Watch the walkthrough of the game lucius. Passage of the main and additional missions. Controls in the game Lucius

If you are having problems with Walkthrough Lucius, you can always use our advice and information for action. We detail the steps you need to follow to complete the game. Lucius. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Passage of Lucius read on our website.

First mission- Take the lock, close the door and there is a button to the left of the door to supply cold, press it. Watch the cutscene with the devil and the death of the maid, then press M (map), follow the sign, return to the scene of the crime, take the lock.

Second mission- Go to the hall according to the sign, on the way near the full man, take the screwdriver and go to the kitchen, break the stove with a screwdriver there. Then follow to the hall, coming up from the back to the victim, pick up the matches. Then the devil will teach you how to move objects, destroy them and turn on the technique.

Third mission- Follow the signs to the bathroom as usual, take the wrench and break the piano. Then find a pen in one of the rooms and change the employee's schedule. When he starts repairing the piano, use telekinesis on the musical instrument.

Fourth mission- You need to complete mom's tasks in order to get a ouija board (brush your teeth, put away toys and take out the trash, also put the boxes at the request of the butcher in the room where the first murder was committed. Then take the light bulb from the cabinet where you took the screwdriver. Go to the butcher and with use telekinesis to break the lamp, then give the bulb to the butcher, he will start screwing it in. Use telekinesis on the right end of the saw.

Fifth mission- Follow the route indicated on the map. After seeing a new victim, return to your room and use the board to get a hint. You will need to poison Agnes. Go to the service room, which is located behind the bar. Seeing the poison next to Alistair, go to sleep, because you can’t get it just like that. Waking up at night, a kind of stealth mission will await you, you need to return and pick up the poison, while not being seen by the inhabitants of the house. Then when you get the poison, in the morning put it quietly in the bread in the kitchen, watch the video and then the devil will teach you how to control people.

Sixth mission- Now you need to kill Alistair. First, talk to him and bring wine from the cellar. Go back to your room, use the board and take the red bottle from the shelf, fill it with water. Go to the courtyard through the living room, pick up the adapter from the socket with garlands along the way. Then pour water over the steps with snow. Alistair will fall, and use telekinesis to drop an icicle on him.

Seventh mission- Use the board and get a hint. See Jovita. Follow your uncle's room, there you will find a camera (get telekinesis from the shelf), photo paper and a map of the secret room. Insert photo paper into the camera and go to Jovita's room, follow the corridor, opening the right door, you will catch your uncle with his mistress. Quietly take a photo of them, put the photo in Jovita's room and evidence from past murders. When the aunt sees the incriminating photos, she will go to the balcony. Control her mind and make her jump from the railing.

Eighth mission- Follow in secret room and take the poison there, which lies on the table. Then talk to Mike and bring him the tape (in the uncle's room). Gather your laundry and take it to the laundry. In the pantry, take the whiskey and find Tom. Mix poison with alcohol, sneak quietly and put the bottle next to a relative. Watch the video, then the devil will teach you how to erase people's memories.

Ninth mission- First, go to the school office, take glue from the table. Follow the street to the gardener. Find a stone in the garden and hide it where the sign will be lit. Antonia will try to fix the broken lawnmower during work, use mind control on him, watch the cutscene. At night, the devil will appear again and teach you how to set things on fire.

Tenth mission- Wake up and sneak quietly into the secret room. Glue the bowls there, put them right. Light the candles, tie the journalist with a belt (you can take it to the left of the shelves with bowls). Return to the place where you saw the grandfather, take the dagger from the box and kill the relative.

Eleventh mission- Flip the crosses, shoot the journalist with fire until he dies.

Twelfth mission- Go to the school office. Complete the teacher's task (just solve the usual equation), bring him a book, then go help your father. Find the papers from the parents' bedroom and the key, return to the father. When he leaves, open the nightstand with the key, enter 6 - 6 - 19 - 66 on the safe, take the gun. Find ammo in the desk drawer and load the weapon. Put a gun on the teacher and use the ability to control a person, let him shoot himself.

Thirteenth mission- Hang the crosses on the way to the laundry so as not to lose your abilities. Put the iron in the washing machine using telekinesis. Your victim Susan will go to the shower, follow her. Enter the room to the right of the bathroom, raise the poster in the left corner and watch the victim. When she gets in the shower, drop the hair dryer into the water.

Fourteenth mission- Break the washing machine again. Near the car, take a rag and moisten it with the solvent that lies next to it. Make Will turn off the air conditioner (the control panel is to the right of the laundry room). Then go back to the garage, make the mechanic use a rag, he will fall. Use telekinesis to turn on the machine.

Fifteenth mission- Go down to the garage. On the shelf of the stylage, open the gas canister and pour it over the bound Will, setting him on fire with the help of his superpower.

Sixteenth mission- Take the fuse (located on the shelf where the stairs leading to the wine cellar) and use it on the brush (located where the cages are). Take the gun in the shed and use the nails on it (on the shelves, in the same place as the gun). Turn on the compressor and shoot nails at it. Put the gun on the bench, stand behind mom. When the father comes to the bench, make Charles take the gun. Watch the video.

Seventeenth mission- Use telekinesis to control the busts, then lift the article on the right with the power of thought and send it to the chandelier.

Eighteenth mission- Shoot the priests with fireballs. Move towards the laundry and fight off the pursuers. When you get to the slanted pillar (to the right of the stairs), lure your father under it and use telekinesis to throw it off. Watch the final video.

Note: You can do housework earlier. Ouija board can be used at the beginning of each quest.

  • 9. Neighbor's grass is greener, ours is redder (Gardener Antonio)
  • 15. I am the lord of hellfire, and I call on you (mechanic Will)
  • Interface

    WASD - movement, the camera can be moved with the left mouse button.

    M - map of the house (shows the route to the next victim). The map has a red triangle in the upper left corner of the screen, by clicking on it, you will see a plan of one of the three floors.

    Q - a notebook with tasks and hints.

    E - inventory, items are selected with the mouse wheel.

    LMB - take an item, open the door. Active items are highlighted in yellow.

    Combining items - open inventory, select the first item (mouse wheel), right-click on it (it will turn red), then select the second item and right-click on it.

    Apply an item - select it in the inventory, then click LMB on the place on the screen where you want to apply it.

    Remove the item in inventory, throw an unnecessary item on the floor - RMB.

    Left Shift - run.

    Skipping videos - hold down the "Space".

    Switching abilities - on the keyboard 1 (normal), 2 (telekinesis), 3 (mind control), 4 (memory control), 5 (set fire).

    The game is saved only after fully completed chapters. You can lose the game, then you have to start the chapter again.

    Be sure to explore the house during the daytime, because. in the future, you will have to accurately navigate in complete darkness or in tasks for a while. Icons on the map give clues to where things are located.

    To receive tasks from characters, click on them with LMB.

    There are three power-ups in the game that can be earned by completing tasks around the house.

    1. It's cold as hell (maid Marie)

    Take the padlock from the table. Go to the refrigerator door, close it and put a padlock on the door. Click on the temperature control to the left of the door.

    At night, during a conversation with Lucifer, go to the table and take a notebook from the table. Nearby is a flashlight and batteries. Take them to inventory and combine. Go to the door. Look on the map for directions and keep a flashlight handy if you can't see clearly. The map shows the route to the next victim.

    We need to go down to the kitchen. Now all the doors, except those leading to the kitchen, are locked (their outlines are red). You are on the third floor in the west wing (on the map, Lucius's room is marked with a smiley). There is an arrow on the map that shows your current location.

    Go down the corridor to the left to the door by the window. It leads to the living room with an archway, in which the window has a door to the stairs. Below you will find yourself on a platform with three doors. Open the left door ("DINING ROOM") and enter the dining room. The door on the right wall - to the kitchen ("KITCHEN"). Remove the lock from the refrigerator door and put it in inventory.

    2. Smoking kills (Jean family friend)

    Lucius' mother Nancy will walk around the house. If you talk to her (click on her), then you will receive new tasks around the house and you can earn bonuses. These tasks are optional. There are three bonus gifts in total (or 300 points), and tasks in the game are planned for four gifts (400 points). Also, several tasks are given by residents of the house - it is more profitable to do them, because. they cost more.

    Here is the list (you can choose the ones you like, for a total of 300 points):

    "Clean up the room" (Nancy). You need to pick up five toys in your room and throw them into the box. Give 50 points.

    "Brush your teeth" (Nancy). You need to find a bathroom on the third floor, take a toothbrush to the left of the sink and apply it to the faucet. Give 25 points. The bathroom is located in the corridor near the living room, marked as "WC" on the map. Nearby is a locked door, marked with a question mark on the map.

    "Move boxes of meat" (butcher Jed, only in the 4th chapter). You need to click on Jed so that he gives the task to help move the boxes of meat to the refrigerator in the kitchen. Take the box at the door and with it in your hands run to the kitchen in the refrigerator. The box only counts when you drop it on the floor. 10 points are given for each box, 4 boxes in total.

    "Find a bottle of wine 33 years old" (butler Alistair, from the 4th to the 6th chapter). You can talk to Alistair and bring him a 1933 bottle from the wine cellar. To get to the wine cellar, it is more convenient to go through main entrance and through the right door in the hallway is the laundry room ("UTILITY ROOM"). From it on the right there is a door to the garage ("GARAGE"), and on the left - to the central staircase. There is only one door in the garage - to the pantry ("STORAGE ROOM"), from which there is a staircase down to the wine cellar ("VINE CELLAR").

