Dragon's dogma walkthrough. Passage for the game Dragon's Dogma. The capital of Gran SoredDragon "s Dogma: Dark Arisen. Walkthrough

“To kill the Dragon, the last incarnation of evil, a large army of soldiers was formed. But they failed to resist the terrible force, and they were defeated.

People can only hope for the chosen one and for those who followed this brave soul.

"The End at the Beginning" / "The end at the Beginning» is a prologue to the main story of the game.
This is the very first chapter in the game and is a kind of training level where the player gets acquainted with the delights of local control and the combat system.
Walking: W - forward

S - back

A - left

D - right

SHIFT - sprint

Battle: LMB - strike

PKM - strong blow

LCTRL and LALT - spec. attacks

A task: The chosen one is destined to challenge the dragon that destroys the land and keeps the inhabitants in fear. With the help of his trusty pawn, Shroud must fight his way through the Beast's lair before he encounters the fearsome creature.

- Chase the Dragon

- Confront the Dragon


The player controls Shroud, the Chosen One from the past, who travels to the Dragon's lair along with his main pawn, Salde. First, the player needs to get a lantern from the inventory, to view the inventory, press the I key on the keyboard, select the lantern in the items section and you can continue the journey

The prologue in the game is linear and it is almost impossible to get lost. After walking a little, you will see the Dragon, you don’t need to fight it yet, so let’s move on.

Along the way, we have a fight with several goblins, they are easy to defeat with regular blows, and our partner Salde can also grab them and this will give us a chance to finish off.
We go further through the dungeons, on the way we will meet another group of goblins. We go further and after the cut-scene, in the next room the Chosen One is attacked by a group of harpies, they can no longer be killed with ordinary blows, we apply special attacks to them. After this battle, Shroud will meet with Sir Palotti, who came to the aid of the heroes along with other knights. We go further and meet with the boss of the prologue - the Chimera.

The battle with her, whether you win or lose the duel, completes the prologue. easy way defeat her - climb on her and attack first the snake, then the goat and finally the lion.

Harbinger of Destruction

"Today, as always, the waves gently washed the shore next to a small village
The twin blessings of the warm sun and generous waves ensured a simple yet pleasant life. When all business is done, friends and families gather around the campfire to talk and laugh.

Are you sure it will always be like this?

First we need to go through the character creation process:

Additionally: hairstyle, body type, eye color, hair color, scar location, etc.

Now you can start the quest

Description: "Without any warning, the Dragon attacks the peaceful fishing village of Kassardis. Someone has to fight back."

Quest: Fight the Dragon

We watch a short cut-scene and now our hero has to fight the Dragon

This mini-quest is essentially a link between the two story cut-scenes. We inflict regular blows on the Dragon and do not forget to dodge in time, after the battle we watch the plot cut-scene. Mission completed. As in The end at the Beginning regardless of the outcome of the battle, the task will be considered completed.

Newly Arisen

After recovering from the fight with the dragon, the hero is invited to choose one of three factions


- Take a weapon

- Escape from

The task is very simple. First, take a weapon from the table to start choosing your calling.

There are only three of them:

- Warrior, whose weapons are swords and shields

- Wanderer, whose weapons are the bow and daggers

- Mage, whose weapon is a magic staff

Having chosen, we hasten to the door to complete the task. The fishing village of Kassardis becomes free to explore.

If you try to leave the room without choosing a faction three times, the game will automatically choose a calling for the player "Warrior"

Upon a Pawn


"You have met a pawn, a sorcerer from an unknown realm. Take the mysterious immortal to the camp."


- Lead the pawn to the camp, west of the village

- Protect the merchant from goblins (optional)


In this quest, the Chosen One needs to travel from Kassardis to the camp. Along the way, you can optionally save the merchant from the goblins who attacked him

First, go to the gates of Kassardis, a pawn will appear there and meet the player. Your pawn is Rook from the mage faction. He will accompany you on your journey through Kassardis and neighboring villages.

Once you're ready to leave Kassardis, approach the gate. After you leave Kassardis, you proceed to the next part of the quest. The player can safely explore the world around them, but in the story, they need to go through the "Sea Breeze" path to the camp.

On the way to the camp, you can see a merchant named Raynard being attacked by goblins. You have a choice: save it or ignore it, it is recommended to save it, of course, since goblins are not the strongest enemies.

Once you rescue Reynard, head to the camp to complete the quest.

Call of the Arisen


"After arriving at the camp, a mysterious voice was heard. Maybe the call of fate?..."


  • listen to the voice- follow the beckoning voice from the center of the camp
  • Explore the area- explore the area around the camp until the enemy is found
  • Eliminate the danger
  • Tell the stone


The quest starts after you arrive at the camp. First you need to go to the stone in the center of the camp. Its location will be indicated on the map, so finding it will not be the slightest difficulty! The stone is located in a large tent covered with an awning.

Go there and you will have a dialogue with a magical talking stone.

After the conversation, our task is to inspect the area. A cut-scene begins where the soldiers run towards the north gate, follow them and exit the camp through this north gate, prepare for battle...

The size of the Cyclops is compensated by his sluggishness, which you can use to climb on your back and attack, because you won’t get it. Well, if you are an archer or a magician, then you can attack him from afar, it is recommended to shoot him in the eye.

After the victory, return to the stone and inform him of the victory. Quest completed.

After the cut-scene, we start creating our main pawn, his customization is the same as that of the main character, plus you need to answer 4 questions and choose a faction.

