Walkthrough morrowind 3. Guide and walkthrough for "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind". Letter to Kai Cosades

The game begins with a cutscene in which Azura herself addresses you. After it, you find yourself on the lower deck of the prison ship. Now nothing is required, just enter your name. Then a guard will come up to you and tell you to follow him. We go out onto the deck and select a race, then follow to the Chancellery. There we finish with the choice of character.

We go outside. There will be a barrel on the left, if you look into it, you can find a magic ring (you can keep it for yourself, or you can complete a side quest).

We go further. In the room we talk with Cellus Gravius. You can ask him about the Emperor, about Morrowind, about the empire, about Seida Nin. Having heard the name of Kai Cosades, we click on it and we get the first task: to deliver the sealed package to Kai in the city of Balmora.

We go outside. So, we got to the Seyda Nina square. It is best to look at the merchant Arill and buy things (in the Chancellery you can "grab" some valuable things that lie on the shelves and the table), potions, scrolls or spells.

After shopping (or around the city, as your heart desires), we set off to look for Kai Cosades. There are two ways to get to Balmora:

1. On foot (which is very undesirable, because you can get lost or run into aggressive animals)

2. Take a Siltstrider (a big "flea" near the city)

Having reached the NPC standing next to the vehicle, select "Journey" in the dialog and click on the name of the desired city (in this case, Balmora).

We've arrived! Before us is Balmora! The city frightens with its size and number of houses. To learn more about Kai, we go to the South Wall tavern. It is located in the east of the city. Let's go to this part of the city. We count the second row of houses and the first building is the "Wall". We go inside. On the second floor, we are looking for the owner of the tavern and ask him about Cosades. After unflattering statements, we go to where we were sent, that is, the northeast of the city. After leaving the tavern, we go up the stairs to the right and go along the houses.

Having reached the end, we see a house with two doors. We go to the right. And here's Kai! In the conversation, select the item "Inform Caius Cosades". He will receive a message from you and ask if you are ready to follow his instructions. Ready? Then we boldly answer yes!

Kai's first task will be this: talk to Hasphat Antabolis of the Balmora Fighters Guild about the secret cults of the Nerevarine and the Sixth House.

Let's go there. We pass to the other side of the city. The guild is easy to find, look at the signs (the Guild has a shield and two crossed swords). We go inside. Hasfat is in the lower rooms. We talk with him about the Cults, but he will not tell you the most valuable information so easily. You will have to fulfill his request: bring Arkntand the Dwemer Puzzle from the nearby Dwemer ruins.

I advise you to go and buy weapons, healing potions and scrolls (especially scrolls of Almsivi's Intervention or, at worst, Divine Intervention), if they are not available yet.

The ruins are located northeast of Legion Fort Spotted Butterfly. Just before reaching the Fort, we turn left at the fork and see the bridge. The first enemy is waiting for us on the bridge (if you have not yet had to deal with bandits or aggressive animals). It's better to finish him off with magic from afar (this is my tactic, but in general I killed the first enemy by calling the Flame Atronach;). After a difficult (or maybe easy?) victory, we pass along the bridge, cleaning out the attacker and the nearby boxes. And here he is! Treasured entrance to the ruins! What did Antabolis say? Turn the handle? Oh, and here she is! We turn and the door opens. We boldly go inside and deal with the enemies on the first floor. We climb the stones to the second floor and go into the room. There we kill the smuggler and follow the Puzzle. She quietly, peacefully, without touching anyone, lies on a shelf. Take a closer look! She may not be noticed. Having taken it, we return to the quest giver.

Having delivered the Puzzle, we hear about the Cults. But Hasfat will say that Sharn-gra-Muzgob from the local Guild of Mages knows more about this. We return to Kai with a report.

After listening to your report, Kai will give the following task: to talk with Sharn-gra-Muzgob from the Mages Guild about the Cults of the Sixth House and the Nerevarine.

The guild is located next to the Fighters Guild.

Sharn will only agree to tell you about the Cults if you follow her instructions. She will ask you to deliver the skull of Llevul Andrano from Andrano's ancestral tomb to her. I advise you to buy potions and scrolls with attacking magic, or weapons with a magic charge, because. Ghosts are not affected by simple weapons.

Andrano's ancestral tomb is located south of Pelagiad, not reaching the fork in Seyda Nin.

After delivering the skull, Sharn will tell you everything he knows about the Cult of the Nerevarine and the Sixth House. Return with this information back to Kai.

Now that you have collected information in Balmora, you need to interview knowledgeable people in the city of Vivec. They will be: Mehro Milo from the Temple, Addihiranirr from the Thieves Guild and Huleia from the Morag Tong.

Once in Vivec, we go in search of these people. You can start with anyone, for example, with Huleya. This is an Argonian from the Morag Tong. You can find him at the Black Shulk inn in the Foreign Quarter. Arriving there, talk to Huleya, and he will tell you that he is threatened by three people and therefore he cannot go with you, let alone tell about the Cults. We'll have to resolve this problem. These people: Etis Savil, Urven Davor and Favel Gobor are standing nearby. You have two solutions to this problem:

1. Disperse beautifully, that is, without killing anyone. To do this, you need to bribe each of these people (raise the ratio to at least 60%).

2. Kill them all.

When you do, Huleia will ask you to take him to the Jobashi Bookstore. There he will tell you about the Cult of the Nerevarine (he cannot tell you anything about the Cult of the Sixth House).

Next in line is Addihiranirr, a Khajiit from the Thieves Guild.

It is located in the Parish of St. Olmes at the level of the Canals. It turns out that Addihiranirr is hiding from Imperial Chancellery agent Duvianus Platorius and refusing to speak until he leaves her behind.

The agent walks around the Middle Belt of the same District. During a conversation with him, lie that the cat left Vvardenfell and sailed away to the mainland. Oddly enough, but the agent will believe you and stop chasing Addihiranirr.

Return to the Khajiit. Now she will tell you about the Cults.

And the last informant is Mehra Milo, the priestess of the Temple. You can find it in the library of the Temple. Walk with her to the back of the library, and she will tell you everything she knows about the Cult of the Nerevarine and advise you to get the book "Advancement of Truth". It is sold at the Jobashi Bookstore. Buy it and go to Caius Cosades with a report.

Kai will give you the title of Wanderer and advise you to train while he processes the information delivered by you.

Go, upgrade your skills or complete the quests of other Guilds. When the character pumps up and you will have more experience return to Kai (although it was possible to immediately take the task without this, but it’s better to practice).

The Ashlanders are nomadic tribes of the Dunmer who need to know more about the Cults of the Nerevarine and the Sixth House.

Kai's task will be as follows: talk to Hassur Zainsubani, one of the representatives of the Ashlanders. He is located in Ald'ruhn in the Ald Scar tavern.

In order for him to tell you everything he knows, you need to give him a gift, as is customary among his people. Since he is very fond of books, it is worth giving him one of these books: Hymns of Ashland, Words of the Wind, or Five Distant Stars. All of them are sold in Ald'ruhn, so there will be no problems finding them.

You can also help him in exchange for information - to find the missing son of Hannat. You can not look for a son, but simply promise that you will help (if your conscience allows you to lie and not look).

After you fulfill one of these conditions and win the trust of Hassur, he will give you his notes and you can return to Kai with them.

After receiving the notes, Kai Kosades will give the task to go to the Ashlander camp Urshilaku and talk with their leader Sul-Matuul and the shaman Nibani Mesa.

The camp is located in the north of the island or in the northeast of Huul. It's best to go from there.

Having reached the camp, a surprise awaits you: neither the shaman nor the ashkhan are going to talk to you. You need to get permission from Zabamunda. We stomp to him and tell our story. Then it will be prompted:

1. offer a duel for the right to speak with Sul-Matuul (level must be at least 6th)

2. brag about deeds (reputation at least 20 or Eloquence at least 30)

3. tell everything you know about the Cult of the Nerevarine and the Sixth House (Speech at least 30)

4. offer a bribe of 200 gold.

Once you have received permission through any of the above methods, travel to Sul-Matuul.

You must become a Clan Friend, only then can you talk about the Nerevarine. To do this, you have to go through the rite of initiation.

Sul-Matuul will ask you to bring him Saint-Sinipul's Bonebiter Bow from the Burial Caverns of Urshilaku. The caves are located in the southeast of the camp, not reaching the Red Mountain.

The bow itself is at the ghost of Saint-Sinipoul. When you kill him, search the remains and find a bow. Take it to Sul-Matuul and he will make you a Clan Friend. Now you can go to Nibani Meso to learn more about the prophecy.

The conversation will be heavy and long, the main thing is not to skip the key words.

After the end of the dialogue, Nibani Mesa will tell you that you are not the Nerevarine, but you can become one. You must get the lost prophecies from the apostate priests of the Temple, and then the shaman will help you become the Nerevarine. She will give you two books about the Prophecies, and with them you can return to Caius Cosades.

Kai, after listening to your report, will say that he needs to think about everything he heard and advise him to practice a little. The right decision would be to listen to the master spy and pump up the Persian a little, because. The next task will be much more difficult than the previous ones.

When you're ready, return to Caius Cosades for the quest. The task is not easy: find the base of the Sixth House and kill the priest Dagoth Gares.

To do this, you need to go to Ald'ruhn in Fort Motley Butterfly and ask Raesa Pullia what she knows about the Sixth House. Her patrol found their base near Gnaar Mok, only one soldier returned and in his delirium repeated the name of the cave - Ilunibi. The warrior who managed to escape died, distraught and disfigured by the corprus. You can ask the inhabitants of Gnaar Moka about the cave.

The cave is located in the northwest of Gnaar Moka or in the south of Andasret.

When you find the cave, get ready for difficult battles with the servants of Dagoth Gares, and at the end of the path with the priest himself. Before the battle, he will inform you that Dagoth Ur wants to see you and make peace, and Dagoth Gares will also give you a letter from Dagoth Ur and prepare for battle. After the victory, do not rejoice too much, because before death the priest will have time to put the curse of Corprus on you and you will fall ill with this disease.

Kai will not be happy to learn about the disease and will tell you to go to Divayth Fir, the Telvanni magician who owns the Corprusarium. As a "bribe" Kai will give you a Dwemer artifact for the Fira collection.

Tel Fir is located in the south of Tel Arun or in the southwest of Sadrith Mora. You can get there by swimming or using the Water Walking spell.

When you are there, go to Divayt. He will say that he has a potion to cure the Divine disease, but it has not been tried, so you can either be cured or die, there is no third way. In order to get the potion, you must, at the request of Fir, bring him Dwemer boots, which he gave for repair to Yagrum Bagarn, one of the residents of the Corprusarium. By the way, he is the last of the gnomes.

Talk to him, get the Dwarven Boots of Flight and go to the healing! The potion of Fir will not be carried away and you will have to drink it on the spot ... tense expectation ... and ... O MIRACLE !!! You are healed! Now you can return to Caius Cosades, or you can steal the contents of Fir's chests. :)

Your triumph will be overshadowed by unexpected news: Kai is urgently summoned to Cyrodiil. He elevates you to the rank of Agent of Blades and will give you the last task: talk to Mehra Milo and get the Lost Prophecies.

After arriving in Vivek, go to Mehra's apartment. On the table you will find a note in which a clear hint that Milo is being held in the Ministry of Truth under arrest. In the letter, she asks to bring her the scrolls of Divine Intervention (it is better to take 2) and take the Levitation potions that she left next to the note. It also does not hurt to grab potions, scrolls or charged items for Invisibility or Chameleon.

Having bought everything you need, we take off to the Ministry of Truth and at the entrance we talk with Alvela Saram. Tell her that you have a meeting with Mehra and she will give you the key, but warn you to try to avoid casualties among the Ordinators.

In the corridors of the Ministry, use Invisibility or Chameleon, because. The cave is very well guarded.

After finding Mehra, give her the Scroll of Divine Intervention. Before leaving, she will tell you that the Lost Prophecies are with the Apostate Priests in the Holamayan Temple. Blatta Hateria can take you there in the eastern docks of Ebonheart. Tell her that you want to "go fishing" and you will be taken to Holamayan.

Upon arrival, talk to Vevrana Arion, who will show you where the temple is and say that the doors open only during the holy hours of Azura (that is, at 6 am or 6 pm).

In the temple you will find Mehra Milo, who will tell you to talk to Gilvas Barelo (standing next to Mehra). He will give you the Lost Prophecies. With them we return to Nibani Meso.

After she receives the prophecies, the shaman will ask you to come when "... the moon comes and goes ...", but you can come right away, or you can shake the Persian. When the time comes to return, you will be announced by a journal entry.

It turns out that Nibani Meso was chosen to be your guide on the Path of the Nerevarine. You must pass 7 challenges (2 have already been completed). The third trial You must ask Sul-Matuul.

Ashkhan will ask you to find and bring him 3 things from the Kogorun fortress, now captured by the Sixth House. These are things: the Chalice of the House of Dagoth, the Shadow Shield and the tears of the corprus.

Arriving in Kogorun, we go in search of these things. The bowl is located in one of the buildings on the surface of the fortress.

The shield is located deep below Kogorun, in a cave called the Bleeding Heart.

Tears can be found on any corprus monster.

With all this pleasant and not so we return to Sul-Matuul. So you've passed the War Test. Now the Wisdom Test.

You must find the Cave of Incarnation and bring back the Moon-and-Star Ring.

Ashkhan will ask you a riddle: the eye of the needle lies in the teeth of the wind - the mouth of the cave in the pearl skin - the dream is the door and the star is the key. Sul-Matuul says that in order to solve it, you need to be instructed - to join the wisdom of the tribe.

To do this, you need to ask the members of the tribe about the riddle. Some know the answer to passages. When you collect more information, the picture will become clearer.

So... according to the description, the Cave of the Incarnation is located in the southwest of Tel Vos or in the east of Maar Gan.

Two stone peaks mark the entrance to the Valley and bear the name of the seer Ayran, blessed by Azura. These are the teeth of the wind. The Valley of the Wind lies on the northeastern slope of Red Mountain.

You can use the Scroll of Air Form and fly over the mountains. The entrance to the Cave is hard to miss. The door also opens at the hour of Azura, like the door to Holamayan, because "the key to it is the Star", that is, you can enter "at the hour of dawn, when the Star of Azura shines ..."

Here we are in the cave! We go to the statue and take the ring. Let's watch the video.

Now you are not alone in the cave - ghosts are everywhere. Talk to them. They will tell you their story and give you things they no longer need. Now back to Nibani Meso.

The shaman will tell you about the Fourth and Fifth Trials. You must become Mentor of the Great Houses of Vvardenfell and Nerevarine of the Four Ashlander Tribes.

House Hlaalu

Let's start with the Great Houses, namely Hlaalu (but in general, you can start with any). We stomp to Crassius Curio in Vivec.

He will say that, according to Hlaalu, foreigners are not worthy of being called the Mentor of Hlaalu, but a modest donation, in the form of 1000 gold, can smooth out this trouble. After paying, go to the councilors of the House: Yngling Halftroll (St. Olmes's District, Plaza, Yngling Manor), Drama Bero (St. Olmes's District, Plaza, Haunted House) and Orvas Dren (Dren Plantation), Niven Ulis and Welanda Omani.

The first advisor, Yngling, will ask for 2000 gold for his vote. You can kill him and not pay, but I personally paid, I felt sorry for the poor fellow.

There is no need to negotiate with Drum Bero.

But with Orvas Dren it will be a bit tight. There are several options:

1. tell Dren that you want to crush Dagoth Ur and the Empire (at least 70% ratio)

2. in the basement of the building in one of the chests, find a note in which Dren orders to kill his brother, Duke Venim Dren. With this note, return to Orvas and start blackmailing (at least 70% ratio).

When you achieve agreement in any way, go to the remaining advisers. They are under the rule of Dren and, therefore, his consent depended on their decisions.

