Initiation ritual. Ritual of Initiation How to Kill the Swamp Queen and Get the Most Experience

Passage of side quests Far Harbor ClaraOswald 6361
6 July 2016 18:22

Fraction: Inhabitants of Far Harbor

Who issues: Teddy Wright

Locations to explore:

  • Far Harbor
  • Coast at Emmet's Road

After helping some residents of Far Harbor on the quest "Life on the Edge", Teddy Wright, a local doctor, came up with a crazy way to win the respect of the stubborn inhabitants of the island. You need to perform the "Captain's Dance", as in ancient times the islanders chose their leaders. As the legends say, the strongest, most severe and most insane pretenders entered the water and began to lure the monsters of the island towards them. After the potential captain killed the queen of the swamp, fog, or the one who crawls, he called the inhabitants of the island and shared the prey with them. If you manage to “dance”, then you will not be appointed captain, but they will definitely respect you.

Teddy Wright sends you to the area that the swamps have chosen - on the coast, near Emmett's road. Go there and throw a piece of any meat into the water to attract the attention of these creatures. And he will make sure that someone witnesses your feat.

Throw meat into water

The area with the swamps is located on the western part of the island, get to it, and along the way, you may come across some kind of creature, whose meat you then use for bait.

To start the Captain's Dance, you need to lure out the local fauna by throwing fresh meat into the water. To do this, you need to go to the “PRE” item in your Pip-Boy, select the “Help” section, and then, having found the meat of any animal (bog, mole rat, yao-gai, etc.), press the [R] key to throw it away.

Kill swamps

Several swamps with shells and a low level will crawl out of the water for meat - it will not be difficult for you to finish them.

Throw more meat into the water

However, this is too easy for the captain. Continue taunting the local critter and throw more meat into the water by repeating the procedure above.

Kill swamps

In the second round, you will have to fight Bogbog Hunters, who spit wisps of poisonous liquid, and the Swamp King. They will be a little more difficult to deal with, but you probably have not been in such fellout troubles.

Kill the Swamp Queen

You have enraged the swamp queen by killing her children. Now I have to deal with her. Kill her. Here are some tips:

  • Stay constantly on the move to dodge the fountains of poisonous liquid that the Swamp Queen spits.
  • Try not to wander into the water to a depth - it slows you down and makes it impossible to shoot.
  • Beware of swamp cubs, which the uterus releases to help itself. They are not so much dangerous as annoying.

After the Swamp Queen is finished, return to Far Harbor to Teddy Wright.

“The more it hurts to fall” is an achievement in Fallout 4. It is counted after killing five giant creatures (the Beast, the Ancient Beast, the Swan and the Womb of Swamps). They are like mini-bosses: big, tough monsters scattered around. This guide will show you where to find giant creatures in Fallout 4, how to defeat them and unlock the "The Harder It Falls" trophy.

If you entered into battle with a companion, then make sure that it was you who inflicted the last shoot otherwise the kill won't count.


The monster is a huge super mutant, armed with a massive club with a hydrant on the end and a basket full of stones on his back. When fighting them, you should keep your distance - the club deals a lot of damage and is difficult to dodge. When the Beast can't reach you, he starts throwing rocks - you can dodge them by jumping at the right moment. Be sure to have stimulants and ammo. A good set of Power Armor won't hurt.

Location of Monsters

This monster walks west of Recon Bunker Theta, on the northern border of the map. Make him chase you to the entrance to the bunker - you can climb onto the roof and shoot from there. He will throw stones, but he will not be able to get to you.

This one patrols the swamp between Suffolk County Private School and Gunsmiths Square, on South. Hide behind the trees - when he approaches, run across to the next tree.

Follow the highway to the southwest Walden Pond. The monster is in the center of the circle of cars (Looks like Stonehenge, only with cars instead of stones). The easiest way to defeat him is to climb onto the freeway and shoot him with a sniper rifle.

