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The first bathing of a newborn after discharge from the hospital is a whole event in which the whole family is often involved. A crowd of people crowd into a small room, everyone gives advice, and the baby completes the picture with crying. To make the procedure comfortable for all participants, you need to know its features.

Where and in what water to bathe the baby?

The first thing parents should decide is what to bathe the child in. Of course, a large bathtub is best. In a spacious container, the baby will be able to freely move his arms, legs and head. Thanks to this, he spends extra energy and falls asleep well. The lungs during such bathing straighten out, being cleansed of dust and dirt.

But we must not forget about the umbilical wound of the crumbs. It must be protected to prevent infection. Therefore, boiled water should be used, because one cannot be sure of the cleanliness of tap water. It is difficult to heat enough water for a large bathtub, so you should not refuse a baby bath. It's much easier to fill it up. It is easy to wash as it is not intended for the whole family. She will also help out when the water is turned off.

When should you start bathing your baby?

Parents are probably wondering when to bathe a newborn. It is recommended to do this immediately after returning from the hospital. There is no need to wait until the umbilical cord with a clothespin falls off or the baby's navel is completely healed. It is necessary to postpone the procedure until tomorrow only if the BCG vaccination was given on the day of discharge.

Bathing time does not matter. But traditionally it is held in the evening so that the baby relaxes before a night's sleep. In the future, it is desirable to carry out water procedures at the same time. If the baby after them comes into an excited state, then it is worth moving them to an earlier time. Perhaps even in the morning.

What do you need for swimming?

Bathing should begin with the preparation of everything you need.

  1. Preheat the water so it has time to cool down. It is convenient if you do it in the morning, using a large container. By the evening it will be cold, but that's okay: the kettle will boil quickly to dilute it.
  2. Get a towel, diaper, clothes, diapers.
  3. Stock up on means for treating the navel: hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, cotton swabs.

It is important to remember what the water temperature should be: about 37 degrees. Determine it using a special thermometer. When it is not at hand, then you need to try the water with your elbow - the skin on it is more sensitive than on the palm of your hand. If he is comfortable, then you can lower the baby. Even if hardening is in the plans, you should not rush. After a while, it will gradually be necessary to lower the temperature to 28-30 degrees.

It is not recommended to add anything to the water. Representatives of the older generation are often advised to use potassium permanganate. But it will not give a special disinfecting effect, but it is able to dry the delicate skin of the baby. It is allowed to use herbal infusions, but not more than once a week.

When bathing in the bathroom, do not close the door completely. Then there will be no big difference in temperature and humidity.

In what room the first bathing of a newborn at home will take place does not matter. Someone is more comfortable in the kitchen: the bath can be arranged on the kitchen table, so you don’t have to bend over it. With the included stove, it is easy to achieve a comfortable air temperature. But the bathroom is just as good. To save your back, the container should be placed on a stand or a pair of ordinary stools.

How to carry out the procedure?

After the bath is installed, the temperature is checked, everything you need is at hand, it's time to start. It is necessary to lower the child into the water very carefully. His head and shoulders are placed on one arm, and the other is supported by the ass and legs. You can use a stand to keep your child's head above the water. Or just hold it in your hand. For the first procedure, 5 minutes is enough, in the future, the time can be increased.

After returning from the hospital, you need to wash the baby with baby soap to remove the birth lubricant. Then it is enough to use the detergent once a week. You should not do this more often: the baby's skin may lose its protective properties. Since the baby lies on the left hand, it can be gently lathered with the right hand. To wash the back, it must be turned over. All folds should be wiped, including behind the ears.

Grandmothers can advise the old method - using a diaper. The first bathing of the baby goes like this: the child is wrapped in it and in this form is immersed in water. Due to the fact that it is wrapped in fabric, the baby feels more protected, as if in the mother's belly. Therefore, it is easier for him to transfer the procedure. Another option is not to fill the bath with water immediately, but to water the baby. This will help to relax, he may even fall asleep. To wash it, it is easy to gradually unfold the diaper.

Skin care

Having finished bathing, the newborn is wrapped in a terry towel. Do not rub delicate skin, it should be gently blotted. Then you need to process the folds. To do this, apply oil on a cotton pad and wipe the right places. You should not use it for all skin without indications: a healthy baby needs natural moisturizing. If the oil causes an allergic reaction, then it can be replaced with powder.

The navel also needs care. First you need to drop a little hydrogen peroxide, then remove the excess with a cotton swab. Then apply a small amount of greenery. When it dries a little - it's time to dress the child. What exactly - depends only on the preferences of the parents and on the temperature in the house. It can be a one-piece jumpsuit, a vest and sliders. The main thing is that things should be soft, made of natural fabrics and not put pressure on the umbilical wound. To swaddle or not, mom and dad also decide. It is advisable to wear a cap on wet hair. If it is warm, then a thin cotton one is enough.

