Artifact mother's beads where to find. Mother's beads. Description and characteristics of artifacts in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat

He was looking for Mama's beads. Walker after walker, he left and returned only if he got a thread of this artifact. Big or small didn't matter. It went up and down the Yantar, Bolot, Garbage and Dark Valley, he was in the Burial Ground and reached the very Rusty Forest. He bought beads from vagabonds and buyers. Returning from the walker, he went to the bar, without bargaining, handed over all the artifacts, all except those that were in a small twisted spiral with small and large pearls, shimmering with silver and bluish mother-of-pearl, lay at the bottom of his knapsack. He always asked to pour four fingers of vodka into a glass for him, he always bought a bar of almost tasteless chocolate, and went to the mainland. Few people knew that not far from the Zone in a small town where almost all men earned their health and life outside the perimeter, in a hospital, With shabby paint and peeling ceilings, a 12-year-old boy is waiting for him. The son before whom he was guilty from birth. After all, if it weren’t for him, if it weren’t for the desire to get a seniority or an order, then in the distant now 86. If only he knew when he went as a volunteer to eliminate the first explosion that a child, HIS son, would pay for his mistake. Egor…

Yegor smiled as he jumped out of his hospital bed and threw himself into his arms, inhaling the familiar smell of fire and machine oil, which smelled of his father's leather. “My dad is not a drunkard, and not a mutant!!! My Folder is a Stalker!” The boy proudly declared to the stupid girls that they teased him. He knew that the Folder would come and bring something that would help him live an extra month, such a short life. The life of a child whose cells are dying of cancer.

The stalker opened the knapsack and, squeezing the spiral of beads in his palm, put it in the pocket of Yegor's pajama jacket. The boy immediately began to breathe more evenly, time for his frail, sickly body stopped. His father handed him a small silk pouch, with a supply of three coils. The boy laid it on the edge of the bed and smiled. He held out his palm, and the stalker put a tile bought at the bar into it. The wrapper smelled of tobacco and vodka, but Egor loved this particular chocolate - it was from his dad.

Sometimes the boy wondered why he was born like this, and not the neighbor boy Slavka? Why did his mother die, and now a warm artifact, with a name that warms the heart, helps him live. “Mother keeps you son, God will forgive us,” the father used to say on such days, pressing his head to his chest.

She was hurt and hungry, puppies were waiting for her. An old hardened Chernobyl bitch was waiting on the trail. Noticing the pseudo-flesh swarming in the bushes, she brought confusion. Apparently the flesh imagined a lone two-legged. She bleated in her hoarse voice, something in the speech of these dangerous creatures. While the flesh lured the haze into the bushes, Bitch broke her spine with one blow of her paw. Chitinous hooves bucked and the flesh fell silent. Greenish blood left a mark on the grass, and the bitch dragged the matting creature to her bed.

The bitch snarled, lay in the bushes, and hopelessness overflowed in her soul. She killed to feed herself and the puppies, but for no reason they shot her puppies almost point-blank. A large litter, four would have survived for sure ... for three months she carried them in herself, and nursed them for another half a year. And now they came and began to decide. Who will live and who will die. So they will die, all of them, not now, years later ...

The next litter of puppies Bitch was poisoning people. Strengthened two-year-old Chernobyl gathered flocks of blind men, more and more. They began to poison, drive loners, those people who were already going home dreaming of food and money. Dogs raged, killed even if they did not want to eat. The blind were gluttonous, and the Chernobyl people were evil.

The bitch led her pack after the loner, through the Dark Valley. He walked looking under his feet, looking for something. The blind men surrounded him, rushing one by one and in packs, he fired back. He changed horns in AKM and fired again, fought furiously for his life. She penetrated his mind, trying to suppress the will to live, but could not.

A frail, small cub of a stalker looked at her with wide eyes, the cub was dying. She instinctively smelled the artifact that slows his death, and the pain in those eyes was like the convulsions of her dying puppies. The bitch howled on one drawn out note, the blind men echoed her.

