How to find the thieves guild in oblivion. Walkthrough of the Thieves Guild. Gray Hood Nocturnal

Have you seen a wanted poster for the Gray Fox in the Imperial City? Have you heard about the Gray Fox from beggars? Do you want to join the thieves guild, but you don’t know what to do? Then this article will tell you everything from A to Z about the Thieves Guild!

1. Joining the Thieves Guild.

To start the quest “Search for the Thieves Guild” you need to talk to any beggar. Note that the beggar will "prevaricate" from answering. This means that he does not like you enough and does not trust you. To improve our relations with the poor layer of society, it is enough to have at least a hundred, or even two gold coins with us. We achieve relationships >70 and we see that the poor man’s tongue has become loose. However, there is also one trick here. The poor man will ask you, “Are you looking for him?” to which you must answer “I want to join the Thieves Guild.” Well, of course there was no need to write this, but you never know. There are those who will first answer “I want to catch the Gray Fox!” But it doesn't matter, because you can still talk to the poor man again. In general, I somehow went off topic! So, having learned all the information from the poor man, he sends us to the Port District of the Imperial City. We teleport and use the flag to find the meeting place of the Thieves Guild. It’s bad luck, you came and no one was there? Hehe it's because you're not standing there at midnight! Therefore, you need to wait until 0:00 and boldly go to the guys to get to work. If you did everything correctly, then you should see this picture:

Yeah! What tramps they are! Well! We calmly approach the one in the center and say: “I want to join the thieves guild!” And here a little unexpected bummer awaits you, so to speak. It turns out that in order to join the thieves guild you also need to pass a “special” test! What insolent people! Well, in general it doesn’t matter! The developers did it to make it more interesting, right?! The reader will probably say: “Okay, that’s enough! The author has more to do!” And he will probably be right! I just don't want to write simple "dead" text. We need to embellish it somehow. In general, don’t pay attention to me, I won’t do this again!
P.S. Don’t forget that you can buy master keys from the NPC for 5 coins each. You will need about 20. Depends on your hacking skill!

2. Trial of the Thieves Guild.

As mentioned earlier, we take the quest from Armand Christophe, who is in the center. He gives detailed instructions. You need to find the diary. Next, as the NPC advises us, we go to some beggar to ask where this house is located.

Advice from the author:
To be honest, I don’t advise you to rush ahead of Metredhel with great zeal, because believe me, she runs faster and opens doors without breaking into. It's a computer. Laziness is the engine of progress, as smart scientists say, and in this case they are very right. In fact, there are many ways to complete this quest, but I will skip all the ways and give you the most reasonable and fastest one.
1. If you really want to, you can follow Metredel. At the same time, you will find out where this house with the diary is. Just for fun. If Metredel takes the diary before you, a quest message will appear that Metredel is ahead of you. Don't be upset! We’ll also show her how to steal loot from under our noses!
2. I am writing further for those who, as mentioned, did not have time. Luckily, Metredhel will not have time to return with the diary until the end of the Thieves Guild meeting. Therefore, you have exactly one day left! We quickly run to the beggar. Let's find out where Metredhel is. (naturally there must be a good disposition towards a beggar) The tramp tells us that she sleeps at her house until noon. A flag appears on the map. Oddly enough, her house is in the port area. We quietly climb into her house. The following picture appears before us:

Under no circumstances should we touch the girl herself. She will wake up! What you are looking for is in the chest, which is located to the left of my character. After a little sweat, opening the lock of medium difficulty level, you will find a bunch of junk there, but you only need a diary. We tiptoe out of the room and calmly walk around the city, or do other quests, or wait until 0:00. At midnight we bring the diary to our NPC. And as a reward for completing the test, we are taken into the guild. But they require us to take an oath, the meaning of which is 3 rules. You must not: kill brother thieves and not shed blood during the task, steal from your own, steal from the poor, since the Gray Fox is watching them. Let's move on to the next stage.

3. Independent Theft. (repeated)

Having asked everything that could be asked, we learn from the NPC that you need to sell stolen items worth 50 gold. The first buyer of stolen goods is located in Broome. We teleport to Bruma and look for the buyer. Naturally, you first need to steal something. If you have items that you stole before joining the guild, then you can sell them too. When you have sold everything and the counter has exceeded 50, you receive a quest message that Armand Christophe is waiting for you at the meeting point of the thieves guild.

4. Exemption of the poor from taxes.

Having met with your doyen, he informs you that Hieronymus Lex is such a stupid guard who will always put a spoke under your wheels, but you still have time to teach him a lesson. So Hieronymus Lex collected a tax from the population of the Port District! But it is inhabited only by the poor. Basically, your doyen is asking you to go and steal the invoice so that you know who to give what to. (Don't forget to buy lock picks if you don't have many). We follow the flag to our destination. This will be the tower. We quietly go into it. Then we go upstairs, again, again, there will be a lock on the stairs, we open it and enter the chambers of the captain of the guards. We find a desk. The picture will look something like this:

We open the desk and take the invoice and gold. Calmly, but preferably leave the room quickly. After you have left the tower and have not seen any signs of concern from the guards, you can breathe out calmly, because the guards did not “burn” you. We teleport to the Port District. We meet with our NPC and report everything to him. To your joy, he leaves the gold to you and promotes you in rank from “pickpocket” to “robber”! Congratulations!

5. Independent theft. (repeated)

Armand Christophe forgive me for stealing something again, and now the stolen goods counter should exceed 100 gold. After you have the necessary goods, we go to Bruma to our buyer. We sell everything we need and receive a quest message. We head back to the Port Area and wait until midnight.

6. Elven maiden.

We receive an order from our doyen to steal a figurine. It formerly belonged to the late Countess of Cheydinhal. The doyen gives 100 gold for the statuette. We leave for Cheydinhal. We find a poor wandering man there and find out from him the information you need. The poor man directs us to the chapel. We go in, go downstairs, break into the door (the lock is complicated, so as I constantly say, purchase master keys in advance). Now we are faced with such a task. Since the bust is guarded, you need to sneak in unnoticed!

Advice from the author:
If you haven't forgotten, the second rule in the thieves guild is "do not kill anyone during a quest, except animals and monsters." Therefore, if you are still noticed, do not rush to draw your sword. It will be easier to grab the bust and run as fast as you can to the exit!
Here's where the bust is located:

Let's go to the Port District. And a quest message appears. It notifies us that the Imperials are patrolling the area and looking for Armand. Do not panic. Head to the place where you usually meet, there will be no one directly there. Look for some of your comrades, perhaps they will tell you something, but in general, Metredel should find you. When she tells you that this was supposedly a “set-up” mission to find out who is informing on the guild, you, a little upset, or maybe not, will have to arrange your own “set-up”! To do this, wait for a convenient moment so that no one sees you, open the lock on the informer’s door and quietly put the bust in her cupboard. We leave the room and go to our “favorite” Hieronymus Lex. Before informing him about the “thief”, raise your relationship to >70. After you successfully bribe your “friend”, and maybe use your “eloquence”, he will say that he does not believe you, but as a fair captain of the guard, he is obliged to check your accusations. He takes you with him. Then we see a very funny picture, in the literal sense of the word. Here is a screenshot of how these two “got burned” in front of the entire thieves guild:

It's funny, isn't it? I was also pleased. After the “traitor” is arrested, we leave the room and do whatever we want until the next midnight. When you come to the next thieves guild meeting, you will again see your doyen with a torch in his hands. He thanks you for saving his “skin” and asks you to forgive him for using you for the purposes of the guild, but supposedly it was so necessary! However, they didn’t skimp on the reward: 100 gold coins, access to a new buyer (Leyawiin), and even a promotion to “bandit”! Now the hour has come when you need to say goodbye to your already “old” doyen, since you have a new doyen. This is S'Krivva, who lives in Bravil.

7. Independent theft. (repeated)

As we do everything before, only now the counter should exceed 200 gold. After selling the next stolen “junk” we head to S’Krivva. She gets to know us and gives us a task.

8. Adarji Jewels.

So, after meeting our new doyen, we receive a task. We need to go to Leyawiin and meet with Adarji. After we meet her, she tells us about her ring, which means a lot to her. It was stolen from our Khajiit by Amuzai, the same Argonian with whom you competed in the very first task of the Thieves Guild. We ask the guards where Amuzai is. They say he was sent to prison for blackmailing the Countess. This all seems a little strange. We are heading to the prison, which is located in Leyawiin Castle. We give the guard there some gold, and he lets us through as if nothing had happened. We speak with Amuzai. He answers us quite rudely, demanding that we help him, otherwise he won’t say anything about the ring. We give him a master key. After that, we listen to the whole story. The Argonian wanted to sell it to the countess, but he screwed up the campaign. He was arrested. Now comes the most difficult moment. We go to Countess's assistant Hlidara Montrel. We bribe her and find out all the information we need. Countess Alessia Caro sleeps from 11 at night to 8 in the morning. The rest of the time she has the ring, and while she sleeps, she puts it in the box.

Author's Note:
This is the most difficult thing! I passed it myself on about the 20th try. Of course, you can say that I'm a loser, but that's not true. When I completed the Thieves Guild (1-2 years ago) I completed this mission 1-2 times. But this time everything was just perfect!

Author's advice:
Naturally, there is no point in stealing a ring from a decanter. You simply won't find it. I climbed with my great stealth skill. I was not burned, but there was nothing except her clothes, personal belongings and my bribed gold. This is me having fun! In general, we wait until 11 o'clock at night. Then we watch as the bodyguard, the countess and her assistant go upstairs to their chambers. We are not in a hurry to immediately follow them, because the guard will notice you anyway. After waiting a little, we enter the chambers. We immediately switch to the “sneak” mode and calmly go to the door of the chambers. By the way. Why did I still complete this mission? The elixir of invisibility helped me. I had only one, but in vain. I advise you to buy it too, otherwise I don’t know what guide to write here. Well, or if you are a good magician, learn invisibility magic and this will greatly help you out of big problems. But I won’t talk about it, I’ll tell you how I went through it. As I approach the door of the first door in the chambers, I drink the elixir of invisibility and quickly rush to the door leading to the room where our countess sleeps. We quickly break open the door and close it behind us. We walk at a calm pace, in no hurry, to the box and open it. This is our ring. Now, with the same calm step, we head towards the door. If you don't have the second potion you'll have a "very" fun time. Well, this, of course, applies to me. Sighing, I realized with regret that I would not be able to pass by the bodyguard in the large room unnoticed. And I decided to use the old “Morrowind” method. Run ahead. Naturally, a bunch of guards ran after me, but as a result of a 10-minute chase I broke away... Even an imperial guard was chasing me, you know, the one who always patrols the roads of Cyrodiil with a torch. Fortunately, he dismounted, which gave me a chance for a cunning maneuver. I made a strong blow, which reeled him back a little and sharply rushed towards the horse. Mounting my horse, I rushed somewhere away from him. A minute later, the guard, left without a horse, surrendered. Then I teleported to Bravil to pay off the law from S’Krivva. After successfully removing the fines, we head to Leyawiin with peace of mind and receive our reward of two hundred gold.

After successfully completing the task, we go to S’Krivva. She promotes us to the rank of “burglar” and thanks us for our loyalty to the guild.