Optionally, after creating a pawn, you can go to Sir Bern and undergo a training session consisting of three tests:

1) to start dragging the boxes

2) hit several targets on the training ground

3) hit the targets for a while

A Rude Awakening


"The night in the camp was calm, unlike the next morning, when a mysterious guest visited the camp"


  • Fight the Hydra


To start the quest, you need to go to Mercedes and accept the offer of rest. After that, a cut-scene will begin, where the awakened Chosen One sees the camp being attacked by a giant Hydra. After watching this cut-scene, our task is to defeat her.

There are many ways to defeat the monster. The main goal is simply to deal enough damage to the Hydra to complete this challenge. To defeat the Hydra, it is enough to cut off one of its heads.

1) You can attack the Hydra in various places, but weak points are her heads. If possible, you can climb on one of her heads and attack.

2) Archery and magic spells are effective.

3) If the fight drags on, a cut-scene will start, where Mercedes throws a barrel of explosive to the player, so that he, in turn, throws this barrel into the Hydra's mouth. Attack the head that swallowed the barrel. The barrel will explode, decapitating the Hydra.

Mission completed.
After the victory, Mercedes will offer you to go with her to Gran Soren to take the head of the Hydra to the Duke. The next quest begins - Off With Its Head.

Off With It's Head


"Under the command of Mercedes, you must travel through the mountains to the capital of Gran Soren to present the head of the hydra to the duke."


Quest is quite simple.

First you need to meet with Mercedes. Its location will be shown on the map.

The hydra's head is in the cart, which will be carried by the bull. It moves very slowly, and our main task is to protect the cargo from various enemies encountered on the way: goblins, harpies and wolves.

Of course, the bull cannot be killed, but if its life bar drops to zero, it will be unable to move, crashing to the ground, which will slow down the journey, but the bull will recover.

Also, the bull can be accelerated with a kick, which will cause some damage and besides, he can crush the soldiers in front. If you fall behind, everyone will stop and wait for you.

The correct decision in this quest would be if you go ahead of the rest and clear their path, stop the boulders that the enemies will drop.

When you reach a given place, the quest will be considered completed.

A Matter of Myrmidons

"After arriving at Gran Soren, while waiting for Mercedes, you decide to learn more about pawns"


  • learn more about pawns


The quest starts automatically after talking with Mason. Our task is to talk to the locals and learn more about the pawns.

First you need to talk to Sarah, who can be found near the fountains or in Arsmith's pub. She will direct the Chosen One to Asalam, the innkeeper, who recommends visiting the Pawn Guild.

You can also choose clothes from him, learn new skills, etc.

Getting to the Guild is not so difficult, follow the icon on the map. Once you reach Barnaby, guardian of the Guild of Pawns, talk to him to proceed to the next task.

Lure of the Abyss


"Barnaby Asks the Chosen One to Explore the Dungeon"


  • explore the dungeon
  • return to Barnaby and tell about what happened


The quest is very linear and no special difficulties should arise during the passage. To begin with, we go down into the dungeon, our task is to go down. Where possible, go down the stairs, if the passage is closed, there is a secret entrance and levers nearby. Along the way, we will meet various evil spirits, whether it be huge bats, spiders and the dead.

It will not be difficult to deal with bats and spiders, but I recommend throwing the dead off a cliff (for this, press the key on the keyboard F). Toward the end of the path you will have to fight with the ogre, climb on his back and attack, but be careful, he can fall on his back and crush you. When you get to the bottom, watch the cutscene.

After it, tentacles begin to appear from the ground. Fighting them is useless and there is only one thing left - RUN!

Run upstairs, and you don’t have to worry about your partners, if they fall behind, then after completing the task they are right there.

Tell Barnaby about what happened and the task will be considered completed.

After that, Sir Duncan will come to you, who will give the Chosen One a license to hunt dragons.

The Cypher


"Investigate the cipher of a forgotten manuscript"


  • talk to people about this cipher


Having received an assignment from Sir Maximilian, go to the field and talk to Josias is a farmer in the artisan district. Unfortunately, he won't be able to help you, so go to Mountebank. You can find it in the Black Cat store. But he does not know anything about this either, you just have to go to Maurin. Finding him is quite problematic, due to the fact that he travels between cities. But he is marked on the map and can stop briefly in the fortress. Maurin will point you to Hillfigure Knoll which is located north of the city.

Along the way, you may come across a harpy and big wolves, be careful. As soon as you arrive at the right place, a video will begin, where you will be shown a drawing of paths in the form of a person trampled on Hillfigure Knoll. After finishing the conversation, do not rush to leave the cave, here you can find the Bronze Idol and a stone shard Wakestone. After inspecting the cave, return back to Gran Sor en and talk to Ser Maximilian to complete the quest.

A Fortress Besieged


" The goblins have taken over Stone in the southwest. Reclaim this vital bulwark against dragons."


  • go to Shadow Fort and clear it of goblins


You will receive this quest from Sir Maximilian, but before you start the task, be sure to stock up on useful items. The closest way to Shadow Fort lies through Ancient Quarry which is located to the west of Gran Soren. To get through Ancient Quarry you need to complete an additional task. At the north entrance, talk to Alon. He will instruct you to clear the quarry from the ogres and open the gate. In the beginning, you have to go through to defeat the giant rats. After entering the shaft, continue down the southeast direction until you reach a large pressure plate on the floor. Activate it, the gate will open and you can move on. In the room, take the key, then return to the main corridor and go north. After defeating the bandits, turn into the southern corridor, the first ogre will be waiting for you there. In the battle with him, be extremely careful, he has sweeping and strong attacks, but is rather slow. After defeating him, go to the gate and stand on pressure plate to open them, there are several goblins waiting for you right behind them. After dealing with them, go along the southern corridor. Here you will come across spiders near the stone wall. Kill the spiders and climb the wall, there will be another ogre at the top (no different from the previous one). Having dealt with him, go into the next room, to the third ogre. After defeating all the ogres, return to Alon.

