Power and Magic 10. Might & Magic X - Legacy: review. Shards from doors

Genre: role-playing game.
Developer: Limbic Entertainment.
Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment.
Platform: Uplay.
Release date: January 23, 2014.



The revival of the forgotten is a good thing. In addition to the failures of high-budget projects, recent years have been marked by a series of re-releases and continuations of the once popular series. There were good ones (Shadow Warrior), minimalistic ones (Age of Empires II HD), inconspicuous ones (Flashback HD), bad ones (Syndicate), but the essence of everything was the same: to transfer the well-known formula to modern technologies.

In the process of giving old people a second youth, it is only important not to overdo it the way the developers from Limbic Entertainment did with Legacy. The continuation of the cult role-playing series of the nineties does not boast of any advanced graphics, nor skillful design solutions - only a careful attitude to the original source. But is it possible to create something good without trying to improve something?

- It is unlikely that in our area you will find someone who may like adventure. From them alone problems, you will miss lunch!
film "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" (2012)

Night at the Museum


In our time, development funding at the expense of consumers is gaining momentum. The scheme is flawless without any catch: you pay a little more, but immediately become the owner of a working assembly, and the creators receive not only additional income, but also volunteers who agree to work as testers on pure enthusiasm: look for software failures and report them on the forums.

Running games as they are created - there is a romance in this. Going through the maps again at different stages of development, you will notice little things that beginners will not even know about: that road over there used to be littered with stones; this character was silent all the time, and now he tells fables and gives tasks; that mission can already be completed, since the key character does not fall through the textures.

The Dragon. Just a dragon. Once he was a treasure hunter like us, but then he got an arrow...

The reverse side of such pleasure is unstable program code, errors and inaccuracies in the description. With each update, you run around the same places, do the same tasks, start developing characters from scratch, or give up the whole thing, waiting for the official release.

To then discover that after the “birthday” the game has not changed at all and ask the only relevant question: was there an alpha test at all or was it all a dream? Game crashes, frame rate drops, broken scripts and translation errors - the authors carefully transferred all this to the release, and a patch with attempts to restore at least some order appeared only a month later.

Legacy is full of references to other games in the universe. Sandor from the family of Vyacheslav lives in a tent in the south, but Tier - in three hundred years he will play an important role in the plot of the fifth "Heroes".

Most went to the owners of 32-bit operating systems. Not only will you not be allowed to set the maximum resolution of textures and the voice acting of the characters will be cut off, but the passage may also end prematurely: in the second act the game crashes so often that even saving every minute will not save, and the probability of losing the accumulated progress is completely “classic” genre."

The funny thing is that during early access"There were no such problems - the graphics settings were not blocked at the engine level, the heroes weighed low-key phrases in battle and dialogues, only bugs were always there. Even funnier is that no matter how hard you try, the game will not and will not be able to eat more than 3 gigabytes of memory.

Chaos. Intrigue. Soap. This is what textures look like on Windows 7 32-bit.

The second question to the creators is much more prosaic: was there any funding? Legacy looks good only as the work of amateurs with talent but empty pockets. Peer into the illustrations and notice the portraits and models from the fifth and sixth "Heroes", a hodgepodge of different artistic styles, the poverty of the surrounding world and stingy by the standards role playing dialogues.

Archaism and poverty - these words vividly describe, if not the whole game, then at least the first impression of it. It’s not entirely correct to start the review with obvious shortcomings, but this is exactly what Might and Magic X does to us: they wanted to fit the game “antique”, but in the end it turned out to be the usual hack.

The crystal spider is well remembered. The third act was ending, and this was the first movie on the engine in the game.

The Uplay platform deserves special flattery, because whatever one may say, what game, such service. Unlike Steam, where there is at least some compression when downloading, here you have to download the files in full, and if you reinstall the client, the game will fly away after you - no backup is provided. Add to everything the non-working "cloudiness": most often the synchronization ends with an error, but the files are chasing back and forth both at startup and when exiting the game.


