How to print a contour map for geography. Rules for working with a contour map in teaching geography. Contour maps of Privalovsky and GDZ to them for ninth graders

V. L. Markov, S. V. Zhukova, M. A. Sedelkin,

methodologists of the City Methodological Center

Knowledge of the map and the ability to work with it in modern world not less important,

than knowledge of grammar and mathematics.

1. Contour maps are called contour maps because they show only the general outlines of geographical objects. The contour map is the basis for performing practical work by geography. The contour map is usually not filled in all at once.

2. Getting started with contour map Read the teacher's assignment carefully. What exactly needs to be marked? Repeat the legend on the topic of the assignment.

3. Tasks are performed using materials from a school textbook, school atlas maps and other additional sources of information recommended by the teacher.

4. Getting started, prepare sharply sharpened pencils and colored pencils, which are necessary for completing the teacher's assignments.

5. Any card must have a title that is signed at the top of the card. It should be clear and concise, and relevant to the topic being studied. Do not confuse the name of your map with the name of the map template.

6. Compare the outline of the area depicted on the contour map with a regular geographical map to get your bearings. Determine where the main mountains and rivers are.

7. Think about the order in which the designation of objects should be done so that they do not cover or interfere with each other.

8. Determine the symbols that you will use, mark them in a specially designated place on the map.

9. All objects depicted on the map must be reflected in the legend (in symbols), including fill (colors), hatching, icons, footnotes, etc. The map legend must contain a decoding of any color designation.

10. Geographical objects, the names of which do not fit on the contour map, can be indicated by off-scale signs (numbers, letters), and their names are signed in conventional signs.

11. Texts and names of geographical objects must be legible. Write the names of rivers, mountains and cities clearly, in block type.

12. Orography objects (relief elements) are applied in black, hydrography (water bodies) - in blue.

13. It is necessary to perform only the proposed tasks. Avoid putting "extra information" on the contour map. The mark for correctly executed work on the proposed tasks can be reduced if extra information is added to the work.

14. Depending on the task, objects can either be shaded with a simple pencil or painted in the appropriate colors. Try to use the same colors that are used on printed maps (see maps in the atlas).

15. Painting over the objects necessary to complete the tasks is done only with colored pencils. Never use felt-tip pens and markers!

16. Each landform has its own color scheme, which corresponds to the scale of heights and depths of the atlas.

17. For the correct drawing of the names of geographical objects on the contour map, one should be guided by the degree grid: the name of geographical objects must be written along the lines of the degree grid, which will help to complete the task more accurately.

18. The names of small objects on the scale of the map used, for example, volcanoes or mountain peaks, should preferably be placed to the right of the object itself, along the parallel.

19. The names of linear features, such as mountains, rivers or currents, should be placed in length so that they can be read without turning the card over.

20. The names of areal objects should not go beyond the boundaries of the object. The exceptions are small objects. In this case, the inscription can be located next to this object or a reference is given in the form of a number, which is deciphered in the map legend (for example, on the map: the number 1 is on the object; and in the legend, the decoding is given: 1 - Lake Ilmen).

21. If you designate an areal object, for example, a plain or a sea, then remember that the boundaries of these objects are not outlined with lines. The inscription of the name shows the territory of the plain or the water area of ​​the sea.

22. There should be a system in conventional signs. Stick to the cartographic tradition in filling out maps.

23. The contour map is handed over to the geography teacher in a timely manner at the specified time.


Do not use paint to fill the contour map. Usually contour maps are made on paper that absorbs water very poorly. In addition, errors on colored maps are more difficult to correct.

When evaluating the quality of the proposed tasks, the teacher takes into account not only the correctness and accuracy of the tasks, but also the accuracy of their implementation. An inaccurate completed task can lead to a lower assessment of your work.

Note to the teacher

For all types of contour maps intended for practical exercises students in order to consolidate knowledge of geography and history in the scope of programs educational institutions, technical conditions are distributed in accordance with the norms of the Federal Service for Geodesy and Cartography of Russia (since June 15, 2003).

Technical requirements for contour maps

1. Published contour maps must meet the requirements of technical specifications and be issued in three forms: separate sheets, in the form of a brochure, sewn into educational atlases.

2. Outline maps are printed in one color on writing paper No. 1 (GOST 18510-73), offset paper (GOST 9094-83), imported writing or cartographic paper weighing 70–100 g/m2.

3. For the covers of contour maps issued in the form of brochures, cartographic paper (GOST 1339-79) or coated paper (GOST 21444-75 weighing 80-100 g / m 2) should be used. It is allowed to use other types of paper for covers, including writing paper.