In order for bathing to become a pleasant daily routine, a good attitude is important. It's great if the baby's dad will help from the very first days of his life. Do not be upset if the baby cries in the bathroom. Too many new things happen to him after a quiet 9 months, especially since he was just brought from the hospital. In this case, you should check the temperature of the water - it may be too hot or cold. Or try bathing him by wrapping him in a diaper. You can also reschedule the procedure for another time, suddenly the baby is hungry. Later, the baby will get used to it and will definitely love to splash.

Most often, parents are concerned about the question of how to bathe a newborn for the first time, what temperature should the water be, how to properly hold the child?

Many young parents experience anxiety when they first find themselves with a newborn one on one, without the supervision of doctors. Feeding and hygiene issues during this period are a priority. Most often, parents are concerned about the question of how to bathe a newborn baby for the first time? It's scary to do something wrong, to harm the baby. What should the water temperature be? How to hold the baby correctly, will it slip out of your hands? What to do first - feed or bathe? How often should you bathe a newborn?

No need to worry. After the first independently performed bathing procedure, everything will fall into place, self-confidence will appear. Memories of your doubts about how to bathe your baby will bring a smile.

Preparation for the water procedure

What do you need for the first swim? The list is not very big:

  • children's plastic bath, with or without a special "hill";
  • manganese solution;
  • special water thermometer;
  • clean bucket;
  • large soft towel made of natural fabric;
  • set of clean clothes;
  • diaper;
  • care products (soap, powder, scissors for babies, cotton wool).

The first step is to prepare the bath. It must be thoroughly washed with a separate brush with soap and rinsed with clean water. You can install the bath on a large kitchen table or in an adult bath. The table is convenient in that you don’t have to bend down, your back won’t get tired.

bathing water

In what water to bathe a newborn? The ideal temperature is 37 degrees. This is where a water thermometer comes in handy. There is also a "grandmother's" method to check the water temperature without a special device. You can dip your elbow into the water. If the skin feels a pleasant warmth, the child will feel the same.

Before the umbilical wound heals, the child should be bathed in light pink manganese water. It is impossible to throw manganese into the bath: its grains can burn infant skin. Yes, and it will be much easier to choose the correct concentration of the solution in a separate container. Therefore, manganese must be dissolved in a small amount of water and stored in a separate jar, pouring the solution into the bath before bathing.

Bathing is the first step to hardening the crumbs. In the first days, 36-37 degrees is enough. However, after the navel has healed, you can gradually lower the temperature - no more than one degree every five days. How to bathe a child if the umbilical wound has not yet healed? Exactly the same as with a completely closed navel. Water will not hurt, but after bathing, the wound must be treated with brilliant green or a concentrated solution of manganese. This will speed up the healing.

Where to get water from? To protect the child from infection, many pediatricians recommend using boiled water or purified bottled water for the first bathing procedures. However, others advise not to take too much care of the child. Acquaintance with viruses and bacteria is inevitable, and the immunity of a breastfed baby is so strong that it can easily cope with them. However, if water purification in a particular city is unsatisfactory, then, of course, you need to play it safe and boil it.

bathing procedure

The most exciting moment is the first dive. How to bathe a newborn baby for the first time at home? Undress him, wrap him in a diaper and transfer him to the room where the procedure will take place. The bath should be in a warm room so as not to catch a cold for the baby.

It is good if the father of the child, grandmother, girlfriend will help the mother for the first time. It won't be so scary. The baby should be laid and held with the left hand as follows: the head is on the elbow, the fingers are squeezing the left handle. In this position, the baby will not slip out in any way. But in no case should you leave it on the "hill" unattended. The child can roll over, slip off it.

Lowering the baby into the water should be done carefully, saying kind words and not betraying your anxiety. The mother's fear can be transmitted to the baby, and he will burst into tears, which will not add calmness to the mother. The patronage nurse should tell you in detail how to properly bathe a newborn for the first time. You can also ask her to show you how to hold the baby.

It is impossible to use solid bar soap - its composition is too aggressive for infant skin. Therefore, you should buy baby liquid soap and wash the baby with soapy foam. Having dipped the baby in water and washed off the foam in the bath, pour clean water over him from the ladle.

If water gets into your ears, no problem. It is necessary to wet the ear hole with a ball of cotton wool. After wrapping your baby in a towel, take him to the changing table, dry him off and dress him for a night's sleep.

Bath time and frequency

For the first time, the bathing time should not be more than three minutes. The water in the bath cools quickly, and the baby can catch a cold. If the child is cold, it is immediately evident from him: the fists are compressed, the skin in the region of the nasolabial triangle has turned blue. It is urgent to stop water procedures.

