Shadow in the night. Walkthrough mod A CLASH OF KINGS Shadows in the night quest walkthrough


Video by Quest The City of Sorcerers:

On version 3.0, the quest "Hear my roar!", "City of sorcerers", "Treasures of the Andals", "Bolton bastard", "lost caravans", "dragon offspring" and initial quest. "Stones and sticks" worker, read a magazine, old information in the dialogues.

The invasion of the wildlings still takes place on the 250th game day (quests for this now do not need to be completed). At the same time, the Free Folk declare war on the Night's Watch and the North (and automatically capture Castle Black), and the Iron Islands declare war on the Night's Watch. The Targaryen invasion, apparently, will happen later.
On the 250th day, the wildlings invade, but on the 320th day, the Targaryens.

In version 3.0, there is no Illyrio, as well as his quests.

In version 3.0 there is a quest "Crowned deer". Taken from Stanis under the same conditions. But the conditions have changed. Now you need to defeat Renly in battle and capture him. And execute him through the dialogue menu by cutting his throat. He will beg not to do this, to save his life, but you be cool. After this act and the delivery of the quest, most of the Stormlands fall under the influence of Stanis.

Quests that are definitely there:
-New world (+ related quests: carinhall terror, ghost; knights of the mind; tournament in nine stars, trial by duel)

-Lost knowledge
-Dragon Scions
- Hear my roar
-City of sorcerers
- Treasures of the Andals
-Lost caravans
-Stones and sticks
-Blessed Ring
- Bolton bastard

-Shadows in the night(+ related quests, line for the Night's Watch, with the wildling invasion as a result)
-Prince and Queen(+ related quests, Illyrio Mopas line, with Targaryen invasion as a result)

All names are given in Russifier fromIn8fini

Quest "Tower Tournament"

Offering help to Baylor Hightower (Lord of Oldtown), he will say that he has enough knights in his service, but any noble lord can participate in the tower tournament. To do this, you need to go to Old Town and talk to John Caps in the castle. He will send you to the tournament fields (in the city menu), talk to the tournament manager, and at this time he will check whether you are of noble blood (if the character does not have heraldry, this does not affect the quest in any way).
Next, you have to spend 7 battles. For each battle they give +16 to fame. For the tournament, the prize is 10,000 coins and 5,000 experience.
Naturnire bug, all opponents do not appear against you, but immediately behind.

Quest "The City of Sorcerers".

Taken in Qohor, in the tavern at Cepherus
Then we go there to the new location "Elos Motts Shop", we talk with the owner, the scoundrel sends us to Staromes....
In Staromes we go to the Citadel, in Alchemist's Bend (new location), we take a scroll with four names from Meister Rion. We need to steal a Valyrian dagger from each of them to take them to the Elos Motts Shop.
Where to look (just because of the huge number of NPCs in quests, you can’t find them) - Sharako is a subject of Lyss, Galeo is Lorata, and the last two are Volantis. Ask the faction lords for the location.
There were no problems with the first three daggers, except for the loss of 30,000, but the last one, the damn drunk, coveted the Tyrosh Brandy, which can be found at the caravans. By the way, the advice from the very beginning of the game is brandy (translated as "Pear vodka from Tyrosh"). a rarity, so do not be lazy to ask the caravaners. But you can try to find in Tyrosh.
With 4 daggers, we return to Qohor to Elos Mott, and he makes us a one-handed Welsh blade (for 20000), a complete analogue of the "Dark Sister" received for the Watch quest .... However, you can choose one of the three appearances of the blade. ...

Quest "Enlightenment"

In version 4.1 (license), I discovered the quest "Enlightenment"
1. Taken in the Old Town (Location Tsitatel further archive, after which we turn to Archmaester Kastos, he directs us to Maester Yandel)
2. We go to the tavern (before that we leave and again go into the city), in it we meet this same servant of the pen, he asks us to pick up the book "The World of Ice and Fire" from Lannisport (a reference to the work), we agree.
3. Upon arrival in Lannisport, a special location "Enlightened Lioness" appears, in it we buy (500 dinars), after which we return back to the quest giver.
4. Reward 1000 gold + 1000 experience (If you talk in the archives with Maester Eustace, we will get the "Book of Patrons".
Need to talk to Orvile

Quest "Valar Dohaeris".(2.0, and not in 2.1.1, was before)

The point is to capture Volantis. Taken from the director of the bank in Braavos (throne room). Reward-Black Flame (sword made of Valyrian steel). Do not pay attention to the blizzard about the release of slaves, which is driven by the director. The task is to take Volantis, so we take it. It is important that you assign the city to yourself, and not to one of the lords. Captured the city - forward to Braavos for a reward!
- It is better to take the city right at the beginning of the game, as well as the quest, otherwise the garrison will grow to 500 people. Although, at your discretion.
- Just take the city by storm, don't try to roam the streets looking for slaves to free them. They are not here.
- To take the city by storm, you need to unleash a war with Volantis.
- Take an army obviously larger than the garrison of the city - the lords of Volantis do not sleep and want to return the city.
-After completing the quest, you can freely leave the city to its fate- Braavos forgot about him.

"Treasures of the Andals"

In the cheerful tavern of Braavos, in the far corner at the back exit, a certain character Gorbo lurked. With a short communication, we get a recommendation to come in after a while and exchange a few words with Farko Forel, supposedly he can throw work to the adventurers on the fifth point. We take note and go rock with women prostitute(this item is absolutely optional, you can just go in / out). After returning to the tavern, we find the aforementioned Braavost at the bar. We listen to a speech about the great heritage of the Andals and receive an offer to conduct archaeological research on the "old mound" located southeast of Braavos, not far from Ix Kalos. Arriving at the place, we make our way with a detachment of bodyguards through the fog to a bonfire flickering nearby. But, along the way, an ancient statue of an unknown warrior / warrior (very shabby) and a bunch of cultists with large axes and swords looms. True, the lack of armor on the guys allows you to solve the case in half a minute. We get in the form of trophies their camp with a bunch of all sorts of belongings and a couple of blades (loot is random). We return to Braavos and upset Fario with the absence of any ancient or simply valuable treasures. The uncle is upset, but we get pocket money and experience.

