Passage of the novel Mad father. How to see all the endings of the game Mad Father. Graphics and music

Game description

Mad Father is a free horror game made by Sen in WOLF RPG Editor and translated into English by vgperson a week after release. The passage takes about 4 hours and contains 3 endings.


In Northern Germany, there is a mansion owned by the Dravis family. A loving family lives in this house: Alfred, Monica and little daughter Aya. But due to a serious illness, the mother left them. Years pass, and the father is as busy as before. Aya has known since childhood what her father does, but turns a blind eye to it. He knows what kind of cries, pleas for salvation, but closes his ears. And all because of the love of his father.

One night, Aya heard her father's screams. Leaving the room, she saw two ugly creatures. She learns that her father's victims have been brought back to life for revenge. Aya must save her father no matter what, because he is the only father, the only one she has.


Graphics and music

Although the music is borrowed, the graphics in the game are completely original. Even the facial expressions of the characters are not the same.

To move: Arrow keys
To confirm: Enter
Inventory: ESC or X
*Later in game*
To pull out chainsaw: Shift
To use chainsaw: Enter

Getting Started!

Unless you skip the prologue the only thing you can do right now is look around the room.
Look around the room and examine everything. Once that is done, try to go to bed. When you wake up you will hear a sound and worry about your father. You must find him!
FACT: Your room is called the nursery.
Exit the nursery. A crow will fly down onto the table.
This is a save point, so save your game whenever you can.
Go to your left and down the stairs.
Be careful of the zombie like things! Avoid them because they will hurt you.
once you are down stairs go to your left and into the door on the left.
You are now on the first floor, in the East hall.
1F East Hall

Floor one, West Hall

Enter the door on the right.
It should be right in front of you.
Next, go to the painting.
If you are not attacked, go to the painting again.
Once you are finished with the getting attacked, you run out of the room so go back in!
Remove the painting and go through the hole-hallway like thing.
For now you can go forward, and to your right to get a gem.
Next, go back into the room and push the stool to the shelf.
Hop onto the stool, and get what is up there, down.
You now have a knife.
Jump down, and save again if you want.
Every chance I get, I save.
You don "t have anything left to do in this room. So go on to the one beside this one.
You are now in the bathroom.
Go to your left and above the toliet will be a shining light thingy.
Collect it, this will be the cafeteria key.
That's it for the bathroom!

Once you are done with the bathroom.
Avoid the Experiments and go unlock the Cafeteria
(The door on the bottom floor, in the middle.)
Once you are in go to the left, MAKE SURE YOU STAY AS FAR DOWN AS YOU CAN!!!
Once you are past the little stove thingy go above to the open cabinet and collect the oil.
You can't do anything else for now but you will come back later.

Floor Two, East Hall

Go to the first room. - The bedroom.
You will exit but go back in.
Then go up and collect the key to the Archieves.
Go to the glowing thingy ontop of the book on the floor.
For now you can "t do anything so go to the West Hall.

Floor Two, West Hall

Now you should have everything you need for this side.
Unlock the first door - The door to the Archieves. And explore all the book cases.
There will be a door in the top left but you can "t go in there until later on in the game.
Also, explore everything on the floor (If something is there or if something drops).
Make sure you explore both sides of each bookshelf.
Once you get to the "Data on Live Experiment" there will be a scene where you can"t do anything. Once that is over exit the room and come back again.
Collect the glowing circle thingy, this will be a Pendant.
Exit the room and go to your left, then go up and to your left again.
There will be a door. THis will be the doll room. Look around the doll room, and open the curtains then exit. (I don "t know if this has an effect or not on the Code Memo but i" ve done it every playthrough).
Next go into the room next to the Archieves. - The Changing Room.
Use the knife cut the spider web.
Go towards the glowing circle thingy and collect it. This will be an empty lighter.
You "re done with everything in this Hall.

Floor Two, East Hall, Part Two

Go back to the East hall and into the first room. - The Bedroom.
Go up to the window and click it. You should have the pendant and the lady/mom will come and be like this is her pendant blahblah and they will reuinite. Once that's over you should get a gem.
Next you should open the yellow/gold dresser using the code memo.
The code is, 7482.
You will receive mom's perfume, and a lamp.
Exit the room and go to the cafeteria.