House Redoran

We leave for Ald'Run to Athin Sarethi. He will ask you to save his son (if you did not join the House of Redoran and did not become its head) Varvur, who is being held in the Venim estate. The room with the prisoner is on the right side of the estate, the door is hidden under the carpet, the key is on the bench with a note.

They all live on their estates below Scar (except for Brara Morvayn, she lives in the Redoran Council Chamber). They are: Miner Arobar, Garisa Lletri, Brara Morvayn and Hlaren Ramoran.

Under no circumstances will he agree to cast his vote and will challenge you to the Arena.

Travel to Vivec in the Pit of the Arena and fight Venim. After defeating him, return to Athin Sarethi. He will give you the Ring of the Mentor and proclaim Redoran as the Mentor.

House Telvanni

We leave for Vos to Arion. He lives in his tower Tel Vos. Mr. Arion will tell you where to find other advisers, but he will warn you that, to put it mildly, they are strange (in short, everyone is crazy!).

Let's start with Drata, for example. She hates men and therefore, if you play a female character, then there will be no problems. If not... you'll have to raise the ratio to 80% and wallow in your feet. ;)

The last one is Archmagister Gorten. You can not talk to him, but simply kill him, because. he will never give a positive answer in his life.

Now back to Arion. He will give you the Robe of the Mentor and proclaim you the Telvanni Mentor.

So, we have completed the Fourth Trial. You have been recognized as a Mentor by all three Great Houses.

Now it's time to become the Nerevarine of the four Ashlander tribes.


Go to Sul-Matuul and he will immediately proclaim you Nerevarine Urshilaku, because. You are already his friend. He will also give you the Teeth of Urshilac so that all the tribes will see that his tribe agrees that you are the Nerevarine.

There is no ashkhan in this camp, so you will have to talk with the shaman of the Sinnamu Mirpal tribe. She will ask you to go to Ald Daedroth and make it safe for Ahemmus. Only then will you be called Ahemmus the Nerevarine.

In the Front Sanctuary, talk to Sheogorad's priestess Hlireni Indavel and ask her not to touch the Ashlanders. There are 3 ways to persuade her:

1. threaten (level or reputation not lower than 20)

2. tell about a poor and unfortunate tribe (Speech not less than 50 or attitude 90%)

3. challenge to a duel

Having achieved agreement, return to the shaman and escort her to the statue of Shigorad. Then she will give you Ahemmus' Madness Stone and name Ahemmus the Nerevarine.

Go to the Zainab camp to Ashkhan Kaushad. Raise his attitude towards you to 70% and talk about the Nerevarine. He will give you a task to kill the vampire Calvario in the Ancestral Tomb of Nerano.

After the kill, return to Kaushad. On one task, he will not calm down and ask to make him a gift - a bride from Telvanni. Go to the shaman for advice. She will say that no well-born Telvanni in their right mind will marry an Ashlander. The shaman will say that you can deceive the ashkhan. To do this, go to Tel Arun to the slave trade Savil Imain. Buy a slave from her and dress her in expensive clothes (an elegant shirt, skirt and shoes, you should also buy Telvanni bug musk). Clothes can be bought at a store recommended by a merchant.

After buying a slave, talk to her and give her things. Then return to the camp to Kaushad. In the ashkhan's yurt, give the musk and lead to the ashlander. He will be pleased and proclaim you the Nerevarine Zainab, War Chief of Zainab and Defender of the People. He will also give you the Belt of Zainab, a magical tribal relic that will serve as a sign to the rest of the Dunmer that you are the Nerevarine, chosen by the Zainab tribe.

Ashkhan of this tribe will never agree to recognize you as Erabenimsun Neravarin, so go to the tribe's shaman for advice. She will say that you will not become the Nerevarine while Ashkhan Ulat-Pal and his minions are alive. He will say that in order to become the Nerevarine Erabenimsun, you should kill Ulat-Pal and his supporters, the Gulahans Ahaz, Ranabi, and Ashu-Akhhe. Then you need to make the gulakhan Khan-Ammu an ashkhan. And then Ashkhan Khan-Ammu will call you Nerevarine Erabenimsun.

After killing all of the above, take valuables, return to the shaman. She will say that it is necessary to convince the gulakhan Khan-Ammu to become the ashkhan of Erabenimsun. Khan Ammu can be found in his yurt. Give him the things and give him a little speech about 'power', symbols and responsibility." If his attitude is not lower than 90%, then he will return the things.

When he becomes an ashkhan, ask him to call you the Nerevarine. He proclaimed you the Nerevarine, Protector of Erabenimsun and his people. Now return to Shaman Manirai to receive the Erabenimsun Hold, an enchanted tribal legacy that will show all Dunmer that the Erabenimsun have named you the Nerevarine Erabenimsun.

So the fourth and fifth test are over, now we are waiting for the sixth and seventh ...

Return to Nibani Meso. She will say that you need to go to the High Priest of Vivec, Sarioni and demand a conversation with the false god Vivek. The tools of Kagrenac are the key to the riddles of the Sixth and Seventh Trials, and you need to get them from Vivec.

The Archcanon is in his private quarters and wants to talk to you, but you must avoid confronting the Ordinators at all costs, as spilling the blood of one of the Temple's loyal servants will only complicate the situation. The apartments are located in the High Cathedral, the key is with the healer Danso Indules.

Talk to the Archcanon and he will give you the key to Vivec's Palace.

Go to the Palace and talk to Vivek. He will tell you a lot of interesting things and ask: are you ready to accept the Phantom Guardian from him? Swear to him and take the artifact.

Now, having received the artifact, go to Red Mountain in search of the Cleaver and the Divider - the great Tools of Kagrenac.

After receiving the artifacts, go to Dagoth Ur. If you are not ready, then return to the city and buy potions and everything you need for the most difficult duel.

The hour of the great test has come ... the hour of reckoning ... the hour ... in short, let's go to wet Dagoth! :)

When you find Dagoth Ur, talk to him. He will ask you questions and answer yours. And when all the questions have been asked and the answers have been received, there is nothing left to discuss. The time for speeches will pass. Now only action can resolve the case between Dagoth Ur and the Nerevarine.

When you kill Dagoth (it will be strangely easy), do not immediately rejoice. It was his doppelgänger. The door to Akulakhan's Chambers will open on the side, where the real Dagoth Ur will be waiting for you. Behind him, you will find the Heart of Lorkhan in a huge Akulakhan artifact. There are many tactics on how to destroy it. For example, I used the Scroll of Air Form and, flying around Dagoth, quickly destroyed the Heart. But this way out is not very effective, because. if Ur has time to go down to you, he will quickly kill. DO NOT TRY TO FIGHT HIM AGAIN!!!

The best way is this: make Dagoth Ur fall from the bridge to the Heart, then he will be harmless below and will not be able to return to the top. Now go to the Heart and hit it with the Divider, then finish it off with the Cleaver (although you can finish it off with a simple weapon). Be careful: it will resist and hit you with spells!

When you destroy it, run across to the other side and levitate to the exit. Behind you, everything will collapse. Go to the room where the first Dagoth was killed and the goddess Azura will appear at the opposite door. We watch a video in which she will say that your destiny has been fulfilled, and freedom awaits you. The prophecies have come true, and Mora is no more. But now you are the Mentor and Nerevarine, Protector of Morrowind, and you will have to protect people from monsters and criminals. She will also give you a ring as a sign of gratitude and blessing.

"Now you are the Great Nerevarine, the hero of all the people, who destroyed Dagoth Ur and saved the entire people of Morrowind from Pestilence, curses and False Gods!"

Morrowind / Walkthrough

~Main Quest~

As soon as the game starts, you will find yourself in the hold of an Imperial prisoner ship. Talk to your cellmate and tell him your name. Soon after, a guard will come to you and tell you to follow him, do whatever he says. Another guard will meet you at the pier. After talking to him, you will be asked to choose your character's race, gender, face, and hairstyle. Try to make your choice meaningful, it will greatly affect the course of the game. If you have any doubts, please refer to the manual.

After you confirm your choice, walk along the pier into the building and talk to the man near the table. He will offer you to fill out papers that will indicate your class and the sign under which you were born. If you doubt your choice - refer to the manual. After confirming the choice, take the papers from the table and proceed through the door to your left.

Before you leave the building, try to grab as many things as possible, in the future you can sell them, which will greatly facilitate your situation. Finally, exit to the courtyard and approach the neighboring house. Before you enter it, rummage through the barrel to the left of the building. In it you will find a Ring of Healing, which you can then return to its rightful owner. After that, go into the house and talk to Sellus Gravius. He will give you some gold and tell you a lot of interesting information about Morrowind, or at least about Seyda Nin, the small town you are in. The name of Kai Cosades, an agent of the Blades, intelligence of the Empire, will come up in the conversation. Talk to Sellus about it and you will receive a package for Caius Cosades, which will need to be delivered to the addressee.

You can find Kai Cosades in Balmora, it is better to get there on a silstrider, although you can also walk, however, this path will be much more dangerous. However, before leaving Seyda Nin, talk to its inhabitants and complete a few quests. They are not difficult, but will help you gain gaming experience and go up in level. And the proceeds will allow you to better equip yourself.

After all the quests in Seyda Nina are completed, go to Balmora. Houses Kaya Cosades is located in the northeastern part of the city. The way to it can be shown in the tavern "South Wall".

House of Caius Cosades Tavern "South Wall"

When you speak with Caius Cosades, select the "Report to Caius Cosades" topic, then give him the package. After he examines its contents, he will ask if you are ready to follow his instructions. If you have already mastered the game - answer in the affirmative and get to work.

Your first quest will be to talk to Hasphat Antabolis of the Balmora Fighters Guild. Kai is interested in information about the secret cults of the Nerevarine and the Sixth House. However, Kai immediately warns, most likely Antabolis will require you to complete some task for him.

So, go to the Fighters Guild (screen) and talk to Antabolis. He, as predicted by Kai, will ask for a small favor. You will need to go to the Dwemer ruins of Arkntand and find the Dwemer puzzle there. The gates of the fortress are opened by a small lever located nearby. As soon as you have the puzzle, return to Antabolis. However, you can explore the rest of the ruins, this will help you gain experience and enrich yourself.


Location of the puzzle:

After you return with the Dwemer puzzle to Hasphat, he will tell you some information about the Nerevarine and the Sixth House, but he will add that it is best to talk about local beliefs and superstitions with Sharn gra-Muzgob in the local Mages Guild. In addition, Antabolis will offer to collect the key to the Lower levels of Arkntand. I can say right away that this key has no practical value. All locked doors can be easily opened with a master key. So, if you have already bypassed the entire Arkntand, then you can safely throw away the key. With the information received, return to Kai Cosades.

After studying the notes, Kai will give you the next task - to talk with Sharn gra-Muzgob about the cults of the Nerevarine and the Sixth House. The Mages Guild is next to the Fighters Guild.

When you talk to Sharn, she will say that she can tell you about the Nerevarine cult, but first you will have to complete her task - to find the skull of Llevul Adrana in the Ancestral Tomb of Adrano. The tomb is located south of Pelagiad, right next to the road. However, before you go there, take care of your weapons, because many spirits are immune to simple weapons. However, Sharn will supply you with the Blade of Fire, but if you already have enough funds, look for a better weapon for yourself. Equipped better, go on a mission. When you have the skull, return to Sharn gra-Muzgob, and she will give you her notes on the cult of the Nerevarine.

Adrano Ancestral Tomb

Once you have the notes, go to Caius Cosades. He will thank you for your entries and give you the title of Beginner. After that, if your character has already reached the fourth level or higher, Kai will give you the next task.

Now that you have the records of Sharn gra-Muzgob and Hasphat Antabolis in your hands, you will need to collect information about the Nerevarine cult and the Sixth House in Vivec. To do this, you will need to interview three informants: Addhiranirr, a Khajiit from the Thieves Guild, Huleya, an Argonian from the Morag Tong, and then Mehra Milo, a priestess of the Temple. It's best to start with the first two. You can get to Vivec by siltstrider.

Once in Vivec, head to St. Olmes and descend to the level of the Canals. Talk to the locals, such as Seviza Teran. She will tell you that Addhiranirr is hiding from an agent of the Imperial Chancellery who appeared here, and that you should look for her in the dungeons. Get down even lower, to the level of dungeons. Addhiranirr is indeed here, but she won't speak to you until you get rid of the agent. This agent is called Duvianus Platorius and can be found right there in St. Olmes's parish, in the Belt. Talk to him about Addhiranirr and tell him that the Khajiit has left Vvardenfell and gone to the mainland. The agents of the Chancellery are so naive that they believe the first stranger they meet. After that, you can return to Addhiranirr for information. As soon as she tells you everything she knows about the Nerevarine and the cult of the Sixth House, you can start searching for the second informant - Huleya.

You can find him in the Black Shulk Inn, however, when you talk to him, he will say that he will tell you everything he knows, but only if you help him deal with his problem. Namely, at the moment, Huleya is threatened by several racists who dream of cracking down on him, because the sight of a free Argonian gets on their nerves. He cannot fight with them, because. it would hurt the reputation of the Morag Tong, and he does not want to set up his friend, the owner of the inn, so you will have to settle his problems. There are three enemies of Huleya - Etis Savil, Urven Davor and Favel Gobor. You can either kill them or bribe them. In the latter case, you will need to raise the ratio of each of them to you to 60 or higher. In this case, everything will end peacefully. Otherwise, get ready to fight. Once the problem is resolved one way or another, escort Huleya to Jobasha's bookstore. There he will tell you everything he knows about the Nerevarine cult, and will give you his notes, which should be delivered to Caius Cosades.

The third informant, Mehra Milo, can be found in the Vivec Temple District, in the library. This informant will be the most accommodating of all, in order to get information from Milo, you just need to go with her to the back of the library. There she will tell you everything she knows about the Cult of the Nerevarine and advise you to get the book "Advancement of Truth", which outlines the worldview of the Apostate Priests. This book is very rare, there are only six copies in all of Vvardenfell. Copies of this book can be found in the Jobasha bookstore, in the Telvanni Tower in Vivec, in the Temple library, in the secret library of the Hall of Justice, and in Tel Uvirith, Arelas' house. The easiest way to get it is to buy it from Jobasha.

Once you've collected information from all three informants and obtained the Progress of Truth, return to Caius Cosades with a report. If you have collected all the required information, then Kai will give you the new title "Wanderer". After that, Kai will offer you to practice your skills and complete the tasks of other guilds. Follow his advice, and when you feel that your character has grown stronger, return.

As a result of studying the collected information, it becomes clear that the most information can be found among the Ashlanders. Thus, Kai's next task is to find an informant among this group of Dunmer. Travel to Ald'ruhn to a Dunmer named Hassur Zainsubani for information about the Nerevarine cult. You can find him in the Ald "rune, in the Ald Scar tavern. However, before he tells everything he knows, you will have to give him a gift. Since Hassur loves poetry most of all, a collection of poems will be just the right gift for him. For these one of three books will suit your goals: "Hymns of Ashland" (you can find it at a book dealer in Ald "rune or in the Hlaalu archive in Vivec), "Words of the Wind" (you can buy it from a book dealer in Ald" rune) or "Five Far Stars "(bookstore in Ald" rune). However, instead of books, you can do a favor for Hassur: find his missing son Hannat, who has gone to explore Mameya, an ancient underground complex located west of Red Mountain. By the way, you don’t have to look for the son himself, just promise that you will find him. Once you gain Hassur's trust in one way or another, he will hand over his notes to you. After receiving them, return to Caius Cosades.