Uterus Bolotnikov

Swamp queens are incredibly large swamps. They will tear you apart with their claws, spit poison, and send little cubs after you. Our favorite way to counter them is to lure them into the mines and pelt them with grenades. You must be quick on your feet and know the terrain well - stumbling back against an obstacle while kiting means death. Stock up on mines / grenades, as well as stimulants. These creatures are very fast, so the presence of Power Armor is a must.

Location of Queen Bolotnikov

In this part, the fight against ghouls of various stripes in the Hubris Comics building. From the legendary enemy, I got this "protective synth armor for the right hand" (Damage reduction in immobility by 15%)

The Glowing Ghoul lurks on the top floor. I figured out where he was waiting for me, and bombarded his position behind the screen with grenades. Since I did not come close, the trigger apparently did not work, and the ghoul continued to stand in his shelter, ignoring the exploding grenades. A total of 6 grenades were needed.

From unusual and pleasant finds: several different magazines, fake silver submachine gun, Silver Cloak costume and Grognak costume.

Path through the ruined center of Boston

The first third of the video is still from Hubris Comics. Then I continue my way through the city to the Marowski laboratory. I met the so-called "Swan".

The swan is a giant super mutant that lives in a pond. It is impossible to stand against him, because with one blow he tore off both my legs. So far, no one has given the task to kill this monster, but I think this will have to be done at a certain stage of the passage. So far, I don’t even know what tactics will be with him. Most likely mines. Let's see.

Fights with an ax and in the Grognak costume look somewhat comical, but effective. Plus savings on ammo.

The most difficult of the human enemies are the "shooters". They appear to be more organized than the raiders, dressed in army uniforms, and generally have more advanced weaponry.

South Boston

The video just begins with a lengthy fight with one of the shooters and his robot Mr. Brave. These two chased me around the city for 10-15 minutes (!) and still overtook me when I stopped at some ghoul merchant to fry dogs for the road.

Next episode - police Department South Boston. I read all the terminals, opened all the locks and cracked the safe. I didn’t take anything of particular value, but I rummaged around with pleasure. In such abandoned buildings (radroaches and other trifles do not count), you can safely explore the rooms, read the terminals, learn some unusual story, and so on. The center of the map in Fallout 4 is an extremely busy place, so such a respite is always welcome.

By the end I got to the port area.

Fish factory "Four-leaf"

"The Quatrefoil". The same place where Trish sent me (Diamond City Blues quest). And again, wild ghouls in stock. Marowski's lab is upstairs, but first I entered through the main entrance on the first floor. Here you can collect all sorts of useful things like nuclear blocks, fill up the legendary ghoul-devourer, and even shrunken.

Fish factory "Four-leaf"

In the first half of the video, unsuccessful attempts to cope with the legendary and shrunken, although I already began to grope for the right strategy. As usual, you need to find a point where the enemy cannot reach. Successfully turned up an old loader, from which you can fire at ghouls in relative safety.

However, there is a problem. Ghouls hide after a couple of shots, and you have to go out into the open. In order not to be surrounded, I mined possible approaches to my position. One mine is unlikely to kill a strong opponent, but this way I will know when someone enters the perimeter and I need to quickly hide.

As a reward "lucky metal armor for the right leg" (+2 to luck) from the legendary ghoul.

Marowski Laboratory, General Atomics

The lower part of the Quatrefoil has been cleared, now you can go in search of Marowski's laboratory. To do this, you must deactivate the traps in the correct order. To be honest, I don't remember what Trish said about these beams and why I even need to deactivate them (perhaps it opens the door to the laboratory if you don't know the password), but just in case I did. Extremely simple. In the order indicated in the figure, you must go through each beam.

I go up the stairs to the roof, where I meet with another batch of ghouls, and among them is again the legendary devourer. It's good that I still have mines. Here is such a thing that fell out of him for the left hand (+1 to strength and endurance).

