Dragons dogma skills. Walkthrough Dragon's Dogma. Western TerritoryDragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Walkthrough

How to teleport? How to move fast in the game?

Fast travel in is carried out due to teleportation. In different places you can find low crystals sticking out of the ground. They're called Portcrystal(portal crystal) and are used a little differently than you might think. It is impossible to leave the location with the help of such a crystal, but you can move here if you use a special stone called Ferrystone (stone of movement). Open the "Tools" tab in your inventory to find those transfer stones. Use one of them to get to one of the portal crystals. After using such a crystal, it will disappear. For each fast travel, you will have to spend one crystal.

How to change class?

After you create a character, you will need to upgrade his class to level 10. Until this moment, you will not be able to change the class of your hero. Be careful! This refers to the leveling of the class, and not the level of the player himself - these are two completely different parameters.

As soon as your character is level 10, then go to the tavern "Gran Soren", in the capital. It is in this place that it will be possible to change the character class to any other.

You need to talk with the owner of the tavern and select the dialogue branch "professions". After that, select any desired class. Depending on which class you choose, changing it will cost you 1000-1500 experience points. You pay 1000 points for choosing a base class, and about 1500 points for choosing an advanced class.

Remember that when you change a character's class, you leave its level at the same value. In this case, the hero will forget most of his skills. Only basic offensive skills and passive skills will remain. You will have to download your hero with a new class almost from scratch. In this case, the level of the class that you retrained (that is, the previous class) remains at the same value. That is, if you change the class in the opposite direction, then it will be the same level.

How to change appearance?

As you progress through the game, you'll get several options to change your character's appearance. Go to the capital "Gran Soren" and find a hairdresser there, where you can change the appearance of the hero in a moderate way - hairstyle, makeup, mustache, etc. If you want to change the character's appearance globally, you will have to use an item called Art of Metamorphosis (The Art of Metamorphosis). It is used once in the entire game!

On the other hand, after completing the main story campaign, you will receive the item Secret of Metamorphosis (Secret of Metamorphosis). More precisely, it will be possible to use this item, which will need to be bought by Jonathan at the location "Camp" (The Encampment).

Which class is better to choose?

To understand which class is better, you need to play for each of them. At the same time, in a particular case, for a particular player, completely different professions will be the best class, because everyone has a different playing style. For example, here is our top list of classes by their strength:

  • In ninth place mages which you shouldn't rely too much on. This class is mainly used for team healing (as a support player). Even if you have one of the strongest staffs in the game in your hands, it is pointless to attack opponents with it. It is better to use it exclusively for team support.
  • In eighth place wizards. On the one hand, the class seems to be strong, but, on the other hand, it is not without reason that it is in the eighth position in the rating. Managing a wizard is a dangerous and difficult task. For most gamers, swordsmen and dagger fighters will be closer, since it is easier to fight with their help. Wizards are best used as support fighters. The arsenal of this class is replete with impressive spells to attack. If you use the wizard as the main character, then remember the weaknesses: low mobility and minimal defense. Use the spells "Storm", "Earthquake", "Falling Meteorites".
  • In seventh place is warrior. This is a strong character, but again with a low level of mobility. High attribute values, excellent skills, the ability to knock down big opponents... This class is suitable for people who play at a low level of difficulty, who do not pay attention to small details and flaws.
  • In sixth place is fighter. Again - it remains a great option for lovers of the plot, and not serious tests. Of the main skills, it is worth noting "Dragon's Mouth" and "Divine Protection".
  • In fifth place is strider, which can be called a unique class. His strength is in bows and daggers. Do not forget about the huge number of skills. Excellent attributes will help in battles with strong opponents. High mobility of the character, use of a bow and high accuracy shots.
  • In fourth place is ranger. This is one of the best classes, but the disadvantage is the lack of a choice of skills related to wielding a dagger. The warrior is focused on long-range combat. The best option- the use of a bow. Fortunately, rangers have a lot of skills for such weapons. It is best to pay attention to the skills "Crawling Arrow" and "Strong Gust". By using both of these perks, your character will be virtually invulnerable. In addition, you can kill a huge number of opponents.
  • In third place is mystical knight. The uniqueness of this class lies in the use of staves, which are not so easy to fight with. Using the skills of the character, you attack opponents directly in the area (Stone forest) or inflict remote strikes (Magic weapons). The most incomparable skill is "Dark Enchantment". It not only destroys opponents, but also increases cutting damage. The skill allows you to restore health and create impenetrable protection.
  • In second place - magic archer. Use bow and daggers. But still, the uniqueness of the class lies in the magical damage. You will have a huge variety of skills to use.
  • The best class is assassin. He can use a sword with a shield, a bow, daggers in battle. His skills are so diverse that they allow you to act as you please. Assassin gear provides high level protection.

How to dodge? How to make a transition? How to do somersault?

In order for your character to dodge, you need to learn a special skill. Without it, there is no need to talk about any rifts. Go to the skill window and find a skill called Forward Roll (Roll forward). After you study it, you will have the opportunity to make rolls. The description of the skill has all the necessary information.