So, having received Zainsubani's notes, Kai gives you the next task - to come to Urshilaku's camp and talk there with Sul-Matuul and Nibani Mesa. However, before he sends you on your way, he will tell you stunning news. It turns out that it is you who fit the prophecy of the Nerevarine, it is you who may be the embodiment of the ancient hero of the Dunmer - Nerevar. That is why you were released from the Imperial prison, sent on a secret mission to Morrowind. Well, the Emperor's desire is understandable. Nerevar in ancient times fought for the independence of Morrowind all his life, his name is sacred to all who want to wrest the province from the rule of the Empire. Therefore, to take the Nerevarine, the incarnation of Nerevar, into your service is a very successful political step. It's definitely risky though. However, let's leave high politics alone and return to the task of Caius Cosades. The Ashlander Urshilaku camp is located far to the north, on the coast of the Sea of ​​Ghosts. You can get there either from Maar Gan along the Ban-Dad foyade, or from Khuul by water (by swimming or using spells). Remember, you must not kill members of the Urshilaku tribe, otherwise they will refuse to deal with you.

Once in the Urshilaku camp, you will need to talk with Sul-Matuul (tribal ashkhan) and Nibani Mesa (tribe shaman). However, they will refuse to talk to you until you get permission from Zabamund. Go to him and talk about the prophecies of the Nerevarine. During the conversation, you will be offered several answers:
1. Offer a duel for the right to speak with Sul-Matuul. Your level must be at least 6.
2. Show off your exploits. Your reputation must be over 20 or your speech level over 30.
3. Tell everything you know about the cults of the Sixth House and the Nerevarine. Speech level must be at least 30.
4. Offer 200 gold for the opportunity to speak with Sul-Matuul and Nibani Mesa. The condition is appropriate, 200 septims in your pocket.
Having received permission, about which you will be notified by a journal entry, go to Sul-Matuul.

This time he will accept you, but he will notice that in order to be able to talk about the Nerevarine with you, you must become a Clan Friend. To do this, you must go through an initiation rite. The Sul-Matuula quest will become such a rite for you, you will have to get Sul-Senipula's Bonebiter bow, buried in the depths of the Urshilaku burial caves. You will find these caves in the southeast of the camp, halfway to Red Mountain. Go there and find the bow, the ghost of Sul-Senipul will have it. Kill him and take the Bone Gnawer from him. When you have the bow, return to Sul-Matuul, and he will declare you a Clan Friend, completing the initiation rite. After that, go to Nibani Mesa so that she checks you for compliance with the prophecies of the Nerevarine.

Bone Gnawer Bow Location:

First hall Second hall
(the entrance is marked with a green cross, the door to the next hall is marked with a red cross)
Third Hall fourth hall
(the entrance is marked with a green cross, the door to the next hall is marked with a red cross) (the entrance is marked with a green cross, the location of the Ghost of Sul-Senipul is marked with a red cross)

Now that you have become a Clan Friend, Nibani Mesa will tell you everything he knows about the prophecies of the Nerevarine and whether you really are the embodiment of the ancient hero of Morrowind. The dialogue will be long, try not to miss a single topic. When you have discussed all the questions, the shaman will tell you that you are not the Nerevarine yet, but you can become one. She can help you with this, but first you must get the Lost Prophecies, which are in the possession of the Temple's renegade priests. When you get these notes to her, she will help you fulfill what was destined from birth. In addition, Nibani Mesa will give you two books about the prophecies of the Nerevarine. After receiving them, you can return to Caius Cosades.

Yurt of Nibani Mesa

When Kai listens to your report, he will say that he needs to think about what he heard and consult with Mehra Milo. He will offer you to practice your skills and get the right equipment before you receive the next task. I highly recommend taking his advice. If you consider yourself ready for battle, then talk to Kai again, and he will say that you need to arrive at Fort Motley Moth to talk with Raesa Pullia there. She knows something about the base of the Sixth House and is looking for a person for some task. So, your path again lies north, to Ald "rune. Your task will be to find the base of the Sixth House and kill Dagoth Gares, the priest of the Sixth House.

Fort Motley Butterfly

When you reach Fort Motley Butterfly, you will find Raesa Pullia in the interior, just opposite the entrance. Talk to her about the Sixth House base and she'll tell you that a Legion patrol found a Sixth House base near Gnaar Mok, but everyone died. Only one soldier returned with a disturbed mind, repeating in delirium the name of the cave - Ilunibi. You have to go there and deal with what is happening. You can be told the location of the cave in Gnaar Mok.

When you get to Ilunibi, get ready for serious battles. Your opponents will be various creatures of the corprus, fights with which will be a serious test. Note - simple weapons do not take them. However, the most serious opponent will be Dagoth Gares himself, the priest of the cult of the Sixth House. Before he fights you, he will tell you stunning things. It turns out that the head of the Sixth House, the mighty Dagoth Ur, is aware of your arrival and is waiting to meet you in order to offer you an alliance. After that, Dagoth Gares will fight with you. However, your victory over him will be incomplete. Before his death, he will have time to send a curse on you and infect you with a terrible disease Corprus, which he will call the gift of Dagoth Ur. After you kill the priest, you can return to Caius Cosades. However, before you leave the cave, carefully search it. To the left of Dagoth Gares is a "trough" filled with all sorts of things, and behind it are two good gloves, one gives a bonus to strength (+20), the other to dexterity (+20), both are enchanted for a permanent effect. By the way, on the opposite wall you will find good glass boots. Once you've cleared the entire cave, return to Caius Cosades. I will say right away that the alternative storyline is not in the game, so it is impossible to join the Sixth House and become an assistant to Dagoth Ur.

So, you return to Caius Cosades, with victory and with corprus eating your body. In a conversation, Kai will say that one of his agents, Quick Eddie, said that only Divayth Fir knows the most about the corps in Vvardenfell, except for Dagoth Ur. However, if the owner of the Red Mountain is unlikely to share with you a recipe for curing this terrible disease, then Divayt Fir, on whose content the Corprusarium is located, may be useful. And to make it easier to persuade him, Kai gives you a Dwemer artifact - as you know, Fir is fond of collecting such gizmos. Now you should go to Tel Fir.

As soon as you meet with Divayth Fir, give him the Dwemer artifact, and then talk about the corprus. Fir will examine you and say that you are really sick, however he has a potion that can help you, but he will give it to you only after you bring him the Dwemer boots. He gave them to a resident of the Corprusarium named Yagrum Bagarn, who was supposed to fix them. So, head to the Corprusarium, which serves as the final resting place for those who, like you, were struck by the corprus. Please note that under no circumstances should you kill the inhabitants of the Corprusarium.

The main attraction of the Corprusarium is Yagrum Bagarn himself, the last living of the vanished race of the Dwemer, or Dwarves as they are sometimes called. After talking to the dwarf, take the Dwarven Boots of Flight from him and bring them to Fir. It's time to heal from corprus.

By the way, if a munchkin lives in your soul, then you can follow the following advice. Each day that you are ill with Corprus, you will increase in strength and speed and decrease in intelligence and willpower. In this way, many manage to bring the strength values ​​up to 400. Anyway, when you think that you are ready to get rid of the corprus, return to Fir, give him the boots, and in exchange he will give you an experimental potion that should cure you of the corprus. As soon as you drink it (by the way, Fir will not let you take it with you), the old magician will say that the negative symptoms of corprus have disappeared, but some of its manifestations remain. Remember the advice on strength? So, after curing the corprus, all your characteristics that were reduced during the course of the disease will return to their original values. However, all characteristics that have increased in value will remain at the same level. That is, if, as a result of a corprus, your strength increased to 200, for example, and your intelligence decreased from 100 to 40, then after the cure, your intelligence will be restored to its original value, i.e. up to 100, and the strength will remain at the level of 200.

After recovering from the corprus, return to Caius Cosades. Here you will be in for a surprise. It turns out that in Cyrodiil, the crisis and Kai are urgently called to the capital of the Empire, so he promotes you to the rank of Agent of Blades, which should save you from dependence on anyone. Kosades' last task will be to go back to Vivec and speak with Mehra Milo to retrieve the Lost Prophecies.

So, head to Vivec. When you arrive there, you will find that Mehra Milo has been arrested and put in the dungeons of the Ministry of Truth. However, not all is lost. The priestess managed to develop a plan for her own escape, but she will need your help. Before you start saving the priestess, get some potions or chameleon/invisibility spells, any enchanted item that has similar abilities will also work well. Then take the potions of levitation and Divine Intervention that Mehra Milo left for you. The time has come to visit the Ministry of Truth, a huge rock hanging in the air above the temple district of Vivec. Drink the levitation potion and take off. When you reach the gates of the Ministry of Truth, talk to Guard Alvela Saram. When you say you've come to Mehre Milo, she'll give you the key, but she'll immediately warn you that despite the fact that Renegade Priests are well-liked by some of the Ordinators, no one will like it if you kill someone while escaping. So try to keep casualties to a minimum.

After receiving the briefing, open the door and go inside. Many of the doors of the Ministry of Truth will be locked, the keys to them you will find in the tables, in the guards' rooms. Please note that the corridors of the Ministry are heavily patrolled, so do not get caught by the guards. It is best to use invisibility or chameleon. Luckily, like most Morrowind dungeons, the Ministry's labyrinths aren't large or intricate. Therefore, you will find Mehra Milo very soon. In a conversation, she will say that you will find the Lost Prophecies in the Holamayan Monastery, the abode of the Apostate Priests. In order to get there, you will need to go to the eastern docks of Ebonheart and talk to Blatta Hateria there, who will take you to Holamayan. Give Mehra Milo one of the Scrolls of Divine Intervention so she can leave the prison. Now that Mehra Milo is safe, go to Ebonheart Docks and find Blatta Hateria there, tell her that Mehra Milo sent you and that you want to go fishing. After that, Blatta will take you to the Holamayan Docks on her boat.

Once you're at Holamayan Docks, talk to Nun Vevrana Arion. She will show you the way to the entrance to the monastery. But I must warn you right away that the doors open only at sunset and sunrise, during the hours dedicated to Azura. Translated into ordinary language, this is six o'clock in the morning or six o'clock in the evening. As soon as you get to the monastery, you will need to talk with Mehra Milo and with the abbot of the monastery, Gilvas Barelo. After a dialogue with them, you will receive the text of the Lost Prophecies. The time has come to return to Nibani Mesa to try to realize what the prophecies speak of.

Once in the Ashlander camp, talk to the shaman and give her the prophecies. After that, you can take a walk on the sidelines so that the shaman can carefully study and think over the texts. Return to the yurt after "the moon comes and goes". When the time comes to return, a corresponding entry will appear in your journal. After that, you can return to Nibani Mesa for her answer.

During the second conversation, Nibani Mesa will say that she has been chosen as your guide on the Path of the Nerevarine. You will need to complete the Seven Trials, the first two of which you have already completed. The first test is the date of birth, the second is the healing of corprus. In order to pass the third trial, you will need to speak with Sull-Matuul.

In a conversation, Ashkhan will give you the following task: you will need to find the ancient Dunmer stronghold of Kogorun, which belongs to the House of Dagoth. In the fortress, you will need to find three things: the tears of the corprus, the Chalice of the House of Dagoth and the Shadow Shield, lying in the tomb of Dagoth Morin. After you have all three items, return to Sull-Matuul. Finding items, in principle, is not difficult, most importantly, look carefully around and keep the map of the area turned on. A Corpus Tear can be found on the corpse of any Corprus Monster (Stalker or Crippled), as well as in one of the Kogorun buildings. The Shadow Shield is located in a cavern called the Bleeding Heart (see screenshot), which lies deep beneath the Kogorun. The bowl is even easier to find, it is located in a small building, the entrance to which is on the surface.

Kogorun Chalice of the House of Dagoth Shadow Shield

Once you've passed Sul-Matuul's Warrior Test, return to the shaman. She will ask you a riddle: you will need to find a place described in an ancient prophecy. After talking with the Ashlanders of the tribe, you can easily find out where this place is located. However, if the riddle turns out to be too tough for you, then see the screenshot. When you arrive at the place, you will see a door that opens only at dawn or dusk, during the hour of Azura. Just keep in mind that, unlike Holamayan, this door still needs to be pushed in order for it to open. When the door opens, go inside. There, Azura should appear to you and hand you the Nerevarine "Moon-and-Star" ring, from that moment on you become the Nerevarine. After talking with all the ghosts in turn, you will receive interesting information and a gift from each. After that, return to Nibani Mesa.

After you talk to the shaman, she will tell you the essence of the Fourth and Fifth Trials. You must be recognized as the Mentor by the three Great Houses of Vvardenfell (Hlaalu, Redoran and Telvanni), this will be the Fourth Trial. After that, four Ashlander tribes (Urshilaku, Ahemmuza, Zainab and Erabenimsun) should proclaim you Nerevarine.

So, begin to implement the Fourth Trial, become Mentor of the Three Great Houses of Vvardenfell (Redoran, Hlaalu and Telvanni)

Go to Ald "rune and talk to Atin Sareti. If you have not become the head of the House of Redoran, then you will need to complete the quest - save Atin Sareti's son, Varvur, from the Venim estate. Varvur is kept in the right wing of the estate, in the room behind the tapestry. The key from the door can be found in the same wing, on a bench, next to a note.After completing the task, Athin Sarethi will say that he uses his influence with other councilors to make them vote for you as the Mentor of House Redoran.Just go around all the councilors (Miner Arobar lives in Arobar Manor, under Skar; Garisa Llethri lives in Llletri Manor, under Skar; Brara Morvayn lives in Morvayn's flats, in the Redoran Council Hall, under Skar; Hlaren Ramoran lives in Ramoran Manor, under Skar). Venim Manor and talk to Bolvin Venim, he will categorically refuse to elect you as a mentor, but if you have the votes of other advisers, then Bolvin will have no choice but to challenge you to the Arena, to a duel. Go to Vivec, in the Arena district. Go to the Pit of the Arena, Bolvin will be waiting for you there. After killing Bolvin Venim, return to Athin Sarethi and he will formally proclaim you the Mentor of House Redoran, as well as give you an official notice exposing you as an Imperial agent. Atin will not demand an explanation from you, as he is sure of your sincerity, but he will warn that others may not be so understanding. In addition, Athin will give you a mentor's ring.

Now your path lies in the city of Vivec, to Crassius Curio. In a conversation, Curio will say that none of the Hlaalu want to see a stranger as a Mentor, but for a modest offering of 1000 gold, he will try to persuade them. Pay Crassius the required amount and he will tell you where to look for the rest of the advisors. Yngling Half Troll lives in the Plaza in St. Olmes's, in Yngling Manor. For his vote, he will ask for 2000 gold, however, if you feel sorry for the money, you can simply kill him, although such an act does not suit the Nerevarine. Drum Bero lives in the Haunted House in St. Olmes's County Plaza. It won't be a problem to get his vote. Further, your path lies on the Orvas Dren plantation. It will be difficult to persuade him, but it is quite possible. There are several ways to do this. The first way is as follows. Go down to the basement of the main building and kill the two assassins. In one of the chests you will find a note in which Dren orders to kill his brother, Duke Vedam Dren. Take the note and in a conversation with Dren, say that you have papers that can compromise him. The second way is to tell Dren that you want to crush Dagoth Ur and free Morrowind from the oppression of the Empire. Please note that in both cases it is desirable to raise his attitude towards you to 70 and above. After persuading Dren, go to the remaining two Advisors: Niven Ulis and Veland Omani. They are obedient puppets of Orvas Dren and will do whatever he says. Both you will find in their estates. After you have bypassed all the advisers, return to Crassius Curio, and he will proclaim you the Mentor of Hlaalu and hand over the mentor's belt.

