Dynasty warriors 6 secrets. The role of personality in history

Ore wa otaku desu

So. I went through almost all the companies and I can summarize. This part of Dynasty Warriors is a success!
To start the comparison. Since only three games from Dynasty Warriors were released on the computer, and one of them is the 7th part, which will be the next one, I will compare it with the 4th part. I immediately omit the graphics, because it is clear that there is a big gap between the 4th part and the 6th. The graphics are definitely top notch.
The plot, it is already in 17 heroes! 5 heroes per dynasty and two separate ones, each hero is assigned 6 battles. It's really a lot. When you pass for all the company, you regret that not everyone has it, many heroes were left without a plot, which is a pity.
The battles have been reduced, that is, for example, there is only one card for the Uprising of the Yellow Turbans, and not three, as in the 4th part. that is, the list of cards can be counted on the fingers, which upsets, and even many battles were removed, for example, the famous Conquest of Nanman by Zhuge Liang. In this regard, Meng Huo and cute Zhu Rong were removed:

Maybe this was done in connection with the limitation of each hero to 6 battles, or maybe just like that. That is, 17 heroes is a great innovation, but a small number of cards is a bad innovation. Yes, those characters that do not have a plot, they are playable, they can be played in free play and put them in any battle, even those in which they did not take part. But they still need to be opened, and for this you need to fulfill certain conditions in the main game. Each battle, in addition to the main task, has three additional tasks, for the implementation of which they give experience and open characters. It can be easy tasks - kill everyone in 20 minutes. And it can be difficult - to capture those and those posts in five minutes.
Once I wrote a little about this game. Forget what is written there. Lu Bu is still strong, still unkillable on first encounter with a weak hero. In addition to Lu Bu, there will be two more similar heroes who will have the same strong auras in a certain battle, for example, Zhang Fei on the Changban bridge, we remember from history that he alone went to the bridge against a huge army, yelled, everyone got scared and he collapsed the bridge so that Liu Bei would escape with everyone. So in this mission it will be more difficult to kill him than Lu Bu.

the best option pass by, but there is a condition "Kill Zhang Fei", which, alas, cannot be fulfilled without having a pumped hero in stock

Further, I said that Sun Shang with her bow is hell, yes, indeed, it is hell for the enemy, she is almost the most cheating hero, it’s just a fairy tale to pass for her, but I still miss her Chakras.
Yes, weapons. As I said, it is no longer pumped. There are only three types of weapons for each, each with its own damage and skills. That is, if earlier the weapon swayed along with the hero and gained experience, changed, skill increased, now it is nothing. Instead, there is renbu, which increases and allows you to make more beautiful strikes. But in fact there are no combinations, everything comes down to a simple click of a button. Or you make a combination of regular strikes, and the character himself makes a combo there. Or you do a combination of strong punches. Everything. Previously, it was possible to make bundles, for example, a weak hit + a weak hit + a strong hit - this is one combination, a weak beat + a weak beat, + a weak beat + a strong beat, this is a different combination and visually they look like in different ways, which added variety to the battle, and the higher the level of the weapon, the more beautiful and longer the chains of blows were.

Skill tree. Another innovation. It's different for every character. With each level we gain one skill point, and spend it here. You can increase the characteristics, you can acquire passive skills, such as an increase in speed. Here you can open additional Renbu levels. And an increase in the bag for the volumes. Yes, volumes, each character can cast some kind of witchcraft, for which he needs a volume. For example, someone causes a rockfall around him, someone hails arrows from the sky, someone becomes super-fast.
Horses. So they just forced out the pumping of weapons. now horses gain experience and increase their characteristics, as well as acquire abilities. Yes, there are also secret horses. Yes, they have 5 levels. For example, I use them only in order to quickly get somewhere.
Although there are few cards, they are more detailed for events and it’s quite fun to take part in them, and follow the plot, and not go straight to the main villain. And of course, the most fun goal is to "kill a thousand Chinese" and hear from yourself "I'm the coolest hero of the Three Kingdoms era, fuck ea!"
For those who do not know, the game has an excellent encyclopedia about the Age of the Three Kingdoms. Where there is a description of all the battles, generals and even a huge chronology.
Almost all stories are interesting. For example, playing as Zhou Yu, we change the course of history completely and do not let Sun Ce die so early. (This is Xuyu Kokin and Sonsaku Hakufu in the Japanese way - the main characters of Ikkitousen yet) I was very pleased with the stories behind Zhuge, Diao Chan, Lu Bu (he is generally insane), Sun Shang, as well as the story of Sima Yi, where is this son of a bitch finally- then he gets his way.

Click on the character's name and you can view it!



- Available


Complete Musou Mode (one) times as Shu

Complete Musou Mode (three) times with Shu

Ma Chao - Mission "Han Zhong Battle" (Wei Scenario)

Complete *Target 2* - Kill "Zhang Fei","Ma Chao","Zhao yun" within 15 minutes

Huang Zhong - Mission "Battle of Mt. Ding Jun" (Wei scenario)

Complete *Target 1* - Defeat "Huang Zhong" and "Xiahou Yuan" should stay alive

Wei Yan - Mission "Battle of Wu Zhang Plains" (Shu scenario)

Run *Target 2* - "Wei Yan" should stay alive.

Guan Ping - Mission "Battle of Fan Castle" (Shu Scenario)

Run *Target 2* - "Guan Ping" should stay alive

Pang Tong - Mission "Cheng Du Suppression Battle" (Shu Scenario)

Execute *Target 3* - "Pang Tong" should stay alive

Yue Ying - Mission "Battle of Wu Zhang Plains" (Wei Scenario)

Complete *Target 1* - Kill "Guan Ping" and "Yue Ying" in less than 10 minutes.

Zhou Yu - Available

Lu Xun - Available

Sun Shang Xiang - Available

Gan Ning Complete Musou Mode (one) times with Wu

Sun Jian - Complete Musou Mode 3 times with Wu

Taishi Ci - Mission "Conquest of Wu" (Sun ce "s Forces / Wu scenario)

Kill 500 people and ("Taishi Ci")

Lu Meng - Mission "Battle of He Fei" (Wei scenario)

Complete *Target 2* - Kill "Lu Meng" and "Sun Quan" in less than 20 minutes

Huang Gai - Mission "Battle of Chi Bi" (Wu scenario),

Execute *Target 3* - Not a single unit must retreat (and preferably execute *Target 1 - burn ships)

Zhou Tai - Mission "Battle of Yi Ling" (Shu scenario)

Complete *Target 3* - Kill all enemies in less than 20 minutes

Sun Ce - Mission "Battle of Xia Pi" (Sun Jian's Forces Scenario / Wu scenario),

Run *Target 1* - "Sun Ce","Sun Quan","Zhou Yu" should not die.

