Game improvisation for the company. Improvisation is a domestic social novelty. Rules of the board game "improvisation"


Warm-up, attention, transfer of initiative

This exercise is done in pairs. Take a partner and stand opposite each other. The distance between you should be about a meter. One of you is the Leader, and the second is his Reflection. The host shows any movement, and the Reflection copies it. Try to be in sync. The leader can offer everyday or abstract movements. There is no need to rush - make sure that the Reflection has time to tune in to the general wave!

The next step is a spontaneous change of Leader. At any moment, any of the partners can seize the initiative and start leading. The second partner is sure to adjust!

Lagging Mirror

warm up, attention

The principle is the same - one of the partners is the Leader, the second is the Reflection. Only the Reflection repeats the movements with a lag of one! This exercise is great for developing attention.

Mirror and associations

warm up, attention

We take a variant of the "Mirror" exercise and add a game in the Association to it!

Divide attention - body and imagination.

One of you shows the movements, the second copies it and at the same time you play simple associations.

Associations are necessarily nouns that are associated with each other (table - chair - furniture - shop - seller - glasses - look, etc.)


Warming up, spontaneity, feeling of a partner

This exercise is best done in groups of 3.

Distribute the order - the first, second and third!

The first participant takes any position of the body, the second one attaches to it so that a sculpture would be obtained, and then the third one joins them. After that, the first one dies off again and is attached to the sculpture that remains) And further in a circle!

The main thing in this exercise is the speed of thinking and reaction. When you are dying and you need to find a place and a position for yourself, then do not think - act quickly, without a pause. Be spontaneous and creative!

Variation 1: set a certain image that the sculptures will embody. For example: summer, clouds, undersea world, flower shop, etc.

In this case, you don't need to guess what other partners mean, just start from the given image and real sculptures!

Variation 2: voice each sculpture with a sound or a word. If you voice with words, then this exercise turns into a game of "Associations" with movement!

This exercise develops associative thinking, imagination and expands your repertoire of movements.

Director - actor

Warm-up, acting, liberation

The exercise is done in pairs. One of you is a director, the other is an actor. Then everything is simple: the director gives the actor various tasks, and the actor fulfills them!

Tasks can be divided into three types:

  • simple steps
  • acting games
  • creative thinking

Simple actions are tasks like: sit on a chair, go to the door, look out the window, etc. They should be as simple as possible and only real objects should be used in them.

Acting games are tasks that begin with the word Show me!

show me tiger, chair, manual sunset, inspiration, emancipation, etc. The director can come up with any images, feelings, concepts that the actor shows. The main thing here is improvisation, courage and acting skills.

If you are in the role of an actor, then feel free to let go of your imagination and rush into the game!

Creative thinking. director gives simple tasks: bring a chair, sit on the sofa, pour a glass of water, etc. Only in this variant the actor has to perform this task not directly, but to modify it.

For example, if you need to bring a chair, the actor will first carefully check it for stability, and only then bring it)

If you need to pour a glass of water, then the actor can put this glass on his head and fill it with water in this position! The main thing is that these actions are internally justified. For example, an actor is rehearsing a number with a glass of water, or he lost a bet to a friend.

History by word

This is both an exercise and a very fun impro game!

You need to write a bright, interesting and coherent story with your partner.

Only in this story you speak one word at a time.

For example:

But yesterday

B: Maria

A: out

B: from the hut.

And she

B: saw

A: big

B: beautiful

A: bear! etc.

The main thing here is to listen to the partner and accept everything that he gives.

We need to collaborate and write together. Don't pull the blanket over you!

Feel free to take the initiative - assign places of action, heroes, events.

Follow the story line. Better if you have one main character, with which different events occur.

One of the good tricks here is a game with adjectives: "Big, beautiful, white, in love .. bear!"

You describe something that doesn't exist yet, and it's always interesting what will come out of it.

Good luck and practice!


(form of the game, attention, partnership)

it good game to develop the speed of thinking and sense of the whole.

Start a dialogue with your partner on any topic. Only each subsequent replica must begin with the next letter of the alphabet.

For example:

BUT: BUT August ends..

B: B autumn is coming!

BUT: AT it's time to get the alenki)

B: G mountain skiing too!

BUT: D come on, let's get some skates - I've always dreamed of learning how to skate on them!

B: E skiing is more fun! Etc...

As you understand, there should be no pauses between replicas! The dialogue is fast and dynamic. Name any word that comes to mind with the right letter and weave it into the text of the conversation.

Find a logical ending to your dialogue!

Variation 1: Take one letter, and start all the remarks only with it! Try not to repeat yourself, change the starting words.

In this option, you also need to keep the momentum and find the end of the dialogue.

For example, you and your partner chose the letters "H" and "R":

BUT: H paint the fence!

B: R I don't want to get dirty)

BUT: H put on gloves!

B: R rubber?