The dogs are gone. The stalker wandered to the perimeter, there was an artifact in the pouch, he was in a hurry - Yegor was dying. In his haste, he did not notice that marauders were following him in the darkness. Four. By the time he noticed them, it was already too late.

A bike walks in the Bar like a zombie - former stalker came to the cordon with an artifact, and drawing the address on a piece of paper, asked the stalkers to transfer "mother's beads" there. But the stalkers who returned from the hospital from a piece of paper said that a boy was lying there, but died of cancer without waiting for help.

The action of this unknown person led to another ecological disaster. With the explosion of the three remaining reactors, radiation spread in huge quantities throughout the earth. The culprit of this died a minute after the explosion, from the strongest radiation. About five billion people died. The remaining people are trying to survive, but all in vain : every day more and more victims. All kinds of animals have already died. One oversight and subsequent actions cannot be stopped. Humanity itself is to blame for its death.

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Artifacts in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat are mysterious formations with unique properties that randomly appear in anomalies after radioactive releases. anomalies, found in abundance on the territory of the Zone, pose a direct danger to life. Despite this, they have become the main source of enrichment for stalkers, as they generate various artifacts. Artifacts have a mixed effect on the human body - some of the effects they cause are beneficial, but the flip side of this in most cases is the danger of radiation exposure. Artifacts should be selected in such a way that the resulting negative effect is leveled and does not cause damage to health.

The game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" presents a scattering of artifacts from 25 pieces. All of them are unique. Most of them are mined in anomalies. To search for artifacts. The number of studied anomalies and the power of the detector determines which artifacts will appear more often on the path of the main character. At first, you should not count on rare artifacts, but over time, the chances will increase. After collecting all kinds of artifacts, it will open Achievement "Seeker", which will increase the respect for the main character from stalkers and bandits.

Artifacts and locations likely to appear in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat:

  • Backwater. Dredger: jellyfish, night star , twist, gold fish .
  • Backwater. Burnt farm: crystal, mother's beads, fire ball, eye.
  • Backwater. Caves under the burnt farm: twist, fire ball, hunk of meat, bubble, stone Flower.
  • Backwater. Old barge. Noah: compass.
  • Backwater. Swamp: blood stone, soul, bun, hunk of meat, firefly.
  • Backwater. Anomaly "Boiler": mother's beads, eye.
  • Backwater. Anomaly "Sosnodub": soul, bun, blood stone, hunk of meat.
  • Backwater. Anomaly "Iron Forest": sparkler, battery, Moonlight, snowflake.
  • Backwater. Anomaly "Circus": mother's beads, fire ball, eye, flame.
  • Backwater. Anomaly "Claw": jellyfish, night star, stone Flower, gold fish, twist.
  • Backwater. Anomaly "Scar": flash, battery.
  • Neighborhood of Jupiter. Cement factory: mother's beads.
  • Neighborhood of Jupiter. Parking: Moonlight, pacifier.
  • Neighborhood of Jupiter. Career: bubble, soul.
  • Neighborhood of Jupiter. Ventilation complex: .
  • Neighborhood of Jupiter. Anomaly "Swim": blood stone, firefly.
  • Neighborhood of Jupiter. Anomaly "Concrete bath": soul.
  • Neighborhood of Jupiter. Anomaly "Bitumen": gravel, fire ball.
  • Neighborhood of Jupiter. Anomaly "Ashes": eye, fire ball.
  • Jupiter. Utility yard (): battery.
  • Pripyat. Store (): bubble, hunk of meat, soul.
  • Pripyat. Roof of KBO "Jubilee": snowflake, flash.
  • Pripyat. Old KBO: pacifier, flash.
  • Pripyat. In the courtyard of the building between the department store and the hostel, where the Arrow signal appears: firefly.
  • Pripyat. School: jellyfish, gold fish.
  • Pripyat. Anomaly "Volcano": flame, crystal.
  • Pripyat. Anomaly "Vine": firefly, soul.
The beard periodically issues orders for the search for rare artifacts, paying a substantial premium for fulfillment and timely delivery: an eye, a bubble, a goldfish, a snowflake, a flame, gravel, a dummy, a bun, a firefly. If you delay, he may cancel the order. Nothing bad will happen in this case. After some time, requests will be repeated, even for those artifacts that were not delivered on time. If possible, keep one copy for yourself. Stalker will definitely thank you in the future.