Sun Quan - Mission "Battle of Chi Bi" (Lu Bu scenario),

Complete *Target 1* - Defeat "Cao Cao" and "Sun Quan" in less than 10 minutes.

Ling Tong - Mission "Battle of Shi Ting" (Wei scenario)

Complete *Target 1* Defeat "Xiao Qiao", "Gan Ning" and "Ling Tong" in less than 10 minutes

Xiao Qiao - Mission "Battle of Shi Ting" (Wu scenario),

Perform *Target 3* - at least 7 of your units must survive, including "Xiao Qiao" before victory


Xiahou Dun - Available

Dian Wei - Available

Sima Yi - Available

Zhang Liao Complete Musou Mode (one) times with Wei

Cao Cao - Complete Musou Mode 3 times as Wei

Xu Zhu - Mission "Battle of He Fei" (Wu scenario)

Complete *Target 1* - Defeat "Cao Ren" and "Xu Zhu" in less than 10 minutes

Xiahou Yuan - Mission "Battle of Mt. Ding Jun" (Shu scenario),

Execute *Target 1* - Kill "Xiahou Yuan", and "Huang Zhong" must not die

Xu Huang - Mission "Battle of Fan Castle" (Wei / Wu scenario),

Execute *Target 2* - Protect Xu Huang

Zhang He - Mission "Battle of Han Zhong" (Shu scenario),

Complete *Target 2* - Kill "Zhen Ji","Cao Pi","Sima Yi" in less than 15 minutes

Cao Pi - Mission "Battle of He Fei" (Sun Jian's Forces Scenario / Wu scenario),

Complete *Target 1* - Defeat "Cao Pi" in less than 5 minutes

Cao Ren - Mission "Battle of Fan Castle" (Lu Bu scenario),

Execute *Target 2* - Capture all bases on the map

Zhen Ji - Mission "Xu Chang Invasion Battle" (Lu Bu scenario),

Complete *Target 1* - Kill "Xu Zhu","Zhen Ji","Cao Ren","Cao Pi" in less than 15 minutes.


Lu Bu - Complete Musou Mode with "Liu Bei", "Cao Cao" and "Sun Jian", ("Diao Chan")

Diao Chan - Complete Musou Mode once for each kingdom (Shu,Wei,Wu)

Dong Zhuo Complete Musou Mode with "Lu Bu".

Yuan Shao - Mission "Battle of Guan Du" (Cao Cao scenario)

Complete *Target 3* - Prevent Yan Jin Fort, Bai ma Fort from being captured

Zhang Jiao - Mission "Yellow Turban Rebellion" (Allied Army scenario)

Complete *Target 3* - Defeat "Huangfu Song","Zhu Jin" in "Yellow Turban Main camp" in less than 20 minutes

And their combat characteristics, you need to know some things. Not all combos may be available at the beginning of the game, so you need to know the conditions for their use.

The Chi Meter is located at the bottom of the screen, in the same place as the player's life bar. The more aggressive your attacks are or the more damage inflicted on you, the Chi Meter fills up. If you defend too much, the Chi Meter will stop and then start to decrease. A full indicator allows you to carry out special attacks, as well as use the most powerful and long combinations.

Musou Specials:
Musou Slash down, down right, right + square + cross.
Musou Thrust down, down right, right + triangle + circle.
This is a very effective type of attack. The number of hits in Musou Specials depends on the state of the Chi Meter and the character's life bar. Musou Specials of three hits is possible at full Chi Meter or when the character's life bar is already red. To conduct Musou Spesials of six or seven hits, it is necessary that the character is almost dead and the Chi Meter is full.
Now, knowing these basic conditions, we can proceed to the direct description of the characters.

Secret players
Playing as Zhuge Liang
Zhuge Liang will become available after winning the 1P Battle mode with Zao Yun, Guan Yu and Zang Fei.

Playing as Cao Cao
This one will become free to play after winning 1P Battle with Xihao Dun, Dian Wei and Xu Zhu.

Playing as Lu Bu
You will be able to fight as Lu Bu after defeating Lu Xun, Taishi Ci, Zhou Yu, Diao Chan, Zhuge Liang and Cao Cao in 1P Battle mode.

Playing as Sun Shang Xiang
In the main menu, enter: sticking left, sticking left, sticking up, sticking down, triangle, square, L1, R1.
When you enter the code correctly, you will hear a sound similar to the sound when you make a selection.

Playing as Nobunaga
Complete the game in 1P Battle mode with Lu Bu, and then in the main menu, enter: fire up, triangle, fire down, circle.
You will hear the same sound.

Playing as Toukichi
First complete the game as Nobunaga in 1P Battle mode. Then, in the main menu, enter the code: fire down, fire down, fire right, fire up, circle, triangle, R1, R2. After the characteristic sound, Toukichi will become free.

Wei Kingdom Worriers (warriors of the kingdom of Wei)

Weapon: Sword or Oracle.
Movements: (Hereinafter: G - a blow to the head; K - a blow to the body; H - a blow to the legs; B - a throw).
Dancing Sword:
Command: Left, Down Left, Down, Down Right, Right + Square
Style: B
Points: 32
Oracle Sweep
Team: square down + square
Style: GN
Points 15.16
Oracle Blade
Command: press square four times
Style: GGKN
Points 15,12,16,24
Sun Tzu Strike
Command: flick right + square, square, flick down + square
Style: GGN
Points 12,15,16
Hell Sweep
Command: press right + square, triangle, press down square, square
View: GKNK
Points: 12,16,18,34
Deadly Strike
Command: left + square, square
Kind: GK
Points: 18.34
Dead Blade
Command: press down right + triangle, square
Style: KK
Points: 28.42
Hell's Gate
Command: down right + triangle, triangle, square
Style: KKK
Points 18,28,42
Black Hand of Fate

Style: K
Points: 38
Diabolical Thrust
Command: Down Down Right Right + Square
Style: G
Points: 48
Deadly Stroke
Command: right down right down, down left, left + square, lit. down + square
Style: H
Points: 24
Deadly Fury

Style: KK
Points: 16.24

Sao Sao is a miniboss that you can see before you fight Lu Bu. He is a fast sword-wielding warrior, much like Xiahou Dun. He is just as fast and strong, but his weapons prevent him from being at a great distance from the enemy. Sao Sao's strength is in his combos and how to use them correctly. Many of them are extremely strong and fast. They are quite difficult to predict. Almost all combos start with the same hit, but then the hits come one after the other. But this is not enough to make a serious breach in the enemy's defense. Some combos knock the enemy down, taking away precious seconds from him.