How often should you bathe a newborn baby? Once a day is enough. Swimming is not allowed. In extreme cases, the baby should be wiped with a soft cloth dipped in warm water. If the baby is dirty, it must be washed under a tap with warm water.

You should always bathe at the same time. Daily rituals help develop a routine, soothe the child. It is best to do this before bed at night before feeding. Bathing is a lot of work for a newborn, he will get tired and at the same time enjoy, calm down. It remains only to feed the baby, and he will easily, soundly fall asleep.

However, there are children who, on the contrary, get overexcited from bathing. If the bath excessively tones the newborn, then you need to bathe him not at bedtime, but in the morning. If the procedure is carried out after feeding, then an hour should pass between the meal and the bath.

Daily water procedures have a positive effect on nervous system newborn, and gives both him and his parents joy.

How to bathe a newborn baby for the first time? This issue worries young parents no less than the rules of breastfeeding and caring for the baby.

The baby seems so fragile, and often parents are afraid not to harm the newborn during water procedures. Useful tips and detailed instructions will help to properly carry out such a responsible event as the first bath.

Why regular hygiene is important

Be sure to bathe the baby, do not skip water procedures. The exception is the period of infectious / colds, accompanied by high fever and profuse rashes.

Five reasons why regular bathing is beneficial:

  • hygiene of the body and genital organs of the newborn;
  • maintaining the purity of skin folds, in which sweat often accumulates, pathogenic microorganisms develop;
  • hardening effect;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system: after bathing, most newborns calm down, sleep well;
  • additional communication with parents, establishing emotional contact.

In addition, most kids love to swim. The procedure is not only useful, but also pleasant. Positive emotions are an important part of the development of the crumbs.

How to prepare for your first swim

Immediately after the birth of the child, pleasant chores begin. Many adhere to the rule that “you don’t need to buy anything until the baby is born.” In 3-4 days, you will have to bring home a lot of useful devices, without which full-fledged care for the baby is impossible.

What to buy

The first thing you need is a bath. Fortunately, there are no problems with buying a device for water procedures now. Pediatricians are advised to choose a bath made of high-quality plastic, preferably anatomically shaped. The “slide” that supports the baby will help you easily cope with bathing the crumbs alone.

Prepare other items and things for a comfortable bathing of the newborn:

  • thermometer. Optimum temperature is a prerequisite for water procedures;
  • diapers, a large soft towel to wrap the baby after bathing;
  • compositions for the care of delicate skin;
  • ladle. You need to pour clean water into it to rinse the child after bathing;
  • later, buy a rubber ring, a brightly colored plastic or rubber toy that will float in the tub.

Water and air temperature

At what temperature are newborns bathed? Optimal performance:

  • air in the room. Not lower than +24 degrees, but you should not arrange a “steam room” either. Heat is as harmful to the tiny organism as is low temperature;
  • bath water. The first time - 37 degrees. Gradually reduce the indicators by 1-2 degrees.

Advice! Before the first bath, be sure to measure the temperature of the water in the tub. During the procedure, monitor the reaction of the newborn. If goosebumps appear on the skin, immediately add warm water. When overheated, the baby blushes, cries, wrinkles his face: immediately add cool water.

Duration of the procedure

It is important to know the measure. The baby should not be in the water for long, the first bath is short: no more than 7-8 minutes. Increase the duration of the procedure every week.

Times of Day

When to bathe a newborn: in the afternoon or in the evening? Many parents choose a time before the evening feeding. Warm water has a relaxing effect, after water procedures the baby quickly falls asleep, the sleep is long, calm. The child quickly gets used to the regime, remembers that if he is carried to bathe, then soon he will sleep.

The second option is swimming during the day. Refuse evening water procedures if the water has an exciting effect on the child (sometimes this option is also possible). After the procedure, the baby cannot fall asleep for a long time, shows increased activity. Daytime bathing will provide the necessary level of hygiene, save you from long bedtimes in the evening.

Bathe your baby at the same time. The baby will quickly get used to the regime, it will be better to sleep.

Take note:

  • a couple of weeks after birth, add a decoction of string, hop cones, pine needles or juniper twigs to the bath;
  • wait until the umbilical wound is completely healed, and feel free to bathe the baby in an herbal bath. Strain the decoction well so that no twigs or leaves remain;
  • for a medium-sized bath, in which children are usually bathed, 500 ml of healing liquid is enough;
  • do not break the proportions: a saturated broth sometimes causes allergies. When in a strong solution of a string, delicate skin may dry out slightly;
  • perform procedures with soothing herbs three times a week for a quarter of an hour (start with 10 minutes).