Variation 2: Repeat each letter of the alphabet twice. In this option, you will have a longer and more detailed dialogue!

For example:

BUT: BUT Your craftsmanship is top notch!

B: BUT our director doesn't think so..

BUT: B Oris Borisovich generally rarely praises anyone, don't worry!

B: B udto he does not know - how important it is for an actor!

BUT: AT inspiration and play are more important than praise!

B: AT you inspired me, thank you) Etc.

Below is a selection of games for a group of people. Games are suitable for working corporate parties, as well as for just meeting with friends.

If you also have fun games in mind, then you are welcome in the comments. I will definitely post these games in the post.

Just want to separately thank Savina Yana for the selection of games.

ring toss
Empty bottles and bottles of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are lined up tightly on the floor. Participants are asked to put a ring on the bottle from a distance of 3 m. The one who manages to put the ring on a full bottle takes it as a prize. The number of throws for one participant must be limited.

The ring is cut out of thin cardboard. Ring diameter - 10 cm.

In a plate
The game is played while eating. The leader calls any letter. The goal of the rest of the participants is to name the object with this letter, which is currently in their plate, before others. Whoever names the subject first becomes the new leader. The driver, who said the letter for which none of the players could come up with a word, receives a prize.

It is necessary to prohibit the driver from always calling the winning letters (e, and, b, b, s).

The participants are seated at the table. Among them, a driver is chosen. Players pass candy to each other under the table. The task of the driver is to catch one of the players in the transfer of candy. The one who is caught becomes the new driver.

The players are divided into two teams. The first team chooses some concept and shows it in pantomime, without the help of words and sounds. The second team tries to guess what they are shown from three attempts. Then the teams switch roles. The game is played on interpec, but you can count points for guessing pantomimes.

It is possible to guess: individual words, phrases from famous songs and poems, proverbs and sayings, popular expressions, fairy tales, names of famous people. The concept can be shown by one or several people.

joke test
This test can be conducted with the participation of all those present. Participants are given pens and sheets of paper. On the sheets, they must write certain abbreviations in a column. Opposite each of them, participants are asked to write a line from a song or poem.

After everyone completes the task, the meaning of incomprehensible abbreviations is reported and each participant can find out for himself and show the table neighbors the results at the specified moment (determined by a line from the song).

You can come up with any abbreviations, the main thing is that they correspond to the theme of the holiday. In order for the entertainment not to drag on, three to five moments are enough.

For example, to celebrate the results of the past year, you can offer the following names of moments and their abbreviations:
PDG (first day of the year),
PNG (first week of the year),
SG (mid-year),
NDOG (one week before the end of the year),
IP (total profit),
LR (best worker), LMF ( best manager firms), PIG (year-end bonus). KTU (labor participation rate), etc.

What to do, if…
Participants are offered to consider difficult situations from which they need to find an original way out. The participant who, in the opinion of the audience, will give the most resourceful answer, receives a bonus point.

Situation examples:
What to do if you lose your employees' wages or public money at the casino?
What to do if you are accidentally locked in the office late at night?
What to do if your dog ate an important report that you have to present to the director in the morning?
What to do if you are stuck in an elevator with the CEO of your firm?

For a competition in accuracy, it is best to use the factory-made Darts game.

An easier option is to throw markers or felt-tip pens (with an open cap) from a distance of 3-5 at a target drawn on a piece of paper attached to the wall. The most accurate participant receives a prize point.

The marker should be designed for drawing only on paper, then it will be easy to wash off any traces of it with alcohol.

best toast
The facilitator informs the participants that, without a doubt, a real man must know how to drink properly. However, the purpose of the competition is not to drink more than others, but to do it most gracefully.

After that, each participant receives a glass of drink. The contestants take turns toasting and drinking the contents of the glass. The one who completes the task best of all receives a bonus point.

best compliment
Since a real man must be gallant and be able to find an approach to a woman's heart, in this competition, participants compete in complimenting the fair sex.

The one whose compliment women like more than others receives a prize point.

We all have ears
The players become in a circle. The host says: "Each of us has hands." After that, each participant takes his neighbor on the right by the left hand and with the words “We each have hands”, the players move in a circle until they make a full turn. After that, the host says: “Everyone has necks,” and the game is repeated, only now the participants hold their right neighbor by the neck. Next, the facilitator lists the various parts of the body, and the players move around in a circle, holding the named part of their neighbor on the right and shouting or humming: "Everyone has ..."

The enumerated parts of the body depend on the imagination of the host and the degree of looseness of the players. For example, you can list arms (separately right and left), waist, neck, shoulder, ears (separately right and left), elbows, hair, nose, chest.

Dancing on the ice
Each pair of participants is given a newspaper. They must dance in such a way that none of the partners step on the floor outside the newspaper. At each signal from the leader, the newspaper is folded in half and the dance continues. The music changes all the time. If any of the partners left the newspaper during the dance, the couple is eliminated from the competition. The last pair left in the game receives a prize.