Above all, Sao Sao must be fought offensively. Many of his combos and attacks, thanks to their swiftness, can break the resistance of the enemy. As mentioned above, Sao Sao does not have long-range attacks to use defensively. The more you advance, the further the enemy has to retreat or defend.
God of War square, square, triangle, down + square, square.

This is an example of a powerful Sao Sao combo. Although it has five hits, and other characters have more, very few have that kind of speed. This combo is most effective for interrupting enemy attacks.

Screaming Blade hold down right + triangle, left + square.

This is one of the fastest combos. In this case, Sao Sao makes two strikes. For best effect, hold down the button for about a second or two. This will allow you to choose the most opportune moment and protect yourself from enemy attacks. Then, after the dash, you can move on to a regular punch.

Karmic Strike down + triangle, triangle, left + square.

This combo is very similar to the previous one. But in Karmic Strike, Sao Sao doesn't dash forward on the first hit. This slightly reduces the distance, but this combo already contains three hits, which contributes to the real damage of the enemy.

Eunuch Strike down down lion right + square.

After a quick and powerful strike, the enemy will be stunned for a split second before falling to the ground. At this time, you can carry out a series of attacks and even combos. You can also let the enemy fall, and then "scrape" him with Deadly Fury and "juggle" them a little.

Moon Slash right down right down down left left + square.

In fact, this is not an attack, but preparation for it. Sao Sao steps back and becomes defensive. After that, he can move on to one or two attacks. A high kick will throw the opponent up, and a low kick will knock him down. Both of these strikes are quite difficult to predict, so the enemy immediately goes on the defensive. And when he defends, he cannot attack...

Xiahou Dun
Weapon: Spectral Sword
Moves: Slash Thrust Combo
Team: square, triangle
Kind: GK
Points: 18.18
Tiger's Fierce Claws

Style: GG
Points: 18.18
epic slash
Team: square (X4)
Style: YYYY
Points: 18 (X4)
Tiger Pass Slash
Style: GKK
Glasses:. 14,22,34
tiger slash
Command: down right + square, square
Style: KK
Points 22.34
Killer Cut
Command: left + square
Style: H
Points: 28
Kirin Circle
down down right right + square
Style: K
Points 32
Kirin Strike
, square
Type QC
Points: 32.34
Kirin Fury
down down right right + square, square, square
Kind of KKK
Points: 32,34,36
Overhand Slash
Command: right right + square
Style: K
Points: 36
Serated Fist

Style: K
Points: 52
Stalking the Prey

Style: NK
Points: 14.28
Tiger Pounce Chop
Command: Right Right + Triangle, Square
Style: KK
Points: 24.36
Tiger Pounce Slash Command: Right Right + Triangle Triangle Square
Style: CNC
Points: 24,14,28
Saber Tooth
Command: Down Down Right Right + Triangle
Style: K(B)
Points: 30
Epic Throw (after Saber Tooth)

Style: B
Points: 30.10
Tiger Descends (after Epic Throw)
Command: fire up + square
Style: B
Points: 40

Xiahou Dun is one of the most impressive characters in the game. He wields his sword with great speed and deals great damage to the opponent. Despite the fact that the sword is short Xiahou Dun can rush into rapid attacks, repulsing the blows of the enemy. Xiahou Dun is one of the few characters in the game that can double throw. It launches the opponent high into the air, then jumps up and strikes the enemy in the air. You need to play this character on the defensive, since the length of his sword does not allow you to play offensively. But sometimes you need to make quick attacks. This will help you to be unpredictable and will not let the enemy relax.

Kirin Fury. This combo consists of three hits, with Xiahou Dun falling to the ground after the third. But the fall is worth the damage that can be inflicted on the enemy using this combo. In defense, this is an indispensable tool when the enemy is too close. To effectively use Kirin Fury, you need to clearly know two things: when you can carry out a combo to the end and then fall, and when you need to stop.

Overhand Slash is good for catching an opponent crouched in a block by surprise. A quick and strong blow will make the enemy understand that it is not beneficial for the mind to sit on the defensive. Thus, it will attack, giving you the opportunity to "sit on your horse", that is, go on the defensive.

Serrated Fist is similar to Overhand Slash but more powerful. A swift dash for a long distance knocks 52 points out of the opponent. It should also be used for lovers of low blocking. And also in order to keep the enemy away if you have chosen an offensive tactic.

Tiger Pounce Slash. An important part of this combo is the very first hit. Xiahou Dun makes a swift dash towards the opponent and hits the body. After that, you can move on to high and low strokes - as you like. But it's best to do another kombu.

Saber Tooth is a double action combo. If the baking sheet is at a far distance from you, then it will be just a blow. And if the enemy is in direct contact, then a throw will also be made. In addition, Saber Tooth also has a stunning effect.