How often to carry out water procedures

How often are newborn babies bathed? Water procedures should become a daily ritual. Don't skip swimming: the skin of the baby in the first days and weeks of life is poorly protected from infection. Sweat, dust, residual secretions provoke diaper rash in newborns, dermatitis, prickly heat.

In case of illness, be sure to check with the pediatrician how often you can bathe the baby, or while it is better to limit yourself to a thorough toilet of the face, folds, and genitals. With some infectious diseases (streptoderma, chickenpox) during the period of exacerbation, at the stage of active rashes, water procedures are prohibited.

How to properly bathe a newborn

For the first time, it is advisable to carry out water procedures together. Call for help dad, grandmother, other relatives. It is convenient when one person holds the crumbs, and the other pours water, rinses the tiny body. Bathing is not only hygiene, but also acquaintance with the newborn, pleasant family communication.

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  • check the water temperature, the availability of all items for the procedure;
  • undress the baby, before immersing in the bath, hold the small body correctly;
  • put your head on your wrist, gently but firmly support the baby with the same hand near the armpits;
  • With the other hand, be sure to hold the tiny legs;
  • gently immerse the baby in the bath, remove your hand from your feet, but be sure to raise your head above the water;
  • gently wipe the face, then wash the body from the neck to the feet. Rinse the area between the fingers well;
  • gently wash your hair, make sure not to press down the fontanel area;
  • For boys, rinse the genital area well by pulling back the foreskin, but do not rub hard, otherwise the delicate tissue will become irritated. Wash the genital area in girls only from front to back, carefully treat the perineal area. Be sure to wash your baby before bathing;
  • in a good mood, the crumbs easily “swipe” the little body from one edge of the bath to the other: many children like the gentle pressure of water;
  • at the end of the procedure, pour water over the child from a ladle, immediately wrap it in a diaper, then in a towel;
  • transfer the baby to the bed or changing table, thoroughly blot the whole body. Special attention give to the folds. Lightly powder the buttocks, armpits, inguinal folds to prevent prickly heat;
  • blot water droplets well in the umbilical wound area. Make sure that the "clothespin" does not fall off. Treat a dry surface with 3% hydrogen peroxide, then green paint. Many pediatricians recommend an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt at a concentration of 1%. The composition will be selected by your pediatrician. Regular care will prevent infection, speed up the healing of this area.

For the first bath gel or baby soap do not use: just enough water at the right temperature. A washcloth is also not useful.

Listen to the opinion of pediatricians and experienced parents:

  • for the first water procedures, herbal decoctions, potassium permanganate will not be needed;
  • if before bathing the newborn goes to the toilet, be sure to wash the baby, remove the remnants of feces and urine. Do not break this rule, bathe the child in clean water;
  • during evening hygiene procedures, create a calm environment, do not allow active games. The bath will not have a calming, but an exciting effect, the baby will not sleep well;
  • when bathing, remember that at first it is important to support the newborn's head until the neck muscles are strong. Never take the child out of the bath only by the handles, make sure that the head does not “fall” back;
  • after healing of the umbilical wound, refuse boiled water. Add a weak decoction of chamomile or a string with a mild anti-inflammatory effect;
  • wipe thoroughly, then powder the folds of the newborn after water procedures: bacteria actively multiply in a humid environment.

Prepare for the first bath of a newborn, buy all the accessories, choose a comfortable bath. You already have information on how to properly bathe a baby. Re-read the tips, act carefully, and the baby will certainly fall in love with water procedures.

Video: how to bathe a newborn and helpful tips new parents:

The first bath of a child is a real event in a young family. It requires thorough preparation and the correct sequence of actions of parents. As a rule, a lot of questions arise: Is it necessary to add something to the water? What is better bath or small bath? What time to bathe and when to start? What should the water temperature be? Should you boil water? In fact, bathing a newborn baby for the first time at home is not so difficult. Very soon this procedure will become habitual.

When can I bathe a newborn after the hospital? The first time you can bathe a newborn as soon as the umbilical wound heals. Of course, you can bathe the baby on the first day after discharge, but with the presence of an open wound on the body of the baby, the procedure and preparation itself are somewhat complicated. Pediatricians advise not to rush and wait until the navel is completely healed. So the risk of contracting any infection will be completely eliminated, and you can safely start water procedures with the baby.

What to prepare for your baby's first bath

Usually, all bath accessories are bought even before the birth of the crumbs, but if something has not been bought yet, then there is time to purchase it before the umbilical wound heals.

