Poker secrets. Poker ins and outs - useful tips on non-gaming tricks for beginners Tips for playing poker online

Professional poker players have not only rich knowledge in the field of such a card game, but also vast experience. That is why they are able to successfully withstand the strongest opponents. The main problem for beginners is the lack of gaming experience. But many professional poker players often share the secrets of their game. Beginning players can use them. Today we have compiled a selection of tips from poker pros. They will serve you well. That is why we advise you to carefully study them.

Daniel Negreanu - prepare for every game session

Daniel Negreanu today is part of the room's team of professional players. He has a huge number of victories on his account, including in WSOP tournaments. He earns millions from his game, which is why poker tips from him are especially valuable.

Daniel Negreanu recommends that every player prepares for a game session. It is unacceptable to just wake up and immediately sit down at the computer or come home from work and immediately join the game process. Mandatory preparation for the game session is required, the time for which must be planned in advance.

Daniel Negreanu said that beforehand he spends several hours training in the gym, takes a walk around the city. In his opinion, physical activity is an excellent stimulation of brain activity. In the future, this has a positive effect on the results of the game.

Also, a professional poker player advises to end the session at the scheduled time as well. He says that he watched the newcomers and in most cases they can not tear themselves away from the gameplay. Often this is what causes losses. After all, many hours of playing, combined with restless nights, exhaust the body, the poker player loses control over his emotions, goes into a rage and becomes less attentive. That's why it's important to create a schedule for yourself by which you will play, and strictly adhere to it.

Evgeny Kachalov - take losses calmly

Evgeniy Kachalov is a professional player from Ukraine. He claims that losses are not only for beginners, but also for successful poker players. But it is the novice players who have the hardest time dealing with setbacks. That's why they need advice from poker pros to deal with losses.

An important piece of advice from poker pro Evgeniy Kachalov is not to get upset over bad hands. Every loss must be taken advantage of. Analyze your ineffective games and identify mistakes that you should try not to make again in the future. Remember that losing, like winning, is a priceless experience. In the future, this will certainly benefit you and cover all the losses incurred earlier.

Ivan Demidov - excitement is your main "enemy"

Ivan Demidov is a successful Russian poker player. He was able to reach the final of the WSOP Main Event, where he took an honorable second place. He inspired many Russian-speaking players to professional game to poker. This poker player places special emphasis on excitement. With him, according to Ivan Demidov, it is imperative to fight. Excitement is the main enemy of the poker player and his obstacle on the way to success.

Ivan Demidov himself is a non-gambling person, which played a big role in the fact that he achieved so many high results in such entertainment. He is sure that if a beginner can overcome his excitement, then he will be able to play a more productive game, but it will be more boring. However big wins will not allow you to lose interest in this direction.

Phil Gordon - treat poker like chess

Phil Gordon is an equally successful player. He won the 2001 WSOP. He actively gives advice to newcomers. One of his main recommendations is to play poker in the same way as chess players. This means that every decision made must have a continuation. So, for example, when you bet, you should already have an idea of ​​how you will respond to your opponent if he decides to immediately raise or resort to raising on the next street.

Top tip from poker pro Phil Gordon - thinking ahead. If you stick to this approach, then you will make losing decisions much less often, therefore, you will be able to increase your win rate.

Andreas Thorbergsen - live poker

Andreas Torbergsen is considered one of the most successful live and online poker. He advises beginners to live this card game. This means that you need to show maximum interest in this direction. Communicate on forums and social networks with more experienced poker players, follow the news and other events in the poker world.

Also Andreas Torbergsen advises to study books and materials from professional players. Drawing information and knowledge from them, you can use not only your own, but also someone else's experience. By doing this, you will learn from the mistakes of others, which will allow you to make less of your own.

Lilia Novikova - be patient and be persistent

Lilia Novikova was once part of the PokerStars team and is one of the most successful online players today. She has repeatedly given poker advice to beginners, in which she constantly calls for perseverance and hard work.

