How good it is to play long backgammon. How to play backgammon to win. Tactics and strategy of the game

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Long backgammon belongs to the category of games in which the moves must be calculated at the very beginning. Otherwise, you can get into a rather unpleasant situation, which will ultimately lead to the loss of an advantage over your opponent. Know the secrets of the game long backgammon means to increase the probability of your victory in advance.

Attentiveness and composure from the first minutes is the guarantee of your success. Special attention you need to turn to the first move of the enemy, because only in this case you can somehow calculate the options for future moves.

It seems to many that the initial movements of the checkers do not carry a strategic load. But those who are fans of this game will say something else: basically they determine the subsequent alignment of forces.

The unwritten rule of long backgammon says that one checker must go forward, while the second remains “in the head”. In this way, you can capture a position and gain an advantage on the playing field. The faster the player takes advantage of the advantageous positions in the house, the easier it will be for him to overcome obstacles on the way to victory in the future.

Here are some backgammon secrets, or principles to follow:

1) Don't let the enemy capture more than three positions at your head, otherwise you will lose your advantage. And vice versa, try to do the same yourself
2) Place checkers beyond the sixth position. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to get to the desired third quarter
3) Prepare in advance for the fact that a double (jackpot) may fall out. If at the same time you have nothing to go, you, again, will lose the advantage. With a successful arrangement, the jackpot can turn the course of the whole game
4) It is advisable to transfer checkers from the second quarter to the third in one move - this will ensure a rapid offensive
5) Try to block the moves of the opponent immediately after his checkers approached the first quarter.

However, it should be remembered that the opponent probably knows the secrets of playing backgammon and will definitely use them. Therefore, to capture the necessary territories, try to guess what is on his mind, and carefully think over the defense.

If a beginner does not pay due attention to predicting positions, it will be almost impossible for him to win long backgammon. This is one of the most important things to learn. Knowing the basics of tactics will allow the player to get the most advantageous position on the playing field both at the current moment and in the future.

It is the knowledge of the secrets of playing backgammon, the ability to use them, to find a way out of even the most impasse that distinguishes an experienced player from a “loser”. If you got a real professional as an opponent, watch how he plays, analyze his actions and you will soon start to win even against the strongest "Nards".

They belong to the category of games in which moves must be calculated at the very beginning. Otherwise, you can get into a rather unpleasant situation, which will ultimately lead to the loss of an advantage over your opponent. To know the secrets of playing long backgammon means to increase the probability of your victory in advance.

Attentiveness and composure from the first minutes is the guarantee of your success. Particular attention should be paid to the first move of the opponent, because only in this case it is possible to somehow calculate the options for future moves. It seems to many that the initial movements of the checkers do not carry a strategic load. But those who are fans of this game will say something else: basically they determine the subsequent alignment of forces.

The unwritten rule of long backgammon says that one checker must go forward, while the second remains “in the head”. In this way, you can capture a position and gain an advantage on the playing field. The faster the player takes advantage of the advantageous positions in the house, the easier it will be for him to overcome obstacles on the way to victory in the future.

Here are some backgammon secrets, or principles to follow:

1) Don't let the enemy capture more than three positions at your head, otherwise you will lose your advantage. And vice versa, try to do the same yourself
2) Place checkers beyond the sixth position. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to get to the desired third quarter
3) Prepare in advance for the fact that a double (jackpot) may fall out. If at the same time you have nothing to go, you, again, will lose the advantage. With a successful arrangement, the jackpot can turn the course of the whole game
4) It is advisable to transfer checkers from the second quarter to the third in one move - this will ensure a rapid offensive
5) Try to block the moves of the opponent immediately after his checkers approached the first quarter.

However, it should be remembered that the opponent probably knows the secrets of playing backgammon and will definitely use them. Therefore, to capture the necessary territories, try to guess what is on his mind, and carefully think over the defense.

If a beginner does not pay due attention to predicting positions, it will be almost impossible for him to win long backgammon. This is one of the most important things to learn. Knowing the basics of tactics will allow the player to get the most advantageous position on the playing field both at the current moment and in the future.

