Map of portals in the prince of darkness. Secrets of Sacred and Sacred Underworld. How it all started

Sacred (in Russia known as prince of darkness) - fantasy role-playing computer game from the German company Ascaron. The first of the Sacred series of games The game takes place in the Sacred universe - the continent of Ancaria, during which the player, choosing one of the proposed characters, travels around the mainland, performing various tasks.

The game was originally released for Microsoft Windows, and in 2008 for Linux.


A sorcerer has come into the world... His name is Shaddar, or rather, it is part of his nickname, which means "wanderer of shadows" in the language of the dark elves. He comes from a noble family - one of his ancestors was King Morgast I, who drowned the country in the blood of fratricidal war. Shaddar moved even further: not content with hereditary wealth, he decided to subjugate the forces of Darkness, for which he sacrificed his own sister. However, the magic community of the kingdom did not doze off and decided that Shaddar should be burned at the stake, and the sooner the better. But King Valorian I replaced the death penalty with exile.

Since then, several centuries have passed, during which Shaddar accumulated strength somewhere in the southern deserts, terrifying orcs, goblins and ogres. He rebuilt his Shaddar-Nur castle in the lifeless rocks, began to recruit an army of goblins subject to his magical will, improve his art in the field of black magic and look for a way to the realm of the dead. Shaddar needed to get there alive and back, along the way making an alliance with the demon of Saqqara, a descendant of the demon lord Vorganar, killed by the Seraphim sent by the forces of light in ancient times, when the Darkness made a previous attempt to take over the world. Now history will repeat itself...

Game world


The map (territory of the game) in Sacred is very extensive. The whole world of Ancaria is divided into many regions, differing from each other in relief, climate, nature, flora and fauna; of particular importance are the dominant types of resistance in the creatures living in the area. In many regions there are various settlements: from trading posts and villages to large towns and cities.

In the south of Ancaria there is a vast sea; the entire Lower Hell and the Ancarian deserts adjoin to it. There are quite a lot of islands in this sea (especially along the coast), but only the islands of Crabs, Mallorca, Pirates, Volcano, Treasures (the latter is only a demoness) and two islands near the coast are available, on which ghouls and cave fish can walk. Ice and snow are located in the southeast and northwest. There are forests in the west, north and east. In the center is the forest-steppe.

Regions of Ancaria

  • Central Region: Based on the name, it occupies the center of the map of Ancaria. The relief is mostly flat, but with frequent hills and cliffs, in the north of the region there are large plateaus, the climate is temperate, the territory is covered with mixed forests and meadows, there are large rivers and lakes, mountainous areas border the region from the north, south and west. This largest region is widely populated by people, there are many settlements (the largest cities are in this region). Among the enemies there are mainly people, orcs and goblins, magicians, forest animals, occasionally flying monsters - these opponents are dominated by physical and fiery resistances. In the west of the Central Region, on the plains of Tir-Hadar, there are 2 non-human settlements: an orc village and a wood elf village. The role of enemies is played by forest animals and large groups of ice elves - physical and magical resistances prevail here. The region is home to four of the ten dragons of Ancaria.
  • Swamp: East of the map: low-lying, flat terrain with plenty of water, but shallow springs predominate that do not interfere with movement. The vegetation, respectively, is swampy, there are many humid subtropical forests (in the north of the region, in the Zhurag-Nar valley, ordinary mixed forests), there are even extensive mangroves (Azzchabrat swamp). Small human settlements predominate, but there is one large city (Mistdale), in the aforementioned Zhurag-Nar valley there is a huge underground settlement of dark elves. Of the opponents, there are undead goblins, dark elves, magicians, energy creatures and various swamp monsters, arachnids are especially common - all creatures of the region have increased poisonous resistance. In the swamps you can meet three dragons, one of them is peaceful, giving quests.
  • Eastern Desert: Located in the south of the Ancaria map. A plain with small dunes, surrounded by mountains on three sides, in the south there is a sea coast and one island, as well as the mouth of the only river here, which originates far in the mountains. Tropical climate, almost no vegetation. There are several orc settlements (only one inhabited) and two human ones. To the north and west, orcs and ogres, and to the south and east, undead and cavefish are the hostile inhabitants; accordingly, orcs have strong physical resistance, while undead and fish have poisonous resistance. One dragon lives in this desert.
  • Western Desert: Lies, respectively, to the west of the Eastern Desert through a large mountain range with a gorge, in the south it also has access to the sea. This region is noticeably smaller than the previous ones, like all subsequent regions of Ancaria. It is also a plain, but with large relief irregularities in the south and north. There are no water bodies at all, as well as vegetation, except for small areas near the coast, the climate is tropical. In the south and north, there are ruined human and orc settlements. Orcs, as opponents, are found in the north of the region. The rest of the square was filled with undead. Enemy resistances are the same as in the Eastern Desert.
  • Volcanic Region: A small mountainous region occupies a plateau in the southwest of Ancaria. Instead of rivers, lava flows are widespread here, which literally permeate the entire terrestrial part of the region. People settled in local caves, they are practically cut off from the outside world. In the dungeons, people, and on the surface, various monsters and flying creatures are the opponents of the character, these mobs are dominated by fire and physical resistance. A fiery dragon settled in one of the caves.
  • Shaddar-Nur: The region, which occupies the southeast of the map, is divided into two parts: the western part is a desert, and the eastern part is a mountainous country with taiga vegetation. With the exception of mountain ranges that surround the region on all sides, leaving only a narrow pass in the west, connecting Shaddar Nur with the Eastern Desert, the western part is flat. There is no vegetation, only in the northeast of the desert there is a small oasis, in which there is the only reservoir in the region. The eastern part has a very complex rugged terrain, only in the north turning into a flat surface, where stands the tower of Shaddar, the main villain of the Ancarian campaign. Both parts of the region are connected by a large cave. The desert part of Shaddar Nur is inhabited by evil mages, harpies and giant spiders with increased magical resistance. Orcs, trolls, shaddar-rim and energy creatures with strong physical resistance are found in the cave and mountainous part of the region. At the narrow isthmus mentioned above lies the skeleton of a dragon (what he is doing there is completely incomprehensible).
  • Northern Region: As the name implies, this region is located in the north of Ancaria, has a subarctic climate and sparse northern flora that breaks through the snow cover. The area is a broken narrow mountain gorge, divided in the middle by a grandiose monastery of seraphim cut into the rock. This region, like Shaddar Nur, is devoid of human settlements. The southern part of the gorge is occupied by a frozen river bed. Local opponents such as wolves, giants, snow goblins and ice lizards have high magic resistance. In the very north of the region you can find a dragon.
  • Between Mascarelle and Timberton is the entrance of the river's tributary to the river, but in a way impossible on Earth: an acute angle, in the direction from which this river flows. On Earth, rivers enter rivers in the direction of the current.
  • In the Dwarven ruins on one of the islands, you can see three lakes arranged in the form of a smile, as well as a concrete slab in the form of a nose. This is an image of a smiley.
  • If you fly south from the southern coast of the desert in the flight of a demon, you can see a waterfall that drains water from the sea into a black, unoccupied endless space of pixels.
  • If you fly northeast from Mallorca, the hero will see land where, according to the general map, the depth of the continent of Ancaria is located (on the German map of Ancaria, this place is marked as “Sommenbrillen” - “sunglasses”, which is a reference to the mini-quest on Mallorca where the reward is sunglasses used as a helmet).


In Ancaria, there is a whole system of portals that allows you to quickly move around the map. To do this, you need to "open" them - go under the arch or along the portal slab. A similar system exists in the Dungeons, but there are much fewer portals and they do not have an arch. AT single player the systems are not interconnected, you can get from Ancaria to the Dungeons or back only by completing the main storyline, or, when playing as the Demoness, fly over the strait between the Pirate Islands and Nomad Nur. In multiplayer, there is an additional portal on Vault Island (near Silver Creek) that links both systems.

In addition, there is also a network of two-way portals that are not interconnected:

  • Bellevue - Seraphim Monastery (open automatically);
  • orc fortifications - Urkenburg (opens after completing the Wilbur storyline quest);
  • Drakkenden - a cemetery east of Mistdale (opens after raising the key after killing the dragon north of Drakkenden);
  • western desert - Frosward (appears after raising the key after killing the dragon in the Frosward area);
  • lava fields - the area south of Bravesbury (appears after raising the key after killing the dragon in the caves of the volcanic region);
  • a cave north of the Raven Rock castle - an island east of Fairy Crossing (appears if you approach the place and wait until the wizard opens it, or after killing the wizard himself).



  • Gladiator- melee fighter. Perfectly owns almost any type of weapon.
  • Battle Mage- He is good with both magic and weapon art with swords. Recommended for experienced players. After all, not every skill will be useful to the mage. For beginners, it is better not to resort to the magician immediately. A number of weapons have been created for him, which only he can use (wands, staves, etc.).
  • Wood Elf- An exceptionally long-range fighter who uses pretty good elven magic as support. He has a poor command of melee weapons, which, however, is compensated by excellent archery and crossbow shooting. The character is unequivocally simple, and beginners will immediately be able to master all the intricacies of archery.
  • Dark Elf- A melee fighter who uses the skills and attacks of the dark elves. An interesting and strong character. But some of his abilities are clearly overestimated, and some of them are not used at all. His weapon is very strong, because he usually attacks not only with physical damage, but also with poison. A number of weapons have been created for him, which can only be used by him.
  • Seraphim- a descendant of a mystical angel. He owns the so-called heavenly magic, which, when pumped, gives a very good effect. Remarkably owns swords, can shoot well from a bow.
  • Vampiress- during the day - a pretty strong warrior, at night - a powerful vampire. An interesting and complex character. However, if you develop your own fighting technique, it will be an unsurpassed warrior.

By creating Diablo game, the employees of the small Californian studio Condor did not even imagine that their brainchild would become the face of the genre for the next 10 years. During this period, probably, only the lazy did not attempt to repeat the success that the brainchild of Blizzard had. Teams of all calibers and stripes, from Microsoft to a group of Czech geeks, have tried to outdo Diablo's success. However, none of the clones had the slightest chance of winning.

Meanwhile, Blizzard released Diablo-2 to the market. This further separated him from his pursuers. The threat to the success of this game appeared quite imperceptibly. She came in 2004 from Germany, her name is Sacred.

In Russia, this fantasy role-playing game is known as "Prince of Darkness". Its creator is the German company Ascaron.

Successful product

Since 1992, Ascaron has been creating economic stimulants. But, despite this, she undertook to develop a new area, starting the implementation of an ambitious project. As it became clear later, the efforts spent were not in vain. Created game Sacred has become a worthy successor to the ideas of Diablo. This success was largely facilitated by the fact that the German company supported its offspring for a long time, creating add-ons and patches. Thanks to these extensions, versions were offered Sacred Underworld, as well as Sacred+, in which the territory of the adventure almost doubled compared to the original. A year after the original game was released, it came out with additions in the form of the Sacred Gold Edition.

