Swedish vehicles in world of tank. Swedish branch in World of Tanks: debriefing. A brief overview of the armored vehicles of the Swedish tank building

Relatively recently, developers from Wargaming pleased gamers and fans of the strategic Online Games World of Tanks with information about the appearance of a new branch of Swedish tanks in the game. Unfortunately, the exact date for the introduction of armored vehicles in Sweden has not yet been announced. But perhaps a new branch will appear towards the end of this year. As you know, before the introduction of new combat vehicles, WOT specialists do a lot of work: they collect drawings, data, archives with performance characteristics are raised.

Since the developers pay great attention to historicity game project, the company's employees managed to establish contacts with the management of the Arsenalen tank museum in Sweden in order to be able to collect as much data as possible on Swedish tanks. Therefore, some information about what the Swedish branch is in world of tanks has already appeared, in addition, some cars are being tested by supertesters.

A brief overview of the armored vehicles of the Swedish tank building

Initially, the developers planned to combine Swedish tanks into a common branch of armored vehicles in Europe. But perhaps, if the required amount of vehicles is accumulated, the branch of Swedish tanks will be allocated separately. On the this moment Swedish armored vehicles include four classes: ST, TT, ART-SAU, PT.

According to preliminary data, the branch of Swedish combat vehicles will include three TTs, four STs and three LTs. And so, we will present a brief overview of the armored vehicles of the Swedish tank building.

Advantages and disadvantages of Swedish tanks

The branch of armored vehicles that Sweden introduced promises to be quite interesting, unique and historical. What kind of cars will be included in this branch is still in question.

The advantages of Swedish armored vehicles include pretty good armor, especially for heavy tanks, accurate guns with good armor penetration. The most interesting in terms of research can be called medium armored vehicles. Although Sweden's TTs will have their own interesting features.

The origins of Swedish tank building come from Germany, so the models of vehicles are very similar to German combat vehicles. Light tanks up to the fourth level will not differ in dynamics and maneuverability,

Armored vehicles of Sweden 1-4th level

The first level houses the L-5 light tank, equipped with a fairly accurate 37mm cannon. According to historical parameters, the speed of an armored vehicle is 20 km / h, so the tank cannot be called too maneuverable and fast. Ammunition includes 200 shells. In terms of the level of armor, the L-5 is not much inferior to the Soviet LT-shke MS-1.

On the second level is the Strv fm31 armored vehicle, which, like the L-5, is equipped with a 37-mm gun. Compared to its predecessor, the second-tier tank received a 12-cylinder Maybach engine, which allows the vehicle to accelerate to 35 km/h.

At the 2nd level, it is possible to appear quite agile and fast tank L-100B. The car does not have outstanding characteristics, most likely it will be a through passage.

The third tier will be represented by the Strv fm31, which has stronger hull and turret armor compared to the second tier. The maximum speed is 45 km/h. As for the gun, the armored vehicle has a 37 mm gun, but perhaps the developers will supplement the armament with a more suitable gun.

The fourth level is represented by the Strv m / 38 machine, which has a rather interesting design. The LT-shka is quite maneuverable, but has very weak armor. The tank has several modifications - Strv m/39 and Strv m/40. This vehicle was developed in the late 1930s on the basis of the Irish M/40 tank. Considering that the performance characteristics of the tank cannot be called ideal for the fourth level, most likely the developers at the 4th level will combine all the advantages of the existing modifications in the tank.

Armored vehicles 5-10 level

Already from the fifth level, more begin, which allow you to feel the full power of Swedish tank building. On the 5th level is the Strv M42 tank, equipped with a 75-mm fairly accurate, fast-firing cannon. In addition, the car received quite a decent booking, as for this level.

At level 6, you can see the Strv 74, built on the basis of its predecessor. The armored vehicle received 80mm armor, which can be called quite an excellent indicator for a six-tier vehicle. The car is quite maneuverable and dynamic.

At the seventh level we will see Strv 74/13 with a tower from the French AMX 1375. The maximum speed will be 50-55 km/h. The combat vehicle will receive good dynamics, pretty good armor, and cross-country ability. In terms of armament, the tank received a 90 mm weapon, and will probably have an automatic (cassette) loading system.