9. Independent theft. (repeated)

We sell stolen goods worth 300 gold to the buyer of stolen goods, after which we go to S’Krivva.

10. Misdirection.

S'Krivva brings us bad news, Hieronymus Lex has begun the siege of the Port District. We need to leave for the Imperial City immediately. We find Metredhel in Talos Plaza. After we talk with Metredhel, we receive a task in which we are told about the “theft of the century.” You need to steal the Staff of Hrormir from Archmage Traven. We are heading to the University of Magic. Naturally, we get there at night so that there are fewer eyes. We go into the Archmage's chambers and sneak up on the Staff.

After stealing the Staff, we go to the nightstand.

We put the note and leave. After successfully completing the task, we go to Metredhel. The girl is delighted with your success and asks you to go to the Port District to scout out the situation. We head to the Port District and look for Hieronymus Lex. After we find it, the following picture appears before us:

It was Dremora who brought a note from the Mages Guild. After this, Lex removes his people to their previous posts, and you calmly return to Metredhel to tell about the successful completion of the task. The girl again thanks you, but asks you to take the Staff back to the Guild. However, not to the guild itself, but to one of its scientists. This is Ontus Vanin. We make our way into his house and put the staff in his chest:

After this, we go to S’Krivva and receive a reward of 300 gold and a promotion in the guild to the rank of “burglar”.

11. Independent theft. (repeated)

We sell stolen goods worth 400 gold to a buyer of stolen goods. Let's go to S'Krivva.

12. Lost stories.

S’Krivva gives us the task of finding some book. First we go to Skingrad. There we find a prison and ask the guard to enter the dungeon with the prisoners, to which we are refused. However, we learn that a certain Orc is looking for a laborer to distribute food for prisoners. Having settled in, we go back to the dungeon, and they successfully let us in. Next we talk to the only prisoner there and ask about our Tanaris. Nord tells us that he was taken by a certain Pale Lady. Then we follow the trail of blood leading to the wall. Click on the candle to the right of the wall. A passage opens.

Click on the candle and the central barrel opens (see the picture below). We go inside and hear the voice of the Pale Lady. We take out weapons and kill the evil vampire. We take the keys from her. We see that Tanaris is already dead. Amuzai is the only one who survived. We talk to him and free him from captivity. Next you need to be very careful, because if the guards or even the inhabitants of the castle notice you, you will have problems. After you get free and move away from the castle, Amuzai will tell you everything.

We take the book and return to S’Krivva. The Khajiit woman regrets the death of Tanaris, but thanks you for successfully completing the task and gives you 400 gold.

13. Independent theft. (repeated)

We collect 500 gold on the stolen goods counter. After that we go to S’Krivva.

14. Getting rid of Lex.

S’Krivva gives us a new task. This time Hieronymus Lex must be dealt with forever! To do this, you need to steal a letter from Dairyhil. Let's go to Anvil. There we talk to some beggar and find out that some blacksmith in the castle can help us. We go to Anvil Castle and find the blacksmith there. Fortunately, the blacksmith turned out to be a Fox man and therefore happily shows us the secret passage. We quietly walk into our private chambers. First we open one door, and then we will meet the same passage that the blacksmith opened. We open it and tiptoe to the left. By the way, I almost forgot that all this needs to be done preferably after 8 pm because Dairyhill is having dinner with the Countess. We break the door, go in, break open the table and take the letter.

We give him the letter. He agrees to forge it, but he needs time and money. We return to the Stranger a day later and pay him 500 gold for forging the letter. After receiving the letter, we head to the Imperial City. There, using the flag, we find the exact destination of the Imperial Seal and go there. We break open the door, then another door, and in front of us there will be a table on which the seal directly stands.

We seal the letter and take it to Countess Anvil Umbranox. The Countess will thank us for delivering the letter and tell us to collect the tip from her assistant Daerihil. Angry Daerihil gives us 20 gold. After this, with great satisfaction we head to the Imperial City, where we find Hieronymus Lex and tell him the very “happy” news. After you've had a good laugh at the pathetic guard, head to S'Krivva and claim your reward. Our doyen promotes us to “shadow worker” and gives us 1000 gold. Oh, by the way, now you can use the services of a buyer of stolen goods from Anvil Castle. Now comes the important moment. S'Krivva reports that you are now too experienced to need a doyen. Now the Gray Fox himself will give you tasks.

15. Independent theft. (repeated)

S’Krivva says that the Gray Fox will be interested in you if the stolen goods counter exceeds 600. After that, we head to the Port District of the Imperial City. The Gray Fox's minions will find you there most quickly. After receiving the necessary information from Metredel, we head to Bruma.

16. Deceive blind eyes.

After you meet with the Gray Fox and listen carefully to everything, we receive a task. You need to go to the Temple of the Ancestor Moth and steal Savilla's stone.

We find this temple on the map and move towards it. At the place of arrival you need to find some monk who could tell you everything. Naturally you will have to fork out a little. After one of the monks agrees to take us to the place where the catacombs are located, we follow him. After the monk leaves, we go inside. Now you have the right to shed the blood of everyone who gets in your way. Therefore, I personally didn’t worry too much and only had fun with “secrecy” at first. And then he just ran around and cut everyone into pieces. We go, we go, and we follow the flag again, checking the map. It’s a long way to go, but what to do is the task.

Well, let's get back to our task. After you've shed a sea of ​​blood and finally get to the crystal, don't hesitate to pick it up, because the fire crystal will shoot at you, which I personally can't stand!

We grab the crystal and run away. We exit the catacombs and leave the Temple of the Ancestor Moth, heading back to the Gray Fox. When you meet the Fox and give him the stone, he will give you your 500 gold and ask you to leave the room. Gray Fox will contact you later.

17. Independent theft. (repeated)

18. Release Arrow.

After you have a friendly talk with your new friend Amuzai, who has successfully joined the Thieves Guild and is now conveying messages from the Gray Fox, we head to Corolla to the Gray Fox. After we talk to him, we head to Bravil. There we should find a certain Arrow of Release, which was recently acquired by Fatis Aren, the court wizard. We learn from the beggar that the magician has pocketed some kind of ruined tower in the southeast of the city, and besides, all this cannot be entered through the main passage. There is a secret tunnel connecting the castle and the tower. We head to the castle, there we find Fatis’s room. Having searched it, we see that the arrow is not there, however, there is some strange secret door in the wall. We click on it, and the wall slab moves apart in front of us. This is our secret entrance.

Advice from the author:
When you come across water, under no circumstances swim to the very bottom, much less go out there into the open sea. This can lead to not very funny consequences if you do not have magic or maybe an elixir or even some item with the property of breathing under water. Therefore, just in case, I advise you to stock up on some of the above, it definitely won’t get any worse. So, as I said earlier, there is no need to swim to the very depths. Look closely, if you look closely you will see a small opening under the water leading right to the exit. We swim through it and reach the exit from the tunnel. Now take your time, be careful.
Next, we need to find Fatis in this destroyed tower and pick up his arrow at his “workplace”.

Note from the author:
If you kill a mage, you will not be given a blood price, but as a member of the mage guild you will have problems. You will be expelled from the guild. So weigh everything in advance. Remember that if you have fast legs, you can always take everything you need and run away.

After a not entirely successful extraction of an arrow (it turned out that it was without a shaft), we head to the Gray Fox. He is pleased with our work, but repairing the boom will take some time. As a reward we receive: 500 gold and promotion to “master thief”.

19. Independent theft. (repeated)

We sell the stolen item for 800 gold, after which we wait in the Port District of the Imperial City.

20. Boots of Swift Jack.

Amuzai brings a new message from the Gray Fox. Now we need to meet the great thief in Cheydinhal in the house of Ganredhel. The Gray Fox tells us that he needs some Swift Jack Boots. He says that they are buried with him, but he needs to find out where Jack himself is buried. The Fox says that the search should begin with the Imperial City, where his descendant Count Jakben lives. We head to the Imperial City and find out from the beggar where Jakben lives. After receiving a tip, we follow the flag to his house and enter there. We immediately go upstairs and open the door. In the corridor of the second floor we open the door, which will be straight, and we see the count there. When he sees you, he will be very scared. We ask him about the family mausoleum, and he gives us the keys to it. It turns out he is in his basement. We go down to the basement.

We go into the catacombs. Be careful, there is one vampire there, don't get infected! As soon as we kill the vampire, we move on, and we see the coffin of Swift Jack. Having searched it, we do not find boots, but we see some kind of diary. We read it to the end and find out that Jakben is the same Swift Jack. We go back, but we see Jack rushing towards us. We kill him and take his boots. After this, we return to the Gray Fox at Ganredhel's house in Cheydinhal. He thanks us for our work and gives us 500 gold.

21. Independent theft. (repeated)

We sell stolen goods to a buyer for the amount of 1000 gold. After that, we wait in the Port District of the Imperial City.

22. Daring robbery.

Amuzai brings us a message from the Gray Fox. We head to the house of Othrelos, which is located in the Elven Gardens of the Imperial City. Gray Fox asks us for one last favor. He is about to commit the grandest robbery of the century - to steal one of the ancient scrolls from the Library of the Imperial City. The fox has been preparing for this day for 11 years and now, finally, nothing will stop him. Savilla's Stone reveals its secrets to the Gray Fox. The Fox gives us Swift Jack's Boots and the Arrow of Release. He says that we will need them as we find the way to the Library of the Imperial City. He also gives us a scroll with a plan, so that if you forget something, you can always check it. So now begins the most incredible heist in Tamriel. Attention attention! Please take your seats and get ready to watch!
1) We penetrate into the Palace of the Imperial City and find there something called the “Vessel of Time.” After we activate it, we leave from there.

3) Now that we are in the Old Path, we go further along the sewer. We will come across all sorts of levers and moving wheels, so don’t forget to activate them. If you do everything correctly and open all the necessary doors and passages, then you will see something like this:

We go further along the palace sewer. There you will come across a hall with raised walls on the sides. There are pressure blocks on these walls. This is where we need Swift Jack's Boots. Jump up and click on two blocks that are on different sides. A passage will open, and we move on.

4) We find ourselves in an even larger hall, in which there is a large statue. This statue is flanked by two smaller statues. Now we go to the right side of the statue. There will be a grate there. Open it and click on the block.

Advice from the author:
I strongly advise you not to go headlong into this monster in the distance. This misty ghost can cast a bunch of bad spells, one in particular that will cause you to become overloaded and therefore unable to move. Believe me, I went through this myself. Only the save saved me. The second time I was much more cunning and prudent, and I decided to sneak up. Stealthily approaching the ghost, I hit him with a fire spell. Consequently, I had an advantage in time, distance and, of course, in the first strike. This time I killed this cruel ghost without any problems.

Click on the block and go back. Now you will see that the walls are raised and the dead have come out of them. We kill them. After this, you must stand on the button, which is located between two walls. By pressing it, you will see how the statue turns and a well opens in it. Now you need to hit it with the Release Arrow.
Advice from the author:
Don't rush to shoot the Release Arrow right away. Use simple arrows to place precise sight. When you are sure that you have chosen the correct shooting point, then feel free to take out the Arrow of Release and let it take its happy and final flight.
Once hit, a secret passage will open and at the same time two Island statues will come to life. We kill the “ancients” without pity and enter the Imperial Palace.
5) Now we need to find the Library. Carefully, with a quiet step, we walk in the direction of the flag. When you come across the locked Library door, you simply need to walk up behind the temple guard and press the lever to open the door. (see below)

After this, we calmly go into the library and sit on a chair near the fire.

