Fighting girlfriends wot that gives. Tank Girls - Combat friends are already in the game! Skills and abilities of a tank commander

And especially for freebies with a choice of skills and abilities, you can’t go wrong! In this article, I will give some valuable recommendations for selecting perks for different classes of vehicles in the World of Tanks.

The most important skill in World of Tanks!

To begin with, I would like to immediately decide on the first perk for the crew commander. This, of course, is the "Sixth Sense", which is also called the "light bulb". This skill allows the tank commander to feel the light, as they say, "spinal cord". In this case, after 3 seconds from the moment of illumination, a light on the screen lights up. This is the most valuable perk in World of Tanks. It must be downloaded on all tanks, including tank destroyers and even ART SPGs.

However, like all skills, Sixth Sense only starts working after 100% learning. Therefore, you will either have to ride for a very long time with the “inoperative” first perk, or choose some other skill for the commander and then, after the first skill is pumped up to 100%, retrain the commander.

Actually, if you are a donor, it is recommended to choose some other skill (for example, "Repair" or "Disguise") and then retrain the commander. If you don’t have 100-200 gold for retraining, choose the “Sixth Sense” for the commander and wait until he pumps it up to 100%.

IsoPanzer Perk Pickup Video Guide

Video guide on the selection of perks from VSPISHKA

General subjective characteristics of different skills and abilities in World of Tanks

Below is general characteristics skills and abilities. I draw your attention to the fact that the characteristic is subjective. My opinion may not coincide with your subjective opinion. It should also be remembered that skills are active in World of Tanks as they are learned, while skills begin to act only after 100% learning (usually it is recommended to learn skills, and then reset skills and teach the tank crew new skills). Be careful!

Overview of the skills of the World of Tanks

General skills and abilities

Repair: The most important skill for the crews of heavy and medium tanks, allows you to quickly repair internal and external modules, especially important when repairing downed tracks.

It should be remembered that the "Repair" skill is considered as the average for the crew, i.e. to get a 100% repair, you need to fully upgrade it to all crew members. So, if you pump "Repair" to the Gunner, Driver and Loader, and pump the "light bulb" to the Tank Commander, then the average repair rate for the crew will be 75%.

Skills such as "Disguise" and "Fire Fighting" work in a similar way.

Disguise: the most important skill for the crews of light tanks and small tank destroyers. It is considered as the average for the crew.

Firefighting: it is pumped out on heavy and medium tanks according to the residual principle. It is considered as the average for the crew.

The Brotherhood of War: the skill increases the characteristics of the crew by 5%, thereby increasing the characteristics of the tank by 2.5%. Usually pumped out on tanks to reduce the reload time of the gun and increase the rate of fire. It is recommended to use together with the "Fan" equipment (which gives another 2.5% to the characteristics of the tank). Please note that this skill takes effect only if it is pumped out to 100% for all crew members without exception.

Skills and abilities of a tank commander

Mentor: a moderately useless skill that gives bonus experience to other members of the tank crew (i.e. at 100% of the skill, the most “backward” member of the tank crew gets experience = experience earned during the battle). Useful on tanks with a small crew (such as MS-1 or ELC AMX), because. allows you to significantly speed up the pumping of the crew. However, since the Commander already has a lot of useful perks, in general it is not recommended to take it.

Eagle Eye: it makes sense to take for fireflies with a high view. It is generally not recommended to take tanks with a low view.

Handyman: according to the description, almost imba, in fact - about nothing. If you want, see for yourself.

Expert: an unnecessary skill.

Sixth Sense: the most useful, most important skill in World of Tanks.

Skills and abilities of the radio operator

A radio operator on a high-level vehicle is almost never found in its pure form. Usually this specialization is combined by the Tank Commander.

Radio interception: the action is similar to the “Eagle Eye” of the Tank Commander. The recommendations are also the same. By the way, this is the only really useful skill for the Radio Operator.

From the last forces: in theory, this skill gives a chance to get some experience and credits for dealing damage and destroying enemy tanks in your light. In practice, nothing.

Inventor and Repeater:- about nothing.

Skills and Abilities of the Gunner

Smooth turn of the tower: reduces spread when turning the turret, it makes sense to take on all tanks without exception, including turretless tank destroyers and art destroyers. Their dispersion decreases with a change in the angle of horizontal aiming of the gun. A very useful skill.

Weapon Master: almost always, the gunner can upgrade some other, more useful skills or abilities. Well, it's a pretty useful skill.

Sniper: literally by a few percent increases the probability of a critical module or crew. Begins to act only after 100% training, i.е. the gunner will have to be retrained for this skill! In general, nothing.

vindictive: Considering that in the game you can quite effectively shoot blindshots (i.e. without glare at the known coordinates of a tank that has left the glare), the skill can hardly be classified as really useful. In addition, like any skill, it only takes effect after 100% learning.

Skills and Skills of a Driver

Offroad King: increases the speed of movement on soft ground. Useful skill. First of all, it makes sense to take on light and medium tanks.

Virtuoso: increases the tank's turn speed. Useful skill. First of all, it makes sense to take on tank destroyers and ART-ACS.

