The project “Mobile games as a means of increasing interest in physical culture among children of senior preschool age. Role-playing games at physical education lessons Pirates role-playing games at physical education lessons

Daria Oznobikhina
The project "Outdoor games as a means of increasing interest in older children before school age to physical culture"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 93 in Tomsk

Project theme:

"Sports games as a means of increasing interest in physical culture among children of senior preschool age"

By dominant activity: social - communicative

By the number of participants - group

The nature of contacts - among children of the same group

Duration - short term

Formulation of the problem: During physical education classes and conversations with them, I realized that children at home do not engage in outdoor games at all.

An analysis of the practice of preschool institutions shows that recently a lot of preschool institutions have been working on new comprehensive programs, but unfortunately they are limited to the framework of physical education, aimed mainly at developing the basic qualities of movements in children. Often, parents do not instill in their child the need for a healthy lifestyle. However, this is not enough.

Project relevance: AT modern conditions there is a sharp deterioration in the health of children.

Modern children experience “motor deficit”, i.e. the number of movements they make during the day is below the age norm. It's no secret that in kindergarten and at home, children spend most of their time in a static position (at tables, watching TV, playing silent games at the table). This increases the static load on certain mouse groups and causes them to become fatigued. The strength and performance of skeletal muscles are reduced, which entails a violation of posture, flat feet, a delay in age-related development, speed, agility, coordination of movements, endurance, flexibility and strength. Physically weakened children are subject to rapid fatigue, their emotional tone and mood are reduced, which in turn negatively affects the nature of their mental performance.

In our opinion, outdoor games occupy the leading place in meeting the biological needs of a preschool child in movement. It is in outdoor games that a child gets a unique opportunity to maximize his own activity and creativity, eliminate the lack of movements, realize himself and assert himself, get a lot of joyful emotions and experiences.

Project activity object: Sport games

Subject of project activity: rules of sports games

Objective of the project: Strengthen the health and improve the performance of children through the organization of outdoor games and games with elements of sports.


1. Develop and implement a project plan for the formation of relationships between older preschool children using outdoor games.

2. To teach children the rules of outdoor games and the ability to use them in independent motor activity.

3. To develop the ability of children to interact with members of the children's team, to provide mutual assistance.

4. To form in children the skills of adequate, respectful and benevolent behavior when interacting with each other.

5. Raise interest in physical education and sports.

Hypothesis: if use sport games, then the interest of children of senior preschool age in physical culture increases.

Project resources:

1. Physical culture corners in the group.

2. Sports hall.

3. Physical culture equipment and sports equipment.

4. Methodological tools (card file of outdoor games, abstracts of conversations, classes, etc.).

5. A selection of methodological literature “Physical culture and health improvement of preschool children”.

Project stages:

Stages Teacher's activities Children's activities Interaction with parents

organizational A selection of games

Inventory Desire to take part in outdoor games

Basic Learning words in the game.

Creation of drawings about outdoor games. Exhibitions of drawings and design of the album "Our Creativity". Active participation in the implementation of the project: participation in conversations, joint activities with parents on the topic: “Outdoor games at home”

Participation in creative activities in the preparation of a collective work Memo for parents about "Mobile games in the family"

"Through the Brook"

"Get the bag in the circle"


"Find where it's hidden"

"At the bear in the forest"

Final Design of the exhibition of children's and parent's works

Sports games on the street

"Zimushka-Zima" Active participation in winter games outside

Educational areas Joint educational activities of a teacher with children, taking into account educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup

Physical development Development of speed, dexterity, coordination of movement Outdoor games

"At the bear in the forest"


"Lovishka" Memos to parents about the benefits of outdoor games at home

Artistic and aesthetic Listening to music, looking at paintings, illustrations Looking at illustrations about outdoor games

Speech development Learning chants from outdoor games

“I take mushrooms and berries from the bear in the forest.

The bear caught a cold

Frozen on the stove!

Learn poetry with parents

Expected results:

1. Increased emotional, psychological, physical well-being.

2. The formation of a hygienic culture.

3. Improvement of somatic indicators of health

4. Presence of needs for a healthy lifestyle and opportunities to ensure it

Project product:

1. Exhibition of drawings about your favorite outdoor game

2. Memo to parents "Play outdoor games with your child at home"

3. Sports games on the street "Hello Zimushka - Winter"

Criteria for evaluating diagnostic results

Low - the child's movements in outdoor games are not confident, in his free time in a group and on a walk he does not play outdoor games. Shows no interest in the game. Does not know the rules of conduct during the game.

Average - the child's movements in outdoor games are confident but not always, in his free time in a group he does not always play games. listens to the instructor, but does not always follow the rules of the game. Shows interest in the game through time.

High - the movements of the child in outdoor games are confident and dexterous. In his free time in a group and on a walk, the child organizes outdoor games with other children. Follows all the rules of the game, shows interest in the game. Listens to the instructor, quickly learns speech accompaniment.

Project presentation

1. Exhibition of drawings on the theme "Favorite outdoor game"

2. Presentation of the project

3. Sports entertainment "Hello Zimushka - Winter"

Reflection: as a result of the work of my project, the children learned how important it is to engage in outdoor games, what is the use of it. Children understand that games must be played by the rules. During the game, such physical qualities as speed, dexterity, coordination of movement are developed. Children learned to choose and play outdoor games on their own.

Forecast of possible negative consequences, methods of correction

Negative consequences Correction methods

Some children showed no interest in Matching Masks, musical accompaniment

Did not follow the rules of conduct in the game Before the game, tell about the rules of conduct in the game

Children do not engage in outdoor games at home Distribute memos with games to parents


1. Berestova Z. I.; Healthy baby: a program for the improvement of children in a preschool educational institution /. - M. : TC Sphere, 2004.

2. Voloshina L. N., Kurilova T. V. Games with elements of sports for children aged 3–4 years. The program "Play for your health" and the technology of its application in preschool educational institutions. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2004.

3. Internet resources

4. Litvinova M. F. "Russian folk outdoor games", Iris Press M.: 2003, 192p.

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Image Library:


1. Tasks of motor activity development


    Conditions for maximum physical development children..6

    Role-playing games: psychological and pedagogical justification..8

    Approximate content of role-playing games for physical education lessons……………….15

Conclusion …22

References ....23


Physical culture and sports are probably the only truly unique, comprehensive, unparalleled, cheapest and most effective, proven for thousands of years in all countries of the world with the most diverse political systems and economic structures, a means that can unite, captivate, subdue oneself, force one to overcome oneself, and, if necessary, to create anew, regardless of age, profession and religious beliefs. It would seem that all of the above is so obvious and lies on the surface that there is no need to prove it. Nevertheless, it is precisely this area (physical culture) that has always remained in oblivion, and if it was mentioned, it was mainly at the declarative level. Physical culture in Russian schools, according to the new program, is presented as an educational area, as an academic discipline and the most important basic component of the formation of a holistic development of students' personality. It is aimed at ensuring the necessary level of development of vital motor skills and physical qualities and creates the prerequisites for the diverse manifestations of creative activity. Being an obligatory element of education, physical culture contributes to the harmonization of the bodily and spiritual unity of students, the formation of such universal human values ​​as health, physical and mental well-being.

Never before has the question of the health-improving possibilities of physical education classes for younger schoolchildren been as acute as today. This is explained not only by a simple interest in finding out the potential of the child's body. Numerous studies have proven the special role of movements for the life of the body, improving its basic functions. The more active the child's involvement in the world of movements, the richer and more interesting his physical and mental development, the stronger his health.

The need for movement is one of the basic physiological needs of the child's body, being a condition for its normal formation and development. Movements in any form, adequate to the physiological capabilities of children, always act as a healing factor - this can explain the high efficiency of a wide variety of methods and forms of conducting classes, when they are based on a general effect on the body in combination with special physical exercises.

An essential side of the influence of physical exercises is an increase in emotional tone. During physical education classes, the child's mood improves, a feeling of joy and pleasure appears. Physical exercises with the right psychological and pedagogical approach are a powerful optimizing factor, as well as a means of comprehensive harmonious development of the child.

In connection with the above, the improvement of the old and the search for new forms, means and methods of physical education of children in preschool classes and younger schoolchildren are relevant. One of the effective forms of physical education with children of this age group is role-playing games.

1. Tasks for the development of students' motor activity

Motor activity in physical education is a wonderful basis for other types of educational work. No other activity is so favorable for children to acquire knowledge about the world around them, its laws and peculiarities. Much can be learned while sitting at a table, but immeasurably more can be learned in movement, in movement. gaming activity,

Consider the developmental tasks of physical education, the solution of which will make our children better: smarter, more humane, versatile. Here are just a few of them:

1. Formation through movements of spatial, temporal and energy representations (depending on the level of intellectual development of the child): long - short (longer - shorter), small - large (less - more), narrow - wide (already - wider), far - near (farther - closer), upper - lower (higher - lower), left - right (left - right), back - front (back - forward), thin - thick (thinner - thicker), slow - fast (slower - faster ), frequent - rare (more often - less often), a lot - little (more - less), long - fast (longer - sooner), strong - weak (stronger - weaker), proposed relationships: “on”, “y”, “ in", "near", "near", "beside", "behind", "above", "under", "before", "between", etc.

    The study in the process of motor activity of physical properties, texture of materials and objects by type: heavy - light, smooth - rough, dense - porous, elastic - brittle, soft - hard, cold - hot, wet - dry, etc.

    Familiarization in the process of physical education with the appointment of various types of objects (devices) and the formation on this basis of the elements of "tool" logic (for what and how this or that object is used).

4. Refinement, expansion and activation of the children's verbal dictionary:

    catch, throw, roll, stuff, football (ball);

    hang, intercept with hands, swing, hang (objects and devices) on the crossbar;

    rise, fall, climb, bend, jump (using a gymnastic ladder).

    Development through motor tasks, games and relay races of mathematical representations, as well as attention, logic, memory, observation.

    Raising the necessary personal qualities in children - such as honesty, courage, compassion, perseverance, justice, modesty, purposefulness.

    Formation in the process of motor activity of the necessary aesthetic and ethical standards: femininity, softness, accuracy (for girls), masculinity, leadership, gentlemanship (for boys); education of good manners in relationships with each other, teacher, elder, other people around; awakening in children a sense of beauty, harmony (in actions, language, music, nature, etc.).

8. Correction of the emotional state of children: the formation and consolidation of positive emotions in the process of engaging in motor activity, the creation of motivation for it, the development of the correct emotional reactions to certain motor (game) situations.

2. Conditions for maximum physical development of children

To ensure the maximum physical development of each child, it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions: the selection of adequate means and methods of education, which should be carried out with the indispensable participation of a psychologist; creative orientation of the pedagogical process; use, along with traditional forms of work (morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games and exercises, physical culture leisure, sports holidays), non-traditional means and methods of education, such as rhythmic gymnastics, training on simulators, sports dancing, etc.

Therefore, the implementation of physical education as a system requires professional knowledge about the physical development of children, about the forms and methods of working with them.