4. All elements should be printed on contour maps; there should be no torn or crushed places on cartographic image.

5. The paint on the entire cartographic image must be printed in an even, dense layer. The image should be clearly and without difficulty to read in all details.

6. All lines, strokes and dots must be clear, with sharp, unblurred edges that are not crushed when printed.

7. The text on the contour map must be clear, free of smudges and dirt. Fonts must comply with state rules and regulations (SanPiN

8. On the contour maps there should be no mechanical damage, wrinkles, oil stains and specks with an area of ​​​​more than 0.5 mm 2.

9. Contour maps issued as separate sheets must be evenly cut, have margins of at least 10 mm.

10. The workmanship of the cover of contour maps and appearance brochures are defined visually.

More information about the standard can be found on the portal of regulatory documents ().

World map 1

World map 2

Foreign Europe

United Kingdom




Overseas Asia





North America

Latin America


Gdz in Geography grade 10 Contour maps Bustard Dik 2014

Geography is a rather fascinating subject. It is interesting for both adults and children. To learn the material, it is enough to listen carefully to the teacher in the lesson and work a little at home (for consolidation). In the tenth grade, a fairly large amount of topics are offered for study. And without a textbook, it is impossible to prepare for the lesson on your own. The modern textbook on Geography for the tenth grade is written very well: the material is presented clearly and accessible. The textbook has a lot of illustrations, which makes it easier to remember. The main terms are in a different font, which makes it easier to remember. But it is impossible to master the material in geography well without contour maps. In the 10th grade, many independent tasks in geography need to be completed on contour maps. The most successful of them are Dick Bustard contour maps. The use of these contour maps is also suggested by geography teachers at school. After all, they themselves use them in preparation for geography lessons.

  • For those ninth-graders who have chosen geography as a discipline for passing the OGE, not only textbooks and workshops, but also regular filling out of contour maps will help to prepare successfully. Such work allows you to better remember complex cartographic information. It is better to work with maps using GDZ to help. This will save time and effectively test yourself, focusing on emerging difficulties.
  • It is also necessary to carefully and scrupulously select a set of contour maps and an atlas. Experts and subject matter experts note contour maps in geography for grade 9, compiled by Privalovsky A.N. They differ:
    - high quality graphics;
    - effective, balanced tasks;
    - a new form of presentation of material, when some of the objects are already marked in the manual.
  • The collection is published by the Drofa publishing house, which has long been known on the market teaching aids and supporting materials with its progressive approach focused on last changes in educational standards. You can work with maps on your own, as well as in joint training courses in a group or in additional classes with a tutor. It is also recommended for eleventh graders as a guide to prepare for the final test.
  • Contour maps of Privalovsky and GDZ to them for ninth graders

  • An interesting collection of contour maps in geography for grade 9, compiled by A. N. Privalovsky and published by the Drofa publishing house, is a relevant solution for those who use the methodology of self-training and self-control to achieve their learning goals, such as:
    - preparation and participation in subject geographical Olympiads held at out-of-school and school sites;
    - passing the final test in the subject for those who preferred geography among the elective disciplines not only at the USE in the 9th grade, but also at the USE in the 11th grade;
    - increasing the current and final score in the discipline.
  • Regardless of the goals, solvers allow you to save on third-party help - for example, to refuse or significantly reduce the number of lessons with tutors. In a number of cases, if a ninth grader has responsibility and self-organization, work with GDZ can become the basis of the entire process of preparing for exams and testing, olympiads. The guaranteed success of such an event is in many cases also noted by experts.
  • Collections of ready-made homework allow you to:
    - track and remember the principle of competent recording of the results obtained. Often an incorrectly displayed answer causes a decrease in points, loss of a place in the Olympiad;
    - take into account your goals, your own basic level of knowledge and draw up an individual plan, effectively distributing the time allocated for preparation;
    - systematically monitor and control the dynamics of the process, identify problems at the earliest stages of their occurrence, promptly influence the situation, correcting it;
    - adjust their own plans depending on the achievements, emerging issues and possible changes in goals and objectives.
  • The presented collection of contour maps features:
    - preliminary drawing of a part of geographical objects for visualization of the process;
    - variability, the ability to map not only those objects that are in the task of the collection itself, but also additional ones that the teacher offers.
    The versatility of the manual lies in the fact that on this cartographic material it is possible to solve various tasks in terms of complexity. To start working with the collection, its authors advise with the definition symbols, with which objects will be displayed and neatly displayed in the map legend.

