Slang gamers full list of words. Game terms, abbreviations, jargon and slang of online games Difficulty levels in computer games

In life, as in a computer game, there comes a moment when you need to move to the next level. For some, it turns out with great difficulty, someone makes something mysterious out of this transition, and for someone it happens absolutely spontaneously. But still, life is different from a computer game, because when you switch to new level, in life it is already impossible to go back. And it's good when you don't want to go back, when you like changes. It’s much worse when you think that nothing has changed, and you have already started a new level, even if you don’t know about it yet

It's hard when you miss someone! But if you do not have enough of them, then you are lucky! You have some special people in your life!

In life, like in the rain - there comes a moment when it's just all the same.

When faced with a choice, just flip a coin. This will not give the right answer, but at the moment when the coin is in the air, you already know what you are hoping for.

There comes a moment when you realize that in vain you let someone into your life. This person does not need you, he just had no one to spend time with.

When you know what is written in Wikipedia, this is not real erudition. Real erudition is when you know something that is not there.

And a new day is like a clean leaf,
You decide: what, where, when ...
Start it with good thoughts friend
And then everything will work out in life!

Happiness is when you don't need anything this moment besides what is already there.

Life is not what happens to us, but how we act when something happens to us.

It is impossible to solve the problem at the same level at which it arose. You need to rise above this problem by rising to the next level.

Hello friends!

A novice player is constantly confused in the game world, in particular, in slang. When you first start playing, you see that in the chat the language in which the players communicate is very similar to “Chinese writing”.

But this is only the first impression.

Getting to know me, everyone asks me what this or that word used by the player means.

The desire to introduce you to all the terminology and the ability to save a lot of time on explanations inspired me to create a list of those game terms that I use or have heard.

The article is constantly updated and supplemented. If there is something that I missed - welcome to the comments: write the missing words and I will add them to the review. And, of course, write what these words mean.

Here is a list of words I compiled to help anyone understand the game terminology:

Abila- the skill used to indicate the activity of the player.

Avapier- A character with a sniper weapon.

Avepeshnik- A person who plays counter-strike. Role in the game: sniper.

Agr- a mob or player that has aggression directed at you when approaching.

aggro, aggro- direct the aggression of the mob or the player towards themselves. Purpose: to give the opportunity to teammates in the game to fill it up.

Add is a non-playable character guarding the boss.

Addon- an add-on program for the game. Its installation requires the original version.

admin- Worst player ever. He has to control other players and punish for indecent behavior.

Aimbot/Autolock- cheat. It is used as an auto-aiming weapon.

Aka- academy. A place where low level players are trained to become clan members.

Aleni- players in the Alliance according to the Horde (Horde gamers). Another meaning is more trivial: lamers (not able to play). There is experience, but knowledge - the cat pooped.

Anded- "non-living". Means a certain race.

Armory- a room where weapons are stored.

Assault- a player who has assault rifles in his arsenal.

Assist— order to attack the object!

Afk- a situation where, leaving the computer, you leave the game turned on, and the character is “online”.

Achievement- achieve a specific goal.

Bug- a mistake by the game developer, a software glitch.

Bagger- uses bugs for their own personal purposes.

Base- The character's home country. The place where he appeared.

Ban— removal of a character due to his incorrect actions.

Chat ban- restriction of the player in using the chat (forever or for a certain period of time).

Banana- the same meaning as the term "ban".

Batla- game "Battlefield".

buff- a positive impact on the player. Gives a temporary increase in performance and defense.

BG- Abbreviation for "After the Battle".

Alcove is a game development company called Bethesda Softworks LLC. Released famous games The Elder Scrolls” and “Fallout 3”

Bija- amulets with magical properties.

Bindit- perform an action using a key.

Blink— movement of the character in a short time. Goal: Don't hit the enemy.

bomber- A player who carries a bomb with him.

Bonus- a game gift that brings players certain privileges (temporarily). Or benefit.

Boss- the strongest mob. Appears after killing all the small mobs on the level.

Bot- a program with behavior similar to real players.

brable- Internet resource Advertises computer games.

Braga army in Warcraft.

Wandered- player in similar games“roams” around the game locations.

BFG("Quake", "Doom") - hand-held weapon for mass destruction of targets (fantastic skill).

Vine- clog the air, whine and complain.

wipe— clearing data about the group game characters. The death of each member of the clan or team.

Wack- a program that fights against cheaters in the Steam system.

Walshute p is the player who jumps out of the ambush.

Oneshot- killing a monster with the first shot.

Var - war between opposing sides (these can be clans, teams or gamers).

Var - warrior. This term is used in most games.