It is extremely important that teachers competently teach children movements, their quality, they themselves understand the health-improving and psycho-corrective effects of physical exercises on the child's body. And here, along with the methodologist, a psychologist should be included in the work on “enlightening” educators, explaining the direction and interaction in the development of the mental and physiological characteristics of all children and each individually, which implements the conditions for an individual approach to education. For their part, educators should make more active contact with the child psychologist, consult with him about certain problems that have arisen.

Proper organization of physical education in conditions elementary school, provides for systematic medical and pedagogical control and operational medical care with identified violations in the health of children and includes:

    dynamic monitoring of the state of health, mentality, physical development of children;

    control over the sanitary and hygienic condition of the places where classes are held (gym, etc.);

    observation of a rational motor mode (organization and methodology of various forms of work on physical education, their impact on the body, control over the implementation of hardening measures, organization and management of independent motor activity of children - in all these areas, the experience and knowledge of a child psychologist can also be implemented, since not a single process of child development passes without dependence on the mental sphere of activity); educational work of parents on health and physical fitness

development of children (and here the role of a child psychologist is also important - his task is not only to suggest to parents the correct tactics of behavior with a child, but also, by virtue of existing knowledge, to find an individual approach to each of the parents).

Successful mastery of a variety of motor activities largely depends on the level of development of speed, strength, dexterity, but especially on the most important quality - endurance. At the same time, the so-called. "Psychological endurance", based on the specific characteristics of the temperament, the psyche of a preschooler.

As N. Kozhukhova notes, “The problem of developing endurance in children - the ability to perform any activity for a long time without reducing its effectiveness - seems to be important and relevant. But one should not think that the more we increase the load on the child, the more resilient he becomes. Excessive loads have the opposite effect, lead to a "breakdown" of the endurance mechanisms of the heart, muscles, nervous system" 1 .

physical games and exercises that develop all kinds of endurance should be included in all activities of children.

Once from a limited family circle to a large children's team, the child does not own socially acceptable ways of communication, has no experience joint games with other children, does not have the necessary play skills. This makes him an unattractive partner in the eyes of his peers, and the child may find himself in a group as if in isolation. At the same time, against the background of dissatisfaction with resentment, aggressive actions often appear: the child breaks other people's buildings, tears drawings, makes every effort to interfere with the game in which he is not accepted.

In this case, a lot of work is required both by the teacher and psychologist of the kindergarten, and by the parents. The psychologist invites the parents for a conversation, explains the situation to them, plays with the child in their presence, including the parents in this game. He introduces parents to the approximate theme of the games adopted by the group, offers them literature for “playing” fairy tales and stories explains the sequence of complication game actions according to the age of the child.

Also, to reduce the level of aggression, it is possible to recommend the inclusion of this child in sports games, primarily team-type, so that he understands his responsibility to the team for aggressive behavior on the site. At the same time, in order not to create in him a negative perception of children who play in another team, it is necessary to constantly “mix” players from different teams.

Great importance in the physical education of children is the joint work with parents. Teachers, methodologists, psychologists give them the necessary knowledge about the age and psychological characteristics of the child's body, introduce them to the problems and achievements that the child has. Through visual agitation, consultations, conversations, workshops, they introduce the latest achievements in the field of physical development of children. To captivate parents, to show them how interesting it is to spend leisure time in the family for the benefit of the child, to convey to them information about the characteristics of primary school age is one of the main tasks of preschool institutions, including psychologists.

3. Role-playing games: psychological and pedagogical justification.

The plot lesson is one of the organizational forms of conducting lessons in physical culture, which contributes to raising the interest of children in preschool classes and younger schoolchildren in the process of performing physical exercises. Unlike classes conducted in the traditional form, all the means of physical education used in the plot lesson are subject to a certain plot (for example, in the “Sea Kingdom” complex, respiratory gymnastics exercises “Sail”, “Waves hiss”, etc., general developmental exercises “Fish”, “Mermaid”, “Medusa”, etc., outdoor games “Tsunami”, “Seine”, “Water”, etc., dance “Crayfish”, circular training “Sailors on a ship in a storm”, etc. .).

The use of imitation and imitation techniques, figurative comparisons corresponds to the psychological characteristics of younger students, facilitates the process of memorization, mastering exercises, increases the emotional background of the lesson, promotes the development of thinking, imagination, creativity, and cognitive activity.

The idea of ​​a story lesson is not new in principle. However, the disadvantages of many plot exercises, including those published in specialized literature and used in the practice of educational institutions, include low motor density, excessive subordination of exercises to the plot to the detriment of the development of motor qualities, insufficient physical activity that does not provide a training effect.

When developing story activities, we tried to preserve their characteristic features, but at the same time avoid the shortcomings noted above. First, we define the tasks: strengthening the health of children, increasing the functional and adaptive capabilities of the body, mental and physical performance; harmonious development of all parts of the musculoskeletal system, the formation of correct posture; improvement of motor skills, education of motor qualities; development of mental abilities and emotional sphere; development of musical and rhythmic abilities, education of interest and need for systematic physical exercises.

Secondly, the selection of means and methods of physical education is determined by the age (anatomical, physiological, psychological and motor) characteristics of children: various physical exercises are used, the sequence of which corresponds to the generally accepted three-part structure. At the same time, the exercises used in the preparatory and final parts of the classes, as well as etudes of psycho-gymnastics, dances and games can be changed after 2-3 lessons, varying them in accordance with the plot. It is advisable to perform the complexes of general developmental exercises used in the main part for 15-16 lessons, gradually complicating the exercises and increasing the load. When dosing exercises, it is necessary to take into account the level of preparedness and individual capabilities of children.

The study of the age dynamics of strength development showed that in the period from 7 to 11 years there is a significant increase in muscle mass and, accordingly, the contractility, strength and performance of muscles increase, therefore, according to the recommendations of L. Kechedzhieva et al., exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and hip joints a child of this age can perform daily from 20 to 30 times, and for the muscles of the body - from 40 to 60 times, in separate series of 6-8 or 12-16 times. A large amount of work performed causes noticeable changes in metabolism, in the work of the functional systems of the body, expanding the mechanisms of adaptation not only to physical activity, but also to the action of various environmental factors, and contributes to an increase in overall performance.

After learning the exercises for 3-4 lessons, they are performed to the music in a streaming way according to the method of rhythmic gymnastics. The use of rhythmic music evokes positive emotions in children, contributes to the development of a sense of rhythm, and facilitates the formation of motor skills. The use of a serial-flow method of performing exercises allows you to increase the load and motor density of classes and increase their training effect. It should be taken into account that physical loads that do not cause stress on physiological functions, in accordance with the scientific conclusions of Academician N.M. Amosov, Professor V.K. Balsevich and other scientists do not give a sufficient effect. The training effect (adaptation to physical activity) of physical exercises in children aged 7-8 years is provided at a heart rate (HR) of 140-160 beats per minute.

To increase the interest of children in the exercises performed and to activate cognitive activity, it is advisable to supplement the plot lessons in physical education with thematic games-activities: for example, the “Sea Kingdom” complex can be supplemented with an educational game-activity by M. Sigimova “Mysteries of the Sea King”, etc. In the process of plot lessons, it is recommended to use poems, riddles, songs that correspond to the plot: for example, before learning the “Crayfish” dance, make a riddle “People live under water - they walk backwards”; when performing exercises of low intensity, simple in structure, “Sea Wave” and “I’m Lying in the Sun”, invite the children to all together say aloud an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “You are my wave, wave ...” or sing a song from the cartoon “How the lion cub and the tortoise sang a song." You can also invite children to make drawings at home that are thematically related to the plot of the lesson (draw a sea, a fish, a seagull, a boat, etc.), read stories, fairy tales of the corresponding plot content (for example, the fairy tale by G.Kh. Anders on "The Little Mermaid") . Such homework along with motor tasks (for example, to perform one or another exercise of the complex at home) will help to attract the attention of parents to the physical education of children, to interest them in the success of their child.

When selecting musical accompaniment for exercises aimed at mastering the skill of voluntary relaxation, and some etudes of psycho-gymnastics, it is recommended to use special music, thematically related to the plot, for relaxation in combination with natural sounds. The sounds of ocean waves, according to scientific and methodological literature, are the most relaxing, help relieve psycho-emotional stress, master the skills of physiological self-control, and develop mental abilities. The results of scientific research indicate the need to use the elements of psychoregulation in the process of health training, especially on initial stage occupation, as it accelerates the adaptation of the body involved in physical activity.

The developed complexes of plot lessons are aimed at a phased accentuated development of motor qualities, which takes from 50 to 70% of the time of classes.

Each set of plot lessons is used on average for 2-2.5 months, which is justified by the results of research by V.K. Balsevich with co-authors, who found that the use of short (within two months) training programs aimed at developing individual motor qualities in the process of physical education of younger schoolchildren is quite effective and causes a significant improvement in indicators characterizing the level of development of motor qualities.

Describing the role-playing game, S.L. Rubinstein emphasizes that this play is the most spontaneous manifestation of the child and, at the same time, all of it is based on the interaction of the child with the adult. It has all the main features in the greatest completeness: emotional richness, enthusiasm for children, independence, creativity, activity.

The role-playing game is a reflective activity by its nature. It is a secondary stage in the child's cognition of reality.

Creative role-playing game has specific motives:

The adoption by the child of the role of an adult, the reproduction of it
activities, relationships;

Interest in certain events, in actions with educational mat

The desire for joint activities in the society of peers. Rea-
lization of game actions in a role-playing game often leads children to
how to identify gaps in their knowledge. This causes various
questions that are satisfied in the very course of creative play by means of
exchange of opinions between its participants, as a result of an explanation by an adult
or stimulate the child's independent observation outside of play.

The knowledge that a younger student has, thanks to their practical and effective reproduction in a plot-role-playing game, acquires a stronger, more conscious character.

Thus, plot tasks and a plot game, as non-traditional methods of conducting physical education classes, built on a combination of various knowledge and activities, are quite effective in maintaining the health of students. 4. Guidelines for organizing role-playing games

How to explain the game:

The explanation of the game is carried out only after placing on the starting position, which facilitates a better understanding of the game by the participants and its organization. An explanation of the game should accompany the demonstrations so that the players do not have unnecessary questions.

When explaining games, the following scheme should always be followed:

name the game /preferably indicate the purpose for which it is held/ and give the name to the teams;

explain and show the content of the main motor actions and the location of the players on the court;

briefly explain the course of the game and the direction of movement of the players /preferably accompanied by a demonstration/;

put before the players the goal of the game /definition of the winner/;

explain the basic rules of the game /indicate for what penalty points will be awarded/.

It is necessary to explain the game briefly and clearly in order to arouse interest in it and focus the attention of the players on the exact execution of motor actions, on the observance of the rules. Inventory for the game:

Many games require a variety of equipment: balls, maces, hoops, jump ropes, relay sticks, sandbags, flags of different colors, ropes of various lengths and thicknesses, ribbons, gymnastic sticks, towns, cubes, boards, rings, etc. Simple inventory, which can be partially purchased at the store, and most of it is easy to make in school workshops by high school students, parents, and chefs.

