Dying light walkthrough. Dying Light walkthrough. We won't go there again.

As soon as you complete the prologue in the main campaign, you will be able to launch The Following expansion (as it is written in the game itself). In my case story line The original game was completed 100%.


Objective: Find a way out of the sewers.

After watching the introductory video, you appear in the sewers. Move forward through the sewer pipe and jump down. Go a little further and dive through the hole in the pipe into the water. Swim to the other side and hold down the Spacebar to get to land. Follow the left wall, climb up to the ledge and jump forward. Keep moving and in a few seconds you will be on the surface. The goal has been reached.

After talking with Lena, a new target will appear.

Goal: Find someone who knows more about this rumor.

Follow the left along the mountain, jump on the ledges. A little further you will need to hook your hands on the recess in the rock and climb all the way to the right. Now look in the opposite direction and jump to another ledge. Walk along the log and make a dizzying jump into the water.

Perhaps one of the most memorable tricks of the game: jump into the water from a bird's eye view!

Follow the marker on the map and find a fenced area. To get over the fence, go along it to the left. Around the corner you will find two blue pipes. Climb up on them and jump over the fence. You can climb through any gate. After talking with Aylem, the goal will be reached.

Goal: Learn about "people who don't convert."

Goal: Find the boss.

Move to the left and after a few meters on the left side you should see a barn (a long gray building). The first door will open. Approach her and chat with the character. When he leaves, then go inside and on the right you will see Jasir and his daughter. After their conversation, talk to Jasir. Both goals have been achieved.

Goal: Find someone who wants to talk to you.

Exit the barn and watch the cut-scene. You will meet Kaan.


Objective: Look for a car on a nearby farm.

Leave the safe area and move towards the marker. Please note that, unlike the original game, in the add-on you will find yourself in a location with a small number of buildings. Therefore, you need to move carefully, but if necessary, be prepared to run. After reaching the neighboring farm, climb over the fence..

Objective: Steal the car.

There will be some thugs on the farm itself, so get ready for a fight. After dealing with them, jump into the buggy. Return back to the farm.

Objective: Report success to Kaan.

Objective: Ask the girl where Kaan is.

Enter the trailer, but Kaan will not be here. But you can talk to the girl. After talking to her, the quest will end.


Objective: Drive to the pumping station.

Ride the buggy to the checkpoint. There will be a lot of zombies at the main entrance to the station, so I advise you to go along the fence to the right. You can get around it by the water. As soon as you find yourself in a fenced area, you will be given a new task.

Objective: Talk to the bandit leader

Follow to the indicated place and chat with the leader. In any case, the battle will begin and you will have to kill all the bandits.

Purpose: Find out who is screaming.

The building you need will be marked on the map. All doors leading inside are locked. You need to go upstairs in the place where the ajar red door is located. Once up, go through another red door. Go down and inspect the first floor. Go to the red door, where the last bandit will break out. After killing him, free the hostage. Ali will try to open the water, but something will go wrong.

Objective: Drive along the pipe to the main valve.

Leave the building, get into the buggy and drive along the pipe marked with a yellow line. Eventually, the pipe will lead you to another fenced area. Climb over the fence using the white minibus. Enter the only building through the door, go down to the basement and turn on the flashlight (default key T). Follow the doorway, turn right and go forward to the very end. Here you will see the very valve that you must close. After closing it (after talking with Ali), return to the farm. Approach Jassir and chat with him. You will need to follow him inside the barn and continue the conversation.


From now on, any of your help to the community will increase the trust of the Faceless. Only in this way can you achieve a meeting with the Mother. To increase the level of trust, you must perform side quests help people and create safe zones. Go to sleep.


Goal: Help the locals.

This task requires you to increase the level of trust, so let's move on to completing side tasks.

In the morning you can go to the house located at the main entrance (there is still a man with whom you met when you first visited the community). Go inside the house, go up to the second floor and find the stairs to the attic. Climb up it and talk to the man sitting on the floor. By listening to his story, you will increase confidence. Go to the barn where Jasir is and look at the blue door to the left of the table. Notes with tasks and photographs of missing people hang on this door. Take both assignments and collect photos. Tasks will be entered in your journal, but as for the missing people, their location will be marked on the map with the appropriate markers (not always).

The same Kaan who agreed to talk with you when you first visited the farm.


Objective: Deal with the mysterious sounds in the park.

Get into the buggy and drive to the indicated place on the map. Upon arrival, go downstairs and kill all the zombies. Find a stone well and go down. Kill the monster and go to the other side of the cave. Jump into the water and swim along the rope. You need to swim quickly, because the path is not short, and there is little air supply. After getting out of the water, climb the ledges and kill three zombies. A little further there will be another pit with water. Jump into it and keep swimming along the rope. Eventually, you will find a man. Talk to him and the quest will end.


Objective: Destroy the jumpers' nest.

Move to the specified location. It is advisable to visit it at night, when the Jumpers leave it and walk on the surface. During the day, the activity of Jumpers in the caves is high, therefore, the complexity of the task is increased. Once in the cave, inspect it, killing ordinary zombies and those that are, as it were, "tied" to the ground. You must clear the entire cave before it's daylight (the Jumpers will return and the task will be almost impossible).


Objective: Meet Bilal at the gas station

Drive to the marker on the map and go up to the roof of the gas station building. Bilal is in the building itself. Drop to the ground, go through the doorway next to the guy sitting on the chair and immediately open the door on the right side. Watch the cut-scene, after which a new task will automatically appear ..


Objective: Get to Silas's truck on the highway.

As usual, the location of the truck is indicated on the map. Move there and you will see a high highway. You need to climb up. You can do this by climbing up the mountain and going all the way, and then jumping over the abyss. But there is a way closer. Note that there are two train cars below. Climb onto the wagon, and from it climb the platforms to the very top. Enter the truck and chat with the Trucker. Parts can now be purchased directly from him.


Objective: Ask Bilal about the power plant

As soon as you move away from the mechanic and leave the buildings, you will hear a characteristic sound - the electricity is gone. Enter back into the building. A new task is automatically activated - "Light of the People". Talk to Bilal to find out the root of the problem.

Mechanic Bilal, who will give you several side tasks.

Objective: Find the insulator on the electric tower. Deliver NPChS to Bilal.

So, you need to deliver a fuse and an insulator to Ali. Bilal gave you the first item during the conversation. But he warned that without the insulator, the fuse would immediately blow. It is noteworthy that the electric tower from this mission and the truck from the previous task of the mechanic are next to each other.

The tower is easy to recognize. Climb up using the yellow-black ledges. Don't forget to use the mouse wheel to look in the other direction. Move to the edge of the arrow and knock one of the insulators down. Go down and pick up the fallen insulator from the ground.

Follow now to your destination. The power station is far away, therefore it is better to go by car. Here you should find Ali. Ali is on the right side of the closed area when looking at the dam. Ali squats and digs in the shield, and next to him stands Faceless - a man in a mask, reading a prayer. Kill enemies nearby and chat with Ali. This task is not over yet.

Objective: Get inside the dam.

Open the door, go forward and see another door. Behind it, a surprise awaits you - a huge armored zombie. It's not worth killing him. It is best to make explosives and throw them aside. As long as they make noise, and you do not touch the monster, the enemy will not notice you. Go to the indicated place and you will find a regular transformer on the wall. Activate the switch, but nothing will happen.

After talking with Ali, jump down the hole in this room. The required transformer is located on one of the middle floors. Just go down until the marker becomes normal. Approach and activate the switches.

Jump down, where a lot of monsters. By the way, you can attract them with an explosive package and throw a grenade into the crowd. You need to go under the water near the grate and make your way under it. Once in a room with sewer pipes, turn the valve on the left and open the grate. Move along the pipe to the exit.

Go upstairs and talk to Ali as soon as you kill all the zombies surrounding the building. When Ali comes out and starts to finish his work, you will need to protect him. To do this is quite simple. Finally, chat with Ali one last time. Quest completed.

Note. To receive a reward, you need to return to Bilal and give him the NPChS.


Objective: Get to the warehouse of the transport company.

So, when you drive away from the power plant, some guy will contact you. He asks for help, as he fell into a rift in the warehouse closest to the power plant. Move there after talking with him on the radio, get over the fence. The boy will say that he got into the warehouse through the roof. Climb onto the truck between the two buildings and use the canopy to get to the roof. Find a hole and jump down. Open the door and climb over the boxes to get to another part of the warehouse. Approach the scarecrow in the center and pick up the toy sword.

The boys will appear, and a little later - the Destroyer. This time the monster will have to be killed. Attack him with firearms. Shoot the helmet! When the helmet is destroyed, then shoot in the head. That's the only way to kill the Destroyer. However, if you do not have ammo, then make the Destroyer run towards you. You have to back away quickly for the monster to crash into the wall. He will be stunned for a short time. At this point, attack him with a sword, ax or other melee weapon. With these items, you can also break the helmet and subsequently kill the monster.

Next, you need to get to the boys. Go to the next room, where there is a corpse of a man in a red jacket. Turn over the corpse, pick up the photograph of the missing person and another item. Below them you will find a key - pick up the key and open the door nearby. Climb up and find yourself in the boys' lair. Mission accomplished - get out of here through the roof.


Objective: Destroy the Jumpers nest.

On the bulletin board inside the gas station, there is a sheet with a new task. Accept it. You need to destroy the Jumpers' nest. There are a lot of opponents in this nest during the day, so go to the place at night.


Objective: Ask Bilal about racing posters.

On the notice board inside the gas station, there is a large poster of a buggy with RACE written on it. Race? Talk to Bilal to find out more about this..

The same poster that you can see on the bulletin board inside the Bilala gas station.


Objective: Talk to Jasir

Some time after you give people water, Jasir will contact you. He will say something is wrong. Return to the farm and talk to him. People get sick from the water and you have to find out what's wrong.

Drive back to the pumping station. The door you entered through earlier (upstairs) is now closed. Go to the water, dive and see three pipes. There is a lock on the middle pipe - open it using a master key. Swim through the pipe, turn left, then right. Soon you will get out inside the station. Kill three bandits. It is necessary to restore electricity, but the door through which you can quickly get to the transformer is locked.

Climb down and go to another door, which is exactly under the previous one. Bekir will appear. Chat with him. In the end, you still have to kill him. Having done this, go into the room and go up the stairs. Turn on the transformer. Mission accomplished!


Objective: Get to the post office.

There is a note on Jasir's desk. Read it. The boy is waiting for a gift from his mother, who left for Harran before the epidemic. Accept the task. Follow the indicated place where the mail is located. By the way, if you go outside, then there will be the same boy near the barn opposite. You can chat with him.

Move to the post office, which is located in a small village near the Bilal gas station. Find the branch marked on the map. Next, you will need to get inside. Open the door on the first floor, go inside and close the doors behind you. Go to the end of the corridor and turn off the alarm with the red button on the wall. Having done this, try to get inside through the nearest doors. Nothing will come of it.

Climb the stairs to the floor and see a hanged man. Find the keys on the table. Go downstairs and open the door. Search ALL packages that are interactive. When you do this, Crane should say that there is no package for the boy here. Find the bulletin board on the wall between the two doors. Read the note and remove the keys to the van.

Now two marks will appear on the map - these are two vans. The first van is nearby. Get the letters out of it. You can take these letters to their owners and receive a reward. Nothing complicated, but you have to run.

Move to the second van, which will be on a high highway. Open it and take the parcel. Take it to Jasir and get your reward.

Jasir, community elder on the farm.


When your level of trust with the Faceless is raised, you can return to Jasir. Faceless will stand nearby (the rank should be “Guest”). Talk to him and you will receive a crossbow as a reward. He will say that you must continue to help people.


Objective: Find Sabit.

After you receive a gift from the Faceless (crossbow), a new additional task will appear on the door near Jasir. Accept it. You need to find Sabit, who helped the farmers. You can also ask Jasir about him.

Move to the specified location. Climb the mountain using equipment ("cat" with a rope). Break the glass of Sabit's hut and climb inside. The herbs you need to find are under Jasir's house. Jump down and see the fallen bag and wooden crates. There is a sack under one of the wooden crates - search it for some herbs. Return to Jasir and give him the herbs.

Note. If you go down even lower along the rope, then you will fall into the lair of the Jumpers. But there will be no enemies here, except for one. Go to the sound and see Sabit. Kill him to end the torment.


Objective: Clear the area.

The task is taken from the bulletin board located at Bilal's gas station. Just go to the indicated area and kill all opponents. There will be a hell of a toad. How did I do? Stand behind the fence, after killing the enemies around the closed area, and then throw grenades at the toad. Search the corpse of the Hellfrog, where you will receive a reward for the "Harvest" quest as part of the walkthrough Dying Light: The Following on the site site.


Goal: Put to rest all the unfortunate souls in the city.

The task is taken from the bulletin board located at Bilal's gas station. Go to a small village where you will need to find four unfortunate souls in the indicated areas. They are little zombies. On the map they are marked with a certain symbol. Point to it and you will understand.

So, as soon as you find them, then come close and press the F key. This will kill them. Markers of unfortunate souls show their location as if from a satellite. You can't see on the map if the child is up or down relative to your position. I must say that one child will be on the tallest building. The second child will be inside the truck. Two more are inside the house. Inside one of the houses you can only get through the door, which you need to break open. My advice: use the explosives to distract the zombies, and at that moment, break open the door. Return to Bilal and say that all the children have been killed.

Objective: Learn from Bilal about poisonous oil.

The task is taken from the bulletin board located at Bilal's gas station. Just take it and talk to Bilal.


Objective: Ask Ezgi for details.

The task will hang on the door near Jasir (I got it after Postal Madness). After talking with Jasir, go to the house guarded by Aylem, go up to the second floor and enter the back room. Ask Ezgi about the task.

Ezgi, daughter of Jasir.

Drive to the indicated place and clear the location from the bandits. The only way to get here is through a hole in the fence. Just go around the area around the perimeter, carefully examining the wall. When you kill all the bandits outside, then enter the house with a porch to make sure that all the enemies are dead. Go down to the basement and kill the last enemy. You hear some noise. In the same basement, find a wooden door leading even lower (on the floor, hatch). Open up and go down. Talk to Erkan.

After talking with Jasir, return to the farm and tell Ezgi that Erkan is alive.


Objective: Kill the Runner and bring his liver to Jasir.

The task will hang on the door near Jasir (I got it after Postal Madness). How to kill Runners, you should already know by original game. Do it and bring the liver. Next, you will need to throw the liver into the indicated barrel and talk to Jasir again.


Objective: Clear the area.

The task will hang on the door near Jasir (I got it after Postal Madness). Just move to the indicated place and kill all opponents. There will be a leader - Weeping. It is slightly larger than the Destroyer you fought at the power plant. You need to kill him. When he throws rocks, try to hide behind buildings. Otherwise, you can't hide from them. You must lure him to walls and houses. The Weeper will hit. After that, he is temporarily stunned. First destroy his helmet and then attack his head. Take the reward from the body of the Weeper.


Give the letter from the first wagon to Sera, who is on the farm in the house guarded by Aylem.


Give the letter to Alem, the man you met on your first visit to the farm.

A stern man named Eilem will, after a while, have a completely different attitude towards Kyle Crane.


Give the letter to Polat, who is in one of the farm barns.


Objective: Get to the Eye of the Sun.