Smooth running: reduces dispersion when firing on the move. A very useful skill for light and medium tanks, which are destined to shoot on the move.

Ram Master: a very useful skill for tanks with a large mass and good dynamics (or at least high speed when driving downhill, like the KV-5).

Cleanliness and tidiness: reduces the risk of engine fire. must have on tanks with a front transmission / engine.

Loader Skills

All loader skills (as well as any other skills, for that matter) only work after they are 100% learned, which significantly reduces their value. Be careful! It makes sense to choose one of the skills in the event that you still put the second perk "Combat Brotherhood" and retrain the crew. Then the first perk can be taken one of the following skills. However, their value is rather doubtful in any case.

Intuition: it makes sense to take only the fourth or fifth skill, and even then, if you often use gold ammo.

Desperate: speeds up the reloading of the gun if the tank has less than 10% durability left. Not a bad skill, if you take it on a residual basis.

Non-contact ammo rack: increases hp. internal module "Ammo rack". It makes sense to take on tanks on a residual basis, and even then, only if this tank really often has an ammo rack.

Skill selection for light tank crews

Light tanks, which have equally low visibility when stationary and on the move, need to download Camouflage. It is this skill, and no other, that should be chosen first for light tanks.

It makes no sense to take "Repair" as the first skill: light tanks do not have good armor and a lot of HP, in addition, internal modules and crew are easily critted by them. It is better to repair a downed caterpillar with a repair kit, and not with a “Repair” at all.

After pumping out Disguise, it makes sense to retrain the commander to the Sixth Sense and start downloading Disguise again. Well, the third skill, you can choose "Eagle Eye", which increases the viewing range.

  • Commander: Sixth Sense, Disguise, Eagle Eye, Repair
  • Gunner: Camouflage, Smooth turret rotation, Repair
  • Driver mechanic: Camouflage, Off-Road King, Virtuoso, Smooth Ride, Repair
  • Radio operator: Masking, Radio interception, Repair
  • Charging: Camouflage, Repair

Skill selection for medium tank crews

Further, it is possible to retrain the tank crew to "Combat Brotherhood" (after all, it is better for the commander to take the "Sixth Sense" perk as the first one, i.e. retraining is best done when the second perk is completely pumped out of the tank crew). Or pump individual skills like “Smooth Turret Rotation” and “Smooth Ride”.

  • Commander: Sixth Sense, (Combat Brotherhood), Repair, Disguise, Eagle Eye
  • Gunner: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Camouflage, Turret Sweep
  • Driver mechanic: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Camouflage, Smooth Ride, Offroad King, Virtuoso
  • Radio operator: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Camouflage, Radio Interception
  • Charging: Repair (Combat Brotherhood), Camouflage

Skill selection for heavy tank crews

Heavy tanks differ little from medium tanks in terms of skills and abilities. The main difference is in the size of the tanks - since heavy tanks are usually larger than medium ones, and their guns are mostly equipped with muzzle brakes, it often does not make sense to equip them with Camouflage. As with medium tanks, it is recommended that heavy tanks be upgraded with "Repair" first. Further, after the opening of the third perk, the crew can be retrained for "Combat Brotherhood".

If the tank is on fire often, it makes sense to take "Fire Fighting", or wait until the gold "Automatic Fire Extinguishers" for silver appear in the game.

If the tank has a front transmission/engine, the driver should pump out "Clean and Tidy".

  • Commander: Sixth Sense, (Combat Brotherhood), Repair, Eagle Eye
  • Gunner: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Turret Swing
  • Driver mechanic: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Offroad King, Virtuoso
  • Radio operator: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Radio Interception, Concealment, or Firefighting.
  • Charging: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), (Disguise, Firefighting, or any of the available special skills)

It turns out that the crews heavy tanks and there's not much to learn? It turns out - yes! Those. from really useful skills, you should choose those that are higher. So, I still recommend not to neglect the “Combat Brotherhood” skill. The rest of the perks are to taste.

Skill selection for tank destroyer crews

If the tank destroyer is compact enough, it makes sense to take Disguise as the first perk and sit in the bushes. If it's a monstrosity like Ferdinand, it makes sense to take Repair and tank. In general, even "Ferdinand-shaped" tank destroyers make sense to upgrade "Camouflage", because tank destroyers have a class bonus to stealth when stationary.

Repair even for “inconspicuous” tank destroyers makes sense to download in any case, for example, the second perk (or third, if you download “Combat Brotherhood”). Those. for conventional tank destroyers, we take “Camouflage” as the first perk, then “Repair”, retrain (or not) the crew to “Combat Brotherhood” and again take “Repair”.

For huge heavily armored tank destroyers, you can take “Repair”, then “Camouflage”, retrain the crew to “Combat Brotherhood” and start pumping “Camouflage” again. That's the whole difference.