Auction "Pig in a Poke"
In between dances, you can hold an auction in the dark. The facilitator shows the participants the lots wrapped in wrapping paper so that it is not clear what is inside. To provoke the audience, the presenter in a comic form announces the purpose of this item.

The auction uses real money, while the initial price of all lots is quite low. The participant who offered the highest price for the item redeems it.

Before being handed over to a new owner, the item is unwrapped to satisfy the curiosity of the public. It is advisable to alternate funny and valuable lots in order to increase the excitement of the public.

Examples of lots and applications:
Without it, we will not be happy with any feast. (Salt)
Something sticky. (Lollipop candy or lollipop packed in a large box)
Small that can become big. ( Balloon)
An essential item for a business person. (Notebook)
An item for those who want to leave their mark. (Set of colored crayons)
Cold, green, long ... (Bottle of champagne)
An essential attribute of civilized life. (toilet paper roll)
Short-lived joy. (Box of chocolates)
A simulator for those who want to learn how to make a good face when bad game. (Lemon)
Gift from Africa. (Pineapple or coconut)

Two or three glass jars and metal money are required for the game (it is advisable to prepare a trifle in advance, not hoping that the participants will find it themselves).

Those wishing to take part in the competition are divided into two or three teams. Each team receives a glass jar and the same number of coins (at least three for each participant).

The leader marks the start line, at a distance of 5 meters from which he places the banks. The task of the participants is to hold a coin between their thighs, go to their jar and lower the coin into the jar without using their hands. The team that has thrown the most coins into the bank receives a prize.

Ball under the chin
Two teams are selected, which stand in two lines (in each alternation: a man, a woman) facing each other. The condition is that the players must keep the ball under their chin, during the transfer it is impossible to touch the ball with their hands in any case, while it is allowed to touch each other in any way, so as not to drop the ball.

Dress up the lady
Each lady holds a ribbon twisted into a ball in her right hand. The man takes the tip of the ribbon with his lips and, without touching his hands, wraps the ribbon around the lady. The winner is the one with the best outfit, or the one who completes the task faster.

resourceful guests
Several couples are invited. Each participant in the game is blindfolded. Then several clothespins cling to different parts of the clothes. At the signal of the leader, you need to remove all clothespins from your partner or partner. The pair that completes the task faster wins the competition.

Where to invest money?
The host calls two pairs (in each pair, a man and a woman): “Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing only one bill in each. Get your initial deposits! (Gives money-wrappers to couples). Banks for your deposits can serve as pockets, lapels, and all secluded places. Try to arrange your deposits as soon as possible, open as many banks as possible. Get ready, let's get started!" The facilitator helps the pairs to complete the task, after 1 minute the facilitator sums up the results. Host: How many bills do you have left? And you? Fabulous! All money is invested in the cause! Well done! And now I will ask the women to change places and withdraw the entire amount from the accounts as soon as possible. Open banks, withdraw money! Attention, let's get started! (Music sounds, women seek money from other people's partners).

feed me
Guests are divided into pairs. Each pair contains a man and a woman. The task of each pair is to unfold and eat the candy that the leader will give by joint efforts without the help of hands. The first couple to do so wins.

Pass the card
Arrange the guests in a line "boy" - "girl" - "boy" - "girl". Give the first player in the line a regular playing card. The task is to pass the card from one player to another, holding it in the mouth. Do not use hands. You can complicate the task, and after each transfer, the host tears off a piece of the card. In this game, guests can be divided into teams and arrange a team competition.

The host calls two men and two women into the game. It is up to you to decide how best to distribute pairs of players - according to belonging to the same gender or the opposite. Then, blindfolding two participants, the host asks them questions, pointing to the one he wants to. “Tell me, where will we kiss? Here?". And he shows, for example, on the cheek (you can ears, lips, eyes, hands, etc.). The facilitator asks questions until the blindfolded participant says “Yes”. Then the facilitator asks: “How many times? So many?". And he shows on his fingers - how many times, each time changing the combination, until the player says: "Yes." Well, and then, having unleashed the participant's eyes, he is forced to do what he agreed to - for example, kiss the man's knee eight times.

The game is a joke
There will be no winners and losers in this game, this game is a joke to make guests laugh. It invites two participants - a man and a woman. The rules of the game are explained to the man - “now the lady will sit on this sofa and take a sweet candy in her mouth, and your task is to blindfold find this candy without the help of your hands and take it with your mouth too.” The whole comedy of the situation lies in the fact that as soon as a man is blindfolded, a man is placed on a sofa or couch instead of the promised lady. Believe me, how long your chosen gentleman will try to find candy from the "lady", so many guests will laugh heartily.

I love - I don't love
The host asks all the guests sitting at the table to name what they like and what they don’t like about the neighbor on the right. For example: "I love the ear of my neighbor on the right and I don't like the shoulder." After everyone calls it, the host asks everyone to kiss what they like and bite what they don't like. A minute of stormy laughter is provided to you.