She is sure that success is impossible without difficulties. Overcoming them, the poker player improves his skill level. And here it is very important to be patient so as not to give up such a direction one day. After all, if you go to the goal despite all sorts of difficulties, then in the end you will achieve the desired results.

That's why deciding to master poker, you should remember that you will need a lot of patience and hard work. Only then will you be able to succeed in such card game and turn it into a stable source of income.

Patrik Antonius - make your opponents pay

The top tip from poker pro Patrik Antonius is to not let your opponents see the board for free when you have a strong hand. Some poker players, subject to availability pocket pair Aces tend to play passively, so they don't want to scare off their opponents. However, in this case, opponents see the flop cheaply, and sometimes for free. As a result, you lose your advantage at the table and the opportunity to win a bigger pot.

That's why it's important to make your opponents pay for the opportunity to see the cards on the board. Then you can weed out weaker opponents and at the same time increase the game bank.

Dusty Schmidt - treat poker like a business

Dusty Schmidt is one of the most successful poker players, as he was able to earn more than $4,000,000 in his entire career on this game. He always treated such gambling entertainment as a business. He advises beginners to follow a similar approach.

Dusty Schmidt encourages beginner poker players to forget that poker is a game and start seeing it as a business where investments are needed and where you can earn income. Then you can see poker from a different angle. You will be able to play it more successfully and get a significant profit.

Dusty also advises poker players to spend part of the funds won on their own needs. Then the game will bring real pleasure. He believes that by treating poker like a business and spending part of the income on yourself, you will see the game differently.

Nathan Williams - Choose Your Poker Literature Carefully

Nathan Williams is not only a successful player, but also the author of a book he wrote for poker players who prefer micro limits. It contains a lot of practical advice that will be useful to novice players playing at the minimum stakes.

At the same time, Nathan Williams notes that many newcomers approach the choice of literature somewhat mediocrely. They try to use tips from books that are written by authors who play at medium and high stakes in their game. This is why there are difficulties at the micro-stakes cash tables in the future.

From this we can conclude that when choosing educational literature, you need to pay attention to what category of poker players it is intended for. If you lose sight of this, then the desired results will not be achieved.

Bernd Lee - keep improving

Berndard Lee is a well-known poker player who is famous for his virtuoso play both offline and online. He advises beginners to tirelessly improve their skills. Even when you succeed, you need to continue your education. To do this, read articles, analyze played games and study books with advice from poker professionals.

Remember, the game does not stand still - what was effective last year may lose value today. That is why the task of a poker player is to constantly learn and use strategies that are effective today.

Phil Ivey - don't try to win back by raising the limits

The top tip from poker pro Phil Ivey is don't try to win back by going up in stakes. A lot of newbies make this mistake. Losing at one limit, they move to tables with higher stakes. In their opinion, this is the surest way to recoup. But as practice shows, this approach turns into large losses.

It is important to understand the following: by choosing an even higher limit, you start the game with even more serious opponents. If you have not been able to beat weaker opponents at lower stakes, how can you compete with those who are used to playing even more risky?

That's why Phil Ivey advises only moving up to a higher limit after you've been successful at the previous one. Otherwise, you risk losing all your money and just abandoning such a card game.

Here we have voiced advice from poker professionals. Your task is to listen to them and adopt them. Then you can become a successful poker player much faster and turn such entertainment into a permanent source of income.

Have you just started playing poker and have not yet been able to understand what a successful game is based on? This is not surprising, since without outside help it is difficult to organize a competent approach to learning and cover all the necessary aspects of a profitable strategy in the process of studying poker theory. For those who want not only to learn how to play poker, but also want to receive income from this interesting activity, we have prepared helpful tips, which will help not to miss anything important when learning successful game.