    The desired bottle is on the top shelf on the central stand. It must be knocked down with telekinesis, and then found on the floor and taken in hand. You cannot put the bottle in inventory, so if you want to take it to Alistair, run with the bottle in your hand.

    Give 60 points.

    "Take out the trash" (Nancy, after completing the cleaning and brushing tasks, from chapter 5). You need to find a black bag in the kitchen in one of the drawers under the sink and take it to the trash can, which stands on the street behind the barn near the east wing. Garbage cannot be put in inventory, you have to carry it in your hands. When you get to the trash cans, RMB drop the trash bag on the ground and open the two lids of the right trash can. Then telekinesis throw the bag into the tank.

    Give 25 points.

    "Find Nancy's earrings" (Nancy). They were stolen by the maid Jovita, and they are in a box on the table in her room (second floor, next room under the stairs). By giving the earrings to Nancy, you will receive 50 points.

    "Pack up the laundry" (Nancy). We need to find some underpants and socks and take them to the laundry. Under the laundry window are two baskets - with white and colored linen. For each shorts and socks give 10 points. These things cannot be put into the inventory, and you will have to run along the corridors with shorts in your hand. Some shorts are in the parent's bedroom, a sock is in Tom's room, the rest of the underpants and socks are in the servants' rooms on the second floor under both stairs (6 items in total).

    An alternative to shorts and socks is the following task:

    "Help the mechanic" (mechanic). You need to go down to the garage and get a task from the mechanic - to find a mount. It lies in the pantry next to the central torn lattice door, but before you go there, remove the keys from the wall. The pry bar is a cross-shaped wheel wrench, but as soon as you touch it, the grill will close. To do this, you need the keys from the wall (otherwise you will have to get them with telekinesis). Give 60 points.

    The gifts are: a magic board with clues, a box with six fireballs, a bicycle.

    Now, actually, the current task. Go down to the dining room and go to Jin, who is watching TV. Go behind him and steal the matches. He will immediately begin to look for a light, and go to the kitchen. Follow him. It turns out that one of the burners of the stove is faulty. Go up to the living room (where the janitor is fixing the lamp) and take the screwdriver from the table (you need to put it in the RMB inventory). Go down to the kitchen, LMB take out the screwdriver and use it on the stove. This is a timed task, because Jin enters the kitchen at certain intervals, and if he sees you with a screwdriver in his hand, the game will end.

    If you haven't been caught, move away from the stove and wait for Gene.

    3. Mood - death (cleaner Ivor)

    At night, Lucifer will teach you telekinesis (key 2). Hover over the green car, hold LMB and drag the mouse - the car will move. Similarly, with the left mouse button pressed, throw the car into the box. Then, also holding LMB, break the cup and turn on the radio.

    In the afternoon, go down to the first floor bathroom (marked as "WC" on the map). To do this, you need to go down to the dining room and open the double doors on the left wall. You will find yourself in a corridor with two doors. The left door is the bathroom.

    Click on the cleaner Ivor. When he sits on the floor, take three wrenches from the toolbox, and a pen from the table next to the notebook. Return to the dining room and inspect the piano - Lucius should comment on what the bolts on the pedals are on? inches. Here, too, you can get caught, because. Nancy periodically enters the dining room, so be careful. Find in the inventory the key to? inches and apply to the piano pedals. Return to the bathroom and write down a new assignment in the janitor's notebook (pen on notebook). Go to the dining room and wait until Ivor crawls under the piano. Press key 2 and use telekinesis on the piano.

    4. Sharp Blade (Butcher Jed)

    From this chapter, you can freely walk around the house, because. all doors will be open.

    Go down to the first floor and open the freezer door ("COLD ROOM").

    Hide behind the boxes near Jed's desk and telekinesis smash the light bulb behind him.

    Jed will demand to bring him a new light bulb. Go to the third floor to the living room and from the table where you took the screwdriver, take the light bulb in pink packaging. Give it to Jed. When he gets on the saw, telekinesis turn it on (white box).

    5. Healthy eating (head maid Agnes)

    Now the doors to the street are open to you. In this task, you need to find the head maid who works in the east wing on the third floor. There are two ways to get there.

    The first way is to go down to the dining room, go outside, run across the courtyard to the opposite door to the east wing. You will find yourself in a billiard room. To the right is a bar counter, behind which is a corridor in which Alistair the butler sits. After running past it, you will see two doors, the right one leads to the stairs. Climb to the third floor and exit to the balcony above the library with stained glass windows. You need to go along the balcony and open the door in the corridor next to the toilet.

    The second way is to go through the parent's bedroom, open the door in the corridor opposite the bedroom and go down to the second floor. This corridor connects the western and eastern wings of the house. Under the stairs on both sides are the servants' rooms, there are two exits to the main staircase ("LOBBI"). Cross the corridor and go up to the third floor. Turn left and find the toilet. Agnes' door is on the left, opposite the balcony.

    Get inside. Agnes will automatically say that she wants to eat. If you haven't found Alistair yet, run across the balcony to the very left passage and find the door to the stairs. Below you will see the butler.

    Rats run at Alistair's feet, there is a plate and next to it is a jar of rat poison. It is impossible to take it, because. it's daytime (you should try to take the jar so that Lucius decides to steal it at night).

    Return to Lucius' room. Night falls automatically. Go out into the corridor and go to the living room, because. the parent's bedroom door is locked. As soon as you open the door to the corridor, Nancy will come out of the bedroom. We need to act very quickly.

    There is a small closet in the living room in which you need to hide and close the door behind you (if you don't make it in time, the game will end). Wait and listen carefully: Nancy will walk through the living room and open the door. Only after that go down to the dining room. Mother is in the kitchen, there is no need to go there.

    Run into the courtyard to the door to the billiard room. There is a policeman smoking under the street lamp. Sneak up to him from the back (very carefully, step by step) and break the lantern with telekinesis.

    The policeman will go to the lamp and turn his back. Carefully along the window and walk to the door to the billiard room. Open the door (now you can run again) and take the jar of rat poison. As soon as you put it in your RMB inventory, morning will come and you will be back in Lucius's room.

    Go down to the kitchen. Pay attention to the maid, who takes cakes from the breadbasket and goes with a tray to Agnes. Wait for the maid to leave (don't get caught by Nancy's eyes) and quickly use the jar of poison on the bread box LMB.

    At night, you will receive a new skill from Lucifer - "mind control" (key 3). You can force a person to bend to his will by clicking on the person first, then on an item, and force him to use that item. Both actions must be done very quickly, until the power scale in the lower left corner of the screen is discharged.

    Watching the intro

    Controls in the game Lucius

    Game control Lucius standard. Use the WASD keys to move. Running is enabled by holding down the Shift key. Access to the notebook with tasks using the Q key. The map is standardly placed on the M key, and the flashlight on F. With the left mouse button, Lucius can pick up an item, and with the right mouse button, he can throw it. Access to the inventory by pressing the E key. Inventory allows you to combine items as follows: select the first item in the inventory and press right button mouse, then turn the wheel to the second item and press the right mouse button again.

    All of Lucius' abilities are on the following number keys:

    Normal skills - key 1.
    Telekinesis - key 2.
    Control - key 3.
    Erase memory - key 4.
    Pyrokinesis - key 5.

    The currently selected ability is displayed in the lower left corner of the screen with the corresponding icon. All unusual abilities (2-5) are applicable by Lucius only at the maximum level of power (the scale next to the ability). Crosses affect the scale, but if they are turned over, then Lucius's level of power will be restored to the maximum level. Strength is also spent on using abilities.

    All actions of Lucius must be invisible to others, otherwise the mission will have to start over. For convenience, there is a special detection indicator at the bottom - a white shining circle. It just starts to shine if someone notices you. Since there are no saves in the game, and loading locations are only at the end of a chapter, be especially careful not to go through the same chapter over and over again.

    Passage Lucius. Bonus Items

    From time to time you can go to classes with a local teacher or run errands for residents of the house. As a gift for diligent behavior, you will be given several items:
    1. Ouija board- will give you tips for completing the main tasks.
    2. Lucifer's box- will show active places on the map, thereby also giving certain tips. The number of times of use is limited and equal to 6 per chapter.
    3. Bike- a means of transport that allows you to move around the house much faster.

    Prologue - June 6, 1966

    Passage of Lucius begins with a cutscene of Lucius' birth.

    Chapter One - June 6, 1972 - It's cold as hell

    As soon as the prologue ends, press the space bar. With the help of the left mouse button we take the lock from the table, and with the help of the right mouse button we put it in the pocket. Now let's go to the door and close it, then use the right mouse button to take the lock and apply it to the latch. There is a thermostat to the left of the door. Click on it and watch another video.

    June 6, 1972 - later, in Lucius' room

    We take a notebook from the table. After we open the inventory and click at the very top on the name of Mary. Having closed the notebook with the right mouse button, we will take away the flashlight with batteries from the table, which we will connect in the inventory. At this point, we will hear Lucifer's monologue, after which we will remain alone in the room. Use a flashlight as the room will become dark. On the shelf to the left of the door, take the bottle and leave the room. If you open the map, you will see the target location on it. To begin with, turn left and straight along the corridor, then left again and to the very end of the corridor. Having opened the door, to the right of us, we will go into it and find ourselves in the corridor. From where we turn into the first passage on the left. You will have a living room in front of you. Grab a light bulb with a screwdriver on the rack against the wall. There will be a door on the right, go through it. We will go down the stairs, and then we will leave again to the door to the left, and as soon as you enter it, the door to the right. It's a kitchen. We remove the lock from the refrigerator, and Lucius will gain the possibility of telekinesis. The end video of the first chapter.

