What date will patch 9 be released 20. French vehicles, specific numbers

Update 9.20 goes to the public test. You will find battles in the 30v30 format, Chinese tank destroyers and vehicle rebalance - about it, and soon you will find other materials about the changes in version 9.20.

In the meantime, here's everything that's fresh and interesting about Ranked Battles. Read and do not forget to share your opinions in a special topic on the forum. This will help us customize the update in more detail.

Ranked battles

The first beta season of Ranked Battles has just ended. We have analyzed all your feedback and want to make changes that should improve in the second beta season game process. These are the ones we will test in the framework of common test updates 9.20.

Base mechanic changes

One of the most discussed topics on the forum concerned the simplicity of the mode. The basic matchmaking mechanic worked, but reaching rank five was no real challenge for experienced tankers.

We tried to fix this by changing the mechanics of earning chevrons and ranks. The number of ranks will remain the same, but the number of chevrons required to reach the ranks will change. The distance between ranks will be as follows: 1-3-5-7-9 chevrons. It only takes one chevron to reach rank one, and as many as nine are needed to move from rank four to five.

In addition, the mechanics of vehicle ranks will change. In the second beta season, any rank will cost 5 chevrons.

The mechanics of obtaining chevrons will also change. On the winning team, chevrons are earned by the top 10 players by experience. The remaining 5 winning players, as well as the top 5 players on the losing team, do not earn a chevron. Finally, the remaining 10 players on the losing team lose their chevron.

In this way, we want to encourage players to interact: despite personal results in Ranked Battles, victory remains a team achievement. That is why we have expanded the list of players who do not lose their chevron if the team loses. This means that even if the battle goes poorly and the enemy pushes in all directions, you should not give up. You need to continue to help the allies - your efforts will be rewarded.

Balancer Improvements

We found several critical points related to balance. And here's how we're going to solve them:

  • We will improve the balance between teams in terms of the number of medium and heavy tanks.
  • We will limit the number of self-propelled guns per team to two units.
  • We will add more cards and significantly improve their rotation. Due to this, the chances of getting on the same card all the time will decrease.


We will also review the mechanics of receiving rewards. From now on, you won't have to wait until the end of the season to get the bulk of the coupons you earn. The value of awards will also increase.

Testing stages

Testing of the second beta season of Ranked Battles will take place during the Public Test of Update 9.20. Join us — the next stage will last until August 9th.

Your feedback about the changes in the game is very important to us. Leave comments on the forum and share your opinions about Ranked Battles.

How to get into the general test

Improvements to Ranked Battles

Improvements in the client

  • Added the ability to receive marks on a weapon and badges of class not only in random battles, but also in the Ranked Battle mode.
  • Influence Pre-battle instructions on the performance characteristics of vehicles is now displayed in the info windows and simplified performance characteristics.
  • In the vehicle comparison interface, the ability to set Pre-battle instructions has been added to take into account their influence.
  • Added the ability to enable auto-replenishment of Pre-battle instructions in the purchase window.
  • Improved equipment can now only be removed for bonds.
  • Added display of the vehicle rank on the vehicle panel (in the "carousel") with a specific value for each vehicle when selecting the "Ranked battle" mode.
  • The interface for displaying the reward received in the past stage has been improved. Information about the reward received is also displayed in the rank hover tooltip.
  • The interface of the calendar in the mode has been redesigned. Prime time information on each server for the selected day is now displayed in the calendar window (instead of a tooltip as before).
  • The list of maps for playing in the mode has been changed. Now the battles take place on the following maps:
    1. "Mines".
    2. "Prokhorovka".
    3. "Monastery".
    4. "El-Haluf".
    5. "Aerodrome".
    6. "Robin".
    7. Himmelsdorf.
    8. "Murovanka".
    9. "Paris".
    10. "Karelia".
    11. "Lasville".
    12. "Siegfried Line".
    13. "Sand River".
    14. Erlenberg.
    15. "Arctic".
    16. "Tundra".
    17. "Ensk".
    18. "Swamp".
    19. Westfield.
    20. "Fishing Bay".
    21. "Highway".
    22. "Quiet Beach"
    23. Windstorm.
    24. "Fiords".
    25. "Industrial zone".
  • Changes have been made to the work of the balancer:
  1. The maximum number of SPGs in a battle has been reduced to two.
  2. The balance system by vehicle type has been improved (the balancer will try to select the most similar team compositions).
  3. The system for forming teams by ranks has been improved.
  • The interface of the screen when entering the mode has been revised: information on the servers available for the game has been added; redesigned display of information about prime times.
  • Special tooltips have been added to the Ranked Battle loading screen to explain the main mechanics and features of the mode. A separate option has also been added that allows you to customize the loading screen specifically for this mode. You can choose one of three options for displaying the loading screen in the Ranked Battle mode (works the same as in Random Battles, but only works for Ranked Battles):
    • text only;
    • with illustration;
    • minimap.

Improvements to the display of season leaders

  • Added an archive of events - you can see the statistics of players for the past season.
  • Added filters: clanmates and friends. You will be able to see what position your friends or clan members are on the leaderboard of the season.

Improvements to crew stun mechanics

  • The duration of the inflicted stun has been added to post-battle statistics.
  • Improved the mechanics of dealing damage and stunning through obstacles. Now the self-propelled guns will not inflict damage through obstacles more than 2 meters thick if the target is completely hidden behind them. In this case, the blast wave can slightly bend around the corners of obstacles. To do this, from the point of impact to the edge of the obstacle must be less than 2 meters, however, the damage from the explosion will decrease.
  • Gun reload time 12.8 cm Kw.K. 44 L/55 increased from 12 to 13.3 s.
  • Durability decreased from 3200 to 3000 units.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the movement of the Jagdtiger 8.8 suspension was reduced by 6%.
  • Decreased dispersion of the gun from the turn of the Jagdtiger 8.8 chassis by 6%.
  • Jagdtiger 8.8 suspension traverse speed increased from 22 to 26 deg/s.


A full branch of tank destroyers has been added (from tiers II to X, respectively):

  • T-26G FT;
  • M3GFT;
  • SU-76GFT;
  • 60GFT;
  • WZ-131GFT;
  • T-34-2GFT;
  • WZ-111-1GFT;
  • WZ-111GFT;
  • WZ-113GFT.


Added machine for testing by supertesters:

  • T-44 lightweight.

Added car:

  • STG "Guardsman".

  • The dispersion of the gun from the movement of the T-54 suspension of the first sample was reduced by 9%.
  • Dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the T-54 chassis of the first sample was reduced by 9%.
  • Decreased dispersion of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun when traversing the turret by 25%.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun for the T-54 turret, the first sample, was reduced from 2.4 to 2.2 s.
  • Vision range increased from 360 to 380 m.
  • Improved turret armor.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412 shell for the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412P shell for the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The depression angle of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from -6 to -7 degrees.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from 34 to 56 units.
  • Decreased dispersion of the 100 mm LB-1 gun when traversing the turret by 15%.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 (R) turret has been reduced from 8.1 to 7.5 s.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 (R) turret was reduced from 2.2 to 2 s.
  • Improved turret armor.

T-103 (Tier VIII tank destroyer)

  • The displayed power of the MN-1 engine has been reduced from 1000 to 900 hp. with., which corresponds to the actual power of the engine.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the movement of the T-44 suspension was reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the gun caused by the movement of the T-44M chassis has been reduced by 10%.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the T-44 chassis was reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the T-44M chassis was reduced by 10%.
  • Decreased dispersion of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun from 0.43 to 0.42 m.
  • Decreased dispersion of the 100 mm LB-1 gun when traversing the turret by 14%.
  • The reload time of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun for the T-44-100 turret has been reduced from 19.2 to 15.2 s.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 turret has been reduced from 8.1 to 7.5 s.
  • The aiming time of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun for the T-44-100 turret was reduced from 3.4 to 3.2 s.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 turret was reduced from 2.3 to 2.1 s.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412P shell for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412 shell for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • Dispersion of the 100 mm D-10T2S gun increased from 0.35 to 0.39 m.
  • Decreased dispersion of the 100 mm D-54 gun from 0.39 to 0.33 m.
  • Reload time for the 100 mm D-10T2S gun for the T-54 turret mod. 1949 reduced from 7.8 to 7.4 s.
  • Reload time for the 100 mm D-54 gun for the T-54 turret mod. 1949 increased from 8.2 to 8.5 s.
  • Aiming time for the 100 mm D-10T2S gun for the T-54 turret mod. 1949 increased from 2.3 to 2.5 s.
  • Aiming time for the 100 mm D-54 gun for the T-54 turret mod. 1949 reduced from 2.9 to 2 s.
  • Enhanced turret and hull armor.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412P shell for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412 shell for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The depression angle of the 100 mm D-10T2S gun has been increased from -5 to -6 degrees.
  • Added M-50TI engine (1200 hp).
  • The M-50T engine (1050 hp) has been removed.
  • Dispersion of the gun from the movement of the IS-7 chassis is reduced by 16%.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the IS-7 suspension was reduced by 16%.
  • Decreased dispersion of the 130 mm S-70 gun when traversing the turret by 25%.
  • The aiming time of the 130 mm S-70 gun for the IS-7 turret was reduced from 3.1 to 2.9 s.
  • Durability increased from 2150 to 2400 units.
  • The 152 mm D-4S gun has been added.
  • Removed gun 122 mm A-19 mod. 1937
  • Removed 122 mm D-25S mod. 1944
  • The 152 mm BL-10 gun has been removed.
  • Removed UBR-471 shell.
  • Removed BR-471D shell.
  • Removed UOF-471 shell.
  • Removed shell 53-OF-551.
  • Removed UBR-551 shell.
  • Removed UBR-551P shell.
  • Durability increased from 1010 to 1200 units.
  • The cost of researching the BL-9S gun has been reduced from 44,000 to 24,000 units. experience.
  • The research cost of the next Object 704 vehicle in the branch has been increased from 176,500 to 192,500. experience.
  • The 152 mm D-4S gun has been added.
  • The research cost of the Object 268, the next vehicle in the branch, has been reduced from 301,000 to 239,000. experience.
  • The horizontal aiming angles are increased to 11 degrees in each direction.
  • The velocity of the UBR551M projectile for the 152 mm M-64 gun has been increased by 25% (from 760 to 950 m/s).
  • Reinforced turret roof armor.


Changing the parameters of military equipment

  • Improved turret armor.
  • The 90 mm Gun M41 has been removed.
  • The 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 has been removed.
  • Removed AP M77 projectile.
  • Removed HE M71 projectile.
  • Removed HVAP M304 projectile.
  • Removed AP T32M2 projectile.
  • Removed APCR T29E3M2 projectile.
  • Removed HE M11A2 projectile.
  • Improved turret armor.


A vehicle to replace the AMX 50 Foch (155) has been added:

  • AMX 50 Foch B.

Replacement of AMX 50 Foch (155) with AMX 50 Foch B

If AMX 50 Foch (155) is researched:

  • The Saurer F155 engine, the SCR 619 F155 radio and the AMX 50 Foch B vehicle will be automatically researched.
  • The crew will be retrained from AMX 50 Foch (155) to AMX 50 Foch B (including demobilized crew available for recovery).
  • Unallocated XP on the AMX 50 Foch (155) will be carried over to the AMX 50 Foch B.
  • Camouflage, inscriptions, emblems will be transferred from AMX 50 Foch (155) to AMX 50 Foch B with the same validity periods.

If AMX 50 Foch (155) is in the Garage:

  • Optional equipment will be unloaded at the Warehouse, the crew will land in the Barracks, the Saurer engine will be replaced by the Saurer F155 engine, the SCR 619 radio set will be replaced by the SCR 619 F155 radio set.
  • An AMX 50 Foch B vehicle along with a slot will be added to the Hangar.

The stats remain at the AMX 50 Foch (155), gun markings are not transferred.

Adding a magazine loading system to the AMX 50 Foch

Adding a magazine loading system to the AMX AC mle. 48

  • Additional equipment will be unloaded to the Warehouse.

Changing the parameters of military equipment

  • The ammo capacity of the 75 mm SA49 gun has been increased from 42 to 44 ammo.
  • The ammo capacity of the 100 mm SA47 gun has been increased from 30 to 42 units.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the movement of the AMX 30 1er prototype chassis has been reduced by 11%.
  • Reduced dispersion of the gun from the movement of the AMX 30 A pré-série suspension by 12%.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the chassis of the AMX 30 1er prototype has been reduced by 11%.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the chassis of the AMX 30 A pré-série has been reduced by 12%.
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 for the AMX 30 A pré-série turret increased from 0.33 to 0.37 m.
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 for AMX 30 1er prototype turret increased from 0.34 to 0.38 m.
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 when turning the AMX 30 A pré-série turret reduced by 40%.
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 on AMX 30 1er prototype turret traverse reduced by 30%.
  • Gun reload time 105 mm mle. F1 for the AMX 30 A pré-série turret changed from 9.9 to 8.7 s.
  • Gun reload time 105 mm mle. F1 for AMX 30 1er prototype turret changed from 10.2s to 9s.
  • Improved turret armor.
  • Armor penetration of the OFL-105-F1 shell for the 105 mm mle. F1 reduced from 260 to 248 mm.
  • Armor penetration of the OCC-105-F1 shell for the 105 mm mle. F1 reduced from 320 to 300 mm.


pitched battle


  • 60 players on the map, 30 on each team.
  • Only Tier X vehicles participate.
  • Fight time: 15 minutes.
  • Victory conditions: capture the enemy base or destroy all his equipment.