About the game

The product of German developers, without any doubt, has a rather fascinating plot. All adventures take place in fantasy world, similar to the one seen in Disciples: Sacred Lands, a 1999 game centered on four warring races.

The gameplay of the game, created by German developers, is able to satisfy everyone, even the most demanding fans of the genre. The plot of this product is created in the tradition of Diablo. There is a hero who has to kill the main villain. All other actions are secondary. When passing Sacred, the player will not meet with any ups and downs. not in the game and plot twists. Already at the very beginning of the journey it becomes clear who is the main villain.

Nevertheless, the game of German developers has a fundamental difference from Diablo with its quests. They are very interesting in Sacred and thought out quite well. There are also many generator and side quests here. In general, there are about 200 of them.


The passage of Sacred takes us to Ancaria. The sorcerer Shaddar came to the world of this continent. However, this is not his full name. Translated from the language of the dark elves, it means "wanderer of shadows." This comes from a noble family, a descendant of King Morgast I, who at one time ignited a bloody fratricidal war in the country.

The community of magicians of the kingdom tried to correct the situation. They decided to burn Shaddar at the stake, and do it as quickly as possible. However, the death penalty was changed to exile by King Valorian I.

Several centuries have passed since the events described above. During this time, Shaddar was in the southern deserts and accumulated strength. On the lifeless rocks, he built his castle, terrifying the ogres, goblins and orcs. Shaddar, who constantly improved his art of black magic, began to recruit an army. Warriors were creatures subject to his magical will.

Shaddar tried to find a way that would allow him to get alive into the realm of the dead. There he wanted to make an alliance with the demon Saqqara, who was the descendant of the lord of all demons Vorganar, who was killed in ancient times. The forces of light sent Seraphim to do this in order to stop the attempt of Darkness to take over the world. But years passed, and history repeated itself.

To complete Sacred, the player will need to choose one of 6 characters to go save the people of Ancaria from death or from turning people into lifeless slaves, subordinate to the gloomy sorcerer Shaddar, who returned to the country with an army of ogres, goblins and orcs.

During the passage of the Sacred, we will encounter such heroes as the Wood Elf and the Gladiator, as well as the Dark Elf. The player will get acquainted with the following:

  • A battle mage who can both conjure and fight with equal success.
  • Seraphim - a female paladin with wings.
  • Vampiressa - a stern lady who acts as an ordinary warrior during the day, and sucks blood at night.

When passing Sacred 1, the player is given thousands of weapons, as well as hundreds of spells. They will be useful to him when monsters (and there are millions of them) appear on the way, who are ready to do everything possible so that the main character does not fulfill his mission.

Game area

The Sacred map is quite extensive. The world of Ancaria consists of many regions that differ from each other in climate and topography, nature, fauna and flora. It should be borne in mind that during the passage of Sacred, the dominant types of resistance that the creatures living in the area have are of particular importance.

Many regions have diverse settlements. These are trading posts and villages, as well as large towns and cities.

The southern territories of Ancaria are washed by a vast sea. All the deserts of this continent adjoin to it, as well as the Lower Hell. There are many islands in the sea (especially along the coast). However, not all of them are available to the player. He can only get to the Island of the Volcano, Pirates, Crabs, Treasures. The last one is available only to Demoness. Near the coast there are several small nameless islands. They sometimes come across cave fish and ghouls.

Mountainous areas are located in the southeastern and northwestern parts of the territory. There is a lot of snow and ice here. Forests grow in the east, north and west. In the center of the country there is a forest-steppe zone.


You can move around Ancaria quite quickly. To do this, the game has a system of portals. The player will need to open them. To do this, he needs to go through the portal slab or under the arch.

A similar system exists in the Dungeons. However, the number of portals there is much smaller, and they do not have an arch.

If the passage of Sacred involves a single-player mode, then the player will need to go through all the points of the main plot in order to find himself in the Dungeon, and then get back to Ancaria. Or, choosing a Demoness as a character, fly across the strait from Pirate Island to Nomad Nurom.

In multiplayer, both systems are linked by an additional portal. It is located near Silver Creek on Vault Island.

When passing the game Sacred, you can also use a network of two-way portals that are not connected to each other in any way. Among them:

  • opening automatically - Bellevue Seraphim Monastery;
  • available only after successfully completing the task "Wilburg" - Urkenburg (orc fortification);
  • unlocked after the hero takes the key by killing the dragon north of Drakkenden (the graveyard located east of Mistdale);
  • also appearing after killing the dragon and raising the key, but only in the Frosward area (western desert);
  • arising when the key is in the hands after the destruction of the dragon in the cave of the volcanic area (the lava fields located south of Bravesbury);
  • appearing when the player comes to the right place and waiting until the wizard opens the portal, or after the destruction of the wizard (a cave north of the castle called Raven Rock on an island east of Fairy Crossing).

Difficulty levels

The passage of Sacred quests can be different depending on the strength of the enemy. This characteristic is directly affected by the chosen level of difficulty. There are five of them in the game. Moreover, for the names of each of these levels of complexity, the authors chose the names. These are bronze and silver, gold and platinum, as well as niobium.

In the single-player version of the game, the first two difficulty levels, namely bronze and silver, become available to the player from the very beginning of the map. "Gold" will not be available immediately. In order to rise to this level, the player will have to complete any of the campaigns ("Ancaria" or "Dungeon"), and do it on the "silver" difficulty.

How to get to platinum? This level will only unlock when the player completes the campaign on Gold difficulty. So is niobium. It will be available after going platinum.

Several other conditions are offered in the multiplayer game. Here, the availability of one or another difficulty level will depend on the selected character. If it is in the range from 1 to 60, then you can choose "bronze". On "silver", the player will be able to overcome difficulties with a character level from 20 to 100. From 60 to 140, you can switch to "gold". From 100 to 180 - for "platinum", and from 140 to 216 - try your hand at "niobium".

This layout allows you to understand the following: by choosing a character of the 60th, 100th or 140th level, you can access three levels of difficulty. Many gamblers consider complete completion of all quests only defeating Andukar, who is the main and last boss in the "Dungeon" campaign. You can win it only at the level of "niobium".

Secrets of the game

  1. The world of Ancaria is the place where eight dragons live. Seven of them are very warlike. The player can kill them. The eighth dragon is very friendly. He will give the next few quests.
  2. If, during the passage of the Sacred game, you move along the map to the sea in a southerly direction from Khorad-Nur, and then turn east and approach the rock, then you can find a narrow path along which you can get to the pier. Near it is a boat, sitting in which, the player gets to the island where the orcs are resting. One of them, standing at the pier, will ask you to save him from annoying tourists. How to do it? It is enough to trample on their towels. Angry, they will attack the hero who will kill them. For this, the orc on the pier will give a gift - sunglasses.
  3. When completing the quest for the Seraphim, it becomes possible to become the owner of a real Jedi laser sword. To do this, the player must free Seraphim from the captivity of black magicians located near Bellevue. She was imprisoned in a cave located near the old mansion, where Vampiress begins her game. After that, you should head to Khorad-Nur. Further, the player's path lies to the east. After passing through the dry river bed, you should head south, and meeting rocks on the way, turn east and move along them. At the end of this path is a burned building. In it you can find the dying Seraphim. After her death, the player gets a laser sword.
  4. While in a city called Fairy Crossing, the player should go around the blacksmith's house and head north, and then turn west. Seeing the forest, you need to look for a thin path that will lead to the southwest. After passing through it, the hero gets to the cave. It contains a mini-game called Pacman. You should collect yellow balls, which will add experience. Blue is better not to touch. They will deal damage.
  5. Leaving Mistdale Castle, you should go northeast along the river bank. At its source is the village of Tristram. She is well known to those who have played Diablo.
  6. To the north of the village of Drakkenden you can find a well-camouflaged path in the forest. It will lead to a clearing where you can find a hockey mask, as well as Jason's machete from the movie Friday the 13th. Only one character can use these items - the Gladiator.
  7. In the Call of Ascaron tavern, located south of Braverock, you can talk to a man whose name is Lucius. The player must kill him to get the key that opens the door to the X6 dungeon. After going through this turn to the X7 dungeon, the gamer will have to fight the Vampire Queen. This quest is only available when playing as Vampiressa.
  8. On the map is Torvin's grave. There are only two ways to get to it. One of them runs through dungeon 73, located southwest of South Hedgeton, as well as dungeon 76, passing a little west of the dragon, whose name is Ssilith. After the player enters an area with a small lake, he should find the tree highlighted with a red circle. Beneath it is a grave containing Thorvin's mace. A secret quest can also be completed here. To do this, you need to pick up the sword in the green circle and take it to the lake, near which the player is waiting for Arogarn - a forest shooter. But the execution of the secret quest is not available to everyone. Before this, another task must be completed. This is a quest called "Forest Marksman Arogarn". The place of its execution is located southwest of Bellevue, not far from the spawn of the Wood Elf and the Dark Elf.
  9. When passing the "Elements of Ancaria" in Sacred, a preliminary conversation with Sharifa should take place. Next, the hero goes to the Frostgard Palace to take the element of air from the sanctuary. The character will have to kill the keeper, taking the rune to activate the mini-portal. After that, the path of the hero lies in Alcabazo nok Draco. After passing through the city along the marker, we have to get to the dragon's lair, kill him and take the element of fire from the sanctuary. Further we have a way to Zhurag-Nara. In the fortress, on its first level, there is a hall with a red floor for sacrifices. Here the hero will have to kill the supreme matriarchy of Meglavari and, having picked up the key to the door of the secret room, take the element of earth from the sanctuary. After completing an additional story quest, which is called "Dwarf Dams of Gnarlstat", you will need to get the element of water from the sanctuary located in Verag-Nar.
  10. In the "Mysteries of the Desert" quest, when passing Sacred, you will need to complete a task that is issued by an inhabitant of the oasis near the captain's tent. It consists in finding a crazy wizard, which should be located northeast of the oasis. The next step is to solve the riddle. If the answer is correct, the player is rewarded with a rune.
  11. Passage in Sacred Eyes of a wolf ("Eyes of the wolf") will require the hero to defeat the Shara-agil. This is the leader of a pack of wolves that lives in the eastern part of Bellevue. The hero's reward is a rune.

Sacred Underworld

The campaign of this game starts from the point at which the adventures of the hero of the first version ended. During the passage of the Sacred Underworld, we learn that Baroness Villa decided to join her lover, the already deceased Prince Valor. The player needs to kill four subcaris. This will save the baroness from captivity. After that, there will be a battle with Andukar, who controls the inhabitants of the Underworld through violence.

During the passage of the Sacred Underworld, the player meets new characters. One of them is the She-Devil, who impresses with her spectacular spells and stylish appearance. This dark magic and can use it to destroy their enemies. This can do a lot of damage to her. The authors also taught her to fly.