Now you should go to Vos and find the tower of Tel Vos Lord Arion. He will tell you where to look for the rest of House Telvanni's advisors, but he will warn you that each of them has his own quirk. Mister Neloth of the Tel Naga tower in Sadrith Mora has a bad temper, Lady Drata of Tel Mora doesn't like men, Lady Terana of Tel Branora is insane, and Archmaster Gothren doesn't like to be specific, so everyone will have to find their own approach. So let's start with Neloth. To get his vote, you will need to raise his attitude towards you to 70 or higher, and then he will vote for you. The next advisor will be Lady Drata from the tower of Tel Mora. If you're playing as a female character, you won't have any problems getting her voice. An emancipated person will love the idea of ​​Nerevar returning as a woman so much that she will gladly give you her vote. If your protégé is a man, then raise her attitude towards you to 80 or higher before asking for a vote. And, after you speak, choose the first answer among the options: roll at your feet and beg to listen to you. ;) After that tell Drata about your story and she will give you her vote. The next in line is the out-of-control Mistress Therana from the tower of Tel Branora, you can only get her vote if your eloquence is at least 30. In this case, you will need to make her laugh and quickly ask her to vote for you. Otherwise, you will listen to her stupid rants endlessly. Any attempt to interrupt a respected lady will upset her very much. As for Archmagister Gothren, you will have to kill him, because you will not be able to get a clear answer from him. However, you can kill the rest of the Advisors instead of getting their votes, this will not prevent you from becoming a Mentor. Having collected all the votes, return to Arion, and he will proclaim you the Mentor of the House of Telvanni, handing you the Mantle of the Mentor along the way.

So, the fourth test of the Nerevarine is passed, the time of the Fifth has come. Now you must be proclaimed Nerevarine by four Ashlander tribes - Ahemmuza, Urshilaku, Zainab and Erabenimsun.

Return to Camp Urshilaku to Nibani Mesa, and she will inform you that the Fourth Trial has been passed. After that, go to Sul-Matuul. After a long conversation, Ashkhan will proclaim you the Nerevarine of Urshilaku and give you the amulet "Urshilaku's Teeth".

So your destination is Zainab's camp, south of Vos. There you will have to talk with Ashkhan Kaushad. Before you start talking about the Nerevarine, you will need to raise Kaushad's attitude towards you to 70 or higher. After that, talk to him about the Nerevarine, and ask him to test you. He will give you a task - to kill the vampire Calvario, whose lair is located in the Ancestral Tomb of Nerano. After killing the vampire, return to Kaushad. He will agree to proclaim you the Nerevarine, but only after you present him with a gift, according to the customs of the tribe. The ashkhan considers the well-born bride Telvanni to be such a gift. The gift, to be sure, is not available. But not everything is so difficult. Go to the shaman and consult with her. She will say that none of the noble families of Telvanni will marry an Ashlander, but the Ashkhan can be deceived. You should go to the slave trader Savil Imain in Tel Arun and buy from her a slave from dark elves. After that, you can dress her in expensive clothes and pass her off as a well-born Telvan woman. So, go to Tel Arun and talk to Savil Imain. She will say that she has a beautiful Dunmer slave, but in order to pass her off as a noble person, you will need to buy an elegant shirt, skirt and shoes. Buy everything you need and come back, by the way, you need to buy in a store that the slave trade itself recommends. After that, she will give you the next task - to buy Telvanni Beetle Musk. Having bought the remedy, go back, pay 1000 gold, and your slave is yours. Open the cage and give the slave the things you bought. After that, together with the slave, return to the Zainab camp. The easiest way to do this is to use the Walk on Water spell and head straight for the camp. The slave will cheerfully mince after you along the bottom of the sea. Don't worry, she won't drown. When you find yourself in the Ashkhan's yurt, give the beetle musk to the slave and introduce her to Kaushad. After that, the Ashkhan will proclaim you the Nerevarine of Zainab and give you the Scourge of Zainab in confirmation of this title.

Zainab camp

The Erabenimsun camp is located near Tel Uvirith, north of Molag Mar. However, the ashkhan of the Ulat-Pal tribe will categorically refuse to recognize you as the Nerevarine. Like last time, the shaman of the tribe, Manirai, will give you wise advice. She will say that in order to become the Nerevarine of the tribe, you will need to kill Ulan-Pal and all of his gulaghans, except for Khan-Ammu. After that, return to the shaman, and she will tell you that now you need to convince Khan-Ammu that he is worthy of being the ashkhan of the tribe. To do this, you need to present him with items that you can remove from your victims, namely the Battle Ax of Airan-Ammu, the Fireheart of Sanit-Kil amulet, and the Robe of Erur-Dan the Wise. By the way, if you manage to raise his attitude towards you to 90 or higher, then Khan-Ammu will return one of the artifacts, saying that he understood the lesson and will be an ashkhan. After Khan-Ammu proclaims you a Nerevarine, go to the shaman for an enchanted symbol of the Erabenimsun tribe so that everyone knows that you have been chosen as the Nerevarine of this tribe.

Erabenimsun Camp

The tribe of Ahemmusa is an unfortunate tribe that does not have an ashkhan. Therefore, you will have to talk with the shaman Sinnammu Mirpal. She will inform you that she can proclaim you the Nerevarine of Ahemmus, but only if you can secure the sanctuary of Ald Daedroth so that the tribe of Ahemmus can exist there in peace. So, head to Ald Daedroth and find the priestess of Sheogorath Hlireni Indavel in the front of the Sanctuary. In order to convince her not to touch the Ashlanders, you can either threaten her (your level or reputation in this case must be more than 20), or describe to her the terrible fate of the unfortunate tribe (in this case, your Eloquence level must be at least 50, or you must raise her attitude towards you is up to 90). However, you can try to challenge the witch to a duel. One way or another, when you get her consent, return to the camp of Ahemmus. Tell the shaman about everything and take her to Ald Daedroth, to the statue of Sheogorath, in the sanctuary. There, she will recognize you as the Nerevarine and will hand over the amulet Ahemmusa's Stone of Madness.

So, it's time for the Sixth Trial. Return to Nibani Mesa, she will tell you that you need to meet with the Archcanon Sarioni in order for him to arrange a meeting for you in Vivek.

Now you should head to Vivec, to the Temple area, to the High Cathedral and find the healer Danso Indules there to get the key to the archcanon's private quarters from her. The Archcanon will give you two keys, one for Vivec's palace and one for the back entrance to his quarters. So, go to meet with Vivek. In conversation, he will tell you a lot of information about Dagoth Ur, Nerevar and a little about the Dwemer. After that, he will say that your main task will be to destroy the heart of Lorkhan. However, this can only be done with the tools of Kagrenac: the Hammer Divider and the sword the Cleaver. Only those who put on the Wraithguard gauntlet, kept by Vivec, can take them in their hands. Swear an oath to Vivek and he will give you the Wraithguard.

It's time for the Seventh Trial. You must find two ancient artifacts, the Divider and the Cleaver, hidden in the bowels of the citadels of the Sixth House. As you head out to search, be sure to check out the Ghost Gate along the way, you'll meet an interesting companion that many suspect is the incarnation of Emperor Tiber Septim. Hammer Divider is located in Veminal stronghold, at the priest of the Sixth House of Dagoth Ordos. Kill him and remove the key and hammer from the body. After that, head to the fortress of Odrosal, in the Tower you will find the Cleaver. Once you have the Divider and the Cleaver, go to Dagoth Ur. Your path lies in the very bowels of the fortress, in the dungeons, fraught with the heart of the dead god Lorkhan. In front of the very door leading to the Heart, Dagoth Ur will meet you. After a short conversation (remember, never give him the Wraithguard) you will have to fight. However, the victory will not be complete. Feeling that you are beginning to gain the upper hand over him, Dagoth Ur will leave the battle. After that, open the door, behind which Akulakhan's chambers are hidden. Your eyes will see the majestic creation of the head of the Sixth House. The twin brother of the legendary Numidium is Akulakhan. You need to destroy the heart of Lorkhan, which gives strength to this creature. Hit the heart three times with the Hammer of the Divider and several hits with the Cleaver, remembering to also fend off Dagoth Ur's attacks. By the way, you can easily deal with it. Give him a few blows with any weapon so that the stubborn "deity" is thrown back. He will fall down to the bottom of the abyss filled with lava and will no longer bother you. After that, freely deal with the heart. When it is destroyed, quickly run away from there. After that, head to the exit from the fortress, where Azura will be waiting for you along with the final cutscene.

Elder Scroll s 3: Morrowind

Main plot

Dark Brotherhood Attack
Location: Vvardenfell
The first step is the easiest. After installing the Tribunal, during the first dream, an assassin of the Dark Brotherhood will attack you. You can recognize him by his characteristic armor. The enemy is strong enough and his level grows in proportion to yours. After you kill him, talk to any guard, and he will advise you to go to Ebonheart, to meet with Apples Matius, who will be able to give you exhaustive explanations about this. You will find Matius walking in the passage leading to the palace of the Supreme Council. After listening to your story, the imperial officer will say that The Dark Brotherhood does not have much influence on Vvardenfell, while on the mainland of Morrowind - its weight is greatly increased. Thus, it becomes clear that the solution to the problem is hidden in Mournhold, the capital of Morrowind, the ancient Dunmer city. After that, Matius will direct you to Asien Rein, who can be found in the same place, in the hall of the Supreme Council. Talk to her and she will teleport you to Mournhold. After moving, you will find yourself in the office of the Royal Palace of Mournhold. If you suddenly want to return, then use the services of Effe-Tey, the Argonian magician, by the way, after returning, the attacks of the Dark Brotherhood will stop. Talk to him, then to the guards, and you will learn that the Brotherhood's adepts are often seen in the sewers of Mournhold, located under the Grand Bazaar. Head there, find the entrance to the sewers and go underground. Funny, right? The mysterious Brotherhood, which interrupted, at one time, the life of the last Akaviri Lord, whose adherents can be seen by anyone who is not lazy. However, this is not the only blunder in the Tribunal's plot.
Hunt for the Dark Brotherhood
Location: Mournhold Sewers
So you are in the sewers. Base Dark Brotherhood located in the estate area. When you find it, your journal should be updated. I must warn you that the base is full of assassins of various stripes (from apprentices to masters), armed with poisonous and paralyzing weapons, which you can later sell in the Arsenal in the Grand Bazaar. Proceed to Moril Manor, the North Building in the Manor District. In the manor you will find the leader of the Dark Brotherhood - Dundras Vules. You will have no choice but to kill him, after which your journal will be updated. Search his body and find a contract for your life, in which the mysterious "X" appears ... perhaps this is King Helsed, a descendant of the legendary Barenziah, whom you have heard about. Tell the guard about your find, and he will say that you need to talk to the head of the king's guard, Tienius Dilithian. You will find it in the Royal Palace, in the throne room. Tienius admits that the contract is genuine, but he will not justify himself, moreover, he will ask you to complete several tasks for the king. By the way, this is also an interesting moment, a client happily fulfilling the tasks of the one who ordered it.
But be that as it may, from now on, you can complete the tasks of both King Helseth and the Temple quests if you talk to Fedris Hler. By the way, despite the fact that the king and the Temple do not like each other, you can safely complete their tasks at the same time. The Tribunal storyline is as linear as the Morrowind storyline.
Rumors of King Llethan's Death
Tienius wants you to find the source of the rumors regarding the death of the former King of Morrowind, Llethan. You have to talk to people and find out how you can more information. Eventually, people will lead you to Ravani Llethan, the widow of King Llethan. She lives in Godsreach, at Llethan Manor. Talk to her about the death of King Llethan and offer your condolences. Then do it again and ask her about the murder. She will say that the newspaper "Accessible Language" has all the information that King Lletan was poisoned by his heir - Helseth.
Copies of this newspaper can be found almost everywhere. The closest one is in an alcove near Sadri Manor. Just bring Tienius one of these newspapers and he will credit you with this task. Then you can get the following.
Temple Informant
Location: Throne Room, Tienius Delitian
Now Tienius wants you to find out if the Temple is building any plans against King Helseth. You are ordered to go to the Temple and look for a person there who could tell you the information you need. The person you're looking for is Galsa Andrano, a healer at the Temple Hospital. To find it, you need to enter the Temple Gate and then the right door. Talk to her about the discontent in the temple, and you will learn that in recent times something is wrong with the goddess Almalexia. You will also learn that the Temple plans to destroy King Helseth if he does not stop infringing on the power of the Temple. Report everything you heard above to Tienius and he will congratulate you, also mentioning that he has suspicions about the loyalty of the guards of King Helseth to their master.
Betrayal in the ranks of the guard
Location: Throne Room, Tienius Delitian
Tienius will ask you to pretend that you want to join the royal guard. Using this as the beginning of a conversation, you need to gain the trust of the guards and draw out of them at least some hint of betrayal. You need to start with Ivulen Irano, the guardian who is to the right of central entrance in throne room(in front of the throne). First talk to her about "joining the royal guard", then mention your connections to Hlaalu, even if you are not a member of this Great House.
If you go back and talk to Tienius, he will say that you need to find Aleri Aren, who is in the Guard Room. It is right behind the door you entered through. If it's not there, look it up yourself. She is somewhere nearby. Talk to her about "joining the royal guard" and then mention your connections to the Hlaalu, and she will say that Irano must have mixed up something and made a mistake. Report to Tienius and he will provide you with much more information. He will tell you to check Irano's bed and chest for some physical evidence of a conspiracy.
Return to the Guard Rooms and go upstairs. Irano's bed is the very first. You will also find his chest there. Carefully walk around the bed and explore the floor. You must find a note. Pick it up and take it to Tienius. The note is the watch schedule and it contains three suspects who are on duty together at the same time. Tienius will order to change the schedule of the guard and will give you the next task, to find evidence of the assassination attempt on King Helseth.
Conspiracy Proof
Location: Throne Room, Tienius Delitian
This time, Tienius wants you to find some evidence of a plot against King Helseth at Llethan Manor. In the room you will find a desk with a note. The note mentions three people involved in the plot: Forwen Berano, Hloggar the Bloody, and Bedal Alen.
Be careful when you take the note. Try to have the widow's back to you, and then stealthily drag her
When Tienius looks at the note, he will write you orders for the execution of these people. To find these people, talk to the inhabitants or the guards, who will show you the way. In any case, you can find Forwen Berano near the Temple, Hloggar in the Western Sewers of Godsreach, and Bedal Alain in the bookstore in the Grand Bazaar.
When you talk to them, you will have two choices: 1) You can kill them; 2) You can let them go by telling Tienius that someone in the palace warned them. If you kill them, you will receive 1000; 2000 or 3000 drakes, depending on how many you kill. But even if you let them all go, the task will still be considered completed, however, you will be left without money. On the other hand, 3000 is not such a big reward for killing not bad, in general, people.
One way or another, when all three are either dead or leave Morrowind, return to the palace. Now Tienius will give you the last task: to shut up the newspaper "Accessible Language".
Journalist - whistleblower
Location: Throne Room, Tienius Delitian
Mr. Delitian wants you to find the anonymous author of The Plain Language and get him to stop printing "lies" about King Helseth. Find an NPC (not a guard) who treats you with respect and talk to him about "anonymous author". They will answer you that it is best to talk on this topic with a person with a dubious reputation - with a moneylender, for example.
The moneylender's shop can be found in the Grand Bazaar, in one of the houses with three doors. The usurer's name is "Ten-tongued Viirhat". Talk to him (remember - his attitude towards you must be very high) and he will tell you that the writer's name is Trels Varis and, according to rumors, he is in the Hall of Masters, in Godsreach. Trels is behind a door marked "Do not enter!" and a level 70 castle. In the room, you need to go down the hatch and talk to Trels Varis there.
There are several options to complete this quest: 1) You can threaten Trels Varis' parents - Granny Varis (she cleans the Temple) and Gi-Pop Varis (he mows the lawns on the temple grounds) and then tell Trels that his parents might get hurt ; 2) Give Trels Varis 3000 gold to stop him from "lying"; 3) Kill Trels Varis. Since 3000 is not that much for an experienced adventurer, it is best to use the second option.
Report to Tienius about your task, and he will reward you depending on the actions you have taken. If you spent 3000 septims, then tell Tienius that your reward should be at least 3000 septims and you will receive as much as 8000. If you say "All for the peace of the king" (Or something like that), you will receive a Daedric Claymore "King's Curse", which kills thieves and traitors.
After that, he will say that the Queen Mother Barenziah wanted to speak with you.
Conversation with Barenziah
Location: Throne Room, Tienius Delitian
Once Tienius says that you need to talk to Barenziah, this can only mean that you need to go to the Temple for Fedris Hler's quests. This is not a real assignment. The journal will not update if you talk to her, but Barenziah will be able to tell you something interesting that may be useful to you in the future. Alas, but your work (after talking with Barenziah) on the Monarchist side, on this moment, finished.
Goblin Army