Quest Halfmaster

Reward: 2500 gold and 500 experience

Quest Given AFTER completing the quest Prince and Queen.
1) We take the quest from Illyrio in Pentos.
2) We leave for the Ruins of the Bath, they are located between Mirr and Draconis.
3) We save this same half-meister from the robbers, talk to him and again kill another group of robbers.
4) Return to Illyrio

Quest Fire and Blood

Reward: 4500 dinars and 1500 experience
Actually This is a chain of quests, which consists of various quests, the first was the Prince and the Queen, the second was the Half Master.
1) After the task Halfmeister, we leave the location and go in again and take new quest
2) We go to King's Landing, go into the dungeons of the KG, talk with Ruger, get 500 gold. By the way, there is a small bug, if our inventory is full during a conversation with Ruger, we will not be able to complete this quest item, but it will give 500 gold each time =)
3) We return to Pentos and get a new task to deliver the chest.
4) We leave for Norvos, in the tavern we find the necessary Sir. !Attention! during a conversation with him, the usual first line "I agree" turns into the phrase "I'm not a stinky mule" and cancels the quest
5) We return to Pentos and we are again sent to the CG.
6) There is no Ruger in the Dungeon, but there is another NPC who boasts about his origin, we ask where Ruger is, we find out what is in the tavern, we actually go to him.
7) We get 1500 experience and another 500 gold and the next task
8) We jump into the Sunspear, which is in Dorne
9) We go into the Exhausted Goat and talk to Septon
10) We go to the castle in the same city and talk to Maester Caleott. We get 3500 gold.

After Completing This Quest, The Targaryen Invasion Of The Stormlands Occurs
And by the way ... I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, but Dorn and I entered the fight for the throne, declaring war on everyone else

Quest Wheels

1) We go to the Eagle's Nest, talk with Ser Marvin Belmore, EXIT from the location and go back, Lisa Arryn appears, we ask about work, she complains about the mountain clans, we have to find them.
2) We leave for the Blood Gate, in the castle we speak with Sir Albar Royce.
3) We run to the Gull City, there in the tavern we talk with Jaris.
4) In Coldwater Castle we speak with Sir Miles At the end of the dialogue with him, there are two lines "Thank you for your help" and "Thank you Sir Miles", in the first case -5 fame, in the second +2, possibly incorrect translation.
5) We run to Vikenden Castle, in the hall of the ruler we speak with Barbaren.
6) We go to the castle Hardsong, in the hall of the ruler we speak with Ser Armond Tollet and get 300 gold.
7) We go out to the global and see a detachment of the Clan of the Lunar Mountains! The color of the squad is the same as other squads of this faction!. A detachment of 43 units, half consists of infantry, 5 cavalry units and about 15 archers. Units at the level of ordinary veterans
8) We return to Lysa Arryn in the Eagle's Nest and ... DO NOT receive our reward, since Sir Albar came to her and said that he dealt with them, and we want to grab his fame and get 100 experience, minus 50 fame and minus to honor.
P.S. I tried with cheats to get to it right away, it doesn’t help
P.P.S This Ser Albar is no more in Bloody Gate Castle, well, I will look for this bastard now, although I doubt that I will find
After the battle with the Mountain Clan, a Helmet in the form of a pig's head may drop)) Defense 20, so it is purely decorative, but looks funny =)
(Perhaps the quest was changed, you don't need to go to the Vikenden fortress, but go to the heart shelter).

in 4.1 Lisa Arryn appears in throne room Moongate Castle

Quest Lost Knowledge.

Reward: 1500 experience and 500 gold.
1) Take the quest in Old Town, in the library of the citadel.
2) We go to King's Landing, We go to the Alley of Boilers, there we are offered a task to search for rare books.
3) We go to the Sept (square location to APPEAR between Sisterton and the castle of the Twins on the coast). We ask Septon about the book, he says that he does not know, but the Sir who lives nearby may know.
4) A new castle will also appear nearby, we go there, Sir says that he knows which book in question, they say, his maester buzzed all his ears about her, but he himself cut his throat after visiting the barrow.
5) We leave for the Kurgan, it will appear in the Arren Valley, near the castle of the Harsh Song. There we will be met by an aggressive sectarian with a two-handed sword (I don’t know what he is like in close combat, but I killed him with a bow with two arrows).
6) We return to King's Landing and tell that there is no book, but only a crazy cultist who wrote Ugg on the club. He will tell us a story about a demon who lives in a tree. When asked if this is true, he will answer that of course not, because what kind of demon will live in a tree?

Quest about the Seven-pointed Star.

It is taken in the Sept (which is called Septa on the map) somewhere in the Riverlands. The reward is, of course, experience, perhaps money and a book, the Seven-Pointed Star. The goal is to punch a bandit in the face for something (I don’t remember, perhaps precisely because he stole this book).
-After completing the quest, the Septa is no longer of interest. (At least the NPCs in this location no longer give out anything)
-I don’t remember whether it is necessary to defeat a bandit in an open field, or in a lair. BUT in any case, a detachment is with him.
-The quest is not particularly difficult, so I can't give any tactical advice.

The sept associated with the quest "The Seven-pointed Star" is located next to the location "Fairfield". (take revenge on the offender), giving a landmark of his location, but he is terribly inaccurate and those who have not watched the series or read the book most likely will not understand, so I’ll say right away that you need to go to the Twin Brothers castle. There he will find Aegon the Bloody, asking religion back, he will politely refuse us. After we press tab, his detachment of 28 hours appears next to us. Having won, we have to go back to the yoke. sires will go bad (minus 10, sires: Stevron Frey, Walder Frey, Edwin Frey, Riemann Frey.) The book gives + 1 to charisma when reading, but you need 10 intellect.

in 4.1 is taken in the throne room of Raventry Castle, the line is the same for longer, only Aegon the Bloody with five bandits is generated in the "old cave" location northwest of the Twins (as someone kindly indicated in the screenshot).