6) Grab the scroll and tear out the claws!!! But don't be in too much of a hurry. Now we understand what kind of force majeure Gray Fox was talking about. The monks closed the door from which you entered the Library. We sneak up the stairs and quietly head to the door. We open the most complex lock and move further around the premises of the palace.

We find Chancellor Okato's room and escape from the palace through his fireplace. Yes Yes!!! This is actually true.

Note from the author:
By the way! I almost forgot. I apologize to those who have already jumped into the fireplace, fallen and crashed. If you want to have at least Nikulin’s “slipped, fell, woke up cast” experience, then it’s better to wear Swift Jack’s Boots. Once again I apologize for the inconvenience caused!

7) Now that you have successfully escaped from the Imperial Palace and completed a fantastic heist, let's head out of this dirty sewer as quickly as possible. How I hate places like this. Ugh! There are always some rats, crabs and even ghosts and vampires. Anyway, enough disgust, let's get back to the task. So, in the end, you must get to the entrance to the basement of the Best Defense store.
Note from the author:
By the way, my favorite store in the Imperial City Shopping District! There is a very kind light armor seller there. The prices are good, I’m not complaining, and I’m always happy to talk to nice people.
As if nothing had happened, we leave the store and go to the Gray Fox. When he meets him, he will be pleasantly surprised. The fox takes the scroll from you and says that he will study it later, but for now he sends you with the ring to Countess Millona Umbranox. We head to Anvil and find the Countess in her castle. We give her this ring. Millona wonders where we got this ring from, since it belongs to his husband, who disappeared ten years ago. Before you can really be surprised, the Gray Fox himself appears. He shows his face to the countess, who recognizes him as the long-lost count. Corvus (that's the name of the former Gray Fox) gives you the Gray Hood Nocturnal. Now you become the Gray Fox. By the way, an office of the Thieves Guild has opened in the Port District of the Imperial City. You can look at it if you want.

Well, the time has come to congratulate you on your graduation from the Thieves Guild. Be an honest and fair thief and never forget about the laws of thieves. As they say, “the law is written for everyone.” Good luck to you on your travels and may the Shadow cover you!

There are two ways to find out how it is possible to join the Thieves Guild:

1. Approach any of the beggars (they usually ask for alms) and talk to him on the topic of “Gray Fox”, and the beggar’s attitude towards you should be quite high (at least 60, I personally spoke with 93 ). In a conversation on this topic, the beggar will tell you that if you want to find the "Grey Fox", then you need to go to the "Garden of Dareloth" at midnight, which is located in the Waterfront area

2. Go to jail for theft. After you leave the prison, Mivrina Arano will approach you and tell you the same information as the beggar.

Now you need to go to the indicated place closer to midnight and talk to a man named Armand Christophe on the topic of "The Gray Fox". After this conversation, the topic “Join the Thieves Guild” will appear. Next, Armand Christophe will tell you that to join the Thieves Guild you need to pass a test. The essence of the test is as follows: you need to steal the diary of Amantius Allectus, and you need to do this faster than your two rivals (Methredhel and Amuseus). In addition, there is one more condition: you cannot kill anyone while completing the task. Your main rival is Metredhel, because she immediately runs to the house of Amantius Allectus and finds the place where the diary lies. In general, you should also not linger too long and run there, although Armand Christophe will suggest that you first talk to a beggar, who will tell you where Amantius Allectus lives, but, unfortunately, it is almost an unaffordable luxury to also talk to beggars. Therefore, I propose to immediately head to the home of Amantius Allectus. His home is located in the Imperial City in the Temple area on the right side of the gate leading to the dock area. The lock on the door has a "medium" difficulty, so even a beginner can easily handle it. In the house itself, the diary is hidden not too far away, namely in some kind of desk standing against the right wall. After you take the diary, return to Armand Christophe, who will officially enroll you in the Thieves Guild and give you a small bonus.

The next task from Armand Christophe is to bring loot worth at least 50 coins to the buyer of stolen goods of the Thieves Guild Ongar. Ongar himself is located in the city of Bruma in Olaf's tavern or in his house. I advise you to carry out the theft in the house of Lyra Rosentia, in which on the second floor you can find a Mace and Cuirass with a total value of the required amount. After you sell them to Ongar, a sign will appear asking you to talk to Armand Christophe.

Next, Armand will give you the task of stealing taxes collected by citizens living in the Embankment area. In addition, you also need to bring a list detailing how much of these taxes were collected and from whom, in order to subsequently distribute the money to those from whom it was collected. The main person involved in this quest is Lex Chironicus, the head of the city's imperial guard, who initiated the collection of taxes from this area of ​​the city. Next, you need to go to the Temple area or the city Nursery area, and from there go to the South Tower building. There you will most likely meet resting law enforcement officers who will not be too happy that you will continue your journey to the upper floors of the Tower (namely, where the money and the list are). In general, using stealth or other means, you must get to the top floor. If you do this at night, you will find Lex Chironicus sleeping in the upper room. His sleep is quite disturbing, and he wakes up from the slightest rustle, so I advise you to have a minimum of armor with you, as well as a well-pumped Sneak skill, otherwise you will have to go during the day. In the room itself, the money and the list are on the desk. We take them and go back to Armand Christophe, but moving from floor to floor in the tower is quite careful, because... and here the dormant eye of the law (ordinary guards) can suddenly awaken. Armand accepts the task and sets the following condition.

In principle, it is not too different from condition #1, only the amount stolen increases to 100 coins. Considering that you have already sold 50 coins worth of stuff, then all you have to do is steal another 50 coins. I personally robbed a house in Llavin. The houses there are quite large, and during the day there was one maid who, even with a poor Sneak skill, was easy to confuse. As soon as you sell Ongar the required amount of things, a sign will immediately appear notifying you of the need to come to Armand Christophe to receive the next task.

Now Armand orders to find and bring him a bust of the former Countess of Cheydinhall Llataz Indoriz. To do this, of course, you will need to proceed to Cheydinhall. There, ask the beggars about the bust you need. The beggars will tell you that it is in Arkay's chapel in Cheydenhall, but it is not so easy to take it from there, since the bust is guarded. Go to the chapel, go downstairs, and here you will need to open the “hard” level lock. Next, immediately switch to stealth mode, as a guard will be cruising along the tomb. Although it is quite deaf, safety should not be neglected. The bust is located in the left wing of the tomb. After waiting for the guard to go to the right wing, quietly, hiding behind the columns, move to the left. The guard does not enter the “wings” themselves, so quickly take the Bust and return the same way. Once you get out of the basement into the church, do not forget to exit stealth mode and return to Armand. Once on the Embankment, you will hear the news that Armand Christophe is looking for a guard, and that accordingly he will not come into the garden by midnight, that is, you will have to find him yourself. You don’t have to search too hard; all you have to do is walk a little along the Embankment and the right person will find you himself. It will be your former rival Metredhel, who will report that Armand Christophe is wanted for the theft of the Bust that you stole. You will, of course, be surprised, but then Metredhel will explain everything to you. It turns out that Armand specifically gave you this task in order to expose the “informer” in the ranks of thieves. This informer turned out to be a certain dark elf Mivrina Arano, who lives right there on the Embankment. Now you have to punish her for her espionage activities, and at the same time remove suspicion from Armand Christophe. To do this, you will need to place the stolen bust of Mivrine in the cupboard, but this must be done so that she does not notice. And then report to Lex Chironicus that it was she who stole the Bust. This was a theory, and now this is what we will have to face in reality. In fact, not everything is so simple, her house is located diagonally from yours, and this intersection is guarded by Lex Chironicus himself, in addition to everything, a guard runs up to him every half a minute and reports on the results of the search. In general, you will have to catch the moment when there are no reports and Lex turns his back to you. Then quickly switch to stealth mode and start picking the lock (difficulty "hard"). Once in the house and without leaving stealth, quietly move to the right and forward to the closet against the wall, trying not to wake up Mivrina Arano. When the cabinet is within reach, click on it, and a sign will immediately appear indicating that the Bust has been added to the cabinet. Then you turn around and, without leaving stealth, tiptoe out of the house. After leaving the house, turn off the stealth mode and go straight to Lex Chironicus, increase his attitude towards you to the maximum (preferably above 90), after which you report to him that the Bust is in the house of Mivrina Arano. He won't believe you and will ask you to go to her house with him. There, in her closet, he will naturally find the desired Bust and bring charges against her (in general, a whole dramatic scene will be played out in front of you). Next, a new sign will tell you that Armand Christophe will appear only on the next full moon. When you meet him, he will promote you to “Bandit” and pay you 100 gold for the work done.

When you try to take a task from him, he will answer that he is no longer your contact, and from now on Skriva from Bravil will give you tasks. She can be found at the Lone Traveler Inn. Skriva usually spends most of her time in her home near the Northern Gate in Nebenay Valley, but it is best not to disturb her there. Wait until she goes to the Lonely Beggar's Shelter tavern and talk to her there. She will ask you to start by selling stolen items worth more than two hundred coins. Another merchant becomes available to sell stolen goods - Dar Ji, who lives in Llavin. The easiest way to collect the required amount is in the basements of Llavina Castle. There are levers (hidden in barrels) that open secret doors leading to a secret room. A few seconds after you sell the required amount of stolen items to Dar Ji or Ongar, a sign will appear informing you about this and advising you to talk to Skriva again.