Once you see Fedris Hler for the first time, you will receive a quest from him. He believes that King Helseth is training goblins to use in his army. Almalexia is worried that Helseth will lose control of the goblins and they will attack the city. You are tasked with killing two goblin generals, and you must also kill two Altmer who train goblins. You will find the goblin army if you go down into the sewers in Godsreach, from there proceed to the Western sewers and further to the Battlefield location, once there, you will find a passage leading to the area - Tears of Amun Sha. There you will find goblin generals. Keep in mind they are strong opponents. Altmer trainers are located in the Teran's Hall, the entrance to which is located on the Battlefield. If you manage to complete both tasks, you will receive 15,000 gold from Fedris. In addition, in a conversation, he will say that Gavis Drin, the high priest of Almalexia, wants to talk to you. You can find him in the Archcanon's quarters in the Temple of Mournhold.
Sanctuary of the Dead
Location: Temple of Mournhold: Reception Room, Fedris Hler
Although it is Fedris who initiates the conversation with you on this topic, it is Gavis Drin who will give you this quest, so to speak, officially. And it is to him that you will have to turn in the quest. Your task is to cleanse the Temple Altar, desecrated by the unholy liches who stole its power. If you do this, the power of the altar will increase the power of Mournhold and the Temple.
To complete the task, go down to the lower level of the Temple, in the back of it, find the hatch leading to the sewer. Follow the sewers first east and then south to the Temple Gardens (listen carefully to Gavis' words, he explains the path to the goal in great detail). Once in the Temple Gardens, follow the passage leading to the Altar. The road there is linear, so it is very difficult to get lost. Liches will constantly attack you, so I recommend stocking up on spells or potions that increase your resistance to magical influences. Kill everyone you meet. When no undead remain in the area, as indicated by the journal entry, return to the Archcanon's Office.
After you complete the first part of the quest - clear the area of ​​liches and return to the Office of the Lord Archcanon, you will need to take Urvel Dulni (topic - "travel together") with you and bring him to the Altar. When you go, keep in mind that the NPC completely repeats your path, so try to choose an easier path and do not jump over obstacles, otherwise the NPC will forever get stuck in front of him. When you reach the Temple Altar and Urvel cleanses it, return to Drin and he will reward you with a rare weapon. After that, he will add that Fedris Hler wants to see you.
Barilzar's Labyrinth Ribbon
Location: Temple of Mournhold: Reception Room, Fedris Hler
Hler wants you to return an artifact called Barilzar's Labyrinth Ribbon for Almalexia. Speak some more with Fedris and he will provide you with a wealth of information on this subject.
This quest is quite simple. Barilzar can be found in a new area located under the Temple, which you can enter through a trapdoor in the lower levels of the Temple. Once at the bottom, head northwest to the door leading to the Abandoned Crypt. Find the stairs near the entrance and continue on until you meet the ancient lich lord Barilzar. Having started a dialogue with you, in which, by the way, there is a lot of information for reflection and hints at further development plot, he will soon try to kill you. Note that this is a very strong caster, but not a very strong fighter. After killing him, remove the "Labyrinth Tape" ring from his body and return. Upon returning, return the ring to Gavis Drin and he will inform you that you are allowed to speak directly with Almalexia in the High Chapel of the Temple of Mournhold.
Almalexia will thank you and give you a new ability: Light of Almalexia, which allows you to restore all your stats by 25 points once a day.
If you talk to her again, she will tell you that she has no quests for you yet. Khler and Drin will tell you the same thing. Walk outside and talk to people. If none of them tell you that Mournhold was attacked by strange creatures, then rest somewhere and try to talk again.
Attack on Mournhold
Location: Mournhold, any of the Royal Guards
Talk to any of the NPCs in Mournhold, and when they tell you that Mournhold has been attacked by strange creatures, head to Plaza Brindisi Dorum. After that, the interlocutor will add that the Guardians will be happy with any help that you can provide them.
Go to the Plaza, and you will see a picture of a large-scale battle. High Ordinators and Royal Guards fight side by side with strange mechanical creatures. Draw your weapons and join the battle. Keep in mind that mechanical creatures are very strong, if your level is not high enough, then try to attack those creatures that are already occupied by an intern or guardian. After the battle is over, talk to any of the guards or the resident. Teach, it matters a lot who you talk to.
The Royal Guardians will tell you to immediately speak with Tienius Delitan in the Throne Room of the Palace and warn him of the attack. If you talk to the resident, he will direct you to Fedris Hler. And the first and second cases will have different quests. Choose for yourself where you want to go. [In fact, there is not much difference, since in the end the result will be the same, because the plot of the addon is quite linear. But, I would recommend completing the King Helseth quest. Note. Skeiz.]
Bamz-Amsshend study
Location: Royal Palace, Throne Room, Tienius Delitian
Location: Temple Reception, Fedris Hler

After the attack, depending on who gave you the quest, you will be sent to explore the Dwemer ruins of Bamz-Amsshend, the entrance to which has opened in the Plaza.
Return to the Plaza and go to the fountain, in place of the destroyed statue you will find a staircase leading down. This is the entrance. Below you will discover the majestic city of the Dwemer, which was built and fell into decay long before Mournhold was built. In its corridors, you will encounter enhanced versions of Dwemer robots. Especially beware of archers throwing darts. By the way, I recommend collecting Dwemer darts - this is a very powerful weapon, and it will come in handy in the future.
After exploring the Dwemer city, return to the one who gave you the quest.
After you turn in the quest, Tienius will say that King Helseth wants to see you, and Fedris will send you to Almalexia.
Assassination attempt on Barenziah

The King wants you to speak to his informant at the Winged Guar Tavern. This is an orc and you can find him if you go down the stairs, talk to him about "uncle's farm". He will say that he learned from his sources that an assassination attempt was planned. But not on Helseth, but on his mother, Barenziah.
Report the above to the king, and he will give you another task. You must go to Barenziah's quarters, hide behind a screen at the entrance to her room and wait for the killers (By the way, waiting is resting with the "T" key). As soon as the killers appear, your journal will be updated. Jump out from behind the screen and beat the reptiles until they die.
As soon as your journal is updated (and this will happen only after you kill all the killers), return to Helseth and he will give you a magic necklace.
Talk to the King again and he will give you a new task. You must fight his champion.
Helseth Champion
Location: Throne Room, King Helseth
Once you talk to Helseth, he will ask you to prove yourself by taking on his champion, Carrod. This is a silent redguard near the king. You will be instructed to go to bed and return to the throne room the next morning. By the way, if you go to the Winged Guar tavern and talk to the bartender (such a Khajiit behind the counter), then he, in exchange for a promise that you will not do anything wrong to Karrod, he will order one of his girls to entertain Karrod, and he will be much weaker in tomorrow's fight.
Once you're ready, return to Helseth and agree to fight (By the way, if you persuaded the bartender, Helseth will say that he looks a bit tired today). Once Helseth and his guards have moved away and Karrod draws his weapon, engage him. It will be a very tough fight. As soon as he has about 200-300 hits left, Carrod will give up and recognize you as the greatest fighter in the world. Talk to Helseth. He will be surprised, but nevertheless pleased, and will give you the glass dagger of his father Symmachus (Don't you dare sell it, as it will be useful to you in the future).
After that, Helseth will ask you to find out from Almalexia about the attack on Mournhold (If he does not say this, then go to him later, since you will have quite a few cases for this). This completes Helseth's quests. Go to Almalexia.
show of strength

Almalexia wishes you to investigate the activities of the World's End cult, as some of its members have been found dead. One of them is Meralyn's brother Otan, who you can find in the Grand Bazaar. Almalexia will also advise you to be on the lookout for Eno Romari, the leader of the cult, but she has no idea where he can be found.
Go to the Grand Bazaar and talk to Meralyn about her brother, Eno Romari and the cult. She will say that some members of the cult hang around at the Winged Guar tavern. Your next step is to go to Godsreach. Near the tavern you will find a strange man in a white robe. This is Eno Romari. Talk to him about "Doomsday", "Purification" and "beliefs". Eno will say that the Tribunal is already weak, and not today or tomorrow the Daedra will return to Tamriel and destroy it. Only the spirits of the ancestors will remain, who will have to protect the remnants of the world from the Daedra.
Report to Almalexia about the conversation with Eno Romari. She will become furious and ask you to demonstrate what else Almalexia is capable of by causing ash storms on Mournhold. Your next assignment is to return to Bamz-Amsshend, the Dwemer ruins beneath Brindisi Dorum Plaza, and activate the Karstangz-Bsharn, an ancient Dwemer weather-controlling apparatus. She will give you a Power Dwemer Coherer to activate the machine.
Before you go to activate Karstangz - Bsharn, check if you can open doors with a lock of 100 (If not, try looking for the appropriate scroll or spell).
Also be prepared for serious battles. The ruins are full of powerful Dwemer mechs, such as the Reinforced Steam Centurion, which is twice the size of a regular Steam Centurion, and the Centurion Archer, which will give you a lot of trouble.
The first hall in Bamz - Amsshend - is the "Hall of Heart Fire". Next, move on to the "Whisper Passage". Further, in the "forge of Radak" you will find a room with lock 100 (How to open it, see two lines above. If you haven't read it, the key can be found in the desk, in the room with the giant robot.). Inside you will find a chest with two "Dwarven Backpack Ammo". Get down further along the corridor until you run into a dead end littered with stones. Press "Space" and you will have the option to activate the projectile. Activate it and run back. When the timer runs out, the projectile will explode and clear the way for you. Now you can climb into the Walker's Pass.
Next, go to the "King's Bypass" (Or something like that) and, in the end, to the "Star Gallery" (By the way, in the "Walker's Pass" you can blow up another passage leading to the ancient Daedric sanctuary of Noer-Dur You have to go there on the instructions of the orc in the Quest "The Blade of Nerevar").
In the Star Gallery, first destroy all the Dwemer creatures, then activate the machine itself by inserting the "Power Dwemer Coherer" into the gearbox.
Next, find a small platform with three levers. Opposite it, you will see a wall with a view of the weather painted on it. If you use one of the levers, the picture on the wall will change. You need a picture with a volcano to appear. To do this, pull the middle lever once, then the right one, then the middle one again. Your journal will be updated again.
Return to Almalexia, and she will give you another task - to deal with one of her crazy residents.
missing hand
Location: High Chapel, Almalexia
Once you have found the ash storms on Mournhold, talk to Almalexia and she will give you a new task. One of her loyal "Hands", Salos Valor, has gone insane and is now a threat to humans. She wants you to end it.
Once you're ready, go to Godsreach and talk to him. Silos is an enchanted armored Ordinator who roams Godsreach. As soon as you talk to him, he will give a short dialogue and attack, so be prepared.
After the battle, remove expensive armor from him, but do not talk to any of the Ordinators or the Hand of Almalexia when you are wearing a helmet or cuirass.
In any case, once you've dealt with Salas Valor, return to Almalexia and she'll bestow her blessing on you. The choice is yours:
Skin like iron (permanent effect, 5 points increase in unarmored combat, as well as light, medium and heavy armor)
Paralysis Protection (Permanent effect, paralysis resistance 20%)
Reflection of Light (Increase health by 10 points, permanent effect)
Talk to her after your blessing and learn a lot of different things about you, Nerevar and your next assignment.
Blade of Nerevar
Location: High Chapel, Almalexia

Talking to Almalexia again will tell you a lot about your past life and the blade, "True Flame", which you once owned, but parts of it have been lost, although Almalexia is sure they are somewhere in Mournhold. She will give you one part, and your task is to find the other two and a blacksmith who can restore the sword.
The first piece is held by Helseth's ex-champion, Carrod. Talk to him and he will tell you about how his father in the past gave him this sword and said that he would be invincible with him until his true master came and took him.

The second one is kept by the owner of the museum, Torasa Aram. She has a very suspicious Dwemer battle shield and will willingly exchange it for two donations to the museum from the following list of artifacts:
Shield of Auriel
Boots of the Apostle
Boots of Blinding Speed
Light walking boots
Dragonbone Breastplate
Ebony Mail
Symbol of Eleidon
Oreyn Bearclaw's Helm
Earthworm Helmet
Overlord's Mail
Breastplate of the Savior's Hide
Spell Breaker
Ring of Finaster
Vampiric Ring
Ring of the Warlock
Mantle of the Lich
Bow of Auriel
Bipolar Blade