Quest about wildlings and walkers.

1) The quest is taken in White Harbor, from a man named Manfred. After we ask him about the job, he directs us to Septon Germund.
2) Exit and immediately go back to the tavern. After the conversation, Septon Germund sends us to a village located north and east of Karnhold. In English it is called Hillhall.
3) After talking to the only female survivor, she directs us to what appears to be the greatest gossip in the North, in Barrowton.
4) Arriving in Barrowton, we go to the tavern, where we find Aunt Moira (Goodwife Myra). After the conversation, she directs us to her daughter, who is in the same tavern, behind the counter, on the right - Jess.
5) Jess directs us to Abandoned Holdfast. This location is south of the Last Hearth location. This is a large, empty and foggy location, however, finding the right NPC is not so difficult - for this, after entering the location, you need to go to the right until you see a circle of stones with bones in it. After that, you must turn right again, and follow to the fire and standing in front of a man named Old Man.
6) After his intimidating speech, the Old Man will declare that he has raised an army of the dead, and the living are doomed. After leaving the location, a detachment of ghouls will appear, 50-70 units. However, do not be fooled by their small number - these are real animals in close combat. It is highly recommended to use auto-battle in this battle - losses will be much less.
7) After defeating the dead, head to White Harbor. In the throne room we find a man named Herold (Gerold). After talking with him, we will be directed to the tavern, to the septon Germund. Septon, after a short conversation, will give us a reward - 1500 experience points and 3 pots of wild fire.
After completing this quest, the Blood on the Snow quest chain becomes available. The first quest can be taken from a man named Gueren in the tavern of White Harbor.

Quest about Ramsey Snow.

Taken in the throne room of Winterfell from the castellan of the castle. The task is to kill the hated Ramsey Snow. Reward - Great Sword (ordinary two-handed), money, experience and improved relations with the North. Ramsey can be found in the Dreadfort. There we run into him. Then we go out to tactical map. Ramsey Snow's detachment will follow you (I don't remember the number, so take 170-230 people with you just in case). We break Ramsey and return to the castellan in Winterfell.
- Relations with Roose Bolton will not deteriorate after killing Ramsey.
- Ramsey's unit will consist of special soldiers such as Bolton Armor, Bolton Archer. In fact, they are no different from ordinary ones.
-There will be an interesting character in the Ramsey squad - Stinky. Unfortunately, I cannot say whether it is possible to capture him and recruit him in the future.
- To run into Ramsey means to choose rude phrases in a dialogue with him.
When he was killed in latest version relations with Ruse fall by a hundred at once.

Quest "Dragon offspring".

Taken in the city of Dragonstone. First, we head to the castle and look for Brian Farring (it is from him that the quest is activated), he will direct him to the tavern, where Ser Gilbert Farring will appear. After talking, he will ask us to deal with the conspirators and their leader. We leave for the "Fishing Village", which appears for the duration of the quest very close to the city.
Note: You will fight alone, without companions, against 10 people. After killing them, we return to the tavern to Gilbert. Reward: 500 experience, 500 dinars, and the longsword of Braavos (two-handed)

Quest "Prince and Queen"

We visit Villa Illyrio near the city of Pentos and speak with its manager. After that, we go to Pentos, go into the throne room and talk to Illyrio himself, he will send us to Meereen to Daenerys.
We go to Volantis and there in the tavern we talk with Baule Neres. for 5000 coins he will agree to transfer us to Yunkai. There are three merchants here in Yunkai, Gora will offer a Valyrian steel mystic sword (don't buy it's a fake), Gramnan will offer us spices to increase potency (doubtful acquisition considering that the women in the game only serve to decorate the castle and gain the right to the throne, so don't buy either). Gessala will offer saffron for 8,000 coins, so we take this without hesitation, because its price when sold in Westeros will be about 45,000 coins.
Then we move to Meereen, we find Neres on Baule Street, after talking with her we go to the palace to Daineres. After talking with Daenerys and Baristan, we get the task to kill the leader of the pirates from the bloodstone.
The bloodstone is found in a narrow sea near the shores of Dorne. Arriving at the bloody stone, we speak with the gatekeeper at the gate and find out that the pirate prince is robbing the Mirians, we leave the castle and see the prince's detachment of 170 people. We kill him.
We head to the city of Mir Tyrosh. There, in the throne room, we speak with Corale Kemanzes and receive a reward for the pirate (1000 coins), after that we go to Pentos to Master Illyrio and complete the quest. The reward will be 1200 experience, armor and a helmet of the royal guard, as well as a castle sword. (according to some versions - to the Archon of Tyrosh - Amosho Benosius, we surrender there).

In the new Patch, you can buy not only saffron from Hessala, but also other spices. If you buy everything, then you can get up to 10k septims on resale (With the last level of trade). You won’t be able to talk with Daenerys. When you leave the location of the bloody stone, a detachment will not be waiting for us, a location will appear on this peninsula, it seems to be a lair of bandits, and you will have to go to it.

For completing quests with the sentinels, we are given a sword made of Valyrian steel. Pretty strong.

Quest "Crowned deer"

To take this quest, you need to be either a vassal or a mercenary of Dragonstone, then in a dialogue with Stannis (it doesn’t matter in the field or in the DC itself), we ask "what will happen to Renly?" and the quest will start.
1. Taken from Stannis in DK.
2. The Shore location appears near the DK, where you talk to Melisandra (she talks about the lord of light, etc.) and go to look for Davos Seaworth.
3. Having found the DS, you ask how to get into the SHP, he tells you the way (I will not spoil, but for this you need resin that is located in the only city of the Valley and olive oil)
4. Do business and wait.
5. A little later, Renly falls into a coma (I know not from the canon, but at least somehow) almost all of his land and half of the Expanse falls under the influence of Stannis.
PS: I would not advise you to start this quest if you want to play as Space or ShP, because you will simply strengthen the enemy and with Renly the relationship will deteriorate immediately by -100.