Description and characteristics of artifacts in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat:

  1. Battery(recovery +2, radiation +1, cost 4800+ RU): this artifact is known to contain electrostatic elements, but science does not yet know under what conditions it is formed. Valued among for the ability to have a tonic effect on the human body. Excessive exposure depletes the body.
  2. Sparkler(electric protection +3, radiation +1, cost 1600+ RU): a representative of electrostatic artifacts, named for its brightness. It has the ability to smooth out fluctuations in electric field strength.
  3. Flash(electric protection +6, radiation +2, cost 3200+ RU): an artifact of an electrostatic nature. Demonstrates an amazing ability to absorb electrical charges and then dissipate them. Able to protect the human body from the effects of electric currents of high strength and high voltage.
  4. twist(radiation -3, cost 6400+ RU): a bizarre artifact that appears in places of increased gravitational activity. It is a kind of sponge that absorbs radioactive elements. To varying degrees, it successfully protects its carrier both from the effects of induced radiation and from radioactive particles that have already entered the body.
  5. Eye(wound healing +4, radiation +2, cost 9600+ RU): the artifact really looks like an organ of vision, in case of injuries it speeds up the metabolic process, which contributes to the rapid healing of wounds. In addition, among experienced stalkers there is a belief that the "Eye" is able to bring good luck.
  6. Gravy(thermal protection +6, radiation +2, cost 9600+ RU): an artifact is formed during a long-term gravitational effect on metal-containing substances. Able to maintain a small anti-gravity field around him. Many stalkers use it to greatly reduce the weight of their pack.
  7. Soul(health recovery +2, radiation +2, cost 4800+ RU): an organic artifact with unique properties. In an unknown way, it increases the overall speed of recovery of the body after injuries of any nature, while not accelerating the accumulation of toxins. Because of the pleasant appearance is of particular interest to collectors.
  8. gold fish (Weight Limit+12 kg., radiation +3, cost 14400+ RU): an artifact forms in places of multiple interaction of gravitational fields. Generates a sphere of directed gravitational field around itself. It reduces the weight of the contents of the carrier's backpack much more effectively than other artifacts of this kind, and therefore is in great demand among stalkers.
  9. Stone Flower(psy-protection +3, radiation +1, cost 2400+ RU): the artifact is a stone, similar in its characteristics to granites. Arises inside gravitational fields of enormous intensity. Able to fully or partially protect the owner's mind from psi-impact.
  10. Kolobok(health regen +4, radiation +2, cost 9600+ RU): quite rare artifact, formed in areas of strong chemical pollution. It is highly valued for its ability to “spur” the body so that it recovers from injuries of any severity in a matter of minutes. Scientists disseminate information about the impact of the artifact on the genetic material of the owner; however, there is no confirmation of this yet.
  11. (thermal protection, chemical protection, psi protection, electrical protection +3, recuperation +2, radiation +4): a rare artifact that has the ability to show gaps in anomalous fields. They say that with its help you can safely get past the most complex anomalies, but few people know how to handle it.
  12. Crystal(thermal protection +3, radiation +1, cost 1600+ RU): artifact occurs in anomalous zones under the influence of high temperatures. Actively absorbs excess heat from the space around it, while remaining cool to the touch.
