How to join the Morag Tong in Morrowind. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Walkthrough of Morag Tong. The main skills for Guild members

The main parameters for Guild members


The main skills for Guild members

Short blades
Light armor

A career in the Morag Tong Guild requires mastery of the above skills. The degree of their development determines the rank that you can be assigned. If, despite a sufficient number of completed tasks, they do not want to promote you in the Guild, check whether the values ​​of these skills correspond to those required for the next rank. If not, well, practice...

Advancement in the Morag Tong Guild
Rank Attribute Requirements Skill Requirements Additional Requirements
Obedient Speed30
Agility 30 One skill equals 10
Slave Speed ​​30
Agility 30 One skill equals 20
White slave Speed ​​30
Agility 30 One skill is 30, the other two are 5
Thinker Speed ​​30
Agility 30 One skill is 40, the other two are 10
Brother Speed ​​31
Agility 31 One skill is 50, the other two are 15
Knowledgeable Speed ​​32
Agility 32 One skill is 60, the other two are 20
Master Speed ​​33
Agility 33 One skill is 70, the other two are 25
High Master Speed ​​34
Agility 34 One skill is 80, the other two are 30
Grandmaster Speed ​​35
Agility 35 One skill is 90, the other two are 35

Tasks and their implementation
To join the Morag Tong, you must first find the guild's headquarters in Vivec. The entrance to the Guild is located in a warehouse, in the canals in the western part of the Vivec Arena. I don't think a locked door can stop a real killer.

Once at the guild premises, first talk to the guild leader, Eno Hlaalu, to join the guild. He will say that he is ready to accept you, but first you must pass the test.

1. Execution of Feruren Orvan
To be accepted into the Morag Tong guild, you must pass a test. This test will be the execution of Feruren Orvan. You can find him in the Elven Nations tavern on the Plaza in the Hlaalu Quarter. Kill him boldly. Even if the resident grabs you, show him the Order given to you by Morag Tong, and he will let you go. After killing Feruren, return to Eno Hlaal. Report to him about the completion of the task, and he will elevate you to the rank of Ally.

2. Execution of Taris Saren and Odayshah Yasalmibaal
You will find the first one at his estate on the Plaza in the Redoran Quarter. Like last time, kill him boldly, you won’t get anything for it, unless, of course, you lose the order to execute Saren. By the way, if you get into a rage, you can arrange a bloody massacre on the estate and kill all the remaining household members.

You will find the second “client” in a yurt west of Tel Arun. As always, they came, they saw, they killed. However, if you really want, you can tell him that Morag Tong sent you.

Yurt of Odayshakh Yasalmibaal

After killing both, return to Eno Hlaal and receive a reward - 1000 gold (500 for each).

3. Execution of Sarain Sadus, Etala Selot and Indroso Vendu
The first "client" is a bandit who can be found in the Zaintirari cave.


The rest can be found in Vivec, in their temporary home in the Plaza in the Telvanni quarter. However, be careful, your “clients” are Telvanni sorceresses and may unpleasantly surprise you during the duel.

After killing all three, return to Eno Hlaal and receive a reward: 1000 coins for the Telvanni and 500 for the bandit.

4. Execution of Guril Retheran and Galasa Uvain
Retheran can be found at the Golden Flowers Tavern in the Redoran Quarter. And Galasa Uvain is in the Hlaalu treasury. If you search Uvain, you can remove Sanguine's Gauntlet of the Solid Fist from her body.
After Eno returns, Hlaalu will pay you 2000 coins. I recommend giving him the Glove as well.

5. Execution of Mavon Drenim and Tirer Belvain
Drenim can be found in the Telvanni Tower in the Telvanni Quarter Plaza in Vivec.
You will find Belvain in Shara's cave, near Dagon Fel.

When you kill both, return to Eno Hlaal and receive a reward of 2000.

6. Execution of Matin Bemis and Brilnosa Llaris
You will find Matin Bemis in the Vaults of the Ancestors, in the canals of the Hlaalu Quarter.
Brylnosa Llaris lives in the ancient Dunmer fortress of Hlormaren.


When you kill both "clients" return to Eno Hlaal for a reward - 1000 gold.

7. Execution of Navel Yenit and Ranes Yenit
You will find the brothers at Orvas Dren's plantation, on the lower level of the central estate. Be careful - they are quite good opponents and, moreover, your colleagues. After you kill both, search the room. You can find a lot of interesting things.

Drena Plantation

After you return to Eno Hlaal, he will reward you with 2000 gold, but will not give you any orders or further promotion, citing the fact that there are no orders yet. To achieve further promotion, complete special tasks.

8. Showdown of the Great Houses
You can only complete this quest after you have defeated Dagoth Ur. The Great Houses of Vvardenfell are mired in discord. You are offered several contracts to choose from: General Larrius Varro, Baladas Demnevanni, Drama Bero and Mistress Terana. Take any of them and do it. As always, quickly and clearly.