Now you can go through the mine to get to the Shadow Fort. Go to Ancient Quarry South Enterance, leaving through it, you will fall into Devilfire Grove. There is a Rest Camp not far from here, where you can rest, buy supplies, and use the rift stone. The entrance to the Shadow Fort is located northwest of the lake. On this path you will meet lizards and a dangerous dragon. Drake. The fight with him is best avoided, just run to the entrance to the fore. Here you need to talk to Sir Robert, after that go down into the hole in the ground and go to the room. Kill the goblins and go up the stairs to the roof, kill all the goblins here. There is a switch on the roof, but there is no lever in it. It is in the opposite building. First, kill the goblins on the rooftop with the ballista, then jump over the broken bridge to another rooftop. Here you will be fired upon by goblins, use the ballista on the roof to deal with them. After that, go down the stairs. The lever you need is in the prison cell. Iditol to the small building, with the door lattice, which is closed from the inside with a bolt. From the side of the obsterls there is a ladder, along which you can climb the wall. This will take you to the prison cells. Deal with the goblins and take from the chest lever arm. Now you need to go back to the roof and insert the lever into the switch.

Open the gate with the lever and go through it. Clear the yard of goblins. As soon as you kill the required number of goblins, the gates of the fortress will open, go through them to the very top. At the top, you will need to fight an armored cyclops along with ballistas and goblins. After dealing with them, go further into the fort and fight the boss. He is very weak, especially when compared to the cyclops, but he can run away from you (killing him will give you additional experience).

After finishing the fight, return to Gran Soren and report to Sir Maximilian.

Seeking Salvation


" Find out about Salvation cult who worship Dragons and wreak havoc"


  • talk to the people marked on the map
  • go to a cult meeting


Your task is to find out where the cult members gather. To do this, simply talk to the people who are marked on your map. The first clue will be mason, he hides in the slums near the water utility. By going to it you will receive Salvation Badge, then talk to the people about the cult again.

As a result, you will find out that the cult members are gathering in the catacombs. Go north from the city to the bridge, then turn onto the road leading to the west. Get ready, the catacombs are very dark (prepare a lantern) and there are a lot of enemies. Go through the catacombs, stumble upon the first gate, you need to go around them. To do this, you will have to make a circle through the corridors, killing the undead along the way, until you get to a large room. In it you will find many sarcophagi and lever arm. Activate it and go through the opened stone door. Walk forward until you reach a closed door, lower the lever next to it to activate the elevator and go down to the lower floor. Here you will again meet the locked gate, to get around them, go through the large room. After dealing with the undead and ghosts (use the enchantment to deal damage), activate the lever and go to the next room, in which there will be magic skeletons. Continue on, ignore the fork, both roads will lead you to the same place where the skeleton knights are waiting for you. After defeating them, go down the stairs, make your way through the undead along the narrow passage. The org will block your way, you can just run past, or try to kill him. Run in western part maps, this is where the meeting of the cult members takes place. Interrupt the meetings by jumping down to them. Deal with all the enemies, then run to the next room. Here you need to talk to and decide the fate of one of the cult members.

  • Killing a cult member will improve your relationship with mason, and later you will meet him in some quests.
  • If you spare the cultist, mason you will no longer meet in the game.

The Watergod's Altar


" Explore ancient ruins"


  • clear the ruins


talk Geffrey, he is in the church in Gran Soren. From him you will learn about a certain expedition that was sent to Watergod's Altar. This place is located west of mountain waycastle. When you reach the gorge, at the bottom of which a river flows, you will need to jump over to the right side and go further to the waterfall. Here talk to Haslett, he will point you to the door behind the waterfall. Go forward until you reach the switch, but there is no lever on it, you need to find it. Go down the stairs to the right of this switch. Deal with the lizards and go to the room from which they appeared. There you will find the necessary part of the lever. Go back to the switch, insert the missing lever and lower the bridge. Move on, killing lizards and skeletons along the way. Having reached the body, inspect it, after which you have to report what happened Haslett.

He will ask you to continue exploring the ruins and instruct you to find five altar slates. Return to the place where you lowered the bridge and open the door on the right side, but you will need the key (you can get it from the Cyclops, which is behind the body). Go down, deal with the enemies and press the button, which will lower the water level throughout the location. After this you can go down to the lower floors. Altar slates marked on your map. Once you have collected all altar slates, return to Haslett. And then report back to Sir Maximilian.

Come to Court


" Your exploits have been heard in high circles, it's time to show yourself to the duke"


  • talk to Duke


After completing two or more quests that gave you Sir Maximilian. In the dialogue with him, select " an audience with the duke».
Attention: if you agree to go to the Duke's reception - all will be canceled unfinished quests(Besides Dark Arisen). Therefore, before starting this quest, finish all your work. The nobleman's estate is rich in useful items, look around the area. After wandering around the Duke's house, go to his reception (follow the marker). As soon as you enter the castle, a cutscene will start.

Talk with duke and leave the castle. When you leave the castle, talk Aelinore, you can find it in the garden, near the castle. This is the wife of the Duke, from her you can get new additional quests if you don't talk you will lose them. After that, go to the exit from the estate, you will be detained by your new quest giver - the Duke's adviser. After talking with him, you can leave or take the main tasks from him.

Griffin's Bane


" Griffin attacks caravans. Join the hunters who plan to defeat the beast."