When you have the rank of "ally", you will receive an invitation to the meeting of the Mother and the Faceless. Faceless should contact you and report this. Just do it side missions. Follow the indicated place. Do not turn off the road - it leads to where you need to go. Climb up the stairs and paths, go to the temple. Watch the video. After the Priest will explain to you what happened.

Goal: Continue helping the Children of the Sun.

Now you must keep doing Additional tasks.

Get out of here, Jasir will contact you shortly.

Objective: Get to Jasir.

Follow the farm. Talk to Jasir. He will give you an army magnetic card as a reward. Keep helping the Children of the Sun.


Objective: Get to Adam's house.

When you return to Jasir after the temple, a new task will hang on the door. Take it.

Move to the town and find the indicated house. Walk around it and find the roller shutter gate. Pick them up to get into the adjacent outhouse. Find a hatch on the floor and go down. Move through the basement until you see a hole in the wall on the right. This hole leads to Adam's house. Now the relatively difficult part of the game begins.

You need to find notes with clues. They are on all three floors. There are fewer on the first floor. Look at everything. The floor of all floors, wardrobes, notes on the walls, in paintings, on the bed and other pieces of furniture. A total of four seats must be entered into the PDA! After that, the goal that you need to look for clues will be completed.

They are marked on the map.


Objective: Find a hidden cave under the lighthouse.

Move to the specified location. There will be a lighthouse at the top. But you go down to the shore, to the right of the lighthouse (if you go to it along the road). You need to go down in the redistribution of the yellow area. Below, in the rock, find a passage. This passage is right on the edge of the yellow area. Crouch down and go into the cave. Get the revolver from the chest.


Objective: Find a cave under a dead tree.

Move to the specified location. Climb to the top. Here you could already visit on the instructions of Jasir. You need to get into the cave. It would seem that there is a cave inside the house, but it will not lead you under a tree. Follow the tree itself on the edge of the hill. Carefully walk to the edge and look down. You should see several ledges. Jump down and find an oblong crevice through which you can get under a tree. Get the second revolver from the chest.


Objective: Find the hidden cave under the statue.

Move towards the temple where you first met the Mother. As soon as you enter the cave with the metal stairs up, note that you can jump down the ledges instead of going up. There is water below, so you can safely jump deep into the cave. Find a chest under water, open it and get a revolver.


Objective: Find Tom's grave.

Follow the cemetery and start searching all the graves in the marked area. You are interested not in small, but in large graves, on which tablets hang. On one of these plates will be the inscription Tom. Move it aside and you will find a note and a saber.


Objective: Give the saber to Jasir.

Return to Jasir and give him the saber to complete this lengthy quest.

View of the suburb from above.


Objective: Examine the crash site.

After visiting the temple, Jasir should contact you again and tell you about the crashed plane. You could also see him immediately after attending the meeting. Move to the place indicated on the map and approach the burning plane. You will be contacted by Fatin and Tolga, acquaintances from the original game. Go to them, climb the tower and talk about everything. Take the tracking device from the box located here.

Follow the signal in the marked area. You should find Volkan's backpack, which is in the middle of the wheat field, near the parachute. The closer you are to your destination, the stronger the signal will be. The screenshot below shows the location of the backpack.

The place where you can find a backpack for the quest "Fallen from Heaven".

Next, you will switch to another channel. It will be necessary to try again to find Volkan. Go to Jasir's farm. Enter one of the barns and find Polat. Talk to Polat behind the workbench. This quest ends, but a new one starts.

The Great Train Robbery

Objective: Get to the railway bridge.

Follow to the indicated place, and then kill all opponents on the railway bridge. Once all the opponents have been killed, you will have to walk past all the cars and knock. In one of the cars there will be brothers who will open the door. Chat with them, the task will be completed.


Objective: Ask Jasir what happened. Go to the farm and talk to Jasir. He will tell you that Ezgi ran away. Well, you have to follow her. Move to the place indicated on the map, to Ozan's farm. Kill all the enemies, and then examine the two corpses on the ground, where there is still a pool of blood. One of them is Ozan. Read the note and talk to Jasir on the radio (automatically).

Follow the campsite, kill opponents and search all trailers. In one of the trailers are Ezgi and her friend.

In order for Ezgi and her friend to enter the city, you must check the specified tunnel. Follow your destination, go into the tunnel and kill everyone you see until you reach the checkpoint. Now the mission will be completed, but...


Objective: Return to the tunnel and help Ezgi.

Everything you did went down the drain. Return to the tunnel and find Ezgi. Kill the zombies, then talk to Ezgi. To do this, go up to the truck and open the right door of the container. After that, return to Jasir and tell him that his daughter has gone to the city. Mission Complete.


Objective: Investigate a strange phenomenon

Move to the marked area. Don't be afraid to approach the big guy, because there is a blue cloud of smoke near the jeep that protects from monsters. Come to the jeep. Behind him will lie a long box. Open the crate to complete part of the quest.

Return to the farm and find Faceless in the barn. Chat with him, he will tell you that you need to explore the cave.

Follow the cave, move deeper into it, killing opponents. Eventually, you should spot an army convoy. Look at the back of the truck first. Go inside and look in the only closed box. But there is nothing in the box.


Objective: Find the entrance to the mansion.

At some point, Faceless should contact you and inform you about a certain ethnographer. Move to the mark on the map and find yourself near the mansion. Find a wooden bridge in the backyard. He is destroyed. Approach it and look down to the left. You will see the continuation of the bridge. Jump down there using the "cats", go into the cave and enter the basement of the mansion.

Here you will need to destroy the wooden boxes in order to move the cabinet and get into the mansion itself. Be careful, because there is a gas cylinder behind the crates. If you hit him with a melee weapon, then after a few seconds an explosion will occur. Climb to the top floor and talk to Attila, who is sitting in one of the rooms.

Now you need to fix the cable in order to bring electricity back to the mansion. Come outside. On the map, the active point is shown by a long yellow line. This is the cable. You need to walk along it and find three gaps. Go to the very end. Stand with your back to the missing gate, while being in the territory, practically adjacent to the mansion.

So, this is where the cable just starts. Do you see a building with stairs (steps) ahead? Climb the stairs, enter the building and look immediately to the left. There is a broken cable on the floor. Repair it by holding the F key.

You will find the other end of the cable near a large metal tower nearby. The cliff is on the ground, in the grass. After the cable has been repaired, power will need to be turned on.

There are three active points. Inside the barn, start the generator. Screw the plugs on the same metal tower. Finally, switch the toggle switches on the pole. You can climb the pole and the tower only with the help of a “cat” with a rope.

Now return to Attila, talk to him to complete the quest.


Objective: Examine all shrines.

The task is issued by Attila himself. You need to visit three holy places. They are all marked on the map. Move first to the north from Atilla's house. Swim through the water and find a rock in the middle of the sea. Climb to the very top. Kill three zombies that will lie here. Find a drawing on the rock and examine it by pressing the F key.

Follow the new marker, which is located in the lower right corner of the map. Jump into the water, dive down and find the stone with the second pattern. Press the F key. It remains to find the third place. Finding him is easy. Just move there and examine the drawing on the rock.

After talking with Atilla on the radio, move to the place marked on the map. It is next to the third shrine. Climb to the top of the mountain. Use the hook with the rope. Examine the image on the monolith. Jump down into the hole nearby, under the tree, and remove the mask of the Faceless from the corpse.

Hunting towers, which in the game are a kind of control points.

Return to Atilla and give him the mask. The task will end.


Objective: Talk to the brothers.

At some point, the brothers will contact you. Go to them in the indicated place and learn more about the task. They will ask you to find some details. In principle, all this should have been with you for a long time. Give Fatin the details and get a reward. The brothers will say they need time.

The brothers will contact you in a few minutes. Meet and find out that they need fuel (they will be in the same car). Go in search of fuel. Fortunately, fuel during this quest will be in all cars. After collecting 11 containers, return to Fatin and give them to him. This will complete the quest.


Objective: Find out what happened to Attila.

Follow back to Atilla's house as soon as you are informed about it. Go into the house and go upstairs to Atilla's office. There is a note hanging on the office door - read it. Next, go down to the dungeon through which you came to the mansion the very first time. Examine the corpse of Atilla and take the mask. Taking the mask and listening to the message of the Faceless, go back to the office and take the book that the ethnographer wrote.


Objective: Bring the twins a gas line from the wreckage of the plane.

Go to the plane crash site, where you have already visited. Go to the hood and remove the fuel line from there. Return to the brothers and give them the gas pipeline. See what happens.


Objective: Get to the granary.

Follow the indicated place and go upstairs. First, jump from the pile of grain onto the platform. Find the stairs up and go up. Further, the stairs are closed. Find another flight of stairs. It seems to be closed, but there is a hole on the wall on the side. Jump through the hole to the flight of stairs. Climb up, kill everyone and in the back room on the roof you will find a hostage - brother Orkan. Talk to him. Exit the room, after which the Priest will contact you.

After talking with him, you will have to visit the lighthouse. Climb up by climbing the walls. There are windows on every level. You must climb into the window on the penultimate tier. Climb inside and climb the stairs. Open the door and watch the video.

Kill all opponents for the quest to count. Next, find a box with capsules near the corpse of Kaan. Take all three capsules.


Objective: Be at the entrance of the dam before the bandits.

You have a limited amount of time for this task - six minutes. Drive to your destination without turning anywhere and without distractions. Use all trampolines, etc. Climb up the red structure, go to the next platform and climb the wall above. Drop down to the top of the red platform. Run along the pipe along the wall and climb higher on other ledges. Go through the door.

Walk down the corridor to the checkpoint, listening to Mother's voice. Go through the door, approach the mother and talk to her.


There are two endings in the game. The first ending - you agree to help Mother save the world and admit that this is not a cure, but a real poison. In this case, follow the Mother, open the door and activate the warhead. That's all!


The second ending - you refuse to help the Mother. In this case, you have to fight with her. What can I advise? First, just kill Mother's ghosts. Until, ultimately, Kyle feels like he's getting sick. From now on, you will kill the ghosts of the Mother with your bare hands. If you move away, then after a few seconds, health will begin to recover on its own.

Next, you will have a fight with the Mother herself. Attack her with your hands. Try to move away from her when your health is low. At the same time, move backwards without taking your eyes off the Mother herself. When she runs up, try to strike a counter blow and retreat again. So you can restore health. At the end, when the mask falls off and the Mother has very little health left, she will pounce on you. Press the F key several times. Dropping it, finish it off and watch the final video of the game..

So, after the introductory cutscene, from which we learn that in a city called Harran, a virus unknown to science is rampant. We also learn that there are people in the city who were not infected with it.

After that, we watch a video - a video in which we are in the body of the main character of the game Kyle Crane. Undercover, he must go to a city stricken with a virus and steal a file illegally possessed by a man known as Suleiman. The file contains information about the virus that hit the city and about the vaccine, an attempt to synthesize which at this stage could lead to large losses among people. After a short briefing, Kyle jumps out of the plane and descends on a parachute to the city center, although the landing was not very successful - the parachute caught on an obstacle, and Crane had to land quite hard on the ground. Almost immediately after sight returns to him, Crane sees three armed men who are talking among themselves, offering to break his legs and drag him to Raisu, but Crane he doesn’t like this turn of events and he draws out a pistol, holding the leader of the detachment at gunpoint.
He says that "Noise attracts them." After that Kayla stun with something heavy and he falls to the ground. After which they begin to beat him, but he again points a gun at them. At this moment, the unknown begin to listen to something and, after a moment, we hear a roar and screams. Enemies instantly flee, forgetting about the character. A second later, an infected rushes at him and bites him (in his left hand). But suddenly a guy and a girl come to his aid, drag him into the room and barricade the door. Unfortunately, infected people (hereinafter - zombies, monsters) are practically not delayed, and they devour our savior - Amira(that's what the girl called him). The girl opens the door leading to the street and drags the hero out. After a few seconds, he becomes ill and falls down. The girl contacts someone on the radio and is called jade. She asks to prepare the infirmary for us, and also reports the death of her partner. After her words Crane loses consciousness.

Our hero comes to life. The first thing he hears is a conversation between two children who notice that Kyle has regained consciousness. And they run away. Here there is a small training, after which Crane goes out into the corridor and meets a guard who calls him "Thirty-first". To the question - what kind of place is this, the guard answers briefly - Paradise.
After this short dialogue, it turns out that they are already waiting for us in room 190, where they should give us answers to questions. We go to the left. Then follow the direction on the map. There is nothing difficult in this. Along the way, we talk to different people. We go up. A guard sits in front of the door - we exchange a few words with him and go to the Main on the balcony. A dialogue begins, from which we learn that our main name is Rakhim. He is worried that communication has been lost with one of his people, who is located on the thirteenth floor of the same building, which is called " Tower". The "tower" was rebuilt a few months ago, and now it is a shelter for all the survivors. After talking with Rakhim We follow the coordinates on the map. As a result, we meet a guy named Timur, which opens the elevator doors, and we go down.

Coming out of the elevator, we see a terrifying picture - all the walls are watered with blood and hopelessness reigns. First thing, Crane communicates by radio with his superiors, and brings them up to date. Suddenly, the conversation is interrupted by cries for help and Crane picks up a piece of iron pipe from a gurney standing next to it. We begin to examine the corridor on the left side - in the first door we meet the infected, which, if we do not hesitate, we kill with one blow. Behind the door is a guy named Mark, who says he cut his hand while trying to hide from the zombies. After this dialogue, we contact Rakhim who says he will send to our aid Lena. Mark asks to find gauze and alcohol to treat the wound (This is "Item Build" first aid kit»»).
We go into the room in which there is no wall and the hole is covered with protective tape. In it, next to the bed, there is a box, opening which, we will find "Metal Parts". We go back and search the rest of the rooms. In the yellow boxes on the floor, you can find many different things (for example, " Nails”), it’s also worth looking into the refrigerator - there will be “ Alcohol(which will replace alcohol). We return to the elevator. If you stand facing him - we will find a door on the left - we open it. In the bathroom we find a medicine cabinet hanging on the wall. It contains " Gauze". After that, you can return to Mark, before creating a first aid kit in the menu. Tip: carefully examine the entire apartment where you were " Gauze". It has a lot of useful things. We use the first aid kit Marche, after which comes Lena, and we climb back to the safe residential sectors. Contacts us Rahim. Now he is quite friendly, because the newcomer just saved his man.

So. After taking the elevator, we move to Rahim. We start a dialogue with him. Soon from Rahim's sisters(the girl who saved Kyle) we learn that her brother has a plan to destroy the nest of those infected with explosives. After her departure, we again begin a dialogue with Rakhim. We need to get into 194 room to change clothes (otherwise we will not be able to get acquainted with Bracken, the main one in the "Tower"). We follow the marks on the map and change clothes. After that, we go to the hall on the top floor (climb the stairs). Let's watch a short video. After it, following the instructions that appear on the screen, we climb onto the crane and go to Rahim and watch a video in which he tells us to jump down from a crane, from an amazing height. And, to prove that he is not joking, he jumps down first. After a little while Kyle decides to jump and lands in a pile of soft bags. What follows is a little training in survival in this city. We follow all the prompts - there will be nothing difficult at this stage of the game (we run, bend down, crawl along the ledges, moving in the direction marked by arrows). After returning to the crane boom, Crane overtakes the first attack (the virus in his body begins to act). Rahim advises him to return as soon as possible. Maintaining balance, we go down to the roof. Near the entrance we meet our instructor, who advises to first go to Storekeeper and then to Doctor. We go to the elevator on the map.
Episode completed.

