Halloween party with friends - cool games and contests. Halloween pranks, contests and games for kids Halloween contests for kids 5 6

Although Halloween is not quite close to Russian culture, nevertheless, the holiday is quite fun and the children are waiting for it. In addition to the traditional collection of sweets, parents organize Halloween games for children. Today I will tell you about two wonderful games that delighted my son. I will also show you two crafts that you can make for Halloween with your kids.

Hello dear parents, glad to see you on the blog. Here gather those who develop in their children their millions of opportunities given to them by nature itself. And do we really need a reason for their development? In general, no. But our kids are always more interesting if we come up with something not once, but with repetitions. And this is exactly what happens when we prepare for the holidays, because they take place every year. Let's see how we can combine fun and skill development with our favorite kids.

Almost all the guys like balls and this entertainment will definitely not leave them indifferent. I spent it only with my son, who at that time was 4 years 11 months old. During the game, I realized that it would be even more fun if at least 2 children participated in it. With kids, it is worth doing it with caution, since all BOOM and BAM can scare them, but with older children, these sounds set the enthusiasm.

I needed:

  • 31 Balloon orange;
  • any object resembling a pumpkin tail (I have a vase with corks);
  • construction paper;
  • scotch;
  • any enticements (sweets, small toys, confetti, stickers);
  • toothpicks.

Since I played on the terrace, and there were confetti in the balls, felt parts (then we made crafts), sweets, I didn’t want all this to fall on the floor. Therefore, I took a rubberized rug from the children's room and laid it under our pumpkin. Of course it's a pumpkin! After all, we are in October, when Halloween is celebrated.

Then I attached a piece of construction paper to the wall so that the delicate shell would not burst when it touched the stones on the wall. If you will mount them at home, then do not neglect this detail, your walls may suffer from adhesive tape. Well, having put some interestingness into each balloon, we inflate them and fasten them in the form of a pumpkin.

I gave Alexander a toothpick and explained that he could burst all these balloons. And also that each of them has a surprise. To say that he was delighted is to say nothing! But if it were necessary to share surprises with another child, I imagine how they would burst at speed.

My boy punched the first balloon with some caution, but when confetti flew out of it, he set to work with all enthusiasm. After each broken trophy, Alexander stopped, examined what flew out of him and rejoiced at the surprises. So do not be sorry, be creative, children will definitely appreciate these little gifts. The first few rows were broken through fairly quickly, and then the fun began, it was necessary to jump high to reach the target.

But then something happened that surprised me. Although in principle it was obvious, but I assumed that Alexander would jump like that until he hit all the balls. And he came up to me and calmly said:

Mom, stand up, please, I need a chair!

And after that, my resourceful boy calmly finished the work he had begun.

As you can see in the photo, I put extra balloons on the floor. After all, children love to play with them. After the main task was completed, Alexander and I played tossing them with toy swords. Anything you have will do here: tennis rackets, toy swords, or just well-polished sticks. Unfortunately, there are no photos, since I myself had fun playing with my son. And you know, it's not so easy to toss a light ball several times with a sword.

I'm sure that this game will bring a lot of positive emotions to your family on Halloween. With older guys, it can be done by shooting from a distance with darts or from a children's bow, it all depends on what you have at hand.

Halloween math game for kids

My regular readers will immediately recognize in this math game the previous ones, which I made with my own hands. Fortunately, it is not necessary to invent America, since for children it is more interesting and easier what they already know. When Alexander was fond of space, I did. Then we played within 40. Before that, there was another one on the topic where we played within 20. This time I made the playing field longer, more than a meter in it and it was designed for 50 numbers.

All photos enlarge when clicked

The idea came to me as soon as I saw the Halloween bricks on the site leaf cutter designs. I got them like this.

To make it I needed:

  • 2 cubes from the children's set;
  • 42 Google eyes of the smallest size;
  • hot gun.

To make the base, I took a large box, cut out a strip of the desired size from it. I painted it with orange gouache and left it to dry overnight. In the image search engine, I found an image of a castle in the style of Halloween and a bat. I drew a small ghost by hand.

Conditions for players

I told Alexander that a bat was chasing the little ghost and that it wanted to quickly return to mom and dad in their castle. Whoever leads the cast to the castle first wins. As you can see, Halloween games for kids can teach good things.