In some games, some participants have to be blindfolded. Usually caps or bandages are used for this. Caps can be glued from colored paper, they must be of such a size that they completely cover the face. If bandages are used in games, then whenever the bandage passes from one player to another, a blank sheet of paper is placed under it.

Game process management:

The duty of the leader is to skillfully manage the course of the game, finish it on time and correctly sum up the results. First of all, the leader must comment on the process of the game, teach / along the way / to complete the game tasks / make comments on the quality of the exercises, monitor the behavior of those involved, compliance with the rules, etc. /. The education of endurance, perseverance in achieving the goal, collectivism is an important concern of the leader of the game.

The leader presents maximum initiative to the participants of the game and at the same time remains an impartial judge. The game should be conducted in such a way that its participants themselves monitor the exact implementation of the rules and game tasks.

Regulation of physical activity in the game:

An important methodological feature of the management of the game is its dosing and completion.

Changes and regulation of the load in games are carried out by the following methods:

    changing the distance for running;

    changing the number of repetitions game tasks;

    simplification or complication of individual rules;

    change in motor tasks;

    changing the size of the site or the number of equipment, obstacles, etc.

After the first attempt, the leader must summarize and indicate which teams acted correctly, which of the players broke the rules, and announce the team that won the first attempt. After the end of the game, you need to build the participants in a column, give a short run, turning into walking. After that sum up the game.

In addition to the result of the game, the leader needs to evaluate the following points in the actions of children:

    knowledge of the rules and the ability to apply them in the game;

    the ability to act expediently depending on the game situation;

    the ability to use familiar, previously studied motor actions in the game;

    creativity in the game.

It is impossible to allow manifestations of undisciplined behavior of the players /shouts, disputes, disagreement with the decision and the result, etc./.

Conscious implementation must be achieved game rules, respect for the opponent, responsibility to the team for their actions and deeds.

It is necessary to stimulate the positive aspirations of children and prevent the manifestation of false pride, superiority over others, arrogance. Excessive attention and guardianship to individual guys sometimes allow them to believe in their exclusivity, superiority and infallibility.

End game:

As a result of high emotionality, the players cannot control their state, which leads to overexcitation and fatigue. When fatigue occurs /passivity, loss of accuracy, breakdown in behavior, etc./ it is necessary to reduce the load.

The game should be completed when the participants have received satisfaction from it. At this point, the goals set before the game should be achieved. Then it will give pleasure and cause a desire to repeat it again.

It is advisable to warn the players about the end of the game with the words: “Last time!”, “There is one task left!” etc. The end of the game should cause students to expect the next lesson.

Summing up the game:

When summing up the results of the game, it is important to take into account not only the speed, but also the quality of the execution of motor actions. In determining the result of the game, a clear identification of errors and incorrect actions is of great educational importance. At the same time, students, as well as judges and those present, should be taught to analyze the results of the game. This increases conscious discipline and interest in physical exercise. The result of the game should be determined simply and clearly. Scoring and determining the winner should be clear. The game ends in an organized manner, with the announcement of the results, and after a short rest, the game is analyzed with the identification of errors and shortcomings.

It is necessary to note the best drivers and judges, paying attention to the violation of discipline.

5. Approximate content of role-playing games for physical education lessons

"Health Path"

Name of the exercise

Accompanying text

Exercise Instructions


We are getting higher We take out the roof with our hands Get up on your toes And stretch with the top of your head! The sun is high in the sky, It's not easy to reach With every step Higher, higher, Let's get closer to the sun!

Children walk along the path on their toes, raising their straight arms up, palms inward.


Swans swim in a flock,

Straight and proud they know how to hold on,

Wings flap - beautifully fly,

Quietly sit on the water. Hands in the "wings" folded And they looked like on their heels!

Hands in "wings" - the elbows are pressed to the waist, the shoulder blades are connected. Walking on heels.


We walk on our knees, keep our back straight! Mom will praise us for a beautiful posture! And now we are like On the outer vault!

Walking on the gymnastic bench on your knees, arms to the sides or on the belt. Then walking on the outer arch of the foot, hands on the belt.


Our back is flexible

Just like a cat!

We take an example from her

And, bending over, we will pass the circle!

Walking on all fours, bending



The ostrich is a proud bird, He walks easily. We'll try that too. Raise the knee high!

Walking with a high knee lift, hands on the belt.


To find the way to the house, You need to look for a familiar trace. Zhulka rightly took the trail, Directly led to the house!

Walking on the gymnastic bench on your knees, hands on the floor.


Lean on your hands and don't

rot your knees, There is no room for laziness in this exercise!

Walk on your hands, do not bend your knees.

"Swan and duck"

Like a swan on the water, I float on my stomach, And now, like a duck, I look like a minute!

Pull up on the gymnastic bench on the stomach. Then walking in a semi-squat, the back is straight.

"Back pull-up"

Pulling up on the back Never difficult for me. Sit down and quickly get up again And dance "Gypsy Girl"!

Pull-ups on the gymnastic bench on the back."Gypsy"- chlopoke with your hands above your head, then, turning your head to the right, touch your right heel with your right hand. Repeat the same on the left side.


I will be glad to jump like a snake, I will overtake all the guys! And now - attention! The letter "T" is a task.

Jumping over the gymnastic bench "snake". Walking with a turn of the foot in the form of the letter "T".


A brook flows in the forest, I will stand on the bridge, I will get cold water from it with a ladle. I run along the path, I stomp on the pebbles, I repeat the letter "T" And I clap my hands!

We walk along the gymnastic bench, hands on the belt. Crouching slightly, we lower one leg, almost touching the floor, then the other. Running along the massage path, stomp on the pebbles, repeat the letter "T". Clap your hands

in front of.

"Beauty of the East"

I worked hard, I wasn't lazy, And now it's within my power, Like the beauties of the East, To carry a jug on my head! With a beautiful figure We proudly look forward, We are not treated with medicine - We are healthy all year round!

Having adopted the correct posture, the children carry a bag of sand or salt weighing 300g on their heads, repeating the last quatrain in chorus

The plot game "Journey in the mountains, crossing over the abyss"

The teacher intriguedly informs the students that everyone who knows how to work will receive a parting gift.

Presents them with a gymnastic wall. Find out if such a construction is familiar, With who they did, what they did, what they developed. Everything is in pace, because in eyes of interest: "Where's the gift?".

A figurative picture of a journey in the mountains is created, about the dangers during the transition ... Everyone agrees that it is necessary to check the readiness for a hike-transition. Participants (climbers), each on their own rocky section (wall span), demonstrate the ability to move up, to the sides, fix the “hold the hang” position and at the end of the task descend on their hands (legs are conditionally injured), and so 2-3 approaches.

According to physical fitness and psychological mood, we are reorganized into a marching formation, and on the road! The route is marked along the entire length with colored tape (long climb, summit, vertical descent). The transition is accompanied by the words of Vysotsky's song “Take a risk in the mountains...”, which closes my special attention. Support sounds like a refrain - “Do not leave him alone”, I pick it up - “Let him be in a bundle with you ... We will understand who he is”.

When analyzing, pragmatic climbers do not immediately understand and accept that calluses (redness) on the palms are a labor gift. I am convinced that all the values ​​of the world are created by labor hands - they understand and accept.

I congratulate the children on their success, I ask you to shake my hand firmly and firmly in parting, so that the teacher is convinced that their callused hands will be kind and reliable, assistants in work and in physical education and sports, and, following folk wisdom, remember: in case of difficulties, do not lower hands! With this gift-hello, I involve parents in joint activities and responsibility for the physical development of the child.

Etudes "Toy on the line!", "Rope walkers"(acquaintance with the marking lines of the sports hall)

To get acquainted with the lines, children bring their favorite bright toy to the lesson. They sit down in the central circle (CC), the teacher informs the children that the line of this circle is not simple, like the neighboring large circle, but both are magical. Staying on these lines (standing, sitting, lying) restores strength and gives vigor. Children cheerfully accept the conditions of the game of tasty acquaintances. On the line (CC), they “taste” a milk-chocolate cocktail, and on the next line, a vitamin-fruit cocktail.

The game "Toy on the line!" we continue our acquaintance with straight lines - side, front and central dividing lines. On command (called a line), it is necessary to run to the line with a throw, put the toy and, dispersed throughout the hall, stand at a conditional point, facing the toy and perform exercises (homework) for flexibility, strength and dance combinations. All this is consistent - from line to line, from task to task.

An additional exercise will not hurt - a game of skill and orientation. On a signal, the children run from the point and run around their toy on the line, return to their place - “Who is faster?” I feel like they are looking forward to a delicious holiday.

Tired of running, I invite children to refresh themselves with drinks on the lines of the circles. On vacation, it is appropriate to introduce students to the corners of the gym - right, left (upper and lower).

We finish the lesson with the role-playing game "Rope Walkers". The guys walk along the rope lines, imitating circus tightrope walkers. The spirit without height does not capture, there is enough diligence, but the smile disappears. I ask you to be like artists: move beautifully and give a smile.

Etude "Treasure hunt" (acquaintance with the vertical rope, the rope is attached to the wall bar of the gymnastic wall, height-1.5 to 3.0 m)

The plot is the discovery of the secret of the cave of the treasure island, in which the famous pirates hid their treasure.

The guys are waiting for the familiar route of crossing the rocks (gymnastic wall) and descent along the rope into the cave.

It is impossible to descend by slipping, as the rope-liana has sharp spikes. By intercepting hands, using various grips with legs, treasure hunters descend along the liana to the bottom of the cave, where intricate pirate cards-rebuses of the hidden treasure await them. There are always children who, by grabbing their legs crosswise, keep themselves on the rope during the descent. I pay attention to a comfortable grip. Several trainings with descent, solving the rebus, and the treasure hunters are ready to pick up treasures (bulky backpack) and go along the route in the opposite direction. They do it with success and enthusiasm. The rope helps to assimilate the upper levels of the height of the gym. The transition to a big rope (climbing) takes place without height complexes, but this is another game - "Collecting Coconuts".

Etude "Transition in Suvorov" (introduction to gymnastic bars)

The task is to cross the mountain gorge-chasm along the "Devil's Bridge". The example of Suvorov - the transition of the Russian army in the winter Alps along the "Devil's Bridge" fuels the interest of the guys in the transition. The whole arsenal of movements-movements on the floor, gymnastic bench - imitation of animals, reconnaissance fighters - will be used when crossing the bars bridge. The movements under the bars will not be forgotten - in the hang, from above - in the emphasis on the hands. Dismounts by jumping, sliding down an inclined gymnastic bench ...

Complicated conditions - lifting the poles both in parallel, and at different heights, at different angles - all this is a Suvorov-style survival test, where not only physical qualities are tested, but also strong-willed. Children with a bang take this sketch.