  13. Blood stone(chemical protection +3, radiation +1, cost 1600+ RU): is a reddish formation of compressed and petrified animal remains. It has the ability to partially neutralize chemicals harmful to humans.
  14. hunk of meat(chemical protection +6, radiation +2, cost 3200+ RU): artifact of organic nature. Consists of deformed tissues of animal origin. When it enters the zone of chemical contamination, it begins to "pull" chemicals from the air, converting them into a thick viscous mass.
  15. Moonlight(psy defense +6, radiation +2, cost 4800+ RU): This artifact of an electrostatic nature demonstrates the ability to resonate under the influence of psi waves. Over time, the stalkers learned to adjust the "Moonlight" in such a way that it resonated in phase with the main source of radiation, thereby completely or to a large extent neutralizing the psi-impact.
  16. Mom's beads(wound healing +2, radiation +1, cost 4800+ RU): much about this artifact remains a mystery. However, it has been reliably established that the radiation that occurs during the pulsation of the thickenings of the "Mom's beads" causes the blood in open wounds to coagulate very quickly.
  17. Jellyfish(radiation -2, cost 3200+ RU): an artifact of a gravitational nature that has the ability to actively attract and absorb radioactive particles, thereby reducing the body's exposure. Widespread in the Zone; outside of it, it is widely, albeit tacitly, used in the treatment of acute radiation sickness.
  18. Night star(maximum weight +4 kg., radiation +1, cost 4800+ RU): a luminous artifact capable of generating a gravitational field around itself, which locally reduces the effect of gravity. It is widely used by stalkers to reduce the weight of the cargo carried in a backpack.
  19. Fire ball(thermal protection +6, radiation +2, cost 3200+ RU): Despite the name, which reflects the nature of this artifact, the "Fireball" can be easily held in hands without fear of burns. It is valued for its ability to maintain a constant temperature of about +24 degrees Celsius in a small radius around it, regardless of environmental conditions.
  20. Flame(wound healing +6, radiation +3, cost 14400+ RU): an artifact is formed in areas of thermal activity. It is characterized by intense infrared radiation, under the influence of which the process of blood coagulation in open wounds is accelerated. Due to the rarity of this artifact, its value is extremely high.
  21. Bubble(radiation -4, cost 9600+ RU): an artifact is several hollow organic formations connected to each other. It releases a gaseous substance capable of neutralizing radioactive particles in the human body; no harmful effects of this substance have been identified. Due to its high efficiency, it is in great demand.
  22. Dummy(recovery +4, radiation +2, cost 9600+ RU): was previously considered junk, devoid of any useful properties. However, some time ago it turned out that with constant contact with the human body, this artifact has a positive stimulating effect on the nervous system.
  23. Firefly(health recovery +6, radiation +3, cost 14400+ RU): a rare artifact works with fields inaccessible to science, accelerating the regeneration of tissues and organs of living beings, as well as normalizing metabolic processes. Able to literally put a person with severe wounds on his feet.
  24. (health and strength restoration, wound healing +2, saturation +1, radiation +4): an artifact from the center of the legendary Oasis. Apparently, it is a crystallized plant that has adopted the inherent property of the Oasis to have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Exceptionally radioactive, unlike the Oasis itself.
  25. Snowflake(recovery +6, radiation +3, cost 14400+ RU): outwardly, the artifact looks like a Gingerbread Man; there is an opinion that this is the “Kolobok”, which has fallen into a powerful electric field. Able to dramatically increase the muscle tone of the wearer.

