Walkthrough minecraft taumcraft. About aspects and nuances of working with a research table

And so, I will start by saying that you have logged into the server\private\put home. One of the main mods here is taumcraft, so I made this guide for those who are new to this mod (as it would not be strange, such people still stayed).
1. You need to make the first wand, here is the craft (screen below)
2. There are few normal screenshots on the Internet about this, so I will say in words: make a bookshelf \ put \ right click on it with your stick \ take the book that will fall out. You have received the thaumonomicon. This newspaper book will help you with the study of the whole mod.
3. And so, next you need a research table. First you need to make an inkwell and 2 tables (screenshots are all below)
Next, put them like this (screen below)
And then pkm with an inkwell on it, and you get a table for research (screen below)
Next, pkm and open the table interface (screen below)
Here I circled the small red window where you will put your research notes, and the large window is where you will study them. You will also need to make yourself all the aspects from this mod. But first, in the basic information, study the research that leads to the "splitting table", craft a table, and by putting workbenches into it, you will receive the required number of basic aspects. To connect aspects, click LMB on one aspect in the table, and then LMB on another, and with the button that appears at the bottom, connect them. To study it, you need to get the fabrico aspect.
Next, to get a research note, open the thaumonomicon (but before that put an inkwell and paper in your inventory), and click on the research you need. To place an aspect in the research on the table, you need to hold down the LMB on it and drag it onto the parchment. Aspects connect with those aspects of which they are composed, or with those aspects that contain them. And also to connect all the aspects, I will display a list of their connections, and you will get everything you need without errors. After that, study all objects / players / mobs with a thaumometer. From mobs to you necessary study the furious zombie. What study will open after it, you will see for yourself) Well, now here is a list of aspects:
Next, you need to make a matrix. Crafting can be found in the thaumonomicon\inventions after research. For crafting, you will need a wand for 50 vis (great wood with gold tips). Until you get aura nodes and tame (a stabilizer node under a node and a converter node on top, and a block of red dust on it to work, these items are in the "thaumaturgy" section), you can get vis by knocking it out of mobs, it will automatically go to the wands you have in your inventory. The matrix looks like this (screen below)
5. Now that you have received the nodes, you need to study the osmotic enchantment table and the enchantments themselves, in the "thaum engineering" section (screen below)
Now we find\steal\buy 12 obsidian totems, and make this design (screen below)
In it, you can enchant things that you want for any spell. To do this, in the interface, put a wand, a full vis, in the lower slot, and the object itself in the upper slot. If you have a "small" interface, then use it calmly, and if normal\auto\large, turn off NEI (not enough items) before use. If during the enchantment the hanging in the stick ends, then you can safely run to the node, put it in the magician there. workbench and charge (I forgot to say, put a magic workbench next to the tamed node, a vis-charger on top. If it does not charge the wand, right-click with another wand on the charger). But I would also advise you to craft a silverwood rod (section "thaumaturgy") with gold tips. Don't do it with thaum tips, it's a waste of time and resources if you have nodes. Also in the future I advise you to make an infernal rod, which is located in the "apocrypha" section, and if you kill a wither with it in hell, you will not receive wither. The stars of hell are needed for ichor, which will open after studying everything, with the exception of addons except for the tinkerer itself (thaum engineering), (apocrypha, distortion magic, ancient knowledge (this is not an addon, but taumcraft itself)). Regarding the stability of the altar: 90 candles kill her completely, put the osmotic enchantment as far as possible from her at the other end of the private. But I prefer to kill stability with mixed clusters. It is also removed by heads, blocks of amber. All these items must be placed absolutely symmetrically.
And on this all the best, develop;)

Moderator's warning:

P foreword

AT good afternoon. I decided to write a guide to Thaumcraft fashion 4.2. P After the update, some players were puzzled by popular questions, what and how to do, how to put a scroll in the research table, and the like.

H achalo

P The first thing you have to do is a magic wand (Wand).

D To start, you will need iron tips, here is their craft:

(Iron nuggets are used to craft them)

P After that, we make the wand itself:

T The Aumonomicon is a book that plays a big role in this mod, it is essential for learning a lot of research.

P before making this book, you need to find (make) a bookshelf and after you have made (found) a bookshelf, you can start creating the thaumonomicon:

D it's easy to do - click on the bookshelf with a wand PKM and that's it, the book is ready.

AT from this it looks like:

D then proceed to the research itself.

H you need to make a research table, you will need 3 of any wooden semi-blocks for it and just 2 wooden blocks:

H You need to make 2 of these tables.

P After that, you need to make writing instruments.

D For this we need: one pen, one ink bag and one glass vial.

P After that, we combine these 3 things and get - writing instruments:

D Alshe, we click them on the table RMB and get - a desk.

P After that, we begin to take the scrolls. B we eat writing materials, paper and the book itself (thaumonomicon) (all this should be in the inventory). O open the book and click on the unstudied research.

AT wow! The scroll appears in your inventory. E If you run out of ink, then put in the workbench (manual workbench) the ink bag and these writing instruments that have run out.

FROM Amo study is not easy enough. First you need to combine aspects to get more aspects and so on.

R There are 48 varieties in total. H y, let's say we mix the aspect of Ordo (Order) and Ignis (Fire)

and then click on the pink rectangle in which the "asterisk" blinks and that's it.

M You have received a new aspect of Potentia (Strength) and so on you continue to mix (study) aspects.

P After you have opened all the aspects, you can proceed to the study (study) of the scrolls.

And we learn nitor:

M We see that there are two aspects Ignis (fire) and Lux ​​(Light).
H we need to connect it. H Let's begin to draw a line of aspects from the aspect of light.

And what does light consist of? O n consists of the aspects Ignis (Fire) and Aer (Air) and therefore we put any of these aspects next to the aspect of light, but not to your liking. You need to put it in such a way that you get a chain.

B we take fire and put it next to the aspect of light:

H put the same next to the fire? P You just need to put there an aspect that is made from the aspect of fire.

T from the same Lux (light) we put next to the fire:

and so on.

T how we connected the chain:

B We eat the scroll and press RMB. AT Well, we have studied it.
T ak with all research.

T Now I want to talk about the very study of aspects with a thaumometer and about the list of objects with certain aspects.
E There are players who do not suspect that in the study "Magic Aspects" in the "Basic Information" tab there is a list of items that contain the aspect you need.

H To find out, go to the study "Magic Aspects" and scroll down to a certain aspect.

C the figure above the subject is the number of aspects contained in one subject.

T o we have 4 aspects of Fames (Hunger) in one cake.

H This study is located here:

P foreword

AT seven hello. I again writing a guide for Thaumcraft 4.2
X I would like to inform you about the changes that affected this mod:
1. FROM the rib tree has changed its structure, it has become thicker and bigger.

T Also, the chance of an aura appearing in it has increased.

P a new mushroom visomor appeared.

C The Fire Pearl and Silverleaf branches can now be picked without scissors.

P the image of the Ethereal Flower appeared (earlier, when planting this flower, there was a void).

2. P"Warp" appeared - in translation - Distortion. E the Distortion appears when studying negative research, they are highlighted by a dark aura in the thaumonomicon. T Oh, there is the study itself. Also appeared and the level of distortion. You can lower or raise it. Distortion also affects the appearance of negative random effects that the mod adds. Solar sickness, strange hunger, darkness in the eyes, illusory spiders, etc.

3. E If you put auras side by side without a stabilizer (more on that later), then they will intersect.

T that is, an aura with a large number of aspects will take away from an aura with a smaller amount, while an aura with a large amount of vis will absorb what was stolen from an aura with a smaller amount, or rather, there is a chance that new aspects will appear in the aura with a large amount of vis.

4. T They also removed the aspect "Stone" and "Acorn, seed" (such a translation). And changed several recipes for aspects.
@) Ice (Helium) = Fire + destruction
@) Speed ​​(Motus) = Air + Order
@) Glass(Virteus) = Order + Earth
@) Exchange (Permutation) = Order + Destruction
@) Heal (Sano) = Life + Order
@) Mind (Cognito) = Ghost + Fire
@) Plants(Herba) = Life + Earth
@) Metal = Earth + Glass

E If I missed something, then sorry. AT Maybe that's all the research changes I'm aware of.

R Section: Thaumaturgy. Part 1
BUT cheers

H start with auras. E There are several types of auras:
1. G cold - the most dangerous, sucks in drops, mobs, players and in a small radius from it the landscape and any other blocks are destroyed.
2. W lovable - spawns Furious Zombies. R edible as well as hungry.

O commonly found in taumcraft dungeons or totems.
3. T dim - a weak aura, and very transparent, hard to see even with eyeglasses of revelation.
4. At fading - the aura is on the verge of extinction, if you pump out vis from such an aura, then it can simply disappear.
5. I bright - a very noticeable aura that emits a small light from itself.
6. O bullish - well, there are just ordinary auras. They are usually either bright or dim.

H do the same with these auras?

BUT here's the thing - auras are needed in order to pump vis out of them.

AT is - the energy of the aura, which is needed to charge wands, sceptres and staves.
E that energy is replenished gradually. AT each aura has 2-4 aspects, maybe 5 or 6 at once. H oh that's a rarity.

BUT Spectra there are basic, Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Destruction, Order.

