Passage of skies of arcadia legends

The first part of the passage through the game Skies Of Arcadia.

This walkthrough used information gleaned from Dreamcast Tricks Gold #9, Gamefaq, Wikia, Esoarcadia, arcadia.island,, and information from the VK group (

Since the game was released on different consoles and has different translations, we need to make a couple of notes.

The walkthrough will be described mainly for the GC version, since there are much more difficulties and quests. However, players of the Dreamcast version can also navigate through the walkthrough, but skipping some pieces of text and paragraphs that will only concern the GC version. The walkthrough will clarify what is only for the GC version and what is for the DC. If any topic says "DC version" and its text, or in italics " GC-version” and its text, then this part of the text will belong only to the corresponding console.

Translation of bosses and monsters will have two names English and Russian. Some of the names will be taken from translators, others translated by myself. The name of the items, due to their quantity, will be presented in English only.

The main difficulty of the game is that you can always accidentally miss something in it. To complete the 100% DC version of the game, you just need to find all 64 openings and choose the right dialogues to become a Legend. To complete the 100% GC version of the game, you must: defeat 2500 monsters in random battles; open all chests; discoveries; collect all the fish for one quest; Defeat the event criminal bosses, all giant non-story monsters and 12 ships. And the main difficulty is that many places can only be visited once. And if you miss at least something, you will never complete the current game at 100% and get Legend status. Be especially careful in those dungeons that cannot be returned to (see the "revisit" category). If you miss something there, you will not be able to complete the game 100%. Try to save with a long period of time on different files, so that in which case you can fix something or get something accidentally missed.

In the DC version, be sure to enable the 3 add-ons before launching the game. These are two weapons for Weiss and Aika, the giant monster Petler (aka Looper) and Hamachao Island with the last Cham. How to run, read .

During the passage, I periodically conduct statistics. It's called progress level. If you're afraid of missing something, check it out. The progress level will describe the following:

  • Percentage and plot study of the map.
  • The number of chests and openings (64 for the DC version, 88 for the GC version) that you must collect before statistics.
  • Journal is a story diary that determines the progress of the story (technically you can't skip it).
  • The number of Chams and Abiric Chams you need to collect for Fina before statistics.
  • Approximate Weiss rating. It should be taken into account that the rating grows not only due to the correct dialogues, but also due to successful battles. If you never run away from the battlefield, it will grow faster than normal. So, here it can be different for everyone. On some dialogues, you will not increase your rating to a possible Legend. The maximum number of points that you get through dialogue is only 105-110 points. You start with exactly 100 points. Without taking into account the battles, you will get a maximum of 210 points, which will not be enough for the Legend. So, try to fight more often and win successfully, and in no case run away. This will always keep you on your toes.
  • The GC version will describe the number of criminals, fish caught, storyline with Piasto you have to pass up the stats. And three final super-secrets that you will discover only towards the end of the game after becoming a Legend.

Important advice: If you want to know detailed description a specific monster, what item it gives, you can always click on its name or picture, which will lead you to the article "Bestarium", where all the stats of enemies and their features will be described. Try to always keep up with the level of the monsters. Element Effectiveness shows which element is most effective against them. For example, if in red“100” is shown, which means the percentage of damage of the red attribute will be equal to “100%”, the same applies to statuses, where the percentage probability of their occurrence is determined.

That's all for now, if you're ready, let's get started!

Progress rate - 0%

In DC and GC versions:




Chams – , Abiric Chamy

AT GC versions :


moon fish

History with Piastol

Super Secrets

The beginning of the game - pumping magic is equal to x1.

We watch an amazing cutscene where our brave Blue Pirates capture an imperial ship.

Let's greet the first two heroes: Weiss - a universal fighter, with a slight emphasis on physical parameters, who masters the magic of fire faster than anyone else; Aiku the fastest character in the game, with the best indicators of Quick and Agile, which magic and physical attacks are given as "good". Her stamina needs to be monitored. Her skills are focused on the element of fire.

We begin our first fight and the first dungeon.


Alfonso's Valuan Battle Ship

hidden treasures:


1) Sacri Crystal
2) Magic Droplet x2
3) 50 gold
4) Sacri Crystal x2



Return visit:



Dungeon Map:

1-4 chests, 5- entrance to enemy territory.

Right now you only have two attributes available on the weapon. Green and Red. Green has the elements of nature and earth, and red has the element of fire. Immediately switch both characters to the Green attribute. It's important to learn Sacri's green magic as soon as possible, as we don't have any healing items. We destroy the first two enemies. In the DC version they are described as Soldier, in the GC version they are translated into Latin as Ferratus. After the cutscene, let's say hello to Weiss' father, Dyne.

And control passes to us. Before us is the first chest, open it and get sacriCrystal.

Note : In square brackets, the serial number of chests is kept, there are 119 of them in the game, don't miss one!

Since you are in a dungeon, your movement can trigger monsters at any time. Given that we have few healing items, time is running out.

Advice : out of combat, try to heal with magic, and in combat with items. Treat sparingly.

We leave the room, Alfonso will cause an alarm and throw a couple more enemies at us. Destroyed with one hit.

Referring to the mini-map, go to the northeast corner and take sacriCrystalx2 . Climb up the stairs nearby to the second floor. First we go to Alfonso, who safely fades away. Now we go to the southeast corner, bypassing the boxes on the right side, and take 50 gold.

Now we step to the door where Alfonso left. There will be no enemies here. We take next to the chest MagicDropletsx2 . Here you will see the Azure Anchor - this is a save point. Once you step into it, you can save.

The next door appears to be closed. It doesn't matter, we go into the passage on the right. Heal with Aika's Sacri magic and restore her MP to Magic Droplet. We pass through the door in the northeast, we go down the stairs.

Alfonso is so vile that he won’t even fight us, but will set his little animal on us. The first boss and with excellent musical accompaniment.


ThunderFury/ Thunder Rage– Deals high lightning damage of 200-250 HP in a line.

AssessDamage/Assessment of damage- Skip your turn.


It doesn't really matter what attribute you have. But it is preferable to take green for now. First use Focus to increase the SP rise. Once you get up to 7 SP, let Weiss use the Cutlas Fury. If you get below 200 HP, heal immediately. Weiss can withstand two hits, Ike 1-2 hits. It is necessary to be treated first of all with objects, since magic spends SP. Due to the small number of healing items in our inventory, this fight will be very difficult. The sooner you finish it, the better.

Alfonso escapes, but promises to return, leaving everything to the pirates, while Weiss and Aika rescue a girl in strange clothes.

After a beautiful video, we get to know a new character, Fina. First dialogue choice.

The correct choice gives you rating points (as a sure sign hear the bell ring), and the wrong one can not only not award points, but can also take them away (hear the sad bell ring). Dialogues themselves do not affect the plot in any way! If you choose the wrong option, then third-party characters will only reproach you for your choice, and Weiss will independently change his mind with the choice, and the plot will return to its previous course.

These dialogs will show which one has the effect. Bold will show right choice dialogue.

Finnish name?

Isn " t that a nice name /Lovely name (+2)

What a strange name/Which strange name (-3)

Where "d you come from? /Where you? (±0)

If you choose incorrectly, Aika will declare Weiss an insensitive chump. So you need it.

After the conversation, Captain Dine calls us to the bridge. There are no treasures on this ship. So just, if you want, we talk with all the characters that are here and go upstairs. On the bridge we talk with Weiss' father himself, Captain Dine. We go to Briggs, standing at the helm.

He entrusts the management of the ship to us. It's time to surf the heavenly expanses of Arcadia. Getting familiar with management. While you are in the global world, you can save at any time through the menu. Through the same menu, you can view the map, or appear on the bridge of the ship. Here, in the global world, monsters will always attack you. Now we are in the very center of the world, in the middle ocean.

Middle Ocean (southern region)

You can change attributes right during the battle, as well as equipment and weapons. It is recommended to beat the monsters until you finally run out of MP for healing. At the same time, swing, if possible, get moonberries, and in the GC version, already start the quest with the destruction of 2500 monsters. It is recommended to open the green magic Sacri, Noxi, and the red magic Pyri, Increm.

Looper monsters, they are also Petlers (so a little more correct), this is the local mascot of Arcadia, well, or at least one of them. Petlers are very difficult to defeat, as they are protected from magic and easily dodge normal attacks. They also run away all the time, so the best way to defeat them is with Weiss's Cutlass Fury. Aika's skills are not suitable here, they hit with magic. Morocco are very strong monsters, they are well protected from fire and lightning, so only hit them with a green attribute.

As soon as we took control of the ship, we fly due south, to a small island between two rocks. The compass will begin to rotate rapidly. Periodically press the interaction button to open the first opening. opening No. 1 Pirate's Grave

You will be told in detail what kind of discovery it is and why they are in the game. Further, between the rocks and next to the waterfall, air fish, sardines fly. Fly up to them and touch them. This is how you catch them. The best way to catch them is to stand at a medium distance from them and ram straight into the center of the school to collect more at a time. Sardines can be sold for 1G. Another flock of flying fish is located on the other side of the celestial rift (wind wall), in the north, behind a lonely island with a waterfall. This is a spiny fish. It is less common, but you can already get 2G for it.

If you want to become the "king of the fishermen" by title (only available in GC versions), then collect 99 of each of them, it will hardly take half an hour, and you will already do 1/5 of the work for the title.

If the fish swim away, any fight or return to the ship's bridge will automatically bring them back. Dial SkySardins10 pieces and never sell! They'll be needed for something else.

Having flown enough, we fly from the beginning of our journey to the southeast to Pirate Island.

To land, just press the button to interact with the island.

Progress rate - 5%

In DC and GC versions:




Chams – , Abiric Chamy

AT GC versions :


moon fish

History with Piastol

Super Secrets


Pirate's Isle/Pirate Island

hidden treasures:


150 Gold
Sacri Crystal x3
Sacri Crystal x3
Magic Droplet x2



Return visit:

Location map showing all chests:

1-4 chests, Number 5 stone slab with cache.