The game is played by 2 players. The cast is placed in the middle - number 25. The first player must bring the baby to number 1, the second to number 50. The first player rolls the dice, let's say he has 3 and 6. He adds up the numbers 3 + 6, respectively, his move is 25-9. The little ghost is placed on number 16. The second player rolls the dice. Let's say he rolled 1 and 5, he adds up the numbers and makes a move 16+6.

As you can see, the first child in this round subtracts all the time, and the second one adds. When one of them brought the baby to the castle, he accordingly won. Then the players change places. This is done in order to alternate the skill of addition and subtraction.

My son enjoyed winning so much that he persuaded his dad to play it 2 times. It was then that I had the opportunity to decorate the dessert.

lego pumpkin

It's broken! My child broke through with Lego! All my efforts were not in vain. I composed when Alexander was a baby. Includes Lego. Collected to attach the designer to the holiday. Then I did so that it became easy to find them. And after that it was noticeable. But now my boy just got carried away! He builds everything he sees.

Today is an article about Halloween, so I will only show the pumpkin that my son gave me. It was a week ago when I finished to decorate the apartment. The son took it and said:

Mom, I'll make you the same.

I explained that my work was done with a hot gun and that children should not use it. But Alexander was not at all embarrassed. He went into his room and 10 minutes later brought me a pumpkin... from Lego!

Mom, I did not have enough orange details, so I added yellow ones.

I almost cried with happiness. And after this craft, he suffered, I need to write a separate post with a lot of photos to show what kind of castles for soldiers and for Minions my son, now five years old, is building.

All photos enlarge when you click on them.

Now Alexander's craft stands next to mine and decorates our apartment throughout October.

We have lacing at home that I bought. Alexander learned to lace up shoes on them. Most of the laces. This unpretentious toy develops fine motor skills of hands, patience, attention, improves coordination of movements. Therefore, I try to involve her in classes on various topics.

On the Mom Blogs website, almost a year ago I saw “25 Bud Ideas”. I looked at them and almost cried. Well, there are no cones in the Dominican Republic. And then I remembered that during a trip to Vermont, Alexander and I collected small cones and acorns. That's what we have exotic appeared at home. On the eve of Halloween, I again looked through that article and it caught fire for me to make a spider.

To make it I needed:

  • 1 small bump;
  • 2 small google eyes;
  • chenille wire;
  • hot gun.

I made the spider myself, as I attached everything to hot silicone. Alexander really liked it, I didn’t even expect it to be honest, he played with it for about 30 minutes. Now I can safely classify it as a Halloween game for children.

Since we are gradually decorating the apartment, I thought that it would be worth adding this craft to the decorations, and this is how the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis lacing was born. The spider, of course, needs a web and Alexander gladly undertook to help him.

For lacing we needed:

  1. Disposable plate.
  2. Woolen threads are orange.
  3. Black paint gouache.
  4. Children's needle.
  5. A hole punch that pierces one hole.

I prepared a plate, pierced holes in it, and handed it to the child for coloring.

Well, the plate is dry, everything you need for lacing is ready.

There really are no rules in weaving a web, you don’t even need to explain anything to a child, he just weaves it as he wants. And the spider sits and waits.

This lacing is not just DIY, it will decorate the door of the children's room until the end of Halloween. The son asked the spider to live on his door.

For today, friends, I have everything. As always, let me remind you that no matter what holiday you are preparing for, the point is to make your home cozy, festive every day. For our children to have fun and develop with pleasure. And if you still decide to tell them about the upcoming holiday, then I hope the Halloween games for children I have described will be useful to you.

Halloween Scenario: Fun Halloween Program for Kids

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On the night of October 31 to November 1 in the USA and Europe, and in recent years in the CIS countries, Halloween is celebrated - All Saints Day. The Holidays Workshop has prepared a Halloween script that is suitable for children from 7 to 14 years old and a selection of entertainment for younger children. If you decide to try on a mystical image and have a fun Halloween - this article is for you!

This Halloween scenario does not require long and complex preparation, and the holiday will turn out just wonderful! The leading events are the Witch and the Barabashka (artistic adults dress up in them). If you wish, you can pick up other characters. All invitees should be warned in advance to come up with images of all evil spirits: ghosts, witches, sorcerers, mummies, zombies. For greater effectiveness, you can invite a face painter to the event - he will help guests transform into the right characters.

As prizes for contestants, you can use themed souvenirs (eyes on springs, key rings in the form of pumpkins, cats, witches) or sweets.

The holiday begins with the speech of the leading witch.


