Pvp ships at amar. Turret weapons eve - Laser turrets. More about other types of turrets

The first task when mastering a new MMO is to provide yourself with the resources that will allow you to play comfortably. That was the first lesson I learned from Everquest 2. game process, it got to the point that I began to buy platinum for real. In WoW, the game went not least because there was enough money for everything. In principle, there were enough quest fees, digging ores and skinning.

EVE Online is a costly game. good ships they cost a lot, it’s easy to lose, and the fixed idea “buy plex for suits” dominates many minds. Therefore, from the very beginning, the goal was to create permanent sources of income for myself, so as not to limit myself too much in the arsenal and pay for at least one account with claims. The task was not too easy. Experience is needed, practice is needed. Remembering your experiences with the planetarium in May last year, it becomes ridiculous. Then for the whole month, less than 30k claims were removed from two characters in the imp. Now so much is removed from one in a few days. Exploring was lucrative, but Icelandic random is almost like Korean random. After moving to VX, it became easier with cash, but it took a few more months and billions of lawsuits to level up skills and invest in characters.

In any case, there is no problem with the financial flow now. In addition, now there is more experience in the game in general. The moment has come to come to grips with what many people start playing EVE Online for - PvP. As one of the readers rightly noted, they go into the game for the sake of PvP, and PvE serves as a source of income. Yes, in general, I'm more of a PvE-oriented player, but, nevertheless, I have always loved PvP. Battlefields and arenas in WoW, warzones in SWTOR, WvWvW in Guild Wars 2. However, in these PvP games optional, but in EVE it is a serious part of the gameplay. And it really gives unforgettable emotions. I have some PvP experience, but it's not quite what I would like. As for me, slamming barges on belts and stray explorers is a pure gank that does not require special skills.

In other words, it's time to get serious about mastering PvP. The first stage is solo on frigates. The heading contains the number of planned losses - 101 frigates. Tristan with a neutral fit has been chosen for the main ship so far. There is an idea to use Heron with a combat fit when exploring in BX, as well as Hookbill in low.

The only thing that I don't really like so far is the ratio of the time to search for a fight and the fight itself, as well as the banal probability of a drain on the gate. Let's say, the day before yesterday, I was looking for rivals on the FW for half an hour - either ganks or emptiness. Yesterday I was looking for and as a result I was slammed by Gnosis on a nut decoction. Well, that is, you can spend half an evening flying through the systems and not find anything, or even just lose the ship. I wonder if there is some kind of system in New Eden where fans of relatively fair PvP gather and where one could gain practice.

In any case, all observations, impressions and conclusions will be presented in a series of postings "101 frigates". Stay on the line.

In addition to Amar ships, bonuses on laser turrets have some pirate faction ships (Nightmare example)

More about other types of turrets:

Quote from the guide:

“Grandfather respects demobilization, and Amarrs respect lasers. Almost all of their ships, with the help of bonuses, in one way or another imply the use of these magnifying devices, and by no means for burning out swear words on a pinocchio that has turned up inopportunely.

Lasers do not consume cartridges (hooray, hooray), but they require a lens (one per barrel, reusable lenses) and are quite cheerful eat capacitor. Lenses affect the optimal and the proportion between inflicted damage.

Damage, by the way, lasers always inflict only two types - EM and thermal, which makes Caldari tank shields extremely suspicious of the prospect of being hit by lasers without additional protection

Useful properties of lasers are very good rate of fire, good damage and, most importantly, very fast lens change. You can recharge lasers with other lenses almost instantly, which allows you to very flexibly adjust the optimal battle distance. Therefore, it is recommended to carry lenses, if not a complete set, then at least the main ones.

The main disadvantage lasers is a noticeable gluttony and the fundamental impossibility of punishing the enemy with damage other than EM and thermal "

Lasers are of two types - Beam Lasers and Pulse Lasers.

Beam Lasers

Long range lasers.

Optimal in 2nd place

In terms of effective firing range, they share second place with hybrids

The rate of fire is slightly less than that of hybrids and much more interesting than that of projectiles

Good tracking speed

To activate, you need to spend a decent amount of capacitor energy.


Pulse Lasers

pulses- used for close combat.

The best optimal among turret weapons

In terms of effective firing range, they are in second place next to hybrids.

The lowest tracking among turrets.

Small lasers have a good rate of fire, getting worse closer to large ones and becoming the smallest among turrets.

You need a lot of capacitor to shoot.

Table the data is given without calculating the type of cartridges, the level of pumping the character and bonuses.

Damage MOD– damage modifier (multiplied by ammo damage). Damage factor.

Optimal– optimal range (100% damage)

fall off(falof) - effective firing range after optimal (50% damage)

ROF- turret rate of fire

tracking speed– turret tracking speed.