You are welcome. Here we have something to enjoy. But first we need to settle things with Dyne. His office is located at the very top.

It is interesting : On the way up, on the second conditional "floor" look into the tavern. Local sailors will talk about the loquat drink. An attentive reader of their dialogues will understand that we are talking about rum, which was censored in the English localization.

Corrected in Russian translation from Cosmos!

In the office, during a serious interrogation, a decision has to be made.

Weiss's father is interrogating Fina...

Defend Fina/Protect Finu (±0)

Stay silent and listen be silent and listen (+2)

Aika, by the way, will choose her “dialogue”, and Dyne will instantly show you what would happen if you were pretending to be the “White Knight”. But Fina, for all her modesty, can stand up for herself. Things are settled.

openandjournal#1 -Strange Clothes-

“Who would have guessed that we would find a girl aboard a Valuan vessel? She said her name is Fina and she is wearing strange clothes, but she"s quite pretty. Dad was a little stern with her at first, but it looks like she"s staying with us tonight.”

Now we can safely walk around the island. Move the shelf in the captain's office. Go down the stairs, take from the chest 150 Gold.

We leave the office. We go down. There is a shop on the third indicative "floor" of the cave. Here you can buy weapons and equipment from one vendor, and healing items from another.

First of all, buy yourself new equipment and weapons, the second thing is immediately 10-20 pieces of Curia crystals. They treat any status. And yet, if there is money left, no more than 20-30 Sacri crystals.

Note : it is important that you never have 99 items, otherwise, once from the chest, you simply cannot take anything, and it will not be considered found.

Advice : To heal and support the group, it is recommended to always use items in battle, and not magic. It's faster and you don't have to use eitherMPneitherSP Outside of combat, it is better to heal with magic, since MP is cheaper to restore with a Magic Droplet item or an overnight stay in a hotel.

Further, we rise again to Dine's office and, from the entrance, we go to the right, along the bridge, to the exit from the cave. Aika will leave us temporarily. Weiss' house is located to the south, right next to the save point. Don't go there just yet! But you can save.

Go to your grandmother's house in the northwest of the map, she will tell you about the properties of moonstones. Then to the large training house in the north, talk to the men there, they will tell you a lot of useful things about the attributes.

In the village, in the garden in the northwest, there is a chest with sacriCrystalx3 . Opposite the storage room and Weiss's house, there is a staircase leading far up. Climb up it. Yes, you will climb it for a very long time. At the top, take from the chest sacriCrystalx3 .

We descend back. In the southeast, move the stone slab that looks like a tombstone. She will lead to a cave with a chest Moonberry. And the last chest in the village: from the save room, go along the bridge to the right, you will find the chest next to Briggs MagicDropletsx2 .

We go to Aiki's house, which is located in the east. For some reason, she got stuck. Disorder. There is only one way to find out. From the entrance to the house we go to the left. Look into the handkerchief.

Let's play voyeur.

I think Aika's hair is more flattering. It is a pity that there is no modification for this.

Talk to children. Alan will have one more dialogue.

Will Alan become a sailor?

Sure you can be a sailor!/ Of course you become sailor ! (+2)

Sorry, Alan…/Sorry, Alan…(-3)

Yes, there are dialogues and non-story ones that increase the rating, but they are rare. After talking with everyone, including the dog Pou (Woof in the translation of Vector and Cosmos), you will be offered to play hide and seek. And let's play. All the children are hiding. Jimmy will hide behind a sheet near Grandma's house. You will be able to see his legs. Alan will hide in a narrow passage behind Aika's house. Find Linsey to the right of the stone slab. Pou (Woof) will hide between the boxes near the Saver.

As a reward, Jimmy will tell you a secret about the shelves in the office, which we have already seen. Well, they did have fun. Now we can go to the house of Mama Weiss. Yes, that's her name. Weiss' mother. It's not for us to judge her strange name.

Note : Ayka will return, but she will not give a look at our pranks. Unfortunately, her dialogue does not change in any way whether we saw her with her hair down or not.

To watch the sunset, you will again have to climb the highest stairs in the village. Humble yourself. But it's worth it, the view is really beautiful.

In the morning we go down, we talk with Mom Weiss. We get sacresCrystalsx2 . And Dyne will present a better award - PurpleMoonstone. Now, you can master ice magic.

Our ship is waiting at the dock in the village to the south. Check your gear and items, we're going to be walking through the dungeon, so be prepared. All aboard.

While you're in the ocean, learn the magic of Crystali, and if you're not in a hurry, also Crystales. Come in handy. The monsters of Morocco, by the way, really don't like ice. Now we fly to the Temple Island, which is located nearby in the north.

Land in a safe area. Save and go inside the dungeon.


ShrineIsland/Temple Island/Tomb Island (Vector translation)

hidden treasures:


Sacri Crystal x2
Sacred Crystal x2

headerSkies of Arcadia
signatureDreamcast version cover
leadersAtsushi Seimiya
(Dreamcast version)
Tetsuya Otsubo
(GameCube version)
designerToshiyuki Mukayama
(leading designer)
programmerTetsushiro Hirose
(lead coder)
(sound engineer)
release datesdreamcast
modeSingle player game
ratingsT , 11+ , M15+ , 12+ , All ages
platformsDreamcast, GameCube
carriers2 x GD-ROM
Mini DVD

Skies of Arcadia , in Japan - Etaanaru arukadia is a JRPG video game developed by Overworks for the Dreamcast and published by Sega in 2000.

In 2002, a remake was released for the GameCube called Skies of Arcadia Legends. It was also developed for the PlayStation 2, but was canceled shortly before release on the GameCube.

The game takes place in a world consisting of islands floating in the air, and where the main means of transportation are various aircraft; outwardly similar to the sea. The storyline revolves around the protagonist - Vyse, a young pirate who, along with his friends, is trying to prevent the Valuan Empire from getting their hands on an ancient weapon that can cause the destruction of the world.


Dungeons, caves, labyrinths, islands

Main part gameplay consists of going through dungeons. Controlling a character with a third-person view, the player must go through the location in order to complete the next part storyline. In the process, he will have to solve puzzles, look for passages in labyrinths, collect treasures in found chests, repel enemy attacks. As a rule, in order to pass such levels, the player will have to sequentially bypass all possible options paths to eventually find the only correct one. Chests found everywhere often contain very valuable items. In the process of passing the meeting with enemies occur randomly.

Traveling between pedestrian locations is carried out by piloting airships in a three-dimensional surrounding world - a planet where islands and entire continents soar right in the sky. Some of them are uninhabited, others are built up with cities and fortresses. All dungeons are located in different places of these islands, cities and continents. The exception is a special location called the “Abyss of Darkness”, where the “dungeon” has to be passed not on foot, but directly on the ship, sailing through spherical territories, in which, instead of chests, treasures are found in the remains of sunken ships, and instead of corridors and doors, you have to swim through vortex tunnels. Also a similar place is the womb of Tartas, but here it is represented by a large number of underground tunnels in a huge amount of yellow moonstone.


The journey through the heavenly world of Arcadia takes place on airships. Since the world of Arcadia was once destroyed by magical influence, the skies are divided by "cleft crevices", the path through which is difficult (white clouds) or completely impossible (gray and black clouds). In addition to crevices, there are obstacles in the form of ice and sand fragments, and in some places high rocks to the very sky interfere with the ship. However, in the second half of the game Skies of Arcadia such problems will be a thing of the past, as the ship of travelers will be able to rise above any mountains and sink below the foundations of the continents. In the process of swimming, the team will be attacked by monsters similar to those found in dungeons; the battle with them takes place on the deck of the ship. There will also be battles between ships - yours and the enemy, and besides this, battles with giant monsters. Most of these battles are unavoidable, as they are bosses and defeating them is necessary to progress the story. Still, some of these battles can be prevented.

The final chapter of the passage of the Heavens of Arcadia.

The base was rebuilt completely in the form in which they did. Ah yes Ishmael, ah yes Kirala. They didn't even ask for money. Our path lies back to Dangral Island.

Talk to Brabham now, the ship is ready.

Attention : The events on Dangral Island will cause global changes throughout the world. Make sure you visit all the locations and gather the whole team, as many characters will end up on the ship later, where it is already more difficult to find them. Some rows of treasures will also become inaccessible, even if they are in locations that can be visited, such as treasures in Temple Island or Dangral Island. Buy 50 piecessacres, Sacrum, Sacrulen, Risalem Crystal, complete Kitand completely upgrade your equipment. Arm yourself to the fullest!

Check your progress on Hamachow Island. Make sure you have slaughtered at least 2500 monsters and collected 94% of the chests. If you have problems with the chopper, fly in any terrain and destroy the monsters. With chests, I hope there are no problems either, since looking for which chest you missed is another task, especially since some locations in which you walked are now inaccessible.

Dangral Island

We go down the stairs, we pass through the fan. We go down one more ladder, we pass into the corridor with three doors, use the door in the western wall and move through the hall into the next room. Go south, take the elevator. Five of us.

And this macho is stubborn. Aika, can you still accept it?

Well, excuse me sir, you heard her.


The attack inflicts the Concussed status.

Random Fire- high fire damage of 2000 HP in a medium area.

Cannon Fire (Japanese Gigantic Warship Cannon\m/)- Huge fire damage of 3000 HP to a single target.


It hurts a lot, but there are no new surprises. We put on Thermo Ring for everyone!

Turn on Blue or better Purple attribute.

Aika and Fina should be on the defensive if their health is below 3500 HP (or they don't have Thermo Ring with them), if it's higher they heal, put Enhancement on Gilder and Weiss, accumulate SP, hit with Crystallum ice magic.

Gilder heals the group and buffs Weiss if the girls are too weak. If the girls are strong, athletic and fit, then he uses Gunslinger against the boss. Weiss uses Pirate's Wrath.

After Random Fire we heal Sacrum Crystal, after Cannon Fire we heal Sacrulen Crystal.

After the fight, Vigoro will leave. Let's go down the elevator. There is only one way here. Save and heal, equip Gem of Fludity and Constitution Gem. We go through the corridor of beautiful futuristic design. We will be on the altar, where Ramirez and Galsian will summon the robot.


