Walkthrough x construction for android. Guide and walkthrough for "Constructor". Homes for civilians

"Designer" - probably one of the funniest economic strategies the end of 1997. You are invited to remember your childhood and play a little construction. You can not only build houses and factories, but also populate them with tenants who will bring you either money or new tenants.

Do you think it's easy? No, now you have to experience in your own skin what it means to be a landlord. You will have to constantly please the tenants and fulfill their idiotic requirements.

The most attractive thing about the game, in my opinion, is that it is all permeated with unobtrusive humor. Your city is far from ideal. Rather, on the contrary: there is a place for both intrigue and dirty tricks. You will be able to take your soul away, ruining your neighbors and poisoning their lives with all sorts of tricks, learn to deal with the dregs of society and reasonably distribute their destructive energy. This is real life!

The game is well presented animation and there are no complaints about the graphics. The size of the men correspond to the size of the buildings, which is rare in strategies. In addition, the game is quite difficult, and you will not get bored on the third day because you already know everything.

It's nice to dive into the relaxing and thought-provoking world of your own city after a hard day's work. So play, succeed and enjoy your own cunning and enterprise!

Main menu

Play Game - start the game (see section "Game menu").

Load Saved Game - Load a previously saved game. Just select the name of the game you want to download from the list. At the bottom is the "Return" button, which will allow you to return to the main menu.

Game Settings - settings:

Language - select the language of communication: English (English), American (American), France (French), Espagnol (Spanish), Deutsh (German), Portugal (Portuguese),

Character Animation - character animation: Always (always), Once (once).

Automatic Screen Scroll - automatic screen movement: Yes (yes, use automatic screen movement by moving the mouse) and No (no, move the screen by holding the left mouse button).

Screen Scroll Speed ​​- mouse movement speed on the screen: 1 (very slow), 2 (slow), 3 (normal), 4 (fast), 5 (very fast).

Pause Game During Messages - pause the game with messages: Yes (yes, enable pause), No (no, do not enable).

Display All Video Animation - show all videos: Yes (yes), No (no).

Replay Intro - when you select this menu item, you can watch the intro video again.

Exit Program (exit from the game) - exit to the operating system.

Game menu

First of all, you are asked to choose the color of your team and the color or colors of your opponents' teams. You can play without opponents. Only four colors: green, red, blue, yellow.

Then in the item "Game Type" you can choose the goal of the game and the level of difficulty:

Financial Conquest - financial conquest. You must maintain your bank account equal to at least one million dollars. You must accumulate this fortune in 40 years. You are not allowed to be in debt;

Egomania - "egomania" (almost gambling addiction ). Your goal is to build houses of all types, which will perhaps culminate in an extremely egomaniac dream of a pyramid dedicated to you;

World Domination - world domination. Try to own at least one residential building in each individual estate;

Utopian State - a utopian state. This is the most difficult of your tasks. You must have at least three individuals from each type of tenants, and the happiness rate of each of them must be at least ninety percent;

Build, Build, Build... - build, build, build... You get the opportunity to build forever without time limits.

Now choose the terrain on which you will build. The game has several types of terrain that correspond to the level of difficulty you have chosen:

Green fields - green fields (easy - easy);

River side or Small town - river town or small town (medium - normal);

Concrete city or Jungle - a large city or a city in the jungle (hard - difficult).

And finally, you are invited to choose the type of start:

Fixed start - fixed start. You always start in the same place.

Random start - random start. You always start in different places (the map is randomly generated).

Once you have made your choice, press the Accept button and go to the game screen!

game screen

AT top line The screen displays your current bank account, year, month and day.

AT center The screen contains the playing field on which all events take place.

On the left side screen, you will see a vertical bar on which pictograms (icons) are drawn:

wood - the amount of wood in your warehouse;

cement slab - the amount of cement in your warehouse;

bricks - the number of bricks in your warehouse;

rail - the amount of steel in your warehouse;

headquarters - go to the headquarters (your agency) .;

globe - purchase of land plots (districts);

book - viewing tasks from the state;

circle with spikes - go to the consumer goods factory (Gadget Factory);

Evil uncle - messages from disgruntled tenants.

Top right corner screen - a map of the area.

On the right side screen under the map is the game control panel. The following functions are represented in the form of icons.

Globe - show the whole world on a map of the area.

Road junction - show all residential buildings.

Six small houses - show all the houses in which tenants already live.

