question with the phrase: "We are fine now." Once outside, climb the stairs and go to the sentinel. Change him. At night, after talking with Lavitz, go downstairs. Sandor's troops will attack the city, and you have to defend it. Having dealt with the first enemy detachment, run upstairs to fight Sandora Bite.

Boss #4: Sandora Elite
Unlike previous bosses, Sandora Elite is really dangerous. He owns hand-to-hand combat techniques, as well as quite strong attacking magic. In addition, at the end of the fight, Sandora Elite will begin to use a spell that creates two of his doubles. Attack him with special attacks and don't forget to heal the heroes in time - that's the whole tactic.

Killing Sandora Elite will reward you with a Healing Breeze. Not having time to move away from the last battle, your squad again gets involved in the battle.

Boss #5: Kongol
Kongol is an unremarkable overgrowth. He is practically not dangerous in the first half of the battle, when he wields his ax. But as soon as he removes it (quite strange), he immediately turns into a very formidable opponent who can intercept your attacks and attack two heroes at once. To fight the boss, things like Bum Out, which hit from a distance, are best suited.

After defeating the giant, you will see a cutscene where Dart transforms into Dragoon for the first time. After a long conversation with Rose (a stranger in blue clothes who saved Dart's life at the beginning of the game) and the rest of the squad, head out of the city. If you want, ask Rose to teach you how to fight in the guise of a Dragoon, then follow to Marshland.


Run straight. On the next screen, follow the rocks across the stream. You will see a small forest fort and fighting knights Basil and Sandora. Attack Sandor's soldiers (when attacking ordinary units, always say a phrase with an exclamation mark). After defeating Sandor's troops, take from the chest near the Sun Rhapsody tree. Enter the fort. Approach the wounded soldier. Before dying, he will give you a Wargorfs Amulet. Collect all the useful items from the chests and take them out of the Stardust Furnace. Head back to where you entered Marettand. Follow the tree roots to the left. When you reach the river, get on the boat. With the help of control commands, swim to the boxes. After collecting all the treasures, return to the shore. Run forward. Shan "e will become ill, and Daft will put her on his shoulders. Go to Volcano Wude.


Move forward. The volcano erupts and the Firebird appears. After hiding from the firebird in the cave, take Spear Frost from the chest and head to the next screen. Pick up the Mind Purifier and go right. After replenishing your Panic Guard inventory, return to the previous screen and run to the left. Jump over the gap and save. Follow on. After moving through the lava with the help of islands, run after Shan "oh.

Boss #6: Virage
A very serious boss. This is the first enemy in the game that can be hit in different areas: Body (body), Head (head), Arm (hand). First you need to transform Darfa and Rose into dragoons. Then, using magic, attack the monster's head (don't waste energy on the hand: while it is gone, Virage will use magic, which takes a lot of energy). When the heroes turn back into people, use special tricks.

After sending Virage into the bowels of the volcano, run to the right. Help the merchant hanging on the cliff to climb up. The merchant's name is Dabas, he will thank you for saving you and give you a Sapphire Pine. After soaking a few jokes, Dabas will run away. Follow him into the passage.

Boss #7: Firebird
The boss is the same bird that you met at the entrance to the volcano. Not a very strong opponent, but hardy. Darta's magic has almost no effect on Firebird, so only Rose will have to be used. You can cause significant damage to the bird with Spear Frost, which you previously found.

After completing a hot (in the literal sense) battle, exit the cave. At the exit, open the chest and take 50 coins. Go to Dabas, where you can buy some items. Having made the necessary purchases, stomp into the Nest of Dragon.


Run straight. On the next screen, when the squad stops, Shana confesses that she is poisoned... After the conversation, go right. Find a place near the giant web where you can cross the river on the rocks to go back and get the Chain Mail from the crate. Return to the web and step on it. Heroes will fall into the ground. You will find yourself at an underground lake, which has healing properties (it is very good to earn experience here). After healing, if necessary, your heroes, go upstairs. Next, it will be quite difficult to explain how to get out of the underground labyrinth (it is not difficult to do this), so I will give you some tips. The labyrinth is divided into two parts: lower and upper. In the upper part, the passages to the next tunnels are blocked by plants. To get rid of them, you need to go to other plants (similar to an umbrella) and press the button (x). Then the plants will disappear, and you can safely go to the exit. Save at the exit - a difficult fight awaits you ahead.