Cafeteria, Part Two + Storehouse

Stay to the bottom as best as you can to avoid being attacked by the dog.
Go all the way to the left in the food pantry thingy and move the rug by going to the corner.
Go down into the storehouse.
Use Snowball near the crack in the wall.
Being Snowball collect the glowing thingy - Lighter fluid.
For now the door is locked so go to Floor one, East Hall.

Floor One, Basement - Taxmidermy room + Lab

Now from the East Hall go down into the basement.
Something(s) will block your way.
Fill the lighter up with lighter fluid. Then use the oil and filled lighter on the something(s).
If it doesn't work get closer and then it will ask if you wanna use it. You might have to open your inventory first for it to ask. And you might not. (I don't remember).
You will exit the room but go back in.
Next go to your left.
Save if you want.
Go into the door on the bottom. (Taxmidermy) Collect the Wood Bucket, and then go to the shelfs and explore everything. Something (Eyeglass bottle) Should fall. Collect it.
Next exit the room then go to the door above. (The Lab).
In the lab Maria will be there. You can either interact with her or completely ignore her.
(For the true ending interact, for one bad ending interact, and for the other bad ending ignore her.)
She has fainted. Interact again and you should get a room key.
Go to the door on the top right. After the scene you will go up to the next room.
You can go back to collect the glowing thingy - The gem.
Keep going up until you reach the corridor.

Go to the far left then into the door/doorway?? on the bottom.
Collect the ladder and then go down to the door on the bottom to unlock it.
Go back to the Second Floor, East hall. Go to the left, up, then left again to go to the attic.
Once you are in there place the ladder you found near the broken ladder on the wall.
Go up on the ladder and push the box in the middle off the ledge.
Go down to the box and collect the glowing thingy - the chainsaw.
Next go back up and chainsaw the barrels.
Go back to the corridor but instead of going down like you did go up and chainsaw the wooden door. You"re now in the hall and soon you will be completing the game.

Now that you are at the hall go to your left and through that door. Go up and try to open the door where the crying eyeless girl is. She can't hear you so you have to find another way to give her her eyes. Go out and into the reception room. If you haven't done so yet go out to the pond with the bucket and collect water. Put the water on the fire. Next crawl into the fire place. There is a hole where you can drop the eyeglass bottle and you can give her her eyes. Once you do that go back to the eyeless girl and go up to the door where she is. She'll come out and thank you. Go into the room where she was and pull the lever to unlock that big door in the middle of the hall. Go through the door that just unlocked.

Continue that way. Eventually you "ll notice something is holding you back. Keep trying to go down until a woman appears in the top left corner. Once she appears talk to her. She "ll "tell" you that she is the one holding you back. Go down one more time with her now following you. Go out into the hall, and go left and down outside. Now go left into the lab. There will be a cutscene. It shouldn't start unless you move so move to start that.
After that is over with you can continue without the woman stopping you so go back and continue.
Once you continue you should come to this place where there is this man pointing. go up and left
(Where he is pointing). That will lead you to a place which is kinda like a lab I guess. Go to the left and up to where the bookshelf on the left is. There should be a crate on the right, chainsaw that to get Forceps.
Next go right and into that top left door. You"ll get scared and exit (If I remember correctly.)
So if you do exit go back in. Go up the stairs and chainsaw the rope to let the guy free.
Now go back out to where that man was pointing and go down to the save point. Go right from the save point this will lead to the Toliet area. Once in there go towards the glowy thingy and use your Forceps to take the glowy thingy out of the Toliet. You now have a Rusty Key. Take the Rusty Key and dip it in the water on the left to clean it off so you are able to use it. Next go back out and try the door on the top(ish) left. Keep going left. The glowy thingy in the mirror room is a gem. Go to the middle of the bottom wall to collect it. Keep going and go into the door on the top right since the left one is locked. When you get into there I suggest saving. Next go up and chainsaw the meat, fry it and then go back and save again if you can. I don't think you can save again so if you do die by that blue guy who should attack you any second now (If you were close enough to that door on the upper right which YOU SHOULD BE) then re-do those steps after you get that blue guy off of you.
Once you cook the ham and have it all cooked. Go through that door and go up. Next go back down once he comes towards you and press the Z button really fast. If you survive YAY if not cook the ham again. There should now be a boy (or girl idk) sitting at that table at the bottom of the room. Give the cooked ham to the child and you will receive a napkin. Go through that door where you exited when the blue guy attacked you and keep going. Go to the left door.