Special tasks:

2. Return Sanguine's Belt of Swiftness
Many years ago, Mephala Black Hands bought 27 signs from Sanguine, which she wanted to distribute to her supporters. However, the Dark Brotherhood stole them and now your task will be to return them. The first such item will be Sanguine's Celerity Belt. It is held by Hrordis, an adept of the Dark Brotherhood, you can find her in Pelagiad, in the Halfway Tavern. Take the belt from her and return to Eno Hlaal.

3. Agent of the Dark Brotherhood
One of the Dark Brotherhood agents wants to join the Morag Tong, his name is Movis Daris. You can find him in the Mages Guild in Ald'Rhun. Talk to him and convince him to join the Morag Tong, in which case he will give you Sanguine's Belt of Refusal. If Maurice is stubborn, you can kill him. Eno Hlaalu will arrange this option.

4. Cultists of Mehrun Dagon
Eno Hlaalu believes that the priests of the cult of Mehrun Dagon protect agents of the Dark Brotherhood. You should go to the priest Karekalmo in Ashalmimilkala and present him with an ultimatum: either they will stop supporting the Brotherhood, or the Morag Tong will declare war on the entire cult. Of course, hearing this, the priest will be indignant and attack you. Kill him and return to Eno Hlaal.


5. Sanguine's Ring of Supreme Wisdom
The next task will be to find another artifact - Sanguine's Ring of Supreme Wisdom. The ring is in the possession of Anel Retelas in Yassammidan. Find the ring and return with it to Eno Hlaal.


The following tasks are only for the rank - Master

6. Leader of the Dark Brotherhood
One of the leaders of the Dark Brotherhood, Durus Marius, is located in Vvardenfell in Assernerairan in the District of St. Olms in Vivec. Find and kill him.

7. Mother of the Night
The next task will be to carry out the noble execution of the Mother of Night of the Dark Brotherhood of Vvardenfell, located in the ruins of Ald Sotha. Go there and kill Severa Magia. After this, return to Eno Hlaal.

Ald Sotha

Last task
(only for Grand Master rank)
The last task is to become the Guild Master of the Morag Tong. According to the law, to become a Guild Master you must kill the real head, i.e. Eno Hlaalu. However, he will tell you that he is very old and does not feel strong enough to fight, so he can simply recognize you as the new Guild Master, without a fight.

27 Threads of the Spinner. Artifacts of Sanguine.
In addition to the above quests, you can collect and bring to Eno Hlaal 27 objects sacred to the Morag Tong, the so-called Spinner's Threads.
Besides the three you'll get from standard quests, there are 24 other items you can find. Here full list these items:

Amulet of Sanguine's Resourcefulness - Given to Eno Hlaal
Amulet of Sanguine's Agility Armor - Severa Magic, Ald Sotha, Lower Level
Amulet of Sanguine's Light Speech - Shoterra, Hooul, Tongara Inn
Sanguine's Pursuit Boots - Towasi Alen, Assarnatamat, Sanctuary
Ring High wise Sanguine - Anel Retelas, Yasammidan, Sanctuary
Ring of the Green Mudra. Sanguine - Ratchettooth, Ald Daedroth, Right Wing
Ring Golden Mudra. Sanguine - Talis Veran, Ebernanite, Sanctuary
Sanguine Fluid Bending Ring - Severa Magic, Ald Sotha, Lower Level
Ring of the Red Mudra. Sanguine - Llandrale Varam, Ald Sotha, Sanctuary
Ring of the Invisible wise. Sanguina - Erundil, Indoranion
Sanguine's Ring of Supremacy - Llandrale Varam, Ald Sotha, Sanctuary
Sanguine's Ring of Transformation - Llandrale Varam, Ald Sotha, Sanctuary
Ring Silver. wise Sanguina - Earmil, Assurnabitashpi, Sanctuary
Glove Quick Sword of Sanguine - Severa Magic, Ald Sotha, Lower Level
Sanguine's Glove of Preservation - Inganar, Ularradallaku, Sanctuary
Glove Hard Fist of Sanguine - Guril Retheran, Vivec, Golden Flowers
Sanguine's Slaughter Belt - Domba, Ald Daedroth, Right Wing
Belt of Sanguine's True Flight - Durus Marius, Assernerairan, Sanctuary
Military suit belt. Sanguina - Karekalmo, Ashalmimilkala, Sanctuary
Belt of Sanguine's Deep Bite - Relas Arotan, Assernerairan, Sanctuary
Belt of Armor Balance. Sanguine - Relas Arotan, Assernerairan, Sanctuary
Belt Invulnerable. Sanguine's armor - Mindeli Saren, Yasammidan, Sanctuary
Sanguine's Belt of Refusal - Movis Daris, Al-run, Mages Guild
Sanguine's Piercing Belt - Glunonk gra-Shula, Sadrith Mora, Gate Inn: North Wing
Sanguine's Chopping Belt - Durus Marius, Assernerairan, Sanctuary
Sanguine's Belt of Swiftness - Chlordis, Pelagiad, Halfway Tavern
Sanguine's Jumping Shoes - Dro'Zymar, Vivec, St. Delin's District, South Three Channel

Mephala's Quest

The Mephala statue in the Morag Tong lair gives you the task of poisoning Balin Omavel, who lives in Balmora. Get the bitterleaf petals, get into the house, and put the poison in the pot. After this, return to the altar. As a reward, the statue will give you rare artifact- Khajiit's ring.