On the 8th level is located medium tank KRV 81, which received following parameters reservations: building 125/30/20, tower 165/112/112. The armored vehicle is equipped with a 109 mm weapon, which has similar parameters to the British ST-shki tiers 8-9. The maximum acceleration is 45 km / h, so the dynamics of this armored vehicle will be rather mediocre.

At the ninth level, the heavy KRV 105 is presented, which, with a mass of 40 tons, received a 550-power SFA engine, which will allow the car to accelerate to 45 km / h. The armored car received good frontal armor, a strong turret, a 120-mm top-end gun with excellent air defense.

At the 10th level, a heavy combat vehicle KRV 120 will be located. The vehicle received reinforced frontal armor (125-140mm), a rebound "pike nose". on appearance tank reminds french tank AMX50V and AMX 50120. Therefore, it can be assumed that the combat vehicle will receive a weapon with a drum loading mechanism.


At the moment, Swedish tanks are in the game at the development stage, so it should not be ruled out that the branch will be supplemented with new armored vehicles. It is possible that the performance characteristics described above will also undergo changes. But in general, the branch of Swedish tanks, as in principle the fighting vehicles of other nations, will have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it remains to wait for the appearance of Swedish armored vehicles at the supertest and try their combat potential in battle.

While the players are "rolling" in general test 9.17 Swedish tanks we counted how much experience, gold and silver is needed to fully upgrade Swedish heavy tanks. We also considered ways to get an experienced crew for these tanks. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our tactics.

How to get an experienced crew on the Swedish branch

2 ways to get:
  • Complete LBZ and get female crew who can control any tanks in the game;
  • Buy premium tank Strv m / 42-57 Alt A.2 (description).
Two absolutely different ways: if you have gold, we recommend "prem. Swede Bitch", otherwise perform LBZ.

How much experience is needed to fully research Swedish TTs

LevelTechniqueExperienceDisplay TOPTotal experienceAmount of silver
5 Strv M/42 (ST)23905 35235 59140 386000
6 Strv 74 (ST)58355 24990 83345 910000
7 Leo (ST)129885 52600 182485 1410000
8 Emil I (TT)181030 84400 265430 2540000
9 Emil II (TT)458970 111800 570770 3550000
10 Kranvagn (TT)760635 6100000

How much gold is needed to research the top heavy Kranvagn

Gold exchange for free experience in World of Tanks is:
1 unit gold = 25 free experience.
To research the top heavy tank Kranvagn, you will need 30,425 gold, in rubles 6 694.

How to save money when researching the Swedish branch?

WG sometimes holds promotions to exchange experience for gold. Use promotions to significantly save your budget. And silver can be farmed. Read to earn credits faster.


For a complete “pumping” of the Swedish TT branch, you will need:
  • 760,635 Free XP ( 30,425 gold or 6,694 rubles);
  • 17,000,000 units of silver.
Follow the news on our website, buy gold on holidays and exchange experience with profit!

Dear tankers, the other day in one of the "developers' answers" it became known that in the future in our

Dear tankers, the other day in one of the "developers' answers" it became known that in the future in our game such a nation as Sweden will be provided. For a long time, amateur branches of the development of this nation can be observed on the network. We tried and put together our development tree, which includes 4 branches: ST, TT, PT, SPG. Putting 37 tanks in one article would be stupid and therefore we divided one large one into 4 small ones, which will include one of the branches. But in addition to the 4 main ones, there will also be a fifth article about Swedish tanks, and which one you will find out later.

In the first part, we will look at the heavy tanks branch. It will consist of three light tanks, four medium and three heavy tanks, which will end this branch. Please note that the data on performance characteristics are taken from Internet sources. In the game, all data may be different. We also notify that all branches are collected at the discretion of the author and according to data from the World of tanks forums.