Door puzzle - Opening that stupid door

You have to match both rooms. Here's how;
Go up and take the flowers from the vase (You should be in the left room ahem).
Go up and through the top door and go to your right and down. You should now be in the right room. Put the flowers you collected from the left room into the vase in the right room. Move the knight to the side and give it the spear from that nun looking lady. Next go up and out the door where Orge and that blonde girl are. Chainsaw the girls head. (Don't worry she's a doll). Go into the right room and put the head on the headless body. Go down into the bottom of the room and correct the painting so it looks the same as the one in the left room. Now go left of the wall the painting is on and up. (Press enter so you make the same expression the doll in the left room is making. Expression? Way of Standing? Idk same thing.) That should be it to open that big door so go up out of the room and through that big door .

Continue on and push the baby onto the mom.
Continue on and push the mom out the door and hide the corpeses in the dresser.
Continue on and give the kitchen knife to the boy (or girl idk). You will also want to use the napkin to wipe off the blood on the mom's face.
Continue on and chainsaw the one girl (or boy idk) that isn't bloody.
Continue on and you "ll pass out. It" s okay though! Go out the door once you wake up and to your bottom left into that dark room. You only have enough time and health to collect the glowy thingy and get back so only do that or you"ll die.
Once you "re back use that to unlock the right door. Once that girl is gone move the dresser to the side and chainsaw the crack in the wall. Go through it to collect Mom's perfume. Hurry out the door because something will try to get you. Put on the perfume and go down to were you collected the key. Since you are wearing the perfume the animals won't attack you.
Go through tie first door. save. go left. Go back and open the door that closed. Go up and hurry back to the save point. (This may take a few tries.) Once done rest in bed until it moves. SAVE AGAIN. And go through the hole.
Once you go through the hole, go right to the vase, move the vase to the right.
Go down into that entry way. Go down to the door and open it. Hurry back to where you came from and love the vase back to the left. This might take a few tries but you"ll get it. Go back to that room with the bed and save.
Now once you saved exit your door and quickly close the door on your right. Locking the zombie/corpse/whatever inside. This might take a few tries.
Now continue on right and up the hallway into B3F Outside Labortaory.

Continue... Part 2

Once you "re there go up to the doll sitting in the chair.
Next go up the door and try to exit it. The doll will push you back. If you keep trying, it will keep pushing you back. Go back to the doll.
You have no choice, Aya will take the doll. You can't enter the door so go back the way you came. Don't worry about the zombie/corpse/thing it won't attack you. Once you "re in the guest rooms go back again into the B3F Passage, it looks like this;
Before there was a door down and to your left that you couldn't enter. You can now so go through it! Pass through the Tunnel entrence and go to the cliff thingy (Abyss). You might fall so be careful and try to save yourself. Once that "s over with save at the save point and enter into the hole.

Big Tunnel, with pictures!

This part is really hard at first so try to follow along the best you can! This might take you a few tries and remember if you die, you have to start all over again!
When the doll turns it "s back to go left, run upwards.
When the doll turns and goes back right run left.
This part is tricky;
Run up the stairs but make sure the doll up the stairs doesn't see you. There will be a hole, run into it.

When the doll moves to the left, exit the hole and go right then go up to the doll in the chair if you "d like. Go left and quickly go into the hole. Beware of the doll exiting the hole. Next go to the hallway/entrance/whatever that is right of the glowy light.
Go down and to your left. Beware of the spinning doll up next.
I found this really hard at first. Writing this walkthrough (While playing the game so I know what's next) I died, haha.
The "circled" hole is your exit.

Don't worry about the zombie/corpse/thingy it's afraid of you for now.
Go up to the door above you and pull the knife out of the girl's chest.
Beware of that scene though.. *sobs* So hap- oH.
The door up above is locked but I just wanted to get through that cutscene.
I don "t know if you have to do that first or not but that" s what i "ve always done.
Next go back out and to your right.
Go through that hole
Once in the passage go to the glowy thingy (A key) and collect it.
A dog will come out and you will hide. Since the dog ate the key you will have to get it back. Go left and save of course!
Now the corpse thingy is back so becareful of it and climb up the ladder.
1. Grab the planks and move them.
2. Grab the sand bags and move them.
3. Use your chainsaw to cut the rope right BEFORE the corpse thingy is under it.
Go down and to the right and into the FAR RIGHT door. If you go into the other one you "ll die.

