Game stalker shadow of chernobyl to increase your carry weight. How to increase the maximum carry weight in the stalker. Why so few

Actor setup. Written by Rekongstor.

Path to the required file: /userdata/savedgames/
Open in Notepad++ in the top menu, click "Syntax" - "L" - "Lua"

max_item_mass = 50.0

And change the entire block ten lines below:

max_item_mass = 999 ; It is worth specifying values ​​less than the max_walk_weight parameter (see above).
jump_speed = 60 ; Jump height. Do not include astronomical values. Ch. the hero will not fly into space anyway))
crouch_coef = 1 ; Crawl speed "very sitting" (Ctrl + Shift by default)
climb_coef = 2 ; Like crouching (Ctrl)
run_coef = 3 ; Normal run with console parameter "g_always_run" set to 1
sprint_coef = 4 ; sprint
run_back_coef = 3 ; run back
walk_back_coef = 2 ; walking backward with shift key
air_control_param = 1 ; flight control. Beneficial for high jump_speed values, as you can quickly move around the map
walk_accel = 17 ; unknown parameter
pickup_info_radius = 5 ;radius in which items' names are displayed when pressing the "F" key.

camera_height_factor = 0.85 ; defines the view height. Zoom in and the player will become visually taller

(already edited)

disp_base = 0 ;angle (in degrees) of bullet spread when the actor is standing still
disp_aim = 0
disp_vel_factor = 0 ;how much will the dispersion increase at a speed of 10 m/s (not necessarily when running)
disp_accel_factor = 0 ;another increase if the actor is running (+speed)
disp_crouch_factor = 0 ;decrease if the actor is sitting
disp_crouch_no_acc_factor = 0 ;decrease if actor is sitting + no acceleration

To reduce the size of the sight, you can do this.

To increase survivability - change the value below.

burn_immunity = 0.0
strike_immunity = 0.0
shock_immunity = 0.0
wound_immunity = 0.0
radiation_immunity = 0.0
telepathic immunity = 0.0
chemical_burn_immunity = 0.0
explosion_immunity = 0.0
fire_wound_immunity = 0.0

And the setup for the better is like this:

satiety_v = 0 ; rate of decrease in satiety over time
radiation_v = 1 ;radiation decay rate
satiety_power_v = 1 ;Increasing strength as satiety decreases
satiety_health_v = 1 ;health increases as satiety decreases
satiety_critical = 0 ;Critical satiety value (as a percentage of 0..1) when health starts to decrease
radiation_health_v = 0 ;health reduction when exposed to radiation
morale_v = 1 ;morale recovery speed
psy_health_v = 1 ;psy health recovery rate
alcohol_v = -1
health_hit_part = 0 ;Percentage of hit spent on health drain
power_hit_part = 0 ;percentage of hit that goes into power drain
max_power_leak_speed = 0 ;accumulation of fatigue (max limit to which power is restored) per second of game time
max_walk_weight = 1000 ; The weight at which the player cannot move. You can specify any value.

bleeding_v = 0 ;blood loss at nominal wound per second
wound_incarnation_v = 1 ; wound healing rate
min_wound_size = 0 ;Minimum wound size after which it is considered healed

min_wound_size,satiety_v,satiety_power,satiety_health,satiety_critical,alcohol_v could be omitted if you need immortality

Let's build endurance...

Name the string "jump_power"

We change so that the player never gets tired, unless he puts 5 fireballs on himself))

jump_power = 0 ;decreased power with jump without regard to weight
jump_weight_power = 0 ;decreased jump power based on load weight, for max allowed weight
overweight_jump_k = 1 ;weight jump overload factor (multiplied by jump_weight_power)

stand_power = 0
walk_power = 0 ; power loss per second while walking without taking into account the weight of the burden
walk_weight_power = 0 ; power reduction per second while walking, taking into account the weight of the burden, for the maximum allowed weight
overweight_walk_k = 1 ; burden overload factor (multiplied by walk_weight_power)
accel_k = 1; running coefficient (multiplies walk_power, walk_weight_power)
sprint_k = 1 ;coefficient for "sprint" run (multiplies walk_power, walk_weight_power)

