Which Pokémon are effective against Psychic. The most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Ghost Pokémon in Pokémon GO

There are currently 17 types of Pokemon in Pokemon GO. Each type, of course, has its own strengths and weak sides. And each type has its own strongest Pokémon. To clarify, we are not talking about the legendary Pokémon yet - this is another story, and we will definitely tell about them.

In this post, we have collected information about the most powerful Pokemon in each type in Pokemon GO, i.e. about those that you will definitely meet in the game. Or already met. So, in order of priority:

  • type "Normal": the strongest pokemon Snorlax(max CP - 3112)

Gamers deservedly consider him the best defender of the Halls. It is difficult to find it, Snorlaks are extremely rare in the wild. Therefore, players mainly get these Pokémon from Incubators. However, Snorlax can only hatch from 10 km eggs, and even with this one should be lucky to some extent.

  • type "Fire": the most powerful Pokemon - Arcanine (max CP - 2983)

In the TV series, Kanto Arcanine evolved from Growlith after he touched the Firestone. In Pokemon Go, this is somewhat easier: you only need to collect 50 candies to evolve Growlith into Arcanine. And also Arcanines come across in nature, not that often, but it happens.

  • type "Water": the most powerful Pokémon - Lapras (max CP - 2980)

Lapras is actually a dual-type Pokémon - Water/Ice. Well, just cute. But Lapras cannot be developed from another Pokemon. He (or her) can either be caught (if you are very lucky), or raised from a 10-km egg (you also need to get lucky). Moreover, you can find Lapras with a normal CP and pump it to the maximum from about level 25.

  • type "Electric": the strongest pokemon - Jolteon (max CP - 2140)

Jolteon can be obtained by developing Eevee. It can be random, or it can be controlled (the secret of Eevee development in Pokemon Go is here). According to legend, Joleton's fur amplifies the electrical charge that is produced in the cells of his body. In mecha, Jolteon can also generate and store negative ions and constantly crackles, creating a distinctive soundscape around Jolteon. Evies hatch from 10 km eggs, but in nature they can be found very often.

  • type "Vegetable": the strongest Pokemon - Exeggutor (max CP - 2955)

Exeggutor evolves from Exeggut and is also a dual-type Pokémon. He is "vegetative-psychic", and therefore, he also proved himself to be excellent as a defender of pokejims (Halls). Considering that there are quite a lot of wild Exegguts in the game, there are more and more powerful Exeggutors every day.

  • type "Ice": the most powerful Pokémon - Deugong (max CP - 2145)

Another "double" and also "Water / Ice". Deugong evolves from Sil. Thanks to the snow-white fluff, the Dyugong allegedly perfectly camouflages itself in the snow. Forces in the game are common (mostly near water), as in the incubator (grow from 5-km eggs). But Dudong is considered rare, therefore it is most often developed from Sil. Although for this you need to collect 50 sweets, which is not easy.

  • type "Fighting": the most powerful Pokemon - Hitmonchan (max CP - 1516)

The classic Hitmonchan started to evolve from Tyrog (through Hitmonlee and Hitmontop), but only on the condition that Tyrog's Defense was pumped better than Attack. Pokemon Go has simplified things a bit. But Hitmonchan still remained the coolest of the "fighting" Pokémon. In the game, it can be caught, or it can be grown (from 10-km eggs).

  • type "Poisonous": the most powerful Pokemon - Victreebell (max CP - 2530)

Victribells are obtained from Vipinbells, they are extremely rare in the wild and you will not find anyone else from all the poisonous CPs. This is probably why, in order to develop Viktribel from Vipinbel, you need as many as 100 Bellsprout candies. In the defense of the Hall, Victribell is also very good.

  • type "Earth": the most powerful Pokemon - Raydon (max CP - 2243)

This classic is a "double" - rock-earth Pokemon and the most powerful of all earth. Raidon from Rhyhorn develops (50 candies). Rhyhorn is advised to look for near the railway, airport and on the beaches.

  • type "Flying and Dragons": the most powerful Pokémon - Dragonite (max CP - 3500)

Finding and capturing a wild Dragonite is a pure gift in Pokemon GO. This cute little dragon has the highest Combat Power. If it was developed and pumped by a Coach of a sufficiently high level, of course. To get Dragonite, you need 100 candies. Or a 10-km egg, but Dragonites hatch from them also extremely rarely. You should look for a wild Dragonite near water bodies.