FROM eyes closed
Wearing thick mittens, you need to determine by touch what kind of person is in front of you. Guys guess girls, girls - guys. You can feel the whole person

Do not laugh
Players squat in a circle (woman-man-woman). Everyone is warned that it is impossible to laugh (the presenter is allowed). The host “solemnly” takes his right neighbor (neighbor) by the ear. Everyone else around the circle should do the same. When the circle is closed, the host takes the neighbor on the right by the cheek (nose, knee ....), etc. Those who laughed drop out of the circle. The rest wins.

The match cycle
The company becomes at the rate of MZHMZHMZHMZH in a circle, take a match, cut off the tip with sulfur ... The first person takes the match with his lips and passes it in a circle from person to person until the circle passes. After that, the match is cut off (about 3 mm) and the process is repeated ... And so on until a piece of 1 mm in size remains.

It is desirable that an equal number of M and F participate, who sit in a circle according to the MZHMZH scheme ... A baby / doll / toy / etc. is taken. Each of the players says in turn: “I kiss this baby there”, - and names the place, where to kiss him. You can't repeat. When it comes to the fact that someone cannot name a new place to kiss, everyone takes turns fulfilling their last request with a neighbor (neighbor). Taking a certain amount of alcohol before (during) the game is only welcome.

The players become in a circle. The host commands: "Touch the yellow, one, two, three!" Players as quickly as possible try to take hold of the thing (object, part of the body) of the other participants in the circle. Who did not have time - leaves the game. The host repeats the command again, but with a new color (object). The last one left wins.

Reminiscent of game 5 (With clothespins), but a little more frank ... (4-8 people). Pins are taken (the number is arbitrary, usually approximately equal to the number of players), everyone except the leader is blindfolded, then the leader clings these pins to the participants (arbitrarily - you can do everything on one, you can on different ones) - then, naturally, the participants try to find them on each other . Moreover, if a person knows that he has a pin on him (for example, he felt how they clung to him), then he is obliged to be silent (you can’t look for pins on yourself). Since often the pins are hidden behind the lapels of the sleeves, on the back of the clothes, on the socks from the side of the soles, etc., the process of finding them is usually quite fun.

Erotic train
Part of the company remains outside the door, from where they are called one by one in the order of "boy-girl". Everyone who enters sees a picture: there is a column of people (“boy-girl”), depicting a train. The host announces: “This is an erotic train. Train departs". The column moves off and, depicting the movement of the train, makes a circle around the room. The host says: "Stop (such and such)." The train stops. After that, the first car kisses the second, the second - the third, and so on until the end of the train. After that, the person who entered is invited to take a place at the end of the composition. Leading: "The train is leaving!". Make a second circle around the room. Leading: "Stop (such and such)." Then - as usual: the first car kisses the second, the second - the third. But, when it comes to the last one, suddenly the penultimate one, instead of a kiss, makes a grimace and rushes at the last one with a cry. Not expecting such a disappointment, the last car can only hold a grudge against the newcomer.

It takes one playing card. Easily replaced by a calendar card or any suitable size cardboard. Before the start of the game, everyone is invited to learn how to hold the card in a vertical position with their lips by drawing in air. I'll explain in more detail. Make your lips "tube", as in a kiss. Attach the card to your lips, as if kissing its center. Now, drawing in air, release your hands, trying to hold the card so that it does not fall. After 3-5 minutes of exercise, almost anyone manages to hold the card for at least a couple of seconds. So, sit in a circle in the order of "boy-girl". And thus, alternately holding the card on both sides, pass in a circle. A special revival is caused by an accidental fall of the map :). You can play for speed, for time, for departure. The last option seemed to be the most preferable.

Extra dead
The game is built on the principle of the children's game "Extra dropped out." Of the guests, 5-6 people are invited to participate in the competition. Large glasses (or glasses) are placed on the table, one less than the number of participants. Vodka, cognac, wine (whatever you want) is poured into glasses. At the command of the facilitator (for example, clapping their hands), the participants begin to walk around the table. As soon as the host gives a prearranged signal (the same clap), the participants need to grab one of the glasses and immediately drink its contents. The one who did not have enough glasses is out. After that, one glass is removed from the table, the rest are filled, and the game continues in the same way as described above. The main thing is that the glasses should always be one less than the number of players. The game ends when either of the two remaining participants drinks the last glass. In the absence of snacks and sufficiently capacious glasses, the finale looks indescribable, since it is usually difficult to call it walking around the table.

Teams in which men and women alternate (3-4 people) must pass a simple pencil from first to last, and it is passed sandwiched between the nose and upper lip of the players! Naturally, you can’t touch a pencil with your hands, but you can touch everything else with your hands. “A heartbreaking sight”, especially if the people have already taken a certain amount of alcohol.

