Ship Fits in EVE Online: Vexor. Astero in EVE Online - a unique frigate Best ships to scan in eve

Scanning is the art of searching for various signatures (objects and their complexes) in the boundless space of New Eden. After examining the scan, you can find player ships (as well as other objects belonging to them) in this star system, explorer sites (hidden places where you can get various bonuses), and wormholes (wormholes) leading to deep unexplored space.

Scanning relies on the use of scan-probes (jargon for "plugs") controlled by the player. The position of the desired objects (hereinafter referred to as the “signatures” guide) is determined by simple trilateration. The success of scanning depends not only on the skills or fit of the character, but also on the player's ability to navigate in space, and, again, the player's experience in preparing and positioning samples.

Equipment to start the process

Technically, scanning requires very few skills and equipment to be able to do this in principle, but in practice, there are A LOT of ships, feats, implants and skills that will allow you to catch targets much more efficiently.

Scan samples

Without scan samples, you simply cannot start. Samples are of three types:

  • Core Scanner Probe I used only to search for anomalies and signatures, which are the main target of the explorer. At the time of the translation of the guide, anomalies are easier to find with an onboard scanner without the use of probes, and in practice this type of scan probe is needed only for finding explorer sites. Core probes work at distances from 0.25 to 32 AU.
  • Combat Scanner Probe I capable of detecting anomalies, signatures, player ships, structures, and drones. However, these probes can only be launched using a fairly heavy (220 tf) CPU Expanded Probe Launcher I. These probes work at distances from 0.5 to 64 AU.
  • Deep Space Scanner Probe I- an improved version of the combat test, operating at distances from 2 to 256 AU. Note: The sample itself requires Astrometrics 5.

For those who take the career of a scanner seriously, there are so-called "sister" modifications produced by the Sisters of Eve corporation:

  • Sisters Core Scanner Probe - +10% Probe Scanning Power.
  • Sisters Combat Scanner Probe - +10% Probe Scanning Power.
  • Sisters Deep Space Scanner Probe - +10% probe warp speed.

The RSS variant (RSS Core Scanner Probe), available as one of the Level 4 Matar epic arc rewards, gives +12.5% ​​probe scan power, but has a very short space lifetime after launch.

Trial launchers

Pro-launchers are devices that fit into high-slots. "Guns" for scan-probes. Also vital for scanning

  • Core Probe Launcher I fires Core Probes (and nothing but Core Probes), and only requires 20 CPUs to install.
  • Expanded Probe Launcher I consumes 220 CPU but is capable of firing all types of probes.

In addition to the standard variants readily available through the marketplace, the Sisters of Eve also offer custom modifications available either through the LP shop (for those who work for them) or through contracts for everyone else.

  • Sisters Core Scan Probe Launcher - +5% probe scan power and save 5 CPU (total 15 CPU).
  • Sisters Expanded Scan Probe Launcher - +5% probe scan power and save 10 CPU. (total 210 CPUs).


Some skills are required for a successful scan:

  • Astrometric- Allows +1 probe in space per level. Required at the first level for Core launchers and trials, at the 2nd level for Combat trials and Expanded launchers, at the 5th level for Deep Space trials.
  • Astrometric Acquisition- Reduces the scan time of each sample by 10% per level.
  • Astrometric Pinpointing- Improves scanning accuracy. Reduces maximum target deflection by 10% per level.
  • Astrometric rangefinding- Increases the scan power of each sample by 10% per level.


Technically, the trial launcher can be fit into any free highslot if there is enough CPU. But some t1 frigates and their t2 modifications (covert-ops), as well as certain configurations of t3 cruisers, have bonuses to the scanning power, which helps the player to catch the target.


The following T1 frigates have +5% sample scan power per racial frigate level. They are quite cheap and convenient for beginners.

  • Amarr-Magnate
  • Caldari-Heron
  • Gallente-Imicus
  • Minmatar-Probe

Covert-ops ("rugs")

Covert Ops Frigates have a +10% bonus to Sample Scanning Power per Covert Ops skill level. In addition, it is possible to fit Covert Ops Cloaking Device II in them, which will seriously help the safety of movement through systems in dangerous areas of space. It is worth noting that if the skill of the mat is less than 3 - this mat has less scanning power than the racial frigate, since the mat (necessary for learning the skill) of the mat (racial frigate, leveled at 5) gives a 25% bonus to the sample scanning power of the corresponding racial frigate.

  • Amarr - Anathema
  • Caldari - Buzzard
  • Gallente-Helios
  • Minmatar - Cheetah

T3 cruisers

This special type of cruiser, introduced in the expansion EVE Online: Apocrypha, also has a +10% bonus to traffic scanning power per level of racial Electronic Systems, provided that such a ship is equipped with Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer. Two things to consider:
a) T3-cruisers are relatively expensive, and their destruction removes one skill rank in a randomly taken skill of the subsystem of the corresponding race,
b) the ability to install Covert Ops Cloaking Device II for t3 cruisers depends on the presence of another subsystem in the kit, namely Offensive - Covert Reconfiguration.

  • Amarr-Legion
  • Caldari - Tengu
  • Gallente-Proteus
  • Minmatar - Loki


There are two rigs that raise the scanning power of probe launchers.

  • Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I - +10% scanning power per 200 cal.
  • Gravity Capacitor Upgrade II - +15% scanning power per 300 cal.
Since you can't (by calibration) fit two t2 rigs, or even t1 rig + t2 rig, it's recommended to use 2 t1 rigs.


Low-grade virtue implants provide a bonus to sample scanning power; full set gives +33.83%

  • Low-grade Virtue Alpha - 1% on its own and 1.1x set multiplier.
  • Low-grade Virtue Beta - 2% on its own and 1.1x set multiplier.
  • Low-grade Virtue Gamma - 3% on its own and 1.1x set multiplier.
  • Low-grade Virtue Delta - 4% on its own and 1.1x set multiplier.
  • Low-grade Virtue Epsilon - 5% on its own and 1.1x set multiplier.
  • Low-grade Virtue Omega - 1.25x set multiplier.

The hardwiring below gives bonuses to various probe attributes.

  • 6th slot
    • Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPF-0 - 2% reduction in maximum deviation from the target.
    • Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPF-1 - 6% reduction in maximum deviation from the target.
    • Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPF-2 - 10% reduction in maximum deviation from the target.
  • 7th slot
    • Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPG-0 - 2% reduction in scan cycle time.
    • Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPG-1 - 6% reduction in scan cycle time.
    • Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPG-2 - 10% reduction in scan cycle time.
  • 8th slot
    • Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPH-0 - +2% scanning power.
    • Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPH-1 - +6% scanning power.
    • Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPH-2 - +10% scanning power.

Video tutorial.

For all beginners, pilots looking to refresh their memory, or even experienced pilots who would like to improve their technique, there is ( English). It not only explains how to scan quickly and visually, but also allows (from observing the experience of another pilot) to draw a couple of ideas, even if you consider yourself experienced.