  • type "Psychic": the most powerful Pokemon - Alakazam (max CP - 1813)

Abra's final form evolves from Kadabra and is the coolest of the Psychic Pokémon. It has a physically weak body and can barely hold its head with a powerful brain. Therefore, it moves thanks to purely psychic strength. However, he is capable of a lot in combat.

  • type "Insects": the strongest Pokemon - Pinsir (max CP - 2121)

Since it is essentially a beetle, it is necessary to look for it in the fields and forests. But in Pokemon Go, Pinseers are found in parks and playgrounds, so you don't have to travel far. This is if you can’t grow one in the Incubator for a long time (10-km eggs).

  • type "Stone": the most powerful Pokémon - Aerodactyl (max CP - 2165)

"Double" - stone-flying - Aerodactyl in Pokemon Go no longer evolves into anyone. Unlike the canonical one, which evolved before the Mega Aerodactyl. According to reviews, Aerodactyl is faster to grow (10-km eggs) than to catch.

  • type "Ghost": the most powerful Pokémon - Gengar (max CP - 2078)

The final form of Gastly and one of the best Ghost Pokémon in the Kanto series. Gengar has the ability to perfectly hide in any shadow. Classical Gengar was also distinguished by an extremely mischievous disposition.

  • type "Steel": the most powerful Pokemon - Magneton (max CP - 1879)

In fact, Magneton is "electric-steel." In Pokemon Go, the "trick" of Magnetons is that you can get it pretty quickly. For the simple reason that there are a lot of previous Magnemites in the game (although it depends on the location, of course), and only 50 candies are needed to develop Magneton. And then you can pump out the top pokemon with the highest CP among all the iron ones.

  • type "Fabulous": the most powerful Pokémon - Mr. Mime (max CP - 1494)

It is a dual-type Pokémon, Fairy-Psychic. In classic Pokémon, Mister Mime evolved from Mime Jr. But since this Pokemon is not in Pokemon Go (yet), you either catch Mr. Mime or grow it. Like other Fairy Pokémon, Mister Mime is only best used to protect the Halls. And then, if you have more or less pumped his CP.


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You must have read my Journal. So I really liked the idea with the top. Yes, and probably you too. In short, I decided to make the same top, but only about the weakest ones.

I wanted it to be a secret weapon. But don't care, we're behind the Collapses.

But I wanted to do it according to the theme, and our theme is Space. As I said in the Journal, a similar type to Cosmos is Psychic. I don’t know if the Curators or Leaders will accept this as a topic. But if not, I won't be offended. Yet there is no Type Cosmos

And also this is the first part, the places here are from 10 to 6 place.

Okay enough talking, let's go see who's the weakest.


Beldum and Medicham

No, these two are strong on their own. Just because the top is long, here you have to be strong on par with Alakazam or Espeons. I like these two especially Mega Medici. Both are equal in parameters, 19 points


Espur and Wobafet

Wobafet is better known as Team R's STRONGEST Pokémon. Not really. In the 18th movie, it was he who saved the Team from the cannon (if my memory serves me) Giratina, reflecting this blow. And Espur is just a cutie. 18 points both.


Kirlia, Chingling and Unone

8th place is shared by three Pokémon at once. Kirlia is known for her role in the movie The Green Ballerina. Chingling is just two bells....... Aaaaaa, caught you my puns. And Unone. Fuck who is he? Or is she? Or is it? Is he a fucking Nota? In general, they are here with 17 points


Drowzy, Exekute, Natu, Smoochum, Elgiem and Wubat

Bitch 6 Pokemon. Let me tell you briefly about each. Drowsy, like I said, he pisses me off. Eksekut - eggs ..... Here again, you are caught by the vulgarity of you Pokemon. Natu - I don't know why he doesn't have Pink hair and he's not a fire type. Smucham - so to speak Lips-Bazookas. Elgiem - I figured out who he is. Wubat is a Chinese copy of Zubat. 16 points.


Abra, Slowpoke, Spoink, Gofita and Baltoy

5 pokemon. ##*#*#*#. Again - BRIEFLY. Abra is a sleeping alien. Slowpoke is a creature that needs a Snickers Kamaz. Spoink is Spoink. Gofita - so to speak African duplicate of Lip-Bazooka. Baltoy - phhhhhhhhhhhhh. 15 points.