How to lure a griffin?

In accordance with one of the tasks, you will have to take part in the hunt for a griffin. Leave the capital, moving through the gate in the southwest, where you will meet an army of knights. Travel with them to their destination. You will see a marked place on the ground. Approach him and place the bait.

Goblin corpses are suitable as bait, which you can kill on a rock nearby. Wait for the griffin to appear and fly up to the bait. Attack him as soon as he is near the ground. If the griffin flies away, then repeat the action with the bait.

How to earn money?

So, one of the achievements of the game involves earning 10,000,000 gold. The amount is impressive, but if you know the easiest and fast way earnings, there is nothing wrong with it. To get started, complete tasks until you have at least 30-100 thousand gold. Together with the starting capital, go to Kassardis. Hand over all the inventory there, free the inventories of three pawns. When all the characters are empty, go to the store (having opened the map, look for the image of the "bag" on it). Get with all the money that you have (as long as the inventory allows) a carrot.

After that, go to sleep. Sleep three times for 24 hours! A regular carrot that you buy for 75 gold will turn into a moldy carrot. Such carrots can be sold to a weapons store. The cost of a carrot will be 182 coins! Thus, you will more than double your invested money.

How to get out of prison? How to escape from prison?

If you ended up in jail while completing the Arousing Suspition quest, then wait for the duchess to come to you. She will apologize and hand over the key. Use it to open the prison cell on the right side and get out of the prison.

In rare cases, when you are thrown into a cell, lockpicks remain in your inventory (if you had a huge amount of them). Use them to open the cell doors. Lockpicks can be easily and simply created from shackles and a piece of ore. Both of these items are easy to find in prison. You will need at least two lockpicks.

But the easiest way to get out of prison is to pay a bribe.

How to set the difficulty level?

The game has no difficulty levels. If you feel that you cannot pass this or that location, then return to the previous one, follow side quests and other tasks to level up your hero and acquire better pawns.

How to catch a thief?

In Cassaridis, you need to complete a quest related to the capture of a thief. To catch a thief, there are several options:

  1. Wait for him in the tavern. As soon as the thief opens the door, run up to him and stun him.
  2. You can try to catch him in the narrow alley that goes towards the church. Wait for the thief around the corner. He will return this way.
  3. By the way, chasing him is completely optional. You can attack when he runs past you. Don't be afraid: hit him 1-2 times to knock him down.
  4. The Strider can perform a quick lunge to attack the enemy. So you hurt the thief, but not kill.

How to heal pawns?

To heal pawns, you must move the potion to the inventory of the selected companion and use it from there. But the easiest way is to treat the entire squad at the same time, using special potions that can be found in locations or bought from merchants. Here are the names of some potions: "Soft perfume", "Mineral water", "Beer grass".

How to get wakestone?

Wakestone is a stone that allows you to revive the main character of the game. To collect one such stone, you will need to find three of its fragments, which are called Wakestone Shard.

AT a certain moment game you will have a quest, according to which it will be necessary to collect 20 wakestone (stones). So you will need to jump into a huge hole located in the city. At the same time, during the fall, cling to the ledges. After that, clear the dungeon and collect the required number of fragments (or stones).

How to get ore?

There are a huge number of mines in the mountains. Just buy a trigger from a merchant and go in search of mines. You won't have to search long!

How to sleep?

You can rest in the bed of your home. The fact is that night is the most dangerous time of day in the game. You must plan your journey so that you are in your bed before nightfall. On the other hand, you can take risks if your character and pawn levels allow it.

There are two camps where you can rest (sleep). One is up north to the right of the path leading to the Griffin Tower. The second camp is located in the part of the map where the thieves guild is. Right next to the lake!

What color are the main tasks?

In this case, we are probably talking about markers of various NPCs that you will meet in the game. They can be of the following colors:

  • Green - the character has a task for you.
  • Red - this character must be spoken to in order to advance storyline, he has information or a story quest for you.
  • Yellow - the character is associated with one of the quests in progress.
  • Blue - you need to talk to this character in order to complete the quest, which you have almost completed (it remains to turn in the quest).

How to run fast?

A character's movement is affected by his class, workload, and equipment. It is clear that a fighter in heavy armor will move much more slowly than an assassin. You can increase the speed of movement by reducing the inventory, as well as by using passive skills related to leg strength.


Dragon's Dogma is much deeper than it might seem at first glance. The game is full of non-obvious nuances and mechanics. At the same time, often when you learn something, it turns out that it's too late. In this guide, I want to give some advice to those who is starting to master this wonderful game, but perhaps veterans will also find something interesting in it.

I will update this guide as I progress through the game and new interesting information appears.

Game setup

This information will be useful to those who play with the keyboard.

Items can be assigned to keys 1-5 for quick use(only from the category "Curatives" plus Lantern. Simply select the desired item and press the number.