It is the knowledge of the secrets of playing backgammon, the ability to use them, to find a way out of even the most impasse that distinguishes an experienced player from a “loser”. If you got a real professional as an opponent, watch how he plays, analyze his actions and you will soon start to win even against the strongest "Nards".


mid game

The ending


General principles and game strategy

Backgammon workshop

Zara and Generator

Psychological aspects of the game


Return to the beginning.

Despite the great popularity of long backgammon in Russia and the CIS countries, there have been no serious developments in the theory of this game in the available literature until recently.

But now there are at least 2 books completely devoted to how to play long backgammon correctly: the author of this guide is Akhundov Nazim (Moscow, 2007) and Rodion Chebotarev (Dnepropetrovsk, 2010).

Unfortunately, there is still no program that can analyze games and positions in long backgammon at an acceptable level. But, hopefully, it will appear in the coming years.

This work is an attempt to collect in one place, analyze and rework the most important of what the author studied and published at different times on the topic of "backgammon long".

The work is very conditionally called a reference book. Mainly due to the fact that the information collected in it is diverse.

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1. Indicate the source

The foregoing does not apply to cases of commercial use, which must be agreed with the author.


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Undoubtedly, any player has the right to use other terms, because the terms proposed by the author are his personal perception of what words should be used.

You are free to skip this section and use the terms you are used to, however, then reading the materials in this guide will become difficult for you.

For a better understanding of the text in this work, it is recommended to look at the terms suggested below.

Speaking about the position on the backgammon board, we often use some specific backgammon words, or rather terms. Many of them are clear to backgammon players. But some, without specific reference to the board, can be confusing.

1. What backgammon plays with. Checkers, chips, stones. Sometimes the word "stones" refers to zary. The author proposes to use the word " checkers”, unlike casino chips, which also have a face value ($100 chip, $10 chip, etc.)

2. The place on the board where the checkers are placed. It is called differently: field, hole, position, point. There are 24 in total. In the book, I suggested using the word "field." However, President of the RFSNB Gul Eldar Alievich managed to convince me that the term " paragraph' fits more. Hereinafter, the points are numbered from 1 to 24 (counting from the base of white checkers). Point No. 1 is the starting position of the checker (white), point No. 24 is the last point on the board, after which the checker (white) is removed from the board (thrown away).

3. « move". The term is clear to everyone. The player whose turn it is to play rolls the Zara and must play the number rolled. This will be the move. The move consists of movements". There can be up to four movements in one move. Usually there are two. But, if the same numbers fell out at dawn, then four movements.

This is in the case full speed».

But it happens that it is impossible to make all the movements, then the move can consist of three, two and one movement.

It " part stroke».

There may also be a situation where a player is forced to completely skip a turn. This is when you can't walk. In this case, during zero movements or " skipping».

4. Sometimes it is important to indicate which part board is coming the game. In what follows, we will use the term quarter". The first is the one where the starting position is. Then the second, third and fourth (the one where the checkers are thrown out).

5. The place where all the checkers are collected at the beginning of the game (point No. 1). The words "hand" and "head" are often used. Sometimes this leads to confusion. This term is important and often used. According to the rules, more than one checker cannot be moved from the “hand” (with the exception of the first move). The book uses the word hand". However, it should be recognized that the term "head" is used by players no less. Apparently, it is more logical to recognize the equality of both these terms, i.e. their same applicability. The author believes that the term " head" too.

6. Several checkers standing in a row, forming some kind of obstacle. AT short backgammon there is the concept of "prime", but there the checkers are paired, and in long ones they can be in 1 row. Therefore, such a construction could be called prime, block, overlap. Here and below we will use the term block».

7. Several (3 or more) checkers in one point. Sometimes players say "sausage" or "sausage". Options: "column", "stack", "pack". The term is generally applicable and does not cause controversy column».

8. Fourth quarter. Often this is the place players call home. Word " house" is used universally to indicate the fourth quarter.