To join the Morag Tong, you need to find their base. It is located in the Arena warehouses.
There will be a hatch there. This is where you need to go.

Eno Hlaalu.

1. You need to kill Feruren Orvan. He can be found in the Elven Nations tavern. If you get a fine, just show the kill order.
2. Now you need to soak two at once. The first is Taris Saren. He can be found in the House Redoran Plaza. The second is Odaishah Yasalmibaal. He can be found in a yurt west of Tel Aruhn.
3. Murders again, but this time three at once. The first is Sarain Sadus. It can be found in Zaintirari Cave. The other two are Telvanni magicians and must be looked for in the Telvanni settlement. These are Etal Selot and Indros Vend. Kill them and go back.
4. Two murders. The first is Guril Reteran. He can be found in the Golden Flowers Tavern. The second is Galasa Uvain. It can be found in the Hlaalu Treasury.
5. Again two candidates for death. Drenim can be found in the Telvanni Tower in the Telvanni Quarter Plaza in Vivec. You will find Belvain in Shara's cave, near Dagon Fel.
6. Two again. You will find Matin Bemis in the Vaults of the Ancestors, in the canals of the Hlaalu Quarter. Brilnosa Llaris lives in the fortress of Hlormaren.
7. Now you should kill the Yenith brothers, they can be found on the Drena plantation (coincides with the penultimate task of the thieves guild).
8. Eno thinks that the Dark Brotherhood has appeared on the island and you should contact them. You should talk to Miun Gay. He has a store in the lower zone of the foreigners' quarter. Go to him and talk to him about his contacts with the Brotherhood. In the conversation, he will advise you to contact the Khajiit Tsrazami in the Market District. Talk to her and persuade her to talk to Eno Hlaalu.
9. You need to find Sanguine's Swiftness Belt. It can be found from Khranis in the Palegiada tavern. Take the belt and return to Eno Hlaal.
10. You need to lure the agent Dark Brotherhood Movis Daris. He can be found in the Aldrun Mages Guild. Bribe and lure away.
11. You need to go to the priest Karekalmo in Ashalmimilkala and present him with an ultimatum: either they will stop supporting the Brotherhood, or the Morag Tong will declare war on the entire cult. After the conversation he will attack you. Kill him and return to Eno.
12. You need to find Sanguine's Ring of Supreme Wisdom. He can be found by Anel Retelas in Yassammidan. Take the ring and return to Eno Hlaal.
13. The leader of the Dark Brotherhood, Durus Marius, is located in Vvardenfell in Assernerairan in the District of St. Olmes in Vivec. Find and kill him. Then return to Eno.
14. You need to kill Severa Magic. It is located in Ald Sotha. Kill her and return to Eno Hlaal.
15. The last task is to become the Head of the Morag Tong Guild. You can kill him, or you can let him go, it's at your discretion.

An ancient guild that exists only in some provinces of Tamriel, preaching the triumph of evil and violence. It was from the depths of the Morag Tong that the famous Dark Brotherhood emerged. It was the adepts of the Morag Tong who were responsible for the death of the last king of the Riman dynasty, after which the reign of the Akaviri Lords in Cyrodiil began. You can read more about this in the Geography section, in the part where it talks about the Akavir mainland.

The Morag Tong is a guild of assassins whose existence is beneficial to the Imperial government, because... With the help of guild assassins, many political problems can be solved. Limited by its own code of honor and ancient traditions, the Morag Tong accepts only those candidates who can become worthy successors to their bloody craft. The Morag Tong only accepts contracts that are legally formalized, but there are rumors that there are some secret orders among its adherents. The Morag Tong is the mortal enemy of the Dark Brotherhood.

The main parameters for Guild members


The main skills for Guild members

Short blades
Light armor

A career in the Morag Tong Guild requires mastery of the above skills. The degree of their development determines the rank that you can be assigned. If, despite a sufficient number of completed tasks, they do not want to promote you in the Guild, check whether the values ​​of these skills correspond to those required for the next rank. If not, well, practice...

