Battle mages game. Description of the board game Epic battles of battle mages. Battle of Skullflame Mountain. What are the actions

Last year I met the board game Epic Battle Mages: The Battle of Skullflame Mountain (this game in Russian was released by the publishing house hobby world ). I can’t say that I expected something special from this board game, but it turned out that I really liked the game, despite its bloody and vulgar theme (hide the game from children). I liked the idea of ​​crazy mages gutting each other with spells, but after a while I wanted to have even more explosive spells. And my wish was destined to come true - a little later, HW released a continuation of the game, which is called . The name is long, so for convenience I will shorten it to ESBM-2 (nothing to do with BDSM, honestly! =)).

Did you miss the body-rending magic and sorcerers who stagger from the same caste as much as I do? Get ready today to hear a scary story about what is happening in the mysterious castle of the Octopus!

In one black-black castle...

I love this game for the artistic text at the beginning of the rules. Both in ESBM-1 and in ESBM-2 you will find a touching text about the fact that being a sorcerer is a karma that cannot be avoided.

« I used to be a farmer“, - says an unknown magician in the preface, - “ He grew this and that. But then Uncle Andy came and farming was forgotten. How could it be otherwise, because I became wildly cool. Uncle Andy told me to go pee the goats and I go and pee the goats«.

In my opinion, once again the rules set a cool tone for the game. Be sure to read the preface, it's worth it.


Usually in this part of the review I write about what I read interesting in the rules. Before the game appeared in my collection, I did not know anything about it, but for some reason it seemed to me that in Outrage in the castle of the Octopus will be additional cards to the base game. By the way, my acquaintances told me in secret that in the new box they will finally decipher the secret of the cardboard tower, which lies in the base.

So when I unpacked the game and began to read the rules, I was unexpectedly surprised that ESBM-2 is an absolutely independent game. That is why the deuce does not appear in its name (although I put it in this review). Buying Outrage in the castle of the Octopus , you do not need to have Battle of Skullflame Mountain .

Scrolling through the rules, I realized that the game in the second version has not changed much. In it, you still need to collect spells from cards, which are divided into several types. Players take turns casting collected spells and dealing damage to mages, i.e. other players. For especially cool spells played, you can get valuable treasure cards. If the magician's health is reduced to zero, then he becomes dead and is eliminated from the current round. The last sorcerer remaining on the battlefield receives a valuable unkilled sorcerer token. To win the game, you need to get 2 of these tokens.

I see absolutely no need to talk about the basic rules of the game, since I already did this in the review on ESBM-1. If you click here, you can read how the right sorcerers play this game.

In this review, I will tell you how Octopus slaughterhouse differs from Skullflame .

In the Sprutoslaughter Castle you will find…

In general, I would describe ESBM-2 as the same as ESBM-1, only with new goodies and bells and whistles, which are quite interesting to join the gameplay.

Innovations 4 pieces - blood, creatures, castle and surprises. Let's start in order.


Agree that in such a bloody game as ESBM it was impossible to do without the very blood that gushing from all the slots in the game. In ESBM-2, sorcerers will have to collect, receive, drain and take blood in liter values. The blood count is measured on the same meter that is used to count lives. Those. on one counter you will have 2 different tokens at once.

All players start the game with zero blood, but gradually they will gain blood by casting spells, killing other sorcerers, and owning a castle.

Blood is an additional resource that can be spent on very useful actions that some cards contain. For example, when casting a spell, you might find the following phrase on the card: " Drain so much blood...". If you spend as many blood points as it says there, then you can do what is indicated after the colon. As a rule, this is some kind of additional action (heal, deal damage, etc.). But it happens that it can be a modifier. For example, with a card you deal 1 damage to all players, but if you drain 2 blood, you will deal 2 damage.

There is never too much blood, and the more blood, the better spells you can cast.