And here is the lab! The Diamond City Blues quest has been successfully completed, despite the incomprehensible death of Paul Pembroke.

Ghoul employees in the laboratory are very weak, so killing them is not difficult. I took one of the protective kits they worked in. Gives 1000(!) radiation protection.

In terms of loot, I expected more from the lab. But there are not as many drugs as we would like :)

The General Atomics plant is located next to the Four Leaf Plant. Came in out of pure curiosity. If you don't know, General Atomics is a large corporation that supplied most of the reactors for the Vault-Tec Vaults, and also produced robots such as: Mister Handy, Mister Brave, Protectron and so on.

Inside, as expected, I met the robots of Mr. Assistants. Only spoiled ones. Instead of assistants, they turned into killers.

Plant "General Atomics"

In this video, only General Atomics.

The most important part is passing an interesting test for robots (7:57). In three different rooms, you need to perform a certain action that will prove your professional suitability.

  1. Choose an appropriate punishment for the child who broke the vase. Solution: turn off the radio.
  2. Satisfy the needs of a crying baby. Solution: Bring a bottle with a pacifier to the crib.
  3. Remove all dangerous items from the room. Here I had to tinker, because there is an object (adjustable wrench) on the floor that is difficult to notice. The rest were quite distinguishable: a machete from the refrigerator, cigarettes, and so on. Passage of this room (20:11)

As a reward for passing this test, he received three nuclear units at once.

General Atomics plant and Fort Independence

Unfortunately, it was not possible to fully explore the plant. There was a room with Major the Brave, whom I could not overcome. Problem number one - he shoots a burst very painfully. Problem number two - I have almost no pulse explosives (there were 2 pulse mines, but this is too few). So I postponed the major until better times.

In general, we can say that the area is quite dangerous and the enemies here are stronger. Still, I want to explore another small area like a peninsula.

What was my surprise when among the ruined quarters I met Preston Garvey! How did you get here? The first thought is a bug; then he remembered that we agreed to storm the Castle (the task "Storming Fort Independence"). And this place is right here. Okay, let's try.

The first task is to clear the yard of swamps. And here are not only soft-shelled bogs, but also ordinary ones. They are darker in color and more resistant to damage. A lot of time has passed since the passage of the water treatment plant, so now these mutant crabs no longer seem to be such formidable opponents (although of course they can kill).

Assault on Fort Independence, Swamp Womb

We continue to storm the Fort with the Minutemen. Now you need to break the eggs of the swamps. How good and simple everything is!

The Legendary Luminous Swamp with a skull suddenly crawled out of the ground, which greatly complicated the passage of the task.

He kills with one blow and runs at the same time very quickly, so the option with an ax will not work. Above the workshop there is a small roof, which will be very handy. We start a classic fight on the principle of "shoot and run." The slightest mistake and miscalculation with OD ends with the loss of limbs.

Cover-mines entered very well. If I had more of them, it would take much less time. Legendary Crab rewarded with a Killer Automatic Laser Pistol (50% more damage to humans)

And as soon as I decided that it was all over and you can relax, a new, even more dangerous enemy appeared! Mother of swamps.

Standing on the roof and shooting from afar will not work. The monster spits deadly acid at any distance. There was nothing in the inventory for acid damage. Out of hopelessness, I put on a protective anti-radiation suit - it didn’t help :)

But there is nowhere to retreat. You just need to hide better. For example behind the wall, outside. And a little bit, one rocket, launch into the uterus. I have accumulated a lot of rockets by this moment, since I did not use them. Plus injected Psycho for increased damage. Med-X for protection against acid will not help, so there is no point in wasting it. Preston Garvey and his comrades also really helped and damaged the boss, although towards the end of the fight I noticed that Preston was running around without a weapon. Maybe out of ammo.

Activate tower in Fort Independence

248 experience was given only for killing the queen, but to complete the quest you need to activate the radio tower in Fort Independence, which requires 10 electricity. So much gives a large generator, but I did not have enough aluminum for it. Therefore, throughout the video, I am looking for aluminum parts in the vicinity. Unsuccessfully.