Scanning system

Here's what you should know:

  • Sample scan fields must overlap. Otherwise, you will not be able to warp to the found point.
  • Sample scan radius can be changed on the fly. This is necessary to target what you are looking for.
  • Samples can be recalled from space. Lost samples can be reconnected and then saved. Then they come back from space and are placed in your hold for later use.
  • Probes always see what they can see within their radius. The further the target is from the sample and the larger the scanning radius, the weaker the signal.
  • You are not required to move while scanning or firing samples. It is enough to place the samples using the system card. Samples will weld themselves to the right place when you give the command to scan.
  • The scanning time itself is very short. Most of the time during the scan will be occupied by the positioning of the samples. Therefore, the orientation in the space of the scanning player is extremely important, and it is this factor that will determine how long it will take him to catch the signature.

Scan procedure

The scanning procedure is based on trilateration where 3 probes are used to locate a point on a 2d plane and a 4th probe is required to locate a point in space. 4 samples must be placed within the site that is being searched. These probes must be placed on different planes, then a signature to which to warp will be determined.

First, one or more probes determine the approximate position of the signature. Once we know for sure where it is, we can add more probes to calculate the exact position.

  • If two tests have reached certain knowledge, you will receive a red ring, the target is somewhere along the length of this ring.
  • Three samples give 2 points, the target is approximately one or the other point.
  • If a strong signal is reached by four probes - you will get a result that you can warp to if the probe scan strength is enough to focus on the signature (remember, the probe scan strength depends on their radius).

An example is below.

First, enter the scan interface either via Ctrl-F11 or via the scan button on the left side of the HUD in space (picture below)

This will open the scanning interface. Open the map in the upper right corner of this window to see the system map.

First, we will determine if there are any signatures here at all. Start the test by clicking on the charged probluncher installed on your ship. Set the scan radius to the maximum: either drag the border of the sphere, or right click on the sample that appears in the list and set the scan radius via the dropdown list.

The example uses Core Scanner Probe I, but experienced scanners can use Deep Space Scanner Probe I to maximize the radius. To hint at the right moment when dragging with the mouse, the border of the sphere will be highlighted when the mouse is located where the sphere can be dragged from. This is also seen in the picture below.

Now that the sphere is maxed out, it will lock into place when you release the mouse. Make sure the sphere covers most of the system (ideally the entire system) and hit the analyze button

The result will appear within 10 seconds (or less, depending on skills). There is some kind of signature here. However, the signal strength is quite small, because in this moment the sample has a sufficiently large scanning radius. So the indicated distance is almost certainly highly inaccurate...

To more accurately determine where exactly this site is located in the system, and get a stronger signal, change the sample size. In the example, the sample was shrunk to 8 AU and this is what happened (don't forget to press the analyze button):

It can be concluded that the site is located somewhere near the inner planets of the system. Due to the type of system, there are approximately 3 positions for this signal. It is either near one of the outer planets within the radius of the first probe, or it may be close in the group of planets near the center of the probe we started with. OK, let's place 3 samples to test all 3 cases.

We place the 1st sample with a radius of 4 AU at each of the points:

And we look at the result, showing us that we can forget about the outer planets. By clicking on the signature, we can highlight the result, which shows us which sample caught the signal.

We catch the signature, approaching it. Gradually increase the signal strength by decreasing the probe radius. To move a sample, simply grab and drag it by one of the arrows oriented in directions around the center of the sample. When you move them all - click on the "analyze" button, they will weld on new position and start scanning.

In the example, one sample is used to check the volume around the inner group of planets. Look at the signal strength indicator for information on how close the sample is to the site. When the sample moves closer to the left neighbor (in the picture below), the signal becomes stronger, but when it moves even further, the signal is lost. This means that the site is probably above or below the planets. We throw in the second sample and place it "above". Here is the result:

A red circle means that the site was caught on both samples and is therefore somewhere within the red circle. Now we can already narrow the probe radius in order to catch a stronger signal, which is done in the example. As soon as the circle is narrowed, we connect the third sample, covering the red circle with it. When all three samples receive a strong signal, 2 dots will appear on the screen.

In fact, the site is located in one of these two points, and we connect the fourth probe, covering one of the two points with it. When the correct point of the two is found, the signature will be the only one:

Although we know the right place in the system - we still need to further reduce the scan radius of our samples in order to catch a stronger signal. This should be easy enough (use alt to center all probes).

The signature point will go through the red, yellow and finally green phase, and in the green phase (100%) you will be able to warp to the target. Having received a green dot, you can click on it, or on the line corresponding to it in the scanner, right click to swarp to her or to bully her. Here's what the finished scan looks like:

The signature is now fully scanned and can be booked or warp-targeted. The result will remain visible until you log out, dock, or disconnect.

If you still can't catch a 100% signature even though you're using the smallest radius possible, it may mean that your scan power isn't strong enough. Use a ship with scan bonuses, upgrade skills or buy the best fit.

Note: this example is just an example. The specific mechanics of scanning are left to the discretion of each individual scanner and should only belong to him and his friends. There are better scanning techniques, but this example is not so much about _doing_ a scan as it is about understanding what happens mechanically when you do a scan.

Scan interface.

The scanning interface can be divided into upper and lower parts, the upper part is used to manage samples, and the lower part is used to display scan results.

Sample management

In addition to the analysis button, there are several more buttons. Here they are:

From left to right:

  • Analyze: probes warp to the positions you specify and scan starts
  • Collect active samples: recalls active samples to your hold where they can be released again in the future.
  • Reconnect to lost samples: reconnects your ship's sensors to all of your probes present in that system. Used when disconnecting or returning to a system that you left by mistakenly forgetting to collect samples.
  • Destroy active samples: the last button permanently destroys active probes. After that, they are lost forever. This can be useful if you need to quickly escape, or hide, hiding your samples from prying eyes.

Individual samples can be selected, disabled, returned or destroyed by right-clicking on them. The shift can be used to move the entire selected group of samples as a whole. Alt moves probes relative to the center of their group.

Scan results

The scan results section displays the results obtained from your samples after they have been analyzed:

This sheet displays the group to which the signatures you found belong, their signal strength, and the approximate distance. The weaker the signal, the less accurate the distance. The signature ID, which is not shown in the figure below, allows you to separate the signatures from each other. The ID is exactly and only what it is - a unique identifier, and does not give any information about the site. ID also changes in case of DT.

As the signal gets stronger, the group section displays Additional Information, based on what frequencies the signal emits. At a certain signal strength, the exact name of the signature will appear in the “type” column, as seen in the figure below.

The signature ID, which is not shown in the figure below, allows you to separate the signatures from each other. The ID is exactly and only what it is - a unique identifier, and does not give any information about the site. ID also changes in case of DT.

Result filter

The result filter is a powerful tool that can be adjusted on the fly to work out unwanted results. After scanning, you can adjust the filter as you wish to see the results you want. New scans are not needed, you can even click through filters with different settings. The filter will be applied to everything that was seen at least out of the corner of the eye by the samples at the time of the last scan.