    Chapter Two - July 12, 1972 - Smoking kills

    The chapter will begin with an introductory video. For some players, at this point, the game starts to glitch and Lucius can get stuck on the floor. It has been empirically proven that in order to prevent this from happening, it is important to collect in the first chapter - a bottle, a screwdriver and a light bulb, but at the same time not to take matches in the dining room before you remove the lock, or, alternatively, in principle, do not collect anything in the first chapter before removing the lock.

    Lucius woke up in his room. In the second chapter of the game Lucius the victim will be the father's partner named Jean. We open the map, we see the goal - we act. Yesterday's way we get through the living room to the dining room. If you go a little further, you will see Father Jin's partner and watch the cutscene. After the video, we immediately approach Jin, as soon as he turns away - we take matches on the table next to him. Jin notices it is missing and goes to the kitchen to light a cigarette there. As soon as he leaves, we lead Lucium to the kitchen. Where we use a screwdriver from the inventory on the stove. As soon as the cursor appears in the form of a hand with a gear, press the left mouse button. As soon as Jin returns to the kitchen, we will see a cutscene.

    July 12, 1972 - Night

    At night, Lucius will be visited again by his father, Lucifer. He will tell you how to use telekinesis. You can turn on telekinesis by pressing the number 2 on the keyboard. First, let's try to pick up a green toy car near the chest. To do this, first press two, and then hold down the left mouse button on the typewriter, holding both keys, move the typewriter to the box that has just appeared. Next, let's try to do the same with the cup - it will break and turn on the radio behind the box. The second chapter ends with the speech of the father.

    Chapter Three - August 4, 1972 - Mood - Death

    By the already familiar route we will reach the dining room. From which through the double doors on the left we go out into the corridor. There we turn left and go to the bathroom. Let's go to the cleaner - watch the video.

    As soon as he falls asleep, we will grab a tool from his box - a couple of keys. Another key lies on the floor, next to the toilet. On the table, take a pencil and apply it to a notebook - add work to it - repair the piano. Now back to the dining room. We use the half inch key on the piano. As soon as the cleaner approaches him, use telekinesis on the piano (hold down both mouse buttons). Roller and the end of the third chapter.

    Chapter Four - September 11, 1972 - A Sharp Blade

    To begin with, let's open the diary - here is a new task for us - tidying up the room. First, with the help of telekinesis, we will put all the cars in a chest. As soon as the behavior indicator reaches one hundred percent, this will mean that you have put all the cars. In the room opposite Lucius' room is the maid, she sends us to the butcher Jed in the cold store.

    Let's go down to the dining room - mom asks to brush her teeth. From the dining room, let's go to the door opposite, where the refrigerator room is located. Let's go to the butcher and watch the video. He asks for help.

    September 11, 1972 - How to brush Lucius' teeth

    In order for Lucius to brush his teeth, you must return to the second floor, through the living room to the left and to the end of the corridor. At the exit from the corridor, open the door to the left and find ourselves in the bathroom. On the map, the bathroom is marked with two Latin letters WC. On the left above the sink we take a brush, apply it to the faucet and you're done!

    September 11, 1972 - How Lucius moves boxes of meat

    Meat boxes are to the left of the entrance to the cold room. We take them and carry them to the refrigerator in the kitchen. Where the maid died at the beginning of the game. When Lucius brushes his teeth and helps the butcher, he will be presented with a Ouija board. Let's use it right away. To do this, we run to our room, put it on the table and click on it. Walkthrough Lucius With the help of Ouija board hints it will be much easier.

    Now let's tackle the main walkthrough of the day. We return to the refrigerator room and stand to the right of the butcher's table. Using telekinesis, we break the lamp behind the butcher's back, then he will ask you to get him a light bulb. If you did not take the light bulb in the first chapter, then return to the living room and take it from the counter opposite the front doors and give it to the butcher. As soon as he climbs onto the table with the saw, change the light bulb, use telekinesis to turn on the cutting table button. Let's watch the video.

    Chapter Five - October 15, 1972 - Healthy Eating

    Now at the beginning of each chapter you can look at the clues on the Ouija board in your room.

    Let's leave the room and look again into the bedroom opposite. We pass it straight ahead and through the door on the left, and then down the stairs and turn left and left again into the door. The maid Agnes will be here. Let's watch the video. Another maid, Jovita, will enter the room with food for Agnes. Let's go get Jovita. She goes through the bedroom to the kitchen. Look at the bread on the table. At that moment (we got it at this moment, but maybe sooner or later, depending on where you meet your mother) your mother will give you the task of taking out the trash.

    October 15, 1972 - How Lucius takes out the garbage

    The kitchen has a cabinet under the sink. Opening it, you will find a bag of garbage. We grab it and take it out into the street through the glass door in the dining room. In the courtyard of the house, first we go to the right, and then to the tool shed. There are two containers next to the barn. Let's open the container, throw the bag on the ground and use telekinesis to send it there. If you don’t want to come back here anymore, you can immediately go into the barn and take a nail gun and nails on the bottom shelf. Combine these items in your inventory. You will need them in chapter 16.

    After traveling to the garbage cans and the barn, we return to the house, to Agnes. Turn right in the hallway and open the door to your right. On the map, it is marked with a glass and an asterisk. Lucius' grandfather is here. At the very end of his room, there is photographic paper on the bedside table - we take it, and on the shelf we will grab a camera for the seventh chapter. Combine items in inventory. Still on the pedestal additional card. Then we head to the door in the very center of the room, marked on the map "1 + 1". There is a school room here. We approach the teacher. After class, we will get superglue for the tenth chapter from the desk. We return to our grandfather, where we will meet our mother again. Now she has lost her earrings and asks to find them.

    October 15, 1972 - How Lucius can help Alistair

    Another additional task is to help Alistair. To do this, we leave the grandfather's room into the corridor with the classroom, and go through it to the end. At the end of the corridor, open the door opposite the bookshelf. Let's find a ladder, which, going down, we get to the pantry, behind the bar. There is Alistair in the pantry, who will ask for help. He needs to bring a bottle of wine. From the pantry through the right opening to the bar counter. We leave the room through the glass doors to the street. We go around the house on the right to the double glass doors. We go into the house and to the right to the door. This is a laundry room, the right door of which will lead us to the desired garage. Another door to the right and forward to another room, where you can take the fuse for the sixteenth chapter from the shelf. Nearby there should be a ladder, along which we will go down.

    Continue down the tunnel to the wine cellar. Here Lucius is looking for a 1933 wine. In the middle, a sign is torn off on the rack, we go around this rack on the left and use telekinesis to pick up a bottle of wine from the very top. She looks different, and the only one that is subject to telekinesis)) By the way, drop the bottle. See what happens to her! In the end, we will give the bottle to Alistair and take on my mother's earrings.

    October 15, 1972 - How can Lucius find earrings for his mother?

    We return to the corridor between the two wings of the house and go into the opening under the stairs. The female servants live on the left, and the men on the right. Lost and found in the middle. Let's look there first and take a cassette from the bureau drawer. Earrings of matter are in the first room at the entrance, on the table. We pick them up and give them to the mother, and we ourselves return to our room.

    October 15, 1972 - Night

    Lucius will wake up in the middle of the night. Let's take him out of the room and send him to the left to the corridor with the living room. We are watching a video that Lucius' mother is still awake, so keep in mind that if she notices you, the round will have to start over from the moment Lucius woke up. Let's go into the living room and take cover on the right in the pantry. Don't forget to close the door behind you. After waiting a bit, you will hear first steps, and then the creak of the door. Let's go! We will send Lucius to the door to the stairs. We go down it into the dining room, then into the courtyard. On the left side of the house, so that the shadow covers Lucius, we go around the building and get to the right side. There is a policeman smoking here. Quietly approach at a distance so that there is an opportunity to break the lantern above his head. We immediately hide behind a tree and make our way to the bushes. Telekinesis - on the lantern, the policeman will bend down, and Lucius - behind the tree. The policeman should step aside. Now the goal of Lucius is to quickly run to the door and open it, while not stepping on the dug up ground (it will be noisy). They ran and immediately to the right. There, behind the bar, we take rat poison.

    October 16, 1972 - Morning

    We wake up and go to the kitchen. Rat poison on the bread on the table on the right. We will be shown another video, and Lucius will acquire a new ability - mind control.

    October 16, 1972 - Night

    Father will visit Lucius again. Lucifer will teach his son the Mind Control ability. Key 3 and the left mouse button on the dark shape on the right. It is necessary to force the figure to take an object from the floor. To do this, click the left mouse button on the shape, and then quickly move the cursor to the object and press the left mouse button again.

    Chapter Six - December 24, 1972 - Slipping on a holiday

    Chapter six also starts with a cutscene. The target of this chapter is the butler, Alistair, who has gone out for wine again. If the bottle from the shelf in Lucius's room is not yet in your inventory, correct this shortcoming. Through the mother's bedroom and the corridor with the stairs, Lucius should be in the corridor between the right and left wings of the house. From there, right into the lobby. Now we go down to the entrance to the house and under the stairs to the right side of the house. You are back in the laundry room. Door to the right - a corridor - a glass door to the street. Further left to the wing, where they took rat poison at night. Here Lucius will find Alistair.

    We watched the video - we go to another part of the house, to the dining room. The whole family is here. From there, through the right door we reach the bathroom, where the cleaner once sat. A bottle on the tap with water and again on the street. An icicle hangs above the front door. Stand with the bottle under the icicle - an arrow will appear, to which we apply the bottle. Further at the entrance, the plug of the garland is inserted into the socket - we take it out and wait for Alistair. As soon as Alistair steps into the water and slips, we use telekinesis on the icicle. Final video.