Search for aluminum, School in south boston

There was a little confusion at the beginning of the video. While I was looking for parts for the generator, I turned off the recording, but in one of the eateries I noticed a hatch in the floor with a “Very Hard” lock. My level already allowed me to pump in the ability to break such locks. Therefore, after distributing experience points, I turn on the recording to capture the moment of finding some untold riches or fancy armor, in general, something cool. Instead, a group of brutals led by a certain Chancer took me right on the doorstep. Retreated with nothing. Somehow there are not enough secretive skills, it will be necessary to think about it.

Otherwise, I also continue to look for aluminum parts. Explored a school building in south Boston. Fought with the local super mutants.

On the roofs I found the shelter of the settlers, but there are no survivors. Gathered some things, fried meat on the road. The mass of aluminum found is still zero. I remind you that for greater realism, I do not use fast movements on the map :)

Assault on Fort Independence: Achieved. Back to Diamond

I never managed to build a large generator, instead I installed two medium ones (they give 5 electricity each). Connected the whole thing and activated the tower. Assault on Fort Independence: Achieved. Amen.

Now the Minutemen have Radio Liberty, whose repertoire consists of one tune. At first everything is fine, but then this cello starts to annoy and put pressure on the brain. It sounds equally loud in any room of the fort, but you can’t turn it off :)

Okay, if you like it, then listen for yourself, but it's time for me to go back to Diamond. I return the same way that I came, bypassing the posts of the raiders and super mutants.

Long live civilization!

I decided to visit the Pembroke house (I picked up his key from the body). Only one child sleeps here - Pete Pembroke. Your father won't come, but where is Paul's wife? In a bar or ran off with Henry Cooke? And what the hell happened to Paul Pembroke? Why did he die then? Eh, you shouldn't have taken it with you.

After that, I go to a bunch of my settlements Oberland-Greygarden. It's time to deal with the construction of stores. Not included in the video, but the situation is as follows. Built a lighthouse to attract new people to the Oberland. The settlers tumbled so actively that the lighthouse had to be turned off (there is no steel for the construction of new residential blocks). Put the middle store merchant. Assigned a person to him. And lo and behold, the money, although small, went (you can take the profit in the workshop menu). However, after I set up a second store in Oberland, the lids disappeared from the workshop and no longer want to appear there, although it used to drip regularly if I slept for a day. I don't know if it's a bug or not, I need to figure it out. I hope it was not in vain that I pumped up charisma and a “local leader”.

Many inexperienced Fallout 4 players can't figure out how to kill a swamp queen. In fact, the answer to this question is simple: you take and kill like any other mob. But first things first.

The Mire Womb is one of the most powerful mobs in Fallout 4. This is a kind of mini-boss, which, moreover, has a number of abilities that make it very difficult for an under-leveled character to fight him. Unlike ordinary swamps, the swamp queen can not only fight in hand-to-hand combat, but also attack from a distance with jets of acid that cause significant damage to the character, so simply shooting her from a distance, periodically running away, will not work. In addition, the uterus constantly gives birth to its cubs, which, although they do not cause much harm to the Persian, with a large number begin to noticeably get in the way under their feet and jump in front of their faces, making it difficult to shoot.

However, the uterus of swamps also has its own weak sides, which make it easy to destroy it, earning good experience. The Swamp Queen is the largest mob in the game, so she is unable to penetrate small rooms and dilapidated buildings. Hiding there and hiding from the jets of acid, the player can easily shoot it without taking a single hit.

Although you can meet this mob in other parts of the Commonwealth, usually the first meeting with the swamp queen occurs in the quest "Storm Fort Independence" to clear the Castle issued by the Minutemen. And if the player has not studied in advance Walkthrough Fallout 4, she comes as a real surprise to him. However, even being ill-prepared for combat, it is possible to cope with the swamp queen.

