Mines counter battle map. World of Tanks: battle tactics on the Rudniki map. Approximate passing routes for all types of equipment

Will tell you about tactics on the map of Rudniki (Pagorki). All tactics are marked on the map with multi-colored arrows.
Light tanks on the map, Mines often go where the player wants, so these little demons can be expected from any direction. Usually light tanks like to ride from the flanks, because from there they are harder to notice than when they go down the hill in the center.( Yellow)

Artillery on this map in online game World of Tanks often ends up in the same places marked on the map purple circles. In general, when you shoot the purple circle marked 1, you will most likely hit enemy artillery if there is any in the game.

On the map, Mines play a very important role medium tanks. The importance of medium tanks on this map lies in their speed. In general, a fairly convenient and good point on this map is the plateau in the center, so medium tanks try to occupy such an advantageous location as quickly as possible. Sometimes there are cases when medium tanks drive across the island and begin an attack from the flank, this happens in high-level battles. ( Blue color)

Fri-Sau in Rudniki they do not play such an important role as in other territories. The main locations of tank destroyers are indicated green circles. Also, sometimes tank destroyers come from the direction of the city.

Well, the most massive heavy tanks on the map Rudniki often travel along three routes:

1) through the city. (red)
2) following the medium tanks, up the mountain. (red)
3) by water - between the island and the hill. (red)

How exactly heavy tanks will play depends on the presence of artillery on this map, so the tactics can be quite different.

Concerning rushes, then you don’t often see such tactics on the Rudniki map, although the ideal option is to rush through the center due to several advantages:

1) occupation of the slide, and this is a good position.
2) the shortest and fastest route to the enemy base.
3) your tanks will not be visible until you climb out onto the hill.

Mines – semi-open summer world map of Tanks with a high hill in the center. From both respawns there are approaches leading to it, perfectly shot from the “balconies” of each respawn. Opposite the entrance to the hill, at the left end of the map, there is an island and a lighthouse - an excellent place to organize a breakthrough to enemy artillery and enemy rear lines. To the right of the “mountain” there is a village - a favorite place for skirmishes heavy tanks. The small area of ​​the map allows you to start a firefight at close range from the first minutes of the battle, and the central hill will be an excellent place to fire at enemies from a hill and organize a move to the rear.

There are 3 main directions on the map:

- village;
- "lighthouse".

Let's take a closer look at the tactics of combat in all directions on the Rundiki map in World of Tanks.


Key point on the map. The team that captures it is almost guaranteed to win the battle. This is due to the extremely favorable location of the “mountain”. From it, all other directions, as well as the respawns of opponents’ bases, can be shot through without any problems. From the mountain it is very convenient to go behind the rear of tanks that have occupied a village, or to break through to enemy artillery in a fast tank. “Mountains” are optimally suited for capturing fast tanks, for example ST and LT, however, depending on how much attention the enemy team pays to the hill, even TTs can occupy the “mountain”. This only applies to fast heavyweights - the rest of the TTs should go to the village.

The mountain is most strategically advantageous in a standard battle, but in no case should you forget about it in a counter battle. Even if you and your team occupy the village and begin to capture the base, enemy tanks that have occupied the mountain can easily descend from it and destroy you and your allies.


The favorite direction of armored tanks and thick-skinned tank destroyers. The dense accumulation of buildings in this part of the map makes it possible to conduct a battle similar in type to an urban one. Tanks in the village are extremely vulnerable - if the opponents have occupied the mountain, then the allies in the village are virtually doomed and will be shot alternately, either from the mountain or from the village.

In counter combat mode, the base is located in the village. In this battle mode, the importance of the village as a direction increases significantly. To win the battle, your team needs to capture the mountain and at the same time hold back the village with the forces of the existing TT and AT, and only then, with support from the mountain, either destroy all opponents or win by capture.


“Mayak” is an island separated from the two directions described above by a shallow strait. There is a lighthouse on it, in honor of which the direction received its name. This part of the map is considered secondary, but in no case should it be deprived of attention. The “Mayak” can be used by a light tank or an agile tank tank to break through to the artillery and go behind the main forces, and if several tank tanks work together to organize a breakthrough through the “lighthouse”, then the fate of a seemingly guaranteed victorious battle can change very quickly.

