Fallout 4 nukes the location of the cores. Quest "Star Dispatcher" (DLC Nuka-World). Task #6: Repair the central computer

Fallout Developers 4, the exciting Yader-Mir was created. This is an ordinary amusement park that was destroyed nuclear war. Now terrible creatures live there and robbers dominate. Players are given a unique opportunity to visit an amusement park and become the head of a gang of raiders. But to achieve the goal, players need to successfully complete all the missions. One of the tasks in the game is to collect stellar cores. Today we will tell you what they are for and where you can find them.

During the passage of the mission "Star Dispatcher" in a location called "Galaxy" you need to run a super-powerful computer. But this can only be done after all the cores have been collected. Thirty-five of them are scattered throughout the park. These are various microcircuits and boards, without which the computer cannot start at full capacity. For collecting all the stellar cores, the player will receive a protective suit "Quantum Ch-01 V" as a bonus. A hint about how many items and where to find the cores can be seen in the terminal.

One of them can be found in the same place where the Star Dispatcher is located. After determining what is needed, you can go further in search of the rest of the stellar cores. First of all, you need to search in the Galaxy location, since you can collect six more cores there.

So, for the second core, you need to go up in the same building where the Star Dispatcher is located. To do this, you need to go to the next level. The core is in the showcase. But in order to open it, you need the keys. You can find them in the next room.

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The third stellar core lies in the backyard of the building. You can pick up the chip near the murdered merchant.

There is a tower not far from the Nucleus Galaxy. Here on it there is the next stellar core.

Then you need to go to the red booth, which is located next to the entrance to the "Nuclear Galaxy". There lies the fifth chip. Oh, it will be possible to get it only after the successful completion of all the main tasks that are supposed to be in the story.

The last two cores in this zone can be found near the rides that say ArcJetG-Force and Spacewalk. There are no more chips in the "Galaxy" zone and for the next ones you will have to go to the "Among the Stars" exhibition.

At the exhibition called "Among the Stars" you can collect six star cores. In order to find the first three cores, you need to go through a secret passage, which served as an entrance for guests and go to the very end. On the left side there is a locked door. In order to open it, you need to pick the lock. Then follow the stairs leading down. Keys will come across on the way, they must be collected. The cores will be found behind one door with a complex lock.

The next core is in the lab. In order to open the door to it, you need to use the keys that were collected along the way. You can also find a key there, which will open the door to the control room and the nuclear unit. After that, you need to return to the room where the first three cores were found and find a hole in the wall. It will have a high level of radiation and one more, fifth stellar core. After that, you need to go to the exhibition and open one of the many doors. The sixth core is behind the stone. Zetem needs to go in search of the "Nuclear Galaxy", where you can replenish the collection of nuclei and collect seven more pieces.

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Seven stellar cores in the "Nuclear Galaxy"

Just like in the Galaxy location, seven cores can be collected here. You can pick up the first one right at the control center. After that, you need to find the door, which is located behind the red cabin, and pick the lock. The second chip is on the next level, in the room behind this door. The third core can be found nearby in a room designed to control all systems. The next core can be found in the same room where the hazmat suit was. female character. The fifth core can be found by going through the hall where the planets are located. And between the small office, located in the corridor, and the entrance to the attraction, you can find the last two cores at the exhibition. Then you need to go to the cinema, there are four more boards.

Although the cinema does not have a large territory, it will be possible to assemble four microcircuits there to run a supercomputer. One of them can be picked up in the central room, the core lies right on the terminal. Then you need to go to the toilet. Near the corpse of the merchant, take the next stellar core. The third can be found in the kitchen room, and for the last one you will have to go up to the top floor of the cinema. Thus, having visited the cinema, it remains to collect the last five microcircuits.

Five stellar cores in different zones

It remains to collect the last five boards. All of them are scattered in different areas of the amusement park. One of them can be found on the square where the market is located. You can find him in Yader Town. Walking around the market, you can find the core on one of the many stalls. For the next core, you need to go to the "World of Freshness". The core lies near the body of the killed soldier. Then, in the "Yader-Arcade" you need to find a hangar in the dump, there, in a small service room, there is another stellar core. The last board can be found in the Dry Gorge, near the Phosphate Dock Salon.

