Sacred underworld in what order to go through the locations. Sacred: walkthrough, game description, secrets and tips. From houses to rings

Z.Y. and in general, always read the inscriptions on the sculptures and on the monoliths, there are a lot of jokes. Do you want free health elixirs? Then, upon arrival in any city, spank to the well, click on it and get a healing freebie! Tired of drenching ordinary monsters? Then go in search of dragons! There are only eight of them in the game, with one with quests. I've only soaked 5 so far.
1 Entering the "Raven Rock" go to the stable, there is a gate, behind it is a path, and behind it is a cave. So here you go to that cave, wet everyone there, and set sail through the portal to the peninsula. A fat reddish dragon will lie there, and all sorts of soldiers and wolves will fuss around it.
2 Stomp into Zhurag - Nar. From there, stomp to the floor with trolleys, and from there to the floor where there are a lot of monsters. The dragon will be somewhere northeast. It's hard to see him, but you really try.
3 This dragon can not be seen only if you go through the game blindfolded. It is located in the ice gorge - a cry, not far from the 1st of the parts of the elements of Ancaria.
4 For the sake of this dragon, you will have to fry under the desert sun. In short spank in Horad-nur. There, take the quest from the orc to kill the horde of the undead and go south. there will be a half-dead bony dragon and a tiny appendix (a horde of the undead).
5 I found this Dinosaur in the forest, I did not figure out how. Black Elves hang out around him. Correction: In order to find the place where the cultists butcher the seraph (to obtain a light blade) in the place described a little higher, you must first save it from the cave of the cultists. The cave is located northeast of the vampire villa (the place where the vampire starts). Specifically, the novice saved earlier in one of the quests speaks about her (the quest is given south of the monastery, where the seraph starts, the 1st side). By the way, starting with a seraph, leave the monastery and go a little to the right, you will see a stonehenge, in which you can see the butchering of a forest troll by a sorcerer.
Correction: In order to find the place where the cultists butcher the seraph (to obtain a light blade) in the place described a little higher, you must first save it from the cave of the cultists. The cave is located northeast of the vampire villa (the place where the vampire starts). Specifically, the novice saved earlier in one of the quests speaks about her (the quest is given south of the monastery, where the seraph starts, the 1st side). By the way, starting with a seraph, leave the monastery and go a little to the right, you will see a stonehenge, in which you can see the butchering of a forest troll by a sorcerer.
If you want to earn a little experience, then you need to get out of Porto Valum up to Bravesbury, and from Bravesbury you need to go exactly along the path to Bravework Castle. There is a sculpture between Bravesbury and Castle Braywork, and if you use it, it gives a lot of experience for the killed monsters! Like the mentor's elixir, only cooler! There are 5 hidden locations in the game.
1. JASON is located to the west of the dragon's settlement, there is a barely visible path, we pass along it, and there the word jason and the lake are hollowed out of the pebbles, and next to it is a hockey mask and a machete (only for GLAD).
2. Pakmen is located west of the Fairy Stream, if you go between the blacksmith and the merchant, then we pass between the houses and turn southwest point-blank to the forest, there you will find a path - it leads to a cave.
3. Glasses (all Persians have different models). If you divide the deserts into western and eastern, then in the southeastern corner between the sea and the mountains, there is a narrow passage, there is a pier, on a boat and on the peninsula of the orcs, there people give the quest to soak the drink, you need to trample on the carpets, they will warn you of something and once again and wet them for this a good orc will give points.
4. Jedi saber. To do this, you first need to free the seraph from the dungeon, which is located east of the vampire estate, she will say, like our paths will converge and teleport, leaving the rune. Later in east. desert, if you go east along the path from the orc camp, then after crossing the bridge we will come to the place Aish-Yadar, even to the east and a little to the north, we comb the area and see the burned building, there are a lot of monsters and this seraph we kill monsters and we approach it she u peaces and gives a jedi blade.
5. Tristram from the first DIABLY. I went there and went nuts - everything was so familiar! Even Griswold and others are there! More super. The city is north of Moorbrook.

The map is attached in the file.
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Dragon map.
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There are amulets that your character cannot wear. Some of them have COOL Prizes. If you stick them into "socket" armor or a weapon, then these prizes will become available to you. There are a number of types of unique sets for the Gladiator in the game:
“Amazing eyes of Dalmar” - 8 things (found 2)
“The Fate of Siritkam” – 6 items (found 1)
“Jacquere's Appearance” - 4 items (found 1)
“Loghrars Rescuer” – 5 items (found 1)