Contour map- a special type of blank geographical maps containing elements of a geographical basis and a coordinate grid, designed for students to complete educational tasks in geography, history and astronomy; only the contours of countries, the main objects, processes or phenomena are plotted on such maps. They allow you to complete tasks by applying symbols.

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    Contour maps are intended for use with an educational atlas (usually it is published as a set with contour maps) and a school textbook. Working on contour maps makes it possible to better remember information, develop attention and logic. Contribute to the memorization of cartographic content. Making a contour map requires accuracy and accuracy, compliance with a number of rules. A methodology has been developed for students to work with contour maps.

    Contour maps are also used in work with students, however, it goes through maps intended for high school or created by university teachers for conducting classes with their students. Large publishing houses do not issue contour maps for higher educational institutions.

    Contour maps in Russia

    In the 20s of the 19th century, the forerunners of modern contour maps first appeared in Russian educational cartography. They were called "silent maps" (lat. carta geografica muta), they were educational geographical maps without designation of names, which were required to be inscribed by hand.

    The first such collection was the Educational Atlas, consisting of silent geographical maps (it was published in St. Petersburg in 1829). At the end of the preface to the atlas, it was stated: “These sheets were compiled by the head of the Main Engineering School researcher P. Maksimovich…”. Maksimovich Pavel Petrovich was a district inspector of the St. Petersburg educational district, a member of the Academic Committee of the Ministry of Public Education. In the "Geographic Sheets" for this atlas, it was carefully indicated that Maksimovich placed "only those subjects that seemed decent to the School Administration when teaching Geography." In 2013, this collection was one of the main exhibits at the exhibition "From the History of Russian Educational Cartography" (Russian State Library, Pashkov House, Reading Room of the Department of Cartographic Publications).

    Educational cartography developed at the beginning of the 20th century, when, along with the widespread use wall maps"notebook-atlases" were published, which included silent maps. Despite this, at the beginning of the 20th century, especially in the provinces, contour maps were still perceived with distrust by students. This is discussed in Yakub Kolas’s novel “On Rostani”, the action of which takes place on the eve of the First Russian Revolution. A young teacher Andrei Lobanovich, who has just graduated from a teacher's seminary, arrives in a remote village. Lobanovich is trying not to be limited to the school curriculum. He wants to make his students think, hoping that it will change their lives. Here he encounters serious difficulties, including a sharply negative perception of contour maps by students:

    “Pupils of the Verkhansk school were frightened by a dumb geographic map- they never had one. Minich spoke on behalf of his comrades, declaring that the silent map was unfamiliar to them and that it could harm them in the geography exam. Teachers from other schools approved of Lobanovich's act, and that was the end of the dumb card affair."

    Yakub Kolas. On growths. P. 95. RuLit.

    Contour maps were widely used in the Soviet period, especially after the Great Patriotic War. A major role in their popularization was played by the article by A. I. Strazhev “Locality in the study of history. Historical Mapping in the Classroom and at Home, published in Teaching History in Schools .

    The problem of using contour maps in teaching history and methods of working with it was subsequently raised in the scientific works of G. I. Goder, M. V. Vorozheykina, M. T. Studenikin, A. A. Vagin, in teaching geography - in the articles of Kovalenko T. AT . A series of articles on this issue was published by A. A. Bogdanova. Zhuchkevich V. A. devoted a monograph to the problem of using a contour map in the process of teaching geography. A methodology was developed for working with a contour map for the blind and in a correctional school.

    By the early 1990s, contour maps in the minds of the layman began to be identified with the work of a teacher of history and geography. Aleksey Venediktov, editor-in-chief of the Ekho Moscow radio station, talks about this time when he combined the work of a teacher and a journalist:

    “I remember such a brilliant story. They called me with other reporters to Yeltsin, we came to him, but he was not there, he was late. We are sitting and waiting ... And I have the fifth grade, Greek wars, contour maps, I need to check - tomorrow the topic is closed. I take these cards out of my briefcase and start checking them with a red pencil. The people are freaking out! And the journalists, who also came to Yeltsin, got bored and said: give it to us, we will also check! I won't give it to you, you don't know a damn thing, but these are all marks. And you give us a fiver, and we are on the pattern. Correctly! He handed out the cards... And then Boris Nikolaevich came in, looked, and the people were sitting and correcting the cards with red pencils. He asks: "Is this sho?" Right now, Boris Nikolaevich, 9 pieces are left.