The "Heritage" has one trump card up its sleeve, and it is so weighty and inexplicable that all of the above becomes a trifle. The game is incredibly addictive. The world is quite small, the map along or across can be walked in ten minutes, but here you can hang out for days, weeks and even months, exploring abandoned temples, solving all sorts of puzzles or experimenting with the selection and development of a party of heroes.


"Might and Magic X" is an indirect continuation of the sixth "Heroes", more precisely, their storyline. The offspring of Duke Vyacheslav exposed the plot of the archangel Uriel and the War of the Ancients ended, but problems, as often happens, remained. The influence of the Holy Empire weakened, talk began about the separation of church and state, and the new reforms of the empress did not find approval everywhere.

There are many books scattered all over the world. At the end of the passage, collect your small library.

On the peninsula of Aegina, far from political squabbles, stands the city of Kartal. Like Kirkwall from dragon age II, he is considered free, even though the neighboring duchies are trying to push their people into his "top". Autonomy became one of the causes of concern, and once the city was simply locked from the inside. How well the four heroes gathered there: “You want to go to Kartal? Follow our instructions and we'll see."

So an ordinary walk turns into saving the world. The story tries to be original and even has a few twists and turns, but that's not to say that it's exciting. In addition to random replicas of the characters, there is no voice acting, there are very few videos and cut-scenes, and the quality of the dialogues kills the remaining intrigue. Passages in the style of “Friends, I'm glad to see you. My daughter was kidnapped” at first amuse, but only at first. Evaporated and references to science fiction, characteristic of previous games in the series.

Two-thirds of the story is retold through the lips of this gentleman. Still wondering why the plot is so weak?


Much more interesting to explore the map that covered the entire peninsula. At first, the world seems linear, but over time, more and more new roads open up, and you return to the lands you have already traveled to clear a cave with a strong monster or dispel a magical barrier. You have to run pretty much, because there are no portals like in Diablo, and the tasks of the missions are not always obvious.

Some of the quests are built according to the classic formula "bring / kill", others are phased and stretch through the whole game. If you get a shard and defeat the spirit in the forge of the elements, he will give the blessing of his Dragon God: the gift of Shalassa will allow you to walk in shallow water, Malassa will help with the search for hiding places. There is also a typical task with obelisks - to collect all the clues and dig up the buried treasure.

The forge of elements is full of mysteries and secret passages, as well as elementals of various colors.

Tasks that increase the rank of heroes have a special role. The mage won't learn the strongest spells until he becomes an archmage, and such diplomas are not bought at the academy of the Seven Cities, so you have to fulfill the whims of the teacher. Each class has its own quest, so it's best to play as a party of different races and specializations.

This is important: against the gnome - there is no reception. If you do not take a representative of the Northern Clans into the squad, you will not be able to get into the city of the dwarves Sudgert and get a tangible portion of experience for monsters and the task. The mission with Shantiri's disk also cannot be brought to its logical conclusion if there is no crusader in the squad.


Fallout style slides are a worthy reward for those who have diligently traveled the world and helped those in need.

The main asset of the "Heritage" is not tasks and not even the world, but riddles and puzzles. Remember the times when the correct answers were not chosen from four possible ones, but entered into an empty field manually? With local riddles, everything is the same: some of the chests are protected by passwords, some doors cannot be opened without a code word, and one day you will even be asked to take an exam on knowledge of the geography of the peninsula.

Real tests of ingenuity await in mysterious crypts, where valuable relics gather dust under the protection of ancient mechanisms. In one dungeon you need to find the correct sequence of teleports, in another you need to go through the plates or the field with deadly traps in the correct order.

Trap rooms are easier to pass with Elrath's blessing. Or rely on trial and error.