Xu Zhu
Weapon. Thorns of Death
Movements: Cannonball.
Command: Square, Square, Fire Up + Square
View. GKN
Points 24,32,32
cannonball drive
Command: square, triangle, triangle
Style: GGK
Points: 24,22,22
Toe Smasher
Team: square, triangle (X3)
Style: GGKN
Points: 24,22,22,14
Thunder Smash

Style: NN
Points: 16.14
Iron Fist

Style: GGK
Points: 24,22,22
Below the Belt
Team: Triangle (X3)
Type: GKN
Points: 22,22,14
Overhand Bash
Command: down right + triangle, triangle
Style: KN
Points: 22.14
Passionate Destroyer
Team: right + square
Type K
Points: 36
Thunder Axis Spin
Command: Left + Square, Fire Right + Square, Fire Left + Square
Style: GGK
Points 24,28,38
Thunder Axis Sweep
Command: left + square, right + square, down, down right, right + square, square (X2)
Style: GGKKK
Points: 24,28,15,15,20
earth strike
Command: Left + Square, Fire Right + Square, Down Down Right Right + Square, Square, Fire Down + Square
Style: GGKKN
Points: 24,28,15,15,20
Earth Braker
Command: down down right right + square
Style: K
Points: 32
Batter Up
Command: down down right right + square, fire up + square
Style: KN
Points: 32.32
skull buster
Command: Down Down Left Left + Square
Style: K
Points: 64
body buster
Command: left down left down down right right + square, square, square
Style: YYY
Points: 15,15,15
Wrecking Ball
Command: left down left down down right right + square, fire down + square, square (X2)
Style: GGKKK
Points: 15,15,15,15,15
super pogo
Command: left down left down down right right + square, square, fire down + square, square, fire down + square
Style: GGKKN
Points: 15 (X4), 20
Charging Wea
Command: Right Right + Triangle
Style: K
Points: 24
Bear Hug (after Charging Bear)
Team: square + triangle
Style: B
Points: 20
Ferocious Bear (after Bear Hug)
Command: Down Down Left Left + Square
Style: B
Points: 38

Xu Zhu is a very slow fighter, but very powerful. It cannot be said that he can fight at very long distances, which is undoubtedly a disadvantage. Sometimes Xu Zhu does not have time to block the opponent's blows, remaining open. His attacks are rather slow, but extremely powerful. The strength of Xu Zhu's punches is a compensation for all his shortcomings. Use powerful single strikes to your advantage. After landing one powerful blow and stunning the enemy for a while, you can throw another series of blows without giving the opponent time to recover from previous blows. Below are some of the most effective combinations.

Wreking Ball is a very useful combo. Xu Zhu will spin in place, swinging his club. This combo is very useful in defensive tactics. The enemy simply will not come to you, and if he is nearby ... When performing this combo, Xu Zhu is simply invulnerable. He can’t even do a sweep, as blows are pouring from all sides. But this combo does quite a bit of damage to the enemy compared to other attacks. Therefore, you can use Super Pogo for more effect of the last hit.

Carging Bear is without a doubt Xu Zhu's best move. It is long enough and inflicts heavy losses on the enemy. But the main thing is not this. Xu Zhu headbutts the opponent in the stomach. This incapacitates the enemy for about a second. During this time, you can land a lot of hits, and even better use Bear Hug, and then Ferocious Bear.

Spine Breaker is a unique combo. No hero has anything like it. After the attack, Xu Zhu falls down, but he is not open to the opponent's blows as it may seem. Use this combo as a surprise when the opponent is timing his attack.

Thunder Axis Sweep. This combination is similar to the Wrecking Ball. When your fighter starts swinging his club in all directions, it's not always efficient to wait for the combo to complete. Therefore, you can simply interrupt it and complete the attack at your discretion.

Cannonball In this combo, Xu Zhu hits the opponent twice and then sends him to the opposite corner of the arena with a swinging club. But if the enemy beat off the second blow and decided that the attack was over, then he is deeply mistaken.

Dian Wei
Weapon: Battle Axe.
Movement: Hunter Strike
Command: square, triangle, square
Style: GGK
Points: 20,18,24
Hunter Slash
Team: Square, Triangle, Fire Right + Square
Style: GGK
Points: 20,18,24
Grave Digger
Command: Square, Square, Fire Down + Square, Triangle
Style: GGNK
Points 20,18,24,36
Ankle Breaker
Command: down left + square, triangle
Style: NK
Points: 24.36
Chaos Axes
Command: right down right down down left left + square, square (X6), triangle
Style: KK(H6)K
Points: 16.16 (X6), 40
Shield Ax Combo
Team: triangle, square
Kind: GK
Points: 18.24
Sield Slash
Team: Triangle, Fire Right + Square
Kind: GK
Points: 18.24
Evil Wei Slash
Command: left + triangle, square
Style: KK
Points: 30.28
Evil chop

Style: KK
Points: 22.24
Clobbering Time
Command: right right + triangle, triangle
Style: KK
Points: 16.32
skull crush
, triangle
Style: KK
Points: 36.38
Evil Shock
Command: right + triangle, triangle
Style: KK
Points 26.32
Evil chop
Command: fire down + triangle, square
Style: NK
Points: 10.24
Evil Below
Command: fire down + triangle, fire down + square
Style: NN
Points: 10.10

Dian Wei is possibly the strongest of the normal characters. He has a unique combination of weapons. In his right hand is a sword, and in his left is a shield, which he uses in an attack no less than a sword.
In reality, Dian Wei is a slow, powerful character. But he has a few quick attacks in reserve. These combos are extremely powerful and carry as much energy in three hits as other characters carry in five or seven. You can use Dian Wei in both offensive and defensive tactics. But still, it will be easier for you in defensive tactics, because you will use his main feature - strength. Below are a few moves for all occasions:

Evil Dance right down down right + square. This kick is effective for several reasons. First, he is very strong. Secondly, it is good for starting a series of punches. And third, this blow can be used when the enemy is still on the ground.

Maelstrom right down right down down left left + square, (square)X6, lit right + square. This nine-hit combo is more defensive than offensive. While Dian Wei swings the ax around him, the opponent cannot approach him. But if the opponent has a long weapon, then he can knock Dian Wei down.

Power Thrust Left + Triangle. First, Dian Wei takes a low defensive position. This is the key to a successful combo. You have to wait for the enemy to attack. In a defensive stance, Dian Wei will be able to parry the blow and then deliver an ax strike.

Evil Comes down down left left + triangle. This is the strongest punch in Dian Wei's arsenal. A powerful blow sends the opponent into the air and then to the ground. Even if he put a block, Evil Comes is able to break through it, stunning the enemy for a split second, which will allow him to carry out another series of blows.

Hellraiser right down down right + triangle. This is the main attack, lifting the enemy into the air. Dian Wei dashes forward with his head, knocking the opponent down. But be careful, the recovery time after being hit is not that long. Therefore, there is absolutely no time for mistakes.