Next go back out to where the dog was.
Go to the ledge and set the Mandrake pot there.
The poor dog will die, but atleast you can get the key.
Use the scapel on the dog to receive the key.
Next go back to that door where the cutscene was with Aya's older sister.
You can get the bone from the Mandrake before you leave!
Next unlock that big door and throw the doll in!
Go back to where that passage with the dolls were, don "t worry they" re dead now so they won "t kill you. Keep going until you reach the room where the doll ( The one you threw in the lava) was sitting and open the big door.
Once you enter that this is where you decide your fate.
Bad ending 1
Bad ending 2
True ending
Click on Orge (I hope that "s his name, if not oops) to go back to your room and collect any gems you may have missed. I suggest using this guide if you are missing some and need help,

Once you are ready to jump into the black, dark blue, and purple portal.
(Sorry art folks if those aren't the right colors, you know what I mean!)
Once in the other world go up to that mini portal.
The next thing you do will depend on the ending you receive.
Read the part(s) about the endings to see which one you "d like to persue.

You have to click save father. so click that
After the scene you "ll arive at the hidden Lab out area.
There will probably be another scene if not go to Father and then there will be.
***Save at the crow***
Just gonna say now. You gotta run to the bottom and hit Enter or Z as fast as you can.
And then you have to run away from your crazy father.
What you gotta do is run all the way to the bottom to the door (It's locked)
Now run back to the other end and do the switch.
AND THEN run back to the door.
***Tip: Hide behind the boxes***
Once you make it to the unlocked door there will be a scene. You will arrive in the hidden hall.
Examine the door to find out it "s locked. Now examine the cot with no corpse on it to hide there. After the scene examine the bookshelf to get a bandage and then go to Maria and help her. Once you help her. Go to the top exit and then to the right. Maria will fall and you can not go back to save her since you "have to run" or is it "gotta run" idk. Anyways, keep going and avoiding father.
There will be another scene that marks the end.

Note: You have to read Maria's diary in order to be able to do this ending. Then you can give her bandages on the shelf when you go to help her. I hope this cleared any confusion.
Thank you to a commenter who said this!

At the choices of, Save Father or Grant Mother's Wish.
Click Grant Mother's Wish.
Then follow the pathway to the exit just like you did in the True Ending.

At the choices of Save Father or Grant Mom's wish.
Click Save Father and do everything you did in the True ending BUT do not interact with Maria. Completely ignore her, and do not help her.

As you probably know, I'm a big fan of Japanese indie horror games and just indies.

Many of them have spawned a whole cult, cosplays of characters, mountains of fan art, fan sites and entire thematic wikis and imageboards - Yume Nikki, .Flow, Whitch's house, Ib, and others.

But what will be discussed today is a hack, and a hack that claims to be on a par with the classics, which is even more disgusting. Review contains spoilers, so don't read if you don't want to spoil your walkthrough, but believe me, you still won't be able to spoil it.

So the Mad Father game starts with the credits. In most games, the credits go at the end, but here the creators apparently guessed that not everyone would make it to the end and forcibly shoved the credits at the beginning. We find out that quite a lot of people made the game, like for an indie project. Please note - Kikiyama single-handedly made a masterpiece dream diary, Lol - the wonderful world of Flow, Fummi - created an atmosphere of horror in the Witch's House. Here, a crowd of people blinded God knows what, they probably had positions like "Responsible for bad music", "Responsible for patterns and uninteresting".