Boss #8: Greham & Feyrbrand
Yes, a truly sweet couple: a dragon and his master. Both are good at magic, and therefore, in order to cope with them, you will need to make every effort. First, transform into dragoons. With the help of Explosion (Dart) and Death Dimension (Rose) magic, attack Greham "a and Feyrtrand" a at the same time. Then transform back into humans, turn your full attention to the dragon. When he is defeated, deal with his master.

After the death of Greham "a Lavitz will have the opportunity to transform into a dragoon. Climb up and head to the city of Lohan.

Upon arrival in Lohan, Dart will take Shan "y to the doctor, who will say that only the Dragoni Plant can save her. Leaving Shan" y in the clinic, go outside. If you need to rest, go to the inn (the topmost door, marked with a yellow cursor). Run through the green door to the left of the inn. Climb up the stairs. Approach the bookshelf and press the button (x). The shelf will move away and you will be able to go to a secret niche. Go down to the room in which the man in green clothes is standing and take Stardust from the furnace. Exit the building and go to the next screen. There is a weapon shop on the top left. It sells the best helmet in the game Legend Casque, which costs 10,000 coins. If you decide to buy it, then go outside the city and start killing monsters. Do not forget to also visit your old friend Dabas'a's shop (purple door on the right). Inside you can find another Stardust, which is in knightly armor. After talking with Dabas'oM, go to the market at the entrance to the city. A street vendor will be attached to you, who will offer you to buy a bottle from him for 100,000,000 coins... What a businessman, he wants to slip us a bottle for that kind of money, which actually costs 100 coins! Therefore, we bargain until the merchant sells you the goods for its real value.

Having bought a bottle, follow the merchant to the right. Once at the building with a large sign, take Stardust from the basket and head towards the exit from the city. At the exit, after searching a small pot, you will find the last Stardust in this city. Head back to Nest of Dragon.


Go down to the underground spring and collect water from it in a bottle. Rise upward. Jump over the river and run to the next screen. Turn right. You will see a tree that looks like a cocoon. Approach it and use Life Water from the ezer. The plant will wither and you can exit the Nest of Dragon. Follow to Shrine of Shirley.


Run all the time straight until you hit the room with the rails. Enter the left passage. Go to the steering wheel on the wall and turn it. A secret door will open (behind it is a clue to one of the puzzles). Return to the previous room and go up the stairs. Stopping in front of the puzzle, dial the code: 352. Climb into the opened passage. Next is another puzzle. You need to block the ladder so it doesn't fold. To do this, go to the statues. Select Forward from the gold statue menu and Left from the silver statue menu. Now calmly go upstairs.

Boss #9: Drake
The guardian of the shrine was not very happy about your arrival, and therefore you will have to fight him. Drake, although not very strong in magic, is a pretty good warrior. Against him, the magic of Darta and Rose should be used, and Lavitz "a should be used only as a warrior.

When Drake is defeated, Shirley herself will appear.

Boss #10: Shirley

You don't have to fight Shirley (use the Guard command), you just need to answer her questions correctly. Then she herself will give you the Dragon Spirit to save Shan's. She will ask questions to Darfy (in the form of Shan's) and Lavitz'y (in the form of Alberta). First, Darf's answers. First: That pursue the Black Monster, second: Of course, get revenge, third: Shana, fourth: No matter what, I will go. Now answers Lavitz "a. First: That" s not like you, second: Shana needs me, third: Mother.

After receiving the Dragon Spirit, go to the temple and collect all the treasures there, then return back to Lohan.

Head to the clinic. Give Shan "e Dragon Spirit. After she comes to her senses, run to the local Entertainment Center(large building to the right of the market). Once inside, go right. Approach the man sitting behind the counter and register for the tournament (I "ll participate). Go down the stairs. Dart will meet his old friend Haschel" a. who also participates in the tournament. After all the fighters have dispersed, approach the person standing in the aisle and tell her that you are ready to fight. Five fights follow. You will win the first four without problems, and in the fifth you will lose (in the story) to a fighter named Lloyd, who is much faster and stronger than Dart "a. Having taken an honorable second place, leave the arena and find your friends. After talking with them and getting three tickets to rides, you can play mini-games with Shan "oh. After playing enough, sit down to Lavitz "u. After talking with him, go with the whole detachment to the exit from the city. At the exit you will meet the wounded knight Basil, who will report that King Albert was kidnapped and placed in Helena Prison. Lavitz will lose his temper and rush to save the king , but Haschel will stop him in time with a good slap in the face.After Lavitz wakes up in the clinic, the heroes will decide to head to Helena Prison, and Haschel will agree to join your squad.