Returning to Skriva, you will receive a new task. A certain widow, whose name is Akhdarji, had her husband's ring stolen, but it was done by some free thief who was not a member of the Thieves Guild. You need to go to Llavin with a mission to find a free thief, take the ring from him and return it to the owner. Once you arrive in Llavin, find Adarji. She lives in her own house, the location of which any beggar will tell you; in addition, beggars will even tell you where she can spend her free time. The widow, by the way, will turn out to be a rather useful character, because... teaches Light armor. Adarji will tell you the name of the thief - Amusey, and ask you to kill him, offering you 100 gold for your husband's ring. You will refuse to kill him, citing the rules of the Thieves Guild, but, of course, you will take on the task. In addition, another interesting point will become clear - you have already met Amusei when you passed the test for admission to the Guild, and now you need to find him. Again, beggars will come in handy in this matter, as they will tell us that Amusei was caught for stealing from the Countess and is now languishing in the castle prison. But don’t despair, the beggar will also tell you that any guard will take you to him for a small fee. Now head to the Llavina castle, before reaching the central hall, turn right, there will be a staircase leading down to the door to the castle's dungeons. The door will not be locked. Having entered it, further along the corridor on the right you will see a sitting guard. You need to open the door at the end of the corridor. There are two ways to do this: a master key and talking to the guard. Everything is clear with the master key - we just open the door, although there are no special problems with the guard, you just need to talk to him about Amusei, and the guard will open the door for you for a small bribe of 20 gold. In the last cell on the right, the same Amusei who tried to enter the Thieves Guild with you will languish. After talking with him, you will learn his sad story, but that’s not the point, the point is that you will have to offer him something in exchange for the necessary information. I’ll say right away, no matter which of the three options you choose, it will still all come down to the fact that he will need to be given a master key. For this, he will inform you that the ring is now with Countess Llavina Alessia Caro and that it is advisable for you to talk again with Akhdarzhi or one of the beggars to find out more information about the ring. Further - more, after talking with Adarzhi you will find out the true reason why she needs this ring so much. In fact, with the help of this ring, Akhdarzhi could read the count’s secret correspondence, and sold the information to other counts and dukes. After this conversation, the price for the ring will accordingly increase to 200 gold. Now we need to find out where to find the notorious ring. Everything is simple here: we go to the nearest beggar, who will give out the next piece of information. The Countess's maid, Hlidara Motril, who is located in the main hall of the castle, where the Countess herself sits with her husband, can know where the ring is kept. After talking with the maid, you will find out that the Countess only takes off the ring at night when she goes to bed. Stealing a ring is quite difficult. Let's start with the fact that before the Countess goes to bed, it is advisable to go along the entire route and open all the doors in advance, including the bypass through the torture room, as well as the box itself, in which the ring is stored. The box is on the table next to the Countess's bed. Having waited until evening, we begin to act. I'll start by walking in a straight line shortcut It’s almost unrealistic, since the guard magician Khajiit is walking right outside the door, and then a guard is patrolling in the corridor leading to the Karo couple’s chambers. You can take a workaround as follows: in the central hall, in the wall to the side of the chairs on which the Count and Countess sat, there is a door leading to the basement of the castle. It is locked, but since there is no one in the room at this moment, it can be safely hacked. After this, we go down into the basement itself, in a barrel near the far wall there is a lever that opens a secret door. The corridor behind the secret door will lead us to a secret torture room, in which there is an entrance to another similar corridor and an exit from it to a similar basement with a secret door. Climbing the stairs from the basement, we find ourselves in a corridor leading straight to the chambers of the Count and Countess. A guard runs along it, although his route is too long, and it is quite possible to slip through to the chambers of the Karo couple unnoticed. Once you're in their bedroom, the hard part begins. Or rather, if you have leveled up the “Sneak” skill, then there is nothing complicated. But we will proceed from the worst-case scenario. In this case, you are recommended to take off all your armor and make your way to the nightstand with the box, which stands near the bed. This helped me personally; it didn’t work with armor. In general, we grab the ring and go back the same way, taking all precautions. We give Akhdarzhi the ring, and in return we receive a reward of 200 gold. After that, we go to Bravil and report to Skriva that the task has been completed. She will thank you for the work done and will promote you to the rank of “Fraudster”.

The new task will begin with the fact that you will need to find Metredhel in the Imperial City, because it is she who now controls the Thieves Guild due to the fact that Chironicus Lex is constantly chasing the Gray Fox, giving him no rest. Your faithful assistants, the beggars, will help you find her. They will report that Metredhel is hiding from the raid of Chironicus Lex (the fact that the raid is being carried out will be clearly visible on the Embankment of the Imperial City) in the house of Dinaria Amis, which is located in Talos Square. Metredhel hatched a plan to divert Lex Chironicus's attention away from the Embankment. To do this, you “just” need to steal the staff of Hrormir from the Archmage of the Mages Guild. It is known that the magician sleeps from one to seven in the morning, but in addition to stealing the staff itself, you must also leave a note in the table by the bed from the Gray Fox. We go to the University of Magicians in the Imperial City, go into the Vestibule (reception) to the Archmage, there will be a portal on the floor to the left of the entrance leading to the Meeting Rooms of the Council of Magicians, but you shouldn’t go there ahead of time. As soon as the time strikes one in the morning and there is no one left in the reception room, we move through the portal to the Meeting Room. There will be another portal there leading to the Archmage's Chambers. If your Sneak skill is not very developed, I would advise (as usual) to remove your armor before going to the Archmage's Chambers. In the bedroom itself (the Archmage's chambers), we need to steal the staff lying on the bedside table standing in front of the bed of the sleeping Archmage, and place a letter in the table standing on the side of the Archmage's bed. Stealing the staff is not particularly difficult, you just need to sneak around so as not to wake up the sleeping Archmage, but a surprise will be waiting for you at the bedside table - it will be locked with a key. However, you shouldn’t be too upset, the key lies in the pocket of the sleeping Archmage. We just need to steal it from there, open the nightstand (the letter will be placed there automatically) and return the key to the Archmage (we don’t need it anyway). After this, we quietly leave the bedchamber of our Archmagic comrade, not forgetting to pick up our armor in the next location, if it was left there. We return to Metredhel and report. The task is completed. She will ask you for another trifle - to follow Chironicus Lex and inform her when he orders the search work on the Embankment to stop. Finding Lex Chironicus on the Embankment is not difficult; he is in the same place where he was during the search for Armand Christophe. It is not at all necessary to sneak up on Lex, a few steps before him you will stop and see the following scene: Dremora will appear from the air and notify him of something, after which a sign will immediately appear with the message that Chironicus Lex was forced to remove the guard. You can go report this to Metredhel. But also the message will say that Lex Chironicus dropped some paper, and he will actually drop it in a couple of seconds. This paper will need to be picked up and taken to Metredhel, who will again give us a task. Now that the cordon has been removed from the Embankment, the staff must be returned again, but not to the Archmage, but thrown into the chest of Ontus Vanin, who also lives in Talos Square. His house is located in the outer city wall. You can pick the lock at night, or you can just wait until daylight and freely enter his house. The chest in which you need to put the staff is located on the second floor and is called “Otus Vanin’s Chest”. After trying to open it, a sign will appear stating that the staff has been placed in the chest. Now you can return to Bravil to Skriva and report on the completion of the task. She will promote you to the rank of “Burglar Thief” and will give you the opportunity to contact the new buyer of stolen goods - Lusyana Galena.

The new condition will be a logical increase in revenue from the sale of stolen goods totaling 400 gold. For this I had enough supplies from the basement of Llavina Castle. The new buyer, by the way, is in the same tavern where Skriva likes to go.

After fulfilling the condition, Skriva will give a new task. You need to deliver to her the book "The Lost History of Tamriel", which is necessary for the Gray Fox himself. This book was already stolen from someone by a thief named Teranius, but the problem is that immediately after that he disappeared somewhere. Your mission is to find him and either take the book or ask him where the book is now. According to Skriva, Teranius's trail ends in Skingrad, so you will need to rush there. Next, we conduct an investigation as usual, that is, we conduct a survey of all-knowing beggars who will tell us the following: Teranius loved to go to the Two Sisters tavern and, while drunk, boasted that he had stolen an expensive thing. Unfortunately for him, just at that moment the captain of the local guard came in and, of course, put him in jail (prison, that is). Therefore, now we need to go to the prison and try to talk to the unlucky thief. The prison is located in Skingrad Castle, located outside the city. You can reach it along the road that begins behind the Eastern Gate. In the castle you will need to get into the prisoner's cell. To do this, you will need to get a job as a servant delivering food to prisoners. Only the orc Shum gro-Yarug can hire you, who leaves the inner chambers of the castle (to which there is no access) only at 10 o’clock in the afternoon, and then walks around the city for a couple of hours. In general, it is better to catch it at exactly 10 o’clock near the exit from the castle. He will hire you, and then everything is simple. Go to the guard under the plausible pretext of feeding the prisoners, this time the guard will not be capricious and will let you into the cells. There will be only one prisoner in the cells, after talking with whom you will learn that a certain “Pale Lady” came for Teranius, who took him away an hour ago. Now you will need to follow the trail of blood stains that will lead to the wall. To the right of the wall there will be a “Strange Candlestick”, turning which you will open a secret door. Behind it there will be a passage that will lead to another door leading to the Skingrad wine cellar. By the way, do not forget to take three master keys lying on a stool in the niche in front of this door. Next, you will again go through the passage, which will lead to the basement of the castle, in which there will be several doors. You need to get into the room where the wine is stored. There will be three large barrels in the room. To the left of the right barrel you will again see a “Strange Candlestick”, clicking on it will open a secret door located in the middle barrel. At this point, your wanderings through the labyrinths of the castle will stop, since almost immediately outside the door you will be attacked by the notorious “Pale Lady”. Killing her, in general, is not difficult. After which, going further, you will find the corpse of Teranius and his old acquaintance Amusei sitting behind bars. (How does this brat manage to get everywhere? Only recently he spent time in the Lyavin prison, on the other side of Cyrodiil.) After talking with him, you will learn that Teranius was Amusei’s cellmate and trusted him in many ways. Teranius didn’t say anything about the book, but he mentioned a certain treasure that Amusei promises to give you as soon as you take him out of the castle. We open the door with the key taken from the dead vampire (The Pale Lady) and lead Amusei with us. You need to exit not the way you entered the basement, but through the door leading to the “Dinning Hall of Skingrad Castle” (fortunately, you also took the keys to this door from the body of the dead vampire). Next, we go directly to the hall with laid tables, and stealth must be turned on. In this room we turn right, there will be a door leading to the “Hall of Skingrad Castle”. But be careful, the guards are looking for you. Therefore, go through it in stealth mode, in addition, you will need to throw your armor into your backpack, otherwise you risk being noticed by the guards. In the lobby of Skingrad Castle, in stealth mode without armor, walk straight a couple of meters and run into the next door leading to the castle courtyard. Although this door is closed, the key will help you out again. Having gone out into the courtyard, continuing to remain in stealth mode and without armor, you move towards the gate leading to " western heath". And only after leaving the gate you can finally relax, that is, put on armor and get out of stealth. Take Amusey across the bridge, and then a little further down the road, after which a sign will appear saying that you need to talk to Amusey. He will tell you , that Teranius asked to convey the following message to any member of the Thieves Guild: “The book is hidden behind a bush near Nerasteral’s house, by the well.” Everything is simple here, following this instruction, we go to Skingrad itself. Immediately after entering the city (if you have not become perverted and go around the city with reverse side, and went further down the road from the castle), we turn right onto a small path and move along it. A little further from the first well you come across, under a bush near the wall, you will see the book you are looking for. Pick it up and a sign will appear informing you that you can return to Bravil and report to Skriva about the completed task. Skriva, not particularly grieving for the death of Teranius, will take the book from you and count the task.