In a location called "Galaxy" you can find a supercomputer called the "Star Dispatcher". So, in order for the performance of this computer to reach 100%, you need to find and bring 35 stellar cores. However, this is not all. The bottom line is that if you bring all 35 parts, then you will get access to a unique power armor called "X-01 Quantum Type V". So if you are wondering “Where to find all the Star Cores?”, Then this guide will certainly help you.

→ Attention: The first Star Core can be found in the same room as the supercomputer, so don't miss the first detail!

Location: Galaxy

To begin with, I recommend that you fully explore the "Galaxy" zone, since as many as five Stellar Cores are hidden in it. Moreover, its first core, as mentioned above, can be found on the second floor of the task in which the Star Dispatcher is located. To be precise, the core is located inside the showcase, the key to which can be obtained in the next room.

The second core can be found near the corpse of the merchant in the territory of the "backyard". However, please note that the gate will close the road to this part, but it will not be difficult to get over it. Just let the gate serve as an index sign.


The next Star Core can already be found on the tower, which in turn is located near a place called "Nuclear Galaxy". Climb to the very top and look around carefully, the screenshot below will make your search easier.

The last stellar core in this territory can be found, again, not far from the "Nuclear Galaxy". You will need to find the place shown in the screenshot below. Having reached this place, look further for a red booth - the treasured core will lie inside.

→ Attention: You can get the last Star Core only after you finish the main storyline of the Nuka-World add-on. Only after that, on the second floor of the building in which the supercomputer is located, the elevator will turn on, which will lift the hero to the coveted core.

Publication date: 09/06/2016 09:02:17

AT Fallout 4: Nuka World there is a quest called "Star Dispatcher" where the player needs to collect 20 star cores in order to fix the mainframe. An optional part is to collect all the cores to open a new armor.

This mission is part of story quest"Big tour", taking place in the entire zone "Galaxy". You can complete the Star Dispatcher simply by destroying all the robots and turrets on the map in their respective locations (marked as rides on the map), but finding the Star Cores will pay off later on. For this, galactic modifications are issued, and of course you can get power armor.

Zone "Galaxy"

There are four locations here: the Starlight Cinema, the RobCo Arena, Vault-Tech: Among the Stars, and the Nucleus Galaxy zone. Completely clearing them will collect 23 Star Cores - more than enough to reset the mainframe. These are the easiest cores, because you can find out exactly how much is left in each zone, and after clearing it of enemies, all that remains is to thoroughly search the area.

For convenience, the cores will be listed in the order they were found from the entry, where possible. If you miss a couple, it's best to return to the entrance and start a thorough inspection from the very beginning.

Cinema "Starlight"

There are only 4 cores in this small, confusing room.

Starting from the entrance, go left into the corridor until you reach the toilets at the far end of the passage. Go into the men's room (with blue paint) and look for a broken wall. There lies a dead merchant with a stellar core.

Go from the entrance to the right corridor until you find the kitchen. There will be a door behind which you will find the core.

Search the main hall of the cinema. Opposite the screen, in the back of the room there will be a console with another core.

On any of the elevators, go up to the platforms or to the control room above the cinema. In the control room there will be a console with a fourth star core.

Arena "RobCo"

There are six stellar cores in this location, but in order to get them, you will have to fight a couple of heavy robots.

From the entrance to the location, go to the seats for spectators and turn sharply to the left. Look for a closed door along the wall, behind which there will be two star cores.

Walk between the rows in the auditorium to the gift shop at the end of the room. There on the shelf you will find a stellar core.

Standing facing the robot arena, go counterclockwise to find tunnels leading down (beware of security robots). There is a kernel in the console.

Finally, save and go inside the arena itself, where you will find two star cores. Be careful as the door won't open until you get through three waves of dangerous robots.

Vault-Tec: Among the Stars

There are six stellar cores in this confusing and deadly location.

After entering the location, go to the elevator to "start the ride" on the attraction. In the room with rocks and protectors, look for a closed door that is not visible from the path of the attraction. Behind it will be a stellar core.