Advancement in the Morag Tong Guild

Rank Performance Requirements Skill Requirements Additional requirements
Obedient Speed30
Agility 30
One skill equals 10
Slave Speed ​​30
Agility 30
One skill equals 20
White slave Speed ​​30
Agility 30
One skill is 30, the other two are 5
Thinking Speed ​​30
Agility 30
One skill is 40, the other two are 10
Brother Speed ​​31
Agility 31
One skill is 50, the other two are 15
Knowing Speed ​​32
Agility 32
One skill is 60, the other two are 20
Master Speed ​​33
Agility 33
One skill is 70, the other two are 25
High Master Speed ​​34
Agility 34
One skill is 80, the other two are 30
Grandmaster Speed ​​35
Agility 35
One skill is 90, the other two are 35

Tasks and their implementation

To join the Morag Tong, you must first find the guild's headquarters in Vivec. The entrance to the Guild is located in a warehouse, in the canals in the western part of the Vivec Arena. I don't think a locked door can stop a real killer.

Once at the guild premises, first talk to the guild leader, Eno Hlaalu, to join the guild. He will say that he is ready to accept you, but first you must pass the test.

1. Execution of Feruren Orvan
To be accepted into the Morag Tong guild, you must pass a test. This test will be the execution of Feruren Orvan. You can find him in the Elven Nations tavern on the Plaza in the Hlaalu Quarter. Kill him boldly. Even if the resident grabs you, show him the Order given to you by Morag Tong, and he will let you go. After killing Feruren, return to Eno Hlaal. Report to him about the completion of the task, and he will elevate you to the rank of Ally.

2. Execution of Taris Saren and Odayshah Yasalmibaal
You will find the first one at his estate on the Plaza in the Redoran Quarter. Like last time, kill him boldly, you won’t get anything for it, unless, of course, you lose the order to execute Saren. By the way, if you get into a rage, you can arrange a bloody massacre on the estate and kill all the remaining household members.

You will find the second “client” in a yurt west of Tel Arun. As always, they came, they saw, they killed. However, if you really want, you can tell him that Morag Tong sent you.

After killing both, return to Eno Hlaal and receive a reward - 1000 gold (500 for each).

3. Execution of Sarain Sadus, Etala Selot and Indroso Vendu
The first "client" is a bandit who can be found in Zaintirari Cave.
The rest can be found in Vivec, in their temporary home in the Plaza in the Telvanni quarter. However, be careful, your “clients” are Telvanni sorceresses and may unpleasantly surprise you during the duel.

After killing all three, return to Eno Hlaal and receive a reward: 1000 coins for the Telvanni and 500 for the bandit.

4. Execution of Guril Retheran and Galasa Uvain
Retheran can be found at the Golden Flowers Tavern in the Redoran Quarter. And Galasa Uvain is in the Hlaalu treasury. If you search Uvain, you can remove Sanguine's Gauntlet of the Solid Fist from her body.
After Eno returns, Hlaalu will pay you 2000 coins. I recommend giving him the Glove as well.

5. Execution of Mavon Drenim and Tirer Belvain
Drenim can be found in the Telvanni Tower in the Telvanni Quarter Plaza in Vivec.
You will find Belvain in Shara's cave, near Dagon Fel.
When you kill both, return to Eno Hlaal and receive your reward - 2000.

6. Execution of Matin Bemis and Brilnosa Llaris
You will find Matin Bemis in the Vaults of the Ancestors, in the canals of the Hlaalu Quarter.
Brylnosa Llaris lives in the ancient Dunmer fortress of Hlormaren.
When you kill both “clients”, return to Eno Hlaal for a reward - 1000 gold.

7. Execution of Navel Yenit and Ranes Yenit
You will find the brothers at Orvas Dren's plantation, on the lower level of the central estate. Be careful - they are quite good opponents and, moreover, your colleagues. After you kill both, search the room. You can find a lot of interesting things.
Drena Plantation
After you return to Eno Hlaal, he will reward you with 2000 gold, but will not give you any orders or further promotion, citing the fact that there are no orders yet. To achieve further promotion, complete special tasks.

8. Showdown of the Great Houses
You can only complete this quest after you have defeated Dagoth Ur. The Great Houses of Vvardenfell are mired in discord. You are offered several contracts to choose from: General Larrius Varro, Baladas Demnevanni, Drama Bero and Mistress Terana. Take any of them and do it. As always, quickly and clearly.

Special tasks:

2. Return Sanguine's Belt of Swiftness
Many years ago, Mephala Black Hands bought 27 signs from Sanguine, which she wanted to distribute to her supporters. However, the Dark Brotherhood stole them and now your task will be to return them. The first such item will be Sanguine's Celerity Belt. It is located by Hrordis, an adept of the Dark Brotherhood, you can find her in Pelagiad, in the Halfway Tavern. Take the belt from her and return to Eno Hlaal.