O nor is it also found in wands, staves and all storages of vis.
AT there are auras with secondary aspects. T about there are aspects that are not included in the basic.

E then Feelings, Healing, Speed, and everything, everything except the basic ones. BUT they can't just be sucked out with a rod.

D This requires an aspect splitter, but more on that later.

H Let's start with how to catch this aura and make it so that the nearest ones do not "eat" it.
To how to see them? T it's not difficult.

D we make revelation glasses (But first we study their research) and put on ourselves.

T You can also search with a thaumometer, but it is very bad in this matter.

BUT here is the answer, how to catch the aura:
D To do this, we need to study the research "Aura Knot in the Bank" which is located in the "Basic Information" section in the thaumonomicon.

P After we study it, we can safely go look for auras and catch them.

H we need to build something like this:

Pol-blocks do not have to be made of oak, they can be made from any wood.

D Further, we must have a wand with 75 vis or more.
PAfter we right-click in the middle of the jar, the process will take place.

T this is how these auras are caught. (It is very difficult to catch a hungry woman in this way. And I don’t think that anyone needs her to destroy the floor of the house)

AND ezly

P I will go to the wands.

AT thaumcraft is different kinds storage vis. E then Wands, Staves, Sceptres.
AND rods are a storage of vis that can be used in a magic workbench and you can also put a knob on it (more on knobs later) max. the number of vis in wands is: 25,50,100.
P osohi is a storage of vis, which can only be used for magic purposes, that is, it can be put on a knob.

AT the magic workbench cannot shove it. AT they can be 125.175 vis and 250.
FROM cypetra is a storage of vis that is only used in the magic workbench. AT they only contain 37,75,150 vis, but they have the effect of spending 5% less vis from the scepter.
T Also, the capacity of the vis depends on the tips in the wand (staff, scepter) and on the rod.

H There are 4 types of tips:
1. AND iron tips- simple and primitive tips for beginners. AT it is better not to use them later.
2. W gold tips- they are already better than iron ones. For example, these qualities: O they can drain vis from the aura and not damage it, reduce the cost of vis in a magic workbench by 2%
3. T aum-tips These are the best tips. O nor suck the vis out of the aura faster and much better. But they not only need to be made, and then also charged on the altar, but more on that later.
4. And choir lugs- these tips are added as an addition to thaumcraft. O they are too early. But if you are impatient, then at the end of the whole guide there is a link to the taumcraft addon, which adds these tips, ichor and more.

T There are also 3 types of rod:
1. O bull stick- there are no properties.
2.FROM great wood rod- combining with angry. tips in the wand will store more vis.
3. FROM silver wood rod- when combined with thaum tips, it will contain a huge amount of vis and even improves the effects of the tips, that is, the costs of vis in the table are reduced.

D what is all this for? D In order to craft things in a magic workbench.
M a magical workbench is made from a regular table by right-clicking on it with a wand.

To raft table can be seen above, on the previous guide.
Table interface:

H then we need? AT Let's take the example of crafting an alembic (needed for alchemy).
AT we lay out the items as needed and see that 2 basic aspects have appeared in the circles.

E then Water and Air:

D To do this, we need to put a rod or scepter on the table.

M We see that we were shown numbers - this means how much the hang from the stick will be spent. P why not 5, but 4.25.

P because I used a wand of thaum spearheads and an argentwood shaft.

O but reduced the cost of hanging by a few percent.

To as soon as we take the item, these aspects will be spent from the wand.

FROM stabilizers and auras

BUT cheers. E There is a way to stabilize them through stabilizers.
D To do this, you need to study them and naturally do. FROM stabilizers are placed under the aura:

H then he allows to do?

AT Firstly, it protects the aura from being sucked out by other (neighboring) auras. But if you put auras without a stabilizer on it, then the aura in the stabilizer will be able to suck out their vis.
AT secondly, with a small chance, he can turn a fading aura into a dull one, thereby "repairing" it
H but there is a small minus in this, as soon as you connect the stabilizer to the aura, it will restore its aspects 2 times less. O on them will not lose, just the speed will decrease.
In the future, you can improve the stabilizers.

Improved aura stabilizer.
At It has the same abilities as a normal one, but it has a higher chance of stabilizing the aura.

H Oh, and again, a minus. BUT cheers restores even less vis than in a regular stabilizer.

H and that's all.
H Part 2 will be coming soon.
At country study!

R Section: Thaumaturgy. Part 2

W I'll end up with auras though. FROM There is another way to charge auras without standing in front of them with the wand pressed RMB.
H You need to study the "Reloading Pedestal". In the "Thaumaturgical" section. P After that, you should put it next to your auras and put the wand on charge, right click. P this is what it looks like:

T also it can be improved. And we study the study "Aspect Splitter" and put it on top of the pedestal.

H then he does? - O It does not allow you to break down complex aspects down to a basic level. BUT specifically take an example on the aspect of "Magic" - O n splits the aspect of magic into its components, that is, "Vacuum" and "Strength", and already splits strength and vacuum into basic aspects. "Strength" - order and fire, "Vacuum" - destruction and air. And these aspects will go to the storage of vis (Wand, staff, etc.).
P ro basic and complex aspects are described in the guides that are above this topic.
H and this is what it looks like in the picture:

H abaldashniks

BUT now we will touch on the topic of our favorite knobs:
To As soon as you start learning thaumaturgy, you will see the first "Fire" knob.
I I decided to divide the knobs into 2 types.

1) BUT such.

2) And neutral (household), which will help in this or that matter not related to pvp (attacks).
To Each knob must be put on a wand or staff (not on a scepter).

T from or another knob spends a certain amount of vis from the wand, when used.
H To put on the knob, you need to hold the wand in your hand and hold down F and select the knob, which should be in your inventory. O Usually it is the letter F, if not, then you can configure it in the settings.
T I will also describe each one.

H start:
1) BUT such.
a) H abaldashnik: Fire - sets off a flame that causes damage to mobs and players. W costs in the wand of the "Fire" aspect
b) H goofball: Shock - fires lightning bolts that damage mobs and players. W costs in the wand of the aspect "Air"
in) H goofball: Freeze - launches ice cubes that damage mobs and players, and also freeze water. W costs in the wand of the aspect "Water"
G) H abaldashnik: 9 circles of hell - launches a bat that attaches to the target and inflicts damage, while setting fire to the victim. W costs in the wand of the aspects "Air" "Fire" "Destruction"
e) H knob: Dwarven curse (This knob can only be obtained from gnomes when trading) - launches an orb that poisons or gives a random negative effect. W vis costs "Water" "Destruction" "Earth"
e) H jerk: Singularity - launches a sphere that flies where it wants. On impact, it explodes and deals damage. W Costs in the wand "All Aspects" while from 0 to 2.5 vis costs, randomly.

2) H neutral.
a) H bullshit: Digging - directs a beam that digs (breaks) everything it is directed at. W costs in the wand of the aspect "Earth"
b) H abaldashnik: Equivalent exchange - swaps blocks in places. H To select a block, press Shift+RMB on the block you want to select. W Then, the block you chose should be in your inventory. D further, if you have blocks in your inventory (let's say a stack (64)) then by clicking LMB on the block, you will change it. BUT if you right-click on a block, you will change all blocks within a 9x9 radius, depending on the number of blocks in your inventory. W costs in the wand of aspects "Order" "Destruction" "Earth"

in) H wacko: Wormhole - creates a temporary passage through the blocks.
G) H knob: Fortification - strengthens the block, the very glow of the fortification (the Block that you fortified) will be shown only if you are holding a wand with a "Fortification" knob. E If this block is strengthened, then it is impossible for anyone and nothing to break it. Until the fortification is removed. W costs in the wand of the aspects "Water" "Order" "Earth"

At improvement (enchantment) of knobs

AT All of these knobs can be upgraded. T o is to change their property.

D For this we need a "Knob Workbench"
H what do we do with it? - To we put the knob there and see that enchantments have appeared there.

I took the example of the knob "Shock"
And The interface of all this:

D Then we choose any enchantment you see fit. I charnu for frugality.
AT have chosen. And we see that there appeared a number of aspects and experience.

H for the workbench to feed on aspects. H you need to connect it to the auras. BUT uras must be transformed and it is desirable that there are auras with all the basic aspects nearby. BUT rather it should be.
H In order to transform the aura, you need to study the "Vis Converter" research and do it. P After that, on the aura you have chosen (preferably with a large number of basic aspects), put on top of the aura.
D In order to transform the aura, it must be in the stabilizer of the vis. (The stabilizers are described above, in another guide). P After that, you need to activate the redstone converter with a signal.
T how it looks like:

H Do not be afraid if the aspects in the aura drop to 0. E then it is necessary. D Then they will have 3 or 2 charges. And or even 5. H this charge will not be changed and will not be spent.
P After we have enchanted the knob, we are again given 2 choices, thrift or power. H and this time I choose power.

D Alshe us opened choice more. BUT this is what I wanted to show.

H we were given 2 new enchantments, these are "Rumbling Thunder" and "Chain Lightning"
1. R Oko Thunder allows you to throw an orb of lightning that explodes and surrounds a small radius with electricity that deals damage.
2. C Epnaya lightning allows you to direct lightning at one mob, and it bounces off to another nearby mob (player).