Creatures are a type of card that appears on spell cards (at the very bottom of the card it says - creature). In fact, this is an ordinary map of the parish, but on some of them there is the word " STAND! And if a player plays an effect with the “stand!” command, then this card after casting the spell does not go to the discard pile, but remains on the table. The next time you cast a new spell, you can play this creature card again (as an additional ward card). But if you don't get the "stand!" again, the creature will go to the reset. And if the effect is achieved again, then this card will again remain on the table.

In addition to the fact that the creature allows you to play more maps on the next turn, she can still protect her master from taking damage. If you are about to take damage and you have a critter, you can drop the critter and take no damage (the critter takes all the damage). This thing is very useful, especially when the sorcerer is low on health and every other blow is considered almost fatal.


So, now we will reveal the secret of the cardboard thing on the stands. In ESBM-2, this thing is called a lock. At the beginning of the game, the castle is unoccupied and stands next to the deck of cards. Some cards allow you to take possession of the castle, i.e. take it for yourself (you can’t just take it like that). Some other cards give bonuses to players who own a castle. On the cards it will be written: If you own a castle, then…«.

Also, at the end of each round, the sorcerer who owns the castle receives 1 liter of blood.

In fact, the castle is another condition that is very useful to fulfill in order to have a great bonus to subsequent spells.


On some cards there is the word "surprise". This is something like the revenge of sorcerers who were killed before they could walk. If you are killed (or you maim yourself with your own spell), and there is a surprise effect on the cards you have not played, then it immediately works. With such an unexpected effect, you can take several more sorcerers with you to Valhalla, whose health was close to zero.

Surprises are a rather funny element of ESBM, which adds even more fun and gags to the game.

I didn’t notice any more innovations, so let’s move on to impressions right away.

"They want blood-blood!" (c) Klimbatika

So, as I said, ESBM-2, to my surprise, does not complement the first game, but is an independent game with the same gameplay. Of course, fans of the first part may have a question - does it make sense to buy ESBM-2? This is the question I will try to answer.

To be honest, ESBM-2 pleased me with almost everything. A big plus of the game is that it contains completely different cards, which were not in ESBM-1. True, this does not apply only to cards. crazy magic, because This card cannot be replaced by anything else. In the new game, you'll find brand new spell cards, new treasure cards, and even new dead sorcerer cards. And if game process remained practically the same, the sensations from the effects and actions that are available to sorcerers are completely fresh. The new cards are really fun to play. They feature crazy new art and wild new titles that are sure to make you smile (unless you're a puritan, of course).

Is it worth it to change something in the gameplay? Maybe not. ESBM-1 worked perfectly, so if something needed to be changed, then only to polish some points, so that it was done with the help of innovations.

Blood takes the gameplay to a slightly different level of play, a little higher, because players now have to watch their blood levels and try to finish off sorcerers faster, capture the castle, defend with creatures, etc. For the most part, the first game encouraged players to damage and heal each other. The second part expands the possibilities of the players. It seems that the players are doing the same thing, but now there are a lot of different modifiers and surprises.

At the very beginning of the game, it is a little sad that there is always not enough blood, and the cards offer very tasty effects for draining the blood. But by the end of the game, the scope reaches its climax, and especially intelligent sorcerers will already be able to spend tens of liters of blood per turn on powerful spells.

In general, I give the game a plus for the blood.

Creatures are also a very good idea. They're great for getting lethal damage. In essence, the creature is regular cards coming, which have a new effect derived from mighty throws. With certain dice values, this card can be kept for the next turn, making it a creature. If no one touches you until the next turn, the creature lies quietly on the table and will give you its effect again. And if someone encroaches on your health, then the creature will take all the damage. Some solid usefulness from them. But you can't leave critters on the table of your own free will, no matter how much you want to. To keep the creature on the table, you need to roll the dice well, which means you are either lucky or not. Hello, random!

The main thing is not to forget that the creature can take a hit on itself. In the games I played, the players quite often forgot about this rule.