3. Agent of the Dark Brotherhood
One of the Dark Brotherhood agents wants to join the Morag Tong, his name is Movis Daris. You can find him in the Mages Guild in Ald'Rhun. Talk to him and convince him to join the Morag Tong, in which case he will give you Sanguine's Belt of Refusal. If Maurice is stubborn, you can kill him. Eno Hlaalu would be happy with this option.

4. Cultists of Mehrun Dagon
Eno Hlaalu believes that the priests of the cult of Mehrun Dagon protect agents of the Dark Brotherhood. You should go to the priest Karekalmo in Ashalmimilkala and present him with an ultimatum: either they will stop supporting the Brotherhood, or the Morag Tong will declare war on the entire cult. Of course, hearing this, the priest will be indignant and attack you. Kill him and return to Eno Hlaal.
5. Sanguine's Ring of Supreme Wisdom
The next task will be to find another artifact - Sanguine's Ring of Supreme Wisdom. The ring is in the possession of Anel Retelas in Yassammidan. Find the ring and return with it to Eno Hlaal.
The following tasks are only for the rank - Master

6. Leader of the Dark Brotherhood
One of the leaders of the Dark Brotherhood, Durus Marius, is located in Vvardenfell in Assernerairan in the District of St. Olms in Vivec. Find and kill him.

7. Mother of the Night
The next task will be to carry out the noble execution of the Mother of Night of the Dark Brotherhood of Vvardenfell, located in the ruins of Ald Sotha. Go there and kill Severa Magia. After this, return to Eno Hlaal.
Ald Sotha
Last task
(only for Grand Master rank)
The last task is to become the Guildmaster of the Morag Tong. According to the law, to become a Guild Master you must kill the real head, i.e. Eno Hlaalu. However, he will tell you that he is very old and does not feel strong enough to fight, so he can simply recognize you as the new Guild Master, without a fight.

27 Threads of the Spinner. Artifacts of Sanguine.
In addition to the above quests, you can collect and bring to Eno Hlaal 27 objects sacred to the Morag Tong, the so-called Spinner's Threads.
Besides the three you'll get from standard quests, there are 24 other items you can find. Here is a complete list of these items:

Amulet of Sanguine's Resourcefulness - Given to Eno Hlaal
Amulet of Sanguine's Agility Armor - Severa Magic, Ald Sotha, Lower Level
Amulet of Sanguine's Light Speech - Shoterra, Hoole, Tongara Inn
Sanguine's Pursuit Boots - Tovasi Alen, Assarnatamath, Sanctuary
Ring High wise Sanguina - Anel Retelas, Yasammidan, Sanctuary
Ring of the Green Mudra. Sanguina - Ratchettooth, Ald Daedroth, Right Wing
Ring Golden Mudra. Sanguina - Talis Veran, Ebernanite, Sanctuary
Sanguine Fluid Bending Ring - Severa Magic, Ald Sotha, Lower Level
Ring of the Red Mudra. Sanguine - Llandrale Varam, Ald Sotha, Sanctuary
Ring of the Invisible wise. Sanguina - Erundil, Indoranion
Sanguine's Ring of Supremacy - Llandrale Varam, Ald Sotha, Sanctuary
Sanguine's Ring of Transformation - Llandrale Varam, Ald Sotha, Sanctuary
Ring Silver. wise Sanguina - Earmil, Assurnabitashpi, Sanctuary
Glove Quick Sword of Sanguine - Severa Magic, Ald Sotha, Lower Level
Sanguine's Glove of Preservation - Inganar, Ularradallaku, Sanctuary
Glove Hard Sanguine's fist - Guril Retheran, Vivec, Golden Flowers
Sanguine's Slaughter Belt - Domba, Ald Daedroth, Right Wing
Sanguine's Belt of True Flight - Durus Marius, Assernerairan, Sanctuary
Military suit belt. Sanguina - Karekalmo, Ashalmimilkala, Sanctuary
Belt of Sanguine's Deep Bite - Relas Arotan, Assernerairan, Sanctuary
Belt of Armor Balance. Sanguina - Relas Arotan, Assernerairan, Sanctuary
Belt Invulnerable. Sanguine's armor - Mindeli Saren, Yasammidan, Sanctuary
Sanguine's Belt of Denial - Movis Daris, Al-run, Mages Guild
Sanguine's Piercing Belt - Glunonk gra-Shula, Sadrith Mora, Gate Inn: North Wing
Sanguine's Chopping Belt - Durus Marius, Assernerairan, Sanctuary
Sanguine's Belt of Swiftness - Chlordis, Pelagiad, Halfway Tavern
Sanguine's Leaping Slippers - Dro'Zymar, Vivec, St. Delin's Ward, South Three Channel

Mephala's Quest

The Mephala statue in the Morag Tong lair gives you a task - to poison Balin Omavel, who lives in Balmora. Get the bitterleaf petals, get into the house, and put the poison in the pot. After this, return to the altar. As a reward, the statue will give you a rare artifact - the Khajiit Ring.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Morag Tong Walkthrough was last modified: May 5, 2016 by admin

Guild Morag Tong (Morag Tong)- a unique organization of killers for hire, operating in Morrowind for a long time. It is believed that the Morag Tong was created by the Daedric Prince Mephala around the same time that the principles of statehood emerged among the Dunmer. Initially, the Guild was a kind of religious cult, and this cult was ruled by the “Night Mother” (this could be either a man or a woman), who is believed to have received orders directly from Mephala.