List of required items:

  • Small bath. If the family lives in a house where there is no large bath, then a plastic bath is an indispensable thing. In the case of living in a comfortable apartment, you can get by with a large bathroom. But for the first month it is better to bathe the child in a small bath, as the baby may be afraid of large volumes of water, and bathing will not bring him joy. It is best to immediately purchase accessories such as a hammock or a swimming slide (often baths already come with a slide). These gizmos will free mom's hands and make the process much easier.
  • Thermometer. The simplest plastic thermometer will do. It is needed only for the first time, so as not to make a mistake with the water temperature. Then mommy will be able to focus on her feelings, tasting the water with her hand.
  • Towel or diaper. Towel or diaper must be 100% cotton; this is important, since such material will definitely not cause allergies and will absorb moisture well. It is better to choose a large size so that it is possible to wrap the baby completely. In order not to make a mistake when buying, it is better to purchase a special towel for children, they can often be found in children's goods stores.

The circle on the neck can be used from the first bath. But this must be done in a large bath. This accessory allows the baby to actively move in the water, swim, which adds an element to the procedure. physical development. However, whether to use it or not is up to the parents.

For the first bath, these things are enough. Will come in handy later on:

  • Baby bath products (soap, shampoo, bath foam).
  • rubber toys.
  • Soft baby washcloth.
  • Bathing circle around the neck (you can use a special swimming cap, these things look different, but the result is the same).

Immediately after the first bath, you will need the following things:

  • Cotton swabs (it is best to take with a limiter).
  • Diaper.
  • Cream or powder under the diaper. This baby cosmetics should be used only if necessary, if the skin has diaper rash.
  • Clothes for a child.
  • Zelenka and peroxide for wound treatment. If the wound has already healed, then these funds will not be needed.

How to choose the time for the first bath

When choosing a time for water procedures, it must be taken into account that it is better to bathe a child every day at the same time. This will be one of the important points in accustoming the baby to the regimen.

Pediatricians advise to carry out water procedures immediately before the last evening feeding, before laying the baby on night sleep. This is due to the fact that after bathing and eating, the baby gets tired, as a result of which he sleeps much stronger and longer at night. Such a dream is a big plus for the whole family, as it allows you to fully relax after a hard day without getting up to the baby's bed.

However, all children are different, so you need to focus on the baby. Some babies like to bathe in the afternoon or in the morning. If the baby is constantly naughty during the evening bath, then you can try changing the time of the procedure.

There is one important rule - you can not bathe a child on a full stomach. It is necessary to wait at least an hour after feeding, but it is also not necessary to wait until the child is very hungry. Water procedures take a lot of strength from the crumbs. After them, he is guaranteed to want to eat. To prevent this from happening during bathing and not have to interrupt the process, you need to guess the time somewhere in the middle between feedings.

At what water temperature can a child bathe

It is necessary to bathe the baby in water, the temperature of which is not higher and not lower than 36.5-37 ° C. This is the most comfortable environment for the child. If the water is colder or hotter, then the baby may be afraid of a sharp change in temperature.

Even in the case when there is no thermometer, mom can easily determine a comfortable temperature by dipping her elbow into the water. If the water is approximately equal to body temperature, then you can safely bathe the baby.

Many pediatricians advise to gradually reduce the temperature of the water in the bath by a few degrees (up to about 34-33 ° C) in order to introduce an element of hardening into the procedure. Yes, it will benefit the child, but it must be done carefully over several months. Sudden temperature fluctuations will only harm and bring discomfort to the child. Of course, in the first bath, the water temperature should be approximately equal to normal body temperature - 36.5-37 ° C.

Do I need to boil water for bathing?

Most grandmothers believe that water must be boiled to bathe a newborn and they impose this opinion on young mothers.

If water procedures are carried out for a baby with an already healed navel, then there is absolutely no need for boiling. Regular tap water is fine. Even if a child accidentally swallows some water, nothing bad will happen. Newborn babies are much tougher than most adults think. Therefore, you do not need to bother yourself with useless boiling.

The procedure of boiling water makes sense only when we are talking about bathing children with an unhealed umbilical wound. This can significantly reduce the risk of infection.

Do I need to add something to the water

There is an opinion among mothers and grandmothers that something must be added to the bathing water. Most often we are talking about a solution of potassium permanganate and various herbs.

You definitely don’t need to add potassium permanganate: this is a relic of the past! Even a weak solution of this substance can adversely affect the baby, cause burns to the skin or mucous membranes if water accidentally gets into the mouth or eyes of the crumbs. Previously, potassium permanganate was added to disinfect the water, since the quality of the water was very poor. Today, tap water meets the standards, it is impossible to poison it. The need for potassium permanganate has completely disappeared.

Herbal infusions for bathing a child are quite acceptable. You can use herbs such as:

  • Series.
  • Chamomile.
  • Nettle.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Calendula.
  • Motherwort.
  • Lavender.
  • Oak bark.

These herbs help get rid of diaper rash, soothe the baby, improve sleep. However, first it is better to make sure that the child is not prone to allergic reactions, since herbs often cause various rashes, redness and swelling.