Hello! Welcome to the holiday of horror! I see that all the evil spirits have already gathered ... because today is our day - the terrible and solemn Day of All Saints. It is on the night of October 31 to November 1 that the souls of the dead come from the underworld.

Barabashka (in a mysterious tone): Finally! Here comes the night! Scary stories about coffins, creepy dances in the company of ghosts and just horrible entertainment! You are ready? Then let's start our party!

The game "I'm the most terrible and terrible"

The purpose of entertainment is to introduce all those present, to liberate and create a friendly atmosphere.

Guests stand or sit around the leader. The host takes a small pumpkin (you can use a soft toy) and starts the game with the words "I am the most terrible and terrible witch who ...". Then she tells what she does, for example, takes away sweets from children or eats spiders for breakfast and why she chose this image. Then the host passes it to the first participant, who talks about himself and so on in a circle until everyone introduces themselves.


Everyone knows that the symbol of Halloween is a glowing pumpkin. But do you know, my dear monsters, where did this attribute come from?

The legend of the glowing pumpkin

A long time ago, the swindler and drunkard Jack invited the devil himself to his Halloween celebration. After the gatherings, the man argued with the guest that he would not climb the tree. The devil quickly climbed to the top, but cunning Jack drew a cross on the tree and the devil could not come down. The man then offered to remove the cross in exchange for never tempting him again.

After his death, Jack was not allowed into heaven because he was a sinner, but the devil did not allow him to go to hell either, giving only a red-hot corner. Jack hid the charcoal in an onion and has been showing up with it ever since on All Saints' Eve. Later in the United States, the onion was replaced with a pumpkin, and since then a luminous orange vegetable with a sinister smile has been a symbol of Halloween.

Competition "Symbol of the holiday"

The hosts offer the children to make the main attribute of the holiday on their own. Each participant is given a small pumpkin and a black marker (if they are children under 10 years old) or a knife (if they are older children).

The task is to draw or cut out a scary face in the allotted time (for example, 15 minutes). Then the hosts determine the "Most Scary Halloween Symbol", "The Most Original Halloween Symbol", etc. Children will be able to take their creations home after the holiday.


Oh, how many times I had to celebrate All Saints Day ... already and can not count. But, one thing I remember well - there was always a fun game with donuts!

The game "Sweet tooth"

This entertainment is traditionally present in the Halloween scenario. For the competition, you will need donuts (you can replace with soft bagels) and two ropes or threads. Two donuts are hung on threads at the height of the participants. Then a couple is selected who wish to take part in the competition.

The task of the players is to eat a delicacy without the help of hands. The winner is the one who copes faster and receives a prize from the presenters.


My old friend Count Dracula handed over a treat for our holiday.

Contest "Feel like Dracula"

The hosts offer the most daring guests of the holiday to taste the “blood of the old magician” (tomato or cherry juice). Everyone gets a glass with a drink and a straw. At the leader's signal, the participants begin to drink. The first person to empty the glass wins.


My friends, monsters, witches and ghosts. Yesterday I received a letter from my nephew, Kasper. He has a big problem with his horror studies homework. Little Casper needs to learn how to appear in public so that everyone's knees tremble. And we can't do without your help.

The game "What a horror!"

Each contestant takes turns making a "scary and gruesome" public appearance. To do this, you can use a white cloth or sheet. The winner is chosen by voting or applause.


Eh, Witch, what terrible guests we all have! But this is not enough, because often evil spirits have to get out of the most unexpected situations.

Fun "Magic Pumpkin"

From a large one, you need to make a container in advance, cleaning out all the contents and washing thoroughly. You should also prepare tasks for the participants - write on pieces of paper (for effect, their edges can be burned) what they should do, for example:

  • Tell a scary story;
  • Recall 5 proverbs or sayings that mention mystical creatures (“the devil is not as scary as he is painted”, “in the middle of nowhere”, “sell the soul to the devil”, etc.);
  • Dance the dance of Baba Yaga with a broom;
  • Name 13 mystical characters;
  • Name 10 ingredients magic potion etc.

Participants take turns pulling out a note with a task from a pumpkin and completing it. After the competition is over, everyone gets sweets.


Although they call us not very kind, we love to have fun and dance. We invite everyone to the disco!

After the dance, the hosts offer festive treats to the children. You can organize a candy bar, where guests can enjoy at any time of the event. Read more about how to decorate a Halloween sweet table in an original way.