Quest "Hear my roar!"

Pickup Location: King's Landing Inn, second floor.
Customer: Tyrion Lannister.
What is required: kill Lord Darki and all his people.
Reward: Aymond Targaryen armor, decrease in respect, money, experience.
Description of the passage: near the Twilight Valley are the Keepers of the Mines - this is Darky's castle. In the location you will meet about 5 guards and 2-3 servants (unarmed). After the showdown, we pass into the castle itself. Inside, the lord himself and his wife (they will resist, but are also unarmed), as well as Lord Darki's uncle. We kill the lord and wife and go back to Tyrion in the tavern for a reward.
-the plot of the quest is to kill the "rebellious" lord, and the uncle of this lord will receive the castle. But in fact, this uncle will not be a vassal of any faction. He is just a character for the quest and will continue to be passive.
-An interesting feature - the quest at some points repeats the scenario of the Reins from Castamere (who knows, will understand).
-Unfortunately, neither lands nor titles will be offered as a reward.
- the guide describes a bug so it's easy to solve, you need to change weapons and defenders immediately attack you

To take the quest, you must first go not to the tavern, but to the castle and talk to Sir Bronn there.
Keepers of the Springs will appear on the map only after taking the quest. (They are located next to the Twilight Vale location). You may have a problem with the execution (Bug) - The defenders and the target itself will not want to attack you, and conversations with them will be meaningless and incomprehensible. Personally, I found 2 solutions to the problem. 1) Talk to everyone and re-enter the location. 2) For the first time, I just left the quest, returned after a few hours (live) time.

Quest "The Horn and the Necklace"

Taken in Rhaios, from Samvel (or whatever it is). In the castle. Talk to everyone, go back...
1. The next station is Rothgar's hut. Located between Winterfell and Bear Island.
2. We go to the castle of Harenna the Black (Harenhall in Russian). I almost shed a tear in the castle - there are Poliver, and Tickler, and other shobla, which Arya promised to put on a knife .... You can talk with one Persian there.
3. Well, the attitude towards the Twins (more precisely, towards their owners) is no better than towards the Brave guys, but in the castle We are looking for Arwood Frey. Back to Vargo am
4. Brave guys got better. Unfortunately, only Shagwell and Verny Utsivok are among the enemies. There are 60 of them, so there are even fewer problems than with Ramsey the flayer.
5. Next - Twilight Vale. We communicate with Ponorro (I forgot, in a castle or a tavern, but not the point) ...
6. End station - Rhaios. The reward, although not the Valyrian sword, is more abruptly - a very chic mace.
Threat In Rhaios, you can also hire the impeccable in the tavern.

Quest "The Brotherhood of the Winged Knights"

taken from Gileston Grafton in Moongate Castle that in the Vale of Arryn he sends us to Maester Colemon in the same hall but he will not appear until the quest "Stones and Sticks" is started, because his quest table (Lysa Arryn) takes the place of the Maester he informs about the tournament and that the winner of the tournament is invited to the Brotherhood of the Winged Knights after defeating 5-6 knights, we are invited to the Brotherhood by agreeing to give 10k coins Decorated Helmet and 5k experience, but if you refuse, then you will be expelled from the castle, the relationship with the Valley will decrease by 5 and the relationship with Lord Nester Royce will decrease by 20

Quest from 4.1 "Royal Attention"

The quest is taken automatically after the end of "Hear me roar!" Tyrion suggests finding Ser Jacelin Bywater (due to the inaccuracy of the translation "to search Ser Jacelin's castle...."). This gentleman is chilling in the throne room of the Red Castle next to Maester Pycelle. During the conversation, it turns out that it would be necessary to cheer up King Jofri. Naturally, we agree, especially since prize fund is 10,000. But, there is a nuance - you will have to perform with your own weapons (this is a bonus). A new location "duel field" appears in the city menu, where we get acquainted with the tournament manager and await the arrival of King Jofri.
The first opponent - Moros Slint - is exclusively for warming up, there will be no special problems.
Here is the second opponent - Balon Swann - armed with a hefty mace and clad in solid armor (like Space), he does not like jokes. Features of his mace - every second blow breaks through the shield, so it's better to go out with one sword.
The third young man is very strong, but does not like sweeping blows to the head, and even after the previous monster it is easier to fight him.
The fourth, free rider in the service of Peter Baelish, is a type of rider-raider, although tenacious, it will not be difficult to put him on the shoulder blades.
The fifth is the commander of the royal guard. Simply - a very difficult fighter. Get ready to spend a lot of nerves.
The last opponent needs no introduction - Sandor Clegane. Sends a knockout with one blow.
If you are a master duelist with swords or your character is pumped up - after winning all the battles, the promised reward of 10,000, experience, fame and .... will await you (two options will arise, but the translation displays "forward" and "forward", I chose the first) booze at the Red Castle. No more buns will fall out, although they could be generous for the victory over the Dog))).
After a bunch of fruitless attempts, I won the tournament absolutely dishonorably - throwing pots of wild fire at the last comrades.

Quest - activator i.e. where to get it.

Horn and necklace - Ruins of Goian Droe
Crossing Robbers - Fair Field
The Ragged Prince and Bloodbeard - Tyrosh
Bolton Bastard - Winterfell
Hear My Roar - King's Landing
Lost caravans - Norvos
Treasures of the Andals - Braavos
Ghost - Tower of Sorrow
Shadows in the Night - White Harbor
Bloodstained Snow - White Harbor. This is a whole series of quests (after completing the "Shadows in the Night" quest). After passing, there will be an invasion of the wildlings
Prince and Queen - Villa Illyrio Mopatis, it is necessary to start from it, and not jump headlong immediately to Illyrio.
Half-meister - Pentos
Fire and Blood - Pentos (after completing the Half Master quest)
Dragon Scions - Dragonstone
Stones and sticks - Eagle's Nest Castle
=Valar Dohaeris= - Braavos

"The lights"

In the Lordsport Tavern, a woman named Bessa can be heard talking about strange fires near Hammerhorn Castle. We go to the castle and talk either with the castellan of the castle, or with someone else, I don’t remember anymore. long gone. He sends to the fishing village that is very close for reconnaissance. Location in the spirit, found interesting - got experience. There are like 3-4 places to visit. What I remember, a statue, corpses laid out in a circle, traces of blood near the village itself and a little further towards the shore, bloody paw prints (they were the hardest to find). When the location is explored, the quest should be updated. After we return to the castle and get a reward. I don't remember which one, but nothing significant.