To create a new filter, click on the corrugated rectangle (in the outdated screenshot in its place is a triangle) on the left side of the field with the title Scan result filter, and select the option "create new filter"

A window will open that will allow you to select which groups the pilot wants to see on the scan with this filter. Once you have saved the filter, you can select it from the drop-down menu in the same window, and the scan results will be sorted accordingly on the fly:


  • The larger the sample radius, the less accurate the samples. Start with large radii, or even a Deep Space Scanner Probe to determine what's in the system, then narrow the radius. Gradually make the scan radius smaller as you get closer to the target. If you have caught the target in the smallest possible radius of your probes and still haven't hit 100% - try using probes that allow for a smaller radius.
  • It is best to move samples along one axis. Then, in case you made a mistake in the direction, it is easier to return it to its place.
  • The lower the signal strength to which the site corresponds, the less accuracy with which the distance to this site is displayed.
  • You don't need to warp through the system, you can be completely safe on the safespot while looking for the signature. Your probes will make all the necessary warps on their own.
  • Probes always report all objects within their radius. The larger the probe radius and the farther the signal is from its center, the lower the strength of this signal.
  • When crossing results from several samples, they are combined into one result.
  • When a signature is selected from the list in the scanning interface, its corresponding visual cue will be highlighted. Please note that samples have an error and their opinion may differ from reality.
  • Filters can be configured on the fly and do not require repeating the scan.
  • Anomalies will always be at 100% from one sample, so this 1st sample is enough for them (and in fact - 0, use the onboard scanner)
  • When moving samples, you can use shift for a group, and alt for mirror positioning relative to the conditional center.

Signal types


This includes:

  • Unstable Wormhole. Peculiar "gates" leading to unknown solar systems not marked on the map. They have restrictions on the passed mass and lifetime.
  • Unknown - nominal. All kinds of combat complexes with a bunch of NPCs and tasty clothes at the end or expeditions.

Expeditions are a chain of combat complexes in different systems, you only need to scan the starting plex, then all information about the next plexes will (or not, as you're lucky) be displayed in your log in acc. tab. As a rule, in the first expeditionary complex, you need to blow up some structure in order to give the coordinates of the trail. complex.

This also includes "numbered" complexes such as 6/10, 8/10, 9/10, in far, far away times, these complexes were marked with beacons and stood forever in the same places, once almost all of them were removed, leaving only 1/10 , 2/10, 3/10, 4/10 in the empire (can be seen on the galaxy map by selecting Color Stars By -> DED Deadspace Report) and single high-numbered zeros. Now these plexes are also randomly generated in systems and they need to be scanned. The number indicates both the complexity and the allowable size of the ship.

  • 1/10 Frigates
  • 2/10 Frigates, Destroyers
  • 3/10 Cruisers, Frigates, Destroyers
  • 4/10 Battlecruisers, Cruisers, Frigates, Destroyers
  • 5+/10 Battleships, Battlecruisers, Cruisers, Frigates, Destroyers

The general meaning of all Unknown complexes (except for wormholes) is to shoot at the red crosses.


There are two types:

  • Gas complexes. Having flown in, you find yourself in the middle of several clouds that can be collected with a special “vacuum cleaner” Gas Cloud Harvester I Boosters are made from clouds in known space. During the collection of gas, they can damage the ship, not much, the cruiser copes. In Wormhole systems, the ladar complexes contain the gases needed to build T3 ships. Clouds for half an hour of the test never bitten.
  • Combat complexes with containers for opening which you need Codebreaker I. In BPC contacts for boosters, reactions for boosters, books.


Asteroid belt, may be NPCs, may arrive later. Actually everything.


These are archaeological complexes in which there are special containers that are opened either by a module Analyzer or module Salvager. There may be NPCs, in high secs, for example, salvage complexes without NPCs. And in 0.0 systems, if you please, shoot. Salvags in containers, sometimes books (skills), sometimes BPC on t2 rigs and if memory does not change BPC on factional structures for the pos.

In these complexes, rigs for the Analyzer's performance will help you:

  • Emission Scope Sharpener III.
  • Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPW-1. Implant by +5% to the chance of successful work of the Analyzer.
  • Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPY-1. Implant by +5% to the chance of successful operation of Salvager.


Hacking complexes with containers opened by the module codebreaker. Usually you have to shoot. In containers Decryptor's, Datacore's, BPCs for various Data Interface's, special materials for building data interfaces, as well as in special radars, there are BPCs for boosters. In known space, Radars are the source of materials for the Invention. In the Wormhole space, Radarki is a source of materials for Reverse Engineering, i.e. the production of t3 ships.

Rigs for hacking:

  • Memetic Algorithm Bank III.
  • Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPZ-1. Implant for -5% uptime of Salvager, Codebreaker, Analyzer.
  • Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPX-1. Implant by +5% to the chance of successful operation of Codebreaker.

Cosmic Anomaly

In the process of scanning, you will surely come across “cosmic anomaly” signals - these are simple combat complexes scanned by one plug, as well as a built-in scanner. There are no entrance gates in them, and so they can be passed on any ship. There is a small chance to see a faction NPC (Dread Guristas, True Sansha…) or get an expedition. Combat complexes in factional wars are also cosmic anomaly signals.

With the introduction of Dominion for systems with a claim, the Pirate Detection Array upgrade appeared, adding 4 anomalies per level. With the level, the profitability of anomalies also grows. At the 5th level, 20 anomalies are obtained in the system 4–5 of which are top in terms of income. Anomalies from upgrades after the disappearance are immediately restored.

Translation © Clancy.
Signal types section © Yolkree.

This is better to do. In this article, we will consider what body kit you need for these ships.

Exploration Equipment in EVE

Let's start with what equipment you need for this. Let's go through the slots:

High Slots

  • Core Scanner Probes- probes for detecting coordinates of signatures.
  • Combat Scanner Probes- these probes also allow you to determine the coordinates of ships and structures in space.
  • Sisters Core Scanner Probes- have a small bonus to the strength of the scan.
  • Probe Launcher: Prob Launcher, a module that launches scanning probes at space. Without it, no scanning is possible.

Variations of this module:

  • Core Probe Launcher I- the easiest variation, requires the Actrometrics I skill.
  • Core Probe Launcher II- T2 variation, gives an additional 5% to the strength of the scan. True, demanding in terms of skill - Actrometrics V.
  • Expanded Probe Launcher I- This option allows you to launch Combat Scanner Probes. The module is demanding in terms of CPU and energy, so it will not fit into every ship.
  • Expanded Probe Launcher II- variation of T2 of the previous module.
  • Sisters Core Probe Launcher- fractional cork launcher, gives an additional 10% to the strength of the scan. The disadvantage is that it costs decent money (25-30kk).
  • Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher- Factional Probe Launcher.

In most cases, Core Probe Launcher I and Sisters Core Scanner Probes will suffice.

Mid Slots

  • Relic Analyzer I: module for hacking containers on relic sites. Requires the Archeology I skill. T2 variation: Relic Analyzer II, requires the Archeology V skill. If you decide to take exploration seriously, then you need to pump it into V. Yes, it's about two weeks, but, believe me, the difference is dramatic, because it increases the coherence to 110 units. So it's worth investing and pumping it.
  • Data Analyzer I: module for hacking containers on data sites. Requires Hacking I skill. Variation T2: Data Analyzer II, requires Hacking V skill. Similar to module for hacking relics. Some time ago, the dates were awakened, so the loot from them is also not weak.
  • Scan Acquisition Array I: An upgrade that increases the scan speed. Requires Astrometrics Acquisition II. Variation: Scan Acquisition Array II, much more demanding as it takes about three weeks to pump from IV to V.
  • Scan Pinpointing Array I: An upgrade that reduces the error in determining coordinates by 10%. Requires Astrometrics Pinpointing II. Variation: Scan Pinpointing Array II which is skill demanding (requires V).
  • Scan Range Finding Array I: An upgrade that increases scan power by 5%. Requires Astrometrics Rangefinding II. Variation: Scan Pinpointing Array II which is skill demanding (requires V). It takes more than forty days to pump it.
  • Cargo Scanner I- a module for determining the contents of a container before it is hacked, requires the skill CPU Management I. The thing seems to be necessary, but there are two points. Firstly, if you find out that there is, say, 50kk loot in the cont, and then you screw up the hack, then you will be upset. And so you can always tell yourself that there was junk (and it happens sometimes). The second point is more pragmatic. Slots are not superfluous and it is better to put some kind of upgrade that improves the scan or combat kit.