A small nuance: if you feel that you came to storm Fort Independence too early and are absolutely unable to kill the swamp queen, no matter what they shoot at, postpone the quest and just run away from the location - this does not threaten to worsen relations with the Minutemen. And the swamp queen will leave the Castle on her own and move to the river flowing by, and will sit there calm and non-aggressive, so it will be much easier to get close to her and shoot from something heavy.

So, how do you kill the swamp queen?

1. The easiest option is to shoot it from the "Fat Man", carefully sneaking up to the mob. Aiming with the Fat Man is quite difficult, so you may have to spend a few Mini Nukes, so take a few spare ones with you. Most likely, even with a minimal leveling of the character, 2-3 shots that hit the target will be enough. Don't forget that the weight of each charge is 12 units.

2. Hide in any building or in the walls of the castle and shoot the uterus of swamps from any weapon with high speed- "plasma", Gauss carbine or shotgun.

3. When completing the quest "Assault on Fort Independence", you can pre-mine the place of penetration of the swamp queen into the Castle with several plasma mines.

4. If you have upgraded the “Ninja” perk, which gives a 10 times increase in damage with melee weapons, then you can kill the swamp queen with melee weapons by sneaking up to her. An excellent choice for this method is the super hammer.

How to kill a swamp queen and get maximum experience

For a pumped player, the swamp queen is not only not a dangerous mob at all, but also a source of a large amount of experience. However, in order to get the maximum number of experience points for a kill, you need to act in a cunning way.

You will need the third rank of the Savant perk, which allows you to get triple experience from kills within a minute after the ability of the same name is triggered. Hide from the swamp queen behind various buildings and packs to destroy her cubs (a combat knife is best for this - quickly and without the need to reload) until the Savant works. After that, it is necessary to kill the swamp queen within a minute in any way, for example, shoot it from the Gauss.

As you restore the Sanctuary Hills and help the Minutemen, Preston Garvey will tell the story of Fort Independence. Once upon a time, it was there that the main base of the Minutemen was located. The main objective of the quest is to regain control of the fort.

Using the marker on the radar, follow the meeting point. Minutemen will be located near the diner. Before attacking the Fort, you will have the choice of attacking directly through the main entrance, split up and attack from the flanks, or try to lure the opponents outside the Fort and ambush them.

After choosing a plan of attack, attack the fort and deal with the Swampmen. Try to shoot them in the head, because the body of the monsters is quite protected. Keep your distance if you don't want to get hit on the hump with a claw. Most of the enemies hide underground and pop up when you get too close.

After defeating all the Swamps, you will need to deal with their eggs. Eggs are found in the courtyard of Fort Independence, indoors and even on walls. You need to be very careful, because Bolotniks themselves often hide near the clutches. Shoot all the eggs so they don't hatch into little Swamps.

Around this time, a hefty monster will appear on the location. This is the female Bolotnikov. A very, very powerful enemy that you have to destroy. In melee mode, the damage is huge. In addition, the queen can set the cubs on you, spitting poison that kills you in a matter of seconds. During the battle, you need to be inside some kind of room. Periodically look out of the shelter and shoot at the uterus. You can find a launcher with missiles. They are here! After destroying the queen, kill the remaining Boggers and prepare for the next objective.

Go to the courtyard where Garvey is gathering all the remaining faction members. Preston requests that a radio transmitter be activated in the center of Fort Independence to inform the Commonwealth members of their return. You will need ten units of energy. To do this, construct two large generators, then connect them together with a wire and extend another wire to the radio transmitter. Activate the transmitter.

After you're done with everything, chat with Harvey Preston. This will complete the quest.