The castle is not very functional, but it does not interfere at all. Blood is a little easier - you can get it for a variety of actions. But the castle must be taken precisely by the permission of special cards. According to the law of meanness, they will fall into your hand cool cards, which give the effects of owning a castle, when you do not have this castle. Let's just say that the castle is a nice addition, a kind of cherry on the cake. Do you have a castle? Good. There is not? Well, what can you do. But playing with him is more fun, of course.

Surprises seemed to me the smallest innovation, because in my played games they were played infrequently. For the surprise to work, several conditions must be met - you must have it in the spell (this is one), the card with the surprise must not be played (this is two), you must be bang (this is three). If there were surprises on all the maps, then maybe they would have a slightly greater effect. But always when surprises work, then at the table it immediately becomes even more fun. Especially for those who fall from these cards =)

When I played several games in ESBM-2, it seemed to me that this game felt a bit like which I have reviewed before. Of course, these are completely different games in terms of gameplay, but they are similar in that they load the brain a little more than the first games in the series. Although Mix. munchkin , of course, loads much more than ESBM-2. The first game about battle mages is a bit simpler in terms of gameplay. ESBM-2 is the same thing, only with a few more bells and whistles. These bells and whistles make it harder for the player to choose when casting spells. It seems to me that everything was easier in ESBM-1. There was the main thing to try to collect a spell from some types of cards, so that the mighty throw was really powerful. Now there is something to think about, because it is not a fact that a spell consisting of one type of card will be more powerful than if it contains different types. You can be tempted by cards with a set or drain of blood, with getting a castle, with surprises, etc. And sometimes it happens that some cards are more profitable to save for later, so that next time you can collect a cooler spell. For example, if you play a card this turn, you won't get a bonus from blood (or from a castle you don't have). But on the next turn, you may have enough blood. and the castle you will own. Therefore, paralysis of analysis in ESBM-2 is unambiguously present to a greater extent than in ESBM-1.

It seemed to me that the effects of the new cards are a little more powerful, i.e. allow you to deal damage more efficiently. Literally on the second turn, sorcerers-losers begin to die. And by the third or fourth round, the unfinished sorcerer can already be determined. Perhaps this compensates for the paralysis of analysis, and I liked this speed.

But do not rush to rejoice that the game has become faster. Nothing like this. It still takes quite a long time. While you choose cards for the spell, while you laugh at the names of the cards, while you play all the actions, it all takes tens of minutes. A 5 player game takes about two hours (if not more). The deck still has to be shuffled frequently, and it's quite large and awkward, causing little discomfort.

Since I started talking about inconveniences, let's talk further about what I didn't really like about ESBM-2. I already spoke about protracted games (sometimes you want to finish the game as soon as possible, otherwise all the players at the table are already sitting with tokens of unfinished sorcerers, but the game does not end). The element of chance in the game has become even more. Therefore, if someone did not like this game for random, he will dislike it even more. Unsuccessful cards may come into your hand, you will not have a castle, you will not have enough blood and surprises will not work - these are all quite ordinary situations. But ESBM is generally a game about fun, and not about strategies, tactics and linearity. In the last review, I said that this game is like munchkin and I continue to think so to this day. In this game, you are more likely to win because you are lucky, and not because you are such a smart and experienced sorcerer. This game is not to be taken seriously.

One track for lives and blood is a bit inconvenient. More than once it happened that the player got confused and moved the life token instead of blood, and vice versa. It happens that by moving one token, you accidentally push another, and then try to prove that you have one number of lives, and not another =) As they say, a trifle, but unpleasant.

I can’t remember anything else bad, so let’s move on to the good again, which is much more in the game.

New treasures are just as cool as in ESBM-2. Of course, there are more useful treasures, there are less, but in general it is always nice to receive them in order to have additional opportunities.

Undoubtedly, dead sorcerers also pleased with their new effects. Many of them bring a bonus the moment they are received (no need to wait for a new game to apply the properties of these sorcerers).