  • Talk to volunteers
  • Defeat the Griffin


Find volunteers outside the south gate and talk to Sir George. After that, follow the group, along the way you will have to deal with the goblins. The hunters will lead you to the place where they prepared an ambush for the griffin. You need to catch the goblin and throw it to the indicated place, then hide in the bushes. Over time Griffin come down to the ground, this is the right time to attack. In the battle with him, try to stay away or dodge his attacks, when he has half his health he will fly away. Now your task is to finish off the Griffin, he flew to the tower blue moon. Get ready for long journey, go northeast until you reach the valley windworn. Here you need to resist the wind, just hide from it behind the rocks, go further to the canyon. It is teeming with bandits, it is better not to fight in the open space, lure them out one by one. After defeating them, go through the canyon, right behind it a golem is waiting for you. You can just walk past or try to kill him (he is not a very difficult opponent). After passing the golem, go to the top of the ruins, open the metal door.

Keep going forward until you notice Griffin. Join other knights who break down the first gate. When you hit the second one, go up to the top, destroy the obstacle to your right and pull the lever. pursue Griffin, the main battle you will have at the very top of the tower. Defeat the Griffin, inspect this location, and then return and report to the adviser in Gran Soren.

Trials and Tribulations


" Merchant Fournival accused of a crime. Prove his guilt or his non-involvement."


  • Gather the evidence
  • pass judgment


Collect all the necessary evidence and talk to witnesses about Fournival. Then report your verdict. You can collect several documents that will prove the guilt or innocence of the merchant.
Attention: do not collect incriminating evidence if you decide to save the merchant.

You need to talk to the people who are marked on the map:

  1. people justifying Fournival:
    • Fedel- to be inside the castle
    • Daughter and priest in the cathedral
    • Daerio- located in the tower He will ask you to accompany the witness.
  2. people accusing Fournival:
    • A family Jasper
    • Ansell- to be in It can be brought as a witness who will accuse the merchant.

You can also help the court case with money, to do this, contact Reynard. The verdict depends on the evidence you gather and the witnesses you bring. Report Aldous to complete the quest.

If fault Fournival will be proven:

  • He will go to jail and you will lose access to his store.
  • His daughter will move to the slums

If a Fournival justify:

  • You will receive an escort quest
  • You will get a discount on products

The Wyrmking's Ring


"The mighty ring has been stolen - return it!"


  • Track down the thief


Having taken the task, go to the map, guided by it, you need to talk to any of the marked people. After that, return to Aldous and share information with him. Alleged perpetrator Salomet where he is is not known. Aldous will send you outside the castle Gran Soren, find here Mellard. It can usually be found Noble Quarter. From his words, you will learn that the criminal is hiding in Ancient Quarry. Once there, go deep into the location and win Salomet. He doesn't pose much of a threat, just beware of his minions. Unfortunately, the thief managed to escape and now your task is to find him again. First, tell me everything Aldous in the castle, after that go to Brice- it is close to Fountain Square. From him you will learn that Salomet hiding in Bluemoon Tower- go there. Make your way to the top of the tower while defeating the bandits.

Here you will find the final battle, this time Salomet will be a more dangerous opponent. He will often summon skeletons and use teleportation, but he is still vulnerable to ranged attacks. After the victory, pick up the ring from the edge of the cliff and give it to Aldous.

Pride Before a Fall


" Mercedes carries the will of the Royal Order and she needs your help."


  • Help Mercedes


Get a job from Aldous, then go to Mercedes you will find it right outside the castle gates. Talk to her and then go to windbluff tower. Arriving at the tower, go to the marked place (look at the map), on the way you may meet a golem - this is a rather dangerous enemy in the vicinity, avoid his sweeping attacks. Almost at the very top you will find Mercedes, follow her. Accompany her to a duel, you can intervene on the spot or just watch the fight.

  1. Julien's victory just watch the fight and do nothing. Mercedes will lose the duel, after which he will give you - Silver Rapier
  2. Mercedes win - during the fight go behind the back Julien and attack him. From the duvushka you will receive as a reward Cutlass

Can you revive Julien by using wakestone, after which it can be found in prison. By talking to him, you will get Wizard's Wizard. After the end of the duel, talk to the winner, then report everything Aldous, to complete the task.

Honor and Treachery


"Honor and Treachery starts immediately after completion - The Wyrmking's Ring and Pride Before a Fall."


  • Go to waycastle


In this quest, you will be tasked with going to waycastle, it's not too far from Gran Soren. But on the spot you will be informed that the city is under attack - Cockatrice and you need to get back. Go to the north gate and talk to Sir Laurent, then go to battle with the monster.

In the boss battle, you must hit with extreme caution. Cockatrice can paralyze you with her poison, so dodge her ranged attacks. The beast will periodically take off and attack from the air, at this time do not stand still and wait for the right moment to attack. Usually the boss is predictable in his attacks, so defeating him will not be difficult. After you have defeated the monster, report it. Aldous. After that, talk to the marked knight. After the cut-scene, the quest will be completed.

Reward and Responsibility


"By the Duke's will, great treasures will be bestowed upon you."


  • Accept gifts from the duke


Duke Edmun there is one more task for you. Meet him at the castle, go to the second floor of the west wing. After talking with the duke, follow him to the treasury.

There, collect your well-deserved reward:

  • 20000 experience points, 35 Rift Crystals and 53500 gold
  • Paladin's Mantle, but if you have completely finished the quest -
  • badge of honor and Golden Bastard(sword) in the chest.