Old Guns

At the end of the previous task, you need to talk with the last leader of the Minutemen, Garvey, and learn about Ronnie Shaw. If Garvey does not want to share any information with you, then you need to wait a while. Shaw is one of the surviving Minutemen waiting inside the Fort. Go back inside the Castle and find Ronnie. After talking with a fan, you will receive information that military weapon Minutemen are hidden in the arsenal under the walls of the Castle. Follow Ronnie to the place where you can go down to the armory. Activate the construction mode and clear the rubble. You will see a tunnel, which you immediately need to go through.

Neutralize mines and traps, which are quite numerous in the tunnels. There are also enemy turrets here. Moving forward, get to the huge hall, where the robot guard Sergeant is activated. He attacks you immediately. The enemy is strong. Therefore, do not rush to enter the room. Temporarily hide in the corridor, periodically looking out and shooting the enemy. It is desirable to use energy weapons in combat against him. The missiles that he shoots at you kill almost instantly. Let Ronnie and the other Minutemen distract the enemy, as he still won't be able to destroy them. After defeating the Sergeant, find the corpse and read the notes of the Minuteman General. Get to the armory (arsenal).

Inside the armory there are a lot of weapons that you can take with you. Don't forget to take the blueprint with the new defensive weapon. Talk about everything with Ronnie Shaw, who will order you to make the same weapon and install it in the castle, and then test it. Activate the "Construction" mode and enter the "Special" section. Here, find the installation of artillery and create new weapons. After that, put one of the Minutemen in charge of overseeing the installation.

After the cannon is built, talk to Ronnie again. Get flares from her. The woman will ask you to test the new-old weapon. Follow the marker on the map to the diner where you met the Minutemen before attacking Fort Independence.

Activate the radio and select the "Radio Liberty" wave. Listen to the messages, throw a smoke grenade at the indicated place, run back as far as possible. When the fireworks show is over, go back to Harvey Preston and talk to him about everything. You will be rewarded for completing the quest!


This quest is repeatable. It is issued on an ongoing basis by sniper Harvey Preston. In addition to the word "Expansion" in the name of the quest there is always a prefix with the name of the settlement. The purpose of the quests in this series is the same. Harvey Preston will indicate the name of the settlement where you should go. There you will need to completely destroy the raiders, ghouls and super mutants. After clearing the territory, you have access to a new place - a workshop. A recruiting beacon is being built in a settlement. After that, you can return to Garvey and turn in the task. The lighthouse will allow other Minutemen to go to the signal and settle in that very village.

The settlement is threatened by enemies

This is another type of repeatable quest. When you get to the settlement, then talk to its inhabitants and find out that they are being attacked by opponents. On the map you will have a new place where enemies constantly come from. Go there and kill everyone you see. Periodically look at the pip-boy. When all enemies are defeated, the Pip-Boy at the location will display the inscription "Cleared". Head back to the settlement and talk to the person who issued the quest.

Settlement defense

Also, from time to time, your pip-boy will receive messages for help. You need to help the settlements that belong to you. Follow the marker on the map and get ready for battle. Destroy the attacking opponents, while preventing the death of the inhabitants of the village. Fortify settlements, create strong walls and strong defensive weapons. Place traps, mines, etc. If all this is done, then enemies with less desire will attack the area.

If you don’t do anything, take any action, don’t react in any way to the incoming signal asking for help, then the settlement will be captured by opponents.

Oberland Station: Raiders threaten the settlement

This quest is given by Preston Garvey. This mission will become available only when you fulfill certain conditions, namely: the “First Step” assignment has been completed, you have agreed to become a Minuteman General. So, you must communicate with the inhabitants of the Oberland station. Harvey Preston is a strong teammate that you can take with you. On the high levels complexity, he is a valuable ally and partner.

When you arrive at the Oberland station, look for the resident marked with a marker and chat about everything. The raiders are blackmailing the villagers for supplies. Naturally, you must help them. Move towards Diamond City, where the next marker is located. Kill three raiders outside and a whole group of opponents inside the building. You will also encounter turrets. After the area is cleared and the target is updated, then go back to the Oberland station and chat with its inhabitants. Next, talk to Garvey Preston and get experience. Quest completed!