The bloody scary art remained in its original place. New game hasn't changed a bit about its traditions, and in some moments it may even have outdone old game. ESBM-2 on the box also has an 18+ badge, and therefore I do not recommend children to play this game. The names of the cards and what is drawn on them often cross the culturally proper line, which can scare some players. If the sight of painted guts and brains blowing around shocks you, then you'd better skip this game.

The editors of the MX localizers did a great job translating the names of maps and gaming slang. Easter eggs and allusions are hidden in many cards, which try not to cross the fine line of decency, but strongly hint at this very obscenity.

You can play ESBM-2 from 2 to 6 players. It is undesirable to play together, because many cards are only useful if there are more players. With six players, the game will definitely drag on for a long time, because usually players try to press those who already have an unfinished sorcerer token, so usually in the final game, almost all players have these tokens in a single amount. In principle, you can play this game in any number. If you want to enjoy a long but fun process, then you can play with the maximum composition.

The owners of the ESBM-1 boxes can try to mix the cards of both games together. This will allow you to play even with 12 players (and spend a whole day on it. Just kidding). I was afraid to do this, because shuffling such a huge deck is completely inconvenient, and the cards from the second game will be lost among the cards of the first. By mixing both games together, it will be more difficult for you to get blood, castle and use the functions of the creatures. If you want to enjoy what the new elements of the second game give you, then it is better to play only ESBM-2.

Well, my dear unfinished sorcerers, here I come to the main point of the review - the answer to the question posed at the beginning of the review. In my opinion, ESBM-2 - worth playing. It is as fun, crazy, bloody and random as ESBM-1. If you bought the first game, you liked it wildly and want something else just as rotten, then I recommend you buy the second game in the series. Although the second part has a number of cool innovations, I'm drawn to put an "equal" sign between games. ESBM-2 can still be even a little better (half a point). Therefore, if you have neither the first nor the second game, then if I were you, I would take Octopus slaughterhouse , because it has more plushies. But both games are played equally nicely (IMHO).

In order to have fun playing ESBM-2, you do not need to have ESBM-1 in your collection. But if you want epic fun then you can buy both games and mix them together.


Board game Epic battles of battle mages: Outrage in the castle of Octopus took all the best from the predecessor game and added new interesting features to it. ESBM-2 is even more "meat" spells, hurricane effects and brain-exploding consequences. The game should be hidden from children, grandmothers, impressionable persons and pregnant women. At the same time, the game should be shown to cheerful and sociable friends who are able to translate black humor into sports witchcraft anger.

You wanted even more gore and black humor? Then you will definitely find it in the castle of the Octopus!

Page board game on the Hobby World website

“Epic battles of battle mages” is a board game for those who want to quarrel with relatives and friends for glory, but at the same time smash them to smithereens. But it is not exactly.

To say that I am new to the world of board games is an understatement. Of the board games, I only played a couple of mandatory numbers like Bang! and Uno, yes. What attracted me to the game? Only pictures on the box Epic battles of battle mages. Outrage in the castle of the Octopus! have already sparked my interest, because they are reminiscent of the notorious and beloved Adventure Time. To add variety to my measured family life, I made a young man play for a couple, who also can only boast of experience in playing Uno and Monopoly. And, suddenly, we loved it!


There are a total of 8 hero boards in this version of the game (which, by the way, can easily be mixed with the first set of Epic Fights: Battle at Skullfire Mountain). Separately, my young man noted the dragon lord - Sun Huchai, and I chose the fluffy wizard - Sir Kotka Murrchington. Yes, this game is strictly 18+, so if you are under then stop reading this immediately and forget everything! Better go to another city!

In general, you choose for yourself the one that sounds more pleasant, but you dump all the cards of "starter", "bells and whistles" and "arrivals" together. You can use them to create magic. Each card is also tied to a certain school of magic, which helps to create even more powerful combinations.