We go to the Storekeeper, using the map. After a short conversation, he will give us weapon - club, and to be precise - a leg from a chair. Now attention - you can’t carry more than one object in your hands, but we already have rusty pipe, which we dealt with the zombies on the thirteenth floor. We move it to a backpack and calmly b erem in the hands of the leg. If this is not done - Kyle will throw out the pipe. After completing all the preparations, we go to the exit to the street. We need to Doctor, and he is in the city, in a trailer on the playground. There is nothing complicated - we run to the building on the opposite side and along the roofs we approach the doctor's van. We listen to the dialogue, from which we understand the following - the Doctor is trying to find a cure, and another scientist is helping him in this, with whom he is connected by radio with a bad connection. After the injection Kyle go outside and contact Rakhim who advises us to speak with Spike, which is located indoors near the Doctor's trailer. He brings us up to date. It turns out that the vaccine, dropped from planes as aid, ends up in the hands of a group led by a man known as Rais. And today, at sunset, another delivery is expected, which must be taken possession of (this is entrusted to the detachment Bracken). The difficulty lies in the fact that the delivery will be made in the evening, and a night in the city is almost certain death. Spike requires that Crane sneaked into the city and activated under his leadership the traps that had been placed earlier. If this is not done, all survivors are in danger of death, because without a vaccine they will not be able to fight the virus for a long time. Before letting go, the guy gives a few fuses - we take them from the table at which he is sitting and go outside. Going through a little training Marauding"- search of tanks and corpses). Download the skill " Survival". Further, along the roofs, we run along the lighthouses. The first trap will be under the hood of a car. Immediately after that, Jade contacts us and informs us that one of our people was in trouble in the town square, who was also working to ensure the safety of the group. Bracken. We go along the lighthouses, trying to be on the ground as rarely as possible.

« Advice. Do not try to get to the scene of the main actions as soon as possible. Search all the houses and rooms in them - this will help you collect a lot of useful things necessary for survival.

After we come to the point where we pressed the man and open the door to the house, we see that he, unfortunately, has already turned into a zombie. We kill him and go into the room where he was. On the right will lie magazine- we pick it up. Next, we approach the shield in the far left corner of the room and activate the power supply. Now we need to get to the roof to improve the connection. We run to a nearby car, from its roof we jump onto the fence, and from there to the second floor of the house, from where we climb up without any problems. We report to our doctor and we get a secondary task - to ensure its research. Then we contact jade and let us know that everything is ready. She says there are a few more points that we need to work on. We go down to the room under the roof - there will be red box, which can be hacked. It contains cigarettes. We go along the roofs to the car. There will be a crowd of zombies near it, which should be distracted, using fuses issued earlier by Spike. As soon as they are distracted - b drive to the car and activate the trap. Further - without wasting time, back to the roof. In the same way, we turn on several other traps. We run along the coordinates on the map, searching everything around, but not forgetting about the gluttonous creatures that will constantly get on your nerves with their groans and hungry roars. After we activate the power in the panel on the pole (indicated on the map), on the right side we search the basket - there will be “ chemicals". A little further there will be a new one red box- hack it. In it will lie pipe wrench . Now we need activate light traps. There are only two targets marked on the map. We get to the first of them, climbing a metal structure above the railway. Next, we jump onto the pillar and climb to its very top. From there we jump to the desired pillar. We return the same way. And from the iron structure to the roof of the building and to the second trap. Then we move on to the third. As soon as we activate it, it cuts out the light in the entire area. Spike says it has happened before. It is required to visit the power plant and fix everything. We run along the marks on the map (it is worth noting that they greatly simplify tasks). Suddenly, we are attacked by a monster in the form of a repairman. You need to be wary of him - he is armed with something that replaces his hammer. We distract him by cutting circles over the area. And then we quickly run there. Where did this zombie come from. In the left wall near the floor there will be a mine that we need to get into. Be careful - there is a zombie near it that will try to grab you. We hammer it with the key found in the red box before and make our way into the hole. Next, turn on the station. We investigate everything - we find drawing « Electric pipes» (it lies on the table in the room with the corpse). Right here - third red box- hack it and get - gas pipe and coffee. We leave back - on the street by this time it was completely dark. Without wasting time (zombies - the repairman is very close), we run away and climb over the fence. We run along the coordinates on the map, avoiding encounters with zombies. In one of the stores, where traps in cars were activated during the day, there will be a figurine near the cash register. Finally, we get to the safe zone. But everything does not go according to plan - suddenly, a strange creature covered with green blisters tries to crawl into the safe zone through the fence. Soon she appears again, but already in the distance. Contact us immediately Doctor and let him know about it. After that, we immediately hide in a safe area. Now you can sleep - so far nothing threatens us.

ten hours later Crane wake up and get in touch Spike. He wants to talk and informs that something bad has happened. I'm going to meet Spike. We pump over the ability to jump to the sides, thereby leaving from under the blows of zombies. Spike says that Crane did an excellent job with the task. He gives Kreinu - Ultraviolet flashlight and remote control. With the help of these things, you can destroy some " Prygunov". After that Spike announces his bad news Bracken failed and now tower"A council is being convened, to which all scouts must appear, including us.

So, before going to the meeting, we report to our leadership about what is happening in the city. We are given the task to identify the leader and report the results to the base. We go into the building and take the elevator upstairs.

So, we go to the left - now a store is available to us, where we can sell the things found in the city and purchase something necessary for survival, for example " french key". We go to the headquarters, in front of the doors of which we are met jade and asks to help her convince Bracken not to go alone to take revenge on Rais, whose people severely beat him and took away the cargo.

As a result of a short conversation, this is done and Crane volunteers to do everything himself. Bracken shakes his hand and wishes him good luck. We leave the room and start a conversation with Lena, a doctor. She says that we need to visit a guy named Ghazi who lives under the overpass - he, in her opinion, has the medicines that we need (Ghazi's mother died two years ago, but he continued to buy medicines for her). We go to the elevator and go outside.

We go to the tower and contact the leadership. Then we go down to the city and follow the mark on the map to the desired point. On the way, we clear the safe zone from the dead and move on. We pass through the tunnel and go further along the road. (although it is best to move along the rooftops and along the paths that stretch along it). We find Gazi's house and talk to him. As it soon turns out, he is completely out of his mind. In order for him to let us inside, he puts forward conditions - to bring him a film from a video rental, supposedly about himself and sweets for his mother. We go back through the tunnel to the marks that appeared on the map. Now there will be a lot of zombies in the tunnel. We carefully pass them and go to the video rental salon. We crack the lock and, as soon as we get inside, the alarm goes off. You need to turn it off immediately the switch is located on the far wall on the right). We leave and quickly run away from the zombies who have come running to the sounds of the alarm. Let's move on to the next mark. We distract the zombies with explosives from the store and search it. We leave through the emergency exit and go back to Gazi. We talk with him. Then you need to climb onto the roof. We climb up the stone wall, and then onto the yellow pipe and crawl along it to the indicated point. Next, we climb into the hole where there are no pipes and again, if required, forward. And then we jump to the roof of Gazi's house and break the lock on the red box. It contains " Coffee" and " simple pipe » We go into the house. We talk with Gazi and pick up medicines from the table. We leave through the roof and go on a mission to collect cargo. Before starting the mission, you need to equip yourself with a shelter. It certainly won't get any worse than this. We make our way to the roof to the box and find that it is empty. Next, we see a plane that drops cargo in another place. We quickly run there, but we do not have time. Rais' men are already operating near the crates. Contacting Jade. She advises not to contact them. We run in search of the second box (in passing, a survivor who needs help is hiding in one of the buildings). Meanwhile, it's getting dark outside. Finally, we find the box. Next to him are crowds of zombies. We destroy them. And we open the box. We contact our leadership and find out the following - perhaps Rais is one of the people of the agency, and also receives a direct order - if a box with the drug falls into the hands of Crane - it is necessary to destroy it. Crane takes one ampoule and destroys the rest. We inform Jade that the medicine could not be obtained. This conversation attracts the attention of the zombies and they begin to attack, so you should run away as quickly as possible without stopping for a second. In the end, we find ourselves in the Tower.

We go to Bracken. He wants to get Antizin by all means. He is even ready to buy it from Rais. As a result, Crane is called to do this task. But before that, there will be a conversation with Bracken, during which he wishes good luck and asks us to return alive.

So, follow the mark on the map - you need to buy antizin from Rais. We go down the elevator and meet with Alfie. This is a local repairman in charge of traps and lights in the area. He asks to turn on two substations to restore lighting in the area near the overpass. First of all, we go to Rais. In the dark, you need to beware of jumpers - they are extremely dangerous !!! As a result of long runs from zombies, we find ourselves in front of the entrance to Rais' hideout. After a short dialogue with the guards, we get inside. We knock on the gate and they let us in. We observe how Rais cuts off the hand of a man who stole something from him. Then we talk with him and understand that we will first have to work for him before we get the drug.

We go to the store - there you can buy a drawing " Super Bloodletter ”, as well as stocking first aid kits. Next, we talk with a man named Karim. He instructs us to climb the tower and turn on FM modulators. We're leaving for the city.

We deal with most of the zombies that have gathered near the entrance to the shelter. We search them and go further along the map. We climb onto the wagon standing on the bridge, contact the authorities and make a report that Rais is exactly the person we need (Suleiman). We receive an order to fulfill unquestioningly all the requirements of Rais, since we have no other way to get the stolen files. We're going to carry out the task of Karim. Near the first tower, a crowd of zombies and one zombie - a thug - will be waiting for us. We deal with it with the help of explosions - packages thrown into gasoline puddles next to cars (we just stand near such a puddle and wait for the creature to come closer, and then we throw the package and run back). After that, we go to the locked door to the garage. But as soon as Crane tries to open it, an incomprehensible mutated creature will jump on us from above. We quickly climb onto the roof and destroy it (although she won’t let herself be killed so easily, but will try to run to the side and spit some kind of acid). After her death, we open the gate - and immediately another creature will grab us. We kill her and search the room and turn on the shield. Further, on the advice of Karim, we go up to the tower. At the very top, we open the shield and find that it is no longer possible to turn it on - someone took it apart. Now you should move to the second antenna, along the beacons on the map. When we arrive at the place, it turns out that there are people on the tower - Alexey and his son- kristov. Karim informs us on the radio that they are "stressing" him. You can get to the tower by jumping from the cliff. We talk to these two. In the end, they are allowed to go upstairs. Here you will have to sweat, since all the stairs are welded (you need to climb the beams, and at the very top along the wires). We activate the shield, which, unlike the first one, is in a satisfactory condition. Mission Complete.

While we are running away from the antenna, Rahim contacts us and reports that the sound during communication has become very “ clean", and this will help Dr. Zera. We inform him that we are moving towards Rais. As we get closer to the right place, we will be contacted by a girl who introduces herself as Troy. It turns out that she leads a small Iskra group in Sector Zero. She reports that until we reestablished communication, she had no idea that there were survivors in the city. We receive her gratitude and a promise to help if needed. We go to the headquarters of Rais.

He says that he is delighted with our work, but when asked whether it is possible to pick up antizin, he replies that it is not so easy to satisfy him and that he will have to work and prove a lot. I'm going to Karim. He says that our task will be to collect tribute, but this is complicated by the fact that not all interlocutors will behave submissively. Before you go on a mission, we go to the merchant - we buy a drawing from him " Electrically conductive liquid and get rid of most of the rubbish we don't need.

We leave in the Slums.
As soon as we leave, we can start destroying zombies. Just push them to the fence. As soon as the crowd of zombies thins out so much that it will not temporarily pose a threat, we collect everything that has fallen out of them and run further. You need to contact the VGM (your superiors). Again we rise to the bridge with the car. The command confirms that we will have to beat out money from local survivors in order to ingratiate ourselves with Rais. We run to the first point - there will be a man named Jafar. We inform you that Rais sent us and that we need money. At first, he does not want to pay, but after threatening to break his legs and drag him to Rais, he gives the money back without further ado, saying that he believes that we are from Rais, because only he can have such scum under his command. Here, in the safe zone, there is a store - we sell everything that we collected from the zombies killed at the entrance to the base. And we buy shurikens" and " first aid kit". Then we go to the east - there is the second point we need. We run across the bridge. Brecken contacts us and says that he is starting to get nervous, as antizin is running out. We run into the tunnel on the right and, having passed along the right side against the wall through the fire, we turn into the passage with the door. We open it and immediately close it behind us, because the zombies will constantly pursue. We come to the red door - this is the door we need. We break it open and stumble upon a disfigured zombie, with a torn chest. He rushes at us, but then a pipe falls, turning this creature into bloody minced meat, evenly smeared on the floor. We contact Karim - he calls such a creature "Bombardier" - he says that if you shoot at this type of zombie, he will blow up everything around within a radius of three meters, so approaching him is not the most sensible thought that can come to mind. Further, he says that we need to go to the village and find a guy named Gursel there. We search everything around - in one of the boxes with a difficult hack there will be an “Elegant short knife”. Exit the outbuildings and turn left. It makes no sense to walk to the right - there will be an iron-concrete barrier, which is real to cling to, but to climb over - no. We move from the bridge to the left along the mountain slope. At the top there will be an inactive safe zone. We turn on the transformer in the room on the ground, and then we climb up to turn on the same shield at the top. We go down and run along the bridge, on which there are a lot of zombies. So stopping even for a second is not recommended. You can set fire to gasoline puddles around, again without stopping. Further, when we are already above the water, we jump into it and swim to the place we need. It turns out that in the village there are crowds of zombies that need to be dealt with. To do this, you need to close the gates and destroy those inside the village. Collecting " electrically conductive liquid ". She works well with electric pipe ". On the radio comes a message that night is falling and you need to look for a safe place - the village is safe. We go to Gursel and take the money. Then it turns out that you need to pick up the money in one more place, namely on the ferry. Near the gate we talk with a man who reports that the gate to the village was opened by a man in a gas mask, who is considered a local madman. We go to bed - at night it is not reasonable to go anywhere. We run along the mark - here we need our help to people (two survivors who are fighting a zombie - a giant). We kill him. You need to act quickly, otherwise he will simply kill both of them in trouble. After the victory, the goal changes - you need to talk with Morgan. We are looking for him and we talk. We take the briefcase with money and leave. You need to look into the store and buy "Shurikens" and "First Aid Kit". After that, we leave the safe zone and carry the money to the headquarters.