Shu Kingdom Warriors
Guan Yu

Weapon: Sacred Sickle
Judgment Day
Team: square + triangle
Style: B
Points: 50
double slash
Team: square (X2)
Kind: GK
Points: 22.24
Justice Slash
Team: square (X2), fire left
Kind: GK
Points: 24.12
Crescent Slash
Command: square, flicker down + square, square (X2), flick left
Style: GNCC
Points: 24,20,26,27
Divine Vengeance
Command: down down right right + square
Style: K
Points: 54
circle of light
Command: right + square, square
Style: GG
Points: 25.27
Leg Sweep
Command: down down left, left + square
Style: H
Points: 30
flash attack
Team: triangle, square
Kind: GK
Points: 21.32
Catapult Lunge

Style: K
Points: 36
Hand of Justice
Command: Left + Square (End of Justice Slash and Crescent Slash)
Immortal Dance (after Hand of Justice)
Team: square(X2), triangle, square
Style: KGKK
Points: 24,23,22,32
Hand of God (after Hand of Justice)
Team: fire down + square (X6)
Points:, 24.34

Guan Yu is one of the slowest characters in the game. Of course, this is offset by his energy. Unlike many, he can combine combos, which makes him completely unpredictable. His spear-shaped weapon with a sickle at the end gives him an advantage in range. Guan Yu's arsenal of moves is small. The variety is compensated by the power of blows and the ability to carry out very big series attacks without using Musou Specials. Guan Yu can carry out a series of strikes with an additional ending and, using a pause in the opponent's defense, move on to the next series.

Guan Yu is effective both defensively and offensively. His long spear will keep the enemy at a dangerous distance and break through any block.

Divine Vengeance. This is a kind of breakthrough. It is quite slow for a real rush attack and not strong enough for a single strike. Its advantage is the range. The distance at which Guan Yu is able to strike will greatly surprise the opponent. The main criterion for this combo is the right moment. During the dash, Guan Yu is quite vulnerable.
circle of light. Like Divine Vengeance, this combo has long distance actions. But she's faster. Your warrior steps forward and sticks out his spear. This is what makes the kombu most effective when applied to an opponent who tries to stay out of range.

Leg Sweep. This is one of the most unexpected surprises for the enemy. First, Guan Yu starts spinning the spear high above the ground. The enemy, of course, crouches. But at the end, Guan Yu makes a sharp lunge, and the blow falls on the opponent's legs. It's a kick, but a very strong one. In addition to the fact that the enemy falls to the ground, he loses a large amount of energy.

Catapult Lunge. The good thing about this combo is that it's powerful, floating, and fabulously long. But it's bad that after it it takes time to recover. That is, not only to carry out other combos, but even to repel a retaliatory strike is not always possible. From attacks of this type, it is best to choose Rising Blade.

Zao Yun
Weapon: Spear of Shadows
Movement: Rainbow Spear
Command: down right + triangle, square
Style: KK
Points 18.22
water spear
Command: down right + triangle, square
Style: KN
Points: 18.12
Command: down right + triangle, fire down + square, square, triangle
Points: 18,12,22,28
dragon rainbow
Team: triangle (X2), square
Style: GKK
Points: 18,18,22
Reaping Spear
Team: triangle (X2), light down + square
Type: GKN
Points 18,18,12
Dragon's High Melody
Team: Triangle(X2), Light Down + Square(X2), Triangle
Style: GNKKK
Points: 18.18.12, 22.28
Dragon Strike
Team: square, triangle (X2), square
Style: GGKK
Points: 16,18,18,22
Dragon's Fury
Team: square, triangle (X2), fire down + square
Style: GGKN
Points: 16,18,18,12
Ultimate Dragon
Team: Square, Triangle(X2), Fire Down + Square(X2), Triangle
Points: 16,18,18,12,22,28
dragon flight
Command: down + triangle, square
Style: NK
Points 10.32
Dragon's Spiral

Style: NK
Points: 10.32
Dragon's Spiral Bite
Command: down left + square (X2), triangle
Style: NCC
Points: 10,32,24
dragon bit
Team: right (X2) + triangle (X2)
Style: KK
Points: 32.32
dragon bit
Team: right (X2) + triangle (X2), down down right
Style: KKKK
Points: 32,20,20,30
Revenge Dragon's Spell
Team: right + triangle right (X2) + square, triangle (X2)
Style: KKK
Points: 26,32,38
Dragon's Spell
Team: right (X2) + square, triangle, down down right
Style: KKKKK
Points: 26,32,20,
Savage Dragon's Claw
Team: right + right triangle (X2) + square (X2)
Style: KK
Points: 20.30, 26.28
Dragon's Claw Swipe
Command: Down Down Left Left + Square
Style: H
Points: 20
Rising Dragon

Style: NK
Points: 20.28
Pommel Blow

Style: K
Points: 32
Tornado Strike
Command: left down left down down right right + square (X3)
Style: KKKK
Points: 12,20,20,20
Tornado Strike
Command: left down left down down right
Points 12,20,20,20,
Team: right + square (X4), triangle
Points: 20.30

Zao Yun is perhaps the most agile of all the characters. Although armed with a simple spear, he can manipulate it with amazing efficiency. You will have a lot of combinations at your disposal. You can experiment with them ad infinitum. One combo can transition into another, and all this is almost unpredictable. Zao Yun can, like no one else, throw the enemy into the air, and then, without letting him come to his senses, engage in his “processing”. Zao Yun is designed exclusively for attack. All the speed and maneuverability of this character loses its primary importance in defense. Good command of ZaoYun will require you to have a fair amount of skill and dexterity. But watching his fights is a real show.

Dragon's High Melody. This is the most unpredictable combination. It is similar to Reaping Spear but more advanced. Blows are poured on the enemy from all sides: from above, below, sweeps, direct blows - in a word, it is almost impossible to block this combo completely.

Ultimate Dragon. This combo is very similar to Dragon's High Melody, only it has one extra hit. Plus, it's very efficient. If all six strikes reach their goal, then the superiority in strength will be obvious. It is best to use Ultimate Dragon as a surprise for the opponent.

dragon flight. Perhaps this is one of the most useful attacks from Zao Yun's collection. It's not just a combination of a hook and a straight punch that allows for further combos to follow immediately. This tool is good when the opponent is constantly trying to block.

Tornado Strike Final. Well, this is just aerobatics! A total of six hits! It seems that the enemy is simply juggling. But be careful: during the "juggling" you are very vulnerable, so each strike is made with caution.