He was looking for Mama's beads. Walker after walker, he left and returned only if he got a thread of this artifact. Big or small didn't matter. It went up and down the Amber, the Swamp, the Junkyard and the Dark Valley, it was in the Burial Ground and reached the very Rusty Forest. He bought beads from vagabonds and buyers. Returning from the walker, he went to the bar, without bargaining, handed over all the artifacts, all except those that were in a small twisted spiral with small and large pearls, shimmering with silver and bluish mother-of-pearl, lay at the bottom of his knapsack. He always asked to pour four fingers of vodka into a glass for him, he always bought a bar of almost tasteless chocolate, and went to the mainland. Few people knew that not far from the Zone in a small town where almost all men earned their health and life outside the perimeter, in a hospital, With shabby paint and peeling ceilings, a 12-year-old boy is waiting for him. The son before whom he was guilty from birth. After all, if it weren’t for him, if it weren’t for the desire to get a seniority or an order, then in the distant now 86. If only he knew when he went as a volunteer to eliminate the first explosion that a child, HIS son, would pay for his mistake. Egor…

Yegor smiled as he jumped out of his hospital bed and threw himself into his arms, inhaling the familiar smell of fire and machine oil, which smelled of his father's leather. “My dad is not a drunkard, and not a mutant!!! My Folder is a Stalker!” The boy proudly declared to the stupid girls that they teased him. He knew that the Folder would come and bring something that would help him live an extra month, such a short life. The life of a child whose cells are dying of cancer.

The stalker opened the knapsack and, squeezing the spiral of beads in his palm, put it in the pocket of Yegor's pajama jacket. The boy immediately began to breathe more evenly, time for his frail, sickly body stopped. His father handed him a small silk pouch, with a supply of three coils. The boy laid it on the edge of the bed and smiled. He held out his palm, and the stalker put a tile bought at the bar into it. The wrapper smelled of tobacco and vodka, but Egor loved this particular chocolate - it was from his dad.

Sometimes the boy wondered why he was born like this, and not the neighbor boy Slavka? Why did his mother die, and now a warm artifact, with a name that warms the heart, helps him live. “Mother keeps you son, God will forgive us,” the father used to say on such days, pressing his head to his chest.

She was hurt and hungry, puppies were waiting for her. An old hardened Chernobyl bitch was waiting on the trail. Noticing the pseudo-flesh swarming in the bushes, she brought confusion. Apparently the flesh imagined a lone two-legged. She bleated in her hoarse voice, something in the speech of these dangerous creatures. While the flesh lured the haze into the bushes, Bitch broke her spine with one blow of her paw. Chitinous hooves bucked and the flesh fell silent. Greenish blood left a mark on the grass, and the bitch dragged the matting creature to her bed.

The bitch snarled, lay in the bushes, and hopelessness overflowed in her soul. She killed to feed herself and the puppies, but for no reason they shot her puppies almost point-blank. A large litter, four would have survived for sure ... for three months she carried them in herself, and nursed them for another half a year. And now they came and began to decide. Who will live and who will die. So they will die, all of them, not now, years later ...

The next litter of puppies Bitch was poisoning people. Strengthened two-year-old Chernobyl gathered flocks of blind men, more and more. They began to poison, drive loners, those people who were already going home dreaming of food and money. Dogs raged, killed even if they did not want to eat. The blind were gluttonous, and the Chernobyl people were evil.

The bitch led her pack after the loner, through the Dark Valley. He walked looking under his feet, looking for something. The blind men surrounded him, rushing one by one and in packs, he fired back. He changed horns in AKM and fired again, fought furiously for his life. She penetrated his mind, trying to suppress the will to live, but could not.

A frail, small cub of a stalker looked at her with wide eyes, the cub was dying. She instinctively smelled the artifact that slows his death, and the pain in those eyes was like the convulsions of her dying puppies. The bitch howled on one drawn out note, the blind men echoed her.

The dogs are gone. The stalker wandered to the perimeter, there was an artifact in the pouch, he was in a hurry - Yegor was dying. In his haste, he did not notice that marauders were following him in the darkness. Four. By the time he noticed them, it was already too late.

In the Bar, a bike goes around like a zombie - a former stalker came to the cordon with an artifact, and drawing the address on a piece of paper asked the stalkers to transfer "mother's beads" there. But the stalkers who returned from the hospital from a piece of paper said that a boy was lying there, but died of cancer without waiting for help.

The action of this unknown person led to another ecological disaster. With the explosion of the three remaining reactors, radiation spread in huge quantities throughout the earth. The culprit of this died a minute after the explosion, from the strongest radiation. About five billion people died. The remaining people are trying to survive, but all in vain : every day more and more victims. All kinds of animals have already died. One oversight and subsequent actions cannot be stopped. Humanity itself is to blame for its death.

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