After entering the prison, run to the left. Get on the lift and ride to the very top. Take the Healing Potion from the chest and go to the next screen. The prison guards will take you prisoner. In the dungeon, go to Shan "e. She will say that there is a gap in the wall. Press the button (x) near the wall. Dart will find a passage, but you will not have time to use it ...

Boss #11: Jiango
Use the magic of all the heroes, and you can easily fill up this image.

Go forward, destroying the guards along the way. Having reached the room in which you were captured, kill the guards and go through the left door. After running a little further (do not forget to save along the way), you will find yourself in a place where Albeit is located and Fruegel guarding him ...

Boss #12: Fruegel
Yes, it seems that Fruegel "y didn’t think our last meeting was enough, and he wants to take revenge. This time, not some miserable guards, but two monsters act as his bodyguards. I suggest that you first deal with them, and only then take on yourself boss If all the heroes are reincarnated as dragoons, then Fruegel's helpers can be killed in two moves. Having lost bodyguards, the enemy will be significantly weakened, and it will not be difficult to finish him off.

At the end of the battle, Lloyd will appear, who will take away the Moon Gem from the king and kill Lavttz "a ... After Albert is released, he will join your squad and will have the same characteristics and special attacks as Lavitz" a.

After returning to Seles and considering a plan for further actions, go to Black Castle.


Enter the building on the right. Talk to the fat man and answer his question with the phrase: "Yeah". Get 100 coins from the soldier and go up to the second floor. Find Stardust in the garbage heap and take the Attack Ball from the chest. Get outside. Enter the left door. The barrels on the right contain Stardust. After taking it, head to the hotel. After resting, run up the street. Visit the weapon shop (a blue cursor is lit above it). Inside you will meet a mysterious adventurer who seems to have already found them on his head. After the poor fellow is taken somewhere by Sandor's soldier, buy all the necessary equipment and take it to the left of the Stardust counter. Head north to a small settlement near the castle. Go into the very first house and take Stardust from the bookshelf. Next, go to the store (house with a yellow cursor): there, in barrels, you can find two Stardust "a.

After leaving the store, follow the hut on the left. Answer the boy's questions in the following order: 3, 3, 2. If you did everything right, he will say that his name is Roro and take you to his house. There he will tell you that there is a secret passage to the castle. When your new friend runs away, save and follow him. Jump into the passage. After a little climbing along the underground passage, you will find yourself behind the gates of the castle. Go forward, killing the guards along the way. After getting out of the dungeon, kill the guards and run to the gate. Come into the castle.

Head through the only open door. You will meet two scientists who, after a conversation, will give you Magic Oil. Light the purple lamp (this must be done to start the lifting mechanism) and get into the elevator. Arriving at the next floor, go to another elevator. After leaving the elevator, go down the stairs and take the items in the boxes. Cross the bridge where the boulders are falling (you need to do this so that the scavenger does not notice you). Take the Red Stone from the chest. Go back and go upstairs (to the room with the scientists who gave you the oil). When you arrive, go to the left door. Light the lamp and go upstairs. Kill the soldier with the dog and go to the next room. Go down to the scientist, who after a while will turn himself into a charming little dog. Take the Blue Gem from the chest. Exit the lab.

Defeat the two guards and ride the elevator they were guarding. Run to the right. If you need Healing Polons or other items, buy them from the merchant. Go into a small room and get Beast Fang from the chest. On the next screen, go upstairs. . After the conversation, he will give you a Yellow Stone. Get down downward and follow to the right. Attack the guard who is guarding the stairs. After killing him, go up the stairs and run straight all the way until you reach the stone elevator. After riding on it, collect all the items. Now return to the place where you fought the three guards. Take the left elevator and go upstairs. Talk to the priest and save the game. Approach the stone, on which the triangle and three holes are squeezed out. Insert into it the three stones that you previously found. The door to the statue will open and you can go inside. Climb up and run straight ahead.