Game for older kids preschool age, but at parties it goes with a bang. 7-8 people participate, each chooses an animal for himself and shows the others the characteristic movement of this animal. This is how "acquaintance" happens. After that, the host from the side selects the starter of the game. That one must show "himself" and another "animal", this "animal" shows itself and someone else, and so on until the moment someone makes a mistake, i.e. will show another "animal" incorrectly or will show the one that was eliminated. The one who makes the mistake is out. The game ends when two remain.

The writing
The host distributes to everyone a blank sheet of paper and a pen (pencil, felt-tip pen, etc.). After that, writing begins. The facilitator asks the first question: “Who?”. The players write the answer to it in their sheets (the options may be different, to whom it comes into their heads). Then they fold the sheet so that the inscription is not visible and pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right. The facilitator asks a second question, for example: "Where?". The players again write an answer to it and again fold the sheet in the above way, and again pass the sheet. This is repeated as many times as desired, until the host runs out of imagination for questions. The meaning of the game is that each player, answering the last question, does not see the results of previous answers. After the end of the questions, the sheets are collected by the host, unfolded, and the resulting essays are read out. It turns out very funny stories, with the most unexpected characters (from all kinds of animals to close friends) and plot twists..

In bags around the Christmas tree
2 people compete. They become bagged and kicked. The top of the bags is held by hand. On a signal, they run around the Christmas tree in different directions. The one who runs faster wins. The game continues with the next couple.

Santa Claus turns his back to the tree. This is the gate. Participants, 2 - 3 people, take sticks and try to score a goal against Santa Claus.

Carry a snowball in a spoon
2 players participate. They are given in their mouths a spoon with a cotton ball in it. On a signal, they scatter in different directions around the Christmas tree. The winner is the one who comes running first and does not drop the snowball from the spoon.

Who will get more snowballs
They play in twos. Snowballs from cotton wool are scattered on the floor. Participants are blindfolded and given a basket. On a signal, they begin to collect snowballs. The one with the most snowballs wins.

Felt boots
Large boots are placed in front of the Christmas tree. Two are playing. On a signal, they run around the Christmas tree from different sides. The winner is the one who runs around the Christmas tree faster and puts on boots.

Give the snowman a nose
2 stands are placed in front of the Christmas tree, they are attached large sheets with snowmen. Two or more people participate. They are blindfolded. On a signal, they must reach the snowmen and stick their nose (it could be a carrot). Others help with words: to the left, to the right, below, above ...

Catch a snowball
Several couples are involved. Participants stand facing each other at a distance of approximately 4 meters. One has an empty bucket, the other has a bag with a certain amount of "snowballs" (tennis or rubber balls). On signal 1, the participant throws snowballs, and the partner tries to catch them with a bucket. The pair that finishes the game first and collects the most snowballs wins.

The most sensitive
Only women participate in the competition. Participants stand facing the audience. Behind each is a chair. The facilitator discreetly places a small object on each chair. On command, all participants sit down and try to determine what kind of object is under them. Looking and using hands is prohibited. The one who decides first wins.

Chunky Lipslap
Props: a bag of sucking sweets (such as "Barberry"). 2 people are nominated from the company. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag (in the hands of the host), put it in their mouths (swallowing is not allowed), and after each candy they call their opponent “thick-cheeked lip-slap”)) Who will stuff more candies into their mouths and at the same time say “ magic phrase”, he will win. I must say that the game takes place under the cheerful shouting and whooping of the audience, and the sounds made by the participants in the game lead the audience to complete delight!

Members since Christmas decorations go to the middle of the room (before that, you can hold a competition for the manufacture of this toy from improvised material). Everyone is blindfolded and each is twisted several times around its axis. The task of each is to go in the direction where, in his opinion, the tree is located and hang a toy on it. You can't roll. If the participant has chosen the wrong path, he is obliged to hang the toy on what he "bursts into".

The winner is the one who hangs the toy exactly on the Christmas tree and the one who finds the most original place for the toy (for example, the CEO's ear).

Frosty breath. Before each participant, a snowflake cut out of paper of a sufficiently large size is placed on the table. The task is to blow off your snowflake so that it falls from the opposite edge of the table. It is held until everyone has blown away their snowflakes. After the last snowflake falls, announce: “The winner was not the one who first blew off his snowflake, but the one who was the last, because. he has such frosty breath that his snowflake "froze" to the table.

Chief Accountant
On a large sheet of whatman paper, various banknotes are scattered around. They must be quickly counted, and the account must be kept as follows: one dollar, one ruble, one mark, two marks, two rubles, three marks, two dollars, etc. Whoever counts correctly, without getting lost, having reached the far banknote, is the winner.

Guests are reminded of the plots of famous Russian fairy tales and are invited to compose and tell new versions - in the genre of detective story, love story, tragedy, etc. The winner will be determined by the guests with the help of applause.

two oxen
A long rope is put on the participants of the competition like a team, and each of the two participants tries to “drag” the opponent behind him, in his direction. At the same time, everyone tries to reach the prize, which is located half a meter from each player.