Christmas tree - select an object produced at the consumer goods factory to install. For example: trees, metro stations, sheds, greenhouses and so on.

Two stacks of coins - bank data screen.

Fat face with a cigar - ask for financial help from the mafia boss (this will become possible when you build Mob HQ).

Notepad with pencil - view messages.

Leaflet with inscriptions - exit to the menu, where you can set some game parameters, save or end the current game, and also exit to the main menu.

Three people - show all workers.

House - select an object for construction.

Sheriff's Badge - Enter the police station.

Pause icon - Pause the game (time doesn't pass and you can't do anything until you pause it).

Just below the control panel is an indicator of the percentage of dissatisfaction of your tenants; when it reaches one hundred percent, you will be buried (in the truest sense of the word).

Additional icons

Additional icons appear in the lower right part of the screen after you select any building or little man, and allow you to perform various actions with them. As a rule, statistical information about the selected object appears on the main screen.


When entering the factory building (just move the cursor to the building and press the left mouse button), you will see the following icons on the right.

A little man with a megaphone - call workers to a given plant or an upcoming building.

Hand with a trowel on the background of the house

- Repair this building.

Multi-storey building - upgrade the building.

Curved green arrow - exit this building (this button will be found in almost all buildings and denote the same thing).


When you enter a residential building, the following functions will appear.

White fence - selection and installation of a fence for this house.

Roller - upgrade a room and other rooms in this house.

A video camera and two more items - see activity and select additional items for purchase for this house.

A man with two suitcases in his hands with his back to you - evict tenants from this house.

A man with two suitcases in his hands facing you - to settle the tenants in this house.

Hand with a trowel on the background of the house - make repairs in this house (the status bar of the viability of the house is located at the bottom of the main screen).

Arrow with a dollar sign up - increase the rent.

Down arrow with dollar sign - reduce rent.

A hand with money on the background of the house - sell this house to the authorities.

Additional icons will also appear when you highlight one of your workers. Their functions will be described below in the paragraph "Functions of the inhabitants "Designer"".



Each plant can store twenty-five units of building materials before modernization, and fifty units of building materials after modernization.

Wood Yard- wood production plant.

Cost - $5,000

Resale proceeds - $5,000

No materials are required to build.

Dimensions - 4x4.

Cement Yard- plant for the production of cement.

Cost - 7.500 dollars.

Requires: 10 wood to build.

Dimensions - 6x4.

brick yard- brick factory

Cost - $10,000

Resale proceeds - $10,000

Dimensions - 6x4.

steel yard- Steel plant.

Cost - $15,000

Requires: 10 units to build. wood, 10 units. cement and 10 units. bricks.

Dimensions - 6x4.

Homes for civilians

log cabin- a log shed (under the code name "house").

Cost - 3.500 dollars.

Resale proceeds - $3,500

Dimensions - 3x2.

wooden lodge- a wooden house.

Cost - 4.500 dollars.

Resale proceeds - $6,500

Required to build: 3 units. wood.

Dimensions - 3x2.

Soweto Hut- a house of the "Soviet" country type.

Cost - $5,000

Resale proceeds - $7,000

Required to build: 3 units. wood.

Dimensions - 4x2.

Bungalow– bungalow (nothing more to add).

Cost - 5.800 dollars.

Resale proceeds - $7,500

Dimensions - 3x2.

Northern Mews- house "Northern Stables".

Cost - $ 9,000

Resale proceeds - $11,000

Required to build: 3 units. wood and 3 units. cement.

Dimensions - 3x3.

council house- House of the Consul.

Cost - 9.200 dollars.

Resale proceeds - $11,500

Required for construction: 4 units. wood and 3 units. cement.

Dimensions - 5x3.

mid west house- Western-style house.

Cost - 9.500 dollars.

Resale proceeds - $12,000

Required to build: 3 units. wood, 3 units. cement and 3 units. bricks.

Dimensions - 3x4.

Dakota House- a house designed in the state of Dakota.

Cost - 9.500 dollars.

Resale proceeds - $12,400

Required for construction: 2 units. wood, 3 units. cement and 4 units. bricks.

Dimensions - 4x4.

Ohio House- a house designed in Ohio.

Cost - 10.500 dollars.

Resale proceeds - $13,000

Required to build: 3 units. wood, 3 units. cement and 4 units. bricks.

Dimensions - 4x4.

Mock Tudor- Tudor house.

