Sign up for hero generals. Heroes and Generals is a free online shooter game. Choose the language of communication with the commandant's office

Heroes & Generals is an online multiplayer game set during World War II. Heroes & Generals online combines hard battles and the tactics of a real strategist.

In Heroes & Generals, registration is available on the main website of the game. To register, you will need to fill out a standard form, which includes the information of interest to the developers of the site or game. To create your account You will need:

  1. Click on the big red button on the main page of the site, where it will say Play for free.
  2. Select the language you want to play in from the dropdown list.
  3. Then enter your email address.
  4. Write your own username. In this context, you can use both a fictitious name and a real one.
  5. Enter a password, but before that, think it over very well so that the level of protection is high.
  6. Write your password again to confirm it.
  7. Enter promo code. This field is optional.
  8. If you want to receive news about the game, then you need to click on the square next to which this information is located.
  9. Click on the "Register" button. If you register on this site, you automatically agree to the user agreement and privacy policy of the site.

If you are unable to register, please contact technical support by clicking on the link provided in the form below.

Heroes & Generals game designed for a personal computer or laptop, whose power is not less than the following parameters:

  • Processor: 2GHz CPU w. SSE3
  • RAM: 1.5 GB
  • VGA: ATI: HD X1800
  • Nvidia: 7900
  • OS: Windows XP or Vista or 2007
  • Winchester (F/D): 1.3 GB

You can play Heroes & Generals by choosing one of seven soldier options:

  1. Infantry - they are capable of fighting in the infantry / guarding assault squads. Currently versatile soldiers that can be armed with rifles, machine guns and other weapons.
  2. Paratroopers - they are in "AT Paratrooper". Cannot be equipped with heavy vehicles (heavy machine guns and launchers). Perform skydiving. You can also be an airplane pilot.
  3. Machine gunners - able to be in any ATs. Shooting with a machine gun.
  4. Anti Armor - they are able to work with ATS as shooters. Carry out an attack with anti-grenade tanks and a launcher.
  5. Support fighters - located in Recon AT. They attack with a bolt-action rifle and any additional equipment. May be arrows.
  6. Combat pilots - are in the fighter AT. They can carry any equipment, except representatives of machine guns and grenade launchers. They jump with a parachute.
  7. Tankers - they work in AT tanks. They are provided with tanks of a specific type. They have the ability to carry any equipment, except representatives of machine guns or grenade launchers.

You will play Heroes & Generals with great pleasure.

Heroes and Generals game will give you a lot of impressions, so do not be lazy, but register in the game and have a lot of fun!

Only a bad hero does not dream of becoming a general? If you are a good one, a Danish online shooter based on the events of the Second World War will help you become a general Heroes and Generals by Reto-Moto. What you need to register in the game "Heroes and Generals", we will tell below.

4 first steps to the rank of general

To enter the game, you will have to get a "military ID": create an account at The registration algorithm is simple.

Choose the language of communication with the commandant's office

On the main page of the site, by default, a section for registering newcomers to the front opens. Here you can choose from several languages: Russian, German, English, Czech, French, Polish, Turkish, Portuguese. True, the entire site will not become Russian-speaking, but at the registration stage, all information will be issued in Russian.

Fill out an account card

To enter the game, you will need to specify your e-mail, decide on your game nickname and come up with a password. It is important that e-mail works, otherwise an accidentally forgotten password cannot be recovered, and all rewards will be lost.

The username must be between 4 and 26 characters long. It should not only contain spaces and % or @ signs, but also any insults. This name will be visible to all participants in the game.

Read the bylaws and agree to them

The final stage of registration on the site is familiarization with the rules of the site and the rules of user behavior.

Spam, trolling and discrimination, as well as cheats and commercial use of the site are prohibited for game participants. It is important to remember the purpose of being on the battlefield and to fight, not to farm. But fighting is fair. "Heroes and Generals" is out of politics, advertising and any propaganda.

By clicking the "Agree" button, the user confirms that he is aware of the use of various anti-cheat technologies by the portal that can interact with his device. In addition, the player immediately receives a notification that in the future the portal will provide him with information in English.

Install the client and get the first order

Until recently, the game was exclusively browser-based, but now, in order to take part in it, you will need to install a client. You can proceed to the download immediately after registration by clicking on the link on the confirmation page or by pasting into the address bar.

Clicking on the "Here" button automatically starts the download of the application.

After downloading the program, you need to find it in the "Downloads" folder and allow changes to be made to the computer's hard drive. Next, the installer will prompt you to select the location of the files, and then the game will begin downloading. To enter the game, you will have to enter your username and password.

Further - everything is in your hands. Whether you can turn the tide in this war and rise to the rank of general, we do not know. And now you know how to become the hero of the famous multiplayer online shooter. Good luck in battle!