  • Commander: Sixth Sense, (Brothers in Arms), Disguise, Repair, Eagle Eye
  • Gunner: Camouflage, (Combat Brotherhood), Repair, Turret Sweep
  • Driver mechanic: Disguise, (Combat Brotherhood), Repair, Virtuoso, King of the Road
  • Radio operator: Camouflage, (Combat Brotherhood), Repair, Radio Interception
  • Charging: Camouflage, (Combat Brotherhood), Repair

The choice of skills for ART-SAU crews

The first perk makes sense to take "Disguise". In any case, it makes sense for the commander to download the “Sixth Sense”, even on the ART-SAU, the “light bulb” gives quite a tangible advantage. "Repair" on ART-SAU can not be downloaded at all.

  • Commander: Sixth Sense, (Combat Brotherhood), Disguise
  • Gunner: Camouflage, (Combat Brotherhood), Turret Swing
  • Driver mechanic: Disguise, (Combat Brotherhood), Virtuoso, King of the Road
  • Radio operator: Camouflage, (Combat Brotherhood), Radio Interception
  • Charging: Disguise, (Combat Brotherhood)

Mini-FAQ on skills and abilities in World of Tanks

Question: will the skill "Sixth Sense" work if I transfer the commander to new tank, and he will lose 10% (or even 20%) of the main specialty?
Answer: unbelievable, but true - it will!

Recently, before patch 0.9.21, Personal Combat Missions, or LBZ. And the Developers made concessions to the players, giving out 1 girl and 1 order form as compensation.

Why give a girl

But in general, female crew is given for completing 15 (fifteenth, the most recent in each branch) tasks from each branch: TT, ST, PT, LT, SPG.

After completing all the branches, you can get a certain premium tank as a bonus. But now is not about that. There are 5 branches for each campaign. Campaigns on this moment 4. So, in total, girls can be recruited 5 * 4 = 20. Twenty girls of the crew.

What is remarkable about the female crew that everyone wants to get it so much? The answer is simple - zero perk "Combat Brotherhood" (although the girls are more like fighting friends).

What does it mean? And this means that the girl is already given with a pumped perk, which is by default and when redistributing experience, it is not spent on it. In addition, girls have 1 more perk on top, which we already choose on our own.

In addition, the female crew was issued for performing combat missions in New Year promotions 20016-2017, when they introduced Swedish branch Fri.

There was also several times a similar male crew with zero combat fraternity, it could be obtained by buying a tank for money in the premium store.

Let's summarize. girls are given, or given, for:

  1. Stock
  2. Compensation
  3. Purchase in the premium store (male crew, similar to the female one in terms of perks)

How to recruit a female crew

  1. Click on Campaigns
  2. Switch to any of the execution branches
  3. Below, if you have completed at least one task 15, you can recruit a girl
  4. Click "Recruit" and select a nation and perks

For a long time, tankers dreamed of cute girls, instead of the standard male crew, and finally their dreams came true. A female crew has appeared in World of Tanks, in which you can see Olga Sergeevna, Asya and other employees of Wargaming.

Are you ready to make Olga Sergeevna the commander of your tank? Other lesser-known members of the female crew should not be deprived of attention either - they all work for the benefit of the tankers, make game World of Tanks, planes and ships are better.

A real historical fact that in the USSR there were tank crews consisting of women.

World of Tanks will feature 109 tank girl icons for seven playable nations: France, Britain, USA, USSR, Germany, China, Japan. Each image was made with love.

In addition to aesthetics, the female crew will give you tangible game bonuses. The female tanker immediately gains enough experience to learn one additional skill or skill of your choice. If your tank is fully equipped with a female crew, the "Combat Friends" skill is activated for it. This skill is similar to the "Combat Brotherhood" skill. All tankers of the girl will receive +5% to the level of mastery of the main and all additional skills. The main plus is that the "Fighting Friends" skill is effective from the first battle and does not require any pumping. Having assembled a female team of tankers, you will immediately receive a crew with two perks!

Recently, before patch 0.9.21, Personal Combat Missions, or LBZs, were stopped for a while. And the Developers made concessions to the players, giving out 1 girl and 1 order form as compensation.

Why give a girl

In general, the female crew is given for completing 15 (fifteenth, the most recent in each branch) tasks from each branch: TT, ST, PT, LT, self-propelled guns.

After completing all the branches, you can get a certain premium tank as a bonus. But now is not about that. There are 5 branches for each campaign. There are currently 4 campaigns. So, in total, girls can be recruited 5 * 4 = 20. Twenty girls of the crew.

What is remarkable about the female crew that everyone wants to get it so much? The answer is simple - zero perk "Combat Brotherhood" (although the girls are more like fighting friends).

What does it mean? And this means that the girl is already given with a pumped perk, which is by default and when redistributing experience, it is not spent on it. In addition, girls have 1 more perk on top, which we already choose on our own.

In addition, the female crew was issued for performing combat missions in the New Year's actions of 20016-2017, when the Swedish branch of the PT was introduced.

There was also several times a similar male crew with zero combat fraternity, it could be obtained by buying a tank for money in the premium store.

Let's summarize. girls are given, or given, for:

  1. Stock
  2. Compensation
  3. Purchase in the premium store (male crew, similar to the female one in terms of perks)

How to recruit a female crew

  1. Click on Campaigns
  2. Switch to any of the execution branches
  3. Below, if you have completed at least one task 15, you can recruit a girl
  4. Click "Recruit" and select a nation and perks