Settlement "Somerville Place": The settlement is threatened by raiders

The mission can be received from Harvey Preston or from local residents of the town itself. In any case, you will need to communicate with the townspeople. Next, follow to Hyde Park (you will need to cross the swamp) and completely destroy the raiders. Report on the completion of the task.

Expansion. Starlight Restaurant

After helping the inhabitants of Oberland Station, you spoke with Harvey Preston and received a reward. He will immediately give you the next task. Move to the indicated place and clear it. Set up a recruiting beacon and report back to Garvey on completing the mission. There is nothing supernatural here.

Cleanup. Greentop Greentop

Follow the "Greentop", where you need to chat with one of the inhabitants of the village, begging for help. You must clear a certain location from monsters. Surprisingly, the place to be cleared is almost at the other end of the map. If you decide to complete the task, then follow it. Near the Solar Tides commune you will see Professor Goodfils. He will not speak to you. Clear houses by killing ghouls and bugs. Get ready to meet the legendary Ghoul. After you shoot him two or three times, Ghoul will mutate and become quite a serious opponent. Keep your distance. You can, by the way, still use melee weapons with high damage.

There is a robot assistant here that can be reprogrammed. The terminal for this purpose is in the center of the room. It will need to be hacked. In case of an unsuccessful hack, remember that the robot is attacking you. After killing the Legendary Ghoul, return to Greentop and report to the residents about the successful completion of the mission.

Sweatshop: Greenskins

Move to a place called "Sweatshop". It is located in the northern part of the map. Intelligent Ghouls live in this place. Find Wiseman and chat with him about everything. He will tell you about the mayor of Diamond City, who kicked out intelligent ghouls. Wiseman complains about super mutants living nearby and constantly looting ghouls. Having opened the journal, select this task and move along the map to the indicated place.

At first glance, the task sounds simple. But you will be surprised that in the place you need to clear, there can be two Legendary Super Mutants at once. More precisely, one Legendary Super Mutant and one Legendary Robot. To kill them, your character must be highly upgraded and well equipped. And some combat tips:

Don't try to kill two legendary enemies at the same time,
kill normal enemies first,
Take with you a powerful legendary weapon.

When you kill everyone, then go to Wiseman and talk. Now you can use the sweatshop workshop. The most interesting thing is that Wiseman is ready to become a member of the Minutemen. Return to Sanctuary and chat with Preston Garvey. The quest will be completed.

Inner work

This quest will be available only if Sturges helped you during the construction of the teleport for the quest "Molecular Level". Start the quest "Closed Institution". At the Institute, access the terminal and insert the hologram record, then delete the data. Complete the rest of the main quest objectives and then return to Sturges. You can give the hologram recording to any of the factions. This will not prevent you, for example, from collaborating with the Minutemen in the future.

The Minutemen's Choice

This quest will be available if you have been expelled from the Institute for any reason. This can happen, for example, if you refuse Father's first offer. Chat with Harvey Preston on all possible topics. Garvey will either say that you need people (you need to take control of at least eight settlements), or that you already have all this. In the second case, Garvey will also report that the Institute is going to attack the Castle. After that, the next quest will be activated.

Castle Defense

After you have eight settlements, this quest can be taken either in a conversation with Preston Garvey, or upon returning to the Castle. Listen to the Radio Liberty frequency to find out where the intruders will attack from. When defending the castle, pay attention to the state of the generators and synthetics that will teleport through the walls. This is a long and drawn out battle. You must carefully prepare for it by building the defense of the Castle. First, repel the attack of the Institute, and then talk to Preston and Ronnie Shaw.

Ending for the Minutemen

So, your relationship with the Minutemen has reached its climax. The next step is an attack on the Institute. Chat with Preston and Sturges, who will tell you that there is another way to the Institute. The data you stole during the "Inside Job" quest revealed some interesting facts.