For other characters, there are also In Braverock Castle, after a mission with a merchant in the square, two merchants appear, if you talk first with one, later with the other, then the product changes for the better. You can pump up a set of the best armor for yourself. When you play with a cheat for immortality, the character becomes a bunny.
To avoid this, we create an unsuitable character, enter the code for immortality and load the one we will use.
He will be immortal. There are also big spiders, I only killed two. And my strategy is this - blades in two hands are super, consider that you are a superman and even more elixirs it helps. But you understand that you can find which opponent in terms of level against you, if reddish, then higher in level, and if greenish, then like you, but if yellowish, then lower than you, and if grayish, then sucks. If you go to the resort as a Gladiator, then they will give some German glasses, if you go by the Dark Elf, they will give you “reality Neo” glasses, I haven’t tried it with others!
There are a lot of bugs in the game, for example, in version 1.66 it is impossible for a gladiator to pass a target where you need to bring water to a dying person!
If you approach the combo master, save, go to the exchange of pebbles, throw off the pebbles, press the exchange and load, then the cursor will turn into a stone, and does nothing anymore, it can only start up magic. If you play as a ghoul, you can make its form endless ( in other words, you don’t have to constantly reincarnate):
1) start the game (ghoul)
2) take the form of a ghoul
3) export it, exclusively in the form of a ghoul
4) start latest game for the exported ghoul
5) change the appearance from a ghoul to a knight
6) wait for him to reincarnate from a knight again into a ghoul (already forever)
7) and here is a real ghoul, and not some kind of lady ghoul. If you go through the Seraphim resort, they give Stairway to Heaven glasses. There is a method to duplicate objects with holes and rings or amulets. It is done like this: Inventory is stuffed so that there is no free space, we approach the blacksmith and shift the leaky object to him (either from the hand or from the inventory, but then we put a bottle in the place of the vacated place so that the object does not fit back into the inventory), and without taking the object, close the blacksmith's window, the object falls to the floor, click on the blacksmith, the number 2 (3,4, ...) appears in his window on the item - this means that you have two such items (a duplicate and a duplicate, there are no more originals), we build in all the best (a ring or an amulet), we pick up the item and close the blacksmith window, and select the 2nd one from the floor near you (via ALT, because it is not visible like that) with already built-in beauties. You now have two super items. If you take beauty out of objects, then they are taken out of both at once (from time to time an object can change its characteristics - if you make a lot of duplicates, and later pull out amulets from them).
I experimented with 2 very strong blades for level 20 (damage 200-380, but low attack speed), but if you make a duplicate of the blade, then the attack speed will increase (I have from 110 to 220), the damage doubled. And one more thing - when you pick up both blades (original and duplicate), then the second one is not visible in your hand, and when you click on one of them in your inventory with the mouse, the image on the second one is lost and the cells with the duplicate become transparent with a blue (reddish) background. (Just glitches - they do not affect the course of the game, but the hero with a good weapon)! Runes for free!
You need to go to the combinator and make a quick save. Then press on the combinator and in the rune exchange screen transfer 4 all runes to it [shift, but do not immediately change them to some other rune] and press the quick load button, after loading the combinator will have a rune that you can choose, and those runes unused will lie with you. Click on the select button and voila, you have a free rune in your backpack! (I have version 1.5.25) Hi Everyone. We wondered for a long time why the undead bosses were needed, we went through the whole game, but it turned out that if you click on an item, he puts on automatically, so we clicked on the head, and he put on his hand. I don’t know how it’s incomprehensible, but there is a chance without any lotions to grind bunnies. Almost at the beginning of the game, where the Silver Stream is, if you go a little to the northeast there is a circle of pebbles in which the sorcerer kills the monster and disappears, so there is a stone at the entrance if you press it in a circle, hares are generated which you can successfully bludgeon, get a little experience and collect gold and items that fall. One grave says: "Windo Ouse. We tried to dig it deeper." There are a huge number of bugs in the game, but some of them can be fixed, for example, in a mission where you need to bring water to a dying person, but a flask of water does not appear, you need just press the tilde (~), type "wasser" and the flask will appear. The game has a huge number of bugs, but some of them can be fixed, for example, in a mission where you need to bring water to a dying person, but the flask of water does not appear, you just need to press the tilde (~), type "wasser", and the flask will appear. Here they already knew about bugs with merchants and combo masters, but it must be admitted that the developers foresaw this as well. If you do the work described above, then when you swap objects (ordinary and free), then the free one will suddenly turn into a cow, and will cost 0 coins. And in case of activation of the "xerocopied" rune of opportunities, all duplicates of this series will first disappear visually, and then practically. So you have to activate them right away. Another thing is if you urgently need funds - these bugs are indispensable. In general, be vigilant. In the castle of sorcerers, which is in the swamp, it seems the Mistdail castle, a zoo and a cemetery, and in the cemetery one of the trees has an image of a cat's face on it. To get HEALTH BOTTLES, you need to click on the merchant a couple of times, then reddish bottles will always appear in his goods. I bought a full satchel in such a way. ..The goal that is unrealistic to pass with the Gladiator (a fighter dies in the desert) CAN be passed: press the left button from 1, write both large and small signs WASSER a couple of times, if it doesn’t work out, then write CHEATS WASSER. In order to bring water to a dying fighter, in the console you need to type the word WASSER. Near the puddle where the quest is being made, instead of the gaping and disappearing circle, a flask will appear, which must be taken to the dying. There are many hidden tunnels in Sacred (filled with monsters obviously). For example, from the beginning of the game, you can immediately get to the eastern land. If anyone did not know, then I'm telling you about this:
Sit on a stallion, take any small arms, click on the enemy with the mouse, before the shot occurs, click the mouse on the ground next to you, without releasing it, start driving in circles around the one you are shooting at, the hero will shoot non-stop at the enemy (am ) (if there are many).
Not far from Hedgeton (or whatever it is called there) you can find the grave of Torvin. In addition, this is the smallest way to the Eastern lands. Because to find this grave? Yes, it's painfully easy! We go south from Hedgeton and immediately adjoin the mountain (Skhod). Let's go and see the tunnel and go into it. By the way, near the grave of Torvin it will soak ... ARAGORN FROM THE LORD OF THE RINGS, who will ask you to find his blade.
we make an energy discharge for ourselves (like blue pistols) and choose a more decent crossbow ... we stand still, shoot at the dragon ... after 30-40 seconds the mysticism is lost, and you start shooting 2 arrows at once with a distraught rate of fire ... although after level 30 you can fill up anyone you like with your fists.