You need to buy and brew only natural herbs. In stores, you can also buy ready-made infusions to add to the bath, but they can contain a lot of unnecessary chemicals.

In the first bath of the baby, it is best to do with plain clean water. Nothing needs to be added. Various supplements, their dose and frequency of use must first be agreed with the pediatrician!

How to bathe a newborn for the first time

In order for the first bath to go smoothly, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • The duration of the first bath should not be very long - 5-10 minutes is enough. If the baby cries, then the procedure must be completed immediately, even if only a few minutes have passed. Soon the baby will get used to the water, and the process will bring pleasure.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the temperature in the bathroom or the room where the baby bathes does not differ from the temperature of the nursery. No need to specially heat the room: it only harms! A sharp change in temperature adversely affects the health of the crumbs. It is enough just to exclude drafts.
  • You can not leave the baby in the water alone even for a fraction of a minute, even if he is in a small bath and lies on a slide or in a hammock! One of the adults should always be there!
  • It is not necessary to use soap in the first bath. In general, soap should not be used too often, as it dries out the skin of the newborn. Once a week is enough. In this case, the soap should be special for children, preferably liquid. Homemade soap and soap for adults, even the mildest, will not work!
  • No need to use a diaper while bathing - this is yesterday. Previously, it was used so that the child would not freeze while bathing. There is absolutely no need for this. With the right temperature of water and air, the child will not freeze! This accessory will only interfere and hamper the movements of the baby.
  • It is better to place the bath on an elevation (a table or a special stand) so that the back of the bathing adult does not get tired.
  • No need to be afraid that water droplets fall into the mouth and nose of the crumbs. It is necessary to encourage the active movement of the child. Then excess water can be carefully removed with a cotton swab.
  • During the procedure, you need to support the child in the water by the back of the head, not allowing the child's head to sink into the water.
  • When bathing, you need to gently wash each part of the baby's body with water, not forgetting the genitals. The boy can be washed as you like. The girl is washed from front to back - this is important to remember, because otherwise the risk of genitourinary infections increases greatly.
  • After bathing, the baby should be wrapped in a towel, allowed to dry and proceed with the treatment of the navel and diaper rash (if necessary) and dressing. It is good to do a light massage immediately after bathing.

Folk omens

In Slavic culture, many signs and beliefs are associated with the first bathing of a baby:

  • If a girl is dressed in a white shirt while bathing, then her skin will always remain white and beautiful.
  • So that everyone loves the child and he grows beautiful, a decoction of lovage grass is added to the bath.
  • For the first time, only a father or mother can bathe a child without anyone's help: this is a powerful amulet against the evil eye and damage.
  • For good lactation, a little breast milk is added to the water during the first bath.
  • Water from the bath must be poured immediately after the procedure. Parents should do this, not allowing anyone to touch her: this will also protect the baby from the evil eye.
  • You can put coins at the bottom of the bath: this will bring wealth to the child in the future.
  • In order for the boy to continue the birth, a wedding ring is placed at the bottom of the bath. And for the mind and diligence, you need to put a book (Bible) and a hammer under the bath.
  • In order for the girl to grow up as a good housewife, you need to put a needle, spindle, sickle and comb under the bath.
  • For the health of the child, 9 grains of zhit are thrown into the water.

Of course, to believe in signs or not is the decision of everyone. But why not use the wisdom accumulated over the centuries.

The first bath is one of the most memorable events in the life of a family. It only seems that everything is very complicated, in fact, the procedure is simple and pleasant. The main thing is not to forget about common sense and not complicate the task.

The appearance of a new member in the family is a huge event, very joyful and significant. But along with tenderness, love and happiness, many new worries and responsibilities come to the house. And young parents have to re-learn, especially if the baby is the first. How to feed your baby, how to breastfeed, how to deal with diaper rash and find the right diapers. Among all these gaps, the issue of bathing remains particularly acute. After all, a child in the first days of life seems so fragile and defenseless that many mothers are literally afraid to take the baby in their arms, to say nothing of such complex manipulations as water procedures. Here grandmothers come to the rescue - more experienced "mothers". In this article, you will learn about the benefits of water procedures, you will be able to prepare all the necessary accessories for bathing, and also get acquainted with the safe bathing technique for a newborn baby.

The benefits of water procedures

Even our grandmothers believed that with frequent bathing, the child grows better. There is some truth in this, because the enveloping property of water provides a gentle massage and impact on all skin integuments, thereby increasing blood circulation. Everyone knows that bathing is very important for a child, it is not only a necessary part of hygiene procedures, but also an invaluable contribution to the health of the crumbs.