Level 1 - L-5

At the first level, the Swedes will be represented by the L-5 light tank, which fits perfectly with the rest of the tier 1 tanks. It will be armed with a 37 mm gun with a depression angle of -10 degrees down and +30 degrees up. The ammunition load was 200 shells, and the crew consisted of 4 people. According to historical data, the first 3 samples were equipped with a 70-horsepower gasoline engine, and in addition, with 7 tons of weight, we get 10 horses for each ton, which is quite small, and according to mathematical calculations, our tank will accelerate to a maximum of 20 km / h. Booking data is not indicated in any source, therefore we cannot provide you with exact numbers, but presumably the tank will have armor similar to the armor of a Renault or MS-1 tank, since the years of production of tanks fall almost on the same period. In general, the tank will be slow, but with a good gun.

Level 2 - Strv fm31

Lightweight 11-ton unit armed with the same 37mm cannon as its predecessor. About booking it is known that the thickness of the sheets ranged from 6 to 14 mm. It can be assumed that the tank will have 14 mm in the turret, since this is the most important part of the tank, but 6 mm will most likely be on the sides and in the stern, which is inherent in almost all tanks. Our tank will be propelled by a 150-horsepower, 12-cylinder Maybach engine, and the maximum speed will be within 35 km / h.

Level 3 - Strv m31

Generally this tank this is the same Strv fm31, but with reinforced hull and turret armor from 6-14 to 8-24, as well as a different engine. Now we are accelerated to 42 km / h by a 200-horsepower Maybach engine. The gun seems to be the same as the previous 2 brothers, although there is a chance that the developers will still put some good gun at level 3, since now we will fight against 5 levels, and 37 mm is not very suitable for this affairs. But these are just guesses, and we continue to move on.

Level 4 - LAGO

8.5 tons of weight and a 200-horsepower engine give us the ability to accelerate to 46 km / h. The armor is most likely similar to the previous tank, but according to historical data, it became known that the tank could weigh 9.6 tons, taking into account the overhead armor plates, so with no small probability we can see one tank as being pumped, and another one with reinforced armor , like a prem tank, but this is just guesswork and speculation.

But again, we see that we were not deprived of a new weapon. All the same 37 mm is already at level 4. I think each of you is ready to bet that at least at level 4 they will give us some kind of normal and penetrating weapon.

5th level - Strv M42

At the fifth level, the presence of real Swedish engineering is already really felt. Our gun is no longer 37, but as much as 75mm. We were not particularly deprived of armor at level 5: from 9 to 55 mm, but the rounded nose of the forehead of the hull in the reduction gives the maximum 150 mm in some projections, which is not so small at level 5. For comparison, take the American Sherman, as it has a similar situation with forehead armor. With 22 tons of weight and 380 l / s, we have a specific power of 17 horses per ton, which will allow us to reach our honorary 42 km / h. The tank should come out quite playable and fast, but knowing the developers it's hard to predict what they will present to us this time.

Level 6 - Strv 74

Built on the basis of its predecessor, but as we can see with a different turret, which is somewhat similar to the turrets of the recently added American light tanks. Reservations from 15 to 80 mm, as we can see, the tower, having 80 mm, will be immature for its level, because at level 6 no one will be able to penetrate it. Armed with a 75 mm gun, but not the same as its predecessor. It will be better in every way. 170 horses in a gasoline engine will accelerate us to 40 km/h.

Level 7 - 74/13

The situation with the hull is repeated again, but the turret from the French AMX 13 gives us new opportunities. The changes also affected the dynamics: with a weight of 20 tons, we got a 450-horsepower engine, which gives us simply outrageous 22 horses per ton of weight. And now our maximum speed will be in the range of 50-55 km/h. The gun will most likely be 90 mm. It is not known whether it will be with a loading drum, but we dare to assume that the drum is still worth waiting for, because putting a single gun into a turret designed for an automatic loader is not historical. As a result, we should get a competitive AMX 13 75 car.

Level 8 - KRV 81

From historical background only armor data is known: building 125/30/20, tower 165/112/112. One can only guess what kind of gun they will give us, but from the photo we see that a 105 mm gun is installed, similar to the guns of the British MT 8 and 9 levels. The dynamics will be at an average level: the maximum speed is around 40 km / h, and the specific power is about 15-18 hp / t. In general, the tank will be a narrow-minded analogue of the British Centurion, and again, this is just speculation.