CPU- CPU requirements (processor)

PG– pg requirements (reactor)

Sara Need– energy consumption of the ship’s capacitor per shot (cycle)

Variants of laser turrets.

The table above shows T2 lasers, to get a general idea of ​​the weapon. There are variations in the game Т1 meta 0…4 and they differ in the required CPU, PG, capacitor, as well as the damage coefficient and optimal for shooting

Damage Modifier

Optimal(meta 0-5) - 100%, 105%, 110%, 115%, 120%(T2)

There are also turrets with improved characteristics. faction and officer turrets, but well, all turrets and not all of their parameters are better. For more details, see the information window on the turret - tab "Characteristics"

Turret size.

Laser turrets come in the following sizes S - small, M - medium, L - large, XL - extra large. With an increase in size, the requirements for installing turrets on a ship (CPU, PG, capacitor) also increase, but the effectiveness of turrets in some parameters increases with size, damage and firing range increase.

Small turrets are suitable for frigates and destroyers, medium turrets for cruisers and BCs, large turrets for tier 3 battleships and BCs, extra-large ones for KBT-class ships.

Weapon overheating.

  • Pulse Lasers- 15% overheat bonus to damage.
  • Beam Lasers- overheating bonus increase rate of fire by 15%.

Ammunition for Projectile Turrets

Laser turrets need lenses to fire Frequency Crystals.

Plus the use of lenses in an instant change to another type.

Damage type of all lenses is limited Thermal and EM

T1 lenses last forever, while fractional and T2 lenses wear out over time.

T1 lenses.

T1 lenses do not wear out.

They do not have a turret tracking speed bonus.

T1 lens options: Multifrequency, Gamma, Xray, Ultraviolet, Standard, Infrared, Microwave, Radio

Lenses are well distinguished by color.

Conventionally, Frequency Crystals T1 can be divided into three groups:

1gr. – lenses for close combat, reduce the optimal and have a good damage indicator

2gr.– long-range lenses, increase the optimal, but the damage is less than that of the first group

3gr.- Lenses with a good energy saving bonus of the capacitor.

Fractional lenses differ from T1 counterparts in increased damage and the fact that they wear out over time.

  • darkblood+20% damage
  • True Sanshas+20% damage
  • Amarr Navy+15% damage
  • Blood+10% damage
  • Sanshas+10% damage

T1 and fractional lenses can be used with all types of laser turrets.

T2 lenses

Installed only on T2 turrets.

Destroyed during operation.

T2 lenses for Pulse Laser - Advanced Pulse Laser Crystals

  • Conflagration– for melee combat with increased damage, reduce tracking (0.7), cut the optimal (-50%) and increase the use of capacitor (+25%).
  • Scorch– for ranged combat, with reduced damage and tracking (0.75), but increase the optimal firing range (+50%). Damage is predominantly EM.

T2 lenses for Beam Lasers - Advanced Beam Laser Crystals

  • Gleam– close, with good damage, increased tracking (1.25) and reduced optimal (-75%).
  • Aurora– long-range, with reduced damage and tracking (0.25), but increased optimal (+80%).

Tab. ammo comparison Frequency Crystals(ammunition type S)

In table. comparative characteristics by types of damage and the impact of ammunition on optimal, fallof, tracking, capacitor consumption are shown.

Ammunition varies in size in accordance with the size of the turrets and is indicated in the name by the prefix S,M,L,XL.

Accordingly, S ammunition is loaded into Small Turrets, etc.

HP Damage Amount ammunition grows with the size of the ammunition in proportion to:

S:M:L:XL - 1:2:4:8 relatively S ammunition. Bonuses and penalties are identical.

Laser Turrets Efficiency Improvement Modules

  • Heat sinks– Increases Damage mod and reduces ROF time (Projectile only). Low slot. Passive module.
  • tracking computer– increase the optimal, fallof and tracking (for all turrets). Middle slot. active module.
  • tracking enhancer– increase the optimal, fallof and tracking (for all turrets). Low slot. passive module.

Rigs - Energy Weapon Rigs

(Small\Meduim\Large ,Capital Energy Weapon Rigs)

  • Algid Energy Administrations Unit I\II- reduce CPU consumption when installing turrets -10% and -15%
  • Energy Ambint Extesions I/II– increase fallof by 15 and 20%
  • Energy Burst Aerator tech I\II– reduce ROF by 10 and 15%
  • Energy Collision Accelerator I/ II– increase Damage mod by 10 and 15%
  • Energy Discharge Elutriation I/II– reduce capa consumption by turrets by 20% and 25% respectively
  • Locus Coordinatortech I/II– increase the optimal by 15 and 20%, respectively
  • Metastasis Adjustertech I\II– increase turret tracking by 15% and 20% respectively

Gunnery Implants for Lasers.