Etude "Circus riders-jigits" (acquaintance with the balance beam, horse, goat)

We play the situation “mounting a saddle on a horse” (log) in pairs. Standing facing the side of the horse, we jump at point-blank range and with a leg swing we find ourselves in the saddle with legs apart, facing a fellow horse rider (we imitate horse riding - jumping while sitting, standing, moving under a horse, lowering in a curtain position with two legs under a log, with lifting into the saddle by force or in one fell swoop), we work out with the help of a teacher, a comrade, lowering and lifting in both directions:

    we conduct control competitions in pairs, teams. "On the horses!"

    who will be in the saddle faster:

    in pairs - “battle with a pike” - knocking a fellow rider off a horse with a pike (gymnastic stick with a boxing glove at the end);

    "All on horses!" - the whole group in the saddle on a log;

    the gymnastic balance beam is one of the merry amusements of valiant fun!

We use the acquaintance with the gymnastic horse and the gymnastic goat as stations in the circuit training.

Etude "Assault on heights". The motto is "For your friends and comrades!" (introduction to gymnastic mats) From gymnastic mats we add a hill-height, divide into groups-teams and, with the support of our fellow fans, we start the game. The task is to capture the height, take possession of the flag, and all this for the first time in confrontation, in contact, in excitement with a conditional enemy. Not only physical qualities are tested (dexterity, strength, wrestling techniques), but also courage and courage, the ability to stand up for yourself and your comrades, to provide assistance, and all in public, with active fans ... do not give up, fight back. Storm is a real school of courage!

Presentation of inventory "Magic Show"

How the learning process will benefit if the ball, hoop, gymnastic stick are adequately presented to children! Children love it when the object is skillfully manipulated (juggled) and equipment (boring term) will be shown in all its glory in the basic basic exercises of this sport. If a two-minute representation of a basketball (stroke, dribbling, moving) ends with a throw - hitting the ring, applause will definitely arise as a reward. Children will never confuse this ball with other balls!

Physical education lesson with a discontinuous structure according to the plot of the fairy tale "Pinocchio"Target : 1. Exercise children in walking at an average pace, running, on toes, snake and shin overlap.

    Learn to crawl on all fours between the cubes with a snake, crawl over the gymnastic bench.

    Continue to teach to walk on the gymnastic bench sideways, straight with a bag on your head

    Practice jumping on two legs moving forward from hoop to hoop

    Cultivate interest in movement

Equipment : gymnastic cubes, bench, hoops, balance bags. Preparation for the lesson: reading the fairy tale "Pinocchio".

Lesson progress : Children, today I saw an amazing dream: as if we were in the fairy tale "Pinocchio". And with us there were different interesting stories. Would you like to actually visit this fairy tale? Okay. I will show you the way there. But to get into a fairy tale, you need to overcome many obstacles, show strength, dexterity, endurance, kindness, friendship. Get ready, be careful and do what I tell you.

Introductory part:

    Line up behind each other behind the high - low. Straighten your shoulders, raise your heads. Be slim like Pinocchio. Let's show how Pinocchio proudly went to school with the alphabet. Walking one after another at an average pace of 30 seconds.

    Here he met Alice. Let's show how this cheat on toes runs in a circle, like a snake (at a different pace: fast and slow).

    And here is the cat Basilio. Let's be like him. Like this (showing) relying on the hands and toes of the feet - 15 sec.

    And now Pinocchio is running away from the fox and the cat like this in an overlap - 15-30 seconds. He ran away and went home from the fox and the cat and went home to Papa Carlo (normal walking). All these exercises are performed continuously at a pace.

Part II Basic movements

    Now guess where in the fairy tale I want to take you? You'll never guess In the Field of Miracles.

    Did I tell you that there will be obstacles? Huge trees (cubes) grow in the forest. We will need to crawl between these trees with a snake - you know how.

    Here is the fallen tree. We need to climb over it - like this (demonstrating) - 2 times.

    And now we need to go through the swamp. Think about how you can get through it? Correctly. Jumping from bump to bump with both feet. Easy on toes.

    And what is it so noisy, seething? Yes, this is a fast river, and here is a bridge across it. Let's go through it, whoever wants it: you can go straight, you can sideways. But in order to get to the Field of Miracles, you need to overcome these obstacles 3 times. Once overcame and still left - two times. Only then will we find a surprise (Children do the exercises, I monitor the quality and posture of the boats! We overcame all the obstacles.

And here is the Field of Miracles. Somewhere in here is a surprise. Now we must find it. You will walk across the field, look for. When you are far from the surprise, I will say "Cold", next to it - I will say loudly "Hot" (Children search, find a beautiful envelope, colorful, magical). It contains a letter from Malvina and Pinocchio. I read the letter: "Children! For your courage, dexterity, kindness and friendship, we give you new game, which is called "Pinocchio and Malvina". Game conditions: Children stand in pairs - a girl and a boy. On a signal (tambourine, bell) they scatter, run without bumping into each other. On another signal, they find their mate and dance. (With a music worker, pick up music and learn a few movements). Repeat the game 3-4 times. The result of the game: we were attentive, did not run into each other.

This is where our fun adventures come to an end. How can we get into kindergarten now? Listen to me carefully and do what I tell you.

III part In an even circle, one after another, we go step by step. Stay where you are! Let's do this together:

    Exhalation and retraction of the abdomen .... thin, like Pinocchio.

    Exhale with inflating the belly "fat belly like Karabas Barabas". Here are the good guys! And now look around - here we are in our own kindergarten. It's time for us to return to the group. Let's say goodbye to the guests. They leave to the music.


The essence of the game method lies in the systematic use of didactically transformed (or specially selected) games in teaching game activities.

The educational game is the main means of this method.

Depending on the circumstances, the game can be presented in the form of a mobile (or imitation) game, an exercise of a game nature, various variants of the studied sports game.

A variety of game forms allows you to use this method at various stages of learning. And because of this, it has the property of a situationally determined method of teaching.

The special significance of this method lies in the fact that it is fundamentally different from the exercise method. If exercises according to a given pattern reflect the essence of the deductive method of assignment, then the independent search for a solution by the students characterizes a completely different inductive method.

This fundamental difference means that the process of learning any activity is simply impossible without involving the game method. The inductive method activates cognitive activity, providing the assimilation of the necessary knowledge at all three levels - reproductive, constructive, creative.

The path of learning through the game is the most adequate method of teaching young children who, due to their mental characteristics, are not capable of long-term learning of game elements isolated from the game.

The successful use of the game method in teaching children to play is the result of a well-thought-out system of using outdoor games and exercises of a game nature, different in their difficulty and direction, with the help of which the whole complex of tasks of physical development and learning is solved.


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    Balsevich V.K., Bolshenkov. V.G., Ryabintsev F.P. The concept of physical education with a health-improving orientation of primary school students of general education schools //Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. 1996, no. 2.

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    Efimenko N. Theater of physical development and health improvement of children of preschool and primary school age. M.. 1999.

5. Zhuk V.A., Martynenko I.P. An effective method of motor training of schoolchildren. // Ways to improve the physical culture of schoolchildren. - Omsk: OGPI, 1989.

6. Pedagogy and health.-M.: Pedagogy, 1990

7. Malykhina M.V., Protchenko TL^ Polyanskaya N.V. etc. Personal physical culture of secondary school students: the problem of content selection: Proceedings of VIII scientific and practical. conf. on the problems of physical education of students "Man, health, physical culture and sport in a changing world." Kolomna, 1998.

8. Matveev A.P., Melnikov S. B. Methods of physical education with the basics of theory - M .: Education, 1991

9. Protchenko T.A., Polyanskaya N.V., Malykhina M.V. and others. The problem of the complex formation of psychophysical qualities of students of primary school age // Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. 1997, No. 4.

10. Physical education at school. Scientific-theoretical and methodical journal for 1990-2002

11.. Shcherbinina V.P. Pedagogy of healthy development of young children. Grodno, 1992.


Gracheva Marina Sergeevna, teacher of physical education, MBOU "Secondary School No. 3", Bratsk, Irkutsk region.
Purpose: outdoor games are a universal means of physical education in preschool institutions and elementary school, in addition, they are the leading type of activity for preschool children. The use of outdoor games allows you to enhance the possibilities of pedagogical influences, contributing to the successful formation of vital motor skills and abilities, a system of knowledge, mental and moral qualities of a person. “An outdoor game is a type of activity that is characterized by active creative motor actions motivated by its plot” (V.E. Grizhenya). The game can be held in a variety of conditions: in the hall, on the sports ground, in recreation both during physical education lessons and during extracurricular activities, used as a means of active recreation in a health camp. At the same time, the age and number of participants can be completely different and not regulated by anything.
This event might be of interest. physical education teachers, additional education teachers, summer camp workers, organizers in kindergartens.
Description: games activate cognitive activity, developing observation, attention, motor memory, imagination, ingenuity. The social significance of the game is due to the fact that games are collective in nature and teach interaction, which is built on a sense of camaraderie, solidarity and responsibility. methodically correctly constructed and systematically used outdoor games have a positive effect on the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, respiratory and other body systems. During the game, functional activity increases, large and small muscles are involved in the work, mobility in the joints increases, motor and visual analyzers improve.
Target: the formation of vital motor skills and abilities, a system of knowledge, mental and moral qualities of a person in the process of using outdoor games,
1. Education of the need for outdoor games;
2. Education of collectivism, interaction and mutual understanding; needs for movement, communication, independence, receiving positive emotions, novelty, self-affirmation;
3. Unleashing the potential of each child;
4. Comprehensive development of physical qualities;
5. Satisfying the biological and social needs of those involved.

The health of the younger generation today is of serious concern and is the concern of the state and society. To solve this problem, the formation of physical culture of the student's personality is of great importance, in promoting the development of which outdoor games are of great importance, allowing to instill a steady interest and form value orientations of the younger generation in the context of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
The effectiveness of the process of physical education is directly related to the increase of creative initiative, independence, the expansion of physical education, the satisfaction of the actual needs of the child's personality in the process of physical culture and sports activities. All these tasks can be successfully solved by outdoor games.
N. K. Krupskaya called the game "a natural need of a growing child's body." An outdoor game has unlimited possibilities for the simple reason that it helps to satisfy many needs at the same time: in movement, self-affirmation, getting positive emotions, relaxation, communication, independence, new experiences, etc.
A large number of outdoor games are inherently very similar, differ in certain nuances of the rules, but have the same basic content: one or more drivers, catch up and catch other players, after which the caught players change places with them.
Your attention is invited to several options for outdoor games that have verbal accompaniment (recitative), which makes them more emotional and expressive, contributing to the development of creative imagination. These games are mainly used with children in elementary school.