Level 9 - KRV 105

The tank will be very interesting and fast, because with a mass of 40 tons we have a 550-horsepower SFA engine, and our maximum speed will be around 45 km/h, which is quite good for a heavy tank. The hull armor will be 170/70/20, while the turret will have 170/125/30. Don't discount the fact that the nose can be prickly, as indicated by some historical data. There will most likely be 2 guns, these are 105 mm stock and 120 mm top (similar to AMX 50 120 and AMX 50V). Oh yes, we also have excellent LH, well, at least down, yes, yes, exactly down, 12 cm down and 8 up, and it seems that the swing of the French 50 120 with its terrible LH up is felt.

Level 10 - KRV 120

All data is almost the same with our predecessor, except for some parameters. The stock AV-1195 engine has some 540 horsepower, but the top one already somehow shines with its power, 668 horsepower, but due to the increased weight and elongated body, we have the same dynamics as the KRV-105. The booking has also been changed. Most likely the nose of the forehead of the hull will be pricked as indicated in the figure. The thickness of the turret armor will be either 140 or 170, since there were 2 tank concepts, these are EMIL 1 and EMIL 2; the sides of the tower are 40 or 60, but the rear of the tower is 20 or 30 mm. The body in the forehead will have either 120 or 145mm; sides 20 or 30, but the stern of the hull in both concepts indicates a mark of 20 mm. As a result, we should get a tank similar to the AMX 50V and AMX 50 120, but not knowing: with or without a drum.

Summing up the first part, it is worth noting that the branch is quite interesting in pumping, that is, each tank will be unique and playable in its own way. At low levels, a “37 mm marathon” awaits us, and starting from level 5, it becomes more interesting to play, and already approaching the top, we see that the tanks of this branch are really worth the time and effort to study them.

Important! The final characteristics of Swedish vehicles will become known with the release of version 9.17 and may differ from those presented in the article, since the vehicle is currently at the testing stage.

Few Swedish heavy tanks were made in metal. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that rational armor, which theoretically would allow these vehicles to finish battles without a single scratch, as well as their firepower, could clearly turn the situation on the battlefields. Well, World of Tanks provides an opportunity to test these theories!

Emil I, Emil II and Kranvagn are three new heavy tanks from the Swedish branch, which will appear in version 9.17. In this article, we will look at their strengths and weak sides, as well as touch on the history of these machines.

Emily I

The combination of strong armor and guns with magazine loading system makes Emily I serious threat in close combat. In addition, the accuracy of the gun allows this tank to fire confidently from the second line.

short information

  • Strength: strong frontal armor, low profile and small size allow this machine to be most effective in a frontal attack; it's hard to aim and hit. Use the gun depression angles wisely (−12°) and you won't have to return to the Garage ahead of time.
  • Mobility: smaller dimensions compared to the AMX 50 100 and the ability to reach speeds of up to 50 km/h (cruising speed 42-43 km/h) allow Emil I to quickly find a protected position and shoot the store, while remaining hidden behind uneven terrain.
  • Firepower: a 4-round magazine is enough to “take apart” almost any Tier VIII vehicle, except for heavy and medium tanks with especially strong armor. The Emil I unloads a full magazine faster than the AMX 50 100, which allows it to move out of the line of fire faster and makes it more versatile overall. Good stabilization of the gun while moving allows you to fire from the hip or immediately after a short stop.

Emil II and Kranvagn

Emil II gives a good idea of ​​what awaits you at level X. This tier IX ricochet master is specifically designed for stealth attacks and exploiting uneven terrain. Nevertheless, the full potential of Swedish heavy tanks is revealed at the last level, represented by the machine. Kranvagn with powerful armor and a low profile.

short information

  • Strength: Kranvagn's armor is stronger than that of the AMX 50 B and T57 Heavy: hull with rational armor angles (90 mm), strong tower(210 mm) with good angles, small hatches and a solid roof. Relatively small size, low profile and special arrangement of the gun in the turret significantly increase the survivability of this vehicle. The enemy has to be a real sniper in order to penetrate your Kranvagn into the turret, which, combined with rational armor angles, makes this tank really reliable.
  • Mobility: the tank surpasses the T57 Heavy in cruising speed and engine power. If we draw a sports analogy, the American T57 Heavy would be a champion race walker, the French AMX 50 B would be an excellent sprinter, and the “Swede” would be a stayer.
  • Firepower: the tank is equipped with a 120 mm gun, whose armor-piercing shells are perfect for sending moving targets to the Hangar. Despite the fact that the reload speed of the Kranvagn is lower than that of the AMX 50 B and T57 Heavy, the excellent gun depression angle (−12°) more than compensates for this shortcoming. Thanks to this parameter, the "Swede" can effectively use the unevenness of the terrain and even reflect the enemy's projectiles (with proper use of angles).