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Every professional player was once a beginner and, just like you, mastered poker from scratch. However, they were able to go from a novice player to the pro level, having spent a lot of time and effort. Their efforts paid off with huge winnings and fame. Of course, you can and should learn from their experience! The following poker tips from well-known professionals will be useful for any beginner poker player:

Daniel Negreanu - you need to prepare for every game

No matter how strong the craving for the game, it is necessary to prepare for each game session - says a member of the pro team PokerStars and multiple WSOP bracelet winner. You can’t just wake up and immediately sit down at the computer, even despite an irresistible desire. Daniel prepares for each game session by planning its time in advance. Previously, he visits the gym, walks around the city. Physical exercise and exercise stimulate brain activity, and subsequently this has a positive effect on the game. You also need to interrupt the session at the scheduled time! Many beginners can not tear themselves away from the gaming table, and often this causes the loss of winnings. Sleepless nights, many hours of playing - exhaust the body, and the player loses control over himself, gives in to excitement. You should set an acceptable game schedule and always strictly adhere to it!

Evgeny Kachalov - you need to be able to lose

Losses, according to the Ukrainian pro, are the fate of not only beginners, but also professionals. However, it is the novice player who finds it more difficult to deal with them psychologically, and they especially need poker tips that can help them cope with losses. You need to know how to play! Because of losses, you should not be upset, but you should benefit from each loss - a practical lesson that in the future will allow you not to repeat the mistake you made. Therefore, a loss, like a successful game, is a valuable experience that in the future will bring profit and pay off losses.

Ivan Demidov - you need to fight the excitement

For novice poker players, advice from professionals such as should not be ignored. This man made it to the final table of the WSOP Main Event and took second place, sparking interest in the game among Russian-speaking players. Ivan puts special emphasis on the excitement of the game. Excitement must be fought, as it is the main enemy and obstacle to success. Demidov himself is absolutely not gambling and, perhaps, that is why he has achieved such high results. If a beginner overcomes his excitement, the game may seem boring to him. However, the money received from it, of course, will not allow you to lose interest in the gameplay.

Phil Gordon - Play Poker Like Chess

A 2001 WSOP Main Event finalist recommends playing poker like a chess player when giving advice on how to play poker to beginners. Every decision the player makes must have a continuation. For example, when placing a bet, you should already have an idea of ​​how you will respond to your opponent if he raises immediately or on the next street. It is important to think through all the moves in advance! If you organize such an approach to the game, you will begin to understand what decisions can be unprofitable in most situations, therefore, to abandon them.

Andreas Thorbergsen - live poker

One of the most successful players in online and offline poker, recommends being interested in the game in all its aspects - chatting on forums and in in social networks with experienced novice players, follow the news and promotions to keep abreast of absolutely all events. On the net you can find poker tips from professionals regarding a variety of moments of the game and specific situations. Drawing knowledge and information, you will use in the game not only your own, but also someone else's experience - learn from the mistakes of others, allowing less of your own.

Lilia Novikova - requires patience and perseverance

Pro team member and a successful online player, she has repeatedly given her advice on playing poker to beginners and constantly pays attention to diligence and patience. She notes that it is impossible to achieve success without facing difficulties. And in order to become a successful player, it is important to learn how to overcome them, patiently moving towards your goal. Problems can arise not only in the game, but also in life, so you will need a lot of patience and hard work.

Dusty Schmidt - poker is a business

Professional Dusty Schmidt , who has earned over $4 million in his career, has always treated poker like a business and advises novice players to do the same! You need to forget that poker is a game and take it as a business with investments and income. By doing this, you will see poker in a completely different way and you will be able to start playing more successfully, realizing profits in the long term. By the way, do not forget that the money won or part of it must be spent, otherwise the game will not bring real pleasure. First you buy a new smartphone, then a laptop, and perhaps the turn will come to an apartment, a house, a car, a yacht and a trip around the world.

Nathan Williams - Choose Poker Literature Carefully

Nathan Williams is one of the few authors who has written for those who play at the micros. In it he gives practical practical advice for beginner poker players who prefer the lowest stakes. However, he notes that most poker textbooks are written by those who play at medium and high stakes. Therefore, when studying poker theory on them, beginners often face difficulties when playing at the micro limits. The same goes for tournament strategy books. Therefore, when choosing training literature, you should pay attention to what category of players it is intended for.