P About the idea, all knobs are enchanted at level 3 in a workbench. T about there are 3 times and already new cups.

FROM The knob socket contains 18 slots.
X the vis vault (such an amulet) allows you to charge when there are auras nearby.

And Consumes aspects from storage when casting.
P oka that's all.
AT good luck studying!)

And inventions. Matrix base.

AT In this guide, I decided to tell you how some inventions work, as well as give tips for simplifying and convenient use. For those who don't know.

E that guide will be about the altar, and the rest will be in another part.

P The first thing we will need to learn and do is eyeglasses of revelation.

M Many people know that these glasses are needed in order to see auras, but not only. These glasses allow you to see aspects in the crucible, as well as in the alchemical furnace. And it's very helpful. After that, you see new research and interesting things. But I'll get to the point. P After a short study of the entire thaumonomicon (what is still open), then in the future 2 stages of the study of the study will open. And just at this stage, in the "Inventions" section, a study called "Filling items of magic" opens - this is the most important altar in taumcraft, or rather, it is part of the mod.)

P After studying, there will be block recipes and the altar scheme itself. Some people have problems crafting things on it. And in general, the construction of the altar itself causes difficulties. And so, let's get started:

First, let's start building the altar in stages.

1) We make a pedestal of magic stones and put it on. Also make 5 pedestals at once. Because they're good for getting started.

2) We make "columns". 1 row - magic bricks, 2 row - magic stones:

3) We make a matrix and put it higher, 1 block from the pedestal:

4) We complete the construction and activate the altar. To do this, we need a rod for 25 vis. Full. And then we click with the RMB rod on the matrix. BUT! There is one downside here. You need a knob with at least gold tips . And then the pedestal cannot be activated with iron tips on the rod.

As a result, we get such an altar:

Now about the craft itself. Each recipe has its own craft. Your arrangement of things, etc. Let's try to create a storm sword. Learn and watch craft.

Notice there are 4 things in the recipe. So we need 4 pedestals. And also their placement. Below there are 3 aspects and instability, but more on that later - now we are starting to create. We put the pedestals as in the recipe, and

everything must be symmetrical.

Alchemy Furnace (Liquid Aspects)
D Alshe need aspects in liquid form. And now we need to go a little into alchemy. H We need an alchemy furnace. It is located in the Alchemy section under the title of research "Essence Purification".

We craft it and also craft alembics for it. Let's put it all like this:

Inside we see slots and some kind of flask. So. In the bottom slot we put the fuel for ignition, and in the top slot we put the item from which we want to get the liquid aspects. It's done like this:

How to pick them up? In general, you need to put on glasses and we will see that in the cube is the aspect of air that we need. To pick him up. You need to craft a jar (but first study it, it is in the "Alchemy" section) and then just click on the alembic with RMB with a jar. And the aspects will already be in the bank. Like this:

D then we do the same with all aspects. And we put the banks next to the altar. All is ready. To activate the ritual, you need to right-click on the matrix with the wand and that's it. (Wis does not spend when activating the ritual and can be clicked with any wand).

D then we do the same with all aspects. And we put the banks next to the altar. All is ready. To activate the ritual, you need to right-click on the matrix with the wand and that's it. (Wis does not spend when activating the ritual and can be clicked with any wand).

BUT Now I want to talk about how to find out what aspects are in subjects. I will not list everything, because. it is very, very long.

I'll tell you what, you need a thaumometer. P After you learn all aspects in the study, then you can safely go on to study the blocks and everything that is around you. For example, let's go to study the torch: B We take the thaumometer, press RMB and hold until we see aspects when hovering over the torch:

E If you haven't noticed, the altar has its own instability. And that is. This or that craft of items can have this or that instability.
For example: (Attention, this is just an example, not from a book and not from reality)
The air sword's instability is medium.
And at the ax of the stream - dangerous.
What does she represent?
H instability is a kind of failure when creating any item on the altar. The higher the instability, the higher the chance of failure.
M There may be an object being pushed out of the pedestal, its destruction, the release of damage, you may be struck by lightning, you may be given a negative effect. It all depends on its danger.
But how can this instability be reduced?
BUT everything is simple! The altar is necessary in symmetry, even the room in which the altar is located must be symmetrical. There are also items that will help reduce instability, they should be placed next to the altar, and also symmetrically.
What items are usually needed for this, here is a list:
Mixed crystal cluster. Just crystal clusters. Wither Skeleton Skulls, Candles, Skeleton Skulls (common).

P oka that's all.
AT good luck studying!

R Section: Alchemy.
I decided to write in order. For it will be better than such jumps as in the guide about inventions, but then there is the most important information about both alchemy and inventions.
So, let's begin.

P The first thing you have to do is the crucible. It is done very simply and will be immediately available at the beginning of the study. M You have to craft an ordinary vanilla cauldron, put it anywhere and click any RMB wand on the cauldron. H oh that's not all! AT we have to make "warmth" under the crucible, that is, lava, or a hellish stone with fire. make it) And then just pour a bucket of water into the boiler.
This is how it all looks:

AT At the very beginning of the guide, we studied Nitor, but here it came in handy for us. Now we will try to create it.
AT the book shows the recipe for nitor, for some it is not entirely clear; aspects, an object with an arrow and of course the result are located at the very top.

AT this we must put into the cauldron. But the question is how to put the aspects? I think some people immediately guessed that you need to put items containing these aspects.
X I want to make a small note - try to look for items that contain 2 aspects that are required for crafting in a crucible, that is, to create an item in a crucible.
H We ashli objects, this is coal and a torch. AT the corner contains 2 aspects of fire and strength, but aspect there is light in the torch. So we throw these things there. But we need 3 aspects.
D To do this, we will have to throw 2 coals and 3 torches.
FROM try to throw it all sequentially. That is, 2 coals not at once, but one at a time. And also a torch. H Oh, this has to be done quickly. Preferably fast.
After we threw all this quickly, we immediately throw light dust. What is shown above the crucible is the item that completes the process of making the item you want.
T You can also see the aspects that are in the crucible with the help of revelation glasses.
*And also, if we throw many many objects into the crucible, then it will start to release damage (distortion), and this is already bad. If you have a lot of unnecessary aspects or do not need more water in the crucible, just click on the crucible with the wand Shift + RMB.
In principle, this is the case with all items that are made in the crucible.

Auto Alchemy
E this is another device that replaces the crucible, it has many advantages, as well as small disadvantages.
P After you have studied it, then you must put this construction like this, as shown in the picture:

D Then you should have a wand with 30 order aspects, 30 water aspects and 15 fire aspects. The wand (wand) should not be ordinary. At least from a rod of great wood and gold tips.
P Here is the construction:

In the picture we see 3 holes for entry and 1 for exit. The exit is a big hole and the 3 holes on each side of this auto alchemy is the entrance for the pipes.
And so, pipes for essence must be connected to them. They are crafted on a magic workbench, here is their craft:

(2 iron, 1 gold nugget, 1 drop of mercury and 1 block of glass. I think I understand.)
We are already putting banks to the pipes. And now I will show you step by step how to use it. Look at the picture:

And this procedure is also carried out with all items that need to be made through the alchemical path.
T Also, auto-alchemy has a "memory" like a computer. That is, she remembers recipes, or rather, she can do this if you create the item "Mnemonic Matrix" and put such 3 things at the top.

Magic bath.
H and the last thing I want to tell you. It's about magical baths and healing soaps.
L Washing soap is an object with which you can wash yourself. And that is not just to wash, but to clean from annoying distortion.
T You can also do a magical bath that will also clear some of your distortion and give you a 25 minute anti-distortion effect.
D For the bath, you will need to make a 5x5 pit and place a Magic Bath block (mechanism) in the middle.
BUT then you need to put refined salt there. And then fill with water.

D I think this can be finished.
There is still the Alchemy Centrifuge. But I will cover it in the next guide.

AT good luck studying.

As I wrote above, I will talk about the Alchemical Centrifuge and what it does, and finally I will finish on alchemy.

Alchemical centrifuge.
AT you made it, what's next? We put it on the 3rd block in height. That is, we put 2 blocks and on 3 we already put Alch itself. centrifuge. (We will of course break the lower blocks)
FROM Let's find out what she's doing. This Alchemical centrifuge separates the liquid aspects into their constituents, that is, for example, we will take a jar with the "Strength" aspect, put it in, wait a bit for this aspect to flow into the alch. centrifuge, well, look at the result. Remember, the "Strength" aspect consists of the "Order" and "Fire" aspects, which means that we will get 2 of these aspects in liquid form.
D completion - You can also make a mechanism, a clipboard. It prevents possible problems with pipes and can temporarily contain aspects of all types in the amount of - 8.
Here is the schema itself:

Now let's take an example with aspects. We pour the "Strength" aspect into the lower jar or put a ready-made jar with the aspect. Then everything will go up and be divided into 2 categories. Fire and Order. To do this, you need to put banks, as in diagram 1.
This is how it looks:

Section: Inventions
And now we move on to the "Inventions" section. I know that there was already such a section, but it was only about the altar, roughly speaking. And now we will consider it in detail.
Let's start with what is usually studied at the beginning.
When you studied the study" magic stone", you noticed that you opened some two more blocks.
1) The first block is the Traveler's Stone. Standing on it gives you a speed effect.
2) The second block is the Containment Stone. For me, a very useful thing, both for protection and for the economy. This block holds back mobs, residents, and, well, monsters. You can furnish them with the territory of the house, and they will not penetrate you. You can also replace it with a fence for home mobs.