If children under 6 years old are present at the holiday, changes can be made to the Halloween script by adding a few entertainments appropriate for their age.

"Gather the Monster"

Each participant receives a picture (witches, pumpkins, ghosts) cut into pieces. We need to collect an image. You can have a speed race.

"Magic Potion"

In the room you need to scatter artificial flowers, leaves, pumpkins, rubber spiders, frogs, snakes. The task of the children is to collect the ingredients for making the potion in the amount indicated by the host. For example, 10 maple leaves, 3 daisies, 5 frogs and 4 snakes.

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I'm always happy to help in holding and organizing a holiday!

Room decoration: The room can be decorated in dark colors. Be sure to decorate with bats, pumpkin lanterns can be made a little later and used as decoration.

Can be placed on pieces of furniture and the floor of body parts: a severed hand, eye, finger, etc.

Also in the design, you can use small spiders and snakes, leave "traces" of the presence of magicians and sorcerers: a black cat, a toad, a raven.

To create a mysterious and mystical atmosphere, it is better to illuminate the room with candles.


It is also advisable to agree with friends in advance that everyone will come in costumes. You can arrange a witches' sabbath, or a meeting "In the middle of nowhere", or just a ball of evil spirits.

To intrigue your friends, you can prepare an original congratulation for everyone, in which you warn them to get there carefully, because there are so many extra ears around that they can overhear and interfere.

Scary joke:

During the event, you can try to scare your friends.

Sitting in the middle of the room and setting a pumpkin lantern in the center, tell each other scary stories in turn. Then suddenly put out the candle in the lantern and scream in a terrible voice.

Of course, if there are no particularly impressionable participants.

Food and drink for the holiday:

  • For food and drinks, you need to come up with original names: traditional blood - tomato juice or any other red drink, swamp slurry - if the drink is green.
  • Dishes can be called like this: "The Eye of One-Eyed Jack", "Kruger's Fingers", "Horns and Hooves".
  • Each dish served can be accompanied by a mysterious story: where did you get the main ingredient, how did you get it. For example, to talk about a terrible battle with Krueger, in which it turned out to cut off his hand.

style predictionsHalloween:

After that, you can hold "terrible" relay races, various games and contests, a comic quiz, draws.

At the end of the event, there are traditional predictions: either positive, asserting that everything will be fine, or comical, which will be much more interesting and fun.

Predictions can be placed, for example, inside baking, decorated in the form of spiders. Thus, spiders will appear on the table - predictors, on the "catch" of which a lot of effort was spent.

Games and contests for friends' Halloween party

1. "The scariest mask"

The main task: to decorate the mask.

Small images of insects, body parts, bones act as decoration. Each is given a ready-made template and glue to attach the selected drawings.

2. The game "Sweetness or trick"

Prepared in advance cards with various comic tasks: crow, stick your head out the window and howl long, sing a song, etc. They are placed in a carved gourd. In addition, notes with various penalties are being prepared.

Each participant is given several small sweet things - sweets, chewing gummies. The facilitator invites the participant to pull out the task from the pumpkin. After the participant has familiarized himself with the task, the facilitator asks him: “Sweetness or trick?” In the first case, he gives one of his sweets, in the second he completes the task.

The one who runs out of sweets the fastest is considered the loser.

The one who lost must complete the penalty task.

3. Game - fortune-telling in the name of the betrothed

Similarly to the old Scottish custom, you can conduct comic fortune-telling for your betrothed.

To do this, all unmarried girls are given an apple and a knife, with which they will cut the peel from the fruit. Having cut off the peel, the girls throw it over their shoulders. According to the position of the fallen cleanings, the first letter of the future husband is determined.

You can arrange all possible names in the form of a memo and hand them in a comic form to each fortuneteller to search for a betrothed. You can also even indicate its approximate coordinates in a comic form (for example, your betrothed Pavel is located in three flights on a broomstick to the north).

4. Game "Get the apples"

Several apples are placed in basins of water, preferably with tails. The task of the participants is to get an apple without the help of their hands and eat it as quickly as possible.

Of course, it is desirable to provide also a towel to wipe the faces of the participants.

5. Pumpkin Relay

Since the pumpkin is the main attribute of the holiday, the expediency of its use for competitions is obvious.

The relay is held in two stages:

  1. Creating a festive symbol - Jack's head. To complete the task, each participant needs to distribute a knife and a small pumpkin, from which all the pulp is first removed, and then the face is cut out. A candle is inserted into the center of the pumpkin.
  2. Carry a pumpkin with a lit candle so that the flame does not go out.

