Where to find an alchemist in skyrim. Skyrim enchantment potion. What you need to create a set of "young alchemist"

Boil a deadly poison, become invisible, create a healing potion - all this and much more will allow the Alchemy skill. Skyrim includes a lot of different skills, but you will definitely spend more than one hour behind this entertainment. We will tell you about how to pump and about all its features in this review.

No potion anywhere

Any player desperately needs at least a standard set of elixirs that restore health or magic. Of course, such potions can be found in almost any location in the game. In addition, all merchants will gladly sell you elixirs and poisons. But this is hardly enough, because you can find or buy potions in completely different quantities that you need to complete, especially challenging missions and quests. Any strong opponent can kill you in a few minutes if you do not restore health in time. So "Alchemy" is one of the most useful skills that are present in the game. And you should definitely study it, because there are many other reasons for this.

The main advantages of the skill

First of all, this is an opportunity to increase your health or parameters of strength, endurance, impact, and the like. In addition, thanks to this skill, you can quickly earn a lot of money. And this is not all the possibilities that Alchemy gives the player. Skyrim is a rather dangerous place, and without healing potions it will be difficult for the player. Also, thanks to this skill, you can create a poison that will seriously increase the damage of your weapons. By studying some of the properties of the ingredients, you can become invisible or learn how to breathe underwater. List of main effects:

  • Restoration, increase and regeneration of health, magic or stamina.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Rejection of electricity.
  • Cold resistance.
  • Invisibility.
  • Water breathing.
  • Damage to health, stamina, or magic.
  • Paralysis.
  • Healing diseases.
  • Increased carry weight.

All this will be possible thanks to the science of "Alchemy". Skyrim will also allow you to create potions that increase all other skills: restoration, change, witchcraft, illusion, alchemy, enchantment, heavy and light armor, pickpocketing, destruction and so on.

By mixing the ingredients together, you can create decoctions with several positive or negative properties, which greatly increases not only their strength, but also their cost. If you decide to thoroughly study this skill, then before you start learning, you will receive a bonus from the "Mage" stone. You can find it near the town of Riverwood. Activating this Guardian Stone will increase the learning rate of the Alchemy skill by 20%. In addition, with this sign you will quickly pump over all other types of magic: enchantment, destruction, restoration, and so on.

What is needed for alchemical studies

In order to get into Potions, you will first need a laboratory designed to work with magical arts such as Alchemy. Skyrim will provide you with a lot of such equipment. You can find an alchemy table in every city, as well as in small settlements, in shops of herbalists or magicians. In addition, such devices are found in quest locations, including dungeons and caves.

In order to create potions and poisons, in addition to the table, you will need ingredients, which include plants, as well as parts of animals and monsters. You can find these components anywhere on an extensive map: herbs and flowers grow near roads and in glades, there are also a lot of animals and fish in these parts, however, as well as fabulous creatures. In addition, ingredients can be found in chests or on the corpses of defeated enemies. But the easiest way is to buy from merchants and herbalists, and you will always find such characters in the open spaces of Skyrim. "Alchemy", "Enchanting" - these are the skills that you should immediately start learning and pumping for a beginner. After all, thanks to them, you can earn not only experience, but also quite serious amounts. And they will never be redundant in the game Skyrim.

Alchemy: Ingredients

The choice of these ingredients in the game is really impressive. After all, to create potions there are about a hundred different parts of plants or animals. And sooner or later you will want to know all the effects of these elements. At first, only the simplest ones will be available in the game, because the more expensive and rare ones cost an order of magnitude more, and it is much more difficult to get them. But even studying the first ingredients, you will spend a lot of time.

Each component includes four main effects. And if the first one is easy to find out - you just need to eat the item, then you will have to suffer with the rest. In this case, pumping the “Experimenter” perk will help. This skill makes it possible to unlock more effects when eating elements. If you do not want to spend experience points on it, then there are several more ways to learn about the properties of the ingredients of the Alchemy skill:

  • Recipes.
  • Work at the alchemy table.

You can buy recipes from any herbalist or bookseller. From these records, several effects of a given ingredient can be inferred. But it is much more exciting to conduct research behind laboratory equipment. After all, here you will need to combine two or three components with the same effect in order to get any potion. For example, the monarch's wing and the blue mountain flower have the health boost property. By combining these two elements, you will not only unlock their effects, but also create a potion that restores health.

Rare items

Of course, spending ordinary flowers or animal parts that can be easily and quickly found is not as scary as rare ingredients like saber fang. Such elements not only rarely fall out, but are also very expensive. So don't waste them. The following are extremely rare items and their effects in Skyrim. Alchemy table (rare ingredients):