Correction: it does not always work, you do not need to release the left mouse button with all this. Where it is impossible to give water, try to enter water or wasser. I got a bottle. About dropping heads: it's not just a weapon, it's the only weapon a ghoul in ghoul form can use. Taking into account that the damage of the ghoul in this form is multiplied, the skulls become not just deadly, but super-lethal (for me - from about 100 damage in the form of a knight to 400 in the form of a ghoul). For those who play not fair!
Introduce immortality, find a cave with skeletons and enter...
After you kill everyone at the door, EXIT and re-enter!
Until you get bored ... Every time the monsters are updated! When you pass by the vampiress, in the Ascaron tavern (Bravrock Castle, if I don’t confuse anything) through the ALT we look for Lucius (flaming snow-white) - we come up to talk, we wet the insolent, we take the key to the basement. There are several levels in the basement, on the last one is the Main Vampiressa. You have to soak - eventually a couple of three fascinating little things will fall out :) Other heroes do not have Lucius. I would like to clarify the placement of the 1st Dragon.
Go from Porto - Draco to the west. There we find a wide path. We go along it, soaking all the creatures along the way (dark elves, forest gargoyles, flying lizards). We go through the forest, later we cross the river along the bridge, later we go along the river ... And now we go out to a clearing, and dark elves hang out there, and even with a dragon. We wet the dragon, take away all its treasures and shake it from there. Firstly.
In the advice at the very top that @nd gave an error, the city is not Porto Vallum but Porto Draco, but otherwise everything is in order.
Between Bravok and Bravesbury there is an experience sculpture (for killing monsters they give approximately 6 times more experience), and on
northwest of the sculpture (to the left of the road and a little above the river) is the tarantula mortis, I think comments are superfluous.
Who still hasn’t figured it out, I explain: you make the spider see you and bring it to the sculpture, urinate it, and when it
there are a few lives left, click on the sculpture and finish it off. I was given 84000 exp.
The dragons located in Zhurag-Nar are quite difficult to find. To facilitate this task, the link contains screenshots with detailed
an indication of how to get to this dragon.
Fourthly, the damn tarantula-mortis is located in the eastern mountains in the desert, and by the way, in one of the burnt buildings, there is a Jedi blade for a seraph.