Team building

  • General battle is formed from general queue Random battle mode.
  • Getting into the general battle occurs randomly, by analogy with other types of battle: assault and oncoming battle.
  • The general battle will be disabled by default for players with insufficiently powerful computers. However, they will be able to turn it on manually in the game settings: Settings > Game > Random Battle Types > Grand Battle.
  • Each team is conditionally divided into 3 subgroups, 10 people each.
  • The player cannot choose a subgroup, belonging to a specific subgroup is determined by the balancer.
  • The composition of the teams in the general battle is regulated general rules balance 2.0.
  • The composition of each subgroup by vehicle type will be as similar as possible to the composition of a similar subgroup from the opposite team.
  • Each team can have no more than 4 self-propelled guns.
  • The difference in the number of platoons between teams is no more than 2 platoon players.
  • If at least one player in a platoon has the "General battle" battle type enabled, then such a platoon can get into this type of battle regardless of whether it is enabled for other members of the platoon.


  • The general battle takes place on the Nebelburg map, 1.4 x 1.4 kilometers in size.
  • The appearance of players on the map is regulated by their subgroup.
  • Each subgroup has its own starting position ("initial rep").
  • Two bases: one for each team (as in a standard battle).


  • Loading screen, stats screen (by Tab), post-battle stats screen, and team line-up panel adapted for 60 players.
  • The whole team is divided into 3 subgroups.
  • The composition of each subgroup can be viewed in detail by clicking on the corresponding subgroup.
  • Changed the top element of the user interface. In addition to the total number of vehicles destroyed by the team, this item also displays the percentage of each team's total hit points.

Awards, achievements and statistics

  • In each general battle, players will be able to receive bonds. Also, players will be able to get bonds in regular random battles, where only Tier X vehicles participate (the so-called "twelfth level" of battles). Bonuses are awarded to players who have earned more than 400 pure experience points as a result of the battle.
  • The number of bonds received as a reward depends on the experience earned in battle.
  • The player will be able to combat missions, personal combat missions, and receive all the rewards available in Random Battles.
  • In the general battle, players will be able to receive badges of class (as in random battles).
  • Battles of the "General battle" type are not taken into account in the summary of the player's achievements and do not affect the statistics of random battles.
  • Statistics for this battle type will be displayed separately: "Achievements" > "Statistics" >
  • Statistics on the success of a particular vehicle in the Grand Battle battle type will be displayed separately: Achievements > Vehicles > Grand Battle battle type.

The conditions for obtaining some medals have been adapted


Destroy enemy vehicles:

  • 6 or more in standard combat / assault / encounter combat.
  • 8 or more in a pitched battle.
Radley-Walters Medal

Destroy enemy vehicles:

  • 8–9 in standard combat/assault/meet combat.
  • 10–12 in pitched battle.
Poole Medal

Destroy enemy vehicles:

  • 10–13 in standard combat/assault/meet combat.
  • 13–20 in pitched battle.
Raseinaya Heroes Medal

Destroy enemy vehicles:

  • 14+ in standard combat / assault / encounter combat.
  • 21+ in pitched battle.

Ranked battles

  • Added the ability to receive cool badges not only in random battles, but also in the Ranked Battle mode.
  • Added display of the vehicle rank on the vehicle panel (in the carousel) with a specific value for each vehicle when the Ranked Battle mode is selected.
  • The interface for displaying the reward received in the past stage has been improved. Information about the reward received is also displayed in a tooltip when hovering over the rank.
  • The interface of the calendar in the mode has been redesigned. Prime time information on each server for the selected day is now displayed in the calendar window (instead of a tooltip as it was before).
  • The list of maps for playing in the mode has been changed. Now the battles take place on the following maps:
  • Changes have been made to the work of the balancer:
    • The maximum number of SPGs in a battle has been reduced to two.
    • The balance system by vehicle type has been improved (the balancer will try to select the most similar team compositions).
    • The system for forming teams by ranks has been improved.
  • The interface of the screen when entering the mode has been revised: information about the servers available for the game has been added; redesigned display of information about prime times.
  • Special tooltips have been added to the Ranked Battle loading screen to explain the main mechanics and features of the mode. A separate setting has also been added that allows you to customize the loading screen specifically for the mode and gives the player the opportunity to choose one of three options for displaying the loading screen (similar to the setting for random battles, but only applies to the Ranked Battle mode):
    • Text only.
    • Text with illustration.
    • Minimap.

Displaying Season Leaders in Ranked Battles

  • Added an archive of events: you can see the statistics of players for the past season.
  • Added filters "Clanmates" and "Friends". You will be able to see what position your friends or clan members are on the leaderboard of the season.

advanced hardware

  • It is now possible to remove Advanced Equipment only for Bonds.
  • Now the equipment "Extended set of spare parts and accessories" also becomes complex, the cost of its dismantling is indicated in bonds.
  • After the release of Update 9.20, Enhanced Equipment will be automatically removed from all players for free, so that you can reinstall it at will.

Crew stun mechanics

  • The duration of the inflicted stun has been added to the post-battle statistics.
  • Improved the mechanics of dealing damage and stunning through obstacles. Now the self-propelled guns will not inflict damage through obstacles more than two meters thick if the target is completely hidden behind them. In this case, the blast wave can slightly bend around the corners of obstacles. To do this, from the point of impact to the edge of the obstacle must be less than two meters. However, this will reduce the damage from the explosion.

Pre-battle instructions

  • Now the influence of Pre-battle instructions on the performance characteristics of vehicles is displayed in info windows and simplified performance characteristics.
  • The ability to view the effect of Pre-battle instructions on performance characteristics has also been added to the vehicle comparison interface.
  • Added the ability to enable auto-replenishment of Pre-battle instructions when purchasing them.
  • The bonus from Pre-Combat Instructions, which affects the level of skill and skill, is now displayed in the personnel file of crew members.


  • Fixed an issue where the camera was snapped not to the model of the destroyed tank, but to the location where it was destroyed.
  • We fixed an issue where full screen settings were not being saved in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug in displaying vehicle ranks.
  • Fixed a bug in armoring the bottom of the hull of the Maus tank. Armor reduced from 250 to 50 mm.
  • In the "Consumables" window, a bug in displaying the maximum number of shells for the 75 mm SA49 gun has been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug where vehicles that were not suitable for LBZ were displayed as available.
  • Fixed a bug where a non-combustible rank was displayed as combustible.


  • Improved arrangement of notes in the contacts window.
  • Added information about earned vehicle rank when viewing player achievements.
  • Added range filter in team battles.

Known issues (to be fixed later)

  • For the destruction of equipment by a coup after 30 seconds, the player who made the coup does not count the destruction.
  • Stealth of vehicles with a unique camouflage in the Garage is indicated without a camouflage bonus, but in fact the camouflage effect works.
  • The Recruiting Office does not display the recruits and reservists invited by him if the account was restored to the state on the date before the recruits accepted the invitation.
  • In some cases, when the cursor is quickly rotated around the car, the camera may suddenly change position when viewed from the trajectory.
  • In some cases, the sequence of events in the history of received damage on the damage panel is violated.
  • Technical text can be displayed in the post-battle statistics window when an enemy is destroyed by a coup.
  • The event tape in the battle about capturing the base appears before the specified number of capture points is gained.


The possibility of driving into hard-to-reach places on the following maps has been eliminated:

New game models in HD quality

  • USSR: "Churchill III", T-44-85, SU-5, SU-14-1;
  • Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f) , Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D , VK 30.01 (D) ; Bat.-Châtillon 25 t ;
  • UK: Matilda Black Prince;
  • China: M5A1 Stuart.

Vehicle Changes


  • The dispersion of the gun from the movement of the T-54 suspension of the first sample was reduced by 9%.
  • Dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the T-54 chassis of the first sample was reduced by 9%.
  • Decreased dispersion of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun when traversing the turret by 25%.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun for the T-54 turret, the first sample, was reduced from 2.4 to 2.2 s.
  • Vision range increased from 360 to 380 m.
  • Improved turret armor.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412 shell for the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412P shell for the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The depression angle of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from -6 to -7 degrees.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from 34 to 56 units.
  • Decreased dispersion of the 100 mm LB-1 gun when traversing the turret by 15%.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 (R) turret has been reduced from 8.1 to 7.5 s.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 (R) turret was reduced from 2.2 to 2 s.
  • Improved turret armor.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the movement of the T-44 suspension was reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the gun caused by the movement of the T-44M chassis has been reduced by 10%.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the T-44 chassis was reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the T-44M chassis was reduced by 10%.
  • Decreased dispersion of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun from 0.43 to 0.42 m.
  • Decreased dispersion of the 100 mm LB-1 gun when traversing the turret by 14%.
  • The reload time of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun for the T-44-100 turret has been reduced from 19.2 to 15.2 s.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 turret has been reduced from 8.1 to 7.5 s.
  • The aiming time of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun for the T-44-100 turret was reduced from 3.4 to 3.2 s.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 turret was reduced from 2.3 to 2.1 s.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412P shell for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412 shell for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • Dispersion of the 100 mm D-10T2S gun increased from 0.35 to 0.39 m.
  • Decreased dispersion of the 100 mm D-54 gun from 0.39 to 0.33 m.
  • Reload time for the 100 mm D-10T2S gun for the T-54 turret mod. 1949 reduced from 7.8 to 7.4 s.
  • Reload time for the 100 mm D-54 gun for the T-54 turret mod. 1949 increased from 8.2 to 8.5 s.
  • Aiming time for the 100 mm D-10T2S gun for the T-54 turret mod. 1949 increased from 2.3 to 2.5 s.
  • Aiming time for the 100 mm D-54 gun for the T-54 turret mod. 1949 reduced from 2.9 to 2 s.
  • Enhanced turret and hull armor.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412P shell for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412 shell for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The depression angle of the 100 mm D-10T2S gun has been increased from -5 to -6 degrees.
  • Added M-50TI engine (1200 hp).
  • The M-50T engine (1050 hp) has been removed.
  • Dispersion of the gun from the movement of the IS-7 chassis is reduced by 16%.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the IS-7 suspension was reduced by 16%.
  • Decreased dispersion of the 130 mm S-70 gun when traversing the turret by 25%.
  • The aiming time of the 130 mm S-70 gun for the IS-7 turret was reduced from 3.1 to 2.9 s.
  • Durability increased from 2150 to 2400 units.
  • The 152 mm D-4S gun has been added.
  • Removed gun 122 mm A-19 mod. 1937
  • Removed 122 mm D-25S mod. 1944
  • The 152 mm BL-10 gun has been removed.
  • Removed UBR-471 shell.
  • Removed BR-471D shell.
  • Removed UOF-471 shell.
  • Removed shell 53-OF-551.
  • Removed UBR-551 shell.
  • Removed UBR-551P shell.
  • Durability increased from 1010 to 1200 units.
  • The cost of researching the BL-9S gun has been reduced from 44,000 to 24,000 units. experience.
  • The research cost of the next Object 704 vehicle in the branch has been increased from 176,500 to 192,500. experience.
  • The 152 mm D-4S gun has been added.
  • The research cost of the Object 268, the next vehicle in the branch, has been reduced from 301,000 to 239,000. experience.
  • The horizontal aiming angles are increased to 11 degrees in each direction.
  • The velocity of the UBR551M projectile for the 152 mm M-64 gun has been increased by 25% (from 760 to 950 m/s).
  • Reinforced turret roof armor.

Added machine for testing by supertesters:

Changing the parameters of military equipment:

  • Gun reload time 12.8 cm Kw.K. 44 L/55 increased from 12 to 13.3 s.
  • Durability decreased from 3200 to 3000 units.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the movement of the Jagdtiger 8.8 suspension was reduced by 6%.
  • Decreased dispersion of the gun from the turn of the Jagdtiger 8.8 chassis by 6%.
  • Jagdtiger 8.8 suspension traverse speed increased from 22 to 26 deg/s.


Changing the parameters of military equipment

  • Improved turret armor.
  • The 90 mm Gun M41 has been removed.
  • The 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 has been removed.
  • Removed AP M77 projectile.
  • Removed HE M71 projectile.
  • Removed HVAP M304 projectile.
  • Removed AP T32M2 projectile.
  • Removed APCR T29E3M2 projectile.
  • Removed HE M11A2 projectile.
  • Improved turret armor.

  • Additional equipment will be unloaded to the Warehouse.

Changing the parameters of military equipment

  • The ammo capacity of the 75 mm SA49 gun has been increased from 42 to 44 ammo.
  • The ammo capacity of the 100 mm SA47 gun has been increased from 30 to 42 units.


Large-scale update of the first campaign of personal missions "The long-awaited reinforcements"

The essence of the changes

  • The visual and sound components of personal combat missions have been completely redone.
  • Completely new and unique rewards have been added.
  • The conditions of tasks have been revised so that in order to receive a reward vehicle, vehicles no longer required high level than the reward itself.
  • Order forms have been added, which will greatly facilitate the performance of personal combat missions.
  • You can learn about changes in personal combat missions in a special video available right in the game.

Interface and sound

  • All interfaces of personal combat missions have been reworked:
  1. Personal combat missions can now be accessed through the Campaigns tab (under the Battle! button).
  2. Added "General Headquarters" screen with a map of all operations.
  3. The operations screen has been completely redesigned - now it is geographic map with tasks as areas on it.
  4. The campaign rewards screen has been completely redesigned:
    1. Now the main reward - the car - is located in the center of the screen.
    2. Added operation statistics: now you know how many credits you can still earn.
  1. A special music track was recorded for personal combat missions.
  2. Added interactive musical accompaniment: the more tasks are completed within the same branch, the more intense the music.