Now for equipment that is not directly related to scanning.

High Slots

Cloaking device- a thing vital for exploration. The question is which device to choose. For safe movement between systems, it is better to take the Covert Ops Cloaking Device, which will allow you to warp in a state of invisibility. In other cases, such as scanning in the BX homework, this is not required. You can get by with simpler variations.

Mid Slots

Afterburner or Microwarpdrive A: Speed ​​is everything, no matter what you do. Sometimes, the distance between containers exceeds a hundred kilometers, so dragging from point to point at normal speed will be hard. Again, if you get into a fight, then you also need to be fast (or be dead) here. What to choose? Afterburner will allow you to get out of the scrum radius and warp while the MIA is blocked. On the other hand, the Ministry of Internal Affairs gives a more significant increase in speed - more than 2000 m / s, if we are talking about the frigate. Therefore, you will move between contacts much faster.

If you use a hybrid fit that allows you not only to break the contacts, but also the ships of competitors, then you can shove modules to strengthen the shield, or scramblers and nets into the midslots.

Low Slots

If you have an armored ship, then modules to enhance armor will go here. If you do not have enough CPU or power, then install the appropriate upgrades. Another option is to stuff warpstabs in there so that they can't catch you, or speedboats to fly faster.


  • Small Emission Scope Sharpener I: Increases Relic Module efficiency by 20% and Virus Strength bonus by 10. (40% and 20 units for the T2 version of the module).
  • Small Capacitor Gravity Upgrade I: Increased scan power by 10% (15% T2 version of the module).
  • Small Memetic Algorithm Bank I: bonus to the strength of the virus 20% (40% and 20 units of the T2 version of the module).
  • Small Signal Focusing Kit I: speed up scan by 15% (20% for module version 2).

Ship Fits for Exploration

First, an important caveat. Using faction cruisers or T3 for pure exploration is heresy and stupidity. Breaking containers with a ship costing 600-700kk (or even more) is irrational in terms of possible losses and potential benefits. Moreover, flying an Astero fitted only for scanning and hacking is also not right. Therefore, only frigates with bonuses for scanning and hacking will be considered below.

Further, the fit will directly depend on where you live. If you live in the Empire and surf BX or lowsec, then this is one fit. If you permanently live in VX and you have a hangar with several ships and a bunch of body kit in the warehouse, then this is different.

In case you live in VX permanently, I recommend using two different ships. One is purely for scanning, the other is for breaking containers. The fact is that if you have, say, a static in C1-C3, then it is easier to scan for signatures, return and transfer to another ship. A sharpened scanner can cope with the task faster than a station wagon that both scans and breaks. Again, it is better to set rigs for a clear task. The second point is that I would not use T2 frigates for this case and would not put a carpet shred. An attack is possible at any time, so the task of minimizing losses is always relevant. In addition, T1 versions have some advantages. For example, Magnate has four lowslots where you can put warpstabs and thus solve the Scrum problem.

Now for specific feats. Let's start with a clean scanner.

Fitting for scanner (Heron)

Ship: Heron

High Slots
Prototype Cloaking Device
Sisters Core Probe Launcher (or Core Probe Launcher II if skills permit), Sisters Core Scanner Probes.

Mid Slots
Scan Acquisition Array I
Scan Pinpointing Array I
Scan Range Finding Array I
Scan Range Finding Array I
Scan Range Finding Array I

Low Slots
Warp Core Stabilizer II
Warp Core Stabilizer II


Small Capacitor Gravity Upgrade I

Everything is simple. They warped from under the POS field to the safe spot or to the neighboring system, released the plugs and went to the clock. Scanned, zabukali and back. MIA and afterburners are not needed. Maybe someone will say that there are stubs too, but who knows, anything can happen on the way to the exit from the hole.

Fitting for container cracker on relic and data sites

As a contact breaker, Magnate is a good choice. This frigate has four lowslots, where you can put four warpstab. This will reduce the chance of you being scolded, and the afterburner will give you a chance to stomp out of the net radius and fly away. Fit next:

High Slots
Prototype Cloaking Device
Core Probe Launcher I

Mid Slots
1MN Afterburner II
Data Analyzer II
Relic Analyzer II

Low Slots
Warp Core Stabilizer II
Warp Core Stabilizer II
Warp Core Stabilizer II
Warp Core Stabilizer II


Small Emission Scope Sharpener I

Let's move on to ships and fittings for surfing the systems.

Fitting for exploration and hacking relic and data sites

Ship: T2 Explorer preferred (Anathema, Buzzard, Helios, Cheetah). Which one to choose depends on how good you are at assessing the system for danger and how often you click on the subscan. In my subjective opinion, it is better to choose Buzzard or Helios, since they have 5 midslots. You can shove not only two analyzers, but also upgrades for scan power. So, a fit for a lonely exploration of systems in lowsec, zeros and VX.

Ship: Buzzard

High Slots
Covert Ops Cloaking Device
Core Probe Launcher I, Sisters Core Scanner Probes

Mid Slots
5MN Microwarpdrive I
Data Analyzer II
Relic Analyzer II
Scan Range Finding Array I
Scan Acquisition Array I

Low Slots
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I

Small Memetic Algorithm Bank I
Small Memetic Algorithm Bank I

So what do we have? A nimble boat that can safely move both between systems and in contacts on the relic. Nanka and the Ministry of Internal Affairs can accelerate it to 2300 m / s and more, which will greatly speed up the processing of the signature. Disadvantage: if you are scolded, then you will not be able to escape. Therefore, when flying on such a fit, look around more often.

Exploration tactics. We fly into the system, conduct an assessment, and if the system is without suspicious ships, we fly to the safe spot. We let out corks and go to the cloak. Vyskanie signatures, booze, pick up traffic jams. We start to break, looking at the podscan.

Mixed Feats: PvP and Exploration

The most interesting and, most likely, controversial. Hybrid fits that can be used to explore, break and engage in PvP. Everything is pretty simple. We take a frigate in a PvP kit and put a module for breaking dates or relics in one of the midslots. It will be worse for scanning, although breaking on it will be quite comfortable. What ships are best suited for such purposes? In my opinion, the choice is between the T1 and Astero racial frigates.