Morag Tong questline

It’s hard to come up with a more transparent hint, and to join the Morag Tong, you need to find the residence of this guild in Vivec. The entrance to the Guild is in a warehouse, in the canals in the western part of the Vivec Arena. The door is locked, but this is unlikely to stop the future killer. Once inside the guild, speak with the guild leader, Eno Hlaalu, to join the guild. He will agree to accept you, but first you must pass a test, and that test will be the Noble Execution of Feruren Orvan.

Main parameters:

  • Speed
  • Dexterity
Main skills:
  • Accuracy
  • Short blades
  • Light armor
  • Acrobatics
  • Steal
  • Illusions


  • Execution of Feruren Orvan
    You can find him in the Elven Nations tavern on the Plaza in the Hlaalu Quarter. Kill him boldly. Even if the resident grabs you, show him the Order given to you by Morag Tong, and he will let you go. After killing Feruren, return to Eno Hlaal. Report to him about the completion of the task, and he will elevate you to the rank of Ally.
  • Execution of Taris Saren and Odaishah Yasalmibaal
    You will find Taris Saren at his estate on the Plaza in the Redoran Quarter. Like last time - kill him boldly, nothing will happen to you for this, unless, of course, you lose the order to execute Saren. Odayshaha Yasalmibaala is an Ashlander, you will find him in a yurt west of Tel Arun. As always, they came, they saw, they killed. However, if you really want, you can tell him that Morag Tong sent you. Reward 1000 septims, 500 for each.
  • Execution of Sarain Sadus, Etala Selot and Indroso Vendu
    Saraina Sadusa is a bandit who can be found in the Zaintirari Cave. The rest can be found in Vivec, in their temporary home in the Telvanni Quarter Plaza. They are magicians of House Telvanni, and can unpleasantly surprise you during a duel. Reward 1500 septims.
  • Execution of Guril Retheran and Galasa Uvain
    Guril Retheran can be found at the Golden Flowers Tavern in the Redoran Quarter. Galasa Uvain is located in the Hlaalu Treasury. If you search Uvain, you can remove Sanguine's Gauntlet of the Solid Fist from her body. Eno Hlaalu will pay 2000 coins. You can also give him the Glove.
  • Execution of Mavon Drenim and Tirer Belvain
    Mavon Drenim is located in the Telvanni Tower in the Telvanni Quarter Plaza in Vivec. Tierer Belvine is in the Shara Cave, near Dagon Fel. The reward for the contract is 2000 septims.
  • Execution of Mateen Bemis and Brilnosa Llaris
    You will find Matin Bemis in the Vaults of the Ancestors, in the canals of the Hlaalu Quarter. Brylnosa Llaris lives in the ancient Dunmer fortress of Hlormaren. Reward 1000 septims.
  • Execution of Navel Yenit and Ranes Yenit
    You will find the Yenith brothers at the Orvas Dren plantation, on the lower level of the central estate. They are good opponents and, moreover, assassins in the service of Camonna Tong. After you kill both of them, search the room, you can find a lot of interesting things there. Eno Hlaalu will pay 2000 septims for the contract, but will not give any orders or further promotion, citing the fact that there are no orders yet. To achieve further promotion you need to follow special tasks.
  • Showdown of the Great Houses.
    You can only receive this contract after you defeat Dagoth Ur. The Great Houses of Vvardenfell are mired in discord. You are offered several contracts to choose from: General Larrius Varro, Baladas Demnevanni, Drama Bero and Mistress Terana. Take any of them and do