A new way to get reward cars

Reward lists have been removed - machine components have been introduced instead:

  1. To get a reward vehicle for an operation, you need to assemble all five components: hull, chassis, gun, power plant, and radio station.
  2. Each component has its own branch of tasks in the operation:
    1. The power plant is a task branch for light tanks.
    2. Suspension - task branch for medium tanks.
    3. Hull (+ turret or wheelhouse) - task branch for heavy tanks.
    4. The weapon is a task branch for tank destroyers.
    5. The radio station is a branch of tasks for self-propelled guns.
  3. To get a component, you need to complete the final 15th task in the corresponding branch.

Order forms

Added a new entity "Order Forms":

  1. To earn an order form, you must complete any final task of any branch with honors.
  2. Order forms can be laid (that is, applied) to any tasks. In this way:
    1. The selected task will automatically be considered completed without distinction.
    2. You will receive a reward for the main conditions of the task.
    3. The spent order form will remain embedded in the task.
    4. The pledged order form does not disappear, but is temporarily frozen until you take it back.
  3. To pick up the pledged order form and then use it again, you must complete the task in which it is embedded with honors.
  4. The number of order forms required for inclusion in tasks:
    1. For any task from the 1st to the 14th - 1 order form.
    2. In the 15th task - 4 order forms.

Order forms can be used to skip difficult or uninteresting tasks for you. Most importantly, you can add order forms to the final, 15th task in the branch, even if you haven't completed the previous 14 yet. Thus, you can instantly get the missing fifth component of the machine by completing four task branches with honors.

New Rewards

  1. Added a new reward - patches:
    1. In each operation, you can earn two patches:
      1. The II degree patch is issued simultaneously with the receipt of the award vehicle.
      2. The 1st degree badge is issued for completing all 75 tasks of a particular operation with distinction.
    2. For completing all tasks in all operations, you will receive a special unique patch “Champion of the First Campaign”.
  2. Added a new reward - camouflage schemes:
    1. In each operation, you can earn a set of three (summer, winter, desert) unique camouflage schemes:
      1. A set of three camouflage schemes for a reward vehicle is issued for completing all 75 missions of the operation.
      2. The same set of schemes is unlocked for use on all vehicles of the same nation as the award vehicle for completing all 75 tasks of the operation with distinction.

Changing task conditions

The objectives in each operation have been revised to increase the relevance of the main reward. For example, now all tasks from Operation StuG IV can be completed on Tier V vehicles, from Operation T28 Heavy Tank Concept - on Tier VII vehicles, and so on. At the same time, participation restrictions have not changed. You can perform tasks of any operation even on Tier X vehicles.

We have also diversified additional terms in the final, 15 tasks of each branch. This is due to the fact that the additional reward for the tasks that complete the branches has become more valuable: now there are order forms there.

Note! If, according to the condition of the task, you need, for example, to detect five vehicles in a battle, and you have discovered seven, obviously, the task will be successfully counted. This rule is true for all numerical conditions.

Bonds and medals

Starting from 9.20.1, when winning medals in the Epic Achievements and Battle Hero categories, the player will receive additional rewards in the form of bonds. Please note: Bonds will not be credited for accumulative medals. The number of bonds is not final and may change.

Balancer improvements

Now the balancer is additionally trying to balance each part of the team list (bottom-middle-top), taking into account the features and roles of vehicles within types: the Maus tank is opposed to the Maus , Type 5 Heavy or E 100 , the T57 Heavy Tank is opposed to the AMX 50 B, and so on. However, in some situations of symmetrical balance in terms of play roles will not work. For example, if vehicles with different roles are in a platoon.


We have moved to the new version of Wwise 2017.1.1, which will expand the possibilities for further audio improvements.

Grand Battle Improvements

The following changes have been made to the General Battle battle type:

  1. The message about victory or defeat in battle has changed.
  2. Added a new kind of battle victory or defeat message to make it easier for players to understand when and why the battle ended. The message has separate animations for win, lose and draw. Additional text shows why the fight ended. When a battle ends with the base captured, the capture progress bar goes into a "locked" state shortly before the message appears to indicate that the total will not change. This innovation is applied to all random and ranked battles, as well as to the general battle.
  3. Updated tooltips for rewards that describe various conditions for receiving. In a standard, oncoming battle, and assault, the conditions are the same, but in a general battle, the requirements are higher.
  4. Improved combat interface (HUD) in general battle.
  5. The transparency of the background of the panels with the list of players has been reduced to make the information easier to read on a light background (sky, water, etc.). AT top panel Added boundary markers to improve comprehension.

Training Ground Improvements


  • Irrelevant options have been disabled in the context menus of the vehicle upgrade windows, the research tree, and the vehicle carousel.
  • The rewards (credits and experience) for victories and defeats while passing the training ground have been balanced.
  • The rewards for completing the training ground are now displayed in the notification center.
  • Added a notification to players that they will not receive a reward when re-passing the training ground.
  • Made the crew recruitment window more informative.


  • Fixed bugs where some UI elements were displayed incorrectly in color blind mode.
  • Fixed errors that occurred when saving and restoring settings (vehicle panel and sights) when the player entered the training ground and exited this mode.
  • Fixed rendering of some game tips (unmasking when shooting, the need to return to the capture circle).
  • Fixed a rare bug where the "Skip Tutorial" button was displayed incorrectly.
  • The results of battles in the mode have been removed from the notification center.
  • Fixed displaying of the EULA license window when restarting the game client.
  • The description of the characteristics of vehicles in the loading screens of the training ground now corresponds to reality.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the music tracks of the battle, the Hangar and the final cinematic of the training ground were superimposed on each other.
  • Added reward descriptions to the victory screen.
  • Fixed bugs in the behavior of bots.
  • Fixed bugs in displaying map borders.

New game models in HD quality

  • USSR: Valentine II, T-150, T-44-122, "Object 416", KV-4;
  • France: Bat.-Châtillon 155 55 , Bat.-Châtillon 155 58 ;
  • Vickers Medium Mk. I, Vickers Medium Mk. II, Valentine AT, Valentine, Churchill I, FV215b;
  • China: T-34-3;
  • Japan: STB-1.

Vehicle Changes

  • Changed the name of the second turret from Centurion Action X* to Centurion 32-pdr.
  • Added OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II with 50 ammo. to the Centurion 32-pdr turret. The basic performance characteristics of the guns are as follows:
    • elevation angle 18 degrees;
    • declination angle -10 degrees;
    • spread 0.34 m per 100 m;
    • reload time 6.5 s;
    • mixing time 2.3 s.
    • damage 280 units;
    • penetration 220 mm.
    • damage 280 units;
    • projectile speed 1098 m/s;
    • penetration 252 mm.
    • damage 370 units;
    • projectile speed 878 m/s;
    • penetration 47 mm.
  • Removed the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel with 60 ammo. from the Centurion Action X* turret.
  • The OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel with 60 ammo has been removed. from the Centurion Action X* turret.
  • The carrying capacity of the FV221A undercarriage has been changed from 63,000 to 64,000 kg.
  • The spread of the gun from the movement of the FV221 chassis has been increased by 12%.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the movement of the FV221A chassis has been increased by 14%.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the FV221 chassis has been increased by 12%.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the FV221A chassis has been increased by 14%.
  • Dispersion of the OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII when turning the Centurion 32-pdr turret increased by 25%.
  • Turret traverse speed of the Centurion Mk. II changed from 30 to 26 deg/s.
  • Centurion 32-pdr turret traverse speed changed from 36 to 30 deg/s.
  • Elevation angle of the OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII in the Centurion Mk. II changed from 15 to 18 degrees.
  • Declination angle of the OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII in the Centurion Mk. II changed from -8 to -10 degrees.
  • Changed the name of the first turret from Centurion Action X** to Conqueror Mk. II.
  • Changed name of second turret from Conqueror Mk. II on the Conqueror Mk. II ABP.
  • Added OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II with 50 ammo. to the Conqueror Mk. II. The basic performance characteristics of the guns are as follows:
    • elevation angle 15 degrees;
    • declination angle -10 degrees;
    • spread 0.33 m per 100 m;
    • reload time 5.9 s;
    • mixing time 2.1 s.
  • Added OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II with 50 ammo. to the Conqueror Mk. II ABP. The basic performance characteristics of the guns are as follows:
    • elevation angle 15 degrees;
    • declination angle -10 degrees;
    • spread 0.33 m per 100 m;
    • reload time 5.9 s;
    • mixing time 2.1 s.
  • Added APCBC Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 280 units;
    • penetration 220 mm;
    • speed 878 m/s.
  • Added APDS Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 280 units;
    • penetration 252 mm;
    • speed 1098 m/s.
  • Added HE Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 370 units;
    • penetration 47 mm;
    • speed 878 m/s.
  • The OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel with 65 ammo has been removed. from the Centurion Action X* turret.
  • The OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel with 65 ammo has been removed. from the Centurion Action X* turret.
  • The OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel with 65 ammo has been removed. from the Conqueror Mk. II.
  • The OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel with 65 ammo has been removed. from the Conqueror Mk. II.
  • Removed AP Mk. 1 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel.
  • Removed APC Mk. 2 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel.
  • Removed HE Mk. 3 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel.
  • Removed AP Mk. 1 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel.
  • Removed APC Mk. 2 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel.
  • Removed HE Mk. 3 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel.
  • Carrying capacity of the Conqueror Mk. I changed from 65,004 to 65,504 kg.
  • Reload time for the 120 mm Gun L1A1 for the Conqueror Mk. II ABP changed from 10.5s to 11.3s.
  • Turret traverse speed of the Conqueror Mk. II changed from 36 to 30 deg/s.
  • Turret traverse speed of the Conqueror Mk. II ABP changed from 34 to 32 deg/s.
  • Enhanced turret and hull armor.
  • Improved turret armor.
  • Improved turret armor.
  • Added OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II with 30 ammo. to the Avenger tower. The basic performance characteristics of the guns are as follows:
    • elevation angle 20 degrees;
    • declination angle -10 degrees;
    • horizontal guidance angles -60 and 60 degrees;
    • spread 0.35 m per 100 m;
    • reload time 7.8 s;
    • mixing time 2 s.
  • Added APCBC Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 280 units;
    • penetration 220 mm;
    • speed 878 m/s.
  • Added APDS Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 280 units;
    • penetration 252 mm;
    • speed 1098 m/s.
  • Added HE Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 370 units;
    • penetration 47 mm;
    • speed 878 m/s.
  • Challenger turret traverse speed changed from 14 deg/s to 16 deg/s.
  • Avenger turret traverse speed changed from 16 deg/s to 18 deg/s.
  • Improved turret armor.
  • Rolls-Royce Meteorite 202B engine power changed from 510 to 650 hp With.
  • Changed the depression angle of the OQF 20-pdr AT Gun Type A Barrel from -5 to -9 degrees.
  • Changed the depression angle of the OQF 20-pdr AT Gun Type B Barrel from -5 to -9 degrees.
  • Changed the depression angle of the 105 mm AT Gun L7 from -5 to -10 degrees.
  • Added B.L. 5.5-in. AT Gun with 30 ammo to the FV4004 Conway turret. The basic performance characteristics of the guns are as follows:
    • elevation angle 10 degrees;
    • declination angle -10 degrees;
    • horizontal guidance angles -90 and 90 degrees;
    • spread 0.38 m per 100 m;
    • reload time 14.4 s;
    • mixing time 2.4 s.
  • Added AP Mk. 1 for gun B.L. 5.5-in. A. T. Gun. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 600 units;
    • penetration 260 mm;
    • speed 850 m/s.
  • Added HE Mk. 1T for B.L. 5.5-in. A. T. Gun. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 770 units;
    • penetration 70 mm;
    • speed 850 m/s.
  • Added HESH Mk. 1 for gun B.L. 5.5-in. A. T. Gun. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 770 units;
    • penetration 200 mm;
    • speed 850 m/s.
  • FV4004 Conway turret traverse speed changed from 16 to 18 deg/s.
  • Changed the depression angle of the 120 mm AT Gun L1A1 gun in the FV4004 Conway turret from -5 to -10 degrees.
  • The maximum forward speed has been changed from 35 to 40 km/h.
  • The maximum reverse speed has been changed from 20 to 15 km/h.
  • Rolls-Royce Griffon engine added. The basic performance characteristics of the engine are as follows:
    • power 950 l. With.;
    • 20% fire chance.
  • Removed Rolls-Royce Meteor Mk. IVB.
  • Decreased dispersion of the 183 mm L4 gun when traversing the FV4005 Stage II turret by 12%.
  • FV4005 Stage II turret traverse speed changed from 12 to 16 deg/s.
  • Changed the depression angle of the 183 mm L4 gun in the FV4005 Stage II turret from -5 to -10 degrees.
  • The horizontal guidance angles of the 183 mm L4 gun in the FV4005 Stage II turret have been changed from 45 to 90 degrees in both directions.
  • Ammo changed from 12 to 20 shells.
  • Improved turret armor.


Added machine for testing by supertesters:

  • The dispersion of the gun from the movement of the Rheinmetall Panzerwagen chassis has been reduced by 22%.
  • The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the chassis of the Rheinmetall Panzerwagen was reduced by 22%.
  • Decreased dispersion of the 105 mm Kanone gun during turret traverse by 17%.
  • Changed the reload time for the 105 mm Kanone gun from 10 to 9 s.
  • Changed the aiming time of the 105 mm Kanone gun from 1.9 to 1.6 s.
  • The damage dealt by the Exp. APDS of the 105 mm Kanone gun changed from 360 to 320 HP
  • The damage dealt by the Exp. HE gun 105 mm Kanone, changed from 440 to 420 units.
  • The damage dealt by the Exp. HEAT of the 105 mm Kanone gun, changed from 360 to 320 HP
  • Ammunition increased from 30 to 35 shells.