The cure for corprus
Kai has an idea what to do with the corprus. An ancient mage from the House of Telvanni, Divayth Fir, has a "corprusarium" and needs to know how to cure the disease. Kai gives you an artifact, a decent amount of money and a couple of potions and refers to him.
Telvanni of the Fir clan should live in Tel Fir - simple and logical, right? The easiest way to get there is with the help of the Mages Guild in Balmora, paying them to travel to Sadrith Mora. Exit the building and swim southeast to the tower. To get into the tower, spells are needed, because the magicians of the stairs did not foresee: and there is nothing for everyone to hang around them. But this is where Kai's levitation potions come in handy.
The entrance to the tower is from the north side. Go through the door with the inscription "Hall of Onynx", immediately after the door to the right there will be a staircase, and behind it is the Fir Hall. Look up; that's why they gave you the second potion...
They flew upstairs. Divayth Fir lives there. Give him an artifact from Kai (just give it) and ask about the punishment of the gods, a disease called corprus. He will say that other illnesses are not terrible for patients with corprus, just like the Nerevarine himself ... hm. Assure him that he can fulfill the prophecy, and he will send you to the corprusarium for some slippers of Yagrum Bagarn, and then you will receive a healing potion.
Return to the Oninx Hall, from there down the stairs, at the intersection of the corridors - to the right. Here you are in the corps. Cheerful spectacle, isn't it?
Your main task is not to enter into a fight with anyone here. Yagrum Bagarn is a type with spider legs. He will give you the shoes you are looking for without any problems. Divayt Fir in response will share the potion with the condition: take it right here.
Phew, cured. And immunity, by the way, was preserved!
Back to Sadrith Mora, and via Mages Guild transport home to Kai. Here we are waiting for: a new rank, money, magic shirt and pants, and also - Kai's ring. The fact is that our boss is leaving for the capital. The house and the rest are left to us. At parting, we will receive instructions on what to do next.
In principle, we already know that all the troubles come from the vile type of Dagoth Ur. But before we fight him, we still have a long way to go.
Lost Prophecies
And what about the book that the ashtrays have been talking about for so long? Mera Milo should have found out about her; I hope you haven't forgotten the way to it yet. However, she is being followed, so you will have to look for her private apartments. They are locked, but Mera hopes that you will not be shy and pick the lock. There is a message left for you on the dresser with the code "Amaya". Take the potions from the chest of drawers.
Mera went to the Ministry of Truth to visit the Inquisitor. Follow her with the Scrolls of Divine Intervention. The Ministry is a rock above the temple canton, so freshly stolen potions will come in handy to get there.
Talk to Alvela Saram: he will give you the key and tell you where to find Meru Milo. It is recommended to travel around the ministry discreetly, otherwise you will have to deal with the guards. Measure, as you understand, is locked up. Get to her cell and say that you brought the saving scrolls with you. One for you, one for her; meet in Holamain.
She will send you to a certain Blatt Hater in Port Blackheart and give you the original password: "I want to go fishing." Monk Vevrana will show you the entrance. Here is Holamain; Gilvas Barelo has the book you need. Along the way, get a couple more samples of Morrowind literature.
With the prophecies in hand, go back to Nibani Maesa. Now you will fulfill your destiny under her strict guidance.
Trial Three: Moon, Star, and Nerevarine Companions
Ask Nibani about "her decision". Here it turns out that you have passed the first two tests, and now must pass the third. Follow him to Sul-Matuul.
What is the third test? First you need to prove that you are worthy of it. Bring a shield of shadow, a cup with the sign of the house of Dagoth, and drops of corprus from Kogorun.
From the ashtray camp go south to the very mountains, turn east at the foot. Pass Falasmarion, at the crossroads go east. On the left will be Kogorun.
In its southeast corner, under the sign "Eye of Pollock", fight with Dagoth Girer, where you will get a cup. In the urn by the door, get the drops. Now exit, go to the Fisto Hall and from there to the Maki Hall. Straight through the hall you will reach a large room, where the left corridor will lead to the lower floor to the locked door of the Nabit Stream. Go around it on the left, find the tunnel. Finally, you will reach the door with the sign of the Wounded Heart. Come in. At the crossroads - right, then right again. Phew. With a shield, and not at all on a shield, we return to Sul-Matuul.
Now you get a riddle from him. Bring de Nibani the moon and the star.
You need the Cave of the Incarnation. This is to the east of the camp, go along the coast to the mountains. In the mountains, turn south (sign: two pointed rocks on the side). Option: Return to Sadrin Mora, from there take a boat to Tel Arunn, and from Tel Arunn to Tel Mora. To the west, find Tel Vos and fly over the mountains using levitation.
You can enter the cave only between 6 am and 6 pm. There you take the star and the moon and watch a cartoon about what you have to do. By the way, you can talk with the failed Nerevarine (well, you didn’t think that you were the only one so smart?) And get a lot of all sorts of useful things from them.
So, there are seven tests. What does Nibani have to say about them other than the fact that the third test is passed?
You will know what the fourth and fifth are. In the fourth, you will have to unite the great Houses of the dark elves: Redoran, Hlaalu, Telvanni. Each of them must recognize you as a Hortator.
In the fifth, you will have to deal with the no less unnatural unification of the four tribes of ashtrays: Urshulaki, Ahemmuza, Zainab and Erabenimsum. They, in turn, must recognize you as the true Nerevarine.
You can complete these tasks in any order you choose.
Fourth Trial: Three Great Houses
Getting votes is much easier if you already belong to the respective house. In this case, it will be enough for you to talk to some of the voters so that they agree to recognize you.
Let's start with House Redoran, famous for its warriors. In the mansions district of Ald-Run, find the Sarethi Mansion (in the west of the upper level). The red-coated Athin Sarethi will agree to proclaim you the Mentor and whatever else you want if you save his son.
For this, you don’t even have to go to some wilderness: the son is nearby, in the Venim mansion. Find the key and note on the bench. Either steal the key or pick the lock - whichever is easier for you. Lock - level 50. The door to open is hidden behind a tapestry.
Call the unlucky Sarethi Jr. with you. The guards are attacking you, you have to fight or flee. The main thing: do not accidentally kill Bolvin, you will have to do this later. Everything, Atin - for you.
With other advisors, everything is much simpler. They don't seem to care who they vote for. We need to visit the mansions of Arobar, Garisa Lletri, Barara Morvayn, Hlaren Ramoren - and finally Bolvin Venim.
Bolvin Venim seems to be a little offended by us and challenges us to a duel. Is it a good thing? But prepare well before entering the arena.
By the way, if you rob his body after the battle, no one will object.
Now return to Athin and he will confirm that you have been proclaimed a Mentor.
Telvanni headquarters - the city of Tel Vos. The easiest way is to take a tick from Ald-Rune to Huul, and from there sail with a transfer to Dagon Fel and Tel Mora to Vos. From Vos to Tel Vos not far (road to the northwest).
Telvanni are all magicians, and to communicate with them, stock up on means of levitation. Making stairs is beneath their dignity.
So, Telvanni advisors.
You will have to seduce the drath if you are a man; to a woman, out of class solidarity, she will give her vote just like that. Arion doesn't need anything from you either. Terama can be talked to if her Speech is strong enough, but if not, she will have to be killed, which is a shame. Baladas and Neloth won't roam too much and will calmly vote for whom they say.
Gothren will play for time. They say that the truly wise can wait for a positive decision from him. I recommend to everyone else to slaughter him for tediousness; I don't think anyone will judge us for this. But just let him attack first (cheat him properly).
Phew. We return to Arion, we receive confirmation of our prowess.
These guys know exactly which side of the sandwich the butter is on. Pay them, pay and pay again. Their votes are worth almost three and a half thousand in total.
The Hlaalu dwell in the glorious city of Vivec.
Crassius Curio in the Foreign Quarter, Hlaalu Section, costs 1000 gold. Yngling Half Troll (Canton of St. Olms, Yngling Manor) will cost as much as two thousand, if you do not wish to take the trouble of killing him. Drum Bero (Haunted-Manor on the same square, behind a locked door) will vote for free. Velanda (Telvanni canton, Omari Manor) - similarly.
Orvas Dren (lives on his own plantation north of Vivec) is not sold for money. You can chat him up with your Speech (up to 90 reputation) and convince him that you are going to... protect Morrowind from the Empire. If you tell him that you want peace in Morrowind, he will attack you and you can kill him. Finally, you can take his key (on the first floor, on the table), kill the guards and open the locked chest with a trap; there, in addition to all sorts of valuables, there is a wonderful compromising evidence on our steadfast adviser. It will serve to his conviction in the best possible way.
Nivena is found near Dren, north of his plantation. Her estate is on the road to Suran. She doesn't need money.
Having enlisted the support of all this brethren, return to Crassius and receive the title of Mentor and mentor's belt.
Test Five: Ash Tribes
Here we have to unite the four tribes of ashtrays: Urshulaki, Ahemmuza, Zainab and Erabenimsum, convincing them that you are the true Nerevarine. Many prefer to complete this mission before the previous one, since at the time of receiving them you are already at Ursulaka.
Sul-Matuul is easy to convince, since he already knows you well. Tell him only about the need (need) and duty (duty). He will recognize you as Nerevarine without much torment and will give you the Tooth of Ursulaka as a sign of this. Nibani will tell you where to look for other tribes.
Find their camp like this. Take the northern route from Urshulaki, follow the coast west to Huul (you may have to swim). Talmeni Drethan at the port will take you to Dagon Fel. Hema will take you from there to Tel Mora, and from there Thonas Telvanni to Vos. Go north along the coast until it starts to turn sharply; not far from here to the southwest is the desired camp.
First of all, you need to find, of course, the Mudra yurt (north-west of the camp). Sinnammu Mirpal will ask you to talk first with Kausi, Dutadalk and Yenammu. Look for the Kausi and Dutadalka yurts. They don't require anything special from you.
Sinnammu wants the ashtrays to be able to migrate to Ald Daedroth safely.
Ald Daedroth - directly north of the camp, and you have to swim there, and it's long and nasty. At the temple, you will meet Drores Arvel, who is involved in a small brawl and will cope without your help. Tell him you've come to rob the temple. Come in. You will be attacked by guards (one of them with a paralyzing sword). Go to the inner part of the temple, kill the golden saint and the dremora. After that, return to Ahemmusa and arrange a Wise excursion to Ald Daedroth. She will agree to recognize you as the Nerevarine and give you the stone of Ahemmus.
Zainab live near Ahemmus, go from their camp to the southwest. On the way you will come across the tomb of Nerano; clear it and kill the vampire. At the crossroads, go southeast, at the next one, choose southeast again, then south, and south again. Here is the parking lot of Zainab.
Look for a yurt... who do you think? Wise, of course. She will send you to Ash Khan Kaushad. He will have to be bribed to support your claims. Besides, he will want the death of the vampire Calvario... how fortunate that you have already laid to rest this unpleasant gentleman. But this is not enough for the greedy khan: give him also ... a wife. Yes, not anyhow, but Telvanni. Sunnammu can advise you on Khan's tastes; what you need can be bought from Savil Imain at the slave market in Tel Arunn and pass off as a full-blooded Telvan woman.
Tel Arunn is southeast of the Zainab camp, but first you should stock up in the city of Vos with funds to mislead the khan. For example: Telvanian musk (in the Arelet pharmacy) and special (exquisite) shirt, skirt, shoes (Eleynan). Now look for Savil Imain, tell her about special clothes, ask for something special. In exchange, she will demand musk and 1200 gold (ehma!). Retrieve Slave Faluru Llerva and deliver her to Kushad. He will be overjoyed and proclaim you whatever you want.

After you manage to pronounce this name, no trials will frighten you anymore, right?
Sail to Sadrith Mora and from there to Tel Fir. A tribe with an obscene name, where we were sent, in the southwest.
The local Wise has a long list of people from whom she would like to rid the world. Ulat-Pal, Ahaz, Ranabi, Ashnu-Ahkhe. They all live nearby, have fun. Do not forget to rob the bodies (although I know you, what about what, but no one needs to be reminded of this!). Now we need to convince a certain An-Ammu to become the next Ash Khan. Chat with him and give the clothes taken from the dead, the fiery heart and the axe. If you are especially tempted in verbiage, you can convince him without gifts.
After that, you will be proclaimed Nerevarine here and will be given another iconic item.
high priest
The High Priest, Lord Toler Saroni, wishes to see you. It's in Vivec, in the temple canton. Danso Indules (in front of the temple) will order to let you in. Pass the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice, go up the stairs and pick the lock in High Fanes. Talk about church doctrine with the high priest. He will arrange a meeting with Lord Vivek and give you the key to his church, as well as to the lock you just picked.
Talk to Vivek, accept a magical item from him and ask how to destroy Dagoth Ur. You receive an action plan; it remains to take a ticket for a tick and depart for Balmora.
Red Mountain and the Seven Vampires
Do you like to cut vampires, gentlemen? Retail, wholesale and by battalion?
South of Balmora, follow the east road to the path to Caldera. Walk along it just a little bit - and climb the hill. Cross the bridge, go down - and you will reach the altar of the Daedra. Here is the Ghost Gate. In the towers of Dawn and Dusk, replenish your equipment.
The map of the Red Mountain will not hurt you very much. It can be obtained from priests. If everything is ready, go. Flip the switches to open the Mountain.
You don't have to kill the first vampire. But killing is better. It will be easier to deal with Dagoth Ur.
Dagoth Uthol lives in the Kogorun Cave, east of Veminal. It's right at the entrance, you won't have to look for a long time. (Some choose to kill him as early as the third trial.) The easiest way is to lure him somewhere where he gets stuck and poke him with arrows, but you can do it in a fair fight. Don't forget to remove the belt from your body.
Dagoth Endus - the second - is also an optional program. Go north of the Gate, at the mines of Yassu, turn northwest. At the wall - to the north. This is how you find Endusal. Vampire - in the room on the left, kill and rob him.
Dagoth Tureinul can also be pardoned, but not necessary. His lair is northeast of Dagoth Ur's stronghold. He himself is in the library.
Dagoth Arainis does not live in the mountains at all, but near Berandas. You can't kill him either. Get to Ald-Run, from there with a tick to Gnisis, swim across the river to the northeast - and you will fall into Berandas. To the east of it is a place called Mamaka, the Temple of Awakening, and further on, the Temple of Black Hope. That's where he, my dear, sits.
The necessary part of the task begins with Dagoth Ordos. He lives at the Dwemer academy in Ordosal. Take the amulet and key. Climb the stairs and find an item called The Keening.
Dagoth Vemin is found near Dagoth Tureynul, in the fortress.
You will meet Dagoth Gilvot on the way to Dagoth Ur, on the north side of his citadel. Go down into the crater and you will see a door with a steel button (like the one in the Dwemer dungeon). Nearby is a lever that must be turned to open the door. Go down the stairs, go around the hole in the floor and jump into the next one. Go through two doors, turn right before the third one. There you will see the seventh vampire. Kill him and move on.
Dagoth Ur
Here he is, Dagoth Ur, about whom the Bolsheviks, imperial spies and other ashtrays have been talking for so long.
Take a good rest before entering his abode and conjure yourself everything that is more or less useful that you have.
Talk to him. If you have Wraithgaurd (from Lord Vivec), Keening (from Dagoth Ordos) and Sunder (from Dagoth Vemin), fight him or he won't attack you. When you defeat him, he will disappear and the door will open; before entering, rest again and clean yourself up. Equip Wraithgaurd and Sunder (in that order, otherwise you won't get hurt). Prepare a potion of levitation, or at least slow fall. Instead of a weapon, take Keening and hit the heart on the floor five times. Do not pay attention to enemies, except for a huge robot, which you will have to fly or jump to. Hit the heart with Sunder. Change weapons again to Keening, and hit the heart five times. After that, the adversaries will disappear, run across the bridge and make sure that the robot has disappeared too. On the way back, meet Azura, watch the cartoon and get the ring.
Dagoth Ur's lair has been cleared.
Actually, that's all: the task is completed, general splendor has come. But the game doesn't end, and you can do it to your heart's content. side quests and secure a place for your hero in the hot Morrowind sun.

Spear of Bitter Mercy
Bow of Shadows
Fang of Heinecktnamet
Dagger of Symmachus
golden mark
Ice Blade of the Monarch
Mace of Molag Bal
Mace of Corruption
Skull crusher
Staff of Hasedoka
Staff of Magnus
Sword Umbra
Judgment of Veloth

Now about the blacksmith. This is the orc Yagak gro-Gluk and he is in the Hall of Masters. Go there and give him the shield first. He will say that the spike on the top of the shield does not fit into the general concept and will break it into two parts: a piece of a blade and a simple Dwemer shield. Then give Yagak all three pieces of the blade and he will say that he will finish it in two days. Return to Yagaku in two days, and he will give you a blade, though not enchanted. Talk to Yagak about this, and he will say that you need to go down to the ruins of Bamz-Amsshend and look for the writings of the Dwemer mystic Radak Stungthumz. Go down into the ruins, go to Radak's Forge and go into the first room with the giant robot. Ba, and here is Radak himself, though in a dissected form. Talk to him, and he will send you to the Daedric ruins of Min Dhrur for pyroyl resin (You can get to the Daedric ruins by blowing up a stone blockage in the walker's passage). Next, travel to Min Dhur Citadel and kill the Dremora leader Khash-Ti Dhrur. Once you have the resin, return to Radak and he will enchant your blade. You can now return to Almalexia

Mad God
Location: High Chapel, Almalexia

Last task!
Prepare for it in all seriousness. Stock up on Jump Potions 40 or higher. Also get some speed potions so you can get it up to 150 points. Also take some potions that increase strength (you need to pump it up to 100 and above). You will also need your best armor, spells, potions and repair hammers.
When you're ready, talk to Almalexia again and she'll tell you that you need to stop Sotha Sil, who has gone mad and is now threatening all of Tamriel. Almalexia believes that Sotha Sil was responsible for the attack on Mournhold. Once the conversation is over, you will find yourself in the Clockwork City of Sotha Sil, a dungeon under Cyrodiil.