After all the credits, the game still won't start. We are shown cut scenes, then there is a very short episode with action and again a bunch of cut scenes, dialogues. By and large, the game starts in 8 minutes after the start, if you read all the credits, dialogues and try to figure it out.
The plot is as follows: Dr. Dravis lives in Germany. He is a monstrously formulaic maniac doctor, wearing glasses and a white coat, as he should be. As befits a stereotyped doctor, he tortures people in the basement of his house, his whole family knows about it, including the main character, Aya's daughter. Why does the German Dravis and his wife Monica even have a daughter with a Japanese name? Ah, okay. In addition to his fanservice wife, the doctor has an equally fanservice assistant, Maria. Aya somehow overheard the doctor making shuffling noises with her, then her mother entered the corridor and asked her to go up to her and not to go down to the basement, so as not to interfere (after all, dad-maniac works), and she herself began to eavesdrop at the door. After that mom mysteriously died. Aya was left alone, Maria did not love her, dad is all at work, one consolation is the pet Snowball. And then, once Aya notices that something is wrong in the house - or rather, it is full of the living dead. Aya runs away, stumbles upon a boy without half of his face, runs into the room, and sees a stranger with red eyes and pointy ears. It is not clear who this is, and this will not be explained in any way in the future. This messenger of some forces explains to the girl that a curse has fallen on the house - the father's victims have risen and want revenge.
After that the game starts
Yes, this is not a visual novel with dialogue scrolling, the action begins. You can save on a crow.
All saves in the game will be on the crow. If, for example, in "The Witch's House" you save on a cat, which is one of the heroes of the game, jokes or cheers you up, in the "Dream Diary" you save by writing dreams in a diary, then here it's just a silent crow, without explanations and logic , one of the authors apparently said "Guys, let's fly a crow, it's cool."
The whole gameplay is that Aya finds different items and uses them, and also finds gems, collecting a lot of which can be seen in another scene after the ending. The pebbles are not played in the plot in any way - they are not part of my mother's necklace, for example, they are just pebbles that for some reason need to be collected, like coins in Mario.
The second part of the gameplay is scripted episodes, against which you need to brutally mash the spacebar for a certain time, while the intro to the song "They Won't Catch Us" by the Tatu group plays. This innovation, this is what the indie horror genre lacked. Words cannot express how exciting it is - to periodically beat on the space bar, with a frequency of 3 beats per second.
Music in the game can be called only one melody that plays on dramatic moments. The rest of the action takes place mainly in silence, interspersed with a few sounds of "Ai's Fright", "Ai's Joy", "RRR" and "Tadadam".
Separately, I would like to highlight the graphics. For example, Dr. Dravis has two facial expressions throughout the game, one of them is this:

It displays virtually all the emotions of the doctor, the second appears only when the doctor is in a blizzard - we see slipped glasses and a confused look. Yes, in the staff of this game, more people were responsible for the graphics than the facial expressions of the doctor!
After the game was lit up, Pewdie Pie, TakuTaku and other let's players created fanarts based on the characters and I will give one of them:

Isn't it great when even in black and white fanart, Dr. Dravis looks better and sharper and more charismatic than in the whole game?
Let's move on with the story. After solving very interesting puzzles like "To burn a monster, you need flammable liquid and a lighter," the heroine finds a chainsaw in the attic, with which she loved to play as a child. Well, the daughter of a maniac, a difficult childhood... So, a girl with a chainsaw. Maybe she can crush with it the numerous goiters that hunt for her? Not! We cannot use the chainsaw against enemies. It is needed to destroy the barrels. And find items in them. Cool.

Aya goes down to the forbidden basement and sees that her father really tortured people there. What a twist! As the game progresses, you can complete quests to help the victims of the father - help a girl without eyes find eyes, a man without a head - a head. In the cave behind the basement, Aya is hunted by dolls that Dr. Dravis collected in a special room with a throne. Why did they come to life? They are not victims of the father. We also find out that the boy without half of his face is doing well. He wants to help Aya escape from the cursed place, doing the will of her deceased mother. Why then. After all, he did not know her, at least there are no hints of this. After numerous very tedious "puzzles" with objects, Aya comes to the portal to another world, where the spirit of the mother dragged the father. The red-eyed stranger gives her the Doctor-Maniac Wife Resurrection Cure, which he somehow has, and somehow doesn't get attacked by zombies throughout the game. Aya enters the other world, which consists of only two rooms. Apparently the fantasy of the Avors has completely dried up. Immediately she finds her father, and she faces a difficult choice - to save her father, who tortured hundreds of innocent children and women in the basement, a liar, a madman and an unfaithful husband, or not to save him. Moreover, if Aya chooses not to save, we get a bad ending with almost no explanation of Maria's motivation. The only way get a good ending - save dad with the help of the red-eyed remedy.