Bernd Lee - humility and constant learning

Being not only a professional player, but also a poker reviewer, Berndard Lee draws the attention of beginners to the need to constantly improve their skills. Even having achieved success at the beginning of your career, you should continue to study - read poker literature, analyze the game, take into account the advice of poker professionals. The fact is that the game does not stand still and is constantly evolving. Some techniques that were relevant last year may simply not work at the present time. Continuous learning keeps you ahead of the rest poker world and always use an up-to-date strategy.

The listed poker tips are given by professional players who have had a bright career. Therefore, they should be listened to and taken into account! Don't forget to subscribe to the free book for beginners by filling out the subscription form at the beginning of the article. Thanks to this guide, you will be able to plan your poker training and not miss any important aspect.

Poker is a very simple, at first glance, game in which all players receive certain cards in their hands, and the winner is the one whose combination of cards turned out to be stronger. However, this is only at first glance. In fact, it's quite rare for the strongest hand to win in poker, much more often hands are won without a showdown, after a raise from one of the players. That's why experienced players, who know all the tricks of poker, say that poker is played not with cards, but against people.

This means that if we learn to “read” our opponents, we will be able to win hands against them all the time, regardless of what cards we are dealt. Of course, this is ideal, but there are still a few poker tricks that are known to many professional players and that beginners do not know about. And we just want to tell you about them ...


Slowplay is one of those poker tricks that even experienced players fall for. Its essence is as follows. You are getting good cards(like a pair of aces), and instead of immediately all-in or raising your opponent's bet, you just limp in by calling your opponent's bet. Further, after the next bets from our opponent, you also simply call, instead of raising them. And so on until the river, where you simply go all-in in response.

This “slow play” tactic leads to our opponent being pretty sure he has the strongest hand in the hand, and we only call to “reach our draw” or with some weak hit. As a result, our opponent will even be interested in raising the bets himself, and you will only have to call them in order to show your nuts on the river.

True, slowplay is dangerous because several players can enter the hand with your aces at once, and someone may well get into two pair or even into a straight. In this case, you and your aces will lose. Therefore, this trick in poker is applicable only when playing against one, maximum, two opponents.


Timing (eng. “time” - “time”) is a complex term for playing with time during trading. For example, when we think for a long time whether to call the opponent's bet or not, and at the same time we have the nuts in our hands. With the help of timing, we can convince our opponent that we have a weak or marginal card, and we doubt whether we should call his bet. Accordingly, with this, in the next rounds of trading, we will provoke him to even higher bets.

The reverse side of timing is an instant, quick call or raise, which shows that we have a ready and powerful combination in our hands. By making such a quick bet, we unequivocally inform the opponent that we have already collected our hand, and we are ready to go to the end on such cards. However, keep in mind that in this case you will have to call or raise all streets immediately, not just the flop. Because, you see, it will look strange if you quickly answer with a raise on the flop, and think for a long time on the turn and make a “painful” call.


We have already written about what a check-behind is in poker. In short, this poker trick is used when we call our opponent's preflop bet with a good winning hand, then we call it on the flop, and on the river, instead of betting ourselves, we check.

Because if we made a raise on the river, then our opponent would most likely fold his cards, especially if it is clearly visible that we could improve on the river. On the other hand, our check on the river will encourage him to make another bet in order to take the pot with a bluff. After that, all we have to do is reraise his bet.


Check-raising is a trick in poker that can be used if you are in early or middle position, and therefore do not yet know how your opponents will behave. The bottom line is that you check, and then, after a bet from one of your opponents, you raise. Therefore, this technique is called “check-raise”.

What is it used for? First of all, this poker trick is used to increase the pot of the hand. In addition, thanks to the check-raise, you can kick out those opponents who want to see for free next card on the table by calling.