Boss #13: Kongol
Our old friend who led the attack on the city of Hoax. The bastard got angry. Now you can't beat him that easily. Kongol uses a protective barrier against magic. Therefore, it is useless to beat him with magic. It is better to use the special attacks of the dragoons (he will intercept the usual ones) and heal in time.

Having received serious damage, Kongol will surrender. Run through the next door.

Boss #14: Emperor Doel
This time, Emperor Doel himself will act as the boss, who will appear before you in two images. The first Doel "a is quite easy to kill, but the second one will have to tinker with, and pretty much. It's hard to give any advice on how to destroy it, we can only say one thing: use everything you can !!!

After death, Doel will leave Dragon Spirit, which will go to Haschel. This is the end of the first chapter of the game. Save and Insert Disk 2.



Once in the beautiful city of Retz "e, run across a small bridge and climb up the stairs. Take Stardust from the box at the end of the Stardust passage and go outside. To the right of the stairs is a hotel where you can recuperate. After resting, go back over the bridge. Nearby there is a small house next to the river.On its roof you can find the second Stardust.Visit the local weapons store.Inside it in the crate on the left is another Stardust.After purchasing equipment, exit the store and move north.Enter the first house on the left.You will enter jewelry store. precious stones in the lower left to pick up Stardust. On the street, walk a little forward. There will be a scene with Princess Emille.

Follow the second store on the left. Looking through the wooden telescope, you will find the last Stardust in this city. After buying some items from the seller, head to the bar (the building behind the bridge, where you climbed the stairs). There you will meet a man named Kaffi, who will share information (for this you need to talk to him several times). When you finish the conversation, evening will come and patrols will appear on the street, who will never let you out of the city. Knock on the house to the left of the inn. The door will open Fester, who will let you inside and tell the story of the Black Monster. Having finished his story, Fester will leave. Run to the house, which is located to the left of the entrance to the city. Having met the hospitable hostess Nello, the heroes will go to bed. In the morning, before you leave the city, go to a bar. After talking with MaggeG, you will receive an item. Leave the city and head to the Barrens. First go to the right and take the Warrior Dress from the chest. Then head north. In the gorge you will be attacked by Mappi and two thieves.

Boss # 15: Mappi & two Crafty Thief's
These are not bosses, but a real free experience. The gang of thieves is so weak that you don't even have to use magic to deal with them.

After the battle, a very unpleasant surprise will await you. Mappi, contriving, will steal the Dragon Crystal from Darfa... Unfortunately, the thief will not be caught, and Dart will be deprived of the ability to turn into a dragoon. Head to the city of Donau, having previously collected all the things lying in the chests.


When you enter after talking with a little girl, you will see how Uoyd will save a young woman from the robbers. Very strange... Go to the hotel. Take a break and save the game. On the street, go to the fountain, and get Stardust out of it. Climb up the stairs. Go down to the weapons store and buy Shan "e and Rose armor. If any hero suffers from poisoning, then he can be healed in the hospital for 20 coins. Run to the house to the right of the entrance to the city. Inside, talk to the mayor's daughter Kate. She will give you will receive a message and will ask you to take it to your father. Go left from the main square of the city to the mayor's house. Go upstairs and go through the door. Approach the servant and give him the message. After reading it, he will take you to the mayor.

The mayor will ask you to save his son, and you naturally cannot refuse. Approach the sink in the upper left corner. Take Stardust from it. Leaving the house, you will see a girl who beats up three suspicious types. Her name is Meru. After talking with you, she will join the squad. Leave the city and head to Twin Castle in Fletz.


Run to the castle gate. The guard will not let you inside, so you will have to look for a workaround. By the way, Fester once said that he was the teacher of the princess. Maybe he can help get into the castle. Fester "a can be found in a store that sells a giant telescope. After the conversation, he will leave the store. Follow him north and talk again. Fester will take you to his house. After a little chat, go to the castle. After visiting the king's reception, you will get a pass to the Valley of Corrupted Gravity.Search the statue to the right of the entrance - it contains Stardust.When you are about to leave the castle, you will be stopped by the princess's servant Lisa, who will report that the princess wants to see you.After a long conversation with the princess, leave the room Find a maid and tell her that you are ready (Yes, we are ready) Once at dinner with the king and his family, get to know Princess Emille better, then go to bed.After waking up, leave the guest room and go down the spiral staircase Take the Stardust from the tower on the right and head to the Valley of Corrupted Gravity.