Nirnroot (Scarlet)Health ReductionStamina DamageInvisibilityRejection of magic
big hornsStamina RecoveryStamina Boostslowdown
heather heartMagic replenishmentParalysisMana increase
Saber eyeStamina replenishmentHealth DamageVulnerable to PoisonAdding Mana
PearlStamina RecoveryBlocking Skill UpgradeMana regenerationRejection of electricity
Ice ghost teethSusceptibility to coldHeavy Armor UpgradeInvisibilityFlame susceptibility
Saber FangAdding StaminaHeavy Armor UpgradeBlacksmithing UpgradeSusceptibility to poison
hawk beakReplenishment of staminacold aversionIncreased carry weightRejection of electricity
moon sugarSusceptibility to firecold aversionMana replenishmentIncreased magicka regeneration rate
little gemStamina replenishmentcold aversion
small hornsSusceptibility to PoisonSkill Upgrade: RecoveryLong-term stamina damageDamage XP
bear clawsStamina replenishmentHealth boostSkill Upgrade: One-Handed WeaponMana Regen Violation
frost saltSusceptibility to firecold aversionReplenishment of magicFortify Skill: Sorcery
fire saltSusceptibility to coldfire resistanceReplenishment of magicImproved magicka regeneration
Giant's FingerStamina DamageHealth BoostStamina recovery damage
Daedric HeartHealth replenishmentStamina recovery damagemana damageFear
Salt of the VoidRejection of magicHealth damageMana Boost
Crushed mammoth tuskStamina replenishmentFortify Skill: StealthSusceptibility to fireFear
human meatHealth damageParalysisMana regenerationFortify Skill: Stealth
human heartHealth damageDecrease MagicMagic regeneration damageRabies
yellow erminePoison ImmunityHealth boostSkill Upgrade: RecoveryStamina recovery damage
ancestor moth wingDecreased staminaFortify Skill: SorceryMagic recovery speed damage
glowing flowerImmunity to MagicFearIncreased health regeneration rateParalysis
Corus Hunter WhiskersDecreased staminaFortify Skill: SorceryMagic regeneration damageSkill Upgrade: Enchant
poisonous flowerHealth ReductionFearCarried load increaseslowdown
salmon caviarwater breathingIncrease MagickaFast magic recoveryStamina Recovery
hawk eggRejection of magicwater breathingEndurance Damage Lingering
pestEmpty health barDeplete StaminaDesolation of MagicLong-term damage to health
Burnt spiriggan woodSusceptibility to fireFortify Skill: ChangeMagic recovery damageslowdown
netcha jellyParalysisCarried load increaseStamina RecoveryFear
Ash Jumper JellyHealth regenerationSkill Upgrade: Light ArmorRejection of electricitySusceptibility to cold
imperial umbrella mossHealth ReductionFortify MagicImproved health regeneration rateSkill Upgrade: Two-Handed Weapon
Boar FangStamina increaseHealth increaseFortify Skill: BlockRabies
Trama rootSusceptibility to electricityCarried load increaseMagic Damageslowdown
Ashes of spawnDeplete Staminafire resistanceFortify Skill: EnchantMana Drain
Ash creeping vineStamina DamageInvisibilityfire aversionFortify Skill: Destruction
Ash grass podFire RejectionSusceptibility to electricityFortify Skill: HackingIncreasing stealth
Felsad tern feathersHealth replenishmentSkill Upgrade: Light ArmorHealing diseasesMagic Immunity

Here, perhaps, are all the rare ingredients that will be needed to learn the Alchemy skill. You can create potion recipes yourself, knowing these basic parameters.

Upgrading the skill

There are several ways to increase the rank of this skill in Skyrim. How to pump "Alchemy"? First of all, you need to constantly deal with it, because the level of this skill grows from the creation of potions and poisons. At the same time, the more successful the experiment, the more experience you get for creating such a “broth”.

In addition, strong potions are more expensive, so you will earn a lot of gold selling them, which will be useful to you in the passage of the game Skyrim. How to pump "Alchemy" quickly? In some locations you can find books, reading which will add experience to this skill. List of publications:

  • "Dinner Game"
  • "Song of the Alchemists".
  • "Mannimarco, King of Hearts".
  • "De Rerum Dirennis".
  • Skyrim Plant Guide.

These books can be found anywhere in the game, including character homes, chests and stashes in caves, or bookshelves in castles. In general, do not be lazy to scour the surroundings in search of these useful items. In addition, you can increase this skill by completing special quests in Skyrim, "Otherworldly Alchemy" is one of them. Completing this quest will increase your proficiency in this skill impressively.

Teaching is light

Increasing the skill "Alchemy" (Skyrim) is also possible when buying knowledge from teachers. There are several of them:

  • Lami is a character living in Morthal.
  • Arcadia is an alchemist from the city of Whiterun.
  • Babette is a character from the Dark Brotherhood faction.

Such lessons are not cheap, but they quickly pay off. After all, the higher the skill, the stronger and more expensive the potions. At the same time, you can always buy ingredients from a merchant, create a lot of potions and use them to pay for the exercise. Next, you will learn how to get a lot of gold with the help of "potions" in Skyrim.

Possibilities of "Alchemy"

In order to earn on this skill, it is necessary to create more valuable and expensive potions. It is very good if by the time you decide to study it, the Enchantment skill has already been mastered. After all, thanks to him, you can impose effects on clothes that increase the power of the created potions. It is also necessary with each level increase to pump the Alchemist perk, which adds power to the poisons and decoctions of your preparation. In addition, study the entire skill tree, because it will be quite difficult to pump all the effects, since you will have to spend experience points on other abilities in the Skyrim game. The Alchemy skill includes the following perks:

  • Healer - increase the effects of health, stamina and magic potions by 25%.
  • Pharmacist - increase positive effects by 25%.
  • Poisoner - increase the strength of poisons by 25%.

So decide what exactly you want to craft and spend skill points on this perk.

Making Expensive Potions

Not all poisons and decoctions can be sold profitably, but some of them will bring considerable income, which can be counted on when learning the Alchemy skill (Skyrim). Recipes are expensive:

  • Paralysis.
  • slowdown.
  • Magic recovery speed damage.
  • Invisibility.
  • Increased carry weight.

It should be borne in mind that the more effects a decoction or poison contains, the more expensive it can be sold in Skyrim stores. An alchemy potion that contains both negative and positive effects is cheaper, so keep this in mind when creating decoctions. In addition, to create an expensive potion, you will need a certain set of ingredients. After all, elements with the same effects affect the cost of a poison or a healing elixir in different ways. And it is not necessary that an expensive ingredient will increase the price of the potion, since there is an indirect relationship here.