Hell oven.
Next comes an interesting device called "Infernal Furnace"
I will immediately throw you a diagram of how to build it, and then I will tell you what it does. Here the scheme, additions to it and methods of acceleration are described. open spoiler:

Hidden text

H To activate this stove, you need a wand with 50 aspects of "Fire" and "Earth"
P the alochka should be of great wood and gold tips.
H then she does? This stove fries food, ore, in general, everything that is fried, and then it spits out from the place where the iron bars are. In further use, you noticed that it is not very convenient to throw things into the hole with lava, because. you yourself can fall there)) For this, the "Iron Grid" was created. This thing is useful not only here, but also in other situations. You can put the grate on top, it has the "ability" to close. That is, by pressing RMB, you can open or close this grate so that resources or something else do not fall there.
(A bit of history. If you break the infernal stove, ifrit will spawn in it)
There is a small minus in this infernal stove - it is slow.

Magic furs
H to fix this we do "Magic furs"
E These furs are very, very useful. They speed up the overheating of the infernal furnace, but not only it, you can put them on a regular furnace, on the clipboard of an alchemical centrifuge, on an alchemical furnace, etc.
AT from the scheme where you can put magic furs in a hellish stove and not only. (Also the grid)

Magic lift, magic doors, slabs, keys and reinforced glass.
M the magic lift is very easy to use, just place it and as soon as you step on it, it slowly lifts you up 10 blocks. But there is one catch. If you put another one under the first lift, then it will lift you already by 20 blocks, and this way you can increase the levitation height.
M magical doors and hatches. Very useful mechanisms, no one can open them except the owner with the key, the iron key gives rights to only one owner, and anyone can get the golden key and use it. When creating a door, right-click on it with the key to bind it to the door. (Remember, only the owner of the installed door can break it). Reinforced glass also cannot be broken by anyone except yourself. pressure plate also works like a door. She can open magical doors, but only to those who have access to them.

Lamps, enchanted cloth, basic tools made on the altar.
P As you explore, you will notice 3 eye-catching lights.
Types of lamps:
1) A yellow magic lamp. This is a very powerful light source, it gives additional light in a radius of 16 blocks. When destroyed, all additional the light sources will also disappear.
2) Crossing lamp. This lantern is pink in color, it allows you to crossbreed animals near it, for this it needs the aspect of Victus "Life". Just put the jar next to the lamp.
3) Growth lamp. This lamp is green, it allows you to grow plants 2 times faster. It nourishes the Herba aspect "Plants". Place the jar next to the lamp.

W charmed fabric. It is done simply, a set of clothes is made from it, except for a helmet. A fully equipped set of such clothes reduces the cost of hanging in a magic workbench. Very necessary clothing for the initial level of development in thaumcraft. In the future, this fabric will be needed for a rune shield.

P After you have studied "Imbue Items with Magic", i.e. the altar, you will notice that 4 tools and 1 weapon have appeared.
1) Weapon "Sword of the Storm" always attacks multiple targets. If you press RMB, you can rise into the air and soar on it. (May save you from falling)
2) Flow ax. A very useful tool. You can break one block and subsequently the whole tree will break until it reaches the last block, which you break. If you press RMB, then the ax will attract a drop towards you.
3) Pickaxe of fire. The tool that looks for the ore, right click and the stars will appear, this means that there is some kind of ore. Also, when mining iron, gold and all ore that is smelted - you have a chance to get a cluster of this ore, and this cluster gives 2 ores when overcooked.
4) Shovel excavation. This blade is not simple, but "golden". Breaks 3x3 blocks of earth and grass, as well as sand and gravel, everything that breaks with a shovel. Also, if you right-click, this shovel will place 3x3 earth or sand, or whatever is in your inventory. Good way to level the ground.
5) Growth Hoe. This hoe acts like bone meal, if you right click it on a plant, well, or edible food that grows, it will fertilize it like bone meal. Also, if you click on an empty area with RMB, then the hoe turns the earth into arable land for planting 3x3 blocks.

Traveler's boots. Thaumostatic Pack. Thaumostat. belt.

E These boots are very popular in Thaumcraft. After all, they give speed, jumping ability and automatic transition to 1 block up. That is, you do not need to jump from block to block, if the block goes up through 1 block, then you automatically "crawl" onto it. It also increases swimming speed. These boots are made on the altar.

Thaumastatic Satchel.
D ah, this is it, it will allow normal players to fly, uiiiiii.
Such a knapsack is made on the altar. He wears a bib.
L he rides pretty slowly. H Oh, this can be fixed. The speed increases if you enchant it for haste 3. Also, if you combine the traveler's boots, which are also enchanted for haste 3, the speed will already increase by 2 times. And finally, the 3rd thing that is put into the slot for amulets and significantly speeds up our flight speed on the backpack, this is the Thaumostatic Belt. It is also done on the altar, but there will be a small minus. This belt will require a little more energy to fly than usual. And here is the main theme. In order to fly, we need energy.
To When we made a thaumastatic backpack, then we press shift + right click and we see an interface with one slot there. There you need to put a jar with the aspect "Strength"
BUT then you just put it on and activate it, and then you can soar freely in heaven!

Atcountry study

section: Inventions. Part 2

In this part I will tell, or rather I will tell you about the items in the "Inventions" section. So, let's begin.

Magic drill.
O A very interesting device that digs mines, most importantly - without your supervision. The drill itself selects the block and destroys it. Digs this drill 5x5
D To create this drill, we need the "Magic Drill Base" and the "Magic Drill" itself. Crafting these things will be in the studied research.
H For the drill to work, you need to place the "Digging" knob and any pickaxe in the "drill pointer" - (that is, in the Magic drill). The better the pick, the better the drill digs, the drill also accepts and enchantments are the same as on the pick itself.
T Also, the speed of the drill can be accelerated with the Perditio (Destruction) aspect. You can put the jar next to the drill. Also, the position of the magic drill can be changed by clicking the right-click with the magic wand and it will turn in your direction.
D To activate the magic drill, you need a redstone signal.

The scheme for creating a drill:

mirror magic.
O very interesting mechanism with the movement of the drop. Very convenient for sharing and transporting items.
To raft is naturally in the book, I will tell you how to use these magic mirrors.
D To begin with, we must choose the place where we will throw our drop. (Items)
T Now we have to make a second magic mirror and right-click on the first one, that is, bind it, and then put it where the drop will be thrown out.
If you are tied, the mirrors will turn black:
1) Mirror for "entrance"

2) Mirror for "exit"

AT In principle, it works and vice versa, you can throw in the right mirror and the drop will fly out of the left one.
- Hand mirror. Binds to one magic mirror. The function of this hand mirror is as follows: You open the hand mirror interface (RMB) and throw an item into one slot, the item that you threw will fly out of the magic mirror to which you tied it.

Brain in a jar. Masks. Helm of Providence. Sinister stone.
- Brain in a jar. A device that collects experience. It is often placed next to mechanisms or rocking chairs that give experience. A jar of brains collects and hoards it. And if you need to pick up experience, then poke RMB on it. And it can also be used for decoration.
- Masks. These masks can be inserted into a combat thaum helmet, this happens on the altar. There are 3 types of masks that give different passive abilities.
1) The mask of the stretching demon. Works like lifesteal, giving a small chance to drain health from an enemy and give it to you.
2) The mask of an evil ghost. Gives a chance to inflict Wither on an enemy.
3) Mask of the laughing devil. The mask reduces the effects of distortion.
- Helm of Providence. A very handy item. Once you learn this, you will be able to combine a regular helmet with revelation goggles. You will have both protection and the ability to see auras and everything that the revelation glasses see.
- W fishing stone. This stone is a compass. It begins to glow when you look at the sinister aura. And that means you're either close to a totem or a dungeon. The radius is limited, but the thing is useful.

Rune shield. Rune enchantments. Amulets, belts, rings.
R The invention section provides us with a new magical protection - rune protection. The shield itself looks like amulets, rings, belt. Runic armor cannot be enchanted, but can still be specialized.
R Moon shields give additional HP, that is, rune shields will take all the damage first, and as soon as they run out, the damage will again be pure, that is, you will already start spending HP.
FROM At the beginning you will have access to basic rune shields. And then you can specialize them. What are the differences?
1) Rune shield ring. Gives +5 Runic Defense. That is, extra hp.
2) Rune shield amulet. Gives +8 Runic Defense.
3) Rune shield belt. Gives +10 Runic Defense.
FROM specialized rune shields.
1) Energized rune shield ring. It gives +4 rune defense, but it restores rune defense 25% faster.
2) Amulet of an emergency rune shield. It grants +7 Runic Defense, but when its charge drops to 0, it spikes up to 8.
3) The kinetic belt of the rune shield. It grants +9 Runic Defense, but when its charge drops to 0, it unleashes a massive energy blast. The rollback time of the explosion is 20 seconds.
4) The restoring ring of the rune shield. It grants +4 runic protection, but when the charge drops to 0, it unleashes a powerful healing wave on the wearer. Rollback time - 20 seconds.
That is, specialized rune shields are reduced by 1 point of rune protection, but each has some ability.
You can also apply runic protection to magic armor, i.e. on a thaumaturge's robe or on thaum battle armor.