6. "Garlic necklace"

Everyone knows that fighting vampires requires garlic and aspen stake. In our case, it will be garlic.

The task of the participants is to collect 13 heads of garlic, which were previously laid out in different places in the room, and make a garlic necklace out of them, tied with a thread.

7. "Find a couple"

Pre-cook 20 cards, which depict various attributes of the holiday in two pieces: two pumpkins, two bats, etc. They are laid out in four rows of 5 cards.

Two people are involved. Each participant opens two cards. If they match, he takes them for himself and makes another move. In case of a mismatch, the cards are turned over, and the turn passes to another participant.

The participant who collects more cards. The loser performs a penalty task, which was agreed in advance.

8. "Witch's potion"

Pre-prepared list of necessary ingredients for the potion. For example, 5 spiders, 3 mandrake roots, dragon claw. All necessary components laid out in advance throughout the room.

The task of the participants is to prepare the potion faster than the others, having collected all the components.

9. Terrible Relays

Relay races adapted to the theme of the holiday:

  • "Run on a broomstick" - witch competition;
  • "Each finger has its own nail" : on the image of the hand, glue the nails on each finger;
  • "Find a Pair" : disassemble all the "eyes" - painted tennis balls - in pairs;
  • "Delicious drink" : as quickly as possible through a double straw, drink a glass of "blood" - tomato juice or any red drink.

10. "Scary bag"

The bag in which they are various items, is transmitted in a circle to ominous music. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the bag in his hands gropes for some object in it and tries to guess what kind of thing it is and where it came from.

The game must comply with the condition: the story must be scary.

11. "Creating sculpture"

Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, a “sculptor” and “clay” are selected.

Each sculptor must create a sculpture that matches the theme of the holiday.

For a better manifestation of fantasy, you can use paints and additional items. You can create a sculpture with the help of two or three people.

12. "Word game"

Since Halloween is a holiday of evil spirits, then you need to choose words that describe evil spirits. For example, vile, terrible, terrible, etc.

Whoever has the last word wins.

He is given the right to take out the main dish of the evening - "Pumpkin Pie"

13. "Damn, rooster and soldier"

All players are divided into two groups and discuss in advance the task for the losing team.

Each group agrees who they will show: a trait - they imitate horns on their heads, a rooster - they shout “Kukurek” and clap their hands on their sides, or a soldier - they stand at attention.

Having made a choice, both groups line up opposite each other and at the same time, on a signal, show the one they have chosen.

In various combinations, different actors win: the devil is afraid of the rooster, the rooster is afraid of the soldier, and the soldier, in turn, is the devil.

Play up to three points. The losing team takes a penalty task.

14. "Haunted Volleyball"

Two teams of two people participate, who stand at the edge of the table against each other. Each team is given two balloons, total - 4 balls.

The task of the participants is to throw the balls on half of the opponents so that they do not fall to the floor.

You can complicate the task: move the balls without the help of hands.

15. Dance competitions:

  • "Broom Dance" - a broom is passed around the circle to the music, the one who has a broom when the melody stops must dance a waltz with it.
  • "Count Dracula" - while music is playing on the street during the day, everyone is dancing, Dracula is sleeping (specially selected person). Night falls, the music stops, Dracula goes hunting. All participants stand still. If Dracula notices that someone has moved, he takes him to his lair and turns him into a vampire, who, with the onset of the next night, will go hunting with Dracula. The game continues until the most persistent participant is identified.
  • "Reincarnations" - quickly change into a different costume to the music.

16. "Ghost Contest"

Participants are divided into two teams that "howl" the motive of some well-known melody.

The task of the opponents is to guess the name of the song.

17. "Boat of fate"

In China, traditionally on this evening, the monks make the boats of Fate, which are sent to sail at dusk, along with a lit candle installed on them.

You can hold a competition for the manufacture of a paper boat and send it to sail through a filled bath.

You can also use a mystical element - divination. If the boat sails normally from one end of the bathroom to the other, then the year will be successful.

You can set wishes for the whole year ahead on ready-made boats and give them to friends at the end of the event.