Follow the paths until you reach the living room. There are several exits from the room. One of the closed sliding doors leads to a room with a star core.

Two exits from the living room form a small loop. There is a room with high radiation contamination along the way. There lies the core.

Finally, there is a nursery at the exit from the living room. After opening the lock of the sliding door, you will find yourself in the central office - beware of the novatron. One of the doors leads to the main observation center, where three star cores and a treasure chest await.

Zone "Nuclear Galaxy"

There are seven cores on this linear location. If you are playing the game in stealth, you can work on the lighting in one of the terminals. Otherwise, normal alarm lighting will help you see better.

From the entrance, head through the queue lines to the pickup point. Standing facing in the direction of the tracks of the attraction, look for the door to the right of the tracks. There will be a star core in this room.

From the previous room, go through the door leading deeper into the attraction. When you enter the room with many planets, go to the opposite side of the edge you started on and you will see a staircase leading down. Go through the room to the corridor, and in it you will find a stellar core.

Continue following the corridors and take the elevator on the left. At the exit from it, turn left and find a small passage leading to the next room. Exactly opposite the entrance there will be a console from which you can take the stellar core.

Make your way through the stone setting until you reach a hidden door followed by a long walk up the stairs. When you climb up to the ride paths again, immediately turn left and go up a small flight of stairs - there you will find another console with a core.

At the end of the ride, you can collect the Star Core and Key from the console in the drop zone. Use the key on the nearest door to open the path to the entrance. In a small tunnel between the entrance and exit of the attraction, there is a small staircase leading to the office. There lies the stellar core.

Finally, enter the small control booth in the previously mentioned office and grab the star core from the computers.

Yader-Mir and amusement park

Also outside the locations are 12 stellar cores. Seven of them are in the "Galaxy" zone, and five are simply scattered throughout the Nuka-World.

Zone "Galaxy"

In the park itself, seven cores can be found.

  • One of them is located near the corpse, lying near the mainframe in the Yader Spaceport.
  • The second can be found in a closed display case on the top floor of the Yader Spaceport.
  • At the base of the Nucleus Spaceport, go through the gate and search the cabins for a star core. It should be near the next corpse.
  • Another core is located in the console at the top of the Arcjet G-Force, where a very long climb of stairs leads. It is located not far from the Nucleus Galaxy.
  • Standing at the entrance under the very frame of the Nuclear Galaxy, search the house on the right. There you will find another core.
  • One of the stellar cores is hidden on the console, near the lower exit of the Spacewalk attraction. If you are descending from the Yader-Spaceport, then at the very end it will be on your right hand. Approaching the RobCo arena, he will be on the left, but from here it will be much more difficult to spot him.
  • The last stellar core at the very top of the Yader-Spaceport, and it is available only after completion storyline on power restoration in Yader-Mir.


To get the last five stellar cores, you will have to explore the entire Nucleus World map.

Nuka Town Market, on the north side right on the table lies the core.

Inside Yader-Arcade. Turn right from the entrance and go to the employee area.

In the northeast of the landfill in the barn, you can find the core. The landfill itself is located in the south-west of the map (if you have any difficulty finding this location, go through the "Hubologists" quest).

South of the Phosphate Dock saloon in Dry Gorge, near the corpse.

Near a corpse in a bottling plant. Get to the quantum zone and turn right to find it.

Nuka-World is the latest official add-on for fallout 4 and is a huge amusement park location with many quests. Unfortunately, after downloading this DLC, not all gamers know where to find Yader world and how to complete all her quests. Therefore, this article will be devoted to the passage of the cores of the fallout 4 world, starting from its location and ending with the results of the main quests.

How to get to Yader world

Finding the cores of the world is quite simple, but before that you must prepare properly. First of all, you need to stock up on as many cartridges, lockpicks, stimulants and antiradium as possible. These resources are urgently needed, since the core world is filled with various bandits, ghouls, closed doors, traps and high radiation. Also, in order to successfully complete all the quests, your level must be at least 30, and hacking must be more than 50. High charisma will also come in handy.