Zhuge Liang
Weapon: Spirit of Thunder
Movement: Whirlwind Throw
Command: left + square + triangle
Style: B
Points: 35
Fan strike
Team: square (X4)
Style: YYYY
Points: 15,18,15,20
Dancing Fan
Team: square(X2), fire right + square(X4)
Style: YYYYY
Points: 15,18,18,18,18
Advancing Fan Thrust
Team: square (X2), triangle
Style: GGK
Points: 15,18,16
Mystic Strike
Team: square, fire right + square
Kind: GK
Points 15.18
Mystic Slash
Team: right + square (X3)
Style: YYY
Points: 18,15,20
Dancing Fan Melody
Team: right + square, fire right + square (X3)
Style: YYYY
Points: 18,18,18,18
Sacred Stab
Command: right + square, triangle
Kind: GK
Points: 18.16
Sacred Slash
Team: down right + square (X2)
Style: KK
Points: 18.18
Hi Bolt
Command: down down right right + triangle (not blocked)
Style: G
Points: 60
Low Bolt
Command: down down left left + triangle (non-blocking)
Style: H
Points: 40
Spirit Fan
Team: right down down right + square (X2)
Style: KK
Points: 34.30
Upper Blade Barrier
Command: left down left down down right right + square
Type: GKN
Points: 24,24,24
Lower Blade Barrier
Command: right down right down down left left + square
Style: NKG
Points: 24,24,24
Feather Spear
Team: triangle (X2)
Kind: GK
Points: 15.16
Shooting Star
Command: left + triangle
Style: H
Points: 30
Heaven and Earth
Command: right down down right + triangle
Points: 38
Command: cross + circle (press during strike)
View: -
Points: Teleport
Enchanted Fan
Command: left + square
View: -
Glasses: -
Swooping Fan (after Enchanted Fan)
Team: square
Style: K
Points: 32
Heart Attack (after Enchanted Fan)
Team: Triangle
Style: G
Points: 30

Zhuge Liang is a miniboss that you will encounter before you fight Lu Bu. This is a fairly agile character with several effective combos and excellent range for some attacks, but only a few. He doesn't have much power. All the bulk of the energy is concentrated in his magic. His weapon is a simple pen, but it is imbued with magic, which he uses everywhere. Also, Zhuge Liang can teleport, thereby avoiding any blows. It is difficult to say in what tactics it is best to use it. It is effective in all cases, because its advantage over other players is obvious.

High Bolt and Low Bolt. These combos use magic. Your hero points the feather at the enemy, and he is hit by a deadly beam. Both combos knock out a huge number of points from the enemy - 60 and 40. And this attack is unblockable. The whole difference in these combos comes down to the fact that High Bolt fires a beam higher than Low Bolt. Thus, it turns out that Low Bolt is more reliable, since it is more difficult to dodge it.

blink. Zhuge Liang is able to move around the arena with this combo. This is very useful in defensive tactics. The enemy, having missed several blows for the sake of one good attack, will not live up to his expectations. Upon contact with an enemy, you can simply disappear from your original place, moving to the opposite side. This will help you avoid any, even practically unblockable, blow.

Upper and Lower Blade Barrier. These combinations play the role of a shield rather than an attack. The character, standing still, makes three blows: up, in the middle, and on the legs. If the enemy is not experienced, then he will approach you and get a good lesson. The difference between the Upper Blade Barrier and the Lower Blade Barrier is that in the former case, Zhuge Liang strikes in the order of head, body, legs; and in the second - legs, body, head.

Zang Fei
Weapon: Cobra
Snake Mill
Command: right down right down down left left + square
Style: B
Points: 50
coiled snake
Command: square, square, triangle
Style: GGK
Points: 19,18,26
Mirror Coiled Snake
Team: square (X3)
Style: GGN
Points: 19,18,18
Venomous Bite
Command: down right + square (X2), triangle
Style: KKK
Points: 22,26,22
Snake Rhapsody
Style: GNGG
Points: 18,18,16,16
Snake Rhapsody Fang
Team: right right + square (X4), triangle
Points: 18,18,16,16,46
Command: down right right + square
Style: K
Points: 36
Cobra Wheel
Command: Down Down Left Left + Square (X2)
Style: KK
Points: 42.36
Shoulder Smash
Command: right right + square
Style: K
Points: 32
Battle Cry
Command: right down down right + triangle
Style: H
Points: 28
hang over
Command: Down Down Left Left + Triangle
Style: K
Points: 28
Bleeding snake
Command: Down Down Right Right + Triangle
Style: K
Points: 46

Zang Fei is a very strong character. He has a large number of tricks and special moves in stock. They are designed for ranged and close combat. The spear allows him to fight at a great distance from the enemy. But the key to victory lies in close combat. And you need to play Zang Fei on the defensive. Despite his power, he is not a slow character. In close combat, Zang Fei is the most dangerous, although he has a large number of long-range combos in his arsenal. The whole problem is that when performing the most lethal combos, Zang Fei becomes vulnerable.

Snake Mill. This is the very technique, as a result of which the opponent loses 50 points. The key to using this combo effectively lies in anticipating the enemy's most effective attack. It must be blocked, and then carried out Snake Mill. This will greatly surprise your opponent.

Snake Rhapsody Fang. There are two very important points in this combination. First, the attack is very fast and hard to counter. And secondly, the last hit is actually a Bleeding Snake - only in this combo it does not need to be carried out additionally. Zang Fei does this automatically. It will be a great surprise for the enemy when, after the fourth blow, he decides to go on the attack.

hang over. This is the only jump attack from the Zang Fei collection. Fast and long-range, it can be applied in almost all cases. After Hang Over, the enemy is incapacitated for a while. So you can keep working on it.