The advantages of T1s include that they are cheap and most often not expected to attack. If Heron or Imicus suddenly appears on the subscan, then hardly anyone will expect an attack from him. These frigates are usually used by beginners for their first trips. At the same time, seemingly harmless Heron can be fit so that he will give out 90-100 dps. A cannon in a highslot, five evil drones in a hangar - this is quite enough to dismantle a comrade on a ship of the same class. The disadvantages include the fact that against the same Astero it will be difficult for such a frigate to oppose something. Biting variant Imicus presented below:

High Slots
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP S
Core Probe Launcher II, Core Scanner Probe I

Mid Slots
1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
J5b Enduring Warp Scrambler
J5b Enduring Warp Scrambler

Low Slots
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
400mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates

Small Ancillary Current Router I
Small Trimark Armor Pump I
Small Trimark Armor Pump I

Hobgoblin II x4
Warrior II x4

Now for Astero. Of course, this is the best option for hunting explorers. Nimble, ragged, having the largest dronebay in its class - 75 cubic meters. There you can pack 15 light drones. The tactics here are simpler than a steamed turnip. We scan for dates and relic sites, leave convenient beeches and wait for some "fearless space explorer" to fly into our light. So he flew in, showed up and goes to break ties. We sneak up to the distance of the scammer or grid and disassemble at the moment when the fearless researcher is busy breaking into the container. This is the most convenient moment. Lochim, scrum, launch drones, ..., profit.

Here is a variant of the combat fit on Astero(however, under a different tactic than described above):

High Slots

Small Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer

Mid Slots
1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
J5b Enduring Warp Scrambler
J5b Enduring Warp Scrambler
Small Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 200

Low Slots
Navy Micro Auxiliary Power Core
400mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates
Reactive Armor Hardener
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

Small Trimark Armor Pump II
Small Trimark Armor Pump II
Small Ancillary Current Router II

Hornet II x5
Hornet II x5
Acolyte II x5

The disadvantages of Astero include cost and recognition. A normally fitted frigate will cost 100-110kk, and any gang of two or three of the same ships can dismantle it for parts. On the other hand, experienced explorers know that Astero flashing on the subscan is a signal to get out.

It seems like everything. Of course, one can argue about feats and ships ad infinitum. So if you have a desire - share your thoughts in the comments.

So, as the practice of the first days after installing the Apocrypha add-on showed, not everyone understands how all the same it is necessary to scan signals. Therefore, I decided to write the most complete guide, which will only turn out according to the cosmic signature scan process and everything connected with it. The guide is written to go over all common questions and errors. After reading it fully You probably won't have any questions about the scan.

Table of contents:
1.General information
1.1 Skills
1.2 Fit - Modules
1.3 Scan Probes
1.4 Rigs
1.5 Ships
1.6 Implants - Implants
2.Learning to scan
2.1 Management
3. Signal groups
3.1 Unknown
3.1.1 Unstable Wormhole
3.1.2 Unknown
3.2 Ladar
3.3 Gravimetric
3.4 Magnetometric
3.5 Radar
4. Cosmic Anomaly

The game has a system for finding hidden signals. Its essence is that the ship, with the help of a certain module, can produce special devices - Scan Probes (the simple name of the "cork", I will continue to use it). These devices scan the space around them and report the results to the pilot. The same system is used to find the ships of other players, but in this guide we will only talk about searching for "complexes" AKA cosmic signatures - hidden signals with all sorts of goodies. About how it all happens and what can be found will be written below, first about what is in the game that affects the scanning of "traffic jams".

1. General information
1.1 SKills

Astrometrics (Rank 3)
Skill at operating long range scanners. Allows one additional probe in space per level.
Allows you to release 1 sample more with each skill level. At the 1st level there are 4 samples, for 5 resp. eight.
Required skills:
Science 3lvl.

Astrometric Acquisition (Rank 5)
Reduces probe scan time (initially 10s) by 10% per level.
Required skills:
Astrometrics 3lvl
-Science 3lvl.

Astrometric Pinpointing (Rank 5)
Reduces the maximum deviation (error) in the accuracy of the sample scan result by 10% per level.
Required skills:
Astrometrics 4lvl
-Science 3lvl.

Astrometric Range Finding (Rank 8)
Increases the power of traffic scanning by 10% per level.
Required skills:
Science 3lvl.

1.2 Fit - Modules.

First, about "cork throwers" - modules that launch "corks" into space, there are only two types of them.

Core Probe Launcher I
- a simple "problem".
Can only release Core Scanner Probe I (others don't fit).
It can be put on any ship without any problems.
Rate of fire: 2sec
Fit requirements:
CPU: 15tf
Required skills:
Astrometrics 1lvl
-Science 3lvl.

Fractional option:
Sisters Core Probe Launcher
Rate of fire: 1sec

Fit requirements:
CPU: 10tf
Required skills:
Astrometrics 1lvl
-Science 3lvl.

Expanded Probe Launcher I
- "big" launcher.
It can produce all types of scans and lunar (about them below) traffic jams.
Has high CPU requirements, doesn't fit or fits hard into most ships.
Rate of fire: 2sec
Fit requirements:
CPU: 220tf
Required skills:
Astrometrics 2lvl
-Science 3lvl.

Fractional option:
Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher
Rate of fire: 1sec
5% bonus on the strength of the "traffic" scan
Fit requirements:
CPU: 210tf
Required skills:
Astrometrics 2lvl
-Science 3lvl.

1.3 Scan Probes

Let's pay attention to the Market in the game, and specifically to the section Ammunition&Charges -> Scan Probes
Sami Scan Probes AKA "Probes"
Combat Scanner Probe I
- allowable scan radii: 0.5au-1au-2au-4au...64au
- they scan all types of space signals, as well as ships / structures / drones of players, climb only into the "large" cork launcher. The main purpose, as the name implies, is to scan other players and their belongings.
Required skills:
Astrometrics 1lvl
-Science 3lvl.
Fractional option:
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe I

Core Scanner Probe I

- allowable scan radii: 0.25au-0.5au-1au-2au-4au...32au
- the main tool for searching for hidden "complexes" AKA Cosmic Signatures. In principle, they cannot find other people's ships, they climb into both cork launchers.
Required skills:
Astrometrics 1lvl
-Science 3lvl.
Fractional option:
Sisters Core Scanner Probe I- +10% to the strength of the cork scan compared to normal.

Deep Space Scanner Probe I
- allowable scan radii: 2au-4au-8au-16au...256au
- like Combat Scanner Probe I finds everything, but it has a much larger maximum range, the best option for any scan in one of the patches, the efficiency of DS traffic jams was greatly reduced, on 23.07.09 plexes are best scanned by core traffic jams, in the search for ships also not impressive but useful in large systems (100-250au)
Required skills:
Astrometrics 5lvl
-Science 3lvl.
Fractional option:
Sisters Deep Space Scanner Probe I- +50% warp jam speed compared to normal.

All three plugs above are reusable, you don’t need to buy hundreds of them, 20 is enough for your eyes if you don’t forget to return them.

Next come the items that are not used in any way in the process of scanning the complexes, but so that there are no questions:
Discovery Survey Probe I (10min)
Gaze Survey Probe I (5min)
Quest Survey Probe I (40min)
These plugs are used only to scan the contents of the moons for materials, the scanning time is indicated in parentheses, which, by the way, no skills affect. They climb only into the "big" traffic jammer. Plugs are disposable.

Warp Disrupt Probe
- This is not a scanning cork produced only from special. the Interdiction Sphere Launcher I module, which is installed only on ships of the Interdictor class. This plug after launch creates a field around itself with a radius of 20 km from which it is impossible to warp. As it is not difficult to guess, we will not need it for the plex scan. Plugs are disposable.