Cost - $12,000

Resale proceeds - $15,000

Required to build: 3 units. wood, 2 units. cement, 4 units. bricks, 2 units. become.

Dimensions - 3x3.

Scottish Lodge- Scottish house.

Cost - 13.500 dollars.

Resale proceeds – $17,500

Required for construction: 4 units. wood, 2 units. cement, 4 units. bricks, 3 units. become.

Dimensions - 5x3

town house- city house.

Cost - $15,000

Resale proceeds - $19,000

Required for construction: 4 units. wood, 2 units. cement, 5 units. bricks, 3 units. become.

Dimensions - 4x4.

beach house- beach house

Cost - $20,000

Resale proceeds - $25,000

Required for construction: 4 units. wood, 6 units. cement, 2 units. bricks, 2 units. become.

Dimensions - 3x3

Classic Georgian- the classic St. George's Palace.

Cost - $23,000

Resale proceeds - $28,000

Required for construction: 4 units. wood, 2 units. cement, 6 units. bricks, 3 units. become.

Dimensions - 4x3.

Atlantan House house from Atlanta.

Cost - $25,000

Resale proceeds - $32,000

Required to build: 5 units. wood, 4 units. cement, 4 units. bricks, 3 units. become.

Dimensions - 4x4.

Houses of the fifth luxury class

In order to build a fifth-class luxury house, you need to order a fifth-level tenant to develop a plan for this house. For each house of the fifth luxury class, separate plans must be developed. Such a house can only be built in a single copy.

Welsh Cottage- Welsh cottage.

Cost - $50,000

Dimensions - 6x3.

Gothic Church- a house in the style of "Gothic cathedral".

Cost - $50,000

Resale proceeds - $50,000

Required to build: 20 units. wood, 20 units. cement, 20 units. bricks and 20 units. become.

Dimensions - 6x3.

Pub- beer pub.

Cost - $50,000

Resale proceeds - $50,000

Required to build: 20 units. wood, 20 units. cement, 20 units. bricks and 20 units. become.

Dimensions - 5x3.

Russian- house in the Russian style.

Cost - $50,000

Resale proceeds - $50,000

Required to build: 20 units. wood, 20 units of cement, 20 units. bricks and 20 units. become.

Dimensions - 4x3.

Japanese- Japanese-style cottage.

Cost - $50,000

Resale proceeds - $50,000

Required to build: 20 units. wood, 20 units. cement, 20 units. bricks and 20 units. become.

Dimensions - 7x3.

Dutch- Dutch cottage

Cost - $50,000

Resale proceeds - $50,000

Required to build: 20 units. wood, 20 units. cement, 20 units. bricks and 20 units. become.

Dimensions - 5x3.

Pyramid- pyramid.

Cost - $50,000

Resale proceeds - $50,000

Required to build: 20 units. wood, 20 units. cement, 20 units. bricks and 20 units. become.

Dimensions - 6x5.


country hedgerow- a rustic fence of often planted shrubs.

The level of its protection is 24%.

White Picket Fence- wooden fence, painted white.

The level of its protection is 27%.

Brick Hedge- stone fence

The level of its protection is 44%.

Dry Stonewall- stone wall

The level of its protection is 44%.

Iron railings- a fence made of iron sticks (rails).

Its protection level is 55%.

Panel Fence- panel concrete wall.

The level of its protection is 66%.

Solid Brick Wall- Brick wall.

The level of its protection is 83%.

Brick & Steel Fence- reinforced concrete wall.

The level of its protection is 83%.

Immovable Monolith- a powerful monolithic wall of reinforced concrete slabs.

Its protection level is 100%.


Mob HQ- the place of residence of the mafia boss, from whom you can borrow money, but at high interest rates.

Cost - $10,000

Dimensions - 4x3.

Park- a park that is a single sculpture.

Cost - $10,000

Requires: 10 units to build. wood, 10 units. cement and 10 units. bricks.

Dimensions - 2x2.

school– a school for teaching the younger population "Constructor".

Cost - $10,000

Requires: 10 units to build. wood, 10 units. cement and 10 units. bricks.

Dimensions - 4x3.

Hospital– hospital for the treatment of civilians "Constructor".

Cost - $10,000

Requires: 10 units to build. wood, 10 units. cement and 10 units. bricks.

Dimensions - 5x4.

Gadget Factory- a factory for the production of consumer goods. A very important building.