  • (Damage6 slot) Inherent Implants ‘Lancer’ SmallEnergyTurrets (SE-601 to SE-606)– increase the damage of small lasers from 1 to 6%. 6 slot
  • (Damage6 slot) Inherent Implants ‘Lancer’ MediumEnergyTurrets (ME-801 to ME-806)– increase the damage of medium-sized lasers from 1 to 6%.
  • (Damage 6 slot) Inherent Implants ‘Lancer’ Large Energy Turrets (LE-1001 to LE-1006)– increase the damage of large lasers from 1 to 6%.
  • (Damage 9 slot) Eifyr and Co. ‘Gunslinger’ Surgical Strike (SS-901 to SS-906)– increase the damage of turrets of any type from 1 to 6%.
  • (Damage 9 slot) Pashan's Turret Handlink Midlink- Increases the damage of all types of turrets by 7%.
  • (Tracking speed 7 slot) Ogdin's Eye Coordinator Enchancer - Increases the tracking of all types of turrets by 6%.
  • (Tracking speed 7 slot) Eifyr and Co. ‘Gunslinger’ MotionPrediction (MR-701 to MR-706)- increase the tracking of turrets of any type from 1 to 6%.
  • (Optimal 9 slot.) Zainou ‘Deadeye’ Sharpshooter (ST-901 to ST-906)- increase the optimal turrets of any type from 1 to 6%.
  • (Falloff 7 slot.) Zainou ‘Deadeye’ Trajectory Analysis (TA-701 to TA-706)- increase the falloff of any type of turrets from 1 to 6%.

Skills for laser turrets.

  • General skills for tracking, rate of fire, optimal, etc. see the article "Basic skills for PVP and PVE ..."
  • (Capital, Large, Medium, Small) Energy Turret- 5% increased damage dealt
  • (capital, large, medium, small) energy turrets per skill level.
  • (Large, Medium, Small) Beam Laser Specialization- 2% increased damage dealt
  • (large, medium, small) Beam Laser , per skill level.
  • (Large, Medium, Small) Pulse Laser Specialization- 2% increased damage dealt by (Large, Medium, Small) Pulse Laser per skill level.

Good luck!
Sincerely, SoldierZD.

So, there was time, I decided to write an article about the frigate and how to use it in combat.

I'll start with the advantages - the frigate is very fast, maneuverable, cheap to manufacture, fast in leveling skills and therefore accessible to any noob, it has high speed loka, quickly goes into the warp.
Disadvantages - small shield and armor, low damage. But no one uses it as an attack ship, so you can safely close your eyes to the shortcomings
The purpose of the frigate in PvP is reconnaissance and support strike force. To participate in hostilities on a frigate, you must have the skills of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and proplusion jamming and the skill for the frigate. An electronics frigate requires skills for each type of electronics.
When conducting reconnaissance, it is desirable to have spy points in the system - these are bookmarks 250-350 km from the gate. You can warp on them and see the info of the ships camping the gate. At the same time, you are practically inaccessible to enemy weapons. You can only get to the spoiler, and then it will take some time, during which you can safely go into the warp. It is better to have 2-3 such points in different places from the gate, this will allow you to fly to the gate several times and exclude the possibility of an ambush of the spoiler.

1. Frigate - scrambler.
fitting - MIA, stasis, srambler.
During the battle, the frigate hangs near the gate and, when a target appears, it quickly flies up, scrambles, throws a net and does not allow it to go into warp. A noob who does not know how to use the MIA, but who really wants to fight can use an afterburner.

2. Frigate - electronics engineer.
fitting - jammers, dampers.
The frigate can be used as an electronic ship by attaching dampers (lowering the lock range) or jammers (resetting the lock) on it. It is desirable to hang dampers on a frig with a distant lock.

3. Battleship support ship.
The frigate can be used as a mobile sensor booster to boost another ship's lock speed. Or as a protection against jamming, so that it would be more difficult for the battleship to reset the lock.

Items suitable for fitting a frigate:

1. MIA (MicroWarp Drive)
You can hang 1 or 2 pieces. There are rare ministries of internal affairs, giving an increase in speed of 512.5 and 525%.

2. Scramblers.
There are 2 types - Warp Disruptor (range 20km, scrambling power 1, operating time 10 sec for 50 energy), War Scrambler (range 7.5km, scrambling power 2, operating time 25 sec for 20 energy). For use on a frigate, a 7.5km scrambler is more suitable.

3. Grids (Stasis webifier)
Stasis Webifier - to slow down an enemy ship. Takes away 75% of the speed, does not deprive the ability to warp. There are rar grids that give a speed drop of up to 90%.