    Currently, there is a cautious and sometimes persistent doubt about the usefulness of the traditional approach to performing contour maps:

    “...the benefits of routine contour mapping exercises (“find...”, “sign...”, “apply...”) are debatable. They train only observation and visual memory (and even then they don’t train, but check, control) and in this sense, they do not contribute to the development of a young person any more than identifying a partner caught by touch when playing blind and blind. The contour map is a tool for chiselling and controlling the chiseliness of a real map. Working with a contour map does little to develop the actual geographical outlook, spatial thinking, understanding of the map and the real territory.

    Rogachev S. V. The space of Russia: A lesson in understanding the map. Geography. No. 1. 1999. S. 1, 7-10.

    Electronic blank maps and atlases have appeared, combining the properties of a contour map, animation and multimedia tools, which have not yet been widely used in high school. Research in the field of multimedia blank cartography is carried out by: Lissitzky D.V., Komissarova E.V., Vilkov A.Yu., Katsko S.Yu.


    1. According to the book: Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. Moscow: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. A.P. Gorkina. 2006.
    2. Handbook of the technical translator. Intent. 2009-2013: contour map - educational blank silent map.
    3. Akhiev S. N., ‎Savinov A. A., Churekova N. B. Guidelines for working with contour maps in history ancient rome. Saratov. 2013.
    4. Simakova O. A. Work with conditional-graphic materials as a form independent work of history students. Materials international scientific-practical conference. Minsk,  16-17 November 2006 Mn.: BGU. 2006. S. 55-60.
    5. Koshcheeva G.S. Cartography with the basics of topography. Training and metodology complex. Tyumen State University. 2014.
    6. Molokina T. S. Development educational multifunctional card. Thesis for competition of academic degree candidate technical sciences. Novosibirsk. 2015.
    7. Kuzmina M. A. Russian and Italian adjective metaphorization in a comparative aspect. Electronic library dissertations.
    8. Maksimovich, Pavel Petrovich (1796-1888). Geographical sheets that serve as an explanation for the Educational Atlas, consisting of silent maps, were compiled at the Main Engineering School. St. Petersburg: in printing house N. Grecha, 1829. 127 S.; 8° (23 cm).
    • Cartographic tasks are a visual and effective material for learning geography. As part of the fifth grade program, it is recognized as one of the most difficult disciplines. In many ways, this state of affairs is due to the fact that the information analyzed in the topics is new for the fifth grader, not previously found in other school subjects. That is why working with maps and a solution book for them is considered extremely useful, presenting complex concepts in an accessible form. To successfully complete the course, GDZ should be done regularly and systematically. If gaps in knowledge are identified, go back and repeat the material again.
    • Regarding benefits, experts recognize universal contour maps in geography for the 5th grade, compiled on the instructions of Rumyantsev A.V. and published by the Drofa publishing house for the corresponding textbooks on the subject. Distinctive features of the kit:
      - takes into account the age characteristics of the level of knowledge and outlook of fifth-graders, their interest in the knowledge of the world, nature;
      - presentation of material in a systematic, understandable form;
      - Interesting assignments.
      The collection can be used for homework, class work, as well as in the framework of additional, circle work, self-study.
    • Contour maps by geography and GDZ to them for fifth graders

    • The initial geography course is often of particular difficulty for fifth graders, since they have not previously encountered the need to use cartographic information and work with it. You can learn this approach on your own or with the help of parents, using special solutions to popular and interesting collections of contour maps and atlases.
    • Choosing sources for work on GDZ, it is important to consider:
      - compliance of the material with the program, teaching materials, according to which geography is studied by fifth-graders at school lessons. For those who are on a family form of education or wish to expand their knowledge, we can recommend universal collections suitable for all systems and training complexes;
      - own goals. This can be an increase in the current and final grades, participation and victory in geographic competitions and competitions, and other individual tasks;
      - the need for careful planning and periodic monitoring of the results achieved. It is advisable to evaluate the dynamics of achievements from time to time, promptly identify and correct shortcomings, and eliminate them;
      - student capabilities - basic level of knowledge, amount of time that can be spent on preparation, etc.
    • Represented contour maps in geography for the 5th grade, compiled by Rumyantsev A.V. and published by the Drofa publishing house, will allow the fifth grader to fully master and practice the course material:
      - evaluate the size and features of each continent;
      - mark on the maps the names of our compatriots and famous foreigners - famous travelers and pioneers;
      - to study the influence of man on nature and interconnection, the interaction of nature and society in the process of its development, prospects and forecasts for the future.
    • The use of a collection of contour maps and ready-made homework for it will help develop a useful and necessary skill not only at school, but also after graduation, the skill of self-preparation and self-control, search, selection and application of information necessary for work. Contour maps and atlases, according to expert opinion, are one of the best materials that allow you to deeply understand and remember for a long time large arrays of diverse geographic information, including the most complex.