The inventory access key (default I) when exiting the menu (using ESC) allows you to quickly save the game without going to the Save / Quit submenu.
Of course, these are obvious things, but I did not immediately notice them.

Now for the not-so-obvious things. Some keys have duplicate keys that are not marked in any way, but are more convenient than the default ones.
ins = ctrl
Shift (default) allows you to change targets when casting spells.
Caps Lock - switch between walking and jogging

In addition, I personally found it convenient to reassign the inventory from "I" to "Tab". Thus, all control is concentrated under the left hand.

Of the other settings, over time, I wanted to turn off keyboard hints (they are remembered quickly, but take up a decent piece of the screen) and the cinematic camera (which at the most inopportune moment focused on a pawn that was lucky enough to grab someone there).

Character Creation

Unlike many other games where the appearance of the hero does not affect anything, in DD already at this stage there are a couple of parameters that have the most direct impact on gameplay.


The higher the hero, the:
  • more than his weight
  • longer than his legs and speed of movement (but not sprinting)
  • longer than his arm and wider swing of the weapon (greater radius)
  • a lantern hangs higher and you can go deeper into the water without extinguishing it
It is easier for tall heroes to jump to high ledges (not verified?), and low ones can slip between the legs of some giant monsters (such as cyclops) and penetrate into places with a low ceiling.

This is one of the key parameters. The weight of the hero determines his physique, and it in turn affects a number of parameters.

Character weight


Stamina recovery

Stamina costs

Movement speed

Knockdown resistance

Carried weight (max)

very light

very fast

very low

very heavy

very low

The maximum carry weight, in turn, determines the limits of the character's workload. In total there are 6 degrees of workload - very light, light, medium, heavy, very heavy and overload. The more loaded the character is, the faster he spends stamina and the longer it takes to restore it. Also, workload affects the speed of the sprint.

The heavier the hero, the:

  • he has more stamina
  • larger than its size (hitbox) and the probability of catching a hit
  • better resistance to loss of balance (stagger) and knockdown (knockdown)
  • faster it activates the pressure plates
  • harder for monsters to lift it into the air
  • it’s easier for him to knock down and press the monster to the ground with his own weight
As the game progresses, there will be several ways to change the character's appearance. Cosmetic changes can be made multiple times at the hairdresser in Gran Soren (hair, make-up, etc.). You can completely change the character's appearance with the help of Art of Metamorphosis (once per game) and Secret of Metamorphosis (only available after completing the main story) items - they are sold by Johnathan in The Encampment.

Character Development - Options

There are two different levels in the game - character level and class level. Experience to increase them is given for killing monsters and completing quests. The maximum character level is 200, the maximum class level is 9.

The game has six main parameters.

  • Health (Health or HP)
  • Stamina or endurance (Stamina)
  • Strength (Strength) - increases physical damage
  • Magic (Magick) - increases magic damage
  • Protection (Defense) - protects against physical damage
  • Magic Defense - Protects against magic damage
The main parameters increase automatically when the character level increases, depending on the current class. Each class has its own increments. At the same time, they also change depending on the level - the thresholds are as follows: up to level 10, from 11 to 100 and from 101 to 200 levels. For example, here is a comparative table of increasing the main parameters by class for level 20.

Level 20


Magic Defense

There are whole strategies - which class in which range of levels you need to play in order to get a character with an ideal set of parameters in the end. My advice - if you're playing for the first time, then play with whom you like best and how you want - get more fun. Leave the ideal characters for later playthroughs. Well, here is a link to if you want to try it.

Character development - classes

In total, the game has 9 classes - three basic, three advanced and three hybrid. The first 10 character levels you will play as one of the main classes. After reaching level 10, the class can be changed to any other in the Gran Soren Hotel.

The choice of class affects the following:

  • the value of the increase in the main parameters when obtaining a character level
  • a set of weapons and armor that can be used
  • set of skills that can be learned
Each class has its own level, which is pumped regardless of the level of the character. When changing a class, you need to upgrade its level again, but if you return to the previous class again, then the level will be the one that was reached last time. With each new class level, new skills become available for learning. There are nine class levels in total.

Introduction. What is included in the guide and what is not.

This guide contains the best leveling methods that I know (Most likely, I know everything, and the best ones are collected here).

The guide contains spoilers: bosses and stages of the game.

If you play this game first, most likely you should not use this guide. Adventure is more interesting than grinding, right?
I advise you to use this guide only if you are faced with something/someone that is insurmountable and you cannot continue the game (For example, a strong boss).
In this case, a set of levels will help you, and how to do it the fastest is written here.

The guide does not describe pumping from the very first level, for example, kill 15 goblins, get level 2, go there, and so on. You will have to walk to the city and the Great Wall by yourself. But it doesn't seem to be difficult.
However, the guide contains "advanced game basics" for beginners.

Much of what is written assumes that it is being read. experienced players and not absolute beginners. Abbreviations are included just in case, but if you don't understand something, ask a question in the comments.