In the "Dream Diary" the ending is full of tragedy, in "Ib" there are several options for beautiful endings related to decisions throughout the game, you can even argue which ending is good, in "The Witch's House" the second ending turns the whole plot inside out and beats below the belt . Here - in fact, only one good ending and two stupid bad, depending on two primitive choices. What is the best food for us?
Mom lets her father out of her hands, but wanting to warn her daughter, she reveals a secret to her: Mom really was killed by dad. Here is a surprise! Moreover, Drevis is obsessed with the idea of ​​​​making a doll out of his daughter, it is for her that throne in the room with dolls. This is at least a little interesting. Getting out into our world, dad behaves like an asshole. Not thanks to his beloved daughter, who risked her life for him, pulled him literally from the next world, he takes away the chainsaw and starts chasing her, once again confirming that it was not necessary to save him. The game turns into a catch-up with the doctor, becoming at least a little interesting in the end.
What follows is complete trash. For some reason, her mistress Maria goes over to Aya's side.
That is, Dr. Dravis picked up Maria on the street as a child, starving and dying, went out, took her as an assistant, then slept with her, she was in love with him, she forgave him all the murders of people, she hated Aya, and helped hide her murder mothers. BUT! It's just that after Aya helps her bandage the saw wound, Maria suddenly changes her mind and decides to save the girl. How stupid is that.
Ayu grabs one of the dolls, apparently jealous. But the doctor, who has already brought the saw, is pierced by a dozen of Maria's knives. Apparently, while working as a nurse, she learned to fan-throwing knives from a distance. Of course, the doctor cannot be killed by a dozen knives in the body, and a boy without an eye is finishing him off. The Doctor is dead, the curse is broken.
They decide to burn Drevis' house, Dio (That's the name of the boy whose story has never been explained) kisses Aya on the forehead and leaves, Red-Eyed, whose story has never been explained, also says goodbye. Maria decides to accompany Aya and serve her now. Everyone is happy, but suddenly we are shown the future.
So, after Aya was nearly killed by her deranged father. After she helped numerous victims of her father find things that are dear to them and even body parts. After she saw what a terrible curse turns the evil inflicted on others. After that, she grows up and becomes the same doctor maniac. Maria, who saved Aya from the maniac Dravis, calmly helps her kill other people, touched by how her daughter looks like her father.
Plot, logic, characters. Some games have them. Not here.
When collecting all the coins, sorry, pebbles, we will also be shown a scene with Aya's clone, which was insidiously created in the laboratory so that ... or, Aya herself was only a clone ... Damn it, apparently, the meaning of the bonus is to show Ayu naked.

In general, the game Mad Father is an advertised hack. This is an example of the fact that no amount of mediocre people will ever replace one talented author. This is a game with weak music, meager graphics, and characters whose characters are either not revealed at all or contradict themselves and the plot. And most importantly - the game is very boring and not scary. On the level in the caves, I want it to end as soon as possible, these dragging boxes, destroying barrels with a saw, obvious uses of objects, drawn-out cut-scenes and brutal clicking on the space bar. There aren't any secrets that aren't obvious from the start, and the ending, although unexpected, is rather stupid from the point of view of the whole plot, if the mad doctor cliché is the plot.

WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. This article was edited and improved by volunteer authors during the creation of this article.

Mad Father is a game created by Sen using the World RPG Editor. It first came out in Japan, then was translated by Vgboy, the same person who translated a lot of various games indie genre, for example, Witch's House and Ib.

In the story Mad games Father tells about a little girl Aya Drevis. Like most girls her age, Aya loves her father more than anything. One night, on the anniversary of her mother's death, young Aya is awakened by her father's screams. She soon discovers the walking dead and monsters throughout the house. The girl tries to save her father and soon discovers the terrible truth. Beware, this article contains major spoilers.


Part 1

How to see the first bad ending

Part 2

Second bad ending

    Don't help Mary. During the game, remember that you do not need to help Maria. The game will continue even when you leave the Hidden Hall. If you take the room key from Maria, don't use it. Continue the game further, almost reaching the end.

  1. Select the save father option. Keep playing, solve puzzles. After all this, at the end of the game you will have two choices.