The Clockwork City is a fairly straight forward dungeon with a bunch of traps and fabricators you've already met in Plaza Brindisi Dorum
The first serious trap is located in the Kaziya Dome. These are axes that go back and forth along the perimeter of a short corridor in several rows. To get through these axes, drink potions that increase your speed up to 150 points and try to get through. If it doesn't work, then try to catch the frequency of movement of the saws and slip through in this way.
The next puzzle is a small room with an arrow running around the perimeter. To solve this puzzle, drink a jump potion (at least 40 points), stand in the middle of the room, but opposite the passage and when the arrow is behind you, try to slip into the passage. It's very difficult and time consuming, but I hope you can handle it.
Another mystery to look out for is the one in the Serlin Dome. Once you are there, you will see a small hood with a door, as well as two levers on the right side of the hood. These levers control two doors, one that you can see and another that you need to exit through. First, pull the left lever, and as soon as the sound that the manufacturer reproduces is heard, pull the right lever and the second door inside the cap will open. Run quickly there. If you don’t succeed the first time, try again, since the number of attempts you have is not limited (By the way, every time you try, you will have to fight with one manufacturer. In addition, before each attempt, check that both levers are highlighted in red).
In the next room, you need to have a strength of 100 or higher in order to activate the platform control lever, which will take you to the next room. Rest, mend your armor, pick up the best weapon(Default, "True Flame") and enter the next room, the "Dome of Imperfection". As soon as you enter it, you will be attacked by a huge mechanical monster called "Imperfection". Dealing with him will be difficult, but possible. Once you're done with him, take a rest and get ready to enter the Sotha Sil Dome.
As soon as you enter the dome, you will find Sotha Sil hanging from one of his creations.
Apparently, he was mutilated by inhuman forces. Click on the corpse and turn to the door you came from. Bah, yes, this is Almalexia, though in some strange mask. She will tell you about her plans, about how she wants to unite all the people of Morrowind under her command, and that you were to fall here according to her plan. Once she draws her weapon, save the game and fight her. Almalexia will be one of the toughest opponents in the game. Once you kill her, remove the ring from her body and use it. Regardless of your efforts to get to Vivec or stay in Sotha Sil, you will be transported to Mournhold. Exit the temple and talk to Daedra Azura. She will say that Almalexia's death was a blessing, and as a sign of love for the Dunmer, Azura will cancel the ash storms in Mournhold. All game over. Now you can go to Helseth (If he is alive) and tell him about your adventures. He will be very happy and will give you a full set of royal guard armor. Now you can talk to Plintius Mero, Barenziah and Vivek. From them you can also learn a lot of interesting things.

The game begins after the protagonist is awakened from sleep by a neighbor in the hold named Jiub. This is followed by the process of creating a character: the choice of skills, main and important skills, race, etc. All this action ends in the office Cellus Gravius. He will give the protagonist first task, from which the main plot of Morrowind originates.

You need go to Balmora and find there Kaya Cosades, and then send him a message presented by Sellus. The easiest way to get to Balmora is by silt strider- one of the main ways to travel in the world of Morrowind.

Upon arrival in Balmora, head to northeast Part of city. There you will find Kai's house. Give him the papers and ask for a job. First of all, the master spy will send you to gain experience. Ignore his advice and talk to him second time while not forgetting to ask about the task.

Dwemer puzzle in exchange for information about the Sixth House

Travel to the Dwemer Ruins Arkntand. They are to east from Balmora and northeast of the Fort Lunar Butterfly. To get inside, you need turn the lever on the pipe at the entrance.

Entering Arkntand, go down deep into the stone ledges, past the hole in the wall. Having reached the right place, you will become the object of attack by two bandits. Having emerged victorious from such a dishonest fight, climb the balcony along the stone ledges and enter the room called " Cells of an empty hand". In this room on the shelf to the left of the entrance you will find the desired Dwemer puzzle.

When you get what you need, come back. to the Guild of Fighters to Hasfat Antabolis. Having given him the Dwemer puzzle, be sure to ask about the sixth house, after which Hasfat will give a message to Kai Cosades, which must be taken to the quest giver.

Favor for Sharn gra-Muzgob or search for the skull of Llevul Andrano

You found out about the Sixth House, now Kai Cosades sends you to get information about cult of the Nerevarine, or to be more precise, to the Balmorskaya Mages Guild, to some Sharn gra-Muzgob. Everything will happen according to the old scheme. A favor is required from you in exchange for information. The Mages Guild is located on the western bank of the river dividing the city in half, in the northeastern part of Balmora Square, next to the Fighters Guild.

Sharn gra-Muzgob will ask you to get it for her Llevula Andrano's skull, which you will find in his Ancestral Tomb of the same name. Take a silt strider to Seyda Nin, and from there follow the east road towards Pelagiad. The tomb is in the south from it, and to the west from a small lake. Skull you will find in northern room of the tomb. Having acquired the desired part of the departed Llevul Andrano, return to Balmora and give it to Sharn gra-Muzgob. Again, do not forget to ask about the information you are interested in. Having received notes on the cult of the Nerevarine, return to Caius Cosades with a report.

Further gathering of information about the Nerevarine and the Sixth House

The Blademaster sends a hero on a quest three personalities who, apparently, have similar views on the history of Nerevarine and the Sixth House. All of them are located in Vivec - the capital of Morrowind.

  • Mehra Milo. She is a priestess of the Temple and spends all her time in Hall of Wisdom Library. Mehra will tell you that there is an opinion about the falsity of the three gods of the Tribunal. For a detailed acquaintance with this point of view, you need to find a book called Promotion of Truth. The first instance is in the secret library of the temple. Go to the Hall of Justice. There, find the Office of the Order of the Watch, the entrance to the Secret Library will be in the floor under the carpet, in the far right corner of this room. There is a similar hatch in the Judicial Offices of the Hall of Wisdom. You will find the book on the shelf closest to the entrance from the Court Office. Another copy Jobasha has. His shop is located in the Outlander Quarter, on the Lower Belt, on the western side of it.
  • Huleya. you will find it in the tavern Black Shulk located in the Lower Belt of the Foreign Quarter. In exchange for information, he will ask you to accompany him to his friend at the Jobashi Bookshop. However, not all so simple. Huleya is waiting in the tavern two, he said, are racist. If you don't want more trouble, just bribe them. Otherwise, you will be forced to break through to the bookstore with a fight. After seeing the Argonian to the right place, the store, if you forgot, is located on the same belt, on the opposite side from the inn, ask Huleya about the Nerevarine cult, and get a note from him with the information you are interested in.
  • Addhiranirr. You can find her in the dungeons of the District of St. Olmes, or to be more precise, in their northeastern part. What is she doing there? It's simple - hiding from the tax collector, and in order for Addhiranirr to help you, you need to somehow get this tax collector to get away. The picker's name is Duvianus Platorius. He walks in a dress and an expensive shirt around the Belt of St. Olms, two floors above the dungeons where Addhiranirr hides. We speak with the annoying agent and send him on the wrong track hiding Argonian. Allegedly, she took a gondola to the mainland and was like that. After all that has been done, we return to Addhiranirr. As a reward for your help, she will share with you information about the Cult of the Sixth House (the main thing is not to forget to select the desired line in the dialogue).

Ready. Gathering all the necessary information go back to Caius Cosades with a report.

Gift for Ashlander Hassuru

The time has come to take a deeper look into everything that happens in the province of Morrowind. And who else but its indigenous inhabitants Ashlanders have accurate knowledge of the affairs of the days of the past. Therefore, you need to ask one of them. Master Spy will send you to Hassuru Zainsubani in Aldrun.

You will find Hassur in the tavern Ald Scar, which is located in the northwestern part of the city. In order for Ashlander, who left his tribe, to tell you about the cult, you need to present him with some kind of gift poetry book or just increase his confidence in the hero (bribery, persuasion). After the manipulations, Hassuru will share the information you are interested in about the Ashlanders, and you can return to Kai Cosades with a clear conscience.

Beginning of the Trials from the Legend of the Nerevarine

What a twist. It turns out that the Emperor himself believes in the prophecy of the Nerevarine. Moreover, he believes that Nerevarine may be exactly main character . To clarify all the circumstances, Kai Cosades sends the protagonist to Camp Urshilaku, so that he met with the heads of the Cult of the Nerevarine, who should test him and find out if the Emperor's hopes are true.

The spells "Mark", "Return" and "Levitation" will make your life much easier when completing these quests.

Camp Urshilaku is located on northwest of the island. Travel to Huul and move northeast along the coast past the ruins of the Daedra Assurnabitashpi. Soon you will see the Ashlander camp - this is the Urshilaku Camp.

Favor one of the local natives and say that you have fulfilled part of the prophecies about the Nerevarine. After that you will be sent to Zabamundu. His yurt is on southwest camp. When talking with Zabamunda, say that you have found out about the Sixth House and the Cult of the Nerevarine, after which you will receive permission to speak with the Heads of the Nerevarine Cult you need: Sul-Matuulom and Nibani Mesa.

Trust Urshilac - Rite of Initiation

The first step is to meet with matuulom. His yurt is located next door, to the right of Zabamund's yurt. The head of the Urshilaku tribe will offer undergo the Rite of Initiation. It is included in Finding Luca Bone Gnawer, which can be found in Burial Caves of Urshilaku. The caves are located on southeast of camp Urshilaku and in the northeast of the Falasmarion fortress.

The bow you need is located in the Burial Caverns of Urshilaku branch called " Great burial”, in its southeastern part on the body of a ghost. Having received the desired item, return to Sul-Matuul. After passing the rite of initiation, the head of the Urshilaku tribe will call the hero a friend of the Clan and will allow you to ask the right questions Nibani Mesa- shamans of the tribe. Her yurt is located in the north of the Camp.

The shaman will tell you a lot of interesting things about the prophecy and about the seven trials, also called " seven visions". So much information has fallen that it's time to share it with Spymaster Kai. Return to Balmora and report to him what you have learned.

Attack on the Base of the Sixth House - Infection with Corprus

While Kai ponders what he heard, you need to defeat base of the Sixth House, which is located in Ilunibi cave. For details, the Master Spy will send you to Fort Motley Butterfly to Raese Pullie. The fort is located south of Aldrun. In general, some useful information Raesa won't share with you. The only thing you will hear sensible is the advice to ask the residents Gnaar Moka about the base of the Sixth House, which you should do.

Gnaar Mok is located in the western part of the island. Take a silt strider from Aldrun to Hoool and from there by boat to Gnaar Mok. From the words of the locals, you will learn that Ilunia, the Base of the Sixth House, is located on northern tip of the island. You will find the entrance to the cave on a hill called " Cliff Hartag". It's time to pay a visit to your mysterious enemies. Move northwest from Gnaar Mok along the wooden platform and soon you will come across the entrance to the cave you need.

Your goal Dagoth Gares. It is located in the northern part of the Ilunibi branch called " Soul Rattle". After entering the caves, move south past the first corridor, and then keep to the left all the time. Soon you will see the entrance to the "Black Heart" branch, through which you will fall into the Soul Rattle.

Dagoth Gares will try to lure the hero to the side of the Sixth House. Of course, it would be great to try yourself as an antagonist, but this branch is not implemented in the game. After talking with Gares, you will be attacked by him, and after defeating him, you will receive Curse of Corprus. The worst thing is that there is no cure for this disease, but do not despair, maybe Kai Cosades knows what to do in this situation. After completing the assignment, return to the Blademaster.

The Cure of Corprus - The Second Trial of the Reborn Nerevarine

Kai Cosades suggests searching ways to cure corprus at Divaita Fira. You can find it in Tel Fire, a fortress located southwest of Sadrith Mora. The easiest way is to use the services of the Guild of Mages and teleport to Sadrith Mora, and then, using the Water Walking potion or the corresponding spell, get to Tel Fir.

Divayth Fir is located in his chambers on the upper levels of the tower. Necessary levitate to him through a hole in the ceiling. Before trying to cure the disease, Divayt will offer you to proceed to the corprusarium and see for yourself what the so-called divine infection leads to, and at the same time pick up a pair of boots at Yagrum Bagarn. By the way, Yagrum is the last of the Dwemer who have gone into oblivion. You will find this unfortunate one in Bowels of the Corprusarium, in northeastern its parts. Once you've obtained the Dwemer Boots you need, return to Divayth Fir.

Before giving you the cure, Divayt will say something about side effects in the form of character death. Oh yes, and God bless him, there is no choice. And lo and behold, after the hero takes the medicine, the disease will recede. It's time report Caius Cosades about it.

Visit to the Ministry of Truth - the search for Mehra Milo

After receiving the news, Kai will upgrade the hero to Agent and appointed head of the Blades in Vvardenfell. Also the Master Spy will give my last assignment. You must go to the Halls of Wisdom located in the Temple of Vivek and meet Mehra Milo there. You won't find it in the library. Therefore, look for Mehra in her apartment, which are located right there in the Halls of Wisdom.

Apparently something went wrong. She is not in Mehra Milo's chambers either.. However, on the chest of drawers to the left of the entrance is a note addressed to "Amaya". Remembering what the Master Spy said, we conclude that Mehra Milo is in trouble. The only place they could lock up the poor thing Ministry of Truth. Before you go to rescue the prisoner, take two scrolls with you Divine Intervention.

Ministry of Truth is a floating fortress right above the temple. Therefore, except with the help of levitation, there is no way to get there. Having collected the things necessary for salvation, go to the rescue of Mehra Milo. Levitating into the Ministry, Talk with Alveloy Saram at the lower entrance to the Processing Hall. Tell her you have an appointment. After that, a cooperative resident will share with you the key to the doors of the Ministry of Truth. Also, if your character has the appropriate skills, you can simply open the door with a master key or a spell.

Once inside you become an object Ordinator attacks. You can finally avenge their rants like "We're watching you little one." Having dealt with the offenders, go to prison of the Ministry of Truth. Mehra is located in south chamber. Share the Scroll of Divine Intervention with her, after which she will make an appointment for you at Monastery of the Apostate Priests, which is located on Holamayane. That's where you should go.

Temple of the Apostate Priests Holamayan

Holamayan is located south of Sadrit Mora and on northeast from the Dwemer ruins Nchurdami. Temple opens magic shield only at dusk and dawn. After waiting for the right time of day, go inside. Mehra Milo will be waiting for you at east side of the temple. She will advise you to talk about the prophecies with the abbot of the temple of the Priests of the Apostates - Gilvas Barelo, fortunately he is standing nearby. He will share with the hero By a lost prophecy, to be delivered to Camp Urshilaku Nibani Mese.

After giving the prophecies, talk to Nibani Mese again and you will hear her verdict that the hero can indeed be the Nerevarine. However, five trials still lie ahead.

Proof of Immunity from Corprus

To prove your resistance to Corprus, refer to Sul Matuulu- the leader of the tribe Urshilaku. He will send the protagonist to Kogorun and asks to bring three things from there:

  • Body tears.
  • Chalice with the mark of the House of Dagoth.
  • Shadow Shield.

Fortress Kogorun located northeast of Maar Gan and on southeast of Camp Urshilaku.

  • Tears of Corprus you can get with Hunter Corps either with Corprus cripples, which abound in Kohornuy. In general, whatever you find will do. This part of the test shouldn't be a problem.
  • Shadow Shield you will find in the northwestern part of the Kogorun location, called bleeding heart.
  • Chalice of the House of Dagoth is in Cathedral of the Women of Pollock, in the southeastern part of the Kogorun Fortress.

Once you've found everything Sul-Matuul asked for, head back to Camp Urshilaku. Showing the Chalice, Shield and Tears of Corprus, the hero will convince the Ashlanders of his ability to resist a terrible infection.

Passage of the third test - Search for the ring "Moon and Star"

The third test will be the search Azura's rings called "Moon and Star", which is located in the cave of the Incarnation. She is located on northeast slope of the Red Mountain, west of Tel Vos. The door to the Cave of the Incarnation opens only at dawn when Azura's Star shines. What, in fact, you will learn by trying to open it at any other time. After entering the cave, take the Moon-and-Star ring from the hands of Azura's statue and you will see a vision of the rest of the trials ahead of you.

After all that's been done return to Camp Urshilaku to Nibani Mesa and tell her what happened.

Trial Four - Mentor of the Great Houses of Vvardenfell

The fourth test on the path of the Nerevarine will be union of the four great houses Vvardenfell. Well, the task is not easy, but stopping halfway is somehow not heroic.

Master of the Great House Hlaalu

Councilors of House Hlaalu located in Balmora, in the western part of the city. Talk with Nileno Dorvayn. She will refuse to help you directly, however, she will advise you to contact Crassius Curio, who lives in Vivec. That is where your path lies.