Unexpectedly, Bracken contacts us. He reports that on the eighteenth floor in the Tower, one of the people turned into a zombie. He also reports that the survivors are trying to prevent the spread of infection, but how long this will continue is unknown. Now we urgently run to Rais. By the way, you can deal with a man in a gas mask - the zone in which he is - almost next to the bridge, on the right side. He will be in one of the rooms, we will find him immediately after we raise the gate. His name is Shakur. He will deny that he is the one in the gas mask who let the zombies into the fishing village, he will also report that he saw the one who is needed, but he will name the name only after Crane gets the bag of "treasures". To the right of the building where Shakur is located, there is a small house, once in which, we look for a box, breaking which, you can get " Army shovel " and " Pouch". In the second chest - " baseball bat ". We run along the mark and dive to the bottom of the lake, constantly scanning the bottom. We find the bag that Shakur demanded of us, as well as the item " Paddle". We emerge to the surface and go back. We return the bag, and Shakur says that one of the fishermen opened the gate. And to the question - what was in the bag, he answers - " air". We go back to the village - it is 300 meters away. We go to Gursel. He is not at home, but we find a gas mask in the basin. We select it and go to Gursel. We talk with him. It turns out that he set everything up and let the zombies in to convince everyone in the village that Rais should be paid. Crane demands Gürsel to talk Musa out of the idea of ​​killing Shakur. We talk with Musa at the gate and run to Rais at headquarters. We go around the tunnels on the track on the right - along the ledges on the rock. A little later, Karim contacts us and informs us that before returning to the base, it is necessary to go to the market and find Rais's people who are in trouble. Otherwise, you can't go back. We find the right place and see that all the people of Rais were torn to pieces. You need to search all the corpses and find the blueprints in the envelope - according to Karim, they are worth "more than all these dead assholes put together." As soon as we start searching the corpses, they will open fire on us. We run to the gas station building as quickly as possible. Armed people are on the roof. Near the wall there will be a corpse, turning over which, we will find the item we are looking for. We run away. Alexey gets in touch. We need to help him - his son went to the Tower, as he dreams of becoming a parkour player. We promise to find him if possible. As soon as we approach the base, we will notice three people who are beating a young guy. We deal with them (advice - they almost always beat off Shurikens, so it's better to get by with a hammer and your dexterity). The guy thanks us and says that he is now our eternal debtor. The corpses will have little money, but you can pick up the "Mason's Hammer" (3 pieces). Again, we deal with the corpses gathered near the base, pushing them onto stakes and barbed wire. We transfer the drawing to Karim, who will meet us at the very entrance. As expected, Rais tricks Crane into giving him only 5 doses of the drug. And he demands that Crane bring Jade from the tower so that she can take part in the battles that he arranges. After that Rais's man pushes us out of the safe zone. We go to the bridge familiar to us and climb onto the roof of the car to communicate with the authorities. Almost immediately, a plane flies by and drops a box with cargo, almost nearby. We contact the headquarters and inform that we no longer work for Rais. But as a result, an order arrives and the connection ends. Crane sends his superiors into a voice of annoyance. I'm going to the side of the road. We deal with three people on the bridge. We pick up all the cargo from the boxes and move to the Tower. Under the bridge there will be a few more people next to the box - we kill them, preventing them from escaping. The box contains a knife and a pouch. We are trying to contact Bracken, but he does not answer. We get in touch with Jade - she repeats what we heard before - on the 18th floor - a flash. We run to the Tower and find Lena. We also talk to people and find out. That Kristov is somewhere on the upper floors, to find out more precisely, you need to talk with a man named Ace. We go upstairs, where Jade meets us. She says that Bracken wanted to save as many people as possible, but he failed and we should talk to him as soon as possible. Find Ace and talk to him. It turns out that Kristov went in search of things to a recently built skyscraper, but has not been in contact since then, and Ace suspects that the boy is dead. We are looking for Lena - after all, once we got a package of medicines from Gazi. We give it to her. Now we go to Bracken. The conversation will be short, and he wants to talk to Rais himself, but Crane dissuades him. We rise to the roof - there is Rakhima, who is in a state of severe alcohol intoxication. He says a jumper's nest has been discovered. He expresses his thoughts about the fact that if it is destroyed, it will be possible to go out at night. During the conversation, he constantly walks along the edge of the roof, and, in the end, breaks down, but Crane manages to grab him and pull him back. We rise to the roof and contact the authorities. Crane demands that the antizin be dropped near the tower, but receives the answer that his supply is not politically advantageous. Crane loses his temper and says that after he finds the file, he will first study it, and only then decide whether to give it away. After this conversation, Jade gets in touch. She claims that Rais converted one of the schools into a warehouse where antizin is stored. She's going to go there and try to get him. We agree to help her and move towards the railroad tracks. (Soon, Kristov will appear on the air, who will report that he found the survivors, but they are barely alive and that they are all near the hotel - we will postpone this task for later). Let's go to Jade. After we meet with her, our journey to school begins. A jeep pulls up and there are a lot of people around. They bring out a man - he holds his hands behind his head. Suddenly, a man named Tahir starts killing people, and after that the jeep drives off. We are looking for the entrance to the school, you can get there through the basement, according to Jade, but the door is locked. After that, the girl advises us to climb the roof - first we climb the fence, then we jump from it to the ventilation box, and from it to the roof. We deal with the zombies walking around, and then we go to the door and get inside. Almost next to the door is a box - open it and find " Police baton" . Improving it right away. The first step is to search the classrooms, because according to Jade, this is the best place to store valuables. We go to the long end of the corridor and penetrate further. We go down the stairs. And follow the sign to the place we need. In the end, we are discovered by bandits who activate the alarm. It is urgently necessary to turn it off on the watch, otherwise all the zombies will come running here. We deal with all the bandits and turn off the alarm in the back room on the wall. We go up the stairs - there will be a few more people - we just throw Molotov cocktails on them. Then we open the box, but there is no antizin in it. The basement remains the last hope - the key to it lies in a closet on the top shelf in a room with shelving. Crane tells Jade that there is a fallback. We go down and unlock the basement - it is flooded. It will contain several zombies. We kill them and meet Jade. She tries to open the box. We help her, but, having opened the lid, we find something completely different from what we were looking for - plastite. Crane tells Jade to pick up the explosives and carry them to the tower while he covers her and deals with the pursuit. We deal with the bandits who descended into the basement. Then we get out of the school on the street. Night reigns there, but morning will soon come. We go not to the Tower, but to an additional task - to find Jeff's fortress. We talk with this guy who cut off all the gas in the city in order to build his fort. He tells us that we need to open the valves to restore the gas supply. We follow the marks through the tunnel. We open the first valve (there are three of them). The second valve will have a zombie - a giant, so you should be careful. The third one - under the overpass - will have a whole crowd of zombies and several bombardier zombies. Now you need to open the main distribution valve in the substation. You can get to it through a pipe under water (there will again be a giant zombie). We open the valve and see that fire bursts out of the pipes. We quickly run back into the pipe, and after that an explosion occurs, after which Jeff contacts us and informs us that before opening the main one, it was necessary to close the valves " blue» lines. They are on the blue pipe (themselves white color) and finding them is quite easy, if not for a whole crowd of zombies who complained about the noise. After the deed is done, we return to Jeff for a reward. He opens the main faucet, stating that it's going to be a "controlled explosion party". Everything will go well at first, but then something will go wrong and Jeff's hideout will blow up. Together with the owner. Now with peace of mind you can go to the Tower.

So, we continue the search for Dr. Zere. We call the elevator, but there is no electricity. We go down the cable and, having opened the doors, we get out of the mine and quickly kill the bandit. Now you can use firearms. It's best to shoot in the head. Searching the premises find a lot of useful and not so things. We go down the stairs to the floor below. There will be a few more opponents. Bracken reports that our building also has an underground level, so most likely the scientist is being kept there. We go down the stairs and destroy the opponents who are armed with machine guns here. There will be quite a lot of them and it is easiest to destroy them with barrel explosions. In the end, in the valley wall we find a door, knocking out which, we will find a doctor behind her. He says his research is very important. It turns out he gave packets of information about Jade's research. Suddenly, all the lights in the basement turn off. The exclamation of the doctor is heard, but he does not respond to the call. After that, the light lights up again and Crane sees machine guns aimed at him. It turns out that Rais allowed Crane to get to the doctor, thereby loosening his tongue - Rais found out who had the research. At the end of the conversation, Rais stabs the doctor in the leg, and Crane is sent into oblivion with the butt of a machine gun..

We come to ourselves in some basement, surrounded by people of Rais. He starts talking about how Crane is the biggest liar out of all the liars in town. As a result, he gets hit in the face by Crane. Then he takes the machine gun from one of his people and kills him, and then the second. Orders to remove the bodies, and leave Crane. It turns out that the place where we ended up is a kind of ring. The same arena where Rais wanted to see Jade, apparently. Now opponents will be set on us, and we will have to destroy them. There shouldn't be any difficulties - zombies in containers are easy enough to blow up with gas cylinders. Or lure them to the barrels with spikes and push the creatures on them. After the first wave of zombies, there will be a second wave - before which we will be given cleaver. A huge creature will be brought in the container, which will be clad in armor. There will also be regular zombies. Now you have to run. This creature should be attacked only after it has made a blow - after it it restores strength. After the creature dies, Crane will be taken by surprise by another attack that will reduce his stamina. Further Rais will give a first aid kit, and he will also say that he is no longer surprised by our skills - he knows that VGM prepares people well. After these words, he will order to lower the platform and go out to Crane. After a short speech, he will order the file to be published, and after accusations from Crane, he will add that the VGM did not want to destroy the virus, but rather to make it a weapon. Followed by a kill order. Falling, Crane grabs a cleaver and kills the guards, and then cuts off Rais' hand with a pistol, picking up which, he shoots the people left on the platform. The doctor is in the same place, in a very disappointing state - a knife sticks out of his chest. With his last strength, he asks to save people, and then his strength leaves him and he dies. Below, Rais gives the order to shoot, and Crane has no choice but to flee (quite hard - they will shoot all the time, and every moment is expensive). In the end, we get out of the building onto the street, where Crane is overtaken by another attack, after which the ability to run disappears. We urgently need to move to the Tower. Crane eventually passes out and wakes up on the pier. Bracken is nearby. He reports that Rais's men are after us. Crane wants to talk to Jade, but Bracken claims that she gave the packages to her partner Zera Camden, but his lab was tracked down and cornered. Since then there has been no connection. There is also information that people from a group called " Saviors- in particular, a man named Senk. Going out into the street, we see a soldier who gives us equipment. We follow the marks on the map to the people that Bracken spoke about. We need to go to the bridge in the distance, and then through the tunnel to the other side. As soon as we leave the tunnel, we are in no hurry to run away. We kill all the zombies around and hack both cars. One of them will contain a double-barreled shotgun and cartridges for it. Then we move along the bridge, and from it we go down to the railway track and along the map to the shelter of the Saviors smugglers. At the beginning, the guy who opened the door would not even want to talk, but, having learned that it was Crane who crippled Rais, he promises to help, although he says that escaping to Sector Zero is unlikely to help him escape. Then we hear him talking on the radio, checking the words of Crane and after that he announces that he is taking on this case. He refuses to pay, claiming that what Crane did to Rais is more than enough to pay him. He appoints a place at the tunnel where those who will ferry will wait. We move along the road without engaging in fights with zombies - there are a lot of them. After the road breaks, we jump down - there are 2 ambulances - they will contain 2 first aid kits, what is not less important. We run into the right tunnel. There is another ambulance, and in it are two first-aid kits. Further on the mark on the map into the side door. We run along the corridor and knock on the right door. It will be opened by a guy who introduces himself as Hassan. He will act as our guide to the area of ​​the city we need. We follow Hasan through the tunnel, though not for too long. When a group of people appears, the guy will stop and report that further Crane will have to go alone along the path marked by arrows, and he, Hassan, will keep in touch on the radio and coordinate the movements of the follower. We jump into the hatch and swim under the water, after which we emerge and climb up. We jump over to the parapet and along the pipe along the arrows. Hasan gets in touch and reports that there may be zombies in the tunnel. We deal with the creatures in the collector. And we go forward along the map, to a pipe closed by a grate. With the help of the valve we open it and move on, again cracking down on the zombies. We search the chests - they will contain a lot of ammunition and other weapons with things. Further into the next room, and from it up through the yellow pipes. We move through the tunnels, and then through the pipe. Hassan contacts us and asks for forgiveness - Rais grabbed him, and apparently he betrayed Crane. And already in the next room, where we have to swim under water, we will be convinced of the correctness of this conclusion - they will open fire on us, so we should not hesitate. Now it is worth reflecting the attack of the pursuers. There will be enough of them. We collect weapons - they are expensive. Further, along the arrows, until we exit at the place we need. There will be three bandits - we take them by surprise and destroy them. After that, we contact Bracken and inform him that the "Saviors" should beware, since they sold him to Rais. Bracken advises contacting Troy after arriving at the location. We go up the stairs and exit into Old city. We get in touch with Troy and report that we are in the Zero Sector and we need help. She tells Crane to move towards the two towers in the scaffolding - this is a shelter. After that, we get in touch with Dr. Camden, Zere's partner. He reports that Jade has not yet reached him, because he is surrounded by Rais's people. Moving along the roofs, we come out to the square, on which there is a load. We kill the people guarding it and deal with the zombies. The container will contain " Emergency kit". We climb onto the roof of the building and penetrate the scaffolding into the Towers. At the very top, a guy named Michael will meet us, he will report that Troy is already waiting for us inside.

We go inside, where we are met by a guy named Egghead and Troy herself. She contacts Jade, but Crane grabs her radio and offers to help her. Jade demands that he stay away from her, as she believes he is responsible for Raheem's death. And then Crane confesses that he works for the VGM, that he had a task to find out to whom Rais forwarded the file, but now it doesn’t matter, because the ministry was going to bomb the city and that the only reason why they haven’t done it yet is the results of Dr. Zere, which must be transferred to the ministry. Jade yells at Crane, calling him a jerk, and then cuts off the connection. Troy says that if what Crane just said is true, then he urgently needs to find Jade. The last time she was in the university building. We get out of the shelter and go in search.