Cost - $5,000

Requires: 10 units to build. wood and 10 units. cement.

Dimensions - 4x4.

police station- a police station in which they are engaged in the fight against crime.

Cost - $10,000

Requires: 10 units to build. wood and 10 units. cement.

Dimensions - 5x4.


Housing for bandits, hooligans and other dissatisfied

Community- a hippie commune, used purely for hooligan purposes.

Possible functions:

1. Picket a resource production site to stop its production and supply, or picket a house to create stress for the residents of this house.

2. Take your heteroblaster (speakers) outside and start the party.

3. Capture an empty house and arrange a commune in it.

4. Go to your comrade in the local commune and chat him up until the true owner of the house clears his mind.

Cost - $5,000

Requires: 10 units to build. wood and 10 units. cement.

Dimensions - 2x2.

pawnshop- Commission for stolen goods.

Possible functions:

1. Steal wood, cement, bricks and rails from the warehouses of the enemy team, but always take care to protect your goods.

2. Stealing supplies from occupied homes to stress tenants and stifle the social lives of neighbors.

Cost - $5,000

Requires: 10 units to build. wood and 10 units. cement.

Dimensions - 3x3.

Fixit's Store- a DIY store where a certain Fixit lives. This uncle, for a good drink, can help your opponents fix houses.

Possible functions:

1. Uncle "Pour it, I'll do it!" can come and re-wire all the electrical wiring in the enemy's house, without asking if the owner of the house needs it or not.

Cost - $5,000

Requires 10 Wood, 10 Cement, and 10 Brick to build.

Dimensions - 4x4.

Apartment Block- a communal apartment in which the skins live. Skins always go in groups, so they are best used to beat up some person that you do not like. Skins can also be used to arouse dissatisfaction with residents who live in the house to which you sent a group of skins.

Possible functions:

1. Have a wild orgy in someone's house with all the furniture breaking.

2. Start a war with an enemy gang.

Cost - $5,000

Requires: 10 units to build. wood, 10 units. cement and 10 units. bricks.

Dimensions - 3x3.

Biker Bar- bikers bar. Bikers are used to harm the homes of civilians of the opponent. The biker can kick out and then intimidate the tenants of the house to such an extent that they will never return to this house.

Possible functions:

1. Rush furiously around a house under construction, causing workers to panic.

2. Demolish someone's fence to cause stress to the tenant and weaken the protection of his estate.

Cost - $5,000

Dimensions - 4x2.

Haunted house- House with the ghosts. It turns out that ghosts, like everyone else, need money. For a certain amount, they can fulfill your request.

Possible functions:

1. To take possession of a person, temporarily removing him from the game.

2. Settle in the house and induce panic in all its tenants.

3. Put a cover of darkness on someone.

4. Capture a residential area and populate it with zombies to terrorize the residents of this area and the police.

Cost - $5,000

Requires: 10 units to build. wood, 10 units. cement, 10 units. bricks and 10 units. become.

Dimensions - 4x2.

Arcade Apparently an attraction. It's called Arcade. A clown lives in this attraction building.

Possible functions:

1. The clown loves to play with the ghosts that take over your houses, but somehow the ghosts don't like to play with the clown.

2. Everyone else loves to play with the clown, especially the animals who may find it quite amusing...

Cost - $5,000

Requires: 10 units to build. wood, 10 units. cement, 10 units. bricks and 10 units. become.

Dimensions - 4x2.

The inhabitants of the world "Designer"

In the game, all the inhabitants of the city are divided into civilians, workers and help.

Civilians distributed over five levels. Each of these levels has a specific role in the game. The higher the level, the more important the role. Each level of the population is allocated houses of a certain type and quality. That is, for each level there are houses. If you settle a tenant in a house that does not correspond to his level, then this tenant will not be able to acquire offspring. The main difference between the civilian population and the rest of the inhabitants is that they can reproduce offspring.

workers are divided into three types.

The first type is a simple hard worker who can be used both for building houses and for bandit activities. Each worker can be turned into a different kind of dweller, except for the support.

The second type is the repairman, who is used to fix houses.

The third type is the chief manager (foreman), without whom not a single house will be built.

Help is made up of completely different people. These can be thieves, and psychopaths, and Nazis (skins), and bouncers, and many other people whom we will describe below.