The map in the archive shows all the places about which I mentioned in the message.
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First of the game there is an opportunity to get a free experience. Find the 1st goblin shaman (2, 3, 4...) and start killing the goblins that these shamans spit on, playing smooth new level occurs in 6.7 minutes. (on this moment 14, downloaded from 10). In particular, the fist of the gods is not bad: 6 goblins in one fell swoop and 2.4 thousand experience in a piggy bank (6 * 400 with kopecks). Things that make it possible to storm animals are a very necessary thing. Once I was attacked by a bunch of black elves and imagine for yourself a bunny, which I hit with my ax killed 2 black elves of level 31 !!! and later attacked me. From time to time bunnies help.
Quest "Path to the Monastery in the Ice Creek Plain": Sharifa dies in battle and does not revive after death. The solution to the problem is to load a saved game and try again. There may also be situations when an NPC character that is important for passing the storyline dies. The solution to the difficulty is to load the moment when the character is still alive. There is one place in the game where you can find an artifact and later stick it into the armor.
In search of the element of fire, we will be sent to the city of dragon worshipers. The scales we are looking for will be in the skeleton of a dragon, which we will pass by in our search. Obviously this skeleton will not fall under your feet, but you can look for such a thing. Armor is enhanced much better than some blacksmith would do. In the town of Braverock Castle, next to the merchant is a man who will give the task. In this case, it is not directly necessary to find a person who will tell you everything. But! after completing this task, return to the first person and talk to him. And he will be the second merchant in the town. Notice two merchants on the same screen. Note trade with the first go to the second and the first has new things so you can build a good collection. I would like to add about the quest with "Neo glasses".
Vampiressa calls these points creature control. If you put them on, the Vampire will look like some kind of Maryivanna. And more about dragons, a dragon sits next to each of the relics of the elements. The strongest flame (I soaked it for 9 minutes). Near Fairy Crossing (I think that is the name of that city), there is a dungeon (west of the town) called "Pak-Man's Dungeon". There are yellowish balls (they give 10 exp each) and blue ones (they take away 600 health, plus poison). We collect all the yellowish balls and run out. We run back, and there, all the balls are in their own, legitimate place! Regarding the dragons. One is located behind the Frostgard fortress. There is also a portal leading to the beginning of the desert from Porto Draco. In the Pac-Man dungeon, there are yellowish balls (they give 10 experience each). We collect all the balls and run out. Later we climb back and, oh magic, they are there again. The seraphim has a gift, he remakes any long-range weapon into 2 bracelets. If you shoot without interruption, then the bracelets will be exchanged for the initial gun (rate of fire like an assault rifle). Useful against dragons. If you go from the castle Krehenfels (Crow Castle) up to Shakura, then halfway you will meet Franka, who will give you a quest (destroy the merchant and free the women). So, if you destroy the merchant and do not rescue the women, then Franka will start throwing you endless experience and, most importantly, a bunch of your abilities. From consoles (X-Box, etc.) there is little (for some) utility! ! ! If you collect everything (approximately 12 pieces) near the place where you appeared, an NPC will appear who will ask you for two levels (from 1 to 3, from 48 to 50) no matter how many "Exp" you have and what level you are and take all attachments. !!! (INFO NOT TESTED) !!! If you find some cave with strong monsters - destroy them, get out of there later, go back and "Oh, GLORY to the Testicles" they are there again. In this way, you can (if there is enough tension) really swing. 1. If you xerify items (Somewhere it is written about this) do not forget that the merchant with whom you do this will not be able to sell you anything else (HE JUST DOES NOT HAVE ANYTHING left).
2. On the same topic. Copied magic runes will increase the level of the spell, BUT THE COOLDOWN WILL GROW UP Scary, so it's better not to do this at first. In some cases, for example, if you completed a quest, but didn’t count it, you don’t need to smash everything around, scold, etc. in the area where you took the task, it may seem that you need. But if the "MAIN" task is not performed, then this will be the end (it happened to me in a mission where it is necessary to bring water to a dying warrior). I play as a vampire. Passed the game 2 times with export. I'm currently playing on Gold difficulty. Pumped the ghoul to level 90. Unique items started dropping after the first playthrough. Now I have "Enemies die on eye contact" about 60 (Comfortable to level, creatures die on their own, but "bosses-red health with arrows do not die even at 60"), Percentage of unique items found about 70 (any 2nd item unique "dark yellow"), Means just an unmeasured amount (I don’t know what to do with), Impact - from 1000 - to 31000 (this is the maximum that I applied).
In order for the blow to come out massive, you need the skill in things “Deal a critical hit +”, I personally have it equal to 10. Health is about 12,000. Now about sets (greenish things):
For the ghoul, I found sets: Dalmar, Rekundis, Starion, Annuk and Torvin.
Absolutely collected only one - Torvin. If you completely put on a set, then in addition to its own pluses on things, it gives: Relics of Torvin: Resistance at the physical level 15%, Vampirism +2, Parade +2, 10% actual transfer and a greater chance to find special items 25%. Now about incidents and jokes. I found a hare, which I could hide in a satchel, it looks like a reddish square there :), if you throw it out of the satchel, then it (the square) will turn into a hare and run away. I found a rune that looks like a portal rune, only coffee-colored, skill +1 is written on it, I didn’t figure out what to do with it, but it can be built into a thing. Tips: Skulls are only good at the beginning of the game. At the moment I find only weak ones: damage is 1000, and I have a maximum of 2500 on the sword, it makes no sense to take them. Embed rings and amulets in things that increase attack speed, the ghoul, at high attack speed, waves his arms so that the eye does not have time to see. No need to build a sorcerer into things. runes (does not make sense), do not embed blacksmith skills (it will be unrealistic to change them for rings and amulets). The dragon giving quests (when completing all tasks, such as bringing him knights, making a toothpick), at the end gives an orb (increases damage to dragons), so we build it into the best thing, after which Dragons are extinguished in less than 10 seconds. I use the main skill Attack / Ripping claws with a ghoul - in a short period of time 5-6 hits, at least one of which flies away with damage for 6000.
Z.Y. The best things are “things with holes”!!! I know the method of how to buy the best things from a merchant: Find a merchant located next to the portal, buy, later go through the portal to any place and immediately back, the merchant will have new things. So you can not do a task with 2 merchants. There is a fascinating bug with mentor's bottles in the game: the smaller the bottle, the more experience (Small increases 100% more experience gained, normal 50%, and large 25%). .
We export the hero, then we exit the game and open any 16th editor, at the address 00000570 and then we change the first 8 values ​​from 01 and further (select a skill), then we change the next 8-9 values ​​to ff. we start the game, import the hero and the selected abilities have a value of 255. you can choose and change any abilities, constitution-0A put first because 0D is placed before it, i.e. blade fight.
A little about unique things: Unique Item is a thing with one or more features. I have found 18 so far. Here they are:
1. Greater chance to find special items (+%) - The higher the %, the greater the opportunity to find unique items (green items, sets, this does not apply).
2. Percentage of all resistances (+%) - increases resistance at the physical level, magically, fire and poison.
3. Chance on hit to get gold from the enemy (+%) - at 100%, gold will pour out of the enemy with each hit.
4. Weaker opponents die upon eye contact (+) - with a fairly large number, all opponents die, not counting minibosses (monsters with arrows).
5. Extended day (+%) - the day is getting longer.
6. Extended night (+%) - the night is getting longer.
7. Increases the ratio of actual energy to harm (+) - did not figure out what this means, who figured out write.
8. On attack and defense (+) - increases attack and defense.
9. Chance to deal a critical hit (+) - The more, the more often and stronger the crit. I had a case that I dealt Crit to a monster - 118,000 (which has 15,000 health at the most).
10. Enemy experience (+%) - more experience is gained from enemies.
11. Divide (+) - this is only a hypothesis, most likely the enemy you hit has a chance to temporarily become your ally and fight for you.
12. Pulls the enemy's life per hit (+%) - one of the most needed features. At a higher value, health bottles become unnecessary. The monster hits me 1 time out of 10 (approximately), and I hit it 8 times out of 10 and with each hit I get life. Even the dragon can't do anything about it and dies.
13. Increased light radius (+) - The larger, the more visible at night.
14. Does not indicate an invisible enemy (+) on the minimap - at least destroy it, I don’t know what that means.
15. Removes damage from the gold supply (+) - more gold falls out of the monsters.