The conditions are as follows - there are five eggs in the cassette. One of them is raw, warns the presenter. The rest are boiled. It is necessary to break the egg on the forehead. Whoever gets raw is the brave one. (But actually, the eggs are all boiled, and the prize is just the last participant - he consciously ran the risk of becoming a laughingstock.)

most attentive
2-3 people play. The host reads the text: “I will tell you a story in a dozen and a half phrases. As soon as I say the number three, take the prize immediately. Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, and not one, but as many as seven. “When you want to memorize poems, do not memorize them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once or twice at night, and preferably 10. “The hardened guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, don’t be cunning at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march!”. “Once I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours ...” (if they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it). “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it.”

sea ​​wolf
The game is played by two teams of two people. The host gives the task: “If there is a strong wind at sea, the sailors know one trick - they tie the ribbons of the peakless cap under the chin, thereby tightly fixing them on their heads. Peakless cap - one per team. Each player executes the command with one hand.

Players are invited to put on fins and look through binoculars with reverse side, follow the given route.

Pass the hat
All participants stand in two circles - internal and external. One player has a hat on his head, it needs to be put in its own circle, there is only one condition - to transfer the hat from head to head without touching it with your hands. The team in which the player number one is again in the hat wins.

break the pot
A pot is hung on a stake (you can put it on the ground or on the floor). The driver is blindfolded and given a stick. The task is to break the pot. To complicate the game, the driver can be "confusing": before giving a stick, circle around him several times.

Cheerful monkeys
The host says the words: “We are funny monkeys, we play too loudly. We clap our hands, we stomp our feet, we puff out our cheeks, we jump on toes and even show tongues to each other. Together we will jump to the ceiling, we will raise our finger to the temple. We stick out the ears, the ponytail at the top. We will open our mouths wider, we will make grimaces. As I say the number 3, all with grimaces - freeze. Players repeat everything after the leader.

baba yaga
Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a mortar, a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds a bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, it is necessary to go the whole distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.

Golden Key
The participants of the game will have to portray the scammers from the Golden Key fairy tale. Two couples are called. One in each pair is the fox Alice, the other is the cat Basilio. The one who is the Fox bends one leg at the knee and, holding it with his hand, together with the Cat, who is blindfolded, embracing, overcome the given distance. The first couple to “hobble” receives a “golden key” - a prize.

The participants of the game are invited to look at a set of jars of various sizes and shapes from a distance. You cannot take them in hand. Each player has a piece of cardboard, from which they must cut the lids so that they fit exactly into the holes of the cans. The winner is the one who has more lids exactly matched the holes of the cans.

For this contest, prepare some delicate dish - for example, jelly. The task of the participants is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks.

The task of the players of each team is to transfer oranges to a certain place as quickly as possible without the help of hands.

First, the contestants are invited to "discover" a new planet - inflate as quickly as possible Balloons, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants: quickly draw figures of men on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner!

Each team has one member. We need people who are good cooks. For a certain time, it is necessary to draw up a festive menu, the names of dishes in which begin with the letter "H". Then, one participant from the team will come to the table and will announce their list in turn. Whoever says the last word wins.

Make your neighbor laugh
A leader is chosen at random. His task is to perform such an action with a neighbor on the right so that one of those present laughs. For example, the host takes his neighbor by the nose. Everyone else around the circle should do the same. When the circle is closed, the host again takes the neighbor, now by the ear, knee, etc. Those who laughed drop out of the circle. The winner is the last remaining participant.

Broken phone
Simple but very fun game known since childhood. One of the guests quickly and indistinctly, in a whisper, says a word to the neighbor on the right. He, in turn, whispers what he heard to his neighbor in the same manner - and so on in a circle. The last participant stands up and loudly pronounces the word passed to him, and the one who started the game says his own. Sometimes the result exceeds all expectations. A variant of this game is “Associations”, that is, the neighbor does not repeat the word, but conveys an association with it, for example: winter is snow.

Table run with obstacles
For the game, you will need cocktail tubes, tennis balls (for lack of it, you can crumple napkins) according to the number of participants in the race.

Preparation: routes are prepared on the table according to the number of participants, i.e. they put glasses in a row at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other, their bottles are p. Players with a straw in their mouth and a ball are ready to start. At the signal of the leader, the participants must, blowing through the tube onto the ball, lead it along the entire distance, bending around oncoming objects. The first player to reach the finish line wins. The task can be complicated by inviting guests to blow on the ball with an enema or syringe.

The main thing is that the suit sits
To play, you will need a large box or bag (opaque), in which they are folded various items clothes: size 56 briefs, caps, size 10 bras, glasses with a nose, etc. funny things.

The host invites those present to update their wardrobe by pulling out some item from the box, on the condition that they do not remove it for the next half hour.