The attack inflicts the Petrify status.

Target Search- preparation for the Blaster skill.

Blaster/Blaster- Huge physical damage of 2500 HP in a lane.

Laser Blast/Laser Shot– 1000 HP low physical damage with Petrified status inflicted.


Old friend. Enable yellow attributes.

Everyone saves SP, puts Buff and uses Prophecy or Pirate's Wrath. After Blaster, Fina heals everyone with either Sacrum Crystal or Lunar Light. In his free time, he uses Electrulen magic. Simple fight.

After the battle, a series of epic events will take place. We run away from here, going all the way back. We sit in the rail elevator, the elevator will break halfway, so now we run straight along the rails when they fall behind you!

It's good that even in such a situation, Weiss will not miss his.

There will be a whole series of even more epic videos. Soltis is up. All sky rifts in the world of Arcadia have disappeared. Fly to a new continent. There will be a series of events due to which you will have a good reason to skin Galsian.

openMagazine#22 -Whoa…-

“Galcian has raised an entire island from Deep Sky… I can"t believe it. And I don"t know how Vyse is planning on fighting this guy. Well, I guess we can only sit and wait for an opportunity. Heh… It "s not like I" ve got anything better to do.”

It looks like there's nothing we can do here. We return to the island of the Crescent.

Progress Level - 200%

AT DC and GC versions :

Discoveries Completed!

Chests– [Hamachao – 94%]


Chams – , abiricChams

Team Completed!

AT GC versions :


Moon Fish Completed!

History with Piastol Completed!

Super Secrets

Crescent Island

In a moment of despair, Enrique and Drachma will come to us to lift our spirits. And then... in the name of all the moons, this is the most epic and coolest moment in the game! All the characters from all over the world with whom you have communicated throughout the game will gather on the island! Looks like we're not the only ones wanting to make our own rug out of Galsian.

What do you say to all people?

We can't let Galcian get away with this!/Galsian can't get away with this! (+3)

Let " s show Galcian what we re made of !/Let's show Galsian where the crayfish sleep what we're made of! (+3)

From this point on, Weiss is so cool that now all dialogues increase the rating, regardless of the choice. Those in bold are those that seem to me to be better. Belleza will visit us at night. Sorry, just talk. We are looking for Aika and Fina.

Fina near the flag.


Say comforting worlds/Say words of encouragement.(+3)

Say nothing and just put your arm around her/ Nothing not talk and to embrace ^__^ (+3)

Ike is upstairs, at the entrance to the meeting room.


hey , I m scared too /Hey, I'm scared too (+3)

Yeah, this isn't like you at all…/Yes, this is on the you not it seems… (+3)

openmagazine#23 -The Fateful Eve-

“I ... I "m speechless. For probably the first time in my life, I don" t know what to say. I never even dreamed that this many Air Pirates would come together to fight. Aika, Fina, Gilder, Drachma, Enrique… thank you all… Tomorrow, we make history.”

In the morning, visit all the shops on the island, buy everything you can. Check out the characters and the ship. So that everything shone and shone with pathos.

Include Kalifa and Brabham in the team. And put Silver attributes on all characters.

We can finally get Ryu-Kan's perfect creation VorlikBlade. it the best weapon for Weiss in the DC version. In the GC version, it only ranks second in strength.

We save, get on the ship and set off to change the world. Our entire combat mega-fleet is in combat strength. What are the captain's orders?

Last dialog choice:

Give a pretentious order, so that the enemies all go in unison to change their pants!

Let s Make History !/Let's make history! (+4)

Onward to Victory!/Forward, to victory! (+4)

We fly forward to victory, create history.

....and it seems that Galsian also has complexes, but worse than Vigoro.




You have probably already met him. Miserable trough. In the first round we save up SP, launch a torpedo, in the second we use the Moonstone Cannon or the main weapon. The trough will safely become a trough.

It was nothing more than cannon fodder. NEXT!






Shooting cannons at C! On the second round, we launch a torpedo, set Gain. In the third round....

The enemy runs away.

“Get on the tail!/Behind them!”

« stayput, weshouldn't" tjustrushin…/Stay where you are, let’s not rush.”

On the third, we heal and shoot from the Moonstone Cannon.

Also a ship. NEXT!






One of the hottest fights ever. We use Strengthening constantly. Fire the Moonstone Cannon every time you get a chance.

If we shoot at the body, then the attacks will be powerful, but rare; if we choose the upper part of the ship, it will attack from small-caliber guns, but constantly.

In each round, we devote one turn to treatment using the Complete Kit.

When you take down 80-75% HP, Hydra activates a Super weapon that immediately eats up to 20,000 HP.

From now on, on each red move, we still defend ourselves in red cells. In battle, torpedoes are especially effective, which will deal a lot of damage in red cells.

On every second turn, they will give a chance to shoot from the Moonstone Cannon, but it will most likely be in red cells, so before that we put Amplification and heal.

As a reward we get the most powerful main weapon moon cannon and the most powerful torpedo moon torpedo in Game. Now we take the Hydra for boarding.



hidden treasures:


Sacrulen Crystal x3


Return visit:

local bestiary

ATDC-versions: Since you're only here once, try to get Aika from Marauder's Hydra Wind.

If you need to heal, Enrique is always ready to patch you up here. Inside the ship we pass through the bridge, go west, take X- Cannon. We go to the left, climb the pole and the stairs up. We'll be on deck. There are 4 passages, near the big guns. The first is where we come from. Second on the right and two more on the left. We go to the right, to the east, we miss one gun and we go down. We go down the pole, go to the right, in the north we take Sacrulen Crystal x3. We go to the southern part and take Moonberry. We return to the deck. We go into the second passage on the left, in the west, skipping the one from where we came. We go down, here we go to the left, we go down the pole, there will be a chest along the way MagicDewx2 . We return to the deck and go to the next passage on the left. We pass through the bridge, go to the right, go down the pole, go through the door on the right. We heal and save. We rise to the bridge.

I think this is what many have been waiting for throughout the game.

Well Galsian, the heavens may tolerate you, but the great pirate Lagann Weiss will not tolerate you!


Terminal/Terminal- Colossal physical damage of 3500 HP to one target.

Devolver/Devolver- During the round, all damage taken is halved. Counterattack chance increased to 100%.

Neglora/Neglora– average ice damage of 1000 HP with the removal of all positive statuses from all targets.

Eternes- inflicting the status of Instant death to the entire group.

Eternum- A whopping 2500 HP silver damage with an Instant Death status on one target.

Electrulen- huge lightning damage of 2000 HP in a line.


Finally we met. Enable Silver Attributes.

Aika uses Delta Shield every round OR Gilder every round Aura Of Denial. The latter is preferable if you're going to use Incremus, but then you won't be completely immune to Eternum and Electrulen damage. Fina always defends every round. Aika is also protected if she is below level 40 and her HP is below 3600. Weiss saves SP and uses Pirate's Wrath. If you are above level 40, then you can use the Prophecy by connecting Aika to the generation of SP. If above 45, then Finu.

Revenge is sweet, but due to a series of events, we are forced to say goodbye to the failed rug. But Soltis' shield is destroyed.

It's fun for girls : Ramirez doesn't just admire Galcian. The Japanese version has much more text about his obsession with him. It is possible that they are a couple in love. It turns out that Galsian is still a lover of little boys, which explains his cold attitude towards Bellese. And Ramirez just lost... ahem... lover. The reason for revenge is much more justified. Yaoi girls will be delighted.

The path to the last dungeon is open. Drachma and Enrique join the group.

Since your group has a maximum of 4 people, you can only take one of the three to the group. Gilder, Drachma or Enrique.

By default, Gilder is already in your group, the other two will be waiting for you on the deck, where you can connect them at any time while you are on the ship. Gilder is effective against all standard monsters. In the Final Dungeon, it will come in very handy against standard monsters.

Enrique, thanks to Justice Shield, is best able to protect the group, making them the most invulnerable. It is very useful against event bosses.

Drachma is the best at fighting bosses and accumulates SP thanks to Spirit Charge. His Hands Of Fate will be a worthy replacement for Prophecy and Pirate's Wrath, eliminating the need to accumulate SP to the maximum.

openmagazine #24 -The Final Entry-

“This will be my last journal entry. The future of this world hangs in the balance. We must fight Ramirez… and we must win. There are so many dreams left in this world… I can"t let Ramirez destroy them all! I have faith in myself… and my crew.”

Journal completed. The storyline comes to an end.

First we will connect Enrique, but you can also Gilder if you are visiting the dungeon for the first time and are afraid to get lost. Save! Now briefly fly to Soltis, through the Temple Island. But we are under attack.






Interesting boat. He is completely immune to magic and you only fight him for one round! Then he runs away and you will never see him again.

The trick is that if you defeat him in one round, he will give amazing treasures. This includes the main Moon Gun, which can be considered the most powerful gun in the game, and Sparkling Deck, which gives 500 (!!) to Defense.

We shoot from the torpedo and the main gun on the 4th turn, this should destroy it. If you don't have enough SP, shoot whatever you can. If he escapes, it's best to boot up and try again.

After we leave the Temple Island and prepare again. We buy all the healers on the Island of Sailors and update the equipment of the characters and the ship.

You can also complete one side quest. Rather, this is not really a quest, but rather an opportunity to pump up to level 99. It's long and unnecessary. If you do not want, then skip the following text.

Reaching level 99

First of all, you must have a Black Map. I hope you got it from other loopers. We hope Weiss. The rest put on the Everlasting Gem and the Constitution Gem. You also need to have Skull Shield and Delta Shield.

We go to the Dark Rift from Yafutoma. We will find ourselves in the room where we fought with Anguila.

The only monster in its world that has been influenced by the Black Moon flies here. Black looper. Despite its size, upon contact, it will become small (matter force?) and you will fight it on the ship.


The attack deals 3000-4000 HP and a Fatigue status.

Pyri- "low" fire damage deals 3500-4500 HP to all targets.