Just in case, I write abbreviations from the guide. If you don't understand a word, look here.
Passive - Augment
trash- ordinary monsters
Hyde- management
Skill - skill, ability
Pawns- Pawns. Your companions
Light Enchantment - Holy Affinity or Blessed Trance- Sorcerer/Mage or Mystic Knight skill.
Quest- Quest - Quest
Escort- Escort task
Pharm- Doing the same thing for a long time to get some benefit
Portcrystal- Creates a fast travel point with Ferrystone. Where to get:
Hardmode - Hard Mode- Hard mode. More information on hardmode:
buff- Active beneficial effect
post game = post-game= post-game - The second part of the game, after killing the Dragon
Duke- Duke Edmun Dragonsbane. local "king"
Loot - prey
BBI - BitterBlack Island - Island.
Milishnik- Profession for close combat, no ranged combat at all.

Tips for classes.

Here are the most powerful skills of all classes. Read them if you have trouble killing those who are stronger than you.
Fighter and Warrior are missing because I didn't kill bosses with them, and didn't play much with them at all. Also, these classes are ineffective against Ur, Daimon, and even more so, Death, so I don’t see the point in writing about them.

Focused Bolt (Hold the attack button) with light enchantment - an incredibly strong attack with minimal cost.
Enhanced by the Ferocity passive.

Six / Ninefold Bolt, or Explosive Rivet / Volley + 4 Demon's periapt or 4 Magic Rebalancer.
Ricochet Hunter - One of the best skills in the game for BBI.

Great cannon with enchantment, can be with abyssal anguish.
Great damage, but takes a long time to prepare.
Can use a staff and a light-enchanted focused bolt to clear trash quickly.
Enchantment lasts less than mages, but massive.

Gale Harness' Fivefold Flurry of Gale Harness' Periapt Explosive Arrows is the strongest attack in the game, aside from the hulking Warrior - Arc of Obliteration skill, which also takes 10 seconds to charge. I recently smashed 8 health bars to Death in one fight with this skill (Fivefold Flurry).
The Masterful Kill skill can avoid dangerous situations. While the skill animation is going on, you are invulnerable.

You can load up your pawns with explosive arrows to carry even more.

Skull Splitter - when the enemy is in melee range, and Fivefold Flurry of explosive periaptal arrows when far away or melee is dangerous.
You can steal from prisoners Gorecyclops. For one skill, you take 4 things from them. When you re-enter the location, things are updated and you can steal them again. So you can sometimes get Cursed Gear lvl3.

Tenfold Flurry with the same Explosive Arrows and Periapts. Since it takes 10 arrows per shot, make sure you don't suddenly run out of arrows.

Basics everyone should know.

To use the guide and understand what is here in question, read these basics.

Weal is a buff that doubles experience gained per killing monsters. Items needed to get it are below. Use them when you are one step away from killing the boss, because the effect lasts 5 minutes, and doubles the experience if you killed the monster while under the effect of the buff. You don't have to be buffed for the entire fight.

Attack Boost

Demon "s Periapt / Conquerer" s Periapt (Periapts) - consumable items that increase magical / physical damage, respectively. The maximum attack will be achieved by using four pieces. The optimal amount you should carry around just in case is 16 for BBI and optionally more than 8 for the rest of the game.
Can be bought from Fournival (Merchant from Gran Soren, who lives in a mansion next to the palace) in unlimited quantities.

Or, MF, this is an arrow that can be bought from the same Fornival, for 300,000.
Kills any monster except:

Grigori (Red dragon who stole your heart)
BBI bosses: Dark Bishop and Gazer
All of the above deals damage equal to one health bar.

Ur-Dragon - when hit in any heart, destroys it. Works with both offline and online versions.

Kills all other dragons if you hit them in the heart.

When hit by a monster, it spreads to those closest to it, 2 or 3 times.

The game auto-saves when you shoot this arrow. When you download the game, you won't have it. Will have to buy.

Fornival can only sell one arrow. Only one arrow can exist in one world. After shooting, Fornival makes another one and you can immediately buy it.

If you make a copy in Black Cat, kill she is WILL NOT.

Godsbaning - When you use Godsbane and kill yourself after saving. Used to pick up the loot you need from chests, when clearing, and so on.

Where to get explosive arrows

A merchant in Gran Soren named Camellia, who is to the left of the blacksmith shop, sells Blast Arrow in unlimited quantities.
Or Aestella from Cassardis, whose shop you can see when leaving the tavern, in front, on the left. It also has an unlimited supply of arrows.
Also, the following NPCs sell these arrows, but their supply is limited:
Jayce in Devilfire Grove
Mathias at the Greatwall Encampment.