Corruption polisher.
E it is a useful thing that removes damage. This device is supplied with aspects Aer(Air). And this device cleanses all infection and corruption within a radius of 16 blocks from itself.

R section: Golem science.

FROM The most fun and interesting in taumcraft, but at the same time not very simple.
Let's start!

Hungry chest. Bell. Golems.
AT at the very beginning, you will be able to study the "Hungry Chest" - this is a very useful chest. The fact is that he "eats" the drop (objects) that hit him or threw him close to him. This chest cannot be larger if you put another one next to it. It can be applied in many places.

Bell. The item is a pointer for golems. With this bell, you can select a golem and bind it to a block, inventory, or any place with the appropriate job. This is done by pressing RMB.
AT You can remove the label if you did something wrong, press Shift + Right click on the label you want to remove. Or the F key. If you need to "pick up" the golem, that is, take it to inventory and move it, then click on it LKS. He will be transferred with all the improvements and hearts. If you click Shift + LMB, you will separate the golem and the upgrades and you will drop them all separately. H o there is a small chance that the improvement may be lost.

BUT Now let's move on to the golems themselves. There are 8 types of golems in total. I'll talk about the best and latest. It's about the thaum golem.
Characteristics of the thaum golem:
Durability: Huge
Strength: High
Self-healing: Slow
Can carry: 32
Speed: Slow
Upgrades: 2
For each golem, you can make hearts and improvements. Hearts are responsible for the work of the golem, and upgrades give them some kind of passive ability.
Types of improvements.
1) Improvement: Air. Speeds up the movement of the golem, and the attacking golems have an attack speed.
2) Improvement: Earth. Allows you to carry more items, also increases his physical damage.
3) Improvement: Fire. Increases the interface of the golem, the golem's attacks set fire.
4) Improvement: Water. Increases the golem's field of vision, and increases the range and accuracy of ranged attacks.
5) Improvement: Order. Gives the ability to distinguish the colors of the twilight (from the bell) and also improves the mind allowing you to work better and not be "stupid".
6) Improvement: Destruction. Can reflect attacks. Will be more attentive, can distinguish drop.

Golem hearts.

To put a heart on a golem, just right-click on it.
1) Golem Heart: Collect. Allows you to collect drops within a radius of 16 blocks from the binding. That is, all the things that are lying around. In the golem's interface, you can specify that it collects only a certain item. To make the heart work, put the golem on the chest. Or next to it, but at the same time by right-clicking on the chest.
2) Golem Heart: Harvest. A very useful heart in the life of minecraft. A golem with this heart collects any grown crop, potatoes, carrots, cane, and so on. The "Order" upgrade is compatible with this heart, it allows the naked man to plant what he has plucked.
2) Heart of the golem: Security. A golem with this heart beats mobs - monsters, all except creepers. Improvement "Order" is combined with it.
3) Heart of the golem: Logging. Works exactly the same as the "Harvest" heart, only golems with this heart cut down trees.
4) Golem Heart: Fishing. A golem that fishes is nothing out of the ordinary. The larger and deeper the body of water, the better the golem will work. Also, almost all upgrades are combined with this heart. Upgrading "Air" gives a chance to catch additional fish. Improvement "Fire" allows you to fry the caught fish. Improvement "Order" increases the chance of catching good fish. The "Destruction" upgrade gives you a chance to catch bad fish.
5) Golem Heart: Hammering. A golem with this heart will kill animals that are already old, that is, peaceful mobs, it checks the individual for the ability to reproduce and does not kill everyone in a row.
6) Golem Heart: Filling. A golem with this heart will inspect the container indicated to it, that is, a chest or any device for storing items, in order to clear it of items and transfer it to the one to which it is bound.
7) Golem Heart: Shading. Golems with this heart will contain some kind of reservoir. Let's say a boiler or a crucible from minecraft.
8) Golem Heart: Alchemy. Works pretty much the same as the Pouring Heart, but it works with essences in jars and alembics.
9) Golem Heart: Devastation. Works opposite to the heart "Filling".
10) Golem Heart: Sorting. Works the same as the Devastation heart, but it only takes the item that is in both chests. But you can tell the golem what items to wear.
11) Golem Heart: Use. The golem with this heart draws an item and tries to use it on the specified area. That is, there was a pickaxe in the chest, the pointer is highlighted on the stone, which means the golem will go to break the stone with a pickaxe.

Golem Deactivator.
This block allows you to stop the golem if it passes over it.
This block must be activated with a red block. As long as it is activated, any golem that walks over it will stop.

Walking chest.
This is a living chest that follows you around. Takes no fall damage. He can move towards you if you are too far away from him.
You can also apply several upgrades to the chest.
A walking chest can be removed with a bell by pressing LMB. But things fall out of the chest during this removal.
More improvements can be separated "Shift + LMB". Just like with golems.

Improvement "Air" - allows the chest to move faster.
Improvement "Fire" - the chest will attack your enemies.
Improvement "Earth" - the chest can contain more items.
Improvement "Water" - the chest can only be opened and removed by the owner who called it. It also increases protection against all types of damage.
Improvement "Order" - when removed, the chest can contain items. But if you separate his upgrades, that is Shift+LMB. The items will drop out of the chest.
Upgrade "Destruction" - The chest will pick up everything that has fallen next to it.

To prevent the chest from following you, you can set this in its interface. (P.s. This yellow square)

The walking chest has only 1 upgrade.

And finally. All those 8 types of golems can be improved. And so they will be called "Improved Golems".
- Their advantages are that they increase their characteristic by 1 higher. That is, from slow to fast.
- They have 3 upgrade slots.
- They work better, more attentively.
- More HP and faster health regeneration.

And in conclusion, I will put this cute picture

  • R section: Ancient knowledge.

FROM the most mysterious and dangerous branch of magic. To open this section and start exploring it, you should find a crimson cult and an obelisk (altar) of the ancients. They spawn in the normal world. What do you need a crimson cult for? The fact is that these guys carry with them a book about the crimson ritual, which is exactly what we will need to start studying the section "Ancient Knowledge", while you should study most of the other sections of the thaumonomicon. This obelisk with a crimson cult looks like this: (there should be an ominous aura in the middle, but since I set the altar, it is not here.)

FROM of this cult, both a set of cultists and weapons can fall out, and the most important drop is "Crimson Rituals" and, well, fragments of knowledge.
After you knocked them out, then you need to pick them up and press the right-click, in the "Basic Information" section, information about this book will appear. The book "Crimson Rituals" does not open, it is read by a normal right-click. After you have completed various procedures with it, I advise you to study it with a thaumometer. The book describes the task of how to get into the portal of the ancients, and get the eyes of the ancients, actually for opening.

BUT now the most important thing. To open and start studying the "Ancient Knowledge" section, you need to accumulate your distortion. That is: You should study more studies with corruption, that is, negative ones, like a hellish stove and an ominous stone and so on. In theory, you should accumulate a lot of this distortion and then, only then will you have this section. How do you know how much distortion you have? The more of it, the more hallucinations. The more often you have sun sickness, heartbeats, darkness and small spiders, the closer you are to opening this section. Distortion is a kind of corruption that affects the mind, and corruption is that pollution that affects environment and on you, that is, infected biomes, mobs, liquid corruption from an unsuccessful alchemical process in the crucible, and so on.

P After you have discovered this knowledge, some research will be available to you, and in the process you begin to study it. Let's now look at a couple of items from this section.
1) P sychic detector. This is a useful feature that allows you to see the level of your distortion. As soon as you pick it up, a flask with a purple liquid appears at the top left, it shows the level of your pollution.
This is how the "menu" of infection looks like.

2)H bullshit: Singularity. This is a knob that is put on the wand and, when activated (RMB), releases a sphere of chaotic energy. The sphere can fly anywhere and on impact it explodes destroying blocks. There is also one regularity, if during the flight the ball turned sharply in the other direction, then there may be an aura knot there. Thus, it is a chaotic compass of aura nodes.
3) FROM staff's ingular core. This is roughly speaking the rod for the staff, which CAM replenishes the vis. It slowly and gradually fills the staff with energy. And his passive ability is that any knob that is put on him will receive one level of power.
4) At improved essence storage. It is a huge reservoir that can store many different aspects in liquid form, the reservoir can store up to 256 amounts of essence in liquid form, in any combination. Aspects in a tank cannot mix. But in this wonderful technique there is one drawback. The tank cannot be cleaned and cannot be filled manually, golems or pipes will already help here.
For example, you can put it like this:

5) FROM ingular breaker. A tool that digs stones and earth in a 3x3 radius. Like the fire pickaxe, it will produce clusters when mining certain ores. Gradually recovering.
6) P Mouthpieces have tremendous resistance to magic, and also drain vis from the aura very quickly.
7) At better alchemy furnace. This is a stove that can process a ton of items and doesn't require coal to fuel it.
Let's build it first:
FROM three according to the scheme and after you have built it, you must activate it, that is, click on it with a wand, there must be 50 aspects of Water, Fire and Order in the wand!