Slipara- Inflicts sleep status on all targets.

sacres– restore 1000 HP of yourself.


Delta Shield Aiki + Skull Shield Weiss.

After 75- thlevel:

Delta Shield Aiki + Skill Shield Weiss.

Weiss Pirates Wrath

Hands Of Fate Drachma

The Judgment Enrique

Gunslinger Gilder

Yes, this is not even a boss, but supposedly a standard monster. But this is the most powerful and strongest monster in the game. Defense and MagDef at 700, 10000 HP and a whopping Attack and Will at 2000 and 1200. And he likes to run too, so hopefully you've got Black Map on.

It is interesting : there is an opinion that Elsian is the reincarnation of Galsian!

First, according to discoveries likeDancing Lignts andWill o" Wisps it turns out that the loopers are the souls of the dead! Although they can also reproduce naturally, according to the discoveryloopers Nest. But this explains why they are hard to kill with normal attacks and magic. They are ghosts!

Secondly, he appears here only after the death of Galsian.

Thirdly, they have a similar name root, even in the Japanese version.

Fourth, they both dropValuan medallion.

Fifthly, despite the fact that the looper is black, its base element is yellow. The fact that he does not have a black element is easily explained by the mechanics of the game, where there is no black magic, but the fact that he is yellow cannot be explained in any way. But Galsian also belonged to the yellow element!

So…umm…hello Galcian! We have come to torment you even after death. Ha, ha...

In the DC and GC versions, it will allow all characters to reach level 99 in a day. You can, for starters, quickly swing in the monastery of the loopers. In the monastery, we simply use Weiss' Rain Of Sword and destroy all the loopers, without mercy. No drinking! No remorse! No fear! And only then go to Elsian to destroy him faster. If you need at least somewhere to swing, then it is recommended to get to the 60th level. No further.

As the tactic says, every round you should use Skull Shield and Delta Shield and build up SP up to Prophecy until it drops.

As Gilder, you can also use Aura of Denial to protect against statuses instead of Delta Shield, but then you will not be protected from the Pyri attack.

Place a Justice Shield behind Enrique to temporarily rid yourself of the Skull Shield.

With Drachma, get to Prophecy faster thanks to Spirit Charge.

Any attributes against it will do. He takes 100% damage to all elements.

  • After level 70, we can also use Weiss' Blue Rogue and Drachma's Hands Of Fate.
  • After level 75, we can use Weiss' Pirate's Wrath and Enrique's The Judgment.
  • After level 80, you can use Drachma's Tackle and Gilder's Gunslinger.
  • After level 85, you can use Gilder's Claudia and Weiss' Cutlass Fury.
  • After level 90, you can use Enrique's Royal Blade and Aiki's Omega Cyclone.
  • After level 95 you can use Lambda Burst and Alpha Storm Attacks.
  • After level 99, you can use Fina's Lunar Winds and Lunar Glyph.

After the kill, exit the location and re-enter, and he will automatically respawn, and you can fight him again and again.

Its drop is also very solid. 15000 G after each victory and Dexus Seed, will allow you to significantly increase the stats of all characters by buying more seeds from Ilhimis. Valuan Medallion protects against Instant Death, and greatly increases Mag Def and Defense stats. It can also be sold for 5000 G.

It also drops Moonberry, which will unlock all skills for all characters.

And for the final, his magic level is x20! This is the only place where even Drachma can quickly pump any magic!

At level 99, in addition to the fact that everyone will become fierce terminators that can kill any ordinary monsters in the game with one look or spit, your SP will increase by 20 points for everyone, which will allow everyone to use any skills already in the first round. Your attacks are able to one-hit kill all small, basic, special, basic and large monsters in the game.

In order to avoid, now, unnecessary fights, you can put on the White Map right up to the final boss.

Now we go to Temple Island. There we go clockwise down and into Soltis. It is recommended to wear Gem Of Fludity.



hidden treasures:



Return visit:

local bestiary

The corridor


What sad music. We use Yellow attributes against all monsters, Red attribute against Garagor, Purple attribute against Dracoslyth.

Attention : Inside Soltis, your magic is pumped by x5. This is the best dungeon to open all the magic to all the characters.

The dungeon consists of two locations: the Soltis Main Corridor and the Soltis Tower. The Soltis corridor contains only Cham and no treasure. In the tower of Soltis, the last three treasures and the last chum.

In the hallway of Soltis

At the intersection we go to the northwest, then at the first fork to the end to the northeast, to the east to the end, to the southeast to the end, to the north, at the first fork to the southwest, at the first fork to the northwest, to the west, at the first intersection to the northwest to the end, to the northeast, at the first fork we go south and find 29th Cham. Let's go all the way north.

Soltis Tower

The tower consists of 5 floors. You are on the second.

Let's go forward to the end. On the way we find the last 30th Cham.

You have collected all Chams and Abiric Chams!

ATDC-versions Kapil gets as much as 500 Attack. This makes it the strongest weapon in the game in terms of Attack, allowing Fina to fight on equal terms with attacking characters using only a standard attack. Effective against all types of monsters and even bosses.

AT GC -versions Kapil gets only 300kattack, which still makes it the most powerful weapon, but since Fina is not initially very strong in attack, Kapil is more suitable for self-defense, allowing you to kill all small and basic monsters with one hit.

Use the portal at the end of the path. We'll be on the third floor. We do not pay attention to teleports, and we pass into the room where we find a chest with Moonberry.

We leave the room, go to the portal to your left, which is in the center of this floor.

We'll be on the fourth floor. We take in the room Moonberry. We leave and use the teleport nearby. We'll be in fifth. We pass by the door (this is the exit) to another teleport. Let's go back to the second floor, where we came from. We use the portal. On the third floor, we use the farthest portal, which is located at the other end of the corridor and farthest from the door. On the fourth floor, use the next portal. On the fifth floor, the next portal. We'll be on the first floor. We enter the room. We are being treated! Open the last chest.

Here the bosses are different.



Burst- high fire damage of 2000 HP in a small area.


Thank the Moons, this is the last one. You know what to do. If not, you can run away from him, I don't care...

Fine, fine. We turn on the Purple attribute, Fina is on defense, Aika saves SP and heals, the rest use the best attacking skills. It's time to remember.

GC -Version. Outlaw #8 [Last]

The most recent offender of the game. After all his convolutions and Bains, I want to return all the favor. With interest.

Minimum level 50. And all open skills.


Lord Bane:

Pipes of Doom/Pipedoom- Summons Zivilyn Bane.

Explosive Powder- Colossal fire damage of 3000/3500/4000/4500/5000 HP to all targets.

MedicineBox/first aid kit– Inflicting Regeneration status at 500 HP, Strengthening and Accelerating yourself.

vaseofechoes/Vase echo– inflicting Weakening status on all targets.


Burst- high fire damage of 2500 HP in a small area.


Very complicated. Turn on the purple attributes. Everyone put on the Thermo Ring!

If you've brought Enrique with you, it's obvious that he bets every round of Justice Shield. Especially if you don't have Thermo Ring. If there is neither Enrique nor Thermo Ring, Fina and Aika are on the defensive, and Gilder is for the healer. If you have Drachma, then Weiss heals. The rest are hoarding SP. If the boss uses the Medicine Box, Fina will cast Lunar Winds. We save SP for the Prophecy to take out all the guys. Wash off, repeat. While he is summoning new ones, we are again saving up SP for a new Prophecy. After the first use of Explosive Powder on each round, use Sacrum Crystal on the strongest characters, but it is better to use Fina's Lunar Light.

As a reward we receive OrbofSerenity.

You have collected all the chests in Arcadia!

You defeated all criminals!

Progress rate - 999%

AT DC and GC versions :

Discoveries completed!


Magazine completed!

Chams, abiricChams completed!

Team Completed!

AT GC versions :

criminals completed!

LunarFish completed!

History with Piastol Completed!

Super Secrets

AT DC versions you have nothing else to do in the game except say goodbye to all the characters and get to level 99 if you haven't done it before. You are already a legend!

But in GC versions There are a few more unfinished quests.

If you want to fight the final boss:

We use a teleport. You are on the second floor. We use a teleport. On the third floor, use the teleport next to the door in the center of the corridor. On the fourth we use the teleport. On the fifth we go to the door. Then we skip all of the following, up to the final battle.

If you want to finish the quests:

We use a teleport. You are on the second floor. We leave through the door. We go along the reverse route in the main corridor of Soltis to the exit.

Report to the Guild of Sailors about the defeated criminal. As a reward you receive 30000 G and you become VysetheBountyKing.

After completing all the requirements for collecting resources, fly to Hamachou Island, which hangs above the Dark Rift and talk to the old man. Let's look at our results. If you defeated all the criminals, completed all the quests with Piastole and Maria's Moonfish (talking with Doc), opened all the openings (look at the list of discoveries), collected all the chests (checked by old Hamachow), defeated 2500 monsters (checked by old Hamachow) and everything coincides with the progress of the game, you becomeVyse The Legend in GC -versions .

Congratulations sir, congratulations.

Since you became a Legend, the last three Super Secrets have been revealed to you.

Super Secret #1: Sky Fang

We fly to the Mysterious Merchant, which moves between Nasrad, Maramba and the Island of Sailors. He got a new Super Secret Weapon for 50000 Gs, buy it and get it SkyFang.

This is the best Weiss sword in the GC version in both Attack and Hit. He also changes the appearance of his second sword, which he has never parted with before. By the way, the design of the sword is taken from Phatnasy Star Online from the Dark Flow sword, which is a regular dagger. Phantasy Star Online is also created by Overworks developers.

Super Secret #2: Golden Hamachou

We fly to a rock with an arch, which is located between the southern part of the Middle Ocean and the Island of Sailors. Where you first met Drachma. Fly to the very top of the cliff.

There you will find the Super Secret opening №89GoldenHamachou. This discovery will not appear in the magazine and cannot be sold. Perhaps this is the same Picolo Maria, but he was a normal yellow color, so this assumption is doubtful.