  • Crassius Curio. He is in the location Vivec, Hlaalu Settlement, Plaza: Curio Estate. Crassius Curio will agree to support your candidacy if you give him 1000 drakes. He will also share useful information about the sequence in which to earn the trust of advisors.
  • Drum Bero. You can find it in the location Vivec, St. Olmes County, Plaza, Haunted House. Apparently he does not really like to be in sight and specially settled in such a place that scares people away. He will support the hero simply because he found it.
  • Yngling Half Troll. Lives in location Vivec, St. Olmes' District, Yngling Manor. He will support you if you give him 2000 drakes. Well, or you can just kill him, you decide.
  • Orvas Dren. You will find it on Dren Plantations, west of Pelagiad and northeast of Vivec. Here you need to be careful. To get started, win over Dren by bribery or persuasion. Then ask to be supported as the House Hlaalu Guide. To his question, why on earth should he give you this vote, select the topic: "Tell your story." Orvas Dren will not appreciate your attempts and will refuse. After that, talk to him about Hlaalu's Mentorship a second time. As a result, an additional answer option will appear: “In order to unite the people and Expel the Empire". Select her. Now Dren will agree to support you, and also undertakes that his friends Welanda Omani and Nivene Ulis will also give you their votes.
  • Nivena Ulis. She resides in the west of Suran. Take the road north of the city, then turn west and walk across the bridge. Soon you will see her estate. If you have achieved consent of Orvas Dren, then Nivena Ulis will agree to give you her vote.
  • Welanda Omani. You will find her estate on an island east of Vivec, Telvanni Settlement. Same situation with her voice. convinced Orvas Dren, agree and Omani.

Enlisting support all Councilors of the House of Hlaalu, go to Crassius Curio(Vivec, Hlaalu Settlement, Plaza, Curio Manor). He will appoint you as Master of the House of Hlaalu.

Mentor of the Great House Redoran

You will find House Redoran Councilors in Aldrun. They camped under a large scrub in the Manor District, the northern part of the city. You should start with Athina Sarethi, as others will simply refuse to help you.

  • Sergio Athin Sareti. You will find it in western part of the Estates District Aldrun. To get his support, you need rescue his son from captivity, which is locked in Venim Manor - the southeastern part of the Manor District. Varvur Sarethi is under lock and key in the Right Wing of the Venim dwelling. You will find the entrance to the room immediately to the right of the stairs. It is hidden behind a tapestry and guarded by a guard in Dwemer armor, so be careful. Return the captive son to Athin Sarethi and he will agree to support you as the Mentor of House Redoran.
  • Miner Arobar. He resides in the northeastern part of the Aldrun Estates District and will support you if you have achieved the vote of Athin Sarethi.
  • Garisa Lletri. Lives in the northwestern part of the Aldrun Estates District. It will also support you only after fulfilling the request of Atin Sarethi.
  • Hlaren Ramoran. South- Western part District of the estates of Aldrun. He will cast his vote only after Athin Sarethi supports you as the Mentor of House Redoran.
  • Brara Morvain. You can find her in Aldrun, Manor District, Council Chamber Redoran(northwestern part). She will support you, like everyone else, only after completing the task of Athin Sarethi.

Enlisting support from all mentors, go to Bolvin Venim. His house is located in the southeastern part of the Aldrun Manor District. Challenge Bolvin to a duel. The battle will take place in Vivec at the Arena where you should go. Having defeated such a serious opponent in a fair fight, go to Aldrun to Athin Sarethi and he will proclaim you Master of House Redoran.

Master of the Great House Telvanni

To talk with mere mortals, the Councilors of the House of Telvanni use the so-called voices, which are located in the location Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House (western part of the city). In fairness, it should be noted that talking with the voices of the Telvanni councilors will not give you anything other than information about the location of these same councilors. But it's still better than nothing at all.

  • Mister Neloth. Located in location Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga Tower, Tel Naga Upper Tower. To get to him, you need to levitate to the uppermost floors of his chambers. Neloth will support you if you place it on you(bribery, persuasion).
  • Mr. Arion. His Tel Vos tower is located west of Tel Mora. He will agree to support you as a Mentor of the House of Telvanni, and will also recommend dealing with the Archmage Gothren, since Arion simply sees no other way out of the situation.
  • Mrs. Drata. Located in his tower Tel Mora, on the upper floors. To start arrange Drata to yourself by bribery or persuasion, and then ask for her vote, to which she will refuse. Then talk to her again and select " fall at your feet and pray”, after which you will receive her support.
  • Mistress Terana. Stays in location Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Terana's Chambers. When talking to her, select "Tell your stories and quickly ask to be a Mentor". Only in this way will an old woman out of her mind vote for you.
  • Archmagister Gothren. Located at Tel Arun Tower, which is located northwest of Sadrit Mora. He will refuse to proclaim you Master of House Telvanni, so follow Arion's advice and kill the arrogant mage. After that, return to Tel Vos and Arion will proclaim you Mentor of House Telvanni.

Ready, Fourth test on the way to the fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Nerevarine executed. Return to Nibani Mesa at Camp Urshilaku.

Passing the fifth test of the Seven Visions - uniting the Ashlander tribes

In order to pass the fifth test, you need unite the four tribes Ashlanders: Zainab, Erabenimsun, Azemmuz and Urshilaku.

Urshilaku Nerevarine

Everything is simple here, Sul-Matuul will proclaim you Urshilaka Nerevarine for past merits. The main thing, ask the shaman first Nibani Mesa to have the Chief corresponding item appeared in dialogue.

Ahemmusa Nerevarine

This Ashlander tribe is located north of Vos off the coast of Vvardenfell. To start, you should talk to one of the gulaghans Tribes: Causi, Duthadalk, Yenammu. Their yurts are located in the northeast of the camp. The Gulakhans will advise you to mention the possibility of you finding a safe place for Ahemmus in a conversation with the shaman.

Sinnammu Mirpal, that's the name of the shaman, will ask you to clear the Daedric ruins for his tribe Ald Daedroth. They are to north of Camp Ahemmusa, on the farthest island. After clearing the ruins, return to Mirpal and lead her to the Inner Sanctuary of Ald Daedroth, straight ahead to the statue of Shigorad(you need to put it on a pedestal). After that, the shaman will talk to you. Ask her to call you Nerevarine and she will do it.

Nerevarine Zainab

The camp is located southwest of Vos. Talk with Kaushad- Ashkhan of the Zainab tribe. Win him over by bribery or persuasion. After that, ask them to call you Nerevarine, and in the subsequent dialogue, choose " Ask for a task". Ashkhan will ask to expel Vampira Calvario from the Ancestral Tomb of Nerano. You will find the tomb in the north-northeast of the camp and in the west of Tel Vos. Having dealt with the vampire, return to Kaushad. Do you get the feeling that everything just worked out so easily? That's right, returning to the Zainab Camp and reporting on the fulfillment of the request, you will receive one more task.

You need find a bride for Kaushad. Yes, not simple, but from high-born. You don’t need to run and offer marriage to everyone in a row. To get started, talk to Shaman of the Zainab Camp. Ask Sonummu Zabamat how to find a wife for Kaushad - Ashkhan of the Zainab tribe, and she will explain everything to you in detail.

Need to go to Tel Arun(the tower is located west of Sadrit Mora). There you should find the slave trader Saville Imain and tell her that you need a beautiful Dunmer slave. To make candy out of a slave you will need: Fine Shoes, Fine Shirt and Fine Skirt. All this you can buy in Tel Mora at a clothing merchant. I'll be ahead of the curve and say that, among other things, you will also need Telvanni's Burning Musk (Tel Arun, Apothecary). After collecting the necessary, return to Imaya in Tel Arun and buy a slave from her.

Give Falura to Llerv all the items of Fine Robe and lead to Ashkhan of the Zainab tribe. After you give him the purchased slave as a bride, he will call you the Nerevarine Zainab.

Nerevarine Erabenimsunov

The tribe is located southwest of Sadrit Mora and north of Molag Mar. Necessary immediately talk to the shaman Manirai. From her words it becomes clear that brute force is indispensable. In order to be called Nerevarine Erabenimsun, need to kill ashkhan of the Ulat-Pala tribe and his henchmen, and then help Khan-Amm become the head of the Erabenimsuns. It would be said.

Ulat-Pal and Ahaz are in the Ashkhan's yurt, and Ashu-Akhkhe and Ranabi are right next door. Sending into the world another warlike part of the tribe, pick up from the phone Enemies defeated: Robe of Assur-Abanba, Fiery Heart of Sanit-Kil, Ax of Ayran-Ammu. Then give them to Khan-Amm, after which he will agree to become the ashkhan of the Erabenimsun tribe. Done, now it remains only to ask to call you the Nerevarine, which Ammu will certainly do for your merits.

After you all four tribes will be called Nerevarine Ashlanders, return to Camp Urshilaku to Nibani Messa and report on the successful completion of the Fifth Test, and also ask about the next, sixth test.

Sixth Trial - Encounter with the god and search for Kagrenac's Tools

Go to location Vivec, Temple. There, at the entrance to the High Cathedral, talk to Danso Indules. He will share information on how you can get to the Archcanon. You need to find a door on the eastern level of the canal bank, and from there you can get into Sarioni's personal apartments. You can do it much easier. Go to the Hall of Wisdom, there find the door to high cathedral- it is she who leads to the chambers of Sarioni. Talk to Archcanon Toler Sarioni and he will give you the key to Vivec's quarters, where you must go. God Vivec resides in his palace- the southern part of the temple, it is hard not to notice.

  • Ghost Guardian. Talk to Vivek and he will give you The Wraithguard is one of Kagrenac's artifacts. To destroy Dagoth Ur, you need two more: the hammer-artifact Divider and the blade-artifact Cleaver.
  • Separator. You will find it in Citadel Veminal, which is located on the northwestern slope of Red Mountain, northeast of Aldrun. The hammer is found by Dagoth Vemin in Veminal, Hall of the Bracelet.
  • Cleaver. You will find it in Odrosale, a fortress on the southern slope of Red Mountain, east of Aldrun. The blade is on a pedestal in the Fortress Tower.

Seventh Trial The battle with Dagoth Ur and the release of the Heart of God Lorkhan

Gathering everything three artifacts of Kagrenac, go to the fortress Dagoth Ur- the southwestern slope of the Red Mountain, between the fortresses of Vieminal and Odrosal. To get inside the fortress you need turn the lever just south of the entrance (remember Kai's first task?).

The main antagonist of the main story quest you will find in the location Dagoth Ur, Lower Fixture, Cave of Fixtures. During the conversation, Dagoth will begin to offer an alliance, however, as I wrote above, the passage as a minion of the Sixth House by the developers is not implemented. Therefore, after ending the conversation with the "Prepare for battle" option, destroy Dagoth Ur.

The first battle will take place in the cave where you met. Here the head of the Sixth House will not pose a danger to you - he is rather weak away from the Heart. However, in Akulakhan's quarters he becomes immortal, so you need to immediately start destroying the Heart of Lochran. In order to do this, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • Hit the heart with a hammer Divider.
  • Hit the Heart with the Cleaver.
  • Keep hitting with the Cleaver until the Heart loses its power and Dagoth Ur will not be destroyed.

Unfortunately, we do not know how to perform the correct ritual and extract power from the Heart for further use and eternal life, and it seems that this is not provided by the developers.

After the destruction of the Heart exit back to the Tool Cave and continue to move towards the exit from the fortress. Before passing to the next location, the Goddess Azura will appear to you, which will mark the end of the passage of the main storyline Tes Elder Scroll III: Morrowind.


It is worth noting that the game does not end there. It never ends at all, so you can go on explore her world endlessly.

Fast paced game 7 minutes and 30 seconds. Now you can compare this he is also the last absolute) record with new().
Date: July 19, 2005.

1) Race: Orc
2) Class: barbarian
3) Sign: The Steed

Detailed instructions

Note: Not all item/location names have been translated.
original text (on English language) taken from SpeedDemosArchive.com

Seyda Neen:
4) Steal Limeware Platter from Census and Excise Office.
5) Take the ring from the barrel ( take all things).
6) Talk to Sellus Gravius, exit the room.
7) Give Fargot the ring.
8) Sell the Arrille Limeware Platter and other things from the barrel, buy the Almsivi Intervention Scroll (2x) and the Iron Battle Axe.
9) Run north, get Icarus Flight Scrolls from Tarkhiel (3x)
10) Use Almsivi's Intervention Scroll.
11) Use Scroll of Icarus Flight, jump towards Caldera. Airborne: Use the second Scroll of Icarus Flight.
12) Cast Berserk, kill Pemenie with Iron Battleaxe, pick up and equip Boots of Blinding Speed.
13) Use Almsivi's Intervention Scroll.

14) Run to the Mages Guild, go inside, hide the Iron Battle Axe.
15) Buy from Anarenen: Basic Stamina Recovery Potion ( Standard Restore Fatigue) (3x)
16) Tanar Llervi. Sell ​​her Boots of Blinding Speed, buy Scroll Of Mark and Scroll Of Leaguestep.
17) Sell Tanar Llervi Scroll Of Mark, Scroll Of Leaguestep, buy again Scroll Of Mark, Scroll Of Leaguestep.
18) Kill Tanar Llervi with Iron Battleaxe, get Scroll Of Mark (2x.), Scroll Of Leaguestep (2x), Boots of Blinding Speed, Scroll of Drathis" Winter Guest (2x), Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost (10x), Scroll of Taldam's Scorcher (2x), Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging, Scroll of Almsivi's Intervention.
19) Kill Edwinna Elbret with Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost (3x), take Sorcerer's Staff ( Wizard's Staff).
20) Use Almsivi's Intervention Scroll.
21) Use Scroll of Icarus Flight, jump to the northeast.

Red Mountain:
22) In mid-air: use Sorcerer's Staff ( Wizard's Staff).
23) Use Scroll of Mark ( Scroll Of Mark), levitate into Veminal and enter.
24) When the effect of the Berserker ends, drink a Potion of Stamina Recovery ( Standard Restore Fatigue) (3x)
25) Kill Dagoth Vemin with the Iron Battle Axe, Scroll of Drathis "Winter Guest (2x), Scroll of Taldam's Scorcher (2x), then take Sunder.
26) Use Scroll Of Leaguestep, levitate to Citadel Dagoth Ur, use Scroll Of Mark, levitate to Odrosal.
27) Unlock the door with Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging.
28) Get Keening, use Scroll Of Leaguestep.
29) Turn the lever and enter the stronghold of Dagoth Ur, levitate/run towards Dagoth Ur.
30) Sleep 24 hours, cast Berserk.
31) Kill Dagoth Ur with Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost (7x) and Iron Battle Ax.
32) Use the Staff of the Sorcerer, enter further into the cave, levitate to the Heart of Lorkhan.
33) Hit Lorkhan's Heart with Sunder.
34) Heart of Lorkhan Keening 5 times, put Keening in inventory.
35) Levitate to the end of the wooden bridge, use the Scroll Of Leaguestep.

Explanation of each step (why the appropriate action options were chosen):
1) Magic Resistance 25%.
2) Ax skill bonus, bonus to Speed ​​and Strength.
3) Speed ​​bonus +25.
4) We really need money. By the end of the game, only 1 coin remained.
5) and 7) Give the ring away to increase the respect of the merchant Arrille and, accordingly, lower prices.
6) Impossible to miss.
9) These scrolls make it possible to cover huge distances in a matter of seconds.
10) Fast way get to Balmora and then find Pemenie with the Boots of Blinding Speed.
11) Application of the second Scroll of Flight of Icarus prevents death from falling.
12) Boots of Blinding Speed ​​add +200 to Speed.
13) A quick way to get into Ald-ruhn.
14) If you hide weapons, NPC respect is higher and prices are lower.
15) Required for step number 24 ( see below).
16) Lack of money forces you to sell things.
17) Some things are constantly replenished in the merchant's inventory. But if you sell the same type of scrolls, their total number in inventory increases.
18) All the scrolls were needed in the passage. Every single one.
19) The staff allows you to levitate.
20) and 21) A quick way to get to Red Mountain.
22) Prevents death from falling, as well as a direct path to Veminal.
23) Allows you to quickly return to the place where the Mark is set ( Mark).
24) It's impossible to do anything when stamina is at zero.
25) Requires Sunder for step number 33.
28) Requires Keening for step number 34.
30) Berserk increases ax damage. And since you can only cast it once a day, you have to sleep for 24 hours.
33) and 34) These steps are needed to complete the storyline.