First level residents mostly made up of the working class. This level of residents can produce offspring consisting of simple workers and residents of their (first) level. But if you put a computer in the house, then families of this level will be able to produce second-level tenants. In addition, they, like residents of other levels, can live for money, but you can’t take much money from them, and they produce offspring faster than all other levels. There are three types of houses for the first level of residents: Log Cabin, Wooden Lodge, Soweto Hut. In houses of this level, residents will need minimal living conditions. This is the minimal furnishing of the house and a few trees on the plot on which this house is built. By old age, first-level tenants begin to complain about high rents. Tier 1 residents will not be able to pay more than $500 for a home they live in.

Second level residents punks and drug addicts. This level of tenants can produce offspring consisting of second level tenants and ordinary policemen. But if you put a computer in the house, then families of this level will be able to produce third-level tenants. There are also three types of houses for the second level of tenants: Bungalow, Northern Mews, Council House. In houses of this level, residents will need, in addition to the minimum conditions, other necessary additions, which you can learn about in letters from residents to you. These may be requests for additional amenities (dog kennel, cockroach stain, etc.). Residents of the second level need a fence of living, often planted shrubs. They like that small insects live in this fence. If they put another fence, they will complain that it does not have the little insects that they like so much. These requests may also arise from residents of subsequent levels. Second-tier tenants will not be able to pay more than seven hundred and fifty dollars for a house.

Third level of tenants pensioners who may have children. This level of residents can produce offspring consisting of third-level residents and "professional" bandits (gangsters). But if you put a computer in the house, then families of this level will be able to produce residents of the fourth level. The following types of houses are reserved for the third level: Mid West House, Dakota House, Ohio House. In houses of this level, the tenants will make serious demands on you, in some way annoying you. Something like: "Improve my room for me, otherwise I, an old man, cannot live without certain amenities." Tier 3 residents will not be able to pay more than a thousand dollars in rent for a house.

Fourth level of tenants - consists of entrepreneurs and young, but rich people. This level of occupants can produce offspring consisting of occupants of the fourth level. If you put a computer in the house, then families of this level will be able to produce fifth-level tenants. For this level of families, wonderful cottages are allocated: Mock Tudor, Scottish Lodge and Town House. And these tenants simply torture you with all sorts of requests and threats. They may be asked to build a metro station near their house. All tenants living in houses of this level will need a barn. Level 4 residents will not be able to pay rent that exceeds $1500.

Fifth level of tenants- consists of millionaires. They won't be able to level up their offspring, but they can produce Level 5 Residents, as well as develop designs for 5th Luxury Class Houses. Residents of any level can live in these houses only for money (but for what money!), Residents will pay you twice as much as in a simple house. For families of the fifth level, there are downright separate castles: Beach House, Classic Georgian and Atlantan House. They demand to build them a small garden of five hectares.

How to move tenants into an empty residential building

You need to have free tenants of the appropriate level in your main headquarters. Enter the vacant house and click on the button to move tenants. From the proposed menu, select the tenants of the appropriate level and click on the "money" icon - your tenants have moved into the house. Now you just have to set their functions as tenants - either they give birth to children, or they pay money. To do this, go to the house and in the statistical menu that appears, click either on the dollar sign or on the baby's face.

Functions of the inhabitants of the "Designer"

Having selected any person, you will see icons on the right of the screen showing what functions the person can perform.

Worker (or group of workers)

Go in the indicated direction.

Cancel the action or stop and wait.

Beat and also shoot the person you specified from the ranks of the opponent.

X Construction for android- a wonderful puzzle that develops spatial thinking and helps to prepare for the study of strength of materials (well, either speed up the assimilation, or simply evoke memories of it. Level by level, you build bridges over the abyss. The number of building materials is limited, but it’s better to even have extra, bonus ones. And be careful, because after the construction is completed, a train will be launched over the bridge, and the screams of people falling into the abyss will stand in your ears for a long time if an error creeps into the calculations.

A pleasant cartoon design pleases the eye, and the brain after the game seemed to have been in the gym. Each level may have different solutions, it all depends on your ingenuity and aesthetic sense.

In the menu, you can see the list of levels, show off your achievements to a friend who happened to be nearby, and try to outdo yourself by returning back. In addition, you can change the color scheme of the game and turn on the sound - the same screams of unfortunate passengers, a humming train and creaking beams.

The game is clear and interesting. One button shows how much building materials are left, the other cancels the last action, the third starts the train check. There is also a button that removes beams and a scaling button. In addition, you can see a white grid on the screen, along which, if desired, you can more accurately build a bridge.