Wait for the second part

Well, I will come up with jokes for future posts.

pokemon game Go appeared on the market quite recently - on July 6, 2016, but has gained immense popularity over this period. Many people of different races, social classes and religions are looking for Pokémon all over the world. How to get the most out of the game? Catch the right Pokémon! Pokémon rating compiled by Combat Power– from the minimum to the maximum value.

16. Type "Fabulous": the most powerful Pokémon - Mr. Mime

Max Combat Power (CP): 1494

The list of the most powerful Pokémon starts with Mister Mime - quite rare pokemon double (fabulous/psychic) ​​type. You can either catch it or grow it yourself from an egg. Mister Mime's potential is best revealed when protecting training halls.

15. Type "Fighting": the most powerful Pokemon - Hitmonchan

Max Combat Power (CP): 1516

Hitmonchan is named after Jackie Chan, a famous martial artist, actor and stuntman. A very strong Pokémon that unleashes a whirlwind of lightning-fast punches on the enemy. It can either be caught or obtained from a ten-kilometer egg.

14. Type "Psychic": the most powerful Pokemon - Alakazam

Max Combat Power (CP): 1813

The brain of this creature is as large as its flimsy body. He can't even move normally and uses psychic power to do so.

13. Type "Steel": the most powerful Pokemon - Magneton

Maximum Combat Power (CP): 1879

Another dual-type Pokemon - electric and steel. It turns out by evolution from Magnemite, which are a dime a dozen in the game, and cheap enough to develop - only 50 candies.

12. Type "Ghost": the most powerful Pokemon - Gengar

Max Combat Power (CP): 2078

The final stage of development of the Gastly Pokémon is both creepy and charming Pokémon with a wide smile, reminiscent of the Catbus smirk from the anime My Neighbor Totoro.

11. Type "Insects": the most powerful Pokemon - Pinsir

Max Combat Power (CP): 2121

It can either be obtained from a ten-kilometer egg or caught in the wild. It is found where there is a lot of greenery - in parks, forests and fields.

10. Type "Electric": the most powerful Pokemon - Jolteon

Max Combat Power (CP): 2140

A fox with fur reared up from electric charges can be obtained from Eevee - either by the will of a great random house, or by using a special development method. In turn, Eevee hatch from ten-kilometer eggs.

9. Type "Ice": the most powerful Pokemon - Dewgong

Max Combat Power (CP): 2145

Another dual-type Pokémon is Water/Ice. Deugong evolves from Syl, a snow-white sea lion with a horn on its head that allows it to break through thick layers of ice above water. Forces are found in nature quite often, usually near water sources. In order for your Force to turn into Deugong, you need to spend 50 candies.

8. Type "Stone": the most powerful Pokemon - Aerodactyl

Max Combat Power (CP): 2165

Rock/Flying Pokémon traces its origins back to the dawn of time, from the age of dinosaurs, and scientists revived it by extracting its DNA from a piece of amber. Despite being weak to electric attacks, Aerodactyl has high stats and great speed. It is difficult to catch him, so you have to be patient and hatch ten-kilometer eggs.

7. Type "Earth": the most powerful Pokemon - Raydon

Max Combat Power (CP): 2243

Another dual-type Pokemon is rock/ground. With one blow, he is able to make the truck fly like a feather. Obtained by evolution (and 50 candies) from Rhyhorn, which can be found near railways, airports and beaches.

6. Type "Poisonous": the most powerful Pokemon - Victreebel

Max Combat Power (CP): 2530

A predatory plant that lures prey with a pleasant smell, and then swallows it whole. It takes a day at most to digest the victim with the peel and bones. Victribells are obtained from Vipinbells; To do this, you will have to spend 100 candies.

5. Type "Vegetable": the most powerful Pokemon - Executor

Max Combat Power (CP): 2955

The giant walking palm tree with three heads is a great defender of the training halls. It can be obtained by evolving from Executegut, a dual-type Pokémon (Vegetable/Psychic).

4. Type "Water": the most powerful Pokemon - Lapras

Max Combat Power (CP): 2980

Fourth place in the top of the most powerful Pokemon is a beautiful Pokemon with a sad story. People almost exterminated his family, and since then he has been singing plaintively, trying to attract the attention of his disappeared tribesmen. Therefore, under natural conditions, Lapras is very rare, and a noteworthy individual with a good SR can be found from level 25. It can also be obtained from a ten-kilometer egg.

3. Type "Fire": the most powerful Pokemon - Arcanine

Max Combat Power (CP): 2983

If Growlith is fed fifty candies, he will grow a lush mane and turn into Arcanine - one of the best Pokemon Go Pokemon, powerful, fast and at the same time very cute.