The game captivates by the fact that it does not make indulgences. Were you told to find the sacred grove? Remember where you saw the entrance to this cave and how to get into it - no one will lead you there by the handle with a magic arrow or a miraculous marker. Even more interesting is the search for teachers: some of them settled in major cities, and some wander on the world map or in dungeons - keep a notebook with a felt-tip pen at the ready to mark the location of such clients in a timely manner and not be killed later by their search.


Note: if you are having difficulty passing, check out the Steam community for the game. There you can find a list of all teachers, detailed map world and dungeons with all the caches, secrets and other useful designations.

In a tavern near Kartal sits the sweetest soothsayer. Don't forget to visit her after beating the game.

This approach inspires respect, but in some places the game was unnecessarily overcomplicated. The map is not scalable, which makes it difficult to know which direction to move in so as not to run into a dead end. Location already found teachers could be tagged in the in-game journal. I really miss autosave a step before the start or after the end of the battle. All this would not make the game easier, but it would significantly save her from routine and a lot of unnecessary actions.

Fantastic Four

In Legacy, your squad does two things: explore and fight. If you are not wandering around the world and not solving another riddle, then you are beating sticky enemies or counting on pumping your subjects. If neither one nor the other, then most likely the game crashed and "hangs" on the synchronization window.


Cliche computer games. Note #25. No matter how big the wolf is, there is always a chance to miss it.

Our adventure is not only role-playing, but also tactical, and in such games an important role is played by planning, choosing the optimal combination of classes, distributing talents and characteristics of each member of the squad. Mistakes are not forgiven here, because we cannot clear the brains of the heroes and distribute skills again. They messed up the firewood by pumping a two-handed magician - start over or live with it.

Between the lines: let's go the other way. Not all classes are equally effective, some are noticeably stronger, others are almost useless, so I do not recommend playing with the default four. The archer should be replaced with a sword dancer and "sharpened" for daggers, and instead of a dwarf defender, take a rune priest: the game is hard to complete without protective spells, so an extra magician will not hurt.

The party can carry two hired companions with them. At that moment, I regretted not taking the merchant with me.

By participating in battles and completing quests, the party accumulates experience and gains new levels, and with them a few free stat and skill points. Some points are invested in strength, magic, perception, and so on, others improve class features: combat skills or magical schools. Specializations consist of three ranks, only a certain teacher can give you the next degree.


The developers focused on the early parts of the series, so the whole game is exclusively turn-based. In cities, mountains, meadows and forests, you move through the cells, if the party of heroes is noticed by enemies, the battle begins. AT combat mode in one move, you can either move the entire squad to an adjacent cell, or use the ability of each character, whether it be a strike or a spell. You can't run away from enemies.

Go around the corner - a trouble-free means of salvation from remote attacks. Archers and mages won't wait for you to look out again, and will themselves come within striking distance.

The battles are challenging. Even on the "adventurer" it is worth using spells correctly, saving elixirs of life and mana vials - the monster population will be restored only on the hundredth day of the adventure, so do not expect to get rich by beating weak living creatures. Health and magical energy are not replenished, you can restore strength only by drinking from the fountain or resting in the camp.

Fighting is interesting at first, but towards the end of the journey, the monotony becomes more and more pronounced, and the battles take place according to the same memorized pattern. Enemies have a very poor set of techniques, with the richest bestiary, the difference between a ghoul, a harpy and a panther is minimal: someone can stun, others return part of the damage, some receive an additional attack for each miss or block.

With the "bosses" is usually a short conversation. Two defend, two hit.


Tactical tricks are also sparse. The enemy loves to appear right out of the air from several directions, shoot as soon as you enter a narrow passage and take in numbers in the hope that the heroes' mana will run out faster than their heads. Boss fights stand out at first, but as soon as you become a master of Light magic, strongmen will quickly become pawns even against the background of ordinary enemies, with the exception of a couple of persons.


The tenth "Might and Magic" is a game about overcoming difficulties. Get used to its outdated technology, put up with an abundance of software and design flaws, accepted the overly contrived complexity caused by clumsy navigation and interface, as well as a lot of game conventions - get an unforgettable adventure where you can get lost for a long time.