9. First quarter. To avoid confusion, the first quarter of the board will be called " base».

10. In short backgammon there is a term "bilder" (builder, builder). Spare checker, ready to create a new pair. In long backgammon, there is a need to designate checkers that perform similar functions. This is when the second or third checker is placed in a column on some point, so that the next move can capture more distant points without opening the position from which you move. In the reference book, such a checker is called " avant". The first (lower) checker at the point where the avant stands will be called " springboard».

11. Lack of moves when some kind of a specific figure – « stroke deficit”(deficit of fives, deficiency of triples, etc.).

12. A certain number of moves that you can make (move some of the checkers) without creating a critical situation for yourself with such moves, for example, without opening important points. For such a set of moves, the term " move reserve". The word "reserve" is often used simply. The meaning of "deficit of moves" and "reserve of moves" is the same. It's like a glass 2/3 full or a glass 1/3 empty.

13. Zara (cubes). The word dawns denotes only the dawns themselves. What falls at dawn is called " throw". Roll - these are two numbers, each of which is from 1 to 6. When the same numbers fall out on both dawns, such a roll is called " kush».

All terms in the following are used without quotation marks.


Look full version rules.

Backgammon is an ancient oriental game. Scientists have not yet determined the birthplace of this hobby. But even despite this, today a large number of people play backgammon, getting tremendous pleasure from it.

In ancient times, people also liked to play backgammon. Archaeologists have found a board, which, according to their assumptions, was made more than 3 thousand years ago.

This Eastern game there are other names:

  • Backgammon.
  • Yuekgemmon.
  • Tavla.
  • Shesh-besh.
  • Cat.

Backgammon perfectly develops thinking and logic, helps to calm down and become famous. The game is played by 2 people.

Table: "composition" of the game.

Backgammon rules for beginners step by step:

  • Initially, it is worth placing the playing chips. They are placed at the top in the corner to the right of the player. The placement of chips is carried out in a row vertically.
  • Then 2 players roll dice to determine the right of the first move.. The player with the highest combination on the dice goes first.

For the first move, a checker is removed from the vertical row. According to the rules, this is called "take off the head."

For gameplay cubes are always used. They determine the number of moves. Because dice there are two in the game, then the player receives two numbers when throwing them. This determines the number of his steps. The numbers are summed up and the player moves. According to the rules, one cell is one step.

But there is a second option: when two numbers fall out, it is not necessary to sum up their components. You can use two chips to match the number of rolled dice.

Example: 4 rolled on one die, and 2 on the second.

Two options:

Summation: 4+2=6 moves with one chip.
Separate steps: 2 steps with one chip, 4 moves with the second.

  • Checkers move only counterclockwise.
  • The player has the right to stop on the playing field only on an empty cell or on his color. Standing on the color of the opponent is prohibited. You can stop at your chip, that is, put it on top. This action is called "put on the head."
  • “Removing from the head” a checker is allowed only once per step. Example: 5 and 4 are rolled on the dice. If this is the player's first move, then the numbers are summed up and 9 moves across the field are obtained. In other cases, you can take 5 steps with the chip on the board and 4 steps with the checker removed from the head.
  • If the bones fall out so that the player is forced to stop on the opponent's cell, then this move is skipped by him.
  • When a double occurs (1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6), the player is awarded the right to move his checkers 4 times for the number of dice rolled. That is, when a 2:2 double occurs, the player can: Make 4 moves, 2 steps each.
    Make 1 move in 4 steps.

Tactics and strategy of the game

The strategy in tavla is to transfer your own playing chips to the opponent's field.

Types of strategies:

  1. Speed ​​game. The goal is to quickly move game items into the house.
  2. Hold game. Hold 2 checkers on the same hole until you manage to knock out the opponent's blot.
  3. Blocking. The essence is the construction of a long wall of checkers to block the passage of the enemy.
  4. Blitz strategy. The point is to close the house quickly.
  5. Backgame. The bottom line is to build a hole with two checkers in the opponent's house.

Winning tactics:

It is necessary to arrange 6 chips in the fourth quarter. This action is called "bring home". After the last chip has been placed in the fourth quarter, the checkers are "expelled" by rolling dice:

  1. The chip of the same name of the number that fell at dawn is expelled.
  2. A chip is expelled, under the number obtained in the process of adding numbers.