Sacred is a classic hack "n" slash RPG or action/RPG if you prefer. Those. the protagonist will have to cut through huge crowds of monsters, providing the player with an adrenaline rush in the first place - the plot twists and turns play a subordinate role here. Actually, from role play It's just a character development system. Sacred is one of the few games that has managed to come close in popularity to such pillars of the genre as both parts of Blizzard's Diablo. However, the fact is that the developers from Ascaron, in general, were not going to catch up with anyone. They just did good game, not embarrassed in the process to either borrow or come up with something new. In our magazine, the game received an honestly deserved crown. Of course, the addition to Sacred was waiting, waiting impatiently, wondering what the Germans would present to our court this time. And in the end, many were disappointed - that Sacred Underworld didn't turn the game upside down. Indeed, we still have the same good old Sacred, slightly supplemented, expanded and no less interesting.

About life underground

On the disk of the April LCI: a guide to the original Sacred, covering the basics of the game in more detail.

Everyone, of course, remembers that Sacred is one of the few games where your hero can ride a horse. AT original game it was used primarily for speed. However, in the expansion, the approach to horses has changed somewhat: firstly, during mounted combat, your horse also deals damage to enemies, and secondly, horses have their own special attack. The more your riding skill, the more noble horse you can buy.

It is important: gnomes don't ride horses!

There are now eight types of characters - newcomers a dwarf and a demoness, as well as old acquaintances: a seraphim, dark and light elves, a battle mage, a vampiress and a gladiator. And what is allowed for one is not always allowed for another. There are even items that can only be used by characters of a certain class.

Development is organized simply, if not standard. We kill monsters - experience drips for them, we gain the required amount - we get points for which we can raise characteristics and skills, respectively. The heroes also have special abilities, but their development system is somewhat different.

Specifications presented by classical force(hit chance and damage from melee weapons, number of health units), dexterity(responsible for the protection and success of using long-range weapons), charm(prices in stores) endurance(with growth increases defense and reduces damage from poisons), as well as physical and mental regeneration(the first determines the speed of recovery of health and combat (green) special abilities, the second determines the rest of the special abilities). As you get new levels, you can purposefully raise the characteristics, however, they gradually grow on their own.

Skills allow the character to gain specialization in a particular business: raised the possession of the sword by one - you wave it faster and hit harder. Skills themselves, unlike characteristics, do not grow, at some levels you have the opportunity to get a new skill, and over time, the number of points issued for their development also increases.

On a note: in Dash's guide to the original Sacred, skills were called abilities. In this guide, the term is replaced by "skills" and "skills" - so there will be no confusion with the character's special abilities, which have nothing to do with skills.

Special abilities - these are spells, special attacks and other abilities available to certain heroes. You can develop them only by reading the runes that drop out of monsters, as well as those that you will be given as a reward for completing tasks. Often you will come across runes for other character classes. Of course, you don’t need them, but you can exchange them with the combination master. For two runes you will get one random (perhaps not yours), for three - random, but for your hero, and for four you can choose the right one yourself. By the way, it is worth changing not only other people's abilities, but also not very necessary and effective ones. In any case, you won’t study everything properly - there just won’t be enough runes, so you have to prioritize.

It is important: the “concentration” skill is responsible for accelerating only those abilities that are marked in green on your list, for the rest your character has separate skill.

Another master of combinations can make you combos - abilities that include a series of others. For example, first pour everyone with a flamethrower, and then inflict a series of hits to finish off. Why is this needed? The fact is that each ability after use must be restored for some time, a short pause must be maintained even before using another. Combos solve this problem.

Ability recovery speed decreases with the level of the ability itself and increases with the level of the character. The most expedient option is to develop special abilities so that they make up no more than a third of the level.

In general, at first, the abilities that affect one enemy are somehow not very impressive. After all, more often you will meet very large groups of enemies, using the ability on one, you will achieve little, because then you still have to wait until the abilities are restored. Therefore, I want to focus on group abilities. But after all, we have combos, which means that we can act quite the opposite, develop “individual” abilities and combine them, since they give more tangible prizes. Enhanced Abilities It is also advisable to put in a combo.

It is important: if you have improved the ability, then it must be replaced in the combo, otherwise its old, weaker "version" will be used.

If you are going to play high levels difficulties, I recommend forgetting about two-handed weapons. Living without a shield is bad, and the damage will more or less equal over time.

Of course, the first thing that catches the eye in Underworld are two new characters: a dwarf and a demoness.

On a note: both your character and enemies have resistance to different types damage (physical, magical, poisonous and fiery). You can see your own on the character screen, and the enemy ones - to the right of the health bar. The brighter the type of damage is indicated, the better the protection against it. Sometimes it is useful to use this knowledge against enemies in practice. Keep track of how much damage an ability or weapon adds to what type of damage.

Tank of local importance

It will, of course, be about the gnome. So, this gloomy bearded man, chained in a heavy shell, is chosen as your alter ego. What is unique about this character? First, he is the only one who can use firearms. No, machine guns have not yet been brought to Ancaria, but there are flintlock rifles and revolvers.