This time the task given is quite confusing. Its essence is that you need to find a certain letter, then forge it and give this letter personally into the hands of Lady Umbranox from Anvil. Whatever it is, we need to go to Anvil, and, as usual, the first thing we do is go ask the beggars. The beggar will not tell you anything particularly interesting except that you need to find some kind of blacksmith, and it is unclear why, and also that the castle is full of secret rooms. We go to the castle (preferably after waiting until nightfall). As you enter the room, immediately turn right to the blacksmith. His name is Orrin, he will not have long conversations with you, he will simply say: “Follow me,” and will lead you to the secret entrance (this Orrin, by the way, can be woken up even in the middle of the night, he will not show any dissatisfaction). I forgot to say that a sign will appear saying that the passage leads to Dairyhill's office. You will come across a door that will have to be opened (the lock level is “medium”), so do not forget to grab at least a couple of master keys. After this door there will be another passage that will lead to a wall, but nothing complicated here. Push the left column and a passage will open in the wall. Next you need to be smart. No matter how you leave, a guard will immediately notice you and run up with an offer to leave the premises immediately. This, of course, doesn’t suit you, but you can’t just get rid of this bore. I personally did this: I led him into a secret passage, from which I came out, leaving the guard behind me. Next, he approached the place where the wall rises (a small step), pressed on the column from the outside and sharply walked forward. The door rose, leaving the guard on the other side. Well, then it’s just a matter of technique, to the left of the secret passage there is a door locked to the “hard” level. You open it, there will be a table there, it is also locked, but to “medium”. The list you need will be on the table. A sign will immediately pop up stating that everything is going fine and that what is needed has been taken. After that, you can leave the castle, preferably in a different way, through the dining room. But I would advise you to hang Nirnrut in a pot from the next room, in which the hostess is sleeping, and open the chest, grabbing clothes from it for subsequent sale to buyers of stolen goods (to collect the next amount). Now we again don’t know a damn thing about what to do next and, accordingly, we run to the beggar for advice. The beggar advises us to look for a comrade nicknamed "Stranger", who can be found in the "Abandoned House", a shack not far from the main gates of the city. This comrade will agree to forge a letter for another, in which Chironicus Lex will be recommended for the new position. He will ask you to come for a new letter the next day, demanding a fee of 500 gold, which, however, will be returned to you later. A day later, after picking up the papers, you will learn that they now need to be stamped by the legion commander. To do this, you will need to proceed to the Imperial City in the Prison District. As you enter, immediately turn left into the first door (you can also enter the second one, only the lock on the first one is “very easy”, and on the second one it is “very hard”). The most disgusting thing is that there is a guard sitting behind the door who will immediately grab you. Therefore, you need to “go to work” at night. If you successfully entered the door, and there was no one there, then move to the door to the right, there is a tighter lock on it - “very hard”. If you went through the first door, then open door you will see a table in the left corner of which there is the same seal that needs to be stamped onto a piece of paper. Here I want to warn you about one nuance - periodically the chief of the guard comes into the room with the seal and sits there for a while, so if he is there, take off your armor when you break into the first room. And from the second room the seal can be stolen using telekinesis, pulling it towards you from the table. If the chief of the guard is not there, then, accordingly, all these precautions are not needed. After you grab the seal, a sign will immediately appear notifying you that you have placed the seal. Now all you have to do is hand over the forged document to Lady Umbranox, who lives in Anvil. Her working day seems to start at 9 am, she sits in throne room castle, so you can find it without difficulty. After giving her false documents, you will receive an answer from her, which must be taken to Chironikus Lex. It can be found on the Embankment. He, obviously, will be dissatisfied with the transfer to Anvil, but, nevertheless, will obey the order. All that remains is to report to Skriva about the successfully completed task. Skriva will accept your quest and promote you to “Stalker in the Shadows”, and when you try to take a new quest, she will say that she has no more quests for you, and that for a thief of your level, quests will be given personally by the Gray Fox. A new buyer will also appear - Orrin from Anvil (the blacksmith who showed you the secret passage in the castle when completing the previous task).

Blacksmith Orrin needs to sell the stolen goods for another 100 septims, i.e. already for a total amount of 600 gold. You can wake him up even in the middle of the night, he won’t argue and will buy from you everything you offer. I personally leaked to him all the change that I picked up in Anvil Castle, but he buys goods at bargain prices, so he barely scraped together the required amount. When the stolen goods are sold for the amount of 600 septims, a sign will appear that the Gray Fox is now planning to contact you. To do this, he will send his contacts to you. You are advised to keep your eyes open and, to be on the safe side, relocate to the Imperial City. After some time has passed (about a day), Metredhel will find you and say that the Gray Fox wants to meet you at the house of Helvius Sissi, who lives in Bruma. In the house itself, go down the stairs, and the Gray Fox himself will appear before you (though he will have a mask on his face).

He gives the following task: you need to steal Savilla's stone from a monastery located north of Cheydinhal, high in the mountains. The location of the monastery will be marked on the map. The condition remains the same: you cannot kill anyone (but there is a slight relaxation - you can kill those monks who directly guard this stone). For completing this task, the Gray Fox promises 500 septims. The temple is located in the northeast corner of the map, or due north of Chaidinhall and due east of Bruma. As soon as you reach it, a corresponding sign will appear with a small hint that you can seduce some monk to help you in this difficult matter. Stand near the temple for a while and you will soon see two monks. You need to talk to Monk Holger, having previously raised his attitude towards you (I raised it to 86). He gave me all the ins and outs. He told me that they serve blind monks, that they, in turn, live underground in the catacombs, and then he even agreed to take me to them, since I turned out to be his friend. Then simply follow him to the small building to the right of the temple. In principle, you could get there even without a monk by breaking a heavy lock, but when they open the door for you themselves, it’s still easier. After the monk opens the door, follow him and he will lead you to the next door leading directly to the catacombs, and will open it accordingly. As soon as you enter it, you will be reminded once again that you can only kill one person, the keeper of the stone itself, and also that everyone else here will not be very happy with you either. It is better not to look for confirmation of this, so do the following: before moving forward, remove all armor and pick up a torch, if you have one. Further, walking a little forward, you will see the notorious monks who pray blindfolded. But don’t think that these guys are naturally blind, like newborn kittens - at the slightest rustle they explode and begin to beat you up quite accurately. Therefore, as soon as you enter their hall, sneak to the left towards the door, which, obviously, is what you need to enter. Don't forget to close it behind you just in case. After entering the door, turn immediately to the right, in front of you there will be a small corridor, and on the right in a niche by the wall there will be a chest, you can safely rob it. Next, the corridor turns left and you will find yourself at a fork. So, you go to the right. Then there is another fork, this time a triple one. We do this: first to the right, we clean out the chest, and then to the left, you don’t need to go straight, because there is a door behind which the monks live, and if you approach the door, they will immediately jump out with their fists at you. Soon a fork will appear in front of you again, no big deal, it's just better to go left and loot another chest, and then you will go out onto the beaten path again. As soon as you reach the fork again, turn left (there will still be a blind rat, it won’t even attack you). Next to it in the gap in the wall there will be another chest that can be robbed. In general, the catacombs are actually quite small, so you can easily find your way through them yourself, the main thing is to stay safe so as not to accidentally end up with the monks. Next we come to the first locked door, but I don’t think that breaking it will be difficult, it is locked with a “medium” lock. Next you will find yourself in the next corridor, and here one nuance arises related to luck. If you're lucky and the guards haven't gone to bed, then everything is simple. Sneak straight along the corridor, turning right at the second turn, break open the door with the “medium” lock, then go left after the empty beds and again left down to the door with the “hard” lock. If the guards have already gone to bed in their beds, then it will be difficult to crawl past her. With poorly pumped stealth, this maneuver didn’t work at all for me. Therefore, in this case, you will have to somehow wait until they leave this point in order to pass on unnoticed. One way or another, I think you will end up in the next location, the Butterfly Caves. It would be possible to describe here how to proceed further, but this is actually not important in this location, since here you will be greeted by not too dangerous traps and a couple of pieces of evil spirits, as well as chests with various bonuses. You will be spared from overly sensitive monks. At the end of the location, you will need to break into a “hard” level lock to get to the “Shrine of the Moth” location. Go down and you will see a fellow monk standing in front of a crystal hanging in the air, but this crystal is not the Savilla stone that we are looking for. Savilla's stone stands on the right on the same hill on which the monk with the sword stands. You can’t pull off a pebble with telekinesis, so grab it and get out of there, or if you’re thirsty for blood, you can kill the monk. Getting out unnoticed is just as difficult as getting inside unnoticed, but this is not particularly necessary. We get out into the light of day and go to the Gray Fox. The Gray Fox will be happy that you delivered the Savilla Stone to him and will reward you with 500 Septims, and will also say that he will contact you as soon as he has a job for you.

As soon as you leave the house where you met the Gray Fox, you will be pleased with a sign that you should bring stolen goods worth 700 coins to the buyer of stolen goods Orinn. I didn’t try too hard, I robbed the central halls of the castles of Chorolla and Anvil. In Chorrol he stole the student's Alembic and Cyrodiil Brandy, and in Anvil he stole the entire set of silverware and a couple more valuables that ended up in that closet. I immediately sold all this stuff to Orrin, after which I was told to be careful, the Gray Fox would soon need me.

At one point, your old acquaintance Amusey will approach you and say that the Gray Fox has made an appointment for you at the house of Malinticus Ankrus in Chorrol. This time, the Gray Fox wants you to bring him the Arrow of Liberation, which was recently found by the wizard from Bravil Fatis Aren. This comrade can even be killed, but only outside the Bravil castle. In any case, it would be better to start your search from this city. There’s nothing special to think about here, let’s go straight to our friends - the beggars. They will immediately tell us everything we need. According to their stories, the magician Fatis Aren keeps all his valuables not in the castle, but in his tower in the southeast of the city, but you can’t just get into the tower. To get into it, you need to use a secret underground passage. In fact, you need to stomp Bravil's castle. In the hall where the count sits, you go upstairs and open the middle door, I personally had the key to it from nowhere, so I didn’t even break anything, then to the left along the corridor we enter the chambers of this very Fatis. You can crack a couple of chests standing on the left wall and steal a lot of good stuff, after which you will be clearly hinted at the presence of a secret door, or you can go to it right away (it is located directly opposite the front door in the opposite wall) and, by clicking on the right column, open passage Next, you will have to immediately crack the “hard” level lock in order to go further into the magical grotto. There you will be met either by a dremora or some other monster, how to deal with it is your concern, my job is to warn you. Once you finish it, at the end you will see two doors, one straight ahead, the second to the left. You don’t have to touch the one on the left, there are a lot of confusing passages in which, apart from a couple of rats and a crab, there is nothing interesting, but behind the door, which is straight, a lot of interesting things await. The optimal path further is this: we approach the abyss (where it is and what exactly it is, you yourself will quickly understand, since it takes a very long time to swim into the depths there) and, slowly sinking, we look for a branching passage at a shallow depth, so it will lead us closer towards the cherished goal. After we come out of the water, we go along the passage and turn right at the fork, open the gate and go to the first fork, where another dremora will attack you. As soon as you are done with him, move on, just don’t open the door of the “hard” level, you need to go a little in the other direction. On the way, you will come across Nirnroot as a bonus; at the end of the move, it will lead to another door locked with a “hard” level lock. Having opened it, you will be taken to the next location. There is no point in hiding here, quickly go forward, without breaking the massive wooden door, but go up the stairs to the iron grate. You hack it (hard level), turn right and move further past some ill-wishers and all sorts of atronachs, further up the stairs, break the grate again (hard level), then right again and up, and you will have to open the door , the lock on it also has a “hard” level. After all this wandering around the dungeons, you find yourself in the tower itself, and this is where the full masquerade ball begins. Monsters of all stripes will attack you with all their might. The tactic here is this: you need to immediately run to the very top, somewhere on the fourth floor, there is an opportunity to jump to the next platform, and the monsters will no longer be able to reach you. Next, you bombard Fatis Arena with fireballs (or alternative projectiles), and then deal with other monsters, however, the order in which you eliminate enemies is not so important. After you kill him, a sign will appear that some forces were watching the murder you committed. Special attention don’t mind, cleanse the magician’s body and move to his closet on the third floor. There, in one of the chests you will find the necessary arrowhead. It is not necessary to return the same way; you will have the key to the tower gate (taken from the body of the killed wizard), so the path will be significantly shortened and safe. We return to the Gray Fox in Chorrol and hand over the quest to him. He will be a little upset that not the whole arrow was brought, but only the tip, but he won’t bother too much and will count the quest, and for one thing he will promote you to the rank of “Master of Thieves”.