The developers really wanted to make the game “like then”, in the mid-90s, but if “Legacy” came out after the ninth part, it would certainly have been received even cooler than its predecessor. Imagine a game where there are no innovations at all, and the merits of its creators end up with an engine concocted on the knee and copying an ancient concept. Shouts about the conveyor would be a natural outcome.

Saves "Heritage" that similar games no one does now. It's not even about the fans of the series and banal nostalgia, but that the players began to forget what it's like to decide for real challenging puzzles, look for treasures yourself, and not just walk around and pick them up, looking at the map. Despite the outward wretchedness, we need such games, because we play in them, and not just play our role.

Verdict: not everyone will see the beauty in the rainbow after the rain or the morning dawn, not everyone will consider the game of their dreams in Legacy. It captivates and addicts, even if in the soul it is just a museum piece.

Rating: 7.5 ("Good").

Vitaly Krasnovid aka Dezintegration

  • Discussion of the game at the conference site.

Before starting the game, you can assemble your squad (create 4 different characters, distribute their skills, etc.). Note that in the game everything is divided into cells that have coordinates on the world map. Therefore, some places will be indicated as coordinates.

Act 1

Watch a bright and epic video, which will reveal the plot and your task. You will start your journey in the harbor. Go straight ahead, the guy will talk to you. He will offer a job, agree and, on his advice, go to the general. After passing the archway, go to the first right door. Get an assignment.

Destroy the spiders

Creeping creatures just want to spoil the life of the townspeople, go to the town hall (the largest building). On the left there is a well (15,8). Climb down it. You ended up in a cave, explore everything in it and most importantly - kill all the spiders. Be sure to collect everything from the chests. Come back.

Bestiary of Yassad

You will be asked to kill various creatures. It's simple, when you kill every tenth monster, go to Yassad for a bonus.

bandit bay

The guard will ask you to get the treasure. It's funny, but you found it in one of the chests in the well, so just return the thing to the owner. Next, you will get the opportunity to go to the lighthouse to find out new details about your mission, but it's better to complete additional tasks and just kill the monsters in the area.

The thieves

Go to the bandits' lair. You need to kill everyone in the building, collect treasures. Study every corner carefully. Secret rooms are available at 10.6 and 7.2.

Headhunter's Sword

Follow the cave (31,26). You need to go through two levels, each of them has a lot of enemies that you have to kill. At the end, defeat the leader, take the sword and take it to the owner.

Flowers for fallen heroes

Leave the city, go to 108.43. Put flowers.


Go south to the water, there you will see a lighthouse (113.22). Further, everything is simple, kill the enemies at the entrance. You need to get to the fourth level. Soldiers and monsters will come across on your way, they will have to be eliminated. Reach the goal. A conditional boss will appear, so don't expect an easy fight. Beware of the edges, otherwise the villain will simply throw you down. Try to attack with ranged combat, if you do not have such a character, then go to the enemy with the strongest. When you're done, teleport to Maxim.

Way to Portmeiron

Go to the governor's house. Proceed to one of the extreme rooms, press the lever. A passage will open. Follow it and only forward, kill enemies on your way. When you're done, go back, go west, use the lever to open access to the eastern rooms. Go further through them to the ruins, along the way, eliminate opponents. Activate the lever on the left, go to the spearman.

Follow to the second level. The new lever is on the wall (0.15). Go to another lever that appears, kill enemies on the way. Further to the door (8,11). Next, you have the option to choose a path. Try to go through each of them. We note right away that bad people and creatures are waiting everywhere, give them a rebuff. After a long fight, pull the two levers and open the gate. Follow to the third level.

Continue on your way, kill enemies. Pass in open door, receive a golden key. Now go to the eastern part, there you will find another key. Then go southeast to the door, open it. You are waiting for the battle with Ivan. Move more often in battle with him, it is better to fight against him with an archer or a knight. Talk to the guard, go to the forge.