Super Secret #3: Vigoro the Blue Pirate

Oh yes, he is the one.

Its strength is comparable to that of Omega Weapon from FF, even at level 99 it is a very worthy opponent, so save and buy 90 Sacres, Sacrum, Sacrulen, Risalem, Glyph of Might, Glyph of Speed ​​items.

The minimum level is 60. If you are not up to it, Elsian is at your service. Prepare as if you had launched a hard mod in Dark Souls and are going to die, intending to sell your soul at a higher price.

If you don't have Thermo Ring, take Enrique, but it's better to buy them. If there is, then we put on the Thermo Ring for everyone and connect the Drachma, so that in hardcore. \m/ Aika must wear Constitution Gem or Eye Of Truth. Now we fly to the island of the Crescent.

Eiiiiii…..all together!

Do The Impossible!

See The Invisible!

Row! Row!

Fight The Power!

Super-secret boss

\m/ \m/


A basic attack deals 1000/1250/1500/1750/2000 HP and a Concussed status.

Vigoro's Charm / Vigoro's Charm- huge physical, epic damage of 2000/2500/3000/3500/4000 HP with inflicting the Concussion status on Aike.

Random Fire- Colossal, epic fire damage of 4000/4500/5000/5500/6000 HP in a medium area.

Cannon Fire- absolute, epic fire damage of 6000/7000/8000/9000/9999 HP on a single target.


This dude is so epic that his HP can be more than his own ship (30000-50000 HP). And if you are level 99, then its HP is greater than the HP of YOUR ship. That is more than 70,000 HP!! \m/

We all turn on the Purple or Blue attribute. Putting on Thermo Ring!

Fina heals Lunar Light. Aika saves SP and installs various upgrades like Quicka/Glyph of Speed ​​, Increm/Glyph of Might , Incremus. After Vigoro's Charm, use Sacrulen Crystal and Curia Crystal if Aika doesn't have a Constitution Gem. After Random Fire and Cannon Fire - Fina's Lunar Light. Weiss accumulates SP until Prophecy. Enrique uses Justice Shield every round. If you have Gilder, then let him put Aura Of Denial, but he will be the least useful here. If Weiss has the Enhanced status, he can also use Pirate's Wrath. If you have Drachma in your group, then instead of Prophecy, Strengthen Weiss and Drachma and use Hand Of Fate and Pirate Wrath, their total damage will be much higher than the Prophecy. The fight is really difficult and very long, because the items for treatment are already ineffective. Fina will have to heal Lunar Light constantly.

The battle will take about 1-2 hours!

As a reward we get Mesh Tights (yes, that's what you thought), for obvious reasons only Aika can wear them. This is probably a personal gift from Vigoro. Increases Attack and Will.

Vigoro finally admits defeat, but does not give up. Maybe one day he can beat Weiss. Say goodbye to the most hilarious and fun character in the game.

Touch The Untouchable

Break The Unbreakable

Row! Row!

Fight The Power!

Progress level -Infinite

AT DC and GC versions :




Chams, abiricChamscompleted!

Team Completed!

Level Completed!

dreamcast! You have become a legend!

AT GC versions :



History with Piastol Completed!

Super Secrets Completed!

Congratulations, you have 100% completed the Arcadia version Game cube ! You have become a legend!

Yes, there is only one left to go. Plot!

Now you can sell absolutely all accessories, including the good old Thermo ring.

For symbolism, buy 99 of all healers for the characters and the ship Sacri, Sacres, Sacrum, Sacrulen, Glyph Of Might, Risan, Risalem, Glyph of Speed, Complete Kit, Apo Wax, etc., or better yet, buy more seeds from Ilhimis, which you can buy and distribute to all characters. Let them become even stronger! \ m/

We return to Soltis. We pass through the Temple Island, we pass the path of the main corridor of Soltis, in the Soltis tower on the second floor we use the teleport, on the third we use the teleport halfway, on the fourth we use the teleport, on the fifth we go through the door. Through the futuristic corridor to the teleport.

final battle

Save, heal, prepare. Check the equipment of the characters and the ship. If you have done everything in the world of Arcadia and nothing else holds you, we finally go to Ramirez. The guy was completely bored without us and without his Galsik.

It is interesting : In the Japanese version, when Ramirez holds the point of the sword with his hand, there should be blood flowing there. Censorship…

Final Battle! Round One!



Drilnos– inflicting Weakness status on all targets.

Eternum- A whopping 3000 HP silver damage with an Insta-Death status on one target.

Destruction- high ice damage of 2000 HP to all targets with the removal of all positive statuses.

LunarBlessing/Moon Gift- inflicting Regeneration status at 600 HP of oneself.

These are all of the guides I have for Skies of Arcadia: Legends which is for the Nintendo Gamecube. This page is designed to be very google friendly; if you're stuck and googling to get past a certain part of the game that's what I am here for!

Abirik Cham & Cham Locations

In Skies of Arcadia one of your main party members, Fina, has a weapon that can only be upgraded through collecting Chams. Her weapon is basically a creature that travels with her named Cupil, feeding it Chams or Abirik Chams will increase the damage it does to enemies.

Cupil's final form has a whopping 300 Attack Power and is the strongest of all weapons in the game!

Discovery Locations

One of the unique aspects of Skies of Arcadia is how much it "s built around exploration and discovery. In the regular Skies of Arcadia there are about 60 Discovery Locations for you to find. In Skies of Arcadia Legends there are a total of 89 Discoveries for you to find!Almost all of them are optional and are not required for beating the game.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Moonfish Locations

Added in Skies of Arcadia: Legends is the Moonfish Sidequest! There's a ship that flies around Sailor's Island and on it is a man named Doc. He requests that you collect all 24 Moonfish and bring them back to him. You can find these Moonfish flying around in different parts of the game; to see all of their locations head on over to my guide!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The final chapter of the passage of the Heavens of Arcadia.

The base was rebuilt completely in the form in which they did. Ah yes Ishmael, ah yes Kirala. They didn't even ask for money. Our path lies back to Dangral Island.

Talk to Brabham now, the ship is ready.

Attention : The events on Dangral Island will cause global changes throughout the world. Make sure you visit all the locations and gather the whole team, as many characters will end up on the ship later, where it is already more difficult to find them. Some rows of treasures will also become inaccessible, even if they are in locations that can be visited, such as treasures in Temple Island or Dangral Island. Buy 50 piecessacres, Sacrum, Sacrulen, Risalem Crystal, complete Kitand completely upgrade your equipment. Arm yourself to the fullest!

Check your progress on Hamachow Island. Make sure you have slaughtered at least 2500 monsters and collected 94% of the chests. If you have problems with the chopper, fly in any terrain and destroy the monsters. With chests, I hope there are no problems either, since looking for which chest you missed is another task, especially since some locations in which you walked are now inaccessible.

Dangral Island

We go down the stairs, we pass through the fan. We go down one more ladder, we pass into the corridor with three doors, use the door in the western wall and move through the hall into the next room. Go south, take the elevator. Five of us

Vigoro/Vigoro №2


The attack inflicts the Concussed status.

Random Fire- high fire damage of 2000 HP in a medium area.

Cannon Fire (Japanese Gigantic Warship Cannon\m/)- Huge fire damage of 3000 HP to a single target.


It hurts a lot, but there are no new surprises. We put on the Thermo Ring for everyone! Turn on the Blue or better Purple attribute. Ike and Fina should stand on defense if their health is below 3500 HP (or do not have Thermo Ring with them), if it is higher, they heal, put Strengthening on Gilder and Weiss, accumulate SP, hit with Crystallum ice magic. Gilder heals the group and puts Strengthen Weiss if the girls are too weak. If the girls are strong, athletic and fit, then he uses Gunslinger against the boss. Weiss uses Pirate's Wrath. After Random Fire heal Sacrum Crystal, after Cannon Fire heal Sacrulen Crystal.

After the fight, Vigoro will leave. Let's go down the elevator. There is only one way here. Save and heal, equip Gem of Fludity and Constitution Gem. We go through the corridor of beautiful futuristic design. We will be on the altar, where Ramirez and Galsian will summon the robot.



The attack inflicts the Petrify status. Target Search- preparation for the Blaster skill. Blaster/Blaster- Huge physical damage of 2500 HP in a lane.

Laser Blast/Laser Shot– 1000 HP low physical damage with Petrified status inflicted.


Old friend. Turn on Yellow Attributes. Everyone saves SP, puts Buff and uses Prophecy or Pirate's Wrath. After Blaster, Fina heals everyone with either Sacrum Crystal or Lunar Light. In his free time, he uses Electrulen magic. Simple fight.

After the battle, a series of epic events will take place. We run away from here, going all the way back. We sit in the rail elevator, the elevator will break halfway, so now we run straight along the rails when they fall behind you!

Then there will be a whole series of even more epic videos. Soltis is up. All sky rifts in the world of Arcadia have disappeared. Fly to a new continent. There will be a series of events due to which you will have a good reason to skin Galsian.

openMagazine#22 -Whoa…-

“Galcian has raised an entire island from Deep Sky… I can’t believe it. And I don't know how Vyse is planning on fighting this guy. Well, I guess we can only sit and wait for an opportunity. Heh… It’s not like I’ve got anything better to do.”

It looks like there's nothing we can do here. We return to the island of the Crescent.

Progress Level - 200%

AT DC and GC versions :

Discoveries Completed!

Chests– [Hamachao – 94%]


Chams – , abiricChams

Team Completed!

AT GC versions :


Moon Fish Completed!

History with Piastol Completed!

Super Secrets

Crescent Island

In a moment of despair, Enrique and Drachma will come to us to lift our spirits. And then... in the name of all the moons, this is the most epic and coolest moment in the game! All the characters from all over the world with whom you have communicated throughout the game will gather on the island! Looks like we're not the only ones wanting to make our own rug out of Galsian.

What do you say to all people?