    Chapter Seven - January 3, 1973 - A Fatal Relationship

    Remember the maid Jovita? This chapter is dedicated to her. And, if you still saw a room with a question mark on the map, then it is now open. Uncle Lucius' underground studio was hidden there.

    We go to the mother's bedroom - Jovita is there. We approach her and do not let go of her sight. Together with her we will reach the room of the female servant. If you go further, you will find things and clothes scattered on the floor. Near the penultimate pile of things, open the door, but do not enter. You need a camera to take pictures of Uncle Tom and another maid who are there. If you already have it, then stand on the side, take it in your hands and point it at the bed. As soon as a yellow rectangle appears, press the left mouse button. In the event that you don’t have a camera yet, run quickly to your grandfather’s room, which is marked on the map with a glass and an asterisk. There on the bedside table you will find a camera and photographic paper. Combine them in inventory and return to take pictures.

    The photo obtained in the inventory must be placed on the table in Jovita's room. And in the right cabinet of the table we will throw rat poison and a lock. Jovita will enter the room, look at the photo and run away. Lucius must run after her. Jovita up the stairs and through the bedroom of Lucius's parents will run to the balcony. Now apply the mind control skill. Pointing first to Jovita and then to the railing. Let's watch the video.

    Chapter Eight - January 23, 1973 - The mind won't take it

    Lucius will begin the eighth chapter by visiting Uncle Tom's room. To do this, let's go into the corridor where the living room is, then through the second door on the left and to the end of the corridor. This will be Tom's room. We enter and see how he drinks. In the pantry in his room, Lucius will find a bottle. Open your diary and Lucius will remember the map taken from his grandfather. If you did not take the card, then run to his room and take it from the cabinet (described in the passage of the fifth chapter). Now let's go into the inventory and look at the map - Lucius will find out about the secret passage in the cellar.

    We go down to the dining room and go into the corridor. Here you will come across a mother who will ask you to help her around the house. Through the door on the right side, the corridor and the second door on the left we reach the laundry room. The driver and the maid are sitting here, they will ask you to look for an audio cassette.

    January 23, 1973 - Where can Lucius find the driver's tape?

    To do this, we will visit the wing of the servants, opposite the room - the lost and found office. That's where the cassette is. We'll return it to the driver. Next, we reach the garage and talk to the mechanic. He lacks a mount.

    January 23, 1973 - Where can Lucius find a mechanic's tire iron?

    Let's send Lucius out the door that leads to the cellar. A key will hang on the left wall - put it in inventory. The second grate on the right and the mount is already with us. But the door slammed shut, that's what the keys are for. If you forgot to take the keys, then use telekinesis. Then we open the door and return the mount to the mechanic.

    January 23, 1973 - Laundry

    In a number of rooms, Lucius came across socks and underpants scattered about at random. There are 10 such things in total. Find them all and take them to one of the laundry baskets next to the window. The one on the left is for whites, and the one on the right is for coloreds. Get a bike as a gift. He will be in Lucius' room. If you want, you can run and look at it.

    January 23, 1973 - Chamber of Secrets

    Now let's get down to the main task of the eighth chapter. To do this, we will penetrate into the wine cellar and look behind the curtain on the far side of the room. There will be a door here. Now it is open. The tunnel - another door - and Lucius will be in the ritual room. Take the bottle on the table in the back of the room. In inventory, combine this bottle with the one we took at the beginning of the chapter for Uncle Tom. On the right wall next to the table you will find an opening, entering which you will find a box, although it will be locked for now. Now back to Tom. As soon as he turns away, we put the bottle on the bed and watch the video.

    January 23, 1973 - Night

    Another lesson from my father. Lucifer will tell his son how to clear people's memory. Everything is done simply and quickly. Key 4 and left mouse button on the figure.

    Chapter 9 - March 20, 1973 - Neighbor's grass is greener, but ours is redder

    We go outside through the dining room, and then to the left to the barn. Talk to Antonio main character ninth chapter. Pick up a stone from the ground. Next, either learn the gardener's trajectory and place a stone in the middle of his path, or simply run around him until an exclamation mark appears so you can throw the stone. So you can break the lawn mower. Antonio decides to check it, and you use telekinesis on the lawn mower from behind. However, you won't succeed. Then just apply control on Antonio and send him to the lawn mower. Watch the video.

    March 20, 1973 - Night

    Again Lucifer will not let Lucius sleep peacefully. That night, Lucius learns pyrokinesis. Key 5 and the left mouse button, then move the cursor and release. Then try to set fire to the dummy, and then "kill" it. Video for the end of the ninth chapter.

    Chapter Ten - April 1, 1973 - Betrayal

    Surprisingly Grandfather woke the chapter begins rather than ends at night. Lucius will be awakened by his grandfather and asked to go to the secret room. From the room we will send Lucius to the balcony to the right. Look through the left door - this is the mother's room, she is sitting in an armchair. Telekinesis to the antenna will distract her. As soon as she leaves the bedroom, enter it and exit through the same door that she left. Continue through the door opposite and down the stairs. Then under the stairs to the servants' room, where Jovita used to live. Here, either you close the door and listen to the conversations and steps of Susan and the policeman, or leave the door open and stand behind it, so you will have the appearance of their absence.

    If you still didn’t take superglue, then as soon as the servant with the flashlight left the door, run to the other end of the corridor. The door to the right wing, again to the right and into the room where Grandfather lives. If the policeman is there, then hide behind the furniture. We go out the door opposite. This is a class, here in the desk we will find superglue. We return Lucius under the stairs.

    If someone still notices you, remember about the new ability - erase your memory. In total, it can be used six times per chapter. From the corridor we will go out into the hall, only carefully, opening the door, check if there is someone there. Further, going down the stairs, we will go to the right, into the laundry room and further into the garage. From there, it is already necessary to get into the utility room on the right, then the wine cellar and, finally, the secret room. They will show a video.

    Grandfather is preparing some kind of ritual and asks Lucius to help. Matches will help light the candles in front of the altar. Take the four bowls on the shelves on the left. The one that is broken, combine with superglue from the grandfather's room. We put the bowls next to the altar in the hollows on the floor, while keeping in mind that the symbol in the hole must match the one on the bowl. Also on the shelves on the left, take the belt and use it on the mounts on the altar. Then enter the opening, where you have already looked at the box. Now open it up and take ritual knife. Give it to your grandfather and watch the final video.

    Chapter Eleven - April 1, 1973 - The Fiery Furnace

    The journalist is untied and will rush around the secret room behind Lucius with a knife. The task of Lucius is not to let the enemy close to him. If possible, at the very beginning, send a couple of fireballs (pyrokinesis) to the journalist until he runs up to you. The journalist will turn over the crosses, so Lucius loses his strength. The strategy is to run away from him and turn the crosses back - shoot, run again and turn over - shoot and so on. Four hits will kill the opponent. Then Lucius will have to turn all the crosses back and watch the final video.

    Chapter Twelve - May 25, 1973 - Practice Shot

    Start in the classroom. Today, Lucius' teacher, James, is the main character. Approach him in the classroom and start the lesson.

    May 25, 1973 - Math lesson

    James will ask questions, and Lucius must give him the card with the correct answer. Correct answers: three - one - two. Next comes the biology class. Pass the book to the teacher from the desk. While he goes to the bookshelf for a biology textbook, we run into the corridor. From the corridor, go to the gallery, then to the left and into another archway, then through the small room and the right door into the office of Father Lucius. Father needs documents from the bedroom. Climb up there and take the documents from the cabinet by the bed. Grab the key there as well. On the TV cabinet, use the key, more precisely on the middle drawer of the cabinet. There is a note with a code. Then we will send Lucius to his father and give him the documents. As soon as the father leaves the office, go to the safe and dial the code - 6-6-19-66 - Lucius was born that day. Click on each number with the left mouse button so that the green light at the bottom lights up. Wrong? - just start over. Take the pistol from the safe. In the cabinet in the father's desk we find cartridges for him and combine them in inventory. Now you can return to the teacher in the classroom. We stand behind the back of the teacher and take the gun in hand, BUT DON'T SHOOT. We put the gun on the table, and we ourselves choose mind control, click first on the teacher, and then on the gun. Let's watch the video.

    Chapter 13 - June 1, 1973 - Curious Tom

    Through the mother's bedroom into the corridor, to the left and into the bathroom, which is on the second floor of the house. Here you will find Syazen - the maid and will be the main character of the thirteenth chapter. The cross in the bathroom must be turned over, then the power scale will be completely filled. After that, we will direct Lucius to the corridor, the lobby and through the right door under the stairs to the laundry room. Here, too, there is a cross that we turn over. Telekinesis will help you take the iron on the shelf above the washing machine. We will send the iron to the machine itself and close it. Then Susan will stop doing laundry and go upstairs to take a shower. Lucius will also need to go upstairs, but not to the bathroom, but to the one next to it, and marked on the map with a question mark. On the left side, bend the edge of the poster and look through the hole that appears to see the bathroom and Susan. If it isn't there yet, it will be there soon. Once Susan is in the bathroom, use telekinesis on the hair dryer and send it to Susan's bath. Final video.