Start playing online game Heroes and Generals in Russian without sending SMS to incomprehensible numbers and without any such muddy actions!

In order to start playing Heroes and Generals, you do not need to engage in long searches and registrations on various sites. The client game Heroes and Generals must be downloaded, installed on a PC and started playing, with a minimum of time and effort, maximum results.

To achieve the desired result, namely the launch of the Heroes and Generals game, you must click the "Start the game ..." button located just below this text, then you will go to the official website of the Heroes and Generals game, then download the game, then it remains to start the game and dive into the new wonderful world Heroes and Generals.

Do not forget to look at the system requirements of the Heroes and Generals client game, compare them with the characteristics of the computer (PC) / laptop on which you will play the online game.

It should be noted right away that regardless of the requirements, on most computers and laptops you can run almost any game, including Heroes and Generals, only in some cases you will have to set the graphic settings to a minimum.

So you can play Heroes and Generals online without any problems, try, install and play exciting online projects!

Play for free client game Heroes and Generals in Russian, go to new world looking for adventure and new achievements along with thousands of other players!

These Rules and Guidelines (hereinafter referred to as "Rules") can be seen as guidelines for the entire game universe, including forum, ingame chat, SoMe, PMs, Wiki etc. on and our official social media sites. Whenever we mention "forum" below this can be read as all of the above.

Welcome to the Official Heroes & Generals forums! These forums are here to provide you with a respectful atmosphere where you can discuss ideas, give gameplay advice, and discuss any other aspects of Heroes & Generals with other players.

Community forums are at their best when participants treat their fellow posters with respect and courtesy. Therefore, we ask that you conduct yourself in a civilized manner when participating on these forums.

The Rules listed below explain what behavior is expected of you and what behavior you can expect from other community members. The Rules are not exhaustive, and may not address all manner of offensive behavior. As such, the official Heroes & Generals forum moderators and administrators shall have full discretion to address any behavior that they feel is inappropriate.
Also, suspension or banishment from the game will always result in the same in regard to forum access. Your access to these forums is a "privilege" and not a “right.” Reto-Moto reserves the right to delete, update or modify any information, which is considered inappropriate on these forums.

Reto-Moto also reserves the right to suspend your access to these forums at any time for reasons that include, but are not necessarily limited to, your failure to abide by these Rules. Reto-Moto reserves the right to evaluate each incident on a case by case basis.

Before posting any kind of information on this forum, all users are to read the following Rules. These Rules are obligatory for all registered users on this forum.


Users are to treat others with respect. This applies to both public threads, chat and private messages (PMs).
Disrespect can include:

  • flaming
  • Trolling
  • Harassment or defamatory remarks
  • Abusive or personal attacks
  • Profanity, swearing, inappropriate language or abbreviations thereof
  • Racial, religious, sexual, national or ethnic, slurs or insults (this includes "jokes" in bad taste)
  • Excessive Capitalization
  • Publicly accusing players of rule breaking (users should contact our support team instead)


Postings and discussions which have users’ personal data - regardless of whether this is their own or that of other users - are not allowed and will be removed.
Personal data includes:

  • Addresses
  • telephone numbers
  • E-mails
  • Instant messaging services IDs
  • credit card details
  • Account details or password
  • Images or pictures, where a person is easily identifiable
  • Other contact information

Use of own real-life name is strongly discouraged. Postings and discussions, which include real-life names of others, are not allowed.
No release of real-life information about official moderators or Reto-Moto employees is allowed on these forums.


Real-life threats are not tolerated on the forums.
This includes both express and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which refers to violence in any capacity that is not directly related to the game world.
Real-life threats will be handed over to the police for possible prosecution.


Users are not allowed to post threads or comments to any of the forums that advertise or solicit any non-beneficial, non-Heroes & Generals related businesses, organizations, or websites.

Explicit advertising and solicitation in signatures are also prohibited.
Users are allowed to discuss other war games; however, be aware that any kind of solicitation of or linking to other games is not permitted.


All types of posts for the sale or promotion of the exchange or transfer of accounts, currency, codes, and other services from one user to another are prohibited within the forums and game channels.


All users will get a better forum experience if they refrain from:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish.
  • offtopic posting.
  • Creating threads/posts for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums.
  • Creating threads/posts for the purpose of reporting or discussing in game violations. Such incidents are to be directed to our support team.
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters.
  • Making non-constructive posts, or posts with non-constructive topics.
  • Posting excessively in capital letters, excessive whitespace or line breaks, leet speak, or other hard-to-read writing styles.
  • Using misleading topic titles, excessive punctuation, and/or non-standard symbols.
  • Abusing font size and color to creative disruptive posts.
  • Abusing the "Reported Post" feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages.
  • Numbering a thread, posting "First!", "IBTL" ("in before thread lock") or any other fad statements.
  • "Bumping" posts. Some sections may allow "bumping" in moderation, but users are to check the subsection of the forum to make sure that it is allowed in that section.
  • Petition posts or polls that are not aimed at conducting a discussion. Bumping IS allowed once a month in the recruitment section.
  • Begging the support team or fellow players for free things.
  • Armchair lawyering, discussing legal interpretations/validity of Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Rules, support team decisions etc. with the purpose of trolling or starting flamewars.
  • Discussing real-world politics and pursuing ideological debate.
  • Adding "+1" posts to show agreement with the previous poster. Please use the post-reputation system instead.