The most expensive elixirs and poisons:

  • Bear claws, bearded moss, giant's finger.
  • Giant's finger, blue mountain flower, blue butterfly wing.
  • Creeping vine, wheat, giant's finger.
  • A fierce mushroom, a human heart, a brazier root.
  • giant's finger, juniper berries.
  • Glowing dust, glowing moss.
  • Scale, creeping vine, mora tapinella.
  • Fire salt, snow berries,
  • Lunar moth wing, vampire dust, hawk feathers.
  • Saber eye, bearded moss, bear claws.
  • Vampire dust, honeycomb, moon moth wing.
  • Garlic, salt, poison bell.

How to increase profits from selling potions

First of all, you will need the ingredients in order to earn on the Alchemy skill. Skyrim is a huge game, and you can certainly find quite a few elements needed for potions. But it will take a lot of time, so it's better to buy ingredients from merchants. In order for the deal to be profitable and the purchase to pay off quickly, pump the “Merchant” skill from the “Eloquence” skill branch. In this case, the cost of acquisitions will decrease significantly, and your potions will increase slightly in price. In addition, without leveling this perk, it will be impossible to find some rare ingredients in stores. For example, they will become available only when taking this skill.

Elixirs that increase the Eloquence skill will also help to earn some extra money, only they should not be sold, but drunk before the deal. Then the prices will become much better, and buying ingredients or taking lessons will not hit your pocket hard. An ideal place to sell would be the thieves' den in Riften "Rampant Flask", of course, if you have completed the quest line for this guild. Then a merchant will appear there, in whose pockets 4000 coins will always be present. In addition, the seller has a huge selection of ingredients, and there is an alchemy table nearby. So you can easily and quickly convert his gold into your potions.

Cheats and codes

It's no secret that Skyrim has commands that allow you to get everything at once. Of course, a similar way of pumping skills or loot valuable resources is not considered particularly "fair", and many players avoid using codes and cheats in their game. But if you want to quickly level up the Alchemy skill without bothering to create potions, then this method will become the best option For you. In order to use it, you first need to set the default English keyboard layout and open the console. This can be done using the "~" key. Next, in the line that opens, you need to write the following command: Player.SetAV Alchemy 100. This cheat will allow you to immediately learn the skill to the hundredth level, but does not activate all the perks - you have to do it yourself.

I did not go into much detail, but here I will tell you in great detail how to create the most effective weapon step by step. I love to run with the classic pair of shield + sword, and we will create a masterpiece using the example of a one-handed sword.

We will need enchantment elixirs and blacksmith elixirs. Therefore, we will start by creating a set of things that improve the skill of the alchemist.

Alchemist Item Set

Alchemy will help us in creating elixirs. If you haven't been able to find an enchantment boosting potion in your travels, with an enchantment skill of 100, you can create a 4-piece set that gives you a total of (25 x 4) 100 points to the alchemist skill. Using this set, you will create enchantment potions. It is desirable that you also have alchemy at 100.

Using the created potions, you will temporarily increase the ability to enchant, again create a set of "young alchemist". The new set of items will have an even greater effect, so the enchanter's potion brewed in the new attire will be even more effective. This will allow you to create an even better set for practicing alchemy.

As a result, the maximum efficiency that I was able to achieve was the creation of an alchemist set with items that give 29 alchemy skill points each. In total (29 x 4) 116 units. This set of items allows you to brew an enchantment potion that improves the skill by 32 units.

What you need to create a set of "young alchemist".

Four items - a ring, an amulet, a helmet (mask, diadem, etc.), gloves (bracers, etc.). 4 soul gems filled with souls as good as Grand. A couple of enchantment potions to enhance the skill. Hand-brewed potions usually last 30 seconds. Therefore, you need to act quickly.

Enchantment Potion Ingredients.

Don't forget to equip the "Junior Alchemist" set if it has already been created. The potion will need two ingredients from the following list −

  • Hagraven Claw (Claw of the Witch)
  • Snowberries (Snow berries)
  • Blue Batterfly Wing

In the game you can find potions that give up to 25 skill points.

Blacksmith Item Set

The Perfect Alchemy Set (created before) allows us to move on to the next step - creating a set of items for the blacksmith, as well as creating a blacksmith's elixir.

What you need for a blacksmith set

To create again, you need four items - a ring, an amulet, a breastplate (cuirass, dress, blacksmith's apron, etc.), gloves (bracers, etc.). 4 soul gems filled with souls as good as Grand. A couple of enchantment potions to enhance the skill.

We should get a set that gives a total of (29 x 4) 116 points to the blacksmith skill.

Weapon Creation

When creating the base of a weapon, you can not have either a blacksmith set or a blacksmith elixir. We will need all these items when sharpening. Therefore, it does not matter whether you yourself created the appropriate basis for our formidable artifact or accidentally found a weapon somewhere in the course of the game. Before sharpening, it doesn’t even matter what blacksmithing skill you have.

Sharpening is affected by the presence of blacksmithing perks, which allow you to sharpen weapons from the appropriate materials twice as well. Before sharpening, make sure you have enough of the right sharpening materials. Put on the "young blacksmith" set, drink the blacksmith's elixir, and go ahead.

Smith's Elixir

Before creating, do not forget to put on the "young alchemist" set. You will need two ingredients from the following list −

  • Blisterwort (Fierce Mushroom)
  • Glowing Mushroom (Glowing Mushroom)
  • Saber Cat Tooth
  • Spriggan Sap (Spriggan Sap)

I got an elixir that improved the skills of a blacksmith by 130 points! At the same time, I did not find blacksmith elixirs with a value of more than 50 in the game.

Improving weapon skill

« It is not the sword that makes the man, but the man the sword.»

The last, very significant touch will be the enchantment of the "everyday" set of items to increase the skill of wielding weapons. Again, you will need enchantment elixirs, 4 items and 4 soul stones with souls no worse than Grand. In my case, this is the one-handed weapon skill and the following items: ring, amulet, gloves and boots.