    • Don't worry if you haven't collected all the stones, it won't affect the ending.
    • Choose to save your father to see the second ending in the game.
    • Spoiler: Aya's mother walks away from her daughter, surprised by her decision. A bright light appears and Aya's mother disappears.
    • In the next scene, Aya is sitting in a room with her father. The truth is revealed that the doctor, Aya's father, really cheated on her mother.
    • Aya's mother possesses her to show her what really happened. She shows her her father's experiments and how she died.
    • Aya's father is shown to be doing research on how to turn a human body into a doll, and his test subject is Aya. He wants to make a doll out of her in order to preserve her beauty forever.
    • The Doctor kills Aya's mother when she tries to stop him by stabbing her in the chest several times.
    • After that, Maria is in complete shock. She did not want this to happen to her mistress. But she is also afraid of death, so she does whatever her father tells her to do. Together they dispose of the body, and tell Aya that her mother died of an illness.
    • Aya's father will slowly approach you. Press Z as fast as possible, break the door and run away!
    • Do not stop. Run down the corridor. Run to the end and wait for the father to approach.
    • As soon as he stops, press the lever and run past him to the north.
    • Once you are in the room, you will see Maria. The video will start.
    • The doctor will finally show his true colors. He tries to attack Maria with a chainsaw. Aya will approach Maria and see that she is still alive.
    • Now you need to make a decision. It depends on the ending of the game.
    • During the passage, you will die several times, it is very difficult to pass the first time.

Mad Father is a captivating 2D pixelated horror game created by an independent Japanese developer. In this game, as well as in many other projects of this genre and style, there are several different endings. Each ending is a consequence of certain actions that the main character previously. How to open all the finals? This will help step-by-step walkthrough of the game Mad Father, which will tell you about several key points.

A few words about the plot

The events of the plot develop around an eleven-year-old girl named Aya, who lives with her father in an old mansion in northern Germany. Aya lost her mother a year ago, and this event left a heavy imprint on the whole family. Aya's father is engaged in some mysterious experiments in the depths of his basement, where no one can go down, except for himself and his assistant Maria.

One day, the main character wakes up in the middle of the night as she hears a scream. After that, truly nightmarish events begin to occur in the mansion, and we take control of Aya and begin our passage of the game Mad Father. It is worth noting that the plot here has an unexpected twist, so if one of our readers plans to play the game on their own, then we warn you about spoilers in the next part of the article.

First bad ending

At the very end of the passage of Mad Father, when all the adventures are already behind, the player will have the opportunity to make his last major choice. Attention: the final will depend on this choice. We choose specifically the option that will fulfill the desire of our mother and allow her to take our father with her. Next, we watch the video, after which we find ourselves together with Aya in an empty room. We pass a little to the north and come across a frightened Maria, who is clearly in shock. Aya explains to her that her father is dead.

The next scene takes us to the church, where both heroines pray for the peace of their departed loved ones. When the girl is about to tell the assistant that she can stay in their house, Maria suddenly rises and rushes in our direction. The screen dims and we hear a piercing scream. We watch the next scene, in which the distraught Maria is about to kill Aya and continue the Doctor's nightmarish experiments.

The second bad ending of the game Mad Father

The main condition for obtaining this ending is not to help Maria. It is also better not to use the key to her room. We reach almost the final and choose the option in which we save the father with magical water. We continue the passage of Mad Father to the very end and find out the terrible truth. Spoilers: it turns out that Aya's father has been cheating on her mother for a long time, in addition, it was he who caused her death (and not the disease, as we were told at the very beginning of the game).

After nightmarish revelations, you need to save immediately. Press the Z button, break the door and run! Aya will be chased to the end by a distraught father with a chainsaw. We run to the end of the corridor, wait for the moment when our father approaches us and immediately pull the lever. Then we make our way past the father and move north. Entering the room, we will meet with Maria - after the next video, the Doctor will attack her. We select the option "Do not help Maria", after which we leave the room. At the end of Mad Father, Aya still dies at the hands of her father and becomes one of his dolls.

Third, "good" ending

To get this ending, you need to select the "Help Maria" option when she bleeds after being attacked by her insane father. We bring her bandages and find a way out of the estate. After that, Maria will leave us and leave in an unknown direction, despite the persuasion of Aya.

A little later, in the church, the crazy father will attack the girl again. While one of his dolls is holding Aya, he will try to kill her with a chainsaw. Suddenly, his body is pierced by knives. The wound turns out to be fatal, and the father dies. Behind him we will see Mary - it is to her that we owe our salvation. She kills the doll with another knife. We are watching a few more videos, from which we will learn additional details of the third ending.

At the end of the passage of Mad Father, we will be shown a scene from which it will become clear that the grown-up Aya followed in her father's footsteps and also became a doctor. Moreover, the role of an assistant, as before, is played by Maria. However, the similarities with her father in Aya's life do not end there either - it turns out that the girl inherited the same mental disorder and is now engaged in making creepy dolls out of people.