Of course, he will ask you to walk around a little more before new orders arrive and at the same time get to know the new buyer of stolen goods, Fatis Ulis, who is the best buyer of stolen goods in the Thieves Guild. He needs to sell the stolen items for the amount of 800 septims. Fatis Ulis lives in the Imperial City, I won’t say where exactly, since he walked around the city all the time, never entering his home. Various things could be stolen in the previous quest, in dungeons, but you can also simply steal small things from the towers in the Imperial City, where the guards rest. As soon as we sell things for the required amount, a message will appear stating that the Gray Fox may need us at any time.

Soon Amusey will find you and tell you that the Gray Fox has made an appointment for you at Gunrendel's house in Cheydenhal. We go to Cheydenhall to receive a new task from the Gray Fox. The fox will tell us that he needs Springhill Jack's boots. The boots themselves are buried along with Springhill Jack and, accordingly, we need to find his burial place and take the boots from there. But that's not all the difficulties. The thing is, no one knows where Springhill Jack is buried. The only one who may be able to help us is his only descendant, Count Imbelsky, whose name is Yakben. The Count lives in the Imperial City. Accordingly, we need to go to the Imperial City and find him. First of all, of course, to the poor. They will tell you that the Count is a rather strange person, since he only leaves his house to walk at night, and that his house is located in Talos Square in the Imperial City. You can catch the count at night, but you can also brazenly break open the door during the day (level "hard"), then go up to the second floor, simultaneously breaking open another door (level "medium"), and walk straight along the corridor and enter the central room of the second floor, to catch a strange picture: the count in the “squatting” position is shielding himself with his hand, as if from a blow, and his servant is standing next to him. Talk to the Count and he will give you the key to the basement of his house. We go down to the first floor and break the lock on the basement (it doesn’t matter which side you break from - right or left). Then we go downstairs and break down another door, walk along the corridor and in the middle of it we find the door from which we were given the key. As soon as you enter, someone will attack you, mostly vampires hang out in that dungeon. I personally lifted a lot of glass and Daedric from these guys. There will be passages on the right, left and directly in front of you, you really need the central one, but in the side ones you can also collect all sorts of trinkets in the coffins. Go straight, there you will need to pick a heavy lock (vampires are included as security) and then see what lies in the coffin. You will find a diary there instead of shoes, I decided to read it later, but at the end everything became clear. Our count turned out to be a vampire, so kill him with peace of mind and take the shoes from the corpse. A small addition: if you are planning to take loot out of this cave, keep in mind that vampires regenerate there almost every minute, so be on your guard. We return to Cheydenhall to the Gray Fox with the boots. He is happier than ever and says that he has one last, special thing left for you. When the right moment comes, he will contact you.

Amusey will tell you the meeting place again, this time it is Othrelos's house in the Elven Gardens area. The Gray Fox will tell you an exciting plan to steal the "Ancient Scrolls". The plan is quite complex, so he even gives you a written description of it. In addition, he will give you some of the artifacts you stole in previous quests. Let's get straight to the task. First, you need to go to the Palace area in the Imperial City, and since there is nowhere else to go in the Palace itself, then you need to go to the “Council Meeting Room”. Next, go right to the end until you come to the door leading to the palace basement. You need to open it, but it is quite difficult to do this, not so much because the lock on it is “very heavy”, but because there is a guard hanging around it, and another guard is patrolling along the corridor. My advice: go down to the door itself, wait until the patrolman leaves, move closer to the right wall (since the guard standing at the post is also located on the right and therefore will not see you) and break the lock in stealth mode. Once you break the door and find yourself in the basement, you will need to move forward, keeping to the left wall at all times, since there is a guard patrolling in the center of the basement. Get to the end of the basement as quickly as possible and activate the large hourglass, this is the mirror of time that the Gray Fox spoke about. Then you will need to go back so that you are not noticed again by the guard patrolling the basement. Now go to the city park and there you will find the entrance to the southeastern tunnel. It is located in the form of a lattice on the ground to the right of the entrance from the Arena. Go along the passage, open the grate (“middle”), go down, forward again, then right and forward again. In a niche in the wall there will be a door very similar to the wall, leading to the next location. Then go straight, along the way you will come across a creature called “Neter Likh”, killing it can present certain difficulties. When you reach a large room where sewage flows, turn left, there you will be greeted by two hostile vampires. After dealing with them, turn left again and finally you will come to a hatch leading to the palace sewer. Once you decide to go down inside, a sign will appear letting you know that you are on the right path. The palace's sewers are fairly linear, and you'll encounter one vampire along the way. Eventually you will come to a door leading to the "old road". Here a sign will appear in front of you again, informing you that now you will need that arrowhead. You need to go straight along the “old road” and turn left at the first turn. I encountered a couple of ghosts along this route. I wouldn’t recommend staying long in the next location, as there are a lot of slow monsters in it that you don’t really need to destroy, it will just take up extra time, it’s easier to run through the entire location. By the time the monsters figure out what to do, you will have already moved to the next location called “lost catacombs”. Of course, you can walk along them and kill all the monsters, but it’s easier to just quickly run through them. You will have to run long and windingly, the location is very large. The main thing is, when you get to the large hall, jump up and press the two large buttons in the walls (on the right and on the left wall). A passage will open to the next location called the “hall of eras”. Everything is simpler here: you need to go straight through the corridors, killing a couple of zombies. Then go up the stairs, and here again they won’t let you think for yourself and tell you what you still need to do to move on. You will have to act very wisely, namely: when you go up the stairs, you will see a statue, you need to open it with a key, and this key is an arrow. Only you need to not just insert an arrow into the statue, but shoot from a bow from a certain place at the statue with the arrow that the Gray Fox gave you. Many will immediately ask the question: “Where can I get onions?” Take the bow from the skeleton that walks upstairs in the opposite direction from the statues. Now we need to determine the location. It stands out quite a bit. We turn 180 degrees from the statue, that is, we turn to face the stairs and see two shining crystals, between them there is a pedestal for shooting. There are two ways to get there. The first one is honest: go left (if your back is to the statue) and in the side wall you will see a door locked with a “very hard” lock. You open it, another evil spirit jumps out, you wet it and go inside. Immediately to the left there will be a button with a crystal, press it. Then you go down and go into the passage, there you fight with the evil spirits again, go deeper, press another button, and the doors that close the passage to the shooting site on the sides rise. The second method is simple and fast: ignoring the doors, jump to the shooting point from below, but this option is actually only for those who have well-leveled acrobatics (above 80)...

Once you are on the platform, you will be told everything in the next message. Next, the statue opposite you will turn around, and you can start shooting at it, with the first shot being a test shot. You make it an ordinary arrow. If your shooting skills are poor, don’t worry, on this platform the conditions are the same for everyone. I personally combined the crosshairs of the sight with the crosshairs of the sword in the hand of the statue; I even think the sword was made for this purpose, so that it could be used as a guide when shooting. Once you hit the target, a passage down opens. You can throw away the bow, but don't forget to pull out the sword, because as soon as you approach the stairs, the two statues on the sides of the statue will come to life and attack you. They will have to be killed, because it will not be possible to escape normally. I’ll explain what’s going on: you need to get through the door leading to the rest room of the imperial guards in stealth mode so that the stealth icon goes out. It’s clear that you won’t be able to enter with the badge extinguished while these statues are chasing you. As soon as you entered the room (in the room you are inside the fireplace), we throw off all the armor into our inventory, if you have not done this in advance. Now you need to behave very carefully, since the guards are very sensitive. Opposite you are two identical doors, you need to get to them without anyone noticing you. These doors lead to the dining room, and from the dining room you can get into the corridor, but you cannot leave stealth for a second, since the guards will immediately wake up. Once you exit the corridor, go left until it ends. At the end of the corridor there will be a door leading to the "Library of Ancient Scrolls". As you enter it, you will see a curved corridor in front of you, patrolled by a guard, so be careful. You need to get halfway through it. When you reach the middle of it, you will see a door closed with a “heavy” lock. Having opened it, you will find yourself in approximately the same room, also related to the library. Here you need to go to the left, but you also need to sneak around quite carefully, although there is no guard cruising in the corridor, but a blind monk who can hear quite well is sitting. When you reach it, you will see a lever to the right of the monk. Press it to open the door located at the other end of the corridor. Go to that door and go inside. As soon as you enter, one of the blind monks will mistake you for his colleague Celia Camoran, whom the Gray Fox has previously neutralized. The monk will greet you and go upstairs to get the scroll, but you need to quickly go to the free chair standing near the central fire and sit on it. Once you sit on it, you will again be given further explanation. Wait for the monk to bring you the scroll, then calmly take it, get up from the chair, go into stealth mode and go up the stairs. While you're walking up the stairs, the monks will be fairly insensitive to your movements, but as soon as you get to the second floor, they seem to break loose, so make your way to the door on the second floor very carefully. Once you find yourself in the corridor, you shouldn’t relax either; there is a guard cruising around the floor. You will need to go left. In addition, I would like to note that along the circumference of the building there are quite deep niches, which are quite helpful when guards pass by. You open a moderately complex lock and find yourself in the chambers of the Butterfly’s servants. There is also a servant cruising along the corridor who will not let you relax; you must pass by him to the opposite end of the corridor, and at the end open the “hard” level lock. Now you find yourself in the “chambers of imperial battle mages”, the corridor is patrolled as always. This time you need to get to the middle of it and open the door with a "hard" level lock. Next you will have to act very carefully, because in the next room there is a magician who is just waiting for the slightest rustle from you. We go to the right door and open the lock of the “very hard” level. After this, the doors to the bedroom will open, and here you will have to show the very pinnacle of thieves’ skills, namely, actually make your way in front of the magician’s nose to the fireplace, at the bottom of which there will be a grate leading down to the “old passage”. As soon as you reach the fireplace and climb into the “old passage”, they will give you another explanation, then you will fall down well. Unfortunately, after this fall you will lose Springhill Jack's boots. Now you can safely put on your armor again and go back through the sewers to the Gray Fox...