Bluffing is the simplest trick in poker, but also the most difficult to learn. Even many professional players note that they do not use bluffs well enough, sometimes losing very serious money on this. In offline poker, bluffing is used very often, but when playing over the Internet, its effectiveness drops sharply.

At the same time, if you decide to bluff against your opponent, you should know a few rules of this game technique:

  1. The more players there are in the hand, the less likely your bluff will be successful. Ideally, you should only bluff when you are left in the hand against one or two opponents.
  2. It is much easier to bluff against tight and cautious players who play only cards. The chance that such opponents will fold their cards is much higher.
  3. If there are a lot of chips in the pot, then bluffing will be very dangerous. Often, with a large pot, your opponents will call your bets, as they say, simply by “pot odds”.
  4. The sooner you bluff, the more chances you have of success. So, for example, on the river, the chances of making a successful bluff are much less than on the flop. And all because on the river it will be enough for your opponent to call one of your bets, and he will see your cards. And on the flop, he will need to call at least three more of your bets (flop, turn, river) before the showdown comes.


A float is essentially the same bluff technique, only extended over several rounds of betting. Its essence is as follows. You call several opponent's bets (for example, pre-flop and flop), so that later, on the next round, you yourself make a bet, after which your opponent will "fold". True, as with any other technique, we must clearly understand who we are bluffing against, and whether this player will fold his cards at all, or whether he prefers to play to the end ...

Poker success, primarily depends on the player himself - his ability to play the game, use the reactions of opponents, perform complex mathematical calculations and pay attention to the subtleties of the process. Professional players who have managed to achieve high-quality results have to actively work on self-improvement and constantly improve their skills.

If after each unsuccessful attempt the player gave up, there would be no results. First of all, a beginner in poker should prepare for complex and painstaking work on himself - without self-criticism become a successful poker player it will be simply impossible.

10 steps to a successful poker game

Personal qualities and fast learner

Personal characteristics and quick learning are an excellent foundation for the formation of stable positive qualities of a professional player. Naturally, every person who is attracted and gambling, must have rational thinking and the ability to control their emotions - this will help to play a competent game and capture subtle details.

Therefore, the first rules can be deduced:

Whatever the outcome of the game is, you can’t lose your head and show your insecurity to your opponent.

Initial capital

A beginner who wants to, must have a sufficient amount of free capital that can be directed to the hobby of poker, without harm to himself and his business. In simple words If you are a low-income person, you are unlikely to achieve impressive results and get rich without investing a decent amount of your own money.

Limited bankroll

However, a more important indicator that builds self-confidence and stability is a limited bankroll. If you, set a specific amount Money, which you can lose during the game or tournament competition - this will not allow you to part with all the savings for one unsuccessful game and will help you gain experience during the previous competitions. However, it is important to make a correct calculation of the size of the limit for one game, without setting too high or too little amount.

It is necessary to set a limited amount that you can lose without harming your own wallet.

Analysis of your game

On condition bad game, you need to analyze your shortcomings and try to avoid similar situations in the future.

Constant improvement of your own skills in practice, studying the behavioral reactions of opponents and calculating more likely combinations.

Learn from others

Try to study large volumes useful information highlighting the most important points to improve your game.

cold thinking

Poker and emotions are absolutely incompatible, your head must be cold, and your thinking is completely rational.

Note that successful players never lose their heads, and most often have significant success in business and hobbies. However, their confidence is not just an innate quality, but rather an acquired tough discipline and iron self-control. It is on the development of such qualities that the player has to work long and exhaustingly. Having brought such reactions to perfection, you will never undergo an emotional crisis and will be able to get out of any situation with your head held high, and more importantly, with overflowing pockets.