Secondly, our brave son of the mountains has a huge iron pipe behind his back, which he can use as a flamethrower, grenade launcher, or even sniper rifle. Terrible machine...

Thirdly, he himself can do forging. Blacksmithing in Sacred is not about making things, but improving existing ones by inserting magic rings, amulets and special improvements into sockets, given personally by the artisan and not tied to items. All other characters can make deals with blacksmiths in cities, but the dwarf is his own master. True, the money for work still disappears somewhere (we shift it from the right pocket to the left and forget it?), Well, nothing, as the skill develops, you need to pay less and less. In addition, the dwarf can give things a property that is not available to an ordinary blacksmith: increase the chance of magic items falling out of enemies. As a skill develops, its improvements get better and better. To proceed to forging, click on the hammer icon directly above the cells with rings and amulets in your inventory.

In addition, the dwarf is very good with an ax and a war hammer (by the way, the same skill is responsible for them).

Special abilities


  • Battle cry-Temporarily increases the chance to hit the enemy, as well as the damage for the dwarf and (half) his allies. I already wrote about amplifying abilities above. A very useful ability for network game.
  • discard-As you might guess, it knocks the enemy back, while increasing the chance to hit him and the damage inflicted by the dwarf. Only works with two-handed weapons.
  • Fury-quick attack on all nearby enemies with pluses to damage and a chance to hit. Same for two-handed weapons.
  • Anger- similar to the previous one, but this time for one-handed weapons. Accordingly, the pluses are somewhat more modest.
  • Swipe-provides a stronger and more accurate strike on one given opponent.
  • Attack- a series of attacks on one opponent. The chance to hit is increased, the damage at the initial levels is significantly reduced. If the enemy dies, the neighboring one falls under the distribution.
  • Battle Fury-Temporarily increases attack speed and damage dealt.


  • Greed- at the cost of lowering defense, it increases the chance to find a good (magical, unique) item. At high levels, the protection does not decrease so much, but the chance grows and grows. An extremely useful ability, it often gives the dwarf a strong advantage over other classes. However, it makes sense to start using it, having developed at least a level up to the tenth. In fact, greed becomes a terrible thing even later - from the level of the fortieth or fiftieth. In summary, the emphasis on greed is worth doing if you are going to play for a long time and in earnest.
  • Dwarven armor-increases resistance to fire and poison.
  • Dwarven steel-increases the chance to hit and reduces the enemy's resistance to physical damage.
  • Mine-behind the running dwarf is a path of mines. An extremely inconvenient ability to use. But it can be useful when you hurriedly retreat from the battlefield, as well as against some especially dangerous near bosses.
  • trenches Dramatically increases armor and resistance for a very short time. The dwarf cannot move while the ability is active.
  • Flamethrower- Strongly hits with fire on nearby enemies. A very valuable, in my opinion, acquisition for a dwarf in close combat. He poured fire on the enemy, then finished off with an ax - cheaply and cheerfully.
  • Grenade- allows you to launch a projectile in a hard-to-reach place. Or, much more valuable, from hard to reach place. There is a problem: the grenade flies slowly, so the target can easily retreat during the flight.
  • cannon shot- it would be more appropriate to call it a sniper shot. It hits far and not that very strongly, but tangibly. Sometimes it’s good to pat in advance in this way a strong, but, to your misfortune, enemy who has not yet run up to you. Only now our dwarf is aiming for too long, and, which is unpleasant, he himself is defenseless at this time.

Kill with taste

I must say, at first the demoness did not interest me very much. So, I thought, another variation on the vampiress theme, slightly seasoned with a seraph. It wasn't until I played for a while that I realized that she's not only an amazingly stylish hero (just look at the grace with which she wields a sword), but also a very powerful and unusual character. First, the ability of the character to take on demonic forms is interesting, which differently improve the capabilities of the demoness, but act strictly separately. Here we have to think about what is more important for us. Secondly, demonic abilities are also useful, the action of which is sometimes very, very unusual.

The demoness is definitely a swordsman. The question is what is better for her to use: a sword and a shield, or two blades. At low levels, the use of two weapons does not pay off (since the damage does not add up, but is divided), however, at higher levels, you will come across a lot of one-handed swords, which, in addition to the damage itself, give many more useful advantages. Shields, of course, will try to keep up with them, but isn't it better to play it safe in both cases?

Special abilities


  • Trembling-Reduces enemy defense and accuracy. Can be used from a horse.
  • flaming disc- assistant, attacking enemies with fire. The damage at first, frankly, is just ridiculous. However, after reading the game forums, I found out that whole tactics are built on the basis of this ability. As it turned out, the damage grows very, very well as the runes are put in, and the attack speed is high.

The demoness can summon the disk while sitting on a horse.

  • infernal choir- slows down enemies and, in addition, inflicts fiery and physical damage on them. Pretty effective ability. Can be used from a horse.
  • call of death- for killing opponents, the demoness receives a plus to the damage inflicted by her. Or download a lot and carefully, or not take at all.

Successfully used by riders.

  • tentacles-Tentacles grow out of the bodies of killed enemies and help you by hitting enemies with magic and poison. In general, they are of little use, but there is one military trick: after the murder, the undead have the audacity to get up and demand to be killed again, or even more than one. We use the tentacles: voila - the body is gone, so there is no one to get up.

Can be used from a horse.