1. "Two frosts"

Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: at opposite ends of the hall or platform, at a distance of 10-15 meters, “home” and “school” are marked with parallel lines. From among the players, two “frosts” are selected - “frost blue nose”, and “frost red nose”, all the other “guys”, who are located behind the line of the house. In the middle between "home" and "school" there are two "frosts".
Content and course of the game: frosts turn to the guys with the words:
“We are two young brothers, two frosts are remote!”
One of them, pointing to himself, says:
"I'm frost - red nose!",
another: "And I'm frost - blue nose!",
and together: “Which of you dares to set off on the path?”
The guys answer together:
“We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost!”
After these words, the players run from home to school. Frost catches, “freezes” those who run, and they immediately stop at the place where they were “frozen” by frosts. Then the frosts again turn to the guys with the same words, and the guys, having answered, run back to the house, helping out the “frozen” guys along the way, touching them with their hands, and they join the other players. After several runs, new frosts are chosen from among the players not caught, and those caught are counted and released, after which they join the rest of the players, after which the game starts over.
The players should run out of the house only after pronouncing the words, and they should not run back to the house or stop in place.
If the player does not follow these rules, he is considered caught.
Caught must remain in the place where he was "frozen".
accelerations in alternation with pauses.
Pedagogical value: the game teaches to collective action and mutual assistance, teaches to run in an organized manner, at the same time and on a signal to join the game, while developing independence and initiative, creative imagination. The game develops speed, speed endurance, agility.
Since the game is thematic in nature, it is advisable to play it in autumn or winter.
If the game is played in the air, then the recitative can be reduced to the words: “Which of you decide to go on a journey?”
Caught players, in order not to freeze from prolonged standing, can perform motor actions, such as jumping.
At the end of the game, the best guys who have never been caught in frost are marked, as well as the best pair of drivers.
If time permits, it is desirable that all players play the role of frost.
If the game is played in a mixed composition (boys and girls together), then you can choose boys and a girl as drivers, while the girl “freezes” the girls, and the boy “freezes” the boys.
The game can be played from 1st grade.

3. The choice of unprepared drivers.
4. The conduct of the game does not correspond to the season.

2. "Geese - swans"

Location: playground, gym, corridor, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: on the sides of the hall or platform, the “houses” of the “geese” are marked with a long line, between them is the “wolf lair”. One or more players are chosen as "wolves", the other as "mistress of geese"; the rest of the participants are “geese” and “swans”. The wolf becomes a den, the geese are swans in their house, the hostess is away from the geese.
Content and course of the game: the mistress of the geese comes up to the house and says loudly:
"Geese - geese!"
Geese answer: "Ha-ha-ha!"
The hostess asks: "Do you want to eat?"
Geese answer: "Yes Yes Yes!"
The hostess offers: "So fly home!"
Geese answer: “The gray wolf under the mountain, does not let us go home, sharpens his teeth, wants to eat us!” The hostess says: “So fly as you want, just take care of your wings!
Geese fly to their house, and the wolf catches them. Caught geese go to the wolf's lair, and the game continues.
Geese fly out into the field, and the wolf begins to catch them only after the words of the hostess.
You can only fish up to the borders of the house.
When the wolf catches several geese, the game ends, a new wolf and the mistress of the geese are chosen, and the game starts over.
The predominant type of movement: acceleration with a change of direction in combination with pauses.
Pedagogical value: the game teaches to act in an organized manner in a team, simultaneously and quickly join the game, develops expressive speech skills, creative imagination, initiative, dexterity, courage.
You need to learn the text before the start of the game.
When a small number of players take part in the game, then you can continue the game until the wolf catches all the geese.
If the game is being played for the first time, then the role of the “hostess” can be played by the teacher himself, who can correctly reproduce the recitative.
For the role of the hostess, it is better to choose one of the children exempted from physical education.
Children who are in the wolf's lair can be given some simple task (squats, jumping in place, etc.).
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. The players are not familiar with the recitative before the start of the game and therefore confuse the words.
2. The size of the site is too large.
3. A rare change of roles during the game.

3. "We are funny guys"

Location: playground, gym, corridor, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: a square is drawn on the court, the dimensions of which depend on the number of players. A leader is chosen from among the players.
Content and course of the game: the players hold hands, forming a circle, in the center of which is the driver. The game begins with the fact that the players walk in a circle in a predetermined direction, pronouncing a recitative:
“We are funny guys, we love to jump and jump,
But try to catch up with us!
One, two, three - run!"

After pronouncing these words, the players open their hands and try to run out of the marked square. The driver tries to knock down any of the players, after which the caught player becomes the driver's assistant.
Game options: all of them are held according to the rules of the main version of the game, but they have a different plot and role-playing basis.
Owl is an owl.
From among the players (small animals), an Owl is selected - an owl that sits in the middle of the circle, the players walk in a circle and pronounce a recitative:
It's dark in the forest, everyone is sleeping for a long time,
But only one owl does not sleep,
He sits on a bitch, turns his head,
But suddenly, how it will fly!

After pronouncing the recitative, the owl tries to catch up and overpower the children.
Mustachioed catfish.
A line is drawn on the ground, this is the “shore”, on the one hand land, on the other water. A leading "catfish" is selected, which stands in the "water" at a distance of 4-5 meters from the shore. All the rest are standing in the same place, but at a distance of 1.5 -2 meters, facing the shore and reciting:
Catfish do not sleep under stones
He moves his mustache
Fish, fish, don't yawn
Everyone swim to the shore!

After these words, the catfish tries to catch up and overpower the fish.
Vaska cat.
On the site, a cord is pulled onto the pegs at a height of 50-70 centimeters from the ground. The leader is chosen - “Vaska the cat”, who sits on the floor or on a chair at a distance of 3-4 meters from the cord.
Cat Vaska says the words:
On the bench, at the gate
Vaska the cat is resting.
Vaska guards the mice,
He pretended to be asleep.
Quiet mouse, don't make noise
Don't wake the cat Vaska!

Children carefully, without touching the cord, crawl and approach the cat.
After the words of the last line, the cat says meow, and begins to catch mice that run away from him, not crawling under the cord, but running around him from any side. The mice tagged by the cat are captured by the cat. The game continues until the last mouse is caught, which then becomes the driver.
The players do not have the right to run away before the entire recitative is uttered.
The driver does not have the right to touch players who are outside the square.
The game continues until the number of leading and forming a circle is approximately the same.
Pedagogical value: the game contributes to the education of restraint, determination, ingenuity, brings up orientation in space and the ability to run fast.
Strict adherence to the rules must be ensured so that the players do not run out until the last word has been said.
It is necessary to ensure that the driver is in the center of the circle and does not leave it ahead of time.
To ensure the safety of those involved, it is necessary that the free zone outside the square be at least 3 meters.
In order for the game to be interesting, you can make the players form a circle, standing with their backs to the leader.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. The players are not familiar with the recitative before the start of the game and therefore confuse the words.
2. The players always go in one direction, and do not alternate the direction of movement during the next repetition of the game.
3. Players are always offered the same game option.

4. "Blind Bear"

Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: a large circle is drawn on the site - a "lair", in which the playing "cubs" are located, from among the players a driver is selected who is blindfolded - this is a "blind bear".
Content and course of the game: the players stand around the bear at a distance of 2-3 meters and, at the signal of the leader, begin to clap their hands. The bear goes to the sound of clapping and, at the signal of the leader, they begin to clap their hands. The bear goes to the sound of clapping and tries to catch one of the players who are running away from it.
Whoever is caught by a bear becomes a blind bear.
If the bear leaves the playground (dens), the players say loudly:
"Where did you put your foot?
You go bear to the den!

The cubs must constantly clap their hands.
Recitative: The game may start with:
We are animals, cubs,
The shaggy bear catches us,
It's not easy to catch us
Even though we are small!

The predominant type of movement: walking, running, with a change in direction of movement and stops.
Pedagogical value: the game brings up the ability to navigate in space without the use of a visual analyzer.
If there are many players, you can choose several blind bears.
You can give the bear the opportunity to lift the bandage while standing in place in order to orient, then put on the bandage and continue the game.
It is better to learn recitative before starting the game.
If the bear does not cope, then it can be changed before the end of the game.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Playing area too large.
2. Non-optimal number of bears for the game.
3. Rare change of drivers.

5. "Painter and paints"

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: at a distance of 10-20 meters draw two parallel lines and on one of them they set up a gymnastic bench. On the side, between the lines, they draw the house of a “painter”, which is selected from among the players, the driver is selected, the rest of the players become “paints”.
Content and course of the game: paints sit on a gymnastic bench or on the ground behind the line. The driver distributes between the playing colors of paints: red, blue, yellow, black, etc. The painter takes a place in the house. On a signal, a painter approaches the driver and asks him:
I came to you for paint
I do coloring
May I have some paint?

The driver answers:
"And what to give you?"
The painter names any paint color. A participant in the game with the name of this paint quickly gets up from the bench and runs to the second line.
The painter must catch up with the paint and take it to his house.
If the painter does not catch the paint, then she returns to her house and changes color, after which the game is repeated.
The winner is the painter who has caught the most paints, or the paints that have never been caught.
The predominant type of movement: acceleration with a change in direction of movement in alternation with pauses.
Pedagogical value: the game develops imagination, expressive speech skills, dexterity, speed of reaction.
If there are many players, then several colors can be called at the same time.
It is also possible to choose several painters.
If there are several painters, then 2-3 players can be paints of the same color.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Too many paint colors, which will result in many colors not being named.
2. Rare change of the painter, which leads to its overload.

6. "Sparrows - jumpers"

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: children stand in a circle at arm's length, a circle is drawn in front of their feet, the leader is chosen from among the players - "cat", the rest playing "sparrows".
Content and course of the game: playing - "sparrows" jump and jump out of the circle, and the driver - "cat", standing in a circle, tries to overpower them.
The driver has the right to spot the players only within the circle.
The winner is the player who made the most jumps in and out of the circle before the end of the game.
Captured players can become cat helpers.
The game ends when the "cats" catch all the "sparrows".
Recitative: before the start of the game, the players standing outside the circle - “sparrows” pronounce the words:
We are sparrows, we are crumbs
Teasing, teasing an angry cat
The cat has been catching us for a long time
Don't get caught anyway!

Pedagogical value: the game contributes to the development of dexterity and attention, the driver develops observation, quick wit and quickness.
The predominant type of movement: jumping.
If there are a large number of guys, then you can divide them into several teams or by gender.
If the level of preparedness of the players is high enough, you can give the task to jump on one leg, arbitrarily changing the foot.
As a cat, you need to choose the most dexterous driver.
In order for the load to be evenly distributed between the players, you can simply give penalty points to those players who were caught by the “cat”.
If the players are well enough prepared, you can place them with their backs to the circle and jump backwards.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. The dimensions of the circle are too large.
2. The players are not given the task to count the number of jumps.
3. The manager does not encourage the players to be active and they just stand without jumping.

7. "Bird in a cage"

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: depending on the number of participants in the game, a circle is drawn, the players are located around the circle. One of the players stands in the center of the circle - this is a “bird in a cage”, next to which there is a driver (“bird-catcher”), all other players are located outside the circle.
Content and course of the game: the players try to help out the “caged bird” by running into the circle and touching it with their hand, and the driver tries to tarnish the rescued players.
Rules of the game:
The driver can only catch players who are within the circle.
If he succeeds, then the caught players become "caught birds" and take a place in the center of the circle.
If they manage to help out the caught "bird", then the player who did this becomes the driver or the caught "bird".
Recitative: the game can begin with words pronounced by the driver:
I am a very skilled birder!
There is a cage and there is a knack
I will catch many birds
Woodpeckers, sparrows, tits.

The players behind the "cage" "birds" answer:
We won't leave a bird in a cage
Woodpecker, sparrow, titmouse.
Even though we look at you
We will release the bird!