1.4 Rigs
Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I: +10% to the strength of the traffic jams scan. Calibration Cost 200.
Gravity Capacitor Upgrade II: +15% to the strength of the traffic jams scan. Calibration Cost 300.

1.5 Ships
Each race has a t1 frigate that has a 5% bonus to the strength of traffic jams for 1lvl of the skill of a racial frigate, these are:
Heron - Caldari
Imicus - Gallente

But Covert Ops class ships are the best suited for scanning plexes, which have a 10% bonus to the strength of traffic jams per lvl 1 of the Covert Ops skill:
Buzzard - Caldari

1.6 Implants - Implants
Low-Grade Virtue Set (6 implants) - A full set gives +33.83% to the strength of the traffic jams.
Low-grade Virtue Alpha - slot 1
Low-grade Virtue Beta - slot 2
Low-grade Virtue Gamma - slot 3
Low-grade Virtue Delta - slot 4
Low-grade Virtue Epsilon - slot 5
Low-grade Virtue Omega - slot 6

Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPF-0 - slot 6
Reduces the maximum error of the scan with traffic jams by 2%
Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPF-1 - slot 6
Reduces the maximum error of a scan with plugs by 6%
Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPF-2 - slot 6
Reduces the maximum error of the scan with traffic jams by 10%

Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPG-0 - slot 7
Reduces the time to scan traffic jams by 2%
Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPG-1 - slot 7
Reduces traffic jam scan time by 6%
Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPG-2 - slot 7
Reduces the time to scan traffic jams by 10%

Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPH-0 - slot 8
Increases the strength of the scan with corks by 2%
Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPH-1 - slot 8
Increases the strength of the scan with corks by 6%
Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPH-2 - slot 8
Increases the strength of the scan with corks by 10%

2. Learning to scan.
Well, let's say you fit a ship for yourself, put a cork launcher and stocked up on a couple of dozen traffic jams. Of course, it is desirable that it be a rigged Covert Ops and an enchantment with at least C grade skills, so you can surely scan almost any complex. Only 10\10 complexes are in doubt (more on types later) and other complexes that are complex in terms of scan in 0.0 systems. Deeper pumping and more isk stuffing into the ship and fit makes it much easier to scan, don't be stingy, it's worth it.

Now about the process itself, I will show not the fastest, but the most accurate course of action, with experience you yourself will learn to scan faster, now the main thing is to understand the principle. I will go through everything possible options results in order to weed out a lot of questions.

So, we flew into the system and we have no idea what is here, let's find out.
To begin with, we poke the scanner button (Ctrl + F11), in the window that appears, select the system scanner tab and switch to the solar system map mode by pressing the button on the left or the button in the scanner window or simply by pressing F10. Switching between the maps of the solar system and the galaxy is carried out by the Toggle Map button in the control window World map Map Control Panel.
We launch the cork by clicking on the cork launcher and look at the cube that appears with arrows and a sphere...

2.1 Management.
By pressing the left mouse button (LMB) on objects in space or on name traffic jams map is centered on this object.
RMB - context menu.
Hold LMB and drag - rotate the camera.
Hold RMB and drag - move the camera.
Scroll - zoom.
In the scanner menu, by right-clicking on a traffic jam, you can change the radius of the traffic jam scan.
With shift or ctrl held down by RMB in the list of samples, you can change the scan radius for several traffic jams at once.
The strength of the scan is inversely proportional to the value of the scan radius.
Also, the radius of the traffic jam scan can be changed by clicking on the border of the traffic jam sphere on the map.
There are 4 buttons in the scanner window:
Analyze - start the scan with active (checked in the list) traffic jams.
Recover Active Probes - return the marked plugs to the ship, after 3-4 seconds they will be in your hold and you can use them again.
Recconect to Lost Probes - Probes last a little over an hour, regardless of whether you are in the system or even in the game. You can release traffic jams, fly away to another system, and when you return, return control with this very button.
Destroy Active Probes - Kill active probes.
Also in the scan window, next to the Show Result Filter inscription, there is a white triangle, by right-clicking on it you can create a special filter (the essence is similar to the overview filter settings) of signals so that only those groups of signals that are interesting to you are shown in the results. For core traffic, this is just an opportunity to filter out Cosmic Anomaly and Cosmic Signature. And for Combat and Deep Space, this is a vital option, because without a filter, they throw all the garbage on ships, drones, and structures into the results, creating a giant list. So we create and customize filters to taste.

Let's move the cork so that all objects in the system fall within its radius of action. plexes are no further than 4au from the planets or the sun. When an object enters the area of ​​the cork, it is highlighted. The cork pulls on the arrows or on the edges of the cube. By pulling the arrows with the Shift held down, we move all the traffic jams at the same time.
Click the Analyze button in the scanner window. In this case, we silenced two Cosmic Signature signals. Cork detects ALWAYS all signals. If you have a result - emptiness in the list of signals, then there is nothing in this system, you can fly further.
If you click on the signal in the scanner window (or select several with the shift or ctrl pressed), then now we will see a red sphere in the zone of which the signal is supposedly located.
Here I have two spheres.

Sometimes, by scanning with one plug, you can get a 100% signal, and many at this moment start to stupor due to the fact that the signal is 100%, and no warp. Answer: one sample is not enough, read on.
Scanning with one plug and a small radius, you can consistently get a high%, with a high% of the signal, you can see what type of signal is there and even its name. It is not necessary to scan the signal completely to find out what is there.
As you can see, the spheres are very large (column distance = sphere radius), with core plugs, you will first have to localize where these signals are located. Let's move the plug closer to the sun (there are more planets, respectively, and there are higher chances that both signals are there) and reduce the scan radius to 16au. Analyze. We get:

Surprise! There are 3 signals! No, it hasn't generated a new plex while I'm writing the guide here.
First, according to the 2nd (near the remote planet) signal, it fell into the coverage area of ​​​​both traffic jams, being between them and now it is indicated not by a sphere, but by an oval, in the zone of this oval + - the error is our signal. Now, by the way, the Distance column for this signal shows distance from the ship to the signal. The first signal (at the sun) still remained a sphere, but a large sphere from our 2nd traffic jam was also added, it also detected the signal from the sun, but it is not between our traffic jams, but on one side. If we move our first cork a little further, we will also get an oval. But let's leave the signal at the sun, back to the 2nd.
We move the first plug closer to the oval, set the radius of both plugs to 8au and launch the 3rd plug, also placing it not far from the oval. analyze. We receive.

Urya, one point, a signal type appeared - Unknown, it could be Ladar, Radar, Magnetometric or Gravimetric, but about them later. 48% strength. We need more, again we reduce the radius and move the plugs.Analyze. We get:

100%, green dot on the map, we can warp...

This is our tunnel into the unknown.

3. Signal groups
3.1 Unknown

This includes:
3.1.1 Unstable Wormhole
- Peculiar "gates" leading to unknown solar systems not marked on the map. They have restrictions on the passed mass and lifetime. Information about wormholes and systems where they lead will be added (I hope X__x) because this is a completely new feature.
3.1.2 Unknown - nominal.
- All kinds of combat complexes with a bunch of NPCs and tasty clothes at the end or expeditions.