Act 2

Elemental Discontent

You are in the forge, it consists of three levels. Each of them will have to pass. You will not have strong difficulties, unless, of course, you do not consider a huge number of enemies on your way to be a problem. When you're done, collect the trophies and go to Morgan.

Eyes and ears

Visit Horse Paradise and move to another city. Talk to the guy who is at 60.66.

Mandbat hunting

If you are located where you took the task, then the passage is at 75.75. First, buy potions and only then hit the road. Kill enemies, do not be afraid to retreat. At the dead soldiers you will find the key to the door. When you're done, go to the next level.

Clear the area again. You can't go further because of the closed door, go towards the harbor and eliminate everyone in your path. Now upstairs, open the door with the bronze key. You will be attacked by a large crowd of opponents, so be prepared for mass killings. Reach the end, defeat Mandbat with magic.

Last wish

Go to the church, which is located in the starting city.

Spy Morgan

Follow the harbor, then south through the forests. Turn right and find the entrance (71,32). Talk to the girl, and then kill everyone in your path. As a result, you will find yourself in a mansion. Chat with Ripley, turn the levers (4,7;12,0;12) and finally make your way to the door (3,3). Take the ashes to the church.

Naga tea

Collect several types of tea (5 pieces from each merchant in each city). Take the herbs to the shop (4,23).

Arch Druid

Take the book from the guy in the slums (7,26). Take the book to Minho (40,53).

Shooting star

Go to the abandoned lands, find the artifact (45,19). Take it to the blade shop, which is located in the harbor. Wait. Get a rare sword.

Master in the Art of War

Kill all monsters.

Great Salvation

First, talk to the witch in the tavern, and then to Hamza (14.31).

sewer key

Follow to the tavern (17,23). Drink the tramp, take the key from him.


Go to the poor area of ​​Karthal, find shelter (3,23). Go to the blacksmith to get a blessing. Give water to the blacksmith, it is in the chest (fourth level lost city). The key lies under the cabinet (4,15).

Follow the fire door. Open it, then place the plates and activate the levers. Kill the leader. Keep the path to the sunken ship. Kill the guard, talk to the man. Go to the fang's lair through the place where the water used to be.

Master of Archery

Get to the cave of skulls. Eliminate the mermaid and return to the guy who gave you the task.

Peace with the Pirates

Go west to the empty lands. Find the Greek in the fort, give him the letter.


Go to Karthal. Talk to the bartender in the tavern. Go east through the jungle. Find a tent (25,76). Talk to the girl.

Rank chief

Pass through swamps, jungle. Go through the mountains, find a nest. Kill the dragon, talk to the leader.

Title Guardian

Pass the sea harbor. Go northeast across the river. Go to the cave. Kill the cyclops, talk to the dwarf. Follow to the Nevean plains.

Act 3

Dive into horror

Buy supplies, because there will be no turning back. Punch through crowds of enemy creatures up to the fourth level. On it, walk on the yellow plates. Get down. Destroy the Eye of Fear. Talk to the locals, return to Morgan.

Battle for Kartal

Keep your way in pirate city. Talk to the Greek, then go to Karthal. Find a necromancer, he will tell you what ingredients are needed for the medicine. Buy mercury from the merchant, and sulfur from the harbor. Give the medicine to the Greek. Follow the pier. You will not be able to return, so stock up on everything you need.

Find details ( 13.21 and at 2.20). Well, then just kill a huge number of enemies, demons. Look around all the rooms. As a result, you will find a lot of fragments. Kill Erebos. He will try to kill you, so keep moving. When you collect the item, place it on the platform that is in the center of the bridges. The general's name is Michael. Game completed.

To make it faster and easier to pass the game, gather a squad of four characters, do not forget to distribute their skills and other necessary attributes. A feature of this game is the division of the screen into cells that have their own coordinates on the map. Further, some of the places will be indicated using these coordinates.