Having collected all the resources and having reached the required level, you can begin to search for the entrance to the nuclei of the world. To do this, turn on the Yader-Cola radio station, which will appear immediately after installing the DLC. After listening to the radio station, on the western edge of the map will appear new mark « Transit center Yader-Mir where you need to go. When you reach the center, you will encounter a group of bandits, which will not be difficult to deal with.

Next, go down to the subway, in which you will meet Harvey, who will try to lead you into a trap. You can crack Harvey with a high charisma skill by selecting the red level of dialogue. No matter how the dialogue ends, Harvey will in any case give you the code from the monorails, which will take you to the Yader world.

Trials and fight with Colter

So, with the help of the express, you reached the cores of the world, but before you get to the main part of the location, you must pass the so-called "tests". On the express train, you will be contacted by a man named Gage, who will warn you of a trap. Next, Gage will say that if you pass the test, he will give a good job. To pass the test you must do the following:
  1. Go through the first room with a bunch of hostile turrets. You can destroy them by running and shooting turrets first from the left and then from the right wall.
  2. In the second room, you will find many traps and a fragile wooden bridge at the end.
  3. After climbing up the stairs, you will reach three red doors, and two of them lead to a trap. The safe door will be left, passing through which you can enter the arena.

In the arena you will meet Boss Colter who will offer to fight you. To defeat the boss and his impenetrable armor, take a water pistol in one of the lockers on the advice of Gage. As soon as the fight starts, spray Colter's armor. Thus, a short circuit will occur, and you will be able to break through the protection with conventional weapons. For the victory, you will be appointed the boss of the gang instead of the killed Colter - the tests have been passed.

Merging three gangs

After completing the tests, you will be able to go to one of the six main areas called "Yader-city". Only in this area are there three gangs of the Flock, Operators, Adepts, and in order to attach them to yourself, you will need to persuade all the bosses separately. Each of the bosses has its own preferences that you need to use in dialogue with them:
  • The pack believes that only the strongest can become a boss, so you have to prove it. Pack leader Mason.
  • Operators will follow you only because of the big money. Head of Operators Maggie Black.
  • Adepts just want to cut everyone left and right - promise them such an opportunity. The leader of Nisha's adepts.

Thus, you will unite the three gangs of the district, and Gage will become your right hand. After that, you can start capturing the rest.

District Galaktika

The capture of all the nuclei of the world can be started from the Galaxy region, which is controlled by a computer. To activate it, you must collect all 35 star cores scattered across five unique rides. If you do not want to collect cores, then simply clear the area of ​​​​all opponents and thus the “nucleus galaxy” will be captured.

Area Children's Kingdom

This area is almost completely covered with high radiation, so it is advisable to stock up on a large amount of antiradium. The main opponents in the children's kingdom are ghouls, but this is not the main danger for you. To capture the area and get to the "leader-commentator" Oswald, you will have to go through three buildings: the Pavilion of Laughter, the Tunnel, the Theater. At the end, you will reach the ghoul named Oswald Manor. To capture the area, you must kill or release Oswald, as well as hang your banner on the flagpole next to him.

District Dismantling in a dry gorge

To fly your flag in the area you must complete the quest hawk sheriff robot. On the assignment, you need to find three ciphers that are in robots named Scout, One-Eyed Ike and Doc Phosphate. There are two ways to get these ciphers: using the Robot Expert ability or by completing tasks for each. After that, on a tip from the sheriff, you must climb into the cave and kill all the moleworms there. After completing all the tasks, hang the flag on the flagpole located on the roof of the building next to the sheriff.

District World of freshness

Everything is simple in this area. It is enough just to clean the entire plant from various opponents, in particular, crab nuclei. After clearing the area, use the lift to the roof of the factory and look for the flagpole.

Safari area

When you reach the Safari area, you will immediately see the character Cyto, who is fighting the monster. Help Cyto and after the victory talk to him. During the conversation, you can ask the gorillas for help in clearing the location. Next, clear all the targets, and return to Zito, who will tell you about the rollercoaster. Once you get to the top of the rollercoaster, you can find Heine's corpse and the passwords for the doors you need. Returning to the reception center (where Cito is) open the door where the crocodile claw will be located. In order to take control of the area, you must convince Cyto to transfer for you or leave. If he refuses, then you will have to kill him and all his gorillas. Regardless of Zito's choice, climb onto the roof of the reception center and fly your flag there. Everything, the last location is captured.