The second new hero that can be found during the passage of Sacred Underworld quests is a dwarf. This character is quite stubborn, grouchy and tough. He is good with war hammers and axes, and is also able to use unique weapons that are not available to other characters.

Slightly updated graphics in this version. The authors added some special effects to it. In addition, the game world has expanded by 40% in Sacred Underworld. The properties of almost all unique items. In this version, the entrance and exit from the cave began to be marked with a special icon located on the mini-map.

Sacred 2

This continuation of the main game was released in 2008. The story takes place approximately 2 thousand years before the events that were described in the first part. Depending on their choice, the player will have to play Sacred 2 in one of two campaigns. One of them represents the forces of Darkness, and the second - Light. Depending on the campaign, the player will have to exterminate good or evil in order to free or subdue the Heart of Ancaria.

Dark Campaign

The passage of Sacred 2: Fallen Angel at the first stage is not at all difficult. The road of any of the characters lies in the temple of the inquisitor Tahlreth, which is located near the city of Slowford. This is where the main story line begins. The Inquisitor says that the world is falling apart, and the country is dying because of the unbelief of the people. He gives the hero the first task. With the subsequent passage of Sacred 2: Fallen Angel, you will need to get rid of the Tractor, which sells the girls into slavery to the elves.

Having reached the city of Griffinboro, you should activate the portal. This will allow you to go beyond the city walls. Further, the path lies north to a tavern called "Royal Den". There is a person in it who can point to the location of the Tractor. After killing him, we find a letter in our pocket, from which we learn that the hero will have to go to the Orc path. Here we will meet with the Grand Inquisitor Nimanuel. He talks about those political feuds that exist among the orcs. For the further passage of Sacred 2, we need to help one of the clans. We kill the leader of the orcs who oppose him. After that, we get the task to defeat the monster that settled in the mountains. To do this, with the help of a barrel containing explosive powder, we demolish the dam built by the monster. After that, the monster is easy enough to defeat.

Further passage of the game Sacred 2 leads us to the northern island, which the hero reached with the help of the ship. Here you need to activate the portal. In the north of the island is a maid. She does not want to answer the creatures of Darkness on the question of where the Big Machine is. The hero goes to the temple, where he has to collect fragments of the sculpture. It turns out that Nimanuel also came to the island. He is dissatisfied with the hero and sends him to look for the dragon Mer-Kila. After a short fight, the monster is defeated.

To further complete the Sacred 2 quests, you need to get to the swamps. Lizard people live here in the lost city. The hero needs to become a member of their cult so that the inhabitants begin to trust him. To do this, he kills the monster that was on the Rock of Skulls. This is followed by the next task - to destroy the monument, which was erected in memory of their dead by another clan. After completing this quest, the hero receives the "Sign of the Nameless", symbolizing immortality.

And here is the hero in the desert. A group of warriors approaches him. They force him to fight and remain defeated. We're heading to the oasis. There is a man sitting there who talks about the upcoming elections and what we need to do so that the people put a prince at the head of the state. To do this, you need a weapon called "Hellfire", the elements of which must be taken from the opponent. After completing the task, we head to the alchemist, who is against the prince. This person needs to be convinced. To do this, you need to intercept the messenger from the brother of the king.

Then the hero goes to the tropical jungle. There he meets with archaeologists who report that monsters are guarding the path to the desired city. Having coped with the monster, we pass to the central column and click on it with the mouse. A hologram appears. It tells about the beginning of the Great War and that during this period the core of the Machine was moved to another place. The hologram that appeared on the second column spoke of a magical shield that made the Machine invisible. The information on the next column makes it clear that the dryads have the key. Let's go to them.

You can find dryads during the passage of the "Company of Darkness" in Sacred 2 only by going by ship to the southern part of the island. There we have to get to the Crystal Cave. In it is a cache with a key. After completing simple tasks, we reach our final goal. The main mission is completed. Now we sail back on the ship.

While our hero was not in Ancarnia, the war began here. The main battle takes place near the Big Machine. First of all, you need to go through four doors in the castle to destroy sixteen devices. After doing this, it is considered complete.

Campaign of the Light

Regardless of the character chosen by the player, he should go to the village head Grodet, who is dealing with debts after stealing bags of jewelry. The first task is to find the thieves, which everyone considers the robbers. We take their bags. After that, the hero will have the next task - the search for an elven expedition. To do this, you should go to the "Royal Den" tavern, which is located in the capital of Griffinboro. We learn that the elves appeared here a few months ago. Further, the path lies to the west to the cave, from which the hero frees the captives. One girl said that her sister knew where to find Tractor. We go to the land of the orcs. After talking with them, we learn about the next task. It consists in bringing ten evil troll teeth to the orcs. The hero defeats enemies and completes the task.

Next, we have to kill the monster that blocks the flow of the river. After the channel is drained with the help of the shaman's spells, it will not be difficult to cope with the monster. The elves report that the seraphim have learned about the leak of magic. Let's go to the ship. He takes us to the island. Here the hero will meet with the local Queen Sophia. She reports that Lyosilat is on the island. I'm going to meet him. Lyosilat says that for protection we need an amulet from dragon scales. We get it.

The next task is given by Mer-Kil. He proposes to destroy the demon living in the world of Karnakh. After completing this mission, we go to the Grakk family. Having made our way through the swamps, we approach the village. The elder invites the hero to become his relative. We go to the shaman who lives near the Sacred Bridge. He performs the necessary ritual. After completing a series of tasks, we find ourselves in the desert. Here we meet a person who talks about the situation that has developed in the country. In order to seize power, the son of the king decided to create a destructive weapon. But for this he needs a recipe that we have to bring from the cave. Having completed the task, we are looking for the alchemist Assim in the desert, who, after reading the scroll, asks to bring him the blood of a scorpion. It is needed to create weapons. After completing the task, we go to the jungle. Here we are looking for a city and create holograms. The information on them indicates that the Machine of interest to the hero is invisible and is located in a completely different place. We go by ship to the island for the key. It is in Get it obtained by killing the monsters on the island.

We go back and get to the castle, where the battle is in full swing. We defeat the enemies and go to the large hall in which the computers are located. We go through four doors , in order to destroy 16 devices. Activate the holograms and destroy the blue platforms. Mission completed.

gold Edition

The sequel to the Sacred 2 series is Sacred 2: Gold Edition. The passage of quests is an intriguing story, side secrets and tasks of which the hero will have to unravel. To do this, the player chooses one of six characters. Walkthrough Sacred 2: Gold edition includes complex spells as well as breathtaking fighting techniques. The hero has access to a large number of weapons and items. In the process of passing Sacred 2: Gold Edition, everyone can independently choose the necessary attributes for their character. This will create a unique hero. The passage of Sacred Gold can be carried out on horseback. They can be purchased from vendors who trade in different parts of Ancaria. Riding in the game suits the character and greatly influences many aspects of his actions. Animals provide additional bonuses. In addition, they improve the combat skills of the heroes.

Sacred 3

All the events that take place in this game unfold, as in previous versions, in Ancaria. After the actions described in the first part, 1000 years have passed. During the passage of Sacred 3, we get acquainted with the main antagonist - Zane Ashen, the ruler of the Ash Empire. The villain is in search of an ancient artifact, the Heart of Ancaria, which he wants to take.

Main character during the passage of Sacred 3 seeks to prevent him from doing this. Unlike previous games, the authors endowed warriors with improved intelligence, and it will be possible to act against enemies only with the use of certain skills or using interactive objects located on the map.

Ice and blood

The passage of Sacred 2: Ice Blood takes the player to the times that preceded the third part by 900 years. Added here new character- Dracomage, and also expanded the territory of Ancaria. It is not necessary to travel through these lands, although the quests completed there will be recorded in the 11th act.

Gives tasks Zombie Bob. First, he asks the hero to bring some leather belts and skins. From this material he wants to sew a cape. The hero will need to collect five leather belts, which will drop from Champions, and the same amount of leather, which can be obtained from Fire Horses. After the successful completion of the task, sellers will come to the village. They will offer to buy a Fire Horse, as well as a Black or White Unicorn. In this version of the game, the characteristics of the riders are unremarkable.

We have reviewed the main stages of the passage of the game. Good luck!

Orc resort island

If you go from Khorad-Nur south to the sea, and then all the way east, to the cliff, you will find a narrow path leading to the pier. On the pier, you will notice a boat on which you can get to the island where the orcs rest. The orc at the pier will ask us to rid him of annoying tourists. Trample the towels of these orc tourists and they will attack you. After you kill everyone, talk again with the orc on the pier and he will give you sunglasses as a gift.

Jedi Laser Sword

When playing as the Seraph, you have the opportunity to get a real Jedi lightsaber. First you need to free a seraph captured by black magicians near Bellevue. This seraph is being held in a cave east of the old mansion where the vampiress starts. Then go to Khorad-Nur and go east from it, across the bed of a dried up river, go south to the rocks, and again east along them. You will see a burned building, in which you will find a dying seraph, after the death of which you will get a laser sword.

Pacman Level

In the city of Fairy Crossing, go behind the blacksmith's house to the north, and turn west. When you reach the forest, look for a barely noticeable path leading to the southwest. At the end of the trail, you'll find a cave that contains a Pacman mini-game. Collect yellow balls, they add experience, and blue ones should be avoided, because. they do damage...


Exit Mistdale Castle and follow the riverbank to the northeast. Having thus passed to the sources of the river, you will find the village of Tristram, well known to you from the first Diablo.

Jason's stuff

North of the village of Drakkenden (the one where the peaceful dragon lives) there is a well-camouflaged path through the woods leading to a clearing containing Jason's hockey mask and machete from the movie Friday the 13th. Only the Gladiator can use them.

vampire queen

Entering the Call of Ascaron tavern, which is located south of Braverock and going to the upper right corner, you can talk to a man named Lucius, then kill him and pick up the key, which will open the entrance to the X6 dungeon. then going to the X7 dungeon - you can fight the Queen of Vampires.

Note: only works when playing as Vampiressa

Torvin's grave

You can come to the grave in two ways:

1. through dungeon 73, which is located southwest of South Hedgeton

2. through dungeon 76, west of the dragon, named Sssilith, Swamp Dragon

Then, once in the area with a small lake, find a tree (red circle) - under it there will be a grave in which you are guaranteed to find Torvin's Mace.

Additionally, in the same place, you can complete a secret quest:

pick up the sword (green circle) and take it to the lake, where the forest shooter Arogarn will be waiting for you.

Note: The secret quest can only be completed by completing the "Wood Shooter Arogarn" quest - southwest of Bellevue - not far from the Dark Elf and Wood Elf spawns.

hidden grave

Vertically up from Mascarell, there is an island. Near the island there is a quest "Boris of Garfield". Then across the island and across the river to the left. Then up the river, so that the river is on the right, until the forest appears. And through the forest up and to the left there is an invisible path that leads to the grave. There is an ax and a bow, and the name and 2 dates are written on the grave.