First of all, we go down the cable, which is located right near the exit to the city. Further on the rooftops, cracking down on zombies. Set up a safe zone along the way. In it you can put on a scout suit. And after that go to the mark of the task on the roofs. A security guard is sitting in the right place for us - we ask him about a girl named jade. He says he saw. We go inside and talk to a man by name Fidan– he says that the girl we are looking for was here. He also reports that she, apparently, was waiting for someone, but then left, leaving for us a photograph of Amir and a verbal message " Once is enough". At the end of the dialogue, Fidan advises to go home to the gunsmith, who has not been in place for several days. It is worth looking into the store and selling junk. If we go along the corridor, then in the back room we will meet Spike. He says that now he can always be found here. And what he could provide us in the slums will be here from now on. Now we leave the university. Jade does not get in touch, but Troy appears - she says that Egghead has made his way through the radio interference. And what they've heard demands Crane's immediate return to the Troy Towers. We run back along the roofs and climb up the scaffolding. We go into the shelter - Egghead is sitting at the computer, and Troy is standing with his arms crossed. She says that she cannot believe what they say on the news, although she has watched this recording for the first time. The reporter says that a document was made public today, which is direct evidence that the actions of the VGM are criminal through and through. It's about about trying to turn the Harran virus into a bioweapon and sell it to the highest bidder. After that, Egghead switches the video at Troy's request. A masked man appears on the screen - posing as a survivor of Harran. This is followed by a speech about the fact that it was decided to destroy the city in order to prevent the spread of infection. After that, Troy says that they figured out how to convey the message - you need to start a fire in the form of a meaningful image - because zombies are so simple - they simply cannot do it. Crane grabs the idea and says. That will do everything. He also asks Troy to contact Jade and persuade her to meet him. Troy promises to fulfill the request. We leave the shelter. We need to find Michael in the sewers. Before that, you can look at the merchants - you can buy from them pistol and blueprints. Now let's move on. At the construction site, we jump into the pipe and swim forward. And we fall into the sewers. By the way - it is not necessary to kill all the zombies in the sewers- you can bypass them by swimming through the pipes and getting out to a safe place. We follow the path marked with checkers. Soon Crane will be covered by another seizure, and in a moment he will find Michael. He says he couldn't get through the ninth floor. And that you need to place charges in certain apartments. We go up the stairs and find the right place on the map. We call the elevator, which will take us to the fifth floor, since the elevator will not be able to go further. As soon as Crane crawls out into the hatch into the elevator shaft, another attack will follow. We get out of the mine on the ninth floor. We need apartments with numbers 105, 106, 134 and 137. We deal with zombies eating someone on the floor with a Molotov cocktail. We open the gas in the right room and put the dynamite. And we move on. As soon as everything is ready in the second apartment and Crane reports this to Michael, he will report that he has " guests”, however, to Crane's words about the retreat, he replies that he will not leave anywhere until the work is completed. We go to the third apartment (We need to climb the stairs to the next floor). Several zombies will jump out of the door on the left. We deal with them. Through the gap in the ceiling we rise to the thirteenth floor. AT 137 apartment will be a zombie- scorer. And in 134 - a child is crying and there is no lighting. As soon as Crane notices him, he starts screaming and stuns Crane. Immediately after consciousness returns to normal, an onset of a whole wave of zombies will begin. After the massacre of her, we kill the child without coming too close to him. Then we open the gas and activate the charge. At this moment, Michael asks us to go down to him, as he would not refuse help. We go down the cable in the elevator shaft. At this moment, Michael says that if something happens to him, you need to take the detonator and get out of here. The elevator falls to the bottom and we find ourselves on the ground floor. We get out onto the stairs and run to the place where the detonator was left. We select it and move on. On the way back there will be a giant zombie. Further up the stairs, jumping to the remains of the bars. Further into the pipe, and along it to the exit. Then we activate the charges. At first, nothing happens, but then the image of a sad smiley appears. Afterwards, Troy reveals that he sees what Crane did. And passes the walkie-talkie to Jade. She also says she sees Crane's handiwork. Suddenly, a fighter plane arrives, which destroys the building with one precisely fired missile, and with it the message of the survivors. Jade says that if Crane is on their side, then he must contact the VGM in order to prevent the destruction of the city. I need to meet with Jade to discuss the details of the plan. We climb into the building and open the room. We see an inscription in blood on the wall: “What will happen to a scorpion if you pull out its sting? Come to the museum and find out." We contact Troy and report about that. That Rais captured Jade. Troy says that Rais has turned the museum into a fortress and that there is no need to go there. But Crane doesn't even want to hear about it. Then Troy advises him to talk to Tarik- this is the curator of the museum, who is simply obliged to know about any underground communications through which you can get inside and go unnoticed.

So, let's get to the task. Need to find a curator. We follow the rooftops to the safe zone marked on the map, dodging the encountering zombies. Tariq slightly on edge. As soon as he sees Crane in front of him, he says that there is nothing to take from him. But after he finds out that Crane is connected with Troy, he becomes more sociable and talks about a boy he recently met and that he does not know how to take care of children. It turns out that Troy promised to send a man to Tariq to help him. Crane promises that if Tariq helps him, he will think of something. The curator informs that in order to get into the museum unnoticed, scuba gear is required, since the entrance is only from the bottom of the Emerald Pond. We go to the indicated entrance. Crane decides to try to swim to the museum without scuba gear. We destroy the zombies on the lake. There will also be a box with valuables and a first aid kit. You can also collect grass along the shore. Now we sail to the entrance to the museum. It will take a long time to swim - so you should not hesitate and, especially, stop. After we got out, we go to the red door and penetrate the building. After a short run through the tunnel - another swim with fish and corpses of people around. The path will be long enough, but, fortunately, there are air pockets where you can catch your breath. We get out of the well, after which the attack will repeat. We follow the mark on the map. As soon as a gap and a way out appear, one should not rush. There will be two sentries that need to be removed without too much noise. Two shots to the head, two dead. Further open the gates and enter them. Rais calls out to us almost immediately. It is located on the second floor balcony. He says that he has not seen us for a long time, and also that Crane stole something from him and he is going to repay him with the same coin. His words are followed by a display of photographs of Jade, who is unconscious. Crane replies that he does not bargain with idiots and puts forward Rais a counter " offer". Either he takes the girl, or the second hand of the bandit. After this dialogue, a shootout will begin, in which you need to sweat. There will be several waves of opponents, so it will take patience to fight back. We rise to the second floor on the boxes. As soon as Crane opens the door he met on his way, he will be covered by a new attack. We follow the mark on the map to the exit. We shoot opponents on the street. Next - through the exhibition halls. After that, you will need to pass the corridor, in which it is full - full of creatures: don't throw molotov cocktails- just climb into the niche at the top and jump into the side passage. It will be clean there. And thus we bypass the entire hall. We destroy zombies near the passage and penetrate into the room. True, a new attack will twist quite unexpectedly. We open the door and see Jade, who says that she is fine, and explains her condition by the fact that Tahir hit her on the head when he was leading here. Suddenly, her speech is interrupted by the voice of Rais, who says that there is no time left. He also thanks Crane for repairing the communication towers, thanks to which Rais was able to eavesdrop on all of Crane's conversations. At the end, he says that Zere's data is with him and that VGM must comply with all requirements. After that, he calls Tahir and says that he no longer needs Crane. After that, Rais unleashes crowds of zombies on the heroes, which are easy enough to shoot, but as soon as Crane and Jade run up to the doors, Jade sinks to the floor. Turns out she was bitten a few hours ago but she hides it. Rais gives Crane a syringe of antizin. One for two. Crane, without hesitation, gives it to Jade, but at that moment a seizure overtakes him and he begins to be reborn. The girl asks him that when everything happens, he killed her with his own hand. After these words, she runs away. Before Crane's eyes is a yellow veil, through which almost nothing can be seen. He follows Jade, constantly calling to her. She contacts him on the radio and tells him to listen to her. We go outside - it is obvious that Crane is haunted by visions. He chases after Jade, but she vanishes into thin air. We go through a rather unrealistic world, which is gradually collapsing. We go forward, all the time in a straight line. In the end, jumping from pole to pole and going down the cable, we come to a small house, opening the door to which we find Jade in it. She has already turned into a zombie and rushes at Crane. He begins to choke her, and at that moment she gives him an injection. It turns out that Crane, under the influence of the virus, only dreamed of all this, and he is trying to ask for forgiveness from the girl. She says that one of them must survive. After Crane's consciousness returns to normal, it turns out that they are in the same room, and Rais is watching what is happening. He orders his men to kill Crane and Jade. The girl deals with everyone, and then, unexpectedly, bites her teeth into the throat of the last of them. Now in the real world, she has turned into a zombie. Crane breaks her neck while Rais orders Tahir to kill "that weirdo".

Now we are waiting for a fight with Tahir - the boss. You have to fight him with knives. We just dodge his blows, and immediately after he makes a lunge and misses, we go on the offensive. A little later, a few more ordinary bandits will appear. After killing them, we fight again with Tahir. After giving him lethal damage, Crane picks up the bag, which should contain the results of Professor Zere's research, but there is nothing except a sample of zombie tissue. When asked where the second package is, Tahir sends Crane to hell. Afterwards, Crane slits Tahir's throat. After that, we contact Troy. We report that Jade is dead. Troy regrets Jade's death, but also says that he must cancel the Ministry's order to bomb the city so that Jade's death is not in vain. Troy also says that she must give Crane an amplifier that will help break into the outside world and transmit a message. We're going to meet Troy. Before that, you can look at the merchant and replenish ammunition. We get into the desired building through a window from the roof of a neighboring house. Troy says that we need to install equipment on the communication tower and that the most short cut to it through the sewer. Our actions will be coordinated by Umnik. Then we go on a mission. We go down the cable from the roof and run along the mark on the map. Down in the tunnel is a chest. It contains " Machete" and " Coffee". Then we go down into the sewers. We go through the tunnels. There will be a zombie - a child who will sob. If they disturbed him, we fight back right in the same room where he was, just shooting the creatures in the doorway. After that, open the chests standing in the room. They will have something interesting. Next, turn the valve on the wall and open the passage into the pipe. After leaving it, there will be several zombies spitting acid. We go up. We go along the blue pipe, and then we jump over to the remains of the metal tracks. Having climbed the stairs - we are in no hurry to enter the room - it is full of zombies. We throw Molotov cocktails and make a couple of shots to get their attention. Waiting for everything to burn. If at least someone remains, then we finish it off. We leave the sewers and see a communication tower, which is worth getting to. It is located on a rocky cliff across the bay. We jump into the water and swim to the surface. We row to the opposite shore and get out on it. Immediately after that, we contact the Smart Guy, who says that to supply power to the antenna, you need a card - a key that can be found in the container. It was hidden there by a guy who tried to work on the tower before. Before being eaten. There will be several giant zombies on the tower. We deal with them with the help of explosions. We also hide from them in the container above. There are also first aid kits. And we need a card. Now you need to get to the power plant. You can get to its territory after bypassing the fence on the left side. There will be an emergency entrance for vehicles, one of the gate leaves will be missing barbed wire. We deal with the zombies and go to the door, next to which the red light is on. We use the card - the key and go inside, after which we turn on the transformer. After that, you need to find and turn on the control panel at the foot of the antenna. There will be zombies again (one of them is a giant zombie). Activate the shield and then climb the mast(you need to climb inside the shaft where the elevator used to go). Further up the stairs, and then jump onto one of the supports (red). From it to the stairs above. Further - along a white metal structure (we jump from one to another). And again up the beams (black and yellow). After we are at the top, we install the transmitter and start broadcasting. Crane reveals his name and that he is transmitting a message from quarantined Harran. He also exposes the plans of Colonel Taner and the Ministry of Defense. Reports that there are still survivors in the city. After that, we see fighters that are already approaching the target, but after Crane's message, the voices of the pilots are heard on the air, saying "we knew that there were still survivors in the city." After that, the planes leave away from the city.

Immediately after this scene, VGM gets in touch. When asked by Crane what they need from him, a female voice simply answers - "we want to give a chance to get out of this nightmarish place." The only condition is to get the results of research by Dr. Zere for the VGM. As soon as they are at Crane, the VGM will send a helicopter for him. Crane says that if they need research, then they should wait for a signal from him. This terminates the connection. Now we go down on the cable. There will be a tunnel not far from it.

In the tunnel we go along the left side to the blockage, and then through the white door. It leads to a side corridor through which you can freely pass. Next, we return to the main tunnel, where there will now be a sufficient number of zombies. We destroy them with the help of Molotov cocktails. And again in the side tunnel - already on the right. We go past a pile of human bodies, passing several creatures. We climb over the skeleton of the bus and go into the right passage with open door. It is flooded, but you can safely run on it. Further - we swim along the pipe to the stairs. Next, we go outside and contact Dr. Camden. He says he is ready to get to work as soon as the samples fall into his hands. Now let's get down to the task of delivering the samples. We follow the marks on the map (by the way - there will be an inactive safe zone nearby - we activate it).

We climb into a room with a closed door. There will be some bandits of Rais. We kill them. After that, Camden will contact us and report that he sees us through the security cameras. He asks Crane to use the elevator. We press the call button and go into the elevator. Camden says that the generators have overheated and then the elevator stops. We get out and go along the corridor. There will be zombies here. We go to the security room to manually open the doors (you can get there through the mine). We pass through it and listen to Camden's speech. It turns out that Zere and Camden remained in the epidemic zone initially to develop a vaccine, and Kadyr Suleiman, better known as Rais, was entrusted with their protection. We learn that everything went wrong after Rais's brother died, and he himself turned into a cruel man. Camden says the only way to the lab is through the decontamination chamber, but until the generators are running at full capacity, there will be no passage. He directs us to the office area to try and turn on the power. We go under the guidance of Camden, who paints the route in detail, not forgetting to kill zombies. Further through the pipes and warehouses we come to the right place (of the possible difficulties - only a room with a loader - you need to lower the load, climb onto it, and then climb into the mine). We turn on the generators and return back the same way that we came. We press the button and observe the procedure. After that, we enter the laboratory and give the tests to the doctor. We show the doctor a photo of Amir. He recognizes the guy - he was an agent of the VMG and had to pull scientists out of the infected city. Now we're leaving to contact the people from the VGM. We run along the marks on the map and take the elevator to the surface. Night reigns on the street. We climb on any roof, away from the ground. And we go to the shelter and wait for the dawn. Then we climb the tower marked on the map and contact Troy. We inform her that the samples have been transferred and that we need to contact the already former superiors. After that, we contact the VGM, but instead of people from there, Rais answers. He says that with the help of Crane's walkie-talkie, he contacted the VGM and now a helicopter will pick him up, since he has data on Zere's research. He also angers Crane and provokes him to attack. The hero loses his temper and promises to kill Rais. After the conversation, we go down from the tower and follow the mark on the map to meet with Rais.

You will have to run far - back to the Slums. In addition, it is worth attending to the purchase of supplies, first-aid kits and cartridges. All this will come in handy very soon.

As soon as Crane enters the building, he is overtaken by an extremely strong attack caused by the virus. We move up the stairs - it is best to take firearms. We run away from the crowd of creatures, throwing explosion packets to distract attention. There is nothing difficult in the race - the main thing is not to stop and not start a fight. After leaving the chase, we climb the wall of the building and enter the elevator that will take us upstairs. We leave the elevator and run along the mark on the map - you need to climb the stairs, where we will see Karim lying in a pool of blood. He recognizes us, and since Rais hurt him, he wants to take revenge. He reports that two floors above us are mined and points to a detour. After which he dies. Now you need to jump onto the bags lying on the crane boom. We penetrate the second building mentioned by the late Karim and break through the hordes of zombies. Then again to the top of the crane and along its arrow to the building, where Rais was hiding on the roof. We go along the wall along a thin board, and then up the wall again. In general, it is a long and demanding task. Finally, we get to the roof and see Rais, who froze on the edge, threatening to throw off all research. As a result, Suleiman throws a research disk at Crane, diverting his attention there, and then throws a blade that needs to be repulsed by pressing a certain button in time. But, he still hits the target. After that, Rais starts to attack, and Crane dodges, but, as a result, Crane plunges a machete into Rais. He says that the agent will not resist the temptation to kill him. In response to this, Kyle throws the machete off the roof and pulls out the blade that Rais had thrown in his shoulder and crawls away from him behind the disk. Immediately after the disc is in Crane's hands, a VGM helicopter appears. Unexpectedly, Rais lunges at Crane and knocks him down. The character clings to the pipe at the last moment and hangs. Rais demands to give the disk to him. In exchange for this, he promises a quick death. Crane throws the disk to Rais, and while he tries to unclench the fingers of the victim, he pulls the blade out of his shoulder and stabs the bastard in the neck, after which he breaks down and falls from the skyscraper. Kyle climbs back onto the building and talks to the HMO, who repeats his demand for evacuation in exchange for research data. Crane says he will only contact them when he decides what to do next. In the meantime, the data on the vaccine is in Harran - the ministry will not try to destroy the city. After these words, the helicopter flies away, and Camden appears on the link, who says that if Zere's data appears on his hands, then the vaccine will be ready.

”, dedicated to Dying Light.

We have also compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions about the game.

When releasedDyingLight onPS3 andXbox 360?

There are no plans to release the game on older generation consoles.

Where to find firearms?