Values ​​with the comment "coefficient" and values ​​​​more than 1 (optional) are recommended to be changed to 1.

limping_health_begin = 0 ;health threshold below which the actor begins to limp
limping_health_end = 0;health threshold above which the actor stops limping
limping_power_begin = 0 ;threshold of power below which an actor begins to limp
limping_power_end = 0 ; power threshold above which an actor stops limping

cant_walk_power_begin = 0 ;power threshold below which an actor cannot move
cant_walk_power_end = 0 ; power threshold above which the actor will be able to move

cant_sprint_power_begin = 0 ;power threshold below which an actor cannot sprint
cant_sprint_power_end = 0 ; power threshold above which an actor can sprint

Many fans of the game series "Stalker" faced one unpleasant problem - after a major battle or a long search for artifacts, your hero has accumulated a lot of "swag", which moves further with difficulty or even stands still. The fact is that by default the game has a bar of 60 kg, and if the player exceeds it, then the speed of his movement will drop significantly, and the ability to run will also disappear. So the players are thinking about how to increase the weight in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat". In our guide you will find the answer to this question.

Why so few?

Many players complain that there is no fast and easy way how to increase weight in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat". But let's remember that this game was created as a kind of realistic project. And the allowable 60 kg is already an excess of reality, because few people with such a burden can not only move around, but also run, while periodically shooting back from enemies. Of course, if you are not wearing an "exoskeleton". But still, this is a game, and there are many loopholes in it that allow you to deceive the system.

"Honest" Ways

One of the easiest and "legal" methods of how to increase the weight in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" is to carry a corpse as a backpack. What does it look like? You, approach any dead man and open his inventory. Next, you need to move all your things, except for the most necessary ones, into this corpse. It remains only to pull this dead man using the key combination Shift + F to the nearest merchant, to whom you will sell unnecessary swag.

Another "legal" way to wear more weight is the purchase of an "exoskeleton" that will increase your load capacity to 100 kg. You can buy a similar costume from the merchants of the "Freedom" or "Debt" factions. In addition, a similar "surprise" can be found in hiding places or on the corpses of killed opponents.

"S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat". How to increase the weight of the backpack using cheats

In order to use such a command, it is necessary to open the console during the passage of the game. This can be done using the "~" key. Next, you need to write the following combination: g_always_run 1. This command will not increase the weight you bring, but will allow you to run even with a significant "overload", which quite often becomes a big problem in the game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat".

How to increase carry weight in game settings

In order to get rid of the “overload” problem once and for all, it is necessary to correct some data in the game itself. To do this, open its main folder. After that, you need to find and go to a directory called gamedata. Find the configs folder, and inside it is the creatures section. Here is the file we need, which is called actor.ltx. In order to change it, you need to use Notepad. Find the line - max_walk_weight = 60, which is the determinant of the limit of the transferred mass. Correct the number "60" to the one you want, for example, "500" - this will allow your hero to carry half a ton without consequences. Next, you need to save the changes using the key combination Ctrl + S.

But do not think that this is all and you have found the answer to the question of how to increase weight in Stalker: Call of Pripyat. You also need to change the "critical weight" threshold at which the character loses the ability to run and jump fast. To do this, open the gamedata folder again and find the configs section in it. Here you need to find a file called system.ltx and open it with Notepad. Look for the line max_weight = 50 and change the last digit to the one that suits you. After that, it remains only to save the changes and run the game. Now the problem of "overload" will not bother you. By the way, these actions work on all parts of the game. So this instruction can be applied to "Shadow of Chernobyl", as well as to "Clear Sky".

Today we will analyze one of the most important questions for everyone who plays Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl - how to increase the carry weight. It is impossible to transport large loads, because the automatic maximum reaches 60 kilograms. This is quite small, which means that the player is provided with inconvenience.