  • The powers of the underworld- Increases chance of hit and fire damage. This ability is very popular among players, and, admittedly, not without reason. The ability to use the additional damage of a horse, and not just physical damage, is very, very valuable.

Can be used from a horse.

It is interesting: in the official localization from Akella, the skill responsible for the restoration of demonic abilities is also called the powers of the underworld. Strange, but true.

  • infernal sphere- assistant, attacks opponents with fire. The damage of a single sphere is not very high, therefore, if you have already decided to use it, it is recommended to call more often and more. Quantitatively. Not for the lazy ability, in a word.

From the horse to use it is forbidden.


It is important: all of these abilities cannot be used by the character while mounted.

  • Battle Demon (+ Offensive)- Seriously increases physical damage and physical resistance. While in demonic form, we can re-use this ability to deliver a series of blows to the enemy. Other demonic forms have damage not added, but replaced to non-standard, against which opponents have less resistance. Yes, and they attack us more often physically, and not somehow else. Therefore, it may be rational to use this ability in combination with the powers of the underworld.
  • Energy Demon (+ Energy Charges)-partially replaces physical damage dealt with magic damage. I note: creatures with great resistance to magic are rare in the game. While in the form of an energy demon, your character can release a group of energy balls at opponents.
  • Fire Demon (+ wall of fire)-similar to the previous ability, but the damage is replaced by fire and the name of the attack speaks for itself.
  • Poison Demon (+ Poison Ring)- similar, but for poison.
  • Soaring Demon (+dive)- the unique ability of the demon to fly is sometimes truly priceless. It saves a lot of time and sometimes even your life. However, in battle, it seems to me, it is completely useless, and initially thirty seconds of flight data is enough with the head, so it’s worth taking one or two levels, of course, but then it makes sense to spend runes on something more practical.


Didn't you expect a long introductory part from the game? No? And rightly so. She is not.

We find ourselves in a cave, on a small patch of land, surrounded by lava flows that glow dimly in red on the walls of the dungeon. Baroness Villa is found nearby.

Villa will tell you that the country is now facing great problems due to the death of the only contender for the throne, the victory was given at a very high price. As you probably remember, Prince Valor was meanly killed by villains at the end of the previous part.

However, this impromptu crying of Yaroslavna is suddenly and unexpectedly interrupted due to the negligence of the magician, who was engaged in the altar in the center of the hall. If you remember, we used it to get to the demon of Saqqara - the penultimate boss of the original Sacred. And this same altar again turned into a magical gate and released a large evil demon outside. The latter first killed the magician, and then, unceremoniously thrusting the princess under his arm, went back into the portal. With dirty, not otherwise, goals dragged away ... "Save immediately!" - I decided and rushed after the demon.

It is important: if you're playing one of the pre-built characters, don't forget that they have some development points that haven't been allocated yet.

And on the other side of the portal is a green lawn surrounded by ancient ruins. So... Where are the flames and brimstone? Somewhere in the wrong place I skidded ... Well, okay, let's orient ourselves somehow.

It is interesting: according to the scriptwriters, we find ourselves in underworld. Why this fact does not have any effect on the change of day and night is not clear. Perhaps it's the fault of old Jules Verne.

Gate first

Nearby, the silhouette of Prince Valor, translucent with yellow, is revealed. He will gladly inform us in a trembling - ghost after all - voice that the native people of the Haduks in one of the surrounding settlements can help us in some unthinkable way. In addition to the disappearance of the princess, there is another problem: the local ruler - Andukar - decided to flood the surface with hordes of his underground creatures. All magical gates must be sealed as soon as possible. However, back to our savages. Nearby there is a merchant, ready to tell you how to please these local savages...

We're going straight down the road. To shorten the path, at the first fork we turn north, at the second - south. Then we will turn all the time to the north until the target is in clear visibility through the minimap (the Tab key is responsible for calling the latter).

Along the way, we deal with three-legged freaks and giant flies. Warm-up opponents - there seems to be no reason for concern.

From a dialogue with a mysterious merchant, it turns out that the locals highly value the meat of some globs - it would be nice to kill one and bring the cut to the leader. Glorbs are like large humanoid piglets, around them there are just a lot of them. From the second or third meat will certainly fall out. We run to the village, hand over the sausage to the leader - he rejoices and forwards us to another native, a great connoisseur of caves and roads.

The latter should lead you to the lair of a terrible monster with the unpronounceable name Sskrak , opening a secret passage in the mountains. Just follow the path without going too far.

Inside, you need to look for a hole down. And then another. Somewhere in the depths of the rooms of the lower floor, Vilya, entangled in a magical network, will be found. Not far away, laughing nastily and waving his arms, a demon of impressive size walks about, which, obviously, just annoys the unfortunate savages. Try to get rid of the retinue first, so that it does not interfere at the most crucial moment. The battle must be fair: one on one.

From the defeated demon, in addition to valuable things, do not forget to take the rune, after which we enter the portal - it is at the top of the room. He leads us to a mysterious grove, where we have to defeat the winged demon of Saqqara. Having thrown the adversary to the ground, we return through the gate in the form of a giant head - the liberated Vilya and the ghost of Prince Valor are already waiting for us inside. The latter this time for some reason is no longer in yellow, but in blue.