Special tasks

  • Connection with the Dark Brotherhood
    Eno Hlaalu believes that the Dark Brotherhood is active in Vvardenfell and wants you to contact them. Ask him about the Dark Brotherhood, and he will tell you that Miun Gay, a priest of the cult of Mehrune Dagon, is connected with this organization. This man lives in the Lower Belt of the Outlander Quarter and owns a shop of enchanted items. Go to him and talk to him about his contacts with the Brotherhood. In the conversation, he will advise you to contact the Khajiit Tsrazami in the Market District. Talk to her and persuade her to meet with Eno Hlaalu. After this, return to the Morag Tong lair.
  • Sanguine's Belt of Swiftness
    Sanguine's Belt of Swiftness - one of the Spinner's Threads is owned by Hrordis, an adept of the Dark Brotherhood; you can find it in Pelagiad, in the Halfway Tavern. Take the belt from her and return to Eno Hlaal.
  • Agent of the Dark Brotherhood
    One of the Dark Brotherhood agents wants to join the Morag Tong, his name is Movis Daris. He can be found in the Mages Guild in Ald'Rhun. Talk to him and convince him to join the Morag Tong, in which case he will give you Sanguine's Belt of Refusal. If you still fail to convince Maurice, you can kill him. Eno Hlaalu is such an option will also suit you.
  • Cultists of Mehrune Dagon
    Eno Hlaalu believes that the priests of the cult of Mehrunes Dagon are protecting agents of the Dark Brotherhood in Vvardenfell. He asks to go to the priest Karekalmo in Ashalmimilkala and present him with an ultimatum: either they will stop supporting the Brotherhood, or the Morag Tong will declare war on the entire cult. Of course, hearing this, the priest will be indignant and attack you. Kill him and return to Eno Hlaal.
  • Sanguine's Ring of Supreme Wisdom
    Another of the Spinner's threads - the Ring of the Highest Wisdom of Sanguine - is located with Anel Retelas in Yassammidan. Take the ring from him and return with it to Eno Hlaal.
The following tasks are only for the rank - Master
  • Execution of the leader of the Dark Brotherhood
    Durus Marius is one of the leaders of the Dark Brotherhood, located in Vvardenfell in Assernerairan in the District of St. Olms in Vivec. Find and kill him.
  • Execution of the Night Mother
    It is necessary to carry out the noble execution of the Mother of Night of the Dark Brotherhood of Vvardenfell, located in the ruins of Ald Sotha. Go there and kill Severa Magia. After this, return to Eno Hlaal.
  • Guildmaster
    The task can be completed with the rank of Grand Master. You need to lead the Guild and become the Guildmaster of the Morag Tong. By law, to become a Guild Master you must kill the real head - Eno Hlaalu. However, he will tell you that he is very old, and does not feel strong enough to fight, so he can simply recognize you as the new Guild Master, without a fight.

Mephala's Quest

In the Morag Tong residence, next to the room containing the altar of Mephala, there will be a Guild agent standing. He will give you a task - to poison Balin Omavel, who lives in Balmora. Get the bitterleaf petals, enter the house through the hatch in the roof, and put the poison in the pot. After this, return to the altar. Mephala will reward you with a rare artifact - the Ring of Khajiit.

Spinner's Threads

In addition to the main tasks of the Guild, you can also collect and bring to Eno Hlaal 27 objects sacred to the Morag Tong, the so-called Spinner Threads, which were stolen by the Dark Brotherhood in ancient times. In addition to the three that you will obtain as a result of completing the quest line, there are another 24 items that you can find throughout Vvardenfell.
  • Amulet of Sanguine's Resourcefulness - Given to Eno Hlaal
  • Amulet of Sanguine's Agility Armor - Severa Magic, Ald Sotha, Lower Level
  • Amulet of Sanguine's Light Speech - Shoterra, Hooul, Tongara Inn
  • Sanguine's Pursuit Boots - Towasi Alen, Assarnatamat, Sanctuary
  • Sanguine's Ring of Supreme Wisdom - Anel Retelas, Yasammidan, Sanctuary
  • Sanguine's Ring of Green Wisdom - Ratchettooth, Ald Daedroth, Right Wing
  • Sanguine's Ring of Golden Wisdom - Talis Veran, Ebernanite, Sanctuary
  • Sanguine Fluid Bending Ring - Severa Magic, Ald Sotha, Lower Level
  • Sanguine's Ring of Red Wisdom - Llandrale Varam, Ald Sotha, Sanctuary
  • Sanguine's Ring of Unseen Wisdom - Erundil, Indoranion
  • Sanguine's Ring of Supremacy - Llandrale Varam, Ald Sotha, Sanctuary
  • Sanguine's Ring of Transformation - Llandrale Varam, Ald Sotha, Sanctuary
  • Ring of Silver Wisdom of Sanguine - Earmil, Assurnabitashpi, Sanctuary
  • Sanguine's Glove of the Swiftsword - Severa Magic, Ald Sotha, Lower Level
  • Sanguine's Glove of Preservation - Inganar, Ularradallaku, Sanctuary
  • Glove of Sanguine's Steady Fist - Guril Retheran, Vivec, Golden Flowers
  • Sanguine's Slaughter Belt - Domba, Ald Daedroth, Right Wing
  • Belt of Sanguine's True Flight - Durus Marius, Assernerairan, Sanctuary
  • Sanguine's Belt of Martial Arts - Karekalmo, Ashalmimilkala, Sanctuary
  • Belt of Sanguine's Deep Bite - Relas Arotan, Assernerairan, Sanctuary
  • Sanguine's Armor of Balance Belt - Relas Arotan, Assernerairan, Sanctuary
  • Belt Invulnerable. Sanguine's armor - Mindeli Saren, Yasammidan, Sanctuary
  • Sanguine's Belt of Refusal - Movis Daris, Al-run, Mages Guild
  • Sanguine's Piercing Belt - Glunonk gra-Shula, Sadrith Mora, Gate Inn: North Wing
  • Sanguine's Chopping Belt - Durus Marius, Assernerairan, Sanctuary
  • Sanguine's Belt of Swiftness - Chlordis, Pelagiad, Halfway Tavern
  • Sanguine's Jumping Shoes - Dro'Zymar, Vivec, St. Delin's District, South Three Channel

This luxury establishment is available exclusively to dark elves. For everyone else - alas.