The predominant type of movement: short accelerations with a change of direction.
Pedagogical value: the game develops a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance, expressive speech skills.
If the "birder" caught a "bird", she should tell everyone about herself (for example, say the name, where she lives, what she eats).
As a birder, you need to choose the most dexterous driver.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Insufficient motivation of players to provide revenue.
2. Lack of interdisciplinary connections in the game (lack of a story about a caught bird)

8. "Hares in the garden"

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: chalk, carrots cut out of cardboard, heads of cabbage.
Preparing for the game: two concentric circles are drawn on the floor (platform): an outer circle with a diameter of 7-9 meters, and an inner one 3-4 meters. From among the players, a driving “watchman” is chosen, who is in the middle of a small circle, in the “garden”. The players represent "hares" and are located outside the large circle. In the space inside the small circle, carrots and cabbage are scattered, thus, the closer to the center of the circle, the more it is.
Content and course of the game: the game begins with the hares uttering a recitative, after which the hares try, jumping on two legs, to enter the garden, take one carrot or cabbage and return beyond the line of the large circle, and the watchman tries to catch up with them and knock them over.
The watchman has the right to catch hares only in the garden.
Hares that have been caught can return to the game if they put the carried away carrot or cabbage back in place.
The hare has the right to take no more than one head of cabbage or carrot at a time.
A hare that has been stained and has no carrots or cabbages is out of the game.
The game ends when there are no carrots and cabbage left in the garden.
The winner is the hare who managed to take out the largest number of vegetables from the garden.
Game options:
Hares must jump only on the left or only on the right foot.
Hares must jump in a squat - "hare jumps".
Caught hares are out of the game.
In the game, you can use the dialogue between the watchman and the hares:
Watchman:"Bunnies, where have you gone?"
Bunnies: “We rested in cabbage!”
Watchman: "Didn't you eat the leaves?"
Bunnies: "Only touched the tail!"
Watchman:(wiggles finger) "You should be punished!"
Bunnies: "So try to catch up with us!"
Recitative: the game begins with the words spoken by the hares:
Grows thick in the garden
And carrots and cabbage!
We'll get there
Let there be a watchman
No problem!

The predominant type of movement: jumps - accelerations with a change in direction of movement.
Pedagogical value: the game develops imagination, expressive speech skills, jumping ability, dexterity, ingenuity, ability to take risks.
When playing the game, you need to carefully monitor that the players do not take away more than one carrot or cabbage.
You need to make sure that the hares are jumping, not running.
When playing the game in the fall in the air, you can use a real carrot.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Insufficient number of “vegetables” on the court for the normal conduct of the game.
2. Too large or small garden size.

9. "Through bumps and stumps"

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: gymnastic stand.
Preparing for the game: on one side of the court a line is drawn, beyond which the players are located. At 10-20 meters from it, a jumping stand is placed - a “Christmas tree”. Three or four leading “bees” become near the counter.
Content and course of the game: at the signal of the leader, the guys go out from behind the line and go, raising their legs high, to the counter (Christmas tree), uttering a recitative:
We went out to the forest lawn, we raise our legs higher,
Through bushes and hummocks, through branches and stumps,
Who walked so high, did not stumble, did not fall!

With these words, the children stop near the Christmas tree and continue to say:
Look, the hollow of a tall Christmas tree, angry bees fly out!
The bees begin to circle around the Christmas tree and buzz:
Zhi-Zhi-Zhi - we want to bite!
The players answer:
We are not afraid of a swarm of bees - let's run home as soon as possible!
- and run over the line, raising their knees high, imitating running through the forest.
The bees try to catch up with the fleeing ones, touch them with their hand - “sting”.
You can run away only after the words: “Let's run home soon!” Those who ran away prematurely are considered caught.
Players stung by bees are out of the game.
Bees can catch players only after the words: "Angry bees fly out." Those caught earlier do not count.
The predominant type of movement: running with a high hip lift with a change in direction of movement.
Pedagogical value of the game: the game develops imagination, expressive speech skills, dexterity, ingenuity, ability to take risks.
The text must be learned before the start of the game.
One of the freed players can be specifically chosen to speak the recitative.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. The game is played with children who do not know recitative.
2. The distance does not correspond to the preparedness of the children.
3. Before the start of the game, it is not told what kind of insects bees are and their significance in nature.

10. "Magic Grass"

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: bunch of grass, fant, small object.
Preparing for the game: the driver is chosen - “wolf”, the children are randomly located on the site.
Content and course of the game: The participants of the game say the words together:
We are not afraid of the gray wolf, gray wolf, gray wolf,
Stupid wolf, click teeth, click teeth, click teeth,
The wolf will not catch me, because there is magic grass!

After these words, the driver begins to catch the children, who, seeing that they will inevitably be caught, can throw their bunch of grass with the words:
You don't eat me, here's the magic herb!
The wolf must first pick up the grass, and while he does this, the player has the opportunity to run away.
You can only throw grass once.
Players caught by the wolf are out of the game, or become the wolf's helpers.
Pedagogical value:
With a large number of players, choose several wolves.
If girls and boys play together, let one wolf (boy) catch up with the boys, and the she-wolf (girl) catch up with the girls.
You can choose several wolves that will take part in the game in turn.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. One driver is selected with a large number of players.
2. The game is played on too large a platform, which increases the load on the driver and reduces on the rest of the players.
3. The opinion of the players themselves is not taken into account (the drivers are appointed by the leader themselves).

11. "Samovar"

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: the driver is chosen - this is a “samovar”, all the other children are different “sweets” become in a wide semicircle.
Content and course of the game: the driver (samovar) starts the game with the words:
The samovar is boiling, he asks for tea!
Leading asks: What will the tea be?
Samovar answers, for example:
“With raspberry jam and good mood!”
Leading answers:
"There is such sweetness!"
After that, the “raspberry jam” player must run around the semicircle, as indicated in the diagram, and the samovar tries to stain it.
If there is no such sweetness that the leader called, then the leader says:
There is no such sweetness, you drink - ka, tea on the other!
After that, the game is repeated, and the samovar names another sweet.
If the driver has stained the player, then he becomes the new driver.
At the end of the game, the most successful players are marked.
Players are not allowed to run around the semicircle until the words of the recitative are spoken.
Pedagogical value: the game develops attention, imagination, resourcefulness.
You can name two sweets at once.
If the children cannot come up with a name for the sweet themselves, then they can be prompted.
Organizational and methodological errors:
Children are not familiar with the plot of the game and do not know the words of recitative.

12. "Teremok"

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: children stand in a circle - this is a "teremok".
The following animals are chosen by the counting: “mouse-norushka”, “frog frog”, “chanterelle-sister”, “bunny-know-it-all” and “bear-trap”, which become outside the circle.
Content and course of the game: the players forming the teremok walk, holding hands in a circle, uttering a recitative:
There is a teremok in the field, a teremok,
He is not low, not high, not high,

A mouse runs - norushka, stops in front of the "doors" and knocks on it with the words:
"I'm a mouse - norushka, let me into the teremok",
after which it goes inside the circle. Further, the frog runs and asks:
“Who, who lives in the little house? »
“Who, who lives in a low place?”

The mouse answers: “I am a mouse norushka. And who are you?"
I am a frog
The mouse invites the frog:
"Come live with me"
And thus all the other animals enter the circle, and the bear appears last and says:
"I'm a bear - a trap",
after which all the animals run out of the circle, and the bear tries to catch them.
The game continues until the bear catches two or three animals (by agreement), after which the players change roles.
Animals, escaping from the bear, can run through the tower, but the bear does not have the right to do this.
Pedagogical value:
Before the game, you need to familiarize the children with the content of the fairy tale.
All children during the game should be in different roles.
It is necessary to explain to the guys playing the role of animals that you can use the tower as protection by running through it.
The game is best played outdoors.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Children perform only one role in the game.
2. Animals, escaping from the trap bear, run too far from the tower.
3. The game is played in an unsuitable room.

13. "Baba Yaga"

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: children become in a circle, in the center of which the leader is “Baba Yaga” (girl) or Kashchei - immortal (boy).
Content and course of the game: players approach Baba Yaga (if it is a girl) and tease her by reciting:
Baba Yaga - bone leg
She fell off the stove and broke her leg.
Went to the garden, frightened the people.
I ran to the bathhouse, scared the bunny!

After these words, Baba Yaga, jumping on one leg, tries to catch the fleeing.
If Baba Yaga cannot catch up with anyone for a long time, she says:
Oh, old, I have become completely,
Or maybe a little rest,
I want Nina
(says the name of any player) ask,
To catch children for me.
Kashchei in this case says:
Oh, I've become quite old,
Resting too long
I want to ask Misha
To catch children for yourself!

If a baba is a yaga, or Kashchei caught someone, the one who is caught becomes a new baba yaga.
Pedagogical value: the game develops imagination, attention, resourcefulness.
If the driver is a boy, then the players say recitative:
Old Kashchei ate sour cabbage soup,
He ran through the forest, scared away all the animals,
He ran across the field, broke his leg on a hare!

If the game is held for the first time, the leader himself can act as a driver.
If a player cannot knock anyone down for a long time, he needs to be replaced.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Children do not know the text of the recitative, so they get confused.
2. Playing area too big.
3. Unnecessarily long stay of one player in the role of Baba Yaga or Kashchei.
4. The game is held for children of middle school age.

14. Greedy Chef

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: skittles or sausages cut out of cardboard, or pencils, a hoop.
Preparing for the game: a “cook” is chosen as a counting rhyme, which becomes a “kitchen”, which is a square or circle 2x3 meters in size. A hoop is placed in the middle of the kitchen, in which sausage pins are placed. Children - "kittens" become around the kitchen.
Content and course of the game: kittens randomly move around the kitchen with the words:
Pussy crying in the hallway
Kittens have great grief:
Greedy cook poor pussies
Doesn't let you grab sausages!

After that, the kittens run into the kitchen, trying to carry away sausages from there, and the cook tries to touch them. Players tagged by the chef remain in the position in which they were tagged. The game continues until all sausages are stolen.
The captured kitten must come up with an interesting name for its pose, and after that it can continue the game.
You can't take more than one sausage at a time.
If the cook has caught a kitten that has already carried away some sausages, he must return one of them to the kitchen.
The game continues until all sausages are stolen.
Kittens are noted who managed to carry away a lot of sausages.
Pedagogical value: the game develops attention, imagination, resourcefulness.
When playing the game, skittles, pencils, or something else can be used as sausages.
"Voicing" of the game at first can be carried out by the leader himself.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Children do not know the content of the text well.
2. Children are not told about the need to help animals.

The use of role-playing games in physical education lessons.

Physical education teacher

MBOU "Rodionovo-Nesvetayskaya secondary school No. 7"

Datchenko S.V.

When the academic quarter comes to an end, the lessons, no matter how interesting they are, begin to become boring, the desire to study fades away. The soul of a child demands something new, unusual. A plot-role-playing lesson can add variety to the monotonous academic life. Of particular interest is the conduct of such lessons in elementary school.