    Chapter 14 - June 6, 1973 - Exhaust gas overdose

    Through the laundry we get into the garage. Michael is here - we'll talk to him. Then return to the laundry room and break the washing machine, as in the previous chapter, by throwing an iron into it. Then mechanic Will will leave the garage. Lucius will walk up to Michael and pick up a can of solvent and a rag from the table. Let's go to the inventory and combine these two items. Now let's go back to the laundry. Here we will find a ventilation panel on the wall, slightly to the left of the washing machines. Control (key 3 + left mouse button on Will and on the panel) will force Will to turn off the ventilation. After we return to the garage and leave the rag behind Michael, he listens to music. Let's use the control again, but this time on Michael and the rag. After inhaling the solvent, Michael will lose consciousness. Further telekinesis on the car and the final video of the fourteenth chapter.

    Chapter 15 - Lord of the Hellfire, I summon you...

    One of the shortest chapters. Lucius goes to the garage and sees Will, who was handcuffed by the policeman Telekinesis - canister - Will, and then pyrokinesis - Will. And the final video of the fifteenth chapter.

    Chapter 16 – American Madman

    In the sixteenth chapter, Lucius will get to his mother. Let's start in the barn, where on the lower shelves you will find a gun and nails, which you will combine in your inventory, provided that you have not already done so. Further through the garage, into the utility room on the right and into the second room near the wine cellar, where you will find the fuse, again, if you have not already done so. In the first room of the utility room, we will put the fuse in the shield in the wall. The cutscene will tell you that there is now light in the barn. We go to the barn, where we turn on the compressor in the outlet. We use the nail gun on the compressor. After we go out into the courtyard and behind the bench so that Lucius's mother does not notice her son. We put the gun between the shed and the bench - the point will be active when you approach it. As soon as the father passes by, with the help of control on the father and the gun, we will finish the sixteenth chapter.

    Chapter 17 - Eliminating Terence

    Only Lucius and the policeman, who is unaware of our intentions, will remain in the room. He thinks that evil spirits have started up in the house. Let's help him figure it out. There are several crosses in the room. First, use telekinesis on the bust near the right cross. The policeman will shoot him and break not only the bust, but also the cross. So one by one we will remove all the busts and crosses. Now telekinesis on a large statue on the right and a fan. Final video.

    Chapter 18 - The end is here

    By this time, Lucius had already set fire to the whole house, but his father returned here with two priests.

    Priests vs. Lucius

    The priests will immediately start attacking Lucius. How to deal with priests? Pyrokinesis! We pass forward - and not reaching the table we send a fireball to them. It is important to hit, otherwise you will die and start the chapter again. If you hit - run from the room through the hall to the laundry room. Turn around and shoot again and back to the hall and the room where you met them. We run until the priests die. Final video.


    But it's not so simple. There was a father with a fire extinguisher in his hands. Here you need to be especially careful, because if the father kills Lucius, the passage will have to start with the priests. The tactics are initially similar - we run, shoot and run again. However, the main goal is to lure the father to the buckled column and, having fired at him, force himself to extinguish. Immediately turn on telekinesis on the column (you need a full scale of strength). The final video of the whole game. This ends Walkthrough Lucius.

    Chapter 1 June 6, 1972
    After the video, press the spacebar to start the tutorial. Take the lock from the table by pressing LMB. Press RMB to hide the lock. Go to the door and close it after selecting it with the mouse (a yellow border will appear around it). Pick up the lock (RMB), go to the latch and apply the lock (LMB) to it. Now move the cursor to the thermostat to the left of the door and click on it. Watch the video.
    Later, in Lucius' room
    Go to the table and take the notebook. Open your inventory, select a notebook, click on the name Mary at the top. Then close your inventory with RMB, and take the flashlight and batteries from the table. Open inventory and combine the flashlight with the batteries. After listening to the end of Lucifer's monologue, Lucius will be alone in the room. If you can't see clearly, use a flashlight. Go to the shelf to the left of the door and take the bottle. Exit the room, open the map, which will show you where you need to go. Turn left and go straight down the corridor, left again and to the end of the corridor. Open the door on the right, enter the corridor and the first passage on the left. You will be in the living room. Take from the rack against the wall opposite the light bulb in the box and a screwdriver. Go to the door on the right wall, open it and you will get to the stairs. Climb down and open the door on the left. Immediately upon entering, turn right and open the door on the right. You will enter the kitchen. Go to the end of the room to the refrigerator door and remove the lock from it. Lucius will have a second ability - Telekinesis. Watch the video.

    Chapter 2 July 12, 1972 Smoking kills
    Watch the video. Sometimes after it in the game there is a glitch Lucius gets stuck up to his shoulders in the floor. To avoid or fix it, you need to collect the above items (bottle, light bulb and screwdriver) in the first chapter and in no case take matches from the far end of the dining room before you get to the castle. The second option: do not take anything and immediately go to the castle, if the glitch repeats, then only collect the above items. (Thanks tape for a hint to the passage of a glitch).
    Lucius wakes up in his room. You need to get rid of the second victim - Jin, father's partner. Open the map to know where to go.
    Follow the same path as at night through the living room until you reach the dining room. Walk forward and turn right to see Jin. Watch the video.
    Now approach Gene, and when he stops looking at Lucius, take the matches from the table next to him. Now Jin has nothing to smoke with and he goes to the kitchen to the stove. Wait for Jin to leave, go to the kitchen, select the screwdriver in your inventory (it will be reflected in the lower left corner). Right click on the plate and the gear hand cursor will appear. Click LMB to apply the screwdriver to the stove. Wait for Jin to return to the kitchen and watch the cutscene.
    Lucius will again come to his real father - Lucifer. He will teach you how to use telekinesis. Select this ability by pressing the number 2 on the keyboard, and try to pick up the green car that appeared near the chest by holding the LMB. Then hold down both keys and move the machine to the box that appears. Now hover over the cup and press both mouse buttons - the cup will break. In the same way, turn on the radio that appears behind the box. Listen to Lucifer's monologue and move on to the next chapter.

    Chapter 3. August 4, 1972 Mood - death
    Go as before to the dining room and enter through the double doors on the left into another corridor. Turn left and go to the bathroom door on the first floor. Go to the cleaner near the toilet and watch the cutscene. Wait for him to doze off and take two wrenches from his drawer and one wrench on the floor near the toilet. Then next to the table, take a pencil and apply to the notebook. Lucius will add "Fix the piano" to the to-do list.
    Exit the bathroom and go to the dining room. Apply a 1/2 inch key to the piano. Wait for the cleaner to approach him and bend over. Go to the front of the piano (where the janitor is standing), turn on telekinesis and use it on the piano (just hold down both mouse buttons).
    Watch the video.

    Chapter 4 September 11, 1972 A sharp blade
    Open the diary, you have a task - to clean the room. Go to the chest and put the cars that lie nearby into it (using the pointer or telekinesis skills). Then pick up two cars at the wall on the right, near the bear.
    The work will be done if the behavior score reaches 50%.
    Enter the room across from Lucius' room. The maid will offer to say hello to Jed the butcher and tell him that he is in the cold room.
    Now again go down to the dining room. Mother will give you the task of brushing your teeth.
    Exit the dining room and go through the door opposite to the refrigerator room. Go to the butcher, watch the cutscene. He will ask you to help move the boxes of meat.
    Brush your teeth
    To brush your teeth, go up to the second floor again, go through the living room, exit and turn left, further along the corridor. Open the door at the end of the corridor, and then the door on the left (you can also find the bathroom on the map, it is marked with the letters WC). Enter the bathroom, go to the sink and take the brush on the left. Apply it to the crane and the task will be completed.
    Move boxes of meat
    To complete the butcher's task, take the boxes of meat to the left of the entrance to the refrigerator room and take them to the kitchen in the refrigerator (where the maid died).
    After completing all the tasks, you will receive a gift - a spirit board. Climb up to your room and click on it on the table. She will give you hints for completing the main tasks - killings.
    Return to the cold room, stand to the right of the butcher's table and use telekinesis on the lamp behind him to break it. The butcher will ask you to bring him a light bulb. If you did not take the light bulb from the living room in the first chapter, then go back there and take it from the table opposite the door. Give the light bulb to the butcher. When he climbs onto the table with the saw, use telekinesis on the cutting table button to change it.
    Watch the video.