Sacred Underworld

Babylon 5

This easter egg from the movie Babylon 5, at the bottom of the cave lies the Shadow Cruiser. Found in the Dryad Forest. It is an elevator leading to the cave. If you approach the cruiser, it will instantly kill you, as evidenced by the inscription in the next room.

lumber merchant

In the location Underworld "a" Embalming Forest "there is a hidden merchant who is located in the forests, you can get to him through a small path through the forest. The merchant itself is unremarkable, but he will not be superfluous either.

Timber Trader 2

In the location Underworld "a" Embalming Forest "there is another hidden merchant. He hides in a house near the gate leading to the task of the Green Hell and is an undead, his name is Mick swift (pirate).

your grave

There is a grave in the Khaduk settlement, when you try to open it, the name of your character is written on it, there is nothing remarkable in the grave.


In the forest of the Dryads, as you know, there are two portals. Through the one located to the north (with an arch) you get into the room where the merchant stands, and the room has an arkanoid. You can play it. How? - easy to guess. Winning is experience. (100 per hit ball). Sometimes the portal does not open, if this happens, then you need to go through the entire quest "The Way of the War" and jump through the passage into the portal and teleport to the Dryad Forest.

mountain cemetery

In the north of the Volcano Island there is an entrance to the caves in the form of a stone gazebo. The way there is very, very simple - only the blind can fail to notice it. The route is marked on the map, and its "secret" part is actually a straight line among dense thickets of trees. We go into the cave. The undead are falling on us and we are quickly clearing the dungeon from enemies. There are a great many graves in Ancaria and the Dungeons, and less and less often we discover new ones. But in vain! When you open the graves in this dungeon, bosses like the Forest God, etc. will rain down on you. And in the northern part of the dungeons, heroes crawl out of the graves (Dark Elf or Elf, etc.)

Blizzard once created a legendary game called Diablo. And envy came into the world. Many hoped to surpass the success of the original game, with the other titans of game creation, Westwood, starting this pursuit. However, both Nox and later clones only timidly stood on the sidelines, having no chance of winning. And Blizzard, meanwhile, released Diablo 2 to the masses, even more breaking away from their pursuers. Until recently, their timid attempts to at least approach the foot of the throne looked rather pathetic. In the meantime, the real threat appeared imperceptibly, from where it was not expected at all: from the completely enthusiastic Settlers of Germany. And she was called - Sacred ...

Difficult management

Actually, it is not too complicated, but in the pursuit of “bigger, better, bigger”, the creators of the game unwittingly complicated the extremely simple interface of Diablo 2. Therefore, it is better to read short course for learning management. And the most important thing to remember right away: in order to enjoy the game, you need to learn all the hot keys. And they were taken care of in full measure - the keyboard is “crammed” no worse than in some kind of flight simulator. So read the sidebar carefully.

Left mouse button, by all laws similar games, is used to move the character and attack the enemy, the right one is used to use special attacks and spells. The mouse roller, as expected, is responsible for moving away / approaching the scene of events. On the right are the faces of your hero and those accompanying him. From them you can find out only about the state of their health. Well, by clicking on the muzzle, you can withdraw weapons from a subordinate, giving him the best in return. Keep in mind that escorts use mostly the simplest of weapons, so it will not work to put a powerful bow on a frail shooter.

A modest panel is located below, on which there are five keys corresponding to five types of bubbles and five main buttons (which are wonderfully duplicated by hot keys) - a backpack, game properties, picking up things, a map and a journal.

On the sides of the panel are cells of weapons and special properties. In total, they are supposed to be 5, but at first there is only 1 cell of each type, and the following are added in pairs at levels 2, 8, 16 and 30. For their quick use, number keys from 1 to 0 are reserved. Accordingly, weapons fall from 1 to 5, and abilities and spells - from 6 to 0.

It is important: weapon slots differ in that they can be invested with 2 one-handed weapons, as well as weapons and a shield. Only for this you need to put the weapon not in the center, but on the right side of the cell. Only for such manipulations with weapons it is necessary to master the ability “wielding two-handed weapons”.

The magazine looks amazing. It not only contains a list of tasks for acts and chapters, but also has the opportunity to learn a little more about your skills, abilities and spells. And at the same time to be enlightened about the time of the game, the speed of pumping and the characteristics of the killed monsters.

And finally, there are two things incredible making life easier. This is an automatic collection of items (key A) and a large-scale map of the area (key Tab). The first will allow you not to pick up every dropped thing by hand, the second will simplify the problem of where else you need to go.

Embrace the immensity!

Describing a character is easy. It consists of characteristics, abilities and special abilities. Characteristics are the same thing for all heroes. Only the numbers themselves change, depending on the combat preferences of one or another warrior. Each level you get 1 point, which can be invested in one of the stats you like. Well, each level of the characteristics themselves increase by a certain amount, characteristic of each hero.

It is interesting: stat points are better to save and not invest anywhere. Your investments will not greatly affect the development of the hero (you need to invest a lot to notice the return), but sometimes you come across items that require 1-2 points in one or another characteristic. That's when glasses come in handy. However, the game has a non-strict verification system, and you can “accelerate” to the desired characteristic with rings and amulets, and, taking an item, take them out. At the same time, much-needed gloves or a belt will not fall back into the backpack.

Attention! First time in the arena!


You can find out about the characteristics by opening your backpack. In this case, they will be located in the upper right corner. There is also a small button that allows you to switch between characteristics and abilities. Strength (strength) increases the attack, amount of life and damage from melee weapons. Endurance increases defense and reduces poison damage. Dexterity also increases defense and damage from ranged weapons. Recovery of health (physical regeneration) accelerates the restoration of life and affects endurance. Mental regeneration increases spell damage and cooldowns. High charisma will allow you not only to reduce prices at merchants, but also to endure poisonous bites much easier. Just below the abilities, you can see the state of your health (maximum and total), attack and defense (plus immediately general description the last monster you killed), normal and special hit damage, and resistance stats. Naturally, attack is a chance to hit the enemy, and defense is a chance that you will not be hit. Resistance - reduction of one or another type of damage, and different types of damage should always be kept in mind, because the same weapon can inflict all types of damage at the same time (physical, fiery, magical and poisonous). Well, don't forget about attack speed and movement speed. Any goblin will easily catch up with a slow opponent, and the one who hits faster has a greater chance of winning.


Abilities - a set of performance improvements, at the very beginning there are only 2 of them, but with an increase in levels, the hero gets the opportunity to choose and learn new abilities. New abilities can be obtained at levels 3, 6, 12, 20, 30, 50. In total there is a choice of 13 abilities (the first 2 are applied automatically). Additional points can be invested in already selected abilities, improving them. The number of points received depends on the number of new abilities received - at the 2nd level 1 point, from the 6th - 2 points, from the 12th - 3 points and so on. In general, the abilities of various heroes are similar and differ, mainly only in the level at which they appear. The value of the ability cannot be greater than the level of the character.

Knowledge of magic (Magic lore), knowledge of weapons (Weapon lore). Increased damage dealt by magic or conventional weapons (affects all types of magic or weapons at once).

Meditation. Increases the efficiency of spirit recovery.

Earth magic, Water magic, Fire magic, Air magic, Moon magic, Heavenly magic. Increases the speed of recovery and casting of spells of the selected sphere of magic.

Rider (Riding). The skill allows you to ride horses with a level greater than 1.

Sword Lore, Staff lore, Ranged combat, Axe lore, Long-handled weapons, Dual wielding, Unarmed combat weapons (Unarmed combat), possession of blades (blade combat). The skill increases the attack characteristic and attack speed of the selected type of weapon. Choose one favorite skill and use it to the fullest.

Agility. The skill increases the characteristics of attack and defense.

Trade. The skill makes trading more profitable for you. Stupid ability, never take it.

Addition (Constitution). Increases HP recovery and increases the efficiency of health recovery.

Disarming. In hand-to-hand combat with an opponent, it becomes possible to sometimes knock out weapons from hands - from 1.1% from 1 skill to 99% from 90 skill. Are you short of money? It is enough to take this skill and not invest a single point in it anymore. And just pick up what falls out of the enemy during battles...

Shield protection (Parrying). The protection characteristic is increased. If you use a shield, then the protective effect from it also increases.

Armor. All resistances and movement speed are increased.

Bloodlust. Increased spell casting speed and recovery speed while in a vampire state.

Concentration. Accelerating the recovery of combat abilities. First choice skill. Infinitely needed for survival by those using combat special abilities.

Vampirism. Accelerated recovery of all combat abilities in the form of a vampire.

Knowledge of traps (Trap Lore). Reduced cooldown of trap-related abilities.

Ballistics. An effect similar to the knowledge of traps, but twice as weak. In addition - an increase in the attack speed of traps. As if bypassing the ability level limit (2 skills per topic).

Special abilities

Special abilities - something in which the characters are completely different from each other. Each of the heroes has a different number of these abilities, and most of them are divided into 2 “spheres”. The peculiarity of the abilities is that after using them, some time must pass to recover. In this case, when using a spell or ability, recovery will occur for all abilities of the sphere (but for different spheres, recovery can occur separately). The higher the level of the ability, the longer the recovery time. However, with the help of certain characteristics and abilities, the cooldown can be reduced. Also, the acceleration of recovery gradually occurs with increasing levels.

Special abilities are not bought. Runes for them can only be found by knocking them out of enemies. Using the same rune repeatedly will increase the level of the spell or ability. Along with the level, both the effectiveness of the ability and its cooldown will increase. If this is a frequently used ability, then it is better, at the expense of its power, to leave the cooldown at the level of 3-5 seconds.

When using abilities, the master of combinations becomes the most necessary person. He can exchange runes you don't need for other heroes and make combinations of abilities for their best use.

Of course, abilities and special abilities will be discussed in more detail when studying specific heroes.

Helpers, idlers and pests

The world in which you have to arrange justice is by no means empty. It is flooded with crowds of various enemies, eager to scalp our hero. But no less crowds - ordinary civilians, suffering severely in anticipation of a running hero who could be given a task. Some are even willing to join for a while. But only for a while - the rest of the time the hero will have to save forests, fields and cities in splendid isolation.

First on the list will be regular quest distributors. Although the tasks of the main line are distributed by people who are even quite unusual - you meet them once, and they no longer come across on the way. But others can be distinguished by the cunning neighborhood of exclamation and question marks above their heads. The completed task is handed over to the employer, but now only an exclamation mark remains above his head.

Two girls under the window.

In addition to employers, there are also just employees. These are masters of combinations, blacksmiths, sellers and horse traders. The first for money make combinations from your combat skills or spells that are applied with one click. Their effect can be incredibly deadly, but they recharge even more than the sum of stacked spells would. Although sometimes this is necessary - for example, to quickly cast a group of auras or long-acting spells that combine according to the effect. In addition, the master of combinations is engaged in the exchange of runes of martial arts and magic that you do not need (your gladiator may be very unlucky, and only runes of other professions will fall) for the necessary ones. The course is as follows: 2 runes - 1 any rune; 3 runes - 1 any rune for your hero; 4 runes - 1 rune to choose from for your hero. The latter, although more expensive, allows you to get the desired rune, and not something that is not needed at all.