Quest Lights. (version 4.1)
1) The quest is read by Bessa in the tavern of Lordsport (City of the Iron Islands). She sends us to Hammerhorn Castle (iron islands)
2) We go into the hall of the ruler of the castle, Lauren is standing there, we talk with him and the quest Fires l begins.
3) He sends us to a fishing village nearby. We go into the location and explore it, when the location is explored, the task Fires ll will begin.
4) We return to Lauren, the quest is completed.
Reward: experience and (money?).

"Where is Lord Berwick"

Taken in Harrenhal Castle from one of the NPCs. We re-enter the location and speak with the quest giver himself. He says that he is gathering a squad to capture Beric Dondarrion and his Brotherhood Without Banners. We go to a small village nearby and fall into an ambush. After cleaning the battlefield, we return to the quest giver for a reward. I don't remember the award. I know for sure that, like Tyrion's quest, we will lose a little honor.


We go to the castle Stone Hill and talk with Mester Almund. He sends us to the Apex castle to Septon Josmin, who issues the quest. It consists in the fact that you need to go and explore the abandoned village a little to the north. Location again in the spirit found a place - got experience. We explore the weirwood, the coffins behind the house, in one of which there is a chest with a bronze goblet (the coffins and the chest are two different +200 experience), and walking along the edge of the location from the side of the weirwood, you should hear the sounds of growling from the forest (what the hell forest, if there emptiness?). After the quest will be updated and return to the quest giver. We get 150 coins, 500 experience and a nervous septon =)

Quest chain "New World" - "Tournament in the Nine Stars" - "Test by duel".

After talking with the merchant at the very beginning of the game, the New World quest appears as an active one.
We head to the Weeping Tower castle and look for Septon Garibald (by the way, the Terror quest and the subsequent Ghost quest are connected with him, but this is not about that here), who will offer to visit the castle later and meet with Ser Clifford Gower. The sire will ask you to deliver a letter and a gift to the Castle of Nine Stars (after that, the quest "New World" ends and the active quest "Tournament in Nine Stars" appears). The castle is active only for the duration of the quest, like all the characters in it, it is located in the Vale of Arryn. Arriving at the castle, we pass a letter and a gift. When leaving the area, there will be some kind of brawl, which you can either ignore (we don’t get anything and just leave) or intervene (we are thrown into a dungeon). Choosing the second option, we get to the court, where the main thing is to demand a duel, because if we remain silent, the quest ends and some of our abilities are minus. By choosing a duel, a new quest "Test by duel" is activated. Having won (we get dexterity +2 / fame + 35/1300 dinars), they help us to run through the forest, but two brothers of the defeated sire will catch up with us to take revenge. Having dealt with them, we complete the quest and get 200 dinars / strength + 1 / battle sword.

Quest "Lost caravans"

Taken in Norvos (second floor of the castle) Lady Mellario. further to the tavern to Morendo Tenderiris. Go to Hugor's Pass from the Hill near Marmont Manor Castle and deal with all the bandits. spent a lot of time but found out where it is, saved the move cheat. we go to the Ancient cave next to Ulentor Castle, we take out everyone there (15 bandits). reward 2000 mon and 500 experience + what they will give from the cave.

Notes on completing quests from the Night's Watch and the subsequent invasion:

1) When you get to the Black Castle for the first time, try to speak only with Aemon, but if you want to chat with everyone, then speak with the maester last. Since I noticed a bug, I started a dialogue with the maester, and then suddenly decided to talk to everyone and canceled the dialogue, choosing something like the answer "Doesn't matter". Then, it was impossible to start the dialogue again - there was no choice of phrases in the dialogue menu, and the maester sent away.
Answer: When you get to the black castle in the new patch, you will have to talk to Aemon.
2) In the quests from the Night Watch you have to fight the wildlings. Most importantly, immediately help the sentinels. Scouts are weaker than wildlings, so they die pretty quickly. Also, your squad will not help you. You won't even have companions. You should also choose your equipment carefully.
3) Locations from quests (except for the White Harbor - location-activator) are temporary. They will only be available for the duration of the quests.
4) When defending the Bridge of Skulls, it is not recommended to fire at the enemy - you will lose time. We need to help the guards as soon as possible. It is advisable to personally stand on the bridge and fight, because there is nothing to rely on the sentinels (naturally, the weapon should be damage-resistant, and the armor should be good).
5) In the battle under the Wall in the caves there are 3 branches - in all there is a battle. It is desirable that you have time to push through at least 2 branches, otherwise it will be difficult later. Personally, my wildlings almost broke through the center when I only pushed through the left branch. The right cave had already fallen by that time.
6) When completing all the quests, Aemon will say something like this: "We cannot hold the Wall, it is better to retreat and unite with the northern lords." It doesn't mean anything like that. You will not meet in the armies of the Northern Marines, and Jon will not lead a detachment in Winterfell. It's just words, and words are wind.
7) None of the characters in any temporary location will give side quests. Only a few characters will be able to tell either about the location where they are, or about the Watch as a whole. Other characters give out phrases like "How cold it is here."
8) After completing all the quests, the wildlings invade. Mance-King-Behind-the-Wall with his "lords" detachments captures the northwest of the North faction. Namely, the Last Hearth becomes the initial castle. Further, if nothing is done, the Dreadfort and Hornwood will fall. Behind them is Servin Castle, Winterfell, also an attempt to capture White Harbor. At least that's how it was for me.
9) Robb Stark and his allies from the Riverlands will not take back the North. Again, I judge by my game. None of my northerners dared to recapture either Winterfell or other castles.
10) The invading wildling army is relatively weak. The reasons for their victories are their numbers (Mance has up to more than 500 people in the detachment, the rest have up to 200) and the weakness of the North (no one resists them, in fact, some of the northern lords are fighting with Robb in the south, the rest are either fighting with the Iron Islands, or sit in castles). By the way, minor wildlings and wildling Mansa are still at enmity.
11) To start the quest with the night watch, you must first complete the septon's quest in the white harbor: there is a man in the tavern who says that the septon needs help, we leave the tavern, go back, the septon appears, we will complete the shadow quest in the night. After completion, the quest Blood on the Snow with a black lock and night watch will become available.
Bottom line: when completing quests from ND, you should not rely on the sentinels - they are weak. You must protect the Wall yourself. The army of wildling Mance that invaded the North is weak in relation to other factions. Their army is no match for the Western Lands, but it is enough to conquer the weak North. The wildling army contains weak cavalry, archers at the level of ironborn archers and similar infantry. Only a little weaker. By the way, if you do not take defensive actions in support of the North, then no one will help them - the Wildlings are pressing from the east, the Ironborn from the west. At this rate, without outside help, the North will lose its territories up to the Moat of Keilin. (Just judged again by his game - Robb has several holdings in the Riverlands, and some holdings in the North still belong to the North). Good luck and remember: Winter is Coming.