Act 1

A colorful video that will briefly tell you about the plot of the game and your goal. Of course, you can safely skip it. Then your journey will begin from the harbor. Do not turn anywhere and you will see a guy who will offer you a job. Don't give up! After listening to his advice, go to the general. On the way you will meet an arch, immediately after which you go into the door on the right. You receive your first task: the destruction of spiders.
Ugly spiders want to ruin the lives of people in the city. To get rid of them, go to the town hall, which is a large building. On the left side of it is a well (15.8). Go down the well and enter a cave. In addition to completing the main task - killing spiders, carefully inspect and study everything in this cave. Then head back.

Bestiary of Yassad

The next tasks of the same plan are to kill all sorts of different creatures. However, do not forget to visit Yassad after killing every tenth monster to get a bonus.

bandit bay

The guard needs one treasure. But thanks to your discretion, you have already found it in the well. Give the found thing to the guard. Now you have the opportunity to go to the lighthouse to continue to complete new tasks.
But do not rush to go there, complete other, additional tasks, for example, just kill the creatures that are nearby.

The thieves

Now go to the bandits. Look around carefully, killing everyone who meets on the way, as well as collecting treasures. Look into the corners, suddenly there is something interesting for you.
Next, go to the cave at 31, 26. The cave consists of two levels with enemies that, of course, must be killed. But the main thing is to defeat the leader, pick up the sword and take it to the one who asked.

Flowers for the fallen

Move to coordinates 108, 43. There you need to put flowers.


The lighthouse is located in the south, next to the water (113, 22). Kill the enemies at the entrance and go up to the 4th level. Of course, one cannot do without enemies, which will be not only monsters, but also soldiers. Don't forget to kill them.
At the fourth level you will find a difficult fight with the boss. Don't get too close to the edge or you'll just end up at the bottom. It is better to use a ranged attack.
If you did not guess to take such a character initially, then use the strongest character in this battle. After the battle, use the teleporter to go to Maxim.

Way to Portmeiron

Now look for the governor's house. In the last room there will be a lever, with the help of which you will open the passage. Go forward along this passage. When you kill everyone, go back, and then to the west. Using the lever, go to the eastern rooms as well. Then walk through them to the ruins. Don't forget to kill the enemies. Now there will be a lever on the left and a spearman.
Climb up to the second level. And again look for the lever - it will be on the wall (0, 15). Again the lever and new enemies. Then on the way you will meet a door (8, 11). Now you have a choice. You can try out all the options, but there will be many different creatures and people who will need to fight back. As soon as the battles are over, pull the two levers towards you and the gate will open, which will open the way to the third level.
Next, you also kill enemies. Look for an open door, there you will be given a golden key. Then you will need to find another key, which is located in the east. Then go towards the southeast. After you open the door, you will come face to face with Ivan. In order to defeat him, you need to move quickly and it is better to use an archer or a knight. After the fight, you will have a conversation with the guard, and then go to the forge.

Act 2

Elemental Discontent

The forge consists of three levels, each of which will have to be completed. In addition to many enemies, you should not have other difficulties.
Do not forget to collect trophies and go to Morgan.

Eyes and ears

Visit Horse Paradise and go to another city. At coordinates 60, 66 talk to the guy.

Mandbat hunting

If your location coincides with the place where the task was taken, then you will find a free passage at coordinates 75, 75. Before you go there, purchase potions. Don't always kill enemies, if you can't, retreat.
You will take the door key from one of the dead soldiers. Then you can safely go to new level, where you also have to kill enemies. But you have a closed door ahead of you. To open it, go to the harbor, then up. Open the door with a bronze key.
And there will be many opponents. Go to the end, where there is a fight with Mandbat, use magic to win.

Last wish

Go to the first city, look for the church.