As soon as the player smiles and he starts to make a profit, he often forgets about the first rules, increasing his bankroll and stopping working on himself. However, this tactic has an absolutely detrimental effect and only helps to lose large sums. The fact is that the game of poker cannot be unchanged, because in addition to the cards, your opponents also change, who constantly bring something new to the gameplay. We must not forget about this and stop self-criticism and analysis of wrong moves - as soon as your strategy stops working, you will quickly lose all your savings and will not be able to get out of the “black” streak of failures for a long time. Consequently:

  • Can't stick to the same tactics, during each competition - constantly change techniques, hitting the opponent with your unpredictability.
  • If, nevertheless, a losing streak overtook you, and you cannot cope with it, you should take a break and stop playing for a while until your feelings return to normal.
  • Never rest on your laurels, and you will succeed.

Poker - unique game, wherein best players use math, knowledge of the game and observation to win.

It takes incredible ability to win at poker, but even more knowledge and talent is required to develop the game strategies that are now used everywhere.

These geniuses do their best to understand and thoroughly study the game they play.

But, like any game, poker has changed a lot in the last few years. The strategy of the game, which brought success 10 years ago, may look silly in our time. And it is likely that current strategies would have been ineffective 10 years ago.

Let's take a look at a few strategies from past years below. They were used by the strongest poker players, but now we understand that these strategies are not so effective.

1) Reraise with small pairs before the flop in Limit Hold'em

Why this advice is bad: This book is intended for beginners, probably the player will start playing at very low stakes, and people play millions of hands at micro stakes.

You can't 3-bet a player, they don't care what you have in your hand. All he really cares about is what cards he has in his hand, and if he hits top pair, no one will force him to fold.

You will end up putting a lot of money in the pot and never getting it back unless you hit a set.

Better advice: In limit hold'em, especially at the micro limits, you should call. In this case, it is beneficial for you to play with the aggressor and with other possible participants in the distribution, paying the smallest possible amount for this. If you get a set, you can play the hand, if it doesn't, you can safely fold your hand without losing a lot of money.

2) 4-bet, it's always aces

Why is this advice bad?: This advice is not so much bad as outdated.

The very best players 4-bet so often it's unbelievable if there were aces all the time.

For example, look at how Sean Deeb crashed out of the 2011 WSOP Main Event.

What's more, even a 5-bet or 6-bet doesn't guarantee your opponent has pocket aces.

Better advice: Estimate the game of each player individually.

For some 4-bets it will really only be aces, but for some it can be any two cards.

3) If you're playing small connectors, it doesn't have to be suited.

Cloutier believes that even if we hit a flush in a multiway pot, we'll be beaten by a stronger flush. Thus, suited connectors do more harm than good.

Why is this advice bad? There can be no situation in which suited cards can be worse than unsuited ones. The idea that suited connectors do more harm than good is truly absurd.

Yes, there may well be situations in which you will hit the flush, but your opponents will have a higher flush. But sometimes you can win not only with a straight, but also with a backdoor flush.

Better advice: Suited cards give you more chances to win.

4) Raise for information

Why this advice is bad: The information you get with a raise will often be useless.

Let's say you raise and your opponent folds. There's a chance your opponent folded his bluff, which is bad, because you'd rather have your opponent bluff you.

Next situation: You raise and your opponent calls. What information did you get from this action? There are several options here:

  1. He has a draw and paid to collect it.
  2. He has the nuts and slowplays
  3. His hand beats your hand
  4. His hand does not beat your hand.

If he reraises, it could also mean several things:

  1. He has a monster draw and plays it aggressively.
  2. He has a bad hand and plays it aggressively
  3. His hand is stronger than yours at the moment.

Better advice: There are several ways to determine the strength of your hand. And raising is not the best way.

Watch your opponents carefully, note how they played certain hands in past distributions.
Analyze your opponent's game, try to find out the ranges and with each grain of information you will be closer to determining his hand.

5) Vary your preflop raise size

Why is this advice bad? The only reason to change your preflop raise size is if you are constantly opening with different bets.

If you keep raising by the same number of chips all the time, your opponents won't be able to get any tells because you act the same way in different situations.

Better advice: In a tournament, there is never a situation where it's worth raising 4x.

Stick to a 2.25x or 2.5x raise strategy. This will be just as effective as 4x and also less risky for you.

Raising to 4 big blinds is not worth the risk.