Varik- game universe "Warcraft 3" and others.

Varchik- World of Warcraft

Vendor- a person who sells game props.

Broom- a program designed for voice communication. It's called Ventrillo.

Virpil— autopilot in aviation games such as Lock On, IL-2 and others.

Pour real- invest in the game earned money by buying game currency.

Vmzshnik- a player who buys items and game resources. Pays with virtual money.

Vover- player in "World of Warcraft".

Vovka— World of Warcraft.

Vorozheya- legendary sorceress Was. But now it has become scary and ugly.

wtf— Riot on deck! Negative opinion about everything that you don't like.

Hyde- information that helps and facilitates game adaptation (addiction). Could be a character development guide, etc.

Gama- game on the computer.

gamat- play computer games.

Gambling in pussy- about the same. Only the word "pisyuk" implies the thieves meaning "comp".

gamble- cut into the computer. games.

Gamer- gamer.

Gamka- a game installed on a computer.

Gamover- end of the game.

Ganges- sudden arrival of gopota.

nail puller- spy weapon. It can be used to kill enemies. You can use it with only a couple of rounds.

GGbeautiful game that brought victory.

Ger- game character.

GJ- good job.

Gibbs- the remains of the enemy after your shot.

gimp- the weakest among the weak.

GM (Game Master)- game administrator Keeps order.

Go- an order to move forward.

Goldfarmer- a player who trades in virtual currency and game gear.

Gosu- a great player.

goshniki- the composition of the "Alliance" ("Half-life")

Graz- praise.

Grena- military grenade.

toast- a grenade in the game "Counter-Strike"

Doubleduck- squat, performed twice.

Dagger- a warrior armed with a dagger and a sword. He has good dodge, but weak defense.

Damage- The damage the player takes or deals.

dungeon- dungeon for cleaning.

DD- in RPG games, DD is a character that is sharpened to deal damage to other players.

De-give- cards in the game "Counter strike".

Debuff- the ability of the mob, which he uses to weaken you ...

Device- device. Using it, you enter the game (it can be a mouse, keyboard, etc.).

Dedik- special server.

Dancesgame currency in the computer game Para Pa: Dancing City.

Desmatch- in this mode, you play for yourself, and everyone else - for themselves. All against all.

Defer- defender.

Defense is the reward you get when you successfully defend the flag.

DC- death Knight.

Dodik- a distant player.

small house- ship in "EVE Online"

Donat- a person who pours real money into the game. With the help of a donation, you can buy a premium and get other gaming benefits.

Drakeface- death grimace

Drop- an item that you get after defeating a mob, boss or player.

Drul- druid.

duple- destroy.

Hedgehog- high-explosive fragmentation projectile.

Gamers- players.

extra- a player who raises his statics in the game (he wants to take the highest place in the game rating).

Pedobear- has a large gaming experience, but plays against the weak. Thanks to this, he increases the statistics of his victories. Equal to noobs at high levels.

noob- novice player Often confused with deer. But a player who has some experience, by definition, cannot be called a noob. Its true name is “deer” or “Alyoshka”. He didn't learn to play.

NPS- a character belonging to the game world. Is a bot. Can give tasks or sell some things.

AoE(a well-known abbreviation among players. Common in RPG games) is a massive spell. Its influence is directed to the whole area.

bb- farewell to a person or object.

BG- The game didn't work.

CM- used during the battle of teams.

CT- terrorists acting against you.

CTF- game type.

DM- every man for himself. All against all.

ESL- European Gaming League.

fb- first blood.

fps- the number of frames per second. The higher this indicator, the better the game is.

GF— grief and despair.

GG- Good Game (good game).

Gj- praise.

GL- wish good luck to another player before the start.

GM- fixes game bugs.

HL2— game “Half-Life 2”

HP- indicates the health of the Persian.

jkee- denotes a prefix to the name of a high-level Persian.

lol- game "League of Legends".

MC- short for "Minecraft".

MP- a world with many users.

Oom- "Crap! I'm out of mana!"

PvE- the fight of players against mobs.

PvM- gamers fight with the Persians, endowed with artificial intelligence.

PvP- the battle of gamers against each other.

Rofl- violent laughter, turning into hysteria. 😀

RvR A battle between two factions.

Sry- asking for forgiveness for causing damage (example: you killed another player from your team).

STFU- Shut up (possibly): Shut up!

T- terrorists in the game "Counter Strike".

Thx- expression of gratitude (Thank you)

TVT- several teams fight for a reward.

WoW— game “World of Warcraft”

1337 - the best among all representatives of their professions. They have certain skills.

3D action- shooting game 3D.