  • Dispersion of the gun from movement of the Type 59 suspension reduced by 22%.
  • Dispersion of the Type 59's undercarriage has been reduced by 22%.
  • Decreased dispersion of the 100 mm Type 59 gun when traversing the turret by 25%.
  • Changed the aiming time for the 100 mm Type 59 gun from 2.9 to 2.3 s.
  • Ammo changed from 34 to 50 shells.
  • The aiming time of the 122 mm D-25TA gun was changed from 3.4 to 2.9 s.
  • Changed the rearward depression angle of the 122 mm D-25TA gun from 0 to -4 degrees.
  • Reinforced hull and turret armor.
  • The armor penetration of the AP M318 shell for the 90 mm Gun M41 has been changed from 190 to 212 mm.

Release date update 9.20 in Wold of Tanks

Update 9.20 WOT, officially released on the RU cluster on August 29, or rather on the night of Monday to Tuesday (August 28-29) 🐇

📊 Approximate release dates for RU update 9.20 in Wold of Tanks:

  • Preparation of news by WG - July 25th.
  • Official WG announcement - July 26-27.
  • Exit to ST - 27 July.
  • Launch of the new season global map- July 24-30.
  • Wargaming's birthday is August 2 (age 19).
  • Release of the first public test of patch 9.20 - August 2-3.
  • Birthday project World of Tanks - August 12 (7 years), surprises and gift activities… https://vk.com/wall-131902035_1369
  • Release of the second public test of patch 9.20 - August 16th.
  • The release to the base is the end of this summer.

Vehicles converted to HD (9.20 WoT):

  1. Bat.-Châtillon 25 t
  2. Churchill III
  3. T-44-85
  4. SU-14-1
  5. Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735(f)
  6. VK 30.01 (D)
  7. Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D
  8. Matilda Black Prince
  9. M5A1 Stuart
  10. M48A1 Patton (turret change)
  • 12 combat vehicles will be remastered in HD quality in the next update.
  • 31 cars are still to be transferred in total.

If you suddenly want to install future HD tank models of update 9.20 on the current client, then we have specially assembled and provide this opportunity (size 317 M):

How to install?

Download, unzip the file and drop it into the root folder with the game, agree to merge if necessary.

Patch 9.20 Changelog

List of changes in update version 0.9.20 ST1 compared to / ST1: Changes in 0.9.20 vs

New type of battle "General Battle"

New battle type "General Battle" for the "Random Battle" mode


  • 60 players on the map, 30 in each team;
  • Only Tier X vehicles are available;
  • Fight time 15 minutes;

Win condition:

  • capture the enemy base;
  • destroy all enemy equipment.


  • Battle of the "General battle" type is formed from the general queue of the "Random battle" mode.
  • Only level 10 vehicles can participate in battles of the "General battle" type.
  • Getting into the battle type "General battle" occurs randomly, by analogy with other types of battle: "Assault" and "Encounter battle".
  • The battle type "General Battle" is enabled by default for all players. Enabling/disabling is done in the settings: Settings -> Game -> Types of Random Battles -> Grand Battle.
  • Each team is conditionally divided into 3 subgroups, 10 people each.
  • The player cannot choose a subgroup, belonging to a specific subgroup is determined by the matchmaker.
  • The composition of the teams in the Grand Battle is governed by the general rules of matchmaking 2.0.
  • The composition of each subgroup by vehicle type will be as similar as possible to the composition of a similar subgroup from the opposite team.
  • The number of self-propelled guns in this type of battle is limited to 4 units per team.
  • The difference in the number of platoons between teams is no more than 2 platoon players.
  • If at least one player in a platoon has the "General battle" battle type enabled, then such a platoon can get into this type of battle, regardless of whether it is marked for other members of the platoon.


  • In this update, the General Battle takes place on only one Nebelburg map.
  • Map size: 1.4 x 1.4 kilometers.
  • The appearance of players on the map is regulated by their subgroup.
  • Each subgroup has its own starting position.
  • There are two bases: one for each team (as in a Standard battle).


  • Loading screen, stats screen (by Tab), post-battle stats screen, and team line-up panel adapted for 60 players.
  • The whole team is divided into 3 subgroups.
  • The composition of each subgroup can be viewed in detail by clicking on the corresponding subgroup.
  • Changed the top element of the user interface. In addition to the total number of vehicles destroyed by the team, this element also displays the percentage of each team's total hit points.

Awards, achievements and statistics:

  • In each battle of the "General Battle" type, players will be able to receive bonds. Also, players will be able to get bonds in regular Random Battles, where only vehicles of the 10th level (the so-called "twelfth level";) participate.
  • The number of bonds received as a reward depends on the experience earned in battle.
  • The player will be able to complete Combat Missions, Personal Combat Missions, as well as receive all the rewards available in Random Battles.
  • In the Grand Battle, players will be able to receive badges of class and marks on the barrel, just like in regular random battles.
  • Battles of the "General battle" type are not taken into account in the summary of the player's achievements and do not affect the statistics of random battles;
  • Statistics for this battle type will be displayed in Achievements -> Statistics ->
  • Statistics on the success of a particular vehicle in the "General Battle" battle type will be displayed in Achievements -> Vehicles -> Battle Type "General Battle".

Hall of Fame:

  • The updated Hall of Fame is now in the game client.
  • A new section has been added to the "Achievements" screen - "Hall of Fame", which has undergone many changes.
  • Now you can evaluate your results in Random Battles not only for your account as a whole, but also for each vehicle separately, as well as view the best players.
  • You can compare your achievements with friends, clanmates and other players for different time intervals.
  • In addition, you can evaluate your effectiveness using the new " World Ranking of Tanks" (WTR), which shows the level of play on individual machines in comparison with all players on the server.
  • The Hall of Fame and the new WTR rankings are in open beta. We are waiting for your feedback and suggestions, because work on this continues.

Crew stun mechanic improvements:

  1. Added the duration of the inflicted stun to post-battle statistics.
  2. Improved the mechanics of dealing damage and stunning through obstacles. Now the self-propelled guns will not inflict damage through obstacles more than 2 meters thick if the target is completely hidden behind them. In this case, the blast wave can slightly bend around the corners of obstacles. To do this, from the point of impact to the edge of the obstacle must be less than 2 meters, however, the damage from the explosion will be reduced.

Changes have been made to rides in hard-to-reach places on the following maps:

  1. Karelia
  2. steppes
  3. Lassville
  4. Monastery
  5. mines
  6. Sacred Valley
  7. Pass
  8. Al Halluf
  9. arctic

Balance changes to military equipment

Change specifications and balance in update 9.20


  • Gun reload time 12.8 cm Kw.K. 44 L/55 changed from 12 sec. up to 13.3 sec.
  • Durability changed from 3200 to 3000 units.

8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

  • Dispersion of the gun from movement of the Jagdtiger 8.8 suspension reduced by 6%
  • Dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the Jagdtiger 8.8 suspension reduced by 6%
  • Jagdtiger 8.8 suspension traverse speed changed from 22 to 26


A full branch of tank destroyers has been added:

  1. T-26GFT
  2. M3GFT
  3. SU-76GFT
  4. 60GFT
  5. WZ-131GFT
  6. T-34-2GFT
  7. WZ-111-1GFT
  8. WZ-111GFT
  9. WZ-113GFT


Added tank: (for testing by supertesters) * T-44 light

T-54 first sample

  • Dispersion of the gun from the movement of the T-54 suspension of the first sample is reduced by 9%
  • Dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the T-54 suspension of the first sample is reduced by 9%
  • Decreased dispersion of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun when turning the turret by 25%
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun for the T-54 turret, the first sample, was changed from 2.4 sec. up to 2.2 sec.
  • The viewing range of the T-54 turret, the first sample, has been changed from 360 m to 380 m.
  • Improved turret armor
  • Armor penetration of the UBR-412 shell for the 100 mm D-10T-K gun changed from 183 mm to 190 mm
  • Armor penetration of the UBR-412P shell for the 100 mm D-10T-K gun changed from 235 mm to 247 mm
  • Changed the depression angle of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun from -6 degrees to -7 degrees
  • Changed the ammo capacity of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun from 34 to 56


  • Reload time for the 100 mm LB-1 gun changed from 8.1 sec. up to 7.5 sec.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun was changed from 2.2 sec. up to 2 sec.
  • Improved turret armor

T-44-100 (R)

  • Decreased dispersion of the 100 mm LB-1 gun when traversing the turret by 15%
  • The reload time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 (R) turret changed from 8.1 sec. up to 7.5 sec.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 (R) turret changed from 2.2 sec. up to 2 sec.
  • Improved turret armor
  • Armor penetration of the UBR-412 shell for the 100 mm LB-1 gun changed from 183 mm to 190 mm
  • Armor penetration of the UBR-412P shell of the 100 mm LB-1 gun changed from 235 mm to 247 mm
  • T-103
  • MN-1 engine power display changed from 1000 hp to 1000 hp up to 900 hp, which now corresponds to the actual engine power.
  • Dispersion of the gun from the movement of the T-44 suspension reduced by 9%
  • Dispersion of the gun from the movement of the T-44M suspension reduced by 10%
  • Dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the T-44 suspension reduced by 9%
  • The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the T-44M chassis was reduced by 10%
  • Dispersion of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun changed from 0.43 m to 0.42 m
  • Decreased dispersion of the 100 mm LB-1 gun when traversing the turret by 14%
  • The reload time of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun for the T-44-100 turret changed from 19.2 sec. up to 15.2 sec.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 turret changed from 8.1 sec. up to 7.5 sec.
  • The aiming time of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun for the T-44-100 turret changed from 3.4 sec. up to 3.2 sec.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 turret changed from 2.3 sec. up to 2.1 sec.
  • Armor penetration of the UBR-412P shell of the 100 mm LB-1 gun changed from 235 mm to 247 mm
  • Armor penetration of the UBR-412 shell for the 100 mm LB-1 gun changed from 183 mm to 190 mm
  • Dispersion of the 100 mm D-10T2S gun changed from 0.35 m to 0.39 m
  • Dispersion of the 100 mm D-54 gun changed from 0.39 m to 0.33 m
  • Reload time for the 100 mm D-10T2S gun for the T-54 turret mod. 1949 changed from 7.8 sec. up to 7.4 sec.
  • Reload time for the 100 mm D-54 gun for the T-54 turret mod. 1949 changed from 8.2 sec. up to 8.5 sec.
  • Aiming time for the 100 mm D-10T2S gun for the T-54 turret mod. 1949 changed from 2.3 sec. up to 2.5 sec.
  • Aiming time for the 100 mm D-54 gun for the T-54 turret mod. 1949 changed from 2.9 sec. up to 2 sec.
  • Enhanced turret and hull armor
  • Armor penetration of the UBR-412P shell of the 100 mm LB-1 gun changed from 235 mm to 247 mm
  • Armor penetration of the UBR-412 shell for the 100 mm LB-1 gun changed from 183 mm to 190 mm
  • Changed the depression angle of the 100 mm D-10T2S gun from -5 degrees to -6 degrees
  • Added M-50TI engine
  • Removed M-50T engine
  • Dispersion of the gun from the movement of the IS-7 suspension reduced by 16%
  • The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the IS-7 chassis was reduced by 16%
  • Decreased spread of the 130 mm S-70 gun when traversing the turret by 25%
  • The aiming time of the 130 mm S-70 gun for the IS-7 turret changed from 3.1 sec. up to 2.9 sec.
  • Durability changed from 2150 to 2400 units.


  • Added gun 152 mm D-4S
  • Removed gun 122 mm A-19 mod. 1937
  • Removed 122 mm D-25S mod. 1944
  • Removed gun 152 mm BL-10
  • Removed UBR-471 projectile
  • Removed BR-471D projectile
  • Removed UOF-471 projectile
  • Removed shell 53-OF-551
  • Removed UBR-551 projectile
  • Removed UBR-551P shell
  • Durability changed from 1010 to 1200 units.
  • The cost of researching the BL-9S gun has been changed from 44000 to 24000
  • The cost of researching the next vehicle in the branch Object 704 has been changed from 176500 to 192500

Object 704

  • Added gun 152 mm D-4S
  • The cost of researching the next vehicle in the branch Object 268 has been changed from 301000 to 239000

Object 268

  • UGN increased from 6L/6R to 11L/11R
  • Change the speed of the 152mm_UBR551M projectile for the 152mm_M64 gun from 760 to 950 m/s (this is BB)

Object 140

  • Enhanced turret roof armor


M46 Patton

  • Improved turret armor
  • Removed 90 mm Gun M41
  • Removed 105 mm Gun T5E1M2
  • Removed AP M77 projectile
  • Removed HE M71 projectile
  • Removed HVAP M304 projectile
  • Removed AP T32M2 projectile
  • Removed APCR T29E3M2 projectile
  • Removed HE M11A2 projectile
  • Improved turret armor


In update 9.20, a vehicle was added (to replace the AMX 50 Foch (155): * AMX 50 Foch B

AMX 50 100

  • Changed the depression angle of the 90 mm DCA 45 gun from -6 degrees to -9 degrees
  • Changed the depression angle of the 90 mm F3 gun from -6 degrees to -9 degrees
  • Changed the depression angle of the 100 mm SA47 gun from -6 degrees to -9 degrees

AMX 13 75

  • Changed the ammo capacity of the 75 mm SA49 gun from 42 to 44
  • Bat.-Châtillon 25 t
  • Bat.-Châtillon 25 t AP
  • Changed the ammo capacity of the 100 mm SA47 gun from 30 to 42

AMX AC ml. 48

  • Dispersion of 120 mm AC SA46 gun changed from 0.33 m to 0.37 m
  • Dispersion of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun when turning the barrel is reduced by 42%
  • Added magazine loading system for the 120 mm AC SA46 gun for the AMX AC mle turret. 48
  • Aiming time for the 120 mm AC SA46 gun for the AMX AC mle. 48 changed from 2.9 sec. up to 2.7 sec.
  • Improved hull armor
  • Changed the ammo capacity of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun from 64 to 66