    Chapter 5 October 15, 1972 Healthy Eating
    You can look at the clue for the next Ouija board quest.
    Exit the nursery and go to the bedroom opposite. Exit it through the opposite door, then open the first door on the left and go down the stairs. Go straight down the corridor to another staircase, climb it, open the door, enter the corridor, turn left and enter the first door on the left.
    Approach the maid Agnes - this is your next victim. After the cutscene, another maid will enter the room and bring food to Agnes. Follow Jovita, she will go down to the bedroom, stay there for a while, and then go to the kitchen. Note the bread on the counter from which Jovita takes her food.
    As you wander around the house, you might encounter Lucius' mother, who will give him the task of taking out the trash and finding her earrings.
    Take out the trash
    In the kitchen, open the cabinet under the sink and take the bag from the bucket. Go to the dining room, go through the glass door into the courtyard. Go right and then forward to the tool shed. Go past the barn and see two containers near the closed grate. Open the container, drop the sack on the ground and use telekinesis to place it inside. Enter the barn and take the nails for the gun from the lower shelf to the left and the nail gun itself from the shelf to the right of the door. Align the gun with the nails (for chapter 16, optional).
    Return to the house and go to the wing where Agnes is. After entering the corridor, turn right, open the door on the right, enter the room (it is marked on the map with a glass, a figure and an asterisk in the corner). There you will find Grandfather Lucius. Go to the very end of his office, take photo paper on the cabinet, and a camera from the shelf (not necessary, it will come in handy for chapter 7). Combine them together. Also take an additional card from the bedside table. Go through the door at the end of the room (map 1+1) and you will enter the classroom. Approach the teacher to conduct the lesson, then open the desk and remove the superglue from it (for chapter 10, it is better to take it earlier).
    Return to the grandfather's room, meet the mother, who will ask you to find her earrings.
    Help Alistair
    Leave the grandfather's room into the corridor, where the door to the classroom is located. Walk the corridor to the end and open the door opposite the bookshelf. Go down the stairs and go to the storage room behind the bar. Find Alistair there, who will ask you to bring him a bottle of wine. Note the rat poison on the floor, next to the bait bowl. Until you can take it.
    Exit the pantry through the opening on the right, you will find yourself behind the bar. You need to get into the storage, which is located behind the garage. Exit the room through the glass doors to the courtyard. Go right to the double glass doors of the main building, go inside, in the hall go right and open the door. You will find yourself in the laundry room, open the door on the right and enter the garage. Go through the door on the right. Go further forward to the second room, take a 30A fuse from the rack (for chapter 16, not necessary). In the middle, find the stairs and go down.
    Go through the tunnel and enter the wine cellar. You need to find 1933 wine. Examine the rack in the middle from the end and see that the top plate on the left is torn off. She will lie on the floor. Go around the shelf on the left side and use telekinesis to take the bottle on the topmost shelf. It is different from the rest and the only one that can be taken. The bottle will not break even if it falls.
    Take it to Alistair.
    Find Earrings
    Return to the corridor between the right and left wings (as you went to Agnes) and enter the opening under the stairs. Female servants live here in the left wing, male servants live in the right wing. There is also a lost and found office, go down the corridor and take a cassette from the box. The earrings are in the first room across from the entrance. Take them from the table and take them to your mother.
    Go to your room.
    Lucius will wake up in the middle of the night to steal the rat poison.
    Leave the room and go left to the door to the corridor with the living room. You will be shown a video that Lucius' mother is not sleeping. If you get caught, you will have to start the episode again (night). Enter the living room and hide in the pantry on the right, closing the door behind you. Wait a bit until you hear footsteps and the creak of a door being opened. Exit and go to the door to the stairs. Go down and enter the dining room, from there run to the exit to the courtyard (through which the garbage was taken out).
    Walk along the left side in the shadow of the house, go around the central building and approach the right wing. At the door to the right wing stands a policeman and smokes. Get close enough (better not to run) to smash the flashlight over the cop's head. Hide behind a tree, and then slowly approach the bushes. Use telekinesis on the lantern, wait for the cop to bend down, and go behind the tree. Now the cop will move to a distance and will smoke there, but look around. You must quickly run to the door and open it. Try not to step on the dug-up ground under the windows, because they cause noise.
    Enter the door, go right, go into the room behind the bar and take the rat poison.
    Go down to the kitchen and use the rat poison on the bread on the counter ahead on the right. Watch the video. Lucius will get a new ability - Mind Control.
    Lucifer visits Lucius again to teach him a new ability.
    Select the Mind Control ability by pressing the 3 key. Apply it to the dark figure by holding the LMB. Now have the person pick up the object from the carpet. Click on it LMB, and then quickly move the cursor and click on the item.

    Chapter 6. December 24, 1972
    Watch the video. You need to remove the butler Alistair, who went to get wine.
    If you haven't already taken the empty bottle from Lucius' room, then take it from the shelf by the door.
    Through the parents' bedroom, exit into the corridor and go down the stairs to the corridor between the right and left wings. Walk down the corridor and exit through the door on the right into the lobby. Go down to the first floor to the front door and go through the door under the stairs to the right wing. You will find yourself in the laundry room, go through the door on the right and find yourself in another corridor. Go to the glass doors to the courtyard and exit (this route is indicated on the map). Turn left and go to the wing with the bar, where they took the poison the day before. Approach Alistair.
    Now exit this wing and go to the opposite, to the dining room, where the whole family has gathered. Go through the door on the right (when viewed from the entrance from the street), and then into the bathroom on the first floor (door on the left), where the dead janitor was. Apply a bottle to the water tap and return to the courtyard.
    Go to the entrance to the central building and note that there is an outlet that powers the garland. Look at the canopy above the door and you will see a large icicle on it. Stand under the icicle and pick up a bottle of water. A hotspot with an arrow should appear. Apply the bottle to her. Now unplug the garland from the socket and wait for Alistair. When he steps on an ice spot, he will fall. Use telekinesis on the icicle above him. Watch the video.

    Chapter 7
    In this chapter, you need to get rid of the maid Jovita. By the way, now the door to the forbidden room, which is marked on the map with a question mark, is open. You can go there and look around Uncle Tom's underground studio.
    Exit the room and enter the parents' bedroom. Jovita should be there. Approach it to set a target. Follow Jovita and she will lead you to the wing for the female servants, to her room. Go further along the corridor and you will see scattered things. Open the door, next to which lies a large pile (the penultimate one) and you will see Uncle Tom and the second maid there. Do not enter the room, otherwise you will have to start the chapter over.
    You need a camera to take pictures of them. If you already have a charged camera, open the door, pick it up and stand on the side without entering the room. Point the camera at the couple on the bed (they should be highlighted with a yellow outline) and click LMB. If everything is correct, then the photo will be in your inventory.
    If you didn't take the camera from your grandfather's room, then follow Jovita down the corridor between the right and left wings, go to the opposite wing, go up the stairs, open the door and enter the last door on the right. Go to the end of the room, around the corner and take the film from the nightstand by the table (and with it the map), and get the camera from the shelf using telekinesis. Align the camera and film. Now go to the room with the couple and use the camera as above.
    Enter Jovita's room and put the photo on the table (pick it up and an active point will appear on the table). Now you need to plant evidence for Jovita so that she can be accused of some of the crimes. Pick up a jar of rat poison and put it in the right cabinet of the table (an active point with an exclamation mark will appear). Put a padlock there. Wait for Jovita to return to the room and see the photo. She will run out of the room, follow her. Climb the stairs up, go to the parents' bedroom and exit through the door on the side to the balcony. There you will find Jovita crying. Apply the control skill to it by hovering over it and pressing LMB, and then on the balcony railing and also pressing LMB. Watch the video.

    Chapter 8 January 23, 1973
    On the map, go to Uncle Tom's room - into the corridor with the living room, then the second door on the left at the end of the corridor. Come in to Tom, he drinks. Go to the closet in his room and take the bottle there. Read the diary, Lucius will remember about the card that he took from his grandfather (if you did not take the card, re-read the passage to chapter 5 or 7). Examine the map in your inventory and you will see that there is a secret door in the wine cellar.
    Go down to the dining room and go through the door to the corridor. There you can meet a mother who will give you the task to collect the linen and take it to the laundry. Enter another corridor through the door on the right and go to the laundry room, through the second door on the left. There you will see a driver and a maid. The driver will ask you to find the lost cassette of his group.
    Driver's cassette
    Go to the servants' wing, to Susan's room. Opposite it will be a lost and found office - a box. Take a cassette from it and take it to the driver.
    Enter the garage and approach the mechanic. He will ask you to bring him a mount.
    Go through the door leading to the wine cellar, steal the keys on the hook on the left wall, enter the second grate on the right and take the pry bar on the right. The door will slam shut and you won't be able to get out. Apply the keys to it (if you did not take the keys right away, drag them to you using telekinesis). Take the pry bar to the mechanic.
    In the rooms, you could see underpants and socks scattered around, which Lucius can pick up, but cannot put in inventory. You must find these things (10% of homework is given for each) and take them to one of two baskets located in the laundry room by the window: the left one is for white linen, the right one is for colored ones. Just toss the laundry Lucius is holding into the basket and get a percentage of homework done. This is not necessary if you have already received all the bonus items.
    After that, you will win the third award - a bike. Go to your room if you want to see it. On a bicycle, you can quickly move around the house without holding down the run key, but its control is more difficult.
    Chamber of Secrets
    Go down to the wine cellar and go behind the curtain on the far wall opposite the entrance. Walk forward and open the door. Go through the tunnel and open another door. You will enter the ritual room. Take the bottle of poison from the table in the far right corner. Combine it with the bottle of wine you got from Tom's pantry. In the right wall, not far from the table, there is a niche, enter there and pay attention to the box. Try to open it, but it is locked.
    Return to Tom's room. Pick up a bottle of poisoned wine. When Tom turns away, put the bottle on the bed next to him (there will be a mark with an exclamation point). Watch the video.
    Lucifer will teach Lucius to erase his memory. Press the 4 key, move the cursor over the shape and click LMB. Everything must be done quickly.

    Chapter 9
    Go through the dining room to the yard and to the left, to the barn. There you will meet the gardener Antonio, your future victim. Pick up a stone from the ground, they are scattered around, for example, on the site near the fountain. Follow Antonio's path and place a stone in the middle of his path (or just run after him with a stone in your hand until a mark with an exclamation mark appears). The lawnmower will break and Antonio will bend over it. Stand behind him and use telekinesis on the lawn mower. Antonio will avoid contact with knives. Get closer to him from behind and select the control ability. Click on Antonio, and then on the lawn mower and watch the cutscene.
    Lucifer will come to teach Lucius a new skill. Press the 5 key to select Ignite. Press and hold LMB until a fireball forms. Then move the cursor anywhere and release it. Lucifer will offer to kill the mannequin. Do the same, accumulate power, hover over the mannequin and release. The mannequin has a life scale, with each of your hits it will decrease. Kill the mannequin and watch the cutscene.