Pistols and rifles are rare in Harran. In addition, they are rather impractical, as crowds of zombies come running to shoot, plus it is not easy to get ammunition at the very beginning of the game. Firearms are first encountered in the mission "Pact with Rais". Otherwise, the "guns" are located in random places, most often at the fighters of Rais, as well as at their base. And of course, the gun can be purchased from merchants.

How to catch a runner?

Chasing a super-fast zombie is almost useless. To catch him, you need to throw a distracting grenade, then quietly sneak up behind and stun the enemy.

What is includedSeasonPass?

Season Pass holders will receive the Cuisine & Cargo add-on, which will include two missions to test the player's abilities. The second downloadable content will be the Ultimate Survivor Bundle, a set of seven items that will make it easier to survive in Dying Light. Finally, the last part of the Season Pass is called The Bozak Horde. This is a map for both single player and co-op play.

WhenDyingLight coming to PC?

Good news! The game is already available on personal computers. Her release took place on January 27, 2015.

How to optimize the game?

After the launch of Dying Light, many players experienced performance issues. After several patches, the situation has improved markedly. Therefore, if your game is still slowing down, check your graphics settings and make sure your system meets the requirements of the game.

How to play online?

Co-op requires licensed copy games. Keep in mind that wandering around Harran with a friend will not work right away, as you first need to complete the prologue. After that, press the "Pause" button and invite comrades to the game.



After the cutscene, exit the room and go forward down the corridor. Then talk to the guard and move on. Climb the stairs and then find room 190, where the boss is located. Go inside and talk to the leader. Then go out into the corridor and turn right. Go around the building and ask the guard to open the elevator.

On the 13th floor, pick up the mount and move towards the survivor. Kill the zombies and talk to the wounded. Then go in search of gauze and alcohol. Gauze can be found in the first aid kit, and a bottle can be found in the refrigerator. Focus on the orange zones on the mini-map for easier searching.

There are many useful items in various first-aid kits and boxes.

After collecting all the components, open the drawing menu and create a first aid kit. Then bandage Mark's wound. Go back and talk to Rahim. Go to room 194 and change. Rahim will ask you to come to the hall, which is located on the roof. Climb onto the crane and cross it to the other side.

Talk to the survivor and jump down. Then go through a short tutorial, from which you will learn the basics of survival in Harran. After that, return to the crane and climb back. Talk to Raheem about the attack that happened. Now go back to the 13th floor and take the elevator down.

Approach the storekeeper and pick up the equipment. After leaving the tower, you will leave the safe zone, so from now on you need to be careful. Turn left and move towards the orange dot. Try not to draw too much attention to yourself and avoid getting into fights with zombies.

One wrong step to the side and the loss of precious points is guaranteed

Climb across the street and go around the fence behind which Dr. Zere is hiding. Use your parkour skills to climb the building and jump over the fence. Go to the doctor and get the injection you need. Then talk to Spike and take the explosive from the table.

Emergency de-energization

Head to the orange marker and plant explosives under the hood of the car. Then go to the SOS signal of one of the associates. It is best to move on the rooftops, since most zombies cannot climb there yet. Climb over the fence and take out the two enemies. Then unlock the door to save the survivor.

Activate the safe zone and climb onto the roof of the neighboring building. Use the radio to contact the VGM and report the situation. Then go across the highway to the next mark. Move on the roofs of cars to avoid contact with enemies. After you deal with the opponents, fix the rest of the traps. Some of them are on poles that you can jump onto from nearby rooftops.

Some safe zones have an entrance hidden from prying eyes.

Now go to the substation and find out the reason for the power outage. At this time, a large zombie will appear, which is quite problematic to fight. Just take him away, and then quickly run up to the shield room and fix the problem. Now run as fast as you can to the shelter, as you need to take cover before dark.

Wait out the night, and go to Spike the next morning. Discuss with him what happened and pick up new equipment. Then return to the Tower and take the elevator to Becker.

air cargo

Reach the orange mark and climb onto the roof of the building, then contact the VGM and report on the situation. Then go down and go to the place of cargo drop. The place where the precious box fell is marked with a smoke bomb. Climb onto the roof and open the container, which, alas, will be empty.

The right box is easy to recognize by thick smoke

After a short cutscene, the government will drop 2 more crates. Go to the first container. It turns out that Rais's people got to him earlier. In no case do not get involved in a fight, at this stage the chances of winning are extremely small. Go around the drop site and head to the next crate. Kill the three zombies around the cargo and open the container.

While you were running around the containers, night fell. Therefore, after burning the parcel, you need to get to the safe zone as soon as possible. Open the map and plan a rough route to the shelter. Then drop everything and run as fast as you can to the Tower. As soon as you go inside, the chase will fall behind and you can take a breath.

Treaty with Rais

Get down and go to Rais's camp. Meet the leader and get the first task from his technician. Get to the tower and activate the switch in the garage. There are a lot of zombies around this place, so be careful. Throw an explosive package that the whole crowd will run to. Then throw a Molotov cocktail into this thicket and watch the fireworks.

Use distractions to avoid the zombie horde.

When the power is restored, climb the tower with your parkour skills and try to turn on the switches, but they will be broken. Climb down the cable to the next antenna and climb off the cliff to the lower level. Talk to Alexei, with his permission, climb up and turn on the connection. Then return to Rais's camp and talk to him.

Go to the first settlement and collect tribute. In the second, you will first have to deal with the mutants, and only then demand money. If there is a throwing weapon, then use it, since mutants in close combat are more dangerous than simple ghouls. Now go to the pier and find the third camp where you need to collect tribute.

After that, try to turn in the task to Rais, but he will put forward another requirement. Go to the gas station and find the right document under the body of one of the fighters. The piquancy of the situation will add an enemy with an automatic rifle, sitting on the roof. Climb up the hill behind the building and throw a Molotov cocktail to neutralize the shooter.

Neutralize the shooter with the Molotov cocktail and pick up the rifle

Report everything to Rais and take the ampoules. Return to the Tower, but before that, contact the VGM. Take the elevator upstairs and talk to Jade and then Becker. After that, you will receive new instructions from the VGM.


Find Jade in the carriage on the bridge, then watch the cut-scene. Approach the school and climb over the fence. Climb to the roof of the building and find the hatch in the attic. Deal with the mutants, then climb inside. Move through the classrooms of the school until one of the bandits finds you. Deal with three opponents, then turn off the alarm. Make your way further through the building, dealing with the bandits that come across along the way.

Push the zombies off the roof with kicks - saving ammo and stamina

Search the military cargo, which turns out to be empty. Then pick up the keys from the box in the table and go down to the basement. Help Jade open the container, then watch the cut-scene. Fight off Rais's men and get out of the school. After meeting with the green jumper, return to the Tower and talk to Raheem on the roof.

Go downstairs and ask Dr. Zere about the mutants. Then talk to the storekeeper about their habitat. Open the map and find the area marked with a skull. It is desirable that she be close to the shelter (for example, as in the screenshot below). Wait for the night and sneak a medium distance to the runner. Then throw a distracting explosive pack and stun the monster. Collect a sample of his tissue and deliver it to Dr. Zera.

Try to keep the runners' habitat close to cover.

As soon as Raheem calls and asks for help, run to the freeway and inspect the bodies. One of the dead will be Omar, so go to the railway station and deal with opponents. Open the car door and get explosives from Raheem. You will now have three minutes to set the charge and get out of the building.

Get down downward and on the sewer make your way to the building. Run inside and, ignoring the zombies, go up to the second floor. Set the explosives on the column, do the same on the floor above. Now leave the building and watch the explosion. Return to Rahim.

Report to Becker about what happened, and then rush to the aid of Dr. Zera. Retake the van from Rais's men, then ask the wounded man for the scientist's location. Go to the headquarters to Rais. Go around the building on the right and jump onto the van. Climb from the car to the balconies and climb onto the roof.

At night, zombies become more dangerous, and strong mutants emerge from their holes.

In one of the attics there will be a hatch leading deep into the building. Roam the floors looking for Dr. Zere while killing Rais's men. The scientist will be in one of the rooms at the end of the floor. Pistols and rifles, as well as cartridges for them, are scattered on this level. Don't spare the ammo, as you won't need it later.

After the cutscene, Rais will force Crane to fight in the arena. Kill all the zombies with the help of improvised means, and then deal with the Destroyer. Use the elements of the environment to disorientate the boss. As soon as he is stunned, hit him with a series of blows with a machete.

After the cutscene, make your escape by climbing all sorts of balconies and beams. Crane is having a seizure due to the virus, so he won't be able to run. Calmly go to the tower, bypassing the places where zombies accumulate. After waking up, talk to Becker about a new task.


Get to the contact and talk about Sector Zero. Then climb the bridge (climb the scaffold, then the yellow pipe, and then the scaffolding) and find the entrance to the sewers. Hassan will be waiting for you there, who will show you the entrance to the tunnel. In the sewers, follow the arrows drawn on the walls. Move along the tunnel with the help of parkour. Somewhere you will need to turn the valves to go further.

Use the elements of the environment to get to the other side unnoticed

When you reach the end of the sewers, you will need to jump into the water. Prepare to immediately swim forward after the jump, as there will be an ambush below. Get to the surface and deal with the soldiers of Rais. Then go into the next room and move outside. There you will find another pack of opponents.

Exit the building and contact Troy. Right in front of you you will see two high towers - go there. Climb to the one that is higher and find a contact. After that, call Jade on the radio and find out her whereabouts.

Higher education

Get to the right roof and talk to the guard. He will let you inside, where they are already waiting for you. Talk to Fidan and go outside, then return to Troy.

fiery face

Head to the sewers to meet Michael. Swim underwater without attracting the attention of zombies. Take the explosives from Michael and go to the elevator. Exit on the fifth floor, then climb into the mine. With the help of parkour, go up to the 9th floor. Go further along the building, mine apartments number 105, 106, 134 and 137. Along the way you will meet a lot of zombies that you need to kill.

Ammo is only abundant in a few missions, harder to get in the rest of the game

After reaching the 10th floor, go down and deal with the crowd of zombies. Pick up the detonator, then leave the danger zone through the sewers. As soon as you are far from the building, activate the bomb and blow up the building. Get to the next building. Jade is no longer there, but she left you a note.


Get to the mark and talk to Tariq, who will offer to look for an entrance inside. Jump down and swim through the tunnels, remembering to pop up from time to time to replenish your air supply. Go through the red door into the next body of water, then climb up the ledges in the wall. Deal with the guards on the roof and find Rais inside.

Fighting off the advancing enemies (including with the help of firearms), get out through the balcony to the outside. Get to the next mark, deal with opponents, and with the help of parkour make your way through the hall. Mutants will be waiting for you there, which you need to quickly deal with.

The underwater entrance to the sewer looks like this

After a short cutscene, chase down Jade and then deal with Tahir. From time to time, simple enemies will appear on the battlefield, so first neutralize them, and only then take on the boss himself. After the video, get to the mark and talk to Troy.

On air

Go to the orange dot, move the grate and go inside. Kill the enemies, then turn the valve and move on. Do not get involved in a fight with a huge number of zombies. Just jump over the pipes to the other side and then up the stairs to the top. Contact Troy and search the premises.

The required item is not here, so you have to go ahead. Dealing with opponents, get to the next mark. Take the pass from the container. Move to the power plant, clear it and turn on the switch. Then launch the shield and deal with the advancing zombies.

Before you make a kill from above, you should make sure that after the jump, no one will attack from behind

With the help of parkour, make your way further, at the cliff, jump over to the other side and climb the rope. On the roof itself, turn on the last transformer and transmit a message. Climb down and reach the tunnel that leads to the exit to the city.


Get to Dr. Camden and protect him. Go down the elevator and kill the rest of the opponents. Climb into the ventilation, then pick up the key and use it to open the next door. Talk to the scientist and climb into the next shaft. Then move on top, as the lower level is filled with acrid smoke.

Deal with the enemies and turn on the generator. Walk forward and then close the door and turn on the processing. Now talk to Camden and give him the fabric samples. Take the elevator down and contact Troy and Rais.

But this is not the worst thing that awaits you in the game.


The leader of the gang will offer to meet, so head to his camp. Get into the sewer and go outside. Make your way through the slums and bypass the obstacle through the tunnel. Climb up the stairs and deal with Rais' infected soldiers. Go further down the corridor and finish off the mutants.

Then you can just run to the desired mark, as zombies will appear endlessly, and the strength of our hero is limited. Follow the elevator and find Karim. Move on, focus on the construction crane. Use it to run across to another building, and then deal with the enemies. Use parkour to get to Rais. It's time for the final showdown.

In this city, you can climb on any building and on any roof. Use it while playing!

Shooting at the leader at this stage is useless, so climb up and jump over to the other side. Then run as fast as you can through the scaffolding, closing the distance to Rais. The final battle is made in the form of cut-scenes, so just press the right buttons in time, and then watch the video.

Congratulations, the game is over!

It begins with a video in which we learn that a misfortune happened in a city called Haran, an unknown virus caused an epidemic, the causes of which are not clear. For "Kharan", as for the city, it's all over. Either its inhabitants will be swallowed up by the virus, or the Ministry of Defense will be destroyed.

This is followed by a video in which our plane flies main character- Kyle Crane, an undercover agent tasked with stealing a virus file from a man named "Suleiman". After introducing our hero, we jump out of the plane and land unsuccessfully in the middle of the stone jungle of the city of Haran.

After an unsuccessful landing, we are met by three bandits, having seen us in the air, without hesitation they are going to take physical force, but Kyle is not with empty pockets and aims a gun at the guys, the leader of the gang comforts Crane, saying that the noise will attract "their" attention (whose attention find out later). But not much time passes, as on the sly, one of the fighters hits us on the head, and knocks us down. The fighters surround us and begin to kick us without pity, Crane comes into a state a little and without hesitation points his gun at the brave man who hit him and fires several shots at him. The rest look around, realizing what will happen now, knocking out of this place as far as possible.

Kyle tries to get up and sees that the “infected” is running at him from afar, who is very happy to see him. He runs up and starts to say hello, biting our hand, but then an unfamiliar guy with a baseball bat comes to our aid and takes out the brains of our offender. Also nearby we see a girl who easily broke the skull of another zombie. A nice couple grabs us and carries us away from here, the rest of the “infected” see this and run to us. Leaving me with his girlfriend, a "baseball player" named Amir holds off the zombies with a bat, but there are too many of them, and they pile on him and eat like hungry wolves. Amir shouts - "run", and we with his girlfriend go out the door and close it. A little further away, we fall down, the rescuer named "Jade" calls for help on the radio, and Crane passes out.


Crane wakes up already in the room, feeling unwell, leaves the room. On the way, he meets a guard, and for reasons unknown at the moment, he calls us "31st". Crane asks him - "what is this place?", and he replies that this is paradise (yes, paradise). The guard says that all his questions will be answered by the boss in room 190 and they are waiting for us there. We go there, communicate with other people, they explain to us what the 31st means, we listen to people's opinions about us on the way, on the same floor we see an ajar door, we communicate with a guy who also sends us to the boss in room 190.

We go upstairs, ask the guard for permission to enter and go into the room. We look around and go to the balcony, we see a young guy with binoculars, and we are surprised that he is the boss. He explains to us about the place called "The Tower", in which we are, and how they survive. During the conversation, we offend the boy by forcing him to give the walkie-talkie, which belongs to Crane. A guy named Raheem pouts at us, explaining that "Bro, we need to share equipment." Rahim does not continue the conversation with us for long, ending it with the words “do something and don’t waste my time.” He asks us to go down to the 13th floor to the boy, and adds that he is not the boss, but the boss Bracken.