Wu Kingdom Warriors (Wu Kingdom Warriors)
Taishi Ci

Weapon: Steel Fangs
Movement: Divine Oracle
Team: square (X3)
Style: GGK
Points: 21,20,24
Divine Phoenix
Command: fire down + square, triangle
Style: NK
Points: 12.48
Oracle Low Phoenix
Command: Down Left + Square (X2)
Style: NG
Points: 12.30
Oracle War Slash
Command: down down right right + square
Style: K
Points: 52
Dancing Blade
Command: Down Down Left Left + Square
Style: K
Points: 30
Rise of the Phoenix
Command: right down down right + square
Style: K
Points: 38
Razor Blade
Command: left + triangle
Style: K
Points: 30
Command: Down Down Right Right + Triangle
Style: K
Points: 48
cutting the tree
Command: right right + square
Style: K
Points: 28
Pommel Slash
Command: Right Right + Triangle, Square
Style: KK
Points 28.34
Pommel Sweep
Command: Right Right + Triangle, Fire Right + Square, Down Down Right Right + Triangle
View. KKK
Points 28,18,38
rising sun
Command: Down Down Left Left + Triangle (X5)
Points 16.12 (X5)
Setting Sun
Command: Down Down Left Left + Triangle, Fire Right + Square
Style: KK
Points: 16.28
Phoenix Station
Command: Down Down Left Left + Triangle, Fire Right + Triangle, Square
Kind of KKK
Points 16.28
Phoenix Spin
Command: Down Down Left Left + Triangle, Fire Right + Square, Down Down Right Right + Triangle
Style: KKKK
Points: 16,28,18,38
Phoenix Strike
Command: Down Down Left Left + Triangle (X3), Fire Right + Triangle
Style: KKKKK
Points: 16,12,12,28
Command: Down Down Left Left + Triangle(X3), Fire Right + Triangle, Square
Style: KKKKK
Points: 16.12.12, 28.34
Invincible Phoenix
Command: down down left left + triangle (X3), fire left + square, down down right right + triangle
Points: 16, 12, 12, 28, 18, 38
Guard Breaker
Command: right + square + cross
Style: K
Points: 5

Taishi Ci is slow. But he has a weapon in each hand. Almost all of his attacks are aimed at the body of the enemy. This is its main drawback. Therefore, an experienced opponent does not waste time blocking low blows.

But this weakness can be used as an advantage. Low Phoenix Oracle is a very good leg hitting attack. The enemy does not expect this and therefore is lost. Another tactic is to anticipate enemy attacks and intercept them in time. This hero has a lot of fast and strong combos that are able to interrupt almost any enemy attack.

Invincible Phoenix. The most useful Taishi Ci combo. She is like a bridge between your hero and the enemy. When the character makes this attack, he appears to be juggling his enemy. This attack takes 124 points from the enemy, which is more than any of Musou Spesials' attacks. To play Taishi Ci well, you need to cast Invincible Phoenix without thinking.

Pommer Sweep. Another equally important combo is Taishi Ci. It takes 84 points from the enemy, but this combination has amazing long range and is almost unblockable. So if your opponent is hit by a Pommer Sweep, they can only watch as their hero's health bar goes down.

Rise of the Phoenix. This is also very useful technique. Its call takes a little time, and the result is impressive. The enemy flies into the air and loses consciousness for a while.

Lu Xun
Weapon: Ghost Swords
Tripele Slash
Command: top right + square
Style: KK
Points: 12.16
Shower Blades
Team: top, right + square (X2)
Style: KKKK
Glasses. 12,16,11,14
Showering Death
Command: left + square
Style: K
Points: 30
Deadly Chop
Command: right, right + square, triangle, square
Style: GGKK
Points: 20,14,10,22
Slash Play
Command: right right + square, triangle, fire down + square
Style: GGNN
Points 20,14,12,14
Spin Slash
Command: Right Right + Triangle
Style: K
Points: 32
Phantom Razor
Team: down down right right + square (X3)
Points: 8,8,8,8,10,10
Twirling Blades
Command: down down right right + square (X4)
Points: 8,8,8,8, 10,10,10,10
Twirling Blade
Command: Down Down Left Left + Square (X2)
Style: NK
Points: 20.30
Command: Double X Left + Square
Style: K
Points: 30
Phantom Surprise
Command: right down down right + square
Style: K
Points: 30
X Throw
Command: right down right down down left left + square (X4)
Points: 16.16.24, 20.30
Dancing Razors
Command: right down right down down left, left + square (X2), fire right + square
Style: NTKK
Points: 16,16,16,24
Dancing Razor Finish
Team: square, square
Style: GGK
Points: 14,12,22

Lu Xun is a very flexible fighter. There is no such plastic in the game. His body is always in motion and ready to attack. But he has very few interrupt attacks, feints and just strong blows at his disposal. This does not mean that Lu Xun is useless in defense, but she is really weak. All the strength of this hero is contained in the speed and variety of strikes. For every combination that has low hits, there is a middle hit section. Lu Xun has many strikes that incapacitate the opponent and don't make your hero vulnerable if the strike is parried or blocked. Good speed and quick reaction make Lu Xun a worthy opponent in the game.

shower blades. This strong four-hit combo will knock down the enemy and is also good for parrying. Even when you choose Showering Blades as your first attack, this is a good choice. Lu Xun sees her through very quickly, and she doesn't take long to call.

Deadly Chop. This combo is very fast. It goes faster than it might seem. It is this illusion of slowness that misleads the enemy. In addition, it is quite dangerous and effective, especially when combined with Slash Play.

Twirling Blades. This approach is rather difficult to reflect. He is not as deadly, fast as we would like, but the distance at which he acts, and his originality is amazing. Just when the enemy expects a pause, Lu Xun delivers the final blow.

Zhou Yu
Weapon: Sword of the Ancestors
Divine Oracle
Team: square (X3)
Style: GGK
Points: 15,14,18
Divine Phoenix Oracle (Phenix Stance ending)
Team: square (X3), fire left
Style: GGK
Points 15,14,18
Low Phoenix Oracle (Phoenix Stance ending)
Command: fire down + square, square, fire left
Style: NK
Points: 10.18
War Slash (Phoenix Stance ending)
Command: down right + square, fire left
Style: K
Points: 18
Dancing Blade
Team: left + square (X2)
Style: NN
Points: 12.20
A Rise of the Phoenix Razor
Command: top right + square (X2)
Style: KK
Points: 28.32

Zou Yu incorporated speed, the ability to carry out long attacks and the ability to combine strikes. He recovers very quickly after another attack. His forte is Phoenix Stance. He can combine this combo with many others. With this combo, you can effectively open and end the duel. Each attack, which includes Phoenix Stance, combines high, low and medium strikes that are very difficult to predict, much less reflect. Using your speed and big choice various combinations, Zhou Yu is very effective in offensive tactics. The enemy simply won't know what to expect from you.

Rise of the Phoenix. Have you ever noticed how often a computer uses this attack? Excellent range, good damage to the enemy, and then this combo is quite safe. And not many characters have blows that send the enemy into the air. Even if the attack is reflected, your hero will remain safe and sound.