Head to the river in Cambridge, east of Greentech Genetics. It is recommended to take with you power armor or a radiation protection suit. Dive into the water and swim towards the marker. Activate the keyboard. After opening the gate, go down through the pipe to access the sewers. Follow the arrows through the sewers. Hack the terminal and the lock on the door, go through the hole in the wall. Follow the security door to the northeast of the first passage. Get to the open pipe and follow through it to get to the Institute. Open the hatch to get inside.

Download the sequence Sturges gave you. So Preston will be able to teleport to the Institute. Talk to him to get the device. Pass through the specified area, killing all the synthetics that get in the way. Follow through the hatch to get into the biological research laboratory. Move towards the reactor. Press the central elevator button to enter Father's room. You will receive a password from him or you will have to hack the terminal. Perform one of the two actions and activate the lock. When Preston asks for a favor, then choose whether to help him or not.

Go back to go to the reactor room. If you have not evacuated the center, you will encounter synthetics and scientists. Access the reactor door and activate the hull. Sturges will teleport you to the control room. Talk to Preston, after which Sturges will talk about some child nearby. Chat with him, after which you will have a choice:

Agree to save him, after which Sturges will look after him,
say that the child must stay.

Move to the roof of the Mass Fusion building where you can press the button to complete the mission. Chat with Harvey Preston to complete the last task and see the ending.

United Forces

This quest will only be available when the Brotherhood has become hostile towards you. When this happens, talk to Garvey Preston and create artillery mount for defense. You must build these installations in five different settlements that you control. When the installations are in place, then talk to the radio operator of the Minutemen and give the order to open fire. The Brotherhood will counterattack. Defeat them and talk to Preston again to complete the quest and receive a special reward.

Additional quests for the Minutemen
First step

This is another Minutemen faction quest that will allow gamers to visit several new locations, the first of which is Tenpines Bluff. From there, you will need to go to the Korvega plant to clear the building from the raiders.

Talk to the people of Tenpines Bluff

Open your pip-boy and look at the map to see the location of Tenpine's Bluff. You can go there through Concord, or directly through the forest. You can use the dot at the bottom of the screen to move in the right direction. Along the way, kill various opponents. In general, get to the settlement.

Kill the raiders at the Corvega factory

After talking to the villagers, you will need to move south. The place you are going to must be bypassed on the left side. If you flank, you will encounter a minimal amount of Ghouls. These are not such dangerous opponents, but if you do not have good weapons it's best not to mess with them. When you get to the factory, try to find a door other than the main entrance. By the way, nearby there is a passage with one guard and a turret. Be careful as there are other raiders on the rooftops. Don't rush, kill them one by one.

When you get to the factory, then kill the opponents in the first rooms using the shotgun. Pay attention to the fountains that will allow you to restore health. The plant itself is a kind of labyrinth, therefore, it is meaningless to describe all the movements from room to room. Use the shotgun in most cases, as the opponents will attack you from close range. Search their bodies for loot. Use Molotov cocktails and grenades to kill enemies in cover.

After clearing the top floor, exit through the door to the roof and kill another dozen raiders. If you kill all the raiders on the rooftops, but your mission objective does not update, then just go back inside the building and look for the remaining enemies.

Report to the residents of Tenpines Bluff on the successful completion of the mission

When the job is done, then search the factory, collect useful items, and then leave the building through any door. Open the map and fast travel to Tenpines Bluff. Inform the inhabitants of the village about the successful sweep.

return service

Move to the Abernathy farm and get this task. First, you are ordered to retrieve the medallion located at the Olivia satellite station. Follow the location and talk to Mr. Abernathy. He will tell the story of the raiders who killed their daughter and took the medallion. Move to the station "Olivia" and destroy everyone you see. There will be one raider with power armor, so be careful. On the lower tier, find and take the medallion. Return to the farm and give this medallion to the quest giver. Abernathy will join the Minutemen.