Thanks to elixirs and a developed enchantment skill, it is possible to increase the possession skill by (47 x 4) 188 points.

Because enchantment will most likely allow you to apply two effects to each item, then think in advance what you need in addition to the main weapon skill. The picture shows an example of gloves that, in addition to the one-handed weapon skill, improve the bow skill, which I also use often.

Enchanting weapons for extra damage

It would seem much more? But there is no limit to perfection. In addition to pumping the enchantment skill itself, it will not be superfluous to take a perk that allows you to apply two effects at a time. Next is a matter of taste.

I considered magical effects in terms of maximum damage. Three elements (fire, cold, electricity) give three pairs of possible combinations. At the same time, the damage of the “Fire + Electricity” pair turned out to be less than for the remaining two pairs. This is due to the magic of the school of destruction, in which I took a perk that increases cold damage. Fire by itself deals 1.5 damage (damage immediately upon impact and half from setting fire to the enemy). Therefore, I opted for a pair of "fire + cold".

Each elemental damage added 36 points to weapon damage. In addition, we will add 18 points from the subsequent burning of the target and 36 points of endurance. Endurance can no longer be counted, because "the dead do not sweat." The total damage to health by magic will be up to 90 points.


I didn't take the blacksmith perks from the heavy armor metal tree (Ebony, Daedric, etc.). That. the best material with doubling sharpening turned out to be Glass - glass. Of course, there is a mod for Skyrim that adds a lot of additional items to the list of forges, including dragonbone weapons, and I could take Dragonbone Sword as a basis, but I will not consider this option for ethical reasons :).


Alchemy(orig. - "Alchemy") - a skill from the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, categorized as a thief.
Alchemy is the art of making potions and poisons. Unlike previous games, alchemy can be practiced at alchemy tables and labs, in various locations that you encounter throughout the game.

The following races have a bonus to the Alchemy skill:
+5 bonus: Bosmer, Breton, Dunmer, Khajiit

Alchemy shops in Skyrim, located in all cities, offer a rich supply of potions, poisons, ingredients, and tincture recipes. Note that some bottles can only be bought or found on your travels, you cannot make them yourself. These include, for example, potions that completely restore health, magic and stamina, and an antidote. Ready-made tinctures are divided into useful (which you can consume yourself) and poisons (which you can lubricate weapons). All tinctures have several gradations in terms of strength and duration of action (from instantaneous to long duration of action).

To create potions, you need an alchemy laboratory. You will find it in alchemists' shops, jarl's court magicians' offices, the College of Winterhold, you can install it in your own house when you buy it, and various other places. To create a potion, two ingredients with the same properties are required.
You can diversify the recipe by adding a third ingredient.
After creating a potion, you get either a useful tincture, or poison, or a potion with positive and negative effects. Choosing the appropriate perks will help both the poisoner and the healer.


Alchemy ingredients can be found everywhere in Skyrim. Each ingredient has 4 properties. After eating an ingredient, you can recognize only one of its properties, having some effect on the character himself. By increasing the skill and choosing the necessary abilities from the constellation of alchemy, you will be able to recognize all the properties of the ingredient. But you can do it differently: experiment. If the experiment is successful, and you have created a tincture, you will understand that the ingredients used have the desired property and will see this property in the list of known effects.

All alchemical ingredients

big horns
small horns
bear claws
Bee hive
Bone flour
Corus egg
Scarlet Nirnroot
Daedric Heart
dragon tongue
Dwemer Oil
elven ear
Falmer ear
fire salts
firefly thorax
frosty miriam
frost salts
glowing dust
glowing mushroom
Witch's Claw
soothsayer feathers
hawk beak
hawk feathers
human meat
human heart
Ice ghost teeth
roaster root
moon sugar
Mora tapinella
blue moth wing
moon moth wing
Monarch Wing
blue ermine
purple ermine
Red ermine
Mud crab chitin
nirn root
little gem
Crushed mammoth tusk
Saber eye
Saber Fang
Killer Fish Caviar
Killer Fish Scale
snow berries
spider egg
spriggan resin
Troll fat
Vampire Ashes
Salts of the Void

Effects of Alchemical Ingredients

List of all alchemy ingredients sorted by their effects. It will help you create the necessary potions without having to know all the recipes in the very The game Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. However, it is still recommended to find out all the effects of the ingredients yourself - this is much more interesting. This list of effects can also be called a list of recipes for potions and poisons. In order to make a potion corresponding to the effect, it is enough to mix any two ingredients from the list. Adding a third can give additional effects to the resulting potion, up to six, so the field for experimentation is quite extensive.

Positive Effects

water breathing
Waterbreathing Ingredients:
sea ​​acorn

Recovery of stamina
Ingredients with the effect "Restore Stamina":
big horns
Saber eye
Roasted Sleat Skin
Mud Crab Claw
Saber Fang
hawk beak
purple ermine
little gem
bear claws
orange dragonfly
Veil of haze
silver perch
Crushed mammoth tusk
firefly thorax
Pine Thrush Egg

Health recovery
Restore Health Ingredients:
demonic mushroom
swamp pod
Saber eye
blue ermine
Roasted Sleat Skin
Monarch Wing
fierce mushroom
Daedra Heart
blue dragonfly
origma egg

Restoration of magic
Ingredients with the effect "Restore Magicka":
heather heart
giant lichen
Dwemer Oil
Red ermine
moon sugar
Mora tapinella
frost salt
fire salt
creeping vine
Vampire Ashes
herbal pod
human meat
elven ear

Healing diseases
Cure Disease Ingredients:
Roasted Sleat Skin
Mud Crab Claw
hawk feathers
Vampire Ashes