The Gray Fox will be delighted that you were able to steal." ancient scroll", but the task will not end there. Now he will ask you to take the “wedding ring” to Countess Umbranox, who lives in Anvil Castle, and give her a few words from him. Go to the Countess, she has been sitting in the throne room of Anvil Castle since 9 am, and give her the ring. Here a family drama will play out in front of you. It turns out that all this rigmarole with the scrolls was intended for only one thing - to remove the curse from the mask of the "Gray Fox". could not take it off and always remained in it. Now the old head of the guild found a way to remove the mask and decided to return to the bosom of the family to his wife Milona Umbranox. Since he is retiring from business, he gives the Mask, along with the position of head of the thieves guild, to you Also, the former Gray Fox, and now Count Corvus, will tell you that the thieves guild has a new location, and you should inspect this place as the new head of the thieves guild (that is, wearing a Mask).The new headquarters of the thieves is located on the Embankment and is called "Deilot's Cellar". It is located approximately in the place where you met Armand Christophe. After you enter the basement wearing a mask, the task will be considered completed. The task of selling stolen items to buyers will also close.

Stealth is the greatest ability a thief has.

Stealing is an integral part of Oblivion, already available in previous games. In Oblivion this becomes much more important due to the way the Thieves Guild works. Burglar – the only way advance in the ongoing quest of the Independent Tiver and therefore advance into the ranks of the Thieves Guild. However, one does not have to be a guild member to commit burglary.

Selling stolen goods can be easily done through the Thieves Guild fences if you are a member. Outside of a guild, your options for selling stolen loot are much more limited.

For what?

There are many reasons to commit burglary in Oblivion. The main one is probably making money by selling stolen goods, even if they are promoted in the Thieves Guild. You can easily earn 500 shiny coins from one rich house, and having good Speechcraft skill and finding good house, you can bear thousands.

Another reason is to find specific equipment. Spotted good chainmail, but does anyone else wear it? Why not steal it? Especially when the equipment is known to be magical, burglary can give you access to some interesting options uniforms. Thieves Guild Fence can launder the item for you for a certain fee. To do this, first sell the fence product and then buy it. The fence retains the difference between the sale and purchase price, but the item will no longer be marked in your inventory.


Guilds and shops tend to be the most profitable places to hack. There are some very nice treats on the store shelves, including weapons and armor that you don't need (perhaps you already have a better bow, or you specialize in heavy armor, so using fur and leather armor you are not interested). The guild halls also have very lucrative stuff, and when everyone leaves, you can steal and take things without consequences.


There are three main options:

Theft from an empty house

If you don't have a specific goal in mind, then finding the right house to break into can be a difficult task. However, there are some simple rules to find such a home.

  • Find someone who is leaving their home. Disturb this person for a couple of hours. The idea is to get their timelines since they are basically the same every day. If this person stays outside from 6:00 pm to 1:00 am, you know you have those hours to explore in the house the next day.
  • Find someone wandering around the city. A random person can be just as good as the case above, except you'll have to find their home if they have one.

Theft while on holiday

  • Usually a locked door already hints that the house may be your target. Mistakes will not be decisive. If the owner is outside, so much the better for you. If the owner is inside and awake, politely leave stealth mode and walk away, don't panic, usually the worst thing that happens is that you are asked to leave. Obey, wait for another opportunity, as the owner of such a house often stays awake for the rest of the night.

Theft in a secure house

If you are confident enough in your hacking skills, you can try more challenging tasks. The Imperial Palace in the center of the Imperial City (not to steal, mostly for pride and personal glory), the castles of the various counts in each city, the guild headquarters, provide various examples of suitable targets for a master thief.

These buildings have different burglary rules:

  • There are guards patrolling, and some of them may not only ask you to leave, they may demand you leave or may even attack you.
  • There are times when some people are sleeping, but due to the large number of people in the house, there is no safe time for theft.
  • There are keys. It may seem like a small thing, but once you can steal them from the owner, opening most doors becomes much easier. Sometimes these keys are even necessary. Fortunately, since keys are weightless, they are usually relatively easy to steal.
  • Some of the most valuable goods are owned by people, and common houses have their rewards in chests and crates.


It is preferable when the owner of the property is absent. If he is not in his home, you know that you will be left alone, in which case you can take whatever your heart desires. However, you can also do this while you sleep. In this case, it is much more difficult to know when they are sleeping, but it follows the same scenario.


Steal only those things that are valuable. Take only those items whose price is approximately equal to their weight. Choose items whose price-to-weight ratio is higher than one or even more than two. SAVE before stealing from a person who is sleeping.

Money is infinitely valuable in this regard. Money is weightless, but has monetary value (obviously), and unless it's on the NPC's body, you have absolutely no chance of getting caught (after all, it's the container you're stealing from, not the NPC). The money is never marked as stolen, and since the theft penalty is only half of what you stole, if you only steal the money, then even if you get caught, you will still make a 100 percent profit after paying the penalty.


Hacking is a refined art

  1. First of all, we advise you to clean out your inventory and remove from it everything that is not useful to you and that you most likely will not use with you. Store them all in your home, sell them if you don't need them at all, or leave them somewhere. Buy some lockpicks if you know where to buy them (usually from members of the Thieves Guild or Shady Sam). Buy spells you think might be useful, scrolls, potions, etc.
  2. The next step is to enter the house. The first obstacle is the door. If it is not blocked, there is no problem. However, if it is locked, you must unblock it. To do this, you can use a spell (School of Change Magic) or master keys. Using a spell to unlock a door or chest, even if it's not yours, is not illegal, so you don't have to go into hiding to do it. However, you must hide if you open the door with a lockpick.
  3. Once inside, take what you want, check the least obvious places, for example look in the cellars, there may be a collection of valuable wines.
  4. If the owner shows up, don't panic. Just stop your thieving activities and go to the exit. If you happen to meet someone, you can greet them or even chat with someone, and if they ask you to leave, politely obey. Theft will only be a crime if you refuse to leave the premises when asked. It's good to have a quest for the person you're talking about we're talking about, since they will most likely forgive your infraction once you ask him about the task.
  5. Once you've done this, simply leave the house. It is not illegal to leave the house even if the house is not yours and even if you unlocked the door illegally. Therefore, when you leave, it is not necessary to use stealth.

Theft from an empty house

  • Try to hurry up. The owner will eventually return.
  • Don't neglect to use any means that can help you, you can use spells, run, push something in your favor.
  • Don't spend too much time thinking about which items to choose. Take everything that looks valuable, and then if you become overwhelmed, drop the least valuable items. You can do this in a secluded area or near an exit so you can return to pick it up later. The owner will not notice the scattered things, and will not suspect anything if you do not pick up the items in front of him.

Theft while on holiday

  • Try to always be in stealth mode. Avoid jumping and knocking.
  • You can take your time, but also don't procrastinate. You have to be more careful about what you do (falling many objects at once can cause too much noise).
  • Visit the same house several nights to remove items that are too heavy to carry in one go.
  • If you hear footsteps, stop stealing and head for the exit. The session ended for the night. Don't panic if you notice, just leave it in stealth mode (nothing worse than accidentally tracking down an angry owner), then quickly leave.
  • If stealing items from an occupied bedroom, keep an eye on the bed. While the owner is lying down, you are invisible and can steal. If they wake up, just get up and leave.
  • If you want to steal from a sleeping person, SAVE They will most likely wake up and call the guards. Sometimes you can't steal certain items from a sleeping person, but others are easy. Reboot and try another combination.

The owner is present and awake

  • If the owner wants you to leave, just obey. Return later when the owner is sleeping or leaving.
  • You can't loot everything in sight, but if you spot something interesting and go to the other end of the house, the owner will follow you. But if you run to the other end of the house, you'll enter stealth mode and quickly grab everything you wanted. until the owner arrives, you will not be discovered. Alternatively, you can hide behind a cabinet (or similar object) and retrieve your object while you are out of the owner's line of sight.
  • Alternatively, you can use the Telekinesis spell to move an object right next to the door, and then release it for further action.
  • If you can get a combined 100% or more chameleon effect (school of illusion) from spells and equipment, you are effectively invisible and will not be detected when stealing items. You can walk right through and steal anything you want from any house.
  • If you have an invisibility spell, you can cast it on yourself as soon as you see what you want. The spell will be immediately dispelled when you take the item, but the owner of the house will not see the actual taking of the item. It's best to use a custom spell with a duration of five or ten seconds, as this should be enough time for you. This is especially useful in stores where you won't have to worry.
  • Alternatively, you can demoralize a villager and cause him/her to run away, leaving you free to loot his/her house in the (usually short) duration of the spell.

Skills useful for theft

There are quite a few elements that are important or beneficial in a burglary career. However, most of them are not significant.

Stealth: Obviously, when you open a door, you need the stealth skill to be able to do while invisible. Then, if the owner is asleep, remaining in stealth mode will prevent them from waking up, allowing you to rob the entire house. If your stealth level is less than 50, pay attention to your shoes. It's probably best to go barefoot if your skill is low. Once you become a Traveler, it won't matter anymore.

Safety: You must unlock the front door of the house, as well as any other door and chest inside the house. Alteration spells remove the need for this, as does the Skeleton Key. Also, if you get to win the hacking minigame, a defense level near zero is not a deal breaker.

Illusion: Illusion is a useful school of magic, as it allows you to use Chameleon and Invisibility. It also allows you to influence the people who are guarding whatever you steal (Charm, Demoralize, etc.)

Change: This magical school gives you access to Unlock Unlock spells and Feather spells, both of which are very useful.

Mysticism: Detect Life can be useful to find out who is where in the house. Sometimes telekinesis can be very useful

Vampires: First level vampires give a great Detect Life spell (very large range, very low cost).

Crime: Be sure to learn about the consequences of your crimes and learn how to avoid punishment.

Introductory quest and tasks of Armand Christophe

Quest TG00FindThievesGuild - Finding the Thieves Guild


Is there really a king of thieves, Gray Fox, who rules over all the thieves of Cyrodiil, and at the mention of whose name any respectable citizen begins to boil with indignation? Many believe that no, and the hype raised around him is nothing more than the excessive official zeal of Captain Hieronymus Lex...

While in the Imperial City, pay attention to the Wanted Posters posted on the walls of buildings. Gray Fox is wanted - for theft, embezzlement, forgery, pickpocketing, counterfeiting, robbery, conspiracy to commit a crime, grand larceny, tax evasion, slander, fraud, perfidy and impudence, just that... If you want to get to know this undoubtedly talented person, then ask the townspeople or guards about him and you will find out that he prefers to steal from the rich, so the nobility hates him, and the poor adore him. Then all that remains is to talk to the first beggar you come across, although this is not easy. The cunning man will pretend that he doesn’t understand what you mean, but after convincing, charming or bribing he will tell you that you can learn more about the Thieves Guild at midnight in the Garden of Dareloth, located in the Waterfront district of the Imperial City.

The path to the Thieves Guild described above is not the only possible one. You can try to enter illegally (by picking locks) into the houses of townspeople or steal something from their pockets. It’s enough to just get caught doing this, or after the theft, find some kind of fine on your head and surrender to the guards. Upon leaving prison, GW's messenger Myvryna Arano will find you and hand you a mysterious note (Mysterious Note) inviting you to come to Dareloth's garden at midnight.

You can also talk to the Argonian City-Swimmer in Braville about the city. According to her, only honest and law-abiding citizens live here, but in the next line, when you choose the question of what the Thieves Guild is, you will hear about the garden of Dareloth. In general, you don’t have to talk to anyone, you just need to be in this garden at midnight and you will see all the characters there. Depending on the development of events this quest may or may not be recorded in the journal.