Approach the guard and show him the pass. When the gate opens, run forward. On the next screen after the cutscene with Meru, go downstairs and take the Speed ​​Up from the crate. At the top left there is a yellow glow that replenishes the health of the heroes to infinity, so it is recommended to pump the heroes a little here. Get the Sachet from the box at the top and go into the passage. Jumping on the cobblestones, get over the abyss and move forward. After overcoming a few more obstacles (no need to ask me how to do it !!!), you will find yourself at Savepoint "a. Save and go to the giant structure.

Boss #16: Virage
Virage again. This time with legs and the size of a high-rise building... First of all, you should cut off the boss's arms, otherwise he will grab your hero and immediately take away all his HP. First, neutral
lick the left hand, and then the right, after which start attacking the head. Use all available spells.

After scoring Virage, talk to the heroes. Exit Valley of Corrupted Gravity and make your way to Nota of Giganto.


As soon as you get into the Home of Giganto, arrows will fly at you from all sides. Quickly run into the room on the left. Steal 20 coins from the chest and approach the glowing object at the top of the screen. Click on the plate, this will block the mechanism with arrows. Go outside and take Fake Knight Shield from the box between the stones. Climb up the stairs. After walking a little forward, you will be attacked by bandits. Dodge the robbers' shots until their leader appears. After a short conversation, the battle will begin. After scattering a gang of rather frail thieves and asking the gangster about his ability to fight, follow the opened gate. A small scene will follow. If necessary, heal with the yellow glow in the building on the right. Take Angels Prayer from the crate and run after Haschel. Having reached Savepoints, save and proceed inside the large structure.

Boss #17: Gehrich & Mappi
Well, it's time to deal with the leader of the robbers (a former student of Haschel "a) and his henchman Mappi, who stole the Dragon Crystal from Darta. First, deal with Gehrich" using special attacks and the magic of the heroes, and then take on Mappi. Without his master, he will become practically helpless.

At the end of the battle, Haschel uses a special technique on Gehrich "e. And with his body he will break the statue that held the roof of the building ... Kongol will save the heroes from the inevitable death ... After the next plot insert, Gehrich will have time to inform his teacher before his death that Princess Emille in the castle is not real.Get Stardust from the candlestick on the right and go down into the opened passage.In the dungeon you will find Lynn.After freeing him, pick up the Red-Eyed Dragon Crystal in the lower left corner of the room.Now Dart can turn into a dragoon again.Go back to room with a throne Kongol will join your party Exit the city of giants and head to Donau.

Approach the people in the square and talk to them. When the bride and groom come out, press the button (X) so that Shana catches a bouquet of flowers and you will receive Kate's Bouquet. After talking with the mayor, head to Lohan.

Remember the merchant who sold you the bottle? Go to him. He has a Dragon Crystal. First, he will want to sell it to you for 100 coins, and then, after seeing how the crystal shines in Kongola's hands, he will raise the price to 1000. Having bought the Dragon Crystal, go to Fletz.

Arriving in the city, you will hear the roar of cannonade. This means that the coronation of Princess Emille will begin soon. Visit the bar and take Martel Wargod's Sash (for this you must have 30 Stardust). Leave the bar and run to the castle. This time it is not guarded, and you will be able to go inside unhindered. Save and head to the throne room. Two guards will not let you into it. Go down the right spiral staircase. Now you need to get into the right tower unnoticed. Talk to Princess Lis "oh. After telling her that Emille is not real, go with her to the left tower (still hiding from the guards). Entering Emille's room, go to her portrait. You will be transported to the underground prison of the castle, which is covered by a magical field. Talk to the characters, then go to the magical bundle of energy and press the button (X). A bridge is formed between the platform you are on and the platform where the real Emille is sitting. After passing through it, free the princess and run to the throne room (don't forget to save along the way). Entering the room, you will see the king giving the Moon Dagger to the fake Emille. When she gets a dagger in her hands, she will turn into a monster.