Invisibility Ingredients:
Scarlet Nirnroot
Ice ghost teeth
moon moth wing
Vampire Ashes
Corus egg

Stamina Boost
Stamina Boost (Fortify Stamina) Ingredients:
big horns
Killer Fish Caviar
firefly thorax
Corus egg

Health Boost
Fortify Health Ingredients:
bearded moss
blue ermine
bear claws
Giant's Finger
glowing mushroom

Fortify Magic
Fortify Magicka Ingredients:
heather heart
Jazzby grapes
Red ermine
Cotton grass
Salt of the Void

Archer Art Upgrade
Fortify Marksman Ingredients:
spider egg
canine root
elven ear
juniper berries

Increasing the Art of the Trade
Fortify Barter Ingredients:
Witch's Claw
Monarch Wing
Cotton grass
dragon tongue

Skill Up: Blocking
Fortify Block Ingredients:
heather heart
Crown of Blood
Cotton grass
Killer Fish Scale

Skill Up: Hacking
Fortify Lockpicking Ingredients:
Namira's Rot
spider egg
Falmer ear
Pine Thrush Egg

Fortify Skill: Recovery
Fortify Restoration Ingredients:
abesinian perch
little gem
small horns
Cyrodiil Spadetail

Skill Upgrade: Two-Handed Weapons
Fortify Two-handed Ingredients:
Troll fat
fly agaric
dragon tongue

Skill Up: Enchantment
Fortify Enchanting Ingredients:
Spriggan resin
Witch's Claw
blue butterfly wing
snow berries

Skill Up: Change
Fortify Alteration Ingredients:
fighting fish
Spriggan resin
herbal pod

Fortify Skill: Illusion
Fortify Illusion Ingredients:
Dwemer Oil
Mora tapinella
dragon tongue

Skill Up: Pickpocketing
Fortify Pickpocket Ingredients:
Killer Fish Caviar
sea ​​acorn
orange dragonfly
blue dragonfly

Fortify Skill: Sorcery
Fortify Conjuration Ingredients:
blue ermine
Bone flour
blue butterfly wing
frost salt
soothsayer feathers
Ashes of Berith

Fortify Skill: Blacksmithing
Fortify Smithing Ingredients:
Spriggan resin
Saber Fang
fierce mushroom
glowing mushroom

Skill Up: Light Armor
Fortify Light Armor Ingredients:
moon moth wing
hawk feathers
bee nest
skewer tail

Skill Upgrade: One-Handed Weapon
Fortify One-handed Ingredients:
bearded moss
little gem
bear claws
hawk feathers
canine root
origma egg

Fortify: Destruction
Fortify Destruction Ingredients:
Veil of haze
bee nest
glowing dust
glowing mushroom

Fortify Skill: Stealth
Fortify Sneak Ingredients:
abesinian perch
purple ermine
frosty miriam
hawk feathers
bee nest
pounded tusk
human meat

Skill Up: Heavy Armor
Fortify Heavy Armor Ingredients:
thistle branch
Ice ghost teeth
Saber Fang
Killer Fish Scale

Increased carry weight
Fortify Carry Weight Ingredients:
fighting fish
hawk beak
Giant's Finger
Veil of haze
creeping vine

Stamina Regeneration
Ingredients with the effect "Regenerate Stamina":
Mora tapinella
fly agaric

Health regeneration
Ingredients with the "Regenerate Health" effect:
Namira's Rot
moon moth wing
sea ​​acorn
Vampire Ashes
juniper berries

Magic Regeneration
Ingredients with the effect "Regenerate Magicka":
Jazzby grapes
Dwemer Oil
moon sugar
fire salt

Magic resistance
Ingredients with the effect "Resist Magic":
Scarlet Nirnroot
Witch's Claw
Crown of Blood
Veil of haze
Cotton grass
Salt of the Void

fire resistance
Resist Fire Ingredients:
Mud Crab Claw
Bone flour
fly agaric
fire salt
Ashes of Berith
snow berries
elven ear
dragon tongue

Cold resistance
Ingredients with the effect "Resist Frost":
thistle branch
hawk beak
purple ermine
moon sugar
little gem
frosty miriam
frost salt
silver perch
snow berries
Killer Fish Scale

Electricity resistance
Ingredients with the "Resist Shock" effect:
swamp pod
hawk beak
glowing dust
glowing mushroom
blue dragonfly
snow berries
Pine Thrush Egg

Poison Resistance
Resist Poison Ingredients:
thistle branch
Roasted Sleat Skin
Troll fat
Killer Fish Caviar
Mud Crab Claw
bee nest
herbal pod
Falmer ear

Negative effects (poisons)

Frenzy Effect Ingredients:
Troll fat
fierce mushroom
fly agaric
soothsayer feathers
Falmer ear
human heart

Ingredients with the "Slow" effect:
fighting fish
big horns
poison bell

Lingering Stamina Damage
Lingering Damage Stamina Ingredients:
Monarch Wing
small horns

Lingering damage to health
Lingering Damage Health Ingredients:
demonic mushroom
Killer Fish Caviar
Mora tapinella
orange dragonfly
Killer Fish Scale

Lingering Magic Damage
Lingering Damage Magicka Ingredients:
swamp pod
Witch's Claw
purple ermine
firefly thorax

Depletion of stamina
Ravage Stamina Ingredients:
thistle branch
Bone flour
Ashes of Berith
poison bell

Health devastation
Ravage Health Ingredients:
Jazzby grapes
giant lichen
Saber eye
silver perch
Cyrodiil Spadetail
skewer tail

Desolation of Magic
Ravage Magicka Ingredients:
Red ermine
frosty miriam
orange dragonfly
herbal pod