Bathing is the protection of the child's skin from various microorganisms, bacteria, dirt, sweat, urine, cosmetic powders and creams. We may not notice this, but a lot of foreign substances accumulate on the baby's skin, the baby's delicate epidermis is sensitive to any pathogens. This leads to diaper rash and anxiety.

Water procedures incredibly soothe the baby. Water gently massages the joints and muscles, it is easier for the baby to move in the water, to control the arms and legs. You probably know how children sleep after a massage - deep and long. The same effect can be achieved with the help of baths.

In the future, water procedures will help you cope with the hyperactivity of the child. The baby in the water moves especially intensively, spends energy, sleeps better. If you add a couple of drops of coniferous oil to the water, the child will quickly fall asleep and sleep for at least three to four hours until he is completely hungry.

Some mothers from the first days of life put on an inflatable ring around the child's neck, which allows you to keep the crumbs head on the surface. Firstly, it is convenient for the mother - she does not have to hold the child while bending over in her back during the entire bath. Secondly, it gives incredible freedom of action - the baby will be able to actively move himself, this trains his muscles and joints. Thirdly, the child finds himself in a familiar aquatic environment, it pacifies him.

If you add decoctions of herbs to the water, for example, a series, you can cope with a rash of any nature - diaper rash, diathesis, prickly heat, urticaria, etc. A decoction of a string perfectly heals, relieves inflammation and itching, and dries.

In Russia, they believed that the first bath must be carried out by the mother or father, not allowing anyone to touch the water in which the child was bathed. It was believed that in this way the parents protected the baby from the evil eye and damage. For the same reason, water after the first bath was poured under a large tree in the garden.

What to prepare for bathing a newborn

In order not to run after the necessary items during water procedures, you need to prepare in advance everything that you may need during and after bathing.

  1. Bath. Today on sale there are many different trays with a variety of built-in functions. Baths with a slide are very popular, which allow you to hold the child with one hand, this is very convenient if the mother does not have helpers, and she is forced to bathe the child alone. Choose bathtubs with a grooved bottom so that the baby does not slip off. Carefully feel the inner surface of the product so that there are no chips, cracks, sharp areas. Before the first use, be sure to clean the bath with detergent, disinfect the surface with boiling water or an antiseptic.
  2. Soap. Ordinary baby soap is suitable for bathing, but remember that you should not abuse it. The fact is that even the most gentle soap dries the skin of the child, washes away the natural protective layer from the skin. It is worth using soap no more than twice a week, the rest of the time it is enough to bathe in clean water. Remember that it is impossible to wash the genitals of girls with soap - this violates the natural environment of the mucosa, and can cause synechia. If you are bathing your baby for the very first time, do it without soap.
  3. Towel. Usually, a lot of new towels, diapers and other textile accessories are bought for the birth of a baby. But all new things are quite hard and rough until they go through a few washes. Therefore, often an old sheet or a washed diaper is suitable for wiping the delicate skin of a baby. But remember that the thing must be carefully ironed (the high temperature of the steam kills germs). For the skin of a child, we choose only natural fabrics - linen, cotton, etc.
  4. Ladle. A small bucket may be needed to rinse with clean water after bathing.
  5. Thermometer. At first, do not rely on your own feelings. It is very important to make a comfortable temperature for the child, otherwise the baby may develop a persistent unpleasant association with water. It depends on you whether the child will love bathing or will be afraid of water all his life.

No washcloths and sponges for bathing a newborn! Mom's touch is best for the baby now. And toys are not needed for the first bath either - the baby still does not understand anything, only smells and tactile sensations are important for him.

In addition, it is imperative to prepare in advance everything that you may need after bathing - clean clothes, a diaper, diaper powder or cream, cotton swabs and pads, antiseptics for treating a wound, etc.

Doctors recommend to carry out water procedures just before going to bed, namely, before the last feeding. Indeed, this mode is suitable for many children - the baby bathes, eats and goes to bed for a long time. But sometimes mothers have to vary this moment - some newborn babies "dirty the diaper" during or after eating, the baby has to be washed again. In this case, you need to bathe the child after eating, preferably after an hour. Try not to bathe your baby on a full stomach - this will bring him discomfort, besides, it increases the risk of spitting up. If the time for swimming has already been chosen, it is worth going directly to the procedure.