Method 1. Lv 10+

So, you can't advance further in the story, and you need to pump up.
I bring to your attention the first method: lich.
Almost all experienced players know about this method. Here you can farm levels, and the level of the profession at any stage of the game.
Let go of the pawns in the riftstone, giving them fives, and throw your main pawn into the sea. If the auxiliary pawns are killed, and you sleep and contact the server, you will automatically give them triples, which their owners will not be happy about.
For each free pawn slot, you get a 25% XP bonus on kills. Maximum 75%. The same will happen if you take a pawn in the group 25 or more levels less than you. But in the first method, you will not need them, but rather ruin everything.
Go to the Greatwall, place a portcrystal there, sleep until nightfall, then advance towards marker 1 in the picture.
1 - Lich, 2 - Greatwall.
You will meet flying undead - LICH.
He summons a bunch of skeletons, each of which gives a lot of experience.
Naturally, you will have big problems killing them, so buy Throwblast and Dragon's spit from the Greatwall merchant. Gather them together, throw the explosives you bought at them. If you play on hardmode, bags of gold will fall from the skeletons . By 10 THOUSAND for every.
They will most likely kill you in one hit, so don't fight them, use whatever dirty tricks you can, from Mystic Knight's traps to ROCK-THROWING.

Lich casts 6 spells:
-Ball lightning
-poisonous cloud
-raise undead
-Red Anodyne - heals undead
-Maelstrom is a very rare cast. A hurricane that will kill you if you get caught. The cast time is very long, you will notice it inapplicably.

Skeletons are afraid of fire and light.

Don't kill the Lich anyway. If the Lich dies, sleep for 5 nights.

At sunrise, teleport to Greatwall, sleep until night.

Play hardmode for double experience. Stacks with the Weal buff. So, you will get 4 times more experience.
The buff is given by items: Piligrim's Charm, can be bought from Fournival or Barroch, Blessed Flower - Weal for in-game days. If you sleep, it will wither. Make a copy of it in Black Cat and put it in storage. So he won't fade. Also, it can wither if you take poison damage. You can get it by quest. More info.

When to switch to method 2

When you get the strength to get to the post-game (After killing the red dragon, Grisha. It has a characteristic green-black sky), transfer the world to the post-game. You will be able to use Option 1 in the post game as well, but Option 2 will give you a lot more experience if you can defeat the legendary Ur-Dragon. The recommended level is 80-90.

Method 2. Ur. 80+

This method gives more experience, but it is much more difficult. To access it, the game must be in the post-game phase.
A pit forms in the city, Everfall. Jump into it and look for a ledge at number 8, LAMENT, as shown in the picture.

As you fly by, press R2/RT to grab the ledge. Before you can access all of Everfall, you must kill a trial Evil boss eye. Kill him and re-enter the arena.
Before entering the arena, make sure that the connection settings (Connectivity) is OFFLINE to fight the offline version of the boss. You will not be able to kill the online version, and even if you can, you will get the same amount of experience.
Exit back to the pit, and enter back into the Chamber of Lament. You will now spawn in the huge Ur-Dragon boss arena.
Dragon Slaying Guide(Eng):
In short - the dragon has many hearts, and they form its flesh. When you destroy a heart, it explodes and drops loot, and the area that the heart was responsible for becomes invulnerable (Dead). Destroy all the hearts and the boss dies.

Farm Boost

If you are on NG+, a special stone will appear on the beach in the starting village, transporting you to the Chamber of Lament, regardless of whether you are in the post-game or not. It greatly speeds up farming, since you don’t need to sleep in the tavern, but you just need to re-enter the stone. The stone is shown in the screenshot:

If you are tired of farming Ur-Dragon, walk around Everfall. There will be less experience, but more interesting.

When to start method 3

Level up to the point where you are sure that you can single-handedly kill both forms of the Daimon. The recommended level is 100-120. Depending on your class and your skill.
When you get too little levels per kill Hooray, proceed to method 3.

Method 3. Ur. 120+

This method is farming Daimon. Go for it ONLY when you can kill it ALONE. If you can't kill him, or it's too hard/long, upgrade to extra. method 2. Killing Daimon on hardmode with Weal active (I don’t remember, solo, or with 3 pawns) gave me a total of 1.2 million experience, if I didn’t mix anything up.


Start running the BBI. Kill the Eye and the Priest, then the Daimon. Enter the post Daimon, kill the first two again. open short stroke after the Priest, behind the door on the right. You should now be able to quickly cycle through the farming below because you'll be starting from the room after that boss.

GRACE - Very important for passing speed, as it allows you to not take damage when falling from certain heights.
-Dexterity - Climb objects faster.
-Sinew/Leg Strength - Increased carry weight and thus speed.
-Athletism - Reduced stamina cost while running. You will run a lot, so it does not hurt.

Pharma cycle

You RUSH to Daimon. This means that you IGNORE EVERYTHING , except for some places with loot at your discretion.
Enter through which path and go into the next room. Then follow the path in the screenshots, along the way collecting loot that you find useful.
Conv. designations:
Red - Main path. Try not to turn away from it.
Green - The best loot I know. It is desirable to collect it.
Blue - Loot of dubious quality.
Pink - Optional path. The last screenshot is dangerous enemies.

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen for PC is the same great game, which was released on PS3 in 2013, but now with a number of visual enhancements. Those who haven't played Dark Arisen before will be able to experience one of the best action RPG games in the recent years.