The ideal is to combine three cards together and read them in a special way - then we will have the biggest "bang!", but the player with fewer cards will be able to go first. At the same time, magicians prepare spells in secret from each other, and then they reveal themselves. It’s not for nothing that the game also has “stray magic” cards - to replace one of them with a card that you don’t have enough for an ultra-wild spell. When you lay out such a card, you boldly reach for the deck with spells and open them until you meet that one - i.e. a card of the type that was replaced with "crazy magic".

There is also "treasure" - a vigorous thing that flies to you from the effects of certain spell cards. When a treasure falls into your claws, you must definitely open it for all players so that everyone's saliva flows. Treasures are never picked up. And, of course, greedy sorceresses can win them back, so keep your eyes open.

Of course, it can’t do without death, but if dear friends filled up your sorcerer, this does not mean that you are leaving and going to smoke on the balcony. When the sorcerer has played the box, he discards cards from his hand, then treasures, and then takes a card from the deck of dead sorcerers. In this game, death is not yet a reason to end it.

Where can I go without a lock! There are cards that give extra bonuses to the one who conquered the castle. And also the castle itself brings a liter of blood, which you need so much to enhance the effects of spells.

Unexpected. Yes, yes, where without such cards. This is what you do before you emit... No, you didn't think that! Release the spirit. If among the cards of your spell cards that you did not have time to use before death, there is the word "surprise", then you apply the effect described after this word. Thanks to such “surprises”, even the most miserable sorceress will be avenged.


The tournament is a long, epic battle. At the end of each game, the survivor receives an "unfinished sorcerer" medal. Having collected two such medals, the sorcerer wins the tournament. This, however, can take a long time.

A short tournament is an alternative version of the game that comes in for a company of 5-6 players. It consists of three games, and instead of medals "unfinished sorcerer" players get points for killed enemies and their own coolness. After the games are over, the points are compared and the sorcerer with the highest score wins.


Firstly, no matter how awesome your strategy is, no matter how quickly and tenaciously you capture the castle, no matter how ingenious your plan is, the next move may be your last. But even here the game does not end, because you get a dead mage card, and you continue to freak out. Secondly, the names of the characters, they are really funny. Third, the spells you cast. Seriously, when else will you get a chance to cast the Feihan Witchminator from the Furious Schooltron? Fourth, the epic atmosphere. Incredibly epic! Fifth, however, the game can be drawn out, especially if there are more than three players.

It doesn't matter how bad or good you can play board games - detailed instructions and lively interest will help you quickly understand all the subtleties and fall in love with the game.

The essence of all this mayhem is to turn enemies into puddles of slime (or worse) as often as possible and find out who is the coolest of all.


Basically, we've been warned. We are very grateful to Hobby World for providing us with a box of happiness for review!

Present to your attention .

In the glorious kingdom of Bloodbath live the most brutal battle mages. And right now, while you're reading...

Description of the board game Epic battles of battle mages. Battle of Skullflame Mountain:

Present to your attention board game Epic fights of battle mages. Battle of Skullflame Mountain.

In the glorious kingdom of Bloodbath live the most brutal battle mages. And right now, while you are reading these lines, they are literally gutting each other for the right to be called the most unrealistically cool sorcerer in the whole kingdom! What are you waiting for?! Join the slaughter tournament before you miss all the fun!

The secret of success is in triple spells. This is a sign of true coolness and professionalism. Then it all depends on your magical talents and the ability to make crazy combinations - your magic will either turn the enemy into radioactive ash, or simply tickle him ...

Take risks, dare and win all! After all, when the dust settles, only one sorcerer will remain. He will look around and prepare for retribution. After all, dead sorcerers will climb out of their graves to punish the offender and gain strength! What for? Because the battles in the Bloodbath never stop!