Invincible Phoenix. This attack is unique in that it theoretically never ends. Zou Yu will keep hitting until the opponent strikes back. Use this combo to lift a blocked enemy into the air.

Razorblade. Zhou hesitates for a fraction of a second and then strikes forward with his sword. This attack is fast, almost always reaches its target, and takes the most points from the opponent compared to Zhou Yu's other single strikes. This combo is best used after you have landed an attack and are in a block. This strategy will stop your opponent from thinking about attacking you right after you've tried one of your favorite combos on him.

Other Warriors
Lu Bu

Weapon: Eclipse Staff
Movement: Halberd Strike

Style: GGK
Points 22,22,36
Halberd Dance
Command: square, square, triangle, triangle
Style: GGKK
Points: 22,22,22,40
Crescent attack
Team: triangle, square
Kind: GK
Points: 24.36
Total Eclipse
Team: half circle back + square
Style: KK
Points: 15.51
death strike
Command: Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Triangle
Style: K
Points: 30
Victory Dance
Command: Down, Down/Back, Back + Square, Square, Square
KNN type
Points: 28,18,24
Inferno Spear Thrust
Command: Down, Down/Back, Back + Square, Square, Triangle
Style: GNK
Points: 28,18,32
Crescent Sweep

Style: K
Points: 42
Rising Crescent Strike
Command: down/forward + square, square
Style: KK
Points: 24.34
double moon
Command: down/forward + triangle, triangle
Style: KK
Points: 25.34
solar eclipse
Command: up + square (hold forward)
Style: K
Points: 34
low slash
Command: down + square
View H
Points: 12
Low Thrust
Command: down + triangle (hold)
Style: H
Points: 2
Power Strike
Command: back + triangle (hold)
Style: K
Points: 38
True Rising Crescent Strike
Team: getting up square, square
Style: KK
Points: 24.34
Rising Double Moon
Team: getting up triangle, triangle
Style: KK
Points: 25.34

Lu Bu is the main enemy in the game. With medium strength, he has great speed and amazing striking distance. It is this combination that makes Lu Bu the main character of the game. He does not have a very large number of tricks, but this is enough to keep the enemy in suspense. Playing Lu Bu defensively is tantamount to losing. It was originally designed to attack. His spear can stop any opponent, and then Lu Bu can immediately attack. Your opponent will simply be cornered and unable to block. Playing defensively makes this character open, and long combos will be impossible to produce.

Death strike. This quick one uses the full length of the weapon. Other than that, she's pretty strong. But most importantly, after it, you can immediately spend Sun Down. This combination of two combinations brings significant damage to the enemy and keeps the enemy away from our hero.

Power Strike. This movement does not look very impressive, but it is very useful. When Lu Bu puts his spear forward, he can parry almost any blow.

Total Eclipse. These two strikes are carried out with such speed that the opponent simply does not understand what hit him. Therefore, he cannot parry these two blows. The second hit deals significant damage to the enemy and knocks out as many as 52 points.

Inferno Spear Thrust. This combo has amazing speed and uses the full length of the spear. It is best used in combination with Victory Dance. The enemy will not know which blow to defend against.

Diao Chan
Weapon: Charm Maces
Movement: Rippling Pond
Team: square, square, square
Points: 14, 16, 22
Rippling Koi
Command: square, square, down + square
Style: GGN
Points 14,16, 24
Garden of Thornc
Command: Triangle, Square, Square
Type: GKN
Points 14,15,18
garden rose
Command: triangle, back + square, square
Type: GKN
Points 14,26,18
Flamingo Dance
Command: Down, Down/Forward, Forward + Triangle Square
Style: GG
Points: 24.24
Peacock Sweep
Command: Down, Down/Back, Back + Square
Style: H
Points: 22
Strewn Petails
Command: forward + triangle, square
Style: KK
Points: 18.25
Low Strewn Petals
Command: forward + triangle, down + square
Style: KN
Points: 18.20
Lotus Wheel
Command: forward, forward + square
Style: KK
Points: 20.22
Pruning Slash
Command: forward, forward + triangle, square
Style: KK
Points: 20.18
Command: forward, down, down / forward + square, square
Style: KK
Points: 26.24
Command: forward, down, down / forward + triangle
Style: K
Points: 36
Willow Kick Dance
Command: forward, backward, triangle, square
Style: KGG
Points: 22,24,24
Willow Kick Thunder
Command: forward, backward, square
Style: KN
Points: 22.20
Command: up/forward + square
Style: G
Points: 32
Deadly Poppy
Command: down/forward + square, square
Style: KN
Points: 15.18
Vase Breaker
Command: down / forward + triangle, square
Style: KN
Points: 15.22
Flipping Maces
Command: up + square + triangle
Style: K
Points: 30
Limbo Shot
Command: down + square
Style: H
Points: 8
Low Thrust
Command: down + triangle
Style: H
Points: 10
Rising Deadly Orchid
Team: square + square, square
Style: KN
Points: 15.18
Rising Vase Breaker
Team: square + triangle, square
Style: KN
Points: 15.22

Diao Chan is the only female of the ten regular characters in the game. She is also the weakest. Her strength lies in the number of combos, speed. Perhaps she is the most unpredictable character. Her unique feature is her ability to perform combos when she is looking in the wrong direction. The enemy cannot predict her actions. She circles her opponents around her finger, causing them to spin in one place. Since Diao Chan cannot attack at long distances, try to sneak past your enemies all the time, thereby realizing a special defensive tactic.

Willow Kick. This kombu can be used as an effective countermeasure against the opponent's blows. When an enemy attacks, Diao Chan avoids the blow and knocks the opponent down. Even if the blow was blocked, the fighters would still scatter in different directions, and Diao Chan would be able to recover his strength.

Curtain Call. In the middle of the execution, it looks like a low kick will be thrown, but Diao Chan delivers a straight punch to the body. This happens very quickly, so it is quite difficult to react to the blow.
The rest of the characters actually repeat all the movements of the previous warriors.

So, Sun Syhang Xiang repeats all the techniques of Zou Yu. The only difference is that she moves a little faster and has a deceptive appearance.

As for Toukichi, he is a copy of Cao Sao. Due to his small stature, it seems that he is incapable of producing high kicks, but this is only an illusion.

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