We can't let Galcian get away with this!/Galsian can't get away with this! (+3)

Let s show Galcian what we re made of !/Let's show Galsian where the crayfish sleep what we're made of! (+3)

From this point on, Weiss is so cool that now all dialogues increase the rating, regardless of the choice. Those in bold are those that seem to me to be better. Belleza will visit us at night. Sorry, just talk. We are looking for Aika and Fina.

Fina near the flag.


Say comforting worlds/Say words of encouragement.(+3)

Say nothing and just put your arm around her/ Nothing not talk and to embrace ^__^ (+3)

Ike is upstairs, at the entrance to the meeting room.


hey , I m scared too /Hey, I'm scared too (+3)

Yeah, this isn't like you at all…/Yes, this is on the you not it seems… (+3)

openmagazine#23 -The Fateful Eve-

“I… I’m speechless. For probably the first time in my life, I don't know what to say. I never even dreamed that this many Air Pirates would come together to fight. Aika, Fina, Gilder, Drachma, Enrique… thank you all… Tomorrow, we make history.”

In the morning, visit all the shops on the island, buy everything you can. Check out the characters and the ship. So that everything shone and shone with pathos.

Include Kalifa and Brabham in the team. And put Silver attributes on all characters.

We can finally get Ryu-Kan's perfect creation VorlikBlade. This is the best weapon for Weiss in the DC version. In the GC version, it only ranks second in strength.

We save, get on the ship and set off to change the world. Our entire combat mega-fleet is in combat strength. What are the captain's orders?

Last dialog choice:

Give a pretentious order, so that the enemies all go in unison to change their pants!

Let s Make History !/Let's make history! (+4)

Onward to Victory!/Forward, to victory! (+4)

We fly forward to victory, create history.

....and it seems that Galsian also has complexes, but worse than Vigoro.

Valuan MageShip/Valuanshipmagicians




You have probably already met him. Miserable trough. In the first round we save up SP, launch a torpedo, in the second we use the Moonstone Cannon or the main weapon. The trough will safely become a trough.

It was nothing more than cannon fodder. NEXT!

Galcian's Elite






Shooting cannons at C! On the second round, we launch a torpedo, set Gain. In the third round....
The enemy runs away. “Get on the tail!/Behind them!”

« stayput, weshouldn'ttjustrushin…/Stay where you are, let’s not rush.”

On the third, we heal and shoot from the Moonstone Cannon.

Also a ship. NEXT!







One of the hottest fights ever. We use Strengthening constantly. Fire the Moonstone Cannon every time you get a chance.
If we shoot at the body, then the attacks will be powerful, but rare; if we choose the upper part of the ship, it will attack from small-caliber cannons, but constantly. In each round, we devote one turn to treatment with the Complete Kit. When you take down 80-75% of HP, the Hydra activates a Super weapon that immediately eats up to 20,000 HP.

From now on, on each red move, we still defend ourselves in red cells. In battle, torpedoes are especially effective, which will deal a lot of damage in red cells.

On every second turn, they will give a chance to shoot from the Moonstone Cannon, but it will most likely be in red cells, so before that we put Amplification and heal.

As a reward we get the most powerful main weapon moon cannon and the most powerful torpedo moon torpedo in Game. Now we take the Hydra for boarding.



hidden treasures:


Sacrulen Crystal x3


Return visit:

local bestiary









Hydra Elite/

Hydra Elite

ATDC-versions: Since you're only here once, try to get Aika from Marauder's Hydra Wind.

If you need to heal, Enrique is always ready to patch you up here. Inside the ship we pass through the bridge, go west, take XCannon. We go to the left, climb the pole and the stairs up. We'll be on deck. There are 4 passages, near the big guns. The first is where we come from. Second on the right and two more on the left. We go to the right, to the east, we miss one gun and we go down. We go down the pole, go to the right, in the north we take Sacrulen Crystal x3. We go to the southern part and take Moonberry. We return to the deck. We go into the second passage on the left, in the west, skipping the one from where we came. We go down, here we go to the left, we go down the pole, there will be a chest along the way MagicDewx2 . We return to the deck and go to the next passage on the left. We pass through the bridge, go to the right, go down the pole, go through the door on the right. We heal and save. We rise to the bridge.

Well, Galsian, the heavens may tolerate you, but the great pirate Weiss will not tolerate you!



Terminal/Terminal- Colossal physical damage of 3500 HP to one target. Devolver/Devolver- During the round, all damage taken is halved. Counterattack chance increased to 100%.

Neglora/Neglora– average ice damage of 1000 HP with the removal of all positive statuses from all targets.

Eternes- inflicting the status of Instant death to the entire group.

Eternum- A whopping 2500 HP silver damage with an Instant Death status on one target.

Electrulen- huge lightning damage of 2000 HP in a line.


Finally we met. Turn on Silver Attributes. Aika uses Delta Shield every round OR Gilder every round Aura Of Denial. The latter is preferable if you're going to use Incremus, but then you won't be completely immune to Eternum and Electrulen damage. Fina always defends every round. Aika is also protected if she is below level 40 and her HP is below 3600. Weiss saves SP and uses Pirate's Wrath. If you are above level 40, then you can use the Prophecy by connecting Aika to the generation of SP. If above 45, then Finu.

Revenge is sweet, but due to a series of events, we are forced to say goodbye to the failed rug. But Soltis' shield is destroyed.

It's fun for girls : Ramirez doesn't just admire Galcian. The Japanese version has much more text about his obsession with him. It is possible that they are a couple in love. It turns out that Galsian is still a lover of little boys, which explains his cold attitude towards Bellese. And Ramirez just lost... ahem... lover. The reason for revenge is much more justified. Yaoi girls will be delighted.

The path to the last dungeon is open. Drachma and Enrique join the group.

Since your group has a maximum of 4 people, you can only take one of the three to the group. Gilder, Drachma or Enrique.

By default, Gilder is already in your group, the other two will be waiting for you on the deck, where you can connect them at any time while you are on the ship. Gilder is effective against all standard monsters. In the Final Dungeon, it will come in very handy against standard monsters.

Enrique, thanks to Justice Shield, is best able to protect the group, making them the most invulnerable. It is very useful against event bosses.

Drachma is the best at fighting bosses and accumulates SP thanks to Spirit Charge. His Hands Of Fate will be a worthy replacement for Prophecy and Pirate's Wrath, eliminating the need to accumulate SP to the maximum.

openmagazine#24 -The Final Entry-

“This will be my last journal entry. The future of this world hangs in the balance. We must fight Ramirez… and we must win. There are so many dreams left in this world… I can't let Ramirez destroy them all! I have faith in myself… and my crew.”

Journal completed. The storyline comes to an end.

First we will connect Enrique, but you can also Gilder if you are visiting the dungeon for the first time and are afraid to get lost. Save! Now briefly fly to Soltis, through the Temple Island. But we are under attack.







Interesting boat. He is completely immune to magic and you only fight him for one round! Then he runs away, and you will never see him again. The trick is that if you defeat him in one round, he will give amazing treasures. This includes the main Moon Gun, which can be considered the most powerful gun in the game, and Sparkling Deck, which gives 500 (!!) to Defense. We shoot from the torpedo and the main gun on the 4th turn, this should destroy it. If you don't have enough SP, shoot whatever you can. If he escapes, it's best to boot up and try again.

After we leave the Temple Island and prepare again. We buy all the healers on the Island of Sailors and update the equipment of the characters and the ship.

You can also complete one side quest. Rather, this is not really a quest, but rather an opportunity to pump up to level 99. It's long and unnecessary. If you do not want, then skip the following text.

Reaching level 99

First of all, you must have a Black Map. I hope you got it from other loopers. We hope Weiss. The rest put on the Everlasting Gem and the Constitution Gem. You also need to have Skull Shield and Delta Shield.

We go to the Dark Rift from Yafutoma. We will find ourselves in the room where we fought with Anguila.

The only monster in its world that has been influenced by the Black Moon flies here. Black looper. Despite its size, upon contact, it will become small (matter force?) and you will fight it on the ship.



The attack deals 3000-4000 HP and a Fatigue status.

Pyri- "low" fire damage deals 3500-4500 HP to all targets.

Slipara- Inflicts sleep status on all targets.

sacres– restore 1000 HP of yourself.


Aiki's Delta Shield + Weiss' Skull Shield.Prophecy After 75- thlevel:Delta Shield Aiki + Skill Shield Weiss.Blue Rogue

Weiss Pirates Wrath

Hands Of Fate Drachma

The Judgment Enrique

Gunslinger Gilder

Yes, this is not even a boss, but supposedly a standard monster. But this is the most powerful and strongest monster in the game. Defense and MagDef at 700, 10000 HP and a whopping Attack and Will at 2000 and 1200. And he likes to run too, so hopefully you've got Black Map on.

It is interesting : there is an opinion that Elsian is the reincarnation of Galsian!

First, according to discoveries likeDancing Lignts andWill oWisps it turns out that the loopers are the souls of the dead! Although they can also reproduce naturally, according to the discoveryloopers Nest. But this explains why they are hard to kill with normal attacks and magic. They are ghosts!

Secondly, he appears here only after the death of Galsian.

Thirdly, they have a similar name root, even in the Japanese version.

Fourth, they both dropValuan medallion.

Fifthly, despite the fact that the looper is black, its base element is yellow. The fact that he does not have a black element is easily explained by the mechanics of the game, where there is no black magic, but the fact that he is yellow cannot be explained in any way. But Galsian also belonged to the yellow element!

So…umm…hello Galcian! We have come to torment you even after death. Ha, ha...

In the DC version, it gives 30,000 EXP, which will allow all characters to level up to level 99 in a day very quickly.

But in the GC version, it gives 4 times less (7500 EXP), which will seriously slow down the pumping and take several whole days, or even weeks! Especially if you download all the characters. Here you can, for starters, quickly swing in the monastery of the petlers. In the monastery, we simply use Weiss' Rain Of Sword and destroy all the loopers, without mercy. No drinking! No remorse! No fear! And only then go to Elsian to destroy him faster. But even so, grinding in the GC version will be much more tedious and less rewarding. If you need at least somewhere to swing, then it is recommended to get to the 60th level. No further.