Paralysis Ingredients:
demonic mushroom
swamp pod
heather heart
canine root
human meat

Stamina regeneration damage
Damage Stamina Regen Ingredients:
big horns
frosty miriam
Giant's Finger
creeping vine
Daedra Heart
silver perch
skewer tail
juniper berries

Magic regeneration damage
Ingredients with the effect "Damage Magicka Regen":
bearded moss
blue ermine
Spriggan resin
roaster root
blue butterfly wing
bear claws
spider egg
glowing dust
human heart

Fear Ingredients:
Namira's Rot
Daedra Heart
blue dragonfly
Cyrodiil Spadetail
Crushed mammoth tusk

Stamina Damage
Ingredients with the "Damage Stamina" effect:
Scarlet Nirnroot
roaster root
Bone flour
blue butterfly wing
fierce mushroom
Giant's Finger
spider egg
Ashes of Berith
Cyrodiil Spadetail
canine root
origma egg

Health Damage
Damage Health Ingredients:
Scarlet Nirnroot
demonic mushroom
fighting fish
Troll fat
roaster root
Red ermine
small horns
Salt of the Void
Falmer ear
skewer tail
human heart
human meat
poison bell

Magic Damage
Damage Magicka Ingredients:
bearded moss
Saber eye
Namira's Rot
roaster root
moon moth wing
Monarch Wing
sea ​​acorn
soothsayer feathers
glowing dust
Daedra Heart
human heart
Corus egg

Vulnerable to magic
Weakness to Magic Ingredients:
Jazzby grapes
Dwemer Oil
creeping vine
firefly thorax
origma egg

Vulnerable to fire
Weakness to Fire Ingredients:
Ice ghost teeth
Crown of Blood
moon sugar
frost salt
Crushed mammoth tusk
juniper berries

Vulnerability to cold
Weakness to Frost Ingredients:
abesinian perch
Ice ghost teeth
fire salt
elven ear

Vulnerable to electricity
Weakness to Shock Ingredients:
giant lichen
soothsayer feathers
Salt of the Void

Vulnerable to Poison
Weakness to Poison Ingredients:
abesinian perch
giant lichen
Saber Fang
Crown of Blood
small horns
poison bell
Corus egg
Pine Thrush Egg


(no requirements) Potions and Poisons are 20% stronger
(Skill=20) Potions and Poisons are 40% stronger
(Skill=40) Potions and Poisons are 60% stronger
(Skill=60) Potions and Poisons are 80% stronger
(Skill=80) Potions and poisons are twice as strong
(Skill=50, Pharmacist) By eating the ingredients, you will learn the first two effects
(Skill=70) By eating the ingredients, you will learn the first three effects
(Skill=90) By eating the ingredients, you will learn all four of their effects.
(Skill=20, Alchemist lvl.1) Potions for Health Recovery, Magicka Recovery or Stamina Recovery are 25% more powerful.
(Skill=20, Healer) Potions you create have an additional 25% buff.
(Skill=30, Healer) The poisons you mix are 25% more effective.
concentrated poison
(Skill=60, Poisoner) Poisons used on weapons deal twice as much damage.
(Skill=70, Concentrated Poison) Two ingredients from the same plant.
snake blood
(Skill=80, Concentrated Poison, Experimenter) 50% resistance to all poisons.
(Skill=100, Serpent's Blood) All negative effects will be removed from the created potion, all positive effects will be removed from the created poison.


Specialist Lamy (Lami) Morphal, House of Jorgen and Lamy
Expert Arcadia Whiterun, Arcadia's Cauldron Shop
Master Babette Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary


Game at Dinner (A Game at Dinner)
Honning Meadery. Second floor in the bedroom.
Forgotten Cave - Forgotten Crypt. At the end in the room with the white vial. Available from the White Flask quest.
Windhelm - Club "New Gnisis".

Mannimarco, King of Worms (Mannimarco, King of Worms)
Nightcaller Temple. Alchemy laboratory, just east of Dawnstar. You will fall during the quest "A Walking Nightmare".
Evergreen Grove. On a corpse.
A ritual site southwest of Solitude and east of the Dragon Bridge.

Song of the Alchemists
Hut Anis. West of the city Riverwood.
Solitude. College of bards.

De Rerum Dirennis (De Rerum Dirennis)
Black Limit, Sinderion Field Laboratory zone - available when completing the quest "Beyond the Ordinary".
College of Winterhold. On the alchemy table (just behind the skeleton pit).
College of Winterhold. Given by the librarian on a quest.
Falkreath. Alchemy shop.

Skyrim Plant Guide (Herbalist's Guide to Skyrim)
Whiterun - Arcadia's Cauldron. On the table on the left.
Markarth. Alchemy shop.

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Alchemy will be useful for a character of any bias. In most cases, the most basic one will be enough - a potion to restore health, magic or stamina, and poisons will allow the weapon to deal more damage. With a deeper understanding of the properties of the ingredients, you will be able to brew potions that mimic the effects of many (though not all) magical spells and enchantments. Although you can see various potions for sale, knowledge of alchemy will provide you with the ability to create more powerful potions than purchased ones.

Making potions

Alchemy in Skyrim can only be practiced in specially designed and equipped places for this - alchemy labs (Alchemy Labs). To create a potion or poison, you must combine two or more ingredients that have the same magical effects. If their common property is useful (for example, restoring health), then you will create a potion, if it is negative (for example, damage to health), then you will get poison. Potions with multiple effects can be created by mixing ingredients with more than one effect.

Each ingredient has a total of four effects. Eating an ingredient always unlocks its first property, taking the Experimenter perk allows you to discover the rest of the properties when consumed, depending on the rank of the perk (see the perk table below). Effects can also be revealed through experimentation if the combination of ingredients successfully creates a potion. When you select one ingredient, all others that you previously tried to combine it with and failed at the same time will be displayed in gray. Unlike Oblivion, here your character's Alchemy level does not affect which effects can be unlocked and used.