To get started, you can try a free shortened version from Google Play, the creators of the game themselves recommend doing this (apparently, they are sure that after that you will buy the full one there, for $ 1.24). For a full game on your device should work android version 2.1 and higher.

Great for killing a lot of time. Use all your knowledge in physics, geometry, the aforementioned strength of materials. But if the level has been unplayable for a week, and you really want to go further, try checking one of the walkthroughs suggested by the players. One nuisance: after updating the game, they sometimes stop working, but this can often be fixed with a slight upgrade, so there is still some sense in passing.

We bring to your attention the passage of 23 levels of the game - in the video and pictures.

1-12 levels

13-15 levels

Level 16

Level 17

Level 18

Level 19

Level 20

Level 21

Level 22

Level 23

If you like puzzles, we can offer a game - putting out fires on Titan (water physics) - or, for example, a puzzle room escape(open the door in the room to go to the next level).

X Construction is an excellent logic game for Android devices in which you will have to prove yourself as a design engineer working on the construction of railway bridges. In each new level, your eyes will be presented with a new ravine through which you need to build a bridge, and a certain amount of building material.

Tasks and gameplay

On each edge of the ravine there will be several anchor points to which you need to attach the first channels. Then you can continue building the structure, trying to make it as strong as possible. During the construction of the bridge, you can periodically run the train and check the weak points of your creation. The fact is that sections of the bridge that are under excessive load begin to turn red before they break completely.


Features of X ConstructionThese are the places to look for Special attention and to improve the system of levers, if not to the ideal, then at least to a satisfactory state. Another difficulty is that the bridge must be not only strong, but also rigid. If it bends too much in weak points, then the train will simply disengage in the middle of the bridge, and you will have to go through the level again. Despite the 2D locations, the graphics in the game are very good. The soundtrack consists mainly of screams coming from the falling cars.

X Construction - physical game in which you have to build bridges, run trains over them and enjoy miraculous accidents with improperly distributed loads.

Game updated from version 1.55 before 1.57 . List of changes inside.

Required: Android version 2.1 and above

We build bridges and test them for strength by a train passing over them. Delivering screams as the bridge breaks. Good physics.

Version 1.55:
fixed access to context menu on devices with soft-keys (3 dots button)

Version 1.54:
now using 32 Bit render target in simulation mode
draw concrete bases in simulation mode
added Russian translation

Version 1.53:
Improved zooming and scrolling in build mode
Screen orientation sensor

Version 1.52:
Fixed crash after finishing a level

Version 1.51:
Leaderboards are back! Now using the google play game services (requires internet access)
You can sign in with your Google account to submit scores for each crossing.
Scores depend highly on selected difficulty
Added some achievements in the Google services as well
Added Ukrainian translation
Added Polish translation
Increased the size of the "finger circle" a bit
Increased maximum zoom (use two finger pinch to zoom)
Fixed sound loop bug on Android 4.2 and above

Version 1.41:
pinch gesture replaces zoom buttons
use higher resolution backgrounds
fixed "helping hand" distance
added french translation
added traditional chinese translation
removed proguard obfuscation for easier bugfixing

Version 1.40:
- Removed Open Feint highscore ranking support. The service was terminated. Sorry for that.
- Added another level

Version 1.38:
- Fixed reboot crash on Samsung Galaxy S3
- Fixed crash in sound system
- Improved scroll performance in build mode

Version 1.37:
- Fixed reboot crash on Samsung Galaxy S3 Improved scroll performance in build mode Added one free build level

Version 1.36:
- Fixed "force GPU" crash on Android 4.0
- Catched exceptions that may happen when reading from sd-card
- Added one more level
- Added some levels to free build section
- Adjusted game logo for tablets

Version 1.35:
- Added 2 more levels
- Science has discovered new steel girders: Starting with Crossing 24, the girders are one unit longer than before.
- Also starting with Crossing 24, the rails have to be placed manually.
- Fixed a bug that prevented deletion of certain pieces.

Build a bridge to let the train safely cross the valley.
Build a bridge with the given amount of materials to let the train safely cross the valley.

Any resident of Ukraine in his free time from games dreams of summer at sea. For example, to Odessa! But everyone knows that holidays on the Black Sea are great at the recreation centers of the inflow. It is there that the best resorts and prices. Spend your family vacation there and then you will get a charge of vivacity for the year ahead!

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