We go towards the point, near the elevator we meet a guard, and ask us to let us through to the 13th floor. We go down, open the elevator doors, there is no one on the floor, the walls are stained with blood, flies are flying around, we approach the baby carriage, but there is no one there. We communicate on the radio, with the boss, and after that we hear someone calling for help, we grab the pipe and rush to help. We open the door behind which the zombie is trying to enter the bathroom. We aim at his head and strike, and the zombie dies from the first blow. We go into the bathroom, and we communicate with the survivor, he is wounded, says that it was his brother and he wanted to “just” see him. We call for help on the radio, the victim asks to find alcohol and gauze for him to disinfect the wound. We go in search of healing components, inspect all open rooms, the map will display in orange which rooms need to be checked. As soon as we find the components, we make a first-aid kit out of them in the “drawings” menu and head to the wounded, treat his wound, then the doctor comes running, who praises us for the effectiveness of our approach. We leave the room, Raheem contacts us and asks us to return to him, tell us what to do next.

We go up to him on the elevator, enter the room, listen to his conversation with Jade. We learn that she is his sister and asks him not to participate in the explosion of the "nest" (what it is you will find out later), we thank her for saving her, to which she replies - "take care of my brother." This is followed by a short conversation with Rahim, after which we need to change clothes (then there will be something interesting), the map shows where to run. We run up to the bag and change clothes, Rakhim contacts us and says that we need to train in the gym in order to safely move outside the walls of the Tower.

The hall is located on the roof, we go up the stairs, open the door, look for Rakhim. And here the basics of parkour begin, we go up to the arrow, then we go along it to the neighboring building, where we meet our young parkour player. Taunting us, Rahim jumps down on the trash bears, we fall after him, then following his instructions, we pass the obstacle course. At the end of the task, we are given experience in "survival", climbing the arrow, we go, we need to return to the neighboring building. Crane has an attack, the bite makes itself felt (here it is advisable not to fall from the arrow). But soon everything returns to normal, we continue on our way and meet at the door with Rakhim. He explains that we need "antizin", the very medicine for survivors who have been bitten, without it a person can turn into a zombie. He gives us instructions to get down from the "Tower" and go to the doctor, he will inject a dose of medicine, also along the way, meet the storekeeper who will give weapons.

We get down to the first floor and approach the storekeeper. The storekeeper says that you need to intercept the cargo and take it to him or Spike (who will find out later) and receive a reward for this. And he also tells Crane that they don’t like freeloaders here, so in order to get recognition you need to help others and us weapons, we take the rest of the items from him and move on. We approach the doors, a cool guard does not let us go out immediately, and begins to talk about the basics of life safety.

And here we are on the street, looking around and going towards the mark on the map, on the way we practice ourselves in parkour and collect various supplies. When we got to the point, Crane knocks on the trailer, and then he enters and sees a doctor who is trying to communicate with someone via radio, then he switches to a conversation with us and explains to us that special components are needed for antizine, and then he injects us dose.


We leave the trailer, Raheem contacts us, invites us to talk with Spike, he is sitting near the trailer in the closet. We approach him and talk about a new task, we need to activate night traps so that at night we can intercept part of the VGM cargo, since during the day they are taken by a gang armed to the teeth - “Rais's gang” (we met them at the beginning of the game). Offers us to take a few "explosive packs" (they are necessary to attract the attention of walkers) and go to activate the traps. Before entering the unsafe area in the "skills" menu, learn "using lockpicks" this will help you create lockpicks and crack chests.

The first point is a car not far from the "tower", follow the instructions of the spike and activate the trap. We go further, Jade gets in touch and asks to help the survivor outside the “tower”, we go to him. Along the way, we are looking for supplies, as well as developing agility and combat skills.

We get to a point on the map, get rid of the zombies, knock on the door, and meet the “infected” survivor (unlike walkers, he moves quickly, climbs walls and shortens from attacks). Disappointed that we did not have time to save him, we activate the power in the safe zone and climb to the roof of the neighboring building to contact the VGM. As we got up, we report about what is happening, then we go to the next trap, the car is surrounded by zombies, it is necessary to distract part of the zombies with explosives.

Then we run to the next activation point, it is located almost on the roof of the house, we show parkour skills and go up there. Then a few more activation points appear, run to them. It's getting dark, so hurry up. To turn on two traps, which are located on poles with switches next to each other, you need to jump on one of them from the building next to it, and on the other with the help of a neighboring pole.

We move to the next trap, it will not be difficult to get to it. After activation, there is a problem with electricity, it is necessary to resume it, we move in the direction of the point on the map, to the electrical substation. Having reached the substation, Crane tries to use the switch, but then the "Thug" defiantly comes out of the building with a huge armature. Thugs move like walkers, but deal more damage, reminiscent of former convicts. Here you need to show skill. You have two options, distract him at a distance, run into the building and activate electricity or fight him (the fight will be long, but will bring a lot of experience for combat skill).

Then we leave the substation until it gets very dark, in the dark visibility is very poor, so you should not linger on the spot. We get to the safe zone, we see a zombie with green blisters, we tell the doctor about it, we go into the "shack" and go to bed.

In the morning, we run to Spike, he instructs us on meeting with the "jumpers" and gives us an ultraviolet flashlight and a remote control. He talks about Bracken's failed idea, and that Jade is calling everyone in the "tower", we are heading there. Before that, we contact the headquarters, report on a future meeting with Bracken - the boss in the tower. We go into the tower, go up, communicate with people along the way, sell things and move towards the point. We meet Jade, she talks about an unsuccessful night outing for cargo, and that he wants to repeat it. Crane volunteers, and is going to go alone, instead of Bracken, we leave the room. Lena (the doctor) meets us outside the door, tells us about Bracken and gives an additional task, we also collect all the additional tasks on the way out of the tower exit. Somehow we just completed the tasks that you can handle, switch to the main one and continue.


Our task is to intercept the cargo this night. To begin with, let's go up to the roof and report to the VGM about Breken, and also report on Rais, the leader of the militants who intercept the antizin during the day. We receive further orders and set off for the basin area.

As soon as they arrived at the place, Jade gets in touch and says to wait in the shelter until the cargo is dropped. Crane sees cargo nearby, we go to him, climb onto the building, through the windows. We examine the body of the deceased and climb higher to the box, it turns out to be empty.

We observe how the plane throws off two cargoes, we communicate on the radio with Jade and move towards the cargo. The first cargo was intercepted by the people of Rais, without contacting them, we hasten to the next one. It starts to get dark, Jade dissuades us from moving on to the cargo, but we continue on our way. An area appears in which the cargo is guided by a parachute on the roof and find it. We get rid of walkers, find "antizin" and contact the authorities.

The VGM explains to us that the cargo must be destroyed in order to reach Rais. We destroy the cargo, tell Jade that we did not find anything and return to the "tower". Jade warns that it is worth going unnoticed, as the night monsters have awakened and we will not be able to withstand the battle with them. A couple of them notice us and you need to hide from them. We run as far as possible, jump on the buildings, turn around if necessary and shine a UV lamp on them. As soon as you left the chase, on the way to the "tower" highlight the location indicator of the "Jumpers" to avoid meeting with them, they are very fast and strong. We go into the "Tower" and go upstairs and report to Bracken about the failure of the raid, and agree that Crane will go to Rais to find out the price of "antizine".


We communicate with people, take additional tasks, if any, and go outside. Upon completion of some mini-tasks and collecting supplies, we go to the possessions of Rais. Through the truck, we jump into the territory of Rais, knock on the gate and see how some guy (whom we saw at the very beginning) stops us and near him some kind of thug (apparently this is Rais) injures one of his wards. We communicate with him and his friend Tahir. Tahir sends us to Karim, who will tell us what we need to do for "antizin".

Karim gives us a task: to climb the tower and turn on the modulators to enhance communication in Haran's territory. We leave the territory of Rais and head first to the carriage on the bridge to contact the authorities. We report that Rais is Suleiman, we are given further orders and move to the antenna tower.

Upon arrival at the place, it is necessary to turn on the power of the antenna, the switch is located in the annex near the antenna. We deal with the thug or take him a long distance, we try to open the extension gate, as a mutated type of zombie - “Toad” jumps from the tower onto the roof and spits mucus at us, we hide behind the truck. It will not be difficult to kill him, he is in poor health, but good at attacking from a distance. We get rid of him and the remaining zombies, open the gate, turn on the power and climb the tower. On the way up the tower, we grab everything we can. We climb the ladders and cable trays, we also grab onto all possible ledges to get to the control panel. There will be a zombie near him, we throw it off and open the shield, everything inside turns out to be faulty, we contact Karim and explain the situation.

We go down the cable from the tower and move to another antenna, as soon as we reach the target, we see that the station is energized, and maybe there is someone inside. We rise from the other side to the cliff and jump from it to the antenna, we meet the guests - Alexei and his son, the workers of this station. After talking with them, we rise in the same way as on the first tower, activate the transmitter and go down the cable and return to the base to Rais. Upon arrival at the base, Rais shows us a fig and sends us to the next task, now promising us two boxes of antizine.

The task is to collect tribute from small groups of survivors, the first destination is the Jafar workshop. Before visiting its inhabitants, we contact the VGM, report on the situation and move to the workshop. In the workshop "cute" we communicate with the owner of the workshop and collect tribute.

The next gathering point is the fishing village to the east, but before that you need to meet with the courier in the tunnel near the village. On the way to the tunnel, Breken contacts us and tells us how hard it is without antizin, we get to the tunnel, we go into the room, we examine the rooms. We knock out an unyielding door, behind it we are met by another mutated zombie - "Kamikaze". It is dangerous because at the sight of us they swell and explode. Explosion coverage is up to three meters, kill from a distance. In addition to the zombies, there is no courier in the room, we inform Karim about this and move to the village.

Upon arrival in the village, we find a crowd of zombies, first of all we close the gate, then we get rid of all the zombies in the territory. After cleaning, we start searching for a guy named Gursel, he will be in the building on the 2nd floor. We communicate with him, collect tribute, take additional tasks and move to the next collection point.

The place of tribute collection is a ferry crossing not far from the fishing village. We move in the direction of the point on the map, communicate with the main one, his name is Morgan, collect the debt and return to Rais.

Halfway through, Karim contacts us, asks us to find the missing detachment of Rais's fighters, there is nothing left but to run to a point on the map. Upon arrival, we search a couple of corpses. One of the fighters opens fire on us from a machine gun, we hide. We carefully search other corpses, find an envelope and return to Rais. Aleksey (a man on the antenna tower) contacts us on the radio and asks us to help him.

We approach Rais, instead of the promised two boxes, we get only five capsules. Rais offers a new task, bring him Jade to fight in the Pit. We refuse, Rais gives us time to think and kicks us out of his base. We get to the car and contact our management, report and head with the "anti-zine" to the "tower". On the way, Alfie contacts us from the "tower" and gives us an additional task.

Upon arrival at the "tower", Jade reveals that one of ours turned and damaged an entire floor. We go to Bracken, we watch the drama with his participation, then we go to the roof to communicate with the VGM. On the rooftop we meet a drunken Raheem, who talks about his plan to blow up the jumpers' nest. We communicate with the management, then we talk with Jade on the radio and the details of the next task.


We leave the building and move to the meeting point with Jade. We meet with Jade in the car and see how Rais's people carry boxes from the school, perhaps this is the place where the "antizine" is stored. We look at the further outcome of events, as a result, Jade leaves without us to look for one of the entrances to the school. The entrance across the street is closed, we climb into the school through the roof, get rid of the creatures on the roof (be careful there kamikaze and toads) and get inside.

At school, we are looking for boxes with "antizin", we search everything that we meet along the way. We pass the floor, we go down, we examine everything there. Behind one of the doors, we meet the fighters of Rais, one of them turns on the alarm and reports us through the loudspeaker. Dealing with them the best remedy from the crowd - Molotov Cocktail), turn off the alarm, another fighter comes out of the door, kill him and move on. On the way we blow up main entrance, we go around it through the office, there we also get rid of the bandit. We go upstairs, in addition to the bandits, we meet walkers, we eliminate everyone and search the room. We find the box, but it turns out to be without "antizin" and continue the search. It is necessary to go down to the basement, for this we take the keys in the library, on the locker, we go to the control point. On the way, we move the closet, we bring down the zombies, we go down, not far from the door to the basement, a kamikaze is waiting. We make it explode, open the doors, and then close them to avoid a fight with the infected. We pass through the basement, there will also be a kamikaze and a couple of zombies, deal with them and go into the room where Jade is trying to open the box. We help her open, instead of "antizin" we find explosives. We force Jade to run away with explosives to the "tower", distracting Rais's fighters. Having dealt with them, we leave the school.

In the next scene we see again a strange zombie with green blisters, we head to the "tower". In the "tower" we go up to the roof to talk with Rahim about the explosion of the nest. We dissuade him, and go to Dr. Zera, tell about a strange zombie.

After the conversation, we communicate with the storekeeper, he will tell us where to find the "runners" (these are zombies with green blisters). We wait for the night and go hunting for the "runner", it is easy to overwhelm him with a bow or throwing weapons. After the murder, we steal his DNA tissue and run back to Dr. Zera. During the study of tissues, the doctor says that with the help of the DNA of the "runner" it is possible to make a vaccine, but this is within the power of another doctor who is in sector zero.

Later we learn that Raheem and Omar wanted to blow up the "nest", but everything went wrong. We move to the overpass to find them, but we find only the body of Omar, most likely Rahim hid in the depot. We go into the depot, we hear Rakhim, he hid in one of the cars, we get rid of the zombies around us and free Rakhim. He asks us to plant bombs in the "nest", we go down into the sewers, swim through and go out to the "nest" of the jumpers.

We go into the "nest", avoiding contact with walkers, since we have little time. There will be a ledge inside the building, we climb to the second floor, if necessary, get rid of the infected (these are zombies that can run), plant a bomb at the indicated point and move to the next one. We find the stairs and go up to the floor above. Then we move straight, through a room without a floor, jump over the blocks to the next one, then look for a place to plant a bomb. On the way out of the nest, we meet with a fire brute who breaks through the exit for us (it is stronger than usual, because upon impact, it covers a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage), we do not step into battle with him and run further into the room. There we go down through the collapsed floor, and jump out of the "nest", and then through the pipes, from where we came. Watch how the "nest" collapses and return to Rahim.

We open the car, and we see that our parkour colleague has turned into an infected one, we have no choice but to kill him. We inform Bracken that Rahim is dead and return to the tower. In the tower, we talk with Bracken about the death of Rahim, and Jade overhears our conversation. Seconds later, we hear an explosion from Dr. Zehre's trailer and we now have a new mission.


We run to the shelter of Dr. Zere, we see a detachment of Rais's fighters, one of them with a machine gun, we avoid meeting him. We try to get rid of each one one by one, then we kill the armed, small arms or Molotov cocktails. We inspect the shelter, but the doctor is not here, we need to save him, so we head to Rais's headquarters.

How we got there, you need to find the entrance to the building, it will be on the roof, we climb there along the balconies or immediately onto the roof - through the ability to use the "cat". On the roof we eliminate the bandits and find the entrance to Rais's headquarters. Before you go down there, it's better that you have a stealth kill skill.