    Chapter 10. April 1, 1973 Betrayal
    Grandfather woke Lucius in the middle of the night and asked him to go down to the secret room.
    Exit the room and go right to the door to the balcony. Exit and go left to the door to the parents' bedroom. Look through the door, on the left, the mother is sitting in an armchair. To distract her, use telekinesis on the antenna, right behind the balcony. Look out the window as the mother leaves the room. When she enters the door opposite, enter the bedroom. Exit through the door through which the mother came out (from the balcony door to the right), then through the door opposite and go down the stairs. Go under the stairs to the servants' wing and go to Jovita's room. Listen to the dialogue, Susan and the policeman will be walking down the corridor. Another option is to open the door to Jovita's room and hide behind it. Susan with a flashlight will pass by and not notice you, and you will have the opportunity to look out into the corridor.
    If you did not take superglue
    When you see that the servants with lanterns have entered the door, run to the stairs at the other end of the corridor. Open the door to the right wing and turn right. Enter grandfather's room. There may be a policeman with a flashlight, but you can hide from him behind the furniture. Exit the grandfather's room to the opposite door and enter the classroom (the door is opposite). Open the desk and take the glue. Go back to the corridor between the wings.
    Note: Now you can use the ability to erase memory. If servants or a policeman see you, press button 4, move the cursor over the person and press LMB. The number of uses of the ability is limited, 6 times.
    In the corridor, go to any of the doors (first open and check that there is no one there) and exit into the lobby. Go downstairs and go to the door under the stairs on the right (if you look from the stairs, and not from the front door, on the map the right wing). You will find yourself in the laundry, from it go to the garage (the door is opposite). From the garage, to the utility room on the right, from there to the wine cellar, and into the secret room. Watch the video. Grandfather will ask Lucius to prepare everything for the ritual.
    Use matches to light the unlit candles in front of the altar on both sides. Now go to the shelves on the left side (when viewed from the door) and take four bowls from them. One of the bowls is broken, combine it with glue. Place the bowls on the four sides of the altar, placing them in the niches on the floor with the corresponding symbols (the symbol on the bowl must match the symbol in the niche, an exclamation mark will appear). Remove the belt from the wall on the left (where the shelves are with bowls, but closer to the door), and apply it to the fasteners on the altar on which the journalist lies. Grandfather will come out of the niche and stand near the altar. Enter the niche, open the box and take out the ritual knife from it. Apply it to grandfather. Watch the video.

    Chapter 11
    With the help of the incendiary skill, you need to kill the journalist Vayne. He will chase you around the room, brandishing a knife and flipping crosses to deprive Lucius of his strength. Immediately at the start, release a fireball or two at him if he did not have time to run up. Don't let him get too close or he will kill Lucius. The strategy is this: as long as Vayne runs around and flips crosses, he won't attack Lucius. Stand near the inverted cross and release a ball at Wayne when he runs up, move away and run to turn the crosses over, turning everything over, attack Wayne again with balls while he turns them back. Vayne will die after 4 well-aimed throws. Turn over all the crosses so that Lucius can gain power and watch the cutscene.

    Chapter 12
    Follow the map to the right wing, to the classroom. Your new victim is teacher James. Approach him to start the lesson.
    Take cards with the correct answers from the table and give them to the teacher after he asks a question. Answers: 3,1,2.
    Then the teacher will offer to study biology and ask to give him a book. Take a book from the desk and give it to the teacher. He will go to the shelves to look for a book on biology. Go out into the corridor, go to its end and exit through the opening to the gallery. Turn left and go forward into another open passage, go into a small room, open the door on the right there and get into your father's office (or go forward to the closed door, indicated on the map with a notepad with a pen). The father will ask you to bring him the documents that are in the bedroom on the bedside table. Go to the parents' bedroom and take the documents on the bedside table to the right of the bed. Lucius will notice the key, take it too. Go to the bedroom door and inspect the nightstand on which the TV stands. The middle drawer on the left will be closed. Apply the key to it, open the drawer and examine the note. Lucius will write down the numbers indicated on it in his diary.
    Go back to your father's office and give him the documents. Father will leave the office, go to the safe. Dial the combination on it: 6-6-19-66 (Lucius' date of birth) by turning the disk with the mouse. On each correct number, press LMB and the lights at the bottom will turn green. If you make a mistake, you will have to start all over again.
    Open the safe and take the gun out of it. It's not loaded. Open the cabinet on the left in the father's desk and take the ammo. Combine them with the pistol. Return to the classroom. Stand behind the teacher and take a gun in your hands. In no case, do not shoot at the teacher, because you will have to start the chapter from the beginning. Put it on the table using the hotspot. Now select mind control, click on the teacher, then quickly run up to the place where the gun lies and click on it. Watch the video.

    Chapter 13 June 1, 1973 Curious Tom
    On the map, go through the parents' room into the corridor, then to the left and into the bathroom on the second floor. There you will meet the maid Susan, who will be your new victim. Susan may not be in the bathroom, but she will walk between the laundry room and the bathroom all the time. Turn over the cross in the bathroom so that Lucius can use telekinesis there, and go to the laundry room (to the corridor between the wings, from there to the lobby, the door under the stairs on the right).
    Turn over and there is a cross in front of the washing machine. Using telekinesis, pull the iron from the shelf above the washing machine. Open the machine and send the iron inside with telekinesis (or open it first, and then drop the iron there with telekinesis). Close the machine. It will break and Susan won't be able to do the laundry, but will go to take a shower.
    Head to the bathroom and enter Uncle Tom's cinema room, which is located nearby (the room with a question mark on the map). Peel back the edge of the green poster on the left wall and you will see a hole behind it. Look in there and see the bathroom. Now wait until Susan comes there - you will be shown a cutscene with the bathroom door closed. Look through the hole in the wall again, use telekinesis on the hair dryer on the sink and drag it into the tub. Watch the video.

    Chapter 14
    Go to the garage through the laundry room. Approach Michael, the driver, to mark him as a target. Go to the laundry room and break the washing machine again, as in the case of Susan (throw an iron in it). Mechanic Will will come out of the garage.
    Approach Michael, who is listening to music (you should have given him the cassette earlier) and take the can of thinner on the table behind him and the rag on the table next to him, in front of the driver. Combine the rag with the solvent. Go to the laundry, pay attention to the ventilation control panel to the left of the washing machines, on the wall. With the control skill, force Will to turn off the ventilation (key 3, LMB on Will and on the panel). Return to the garage. Place the rag on the table behind Michael (a hot spot will appear). Use mind control to force Michael to take the rag. He will inhale the solvent and pass out. Now apply telekinesis to the car and watch the cutscene.

    Chapter 15
    The cop handcuffed Will in the garage. Go there, telekinesis open the canister above Will's head, and then set it on fire with the fire skill. Watch the video.

    Chapter 16
    Now it was Lucius' mother's turn. Enter the barn nearby, take the nails for the pistol from the lower shelf on the left and the pistol itself on the shelf to the right of the door (if you haven’t done this before). Align the gun with the nails.
    Now go to the garage, go to the utility room on the right, then into the second room near the entrance to the wine cellar and take the fuse on the shelf. Go back to the first room of the utility room and apply the fuse to the shield on the wall. You will see a short video about how the light turned on in the barn. Return to the courtyard and enter the barn. Connect the compressor to the mains using the socket. Then use a pistol on him. Go out into the yard, go behind the bench so that the mother does not see you, pick up a gun and put it on the ground (the active point is between the shed and the bench on which the mother sits). Wait for your father, he will go from home. When he approaches, immediately turn on the mind control skill, select the father and the gun on the ground. Watch the video.

    Chapter 17
    Lucius will stay in the room with the policeman. Crosses are hung around the perimeter of the room, they reduce the ability of Lucius. Use telekinesis on the porcelain bust near the cross on the right. The cop will shoot the cross and it will disappear. Now to the next bust to the left, then to another one on the left, until not a single cross remains. Now use telekinesis on the large figurine on the left, and then on the ceiling fan. Watch the video.

    Chapter 18
    Lucius set fire to the house, but the father and two priests returned there.
    Priests will attack Lucius.
    Strategy: Choose a fire skill and run forward, but before reaching the overturned table on the floor, otherwise you will die, and release the ball at the priests. If you don't hit, they will kill Lucius. As soon as you hit, run out of the room and run down the hall to the laundry room. Turn around, wait for the priests and hit them with a fireball. When hit, run back down the hall and into the room where the battle started. Don't let the priests get too close, otherwise they will immediately kill Lucius. I advise you to hit both at once, because if the priests are separated, one of them will be faster than the other to catch up with Lucius. In this case, wind an extra circle and they will unite again. Run and attack with fire until both priests die (when hit, a life bar appears above their heads).
    Watch the video.
    Now your father is chasing you with a fire extinguisher. Pay attention to the rickety column between the stairs and the room on the right (where you started the battle with the priests). Run away from your father, occasionally attacking him with fireballs. Be careful, if the father kills Lucius, you will have to start the chapter again (with the priests). Lure him under the pillar and hit him. While the father is extinguishing himself, switch to telekinesis and use it on the column (Lucius must have a full strength scale).
    Watch the final video.
    Game completed.

    Hell cold.

    Let's watch the video. Today is a holiday in the family - the sixth birthday of Lucius. The restless mother instructs the maid to wash the dishes and put the boy to bed no later than ten in the evening. Press "Space", select the lock from the edge of the table. For now, hide it by pressing the right mouse button. Close the refrigerator door, press the right mouse button again and click on the door. This will disable it and then use the switch on the left to make the temperature unbearably cold. Now you can go to sleep.