At the signal of the host, the guests pass the box to the music. As soon as the music has stopped, the player holding the box opens it and, without looking, takes out the first thing that comes across and puts it on. The view is amazing!

And in my pants...
Before the game, blanks are made (cutting newspaper headlines, and heading topics can be very diverse. For example: “Down and Feather”, “Competition Winner”, etc.).

The cutouts are placed in an envelope and run in a circle. Whoever accepts the envelope says loudly: “And in my pants ...”, then takes out a clipping from the envelope and reads it out. The resulting answers are sometimes very funny. The wittier the clippings, the more fun game.

Share your contest options in the comments.

All participants sit around the table, on sofas, etc. Each participant chooses a name from two syllables, with an emphasis on the first (for example, Katya, Sa-nya, Bird-ka, Ryb-ka). The leader (a person with a good sense of rhythm) sets the pace, everyone supports them by clapping their palms on the table, knees, etc. the initial pace is one clapping per second. The leader says his name twice, then twice the name of any other person (“Katya, Katya - Petya, Petya”) - one name for one clap. After that, the person whose name is called must also say his name twice, someone else's twice. The pace gradually increases. There should be no pauses; a name should be pronounced for each clap. If someone goes astray, then some cool nickname is assigned to him - Brake, Chukcha, Woodpecker - and after that he can no longer be called Petya, but only with a new name. For the third time, the wrong one is out of the game. It becomes more fun when the pace increases to just crazy, and all the participants have new interesting names.


"Improvisation"- this is team game in explaining and guessing words in unusual ways. One player from the team receives a card that contains a word or expression, as well as way, who should explain what is hidden on the card. The team has 1 minute to name what word or expression was thought of.

Ways to understand each other are as follows:

"Sign Language". The player uses only gestures, you can point to objects and their parts. You can not make sounds, show letters and numbers (if they are present in the task).

"In colors". The player draws a guess. You can not make sounds, use gestures, and write letters and numbers.

"Yes and no". The player can only answer "yes" or "no" to the questions that the team asks him. You may have 2 minutes to complete this task.

"In other words". The player can explain the riddle with any words, except for those indicated on the card and their cognates.

In addition, the game contains surprise cards "Improvisation" with various tasks:

· "Flow, song". It is necessary to explain which musicians are guessed on the card. For this it will be necessary sing something from their repertoire.

· "A Living Masterpiece". It is necessary to explain what kind of work of art is conceived. To do this, arrange assistants and objects in the same way as on the hidden masterpiece.

· "Blitz". In 1 minute you need to explain 10 words "in other words".

· "Winged words". Need gestures show " catchphrase" (proverb, saying, etc.).

· "A person". Need to be explained "in other words" what famous person or character is guessed.

· "Master's Hand". A famous work of art has been conceived, you need it draw.


At least 2 teams (optimally - 2-3).

· At least 2 players in each team (optimally - 3-5).

· Drawing supplies.

The rest can be found in the box with the board game "Improvisation".


Team task- to move your chip from the “Start” to the “Finish” faster than the opponents do. To be eligible to roll the die and make a move, the team must complete the task first. One player from the team must draw out a card and explain the word or expression made on it in the indicated way. The team must guess what is hidden on the card, and correctly name this word or expression.

1. Lay out the playing field. Put cards with tasks: on the cell in the center of the field - a stack of "Improvisation" cards, in each of the four cells in the sectors of the field - a stack of "thematic" cards.

2. Put the chips on the “Start” cell, prepare the hourglass and the cube.

3. Break into teams. Roll a die to determine which team goes first. Within the teams, agree on the order in which the players complete the tasks. Also agree on the tasks from which part of the card you will perform during this game - from white or from black.

4. At the "Start" the player of the first team takes a card from any "thematic" pile and chooses to complete any line with the task.

5. The method of explanation on the card is indicated next to the word or expression.

a. It is impossible to choose another way to explain a word or expression.

b. It is impossible to tell anyone about what is guessed on the card until the guessing is completed.

6. The player must explain to his team in 1 minute what word or expression is guessed on the card in the specified way. 2 minutes can be allotted to complete the “Yes” and “No” tasks.

7. Have the opponents turn the hourglass over. This is the signal to start the task.

8. The task is considered completed if the team managed to correctly name the hidden word or expression within the allotted time. In this case, the team rolls the die and moves their pawn the corresponding number of spaces forward.

9. If the team failed to give the correct answer, the chip remains in place, and the team waits for its turn to make another attempt.

10. Made a move (moved the chip) - rest. Your team must wait for their turn to complete the task.

11. Did the token land on the cell with the image of the explanation method? The player takes a "thematic" card from a pile located in the same sector of the field in which the chip is located. Then you need to find on the card that line of the task, which is indicated by the same icon as on the cell. Do it.