AMX50 Foch

  • The dispersion of the gun from the movement of the chassis of the AMX 50 Foch was reduced by 9%
  • The dispersion of the gun from the movement of the chassis of the AMX 50 Foch bis was reduced by 10%
  • The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the chassis of the AMX 50 Foch was reduced by 9%
  • The dispersion of the gun from the rotation of the chassis of the AMX 50 Foch bis was reduced by 10%
  • Dispersion of 120 mm AC SA46 gun changed from 0.33 m to 0.35 m
  • Dispersion of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun when turning the barrel is reduced by 30%
  • Added magazine loading system for the 120 mm AC SA46 gun for the AMX 50 Foch turret
  • The aiming time of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun for the AMX 50 Foch turret changed from 2.3 sec. up to 2.5 sec.
  • Improved hull armor
  • Changed the ammo capacity of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun from 64 to 68

AMX 50 Foch (155)

  • Added radio station SCR 619F
  • Added Saurer 1000F engine
  • Removed SCR 619 radio
  • Removed Saurer engine
  • Improved hull armor
  • Changed the elevation angle of the 155 mm AC SA58 gun from +12 to +18 degrees
  • Changed the depression angle of the 155 mm AC SA58 gun from -5 to -6 degrees
  • Tank cost changed from 6100000 credits to 5 gold
  • The car was transferred from pumped to promotional

AMX 30 1er prototype

  • Decreased dispersion of the gun from the movement of the AMX 30 1er prototype by 11%
  • The dispersion of the gun from the movement of the chassis of the AMX 30 A pré-série has been reduced by 12%
  • AMX 30 1er prototype gun dispersion reduced by 11%
  • AMX 30 A pré-série gun dispersion reduced by 12%
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 for AMX 30 A pré-série turret changed from 0.33 m to 0.37 m
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 for AMX 30 1er prototype turret changed from 0.34 m to 0.38 m
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 when turning the AMX 30 A pré-série turret reduced by 40%
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 when turning AMX 30 1er prototype turret reduced by 30%
  • Gun reload time 105 mm mle. F1 for AMX 30 A pré-série turret changed from 9.9 sec. up to 8.7 sec.
  • Gun reload time 105 mm mle. F1 for AMX 30 1er prototype turret changed from 10.2 sec. up to 9 sec.
  • Improved turret armor


  • Dispersion of the gun from the movement of the AMX 30 B suspension reduced by 25%
  • AMX 30 B gun dispersion reduced by 25%
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 changed from 0.3m to 0.36m
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 on turret traverse reduced by 33%
  • Gun reload time 105 mm mle. F1 for AMX 30 B turret changed from 8.9 sec. up to 7.8 sec.
  • Gun aiming time 105 mm mle. F1 for AMX 30 B turret changed from 2.1 sec. up to 2 sec.
  • Improved turret armor
  • Armor penetration of the OCC-105-F1 shell for the 105 mm mle. F1 changed from 320mm to 300mm
  • Armor penetration of the OFL-105-F1 shell for the 105 mm mle. F1 changed from 260mm to 248mm

Replacing F64_AMX_50Fosh_155 with F64_AMX_50Fosh_B
If F64_AMX_50Fosh_155 is researched:
research the Saurer_F155 engine
explore radio station SCR_619_F155
research tank F64_AMX_50Fosh_B
change crew specialization from F64_AMX_50Fosh_155 to F64_AMX_50Fosh_B (including deleted crew available for recovery)
transfer unallocated experience on the F64_AMX_50Fosh_155 tank to the F64_AMX_50Fosh_B tank
transfer camouflages, inscriptions, emblems from F64_AMX_50Fosh_155 to F64_AMX_50Fosh_B with the same validity periods

If F64_AMX_50Fosh_155 is in the hangar:
unload additional equipment to the warehouse
drop off the crew to the barracks
replace Saurer engine with Saurer_F155 engine
replace SCR_619 radio with SCR_619_F155 radio
add the F64_AMX_50Fosh_B tank with a slot to the hangar
Stats remain at F64_AMX_50Fosh_155, marks on the barrel are not transferred

Adding drum loading system to F37_AMX50_Foch
Unload additional equipment to the warehouse.
Adding a drum loading system to F36_AMX_AC_Mle1948
Unload additional equipment to the warehouse


Type 5 Heavy

  • Type 5 Heavy suspension traverse rate changed from 22 to 17
  • Type 5 Heavy turret traverse speed changed from 20 deg/s to 18 deg/s
  • Reduced hull armor
  • O-I Experimental
  • Removed 10 cm Cannon Type 14 gun
  • Removed APHE Type 95 projectile
  • Removed APHE Type 95 Toku Kou projectile
  • Removed HE Type 14 projectile
  • turning speed O-I towers Experimental changed from 22 deg/sec to 20 deg/sec
  • Improved hull and turret armor
  • Maximum forward speed changed from 40 km/h to 25 km/h
  • Reduced hull and turret armor

Type 4 Heavy

  • Type 4 Heavy suspension traverse speed changed from 20 to 15
  • Changed Type 4 Heavy Kai suspension traverse rate from 22 to 17
  • Type 4 Heavy turret traverse speed changed from 18 deg/s to 17 deg/s
  • Added AP Experimental Type 2 Toku Otsu projectile

As Valve promised, the global update 7.20 is already in Dota 2. Immediately after the completion of the major in Kuala Lumpur, patch 7.20 is being rolled out, on which we have to play for the next half a year. The list of patch changes is quite impressive, let's understand: first of all, annoying heroes were weakened by everyone, the formulas for gaining experience were changed, now they give gold for finishing off allied creeps, several new items have been added since patch 720, for more details, see the video review of patch 7.20 on Dota 2 Plus.

Patch 7.20 - List of changes from 11/18/2018

Deny mechanics

  • Denying allied units no longer gives the player 25% XP
  • Denies from allied units now grant 20% of the reward:
    Melee creeps - 7-8 gold
    Ranged creeps - 9-11 gold


Neutral creeps

  • Neutral stacks now give 35% reward instead of 25%
  • All Neutrals except Ancients now give 5% more Gold on Kill

The concept of random heroes

  • There are no more bonuses for choosing a particular hero
  • When randomly selected, you will be given a hero from the entire list of characters, except for the 25 least frequently chosen by you(bonus remains the same)
  • You can now select random heroes no later than the second pick in your team

Armor formula changed to (0.052 * Armor) / (0.9 + 0.048 * Armor)

Reworked the experience accrual system for heroes

  • 3-Kill Streak now grants a bonus to XP, ranging from 200 to 1250 XP
  • The formula for accruing experience has been reworked, previously it took into account the experience of teams (mechanic's comeback), no longer. Formula: (40+ 0.14 * Dying Hero XP) / number of killers.

Updated map.

Health and mana regeneration in 7.20

  • Reworked mana and health regeneration from attributes. They no longer multiply regeneration values
  • Mana Regen: Intelligence now grants 0.05 mana regen
  • Mana Regen: Removed base regen of 0.9
  • Mana Regen: Reworked mana regeneration to match the formula change
  • Health Regen: Strength now grants 0.09 health regen
  • Health Regeneration: Base regeneration value reduced by 1.5 points
  • Health regeneration: Reworked regeneration rates to match the formula change

The concept of movement speed has been changed.

  • Boots of Speed: 15%
  • Power Threads: 15%
  • Phase Boots: 15%
  • Arcane Boots: 15%
  • Guardian Greaves: 17%
  • Tranquil Boots Active: 28%
  • Tranquil Boots Inactive: 20%
  • Boots of Travel: 32%
  • Drum of Endurance: 6%
  • Eul's Scepter: 6%
  • Spirit Vessel: 6%
  • Wind Lace: 6%

General changes in patch 7.20

  • Change of day and night now occurs every 5 minutes instead of 4
  • Scan no longer ignores enemies in Roshan's lair
  • Max attack speed increased from 600 to 700
  • Default aura radius increased from 900 to 1200 (This change does not affect Gem of True Sight, Natural Order and Heartstopper Aura)
  • Now all creeps in lanes have the same movement speed value (previously creeps in some lanes moved faster before the 7:30 timestamp)
  • Added a sound to play when a team loses all barracks
  • Opening secondary stores now highlights items instead of hiding some
  • When placing wards, you will now be able to see the range of other wards
  • Added new game mechanics- binding (Leashed). Rooted units now act in the same way as Rooted units, but can use teleport and movement-related abilities, but cannot move normally. The following abilities now bind enemies: Pounce, Dream Coil and Soulbind
  • Self damage no longer disables Clarity, Bottle, Blink and similar interactions
  • Lifesteal now regenerates damage based on your attack instead of the unit's current health
  • Now you will not be able to transfer items to the backpack under the influence of provocation (Winter "s Curse, Berserker" s Call and similar)
  • Reduced movement bonus for the following heroes: Abaddon (25->20), Ax (40->30), Bane (65->50), Batrider (50->40), Bounty Hunter (25->20), Dazzle (50->40), Enchantress (25->20), Legion Commander (50->40), Lich (25->20), Naga Siren (25->20), Nature's Prophet (35-> 25), Night Stalker (45->40), Nyx Assassin (35->30), Ogre Magi (90->75), Oracle (65->50), Outworld Devourer (35->30), Pangolier (25 ->20), Pugna (25->20), Sand King (25->20), Shadow Demon(35->30), Skywrath Mage (25->20), Techies (60->50), Tidehunter (25->20), Tinker (40->30), Underlord (30->25)
  • Intellect heroes now gain 0.2 less Strength per level
  • Destroying an Observer or Sentry Ward now triggers a chat alert for your allies
  • Level 1/2/3/4 respawn time increased from 5/7/9/13 to 6/8/10/14
  • Reverted Turn Rate changes in patch 7.00
  • Attribute gain values ​​with two decimal places are now rounded
  • Shrines now regenerate 2% more health and mana per second

Splash Damage Changes

  • Cleave is now a physical type of damage, which means it will be reduced by the armor of each affected unit
  • Cleave stats on Great Cleave, Empower, Battle Fury and talents have been reworked: Increased Cleave range from 625 to 650, width from 330 to 360
  • Templar Assassin's Psi Blades no longer work on illusions
  • Spell Lifesteal and Spell Amplification no longer affect Splash Damage
  • Splash damage now respects armor type
  • Black Dragon's Splash Attack damage type changed from magical to physical
  • Black Dragon's Splash Attack now deals 100% damage in an AoE of 250
  • Same changes for Splash Damage dragon knight dragon knight

Video review of patch 7.20 by NS

An overview of the highlights of update 7.20 by Yaroslav NS Kuznetsov.

Patch 7.20 Hero Changes

  • Movement speed increased from 310 to 325
  • Agility increased by 6 points.
  • Mist Coil flight speed reduced from 1600 to 1300
  • Reworked Curse of Avernus. The slow of the target you are attacking has been changed to 10/15/20/25% for 4 seconds. If you landed 4 hits on a target, it gets silenced and slowed by 30/40/50/60% and allied heroes get a boost to the attack speed of this target +40/60/80/100.
  • Level 25 Talent changed from Curse of Avernus to +375 AoE Mist Coil
  • Using Ice Vortex no longer grants a self-buff.
  • Redesigned Chilling Touch. It is now a passive ability with a cooldown of 15/11/7/3 seconds. Gives you 50/85/120/155 extra magic damage, 100% slow for half a second, and 60/120/180/240 extra attack range for 30/50/70/90 mana
  • Now Aghanim does not work for Antimage.
  • Spell Shield ability changed to Counterspell. Grants a passive magic resistance of 15/25/35/45% and can activate a Counterspell shield for 1.4 seconds. This shield blocks all spells and reflects them back at enemies, shield cooldown 15/11/7/3, mana cost: 40.
  • Tempest Double kill bounty increased from 180 Gold/XP to 180/240/300
  • Berserker's Call bonus reduced from +40 to +30 defense
  • Level 15 Talent changed from +350 Health to +300
  • Redesigned Enfeeble: Reduces enemy resistance by 36/44/52/60% and reduces attack speed by 40/60/80/100 for 8 seconds. Dispellable, cast range 1000, cooldown 12/10/8/6, mana cost 70/90/110/130
  • Level 15 Talent changed from Enfeeble Reduce Damage to Enfeeble Reduce Attack Speed
  • Level 15 Talent changed from -100 Enfeeble Damage to -100 Attack Speed

Call of the Wild redesigned. Now the ability does not summon a neutral creep and has two separate buttons for summoning a boar and an eagle. Eagle is a global ability that sends an invisible, uncontrollable eagle, starting from where you are. Unit characteristics:

  • Boar Health: 300/450/600/750
  • Boar Damage Type: Hero
  • Boar Damage: 16/32/48/64
  • Boar Attack Slow: 10/20/30/40% for 3 seconds
  • Boar Life Time: 60
  • Boar Ability Cooldown: 42/38/34/30
  • Boar Mana Cost: 50
  • Hawk health: 300/450/600/750
  • Hawk movement speed: 300/340/380/420
  • Hawk View Radius: 600/700/800/900
  • Hawk life time: 60
  • Hawk Reload Time: 60/50/40/30
  • Hawk Mana Cost: 30
  • Primal Roar movement speed bonus increased from 30% to 40%
  • Primal Roar target knockback radius increased from 300 to 450
  • Primal Roar target knockback duration increased from 0.6 to 1.0 seconds
  • Primal Roar target is now slowed down in the same way as additional targets
  • Primal Roar secondary target slow increased from 50% to 60%
  • Level 25 Talent changed from +2 Hawk Summoned to -15s Hawk Cooldown
  • Thrist now gives 30/45/60/75 attack speed instead of bonus damage
  • Thrist movement speed increased from 7/18/29/40% to 12/14/36/48%
  • Bloodrage damage in and out reduced from 25/30/35/40% to 10/15/20/25%
  • Bloodrage now works regardless of range (previously halved at long range)
  • Blood Rite damage increased from 120/160/200/240 to 125/175/225/275
  • Rupture now deals 8% of current health as pure damage per 100 units traveled. Can't be lethal
  • Rupture duration reduced from 12 to 8/10/12
  • Rupture cast range changed from 800 to 700/800/900
  • Rupture cooldown rescaled from 60 to 70/60/50
  • Level 20 Talent changed from +18% Rupture Damage to +600 Rupture Cast Range
  • Strength value recalculated from 18+2.1 to 20+2.5
  • Shadow Walk no longer deals 30/60/90/120 damage. Stealth Attack now reduces movement speed by 14/20/26/32% for 4 seconds
  • Jinada has been redesigned. Cooldown time - 12/9/6/3. Attack deals 80/110/140/170 bonus damage and steals 12/18/24/30 unreliable gold from enemy heroes
  • Movement speed from Track is now only given by BH
  • Hero attacks under Track will be critical with a multiplier of 1.4/1/6/1/8
  • Using Track no longer breaks invisibility
  • Track gold drop radius increased from 925 to 1200
  • Level 20 Talent changed from +125% Jinada Critical Damage to +90 Jinada Stolen Gold
  • Intelligence gained per level increased from 1.3 to 1.6
  • Base movement speed increased from 295 to 305
  • Thunderclap cost reduced from 90/105/130/150 to 90/100/110/120
  • Drunken Brawler redesigned. Now it's a buff that works for itself. Lasts 5 seconds. Grants 50/60/70/80% dodge and 80% chance for a 200/220/240/260% critical hit. Movement speed ranges from -20% to +40%. Cooldown: 20/19/18/17. Mana: 35/40/45/50
  • Drunken Haze has been replaced with Cinder Brew. Covers an area in a 400 radius with alcohol, slowing enemies by 25%. Enemies have a 20/25/30/35% chance to attack each other instead of the original target. Lasts 7 seconds. If the target is attacked by any fire spell (including the fire spirit from the ultimate), the duration will resume and the target will burn and take 10/25/40/55 damage per second. Cooldown: 20/18/16/14. Mana: 50. An ally's attack cannot cause death.
  • The following heroes have fire abilities: Dragon Knight, Jakiro, Phoenix, Axe, Doom, Ember Spirit, Brewmaster, Lina, Ogre, Batrider, Wraith King, Clinkz, Invoker, Warlock, Underlord, and Huskar
  • Level 25 Talent changed from +15% Drunken Brawler Chance to +200% Critical Hit Damage

Viscous Nasal Goo armor reduction increased from 1/1.4/1.8/2.2 to 1.4/1.8/2.2./2.6

Spiderling/Spiderite magic resistance reduced from 50% to 40%

  • Power gained per level reduced from 4.3 to 4.0
  • Hoof Stomp damage reduced from 100/150/200/250 to 80/110/140/170
  • Double Edge damage rescaled from 175/250/325/400 to 150/200/250/300 + 40/60/80/100% of current strength
  • Double Edge cast time reduced from 0.5 to 0.4
  • Return renamed to Retaliate
  • Retaliate is no longer affected by strength
  • Retaliate damage increased from 16/18/20/22 to 16/32/48/64
  • Retaliate gains charges every time you are attacked by a hero or tower. The ability can be activated at the expense of all charges. Increases base damage by a percentage per stack. Max stacks 10. Gain 6/9/12/15% base damage per stack Cooldown: 55/50/45/40
  • Stampede cooldown increased from 90/75/60 ​​to 110/100/90
  • Stampede mana cost increased from 100 to 150
  • Level 10 Talent changed from +10% Magic Resistance to +20 Movement Speed
  • Level 15 Talent changed from +15% Return Damage from Strength to +50% Double Edge Damage from Strength
  • Level 15 Talent changed from +75 Damage to +30 Base Damage
  • Level 20 Talent changed from +300 Double Edge Damage to +50 Return Damage
  • Chaos Strike reworked. It is now a passive ability. guarantees a critical hit - from 120% to 160/190/220/150%. The hit has 35/40/45/50% lifesteal. Cooldown: 8/7/6/5 seconds
  • Reality Rift no longer reduces armor
  • Reality Rift now moves the target 250/300/350/400 units
  • Reality Rift now damages the target, slowing it by 15/25/35/45% and removing 30/50/70/90 attack speed for 2 seconds
  • Reality Rift cooldown rescaled from 18/14/0/6 to 20/15/10/5
  • Reality Rift cast range rescaled from 550/600/650/700 to 475/550/625/700
  • Chaos Bolt minimum damage rescaled from 75/100/125/150 to 60/90/120150
  • Chaos Bolt max damage rescaled from 200/225/250/275 to 180/210/240/270
  • Chaos Bolt projectile speed reduced from 1000 to 700
  • Phantasm: The number of illusions is always three
  • Phantasm illusion damage rescaled from 100% to 40/70/100%
  • Phantasm illusion duration reduced from 42 to 30
  • Level 25 Talent changed from -7 Reality Rift Armor to -2s Chaos Strike Cooldown
  • Penitence charge rate reduced from 2000 to 1400
  • Penitence no longer increases incoming damage
  • Penitence now increases attack speed by 30/60/90/120 for all units that hit the target
  • Test of Faith changed to Divine Favor. Affects allied units, grants 7/13/19/25 health regen, and increases all incoming healing by 25% and damage by 10/20/40/80. Lasts 12 seconds. Cooldown: 26/24/22/20 seconds. Cast range - 800. Mana - 110
  • Holy Persuasion can now summon level 4/5/6/6 creeps
  • Holy Persuasion unit minimum health increased from 700/800/900/1000 to 1000
  • Holy Persuasion now sends a friendly unit anywhere on the map towards you, instead of sending them to the fountain. The ability is canceled if the unit takes damage from the hero
  • Holy Persuasion cooldown reduced from 32/24/18/10 to 15 (works like KotL's Recall, which is now gone)
  • Level 15 Talent changed from -10s Test of Faith Cooldown to -10s Divine Favor Cooldown

Death Pact replaced by Burning Army. Applied vector. Summons 4/5/6 skeleton archers in a line of 1300 units. Skeleons use Searing Arrows, have Clinkz's base damage, cannot move, and are destroyed in 2 hits. They only hit heroes. Attack range depends on Clinkz, spawns 0.8 seconds after cast. Cast Range: 800 Cooldown: 110 Mana: 125/175/225 Lasts 20 seconds, base attack time: 1.8/1.65/1.5

  • Rocket Flare projectile speed increased from 1750 to 2250
  • Power Cogs knockback range increased from 250 to 300
  • Power Cogs knockback duration increased from 0.85 to 1
  • Power Cogs damage increased from 50/100/150/200 to 50/125/200/275
  • Power Cogs mana burn reduced from 50/100/150/200 to 50/80/110/140
  • Base damage increased by 2
  • Frostbite no longer interrupts spells
  • Frostbite cast range increased from 525 to 550
  • Freezing Field is now applied instantly
  • Surge: duration is six seconds at all levels
  • Surge cooldown rescaled from 13/12/11/10 to 16/14/12/10
  • Target under Surge can no longer be slowed
  • Surge speed rescaled from 550 to +36/54/72/90%
  • Target under Surge now ignores max movement speed
  • Target under Surge now ignores all collisions
  • Wall of Replica now uses a vector cast
  • Wall of Replica cast time reduced from 0.4 to 0.2 seconds
  • Wall of Replica cast range increased from 500/700/900 to 1300
  • Wall of Replica now slows down heroes until they exit the wall
  • Wall of Replica slow reduced from 75% to 50/60/70%
  • Poison Touch mana cost increased from 80 to 80/90/100/110
  • Poison Touch debuffs now stack
  • Weave has been replaced with Bad Juju. Passive Ability. Reduces ability cooldowns by 30/40/50%. When using any Dazzle ability, all enemies within a 1200 radius around lose 2/2.25/2.5 armor for 10 seconds. The debuff stacks and refreshes the duration. Does not work on Roshan
  • Shadow Wave cooldown increased from 12/10/8/6 to 13/11/9/7
  • Level 25 Talent changed from +0.5 Weave Armor Per Second to +0.5 Bad Juju Armor Reduction
  • Level 25 Talent changed from -4 Shadow Wave Cooldown to +40% Poison Touch Slow
  • Movement speed increased from  305 to 310
  • Spirit Siphon now drains and grants 4/6/8/10% movement speed DP from the enemy.

Thunder Strike damage increased from 40/60/80/100 to 45/70/95/120.

  • Base attack range increased from 150 to 175
  • Devour can now be used when the last creep was not digested
  • Devour now grants 5/10/15/20 health regen per second for each creep eaten while active
  • Devour now takes 80 seconds to digest any creep
  • Devour can now be cast without replacing previous creep abilities
  • Scorched Earth no longer restores health
  • Scorched Earth cooldown reduced from 55 to 55/50/45/40
  • Scorched Earth damage increased from 16/24/32/40 to 20/30/40/50
  • Level 10 Talent changed from +10 Scorched Earth Damage and Healing to +20 Scorched Earth Damage.
  • Elder Dragon Form Splash now deals 75% damage in a 300 AoE
  • Splash from Elder Dragon Form no longer deals partial damage on a miss.
  • Precision Aura now increases Attack by 20/36/52/68% of Agility instead of Damage by 10/20/30/40% of Agility
  • Reworked Marksmanship. Now grants a 20/30/40% chance to proc a piercing attack that cannot miss and goes through the enemy's defenses. Ignores armor, instantly kills creeps. Disabled if the enemy is closer than 400 radius
  • Level 20 Talent changed from +20 Marksmanship Agility to +25% Evasion
  • Level 25 Talent changed from +20% Precision Aura Damage to +25% Precision Aura Attack Speed.

Fissure cooldown increased from 18/17/16/15 to 21/19/17/15

  • Strength gain increased from 3.5 to 3.8
  • Rolling Boulder effect changed from 80% slow for 0.4/0.6/0.8/1 second to 0.4/0.6/0.8/1 second stun
  • Rolling Boulder stun increased by 0.4/0.6/0.8/1 second when using a gem
  • Boulder Smash effect changed from 0.5/1/1.5/2 seconds stun to 80% slow for 1.25/2.5/3.25/4 seconds
  • Boulder Smash damage increased from 50/100/150/200 to 105/170/235/300
  • Stone Remnant max charges increased from 6 to 7
  • Magnetize range increased from 300 to 350
  • Level 25 Talent changed from +1s Boulder Smash Stun to +0.75s Rolling Boulder Stun.
  • Astral Spirit damage reduced from 60/90/120/150 to 50
  • Astral Spirit return speed increased from 600 to 800
  • Astral Spirit bonus attack damage increased from 15/30/45/60 to 20/40/60/80
  • Astral Spirit now grants +1.5/3/4.5/6 armor per hero and +0.5 armor per creep
  • Astral Spirit movement speed per hero increased from 5% to 7%
  • Astral Spirit bonus speed threshold increased from 30% to 40%
  • Astral Spirit bonus duration increased from 9 to 10 seconds
  • Level 25 Talent changed from +100% Lifesteal to Astral Spirit Grants Spell Immunity.

Fire Remnant now deals damage over the entire flight distance (half radius) instead of just the destination.

Base movement speed reduced from 300 to 290.

  • Time Lock now allows Faceless Void to perform a double attack when the target is stunned. Deals an additional 30/40/50/60 damage and stuns for 0.75 seconds
  • Level 15 Talent changed from +100 Time Lock Damage to +70
  • Added to Captains Mode
  • Soulbind now applies a bind effect to the target, blocking teleportation and mobility abilities
  • Soulbind duration reduced from 6/8/10 to 6/7/8
  • Phantom's Embrace creature now flies closer to the target before fixing
  • Ink Swell now gains maximum strength based on the duration of the impact on the enemy, and not based on the damage dealt by the characters
  • Ink Swell   max duration decreased from 2.2/2.8/3.4/4 to 2/2.6/3.2/3.8
  • Level 20 Talent changed from +2 Phantom Kill Hits to +1
  • Berserker's Blood no longer provides magic resistance. Now increases regeneration to 20/40/60/80% of strength, depending on missing health
  • Berserker's Blood effect now increases more when health drops
  • Replaced Inner Vitality with Inner Fire. When health falls below 35%, scatter all enemies within a 500 radius around him, dealing 100/155/210/265 damage and disarming for 1.75/2.5/3.25/4 seconds. Enemies are knocked back to a distance of 550 from the hero. The knockback duration is 0.6 seconds. Cooldown - 18/16/14/12 seconds. Mana cost - 75/100/125/150
  • Level 15 Talent changed from +15% Lifesteal to +20%
  • Level 15 Talent changed from +10 Burning Spears DPS to +15
  • Level 20 Talent changed from +15 Strength to +20
  • Level 25 Talent changed from +150 Attack Range to +175

Spirits cooldown increased from 26/22/18/14 to 26/24/22/20

Macropyre damage now lingers on affected people for 2 seconds

Agility increased by 10 (base damage unchanged)