  1. The question remains whether it is worth boiling water for bathing. On the one hand, the baby is still too small, and on the other hand, we cannot raise a child in a sterile environment. So, the answer is simple - boil water until the baby's navel heals. When this vital artery closes, and the risk of infection decreases dramatically, the water can not be boiled.
  2. You should not heat the air in the room too much, especially you should not make a sharp temperature difference between the bathroom and the nursery. Normal room temperature of 24-26 degrees will do. Do not rush to immediately carry the child into the water. Undress the baby, give him the opportunity to take air baths for 3-5 minutes, this is very beneficial for the skin and for the body. At this time, you can give the crumbs of the lungs a massage - circular stroking and rubbing the arms and legs, the abdomen clockwise. Laying the baby on his stomach is also very useful.
  3. In the first days of bathing, until the umbilical wound heals, potassium permanganate, potassium permanganate, can be dissolved in water. However, be careful, dissolve the powder in a small amount of water, then strain the solution and only then pour it into a common bath. The fact is that in the liquid there may be undissolved particles of potassium permanganate, which, if they get on the skin, can cause a microscopic burn. The water in the bath should turn out a little pink.
  4. In the first bath, it is better not to add any decoctions, salts, nothing but potassium permanganate to the bath. If your baby develops an irritation or allergy, you won't know the cause. Over time, when bathing becomes habitual, you can add decoctions of string, chamomile to the water. It is very useful to add sea salt to the water. But all this later, not in the first bath!
  5. So that parents do not have to bend over the bath, for convenience, they put it on chairs or even transfer it to the room. This greatly simplifies the process.
  6. So, everything is ready for the procedure. Older generations bathed children by dipping them into the water right in the diaper. Modern pediatricians do not see the need for this. However, for greater confidence, you can do just that - lower the baby into the water wrapped in a diaper. This will protect the baby from fear, from a sharp change environment. Lower the baby into the water gradually, starting with the legs. You can slowly pour water over the baby from your hands, while stroking and soothing him. Most children enjoy bathing for the first time, but there are kids who are scared. That is why the mother must constantly touch the child, show her presence, and soothe with her voice.
  7. After you completely lower the baby into the water, keeping his head on the surface, give the baby some time to get used to the aquatic environment. Then you can slowly open the diaper. It is immediately removed or left at the bottom of the bath so that the body does not slip. The baby should be held like this - the mother holds the child perpendicular to her body, one hand holds the far shoulder, the child's head lies on the mother's wrist. Thus, the mother has one free hand for all manipulations. However, it is better to spend the first bath with assistants, especially if the mother is inexperienced.
  8. Washing a baby is a responsible event, but the first bath is just an introduction to the procedure. If the baby cries, stop bathing, it may be worth repeating the “swim” the next day. In the subsequent washing of the child will consist of several stages. When the baby gets used to the water, you need to moisten a cotton pad in some water, wipe the child's eyes with it. Then the ears are wiped with a new clean disk - only the shells. Next, wash the baby's head with baby soap or a special shampoo for newborns. Thoroughly wash with soap or water all the folds of the crumbs - inguinal, axillary, gluteal, cervical area. Remember the most important rule for bathing babies - NEVER LEAVE YOUR CHILD ALONE! Even if he is on a hill, you cannot leave even for a minute - this is deadly.
  9. In conclusion, be sure to rinse the baby with clean, pre-prepared water. If you want to introduce hardening elements into hygiene from early childhood, the water prepared for rinsing should be a couple of degrees lower.
  10. At the end, the child is wrapped in a prepared diaper or towel, taken out to the children's room for further activities.

After you bathe the baby, you need to dry him thoroughly. Do not rub the skin too hard, it is still very delicate, you just need to blot it with a towel. Then put on a diaper and clean clothes. Cream, powder or oil under the diaper is applied only if necessary, if there is diaper rash, this should not be done for prevention. In no case do not use cotton swabs to clean your ears - this way you only tamp the wax in the ear canal and push it back. It is enough just to wipe the ears with a corner of the towel. Then the baby needs to be fed hearty and put to bed. After such procedures, the child will sleep soundly and for a long time.

Features of bathing a girl and a boy

In hygiene procedures, the gender of the child should also be taken into account. It is a little easier to bathe a boy, because his genitals exclude the ingress of external water and bacteria into them. The only thing I want to note for the mothers of boys is that in no case should the foreskin be moved. Over time, she will move herself, and the head will open, you should not do it yourself. If inflammation has formed under the flesh, consult a doctor, as a first aid, you can lower the baby's penis into a solution of potassium permanganate.

Girls are a little more difficult to bathe, as there is a high risk of germs and fecal particles entering the vagina. To avoid this, the girl needs to be washed in exactly one direction - from the vagina to the anus. This will protect against many urinary tract infections. When bathing a girl after a bowel movement, you must first rinse the ass under a stream of clean water and only then lower it into a common bath. Some mothers with concern find a whitish coating on the mucous membrane of the labia. No need to worry, this is the original lubricant that protects the child in utero, it covers all accessible areas of the body. It can be removed gradually, with each bathing a little. The grease does not do any harm and is gradually washed off.

The first bath is a very important and unforgettable moment, which will certainly leave you with many memories. Do not forget to provide a free family member with a camera - these moments must be captured!

Video: how to bathe a newborn