2. Type "Normal": The strongest Pokemon - Snorlax

Max Combat Power (CP): 3112

The second place in the ranking of Pokemon in strength goes to a funny, eternally sleepy blue-and-white fat man - the best candidate for the position of the defender of the Halls. However, in order to add this rare animal to the collection, you will have to work hard - after all, this Pokemon can be seen extremely rarely in nature. Another way is an incubator, but you can only get Snorlax from ten-kilometer eggs.

1. Type "Flying and Dragons": the most powerful Pokemon - Dragonite

Max Combat Power (CP): 3500

The strongest Pokémon in Pokemon Go is Dragonite. This is not only a powerful, but also a good Pokemon, helping ships on the high seas not to go astray, and in the event of a shipwreck, rescuing drowning sailors. How to catch him and get him out of a ten-kilometer egg is a very big success. In the wild, they can be found near water.

10/06/2018 – article updated

Basic information about the “Psychic Event” in Pokémon GO

Pokémon such as Abra, Ralts, Baltoy, and Drowzee will be found more frequently in the wild (as will other Psychic-type Pokémon).

At the same time, additional field quests dedicated to Psychic-type Pokémon will be available.

Also in the game should appear

New clothes in Pokemon GO

New clothes available for free in the Pokemon GO store (T-shirt and baseball cap)

Anones everywhere

Unown spawns have been significantly increased in several places on the planet. Unfortunately, Russia is not included in this list:

  • New York Comic Con convention in New York
  • Italian “Games Week” in Milan
  • Mag Convention in Erfurt, Germany

Increased Unown spawns usually go away with the end of the event.

Hint of Halloween in Pokemon GO

Niantic is increasingly hinting at upcoming events in their newsletters. So this time he hinted at the imminent Halloween in Pokemon GO (apparently):

“Coaches, an exciting event! Professor Willow reports that some mysterious events are coming. Could this be the work of Ghost Pokémon? Stay in touch and you'll find out soon!

Have an interesting event, coaches!

The article will be updated as new information becomes available.

Psychic type

The Psychic Type (エスパータイプ) is one of the seventeen elemental types. Notable Psychic Trainers include Sabrina from Saffron City, Will from the Indigo Elite Four, Tat and Lisa (yes, I specialize in Psychic Type very well, that's my favorite type) from Mossdeep City, and Lucian from the Sinnoh Elite Four. Every generation has had at least one Stadium Leader or Elite Four member who specializes in Psychic Pokémon.

Efficiency and weakness

Psychic-type moves are super effective against Fighting and Poison-type Pokémon. They deal half as much damage to Psychic and Steel-type Pokémon. Psychic attacks are completely useless against Dark-type Pokémon. Psychic-type Pokémon take double damage from Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type attacks. Psychic Pokémon take half the damage from Fighting and Psychic-type attacks.


The average characteristics of the mental type can be seen on this page. Psychic-type Pokémon have very high Special stats. Attacks and Specials protection. Pretty high speed. But low Defense and HP. Psychic Pokémon one of the best in attacking sense. The uselessness of psychic attacks against dark-type Pokemon affects badly, but the ability to learn other types of attacks, as well as the Miracle Eye attack, which removes the dark-type immunity to psychic attacks, helps out here. In a defensive sense, Psychic Pokémon are weak. But many have attacks that restore HP. Psychic Pokémon hold up well against special attacks, but quickly lose to physical attacks. The only exceptions here are Bronzong and Metagross, their second - steel - type gives them higher Defense and the ability to withstand dark-type attacks. In Contest types, psychic attacks are mostly of the Smart type, but there are four other types besides Strong.

5 Place "Espeon"

Espeon (eng. Espeon) - the fourth evolution, which appeared in the second generation.trainer. He has a smooth lilac body and purple eyes similar to those of cats. There is red on the head gem, with which he picks up vibrations in the air when someone or something approaches. Espeon is very loyal to his master. It is a very calm Pokémon. Espeon appears in "Espeon Doesn't Count". In this episode, Ash and his friends meet their old friend Sakura again. During their separation, she has this Pokémon. The exact prototype is unknown. Although this Pokemon is very similar to a cat.