Deny Salvation


"Reconquer The Great Wall and defeat the cultists"


  • Take part in the battle The Great Wall


After talking with the duke, you will be informed that The Great Wall attacked and people need your help. Before starting the task, be sure to prepare for a long and difficult battle.
Take note: after completing this quest, you will not be able to return to this location and therefore you may lose unique items.
Approaching the castle, find your allies and together fight through the armored cyclops into the courtyard. These are quite strong enemies on their own, but this time there are two of them, attack them after you deal with small enemies. After defeating the enemies, you need to go up to the second floor. Several stairs lead to the second floor. Climbing up the first one, enemies are waiting for you, and along the second - a chimera. But on each you can find a lot of useful items and chests, do not miss the chance to profit. After clearing the second floor, go up to the third. Here you will find a battle with a skeleton knight, and immediately after him with Wights. The latter have high area damage, the difficulty lies in the fact that it will be difficult to get them with attacks, and they rarely go down. In the battle with these magicians, try to avoid magic damage, but at the same time kill all the minions that will interfere with you. Wait for the right moment and attack them, the only way you can deal with them.

After your victory, all you have to do is watch the cut-scene.

The Final Battle


"A battle with the greatest dragon awaits you"


  • Defeat the dragon


After the cutscene ends, talk to Dragonforged, then go Tainted Temple Mountain. Climb to the top of the mountain, the path will not be too difficult, but you still have to fight. On the way you will need to kill: Geo Saurian, Succubus. Keep making your way upstairs until you find yourself in a large room with Gorechimera. This time he is more dangerous than at the beginning of the game. It deals more damage and has more health, but the old tactics will be effective here too. After defeating the beast, activate all the marked switches. Pass through the opened gate, here you will have to make a decision: stay and fight or sacrifice your beloved. If you decide to defeat the dragon, approach the monster and confirm your choice. Having done this, quickly turn around and run along the corridor avoiding the dragon's attacks. Keep running until Grigori will not get stuck in the passage, at this moment turn around and attack the dragon. The target of your strikes will be the heart, it is in this area that you strike.

After hitting the heart, you must chase the fleeing dragon. Run after him, run across the destroyed bridge and towers (there are chests here that you can open). Use the ballista here and shoot the dragon with it. A cut-scene will start in which you will need to press the buttons in time to finish off Grigori. After your victory, the final cutscene and credits will follow.

First of all, get familiar with the controls. The keys W, S, A, D are used for movement. Left mouse button - light attack, right button mice - heavy attack. The Esc key opens the pause menu. Press the I key to open your inventory.

Follow forward until you see a huge Dragon. Fight several goblins, follow the companion and jump down by pressing the "Space" button. Get closer to the large stone with a picture and press the E key. Two more characters will appear to help you on your journey.

Go further. Use the F1, F2, F3 keys to issue commands to your teammates. Kill a few more goblins. Use the SHIFT key to run. Next you will see a flying creature. Attack him with standard attacks. Or hold down the left CTRL and, without releasing it, click on the left mouse button. Your hero will brandish a sword behind a shield.

Chimera fight (first boss)

The fight is pretty simple. You must constantly be on the move and attack the Chimera either from below or from above. Approach the enemy from the side and press the F key to hook on his hair. Now use the keys that are responsible for the movement of the character to climb onto the back of the Chimera. Then attack.

Please note that at the top of the screen is the enemy's health bar. In addition to the purple line, there are two purple dots. This is the number of lives. When you empty the entire scale, one of the purple dots will turn off. The scale will fill up again and you will have to empty it again. Then, when both dots go out, you will need to empty the purple bar with the Chimera's health for the last time. After that, the first mission will be completed.

Harbinger of Destruction

Just attack the Dragon until he throws the main character aside. Watch the cut-scene.


After the cut-scene, go to the table near the wall nearby, where the weapon lies. Choose your character's hero class. After that, leave the room through the passage nearby. Watch the cut-scene and exit the house.

Go down the street in the direction of the marker, which is depicted as an orange circle. When you find yourself in place, near the gates to the city, an elderly man will speak to you. A new quest will start.


Approach the gate and press the E key to leave the city. You need to get to the camp, to which the path leads. You are now on the right path. Just run along the path until you see three goblins attacking a civilian. Deal with the ghouls and continue along the path. At the gate to the camp, press the E key.

Newborn call

Follow Ruk forward, go to the specified tent and activate the ancient stone. After talking with him, you will have to inspect the location.

Move in the opposite direction, to the gate through which you came. In the cut-scene, you will be shown a small squad of fleeing soldiers. Follow Rook and leave the camp through the gate, near which he will stop.

With a bonus in the form of Japanese voice acting and a new island, where they make it clear that you are nobody, you don’t know how to fight, and it’s better for your wards to graze cows and pick up cakes that fall out of them.

It is not recommended to visit Bitterblack Island until you have reached at least level 50 and finished the game. The meeting committee eats and won't choke. What can I say, supermen of the hundredth level and above can be driven into the ancient walls of the catacombs with one blow of the tail flashed from the shadows.

In general, everything is very reminiscent of. Ominous dark labyrinths, some slurry squelches underfoot, someone's groans and growls dilute the echoing silence. Mighty fiends of the underworld, who do not care about your equipment, self-conceit and past merits, easily sweep away the fragile pieces of partner pawns from the game board of this labyrinth of death. Cheap tricks are used everywhere, like firing paths or crowds of magicians covering the team with volleys of spells.

Pawns... Well, pawns remained pawns. With voices full of sincere sympathy, they scream about the need to go to the rear, boringly comment on the finds and die heroically, crushed by the carcass of a creature for which it is difficult to come up with a censored name.

The claim is not new, but in the light (more precisely, in its absence) of adventures on the island, not the most brilliant AI companions, their slowness and willfulness begin to cause a burning desire to kill the wards with their own hands. Preferably something like a chainsaw.