This quest is taken along with three others after talking with the merchant and the septon.

Beyond the Wall: Part 1
Speak with Lord Commander Marmont for more information.
We find him, usually walks with his squad near the black castle, start a conversation and select the line “My lord, how can I serve you” in the dialog box to start the quest chain.
After talking, this quest ends and the Night's Watch: Part 1 begins.
Night Watch: Part 1
It is necessary to assemble a detachment in which there will be at least 15 soldiers, which ones do not matter, since most are destined to die on the quest, so we take ordinary peasants from the nearest northern villages.
Having collected the soldiers, we go to the Black Castle. Click on the line Visit the wall.
Next, click on the line Climb the wall.
When we appear, we see in front of us at a short distance Jon Snow standing on the wall and looking into the distance, we approach him for a conversation.
Click "I came to join the ranks (your)"
Next, click "What about armor and weapons?"
Next, click "Very good"
And this quest ends and the Night's Watch begins: Part 2
Press Tab to leave the wall and press "Join the ranks"
In this chain, there is generally something to read, the entire chain was probably created for this. Click "Continue" next "Journey to the White Tree" next
"Continue" then "Continue" then "Explore the White Tree".
And finally, we get to a location with a white tree.
We go to a large white tree, in the center of the location.
After approaching the tree from the side of the four runic tablets hanging on it, an inscription pops up on a black background, describing what you see.
Let's further assume that when we are facing the tablets on the tree, we are looking at the North. We go from the tree to the North-North-East and stumble upon an old chest with junk, an inscription appears with a description of the chest, we pick up things, and we are waiting for the black inscription that the White Tree has been explored, if the inscription does not appear, you can run around the houses and talk to people, but I don’t think it helped, I think that I just waited badly, and the appearance of the inscription and my running around the houses just coincided in time.
If, nevertheless, the inscription did not appear, you can press Tab and re-enter the location, and go to the white tree, the inscription should appear.
After the appearance of the inscription.
Press Tab and select the line "Continue (journey) to Craster's camp", "Continue", "Explore Craster's camp"
We appear at the location, go straight to the house on the hill, from the House (assuming that looking at the house we look to the North) we go to the North-North-West past the building standing on four piles / logs dug into the ground.
We stumble upon an old chest in the ground, in a gap between the fences.
It has a hat, we take it. We chatted with the people, if the inscription that the camp was explored did not appear, stood, waited for 5 seconds, pressed Tab, entered the location again and approached the door of the main house on the hill, an inscription should appear that everything was explored.
Press Tab and select the line "Continue journey north", press continue several times, and "Explore fist".
We appear at the location, go straight and gradually shift to the left, rest against the fence not far from the guard, behind the fence at a distance of two lying bodies (so to speak) there is a chest in the ground, pick up the clothes, return to the mound, chat with everyone whose names are burning green, after five seconds, an inscription appears stating that everything has been investigated.
Exit by pressing tab and press continue. Click "Defend Camp"
We fight with walkers, we die valiantly, on this the quest Night Watch: Part 2 is completed
Reward 10 renown.
The Night's Watch Begins: Part 3
We click “Continue” many times, preferably while reading the text (in the text and the meaning of everything, so to speak, you are familiarized with what is happening).
Then we click "Enter the courtyard" and explore the Black Castle, namely, we just talk with everyone present, and after five seconds an inscription appears that everything has been explored, press Tab. We press to continue, etc.
This is where the chain ends.
The result of 5000 experience, Peace between the North and the Western lands.
And 14 lords join the western lands
Lord Manderly becomes ruler of the North.
Jon Snow becomes commander of the Night's Watch.

Completing the quests from Illyrio will generate two more invasions. :smile:

In addition to these quests, there are several more. One of them is about Bloody Beard and the Brotherhood of the Cat. Taken in the throne room of Pentos from the Ragged Prince (on the second floor), if I'm not mistaken. The task is to lure Bloody Beard and his detachment, whose name is the Brotherhood of the Cat.

How to get a two-hander from Welsh steel so that they do not constantly ask: "For the capture of the castle of Horns Hill and the city of Tumbleton"

Guide authors: Targaryen, grandfather Matvey, arkada82, Starк, mrVankan, NaP, Fight_Hunter, OJIrEPD, Bombucha,Matvey, furiousdoom,WeSkaPb, charkronos, Gotmog1, nafanbl4, Mr.Awesome, nafanbl4, Sir_Daf666, Komsomol organizer


Take time to ask questions! Grab your weapons and accessories...
*Gives an indignant look at someone behind you.*
It's behind you, warrior! Beware!