Boss #18: Lenus
In order to defeat her, your heroes must be at least the twentieth level. It's best if Albert doesn't participate in this fight, as his offensive magic is based on water, just like Lenus. I advise you to replace it with Haschel "a. You also need to have enough Healing Breeze and Angel's Prayer to heal and restore heroes. If you don’t have all this, then start with Save "a and buy everything you need in the city. Lenus should be attacked with special dragoon strikes (preferably with Perfect"). Here, in fact, is the whole tactic.

After losing the battle, Lenus will fly away with the moon dagger. After talking with the king, go to the city of Donau.

Go to the port (north of the mayor's house). Moored there is King Ziorb's Wrath Queen. Talk to Kayla, the captain's mate, and board the ship.


Having received control of the bap "oh, save and go down to the lower deck. Go to Kongol" and ask him if he saw Dart "a. After the conversation, take Stardust from the box below. Climb back upstairs and go into the cabin. Take it out of the chest the second Stardust and go through the door next to the stairs. Talk to Albert. Exit the cabin and head to the passage on the left. Wake up Meru and run upstairs to the captain's bridge. There you will finally find Dart "a and start playing for him. Climb the mast and talk to Rose. Having taken control of her, go to Haschel". After watching the next plot insert, go down to Kongol "y. Follow to Albert" y. As him, find Meru. Move to the captain's bridge. After talking with Dart, climb the mast. A ghost ship will collide with Queen Fury ... The ship's engine will be damaged and your journey will be temporarily suspended. Haschel will come running and report that Shana is missing.


When the heroes get on the Mille Seseau ship, they will see Shan "y and the ghosts that protected her from the skeletons. Return to your ship and save. Having decided to inspect the ghost ship, go to the captain's cabin, and then go down. You will see a ghost that attacked Shan "y. Run after him. Open the chest. A ghost will fly out of it and set three skeletons on you. Exit the room and move to the next cabin. Open another chest. A ghost will fly out of it again, but this time it will attack itself. Return back to the corridor. Take 50 coins from the box and run to the next screen. Approach the shiny object. Four sailors will appear and tell you some combination of numbers. Remember her. Take 20 coins from one chest, and ghosts will appear again from another, this time in the amount of three pieces. When you defeat the monsters, the spirit of the captain will appear and ask you to go to his cabin. Once in the cabin, talk to the captain and pick up the Key of Phantom Ship from the floor. Get on deck. Run into the opened room and take the Bravery Amulet from the chest. Approach the door on the left. Five knights will attack you.

Boss #19: Ghost Knight & Ghost Commander
These knights are not much different from ordinary enemies. The only difference is that they deal pretty decent damage to heroes and are restored each time. First, attack the commander using special attacks. As soon as his energy bar turns red, transform into dragoons and use magic that deals damage to all enemies at the same time.

Go through the opened door. Take the Dancing Dagger from the chest and go to the crib. After talking with the ghost, the ship will begin to sink. Run out of the room. All the heroes, except for Dart "a, safely jumped onto their ship, and it fell into the sea.


In the morning you will be woken up by the dog and its owner Pete. He will take you to his home. Pete will tell you that his mother is seriously ill and she needs to get to the hospital in the city of Fueno. After discussing the plan of further actions, leave the hut and get into the boat. Swim to the pier. Climb up the stairs to the roof of the big house and go down through the attic. Take Stardust and go outside. Run east. When you exit, you will be stopped by Pete, who will ask you to accompany his mother to the hospital. Together with two fellow travelers, follow the Undersea Cavern (you can earn a couple of levels there) to the city of Fueno.

As soon as you arrive in the city, Pete and his mom will separate from the squad and head to the hospital. And you go north to the port to look for your friends. Go through the tower. You will meet Kayla. After learning that the rest of the heroes are in the hotel, move to the city center. On the next screen, you will face Mega. Run after her to the hotel. After talking to everyone, go upstairs. Go into the lower room: inside you will find Shan "y. After spending the night in the hotel, distribute the heroes and take Stardust from the barrels. Follow the hospital. Approaching the picture by the stairs, you will find the last Stardust on this disc. Return to the port and talk to the captain .Exit the city and go to Uderia.


Get in the boat and swim towards the three men who are playing cards. Talk to the mayor, he will open the gate. Head to Pete's house. Come into the cave. Collect all the useful items in the chests and turn the steering wheel. Follow the Undersea Cavern.