The Swedish Army did not use the "medium tank" classification for its vehicles during World War II. The tank brigade (yes, initially there was only one brigade) had only light and heavy tanks. Light tanks included Strv m/37, m/38, m/39, m/40 and m/41; was considered heavy Strv m/42, which, having a mass of 22.5 tons, was lighter than most medium tanks of other manufacturing countries. Despite the desire of the military to get a tank with a more powerful gun and stronger armor, the Swedish army at first could not approve the project of a vehicle that would have a greater mass than the Strv m / 42.

The main reason was the concern about the deterioration of general mobility. The Swedish army had no experience with heavy tracked vehicles. In addition, the not-so-ideal infrastructure of the country could become a serious obstacle for heavy tanks: the Strv m/42 adopted for service was already more than twice as heavy as previous vehicles. A study of the condition and quality of the country's bridges showed that only half of them could support a 22-ton vehicle without any damage. Of course, the same restrictions awaited the enemy, so there was no particular need for a heavier tank.

After the war, the Swedish army came to the conclusion that heavy tanks had no problems with difficult terrain, and also realized that it was better to deal with enemy vehicles with their own tanks. Thus, there was a need for a machine that could fight with a potential enemy on an equal footing and would have protection against weapons of mass destruction.

Work on the "heavy" tank project began in 1949. In the 1950s, 18 tank prototypes were created, all of which were designed to withstand the Soviet IS-3. After discovering the main drawback of a potential enemy tank (large mass), the Swedes paid Special attention creating a heavy tank that would have a lower mass by choosing a lighter oscillating turret instead of the classic IS-3 layout. Taking the French AMX 50 B as a basis, the engineers provided for the possibility of installing two versions of the gun with a magazine loading system, which would allow the crew to save precious seconds. Despite the fact that this project looked good on paper, the excessive originality of the turret eventually led to the abandonment of work on the heavy tank project in 1954.

Thus, the future of the tank remained unclear. The military realized that the Strv m / 42 was hopelessly outdated and was suitable for maximum shelling of infantry with high-explosive fragmentation shells. The Swedish army needed a modern tank, and the Centurion (and the ability to get one quickly) was the answer. The acquisition took place at lightning speed, with little or no evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages, and the priority of the internal heavy tank project was downgraded. The project was later canceled altogether.

Despite the fact that the Swedish heavy tanks never plowed the battlefield, the project "Emil" contributed further development Swedish tank building thanks to some extremely interesting and original ideas.

Hello everyone and welcome to the site! Well, friends, it's happened, the long-awaited update 0.9.17 World of Tanks has been released, in which each tanker will have a new nation and two branches of Swedish vehicles.

Of course, many are wondering what is better to download in the first place, which tanks to focus on, what awaits you at level ten and what is it better to strive for? Of course, the personal preferences of the player play a major role here, but we will still try to help you prioritize and try to answer these questions.

The path to top heavyweights

All new vehicles are unique in their own way, everyone can find tanks here to their liking, but the development branch that leads to the coveted heavy Kranvagn is most suitable for those who love variety.

The fact is that this part of the Swedish research tree is combined, it starts with light tanks, which smoothly turn into medium ones, and incredible heavy vehicles can rightly be considered the apogee of the greatness of Scandinavian thought.

The beginning of the way

To be honest, there is not much to say about the beginning of the branch, from the first level to the third, tanks go through very quickly, due to the fact that you need to earn a little experience on them. In addition, all the light tanks of the Swedes have rather mediocre performance characteristics.

These vehicles are lightly armored, which is quite typical for this class of vehicle, but they also do not have good mobility, so they can even be completed for free experience. But if you want to try each tank and do it right, the names are clickable and lead to the respective guides.