This is the time to end. I am sure that the list will be updated regularly. Good luck!

Philosophical Fiction, or Instructions for the User of the Universe Reiter Michael



If the reader is a lover of computer games or their creator, then he is probably familiar with such a concept as the “level of difficulty” of a game.

Usually the levels of a game are as follows:

? amateur ("I will win because I'm just playing");

? trainee (“I will win if the obstacles are not big”);

? good player ("let's play fair");

? specialist (“I will win even if the opponents are stronger and they are played along”);

? deity (“I will win no matter what, even if the game is filled with ‘chaos’, opponents will be giants and there will be no friends at all, or they will be traitors and at the same time helpless, and they will have to be rescued”).

Naturally, the names of the levels and their types can differ significantly from those listed above, but the main thing here is that they are built according to the principle “from the simplest to the most complex”.

It's easy to imagine a situation where a player starts learning to play at the simplest level (usually there are hints) and wins at it; then learns to play at a more difficult level and wins; then even more difficult and wins; and so on until he learns to confidently win at the most difficult level.

It looks completely ridiculous when a player first learns to play at the most difficult level and wins; then - at an easier level and wins; and so on until you can play at the most basic level. And at the same time it would be interesting for the player to play!

The campaign is the construction of various game scenarios in order of increasing difficulty.

As a rule, the first level of the campaign refers to the level of "amateur", and the last to the level of "deity". The player who won at the previous levels of the campaign, in case of defeat at one of the levels, returns not to the beginning of the campaign, but to the beginning of the level at which he lost.

Further, in modern computer games usually there is not one campaign, but a "full range". Having won one of the campaigns, the player moves on to the next, more difficult one, and so on in the same vein. As a rule, the first levels of the next campaign are much easier than the last level of the previous one.

This can be represented as a kind of "ladder":

Having played one of the campaigns and won at the last "hellish" level, the player moves on to the next one and, at first, gets relief - the "paradise" game. This is a respite before further even more severe combat.

Thus, the built game - different difficulty levels, campaigns, sets of increasingly difficult campaigns - arouses great interest among players and is in better demand than similar games but without those things.

Considering all of the above, let's return to building a model of the virtual universe.

Definition: chain of degeneration this is the law of the virtual universe, automatically adjusting the level of difficulty of the game in such a way that the higher the class of the operator as a player, the worse the initial conditions of the game, fewer freedoms and more obstacles, as well as fewer happy accidents.

Definition: hell ladder - this is the law of the virtual universe, which means that at the end of each chain of degeneration, the operator-player automatically switches to the next chain - more difficult, but at first he gets a little respite and can relax a little.

Note: Since the universe exists for the players (as mentioned earlier), the operator may not agree with these two laws, but at the same time he must take responsibility for choosing the level of difficulty of the game and must be aware of this.

So, for example, underestimating one's strengths leads to a "terribly boring" game, and overestimating one's strengths leads to an "unbearably difficult" game. Therefore, before striving for a "heavenly carefree life" or wishing to "save the righteous from hell", the operator must at least offhand assess his abilities as a player, so as not to get into trouble later.

Statement: In the virtual universe, there must be programs that fulfill the laws of the "chain of degeneration" and the "hell ladder".

There are two options for such programs - general and individual.

General applies to everything playing field or to a large part of it and works under the leadership of the core in such a way as to systematically roll "waves of horror" (waves of cataclysms - all sorts of different crises, catastrophes, wars, etc.) on large groups of players. This is the core program of the universe, and it does not work directly with servers (except in some cases).

Individual works with each separate server of the operator. She, figuratively speaking, "puts a spoke in the wheels" of his freedoms. This is also the program of the core of the universe, although it may look like "the machinations of fallen villains" to the players.

Consequence: If a player does not play at the simplest level, his server contains "freedom limiters", that is, specially installed subroutines that do not allow "normal life".

Consequence: The elimination of active "limiters of freedom" leads to a decrease in the complexity of the game.

Consequence: If a player feels that he is playing at a more difficult level than he can win at (in his understanding), he has at least three ways to get out of the situation:

1. "Sincerely Pray" to the core of the virtual universe about easing the level of difficulty of the game (and the core will take care of this task, since it is programmed to serve the players).

2. Remove the influence of "limiters of freedom" to your own server (or at least some of them):

a) introduce counter-programs of "enlargers of freedom";

b) erase the "limiters" subroutines or turn them off.

3. Change game.

Note: The individual program of the "chain of degeneration" has one peculiarity. Upon reaching the maximum difficult level for a particular player, some of his "limiters" are blocked. Upon reaching the easiest level for a particular player, some of his previously blocked "limiters" are unlocked.