    In a dream, we communicate with our father, Lucifer, and pick up a gift from him from the table - a notebook. Open the inventory (E), open the notebook and click on the name on the left. We killed the maid Mary, now we need to hide the lock so that no one suspects us. We pick up a flashlight and batteries from the table. Open inventory, use the mouse wheel to switch to batteries, press RMB, switch to the flashlight and press RMB again. Thus, we have combined items.

    Waking up, open the map. It shows the house and the right way to the goal. After all, we live in a mansion, and there are certainly a dozen rooms here. We go down, click on the lock on the door and put it in your pocket. The next morning, the police and Detective MacGuffin arrive.

    Smoking kills.

    Open the inventory, click on the name on the left. Gene is a colleague of his father, he often visits us and at the same time smokes in the living room, which makes Lucius have a headache. Let's go down to Jin. In the room in front of the stairs where the master is busy with table lamp, pick up a screwdriver. Let's get close to Jin on the right and point the sight at the match on the table. When Jin's gaze does not look in this direction, we pick up the matches. We'll hide them in our pocket so Jin can't see. We get to the kitchen and use a screwdriver on the gas stove.

    Lucifer will teach you how to use the Telekinesis ability. We select it by pressing the "2" button. Move the car by holding LMB. Then, while holding LMB and RMB, we put the machine in the box. The movements must be smooth, otherwise nothing will work. The time of using the ability is limited by the scale in the lower left corner. We point the sight at the cup and hold the LMB, we carry out the same action with the radio.

    The mood is death.

    Let's go downstairs and get to the bathroom. Here is the janitor Ivor, who is constantly in a state of intoxication. We will pick up a pencil from the table and write on the notebook “Repair the piano”. Take three keys from the tool box. Let's quickly go into the living room and use the key on the piano. Ivor will come after us and start repairing. Now we can select "Telekinesis" and use it on a musical instrument.

    Sharp blade.

    We go down the stairs and immediately turn into the room on the right. Butcher Jed works here, we need to use him somehow. There are boxes of meat in the corner, we'll take them to the refrigerator in the kitchen. The behavior indicator will then be 40%. Let's go back to the room and throw everything on the typewriter on the floor into the box. Then the indicator will increase by another 50% and will be 90%. In the butcher's room, hide behind the boxes to the right of the table and use Telekinesis on the burning light bulb. Jed will ask you to bring him a replacement, which we will find in the first room as soon as we go up the stairs, i.e. from the nightstand where the janitor used to fix the lamp. Let's give the light bulb to the butcher and see how he climbed the meat grinder. With the help of "Telekinesis" we activate the blades through the control panel.

    Healthy food.

    Focusing on the map, we get to the head of the maids Agnes. Jovita's maid must bring her food. Let's go to the wine cellar on the first floor and look at the floor for rat poison. We won't be able to take it yet, so we'll go back to our room.

    Waking up at night, we go into the corridor and notice that my mother is still awake, and if she sees us, she will certainly put us to bed. We pass through the door, turn into the room on the left and quickly hide in a small room in the corner. After waiting a bit, we leave the room and go down the stairs to the living room. Let's go all the way, let's go outside. On the other side we see MacGuffin. Let's get behind, using telekinesis we disable the night lamp. Now let's enter the house and pick up the poison from the utility room. Don't forget to hide it by pressing RMB. The next morning, we run to the kitchen and poison the sandwiches in the basket.

    Get the Mind Control ability. We press the "3" button, click on the mannequin and quickly on the object on the floor to the left.

    Slip on a holiday.

    First of all, we will take a reddish water bottle from the toy shelf. Fill it with liquid in any of the toilets marked on the WC map. Focusing on the map, we will reach Alistair, who was excommunicated from the festive table. Let's go outside again, to the left of the central doors there is a switch for garlands. We use it to attract the attention of the butler. Next to the pillar we use a bottle of water. When Alistair falls, with the help of "Telekinesis" we pull down the icicle right above the victim's head.

    Rocky relationship.

    Let's get to the maid Jovita. She said to tell Uncle Tom if we meet him that she wants to talk to him. We go down the stairs, go to the other side and go upstairs. In the grandfather's room, from the shelf with the help of "Telekinesis" we will attract the camera, and we will take the film from the table. Let's combine them in inventory.

    Let's go down and go to the other side. Let's go under the stairs to the servants' quarters. In one of them we catch Uncle Tom and Susan in an indecent act. Let's capture it on film. Jovita will surely be "delighted" with a spicy picture. Let's put it on the table in her room, which is next door. Then we open the locker on the right and lay the rat poison and the lock. Jovita, in a state of hysteria, will run to the balcony, and we will follow her. Use Mind Control on the maid and quickly click on the balcony railing.

    The mind can't take it.

    Let's go to Uncle Tom's room, who has been drinking for several days. From the grandfather's room, where we took the camera earlier, we will take the map on which the secret room is marked. We get to the garage and go down to the wine cellar.

    Behind the curtain is a shelf with wines, at the very edge on the right there is a passage, behind which there is a door leading to the premises for sacrifices. From the table we will pick up a deadly poison. Let's go back to the uncle's room and enter a small dressing room. Pick up the bottle and combine it with the poison. We put her on the bed while Tom is distracted by drinking.

    Lucifer will teach us a new ability - Memory Loss. It will be useful when we are discovered. We will have only a few seconds left to use this skill.

    The neighbor's grass is greener, but ours is redder.

    Let's go out into the courtyard, where we will meet the gardener Antonio. Let's pick up a stone near the fountain in the center. We will install it approximately in the middle of the gardener's route. When the lawnmower stalls, running into a stone, the gardener will try to fix it. Let's get behind and use "Telekinesis" on the lawn mower. Antonio miraculously managed to jump away from the sharp blades. We use "Mind Control" on the gardener and on the lawn mower, thereby forcing him to stick his head under the sharp blades.

    Meanwhile, the Wegner family quarreled over a series of deaths and in particular Tom. A journalist entered the house and tried to find out information, but instead he received a bottle on the head from his grandfather. We get a new skill - "Ignition". Press "5" and hold LMB. Aim the sight at the mannequin and release the button.


    At night, Grandpa Gabriel comes to us and asks us to go down to the secret room. After leaving the room, turn right and find yourself on the balcony. Let's go straight to the end, telekinesis interact with the antenna. We follow mom down, turn left and go down even lower. We move to the right, we get into the garage and, accordingly, into the wine cellar. We set fire to the candlesticks around the victim. From the side wall we select the rope and tie the victim. We take three bowls from the side shelf and place them next to the candlesticks. We take away the fourth bowl from there, which turned out to be broken. You need to get to the study room in the east wing and pick up glue from the table.

    Connect the glue and the broken bowl, install it in the appropriate place. Now everything is ready, from the box where grandfather used to be, we will take the dagger and pierce Gabriel with it. The chained journalist Wayne frees himself and begins to flip the crosses. In no case should you collide with him, otherwise the game will be over. We press "5" and hit the journalist with fireballs when he starts to approach, and be sure to turn over the crosses.

    Training shot.

    We get to the training room, where our personal teacher James is waiting for us. We show him the plates with numbers on the table in order - 3, 1, 2. Then he will ask you to get a biology textbook, we will show him any of the books. Let's go to the father's office, which is nearby. He will ask you to bring him a document, which we will find in his room with his mother opposite ours. To the right of the bed from the bedside table we will pick up papers and a key. Let's take them to my father, open his safe and get a gun out of it. Code - 6 6 19 66. Take the cartridges from the table locker and combine them with a revolver. Let's go back to the training room, put the loaded gun on the edge of the table. Let's use the "Mind Control" ability on the teacher and the pistol.

    Curious Tom.

    In the corridor we will meet the maid Susan, who is engaged in linen. We go down to the first floor and turn right and get into the linen room. We open the lid of the washing machine, from the upper left shelf we will attract the iron with the help of "Telekinesis" and send it to the machine. Close the lid and observe the effect. The maid will go to the bathroom on the third floor and lock the door behind her, and before that we need to get there and turn over the cross on the wall. Let's enter the room on the right, tear off the poster from the wall and look through the hole. We grab the hair dryer with telekinesis and throw it into the bath.

    Exhaust gas overdose.

    Let's go down to the garage, and our next target will be the driver Michael. As in the previous task, we will put the iron in the washing machine. From the territory of the maids, we will take the audio cassette from the box in the corridor and bring it to Michael. From the table we will pick up a rag with a solvent. Connect in inventory and put on the table. Use "Mind Control" on Michael and dampened rag. Let's return to the mechanic Will, apply on him and the control panel on the left "Mind Control". We start the car in the garage using Telekinesis.

    The detective chains the mechanic to the rack, and he leaves for his assistant. We quickly enter the garage, use "Telekinesis" on the lid of the canister on the top shelf. Then press "5" and hit the victim with fire.

    American crazy.

    From the garden we get to the garage and go towards the wine cellar. We do not go down the stairs, but take the fuse from the shelf on the left. We turn around, insert the fuse into the electrical panel. We return to the mother, we will go into a small building. Insert the wire from the device into the socket. We select nails from the bottom shelf, and a nail gun from the table. We charge the gun with nails and fill it with air, interacting with the device. We put the gun to the right of Nancy. When the father appears, quickly use Mind Control on him and click on the gun.

    The end is already here.

    We move with the help of "Telekinesis" small marble heads. We make the policeman shoot at them and hit the crosses. When they are all turned upside down, grab the largest one on the right and aim it at the fan in the top center.

    We quickly press "5" and fire clots hit the priests. After finishing with them, the father will appear with a fire extinguisher. We lure him under a slightly collapsed column next to the stairs and hit him with fire. He will begin to actively extinguish the area around him, and at this time we will bring down the column with Telekinesis. Watch the final video.