A story based on the picture of a goalkeeper from the perspective of an adult. Essay based on the painting “Goalkeeper” by Grigoriev S.A. Getting to know the artist's creation

Essay based on the painting by S. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”

I see S. Grigoriev’s painting “Goalkeeper”. This painting shows spectators and a goalkeeper during a football game.
In the foreground of this picture there is a boy, from his appearance it is clear that he is a goalkeeper. He has a very concentrated face, perhaps the ball is approaching the goal, or, most likely, he is about to receive a penalty. The goalkeeper's leg is bandaged, which shows that this boy plays football regularly. He is twelve years old, I think he is an average student. Perhaps he will become a good football player in the future. Behind the goalkeeper is another, smaller boy. He is very sad that he was not included in the team. He stands with a pouty face. He is in approximately third grade. He's very confident. After all, instead of sitting with other spectators, he stands on the field.
The boys are playing in a yard that is not intended for playing football. Instead of barbells, they have briefcases on their sides, indicating that they play football after school.
In the middle ground, spectators are sitting on a bench, clearly engrossed in the game, except for the dog, who is thinking about something of his own, most likely about food. In addition to the children, an adult uncle is sitting on the bench, clearly extremely passionate about the game. He probably remembers himself during his school years. Two girls are sitting next to their uncle. The first one - in a cloak with a hood - is also watching the game very closely, the second one is also no less interested in what is happening. It seems to me that the second girl is mandatory. In her arms Small child. Two boys are sitting next to her, clearly interested in the game. The first boy bent down to better see the game, and the second craned his neck because he couldn’t see anything behind his uncle. Behind this boy is a girl. It seems to me that she is a good student. She is dressed in a school uniform and has a bow on her head. Nearby is a boy sitting with his little brother. I think that this boy is very responsible, he helps his mother all the time and takes care of his younger brother. All the spectators are very enthusiastic and focused on the game, even the last boy's younger brother looks at what is happening with interest. It is possible that the dog lying next to the brothers belongs to them.
Buildings are shown in the background. I think this picture takes place in big city, probably in Moscow, somewhere in the golden autumn, around the time of Khrushchev, in the years 50 - 60. The sky seems cloudy to me, yes, and it’s not so hot outside.
This picture symbolizes football. It depicts eleven people and a black and white dog. Eleven people symbolize the number of players on the team, and the black and white dog represents the soccer ball.
Overall, I liked the picture, but it would have been better if it had depicted the entire field and all the players.

From the site administration

One of the most popular works of the artist Sergei Grigoriev is the painting “Goalkeeper”, which is now in Tretyakov Gallery. It was written in 1949, after the Great Patriotic War only four years have passed. By this time, the country had not yet recovered from devastation, the standard of living of most people was low, but peaceful life was filled with hope and optimism. The painting “Goalkeeper” tells us about this. It is dedicated to children's passion for football, but at the same time conveys the atmosphere of that time, difficult and at the same time happy.

Football was the main love of the boys of those years, their greatest passion. Football was played in courtyards, in parks, and simply in vacant lots, as depicted in the painting “Goalkeeper.” The main character of the picture is a boy standing on the gate. Although the artist did not place it in the center, all the emotional load of the picture goes to him. The goalkeeper stands in a tense position, it seems that the outcome of the match will depend on his quickness and dexterity. It is clear from the boy that the role of goalkeeper is familiar to him, he is a good and reliable goalkeeper.

There are no gates, they are “represented” by two briefcases located where the barbells should be. This suggests that the children did not go home after school, but moved to the vacant lot. The uncomfortable surface of the field, which occupies the foreground of the picture, does not bother the players. In those years, few people were lucky enough to play on good green fields. We don’t see how the events unfold on the playing field; the artist deliberately took this action beyond the scope of the picture. Only by the goalkeeper's posture and the expression on the spectators' faces can we guess that the players of both teams have to fight for victory; it will not be given just like that.

But look at how many spectators the match attracted - those who, due to their age, were not included in the team, are enthusiastically watching the game. They settled down either on a fallen tree or on a stack of boards. An adult spectator, perhaps a random passer-by, also joined the children. A guy in a red suit stands behind the goalkeeper; he hasn’t been accepted into the team yet, but he would really like to play, his whole appearance speaks of it. And only the dog, curled up in a white lump at the feet of one of the spectators, is indifferent to the game.

The events depicted in the picture take place on a bright, fine day in early autumn, the distance is clearly visible. In the background we see construction sites: high-rise buildings are being erected, which will soon become symbols of Moscow. This construction landscape adds optimism to the overall mood of the picture.