The laws of physics

We will be helped by the tricks that "Stalker: the shadow of Chernobyl" keeps in itself. How to increase the carrying weight, because 60 kg is a lot for ordinary person. That is why the game developers considered it necessary to add a touch of realism to game process You can't carry heavy loads. But after all, gaming reality is significantly different from life, primarily in that it must break down boundaries. This means that in Stalker it is still possible to increase the maximum available weight that the player is able to carry with him. Let's get down to business.

"Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" - how to increase the carry weight in the game

You need to find the folder where the user installed the game. There is the next attachment, which is called gamedata. Inside it there is the following directory - configs, then - creatures. It is by following this path that you can find the necessary “actor.ltx” file. The permission is easy to open with regular notepad. Inside this document, the user should find the line "max_walk_weight = 60". Thus, all that is required to resolve the issue of how to increase the carry weight in Stalker is to rewrite the number to any other. Saving the file: the problem of many players is solved.


You also need to correct such a moment as correction. It is this mark that indicates at what moment the character will lose strength quite sharply and quickly: during movement and jumps. We make the path: gamedata\configs\system.ltx. In the line max_weight = 50, the last digit is changed to any other, the document is saved. To make sure that the changes work properly, you need to start the game. This manual is suitable for any version of mods. So we have solved one of the most important tasks in the game "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" - how to increase the carry weight.

The cult project "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" remains popular to this day, despite its impressive "experience". This success is facilitated, of course, by the atmosphere of the game - it is indescribable, as well as various modifications that complement virtual world Chernobyl exclusion zone.

Traveling through the game spaces, the player finds a lot of weapons, equipment, artifacts and just interesting things that are a pity to throw away. In this regard, many gamers have a question regarding the project "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" - how to increase the carry weight? Now let's try to solve this problem.

Required Tools

Manipulating internal game files, by changing the parameters saved in them, you can easily create new conditions for traveling through the exclusion zone - this forms the basis for creating modifications. But first you need to unpack the archives that are on your hard drive. For this purpose, the program was created! STALKER! Data unpacker.

Using it, you will get to the game documents that the developers themselves corrected when creating "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl". How to increase carry weight? This issue will be resolved soon.

The application does not need to be installed. By double-clicking on the icon, you will open the program menu, where you need to specify the path to the folder with the installed project. Attention! It is necessary to specify the game directory, not the gamedata.db game archives. Optionally, you can specify the storage location for unpacked archives. By default, they will be "stored" in the root folder of the game.

We change the weight

Unpack the data computer game"Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl". How to increase carry weight? After gaining access to the "factory" documents, you can solve this question yourself.

  • Find actor.ltx. You can use the search, or you can open the project folder, then gamedata, after configs and finally creatures, if you have not chosen another way to unpack the data.
  • Using the built-in Notepad application, open the found file.
  • Find the line max_walk_weight, where the number means the maximum possible weight for transportation - change it to the desired value.
  • Close the document and save all changes.

To simplify your task, you can use the built-in "Notepad" search: "Edit -> Find". It remains to correct only one document of the unpacked archives of the project "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl". How to increase carry weight? So that this question no longer bothers you, you must do the following:

  • Find the system.ltx file "living" at gamedata\configs.
  • Open and find the max_weight parameter in it and correct the numbers to the desired values, but so that they are lower than the previously changed parameter.
  • Save your changes and close the document.
  • When traveling, you probably noticed that with a weight of 50 kg, GG began to get tired quickly even from walking. To prevent this from happening, the finishing touches were needed.

We clean up the traces

The game "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" (1.0006) takes up a lot of space with the unpacked game archives. We were able to increase the carrying weight, but we must not forget about the computer.

In order for all changes to be saved and the files not to take up much space, you need to:

  • Create a gamedata folder in the root directory of the game, configs in it and place the edited system.ltx document in it.
  • Do the same with the modified actor.ltx file, placing it in nested folders gamedata, then configs and finally creatures.
  • Delete any remaining files from your computer.

After such manipulations, the game "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" will not take up much space on the hard drive. How to increase the carrying weight? You have successfully solved this issue yourself.