4. Jammers (ECM)
There are several types - Multispectral (all races) or Radar (Amar), Ladar (Minmatar), Gravimetric (Caldari) and Magnetometric (Galente). If you are going to set up multispectral jammers, then know that in order to jam the battle you must coordinate with another frigate, because. the strength of interference in this case is -4, not -6, and the battle has a lock strength of 14 (18 for a scorpion). That is, to completely suppress the lock, you need to use 4 multispectral jamers. The lock strength of most frigates is 7, cruisers 11.

5. Remote action sensors
Used to improve the characteristics of another ship. Remote Sensor Booster - increase the speed of the lock, ECCM Projector - increase the strength of the lock (protection from jamming)

Title: Crusader
Body: Executioner class
Purpose: interceptor

Interceptor hulls are made from the latest alloys; electronic systems are installed inside these cases that reduce the effective radius of the signature. In addition, Interceptors are capable of high speeds and complex maneuvers, making them a challenge to shoot at, especially with large caliber guns.

Developer: Carthum Conglomerate

Carthum ships are the epitome of the essence of Amarr warfare. They are equipped with solid armor and modern weapons systems, which together give the best combination of offensive and defensive capabilities. Alas, their electronic systems and power shields leave much to be desired.

Bonus for mastering the Amarr Frigate skill: reduced capacitor energy consumption when using an energy weapon of low power (Small Energy Turret) - 10% per skill level; increased damage dealt by low power energy weapons - 5% per skill level.
Bonus for mastering the Interceptors skill: signature radius reduction when using a quantum microdrive (Microwarpdrive) - 15% per skill level; low power energy weapon tracking speed increase - 7.5% per skill level.
Role bonus: 80% reduction in capacitor energy consumption when silencing systems are activated.

Riner wrote:

Good day, dear Eve players.
I started playing recently and would like to fly Amarr ships, very much appearance liked it.
But many argue that the Amarr ships are not suitable for a beginner and that I should not touch them yet.
Is it so? Is there really an imbalance in PvE towards drake and tenga?
Please share your experience of playing on Amarr ships in PVE and feats.

The Amarrs have the most nasty inscription, Sansha jam guns for range and accuracy, Blood raiders also jam weapons + capa suck so it becomes difficult to shoot and repair armor. But for the Amarr, you can endure all this, you just have to spend more time learning the skills associated with the capasitor.
As for the boats, well, I personally chose this way.
Coercer "Coercer" - in fact, you get it for completing noob tasks for free on it, you can easily complete level 1 missions and some 2.
Omen - when you study the medium guns and at least 3 drones you can network on Omen a good ship 2 missions you will pass without problems on it, you can even fill up Dagan alone in the Sister epic.
You can choose to replace Omen.
Maller is more tanky as it has a resistance bonus unlike Omen, but Omen has a good capa bonus which will be more pleasant for a noob. But here everything depends more on taste and on pumping skills.
Harbinger "Harba" - BC is May's favorite machine both in appearance and in terms of the possibility of fitting (of course it was cut a little but quite bearable) most of the lvl 3 missions pass without difficulty, the problem may arise only in some missions against the Galentes (there will be one mission where they let only the maximum to the BC, the devils of the norms are fried there) And yes, when you swing to the BC, download the drones, they will be your only cure for the other little things in close combat.
And here is your choice.
Personally, I flew the Abbadon "Can" for me, this ship looks better than all the ships in this game, the plates on it indicate that it has a bonus to resists and the armor is quite thick in terms of HP, and the damage bonus compensates for the lack of 1 bottom slot. But he has a big minus without skill norms, he is slow and eats mouthguard like a hungry beast. So I recommend taking it for lvl 3 missions in order to reduce the cost of execution time if you have not pumped the skill standards. It was tough, but interesting, and not stupid to sit in the bastion and f1 click on this boat. And if your skills are pumped well by this time, then 4 lvl missions will be completed normally, the blockade can only be strained because there are a large number of jammers.
Apocalupse "Apok" "Slipper" used to be a super machine with a cap bonus, moreover, in ancient times it had an imba bonus for the amount of cap and consumption, but in the god of the great SSP file it was all safely drunk. And now we have an app like a sniper bonus for accuracy and range. I don’t even know, maybe the norms in pve, but in pvp he died like all platforms on guns. Maybe Tempest might have been recently uplifted like that. So Apoc I would not advise you, although see for yourself.

Here I did not advise you such cars as the Arbitrator, Prophecy (by the way, the ship looks cool and if there are people here who have read the Dune novel, they will see descriptions of the Atrader battle cruiser in it.) Armageddon these ships are specialists in drones, and even more they are still intended for pvp than for pve.