Quest TG01BestThief - May the Best Thief Win

Infamy +1 or +2

In the midnight garden of Dareloth you will find three - Armand Christophe, the Argonian Amusei and wood elf Metredhel. Most likely you will have to increase Armand's attitude so that he trusts you and starts talking. So, Armand Christophe, a follower of the Gray Fox and his doyen, has the right to choose the best of the three gathered here who want to join the Thieves Guild, and is now organizing something like an entrance exam.

According to the terms of the test, the one who brings the diary of Amantius Allectus will be accepted. You receive scant information that he lives somewhere in the Imperial City, beggars can help you in your search, but for a fee. You will have to break into Allectus's house, so master keys will be very useful, and if you don't have them, Armand will sell them right here. Remember that you are prohibited from killing the owner of valuable records and your claimants. The diary appears in Amantius's desk after starting this quest, so it cannot be stolen in advance.

And what's special about the diary...

If Mr. Allectus's diary is in your hands, then it is quite understandable that you will want to read it. The recordings are a description of an attempt to grow unusual plants - bloodsuckers. As the name suggests, they need blood to feed them. The ruthless experimenter initially caught the animals, but a moment came when the plants demanded human blood... After which he decided to destroy all the notes on breeding bloodsuckers, and take the plants themselves to the roof, under the hot rays of the sun, and an hour after sunrise they all withered. You can see the remains of plants in pots in the basement of Amantius’s house, but for some reason the diary survived, and someone unknown wanted to get it...

After Christophe’s words, Amuzai loudly announces that Allectus seems to live in the Elven Gardens, and Metredel quickly rushes off to the city. You shouldn’t listen to the Argonian, this is not true, but you can follow the nimble Bosmer and she will lead you to the doors of the desired house (if you don’t leave her behind along the way). Or you can ask some beggar, for five coins you will find out that Allectus's house is located in the eastern part of the Temple District, and if the location is high, the tramp will say it just like that. The nearest tramp is sleeping right next to the garden - Puny Ancus.

When you enter Amantius' house, you will almost certainly see Metredhel there. She very quickly sneaks over to the table and pulls out the diary. By the way, after successfully stealing the diary, Metredel chooses an amazing route - through the basement of Allectus, and then, apparently through the sewer system, he reaches the city streets. But if you have furnished it, then bring the diary to Armand (he waits in the garden until three in the morning) and accept his congratulations - you have become a pickpocket. This will complete the quest and add one unit of notoriety.

Nice dog...

If you are late, then the game gives a hint that Metredel’s diary can be stolen, the easiest way is from her house during the day, it will be in a locked chest, and she herself sleeps during the day (since neither you nor Metredel are yet members of Guild, then theft from it is not prohibited). Then wait until midnight and hand the diary to Armand, at which point the quest will close with an increase in notoriety by one unit.

If you didn’t succeed in stealing the diary from Metredhel, then all you have to do is watch how the Bosmer gives it to Armand and ask for a second attempt. This time you will be asked to steal the ancient cutlass Rohssan from A Fighting Chance in the Imperial City Trade District. But this is the last chance. Although in this case everything is simple, because Amuzai is a bungler and will not give you competition.

The saber lies in a chest in the personal chambers on the second floor of Soldier's Luck. During the day, the housewife trades downstairs and may notice your attempts to break in, so it is better to break into the house at night, while she is sleeping. And everything would be fine, but there’s a dog upstairs... You’ll either have to calm it down using your knowledge in the school of illusion, or rely on a pumped-up stealth skill, or kill it (the rules do not apply to animals). Rossan seems to wake up from the noise of the fight, but he doesn’t try to come over to see what’s there. Return to Armand with the saber, he will accept you into the Thieves Guild, the quest is completed, your notoriety increases by two units.

Subsequently, wild rumors begin to circulate among the townspeople that Amantius Allectus was killed during the robbery of his house, even if he remains alive.

Quest TG02taxes - Untaxing the Poor

Infamy +2

From now on, you need to sell stolen goods to a buyer for a certain amount in order to get work from Armand. This time it will be enough to hand over stolen goods worth at least 50 coins to Ongar the Sad the World Weary) in Broome. Then you can safely turn to Armand for tasks.

Armand says that recently the captain of the Imperial Guard, Hieronymus Lex, the very embodiment of law and order, collected taxes from the residents of the Port District. By custom, the city does not collect taxes from them, despite the legal right, since the amounts that can be shaken out of these people do not cover the costs of the fees themselves. Lex clearly did this in retaliation for their help to the Gray Fox, and he simply, on principle, cannot allow such injustice to happen. Your task is to find out where Lex stores the collected taxes, seize them and bring them to Armand, along with the tax records, to return what they paid to the citizens.

You need to get to Lex when he is sleeping or absent on business, a table with money and statements, locked with a middle lock, is located immediately to the right of the entrance. Grab both (it is not necessary to take money to complete the quest) and leave just as quickly and quietly. Then, just for fun, read the papers, on the list there is a certain Raven Camoran, from whom 2 coins were taken, a very remarkable surname... And Mivrina Arano was generally released... At midnight, hand over everything you got to Armand. He will say that you can keep such a pitiful amount as 53 gold for yourself, the Gray Fox will certainly find so much to distribute to the poor, and will promote you to a robber (Footpad).

After completing this quest, a special issue of the Raven Courier will be released - “The Poor People Have Been Taxed!” It reports that recently some scoundrels broke into the southern watchtower and stole a small amount of money from the office of Hieronymus Lex, which, oddly enough, was exactly equal to that previously collected from the residents of the Port District...

Quest TG03Elven - The Elven Maiden

Infamy +2

To receive the next task, you must hand over stolen goods to Ongar in the amount of at least 100 septims. Next, you will learn from Armand that the Guild has received an “order” for a unique figurine - a bust of Llathasa Indarys, the recently murdered Countess of Cheydinhal.

In Cheydinhal, any beggar will tell you for 15 coins that Count Indaris recently ordered a bust of Llathasa and installed it on her grave in the chapel crypt. He also placed a guard there so that no one would disturb the grave, and previously everyone could visit it.

Something about Countess Llatas

The death of Countess Llatasa is shrouded in mystery - her body was discovered at the foot of the stairs in the throne room of Cheydinhal Castle with signs of severe beatings. This incident caused a terrible scandal. The count, Andel Indarus, is suspected of her death, but it is unlikely that it will ever become known for certain whether he killed his wife or not, whether it was an accident or not...

The chapel crypt is guarded at all times by the chapel guard. The elf is constantly patrolling the room, so you need to wait for the moment when she enters the right half of the crypt, and quietly sneak to the left, to Llatasa’s grave, and there pick up the bust. If the guard sees you, he will attack. You can, of course, rob Llatasa’s coffin, but the overly greedy will be disappointed - the loot is so-so, but a leveled ghost of Llatasa appears (her dark ghost with a beard looks especially interesting!) and attacks you, and this may attract the attention of the guard. Killing her is prohibited, as are all other NPCs living in this chapel. If the task seems difficult, then use potions or spells with chameleon and invisibility effects. There is another option - to calm the guard for a while.

Returning to the Port District, you see that it is filled with Imperial Guards, looking for Armand Christophe. It turns out that Count Indaris accused him of stealing the bust of Countess Llatasa. There is no doubt that Armand will not come to the garden that night. By the way, he is hiding in the basement of the Imperial Trading Company warehouse, but he will only say that you will receive instructions from Metredel.

Metredhel will find you herself, and then it will turn out that the client who ordered the Guild to steal Llatasa’s bust was not there. Armand used you to identify an informant who had infiltrated the Guild. This is Mivrina Arano, oh, how careless Lex is, because he did not collect tax from her... Now you have to blame the theft of the bust on Mivrina, placing this bust in the closet next to her bed, and then convincing Hieronymus Lex that she is the thief. Lex's disposition must be more than 70 (at your disposal is a mini-game of persuasion, charms or an increase in charisma), in order for him to believe you and go see if there really is a bust in the closet. Amazed Lex finds a bust in the closet, then you will listen to his conversation with Mivrina, as a result of which he arrests her. Subsequently, she can be seen at her new permanent residence in a cell in the Imperial Prison.

After all the events, the siege of the guard port is lifted and Armand can appear on the street. He will give you a reward - 100 coins, make you a Bandit, and name another buyer of stolen goods - Dar Jee from Leyawiin. This was Armand's last task, now you should contact S"krivva in Bravil for work.

If you really want to engage in illegal fishing, there are two ways:

1. In Cyrodiil it is known that the Gray Fox helps the poor. So you can try to talk with them. When talking, they will deny that the Gray Fox is a myth, he doesn’t exist. But if you give them money, their tongues will loosen, and they will speak completely to another. Answer that you want to work with Gray Fox, and they will point you in the direction.

2. If you are a professional Jew and a miser, then there is method number two. Try to steal something in the Imperial City, so that the guards notice you. Naturally, you have three options: a fight to the death, a fine or prison. Choose prison. After you finish the deadline, Mivrina Arano will approach you and convey the news.

So, it’s midnight, Dareloth Garden, Coastal area of ​​the Imperial City. A small company of elves, humans and Agronians has gathered here. You are the fourth. Talk to Armand Christophe, this is a man with a lantern. You can prepare money for bribery - he is not inclined to trust everyone.

The best thief wins.

Armand Christophe is the foreman. And the rest are recruits. There will be a competition - whoever brings the diary of Amantius Alectis will be accepted into the Guild. The elf knows where he lives, you can follow her. Or you can ask the beggars - they are the eyes and ears of the Gray Fox. But here you will also have to fork out some money.

The beggar will provide you with information - where Alectis lives, where he goes, what time he goes to bed and what time he wakes up. This is in the Temple area - hands to feet, and there. And the elf, it seems, is already there. You need to be the first to find the diary. But no one kill - this is contrary to the covenants of the guild.

The book lies in the desk. Grab it and run back to Armand. Well, now you are a thief! But the elf Metredel may be quicker than you, and steal the book first. In this case, you have the opportunity to steal the book from her herself. Contact the beggars - they will tell you the location of Metredel’s house for a small reward. This is Coastal area - head there, steal the book from the chest and go to Christophe at night.???.Profit!

But if you couldn’t, or didn’t have time to steal it, then don’t despair - you have a second chance. Armand will give it to you and the Agronian Amuseus. You need to steal Rossan's sword. True, Amuseum won't try at all, but it's better for you. Go to the Shopping District of the Imperial City. We need the "Combat Happiness" store. Open the door, but what is it? The evil dog will now wake up the owner with his barking, and if you are not a member of the WSPA, calm her down with your blade.

The sword is in the mistress’s personal chambers. Take it from the chest and report this to Armand.

Independent theft.

Well, you are in the Guild! Now you can take whatever your heart desires. But ordinary merchants will not buy stolen goods, they calculate it, and the stolen goods do not even show up in the list of items for sale. Only your colleagues will buy them.

Armand says that you should go to Ongar, the first of whose buyers you will meet. Oh yes, until you sell him goods worth 50 septims, you will not be given special tasks.

Steal what you want and go to Bruma to sell the things you stole. Buyers open a special account for how much you sold the goods for, and to access tasks you will need to do this up to a thousand. It’s better to save up money now so as not to run around in the future .