Your aim:Repel the attack of the unknown and return to Chief Cort.

started for you Quest "Shadows in the night". Good luck!

20:31 You were attacked Phantom Enemy.
20:31 The fight has begun
20:31 You barely had time to draw your weapon when you were attacked by an indistinct, as if woven from fog, figure in a dark cloak. Protect yourself!
.... the level of life depends on your level: on the 12th 10100HP, hit 220-270, on the 11th 9103HP hit 200-250 (retribution will help a lot)
20:33 The fight is over "Assault on the Triumvirator".
You dealt a crushing blow to the enemy, and the mysterious figure disappeared into the air, as if it was not there. Only a piece of the cloak remained on the ground. Received: Cloak piece 1 pc.

Cleves Settlement Starshina Court

This is far from the first attack, warrior, in recent days! As soon as the last ray of Mirrow touches the earth and the luminary disappears beyond the horizon, these creatures are right there. They appear out of nowhere and attack with such ferocity that my soldiers struggle to hold them back and protect the villagers.
*Throws the mangled bracers to the ground.*
Who are they or what are they - go figure it out! They seem to look like ghosts and appear, as if from thin air, but I can’t say for sure.
It moves quickly - you can't see who it is in battle.
*Pulls out a piece of cloak.*
This is all that is left of the enemy. Strange stuff...

Let's see, warrior.
*Looks at the piece of cloak with interest.*
Indeed, a strange matter. To the touch it is dense, but completely weightless, as if woven from air. Hmm ... Warrior, show this piece to the sorcerer: maybe he knows what kind of enemy we are fighting and how to get rid of nightly attacks.

Your goal: Go to the sorcerer Arnabag and show him a piece of the cloak of a mysterious enemy.

mound of weepingSorcerer Arnabag

*Raises eyebrows in surprise.*
With a ghost? No, warrior, the owner of the cloak was not a ghost. Here is something different...
*The sorcerer waved his staff and a piece of cloak was on his open palm.*
Hmm... Matter is imbued with magic, but to understand its origin, you need the Eye of Truth: only those endowed with the gift of Divination will be able to see the spell hidden from the gaze of mortals!
Wise sorcerer, if I obtain the Eye of Truth, will you be able to determine which creature the cloak belonged to?

If you get the Prismatic Orb in addition to the Eye of Truth, I can help. And remember, warrior, if you get down to business, then bring it to the end!

Your goal: Bring the Eye of Truth and the Prismatic Orb to the sorcerer Arnabag.

mound of weepingSorcerer Arnabag

I have already seen a similar picture, wise sorcerer, in the Mirror of Dancing Shadows. Let My Own Shadow explain to me what's going on here! And I thank you for your help.

Don't get excited, warrior, and don't jump to conclusions. Talk to your own shadow, she knows the truth!

Your goal: Talk to your own shadow about the mysterious owner of the cloak.

Removed: Eye of Truth x1, Rainbow Orb x1

BackpackCharacterQuestsown shadow

It is a piece of shadow's hoodie, my lord, a shadow without a master.
*Fiery eyes flashed.*
I see you're surprised, because everyone knows that shadows are inseparable from their masters. Yes... Our lives are inextricably linked with each other: we follow on your heels, and if a person or magmar dies, then his shadow dies as well. Now it is so... But before... Let me tell you a story. In ancient times, when a war broke out after the murder of Andelvan, there was an artifact that allowed the shadows to keep life even after the death of their master. The bravest of humans and Magmars wielded a magical talisman, cherishing the hope that the surviving shadow would find a way to bring its master back from the realm of the dead. Fortunately or unfortunately, so far not a single shadow has succeeded ...

But why would these shadows attack humans and Magmars?

The spirits of some of the dead warriors did not find peace, they are filled with blind rage and a thirst for revenge. Ghosts are incorporeal, and shadows, sensing their wrath, seek to quench their masters' thirst for vengeance.
*Pauses for a moment, then speaks again.*
But I haven't heard of them in a long time, master. I already began to think that this is just a legend.

How to defeat such an opponent? How to deal with such a shadow?

These shadows cannot be destroyed: after each defeat in battle, they will be reborn again and again. But you can protect them from the world of the living, imprison them in a magical dungeon so that they cannot get out of there and harm any living creature!

First you need to find where the shadows of the dead warriors live! But how?

The shadows of incorporeal beings cannot endure the rays of Mirrow, which is why they attack the village at nightfall, while during the day they hide somewhere ... If I were you, sir, I would find in the archive records of the archivist the burial places of the bravest heroes of the war that followed the death of Andelvan . Perhaps it is there, next to the buried bodies of their masters, that the shadows hide.

It is necessary to take records from the battles of past years from the archivist. Good idea, shadow, thank you.

Master, I'm sorry for being impudent... But if I could become like the shadows of the fallen warriors, I would be more useful to you in this matter. Slay one of these shadows and take possession of her hoodie - it will help me get lost among the enemy spirits and help you. Learn it!

Your goal: Go to Archivist Seimel and find out where the bodies of warriors are buried, whose shadows attack the settlement.

light area

Ask about archival records
*Presses the tip of the pen on the finger to check the sharpness of sharpening, sharply jerks his hand away and screams.*
Ay! With a kind of pen, you can pierce parchment! How sharp it must be!
Hello archivist. Can you tell me where to find records about the burial place of soldiers who participated in the battles of past years? Back in the time of Go'zanar's assassination of Andelvan.

Umm… You need chronicles of the Age of Changes, a warrior, presumably volumes XX and XXI - one of them just describes the events of those years. The sixty-eighth rack, if we count from the stained-glass window, which depicts a beautiful maiden by a stream. And the shelf...
*Thinks for a moment, then nods in satisfaction.*
... bottom shelf, warrior, the lowest. However, I'd better bring you the required manuscript myself, warrior.
*Goes into the depths of the archive and after a moment you hear his heart-rending cry.*
*Take out your weapon.*

Archivist, I'm here!