In the very beginning, the game offers you to create a character. You can choose one of the three basic classes, or vocations as they are called in the game, and the n learn new, more exciting and challenging classes. After you learn the basics of the gameplay, you will be able to switch between classes at any time.

The game has three Basic vocations: Fighter, Strider, and Mage. These can be changed or improved to Advanced vocations: Warrior, Ranger, and Sorcerer. The last tier of classes is called Hybrid vocations, which includes Mystic Knight, Magick Archer, and Assassin.

As you accomplish quests and various tasks, you will earn discipline points(DCP) that will allow you to upgrade your characters to Advanced classes. However, Hybrid classes are only available to your main hero Arisen.

You can learn all the most important features of each vocation in the following class tier list.

Basic vocations


Primary weapon: Sword
Secondary weapon: Shield
Primary stat: Strength
Primary type of armor: Heavy

Fighters are excellent defenders for the whole party due to their heavy armor and shield. Use this character to protect your Mages and Rangers.

Best skills

If you want to have an effective Fighter in your party, then be sure to invest in his Sheltered Assault skill. This ability allows your character to protect himself using a shield and at the same time deal a series of super strong attacks.

Additionally, you need to learn how to use Perfect Block with your shield that also deals damage while protecting you.


  • Fighters can be sent right into the battle with their heavy sword that can deal a lot of physical damage.
  • They can also effectively deal with flying enemies by luring them with their shield.
  • Their defense stats can be upgraded very quickly, thus making them extremely resistant against all sorts of melee damage.


  • Fighters are very vulnerable to Magick attacks, thus it's important to have a healing-focused character in your party.
  • This type of character has absolutely no way to deal a ranged type of damage.
  • Heavy armor and weaponry make them very slow, so dodging won't be too effective with Fighters.

Primary weapon: Daggers
Secondary weapon: Shortbow
Primary stat: Strength
Primary type of armor: Light

Striders are extremely fast, dangerous and versatile characters. Their weapons are very light and can quickly deal a lot of physical damage.

Best skills

Sometimes it's very important to distract your enemies from damaging your party, so it is highly important to upgrade Strider's Dazzle Blast skill.

Another great skill to have is Ensnare and its upgraded version called implicate- they will allow your character to reflect multiple attackers simultaneously.

The last most important skill is Master Thief, which makes item stealing quick and easy.


  • This class is very agile and has plenty of dodging tricks up his sleeve.
  • Striders, unlike other characters, can climb giant enemies and hit them in their weakest spots.
  • They can move quickly and shoot arrows at the same time, which makes them both a hard target and a dangerous foe.


  • Unlike Fighters, Striders are vulnerable to both Magick and Melee damage.
  • Striders are not very strong against powerful enemies; however they can effectively deal with a whole group of smaller enemies.
  • Because this is a basic class, the ranged abilities of their Shortbow are still quite limited in comparison to other classes.

Primary Weapon: Staff
Primary stat: Magick

Mage is a perfect choice if you wish to control the battlefield with powerful Magick abilities.

Best skills

One of the most important skills for Mage class is Levitate that allows you character to freely ascend and descend from greater heights. This will become very useful, as you will find yourselves in places that are hard to reach, but not when you have Levitate.

Another one is Anodyne- it's a health recovery spell that will come in handy during battles.


  • Mages specialize in healing abilities, which may be of great benefit to your other party members that absorb most of the damage.
  • Their healing ability also deals damage to undead enemies.
  • They can enchant the weapons of other party members and make them deal more damage.


  • Physically, Mages are extremely weak and can be killed with a few strikes.
  • They also have a very low health and the lowest stamina of all other classes.
  • Mages become super vulnerable when they get enchanted with the Silence spells or weapons, and as a result, they will not be able to cast spells of their own anymore.

advanced vocations


Primary weapons: Longswords, Warhammers
Primary stat: Strength
Primary type of armor: Very Heavy

If you want to deal damage… a lot of damage, then you should pick up a Warrior vocation.

Best skills

One of Warrior's main skills is War Cry - a wave of energy that attracts enemies from afar. This should be used to distract enemies from other, more vulnerable party members and instead make them attack your Warrior that can easily withstand most of the threats.


  • Warriors can wield massive two-handed swords that inflict excruciating damage to a number of foes simultaneously.
  • Their armor is so strong that even the hardest of the hits won't be able to knock them down.
  • This class has the highest level of health of all other classes.


  • Just like Fighters, Warriors are very slow due to their heavy armor and weapons.
  • They also can't utilize any sorts of shields, which makes their defense abilities arguable and they have to solely rely on their health points.
  • Warriors have a very low reach and can't deal with flying enemies unless they decide to float down.

Primary weapon: Daggers
Secondary weapon: Longbow
Primary stat: Strength
Primary type of armor: Light

Rangers mainly use longbows that can hit hard and far away. They can also effectively use their daggers against a group of melee enemies, just like Strider.