Medium tanks 4-5

But from the fourth level, Swedish tanks in update 0.9.17 World of Tanks begin to change, here you will find the first representative of medium tanks. Lago, that's what the name of the first CT on your way sounds like, has rather ordinary general performance characteristics, but it has variable weapons and one of the guns really transforms the car. On this Scandinavian you will feel for the first time the power of the Swedish guns, in this case achieved through good penetration and high rate of fire. If you want to know more about this device, read.

The fifth level deserves even more attention, it is also reached quite quickly and here you will find the medium tank Strv m / 42 WoT. This unit is really starting to acquire the unique features of the Swedish ST. In particular, you will be pleased with the chic vertical aiming angles and decent dynamics of the car.

In addition, the armament of the Strv m/42 World of Tanks 0.9.17 is also noticeably changing, the top gun has good one-time damage, penetration and DPM, the game is filled with new colors. However, you still need to try to realize the potential of the machine, and to make it easier for you, check out.

Medium tanks 6-7

The previous two vehicles were really interesting, they prepared the player for the upcoming increase in the level of technology and the complexity of the battles, however, they can also be completed quickly using Free XP or simply with a premium account.

But for anyone who loves the medium tank style of play, I highly recommend trying the Strv 74 tank from Sweden. Hold on to the sixth level, because here you will find a real Spartan, not very frisky and dynamic, but possessing a magnificent, accurate, fast-firing gun with amazing vertical aiming angles. The combination of these characteristics will give you a lot of pleasure from playing this tank, and will help you quickly understand the mechanics of the gameplay.

However, you should beware of the vehicle's weaknesses, because the medium tank Strv 74 WoT 0.9.17 has a high silhouette and is not able to collide with the enemy foreheads, due to mediocre armor.

Regarding the seventh level, the car is ambiguous, but there is definitely no other such among classmates and you also need to try this gameplay.

Primarily, swedish tank Leo, unlike its predecessors, gets good mobility indicators, which compensate well for its lack of armor.

However, something else is interesting - in the case of Leo World of Tanks 0.9.17, you will have two weapons to choose from, which are very different from each other, focused on different styles of players' combat. Someone will like to play with alpha strike, someone prefers the rate of fire, accuracy and damage per minute.

Obviously, at the seventh level, most tankers will have to fight quite a few battles, and in order to understand the strengths and weaknesses of this unit, to quickly adapt to its features, we advise you to read from our portal.

On the threshold of greatness

From the eighth level in the combined branch of development of Swedish technology, the most interesting begins, each subsequent heavy tank getting better and better, everyone who decides to pump the strands of this nation should play each of them.

Of course, one cannot fail to notice a certain similarity between Swedish heavy tanks and French ones, but in reality these vehicles are completely different.

Let's start with the eighth level - Emil I World of Tanks is distinguished by powerful frontal armor, an excellent cannon with a 4-round loading drum and excellent HPP, as well as good mobility.

Of the minuses, one can note the high silhouette of the tank, its mediocre security from the sides and, most importantly, the same drum. The fact is that Emil 1 WoT 0.9.17 has 4 shells, a significant alpha strike, good penetration, but there is a significant drawback - it takes us a lot of time to fully recharge the drum. Despite this, the tier eight heavy is very strong, it prepares you for the transition to the next tank, and to unlock its potential, it is better to pay attention to .

Emil II

In the next representative of heavy tanks, the Swedish minds embodied all the strengths of the first Emil, but managed to emphasize them and make them even more significant. Armoring at Emil II World of Tanks becomes even more serious, partly due to the increase in the thickness of the armor plates, partly due to the more successful design of the vehicle.

Of course, the changes also affected the guns, and not all of them will be to your liking. Yes, the one-time damage has increased, but with the same number of shells in the drum, its implementation has become more complicated, the increased cooldown between shots is to blame. In addition, for Emil II, the implementation of each cartridge plays a special role, because the entire drum is reloaded for 40 seconds, which is a very long time.

In order to get to know the vehicle in more detail, to see a detailed analysis of the tank’s performance characteristics, its model range, weapons, we again advise you to read, at the ninth level this is especially important.