Alchemy skill value, alchemy perks, and skill gains from equipping enchanted items determine the power of any potion or poison your character creates. In turn, the practice of mixing potions and poisons causes an increase in the Alchemy skill.

You can brew potions from recipes found in the game, or simply combine different ingredients randomly. In addition, you can look around carefully and find something in common between the ingredients - plants growing close to each other often have similar effects (for example, purple ermine and thistle, lavender and red ermine), as well as insects that feed on flower nectar. In addition, the arrangement of ingredients side by side on kitchens, counters, and lab benches usually indicates that they go well together.

  • +5 to the skill are given to: Bosmer (Bosmer), Bretons (Breton), Dunmer (Dunmer) and Khajiit (Khajiit).
  • Lami, specialist (1-50), Morthal, "Thaumaturgist's Hut";
  • Arcadia (Arcadia), expert (1-75), Whiterun (Whiterun), "Cauldron of Arcadia" (Arcadia's Cauldron);
  • Babette, Master (1-90), Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.
  • De Rerum Dirennis (De Rerum Dirennis):
    • North of the Evergreen Grove;
    • Falkreath, "Dead poultices" (Grave Concoctions);
    • Black Limit, Sinderion's Field Laboratory, Blackreach;
    • College of Winterhold, Midden (The Midden Dark, College of Winterhold);
    • Clearpine Pond, on the body of an alchemist (Clearpine Pond);
    • Volkihar Castle, Valerica's Study (Valerica's Study, Castle Volkihar, Dawnguard);
  • Game at Dinner (A Game at Dinner):
    • Old woman's rock (Dead Crone Rock);
    • Forsaken Cave, in the room with the White Flacon (Forsaken Crypt);
    • Harmugstahl;
    • Honningbrew Meadery, in the bedroom upstairs (Honningbrew Meadery);
    • Windhelm, Club New Gnisis (New Gnisis Cornerclub, Windhelm);
  • Skyrim Plant Guide (Herbalist's Guide to Skyrim):
    • Whiterun, Arcadia's Cauldron (Arcadia's Cauldron, Whiterun);
    • Rockfall Cave (Boulderfall Cave);
    • Apprentice Shelter (Journeyman's Nook);
    • Markarth, "Witch's Tincture" (The Hag's Cure, Markarth);
  • Mannimarco, King of Worms:
    • Evergreen Grove, on the altar (Evergreen Grove);
    • South of the Stormcloak camp in Haafingar (Haafingar Stormcloak Camp);
    • Temple of the Nightcallers (Nightcaller Temple);
    • Southeast of Winterhold, near the body of Rundi (Winterhold);
    • Southeast of Winterhold, in an apothecary's bag near two skeletons (Winterhold);
  • Song of the Alchemists:
    • Hut Anise (Anise "s Cabin);
    • In the library of the Solitude Bards College, after taking the quest from Lamy to find this book (Bards College).
  • +1 for finding the Ring of Pure Mixtures for Frida from Dawnstar;
  • +1 for finding the Song of the Alchemists book for Lami of Morthal;
  • +1 for finding Finn's lute, on the quest Inge Six Fingers from the College of Bards;
  • +5 (as well as all other rogue skills) if you choose Shadow Path when casting Oghma Infinium.
Alchemy perks

The Alchemy perk tree consists of 9 perks, requiring a total of 15 perk points. The perks of this skill allow you to unlock more effects when eating ingredients, increase the effectiveness of crafted potions and poisons, remove positive effects from poisons and negative effects from potions, in addition, collect twice as many ingredients from plants.

In Skyrim, a character at any level of the Alchemy skill can brew a potion from any ingredients, however, the full disclosure of all the properties of the ingredients is possible only with the "Experimenter" perk. This means revealing honestly in the game, without using third-party tips like this one ;) The trial and error method will allow you to open the rare and most powerful effects only after a lot of effort and spending ingredients.

The Herbalist perk allows you to collect additional ingredients from all plants (with the exception of plants of the roots of Nirn), from clusters of sea acorns, from nests with bird eggs, but not from various creatures, including passive ones (fish, butterflies, bees, dragonflies , fireflies, birds).

Those who are very interested in increasing the strength of mixed potions and poisons should definitely take the following perks - "Alchemist" from 1st to 5th ranks, "Healer", "Pharmacist" and "Poisoner". At the same time, the presence of things you have enchanted to increase the skill of Alchemy will become an additional plus to the above perks. And if your character actively uses poisons in battles, then the Concentrated Poison perk will also come in handy.

Note: prior to the release of the official patch 1.9, the Purity perk did not require the Snake Blood perk, it was necessary to take the Experimenter perk. In patch given error has been fixed, now to take the "Purity" perk the "Experimenter" perk is not needed, the development proceeds according to the perk tree (see the figure on the right).

perk Rank Description ID Skill Requirements Required Perks
1 Your crafting potions and poisons are 20% stronger. 000be127 - -
2 Your crafting potions and poisons are 40% stronger. 000c07ca 20 -
3 Your crafting potions and poisons are 60% stronger. 000c07cb 40 -
4 Your crafting potions and poisons are 80% stronger. 000c07cc 60 -
5 Your crafting potions and poisons are twice as strong. 000c07cd 80 -
Your potions that restore health, magicka, or stamina are 25% more effective. 00058215 20 Alchemist
Potions you create have an additional 25% buff. 00058216 30 Healer
1 When eating an ingredient, you will learn its first two properties. 00058218 50 Pharmacist
2 When eating an ingredient, you will learn the first three of its properties. 00105f2a 70 -
3 When you eat an ingredient, you will learn all of its properties. 00105f2b 90 -
Poisons you create are 25% more effective. 00058217 30 Healer
concentrated poison
Concentrated Poison
Poison applied to a weapon lasts twice as many hits. 00105f2f 60 Poisoner
green thumb
You get two ingredients from plants. 00105f2e 70 concentrated poison
snake blood
50% resistance to all poisons. 00105f2c 80 Experimenter or Concentrated Poison
Potions you create do not have negative effects, and poisons are positive. 0005821d 100 snake blood
Potions Cost and Experience Gained