Best skills

This class has a lot of really valuable skills, so it's important to upgrade Ranger's abilities as much as you can. For example, Comet Shot is his most essential skill, as it allows the character to zoom in and hit the target with maximum precision.

Another one is Great Gamble, which lets you perform one super shot that basically consumes all your stamina, but may result in a complete defeat of a strong enemy.

Tenfold Flurry is also worth investing in, as it allows your Ranger to simultaneously shoot 10 arrows, thus dealing tons of damage.


  • They can equip a wide variety of arrows, such as Oil, Poison, Blast, Sleeper or Petrifying - all these have different effects and can be used in different situations for the best effect.
  • Warriors have the highest level of health, but Rangers have the highest stamina growth of all other classes.


  • Due to their relatively light armor and inability to protect themselves, Rangers tend to be vulnerable to heavy physical attacks.
  • Surprisingly, this class is not very fast and cannot properly escape both melee and ranged attacks, unlike Strider.
  • At times this class consumes too many stamina points.

Primary weapon: Archistaves
Primary stat: Magick
Primary type of armor: Spellcaster

Sorcerers are highly skilled and powerful mages with a wide set of abilities and tricks.

Best skills

The skill that is most worth investing in is Focused Bolt- a powerful charge of Magick that can deal huge amounts of damage.

One of their most powerful skills is Maelstrom that casts a dark whirlwind.

The other two worth mentioning are Gicel, which casts a spike of ice from the ground, and Bolide what makes meteors fall from the sky.


  • Just like Mages, Sorcerers can empower other characters' weapons and debuff those of their enemies.
  • They have a high resistance to any kind of Magick damage inflicted on them.
  • If you have more than one Sorcerer in your party, they can use an ability called Spell Synching, which allows them to synchronize their spells for a bigger impact.


  • Sorcerers can't heal or use any kind of recovery abilities, which is unfortunate.
  • All their other stats except Magick, such as Health, Stamina, and Defense are very low.
  • All their spells take a lot of time to cast, so take this into account.

Hybrid vocations

Mystic Knight

Primary weapons: Sword, Mace, Staff
Secondary weapon: Magick Shield
Primary stat: Magick
Primary type of armor: Medium

Mystic Knight is a combo of Warrior and Sorcerer, meaning he can both cast powerful spells and deal a lot of physical damage.

Best skills

His most useful skill is Reflect that allows Mystic Knight to counter spell damage and use it against the opponent.

Other great skills for Mystic Knight include Perilous Sigil that hits multiple enemies with a powerful wave of energy; Magick Cannon that casts a huge ball of energy; and Holy Furor that deals damage to all enemies within its range.


  • Notice that other Magick based characters in the game cannot wear shields, unlike Mystic Knight. His shield protects both from Magick and Physical damage.
  • Just like Mages and Sorcerers, Knight can enchant the weapons of other party members.
  • This class is very versatile and can be used in almost any kinds of situations due to its wide range of abilities.


  • Despite his great power, Mystic Knight's Magick powers can be silenced.
  • Even though his armor is not considered heavy, his movements are still quite limited in comparison to the classes wearing light types of armor.
  • Spell casting is just as slow as that of the Sorcerer class.
Magick Archer

Primary weapon: Daggers, Staff
Secondary weapon: Magick Bow
Primary stat: Magick
Primary type of armor: Any

Magick Archer does what the name of his class suggests - he shoots Magick arrows. On top of that, Magick Archer can equip almost any type of armor in the game, which is very convenient.

Best skills

For an impactful damage use Ninefold Bolt skill that allows you to shoot nine Magick arrows at a single target.

scene is another great skill to have - it casts a wave of energy, which saps the enemy's health.

Ricochet Seeker increases the power of an arrow as it ricochets off of a number of targets.


  • If there is a need to use daggers in close combat, then Magick Archer can wield them like no one else. Plus, his daggers are always enchanted.
  • This class can be very agile and fast on the battlefield, effectively utilizing double jumps or levitate ability.
  • Magick Archer is the best class for dealing with Living Armor- a huge enemy that most other classes will have trouble with.


  • Unlike Ranger, Magick Archers can't use any special types of arrows available in the game.
  • Due to Magick based abilities of their Longbow and Daggers, they deal Magick damage instead of Physical, which makes their effect quite limited.
  • The fire rate of arrows is also slower in comparison to other ranged classes.
  • The arrows shot from the Magick Longbow have the ability to track the target, but it is still less accurate than the precise aiming of the Ranger class.

Primary weapons: Sword, Daggers
Secondary weapons: Shield, Bow
Primary stat: Strength
Primary type of armor: Light

Assassin is the most versatile Hybrid vocation. This class can wield swords, daggers, shoot arrows and protect himself with a shield.

Best skills

Invisibility is Assassin's most useful skill. In addition to a full invisibility mode, your character will be completely immune to all types of damage.

Wind Harness allows Assassin to achieve a high speed movement providing a massive advantage during attacks.