As the tactic says, every round you should use Skull Shield and Delta Shield and build up SP up to Prophecy until it drops.

As Gilder, you can also use Aura of Denial to protect against statuses instead of Delta Shield, but then you will not be protected from the Pyri attack.

Place a Justice Shield behind Enrique to temporarily rid yourself of the Skull Shield.

With Drachma, get to Prophecy faster thanks to Spirit Charge.

Any attributes against it will do. He takes 100% damage to all elements.

  • After level 70, we can also use Weiss' Blue Rogue and Drachma's Hands Of Fate.
  • After level 75, we can use Weiss' Pirate's Wrath and Enrique's The Judgment.
  • After level 80, you can use Drachma's Tackle and Gilder's Gunslinger.
  • After level 85, you can use Gilder's Claudia and Weiss' Cutlass Fury.
  • After level 90, you can use Enrique's Royal Blade and Aiki's Omega Cyclone.
  • After level 95 you can use Lambda Burst and Alpha Storm Attacks.
  • After level 99, you can use Fina's Lunar Winds and Lunar Glyph.

After the kill, exit the location and re-enter, and he will automatically respawn, and you can fight him again and again.

Its drop is also very solid. 15000 G after each victory and Dexus Seed, will allow you to significantly increase the stats of all characters by buying more seeds from Ilhimis. Valuan Medallion protects against Instant Death, and greatly increases Mag Def and Defense stats. It can also be sold for 5000 G.

It also drops Moonberry, which will unlock all skills for all characters.

And for the final, his magic level is x20! This is the only place where even Drachma can quickly pump any magic!

At level 99, in addition to the fact that everyone will become fierce terminators that can kill any ordinary monsters in the game with one look or spit, your SP will increase by 20 points for everyone, which will allow everyone to use any skills already in the first round. Your attacks are able to one-hit kill all small, basic, special, basic and large monsters in the game.

In order to avoid, now, unnecessary fights, you can put on the White Map right up to the final boss.

Now we go to Temple Island. There we go clockwise down and into Soltis. It is recommended to wear Gem Of Fludity.



hidden treasures:



Return visit:

local bestiary

The corridor






















What sad music. We use Yellow attributes against all monsters, Red attribute against Garagor, Purple attribute against Dracoslyth.

Attention : Inside Soltis, your magic is pumped by x5. This is the best dungeon to open all the magic to all the characters.

The dungeon consists of two locations: the Soltis Main Corridor and the Soltis Tower. The Soltis corridor contains only Cham and no treasure. In the tower of Soltis, the last three treasures and the last chum.

In the hallway of Soltis

The tower consists of 5 floors. You are on the second.

Let's go forward to the end. On the way we find the last 30th Cham.

You have collected all Chams and Abiric Chams!

ATDC-versions Kapil gets as much as 500 Attack. This makes it the strongest weapon in the game in terms of Attack, allowing Fina to fight on equal terms with attacking characters using only a standard attack. Effective against all types of monsters and even bosses.

AT GC -versions Kapil gets only 300kattack, which still makes it the most powerful weapon, but since Fina is not initially very strong in attack, Kapil is more suitable for self-defense, allowing you to kill all small and basic monsters with one hit.

Use the portal at the end of the path. We'll be on the third floor. We do not pay attention to teleports, and we pass into the room where we find a chest with Moonberry.

We leave the room, go to the portal to your left, which is in the center of this floor.

We'll be on the fourth floor. We take in the room Moonberry. We leave and use the teleport nearby. We'll be in fifth. We pass by the door (this is the exit) to another teleport. Let's go back to the second floor, where we came from. We use the portal. On the third floor, we use the farthest portal, which is located at the other end of the corridor and farthest from the door. On the fourth floor, use the next portal. On the fifth floor, the next portal. We'll be on the first floor. We enter the room. We are being treated! Open the last chest.

Here the bosses are different.


Zivilyn Bane/Zivilyn Bane #8 [Final]


Burst- high fire damage of 2000 HP in a small area.


Thank the Moons, this is the last one. You know what to do. If not, you can run away from him, I don't care………Ok, ok. We turn on the Purple attribute, Fina is on defense, Aika saves SP and heals, the rest use the best attacking skills. It's time to remember.

GC -Version. Outlaw #8 [Last]

The most recent offender of the game. After all his convolutions and Bains, I want to return all the favor. With interest.

Minimum level 50. And all open skills.

Lord Bane / Lord Bane + Zivilyn Bane / Zivilyn Bane


Lord Bane:

Pipes of Doom/Pipedoom- Summons Zivilyn Bane.

Explosive Powder- Colossal fire damage of 3000/3500/4000/4500/5000 HP to all targets.

MedicineBox/first aid kit– Inflicting Regeneration status at 500 HP, Strengthening and Accelerating yourself.

vaseofechoes/Vase echo– inflicting Weakening status on all targets.


Burst- high fire damage of 2500 HP in a small area.


Very complicated. Turn on the purple attributes. Put on the Thermo Ring, everyone! If you brought Enrique with you, it's obvious that he puts on every round of Justice Shield. Especially if you don't have Thermo Ring. If there is neither Enrique nor Thermo Ring, Fina and Aika are on the defensive, and Gilder is for the healer. If you have Drachma, then Weiss heals. The rest are hoarding SP. If the boss uses the Medicine Box, Fina will cast Lunar Winds. We save SP for the Prophecy to take out all the guys. Wash off, repeat. While he is summoning new ones, we are again saving up SP for a new Prophecy. After the first use of Explosive Powder on each round, use Sacrum Crystal on the strongest characters, but it is better to use Fina's Lunar Light.

As a reward we receive OrbofSerenity.

You have collected all the chests in Arcadia!

You defeated all criminals!

Progress rate - 999%

AT DC and GC versions :

Discoveries completed!


Magazine completed!

Chams, abiricChams completed!

Team Completed!

AT GC versions :

criminals completed!

LunarFish completed!

History with Piastol Completed!

Super Secrets

AT DC versions you have nothing else to do in the game except say goodbye to all the characters and get to level 99 if you haven't done it before. You are already a legend!

But in GC versions There are a few more unfinished quests.

If you want to fight the final boss:

We use a teleport. You are on the second floor. We use a teleport. On the third floor, use the teleport next to the door in the center of the corridor. On the fourth we use the teleport. On the fifth we go to the door. Then we skip all of the following, up to the final battle.

If you want to finish the quests:

We use a teleport. You are on the second floor. We leave through the door. We go along the reverse route in the main corridor of Soltis to the exit.

Report to the Guild of Sailors about the defeated criminal. As a reward you receive 30000 G and you become VysetheBountyKing.

After completing all the requirements for collecting resources, fly to Hamachou Island, which hangs above the Dark Rift and talk to the old man. Let's look at our results. If you defeated all the criminals, completed all the quests with Piastole and Maria's Moonfish (talking with Doc), opened all the openings (look at the list of discoveries), collected all the chests (checked by old Hamachow), defeated 2500 monsters (checked by old Hamachow) and everything coincides with the progress of the game, you becomeVyse The Legend in GC -versions .

Congratulations sir, congratulations.

Since you became a Legend, the last three Super Secrets have been revealed to you.

Super Secret #1: Sky Fang

We fly to the Mysterious Merchant, which moves between Nasrad, Maramba and the Island of Sailors. He got a new Super Secret Weapon for 50000 Gs, buy it and get it SkyFang.

This is the best Weiss sword in the GC version in both Attack and Hit. He also changes the appearance of his second sword, which he has never parted with before. By the way, the design of the sword is taken from Phatnasy Star Online from the Dark Flow sword, which is a regular dagger. Phantasy Star Online is also created by Overworks developers.

Super Secret #2: Golden Hamachou

We fly to a rock with an arch, which is located between the southern part of the Middle Ocean and the Island of Sailors. Where you first met Drachma. Fly to the very top of the cliff.

There you will find the Super Secret opening №89GoldenHamachou. This discovery will not appear in the magazine and cannot be sold. Perhaps this is the same Picolo Maria, but he was a normal yellow color, so this assumption is doubtful.

Super Secret #3: Vigoro the Blue Pirate

Oh yes, he is the one.

His strength is comparable to that of Omega Weapon from FF, even at level 99 he is a very worthy opponent, so save and buy 90 Sacres, Sacrum, Sacrulen items.

The minimum level is 60. If you are not up to it, Elsian is at your service. Prepare as if you had launched a hard mod in Dark Souls and are going to die, intending to sell your soul at a higher price.

If you don't have Thermo Ring, take Enrique, but it's better to buy them. If there is, then we put on the Thermo Ring for everyone and connect the Drachma, so that in hardcore. \m/ Aika must wear Constitution Gem or Eye Of Truth. Now we fly to the island of the Crescent.

Eiiiiii…..all together!

Do The Impossible!

See The Invisible!

Row! Row!

Fight The Power!

Super-secret boss

\m/Vigoro #3: Vigoro The Blue Rogue/Bluepiratevigoro\m/


A basic attack deals 1000/1250/1500/1750/2000 HP and a Concussed status. Vigoro's Charm- huge physical, epic damage of 2000/2500/3000/3500/4000 HP with inflicting the Concussion status on Aike.

Random Fire- Colossal, epic fire damage of 4000/4500/5000/5500/6000 HP in a medium area.

Cannon Fire- absolute, epic fire damage of 6000/7000/8000/9000/9999 HP on a single target.


This dude is so epic that his HP can be more than his own ship (30000-50000 HP). And if you are level 99, then its HP is greater than the HP of YOUR ship. That is more than 70,000 HP!! \m/Turn on the Purple or Blue attribute for everyone. Putting on the Thermo Ring! Fina heals with Lunar Light. Aika saves SP and installs various upgrades like Quicka/Glyph of Speed ​​, Increm/Glyph of Might , Incremus. After Vigoro's Charm, use Sacrulen Crystal and Curia Crystal if Aika doesn't have a Constitution Gem. After Random Fire and Cannon Fire - Fina's Lunar Light. Weiss accumulates SP until Prophecy. Enrique uses Justice Shield every round. If you have Gilder, then let him put Aura Of Denial, but he will be the least useful here. If Weiss has the Enhanced status, he can also use Pirate's Wrath. If you have Drachma in your group, then instead of Prophecy, Strengthen Weiss and Drachma and use Hand Of Fate and Pirate Wrath, their total damage will be much higher than the Prophecy. The fight is really difficult and very long, because the items for treatment are already ineffective. Finya will have to heal Lunar Light constantly. The battle will take about 1-2 hours!