It is important: if you have improved the rune, then the combination with its participation needs to be updated. However, masters of combinations take it inexpensively.

The blacksmith does not repair things. He perfects those things. Exactly as many times as the thing can have improvement slots. It's not free, of course, but it's often worth it. All improvements are foreseen in advance, but if you find some especially rare items, then the blacksmith will tense up and go beyond the long and strictly prescribed rules. The only bad thing is that there are few such items-improvements.

It is important: neither a blacksmith nor a master of combinations will just work for you. In order to start using them, there are two additional tasks. In the first, you need to find a blacksmith (given in the initial village), in the second - find a spell book for the master of combinations (given in the Silver Creek settlement). Be sure to complete these tasks, so that later you can use the services of artisans to the fullest.

With such breathing, you need to brush your teeth more often!

Sellers, who differ from other citizens in golden bags over their heads, are engaged in buying up what you don’t need and selling what you need. Horse traders only buy horses from you. To buy a horse, you need to choose from those that you directly liked. At the same time, if the horse is not available to you due to a low riding skill, then the image of a horseshoe on a horse will be crossed out.

The enemies you will come across are different. Both humans and monsters. Moreover, the latter can be both humanoid (like goblins), and beasts, and fabulous, such as dragons. Most tend to move in packs, although the really strong monsters prefer to live alone. If you happened to run into a pack, then the leader of this pack itself will be prompted by a red circle under your feet with spikes sticking out of it in all directions. And the more pronounced these spikes, the stronger the leader.

Judging by the spiked circle - clearly the leader.

It is interesting: the habitats of the monsters are unpredictable. Some can live on a chosen patch forever, being updated as soon as you leave, having cleared the territory. But others, after their destruction, die out without a trace. However, most often monsters will be updated on popular roads and routes.

And, finally, companions. You can't hire them here. They can only join for the duration of your mission. But! Partners for the duration of random tasks are mortal. But the fighters who join you for the duration of the tasks of the main line live happily ever after. That is, of course, and they die. But, after lying on the grass and resting, they are reborn and begin to destroy the enemy with renewed vigor (and most importantly, with full health). But the best thing about the partners in this game is that they cannot get lost or fall behind. The lagging partner makes a spatial jump and very soon it will be possible to observe how he, bored, awaits your approach. Nice, however.

A horse can be attributed to more faithful companions. She will never leave you. Except when it is destroyed before you. And this may well happen, so buy saddles for horses that increase their vitality. The benefits of horses are quite specific - the speed of movement increases. The harm, however, is also considerable - some abilities cannot be used from a horse, and horseback smears much more often on foot. In addition, the horse is not allowed to enter the dungeons and buildings. But how fast they run!

It is interesting: equestrian can use the following trick. Horses tend to run somewhat faster than monsters. And if, after clicking the left mouse button on the monster, go forward, then our rider will automatically shoot at the selected target while moving until it is killed. Moreover, he will shoot at the nearest target, so that before the death of the initially selected monster, several deaths of more nimble enemies may occur.

From houses to rings...

In Diablo 2, it became possible to live and fight outside the dungeons, although, getting there, you could not hope that you would get out soon. Sacred gave us not only the possibility of pseudo-nonlinear passage and huge free spaces, but also the smallest dungeons (however, there are a couple of exceptions), and houses. Caves and cellars here are extremely small in size, and getting lost in them will not work. But the houses have become multi-storey (although no one lives in them), and the largest mansions have acquired small cellars where monsters breed and breed. Separately, it is worth mentioning such a structure as an amphitheater, where gladiators frolic. And any other hero can earn extra money by fighting wild animals there. It is enough to approach the organizer of the games and agree to the task, during which you need to destroy 3 opponents.

Instead of movement magic, there are two types of magic portals in Ancaria. The former are connected into a single magical system that allows you to move to any enabled portal of this system (yes, you must first get to the portal on foot and turn it on). But when you enter the first portal, you can see a list of all the cities in which the portals are located, and only then purposefully engage in their inclusion. The second - two-way portals, rigidly interconnected.

Fashion show.

From Diablo 2, the well-established system of rare items and equipment sets has been preserved. So, rare things are called yellow, magical things are blue, and unique things are bright orange. There are also specific items for each type of hero. They will have not only the names of the characteristic color, but also the class of the hero that can use them is signed in the second line. If you collect a certain number of things (3 or more) that have the same direction (for example, strong protection against fire), then together they will be combined into a set that will enhance one or another characteristic. Then a circle will appear in the upper left corner of the “doll”, which is responsible for those same additional characteristics, and the hero will begin to “glow” with a color similar to the light of a bubble.

The battle is in full swing.

The legs of ultra-rare sets of armor and weapons grow from the same sources. Their color is the same for everyone (green) and the composition of these kits can be seen in the same circle (that is, find out what you still lack). In total, each hero can have up to 5 sets, which include from 5 to 7 pieces of weapons and armor. Moreover, due to the errors in the game (or is it intended?), only armor is taken into account in the kit, and the weapon, as it were, is there, but it is not considered the subject of the kit.

Weapon upgrade cells have also been preserved. Only now they are engaged not by anyone who has found a precious stone, but by a blacksmith, who is given a weapon that needs improvement, and a certain amount of money.

Well, in order to put individual items from the assembled sets somewhere, there is a “bank” chest in the center of each village. Came to a new city - and your good has already arrived here ahead of you.

The most significant change in this area is the unique character "dolls" for each hero. In fact, everyone is entitled to a helmet, shoulder pads, cuirass, handcuffs, gloves, greaves, boots, and a set of rings and amulets. But to whom the shoulder pads are not enough, who are hung with rings. So see the “configuration” of the heroes below.

Easier to use bubbles. They no longer need to be sorted into cells - the current bubbles have the same size and if a certain type remains, then the bubble is automatically present in the cell. And there are only 5 types of them: health, increased damage to the undead, increased experience, antidote and quick recovery of abilities. The second and third bubbles do not last long, so they need to be applied in the right place and at the right time. Ability cooldown bubble needed only for recovery after combinations. It does not affect single spells or abilities.

Sometimes on the ground you can find "treasures". They manifest themselves with rare flashes, and if you hover over them with the cursor, an inscription about a “magically hidden place” will appear. Sometimes very valuable and timely things come across there.

They fought for Ancaria

This game cannot exist without heroes. And let not all of them turned out to be bright and easily distinguished from others. But they tried. And now you have to find out what they are strong or, conversely, weak.


A simple and unremarkable fighter. He does not like horses, so he prefers to walk. Almost not according to him - he immediately hits on the forehead, and he doesn’t especially need a weapon, easily killing anyone with weighted mittens. He is a complete layman in magic, but he is well versed in axes, two-handed combat and combat gloves, and if necessary, he can master all other weapons. But, in view of the fact that axes or combat gloves are more characteristic of gladiators, he prefers them. In clothing, one can note gloves, usually equipped with blades and protruding from the cell, as well as a gladiatorial belt, which is twice as wide as usual. Of the trinkets, he can put on 2 rings and an amulet.

The abilities of the gladiator are great - initially familiar with the knowledge of weapons and concentration. Very soon learns ax wielding, dual wielding, unarmed combat, ranged attack, sword wielding, build, armor and agility. Later, to his already extensive knowledge, he can add a rider, disarmament, wielding a long weapon, shield protection and a merchant.

Special abilities

He was not trained in magic, so the gladiator had to master a few powerful blows, both with his hands and feet. Beauty for the sake of ability is divided into “ordinary”, which can be found in other warriors, and “unusual”, peculiar only to him.

Strong blow (Hard hit). A very strong blow to the enemy. The only one of the main blows that is used even from a horse.

Series (Attack). His series of strikes for some reason stops after the death of the second opponent. It's a pity, the blows are stronger than other heroes.

Kick (Combat kick). Can temporarily kick the enemy out of the battle, throwing him back and spoiling his health along the way.

Many hits (Multi-hit). A circular blow, in which it hooks everyone who inadvertently turned up under the ax.

Well, let's go and unusual blows.

Powerful jump (Stomping jump). With such a jump, the gladiator not only inflicts damage on the enemy, but also demoralizes him, reducing his defense. Valid for pedestrians only.

Awe. Passive aura that knocks enemies back.

Throwing blades. Gladiator - not a special craftsman in throwing. Therefore, his weapon flies far, hitting everyone along the way, and fundamentally does not return back.

Backbreaker (Back-breaker). You can't do this from a horse. And the process is as follows - the enemy is caught and his back breaks. After that, the enemy can only lie down and rest.

Courage (Heroic courage). A rather long aura that allows the gladiator to increase attack and defense for a while.

Fist of the gods. For such an action, it takes quite a long time to prepare, but the result is impressive - the gladiator with his fist inflicts huge damage to the enemies right in front of him. If this is a trifle, then it happened that a whole flock of goblins flew away dead after that. Also for pedestrians only.

Dagger stare. An aura that deals damage to all enemies around the gladiator. Little by little, but every second.


How to play?

The main thing when playing a gladiator is to decide what is prettier for him, axes or combat gloves. Axes are stronger on their own, but there is a small bug in the game when fighting with weapons in two hands. With axes, the total damage will be halved, and for each hand, a miss / hit will be counted separately. But combat gloves pierce the whole blow, and usually both hit. So think about it... Otherwise, the choice of abilities is simple - take everything except possession of one or another weapon.

It is interesting: a very interesting item was discovered for the gladiator - an amulet that allows you to kill an opponent who is lower in level than the gladiator, simply by looking at this enemy. Great picture - goblins fall in packs around a jogging gladiator. There is information that the same things can be for other heroes, but the level of such items is very high, and it was not necessary to meet others.

To be honest, the gladiator only has enough series and hard hit. Although you can make a combination of auras and apply them as needed. They work very well against strong opponents. fist of the gods and backbreaker, although you should not spend them on everyone.


An elegant, frivolously dressed girl, well versed in both the art of handling swords and magic. And one sword is usually not enough for her, give two. But as an option, she can also accept some kind of spear or halberd - the seraph is also a craftswoman to fight with them. In magic, she has a set for all occasions.

Starts with Magic Knowledge and Weapon Knowledge as abilities, later gains Meditation, Sky Magic, Long Weapon Knowledge, Sword Knowledge, Addition, Shield Defense, and Rider. Still later, dual wielding, armor, ranged attack, agility, and merchant appear in succession.

In clothing, it differs the most from traditional views: you have to choose between bracers and gloves, as well as boots and leggings - there is only one cell for each pair. But there was a second “body” armor in the form of blades. Such an active way to protect the back. Well, there are only 2 rings, and one amulet.