Spy Morgan

Then head to the harbor, and then south, on the way you will meet a forest. Go right and look for the entrance (71, 32). Talk to the girl and again go to kill everyone. In the end, you will find yourself in a cottage. Talk to Ripley and use the levers (4, 7; 12, 0) and then walk towards the door (3, 3). The ashes should rest only at the church.

Naga tea

In each city, you need to buy several varieties of tea from each seller, and then take them to the store (4, 23).

Arch Druid

Look for the guy in the slums (7, 26) and take the book from him, which you then need to take to Minho (40, 53).

Shooting star

Go to the abandoned lands: you can find an artifact there (45, 19). Head towards the harbor, look for a blade shop. Wait. And now you have a rare sword.

Master in the Art of War

Just kill everyone.

Great Salvation

Head to the witch who is waiting for you in the tavern, and then to Hamza (14, 31).

sewer key

Tavern again (17, 23). Give water to the tramp, for which you will receive the key.


Now go to the Kartal area (3, 23) - there will be a shelter. Then go to the forge to receive a blessing. Give the blacksmith the water that is in the chest. Look for the key under the cabinet. Fire door, plates and levers. The death of the leader and the flight to the sunken ship. Killing a guard, talking to a person. Next, go to the dwelling of the fang at the place where the water used to be.

Master of Archery

In the cave of skulls, kill the mermaid and return back.

Peace with the Pirates

In the west, in the empty lands, look for the Greek, to whom you need to give the letter.


In Karthal, talk to the bartender who's waiting at the tavern, then head east without fearing the jungle. Look for a tent and a girl.

Rank chief

Swamps, jungle, mountains, nest. Kill the dragon and talk to the leader.

Title Guardian

In the northeast, behind the sea harbor, across the river, go into the cave, where you will have to kill the cyclops and chat with the dwarf. Then walk to the Nevean plains.

Act 3
Dive into horror

Stock up on the full in the store and kill everyone in a row up to the fourth level. There walk on the yellow plates. Then go down to destroy the eye of fear. Chat with the locals and go to Morgan.

Battle for Kartal

After talking with the Greek in the city of pirates, go to Karthal. Look for the necromancer. Mercury is sold by a merchant, sulfur can be found in the harbor. Heal the Greek and go to the pier. Don't forget to empty the store. At coordinates 13, 21 and 2, 20 look for details. Well, then kill the enemies, explore the rooms in search of fragments. Defeat Erebos by moving all the time.
Collect an object from the fragments, put it in the center of the bridges. The general's name is Michael.
Finally, victory awaits you!

Our detachment starts from the Soprigal pier.

We arrive in the city with the task "Ashes to Ashes" (additional task).

Task description: You were trained by Owen, an adventurer who fought demons while protecting Hammerhall during the Second Eclipse. Before his death, Owen asked that his ashes be taken to a small chapel in his hometown of Kartal to be buried next to his ancestors. You have decided to fulfill the last will of the mentor.

Descending from the pier, Dustan meets you, and gives you the first main task - “Looking for work”
Task description: Arriving in the small town of Sorpigal-by-the-Sea, the adventurers found out that the gates of Kartal were currently closed. Following the precepts of their mentor, they decided to look for work. A friendly interlocutor in the port directed them to Maxim, the captain of the local garrison.

Dustan joins the squad, and if you look around the city, he talks about its inhabitants.

It makes sense to go around the city, collect valuables in chests, open kegs and collect additional tasks from the inhabitants of the city:
- Yassada Bestiary (coordinates on the city map 16.14)
- Lost Sheep (10.28)
- Flowers for fallen heroes (1.22)
- Robbers (10,12) - take Rosalyn with you
- Smugglers Cove (24.9)

Maxim is in the Sorpigal City Garrison (19.21) - at the entrance to the city.

Upon completion of the quest "Looking for work", Dustan leaves you.

Maxim gives you the next main task - "Spiders in the well".
Task description: Giant spiders have settled in the caves under Sorpigal and attack the inhabitants. The heroes, accompanied by Maxim, must descend into the city well and kill the spiders.