This in combination with showdown skill makes the character both super fast and strong.

  • Assassin has a rich set of tools, such as toxins, explosives, poisons, etc.
  • Their main stat is Strength, and it has the highest Strength growthin the game making it a truly powerful class as you progress.
  • This class can effectively utilize Strength-based augments that can increase its power up to 80%.
  • Due to a wide range of abilities this class can sometimes be the hardest to play with.
  • Just like most Strength-based classes, Assassin is weak to Magick damage.

The combat in the game is action-oriented, and every battle is very dynamic, which requires the use of different approaches against your opponents. Thus, choose your character class wisely and always be well-prepared.

Tell us about your favorite class in Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen in the comments section below!

Dragon`s dogma game is a very interesting RPG, with good plot and beautiful battles. The only negative is the unwillingness of the creators to localize the game in Russian.

1st is good, but zerg is better

Not unimportant role in the game is played by assistants, whom we create ourselves, dress, choose a class for them, and wait for them to start helping. There are three assistants in total: the main one and 2 left ones, which must be changed with each new lvl or buy higher-level ones for fault points, which are sometimes given to us for mobs. It is interesting that the assistants we hire were created by another player. After we part with one or another assistant, we evaluate it, select a brief description and give some kind of item as a gift. Other players do the same with our assistant, if we deign to send him to "work".

Class selection

The game has a number of classes for which the main character can play. They swing when used (the more you wet the mobs with a warrior, the stronger and faster your attack, and so on). At the beginning, we are given the opportunity to choose one of three classes. Warrior, mage, or ranger (middle between an assassin and an archer). At the same time, unlike a number of other games, the class can be changed during the game. To do this, you just need to find a tavern and there, after talking with the NPC, which after a while will become commonplace for you (you always want to try to play someone else), you can choose one of a dozen classes: warrior, ranger, mage, tank with a two-handed sword, archer, archmage, assassin or archer-mage. More about each:

  • Warrior: armed with a sword and shield, shows himself well in close combat, distracts poor mobs while others try to fill them up.
  • Ranger: a certain "Legolas" armed with a bow and 2 daggers, normally fires at the enemy and just climbs onto the bosses perfectly, finding their weak spots.
  • Mage: carries a simple staff, most often a healer, can still throw fireballs at the enemy and buff weapons.
  • Tank: armed with a two-handed sword, a tank is essentially a tank in the game, but it’s better not to get hit by a sword.
  • Archer: already a true "Legolas" armed with a longbow and 2 daggers, perfectly makes "hedgehogs" out of enemies, showering them with showers of arrows.
  • Archmage: a reinforced magician who can no longer heal us, when leveling up, literally juggles enemies and sucks the life out of them with the help of an incomprehensible, but very beautiful red cloud, shoots 3 fireballs at once, which one-shots small mobs and decently ddshit bosses.
  • Assassin: armed with a sword or 2 daggers, and a bow or shield, he is excellent at distracting the enemy and cope with bosses.
  • Archer-mage: he carries a magic bow with which he destroys packs of annoying mobs.


The plot of the game is a bit confusing and unclear. The protagonist runs out to the beach, where a huge dragon falls on him, picks out his heart and begins to communicate with him telepathically. After talking with the dragon, our hero leaves his wife, picks up a sword, bow, or staff of his choice and goes on an adventure.

Battle time

Immediately, as soon as we leave the starting city, someone always strives to finish us off. At the same time, opponents depend on the time of day - where during the day we nailed a flock of other goblins, at night evil zombies will attack us and unobtrusively demand brains. The nature of the battles depends on how you formed your team of 4 (including yourself). Whether it will be a mess, a shooting range, or an "incendiary show" with the help of fireballs depends only on you. The game is surprising in that in addition to the fact that you can simply cut the enemy, you have several more opportunities to kill him. You can, for example, load small stubborn goblins on your shoulders and throw them into the gorge, or throw stones and vases, and if you caught the eye of a barrel of fuel, then no magicians are needed to make a gorgeous fire show. Also in Dragon`s dogma there is just a chic selection of different combos of attacks and spells that are opened and enhanced when leveling up the class.

New lvl. So, what is next?

When taking a new lvl, we are given points for which we can buy new combos. Strengthening stats and perhaps everything.

AAAA, this creature wants to eat me o_O

That was the thought that crossed my mind almost every time I saw the boss. The bosses in the game are the most diverse, and very annoying, and the battle with the boss is most often spontaneous, as they roam the map without a goal and randomly. The most annoying thing is that almost every boss just wants to eat you. So, for example, I was once swallowed by a hydra and I waited for 3 minutes until my brothers deigned to cut off her head, simultaneously arranging indigestion for her, climbing down her throat, simultaneously slashing her with dagger blows. We have to climb most of the bosses like some kind of mountain that always wants to throw you off and taste it. And all bosses have one weak point - the head. But how hard it becomes when this creature has several heads ...


For me, the game deserves 10 out of 10. And my advice to you is not to go into the caves just like that, just to see.