The local fauna has no idea about hygiene, so so many harmful living creatures live on the fangs and claws of underground creatures that most of the missed blows lead to poisoning, blindness and other tetanus. You go into a rage, over and over again you drive the sword into the scruff of the boss; the magician makes a complex face and declares that he is in control of the situation; the robber diligently cuts the sinews of the monster. And then - bam - everyone dies.

Additionally, the male Death follows the team through the labyrinth and tests his agricultural arsenal on them. The poisoned four, looking like paralytics under anesthesia, are unsuccessfully trying to fight off the giant wolves that have flooded the room, and then this cross between the Nazgul and the Dementor arrives and completes what they started. Emotions overflow, often finding the most bizarre expressions.

You try to fix the situation by summoning more powerful pawns, but there are not enough crystals for everything. The crystals are used to open portals and to identify the things found. You score on the passage and start to swing stupidly on resurgent monsters, cherishing sweet pictures of revenge. The saga of a hero in search of a dragon turns into an ordinary diabloid. Okay, not quite ordinary. With wanderings through the gloomy galleries and echoing halls of the ancient island. With devilishly strong and dangerous creatures as opponents. With the re-passage of already familiar areas in search of unnoticed chests and unfinished monsters.


Dark Arisen is designed for Dragons Dogma professionals. Others simply won't appreciate this crazy swing on the new island. Well, or if you suddenly missed the original for the most valid reasons, then you have a great chance to play this wonderful game. And forget about the island. It is for the elect.

If you are having problems with passing Dragon games dogma, you can always use our advice and information for action. We detail the steps you need to follow to complete the game. Dragons Dogma. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Dragons dogma read on our website.

First act

Newly Arisen

After joining and creating your character, you will wake up in the house of the mayor of the town. You need to pick up a weapon to choose the class you will be in. long game. As mentioned in the character creation section, it's best to choose the building on the right side, for the right class.

After making a choice, break the boxes inside the room to collect things. Once you've done this, leave the room to trigger a cutscene. After that, the first quest will be completed.

Upon a Pawn

After you leave the house of the mayor of the town, and explore the territory, follow the gate to start the quest. You simply need to go to the nearest road.

Follow the main road until you find a group of goblins that attacked the wanderers. Rescue them, so you get yourself a watch, then follow to the defensive town to complete the quest.

Call of the Arisen

Follow to the center of this town and explore the stone. Then go to the gate to trigger a cutscene. Follow the mark and get out of here to find the monster. Follow the trail, you will see his assistants in the form of goblins, then return to the riftstone with a report.

After that, you can arm your assistant. He will be your partner throughout the game. Therefore, give him due attention when you customize him, because you will need to create someone who will protect you.

After creating a worthy partner, you will be asked a few questions to determine the qualities of your partner. Answer them.

Strength in Numbers

After completing the previous task, go out, Sir Bern will want to talk to you. During the first task, your partner will perform the main task of transferring supplies, but you need to find the box that will not be assigned, take it and carry it to the marked place.

Next, you will need to destroy a few scarecrows. Destroy them all within the allotted time. For the next mission, you will need to destroy as many scarecrows as you can, but this time some will be vulnerable to physical attacks, while others will be vulnerable to magic.

Just kill all targets within the time limit to complete the objective and complete the quest.

A Rude Awakening

Look for an NPC named Mercedes in the defensive town, and agree to spend the night here. Then you will wake up the next morning, in which the hydra will destroy the town.

Start attacking her heads as she advances through the town. If you are a fighter, then climb on her head, where you can deal more damage. If you are a shooter, then it is better to keep your distance in order to aim at her head. You won't need to deal damage to one head to defeat her, you will know if you were able to defeat her after she can't lift her heads.

If your fight drags on, then Mercedes will come to the rescue, giving you a special bottle that you can throw at the hydra's head.

Once the heads have swallowed the bottle, you will need to keep hitting the head that swallowed it until it explodes inside it.

off with its head

After you take off the Hydra's head, you can complete a few side quests before heading out to regroup with Sir Mercedes. When everything is done, follow the main road until you reach the marked spot. Talk to Sir Mercedes to start the quest.

To pass it, you will just need to walk to the capital.

The Watergod's Altar

Visit the church during the day to meet Father Geoffrey there. Talk, then leave the city through the southern gate. You also need to start another side quest here by talking to one of the guards.

Follow Waycastle and go down the slope to the west to reach the river. Follow it until you get to a place where you can cross over to the other side. Continue on to find Brother Hustle. Talk to him and go inside the cave.

Ground floor: You will find some gold pieces next to the marked room. Then follow to the basements, using the stairs, in the center on the left side.

Explore the ruins and then tell Brother Haslett about everything. Return to the ruins again to find five ancient ingots. In the end, report everything to Sir Maximilian in order to successfully complete the quest.

Second act

Come to Court

After completing all the available tasks, use the Wyrm Hunt license, but remember that it only applies to the main quests, that is Additional tasks are not included here.

Follow Duke's castle and meet him. After the cutscene, you will need to speak with Duke's representative to learn about the rules to be followed here. Exit the castle, when you exit you should notice the courtyard, you can go there to trigger a cutscene. Exit through the gate to complete the quest.

Reward and Responsibility

Follow the Duke's treasury. Come inside and be surprised how much good is inside. After starting to collect treasures, a cut-scene will start, and this small quest will be completed.

Third act

Deny Salvation

Get ready for the battle, because now you will have to meet with two cyclops. After the massacre of them, follow inside. Save the knight and he will open the way to the second floor for you.

Climb to the second floor, where you need to deal with the chimera. As soon as the doors open, open the chests, collect things. Rescue another knight to open an alternative spiral staircase.

Then go to the third floor, deal with a large skeletal knight. Collect things from the chest, save the game and exit to see the cut-scene. You need to defeat two tenacious wizards named Whites.