Halloween is an amazing holiday that will not leave anyone indifferent. The older generation regards the eve of All Saints' Day with condemnation, the younger generation enthusiastically welcomes the many-sided celebration. Unlike the cloyingly sweet Valentine's Day, Halloween has a lot more flavors to it. Of course, sweets are also present in it. But on this day they are not presented, but extorted, threatening with all sorts of dirty tricks and harmfulness. Any prank that can scare is great for a holiday of rampant evil spirits. And who doesn't want to tickle their nerves? Sabbat parties have become popular in universities, schools, clubs, and even in the family circle. Besides, funny games and Halloween contests have long been uncountable. Among the abundance of themed entertainment, you can choose the most suitable for children in grades 6-9, teenagers, students and adults. The main thing is to find time and inspiration!

Games and contests for Halloween at home for children and teenagers

What needs to be done to make a fun Halloween for children and teenagers a success? Prepare colorful costumes, stock up on delicious treats, pick up the most Interesting games and Halloween contests at home. Celebrating All Saints' Eve at home has a number of benefits. Firstly, all the necessary items are "at hand". Secondly, children are always under control. Thirdly, you can prepare for the holiday in advance by sending out invitations to your child's friends, making the most unusual decorations, thinking through all the contests and games for Halloween at home in detail.

Halloween game "Themed Crocodile"

The game "Crocodile" is optimally suited for a home holiday. Guests are divided into 2 groups. The representative of the enemy team must intelligibly show his participants the monster or a specific mystical character that the opponents have conceived: goblin, brownie, kikimora, etc. The main thing is not to speak at the same time and not to make suggestive sounds.

Halloween Contest "Pop the Pumpkin"

This competition is best planned in advance. You will need 30 orange balloons, a kilogram of sweets, a black marker and a hairpin. Before inflating the balloons, you need to put 2-3 candies into them. Then, on the finished balls, you need to draw stripes with a black marker (like a pumpkin) and hang the "vegetables" from the ceiling or wall. During the competition, the organizer asks participants questions about fairy-tale characters and cartoon episodes. Players who give the correct answer burst one "pumpkin" each and take a sweet prize that has fallen from the inside.

Halloween contests at school for children

  • competition for the best costume of evil spirits made from natural materials, recycled materials, etc.;
  • competition for the perfect Jack-o'-Lantern;
  • competition for the knowledge of negative heroes and mystical characters;
  • competition for the most suitable recipe for a themed feast, etc.

But there are other Halloween activities that do not require prior preparation.

Contest on Halloween at the school "Wandering Light"

The participants of the game sit in a circle, one of the players picks up the Jack-O-Lantern. The leader turns on a slow gloomy melody and the children begin to pass the "light" in a circle from hand to hand. Then the music stops and the player in whose hands the lamp remains is out. The winner is the last participant left on the mat.

Halloween contest at the school "Take care of your eyes"

The host recruits 2 teams of 5 people each, then gives them a teaspoon and an "eye" (a tennis ball with a drawn pupil). The teams line up, the first pair of participants puts "eyes" in their spoons and tries to overcome with inventory 10 -meter distance. Then the spoon is passed to the second participant, etc. If the "eye" falls out of the spoon, the player will have to return to their original position and start over. The team whose participants finish the difficult relay race first will win.

Funny Halloween contests at school for teenagers (high school students)

It used to be that on Halloween (October 31), disturbed spirits, goblins and demons could easily come to the material human world. This is probably why people in Western countries dress up for the holiday in scary costumes and go from house to house in search of food to appease all evil spirits. In our area, such traditions are not supported. Instead of begging in other people's houses, people arrange fun activities for children, teenagers and adults with an abundance of active games and entertaining games. Among all the existing entertainment, fun Halloween contests for teenagers are especially popular.

Competition for high school students "Mummy"

For the contest you will need 4-6 rolls of toilet paper. Participants are divided into pairs. Each duet consists of a mummy and an Egyptian. As soon as the hosts turn on the music, the Egyptians start wrapping their mummies in toilet paper. The one who completes the task first will win.

Competition for teenagers "Try to show!"

  • scream like a victim from the movie "Scream",
  • pretend to be a hungry zombie
  • give a vampire bite to a neighbor in the game.

The winner is determined by the applause of the audience for a perfectly executed phantom!

Competition for high school students "Dead Man's Eyes"

To participate in the competition, you need 2 teams of 6 people, as well as 2 empty pumpkins and 50 "eyes" from ping-pong balls. One participant from each team will be the catcher with an empty pumpkin in his hands. The rest are throwers. They will have to collect "eyes" from a common basket and throw them into the gourd of their catcher from a distance of 5 meters. The team with the most "dead man's eyes" in their pumpkin will win.