Expeditions are a chain of combat complexes in different systems, you only need to scan the starting plex, then all information about the next plexes will (or not, as you're lucky) be displayed in your journal in acc. tab. As a rule, in the first expeditionary complex, you need to blow up some structure in order to give the coordinates of the trail. complex.

This also includes "numbered" plexes such as 6/10, 8/10, 9/10, in the distant, distant times, these plexes were marked with beacons and stood forever in the same places, once almost all of them were removed, leaving only 1/10 , 2/10, 3/10, 4/10 in the empire (can be seen on the galaxy map by selecting Color Stars By -> DED Deadspace Report) and single high-numbered zeros. Now these plexes are also randomly generated in systems and they need to be scanned. The number indicates both the complexity and the allowable size of the ship.
1/10 Frigates
2/10 Frigates, Destroyers
3/10 Cruisers, Frigates, Destroyers
4/10 Battlecruisers, Cruisers, Frigates, Destroyers
5+/10 Battleships, Battlecruisers, Cruisers, Frigates, Destroyers

The general meaning of all Unknown complexes (except for wormholes) is to shoot at the red crosses.

3.2 Ladar
There are two types.
1) Gas complexes. Having flown in, you find yourself in the middle of several clouds that can be collected with a special "vacuum cleaner" Gas Cloud Harvester I Boosters are made from clouds in known space (see the market in the game). During the collection of gas, they can damage the ship, not much, the cruiser copes.
In Wormhole systems, the ladar complexes contain the gases needed to build T3 ships. Clouds for half an hour of the test never bitten.
2) Combat complexes with containers that need Codebreaker I to open
In BPC contacts for boosters, reactions for boosters, books.
He himself did not go through such plexes, but in general, they were all quite difficult to pass, the non-script is thick and bites painfully.

3.3 Gravimetric
Asteroid belt, may be NPCs, may arrive later. Actually everything.

3.4 Magnetometric
These are archaeological complexes in which there are special containers that are opened either by the Analyzer module or the Salvager module. There may be NPCs, in high secs, for example, salvage complexes without NPCs. And in 0.0 systems, if you please, shoot. Salvags in containers, sometimes books (skills), sometimes BPC on t2 rigs and if memory does not change BPC on factional structures for the pos.
In these complexes you will be helped by rigs for the Analyzer performance
Emission Scope Sharpener I/II

Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPW-1
Implant +5% to Analyzer success rate
Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPY-1
Implant for +5% to the chance of successful operation of Salvager

3.5 Radar
Hacking complexes with containers opened by the Codebreaker module. Usually you have to shoot. In containers Decryptor "s, Datacore" s, BPCs for various Data Interfaces, special materials for building data interfaces, as well as special radars, there are BPCs for boosters (xs, I didn’t look for them). In the known space, Radarki are a source of materials for Invention (Invention) converting a t1 bpc fit/thorn into a t2 bpc fit/thorn.
In the Wormhole space, Radarki is the source of materials for Reverse Engineering, i.e. production of t3 ships.
Rigs for hacking
Memetic Algorithm Bank I/II
Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPZ-1
Implant for -5% uptime Salvager, Codebreaker, Analyzer
Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPX-1
Implant +5% Codebreaker Success Chance

4. Cosmic Anomaly
In the process of scanning, you will surely come across "cosmic anomaly" signals - these are simple combat complexes scanned by one plug, as well as a built-in scanner. There are no entrance gates in them, and so they can be passed on any ship. There is a small chance to see a faction NPC (Dread Guristas, True Sansha...) or get an expedition. Combat complexes in factional wars are also cosmic anomaly signals.
With the introduction of Dominion for systems with a claim, the Pirate Detection Array upgrade appeared, adding 4 anomalies per level. With the level, the profitability of anomalies also grows. At the 5th level, 20 anomalies are obtained in the system, 4-5 of which are top in terms of income. Anomalies from upgrades after the disappearance are immediately restored.

Guide Version 1.1 by Yolkree AKA Entaro

Info about Hardwiring imps on scan
Info about rigs and imps on salvag\hacking\archeology
Learn more about unknown number complexes.
A couple of small edits.

Criticism, comments, corrections in this topic are accepted.

At Heron good computer and electronic systems, which gives it the theoretical possibility of being an EWAR ship. However, its defenses and weapon systems leave much to be desired, so the ship is more often used for reconnaissance and research.

The Natural Choice for the Explorer

Heron is a Caldari T1 frigate that is designed to scan and mine relic/data sites. It is equally well suited for both beginners and veteran players who are interested in this field of activity, but do not have sufficient skills to pilot the T2 version - the Buzzard. The Scanning, Hacking, and Archeology module bonuses make the vessel a natural choice for core operations, as well as a valuable addition to the Override Transfer Array - the vanguard incursion site. Never been involved in clearing the system of a Sanshi invasion? Start playing EVE today with a free account.

While it is possible to do research with minimal skills, it is recommended to master the following "skills" for a comfortable game:

  • Astrometric III + Astrometric Rangefinding II;
  • Archeology II, Hacking II;
  • Power Grid Management III, Jury Rigging I.
  • Also, a significant increase in efficiency will be given by the racial skill of piloting a frigate.

Strengths and weaknesses of Heron in EVE Online

5 medium slots on Heron allow you to install all 4 research modules, and in addition to them there will be 1 more free place. This ability is used to use the Scan Rangefinder Array or other aids until the skill of the capsuleer allows them to be dispensed with. The novice pilot should also take a look at the Small Gravity Capacitor improvements, which will help determine the coordinates of difficult areas; over time, they should be replaced with “rigs”, which increase the survivability (coherence) and strength (strength) of the virus.

The ship is not designed for combat, but it can carry weapons on board and use them to counter local pirates (we are talking about players who ambush explorers). The ship does not have specific bonuses to any type of weapon, so it is common practice to use missile turrets - they save power grid for propulsion or repair modules. The large power reserve of the processor allows you to install a "kit" to increase armor, increase DPS or electronic countermeasures (EWAR).

Choosing the right "fit" for Heron

When choosing a body kit, keep in mind that Heron, like his other counterparts from other factions, has high CPU rates, but suffers from a lack of power grid capacity. Consider one of the possible ways to equip Heron:

  • Prototype Cloaking Device I;
  • Fractional Probe Launcher and Scanner Probe from the Sisters of Eve;
  • 1x Warp Core Stabilizer II;
  • 1x Nanofiber Internal Structure II;
  • Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I;
  • Relic Analyzer II and Data Analyzer II;
  • Scan Pinpointing Array I + Scan Rangefinding Array I;
  • Rigs: Small Memetic Algorithm Bank I + Small Emission Scope Sharpener I.

You can take 6x Horne EC-300 and 1x Warrior II on board (however, you won’t be able to launch all drones at the same time). This build of Heron has 4 positive aspects:

  • Fast turning speed;
  • Low cost;
  • The ability to repel an attack using drones;
  • Sufficiently large hold (approximately 2 times more than Buzzard).

One of the disadvantages is the relatively low strength of the virus - 35 (compared to 40 for Buzzard with a similar fit). This gap can be filled either with the help of the HC-905 hacker implant, or its archaeological counterpart AC-905 (it is impossible to install both). Please note that EY-1005, which used to be popular with researchers, today is of little value for the core business.