I see S. Grigoriev’s painting “Goalkeeper”. This painting shows spectators and a goalkeeper during a football game. http://uchim.org/sochineniya/po-kartine-vratar - uchim.org In the foreground of this picture there is a boy, from his appearance it is clear that he is a goalkeeper. He has a very concentrated face, perhaps the ball is approaching the goal, or, most likely, he is about to receive a penalty. The goalkeeper's leg is bandaged, which shows that this boy plays football regularly. He is twelve years old, I think he is an average student. Perhaps he will become a good football player in the future. Behind the goalkeeper is another, smaller boy. He is very sad that he was not included in the team. He stands with a pouty face. He is in approximately third grade. He's very confident. After all, instead of sitting with other spectators, he stands on the field. The boys are playing in a yard that is not intended for playing football. Instead of barbells, they have briefcases on their sides, indicating that they play football after school. In the middle ground, spectators are sitting on a bench, clearly engrossed in the game, except for the dog, who is thinking about something of his own, most likely about food. In addition to the children, an adult uncle is sitting on the bench, clearly extremely passionate about the game. He probably remembers himself during his school years. Two girls are sitting next to their uncle. The first one - in a cloak with a hood - is also watching the game very closely, the second one is also no less interested in what is happening. It seems to me that the second girl is mandatory. She has a small child in her arms. Two boys are sitting next to her, clearly interested in the game. The first boy bent down to better see the game, and the second craned his neck because he couldn’t see anything behind his uncle. Behind this boy is a girl. It seems to me that she is a good student. She is dressed in a school uniform and has a bow on her head. Nearby is a boy sitting with his little brother. I think that this boy is very responsible, he helps his mother all the time and takes care of his younger brother. All the spectators are very enthusiastic and focused on the game, even the last boy's younger brother looks at what is happening with interest. It is possible that the dog lying next to the brothers belongs to them. Buildings are shown in the background. I think the action of this picture takes place in a large city, probably in Moscow, somewhere in the golden autumn, around the time of Khrushchev, in the 50s and 60s. The sky seems cloudy to me, and it’s not that hot outside. This picture symbolizes football. It depicts eleven people and a black and white dog. Eleven people symbolize the number of players on the team, and the black and white dog represents the soccer ball. Overall, I liked the picture, but it would be better if it depicted the entire field and all the players



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One of the most popular works of the artist Sergei Grigoriev - picture "Goalkeeper", which is now located in the Tretyakov Gallery. It was written in 1949, only four years have passed since the Great Patriotic War.

By this time, the country had not yet recovered from devastation, the standard of living of most people was low, but peaceful life was filled with hope and optimism. The painting “Goalkeeper” tells us about this. It is dedicated to children's passion for football, but at the same time conveys the atmosphere of that time, difficult and at the same time happy.

Football was the main love of the boys of those years, their greatest hobby. Football was played in courtyards, in parks, and simply in vacant lots, as depicted in the painting “Goalkeeper.” The main character of the picture is the boy standing at the gate. Although the artist did not place it in the center, all the emotional load of the picture goes to him. The goalkeeper stands in a tense position, it seems that the outcome of the match will depend on his quickness and dexterity. It is clear from the boy that the role of a goalkeeper is familiar to him, he is a good and reliable goalkeeper.

There are no gates, they are “represented” by two briefcases located where the barbells should be. This suggests that the children did not go home after school, but moved to the wasteland. The uncomfortable surface of the field, which occupies the foreground of the picture, does not confuse the players. In those years, few people were lucky enough to play on good green fields. We don’t see how events unfold on the playing field; the artist deliberately took this action outside the scope of the picture. Only by the goalkeeper's pose and the expression on the spectators' faces we can guess that the players of both teams have to fight for victory, it will not be given just like that.

But look how many spectators the match attracted - the game is enthusiastically followed by those who were not included in the team due to their age. They settled down either on a fallen tree or on a stack of boards. An adult spectator, perhaps a random passer-by, also joined the children. A guy in a red suit stands behind the goalkeeper, he is not yet on the team, but he would really like to play, his whole appearance speaks about it. And only the dog, curled up in a white ball at the feet of one of the spectators, is indifferent to the game.

The events depicted in the picture take place on a bright, fine day in early autumn, the distance is clearly visible. In the background we see construction sites: high-rise buildings are being erected, which will soon become symbols of Moscow. This construction landscape adds optimism to the overall mood of the picture.

Essay on the painting “Goalkeeper”

The painting “Goalkeeper” was painted by the Soviet Ukrainian artist S. A. Grigoriev in 1949, for which he received the Stalin Prize in 1950, along with his other painting “Admission to the Komsomol.