The previous heavy tanks are really very good, compared to their classmates they look very advantageous, but Sweden's top heavy tank Kranvagn, of course, became the apogee of greatness and power. It is because of him that it is worth going all the way, from the first level to the last, so what is he like?

Kranvagn World of Tanks 0.9.17 is an explosive mixture of very strong frontal armor, decent mobility, powerful drum guns with excellent vertical aiming angles. In other words, this device has absorbed all the qualities that are so valued in our favorite game.

Of course, this monster of the world of tanks also has its weaknesses and you better know them before entering the battle, so for you.

The path to the top tank destroyers

The path of learning self-propelled anti-tank installations is literally created for those players who crave unique gameplay and total domination, because at the top of this branch of tank destroyers you will find a truly innovative concept of playing World of Tanks.

It is also worth saying that if the beginning of the combined development branch looks rather mediocre, the first three levels, and by and large the fourth one, do not stand out much from the total mass of other vehicles of other nations, but in pumping tank destroyers everything is somewhat different.

The beginning of the way

Tank destroyer 6-7

At the sixth level, there is a pot-bellied, cardboard and quite noticeable Ikv 60 Alt II tank destroyer in terms of the camouflage coefficient. To be honest, it’s hard to call this car really strong, but it’s far from weak, because it has a decent amount of advantages. A sort of mediocre option that many will go through and forget, but for more comfortable fights it’s worth exploring.

But the next device is already much more interesting, Ikv 90 B will pleasantly surprise its owner with very good mobility and excellent camouflage, which she received thanks to a squat silhouette and compact size. In general, the PT-shka is also very ordinary, but comfortable, it is pleasant to play on it and it will not be superfluous to read.

A little more and in ladies

What can I say, the branch of pumping Swedish tank destroyers in places is very, very interesting, sometimes quite ordinary cars will be waiting for you, in all understandings of the word ordinary, but this path is worth the effort, because it can be compared with climbing Mount Olympus, where at the end of the path you countless gifts will await.

Of course, now we will talk about what every player in World of Tanks should try, whether he is a beginner or an experienced tanker.


So, the first of the most unusual, unique and interesting vehicles in our favorite game, the owner of a revolutionary concept of gameplay in World of Tanks, the first Swedish tank destroyer in the development tree, with completely new mechanics.

Of course, the UDES 03 WoT 0.9.17 has a hydropneumatic suspension and is capable of transforming into two separate combat modes, but innovations are only partially implemented in this vehicle, it is designed to prepare you for the coming greatness, and in order to get acquainted with it and what lies ahead, be sure to read .

Strv 103-0

A full-fledged representative of the latest mechanics that came to World of Tanks in update 0.9.17. The tier 9 Strv 103-0 tank destroyer fully implements the mechanics of hydropneumatic suspension, this vehicle can not only use its chic invisibility, but in capable hands it can also ricochet dozens of shells.

Strv 103B

If a tank destroyer of the ninth level is capable of instilling fear and awe in the enemy, then what can be said about the top representative of the branch? Probably, today, this car is one of the most coveted and for good reason.

You already know everything about changing combat modes (siege and march), are familiar with the pneumohydraulic suspension, and of course, Strv 103B 0.9.17 has it all. Add incredible camouflage to the unique mechanics, the ability to literally merge with the terrain, the most accurate weapon in the game, which, in addition, has excellent penetration and damage per minute parameters, additional protection with various anti-cumulative screens and still these are not all the strengths of this device.

It’s worth going through all the tank destroyers in Sweden in order to sit at the helm of this masterpiece of Scandinavian thought, and in order to outdo your opponents in battle, we present you with a detailed analysis of the performance characteristics of the tank and the tactics of warfare on it.


As a summary, I would like to say that the long-awaited update 0.9.17 has really brought a lot of new things to World of Tanks. As for the Swedish nation, both branches in the development tree deserve your attention, at the end of each path you will find really strong cars, recognized tops and priorities you will have to set yourself. One has only to add that if you want something really new that you have not tried before, your path lies in top tank destroyer Sweden, and for lovers of diversity, ending with real power, strands are more suitable, but all this is very superficial.