Users are asked to familiarize themselves with the forums to make sure that they post new threads and postings in the appropriate forum. This helps other users and moderators maintain an overview and to be able to respond faster with appropriate answers to questions.
Before beginning a new thread, users should look to see if an active thread on that topic has already been established using the search feature. If so, users are asked to place their comments there instead. Keep discussions about one topic to one thread only. Posts which drift off topic, or content-free posts, will be edited or removed. Posting multiple messages with the same content across several forums is unwelcome and inappropriate, since such activities divide the targeted discussions and makes gathering feedback considerably more difficult. Such ‘cross posts’ will be merged, closed and redirected or removed.


Users are expected to act lawfully when participating on the forums. Posting about or discussing issues that violate local or international laws is not allowed under any circumstance. This includes:

  • Posting discussion threads on, or linking to, cheats, hacks, trojan horses, malicious programs or swatting. If users suspect that a cheat or hack exists, provide the necessary information to our support team. This is not to be discussed within the forums.
  • Posting unreleased content / hacking data files; showing unreleased in-game items, equipment, or areas that have been unlocked by hacking into client data files; discussing or displaying any data not available through normal game play.
  • Posting about illegal drugs or activities. Both express and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which reference to abusing illegal drugs or to performing illegal activities are prohibited.

Severe cases will be handed over to the police for possible prosecution.


Disciplinary actions are a private matter between Reto-Moto and the individual user.

  • Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a player in game or on the forums is not allowed.
  • Posts or threads created to discuss moderators or moderator decisions and actions will be deleted.


The official language of this forum is English. Transliteration and intentionally distorted or illiterate language is unwelcome.
Please be aware that not all users are native English speakers. Be consider to those who obviously have difficulties with English - they still have interesting things to say.
Posting in non-English is restricted to the Clan/Army & Non-English section only.


Users are required to make sure that they do not violate any of the Rules, whenever linking to a website or image, choosing an image for an avatar or signature or posting an image.
Sites or images that display illegal content, pornography, nudity, gratuitous violence, Nazi symbols such as swastikas, obscenities and any other content that goes against the standards of this community will be removed.
In addition to the above, we also request users not post ASCII art as they are pure eye-torture when viewing the forum on a mobile phone.
Images used in player signatures must be of a reasonable size, and users are asked not to use flashing images and other material that may cause irritation or distraction for other users in their signatures/avatars. While GIF images are fine, quickly flashing, bright colored images can cause headaches or worse for people who are prone to seizures.


Whenever users are given the opportunity to name something in the game, users must follow the rules here as well as common decency. If Reto-Moto finds names to be offensive or improper, Reto-Moto may, at their sole and absolute discretion, delete or change these names and/or suspend or ban (terminate) any account.
The following types of names are unacceptable for use:

  • Names that belong to other persons with the intent to impersonate that person, including without limitation admins/game masters/moderators, employees, or agents of Reto-Moto;
  • Profane, racist, defamatory, obscene or rude names including swear words (all languages), obscene anatomical references, racial slurs as well as their
  • Names of people or organizations directly involved in crimes against humanity such as, but not limited to Waffen SS;
  • Information subject to the rights of any other person or entity without written authorization from that person or entity;
  • Names that belong to a popular culture figure, celebrity, or media personality;
  • Names that contain or is substantially similar to trademarked names from other products or services, whether registered or not;
  • Names that are hateful towards or promoting religious figures or deities;
  • Names related to drugs, sex, alcohol, or criminal activity;
  • Names that are comprised mainly of unpronounceable characters, e.g., ""-_-_===" is not ok, while "_-UnderscoreMan- _" is;

and any names that within common sense violate the Rules. For instance, if someone has been tried and convicted for crimes against humanity they are probably not a good role-model.

Users may not use misspellings, leet-speek/dudespeak or alternative spellings to circumvent the name restrictions listed above, nor can users have a "first" and "last" name that, when combined, violate the above name restrictions.


If a thread or post is in violation of the forum rules, users are encouraged to use the report button on the post and provide information as to why the thread or post is in violation.
If a user or user account is found to be in violation of the Rules, the user may:

  • Be given a warning by Reto-Moto; or
  • Be given a temporary or permanent account suspension (ban) from forums, the game, other platforms or all depending upon the severity of the violation.