Special abilities

The set here is large, and there is plenty to choose from. Let's start with the already familiar combat abilities. In them, the seraphim manifests himself as a connoisseur of oriental martial arts. It doesn't look like Chinese...

Strong blow (Hard hit). Just an enhanced blow to the enemy.

Series (Attack). A series of blows that can kill several enemies at once (after the death of one, it passes to another). A very strong choice (especially since there is from the very beginning). You can’t use it on horseback - but you can’t do such cunning somersaults on a horse.

Kick (Combat kick). A young karateka in a demonstration jump from a meter and further drops the opponent to the ground, allocating time for herself to process others. The horse is out of business again. Moreover, in all the following combat abilities, it will also not be useful.

Whirlling hit. A circular blow in which opponents fly off to the side and come to their senses for a second. Very effective against small things like goblins. Because the circles are cut within a few seconds.

Boomerang (Hunter Seeker). If you throw the weapon correctly, it will definitely return. Hitting someone along the way.

Combat jump. Kick option. More painful, but no knockout. Easily jumps through half the map. If during the flight you switch to many strokes, then the applause of the audience is guaranteed.

Many hits (Multi-hit). One circular blow, although the results of one circle are more painful than the cycle.

BFG (BeeEffGee). Hello Quakers! After casting this spell, a spear appears, hurling energy balls every second. It won’t seem enough to the enemies, since the shooting lasts from half a minute or longer.

Seraphim's magic is extremely diverse, although, as usual, not all are recommended for use.

Strength of faith (Strength oh faith). This is an aura that temporarily increases the attack of the seraph and her assistants.

Energy arrow (Energy bolt). The only magic that requires a walking state. Reminds me of shooting pistols with two hands. Each shot deals a certain amount of normal and physical damage. They smear shamelessly...

Light (Light). An aura that deals magic damage to the undead that swirls around.

Conversion to faith (Conversion). For a while, one of the enemies goes over to the side of the seraph.

Blades of light (Rotating blades of light). Blades spin around the seraph, causing damage to the enemy.

Irritation. Causes hallucinations to the selected enemy, after which he does not attack for a while. It takes too long to read, so it's only useful as a warning against strong monsters.

Divine light (Celestial light). And this column of light deals magic damage to all enemies. Works for some time.

A powerful blow that deals physical (more magical) damage.

Light shield. Aura that magically protects against ranged weapons.

How to play?

Despite the large number of abilities and spells, she is not overly puzzled by the choice. Of the abilities you need to immediately choose, with a sword or spears, we are going to thin out the ranks of the enemy. It is better to add weapons in two hands to the first, and the second is self-sufficient. You definitely need heavenly magic (to speed up recovery and increase the effect), but the rest is a difficult choice.

From the combat choice is extremely small - series, as the main means of destroying the enemy and quadruple in combination swipe to kill the bosses. All jumps and spins are either slow or unstable, and BFG smears more often than hits. Needed in magic the power of faith and irritation, the rest of the spells are better to lay out according to the current situation (a lot of undead or archers).

In general, the impression of the seraph is that of a typical hand-to-hand fighter, using magic to facilitate cutting the enemy into small pieces.

Forest Elf

In appearance - a girl with a bow that has already become a stereotype. That is, a craftswoman to hit a squirrel from afar exactly in the eye. Of course, this is an integral part of the forest elf, after all, it is her bows that are her weapons (although they will try to convince us that she is extremely deft with a dagger in close combat), but she also knows how to use magic called moon magic. The peculiarity of this magic is in its protective orientation and the invocation of very strong helpers. Of the clothes, the elf fundamentally does not recognize shoulder pads, but she loves jewelry, possessing two cells of amulets at once and four - rings.

Initially, it has the ability of agility and knowledge of weapons, and already at the first increase it gets a choice between knowledge of magic, meditation, moon magic, attack from a distance, focus, rider and long weapon. Further, the merchant, swordsmanship, armor, disarmament and shield protection are opened. Although of the latter, only disarmament is of interest.

Special abilities

Abilities are divided equally - into lunar magic and combat. And since there are 16 of them, there are 8 for each sphere. Naturally, they do not intersect with each other, and their restoration takes place separately. Combat abilities seem to be primary, while moon magic is frankly ancillary.

Spider arrow. An interesting ability, in which several spiders with a level equal to yours crawl out at the point of impact and begin to bite everyone running nearby. With each level, the number of spiders increases.

Knockback arrow. Drops an opponent to the ground, knocking them out.

Penetrating arrow. A homing arrow that flies in circles for a few seconds after the shot and hits anyone who inadvertently stood in its way.

Explosive arrow. An arrow that, if it kills the enemy, then tears the corpse to pieces. Very useful against skeletons, which are terribly fond of coming to life.

The rabbits are attacking!

Many arrows (Multiple arrow). Fan of arrows (1 per level). Scattering and hitting enemies standing around. Unfortunately, the damage is divided proportionally to the number of arrows. The ability lasts for some time.

Many hits (Multi-Hit). The first ability, not only related to archery. This is either an enhanced circular strike (everyone will get it), or a shot, as in the previous ability. The ability is only available to foot soldiers.

Strong blow (Hard Hit). Just a very strong (and always accurate) blow or shot. Recommendations of the best shooters.

Eye to eye (Eye for an Eye). Many blows or arrows, but all this wealth is intended for one purpose. Well suited for battles with strong monsters, especially when the attack speed is still low. Although the effect is quite unstable - it can be much better than a strong blow, or maybe vice versa. This ability cannot be used from a horse.

Change (Transformation). For a while, a circle appears around the hero, in which all enemies turn into animals. Naturally, the animals do not attack.

Tumbleweed (Thorn bush). A ball that rolls in a specified direction, dealing damage to anyone in its path.

Poisoned tendrils. Spikes, the number of which is equal to level + 1, hitting those who are on them with poison and a little bit of magic. The area of ​​their work is extremely small, but they act for a long time.

Slowdown Thicket (Plant cage). Stop the enemy on which they were applied. They interact well with the previous spell.

Call of the ancestors. 3 ghosts that accompany you for 25 seconds and attack any enemy during this time (physical and a little magical damage). It is best to go in combinations of several of these spells - a crowd of ours against a crowd of the enemy.

Recovery. Just a cure.

Fast as a flash (Quick as flash). Increased movement speed. The higher the level, the more.

Companion of the woods. A unicorn that constantly accompanies you. Each spell level corresponds to 5 unicorn levels. Necessary spell.

How to play?

Of the abilities, the first to choose is focus, ranged attack and moon magic. The rest is already personal preference. Although do not forget that the elf's main weapon is bows, so it's better not to even try to train her to work with swords and long weapons. Hence the main special abilities - swipe and penetrating arrow. Quite applicable and spider arrow. Of magic needed unicorns(a level 5 spell will give you a level 25 companion, which is very powerful) acceleration and call of the ancestors. The latter goes well in a quadruple combination when you urgently need to defend yourself from an enemy crowd. The rest of the magic is optional.

The tactic of the shooter is simple - do not mess with large crowds of enemies, shooting them from a distance. If you greatly reduce the recovery of special abilities, then you can achieve almost constant firing with strong blows, as a result, the movement through the area will be fast, and the enemy will fall from one hit. It is better not to get involved in big hand-to-hand fights - they will knock on the head for nothing, for nothing. Moreover, the elf is best suited for riding a horse - she gets it from her best of all. So - aim at one of the enemies and ride around.

Dark Elf

The most original fighter practicing the use of traps in battle. Martial arts specialist, assassin and, as practice shows, the most powerful fighter in the game. Often even absent from the battlefield, giving his traps the right to deal with the enemy. He is conservative in clothes, differing from the usual scheme only in that there are 4 rings, and only one amulet. But he invented his own type of weapon - the blades of the dark elf, which he owns to perfection. They usually do a little physical damage, but they do a lot of poison (but you can also find good blades with fire damage).

From the very beginning, he learned the use of blades and concentration. Later, he will master the knowledge of traps, ballistics, knowledge of weapons, dual-wielding weapons, addition, agility, disarmament and ridership. Even later, he can learn unarmed combat, armor, swordsmanship, shield defense, and a merchant.

Special abilities

The dark elf's skills are divided into ordinary and traps, designed to reduce the life of the enemy, even if the owner himself is at some distance.

Cobra. The use of this ability paralyzes several opponents for a fairly long period of time. Cannot be used on horseback.

Arrow protection (Pak-Dain). Reflection of enemy arrows, and even with increased damage from them.

Sudden fury (Sudden fury). Spinning Kick, can only be done while on foot.

Mongoose (Mongoose). A very long jump from the crowd of the enemy. Clueless skill.

Protection from magic (Pak-Nakor). Once in the society of sorcerers, we return back their own spells, and even strengthen them.

Revenge. Powerful attack against the selected enemy.

The usual abilities are followed by what the dark elf is so famous for - traps. Not all of them act like true traps (that is, without the supervision of the owner), rather they act like grenades, but their benefits are obvious. And it is due to them that the dark elf is so strong. All traps are not one-time, but act for some time.

Mess (Confusion). The elf mixes hallucinogens into his ammunition. And, once in the zone of action of the disorder, the enemies are lost and cannot understand what to do. As a result, they can both wander aimlessly and destroy each other.

Adrenaline (Adrenaline). This is not a trap, but rather a “bubble”. The elf drinks it himself and increases his defense.

Poison cloud (Poison mist). Anyone who tries to pass through a cloud of this muck will be hit by poison and physically (here's the last one from - they beat their heads against the trees from poisoning, or what?).

Explosive charge. Regular bomb. The enemy gets fire and blast.

Fog of battle (Battle fog). See nothing. Enemies quietly sit and wait. Moreover, they do not react to blows to the heads and other parts of the body - nothing is visible!

Testosterone (Testosterone). Another vial, this time upping the attack.

Abyss of hell (Bottomless pit). The real mine. It can be placed in anticipation of guests and will attach them strongly as soon as they inadvertently step on it. True, they will not wait forever, time is limited. But it is best to lay them as a surprise before the battle with the crowd of the enemy. A hot and toxic meeting will be provided for him.

How to play?

The Dark Elf is not in vain considered the most powerful fighter. Although he hardly uses his combat abilities. The main thing for him is to acquire blades and put them in both hands, and there it remains only to help himself a little with traps. So, mess for a dark elf - the sweetest thing. It must always be present in one of the cells. While the enemy is fighting among themselves, the dark elf only helps them a little. If there is a lot of enemy, you can mine passage through the abyss of hell. And then the lured crowd will be severely crippled before they enter the battle. Well, in really bad places - a combination of adrenaline, testosterone, a soul catcher and one of the defenses (against magic or arrows). Do not even look at the fact that this monstrous structure is being restored for a long time - it is in extreme cases. In general, why do you keep your yellow vials? After all, they are just needed to restore the longest combinations.

The hardest thing for a dark elf is the choice of abilities. He has as many as 3 absolutely necessary abilities (knowledge of traps, dual-wielding and disarmament). But, having learned all of them by level 12, he becomes truly invincible.