1) Put

2) Activated

D In order for it to start working, we have to give it a couple of aspects. The aspect of Fire that is transmitted through the Vis channel will be responsible for the fuel. Aspect of Destruction (Chaos) will destroy objects at twice the speed, or rather melt them down. And the aspect of Water will have a great chance to destroy damage coming from the stove.
D To do this, you need to draw a channel through the vis channel from the transformed aura aspects in order for the stove to start working. Aspect of Water and Destruction are used only during the melting process. (It is desirable to activate the aura and this furnace in one chunk)

BUT now about the outer lands themselves and what can be found there.
AT in general - you have studied this section "Ancient knowledge" and went to look for the obelisk. But before you do that, craft 4 Eyes of the Ancients. They are needed to activate the portal.
This is what this portal looks like - we go into it.

P Once you have entered there, you will meet a bunch of traps, monsters and of course new goodies.
H what do you need to do in this maze?
D First you need to find the tablet to open the passage to the boss.

And this is how the passage itself looks like: Insert the tablet there:

There are only 3 types of bosses. And I came across this miracle:

Well, here is such a drop from him:

T Now let's talk about the remaining studies and subjects.
1) FROM ingular pearl. Of course, you can only find this ancient world, in other words - dungeon. You must research the "Aura Singularity Node" which means it will open later. With this pearl, you can improve your aura at times. That is, by right-clicking on it, you have a chance to improve it, new aspects will be added to it, and it can turn from dull or fading into normal. But upon activation, a large explosion of corruption occurs.
2) AT from this bag in the picture, it's roughly a "random prize" . There are only 3 types of these bags. 1) Ordinary treasure; 2) Unusual treasure; 3) Rare treasure. These bags can be found in this dungeon, when you open (RMB) you get a random prize.

We start from the research table - here the comprehension of new magical discoveries and achievements will be made, which will more than greatly facilitate your life in virtual world magic and sorcery.

Having opened the interface of the research table, select the Ignis aspect and click on it with the left mouse button. It falls into the central area - below you can see the green button - you should click on it to start the study. You should end up with something like this:

taumcraft 4 study - nitor and explanations of the interface of the table

You can see a glowing dot - it is she who indicates where you need to start the connection.

Runes are used to connect two dots - these are the squiggles that you can see on the sheet, except for the dots. This begs the question: “How do we find the right rune?” - this is the right question, and in order to determine and identify the necessary rune, you should once again click on the Ignis aspect and press the green button to start the study again. You should get the following:

Thaumcraft 4 study - Find the right rune

You see that the rune we need is now glowing red and has become, as they say, “active” - that’s exactly what we need! There is one “but” - we won’t be able to move the rune in the active state, therefore, we remember its location and how it looks, select Ignis again and click on the green button - the rune has stopped glowing and it can be moved. To move a rune, just click on it and it will show you possible options movement

Important! Remember that when studying in taumcraft 4, sometimes other runes can block the road - in this case, you can move them too to clear the way to the points that need to be connected.

The point will connect with the rune only if the latter will be at a distance of no more than one rune from it (vertically, horizontally and diagonally), and do not forget that we need to connect exactly two points, i.e. as a result of the movements, you should get the following:

taumcraft 4 study - set the rune in place to connect the dots

However, bonding when researching in thaumcraft 4 can only be done with an active rune. So, now for the last time we click on Ignis and on the green button - as a result of which we hear a call and see how our scroll has changed, i.e. everything should look like this:

It's time to pick up the finished Nitor study

In total, 4 units of the Ignis aspect were spent on the study.

This is how taumcraft 4 studies are conducted. Some explorations will contain many more contact points, but more runes will appear.

Important! If the points are very far from each other, then it is better to create a new discovery, and just throw it away, otherwise you will not finish it and waste the aspects simply for nothing.

Learning in thaumcraft 4.1 (new version)

Let's figure out how to study in thaumcraft 4.1 (all recipes for studies and discoveries of this version can be found at). Here we will also have to build on the taunomicon, and it is in this part that it will be simply necessary (whereas in the previous one you could study without this book). Now you can know exactly what you will study, as you yourself will choose the discovery in the taunomicon. I think that in this case, the easiest way to explain the process is with an example.

Let's take the discovery in the new taumcraft 4.1 “Straw Golems” - first you need to have paper, an inkwell with a pen (also known as writer's tools) in your inventory, after which we open the taunomicon in the “Golem Science” section, find an entry about straw golems, move the cursor (in pop-up window should appear the entry “click to study”), left-click and see that the scroll that we have to study has appeared in the inventory - open the table interface and transfer the scroll to the poses cell. 3.

Now let's take a closer look at how it will look in the research table and analyze all the main cells and buttons that will be useful to us in our work:

This is what you should see in the research table interface with the research scroll installed.

  1. Cell for an inkwell with a pen;
  2. When you make any discovery (it will look like a rolled scroll) and you have a perfect research duplication research, a star will appear here, when you click on it, you will get another one of the same ready discovery, i.e. a copy (this will cost you a certain number of aspects);
  3. A place for study and finished research;
  4. Here you can see all the aspects available to you and their number;
  5. Scroll arrows of the field with available aspects;
  6. Places of aspects for their further connection;
  7. Aspect connection start button;
  8. Enlarged research scroll;
  9. Aspects that you will need to connect.

In this case, we have to combine 4 aspects into a chain, using those aspects that are available to us in the table.

The fact is that in order to create a connection between aspects, we need to put next to that aspect from which the previous one is either made or is a part. Those. we start with the Messis aspect - we know that it is made by combining the Granum and Humanus aspects

Messis = Granum + Humanus

Also, the aspects of Messis and Humanus, when combined, give the aspect of Meto, however, it will not be convenient for us in this case, because we need to contact the aspect in the lower right corner - Motus, and it is the aspect of low levels. Therefore, Granum is more suitable for us. Click on it with the left button and set below Messis. You should get the following when researching in thaumcraft 4.1:

Granum contacted Messis

We continue to develop success.

We get Granum by combining Victus and Terra:

Granum = Terra + Victus

Let's make life easier for ourselves when creating a thaumcraft 4.1 study and use Terra for communication, so you should end up with the following:

Terra contacted Granum

Now it remains only to finally complete the chain. That's what Iter is great for:

Iter is obtained by adding the aspects of Terra and Motus

This is exactly what we need - we install Iter between Motus and Terra and create the final connection between Motus and Messis. You should get the following:

Here is the first link

Similarly, we continue to connect and create a chain between aspects when studying taumcraft 4.1. Everything is quite simple, you just need to go to the simplification, connecting everything into a single whole.

I wish you good luck on the difficult, but very interesting path of sorcery in the virtual world of minecraft.

  1. And so, you went to our magic server and decided to do Thaumcraft for one reason or another. But don't know where to start? Then this guide is for you.

    Part 1. Beginning

    The first thing you need is resources. You will need: 2 iron ingots (10 iron nuggets), 3 leathers, 9 papers, 4 logs (12 planks, 9 wood plates, 1 stick) 2 gold, 4 glasses, 2 any crystals, 1 feather, 1 ink bag and a workbench crafting.

    Craft with 2 Nugget Iron Tips (3 on the top and 2 on the sides). We combine them in a grid of kravt with a stick (a stick in the middle and tips in the corners). It turns out "a wooden rod upholstered with iron" (hereinafter referred to as "wand"). This is your very first and main tool. You also need to craft an ink bottle with a quill (quill, glass vial and ink bag randomly).

    Your next step is to create a bookshelf (6 planks top and bottom, and 3 books in the center). Put a bookshelf in the world. Take your wand and right click on the shelf. You will get a book - Taumonicon. With it, you will receive research notes.

    Your 3rd step is to create 3 tables (3 wooden half blocks on top and 2 planks on the sides in the crafting table). Place 2 tables side by side. Then click on the table with an inkwell with a pen - you get a research table. It is needed to study research notes. 3 put the table in any other place and click on it with a wand - you get a magic workbench. It differs from the usual one in that it saves items when you exit the crafting window and it has a wand slot.

    Stage 4 - creation of a thaumometer. Crafted with 2 gold, 2 crystals and 1 glass at a workbench. It is designed to study the world around and receive aspects, and it also shows the nodes of the aura (nodes) - accumulations of energy that thaumaturges use.

    The first part of the guide is over. The next part will come later.

  2. Part 2: Interaction with the nodes of the aura;

    The aura node is where the thaumaturge draws energy to load his wands.

    Nodes are of several types:
    1) Normal - has no features. Safe;
    2) Clean - differs from the normal one in that it creates a "Magic Forest" biome around itself. Most often found in the trunk of silver trees. Safe;
    3) Unstable - differs from normal in that it periodically "throws out" particles of hanging around itself, reducing its maximum. Occurs rarely. Safe;
    4) Infected - differs from normal in that it creates an infected biome around itself. Occurs rarely. Safe;
    5) Evil - differs from normal in that it creates an Earie biome around itself. In the dark at night, creates Furious Zombies around him. Always found in obsidian totems in the upper block, in the center of the ancient obelisk and in the "mounds" inside the hills in the very center. Rarely found outside "special places". Dangerous only by spawning zombies;
    6) Hungry - absorbs blocks, mobs, entities and objects around him. Extremely dangerous to players and mobs on contact. Grows in size over time. Occurs rarely.