Important! Victory is given to the player who has no playing checkers left on the board.


To win the game, you need to resort to tricks or have a unique mind and logic.

Tricks and secrets to win at yuekgemmon:

  1. Help your opponent win. Ensure his loss by closing all fives. For yourself, leave three checkers in each recess on the board. After the enemy begins to open the holes, they must be immediately closed behind him.
  2. Do not allow the opponent to occupy the three recesses near the base of the vertical row.
  3. Put the checkers away from the sixth position.

Varieties of backgammon

Varieties of backgammon:

  1. Long backgammon is classic.
  2. Short backgammon.

The differences between them are in some rules:

  1. The absence of broken checkers in long backgammon.
  2. If in short backgammon a checker is placed on the opponent's checker, then it beats.

Note! There is an abundance of games on short and long boards.

Table: varieties of the game of kosha.

Name Description and rules
American Arrangement of white chips:

Two in the first hole.
Two for the second hole.
Two for the third hole.
The rest are placed on board the board.

Arrangement of black checkers:

Two in the ninth hole.
Five in the tenth hole.
Three in the eleventh hole.
Five in the twelfth hole.

The rules are unchanged. The main goal is to move everything game items on the opponent's field and expel your checkers.

dutch backgammon All chips must be entered into the game from the board.
One-two The advantage of this game is that there is no placement of checkers on the board.

After choosing the right to move, they are taken from the side of the board to make a move.

kales Cales is very popular in England. This game develops the mathematical abilities of a person.

It was developed by a mathematician named Henry Deden.


Eleven is placed in a vertical row.
One is placed separately.

When making a step, one checker is taken, located next to it.

Kubo Kubo is a kind of backgammon game. Her main feature is that instead of checkers, players use coins.

27 coins are added up in nine columns, each with 3 coins.
The move begins with the removal of a coin from any column.
The prize is awarded to the player who took the last coin.

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How to play backgammon is written in many manuals and manuals, both in paper form and on various sites on the Internet. Everyone who knows at least a little the rules of this game already considers himself entitled to teach this to other people. And it's good if the rules he knows correspond to the actual rules of backgammon. But, applying knowledge in practice, any player begins to understand that he lacks something to win. He knows the rules, he plays strictly according to these rules, the values ​​on the game dice are also good, but for some reason the opponent always wins.

And this happens because the opponent has been playing backgammon for several days. He has already developed a certain strategy for himself and uses it against an unlucky player who does not even know about it. The beginner is sure that the outcome of the game depends solely on the player's dice values, that is, on the luck of this player. If the values ​​are good, then the player will definitely win.

But it's not. Of course, the values ​​of game dice also affect the outcome of the game, but the tactics of a more experienced player should not be discounted. There are no certain rules, the implementation of which will unconditionally lead to victory in the game of backgammon. Each player himself eventually understands how it is more profitable to act in a given situation, and determines his own tactics of the game. Therefore, it is simply impossible to teach luck and good luck.

But there are some subtleties of the game that can help a novice player to defeat an opponent when playing backgammon. For example, in long backgammon, at the very beginning of the game, it is recommended to cover as many cells as possible on your initial quarter of the game board, that is, on the upper right side. Then the opponent will not be able to bring his checkers to the other side so quickly. But the rules of the game forbid completely blocking all the checkers of the opponent with a barrier of six occupied cells. This is allowed only if he has at least one checker already managed to go beyond this barrier.

It is also recommended at this time to move your checkers to their destination as quickly as possible. According to the rules of long backgammon, this is the lower right part of the board for each player. But, since at the same time it is necessary to delay the opponent's checkers, blocking most of the free cells on his way, it is advisable to place your own checkers one at a time in the cell, and then other checkers should be led along them, from the starting point. If possible, it is recommended not to touch the checkers that overlap the free cells until all checkers have been removed from the initial cell on the game board. Then you can start displaying others, but in order, starting with the farthest checker.

If you stick to such tactics of playing long backgammon, then it is more likely to get a victory over your opponent, provided that this opponent is not a very experienced player. But sometimes in a duel with an experienced player simple knowledge of how to win at backgammon leads to victory over an opponent.