So, on Skullflame Mountain, right now:

  • Super fun for 2-6 sorcerers!
  • Dozens of dozens of unique ways to let the enemy go to waste. The lawlessness you create is as boundless as your thirst to destroy!
  • Dozens magical artifacts to add power to your spells! Dress up in sinister flip-flops and bludgeon your enemies with your "mallet gun"!
  • Especially for dull wimps there are cards of dead sorcerers! They allow you to annoy the winner and gain an advantage for the next battle, even for those who merge in the first battle and fall short of victory!
  • The rules are elementary, and the replay value is endless! You will be handing out magic pendels until you grow an epic witch beard to your waist!
  • Over 100 unique images from Nick Edwards himself to set the mood for your epic battles!

Complete set of the board game Epic battles of combat mages. Battle of Skullflame Mountain:

  • 178 cards of spells, treasures and dead sorcerers
  • 8 Hero Tablets
  • 7 medals of unfinished sorcerers
  • 6 skulls for counting lives
  • 4 six-sided dice
  • 1 Skullflame Mount and 2 bases
  • Rules of the game

Characteristics of the board game Epic battles of battle mages. Battle of Skullflame Mountain:

  • Box size: 27.7x19.4x6.7cm
  • Card size: 6.3x8.9cm
  • Number of players: 2-6 people
  • Age: from 16 years old
  • Party: from 30 minutes

Please note that product specifications are subject to change by the manufacturer without prior notice. The price of the goods can also be changed by the time the order is shipped.

All sorcerers have already received magical pendles, but is it still drawn to a magical fight? It's time to get into a new batch - the competition for reckless lawlessness and mind-blowing fun is declared open!

Feed the dreadful creatures that break from their chains in the catacombs of the castle of the Sprutoslaughter, and cast combat spells. Furious Serpent Kurynych, invincible Kubodemon and agile Hamadrantul will turn your enemies into a puddle of hairy ectoplasm. And if you yourself instead of spells played in the box - do not wait, rather resurrect when no one is waiting, and immediately return to the grandiose outrage!

About the game

"Epic battles of battle mages: Outrage in the castle of Sprutoslaughter" is an independent continuation of the sensational and insane hit about inhumanly cruel showdowns of tough magicians. Tons of cruelty and sadism, destructive and disgusting spells, forbidden to be used all over the world ... But not here! We don't care about restrictions, all we need is to turn all opponents into dust... And if possible, then into something worse! Death is too generous to us and magicians cannot die to the end ... We are imprisoned in a place like Hell, where we will die thousands of times, only to cast spells more powerful than the one that tore us to shreds the previous time!

From 2 to 6 players will be able to converge in this epic battle. The amazing design and style of the game should already show you what to expect from the game. You have to combine cards to make deadly combinations, collect powerful artifacts, use dangerous Crazy magic. And even if you were unlucky in the round, and you died a little, then even from the other world you will be able to participate in the party, interfering with the mages who are still alive!

New mechanics

Of the interesting and new, several chips can be distinguished:

  • Creatures - all arrivals from this version of the game are Creatures and can sometimes remain on your table from round to round. Besides the fact that they can block you from an enemy spell, they can also have useful properties!
  • Blood is a new resource that is earned by killing opponents and holding a castle. Blood, unlike other resources, moves from party to party. Some cards offer to donate a certain number of liters to apply the effect
  • Castle - Some cards allow you to capture Slaughterhouse Castle! At the end of the round, he brings his owner 1 liter of blood. And the sea of ​​pathos, of course! In addition, some cards give bonuses to the owner. But no one is stopping you from destroying the owner and taking the castle to your own hands!
  • Surprises are effects on some cards that trigger after you die, ensuring that the death was not so easy and in vain!