Move deeper into the cave, along the way collecting valuable items lying in the chests. After reaching Savepointa, save and go upstairs. Running a little ahead, you will see Uoyd "a and Lenus, who gives him the moon dagger.

Boss #20: Lenus & Regole
It's not that hard to defeat Lenus this time, but here's her dragon... So focus your attacks on Regole first. Dart "a magic will be very useful, which takes away more than 1500 HP from the dragon (of course, if you made Special). A couple of attacks - and the dragon is gone. Now proceed to destroy Lenus. There will be no problems with it at all.

After the fight, Dragoon Spirit from Lenus will go to Mega. Head to Fueno. Get on the ship and sail to Donau, and from there move to Fletz.

Run straight to the castle. In the square you will see Princess Emille, who will speak to the people. After looking at the insert, go to the king. Further, there will be no fights and puzzles, there will only be plot conversations and funny inserts, so there is no need to write a walkthrough for this section. insert disk 3.

Magazine "Official PlayStation Magazine: Russia", 2000.

Large-scale role-playing japanese game which will be released very soon Nintendo Switch. Before its release, the company decided to release a small themed quest for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, for completing which players will receive a new free set of armor.

After downloading the latest patch for the Wii U and Nintendo Switch versions of Breath of the Wild, the quest log will show: new quest called Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It consists of three parts. Your goal is to find three red stars that can draw a path in the sky to the coveted reward, new armor. The location of the stars can be found by completing three simple riddles-conditions.

  • Look at the sky in the south from the middle of the largest bridge;
  • Look at the sky in the east from the left "eye" of the skull;
  • Gaze at the sky in the southeast from the top of the highest snowy mountain.

In addition to finding the right location, you must also respect the time frame. You can see red stars only at night between 22:00 and 04:00 game time. If you are in the right place, you will hear a characteristic noise, and a red star will appear in the sky. She should fall nearby. In the found crater, a treasured chest will be waiting for you, and in it is a piece of armor from Xenoblade 2. A full set will give you a large bonus to swimming speed, which is extremely useful in some parts of Hyrule.

The first red star: look at the sky in the south from the middle of the largest bridge

The most simple riddle. There is only one really huge bridge in the game that crosses Lake Hilia. It may be known to players by Twilight Princess and Super Smash Bros. In Breath of the Wild, the bridge you need is south of the Hyrule field. It's hard not to notice him, given the presence of a teleport tower nearby. Take a look at the location on the map:

Use the teleport to the Lake Tower or Ya Naga Temple, which are shown in the screenshot above. When you get to the middle of the bridge, you will be met by a bunch of enemies. After a short fight, wait for the right time and look to the south. When a star will fall, you will only have to pick up the chest with the first piece of armor.

Second red star: look at the sky in the east from the left "eye" of the skull

Solving the next puzzle should lead you to Skull Lake, located far in the northeastern region of Hyrule. Just take a look at the right from the Caldera of Death. The lake you need, as the name suggests, looks like a skull. Take a look at the location on the map:

Getting to this place is quite easy. If you have already opened the Zuna-Kai Shrine, then simply teleport to it. Stand at the entrance to the temple and look to the east. You will again hear the sound of a shooting star. Another piece of armor is yours.

Third star: look at the sky in the southeast from the top of the highest snowy mountain

It's time to finish what we started. The final meeting point with the red star is the hardest to find. When you think of a snow-capped mountain, you most likely think of Mount Girula in the east. But this is the wrong place! You will need Mount Gebra, in the northwest of Hyrule. Look at the screenshot of the map if you want to know the exact location. If you do not want to die from the cold on the highest mountain in the game, then do not forget to bring warm clothes with you.

As you can see on the map, Goma Asaah Shrine is the nearest teleport. However, after moving up the mountain, you still have to spend time climbing. Once you reach the top of the mountain, look towards Hyrule's main castle to the southeast.

A very strange game.

The game has a huge open beautiful world, which consists of 70% ... nothing. No seriously. The game has only a few cities that the player will visit according to the story, a bunch of temples with tests (mostly primitive puzzles) that are passed at will and are needed to level up the hero, as well as several transit points and ... that's it. If in any games with open world(like Elder Scrolls, Fallout) apart from story quest there is a lot more to do (all sorts of abandoned dungeons, cities, ruins and bases, enemy camps, a bunch of all sorts of quests and revealing the history of the world), which motivates the player to explore the world, then all exploration comes down to collecting resources and passing those very temples. Yes, sometimes you can stumble upon a mini-boss or NPC, who may give you a so-so quest, but all this happens extremely rarely and does not add much motivation to explore the world.