Funny Halloween contests for students in the club

Students are an unusual people, always thirsty for bread and circuses. funny contests on Halloween for students in the club can be associated with food and drink. For example, competitions in the quick drinking of Bloody Mary or the speed eating of crackers in the form of witch fingers. Or you can completely move away from student "manners" and choose contests for the entertainment program from the genre of joke games and practical jokes. Young people will be happy to be the center of attention and laugh at their fiasco with joy!

"Blow the ball" - a competition for students in the club

The host sits two participants at the table opposite each other, and puts a balloon in the middle. The players are blindfolded and offered to blow the ball to the opponent's side. As soon as the participants' eyes are closed, the ball is changed to a plate of flour. Participants boldly blow on the table, unaware of the trick. Both win the competition. Let the symbolic reward be a consolation for the curious appearance spoiled with flour.

"Merry Path" - Halloween competition for students in the club

For the competition, it is necessary to collect expensive items from all those present: phones, watches, gold bracelets, leather wallets, car keys, etc. The host lays out wealth in front of the audience, forming a kind of path. Then the selected participant is blindfolded, and expensive things are carefully replaced with primitive plastic glasses, napkins, juice boxes, etc. The participant must not be aware of the substitution. He has to walk along the path, assuming that all expensive things are in their places. Spectators are encouraged to accompany the process with theatrical "aahs" and "oahs". So the picture of a frightened pedestrian will look even funnier.

The Best Halloween Contests for an Adult Party

Fun party- this is a good way to get rid of tension, relieve stress and cheer yourself up. And if the occasion to gather all close people in one company is shrouded in mysticism and mysterious mystery, it is doubly pleasant to celebrate it. Today, All Saints' Eve is presented with outlandish carnival movements, and a parade of costumes copied from the plots of popular horror films. The spectacle is bright, but short. For a grandiose Halloween, a magnificent entourage and an unusual menu are not enough. It is very important to prepare a quality entertainment program with the best competitions for halloween for adult party.

"Dancing on a broomstick" - competition for an adult party

Since the holiday is dedicated to all kinds of evil spirits, the dance competition will not do without a Vedic broom. Each participant needs to perform the most incredible choreographic composition to popular tracks, using a broom instead of a pole. The winner will be the hero whose dance will most closely match the theme of the event.

"Death walks between us" - competition for an adult party

To participate in the game, the leader selects 10 people. Each player is given a folded piece of paper, one of which has a cross drawn on it. Participants silently look at their leaves, then go behind the screen. A player with a cross on a piece of paper approaches any of the participants and puts his hands on his shoulders. He lets out a yelp in response and falls to the floor. Then the remaining participants are re-distributed papers and the process continues according to the known scheme. The winner is the only remaining player. He also receives an award in the form of symbolic candies or a themed souvenir.

"Visiting Vampires" - competition for an adult party

The number of players is not limited. Each participant is given a piece of paper on which to write a couple of body parts. For example: heel-shoulder, eyebrow-back or eye-belly. Then all the pieces of paper are mixed in a deep hat and the participants take turns pulling out their pair. The first player stands in the middle of the room in a comfortable position. The second must touch the first with that part of the body that is indicated on its leaf. For example: with your heel to the shoulder of the first participant. Then the third player continues the chain in the same way. He will have to touch his eyebrow to the back of the second. Etc. The task is to build the longest possible chain. At the beginning of the game, the participants can be divided into 2 teams in order to eventually determine whose chain is longer.

Halloween contests for children, teenagers, students and adults are always a fun and active pastime. It is impossible to imagine a full-fledged program for the holiday of all devils and witches without humorous Halloween games for a school, club, home party.

Contests for Halloween No. 1 "Quiz". (all participate) (10 pcs.)

  1. What is the difference between the Halloween table in Europe and in the USA? (In America, more and more people treat themselves to sweets, and in Europe they confine themselves to bread and water - they commemorate the departed).
  2. In which country, instead of a pumpkin, paper "boats of fate" are made on this day? (In China)
  3. Since what year did Halloween begin to be celebrated in the United States (since 1846).
  4. What is another name for Halloween? (Night of floating apples)
  5. How can you protect yourself from evil spirits on the eve of All Saints' Day? (put on a mask)
  6. What was the original name of the holiday? ("Saman's Vigil")
  7. What do girls usually do on Halloween night? (guessed)
  8. Among which nations did Halloween first originate? (Celts: Bretons, Gauls, Scots and Irish)
  9. In what two parts was the year divided according to the Celtic calendar and in what months did they begin? (dark (winter) - October-November, light (summer) - March-April)
  10. In what century did Pope Boniface IV approve November 1st as All Saints' Day? (7th century)

Competition No. 2 "Sayings" (3 people from each team participate).