*An agitated archivist appears from behind the shelves, clutching a gnawed manuscript.*
Horror! Horrible! It's all mice, lousy gray mice! They damaged the tome I was about to restore!

Is this the same chronicle, archivist? In which there may be a mention of military graves from the time of the death of Andelvan?

No, warrior, I didn’t even get to the twentieth shelf - I stumbled upon this book - and your manuscript is on the sixty-eighth!
*Excitedly flips through the damaged tome.*
I must start the census immediately, warrior, to preserve what little remains. You have to go to the leather hunter for binding, and then to the workshop ...

Archivist, if I get the leather for the binding, can you get the manuscript from the sixty-eighth shelf during my absence and find the information I need?

Excellent idea, warrior! This is how we save each other's time! While you are mining the wolf skins, I will find the information you need. And don't worry: I'll go to the workshop myself, since it's nearby, you just need to get the material for binding.

Your goal: While hunting the Valdagor Wolves, get 10 hides and bring them to Archivist Seimel.

We hunt wolves...

19:41 The battle "Attack on Wolf Valdagor" is over.
19:41 After killing the predator, you skinned it and burned its fur with a burning torch. Received: Wolf Skin x1
19:41 You already have enough skins in your backpack to bind the manuscripts. Take them to the archivist. Quest - Shadows in the night.

light areaRegistration Chamber Archivist Seimelu

Well, you gave me a problem! In the chronicle there is repeated mention of the crypt in which the bravest of the heroes of that time were buried, but not a word about where this crypt is located. It is also known that the doors of the burial ground are sealed with a witch's spell, but there is a key. Once a century, he allows entry into the crypt to offer praise and honor to the fallen heroes, and then seal the entrance again with magic. In general, I concluded that if you get the key, there may be some symbols or clues on it that will help you find the location of the burial ground!

Correct conclusion, archivist, but where to look for the key? Do you know anything about this?

I can only assume, warrior, that the key is in the hands of the tomb raiders. Who else needs it? Even thieves will not be seduced by the key to the door, the location of which is unknown to anyone. And thieves grab from the treasuries everything that seems ancient and valuable to them, even if they have no idea about the purpose of the item.
*Slams the manuscript shut*
That's all I can help, warrior. Now let me get down to saving the damaged manuscript.

Your goal: While killing the Tomb Raiders during the Tomb Raiders event, get the key to the crypt.

Withdrawn: Wolf skin 10 pcs.

Waiting for the event to start "Tomb Raiders"(takes place every 12 hours) in the Vassal Crypts location. We attack Tomb Raiders

Click on the key "Use"

22:50 After carefully examining the key, you did not find anything on it that could help find the location of the crypt. Might be worth asking for advice underwater world at Aquasuria.

water templeaquasurium

It follows from your story, warrior, that, having found the crypt, you will find not only a place where the shadows of the dead warriors hide, but also a suitable dungeon for them! Have you ever wondered why the shadows did not attack the village before?
*Clicks claws.*
The doors were sealed with magic so they couldn't leave the crypt. Apparently, when the key was in the hands of the tomb robbers, the militant shadows found a loophole and got out to freedom. Now there is an opportunity to lock them up again ... if, of course ... Hmm ... you find the crypt itself.

This is what I ask, Aquasurius! Take a look at the key, you might find a clue on it.

Erm... Not to say that I would like to refuse help, but... How friendly are you with the Flaundin people, warrior?

The Octo-Protector Aquasurius himself could vouch for me! I've earned the trust of the flaundins by completing his missions in the underwater world, and the reputation points speak for themselves.

Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to provide military support to your people and earn flaundin reputation points. What can I do to get you help with the key?

If you have 1000 flaundins reputation, then choose answer 1, if not, then answer 2 and he will ask for 2 pearls.

How can I refuse to help someone who risked his life so many times to save the world and supported my people in the fight against the henchmen of the New Wave?!
*Twirls the key in claws.*
Only two signs are engraved here: a drop of lava and bones. The first symbolizes the lava of the enemy spilled on the battlefield. The second is the grave. Hmmm...
*Gives you the key.*
If I understand correctly, warrior, the crypt is somewhere in the Lands of the Lost. You can seal the door with this very key if you awaken its magic. It's easy to do: pour a drop of lava on the key - and the artifact is activated.

Thank you for your help, wise Aquasurius!

No thanks, warrior! I am happy to help the inhabitants of the upper world.

Your goal: Get Magmar lava and activate the key, and then find the crypt in the Lands of the Departed.

When I was young, I was then 11 years old, the following story happened to me.

I then lived with my parents in a 9-storey building in a three-room apartment. There was a kitchen, a large room, my parents' bedroom, and my bedroom. We then started a renovation in the parental bedroom and a large room. Change the parquet in them, glue new wallpapers and whitewash the ceilings.

In the afternoon of one day we finished making repairs, then in the evening we had dinner and went to bed. Then everyone slept in my room. Parents on my bed, I'm on a cot. At night I woke up from the fact that I wanted to go to the toilet. I got up and went. My room was next to the big room.

As I walked back past the large room along the corridor, I saw something strange. Near the window of the large room stood something that looked like a shadow about two meters high, two blue eyes glowed in the dark, and it stood with its hands on its sides and looked at me. Where there should be an entrance door to a large room, which we rented for the duration of the renovation, a rope was stretched. I was very terrified of such a look, and at the same time the shadow made a loud hissing sound. From this sound, everything went cold inside me, and I rushed to run to my room. Running into the room, I quickly climbed under the covers and was afraid to move, my parents slept peacefully. I was afraid to even move. I told my parents about it in the morning, they did not believe me. Then I was afraid to walk at night for a long time.

This is the story with me. I still can't figure out what it was. Either I dreamed at night, or there really was someone there.