After winning a duel, Press The Attack is automatically used on the hero

  • Feast rescaled from 4.5/5.5/6.5/7.5% of current health to 1.75/2.5/3.25/4% of max health
  • Level 25 Talent changed from +2% Current Health to +1% Max Health
  • Mana Drain slow rescaled from 16/19/22/25% to 20/24/28/32%
  • Finger of Death now gets stronger with each kill. Gain +50 damage per hero killed. If the enemy dies within 3 seconds of using the ability, the bonus is still granted
  • Intelligence increased from 16 + 3.3 to 20 + 3.6
  • Frost Nova mana cost reduced from 125/150/170/190 to 105/130/155/180
  • Changed Ice Armor to Frost Shield. Places a shield that reduces 30/40/50/60% of incoming damage for 6 seconds. Each attack within 600 AoE deals 20/30/40/50 and slows by 35% for 0.5 seconds. Cooldown: 30/25/20/15. Mana cost: 100/110/120/130. Can be thrown on buildings.
  • Level 20 Talent changed from +180 GPM to +2s Frost Shield
  • Level 20 Talent changed from +175 Range Casts to +150
  • Level 25 Talent changed from Ice Armor Provides +30 Health Regen to Frost Shield Provides +60 Health Regen
  • Base movement speed increased from 320 to 340
  • Spirit Bear base movement speed rescaled from 320/330/340/350 to 340/350/360/370
  • Spirit Bear attack response time reduced from 0.67 to 0.4
  • Spirit Bear attack damage increased from 35/45/55/65 to 35/50/65/80
  • Abilities changed:
    • Spirit Bear now has a level one ability, Defender. 30% of damage dealt to Lone Druid is transferred to the Spirit Bear if it is in a radius that allows it to attack
    • Replacing Rabid with Spirit Link. Adds 30/50/70/90 attack speed to both and converts 40/50/60/70% of the damage dealt by the hero into Spirit Bear health and vice versa.
    • Duration: 10 seconds. Cooldown: 42/34/26/18. Cost: 50/60/70/80
  • Lunar Blessing now provides +8/14/20/26 bonus to primary attribute as a bonus aura, instead of bonus damage
  • Level 15 Talent changed from +24 Lunar Blessing Damage to +14 Lunar Blessing Primary Attribute

Redesigned Howl. Now grants +21/34/47/60 attack speed, +3/4/5/6 armor, and +4/6/8/10 health regen to all player-controlled units on the map. Lasts 9 seconds. Cooldown: 50/45/40/35. Cost: 25/30/35/40

  • Skewer cooldown reduced from 25 to 26/24/22/20
  • Reworked Shock Wave. Unleashes a wave to the target point, pulling units lightly and dealing 75/150/225/300 damage. Slows enemies by 60% for 0.75 seconds. Width: 200, Distance: 1200, Projectile Speed: 900. Pull Duration: 0.2. Cost: 90/100/110/120. Cooldown: 14/13/12/11
  • Stone Gaze no longer gives enemies +100% Magic Resistance
  • Stone Gaze no longer instantly kills illusions
  • Mystic Snake no longer changes damage type against enemies affected by Stone Gaze
  • Base movement speed increased from 310 to 320
  • Replacing Geostrike with Ransack. Each attack steals 8/12/16/20 health from enemy heroes (and 4/6/8/10 from creeps) and heals all Meepos for the same amount
  • Clones now only gain 50% normal XP from the areaLevel 10 Talent reduced from +20 Damage to +15

Now when using Leap, the hero turns towards the jump point

  • Mischief now always turns into a courier if another courier is nearby
  • Mischief now gives you 0.3 seconds of invulnerability when transforming
  • Mischief cooldown increased from 3 to 20
  • Mirror Image duration reduced from 30 to 24
  • Mirror Image cooldown reduced from 40 to 45/40/35/30
  • Mirror Image cost increased from 70/80/90/100 to 70/85/100/115
  • Mirror Image incoming damage rescaled from 550/500/450/400% to 475/450/425/400%
  • Rip Tide has been redesigned. Now a passive ability. Gives a chance that an attack will trigger a Rip Tide that deals area damage and reduces armor
  • Experience for treants reduced from 30 to 20
  • Treant gold reduced from 21 to 16
  • Base attack range reduced from 550 to 500
  • Kill regen bonus now grants Heartstopper Aura rather than Death Pulse (if Necrophos himself takes the kill)

night stalker

  • Changed Crippling Fear. Now, when activated within a 375 radius, the aura now silences enemies while they are nearby. Aura duration 5/6/7/8 seconds (3 seconds during the day). No longer has a miss chance. Cooldown: 30/25/20/15. Cost: 50
  • Darkness has been replaced with Dark Ascension. Causes you to transform into a stronger flying creature with +50/100/150 bonus damage and 900 unobstructed vision. Lasts 30 seconds. During this day, day turns into night. Cooldown: 160/140/120 Cost: 125/175/225
  • Level 25 Talent changed from -8s Crippling Fear Cooldown to -40s Dark Ascension Cooldown

Nyx Assassin

  • Vendetta now applies Wither on the target for 4 seconds

Ogre Magi

  • Multicast can now be activated when using items that have effects applied to enemy targets. When Multicast is activated, the item's effect is re-activated on another random enemy target
  • Multicast no longer improves base abilities
  • Ignite cast range increased from 700 to 700/800/900/1000
  • Ignite now fires two projectiles
  • Fire Blast cooldown reduced from 12 to 12/11/10/9


  • Purification can now be cast on magic immune units
  • Repel replaced with Heavenly Grace. Targets an allied unit and applies a strong dispel, then increases debuff resistance by 50/60/70/80% and health regeneration by 8/12/16/20 for 8 seconds. Cooldown: 17/16/15/14. Cost: 75 Cast Range: 500
  • Guardian Angel cast range increased from 600 to 1200
  • Guardian Angel cooldown reduced from 180/170/160 to 160/150/140
  • Level 25 Talent changed from +3s Repel Duration to -8s Heavenly Grace Cooldown
  • Fortune's End damage increased from 90/120/150/180 to 120/150/180/210

Outworld Devourer

  • Arcane Orb now spreads bonus damage in a 175 radius around the target
  • Arcane Orb no longer deals bonus damage to illusions
  • Replaced Essence Aura with Equilibrium. Applies to self. All your spell damage restores mana equal to 60/80/100/120% of damage and slows enemies by 8/16/24/32% for 1.75 seconds. Lasts 7 seconds. Cooldown: 20 Cost: 50


  • Heartpiercer replaced with Lucky Shot. Grants a 20% chance to apply a debuff for 2/3/4/5 seconds that slows the target by 40% and silences or disarms them. Debuffs stack on recast

phantom assassin

  • Phantom Strike cooldown changed from 14/11/8/5 to 11/9/7/5/
  • Phantom Strike delay reduced from 0.3 to 0.25
  • Phantom Strike bonus attack speed rescaled from 130 to 100.125.150/175
  • Phantom Strike no longer has an attack limit
  • Phantom Strike bonus attack speed expires 2.5 seconds after cast
  • Phantom Strike cost changed from 50 to 35/40/45/50
  • Phantom Strike bonus attack speed now works on any targets
  • Blur no longer passively makes Phantom Assassin invisible on the minimap. Now when the ability is activated, Phantom Assassin becomes invisible to enemies at a distance of 600 range. The attack does not dispel the effect. The effect is restored 0.75 seconds after the enemy has spotted Phantom Assassin. Duration 25 seconds. Cooldown 60/55/50/45. Cost 20

Phantom Lancer

  • Phantom Lance slow reduced from 10/20/30/40% to 10/18/26/34%
  • Juxtapose illusion damage increased from 600% to 650%
  • Icarus Dive slow rescaled from 28% to 19/22/25/28%
  • Dream Coil now applies a binding effect and prevents them from teleporting and using movement abilities
  • Level 15 Talent increased from +50 Damage to +90
  • Level 15 Talent increased from +8% Spell Amplification to +15%
  • Flesh Heap no longer increases magic resistance
  • Flesh Heap now grants 3/6/9/12 health regen
  • Dismember's strength damage increase increased from 30/45/60% to 30/60/90%.

Queen of Pain

  • Sonic Wave now knocks back units 350 units over 1.4 seconds
  • Unstable Current no longer slows or clears random enemy units every 5 seconds
  • Unstable Current now deals 60/80/100/120 damage to all enemy units within 500 range every 6/5/4/3 seconds
  • Plasma Field now slows enemies it hits. Slow from 5 to 25/30/35/40% for 1.5 seconds. Each ability hit refreshes the slow
  • Level 25 Talent increased from -3s Unstable Current Damage to +200 Unstable Current
  • Blink Strike cooldown rescaled from 16/12/8/4 to 10/8/6/4
  • Blink Strike damage rescaled from 100 to 75/90/105/120
  • Base damage increased by 3
  • Agility increased from 14 +1.6 to 19 +2.1
  • intelligence gain increased from 2.4 to 2.7
  • Null Field has been replaced with Arcane Supremacy:
  • Passive ability. Gain 14/18/22/26% spell power and increase the duration of all debuffs cast by Rubick by 20/28/36/44%
  • added a 0.15 delay before using Spell Steal
  • Level 15 Talent increased from +100 Cast Range to +125
  • Level 20 Talent changed from +5% Fade Bolt Cooldown to -5s Null Field
  • Level 25 Talent now grants +50% Stolen Spell Power

Sand King

  • Sand Storm is no longer an interruptible ability. The ability now ends as soon as Sand King leaves the target area
  • Sand Storm radius rescaled from 525 to 350/450/550/650
  • Sand Storm damage rescaled from 40/60/80/100 to 25/50/75/100
  • Sand Storm cooldown rescaled from 34/26/18/10 to 34/28/22/16
  • Sand Storm duration reduced from 50 to 20/25/30/35
  • improved visual effects of Sand Storm
  • Epicenter damage radius now always increases by 50 after each hit

Shadow Demon

  • Reworked Soul Catcher:
  • Cast on an area with a radius of 175/200/225/250 units. All units in this area lose 25/30/35/40% of their current health. half off damage done recovers after 10 seconds. Cooldown 26/24/22/20. cast range 700. Cost 110

shadow fiend

  • Base armor increased by 1

Shadow Shaman

  • Mass Serpent Wards now form a circle with a slightly larger space in the center
  • when using Mass Serpent Wards, the area of ​​application of the ability is now shown

Skywrath Mage

  • Concussive Shot now hits a creep if there are no enemy heroes in the area of ​​effect
  • Base armor increased by 1
  • Bash of the Deep has been reworked. Passive ability. Every fourth attack stuns the target for 1/1.1/1.2/1.3 seconds and deals an additional 75/125/175/225 physical damage
  • Slithereen Crush stun duration reduced from 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 to 1 second Movement and attack slow duration increased from 2 to 3/4/5/6 seconds, and its effectiveness increased from 20 to 20/25/30/35%. Damage increased from 75/125/175/225 to 80/140/200/260
  • Level 15 Talent increased from +100 Bash of the Deep Damage to +100
  • Level 25 Talent increased from +15% Bash of the Deep Stun Chance to +1.5s Slethereen Ctush Stun Chance
  • Turn rate increased from 0.6 to 0.7
  • Pounce now applies a bind effect that prevents the target from teleporting and using movement abilities
  • Shadow Dance duration rescaled from 4 to 4/4.5/5
  • Slark now permanently steals 1 Agility when a hero with Essence Shift debuff dies
  • Take Aim can now be activated to double the attack range of the next shot. Cooldown 15/12/9/6. Cost 30

Spirit Breaker

  • Nether Strike can no longer be cast while Spirit Breaker is rooted in place
  • Charge of Darkness can now exceed its maximum speed. Ability grants 300/325/350/375 movement speed
  • Fixed a bug where Charge of Darkness did not take into account movement speed when colliding
  • Greater Bash no longer increases movement speed
  • Greater Bash damage reduced from 12/24/36/48 to 16/24/32/40%
  • Empowering Haste replaced with Bulldoze:
  • When activated, the hero gains +12/18/24/30% movement speed and +30/30/50/60% status resistance for 8 seconds. Cooldown 22. Cost 25/30/35/40
  • Level 20 Talent increased from 30% Greater Bash Chance to 15%
  • Level 20 Talent changed from +400 Bulldoze Charge Speed ​​to -7s Bulldoze Cooldown
  • Reworked Warcry. You now grant a movement speed bonus to nearby hero heroes and a health shield that blocks attack damage based on the health of the shield. Lasts 10 seconds. The buff ends if the shield is consumed. Movement Speed: 8/12/16/20% Movement Speed. Attack Shield Health: 100/200/300/400 Health. Radius: 700 Cooldown: 36/32/28/24 Cost: 40
  • Base movement speed increased from 270 to 315
  • Base intelligence increased by 2

Templar Assassin

  • Level 20 Talent from Refraction Dispels to Meld Dispels
  • Level 25 Talent changed from Psi Blades Spill Paralyzes to 1.5s Meld Hit Bash


  • Sunder can no longer pierce spell immunity
  • Level 20 Talent reduced from -10s Reflection Cooldown to -8s


  • Anchor Smash now deals damage equal to the hero's attack plus the 45/90/135/180 bonus damage to all enemy units in the area
  • Ravage damage increased from 200/290/380 to 200/300/400
  • Level 10 Talent increased from +80 Gush Damage to +100


  • Chakram projectile damage no longer ignores ancient creeps
  • Whirling Death now always deals pure damage
  • Whirling Death damage reduced from 100/150/200/250 to 90/120/150/180
  • Whirling Death attribute reduction rescaled from 15% to 12/13/14/15%
  • Whirling Death now deals 10/14/18/22 additional damage per felled tree
  • Level 25 Talent changed from +8% Whirling Death to +12%
  • Tree Grab area damage no longer works when finishing off friendly units
  • Tree Grab cooldown increased from 24/20/16/12 to 27/22/17/12
  • Grow no longer provides 30/40/50% Status Resistance
  • Grow armor increased from 5/10/15 to 7/16/25
  • Reworked Avalanche mechanics. Now a unit in the area is continuously hit by short mini-stuns and damage every 0.3 seconds. Each hit stuns for 0.2 seconds
  • Avalanche duration increased from 1 to 1.8
  • Avalanche radius increased from 275 to 400
  • Avalanche cooldown reduced from 23/21/19/17 to 23/20/17/14
  • Avalanche total damage rescaled from 120/180/240/300 to 90/160/230/300
  • Toss avalanche damage bonus increased from 2x to 3x
  • Level 10 Talent changed from +20% Magic Resistance to +20 Movement Speed
  • Level 25 Talent changed from -12s Avalanche Cooldown to -9s