The characters in many of the artist’s paintings are children, and “Goalkeeper” is considered one of his best paintings about children. In the picture we see children playing football in the school yard. The time of action is most likely early autumn, late September, early October. This can be judged by the dark sky and yellow leaves on the trees, but it is still quite warm, judging by the children’s clothes, the beginning of the school year. The football field, of course, is the simplest, as usual, the boundaries of the field are the bags of the guys.

The main character of the picture is a goalkeeper, a lanky and fair boy, he is about 12 years old. All his clothes are like a real goalkeeper. He is wearing a sports shirt, old worn shorts, sneakers on his feet, and leather gloves on his hands. Like a real goalkeeper, his knee is bandaged to prevent injuries when falling after the ball. The boy stands in a tense position, his legs are apart, his hands are resting on his knee, he is ready at any moment to either parry a blow or jump and catch the ball flying into the goal.

Behind the goalkeeper there is a boy in a red uniform, this is probably a reserve goalkeeper, he dreams of replacing the main player and standing on goal, but he is not accepted into the game yet, he is still small, he is probably about 10 years old.

In addition to the players, the picture also shows spectators who are cheering for their team. They sat on an improvised platform - these were folded boards. Spectators different ages, there is a middle-aged man in a suit and hat, apparently he was walking by, got carried away by the game and is now rooting for one of the teams. He has medal bars on his chest; he is a former front-line soldier. But the boy who gets sick the most is dark suit and a girl in a red hood. The rest of the children are calmer. There are also girls in school uniforms getting sick there, apparently they haven’t had time to go home to change yet. All the spectators are looking in the same direction, they will probably take a penalty kick now, and that is why the goalkeeper is so tense.

Here we see a white dog curled up into a ball, and, as it were, also watching the match.

In the background of the picture we see an old industrial city, this is most likely the outskirts of Moscow, government offices with a red bluish flag, old residential areas and new buildings are visible. The heads of the church are barely visible in the distance.

Times are changing, children of that time played football, ran fresh air, but today’s people can’t be taken away from their computer or laptop. They, too, would like to look at this painting by Grigoriev S., and then they will be drawn to the street, into the fresh air.

Grigoriev - Goalkeeper on behalf of a fan, spectator

“Eh! In the summer I really wanted to go to school, but now all I can think about is when the bell will ring for the last lesson,” I thought, sitting on the pine boards. It was the beginning of October, which meant that I had to study for at least another 8 months.

The weather is wonderful outside. Sitting at your desk, you just have to look out the window and the desire to listen to the teacher immediately disappears - you better go outside as soon as possible! Hurry up to the field to play football with the guys! To arrive first in order to have time to get into the same team with friends... Today I was detained. That’s why I’m sitting here as a fan, and not kicking a ball around the field.

We go to play right after school. If you go home before a match, your parents will sit you down at the table to do your homework. Or even worse - they will force you to eat. What game is it on a full stomach?! No, you need to go to the field right after school.

Our stadium is a simple wasteland. We have long since trampled down the grass, leaving only bare earth. She's hard as a rock. But we like it here, even though it hurts to fall. Over there, Grishka, the goalkeeper, has a bandaged knee, he was the one who seated him here. He good player- he was not afraid to jump for the ball into the far corner, even though he knew that he would hurt himself. Yes, we don’t have a football field, but a simple clearing, and instead of goals we have schoolbags with textbooks, but if we start there, we’ll end up in a real stadium. And not on the podium, as I am now, but certainly playing for Zenit or Dynamo, certainly in the starting lineup!

Eh! I thought about it and get it: I missed it when they scored a goal! There, Pavel Leonidovich, the teacher who walks with us and makes sure that we don’t misbehave, cranes his neck and smiles contentedly. So it was a worthwhile moment - he is an experienced fan of ours, he doesn’t miss a single match, he won’t rejoice over trifles. It’s okay, I’ll go out and score an even more beautiful goal so that his jaw drops.

Our guys play well. And if they are unlikely to be called upon to defend the honor of the country on the football field, they will not let their opponent down at school competitions. Take the same Grishka: he doesn’t like to concede even in a game for fun, but in a serious match he definitely won’t let the ball end up in our net. Nobody wants to stand at the gate, we always draw lots, but he wants to. He likes. He will definitely be a professional goalkeeper in the future.

Fans, spectators

Now the guys will finish the game and it will be my turn. You need to run around a lot, play enough football, because soon it will rain, and then there will be snow. It's fun in winter too. You can throw snowballs or go sledding. It's also fun, but you can't play football.

7th grade.

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