Joining the Morag Tong

The first thing you need to do is find this guild: it doesn’t shout about itself on every corner. Its headquarters are in Vivec, in the canton of Arena. You can find someone who can tell you his whereabouts, or you can independently discover a locked hatch behind the boxes under the Arena, in the warehouse area. Inside, find and talk to Eno Hlaalu. He will ask you to show what you are capable of. Are you capable of killing Feruren Oran, in the Elven Peoples Club, in the Hlaalu canton of the city of Vivec. Eno will even give you a paper according to which you... will receive a reward from the guards for the murder. Report to Eno.

The following missions can be obtained in at least three places: Ald Rhun, Balmora and Sadrith Mora, in the guild halls. So you should kill:

Odayshaha Yasalmibaala, in a yurt on an island northwest of Tel Fir;

Thoris Saren, in his own mansion in Redoran Square in Vivec;

Saraina Sadusa, in Zaintirari Cave, north of the Erabenimsum tribe camp (see. story missions), at the head of his bandits;

Idroso Wendu and Etal Selot at an inn near Telvanni Square in Vivec;

Guril Retheran in the Golden Flowers Club, Rendoran Canton, Vivec (don't forget to pick up a very useful item from him);

Galasu Uvain, Hlaalu Treasury, Vivec;

Mavona Drenima, Telvanni Canton, Vivec (strong magician, attacks first);

Tirera Belvaina, dungeon of Shar, southwestern coast of the island of Dagon Fel;

Matina Bemisa, a gang of thieves in the Hlaalu dungeon, Vivec (three thieves will stand up for the chieftain and posthumously share with us very decent loot);

Brilnozu Laris, Chloramaren fortress west of Balmora;

Navila and Ranes Ienitov at Villa Dren (they are experienced killers with paralyzing daggers; they are “ordered” by the thieves’ guild too, so you can complete this mission for two clients at once).

After you deal with Dagoth Ur and become the head of the guild, you will receive several more orders:

Larryus Varro, head Imperial Legion, Fort Moon Moth barracks (a very strong enemy with excellent weapons);

Baladas Demnevanni, advisor to Telvanni from Gnisis, a powerful magician, by the way, who somehow interfered with Trebonius Artorius from the guild of magicians;

Dram Bero, an advisor from Hlaalu in Vivec (if you kill him, a message appears about the violation of the prophecy - but after the death of Dagoth Ur this no longer matters);

Terana, another Telvanni advisor (Terana may no longer be alive as a result of one of the major story missions).
Sanguin's Legacy

During the game, you come across several items that were once made by the Daedra Sanguin. There are twenty-seven such things in total. Sanguin made them for Mephala, head of the Morag Tong. Eno Hlaalu can tell about them and instruct him to find them all (more precisely, 26 of them - the last one is owned by Eno himself). Most of the rest are in the possession of members of a hostile clan or equally hostile cultists.

For all this torment you will get a cheap spell that does not make mistakes and combines the effects of a chameleon, attack strengthening and a short blade. No one else has yet been able to learn how to strengthen a skill, so this spell is completely unique.

Other tasks

If you ask Eno about special tasks, he will find something specific for you. For example - come into contact with Dark Brotherhood, the one who owns many of the magical things mentioned above. The Brotherhood once spun off from the Morag Tong and is now its mortal enemy. The Vivec hex specialist, Miun-Jay, can put you in touch with the Khajiit Tsrazami in the Vivec Bazaar Canton. After some time, you will be asked to convince a member of the Brotherhood, a certain Movis Daris, to join the Morag Tong (unless, of course, he has already fallen victim to the fact that he got one of Sanguin's items). Where to find it - see above. Likewise, an order will follow for another gentleman from the list - Durra Maria. Perhaps it’s worth combining business with pleasure here... The same goes for Severa Magic.

Having reached the penultimate rank, you may want to lead a guild. Eno Hlaalu will say that he would not mind resigning, but in general the custom on this matter is clear: the former head of the guild must die. You have the option of letting Eno retire or fighting him. Please note that if you have not yet completed the task with Sanguin's things, then you must complete it before becoming the head of the guild - or Sanguin's mission will automatically fail.