4 Place "Mr. Mime"


Mr. Mime (バリヤード Bariyaado) is a dual-type Psychic/Fairy-type Pokémon from Generation 1, number 122 in the National Pokédex. Evolves from Mime Junior (although he did not originally have pre-evolutions). Mr. Mime has the Soundproofing ability or the Filter ability. Soundproofing causes Mister Mime to be immune to "sonic" movements. The filter causes all super-efficient actions that weaken it. Mister Mime is gifted with the art of imitation at a young age, but as he matures, he gains the ability to make invisible objects by projecting energy from his fingers and instantly vibrating his fingertips to harden around them and form a wall. Barriers generated in this way can ward off harsh attacks, and his gestures and movements can convince onlookers that something unseen actually exists. Once this is achieved, the perceived element materializes. Mr. Mime takes great pride in his mime performances and will hit anyone hard which interrupts them while he is imitating. Mister Mime - the star of the circus completely starred and refused to work. Ash even had to replace him in the arena. But soon another Mr. Mime appeared, and the circus star, out of envy, set to work again. And the newcomer Pokemon settled in Ash's house, becoming a good helper for Ash's mom.

3 Place "Mu"


Mew is a Psychic-type Pokémon and a Legendary Pokémon. Mew possesses gigantic strength equal to that of Mewtwo. In the film Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, it is said that Mew very rarely appears in front of people in his true form. Mew can also transform into any Pokémon. It appears in the form of any Pokemon. Mewtwo was created from the remains of Mew.

The first image of the Legendary Pokémon Mew was shown on an ancient mural, which Mewtwo subsequently destroyed, vowing to himself that he would surpass the "parent" (film: "Mewtwo Strikes Back"). Mew is playful and curious. Teleportation - the ability to instantly move; Transfiguration - the ability to transform , turn into others, copying the appearance); Copying the abilities of other Pokemon (imitating the abilities of others); Telekinesis - the ability to move objects and lift them into the air); Levitation - the ability to fly without the help of wings). Mew's name comes from "mew" - meow. Possible The prototype of Mew may be a Sphynx cat. or that a jerboa or an embryo could serve as a prototype.


2 Place "Abra"


Abra is a Psychic-type Pokémon introduced in Generation 1. Abra is a light brown humanoid Pokémon. Abra has a triangular head with small ears, like a fox, always closed eyes and a small nose. Abra is externally golden brown in color, human like a fox Pokémon. He has three fingers on both hands and feet. His eyes are mostly closed due to his tendency to sleep. Shoulders are brown. Abra has a long tail with a single brown stripe. The feet have 3 sharp claws, 2 on the front and 1 on the heel. He has slightly pointed ears and his body looks a bit like a bulletproof vest body on his top. Abra has the Synchronize and Inner Focus abilities. Inner Focus prevents Abra from flinching. Synchronization allows Abra to give the state condition back to the opponent if Abra receives the condition status. He has been known to sleep 18 hours a day, as he needs telekinesis abilities. Abra can also teleport away from danger using the teleporter's travel aids. He can even perform this technique while he sleeps. Abra hails from the Kanto region. Also found in Johto and Sinnoh. Lives mostly near settlements. Can live in an old house. Avoids being seen by humans and other Pokémon. Abra was first shown in episode 22 "Abra and the Psychic Attack", where he evolved into the stadium leader Sabrina's Kadabra. Kadabra appeared in episode 24 "Honter vs. Kadabra" in Ash's showdown against Sabrina. Outwardly, Abra looks like a fox, which has always been credited with magical abilities. Perhaps the prototype was also psychics and even aliens. There are still suggestions that it was based on Edgar Cayce, an American clairvoyant and healer. He made the vast majority of his predictions in a special state of trance, reminiscent of sleep.


1st Place "Slowbro"


Slowbro (ヤドラン) is a dual water/psychic type Pokémon from the first generation of Pokémon, number 80 in the National Pokédex. Slowbro evolves from Slowpoke at level 37. Slowbro is very similar to Slowpoke, only it has a Pokémon on its tail - Shelder, which latches on like a leech. Since the Slowbro's tail is not light, he has to walk only on his hind legs. Slowbro can become Slowpoke again if the Shelder inadvertently falls off the tail. Slowbro is faster than Slowpoke in speed. At the same time, he is very lazy, does not shine with great intelligence, because he is too lazy to shake Shelder off his tail. Slowbro has several abilities: Brick Break, Ice Strike and Seismic Throw. It lives near water bodies, like Slowpoke.

P.S And you are so schyas - You are sick of us with these tops!!!