After the massacre, watch the subsequent cut-scene, then the quest will be completed.

The Final Battle

In the battle with the dragon, you will need to try to knock off his armored skin so that the heart can be seen, you need to hit him, attack with everything you have. As soon as he starts moving away from you, find the balista on the other end and use it to shoot down the baby dragon.

As soon as he falls, climb down and aim for his heart again. If the situation repeats, then again take on the balista and shoot at him until he is again on the ground. Bring the battle to a victorious end.

No matter how many times Dragon's Dogma gets re-released, one thing remains the same: it's weird. I really want to summarize all my impressions in this way, without indulging in a tedious analysis of all the gears, because the game will still go against any expectations. It is strange - and you need to try it yourself to understand it.

Yes, it's an RPG. No, forget about the plot. It exists, but in a primitive form and with a clear misunderstanding of how to make good story. Enjoy another interpretation of the trick with the redneck who, in the midst of haymaking, becomes the chosen one and runs to save the world: you know, an invincible dragon has flown in, made our hero immortal, cursed in his own way and sits somewhere there, threatens humanity, for which he must be killed . This, in general, is the whole essence of the local mess, and it can only intrigue someone who has never seen high-quality fantasy.

In fairness, many colleagues in the genre use a similar idea - take at least Dragon Age: Origins, to which the above is more suitable than we would like. The difference is that other projects diligently beat the hackneyed motif, disguise it with interesting details and branches, and Dragon's Dogma offers nothing. There is only a dry and flat concept here: you are cooler and smarter than everyone else, and evil evil will not destroy itself. As an excuse for everything that happens, it still went all the way, but definitely does not deserve close attention. The situation improves a little towards the end, and even then thanks to a curious lore, which practically does not manifest itself until the epilogue.

The game generally cares little about the usual values ​​for role-playing games. A world worked out to the smallest detail, carefully drawn characters, dialogues with literary flourishes - who needs them? Only the key characters have a similarity of characters, of which there are ten at most, and only they are able to more or less fully communicate with the hero. The rest of the NPCs are cardboard fools, roaming around absolutely sterile locations and issuing the same duty remark. The degree of interest in the local conversations still exceeds the figures dead rising, but one can hardly be proud of it.

Food supplies tend to spoil right in your pockets, and therefore it is better to send them to treatment as soon as possible.

Obviously, in adverse conditions, the study of the surroundings loses all meaning. Despite the decent size of the map, the game simply has nothing to encourage pioneers - at best, a long journey will delight you with a modest camp in the outskirts, where the most intelligent creature will be a merchant. However, there is no need to look far for examples of the criminal emptiness of the environment: it is enough to get to the only big city and appreciate the beauty of its lifeless labyrinths, connecting rare functional points like a black market or a hotel. No fresh gossip on the streets, no colorful townspeople, no spontaneous incidents - even, scary to say, Morrowind portrayed civilization much more convincingly. After this, you once again thank the developers for finalizing the fast travel system, it is very useful here.

Sometimes, however, in the wastelands you can find a quest or two - and finally fall into despair. As part of the plot, we are spoiled with full-fledged tasks with a setting and distinct activities, but the side activity is almost entirely borrowed from the worst MMOs about killing 45 birds with one stone and collecting 15 herbs. Only if the latter try to sweeten the pill with at least a couple of lines of an accompanying mini-story, Dark Arisen shamelessly pops a routine without comment and motivation - that's all, they say. Such orders do not even have a “customer” - they are taken on the bulletin board, and completed on their own, remotely.

It is all the more offensive that the claim for something more is still noticeable. Single sidequests are accompanied by unique dialogues, characters and events, and a couple even flirt with the non-linearity of the passage and the consequences of decisions - but there are so few of them that they have no effect on the role-playing. Yes, and it is difficult to call them exciting, again, due to the lack of work on the game world: it would be much more interesting to look for, say, the girlfriend of the protagonist, if the authors devote some time to their relationship.

The epic footage goes especially well with the Lord of the Rings soundtrack - the game music is good, but it rarely sounds and is not always accurate.

The game prefers to really shine in the gameplay field. That's what makes you forget about all the troubles and mistakes of designers. Dragon's Dogma is like a lite version Dark Souls, in which the player just hangs out somewhere in the lower segment of the food chain, but has a slightly better chance of surviving among goblins with dimensionless lifebars.

Of primary interest is combat system. She, unlike the creation of From Software, is not too fond of deep tactics and is generally quite arcade-like, which from time to time resembles as beautiful as the old The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. You don’t need to be a master of lunges and have a black belt in rolls to successfully hit back the local bestiary – you just need to timely alternate basic attacks and special moves, the arsenal of which is constantly expanding, and not be exposed to the blows of especially large opponents. Of course, this is not a level. devilmay Cry, which the fan community is increasingly drawn to compare with, but the combat instantly captivates with the dynamics of what is happening, ease of development and diversity not inherent in RPGs.

This, however, does not mean that the battles lack depth. On the contrary, subtleties pop up one after another, especially when facing bosses. Fighting them is a separate source of fun and challenge in Dragon's Dogma. Each representative of the menagerie has its own vulnerabilities, the search and exploitation of which is the purpose of such skirmishes. Some weaknesses, like, for example, luminous stones in the body of a golem, are immediately visible, while others will have to be dug up empirically, setting fire to the griffin's feathers and firing dark magic at the dragon. At the same time, class differences also affect the approach to the boss: if it is not difficult for a robber with a bow to finish off a cyclops from a long distance, then some paladin will have to literally climb over the giant’s body and stab his eye with a sword.