12. If the chip hits the cell, then the player takes the "Improvisation" card (in the center of the field) and completes the task indicated on it. Beforehand, the player must announce what type of task he got ("Blitz", "Person", "Flow, song", etc.). The reward for a successfully completed task is indicated on the card.


How to fine and for what, what bonuses to accrue to teams - you can agree on all this yourself. Here are just a few tips:

· If you are doing a task from a “thematic” card, pay attention to what is written on its “shirt”. This is a hint that will help the team get the right answer faster!

· If at the end of the time the team could not name what was guessed on the card, the opponents can offer one of their own guesses. If the opponents have named the correct answer, they can advance their chip 1 space forward.

o Attention! This rule does not apply to Improvisation cards!

· If a team is stuck on one square, it can use the penalty to get off it. For example:

o If the team cannot leave the square within 3 moves, it can move the piece one square back.

o If a team wants to move off a space early, they can roll the die and move the token back the appropriate number of spaces.


· Playing field;

· Rules of the game;

4 chips;

· Hourglass for 1 minute;

600 task cards:

o 200 Improvisation cards;

o 4 decks of "thematic" cards of 100 pieces each: "Nature", "Man and Woman", "History and Society" and "Action".

Ask in stores for additional sets of cards with new tasks and topics. Contact us if you want to propose your own tasks for the game "Improvisation"!

Happy cabbage!

Acting and game improvisation have a lot in common.

But given that in acting there is a text of the author and a ready-made plot, but this is not the case in improvisation, we need to decide on the rules of the game!

1. Acceptance

We must learn to unconditionally accept what our partner gives us.

He can assign a scene, roles, facts, whatever)

We must agree!

Block information that is not given.

For example, the partner said that you are the king - we accept

The partner said that you - the janitor - are accepting.

The partner appointed you a pebble - we accept, even if at the first moment everything rebelled and it is not clear what to do with it now)

BUT! This does not mean that the whole game is played by one person alone. Here we turn to the second law - initiative.

2. Initiative

After we have agreed with the partner, it's our turn! This is the chance to enter new fact, new circumstances and details.

The initiative belongs to the one who introduces new information.

There is one interesting point - the initiative cannot be transferred, it can only be taken.

If you do not act, do not take risks, do not offer anything to develop the story, then your destiny is to go with the flow for a partner (see rule 1)

When you are just starting to improvise, it is possible and even necessary to do this - in this way you learn to hear your partner better, understand him and respond adequately, but at 3-4 lessons with this practice you already need to tie up and actively join the game!

3. Take your samovar to the stage

No need to conceive a story in advance, before you get to the playground.

This is contrary to rule 1.

We are constantly repelled by a partner, from his answers, emotional reactions and actions. And they can be unpredictable.

And then your "samovar" will only interfere

Before reacting to reality, you will first have to scroll through your script inside, understand that it does not work, because the partner behaves differently, refuse it, and only then return to the game!

As you understand, this takes a huge amount of internal energy, adds doubts and indecision.

So let's remember - we do not carry a "samovar" with us to the stage!

4. Interest

This is probably the easiest rule of all :)

Its essence is that the game must be interesting!

And above all, it concerns the players themselves.

The game should be interesting to the players, and only under this condition it will be interesting to the viewer.

5. "Here and Now"

Key rule. Improvisation takes place only in the present, and our task is to BE in this present!

This rule also includes the "samovar" - no need to cling to the past, to what is prepared in advance, and acceptance, and initiative, and interest.

A little clarification: be interested in what is happening on the court in the game, and not in what is happening in the auditorium!

The task is not to entertain the audience, but to unwind yourself.

But! If the audience is active, reacting violently, then take it into circulation!

And again, be the attention on stage with a partner, otherwise there is a risk that you will quit the game and run to entertain the audience. And you are not clowns - you are Improvisers!

6. Conflict

Conflict gives the story movement forward, a reason for the game and the severity of the situation. A conflict-free existence on the set is uninteresting and always passive.

Conflict is a good place to start improvisation. Immediately put the question point-blank - yes or no, life or death. It is necessary to create a problem that the players will solve.

Each player must understand what his task is, what he wants, what to strive for and what he is ready to do for this.

This develops a conflict. Well, when there are two opposing opinions.

Don't be afraid to be silent. Mhatov pauses are a great way to think and find a solution. Acting exercises help us fill the gaps and not make them empty. During silence, act, play with objects, move around the space, in other words, live!

The game is not only words. These are actions, and emotional assessments of events, and pauses.

9. An end set in the beginning

Hold the main line of play. Remember, what started, it must be untied! Of course, you can go to the side (the so-called lyrical digressions), but the main direction should be clear. Otherwise, there is a risk of going into "nonsense", losing logic and getting confused.

10. Stop! Sample!

React unpredictably, but at the same time logically! Always look for new options. Go beyond the ordinary. Try, search, create and improvise!

And the most important rule: if the game allows it, then the rules can be broken!