It is necessary to go down to the lair of spiders and kill the queen of spiders. The entrance to the lair is located in the well of Soprigal (15.8).

Before descending into the well, it makes sense to use the found gold to buy bottles for health and mana (Amulets and talismans of Jokhara - 6.22), learn a few new spells (Library of secret knowledge - 8.3) or improve ammunition.

On the task "Spiders in the well" Maxim goes with you.

The spider queen is in the center of the lair (14,11). Maxim accepts the task to destroy the queen of spiders immediately after its completion and returns to the garrison.

Simultaneously with the main task in the den of spiders, we find a smuggler's cove and a smuggler's chest (15.0) for the "Smuggler's Cove" quest.

We rise back to the city, rent extra. task "Smuggler's Bay" and go to the garrison for the next main task.

From Maxim we get the following task - "The extinguished beacon"
Task description: South of Sorpigal is an old lighthouse. Not so long ago, just before the fire went out, strange nagas were seen there. Maxim wants to make sure that these nagas do not belong to the cult of the Flooder, and he asked you to look into this matter.

Now you can leave the city.

A part of the Aegina Peninsula opens up in front of you.

The lighthouse is located in the northwest of Soprigal. But it's better not to go there right away. Your squad is still weak. It is better to swing, clearing the accessible part of the peninsula.

At the same time, you can complete several previously taken tasks.
"Flowers for the Fallen Heroes" is rented in Ash Hills (108.43)
"Robbers" - a den of thieves in shady forests.

In the mysterious script (126,64), turning the torches to the center, we get a relic.

We do not climb into dangerous caves and ghosts in the damned ruins. They are not for us yet.

There is a Wandering Merchant in the Ash Hills (119.55) who you can buy supplies from and trade with.

We will get several levels and new skills, we will go to carry out the current main task to the Lighthouse.

The lighthouse turns out to be taken over by the cult of the Flooder. We systematically clear the levels one by one.

At the first level, we release Hamato. Upon completion of the clearing of the lighthouse, it will be possible to take two additional tasks and train the squad to master two-handed combat at the master level.

At the very top of the lighthouse, on the fourth level, we meet the boss Mamushi. The most important thing during the battle with him is not to stand at the edge. He has a special attack that moves our squad one cell back and he is able to throw us off the Lighthouse.

After the victory, you need to light a fire on the lighthouse by pressing four plates in the correct sequence. The lighthouse works! We return for a reward and a new task to Maxim.

This time we are instructed to go to Portmeyron Castle and meet with the governor.
Quest: Rough Path to Portmeyron
Description: Maxime has sent you to Portmeyron Castle, where you are to meet with the Governor of the Aegina Peninsula. He may need your services.

The main part of the castle is captured by robbers. The governor holds the defense on the third level of the dungeon. Having freed the governor, we complete Act 1.

For the first time in the whole game that I could not solve the puzzle myself and looked for a solution on the Internet, and therefore I start adding here for memory and for others to be useful.

First, you need to find a shard of air in the Skull Cave (Desolate Lands), it will be located on the second level, near Blackfang's chest.

After that, go to look for a balcony. Kill the monsters on the right. They are strong, but completely defeated. Further in the room are flying platforms and moving plates on the floor. It is necessary to click on the plates in the following order.

  1. Stand facing the flying platforms in the middle, without stepping on any of the plates (except for the one at the entrance, which, by the way, resets the whole combination, as I understand it).
  2. There are 4 slabs on the floor: in front of you, behind you, on the right and on the left.
  3. Press the plate in front of you 3 times.
  4. Press the left plate 1 time.
  5. Press the right plate 2 times.
  6. Press the back plate 4 times.

After that, go up the plates and at the end you will have a battle with a monster. Get ready.

After the battle, find the teleporter in the corner, there will be a lot of interesting things in the chest! Good luck.