(Sayings 6 pcs.: 1) Appetite comes with eating, 1) Eyes are afraid, but hands do, 1) He does not make mistakes who does nothing, 2) “There is fish for fishlessness and cancer, 2) How many wolves do not feed, looks into the forest anyway, 2) Do not judge, but you will not be judged.) (3 pcs.)

Each participant is given a piece of drawing paper and a bright marker, as well as a card with a saying. In 2 minutes, players must depict the meaning of their saying without using words and letters. Then each artist presents his masterpiece to his team, and guess the encrypted concept. The winner is the team that guessed their sayings faster.

Halloween Contests #3 Dead Man's Eye.

Each team lines up in a chain, the participants are given a spoon with a dead man's eye. The task, the players need to use a spoon, but without the help of hands, to run with an eye around the chips and pass it to another participant. Whose team passes the test the fastest is the winner.

Competition number 4 "Guess the phrase."(4 people from the team participate, 1 guy and 3 girls)

(The phrase "Come home with me, I have Lollipop")

The guys must mimic and gesture the phrase that the presenter has thought of, and the girls, in turn, must guess. The task is to guess the phrase, whose team guesses it faster, that one is the winner.

Contests for Halloween No. 5 "Web".

Each team lines up in a chain, the participants are given a long rope. The task is to pass the rope between everyone, i.e. the first participant begins to thread the rope through the clothes from top to bottom, the next one from bottom to top, and so on by analogy. The winner is the team where each participant passed the rope through himself.

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Competition No. 6 "Broken Fax".(participate 8 people from the team)

(draw a carved pumpkin)

Each participant is given a sheet of A4 format, the team captains are given a felt-tip pen. The participants of both teams line up in a chain one after another, the order is a boy girl (if possible). Team captains stand at the beginning of the chain, each participant leans his sheet against the back of the next player. Task, the team captain receives a task from the leader, it is necessary to draw a drawing on an A4 sheet, which is leaning against the back of the next participant, the other must feel and repeat, the last one in the chain draws on the back of the team captain. The winner is the team that, on the last sheet, the drawing will closely resemble the original.

Contests for Halloween No. 7 "Milking".(6 people from the team participate, 2 guys 2 girls)

Each team has two cows, boys act as cows, girls act as milkmaids. The task is to milk as much milk as possible, the winning team is determined by the amount of milk produced. The guys should get on all fours and hold a glove filled with milk in the form of an udder, and the girls, at the command of the leader, should milk as much milk as possible.


Competition number 8 "Count".(6 girls participate, 3 from each team)

Participants stand facing the audience. Behind each is a chair. A small number of items are placed discreetly on each chair. On command, all participants sit down and try to determine how many objects are on the chair. Looking and using hands is prohibited. The team with the most accurate number of items wins.

Halloween Contest #9 "Cold Banana".(4 girls participate, two from each team)

Each team has two bananas (no longer supplied). The task, the girls need to peel a banana and use it to eat ice cream, which is located in bowls. Whoever ate faster (more) is the winner, and a separate nomination for the most erotic eating is also awarded.

Competition No. 10 Competition "Sketch".(4 couples from each team participate)

(Pumpkin, lantern, broom, witch hat, mask, candy, skeleton, candle)

Several couples are called. Girls bend down, taking a "beautiful pose". But the bottom of the girls is a piece of paper that they hold with their hands. Young people hold a felt-tip pen between their legs, sit back and draw on a piece of paper, what the presenter has guessed, the task of the team players is to guess what is drawn on the sheets.


Competition No. 11 "Parts of the body."(all participate)

All participants receive small pieces of paper; each writes two words on a piece of paper: any two parts of the body. Any. For example, “ear - nose”, “eye - hand”. Then all the sheets are collected in a hat or bag.

Then the pieces of paper are taken out in turn for each specific player and read aloud. The task for the participants is to line up in a chain, touching each other with the indicated parts of the body and stand at least a little. Whoever manages to build a chain and stand longer in this position wins.

It was the final stage of the Halloween contests. Merry holiday!

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