SKills - Skills

Astrometrics (learning rate 3)
Skill allows you to release 1 more cork for each skill level learned. At level 1, you will be able to produce 4 corks, and so with each level, 1 sample more.
To be able to learn this skill, you need to learn the skill:
Up to 3rd level Science.

Astrometric Acquisition (learning rate 5)
You will scan with each level 10% faster than before. If you scan with plugs at level 0, then the scan speed will be 10 seconds.

Level 3 Astrometrics.
Level 3 Science.

Astrometric Pinpointing (learning rate 5)
At each level, you will be able to scan traffic jams more accurately by 10%. With this skill, you will be able to scan better and find anomalies, black holes, etc. faster.
To be able to learn this skill, you need to learn skills:
level 4 Astrometrics.
level 3 Science.

Astrometric Triangulation (learning rate 8)
At each level, your scan will become stronger by 10%.
To be able to learn this skill, you need to learn skills:
Level 3 Science.

Fit - Equipment.

Of course, you immediately thought of cannons that launch corks “cork launchers” - modules (2 types) that, in fact, launch corks into space for scanning.

Core Probe Launcher I
The usual kind of Launcher.
Produces only Core Scanner Probe I (corks of another type weigh too much and therefore cannot fit in this launcher).
Gets on every ship, because it takes up very little processor and power grid.
Rate of fire: 2 seconds.

Processor: 15tf
Power grid: 1 megawatt.

Level 1 Astrometrics.
-Level 3 Science .

Sisters Core Probe Launcher
Rate of fire (less than 1 technology): 1 second
Bonus from the cannon to the power of scanning probes 5%.
How many ship resources are needed to activate this module:
Processor: 10tf
Power grid: 1 megawatt
To be able to use this gun, you need to learn the following skills:
Level 1 Astrometrics
-Level 3 Science.

Expanded Probe Launcher I
The cannon is larger in terms of its capacity of traffic jams.
This launcher releases not only one version of traffic jams, but also other types, even lunar ones.
Too much processor is needed to activate, this gun is difficult to install on many ships.
Rate of fire: 2 seconds.
How many ship resources are needed to activate this module:
Processor: 220tf
Power grid: 1 megawatt.
To be able to use this gun, you need to learn the following skills:
Level 2 Astrometrics.
-Level 3 Science.

The variant that can be obtained from the ev sisters (factional):
Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher
Rate of fire (less than 1 technology): 1 second.
Bonus, 5% to scanning power.
How many ship resources are needed to activate this module:
Processor: 210tf
Power grid: 1 megawatt.
To be able to use this gun, you need to learn the following skills:
Level 2 Astrometrics
-Level 3 Science.

Scan Probes
Attention to the store in the game, namely the category Ammunition&Charges -> Scan Probes
Scan Probes:

Combat Scanner Probe I
- Maximum scanning distance: 0.5ae-1ae-2ae-4ae...64ae
- can scan any structure, etc. in krmas. That is, drones\ships in space\players\ships\structures can fit into the Expanded Probe Launcher I or Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher cannon (do not fit into others).
The main purpose (the concept of why more is needed) is to find players and their ships in space.

Level 1 Astrometrics
-Level 3 Science.
The variant that can be obtained from the ev sisters (factional):
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe I - gives a +10% bonus to scanning power in space (better than T1).

Core Scanner Probe I
- Maximum scanning distance: 0.25ae-0.5ae-1ae-2ae-4ae...32ae
- needed to scan and find complexes that are hidden. AKA Cosmic Signatures. They are not very good at looking for ships in open space, they can fit in both types of guns.
To be able to use this cork, you need to learn the following skills:
Level 1 Astrometrics
-Level 3 Science.
The variant that can be obtained from the ev sisters (factional):
Sisters Core Scanner Probe I - gives a bonus to scanning power in space + 10% (better than normal). Deep Space Scanner Probe I (Sisters Deep Space Scanner Probe I)

Deep Space Scanner Probe I
- Maximum scanning distance: 2ae-4ae-8ae-16ae...256ae
- just like the Combat Scanner Probe I scans everything in space, also a very large scanning radius, the best plugs for all scanning widows.
To be able to use this cork, you need to learn the following skills:
Level 5 Astrometrics
-Level 3 Science.
The variant that can be obtained from the ev sisters (factional):
Sisters Deep Space Scanner Probe I - Gives a 50% bonus to cork sliding speed (better than technology 1).

All three Probes are written at the top (not counting fractional view) - They work for a long time, it’s not necessary to buy 1000 of them, 10 is enough - and that’s a lot if you always return them (every time you start, time starts ticking from the very beginning).

Traffic jams of the following type do not scan signatures, anomalies, ships, etc.:
Discovery Survey Probe I (10 minutes)
Gaze Survey Probe I (5 minutes)
Quest Survey Probe I (40 minutes)
These Probes are only needed to scan the content in the moons, in parentheses is the time it takes them to scan the moon (no skill reduces the time). Can only climb into the Expanded Probe Launcher I or tailcoat variant. Corks are used only once.

Warp Disrupt Probe
- This Probe is needed for pvp but not for scanning ships and anomalies, this plug is produced only from the only cannon Interdiction Sphere Launcher I installed only on one Interdictor class ships. This probe after launching makes a field with a radius of 20 km around and the enemies that are in this field cannot enter the slide. It is clear that these plugs are not used for scanning plexes, anomalies, signatures, etc. Plugs are only for one run.

Calibration - Rigs
Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I: Grants +10% scan power bonus. Riga size 200.
Gravity Capacitor Upgrade II: Grants +15% scan power bonus (5% more than tech 2). Rig size (T2 takes 100 units more, because you can only put 1 in some ships) 300.

There are races (Amarr, Gallente, Minmatar and Caldari) and each has 1 frigate technology, they have a + 5% bonus to Probes scan power and these 5% are given for each level of your race's frigate skill, these are:
But these frigs also have a second technology, and you understand that they have a better scan bonus and you can scan plexes faster than t1 ships. For each level of a t2 frig race, will give a +10% bonus to improved Probes scanning power with each level of Covert Ops:
Amarr - Anathema
Caldari - Buzzard
Minmatar - Cheetah.


Low-Grade Virtue Set (bonus with six implants of this type) - The whole set will give you a bonus to Probes scanning power + 33.83%.
Low-grade Virtue Alpha - 1 slot
Low-grade Virtue Beta - 2 slot
Low-grade Virtue Gamma - 3 slot
Low-grade Virtue Delta - 4 slot
Low-grade Virtue Epsilon - 5 slot
Low-grade Virtue Omega - 6 slot.

Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPF-0 - 6 slot
Reduces the worst Probes scan by 2%.
Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPF-1 - 6 slot
Reduces the worst Probes scan by 6%.
Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPF-2 - 6 slot
Reduces the worst Probes scan by 10%.

Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPG-0 - 7 slot
Reduces Probes scan duration by 2%.
Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPG-1 - 7 slot
Reduces Probes scan duration by 6%.
Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPG-2 - 7 slot
Reduces Probes scan duration by 10%.

Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPH-0 - 8 slot
Gives a 2% bonus to Probes scan power.
Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPH-1 - slot 8
Gives a 6% bonus to Probes scan power.
Hardwiring - Poteque Pharmaceuticals "Prospector" PPH-2 - slot 8
Gives a 10% bonus to Probes scan power.