Commonwealth occupation and suppression of rebellion

Now you must fulfill the promise you made to the raiders and capture several commonwealth settlements. Capture can be carried out both peacefully and militarily. At the same time, the choice of gangs for capturing and settling will depend on who will revolt against you. Indeed, at the end of the wars of conquest, one of the gangs of raiders will take up arms against you. After destroying all the rebels, you will have complete control over the gangs, and that's it. story missions The cores of the world will be passed.

Summing up

Now you know the whole process passing the Cores of the World Fallout 4. It is worth noting that the Minutemen faction will not be delighted with your raiding actions and their relations with you will be significantly reduced. Therefore, it is advisable to try to capture settlements peacefully so that relations do not worsen in any way. Good luck in Nuka-World!

Looking for stellar cores in Fallout 4

Star cores on the territory of the Starlight cinema

On the territory of this cinema you can find 4 star cores, here is where to look for them:

  1. We go to the main hall and look for the terminal there, the first stellar core lies calmly on it;
  2. Next, we move to the toilet and look for the body of the merchant, in close proximity to him you can find another core;
  3. Now we go up to the top floor, for this you have to use the elevator, look for a rack with equipment and take the core from there;
  4. Then we go down again to the cinema hall and look for the kitchen, it is in the kitchen that you can find the fourth star core.

In this location, the stellar cores were found, now we are moving to other locations.

Star Cannonballs in the Robko Arena

In this location, according to the "star dispatcher", there are 6 stellar cores, you should look for them in the following places:

  • If you stand facing the entrance to the Robko arena, then there will be a room on the right, just in it you can find 2 star cores;
  • If you enter the arena not from the main passage, but from the black one, you can directly stumble upon another core;
  • Another core can be found next to the most powerful robot;
  • The last 2 cores are located in the arena itself, which has aggressive robots, but these robots can be disabled through the terminal.

The stellar cores in this location are over, move on.

Stellar nuclei in the location "Nuclear-Galaxy"

Advice: before you go for the cores in the "Nuclear Galaxy", replenish your ammunition supply and collect more stimulants, they will come in handy, because the whole building is simply teeming with robots.

In the location "Nuclear Galaxy" you can find 7 stellar nuclei, here are their locations:

  • First of all, we go to the control room, it contains the first stellar core. The control room is located immediately at the end of the stairs leading down if you enter from the main entrance;
  • After we took the first core, we turn around, we find with our eyes a red booth and a door next to it. This door is locked difficult level, behind the door is a service room and as many as 2 star cores;
  • If you stumble upon a room in which there is a Nuka-girl, then you should know that it also has a stellar core, it is located on the terminal;
  • From the room in which Yader-girl was found, we go to the right, reach the stairs and go down it all the way, there you will see a rack with equipment, there is a stellar core in it;
  • 2 more cores are located in the uppermost and lowermost parts of the building, in both cases, focus on the terminals, usually the cores are located on them.

In this location, the cores are over, we move on.

Star cores in the Vault-Tek location "Among the Stars"

Many people advise starting a search of this location from the back entrance, it is more convenient to look for cores, of which there are 6 pieces in the location.

  • Entering from the back entrance, you need to constantly go forward, locked doors will meet on your way, but most often there will be tables nearby that contain the keys to these doors. You need to stop in a room (which is located even before the atrium), in which there is a door that is closed with a “Difficult” level lock, behind this door is a room in which you can find 3 star cores;
  • Three more cores are scattered around the location, look for the first one in the laboratory, the second one needs to be looked for behind a hole in the wall and the third core in the Vault-Tek location “Among the Stars” is located on the main exposition, to find it, search the exposition, you need to look for a rock, behind it will be the door, it is closed with a complex lock, but on the territory of the location you can find the key to this door, so we unlock the door and take the last core from the room.

Now it remains to find the last cores that are scattered across all sectors of the "Yader-Mir".