I am constantly looking for new ways to energize students. Lessons become active when they essentially turn into a dialogue between the teacher and students, as well as between students. My non-standard lessons become such a dialogue, each of which is a constant search for pedagogical discoveries.

In order to make your unique individual experience accessible to the perception of others, you need to capture it in the material, find for it its own unique form. I want to understand myself and be understood by others, I search anew for each case, by what means to express this mine? After all, I want to express myself in such a way that others know about my pain, joy, doubt, delight.

My commandment: "Study, understand the student and help him learn." I consider the goal of my work not only to master the ZUNs, but also the formation of a person, the acquisition of himself, his human image, a unique individuality.

In the practice of my work I widely use competitive and gaming technology which help to solve not only the problems of health protection and socialization, but also the problems of motivation and development of students. In the game, the child "grows up" for several years ahead, because in the game the child himself makes decisions, he chooses a way to beat a friend. The game helps a person to fulfill himself, to take responsibility for the action performed, and through game communication, a growing child manifests and forms a worldview, the need to influence the world, to adequately perceive what is happening. It is in the game that, regardless of the consciousness of the child, various muscle groups work, which also has a beneficial effect on health.

In developing learning, the game models the process of researching a real or simulated problem situation, independent decision-making in accordance with the rules of the game and the model of interaction, evaluation activities in the analysis of decisions made and the results achieved.

In the methodology of physical education for elementary school, many means have been developed by which the harmonious development of the child's body is achieved. Games and exercises are given that develop dexterity and endurance, courage and speed, the ability to control one's actions.

Combining complex physical exercises with dancing, role-playing game in one lesson, you can achieve high results and a steady interest in physical education. All these elements can make up a story lesson, which, as a rule, is the result of the material covered during the quarter. Such a lesson is a holiday for children. One of the tasks of the plot - role-playing lesson- Knowledge of the new and improvement of the past. But in addition to educational and cognitive tasks, moral and aesthetic tasks are set and solved, striving to achieve from the children a respectful attitude towards each other, the manifestation of such qualities as mutual assistance, solidarity in the implementation of the proposed tasks.

In their plot lessons, materials of oral folk art, local history material are used, slides and films are shown. To increase the working activity of children, their moods are often used musical accompaniment, for which they use folk, classical and modern music.

The plot lesson is a performance, and the children on it are artists. The task of the teacher is to reveal the creative and physical potential of children, to give each child the opportunity to express themselves and be happy for themselves and others.

Role-playing lessons contribute not only to the physical and moral improvement of children, but also develop their creativity. Such lessons create positive motivation in children and an emotional mood. At role-playing lessons, children simultaneously feel the joint joy of knowledge, creativity, sports achievements, beauty.

Abstract of the plot-role-playing lesson "Journey to the island" Chunga-Changa ".

Chapter: "Gymnastics".

Lesson topic:"Improving Ways to Overcome Obstacles".

Target for a block of lessons (Overcoming obstacles).

    Assistance in the formation of a creative self-responsible personality capable of self-development.

    Development of the volitional sphere.

    Development of motor abilities.

Lesson objectives:1. Contribute to the formation of students' skills

succeed in overcoming obstacles.

2. Development of intellectual, communicative


3. Development of physical qualities: speed-strength,

speed, agility.

4. Education of a close-knit team, feelings

partnerships, partnerships.

5. Development of self-confidence and abilities.

Hall decoration: one of the walls of the hall is decorated with a panel depicting an island with palm trees, the sun, clouds, animals (elephant, tiger, turtles, monkeys, crocodiles, lions, parrots). The contour of the hall (island) is marked with racks on which palm trees are fixed.

During the classes:

    Entrance to the hall under the "Olympic anthem". I started my lesson by entering the hall to rhythmic music. Such a reflex signal helps to more successfully distract students from extraneous thoughts and helps set them up for an organized start of the lesson against the backdrop of positive emotions that improve their attitude towards the upcoming learning activities. Construction, greeting, report.

Teacher - The lesson we have today will be unusual. It is cold and frosty outside the window, and in order to warm up a little, we will go on a trip to the wonderful fairy-tale island of Chunga-Changa, where it is very warm and sunny. I hope you enjoy the lesson, you will learn something new, become a little stronger, a little faster. (1 min.)

    Teacher - Before we start the lesson, I want to tell you about the boy Petya. (Usage information technologies- presentation "charging", which helped me present the theoretical material). (1-3 slide). Reading poetry (one by one, students read). Question? What do you guys think, did Petya do everything right? And why? What did you do right, and what could be wrong? What would you do? Where does your morning start? Why do you even need a charger? (Listen to the children's answers). I offered the children the technology of situational learning - an evaluation situation was proposed that required their own evaluation activities, the expression of their opinion (it was necessary to evaluate the activities of the boy Petya). (4-5 slide). (3 min)

    Teacher - And now, guys, let's make up the rules that you and I must adhere to when doing morning exercises? (By analyzing the actions, she suggested that the guys draw up the rules for doing morning exercises). (6-7 slide). Fixing the rules for doing morning exercises.

    Where and where is the best place to recharge?

  • What exercises to include?

    How much exercise should be?

    What exercises do we start with and what exercises do we end with (order of exercises)?

    Perform to music? (3 min)

Teacher - (8 slide). Oh, and what kind of “abra-kadabra” is this written in our country? What kind of "horror story" is this? Is there something wrong here? Guys, could you help me? Tell me what's wrong here? What spellings need to be applied here in order to correctly write the word "charging". (Listen to student suggestions.) And let's check if you correctly name the spelling, then our horror story will disappear. (If the students insert the letters correctly, the "Scary" will disappear and the "Sun" will appear). Thank you. And who knows proverbs or sayings about exercise, about sports? Name them to me, please.

Here I used interdisciplinary connections (with the Russian language). I have been using these for a long time. At each lesson, starting from the first grade, the children and I memorize 2-3 unknown words, the spelling of which I explain to the children and hang these words in a conspicuous place, so that when running or passing by, constantly involuntarily come across this word. Thus, there is a visual perception of these words. This is how 6-8 lessons are done, and then we write vocabulary dictations. This technology allows you to improve physical education in the classroom. (3 min)

    Teacher - And now I ask you to line up. The road to our island is long and difficult, there will be all sorts of obstacles along the way and we must be able to overcome them. You look like real natives and we can go on our journey. You are ready. But we need to warm up and get ready for a long journey. And I will check whether you are ready to listen to me, whether you are attentive. To do this, I ask you to follow my commands. (Turns, rebuilds).

And we'll start with walking. (Class, to the right). Walking (on toes, on heels, on the outside of the foot, in a half squat, in a full squat, jumping in a full squat - pay attention to posture). (3 min). The transition to running at a calm pace (Along the perimeter of the palms, running with side steps, with jumps, with a high raising of the hip, with an overlap of the lower leg). Walking with breath recovery. (3 min).

6. Teacher - And now the workout. On the island of Chunga-changa, all the tribes warm up to their favorite music, what kind of music do you think? That's right - to the music of "Chunga-chang" in motion :(3 min)

    Head tilts.


    Jerks with hands (straight).

    Jerks (bent arms).

    Body twists.

    Swing your legs.

  • Jumping in full squat.

The beginning of each lesson of physical culture is characterized by a reduced working capacity of students, and the rhythm of their motor activity at this time does not coincide with the rhythm of the educational and training process. In order to facilitate and speed up the process of developing students, I used functional, rhythmic music, which played the role of an initiator of motor activity against the background of positive emotions and led the children's body to the high physical exertion planned in the main part of the lesson. The music corresponded to this age and set the guys up for a lesson-journey.

    Teacher - And now we will overcome the obstacle course that got in our way. (Explanation of the sequence of performing an obstacle course (on a whistle, at speed to the musical accompaniment of "Chunga-Chang" - 2-4 times): crawling along the bench with the help of hands, crawling under the goat, running along the inverted bench, somersault, running around racks depicting palm trees , throwing at a target (shields with the image of animals), jumping rope (5 times), running around palm trees, somersaulting, running along an inverted bench, jumping over a goat, crawling along a bench with the help of hands, finish). (6 min)

In the main part of the lesson, the guys, based on their skills and abilities, overcame obstacles. I tried to increase the motor density of the lesson using the in-line method of performing exercises. When performing and evaluating the activities of students, I used a differentiated and individual approach (jumping on my knees or on a full foot, moving along the bench with the help of my hands or using the help of my legs).

    Teacher - Now imagine that the tribes on this island were constantly at war with each other. But once a year they stopped fighting, came to visit each other to compete in a peaceful duel. So we will now try to find out which of our tribes is stronger, faster, more agile. And so that I can distinguish between your tribes, we will put on necklaces (I give out necklaces made from colored knitting threads, plastic bottle caps and colored paper). I ask the tribe with a turtle on the necklace to stand under the left hand, and the tribe with the monkey on the necklace to stand under the right hand. The competition will not be easy, and only the tribe that will overcome all obstacles first, complete all the tasks, will be able to win. In order for the competitions to be held fairly, our elder will follow them, he will fill out the protocol of our competitions. (An elder can be a student who is released in this lesson or belongs to a special medical group for health reasons.)


    "Collecting pineapples" (handballs in cases of three pieces).

Collect pineapples,

yes, look, do not yawn.

The tribe sits side by side

watching and watching.

    "Mustang Tamers". You will tame the mustangs,

Jump quickly onto your back.

crawling under the belly

Surprise all the people.

Climbing along the bench, pulling himself up on his hands, crawling under the goat.

    "Coconut Tennis" We beat the coconut with a stick -

It won't fall on us.

And everyone carefully

Will get to the finish line.

Lead balloons with tennis rackets.

    "Relay race of animals". The first pair is a giraffe. (One takes the other by the neck, the second by the belt). On the way back, change places. The second pair - with legs tied with an elastic band, hugging each other by the belt, depict a kangaroo. One person - depicts a crab (in support from behind, moving on his hands, back forward, up to the rack, running back). One person - depicts a spider (in support from behind, moving forward).

    "Running in pairs in a hoop."

    "Collect your emblem." Reach the line, rearranging your footprints (make large footprints of the animal that will be depicted on the emblem). (Let's hunt down a large animal when we collect all the cubes). The first carries the package with cubes, and the next ones reach, take the cube, and come back running with traces. When all the cubes are on the start line, collect the emblem from them.

    “Large final relay race”: crawling along the bench with the help of hands, crawling under the goat, running along the inverted bench, somersault, running around the palm racks, throwing at the target (shields with the image of animals), jumping rope (5 times), somersault, running on an inverted bench, jumping over a goat, crawling along the bench with the help of hands, finishing run back to the start line. (13-14 min)

In my lessons I often use technologies based on educational games. In the second half of the main part of the lesson, she used role-playing games, relay races with recitatives, which helped to educate students in mutual assistance, mutual assistance, a sense of collectivism, a sense of responsibility for their actions and the actions of their comrades.

At the lesson, I used non-standard prepared equipment: racks, balls in cases, projectiles (“coconuts”), puzzle cubes, target shields.