Crossbreeds of a magician and a warrior are already enough. But the real magician has not yet been. Here he is. And real magicians, despite all the assurances about their excellent command of the sword, still do not like melee weapons. And they don’t have special combat-oriented abilities - only 20 spells. And given the health, which does not allow long fighting in conditions when the enemy hits the head hard and painfully, it will become clear that the main technique of a combat magician is exhausting the enemy with a long run. And in between, a quick use of magic. In clothing, the battle mage adheres to the same principles as the wood elf.

The abilities of the magician begin, naturally, with the knowledge of magic and meditation. Moreover, very soon he can choose between earth, fire, water and air magic, and knowledge of the sword or staff, attack at a distance, knowledge of weapons or a rider. Later, he can learn Agility, Merchant, Build, Disarm, and Shield Defense.

Special abilities

The magician has as many as four spheres of magic (well, and a few more spells that could not stick anywhere), so there is plenty to choose from. The most disgusting thing is that there is definitely no most necessary sphere, each has 1-2 useful spells. But each sphere has its own abilities... But let's start with the sphere of fire.

Fireball. A fireball that strikes the enemy with fire and, to a lesser extent, magic. It flies not far, often smears, but it can injure two people at once with a successful hit. But there is from the very beginning.

Flaming skin (Flameskin). This is an aura that allows you to block some of the enemy's blows, increases resistance to fire, and those who still reach you will receive minor fire damage.

Purgatory. A small speck that will crawl around you, looking for the enemy. Something like a temporary assistant. Low damage does not allow it to be considered a valuable spell.

Fire spiral. A circle of fire around the mage that hits the enemy with fire (and a little bit of magic).

Having finished with the fire, we pass to the earth.

Meteor storm. Several meteorites (1st level - 3, 2nd - 5, then add 1 each) fall to the ground, causing those they hit, heavy normal damage and a little fire.

Immediately after the earth is the opposite element, air.

Hurricane (Whirlwind). Not a very effective thing, but you can know. Reduces the chance to hit the mage for archers and inflicts minor damage on those who get too close to the mage.

Gust of wind. Knocks a number of enemies in front of the wizard (written in the spell) back, dealing some poison damage to them. In this case, the enemies also come to their senses for some time. A very useful spell.

Phase shift. Mage teleportation. Not very far, and therefore rather useless.

Lightning strike. A strong magical and physical blow to a certain area. At the same time, with levels, the number of those who will get lightning grows.

After air comes water, in which you can find many useful spells.

Waterfall of agility (Cataract of agility). Thus, the mage briefly increases his speed and attacking abilities.

Shards of ice (Ice shards). A fan of shards that strike the enemy with magic and physical damage. The higher the level, the more fragments and the further they fly.

Ice ring (Ring of ice). This ring slows enemies and deals physical and magical damage to them.

Water figure (Water form). With the help of this spell, the magician can become invisible and escape from the crowd of enemies.

In addition to spells that are pre-arranged into spheres, there are also spells that have not entered anywhere. But that doesn't mean they're useless.

Spiritual healing. Usual treatment, nothing more.

Shield wall. The shield wall provides some chance to reflect enemy attacks, and also increases all resistances (except physical), with mainly increased resistance to magic.

Ghost meadow. Speed ​​up recovery of the spirit.

Balance (Reiki). Speed ​​up health recovery.

How to play?

The magician is a frail and defenseless creature. Anyone can kill him. Therefore, he needs to acquire all possible spells as quickly as possible, and until then try not to get involved in battles at all. Otherwise, the magician will be instantly provided with another revival far from the place of events.

The most successful connection ice ring, slowing down the enemy, after which the rapid processing of frozen ice shards. If there are especially many opponents, then you can run back and apply circle of fear. Then no one will reliably enter us (and the trouble with the circle of fear is that whoever entered the radius of its action before it was read will not come out of there and will beat the magician, as before). Another good link gust and ice shards. The enemy is thrown back, after which fragments fan out over him - the damaging effect is much higher. Well, the combination of balance and the ghostly meadow works very well - the magician will not hurt both. Sometimes you need petrification, as a remedy against strong opponents, and a fireball, to which skeletons are susceptible.

What to choose from abilities? As you can see from the spells you choose, air and water are more valuable. Just do not choose the possession of weapons, the magician does not know how to fight them.



In her normal state, this girl is good at fighting enemies with a sword, but there is also a hidden state in which she takes the form of a vampire. In this form, she no longer uses weapons and armor, only her hands are enough, and the body itself becomes a defense. And even if she does not stay in the form of a vampire for long, but during this time you can do an incredible amount of things. Moreover, there are new, vampire, abilities. The only difference in the vampire outfit is that she has only one amulet with all 4 rings. Everything else does not differ from the standards.

From birth, she is familiar with vampirism and knowledge of weapons, a little later she learns armor, possession of an ax and a sword, bloodthirstiness, concentration, addition, disarmament, protection with a shield. Over time, can learn the rider, agility, long weaponry, trader and ranged attack.

Special abilities

Abilities are normal and vampire. True, the former do not disappear when the shape changes, but intensify a little and begin to recover faster. And in the cells of quick use, the abilities change a little. But to deal with this is a business. The main thing is to understand how everything happens.

Turning into a vampire (Turn into vampire). It doesn't take long to turn into a vampire. But you can stay in this form for a short time. Get new levels of this ability and you will enjoy the strength and dexterity of the second incarnation of this girl for longer.

Mind control. If there are too many enemies, then it's a good idea to lure one to our side. Yes, just as fair. Mind and time control only work for a dismounted vampire.

Wolf call. One wolf is not the most serious help. Well, there is nothing to use them, call the bats.

Time control. The vampire does not jump or teleport - she slows down time and calmly moves from place to place. But the essence is the same - away from enemies means more health.

Quick claws (Whirling claws). A circular blow already familiar to us, giving damage to all opponents. All subsequent normal strikes (except deathclaws) are performed only while on foot.

Claws of death. A strong blow that falls under it will not be good. Although others have this blow looks prettier.

Ripping claws. A series of blows that, inflicting, the vampire can move from one enemy to another.

Combat kick. Kick and knock out the enemy - vampires can do that too.

These abilities are only unlocked as a vampire. There will be little time for a detailed study, but it is in them that the power of a real vampire lies.

Blood bite. The usual vampire cure is to suck the life out of an enemy. At this time, she does not beat anyone and the victim does not beat her. But health is replenished weakly, and the rest at this time do not stop beating.

Master bite. But this is a little better - the bitten one becomes an assistant for a short time. Especially effective against mounted archers.

Where is Drizzt?

Deadly jump (Claw jump). Having famously jumped, the vampire scatters enemies to the sides and damages them a little at the same time. Weird receiver.

Blood kiss. With this bite, the enemy becomes so bad that the characteristics are reduced for a while and health deteriorates a little. Another strange method to do something is not clear. You can't kiss an enemy from a horse.

Awakening from death (Awaken dead). We raise the corpse of the enemy from the dead, and he fights for us until we regain our human form. It is useless in a crowd of goblins, but raising a giant or a dragon is something.

A flock of bats (Bats: blood swarm). Amazing helpers. Killing them is extremely difficult, and they live even after the vampire returns to his human form. Enemies are distracted by them only in this way.

Frightening bats (Bats: confusion). They bite a little weaker, but they remarkably confuse the enemy. And he no longer knows whom to attack.

Bats-guards (Bats: guard). And these mice act mainly against magicians or archers, choosing them first from the crowd.

How to play?

Transformation into a vampire.

It will not work to stay in the form of a vampire all the time, so combat skills will have to be improved. And all the same familiar to us death claws and gutting claws. And after turning into a vampire, these abilities will not remain without work. But at this time it would be necessary to call on bats - their help is very good. If the enemy is strong, then it's good to win someone over to your side. And if someone strong has died, then raise this strong man from the dead by recruiting him into your team. Any jumps and bites are not about us.

The best weapon for a vampire is a sword. However, there is such a thing as skulls. All other heroes do not have very good chances of finding a powerful battle skull, but the vampire can easily do this by going to the cemetery. And although the skull cannot be strengthened by abilities, some specimens will be much better than any sword without any abilities.

It is interesting: skulls are most often found in cemeteries. Moreover, a vampire, unlike others, finds only skeletons in cemeteries, and no more than one in the grave. Conclusion - rummage around all the surrounding cemeteries as a novice vampire and you can get a very powerful weapon for the first time.

Go far...

Before I start my journey through Ancaria, I will dwell on the tasks and the process of completing them for a little while. There are three types of tasks - basic, additional and random. When the first is completed, the storyline progresses. And in the magazine they are marked with “suns”, which are replaced by checkmarks upon completion. Additional tasks are those tasks that will always be in the game. Often their implementation somehow improves life (an example is help in finding a book for the master of combinations). They are usually obtained from the same location (although the locations may change), and they are given by people with a name (as opposed to random quests given by farmers, nobles, and so on). Random quests only give experience and money. They can arise anywhere, and usually consist in the destruction of some strong monster. But there may be quite intricate tasks, like the one where a man standing near a bridge asked to urgently find a tailor for him. Needless to say, the tailor was standing on the other side of the bridge.

How to find the location of the task? Minor tasks must be selected in the journal, and there can be only one main task. In this case, the direction to the main task will be highlighted on the minimap with a yellow arrow on the edge of the minimap. The selected minor task will be indicated by a blue arrow. The very place of the task will be shown in blue or yellow books. After completion, the book will change color to green. After completing the task, even if they give you experience on the spot and announce that everything is finished, still go around all the interested parties. It is not uncommon for you to be given an additional bonus or a good item.

It is important: even after numerous patches, the game is still not completely rid of errors. One of them is “losing” the given monsters or quest errors if you are collecting a lot of quests at once. Therefore, try not to take more than two additional or random tasks, if you do not go to waste.

If you die during the game, then nothing really terrible happens. Things and comrades remain with you, the horse waits at the place of death, and you resurrect at the place of the last completed task along the main line. Usually convenient. But sometimes it can be so far...

How it all started

It all started with the dark elf Shaddar. Born into a noble family, he eventually began to get involved in black magic, considering it a way to prolong his longevity. In his experiments, he even used members of his own family. Naturally, this led to strife, and then the mages of the Misdale Enclave sentenced him to death by burning. However, the ruler of Valorian turned out to be a soft-hearted person and replaced the execution with exile. Since then, the mad magician has gone into the sands of the desert, and for a long time goblins, trolls and orcs have been talking about a terrible sorcerer who lives in the Dark Tower. The goal of the wizard was to find the gates to the realm of the Dead and let the demon Saqqara into the world of the living. And it looks like he made it...

Act I. Path of Destiny

No comment...