Treant Protector

  • Reworked Nature's Guise. Passive. Has a 4.75/4/3.25/2.5 second fade delay, taking damage resets the counter. Grants you invisibility, treewalking ability, and 10/15/20/25% movement speed bonus as long as you are within 265 distance of a tree. Has a 0.75 linger duration. Attacking a unit out of this roots the target for 0.4/1/1.6/2.2 seconds and deals a total of 30/80/130/180 damage during the root

Troll Warlord

  • Base damage increased from 38-56 to 44-56
  • Berserker's Rage now applies root instead of bash
  • Berserker's Rage - proc chance increased from 10% to 10/12/14/16%
  • Basher and Abyssal Blade items are no longer banned
  • Fervor stack limit increased from 7 to 12
  • Fixed Fervor incrementing when missing attacks
  • Fervor now starts at 0 stacks when attacking a new unit
  • Reworked Battle Trance. Now causes you to go into an uncontrollable trance, forcing you to attack the closest targets in a 900 AoE. During this trance, you are unslowable and cannot die. Grants +140/170/200 Attack Speed, +30/35/40% Movement Speed ​​and +40/60/80% Lifesteal. Lasts 6.5 seconds. You gain normal vision over the target you are currently locked on. Cooldown: 90 Manacost: 150
  • Level 25 Talent changed from Battle Trance Basic Dispel to Battle Trance b Dispel
  • Replaced Frozen Sigil with Tag Team. Activated aura. Lasts five seconds. Causes affected enemies to take 25/50/75/100 more physical attack damage and a 75% slow for 0.5 seconds. (not sure if this is accurate) Radius: 350 Cooldown: 15 Cost: 40/50/60/70


  • Atrophy Aura now grants a permanent +2/3/4/5 bonus damage when a hero dies while under the aura
  • Base movement speed reduced from 305 to 295
  • Redesigned Flash Golem. No longer increases damage. The slow is now a constant 24/32/40% in a 375 radius. Enemy units within a 400 radius lose 7% of their current health per second as Magic Damage. You gain +400/1000/1600 health in this mode. Cooldown: 110
    The size of the Flesh Golem model has increased slightly
  • Fixed a bug due to which Overpower did not count the attack when it was dodged

Vengeful Spirit

  • Vengeance Aura no longer creates illusions of dead allies
  • Vengeance Aura grants the same effect as Scepter on death as basic mechanics unable to cast spells. Scepter unlocks spell casting
  • Netherswap ability range rescaled from 700/950/1200 to 700/850/1000
  • Netherswap has 2 charges with a 90/80/70 second recharge


  • Plague Wards collision size increased
  • Level 15 Talent changed from +200 Cast Range to Gale Hero Impact Summons 2 Wards
  • Level 20 Talent changed from Gale Hero Impact Summons 2 Wards to +15% Spell Lifesteal
  • Nethertoxin area of ​​effect increased from 300 to 350
  • Nethertoxin damage rescaled from 20/30/40/50 to 20/35/50/65
  • Fatal Bonds now bounces from unit to unit instead of just looking for units close to the target
  • Fatal Bonds no longer ignores units in the Fog of War
  • Units under Swarm have higher attack priority
  • Geminate Attack cooldown increased from 7/6/5/3 to 9/7/5/3

Wraith King

  • Skeleton health reduced from 350 to 250
  • Skeletons respawn 3 seconds after their first death

witch doctor

  • Death Ward damage increased from 60/105/150 to 75/125/175
  • Nimbus is no longer highlighted when pressing Tab
  • Nimbus's Lightning Bolt is no longer affected by cooldown reduction on the hero

Artifact Changes - Patch 7.20

All item-based movement speed bonuses now add a percentage instead of a constant:

  • Boots of Speed: 15%
  • Power Threads: 15%
  • Phase Boots: 15%
  • Arcane Boots: 15%
  • Guardian Greaves: 17%
  • Tranquil Boots Active: 28%
  • Tranquil Boots Inactive: 20%
  • Boots of Travel: 32%
  • Drum of Endurance: 6%
  • Eul's Scepter: 6%
  • Spirit Vessel: 6%
  • Wind Lace: 6%

Phase Boots

  • There is no longer an active ability. Now passively grants a movement speed bonus to collision and twirl each time you attack a target. The upgrade is dispelled whenever you move to another location and cancel an attack. The maximum attack range is 900 (if you issue an order from a greater distance, and then enter a diameter of 900, the mechanic will work). The ability has no cooldown. Buff lasts 0.5 seconds
  • Phase Boots speed bonus for ranged heroes reduced from 13% to 10%
  • Reworked Phase Boots recipe:
    • Old build
      • Requires:
        • Boots (500)
        • 2x Blades of Attack (860)
      • Cost: 1,360 gold
      • Gives:
        • +50 Movement Speed
        • +24 Damage
    • New build
      • Requires:
        • Boots (500)
        • Chainmail (550)
        • Gloves of Haste (500)
      • Cost: 1,550 gold
      • Gives:
        • +15% movement speed
        • +5 Armor
        • +25 Attack Speed

Power Threads

  • Now requires Blades of Attack. Gain +16 damage instead of attack speed
  • Attribute bonus increased from 10 to 12

Tranquil Boots

  • No longer get knocked down when attacking a creep
  • Now grants +12% debuff resistance instead of inflicting an injury that reduces movement and attack speed

Heaven's Halberd

  • Now grants +14% debuff resistance instead of inflicting an injury that reduces movement and attack speed

Sange and Yasha

  • Now grants +16% debuff resistance instead of inflicting an injury that reduces movement and attack speed
  • Recipe cost reduced from 700 to 650
  • Recipe cost increased from 500 to 650.
New item added: Yasha and Kaya
New item added: Kaya and Sange

Balanced Sange/Yasha/Kaya and Sange and Yasha stats:

  • Sange
    • +16 strength
    • +12% Debuff Resistance
    • +8 Damage
  • Yasha
    • +16 Agility
    • +12 Attack Speed
    • +8% movement speed
  • Kaya
    • +16 Intelligence
    • +12% Mana Loss Reduction
    • +8% Ability Amplification
  • Sange and Yasha
    • +16 strength
    • +16 Agility
    • +16 Attack Speed
    • +16% Debuff Resistance
    • +12 Damage
    • +12% movement speed
  • Yasha and Kaya
    • +16 Intelligence
    • +16 Agility
    • +16 Attack Speed
    • +16% Mana Loss Reduction
    • +12% Ability Amplification
    • +12% movement speed
  • Kaya and Sange
    • +16 Intelligence
    • +16 strength
    • +16% Mana Loss Reduction
    • +16% Debuff Resistance
    • +12% Ability Amplification
    • +12 Damage

— Ring of Tarrasque. Costs 700 gold. Grants +3.75 Health Regen and +150 Health. Upgrades to Heart of Tarrasque and Holy Locket.

Added a new item— Holy Locket. passive. It increases all your healing and health regeneration by 25%.

  • Requires:
    • Void Stone (850)
    • Ring of Tarrasque (700)
    • Cloak (550)
    • Recipe (550)
  • Cost: 2650 gold
  • Gives:
    • +200 Health
    • +4 Health Regen
    • +3 Mana Regen
    • +15% Magic Resistance

solar crest

  • Item reworked
  • Requires:
    • Medallion (1,175)
    • Ultimate Orb (2150)
    • Windlace (250)
    • Recipe (300)
  • Cost: 3,875 gold
  • Gives:
    • +10 to all stats
    • +12 Armor
    • +6% movement speed
    • +1.5 Mana Regen
  • Active Ability: Can be cast on allies or enemies, removes your armor bonus (+12). Gives allies +70 attack speed, +10% movement speed, +12 armor. Gives enemies -70 attack speed, -10% movement speed, -12 armor (only applies to bonus armor)
Added new base subject - Crown, +4 to all indicators, 450 gold (available in the side shops). Used in items that previously required Bracer, Wraith Band, and Null Talisman.

Ring of Aquila

  • Ring of Aquila has been removed from the game.
  • Bracer, Wraith Band and Null Talisman can no longer be upgraded to other items
  • Bracer/Null/Wraith recipe cost increased from 165 to 210
  • Bracer/Null/Wraith main stat change increased from +7 to +8
  • Now grants +6% Magic Resistance

Wraith Band

  • Now grants +8 Attack Speed

Null Talisman

  • Null Talisman: Now grants +3% Ability Amplification


  • Wraith Band
    • +8 Agility
    • +3 Strength
    • +3 Intelligence
    • +8 Attack Speed
  • Bracer
    • +8 Strength
    • +3 Agility
    • +3 Intelligence
    • +6% Magic Resistance
  • Null Talisman
    • +8 Intelligence
    • +3 Strength
    • +3 Agility
    • +3% Ability Amplification

The following recipes have been changed due to the fact that Bracer, Wraith Band, and Null Talisman can no longer be item components.

Hurricane Pike

  • Now requires a 450 gold recipe instead of a Wraith Band
  • Recipe changed
  • Old build
    • Requires:
      • 1x Staff of Wizardry (1000)
      • 1x Null Talisman (465)
      • Recipe (1250).
    • Cost: 2,715 gold (level 1).
    • Gives:
      • +18/21/24/27/30 Intelligence
      • +3 Strength
      • +3 Agility.
  • New build
    • Requires:
      • 1x Staff of Wizardry (1000)
      • 1x Crown(450)
      • Recipe (1250).
    • Cost: 2,700 gold (level 1).
    • Gives:
      • +18/21/24/27/30 Intelligence
      • +5 Strength
      • +5 Agility

Veil of Discord

  • Recipe changed
  • Old build
    • Requires:
      • 1x Helm of Iron Will (900)
      • 2x Null Talisman (930)
      • recipe (500).
    • Cost: 2,330 gold.
    • Gives:
      • +14 Intelligence
      • +6 Strength
      • +6 Agility
      • +6 Armor
      • +5 health regen.
  • New build
    • Requires:
      • 1x Helm of Iron Will (900)
      • 1x Crown (450)
      • recipe (700).
    • Cost: 2,050 gold.
    • Gives:
      • +15 Intelligence
      • +6 Strength
      • +6 Agility
      • +6 Armor
      • +5 Health Regen

Drum of Endurance

  • Recipe changed
  • Old build
    • Requires:
      • 1x Bracer (465)
      • 1x Sage's Mask (325)
      • 1x Wind Lace (250)
      • Recipe (575).
    • Cost: 1,615 gold.
    • Gives:
      • +7 strength
      • +3 Agility
      • +6 Intelligence
      • +0.75 Mana Regen.
  • New build
    • Requires:
      • 1x Crown (450)
      • 1x Sage's Mask (325)
      • 1x Wind Lace (250)
      • recipe (500).
    • Cost: 1,525 gold.
    • Gives:
      • +6 Strength
      • +6 Agility
      • +6 Intelligence
      • +1.5 mana regen (new mana regen formula)

Rod of Atos

  • Recipe changed
  • Old build
    • Requires:
      • 2x Bracer (930)
      • 1x Staff of Wizardry (1000)
      • Recipe (1,100).
    • Cost: 3,030 gold.
    • Gives:
      • +15 strength
      • +6 Agility
      • +20 Intelligence.
  • New build
    • Requires:
      • 2x Crown (900)
      • 1x Staff of Wizardry (1000)
      • Recipe (850).
    • Cost: 2,750 gold.
    • Gives:
      • +12 strength
      • +12 Agility
      • +20 Intelligence

Ring of Basilius

  • Mana regen increased from 0.5 to 0.65


  • No longer has Pocket Deny
  • no longer reduces respawn time
  • passively doubles your mana regeneration
  • has 12 charges, loses 3 charges on death, adds 1 charge on kill
  • each stack grants 0.25 mana and health regen
  • can now be applied - transfer 60% of your current mana to health. Reload time: 250 seconds

Aeon Disk

  • Health increased from 250 to 300
  • mana increased from 250 to 300
  • no longer grants passive resistance to debuffs
  • grants +50% debuff resistance for 2.5 seconds of active buff
  • Passively grants 30% debuff resistance
  • bonus damage reduced from 50 to 25

Heart of Tarrasque

  • Now grants +50% increased health regeneration
  • regeneration out of battle reduced from 7% to 5%
  • bonus health reduced from 500 to 400
  • now requires Reaver, Vitality Booster, Ring of Tarrasque and Pecipe for 400 gold

Spirit Vessel

  • No longer grants increased health regeneration or the current percentage of health regen
  • enemy damage per second increased from 20 to 25


  • Recipe cost reduced from 300 to 175 gold
  • Recipe cost increased from 900 to 950. Total cost decreased by 75

Arcane Boots

  • Mana regen increased from 135 to 160

Guardian Greaves

  • Heal increased from 275 to 300
  • Mana regen increased from 160 to 200

Pipe of Insight

  • Now grants +2 stats from its components

Skull Basher

  • Recipe cost reduced from 1,000 to 900


  • No longer has an active ability


  • Bonus damage increased from +30 to +38


  • Armor reduction increased from 6 to 7

Force Staff

  • Now breaks Slark's Pounce

Hand of Midas

  • Attack speed increased from 30 to 40