Teacher - And now I ask our tribes to line up in one line to sum up the results of our competitions. But before we start our awards, we need to calm down. I suggest you close your eyes and do all the exercises with eyes closed. (Soothing music sounds - “sounds of the forest”). Take a deep breath and do not breathe - exhale (3 times). Holding hands, hands forward, up, rise on toes, lower, bend the right leg and lift it forward, and now the left. Release your hands, touch the tip of your nose with your right hand, and now with your left hand (3 times). (3 min).

Each well-conducted physical education lesson naturally causes significant shifts in the functional state of all body systems in students. In the final part of the lesson, I used exercises aimed at ensuring a smooth decrease in physical and emotional activity students, as well as creating favorable conditions for the successful flow of recovery processes in their bodies and the transition to subsequent educational activities. Relaxation and attention exercises were performed here.

    Teacher - The homework for you guys will be: to make a set of exercises for morning exercises, taking into account the rules that we have brought out today. And try to draw a cheerful inhabitant of the "turtles" or "monkeys" tribe, performing some kind of physical exercise.

Summing up the results of the competition. And now, as a sign that our competitions today were really peaceful, I suggest that you leave the hall, holding hands. After all, despite the fact that you are one friendly, close-knit team.

On our mood calendar there are two pockets in which clouds and suns lie. I suggest you, leaving the hall, take the sun as a keepsake, if you liked the lesson, and if you didn’t really like it, then I suggest you take a cloud. Thank you for the lesson. Exit the hall to the music "Heroes of Sports". (2-3 min).

Required inventory: 6 handballs, 4 jump ropes, 2 hoops, 4 balls, 2 tennis rackets, 8 dice with drawings, 2 waste baskets, 2 targets, an island, 6 palm stands, medals, necklaces, competition protocol, 2 throwing equipment, a plate with the word "charge", 4 tracks, 6 rugs, 2 bags, outfits for the natives, a stopwatch, a whistle, 2 goats, 4 gymnastic benches, 4 mats, multimedia equipment.

The games on this page are recommended for use in physical education classes in elementary grades. The games are arranged in order of increasing difficulty. Designed for 6-8 year olds.

"Running centipedes"
Play 2-3 teams of 10 people. The host ties each team with a rope, or the players “put on” a gymnastic hoop. On a signal, a group of "centipedes" begin to move to the finish line.
The team that comes first and does not fall along the way wins.

"Sparrows and Crows"
There are two teams of 10 people. The players of one are crows, the other are sparrows. The groups line up in a line, back to back. It is determined where the team has a house, where you can hide, so as not to be stained. The host calls out the name of one of the teams, for example: “V-ro-ny!”. The sparrows run away to their house, and the crows catch them. If the signal “Sparrows!” is given, then the crows run away, and the sparrows catch them. The number of players caught is counted.
The team that catches the most opponents wins.

A glass of water is placed on tennis rackets. Participants, at the signal of the leader, run to the finish line and return back to the start line.
The player who comes first and does not spill the water wins.

Play 2-3 teams of 10 people. Each line up at the start in a column, at the back of each other's head. In front of the team, at a distance of 15m, an object is placed - a stone, a stick, a pin, a flag, a tree branch stuck into the ground. At the signal of the leader, the first numbers run forward to the reference point, go around it and again run to their team. The second number joins the first number, grabbing him by the belt, and now they run forward together, then the third numbers join them, the fourth, etc. The team that finishes the competition first wins.

10-15 people can play. The driver is chosen - a cat, all the rest - mice. The cat sits on the ground and sleeps. Mice surround him and sing a song:
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta. We are not afraid of goats!
At the signal of the presenter: “The skin woke up!” - the mice run away to their house, and the cat tries to catch them. Those whom the cat stains (touches with his hand) become his prey.
At the second signal of the presenter: “The cat fell asleep!” - the players again approach the driver, who returned to his place and sleeps, and again sing the song of mice. After three exits of the cat to hunt, a new driver is selected.
Two teams of 5 people play. An open chessboard is placed in the middle of the playing area.
Teams line up in columns one after another on opposite sides. Near one group lie black chess pieces, near the other - white. At the signal of the leader, the first numbers of both teams take one figure each and run to chessboard, put the figure in its place, come back, touch the next player with their hand, who
takes a piece, runs to the board, etc. The first numbers take place at the end of the column. The team whose players quickly and correctly place the chess pieces wins.

Two players hold hands and catch other players. Having caught up with someone, they must join their hands so that the person caught is in a circle. Now the three of them catch the rest. Everyone caught becomes part of the seine. The game continues until all participants are caught.

The host gives each of the players a spoon containing an egg, a potato or a tennis ball. At the signal of the facilitator, the participants run, holding the spoons in front of them and trying not to drop the objects in them.
The one who reaches the finish line first wins.
Two teams can also compete. Then the first players of both teams, having reached the finish line, make a turn and run to the start - they pass the spoon to the second numbers, etc. The team whose players are the first to finish the run wins.

The leader gives each of the players a plate to which a burning candle is glued. At the signal of the leader, the competitors run to the finish line, making sure that the candle does not go out. If teams participate in the game, then the first numbers, having reached the finish line, return to the start and pass the plate with a burning candle to the second numbers, the second to the third, etc. The team that finished the run first and whose candle did not go out during the run wins.

The players are divided into two equal teams and line up at the start in a column one after another. At the signal of the leader, the first players of both teams run to the reference point (stone, pin, cube, flag), go around it, return back to the start line and touch the outstretched hand of the next participant, the second numbers also run to the finish line, return and pass the baton to the third numbers , third fourth, etc.
The team that finishes the run before the other team wins.
Then the groups compete with each other in the following types of relay races:
Running together, wearing a single hoop;
Running with the ball;
Running with carrying a partner;
Running with one ski on the leg.
Running in fins;
Running backwards (backward);
Running with jumping rope;
Running with an apple on your head;
Running with arm tuck balloon;
Running with overcoming simple obstacles.
The players are divided into two teams, each of which is divided into pairs. The couples become columns facing each other and hold the ends of the rope at knee level.
At the signal of the host, the first pair puts the rope on the ground and both players run (one to the left, the other to the right) to the end of their column, and then jump over the ropes of the remaining pairs. Having reached their place, they lift the rope from the ground. Behind them, the second pair puts the rope on the ground, jumps over the first rope and goes all the way to the first pair. Then the third pair comes into play, the fourth, and so on.
The team whose players finish jumping rope first wins.

Players compete against each other in the following contests.
Hitting the ball on target. A target is drawn on the wall with chalk. Strikes are performed with the right and left legs from a place, then from a run.
On the ground, some objects are placed one after another, you need to circle them, driving the ball with your foot (either right or left).
Raise your hands with the ball above your head, release it and catch it on the fly.
Lean with your left hand on the gene, hit the ball with the right hand on the wall from under your arm, catch with both hands.
Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands on your knees and catch the ball.
Throw the ball under the left, then under the right foot and catch it.
Throw the ball up, sit down, touch the ground with your hands, then straighten up and catch the ball first with both hands, then alternately with your right and left.
Throw the ball to each other with pops, with a turn, with a rebound from the ground.
Throwing the ball into the distance for a distance (who will throw further).
Throwing the ball at an escaping partner.
Throwing the ball into a basketball basket from different distances.
A ball is placed on the ground at a distance of 6 m. Another ball must hit this ball. to make it roll as far as possible.
Pins are placed at a distance of 8 m. With a kick (right, then left) you need to knock it down.
Roll the ball down the hill and catch up with it.
Standing opposite each other, and clasping the ball with your hands, try to take the other ball from the opponent and not give your own.

Players stand with their backs to each other at a distance of 1 m. Each has a ball in their hands. At the leader's signal, the ball is thrown back over the head, and everyone rushes forward after the opponent's ball.
The winner is the one who quickly catches up with the ball and returns to its original position.

The ball must be placed on the book, carefully raised above the head without dropping the ball, and just as carefully lowered. That one wins. who did the right thing.

The players become in a circle. The host gives the ball, and on a signal, the participants pass it clockwise to each other. Neli, the host says: “Stop!”, The transfer of the ball stops, and the player who has it in his hands is out of the game. The host gives the command: “Begin!”, and the game resumes.
The last player left when there is no one to pass the ball wins.
Players line up at the starting line. Holding the ball between their knees, the participants jump towards the finish line.
The winner is the one who rode first and did not lose the ball.

The ball is placed in front of the player at a distance of 5-6 steps. Blindfold the eyes. You have to go to the ball and kick it with your foot.
The winner is the one who successfully completed the task.

Several pairs of players compete with each other, trying to reach the finish line as quickly as possible:
putting the ball on the shoulders, and pressing it with their heads on both sides;
pressing the ball with his shoulders;
holding the ball with their backs;
holding the ball, holding it with their foreheads and moving sideways.
The pair that comes first and does not lose the ball wins.
The players take the ball and stand in a circle. The first participant, throwing the ball, calls some noun. The catcher calls the adjective and throws the ball further, the third player calls the verb. For example: “Bird,” says the first; “Black,” says the second; “Flies,” says the third, and, throwing the ball to the next, calls a new noun.

The players stand in a circle. In the center is the leader with the ball in his hands. The host throws the ball to one of the participants and says: "The Beast."
The one who catches the ball must quickly name someone from the animal world and throw the ball back to the leader. If the leader, throwing the ball, says "fish" or "bird", the catcher calls the fish or bird. Anyone who does not answer the host or hesitates to answer is out of the game.

Two teams of 6-8 people participate. Players line up one after another in a column. Between the participants, it is clamped on the ball with the back and chest. At the signal of the host, the "dragons" run to the finish line.
The team that comes first and does not lose a single ball wins.

The players stand in a circle at a distance of arms extended to the sides and are calculated for the first and second numbers. The first numbers - one team, the second - another. Two players standing side by side are appointed captains and given the ball to them.
On a signal, the captains begin to transfer (throw) the balls in a circle - one to the right, the other to the left, to their nearest players, that is, through one. The balls are thrown until they return to the captains.
The team that manages to move the ball faster around the circle wins. Having received the ball, the captains raise their hands with the ball up. The game can be played several times in a row.
1. The ball must be passed or thrown to your nearest neighbor. Each pass by a player counts as a penalty point. 2. If the balls collided in the air, the players, after the throw of which they collided, must quickly take their balls and, standing in their place, continue the game. 3. The winner is the team that finished passing the ball around the circle earlier and has no penalty points.

A line is drawn in the middle of the site, along which 10 towns (maces) are placed. The players are divided into two teams and line up one behind the other on one side of the site facing the towns. Participants in front of the standing line receive a small ball. A start line is drawn in front of the line.
On the established signal of the leader, the players of the first rank throw balls into the towns (maces), trying to knock them down. Downed towns are counted and put in place. The guys who threw the balls run, pick them up and pass them to the members of the next team, and they themselves stand in line behind them. At the command of the leader, the participants in the second rank (team) also throw balls at the towns. Again, the downed towns are counted. So they play 2-4 times. The team that manages to knock down more towns in several times wins.
1. Throwing balls is possible only at the signal of the leader.
2. When throwing, it is impossible to go beyond the starting line - in this case, the throw does not count.