Let's sum it up

Mines are a very interesting and unpredictable map in World of Tanks: every time your team tries to fight according to the rules, everything hangs in the balance. A competent platoon or even one tank in the mines can instantly change the outcome of the battle in favor of its team. Vigilance and mini map are yours best friends in the mines. Try to constantly track the movements of your opponents on the map, predict the locations of possible breakthroughs and ways to prevent them. If you see that there are no enemies in any of the directions, and the position of the allies on the mountain and in the village is not determined, feel free to go for a breakthrough. In the mines, even one tank that finds itself behind enemy lines in time can radically change the situation for the better and reverse the outcome of a seemingly losing battle.

The Rudniki map has been known to World of Tanks players for a long time, although they knew it then under a different name - Pagorki, and visually the map has changed. The size of the map is 800 by 800 meters, and the level of battles is from 1 to 11. But its essence remains the same. The mines are a hilly area with a hill in the center of the map, a body of water (or as players call it "water"), a small village in the upper right corner and an "island" on the left side. We tried different tactics on this map, but still returned to the good old and proven ones. But more on that below. You can divide the map into key points like this.

Approximate travel routes for all types of equipment.

Green dots are strands or PT.

Yellow dots - ST, LT.

Red dots are art.

Red areas are hot spots, key battle sites.

Green arrows indicate shooting directions.

Yellow arrows are directions of ST attack.

Blue arrows are TT attack directions.

Sector 1 is a slide. The most important position on the map. The clock is still ticking, but the composition of the group that will trample up the hill is already known. In the chat there are a lot of shouts of “ST to the hill!”, “Let’s take the hill!”, in short, everything is clear right away. They take it with large forces and it often happens that a good half of the team lays down their violent heads while still on the rise. But the team that takes the hill often wins the battle (although there are exceptions).

Sector 2- the island and the “water” adjacent to it. This is also an important strategic zone. Here it is best to hold back enemy tanks that are rushing to the base through the “water”. Also from here you can clearly see the enemy tanks that are storming the hill, climbing it, they expose the stern and sides. But let's look at attacks from each base separately.


There is no particular difference in the actions of both teams: both of them fly up the hill like a mountain deer in order to be the first to capture advantageous positions. From the second base you can do this faster, as people say (I checked it personally - they don’t lie). There are no specific tips for capturing the hill, but if you take positions on the island before the enemy, you can greatly help your allies. The hill is often stormed by some who are quicker. But it is better to do this only with medium tanks. Heavy tanks are best sent to protect the island and the “water”. A couple of TTs there will hold off the enemy quite easily. It is best for the main group of heavy tanks to go to square D7, D8. The presence of buildings will save them from enemy fire and bring the battle closer to the urban type of battles (which is much more familiar to them). But there is one thing. If the st-hams fail to take the hill, then the heavies under the mountain will have a hard time.

Guide to the map of Rudniki.

An attack from first base is basically the same thing - capturing the mound.

It is best to cover the island with 2-3 strands. And they will help these tanks. CT, similarly to the second rep, must also capture the hill. Large gravitational forces go downhill into square D7, D8.

The high hill in the center of the map is a key point on the map. Despite the difficulties in occupying it, it dramatically improves the position of the winning team. The village northeast of the hill and the island west of it, despite a number of advantages, remain vulnerable to fire from the center. Name in the battle recording file: hills.


The key position on the map is the mountain. From it you can control almost everything game card. It is at the entrance to the mountain that fierce resistance ensues from the very first minutes of the battle. Two alternative routes go through the village and water. The village is a classic route for heavy tanks and an excellent place to organize a defense. Water - an open area - resembles a field on other maps. The island located nearby is good place to organize an ambush.

Light tanks

Light tanks have a chance to break through to enemy artillery along any of the available routes. They can also be the first to drive up the mountain and illuminate self-propelled guns from there or temporarily distract enemy medium tanks until the allies approach. Less common are non-standard tactics, such as passive light from the island.

Medium tanks

The main tactic of medium tanks in Rudniki is a rapid rush up the mountain. However, there is always a risk of running into heavy tanks that also went to capture the mountain, or of coming under fire from self-propelled guns if they managed to take a position and converge. Other possible tactics: supporting allies in the village, where, however, there is a high risk of death from tank destroyers, who usually engage in protracted battles. Passage on water: slides and boulders provide excellent cover from artillery, but there you can be ambushed by enemy ST or PT. The situation is similar with the island: there are more stones there for cover from artillery tanks and tank destroyers, but it is better covered by self-propelled guns.