The beginning for all heroes will be different. The magician will have to pass the test by destroying the monster; to the dark and forest elves - to bring a letter to the city of Bellevue; vampire - to lead the wanderer there; seraphim - deal with a group of robbers; gladiator - survive the battle in the arena. But, in the end, their paths cross when either of the heroes comes to the commandant Romate in the city of Bellevue. He will tell you about mysterious events and send you to Sergeant Treville in front of Porto vallum. Take your time - first you need to “turn on” the portal near the city (those who wish can spend the money received from Romata to buy a horse).

The sergeant is rather taciturn, and will send you to the city, where you will be given a new order - to release Wilbur, the assistant to the prince, who was spying in the ranks of the orcs. However, the entire road to the city is lined with crowds of orcs and goblins, and if you move further aside, you can run into a pack of level 20 enemies, which will be superfluous for you for now. Although you can just run along the road, it is better to go there, destroying flocks of enemies along the way. The city itself does not shine with calm either, the goblins have set up camps right under the fences and do not hesitate to roam the city streets. Immediately upon entering the city, you can see the portal, which must be turned on.

The orcs guarding Wilbur are quite strong, and even a level 2-3 hero should not mess with their leader. Wilbur immediately joins you and offers to take him to Urkenburgh, to the prince. During his career, Wilbur learned a lot about the orcs and would like to tell this to knowledgeable people.

In between these missions, it would not be a bad idea to complete the quests to find the blacksmith in Bellevue and find the magic book in Silver creek. These tasks will give you the opportunity to use the services of blacksmiths and masters of combinations in the future.

The road to Urkenburg is not easy. Along the way, you will meet quite strong orcs and goblins, but usually they are located not in packs, but one by one, which makes it easier to destroy them.

The prince, as it turns out, is puzzled by the problem of the invasion of orcs and goblins, and asks you to go on a diplomatic mission to Baron DeMordrey. The Baron is not well liked for his unnecessarily cool decisions, but he is the commander of the royal army and this has to be reckoned with. To help, the prince will transfer you to the place where you freed Wilbur. After that, Wilbur will cease to be a passive observer and will begin to help you in the difficult task of exterminating the enemy. You can not worry about its safety - it will lie down a little and come to life.

Further I would recommend to go to Mascarel. There is not only another portal, but also a wonderful area for pumping. The monsters there are the closest in level to you, which means that runes will often fall out of them. Which you can’t buy for any money - they’re not for sale, that’s all.

From there, having pumped well, go to Faerie Crossing. There you will meet representatives of DeMordrey, who will ask you to destroy the apostates on the other side of the bridge. Considering that they will have to be destroyed in any case, extra experience will not hurt. But then it’s better to go not in a straight line anyway, but turn into Timberton. In this wonderful place, not only there are several additional tasks, but also another portal. But now you can in Crow's rock castle. It's a nice city with many merchants. The Baron is very kind and sends you to one of his elite squads who can help you. But for some reason, the detachment not only does not want to help, but it attacks you. They have to be destroyed. Please note - you won't be able to get to the detachment in a straight line, you need to go through the cave, which is located next to the town of Wolfdale. It is very convenient that next to the mercenaries there is another portal.

After the battle, Wilbur either dies or leaves us, and asks to inform the prince of the betrayal. After that, the game moves on to the second chapter.

If we return to the baron, he will only laugh at our naivety and try to finish what his detachment started ...

Act II. For the Crown

It's time to hurry to warn the prince of the betrayal. We jump on the teleport to Mascarel, and from there it's a stone's throw to Porto draco. There is no one in the passage, but you will learn that the prince was going to destroy the orc army in the south. Forward through the desert.

However, here is betrayal. You will find only a field with dead soldiers, among whom will be a dying Treville. He will ask for water. Nearby there will be a small lake, on the shore of which a flask will lie. After briefly reviving, Treville will report that Baroness Vilia from Mascarel can tell where the prince is now. Don't forget to open a portal in the desert near the dying Treville.

However, the Baroness is under arrest by DeMordray's troops. So you have to clear the city from the enemy, and lead the baroness through a secret passage. There is an interesting moment in the game - you can find out about the name of the city only after you lead the baroness through a secret passage. And after rescuing her, head to the Tyr-fasul fortress, located in the forests north of Mascarel. The Baroness is quite capable of helping you and, like any hero in the main line, she never dies completely. Just provide her with a bow - there will be more benefits.

The prince is extremely happy about the rescue of the baroness, and immediately introduces you to his sorceress, who hopes that she holds the key to unraveling the arrival of the orcs. And immediately puts a one-way portal in the Ahil-tar oasis. The people living there suggest the way to the city of the orcs Khorad-nur, where the prudent orcs live, who can make peace with people.

However, the city is blocked by an impudent orc, who declares that only the tough ones are allowed in. And in order to become so, you need to kill the dragon near the city. The dragon is big, and you obviously won't be able to miss it. The biggest problem is that the dragon is accompanied by a bunch of skeletons and liches. Therefore, you will first have to destroy this escort, and only then deal with the dragon itself.

After killing the dragon, enter the city and immediately look for the portal (in the center of the city). Not everyone is happy to see us, and those who are dissatisfied will have to be reduced in number. As a result, one way or another, you will receive a demon horn from the shaman and finish the second act.

Act III. blood trail

Mission accomplished, time to find the prince. Only now he is no longer in his former place - he left for the capital in the Braverock castle. The easiest way to get there is through the portal in Porto vallum, and then through the village of Bravesbury to the north. Along the way, you will meet a very large number of magicians, so stock up on anti-magic amulets and rings, and also insert the appropriate spells in combinations.

So, the prince was even further than expected. Even in the capital he has no peace, everywhere they want to kill him. Therefore, the prince arranged his residence in the sewers. Luckily though, the population in the sewers is not very aggressive. Yes, do not forget to activate the portal in the city.

And here is the prince. And the sorceress next to him. This resourceful woman will invite you to go to the Seraphim Monastery in Icecreek dale. They've already saved the world, so they should know how it's done. Fortunately, this time the magician is going to join our expedition. We jump into the portal next to Wolfdale and head straight north from it. There is already a land of giants and strong monsters, I hope you pumped well before climbing here.

The Seraphim lament that the last time they saved the world was a long time ago, and everything they wrote down about it is in the library. But monsters looked after the library without proper supervision for housing, so first you have to clear it of unwanted guests. Don't forget to open the portal next to the monastery.

The artifacts are collected - it's time for the demon.

The ghost of a seraph was found in the library, which tells about the four elemental elements that make up the soul of this world. We are looking for these elements. The only unpleasant thing is that they usually put a dragon as their guard.

The element of air is very close - in the ice palace Frostgaard. It is protected, of course, by an ice dragon and packs of other ice creatures. If you have acquired a fire weapon by this time, then it will be very useful to you. In order to find the element of fire, you need to jump into the desert (where Treville died) and go to Alkazaba noc Draco. Lava fields and a fiery dragon are provided to us. Fire protection is very useful here.

With such blows, the third act will soon be over.

To the remaining elements to go much further. Travel to the portal in Braverock castle and run west, through Bravewall, into the land of the dark elves. It's time to remember about protection from poison - there are countless poisoners here. In Zhurag-nar is the element of earth, and in Verag-nar is the element of water. And if to find the element of earth it is enough to clear the dungeon from the enemy, then for the element of water it is necessary to clear one more dungeon from a pair of dragons and turn the lever that drains the passage to the dungeon with the element of water.

All? No. It turns out that the fifth element is missing. And the sorceress sends us in search of him. Without leaving the land of the dark elves, we pass into the city of Mystdale castle. From it you need to go to the east, where you will find an unusual push-action portal that takes us to the desert. And from there, a long hike through the dungeons (and constant exits from them) will lead to the Shaddar-nur fortress. Not far from it is the last portal.

The castle is run by some kind of ogre, who is very worried about the fact that harmful demons have appeared in the basement and exterminate stocks no worse than rats. The ogre promises anything to the one who will bring this misfortune (and we want our fifth element). Destroy the demons, since they are nothing serious, and get the things that you were promised. Everything, you can return to the sorceress, to the sewer. True, the kindest can lead the ogre to his native village. But this is an additional task.

The prince you return to will immediately become inspired and join you in helping you kill DeModray (and who did I kill then?). We go to the surface and go to visit the traitor. Immediately after his death, the sorceress offers to create an artifact from the extracted parts to help destroy the demon. To do this, you need to get into the forge. Naturally, even here enemies will interfere with us, but... In the forge, the artifact will finally be collected and offered to fight the demon. The ritual here is this - we put the artifact on a pedestal, we destroy the demon's horn. The demon is offended and comes to beat us. But the artifact greatly weakens him (if he hits weakened like that, then how does he hit at full strength?), And it becomes easier to destroy the demon. Although this battle is not for the weak. But one advice to the ladies - if the demon is not allowed to approach you, then it is quite possible to survive.

After the death of the demon, we pick up the defiled artifact and return to the palace. However, here a surprise awaits us - the vile Shaddar comes, kills all our friends and steals the artifact. There is only one way out - to destroy the pest.

Act IV. The Heritage of the Ancestors

He is very upset. And defeated.

There are few tasks in the fourth act - only one. Destroy Shaddar.

If the portal to Shaddad-nur is open, then we go through it. To begin with, you will have to fight for a long time against Shaddar's assistants - a good defense against magic will not hurt. But the battle against the magician himself was not impressive - the demon was much stronger. Well, we saved the world once again!

Mouse or keyboard?

Of course, there are a lot of actions in the game. And trying to do everything with just one mouse is not enough time. Or get tired of the monotony. To make life easier and speed up actions - hot keys.

The left mouse button pairs very well with the key Shift. With such an alliance, clicking on a horse means dismounting, on an object in the inventory - throwing away or immediate sale. You can quickly buy an item by right-clicking on it. And here are the individual keys:

I- backpack

F- special abilities

C- combination screen

L- magazine

M- World map

Tab- minimap (you need to hold the key)

Space- drink a vial of treatment

Q- drink vial of undead death

W- drink a vial of experience increase

E- drink an antidote

R- drink a recovery potion

1-5 - weapon slots

6-0 - cells of special abilities or spells.

Moments, moments...

The game has a fairly reasonable balance between the power of special abilities and spells, and the speed of their application. If you want a more powerful effect, the recovery time will be longer. There are two ways out: do not overestimate the level of the spell and pay attention to abilities that speed up recovery.

The first option is very relevant for spells that require quick casting. For example, enough powerful special abilities that cause direct damage. If they are restored in 6-7 seconds, then in battle they will not be of any use. Better let the damage be 20% lower, but the cooldown will only last 2 seconds (max 3). That is, it is better to save the extra runes for the future, when the cooldown drops. Of course, for auras, you can not be limited to the duration of the recovery. Moreover, by combining them into a combination, it will be possible to apply them in a “pack”, and, if necessary, restore them with recovery potions.

The second option does not preclude the first (better to combine them), but with due attention to abilities such as concentration or meditation, it will allow you to quickly restore even the slowest special abilities and spells.

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