    Also, nodes can have 4 categories:
    1) Bright - 200% speed recovery vis;
    2) Normal (not displayed) - 100% vis recovery speed;
    3) Dull - 75% speed of restoration of vis;
    4) Fading - does not restore vis. Periodically loses it;

    Vis is a unit of measure for the "energy" of thaumcraft. Vis is required to cast spells and craft items. Vis is "pumped" into a wand (wand, scepter, staff) when hovering over a node and holding RMB with it in hand. You can upload only 6 basic aspects. The sticks differ in the capacity of Vis (depending on the "Core") and the Vis discount (depending on the tips). When draining the vis of a node, at least 1 aspect remains in it in order to prevent the death of the node (when using an iron wand and / or a stick, all the vis is sucked out, which can damage or destroy the node). Therefore, as soon as possible, it is worth upgrading the wand to a "so far" better one, as this will increase both the capacity of the wand and reduce the penalty (will give a discount) when draining vis.

    There are studies to improve interactions with nodes. You can read about these studies in more detail in the taumonicon.

    More advanced work with nodes will be described in another article.

  3. 3 part. Basic materials for the thaumaturge;

    There are materials without which a thaumaturge can create almost nothing:

    1) Glass. The main application is glass vials for essence storage, jars. There is a lot of sand along the banks of rivers, lakes and in the desert.
    Tip: Always have 1-2 stacks of glass on hand;
    2) Clay. Main use - required as a "cork" for flasks in crafting. In the form of a brick, it is used for the hearts of golems. It is found at the bottom of rivers, in swamps.
    Tip: It's better to type right away than to search all over the server later;
    3) Iron. The main application is thaum metal, pipes, other craft.
    Tip: At first, do not get hung up on it;
    4) Gold. It is used everywhere - from pipes and filters, to crafts and fillings.
    Rarely seen at depth. Occasionally found in reward bags.
    Tip: At the first opportunity, remake the ore into clusters. This will increase the yield of gold by 2+ times (when building the Infernal furnace - by 3+ times)
    5) Great wood. The main application is multiple crafts. Tip: For the first time, 1 sawn tree is enough. But it is better to have several seedlings in stock;
    6) Silver tree. The main application is filters. 1 tree may be enough for all your time on the server.
    Tip: Most trees have a node inside (rarely 2, and even rarer 3). The node block DOES NOT need to be cut down, it will destroy it. Seedlings of this tree are rare. Therefore, collect them and / or plant them.
    7) Paper. The main application is research notes. For the entire time you study thaumcraft, you will spend not 1 or 2 stacks.
    Tip: More cane planted - more paper.
    8) Ink bag. The main use is refilling an inkwell for research. It will take quite a lot.
    Tip: Look for alternative ways to create ink.
    9) Crystals (6 base). The main application is ubiquitous. Collect them whenever possible.
    Tip: A mining pickaxe will significantly increase the amount of crystals you can mine.
    10) Cinnabar. The main application is pipes. Although rare, it is not often required.
    Tip: Converted into clusters, it will bring more mercury;
    11) Amber. The main application is lamps. Not often required. Doesn't happen often either. Dig where possible.
    Tip: A mining pickaxe will increase the amount of mined amber;
    12) Diamonds. It will be needed to create good thaum tools in other crafts.
    Tip: Don't waste diamonds on a diamond pickaxe. Make a pickaxe of fire.
    13) Rotten flesh, brains and bones. The very useless rubbish that many people throw away will be very much needed in large quantities later.
    Tip: A strange hunger is quenched precisely by rotten flesh and zombie brains.
    14) Coal. The main application is aluminum. It's not very important, so don't collect too much. But still, you shouldn't throw it away.
    Tip: There is a lot of sweat and ignis in the corner.
    15) Threads and wool. The main use is enchanted cloth. You will need a lot, so shear the sheep more often.
    Tip: Thread thread from Thaumbasis is the best source of thread and wool.
    16) Ender pearls. The main use is the creation of a matrix, some crafting and enchantments. Without at least 1 such thing, you will not advance beyond the crafting table.
    Tip: Pearls can be found in pouches.
    17) Stone. Used ubiquitously in many crafts, including crafting matrices.
    Advice: In case of a strong deficit, you can build a thaumian generator.
    18) Light Dust. It is mainly used to create nitor. A lot of light dust is usually not required.
    Tip: If you do not want to go to hell, you can find light dust in the village or knock it out from a witch, and then double it in a cauldron.
    19) Quartz. Used to create devices that interact with the aura node.
    Tip: Golems cannot be used without quartz.
    20) Skin. It is actively used in crafting, therefore it is desirable to have a corral with cows as early as possible.
    Tip: Rotten flesh can be turned into leather.

    Last Edit: Mar 7, 2018

  4. 4 part. Getting essence;

    In this guide, I will describe 1-5 items from which it is easiest to get here or another essence. Of course, there are other ways.

    Aer - Cloud, Reed, Feather;
    Alienis - Ender Pearl, Ancient Stone, Celestial Stone;
    Aqua - Cacti, Water Bottle, Cactus Fruit, Salt, Fresh Water;
    Arbor - Stick, Board;
    Auram - Essential Essences, Aurelia Petal;
    Bestia - Thread, Egg, Spider Eye, Leather;
    Cognitio - Paper, Knowledge Fragment;
    Corpus - Rotten flesh, Bone;
    Desidia - Bed;
    Examinus - Zombie Brain;
    Fabrico - Workbench;
    Fames - Sugar, Chips, Carrots;
    Gelum - Snowball, Snow, Ice;
    Gula - Cookies, Cake;
    Herba - Wheat Seed, Grass;
    Humanus - Rotten Flesh, Mandrake Flower;
    Ignis - Hot pepper, Coal, Hellstone, Red mushroom;
    Infernus - Infernal Growth, Infernal Stone, Imp's Skin;
    Instrumentum - Flint, Scissors, Shovel (any);
    Invidia - Comparator, Eye of Ender;
    Ira - Fireball, Dynamite;
    Iter - Wicket, Ender Pearl;
    Limus - Egg, Slime Clot;
    Lucrum- gold coin, Gold Bar, Silver Bar;
    Lux - Torch, Lightdust;
    Luxuria - Saddle, Whip;
    Machina - Lever, Redstone;
    Messis - Wheat, Barley;
    Metallum - Iron Nugget, Copper Nugget;
    Meto - Hoe (any);
    Mortuus - Bones;
    Motus - Luke, Potion of Speed;
    Ordo - Candleberry, Smooth Sandstone, Honeycomb, Carved Stone;
    Pannus - Thread, Cotton, Wool;
    Perditio - Cobblestone, Sand, Sandstone;
    Perfodio - Pickaxe (any);
    Permutatio - Cotton Seeds, Barley Seeds, Mercury, Mutandis, Copper Bar;
    Potentia - Coal, Red dust;
    Praecantatio - Great Tree, Infernal Growth, Carved Sandstone;
    Sano - Fresh milk, Cheese;
    Sensus - Light Dust, Flowers, Lapis Lazuli, Dyes;
    Spiritus - Ghost Tree, Light Mushrooms, Soul Sand;
    Superbia - Golden armor and golden sword;
    Telum - Swords (all), Bow, Arrows, Lime;
    Tempestas - Cloud;
    Tempus - Clock;
    Tenebrae - Shadow ink, Mushroom, Obsidian, Endernak, Shadow berries;
    Terra - Earth, Cobblestone, Sand;
    Tutamen - Leather, Imp Skin, Armor (any), Mahogany Bark, Lead;
    Vacous - Cup, Glass vial, Copper;
    Venenum - Spider Eye, Mercury, Poison Berry;
    Victus - Raspberry, currant;
    Vinculum - Fiery thread, Amber;
    Vitium - Infested Slime, Infested Feather, Infested Tendril;
    Vitreus - Glass, Water Bottle, Glass Panel;
    Volatus - Feather, cloud;

  5. Part 5. Essential essences;

    Essential essences are fragments of entities, one way or another connected with the secret world of "Beyond" taumcraft. They are one of the few sources of Aurum Essence, making them a valuable drop. Essences are of 54 types depending on the type of secondary aspect (with the exception of the aurum). However, not everyone knows their methods of obtaining.
    1) Destruction of the node is the most barbaric way of mining, which does not justify the importance of these essences. Essences drop depending on the aspects of the node;
    2) Killing a guard is at first a rather dangerous way to extract the essence. In addition to the aurum, guardian essences contain Alienis and Examinus (depending on the type of essence);
    3) Killing wisp - wisp is not difficult to kill, but they are rare. Aspects drop depending on the type of wisp. These are mainly 6 primal aspects, but sometimes there is Victus;
    4) Wand - when exposed to a natural deposit of clusters with a wand, it extracts essences of the same aspect as the type of cluster. The remaining "empty" cluster can be dug up and later refilled in the cauldron;
    5) Euclidean daisy - an option for nerds. Generates a random essence through mana consumption.