Heavy tanks

Classic tactics for heavy tanks in Rudniki: attack through the village. As a rule, a long positional battle of top TTs ensues in the area of ​​the hill's bend. Often heavy tanks help medium tanks capture a mountain by firing from behind the rocks on the way up to it. A TT climbing a hill is a very easy target for all types of equipment, so occupying the hill with heavy weights is an extremely risky tactic. TTs can also be found on the water, but this tactic has no obvious advantages, except that on the coastline the risk of dying from self-propelled guns is minimal.

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery units

Positions marked on the minimap as “Balcony” are ideally suited for tank destroyer operations. Almost half of the map is covered from the northern balcony; the southern one also has good potential for defense, but only West Side cards.

Self-Propelled Artillery Mounts

The map is poorly suited for artillery operations. The chances of detection and destruction in the first minutes of the battle are extremely high. The choice of position is not great - the self-propelled guns only have a small area in the base area. In such conditions, counter-battery fire is very effective, so experienced players never forget to move after a shot. The "bedside table" at the northern base is suitable for the location of stealthy low-level artillery: in the back of the hill there is a recess where it is convenient to hide the body of a small vehicle. In addition, there are often allied tanks and tank destroyers there, which will provide cover in case of danger.

A useful solution would be to distribute the sectors of fire: almost simultaneously it is necessary to control the approach to the mountain and the mountain itself, as well as the village and the water. In addition, enemy artillery may appear on the radar at any moment. Remember: self-propelled guns are not only damaging, but they also intimidate the enemy. The enemy often loses his restraint from having to think about two things at the same time: about the opponents around him and about the artillery fire.

The Rudniki map has been known to World of Tanks players for a long time, although they knew it then under a different name - Pagorki, and visually the map has changed. The size of the map is 800 by 800 meters, and the level of battles is from 1 to 11. But its essence remains the same. The mines are a hilly area with a hill in the center of the map, a body of water (or as players call it "water"), a small village in the upper right corner and an "island" on the left side. We tried different tactics on this map, but still returned to the good old and proven ones. But more on that below. You can divide the map into key points like this.

Approximate travel routes for all types of equipment.

Green dots are strands or PT.
Yellow dots - ST, LT.
Red dots are art.
Red areas are hot spots, key battle sites.
Green arrows indicate shooting directions.
Yellow arrows are directions of ST attack.
Blue arrows are TT attack directions.

Sector 1 is a slide. The most important position on the map. The clock is still ticking, but the composition of the group that will trample up the hill is already known. In the chat there are a lot of shouts of “ST to the hill!”, “Let’s take the hill!”, in short, everything is clear right away. They take it with large forces and it often happens that a good half of the team lays down their violent heads while still on the rise. But the team that takes the hill often wins the battle (although there are exceptions).

Sector 2- the island and the “water” adjacent to it. This is also an important strategic zone. Here it is best to hold back enemy tanks that are rushing to the base through the “water”. Also from here you can clearly see the enemy tanks that are storming the hill, climbing it, they expose the stern and sides. But let's look at attacks from each base separately.


There is no particular difference in the actions of both teams: both of them fly up the hill like a mountain deer in order to be the first to capture advantageous positions. From the second base you can do this faster, as people say (I checked it personally - they don’t lie). There are no specific tips for capturing the hill, but if you take positions on the island before the enemy, you can greatly help your allies. The hill is often stormed by STs and some faster ones. But it is better to do this only with medium tanks. Heavy tanks are best sent to protect the island and the “water”. A couple of TTs there will hold off the enemy quite easily. It is best for the main group of heavy tanks to go to square D7, D8. The presence of buildings will save them from enemy fire and bring the battle closer to the urban type of battles (which is much more familiar to them). But there is one thing. If the st-hams fail to take the hill, then the heavies under the mountain will have a hard time.

Guide to the map of Rudniki.

An attack from first base is basically the same thing - capturing the mound.

It is best to cover the island with 2-3 strands. Yes, and anti-tank guns will help these tanks. CT, similarly to the second rep, must also capture the hill. Large gravitational forces go downhill into square D7, D8. Arta can also help the heavies by throwing them from the base to the mountain or to the city. That's all the wisdom.