The increase in experience when practicing Alchemy proportionally depends on the cost of the created potion, that is, the more expensive the potion is, the more experience the character will get. The amount of experience gained is very well affected by increasing the skill of equipping enchanted things (it is possible to put on the character as much as possible: gloves, headdress, ring and amulet). So, +100% to Alchemy means getting XP for each potion brewed twice as much as usual. Therefore, it is worth pumping the Enchantment skill for a start in order to acquire enchanted gizmos. You should also take the perks "Alchemist", "Healer", "Pharmacist" and "Poisoner" early, as soon as it becomes possible.

The most expensive effects (when using common ingredients) are Paralysis, Magic Damage, Invisibility, and Slow. However, potions with a large number of different effects can be more valuable in terms of gold than potions with one expensive effect. You also need to take into account the fact that some special ingredients can create potions with exactly the same effects, but much more power and cost. For example, a Giant's Finger produces a Health Boost Potion that costs 5.9 times more than other ingredients with the same effect. Such a health boost potion is more valuable than a paralysis potion. The most expensive potions you can create:

With a giant's finger:

Bearded Moss + Bear Claws + Giant's Finger or Blue Butterfly Wing + Blue Mountain Flower + Giant's Finger

Without a giant's finger:

Glowing Dust + Glowing Mushroom + Bearded Moss or Creeping Vine + Big Horns + Betta Fish

Special Ingredients

Some ingredients have magical effects with non-standard magnitude values, respectively, they produce unusual potions in terms of strength and cost. For example:

  • Betta Fish (2.5 x Magnitude): Health damage potions crafted with these fish will be 2.5 times stronger.
  • Nirn Root (12.6 x Value): Health damage potions mixed with Nirn Roots will cost 12.6 times as much.

When using non-standard ingredients in potion brewing, the potion's final potency and cost is determined by the ingredient's highest priority. In the list below, the ingredients are listed in descending order of priority, so the top one always determines the properties of the resulting potion. That is, if you combine a fighting fish and nirn root, then a potion from them will have exactly the same properties as a potion created from a fighting fish and a poisonous bell or a fighting fish and a Falmer ear. Reduced magnitude ingredients such as Ectoplasm and Nightshade (Skill Up: Destruction) only have an effect when combined with the same reduced magnitude ingredient. Ectoplasm combined with any ingredient other than nightshade produces a standard Destruction boost potion.

  • Cure Disease:
    • Roasted Skeever Hide - 0.36 x Value;
    • Hawk Feathers - 0.36 x Value;
  • Damage Health:
    • Jarrin Root - 100 x Magnitude
    • Fighting fish (River Betty) - 2.5 x Magnitude;
    • Nirnroot - 12.6 x Value;
    • Poison bell (Deathbell) - 1.5 x Magnitude;
  • Stamina Damage (Damage Stamina):
    • Crimson Nirnroot - 3 x Magnitude
  • Skill Upgrade: Fortify Block:
    • Briar Heart - 0.5 x Magnitude;
    • Honeycomb - 0.5 x Magnitude;
  • Skill Upgrade: Fortify Destruction:
    • Ectoplasm - 0.8 x Magnitude;
    • Nightshade - 0.8 x Magnitude;
  • Fortify Health:
    • Boar Fang (Boar Tusk) - 5.9 x Value (Dragonborn);
    • Giant's Toe (Giant's Toe) - 5.9 x Value;
  • Stamina Boost (Fortify Stamina):
    • Boar Tusk - 1.25 x Magnitude, 5.9 x Value (Dragonborn);
  • Ravage Stamina:
    • Poisonous bell (Deathbell) - 2.1 x Value;
  • Resist Poison:
    • Beehive Husk - 0.5 x Magnitude;
    • Thistle Branch - 0.75 x Magnitude;
  • Restore Health:
    • Fierce Mushroom (Blisterwort) - 0.6 x Magnitude;
    • Imp Stool (Imp Stool) - 0.6 x Magnitude;
  • Restore Stamina:
    • Netch Jelly - 2 x Magnitude (Dragonborn);
    • Bear Claws - 0.8 x Magnitude;
    • Salmon Roe - 0.4 x Magnitude (Hearthfire);
  • Water breathing (Waterbreathing):
    • Salmon Roe (Salmon Roe) - 15.4 x Value (Hearthfire).
Quick Alchemy Skill Leveling

In your list of available ingredients, find a pair that matches the most profitable and expensive effect (you can use the SkyrimAlchemy alchemy calculator for selection). Try to avoid rare ingredients or those that you will need later (for example, with Enchanting or Blacksmithing boost effect). Match the third matching ingredient to match another additional effect, and brew the potions.

There is no need to think about what ingredients to buy, it is best to buy all the ingredients in any alchemy shop, except for the most expensive ones (Daedra hearts, frost salts, void salts), since the money made from selling ready-made potions will allow you to sweep everything off the shelves the ingredients that merchants have, and all the gold from their pockets too (stocks of ingredients in alchemy shops and gold from merchants are replenished every 48 hours). Thus, the secret is simple - buy and collect various ingredients and create all kinds of potions to maximize XP.