The game is primitive combat system(attack, block and dodge), no various combos, special skills (except story) or magic (except magic staves). At the same time, the enemies are stupid and just stick at the player, and you can just stupidly stand still and wave your sword in front of you, the enemies themselves will come up and kill themselves about it. Also in the game is a completely idiotic weapon system i.e. each weapon has durability, but this durability is very small and the weapon falls apart after the destruction of about three enemies, while enemies with weapons in their hands 100% drop their weapons and in the end everything looks like this you crush your weapon on the heads of several enemies , pick up their weapons and do the same again. Even if you found a cool sword or received it as a reward for a quest, it falls apart just like a regular weapon, so there is not much point in it, and if you store it "in case of emergency", then often over time weapons begin to fall from enemies, which no worse or even better than this "cool" sword. Attack animations for each type of weapon (one-handed, two-handed, spears) look the same and no specials. they have no attacks, except for an enhanced attack. There are also very few types of enemies in the game. In essence, there are goblins, lizards and their multi-colored versions and a skeleton version, as well as bats and something like slime and their elemental versions, and well, octopuses and something like robots, and basically everything. There is stealth in the game, but it is made so crookedly and it is of little use in battle, and basically it is only suitable for catching grasshoppers and butterflies. And yes, all character leveling goes through the passage of temples, and they don’t give experience for the enemies themselves, so there’s not much point in beating them except for the sake of resources.

The game has a huge pile of all sorts of resources from which you can cook something, but the process itself is done in an idiotic way. If in normal games you run up to the pot, press the “cook” menu and choose what you want from the list of recipes or resources, then in zelda, nooo, everything is different here. You need to go to the pot, open inventory, poke on the resource and select "pick up", then if you need to select another resource that will automatically be picked up, then close the inventory and throw it all into the pot, and if you did everything right, then maybe something will come of it. And if you need to cook several identical dishes, then you will need to repeat the whole process every time, plus if there are a lot of resources, then you will also need to scroll through the menu in search of the ingredient you need.

The game has a terrible voice acting, or rather the almost complete absence of it. Most of the dialogue looks like an alternation of sounds like "y", "a", "o" and "s". In the game, only a few plot dialogues are normally voiced, and then only partially. The music in the game is so-so and almost absent.

But then the developers decided to bring realism into the game. Metal weapons pass electricity and can be razed by electric enemies, while wooden weapons can be set on fire and will automatically ignite in very hot locations. Metal weapons can strike sparks that can set something on fire (for example, dry leaves or dry grass). If you shoot a wooden arrow through the fire, then the arrow will catch fire and you can also set something on fire with it. The desert is very hot during the day and very cold at night. If equipped with a fire sword, Link will gain a small resistance to cold, and if equipped with an ice sword, a small resistance to heat. If you hit an apple with a fiery sword, then it will become a baked apple, and if raw meat, fried meat. You can cut trees. The game has a change in the time of day (living creatures in locations also change depending on the time of day), as well as a change in the weather. In the rain, climbing is harder, as the stones become slippery and you can slip, and during a thunderstorm, if Link has a metal weapon equipped, then he will be 100% struck by lightning. If you throw some yummy into the river, you can attract fish that you can catch. And many more other things. And all this is certainly great, but at the same time there are oddities. For example, the game has stamina that is spent on climbing and running, but not spent on jumping and attacking. Or during a sandstorm, enemies see you the same way as if it were not there.

In general, developers, in place of paying attention first of all to the necessary game elements(like an interesting game world that would motivate to explore it and an advanced combat system) were busy doing things that could be done without or made a part of at the end of development. Not " Breath from the Wild" not bad game. MThe world in the game looks good and sometimes interesting moments come across, but apart from the story quest and passing puzzles in temples (which quickly get bored), there is nothing to do in it, the primitive combat system does not catch anything and falling apart weapons only worsen everything, an uncomfortable menu and boring quests, and there is no need to apply all realism especially (except for puzzles). opponents are too dumb. So I don’t know what 10/10 is there, I personally can’t put more than 6/10. The game is pure hyped passer.