There is an unexpected amount of equipment here. You can't try everything in one sitting.

Fortunately, the game allows you to try everything at once, because the next in the list of its merits is a wonderful pumping of the character. Initially, there are only three mediocre professions to choose from, and the introductory chapters force you to play as a warrior, rogue or mage - but soon after that, the opportunity to change the specialization to any other one opens up without losing progress. This is an insanely cool find that gives extreme flexibility to builds, introduces total variability in the process and leaves a loophole for players who are disappointed in the chosen direction. Moreover, periodically juggling with profiles is even useful, since they determine the proportions of the growth of certain characteristics. To put it simply, if you suddenly need to increase the stamina reserves for your magician, it would be better to become a ranger at least a few levels, because the increase in this parameter is many times higher. They are also encouraged to experiment by the presence of unique perks that open only when pumping a certain class, but are universal in use.

And to make you feel less lonely, Dragon's Dogma introduces an unusual pawn system. Companions are called such an offensive nickname here, of which there can be no more than three in your team: you create one yourself, the remaining two you catch freaks grown by other players from the network base. All of them are absolutely faceless as actors, but they are infinitely effective and independent in battle. They grab small enemies, divert the attention of especially ferocious individuals, climb the manes of large creatures, and generally act in unison without any orders. Although the work of the AI ​​cannot be called flawless, it quite successfully simulates the teamwork required when facing serious opponents. The possibility of full control is not enough only at the most critical moments - when the magician forgets to heal a mortal wound, all that remains is to press the "Help" button.

However, it is not worth getting attached to partners. Of the whole booth, only your personal pawn climbs the career ladder with you - guests from other worlds are always static and maintain the level they have reached at the time of hiring. This is another plus in favor of the variability of the gameplay: the party is easily customizable and adapts to the needs of a particular situation.

Another interesting feature of the pawns is their constant negotiations. Fortunately for many who played on consoles, the PC version finally added the option to turn off the voice acting of satellites, and yet the fact is noteworthy. Despite the lack of characters, they actively comment on what is happening, but they do it like uniform autists, over and over again chattering obvious and, without exaggeration, stupid phrases. For those who didn't catch the first 76 times, they will definitely repeat that wolves hunt in packs, and on a long hike they will kindly remind you of the map in your pocket. In addition, a dialogue icon may suddenly pop up above one of the goofs, hinting at the presence of important thoughts about the recent triumph. "Quest accomplished, master" is the strongest thought you can count on.

And everything would be fine, only Dragon’s Dogma explains in the worst way how to play all this. The tutorial here is an unnecessarily long contextual presentation on the topic “100 things that are done here the same way as in all other games”, while a lot of more significant questions remain behind the scenes. You have to use trial and error to find out what quests look like and what the essence of pawns is, to discover completely unlit systems of crafting and upgrades, to find out after creating a character that his height and weight affect some characteristics there, at the end of the passage to accidentally subtract, that NPCs have daily routines and hidden love lines, and much more. The introduction to party management is completely enchanting: they teach you how to pick up pawns correctly at the training ground with wooden dummies that can be easily broken without really understanding what was discussed. The coach will still approvingly pat on the shoulder and say: “You see how important the choice of pawns is!”. It’s not that we need to be led by the hand through all the hardships of adaptation, but it’s extremely boring and uncomfortable to understand the local mechanics, and it’s easy to miss a lot at the right moment and frankly screw up your further passage.

Because of this, the first two or three hours of Dragon’s Dogma is a whirlwind wandering around the corners of a few villages in the hope of insight. In our case, acquaintance with the game went something like this. Having first thrown the village healer off the cliff, we went along the only road and saw how the guards easily killed the monster that we were supposed to defeat. After throwing the guards off another cliff, we returned to the village and met a charismatic black man named gg. Throwing gg off a new cliff, we realized that it was actually a pawn of another player (it was worth guessing earlier, m?), And for about forty minutes the plot character was waiting for us, hiding in the darkest tent and not marked on the map in any way. Around the same time, the action began to acquire the rudiments of meaning and draw the picture described in this article on the horizon, although it could not have done without a few more breaks. All in all, it was a tough journey.

As for the features of transferring to a PC, everything is in comparative order. Capcom swore with all the hadoukens that a “stunning visual” awaits us and backed up their promises with quite decent screenshots - in the end, age took its toll as expected. Even in 2012, the game did not look ultra-modern, yielding to the beauties of Oblivion, which had celebrated its five-year anniversary by that time, and now you can’t even make candy out of it with modest graphic edits. If anything can knock you off your feet, it's unforgivably ugly sprites, infamously oversized fonts, and goblins appearing a meter away from the protagonist. They screwed, of course, a rich assortment of settings and support for sky-high resolutions, but in the era of adequate ports, this is no longer surprising.

But on the management, by God, they could sit a little longer and redraw the archaic interface, which beats off half the pleasure of the game with a nightmarish design. Keyboard workers were given an exclusive function of binding items to hotkeys, as if apologizing for the fact that there is still no direct access to the map, task log and equipment - all these functions need to be picked out from the pause menu, which in fact is much worse than in words . Intuitiveness does not add even a gamepad in the hands, although it definitely muffles the discomfort.

But the main thing is that Dragon's Dogma is tempting to return. At first, you swear for a long time, they say, everything is crooked and askew, you wonder how it is generally played correctly, you scream from the quirks of Japanese game design and leave the game with a feeling of extreme satiety, and then you still catch yourself thinking that it would be nice to finish it off tomorrow evening griffin and save up for a pretty helmet. Naturally, new opponents take the place of the feathered beast, the equipment is getting better, and the time spent in the game goes beyond all decent. And this is good.