Inside, we contact the VGM to ask them for help, but the VGM was covered, and now the Ministry of Defense is at the "helm", which deliberately destroys the city within 48 hours. After talking with them, we go in search of a doctor, open the doors of a broken elevator, go down the shaft. We open the elevator doors again, on the floor we meet one of the bandits, deal with them and move on, eliminating the rest of the bandits on the floor. We go down the stairs, on this floor we eliminate the bandit, we find machine guns and a pistol. We contact Breken, we report that there is neither a doctor nor Rais at the headquarters. Bracken says that there is an underground level and we go down there. We kill all the guards on the floor, everyone will be with a weapon, so we kill everyone from the shelters small arms and move to the checkpoint. We find the doctor in the room, take him out, but Rais sets up an ambush for us and finds out that the doctor transferred his "knowledge" to Jade, and then one of the fighters knocks us out.

We wake up in a place called "Pit", we communicate with Rais and in the process of communication we strike him. Rais is furious, knocks us down and kills two of his fighters. Then they get on the elevator and watch "our show" in the pit. A bunch of walkers come from the containers, we deal with them using all available means. After we killed everyone in the arena, we communicate with Rais, he throws off his machete and throws another container into the arena. A monster called the “destroyer” comes out of the container (it has a large supply of health, throws boulders and makes a run at the enemy, causing great damage). We try to lure him onto spikes or other obstacles so that he is stunned, and then we inflict a series of blows. As you fight with him, the infected runners descend on the stage, get rid of them and the destroyer. At the end of the battle, Rais throws off a first-aid kit for us, pick it up and watch the scene.

Rais tells us that he knows that we are a VGM agent and orders us to publish the very file we are looking for on the net. He does not intend to leave us alive, so we, in slow motion, deal with the guards and cut off Rais' hand. We run to help the doctor, but the doctor has already been killed, under a barrage of bullets we run away from the headquarters of Rais.

We run along the control points, through the pipes, avoiding a flurry of bullets and grenades. At the end of the path, we jump into the elevator shaft and find ourselves in the underground level where we were earlier, find the exit and leave the territory.

Outside, we have frequent attacks from a bite, we go towards the tower, since we can’t run. Along the way, we cut out.


We wake up already in the presence of Bracken. Bracken tells us about what is happening, after that we leave the container and pick up our equipment. Our task is to find people who will take us to the "zero sector", we are moving to a point on the map. Upon arrival, we climb onto the balcony and communicate with Senk, waiting for Senk to give further orders. We need to find a tunnel that leads out of the slums, we head there.

In the tunnel we enter the sewer and meet with the "Saviors", one of them is Hassan, he will lead us to the "zero sector". We follow Hasan, he brings us to the entrance and tells us to go alone. We go down into the sewers, swim and follow the path marked with arrows. Having reached the place, teeming with zombies, we climb the metal structures and bring down all the zombies from above, the fireman's thug and make our way through the bars. Inside, we kill the zombies and go up the yellow pipes, there will be more zombies along the way, deal with them and go in the direction of the arrows. Later, an ambush of Rais's people awaits us, we dive under the water as low as possible and swim to the next point. We rise to the metal structure and deal with the ambush. We move to the stairs and go up, the bandits are waiting for us outside, we will eliminate them. We communicate with Bracken and go to the "zero sector"


We enjoy the view of the new location, contact Troy and run to her shelter. Moving along the roofs, we climb the tower, along the metal structures and meet with Michael, and inside with a guy nicknamed "Egghead" and Troy - a girl who will help find Jade. We communicate with Jade on the radio and talk about ourselves.


We learn from Troy that she was last at the university and head there. We make our way along the roofs and talk to the guard. At the university, we talk with Fadin and find out that Jade has gone in an unknown direction.

We leave the university, Troy contacts us on the radio, and says that the "wise guy" hacked the network and Crane should see something. We return to Troy, she shows us a video that talks about the destruction of Haran in soon. Troy has an idea and it's her next assignment.


Troy told us new plan, it is necessary to prove that there are still survivors in Haran, namely, to set fire to the inscription on one of the buildings. First you need to find Michael in the sewers, we go there. There will be a bunch of walkers on the way, ignoring them we jump into the sewer, swim through and go inside. We do not pass through the walkers, but fall into the floor and swim through them. We swim out in one of the channels and follow to the control point. On the way there is an attack, and in the next room we meet Michael.

After talking with him, Michael asks us to lay several explosive charges in the gas pipes. We take explosives, open the door and go up to the tenth floor. First, we need to plant explosives in rooms 105 and 106. We go up to the tenth floor through a hole in the ceiling, on the floor we deal with zombies (scorers will simplify this task, but be careful with them). We destroy zombies in the rooms, plant explosives and go up to the thirteenth floor. To do this, we pass to the stairs and go up to the twelfth floor. We deal with zombies, in one of the rooms there will be a hole in the ceiling, we climb it to the thirteenth floor. On the floor, we eliminate the zombies and go into room 134, it will have a unique zombie disguised as a “screamer” baby, which attracts zombies with screams and attacks with a sound wave. We bring him down from small arms and the rest of the zombies that he called. We pass into room 134 and place the explosives in the gas stove, and then in room 137.

After loading the shells, Michael contacts, who says that someone is breaking into him and that the task must be completed as quickly as possible. We go down, take the detonator and go outside to detonate the explosives. On the building you can see the outlines of the face of a man, but then a fighter jet flies and destroys the building.


Seeing what Crane did, Jade believes him, but after the explosion of the building, he asks to contact the VGM. Communication with VGM is lost, but "Clever" knows how to contact them, we arrange a meeting with Jade, she sends the coordinates.

We head there, climb into the window, open the door, but Jade is not here. See the inscription on the wall, contact Troy and move to the museum.


We go in search of Jade to the museum, there we find the caretaker - Tarik. He shares with us information that there is a secret entrance under water, we are heading there. As soon as we got to the entrance, we dive and swim to the checkpoint. We leave the water, Troy informs us that this museum is the main headquarters of Rais, and we need to hurry so that nothing happens to Jade. We penetrate inside the fortress and swim to the control points until we reach Rais. Rais does not intend to release Jade and releases his fighters on us, we interrupt everyone, with the help of a rifle and a pistol.

After we killed everyone, we go upstairs, kill all the walkers and go inside the museum. Rais has all the research of Dr. Zere, and we learn that he always listened to us and thus figured us out.

We fight with Jade against mutants, after that we find out that she is infected, Rais is only given an ode dose of "antizin", we pass it to Jade, she runs away somewhere and we have an attack. In this state, we follow Jade, climbing over obstacles, then we find Jade in the house and she, already infected, attacks us and tries to inject a dose of antizine. We soon realize that it was all a glitch and Jade protects us from Rais's fighters, but in the end she attacks Crane and we kill her (she became infected).

Rais instructs Tahir to kill us and we engage him in combat using our combat skills. After he was killed, we pick up the machete and Dr. Zere's documents. After that, we chop Tahir's head (because he beat us well at the beginning of the game) and get out of the museum. We are heading to Troy, when we meet, she gives us a device to amplify the signal at the highest point in the city. And this is our next task.


We head to the radio mast along the roofs, and then we go down into the sewers. We go into the sewers and run to the control point, in one of the rooms there will be a screamer, we knock out his brains from small arms. Crowds of the infected get on the way, we eliminate them and meet the destroyer who breaks through the wall. We do not touch it, we run further, open the sewer hatch, with the help of a valve and run through the sewer channels. Toads get in our way, we eliminate them and climb up the dilapidated structures. We go up the stairs, and on the next floor we deal with the infected zombies. We go up more floors and go outside, dive into the water, swim through the lake and go to the shore, contact the "wise guy", he says that you need to find a card in one of the containers.

We rise along the rocky surface upward and enter the territory of the radio tower. There are many walkers and destroyers on the territory, we kill them and start searching for the card. In the containers to the left of us we find the corpse and pick up the card.

We run to the power plant, open the doors, on the territory we eliminate toads and scorers, as well as the infected. We enter the room with the help of the card, and there we turn on the transformer. Now you need to turn on the control panel, in the next building, we are moving there. After turning on the control panel, we climb the tower to install the amplifier.

We climb up the tower, as follows, choose where to jump and install a “signal amplifier” at the top until the city is destroyed. Crane broadcasts on the radio that there are still survivors in the city and that they need help. We have time, and the VGM contacts us, communicate with them and go down the cable, and then we go through the tunnel to the “zero sector”


Once in the "zero sector", we head to Dr. Camden, he needs Zere tissue samples in order to implement the development of a vaccine based on Zere's research. There will be a lot of zombies at the entrance to the clinic, we make our way through them and slip through the half-open gate. Inside, we deal with the bandits, call the elevator and go down.

We open the elevator doors manually and go to the doors leading to the main corridor. Camden, says that the door is blocked, it is necessary to activate the switch in the security room. We make our way there through the ventilation shaft, open the doors and take the key card.

We go through the corridor to the laboratory on the left. The laboratory can only be accessed through a disinfected room, for this you need to start the sanitization process. In order for it to start, it is necessary to start the generators that are located in the office area. Camden opens the door to the wing for us, we make our way through the walkers into the ventilation shaft, and then along the metal structures to the storage room. AT warehouse we start the forklifts to get to the engine room. In the engine room, we start the generators and go back.

We start the sanitation process, observe how the walkers die and go inside. We give samples to Camden and observe the process of creating a vaccine. Next, we run to the elevator and exit the clinic to communicate with the VGM. We climb onto the roof, communicate with Troin, then contact the VGM, but Rais gets in touch. Rais says that thanks to Zere's research data, he made a deal with the VGM, and soon a helicopter will fly for him. After the conversation, we run to the territory of Rais.


Our goal is to fight Rais on the roof of his headquarters, we head to the control point, and then we go down into the sewers and return back to the slums.

We run to the possessions of Rais, we go inside, we have an attack of the infected, during an attack, we climb up the stairs. We enter the room, we see a bunch of zombies, we communicate with Rais and run to him, through a bunch of zombies. During the movement, we use explosive packages to distract most of the zombies. In the tunnel we do the same, we go down the cable, ignoring the walkers below, jump to the stairs and get out of the sewer.

We run along the control points, go upstairs, go into the elevator and find ourselves on the roof. We make our way through the floors and meet the wounded Karim, he says that Rais has betrayed everyone and that one of the paths is mined. We go the other way, jump to the crane, to the garbage bags. We run back into the building, climb a couple of floors and climb onto the construction crane. On it we rise upward along the arrow, run across and jump to the neighboring building. Through metal structures and ledges of buildings, we finally get to the roof.

We watch the final scene with Rais and press the keys when necessary on the screen. Upon completion, Rais dies, a helicopter flies up and Crane decides not to give the data of the VGM vaccine and puts forward his own conditions: he will give the vaccine when he sees fit. The helicopter flies away, and we stay, while Camden contacts us and tells us that vaccines can be made, but the data that Crane now has is needed, this is where the game ends.

and PC starting January 27, 2015. Australian gamers will be able to download or purchase the game on January 28, 2015, while Europe and Japan will draw the line on the game's launch on January 30, 2015.

In Dying Light, players take on the role of Kyle Crane (Roger Craig Smith), an undercover operative for the WGM. He is sent to the isolated Turkish city of Harran to gather information about the outbreak and see if anything can be done.

Players embarking on the world of Dying Light must be ready for the challenge as they will need to improve both in combat and freerunning to survive rough days and eerie nights. By earning experience and developing skills in three important categories, gamers increase Mr. Crane's chances of survival, which is essential if they hope to defeat enemies and help like-minded survivors.

To get started, take a look at some of the tips we offer. To formulate them, we had to go through many frightening moments (as well as a couple of deaths). Use them to avoid our mistakes.

  1. Fitness and Endurance are not the same thing. Fitness refers to how much stamina you have when freerunning, while Endurance is how much Kyle gets tired during a fight. If Kyle is low on Stamina, the player can always run away, as Fitness is a completely separate parameter.
  2. Safe Zones will appear on the map as green or red houses, although the buildings themselves look different. If the icon on the map is red, gamers need to clear and take possession of the zone, turning the icon into green. Green means you're done.
  3. Kyle Crane can earn skill points in three categories, namely Survival, Agility and Strength. Leveling Survivability will eventually allow you to buy firearms, Agility and Strength are tied to Training and Stamina, respectively.
  4. The pumping of a particular skill is carried out by participating in a related activity. For example, a successful freerun will help increase the level of Agility, and the fight with the infected will help increase Strength.
  5. Leveling Agility is one of the hardest tasks in the game, but it can be made easier by deliberately participating in night chases. A scary activity, but one that can give you a big boost in experience. The strongest survives.
  6. Behind closed doors there will be best places to search for prey, this also includes the relief vehicles left around Harran. Players can either craft lockpicks or visit the merchants in the Tower and see if they have a few in stock.
  7. As darkness descends on Harran, players have to worry about much more fearsome foes like the Virals and Elusives. Turn off Kyle's flashlight, look at the map to spot these enemies and avoid their detection zones.

Players can rest easy knowing that they will most likely not be eaten alive in the first mission of the game. The tutorial format will help Kyle learn how to freerun, as well as introduce basic crafting and various NPCs in the Tower.

The second mission is also in the nature of training, but much more like field testing than the previous respite. Players will need to set up traps in preparation for the night mission, with subsequent stages introducing Mr. Hammer.

The training comes to an end in the game's third mission, when Crane is sent to retrieve Antizin, which was dropped from an aircraft. But, as usual, everything goes wrong, and it ends with a night chase through a dark city.

Nothing that has been accomplished so far will prepare players for this mission. It is long, it can take an hour or more, and new opponents appear here in the form of Deadmen and Toads. On the other hand, firearms also appear.

Like the previous one, this is a running mission, although thanks to the action, everything goes pretty quickly. It's also the first time players will get a good look at the Defector - by far the least intimidating of the undead in Dying Light.

It's an action-packed mission that will see Kyle Crane face one of his toughest challenges to date. Find your way to Harrison, then survive the Arena to initiate a fight with the Destroyer. We have a trick to help defeat this monster brought back to life.

After quite lengthy missions, players will have to deal with several short tasks in order to get to the next part of the game. This time, Crane is trying to reach sector 0, but Rais is somewhere nearby and will try to interfere at the first opportunity.

A short mission, but players are given the opportunity to explore a new area and complete some of the side quests and adventures. At the end, Crane reaches the towers, where he will be introduced to Troy.

"Higher Education" marks the end of short missions. Crane should track down and talk to Jade, and along the way, we'll show the players a cool zombie gut camouflage trick.

You may have thought monsters looked creepy in Dying Light, but this mission brings the level of disgust and horror to new level. Meet the zombie kids.

The end of the game is getting closer, and this mission sees a change of course from zombie enemies to human enemies. And this means that Mr. Crane simply needs to use firearms.

Kyle Crane will be put to the test in this mission, as he will have to deal with several Destroyers. But we have some advice on how to help players take down these big guys, even with melee weapons.

For those who know where to go, this mission can end pretty quickly. Fortunately, we know exactly where to go and what to do. Trust us, and you will pass the chapter with Dr. Camden's laboratory in the shortest possible time.

The last mission is not particularly difficult, but there is still a climb that you have to tinker with, as well as the final battle with Rais.