As a reward we get Mesh Tights (yes, that's what you thought), for obvious reasons only Aika can wear them. This is probably a personal gift from Vigoro. Increases Attack and Will.

Vigoro finally admits defeat, but does not give up. Maybe one day he can beat Weiss. Say goodbye to the most hilarious and fun character in the game.

Touch The Untouchable

Break The Unbreakable

Row! Row!

Fight The Power!

Progress level -Infinite

AT DC and GC versions :




Chams, abiricChamscompleted!

Team Completed!

Level Completed!

dreamcast! You have become a legend!

AT GC versions :



History with Piastol Completed!

Super Secrets Completed!

Congratulations, you have 100% completed the Arcadia version Game cube ! You have become a legend!

Yes, there is only one left to go. Plot!

Now you can sell absolutely all accessories, including the good old Thermo ring.

For symbolism, buy 99 of all healers for the characters and the ship Sacri, Sacres, Sacrum, Sacrulen, Glyph Of Might, Risan, Risalem, Quicka, Complete Kit, Apo Wax, etc., or better yet, buy more seeds from Ilhimis, which you can buy and distribute to all characters. Let them become even stronger! \ m/

We return to Soltis. We pass through the Temple Island, we pass the path of the main corridor of Soltis, in the Soltis tower on the second floor we use the teleport, on the third we use the teleport halfway, on the fourth we use the teleport, on the fifth we go through the door. Through the futuristic corridor to the teleport.

final battle

Save, heal, prepare. Check the equipment of the characters and the ship. If you have done everything in the world of Arcadia and nothing else holds you, we finally go to Ramirez. The guy was completely bored without us and without his Galsik.

It is interesting : In the Japanese version, when Ramirez holds the point of the sword with his hand, there should be blood flowing there. Censorship…

Final Battle! Round One!



Weiss and Drahme and saves SP. Enrique uses Justice Shield every round. If he uses it, Fina can choose not to defend anyway and accumulate SP. Weiss builds up SP, Drachma builds up SP with Spirit Charge. If Weiss has a Buff, he uses Pirate's Wrath. If not, Prophecy. If you have Drachma, Weiss always uses Pirate's Wrath, and Drachma Hands Of Fate. After Ramirez's Lunar Blessing, Fina should always use Lunar Winds to remove his Regeneration. After Silver Eclipse, use Aika and Fina's Sacrum Crystal twice, or Fina uses Lunar Light. After Silver Tundra, use Sacrulen Crystal on the affected character or Risalem Crystal if he is down.

Yeah, it looks like he's just going to lie down. We watch a video where Zelos eats Ramirez.

It's funny : Pay attention to the Drachma/Gilder/Enrique poker face. Probably the developers stinted on animation and now nothing will surprise him. Not yaoi seta maniacs, not godlike monsters, not the end of the world, nothing! He doesn't care. Life goes on and that's good ^__^









Mouzon is so cool here that they didn't spoil it even in the GC version! Perhaps this is the only soundtrack that has not been ruined. When the boss is at 100%-81 HP, he uses all kinds of magic in the form of Pyrulen, Crystallen, Wevlen, Electrulen. Attack magic deals 1000-10000 HP. Uses Moon Ray once in each round. From the third round, he uses Moon Ray twice in each round, deals 5000-20000HP and sometimes uses magic. When the boss has 80%-61 HP, he stops for a whole round, becoming extremely vulnerable , but then it transforms. After the transformation, if he has 80-51% HP, he will use Great Moon Ray twice in each round, destroying 10000-30000 HP and occasionally using magic.

When the boss is at 50-26% HP, he uses Judgment twice each round, removing 20000-40000 HP. Sometimes used before.

When the boss is at 20-1% HP, he uses Moon Lament twice every round, stripping 40000-60000 HP.

The range of damage depends entirely on the ship's equipment, its dialogue choices, and whether or not it is wearing a Sparkling Deck.

In every round always use the Complete Kit no matter what.

In the first round, we attack, and from the first turn, put Silence on him, and Enhance yourself with Increm / Incremus magic or an Apa / Apo Wax item on every second / fourth round.

You will constantly be given the choice to attack him / attack from the front / continue attacking or retreat / hit from the side / keep your distance.

If you retreat, all damage taken will be reduced by 20%, but your damage will also be reduced by 20%. This is a great opportunity to accumulate SP and heal.

If you attack, then on the contrary, all incoming and outgoing damage will increase by 20%. This is a great chance to shoot with the best guns, and the Moonstone Cannon will be available two to four times per round. But watch out for red cells, where you should always put Defense if you can’t answer with anything.

On the second round, Zelos will be even more aggressive in his use of magic. Accumulate SP to the maximum and spend economically from the main weapons.

On the third round, his stage of using Super weapons will go, depending on the amount of HP. If you deal enough damage, it will stop for a whole round before transforming. This is a great opportunity to attack with all weapons, as 4 slots with Moonstone Cannon will open. If you deal enough damage, you will skip the stage where it will be full of yellow and red cells and where he will hit twice with Great Moon Ray per round. And you will go to the stage where there will be rounds with two cells of the Moonstone Cannon and Zelos' Judgment.

When he dies, he will start using Moon Lament, which deals much more damage, but the cells with Moonstone Cannons will not go anywhere.

From now on wisely choose how to act, attack or retreat, always use Complete Kit in each round, Strengthen, in red cells either defend or use Moonstone Cannon.

This is the final ship battle, so use whatever means you like.

It is interesting : ATTales Of Symphonythere is a character with the same nameZelosand he also has the skillJudgment.

OK it's all over Now. Its end? No, not yet. But it's close.

We listen to the amazing music of the final battle and, in my opinion, the best soundtrack in the game (again, the DC version is better, but it was not spoiled much in the GC).

To the whole group.

Eternum- Colossal 4000 HP single target silver damage with single target Instant Death status.

Destruction- high ice damage of 2000 HP to all targets with the removal of positive statuses.

SilverBinds/Silver Bonds- absolute physical damage in 4000-5000 HP of one target. Very often used against the weakest. In particular Finu and Hayk.

Silvernightmare/Silver NightmareAction out of turn 2nd rank. Capturing one character and using his offensive skills against his friends. If skills have SP, your SP is spent. If not, the skill will still be activated.


Weiss skills:

Cutlass Fury - High physical damage of 2500 HP on a single target.

Rain Of Sword - 1500 HP average physical damage to all targets.

Pirate's Wrath - Colossal 4000 HP physical damage to a single target.

Aiki skills:

Alpha Storm - Low flame damage of 500 HP in a line.

Lambda Burst - Low flame damage of 1000 HP to all targets.

Omega Pcyclone - 1250 HP average flame damage to all targets.

Fina's skills:

Lunar Glyph - 250 HP minimum silver damage with a single target Petrified status.

Lunar Winds - low silver damage to all targets at 750 HP with the removal of all positive statuses.

Drachma Skills:

Tackle - High physical damage of 2750 HP to a single target.

Hand Of Fate - 5000 HP absolute physical damage, inflicting an Instant Death status on one target.

Gilder's skills:

Gunslinger - 2250 HP average physical damage in a lane.

Claudia - High physical damage of 1750 HP to all targets.

Enrique's skills:

The Royal Blade - High physical damage of 2000 HP on a single target.

The Judgment - Massive 3000 HP physical damage to a single target.


Last Stand! Enable yellow attributes. If you still have Aura Of Valor, use it now. If Fin has less than 4000 HP, then he is in defense, if more, then he accumulates SP. Remove Lunar Cleansing or Curia Crystal immediately if you have been inflicted with Weaken. Ike use Delta Shield OR Aura Of Denial if you have Gilder. If Aika is free, she puts Enhancement on Weiss and Drachma and accumulates SP. Enrique uses Justice Shield every round. If he uses it, Fina can not defend, accumulate SP and support the characters Lunar Light and Lunar Cleansing. Weiss builds up SP, Drachma builds up SP with Spirit Charge. If Weiss has a Buff, he uses Pirate's Wrath. If not, Prophecy. If you have Drachma, then Weiss always uses Pirate's Wrath, and Drachma Hands Of Fate. After Destruction, use Sacrum Crystal twice with Aika and Fina, or Fina uses Lunar Light if she has enough SP. After Silver Binds, use Sacrulen Crystal on the affected character or Risalem Crystal if he is down. This is the final ground fight, so use whatever items you like. There is nothing more to advise here.

Final fight is over.


It is interesting : In the Japanese version, he said "L, Lord Galcian!!" before he died. Yeah, he really had feelings for him.

Finally Ramirez rested in peace. Weiss, Aika, Fina, Gilder, Drachma, Enrique and our whole team, and all secondary characters, and their whole team, and the whole team of their teams, and the whole team of their team of teams, and the whole team of their team ... in short. We won. The world is saved. Soltis is destroyed and history is rewritten. And our adventure ends. Let's fly home. On Crescent Island. And this time the holiday will be real for the whole world of Arcadia.

Now we can relax. Let's get comfortable. Under the touching composition of music, we enjoy the ending of the game. She will not disappoint you.

Watch the credits until the end, where you will find out what happened to the characters and Weiss' team. And what happened to our main characters. After the credits, you see who Weiss has become in the world of Arcadia.

Progress level -Legend

Congratulations! The game is 100% complete. You have become a legend!

This completes my walkthrough.

That's all for this om. Thank you for your attention.

As long as there are dreamers who have the courage to pursue their dreams, the world will have heroes.

And as long as there is a thirst to discover the unknown, there will be new stories to tell…and new adventures to be had.