Game process

Each player assumes the role of one of the mages and takes his tablet, which is needed to indicate the remaining hit points. Everyone starts with 20 points. The cards of ringleaders, bells and whistles, parishes and crazy magic are in the same deck and are thoroughly mixed. Players take turns, but draw cards and collect spells at the same time. The game consists of several games, and the game consists of different phases of the move. Let's figure it out:

  1. Draw cards - at the very beginning of the turn, we always draw up to 8 cards in our hand
  2. We cast a spell - your spell can include from one to three cards, moreover, there are three types of cards: Ringleader, starting a spell and giving a certain advantage; The Bluff, which offers an extra pinch of uniqueness and pain, and the Coming is the final deadly chord of your magic. A spell can only include one card of each type, but they can be combined with each other as you like.
  3. Cast Spell - Your ready-to-combat spell is placed face down on the table in front of you. Waiting for other wizards...
  4. Determining Turn Order - It's time to determine the order in which our spells will be cast. And the magician will be the first to conjure ... with the shortest spell! After all, this is logical, the shorter it is, the faster you apply it! If the players have the same number of cards in the spell, then the number of Initiative on the Spell's Arrival card will help decide who goes first - the player with the maximum value goes first. What to do if there is no Parish? Consider that your Initiative is zero... And if that doesn't help you decide on a move, then just roll the die
  5. Revealing the spell - when the turn finally comes to you, it is worth turning over the cards of the prepared spell and reading the resulting name with the most epic-magical expression that you are capable of. You can even come up with a punishment for those who forget to do this and just go to the effects of the cards. If there is no card in the spell, then well, use your imagination and think of a name!
  6. We apply all the effects of the spell - the effects of the cards are applied in order, as the cards are laid out - first the ringleader, then the Whistleblower and then the Arrival. If a card calls for a Mighty Throw, you will need to roll one die for each card in the spell with that sign. There are five signs in total, that is, schools of magic: Corruption, Gloom, Ugar, Kumar, Grass. All mages in their order apply card effects and deal damage to each other
  7. The start of a new round, provided that at least two mages are still alive

Who has won?

The winner is the player who was the first to collect two medals of the "Unfinished Sorcerer". To get such a medal, you need to successfully destroy your enemies and be the last mage surviving in this wild mess.

Game features

  • Here is a completely standalone game with new exciting mechanics that you can mix with another set of "Epic battle mages" and get pure madness on your game table!
  • Mind blowing and exciting fight for 2-6 sorcerers!
  • Elementary rules to master and endless replayability!
  • Crazy combinations of 128 new spell cards, plus even crazier illustrations! You have never seen anything like it!
  • As many as 8 new sorcerers - and they have serious intentions!
  • Cool innovations: terrible creatures, liters of blood, the Castle and marvelous surprises!
  • A variant of the game "Short Tournament" - for those who prefer to distribute bream to enemies quickly and provocatively!

As you read this description, the battle mages are already chopping each other into cabbages in an uncompromising battle for the title of the most epicly powerful sorcerer in the entire kingdom of Bloodbath. Do not pull the cat by the tail and join the tournament as soon as possible, because the fun is about to begin!
Collect spells from three components and cast them on opponents. Whether the enemy slaps the kumpole lightly or turns into a cozy campfire depends on your spellcasting abilities and your ability to put together ultra-crazy combos. And in the end, when the dust settles, there will be only one sorcerer left. Perhaps it will be you - that's just too early to celebrate the victory!
Soon dead sorcerers will crawl out of the graves, and the mess will go to a new circle!

Main jokes

  • Super killer fun for 2-6 sorcerers!
  • Hundreds of unique ways to turn an enemy to ashes/slurry/chicken/whatever you want. The chaos you create is limited only by your thirst for destruction!
  • Dozens of magical artifacts to power up your spells: bludgeon your enemies with the mallet cannon and dress up in magic slippers!
  • Dead sorcerer cards allow even those weaklings who lose the battle and fall short of victory to stay in the game!
  • Elementary rules and endless replay value - you'll be handing out magic pendels until your beard grows to your waist!
  • Over 100 unique pictures by Nick Edwards to set the mood for your epic battles!