Very important Consequence: While in the game, the operator-player must play the game according to his ability, otherwise he will inevitably encounter "recoil" degeneration chains.

Levels of Orientation Philosophy is intrinsically related to orientation to such an extent that it is quite possible to speak, for example, of the "philosophy of the anthill" or of the "worldview of the amoeba." It will be funny, but understandable: to discern a kind of philosophy already at the lower levels of orientation.

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4. J. Lyotard: postmodernity as an uncontrolled increase in complexity Jean-Francois Lyotard (1924-1998) in his postmodernism relies on Kant, Wittgenstein, Nietzsche, Heidegger. He is the author of the very term "postmodern", the meaning of which is still quite

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18. Consequences of complexity theory Complexity theory states that the Universe tends to more and more complex states. At the same time, more complex states have even greater potential for the development of the Universe. Let's try to draw some conclusions from this

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Do games need difficulty levels? In my opinion, the answer to this question is obvious, of course yes. The level of difficulty can greatly change the mechanics of the game, thereby giving more interest to the process of passing. Many believe that modern games have become more casual, and practically do not cause difficulties in passing. Personally, I agree with this statement only half. Modern games have become more convenient to manage in many ways, the heroes usually have a lot of opportunities, and there are much more hints, because of the little things it has become more comfortable to play, and, accordingly, easier. And yet, many projects are really very easy to play, and very different from the "old school" games. But I would still divide modern games into two camps, those where there is a level of complexity and where it does not exist at all.

I'll start with those games where there is no difficulty level. And there are quite a few of them, I will give a few examples: the Assassin's creed, Grand game franchise theft auto, sleeping dogs and many other projects. And it seems to me that this is one of the strongest shortcomings of these games, since the complexity that the developers have made for someone is too easy, but for someone, on the contrary, it may seem difficult. Why it was impossible to make a banal difficulty level that would simply change the damage of enemies, for example, but no, the developers either do not want to spend time on this, or they simply think that their difficulty balance is optimal.

But as I already wrote, giving a higher difficulty can only maintain interest in the game, make it more intense and dynamic in passing. Or vice versa to make the game easier and easier. It is a pity that such popular and large-scale projects neglect such a seemingly small but very important feature. game mechanics. I would also like to add that complexity can add realism to the game, because it looks a little funny when main character has a problem in defeating the antagonist, but at the same time he can easily kill the whole city.

Now there are games where there is a level of complexity, there are still more such games, and here the following problems appear. And those problems are about balance. A game in which there is a high complexity should give the player the possibility of tactics and preferably freedom of action in a given situation. Let me explain what I mean. For example call game of duty, at a high level of difficulty, the gameplay turns into a terrible discomfort. There is no way to move around in the game at all, and on the "hard" game, huge crowds of enemies run at the player, which at the same time inflict the strongest damage, and all the player can do is quickly shoot crowds of bots. The gameplay is zero, the variability is the same, this complexity does not bring interest, but only annoyance from the stupid level design and the impossibility of at least some tactical maneuvers.

good example"correct" complexity can be called far cry 3. It's really interesting to play on "hard", the game has good stealth, freedom of action, choice of tactics, and the like. The player can approach the enemy from almost any direction, can kill everyone quietly, or prepare thoroughly for the mission, make a lot of first-aid kits, take large-caliber weapons and arrange a massacre. This is the gameplay at a high level of difficulty. Far cry is a game open world, which usually always has more options than in linear games, but the same Crysis or Wolfenstein, at least a little, but make the gameplay more variable.

I would also like to add a little about the most poorly balanced high difficulty level that I have ever seen in modern games. It's about about the game Hitman Absolute. The developers have managed to complicate the game not only high level reactions of enemies, as well as their number on the map. I haven’t seen anything stupider than this, the game turns into “hell”, and simply pushes the player to start a massacre, because it’s simply impossible to get through the stealth, there are ten enemies on each square meter. For a stealth action game, difficulty is very important, since in general most players who love this genre prefer difficulty. But you can’t do it this way, it would be better to take an example from Splinter cell blacklist. Enemies are sensitive, they shoot painfully, but you can bypass them, and deceive, and so on.

In general, summing up, I would like to say that the level of complexity is simply necessary thing in games. Especially in games in the open world, where the freedom of action of the player is initially emphasized. The most ideal option is when the player can adjust the difficulty for himself, but I have personally seen such advanced difficulty settings a couple of times in games. Although, given that it is 2015, it should be so, because each person is individual. But unfortunately, the developers pay little attention to this aspect, and if they do, it often turns out to be clumsy and unbalanced. I hope that in future projects we will see only progress regarding this point.