    Essential essences, in addition to being smelted into essence, are also actively used for crafting. Therefore, try to melt them only for a specific situation.

    Essence guide completed.

  6. Part 6. Essence storage and transportation

    Essence - a semi-liquid substance that is obtained by "melting" things in an alchemical furnace (not to be confused with infected mucus). There are several ways to store and transport essence:
    1) Bank - stores up to 64 units. essences of the same type. The transfer of essence into it is possible through the lid through pipes, from flasks, golems, or by holding the RMB in the hand over the alembic. Can be removed and moved without losing essence with the help of LMB. To empty the jar and destroy the essence inside, press RMB in crouch mode. The main purpose is to provide essence to mechanisms.
    2) Flask - stores 8 units. essences of the same type. Stacks of 64 The transfer of essence into it is possible by holding the RMB in the hand over an alembic or jar. Cannot be placed or emptied like a jar. The main purpose is storage.
    3) Crystallized essence - an item that cannot be poured into a mechanism. Equivalent to 1 Essence. Stacks 64 pcs. The main purpose is storage.
    4) Void container - stores up to 256 units. essences of any kind. The transfer of essence into it is possible through the lid through pipes, or by golems, mirrors and a matrix. Only an empty container can be moved. When attempting to move the essence container, an explosion occurs, releasing the flux and destroying all the essence inside.
    5) Essence Capacitor - stores ORIGINAL 200 units. of each type at the same time (for example, 200 perditio, 200 ordo and 200 herb). The limit is calculated for each essence separately. The transfer and extraction of essence from it is possible only with golems, mirrors and the matrix. Also, if it contains a total of more than 40 units of essence, it will automatically begin to drain essences from any containers (jars, void container) within a radius of 5 blocks. Only an empty container can be moved. When attempting to move the essence container, an explosion occurs, releasing the flux and destroying all the essence inside. The building is a 3x1x1 multi-block. The internal size can be increased up to 3000 units. each essence by "feeding" the capacitor with the "Essence of Darkness" - more details about this are written in the taunomicon.
    6) Digital essence - the easiest to store and transport, but the most difficult to create and configure. For complete creation For this storage method, you will need to open and study almost all the research in the Thaum Energy tab. In addition, you will need to create an uninterruptedly working AE network, digital essence storage cells, access points, etc.

    For the interaction of the matrix and other mechanisms with the 6th method, additional elements will be required;

    Last Edit: Mar 4, 2018

  7. Part 7. Matrix, dimensions, stability.

    The Matrix is ​​the thaumaturge's primary mechanism, without which most advanced things cannot be created.

    After building the base of the matrix (matrix, central pedestal and 4 columns), additional pedestals are required. Theoretically, there is no difference in the size of the matrices and the number of pedestals. However, in practice there are cases when one or another recipe does not work on small sizes. Personally, I recommend building a 9x9 matrix. 4 pedestals are placed on each side (12 in total). This size is perfect and comfortable for me.

    While viewing the matrix recipe, you can notice such a component as "Instability" - this is the probability with which one of the effects can occur during the "Infusion" of the item:
    1) Magic lightning on a player or mob within a radius of 9 cells from the matrix (will take 1-4 health units);
    2) Magical lightning that knocks the object off the pedestal (possible release of flux gas, the object falls nearby);
    3) Magical lightning that destroys an object on a pedestal and creates an infected slime in its place;
    4) Magic poison on the player (2-6 sec);
    5) Increasing temporal distortion;

    In contrast to the instability of the filling, there is the "Stability" of the matrix. It does not reduce instability. She is compared to her. If the difference is negative (instability is higher), then the chance of effects is calculated from their difference. If equal or greater, no effects will occur.

    Impact on stability:
    1) Matrix symmetry;
    2) The symmetry of the ingredients on the pedestals (for each asymmetrical item, 1 is deducted from the overall stability);
    3) The presence of occult objects (candles, skulls, flowers and mushrooms of Botania, pylons, clusters) and their symmetry;
    4) Duration of filling;

    Amber Blocks, Bedrock and Hell Star Blocks DO NOT PROVIDE stability bonus;

    The stability of the matrix and the stability of the filling can be viewed by right-clicking on the matrix with scores. The scores will also let you know if something within the matrix is ​​set asymmetrically.
    It is recommended to have a enchantment stability margin equal to (number of enchant items/2)+1 to prevent instability effects (for example, you have a stability matrix of 15. Enchantment has 8 ingredients and 1 in the center. Infusion instability is 10. This infusion will be stable for throughout the entire time, since the "margin of stability" is 1 (15 - 10 - (8/2) = 1).

  8. Part 8. Building nodes.

    As you all know, there are many different nodes. Therefore, sometimes it is difficult to choose a node for yourself. You have to take several nodes, which takes up space. Because of this, many thaumaturges often "fatten" a node with others to make it bigger.

    Any node (let's call it a sink node) will try to "eat" the energy of another node (let's call it a feed node) if several conditions are met:
    1) The absorber node is "stronger" than the feed node (strength is measured in total amount vis. brightness also affects)
    2) The absorber node is not on an enabled stabilizer node (may be on an improved stabilizer node);
    3) Node-feed is not on the included node-stabilizer (any);
    4) The absorber node and the feed node are not excited;
    5) The distance between the nodes is 7 cells or less;
    6) There are no solid blocks between nodes;

    The feeding process is as follows:
    The absorber node at certain intervals "connects" with a short lightning bolt, takes 1 random aspect from the feed node and tries to attach it to itself. With a successful connection, this aspect is added to the node's maximum. 1 aspect is always removed from the feed node, while reducing its maximum. The process is rather slow. Therefore, it will not work to "quickly grow" a node.

    An absorber node can be fed from several nodes at once. But do not forget that feed nodes can absorb each other under the conditions described above.

Hi all. This guide is for those who don't know where to start when joining a server Magic.

So, we went in, found a piece of land for ourselves, privatized it, built a cozy house, you can begin to comprehend the secret of magic. Let's start with crafting a wand: crafting 2 iron tips:

Then we craft ourselves wand:

Now we take the bookshelf and right-click on it with the wand:

Sim-salabim, abra-kadabra and we get just such a book, which is called thaumonomicon:

We open the book and see 6 sections. In the first section, you can get acquainted with the ores, plants that are added by the mod and much more (I advise you to carefully read this book, it will help you a lot):

Next, we’ll craft ourselves very useful thing - thaumometer, for this you will have to dig out a couple of any crystals (in this case I used thunder crystals): they are often found, you will not have problems with them:

Now you can and should explore everything around! This is done very simply - we look at the object through thaumometer and press RMB:

In the beginning, you won't be able to learn everything, as you need to unlock the main aspects: Ignis, Ordo, Perditio, Aqua, Aer, Terra. These aspects are more complex.

Open 4 tab "inventions" and see magical workbench and research desk:

Craft first table(we will do 3 pieces at once):

Then we put them like this:

On the first table, press the RMB wand and get magical workbench:

Now crafting inkwell:

And use it on a double table, getting research desk:

Here we will stop in more detail. As you may have noticed in taumonomkone not all studies are available to you: some are blinking, others are grey. Flashing research you can study in this moment. Now I will tell you how to do it. First you need paper and an inkwell (you can get it from the research table). Open the thaumonomicon and click LMB on the study we want to study:

A scroll will appear in the backpack - research notes:

We open the research table, put the inkwell in the upper left window, and the research notes in the upper right window:

On the right, a scroll with a research that needs to be studied opens. Here we see the aspect of Ordo and question marks that indicate that we do not know some aspects. What to do? Or walk around the world and try to learn everything with the help of thaumometer, either in research desk from 6 initial aspects to get more complex. It is done like this: on the left side we see the aspects that we were given immediately after crafting the table. We click on the LMB aspect and it is placed in the lower windows, like this:

Click on the purple button between them and get a new aspect of Motus:

If the combination of aspects is not correct, then the new aspect simply will not appear. And now I will show you the technology of conducting research using the example of the "expertise" scroll. To do this, you will have to open the aspects of Cognitio and Sensus:

Now we need to connect these aspects. In this case, we have to combine 3 aspects into a chain, using those aspects that are available to us in the table. To create links between aspects, we need to put next to the aspect that the previous one consists of or is part of. Let's look at an example:

The aspects of Cognitio and Sensus contain the aspect of Spiritus, and the aspect of Spiritus consists of the aspects of Victus and Mortuus (you can always look at the composition of the aspects you have discovered in the thaumonomicon, the section "basic information" - "magical aspects"), in this case I used the aspect to connect Mortuus Next, chain the Ordo aspect:

In this case, the Ordo aspect is contained in the Gelum aspect, and the Spiritus aspect contains the Victus aspect. Both that and that aspect include Aqua in its composition, so we easily combine them together. This is only 1 of the research options, you can use your own combinations, it all depends on the availability of aspects in your table. Now take this scroll, press RMB while holding it in your hand, and it is placed in your thaumonomicon. Studies in the form of hexagons are easier to study if you have enough aspects, press LMB and you're done:

For example, you have studied a hungry chest, open its page and see that it is crafted in a magic workbench and this requires aspects of Aer, Ordo, Perditio. Where can you get them? Here you need aura knot:

Without Revelation Glasses and a Thaumometer, he is barely visible and looks like this.