Gate two

You will have a choice: whether to take the princess with you on the way back. As for me, it’s ugly to expose a girl to a blow, but it’s up to you. Her fire arrows can be very useful. We jump into the oval hole of the portal - we find ourselves at the entrance to the cave. Attention: we do not need to go back to the Haduk settlement, but go to another city, where a certain Ashanti should help us find a way to the next gate. To do this, when you find yourself to the south and slightly west of the mark on the map, turn up.

We find a bridge in the city, we run along it for a long, long time, at the end we turn left, we pass into the forest. Further to us to the right, and then sharply down - to the water. We run along the edge - then north, back into the forest, at the turn - to the right (east). There is just a cage with a poor rebel. It is guarded, but no one said it would be easy.

Here it turns out a curious fact - we were magically locked in the forest. They put up a magic wall - do not get around. As the native we saved says, all these are the machinations of the bloodthirsty nuk-nuk. We go in the opposite direction from the cell, if necessary, you can agree to the offer of the rebel to help you. As for me, he is a burden.

Further, if possible, we move north, along the way you will meet an original type of enemy: Nuk-Nuk shamans teleporting through the fog. What does it mean? Has thrown the enemy around him with fog and can move through it as he pleases. The easiest way to get rid of them is to simply hold down the left mouse button: in this case, your character will not lose the target. At the very top, two such enemies will be waiting for you, moreover, especially tenacious and strong. Be ready. If there is something in the list of abilities that hits the area or homing, use it.

So, the passage from the forest is open. We run to the west - to the lair of the demon Seriri. Along the way, we will again meet nuk-nuk going into the fog, do not follow them - they can lead to large concentrations of enemies. While you make your way through the crowds, the nuk-nuk in you happily leave with knives from around the corner. And the damage of the knives is not even weak. So be careful, use long-range weapons whenever possible.

By the time I got to Seriri , I discovered that my hero's healing potions were depressingly low. Therefore, I hid from the evil demon in houses nearby - he cannot go there, or rather, he can, but he does it rather reluctantly. We restore health - and out. However, I hope you will not have to resort to such tricks.

We pass into the portal - a battle awaits us in the middle of the desert with another demon of Sakkara, be at full health. Now, in theory, we should proceed straight into the mouth, however ... to the disturbing music, Villa disappears into the unknown. Trouble, trouble...

Gate three

The ghost of Valor came to the rescue informs us that the surrounding pirates can help us with something. Well... To paraphrase the saying, plot paths are inscrutable...

Pirates are waiting for us in the south and are ready to shift a whole heap of their problems onto us. Firstly, you will be instructed to clear the pirate harbor from the undead (the “Black Pearl” has moored, not otherwise). The harbor is located on the island - you have to go through an underground tunnel inhabited by skeletons and giant crabs. Look for a way up.

You do not need to kill all the skeletons, but only a large group in the center of the harbor. Just in case, let me remind you that corpses burn well.

The second task: to save the helmsman who got into trouble. We sit in the boat and swim to the destination. A small group of skeletons is already waiting for us there. The helmsman himself is guarded by a giant (i.e. tenacious and strong) crab. The battle will be hot - you may have to run.

After defeating the arthropod, talk to the helmsman and guide him to the boat, and then swim together to the pirates. You will be very welcome.

Now you can board the ship and go to the island of Volcanoes, where the next regiments of the undead are waiting, but they can’t wait for your appearance. At the very landing site, the cursed (emphasis on the first syllable) Captain Vernon will meet you and ask you to collect three parts of the magic medallion, together they will bring peace to the poor fellow. You can disagree and cynically kill the poor fellow. However, if the offer is accepted, the trophies promise to be very valuable.

Each piece of the medallion lies in its own cave. Two of them are located nearby, to the north of the landing site. Another one - in the south, in general on another island, you will have to look for a bridge. It is located southwest of the landing site. Each part of the medallion is guarded by a large and strong skeleton.

So, one way or another, Captain Vernon's problem is solved. We are heading into the bowels of the volcano, located to the north of the moored ship - this is the only way to get to the gate. Inside, not too dangerous swordsmen and archers meanly hiding behind stalactites are waiting for us. Well, without demonic entities, too, will not do. Pirates will stop us at the exit from the dungeon. As it turns out, we were simply used to clear the way to the treasure. The naivety of villains sometimes knows no bounds...

After the dungeons, we will have another duel with the next demon of Sakkara and a hike through the portal. On the other side of Villa it will not be found, but there will be a whole giant demon. The battle will be fierce...

Gate Four

The exit from the cave leads to the domain of dryads - a majestic green forest. Moreover, we find ourselves not just in the forest, but among the interweaving of hanging bridges over the forest. However, there is no time to admire - the locals clearly do not like people like us, and react negatively to the appearance of the character, i.e. shoot with bows and poke with swords in the side. Please note: dryad archers easily jump into the trees to escape from you.

Somewhere in the south, Leriniar will be found - a merchant who helped you negotiate with the natives at the beginning of the game. This time, he is again ready to regale you with information: the forest is protected by magic that does not allow demons to get into it (in fact, dryads are one of the few who can resist evil in these inhospitable lands). To get out, we will have to defeat the guard (as you yourself understand, this is far from a young recruit in armor) and take the key from his body.

A monster straight out of Lovecraft's stories - just look at the name.

To do this, we move all the time to the east - an ugly guardian monster lives deep in a cave, among dampness and rot. For some reason, he is not particularly susceptible to fire, which made my gnome very upset.

It is interesting: according to the hero's diary, the name of the guard is Soth-Yothoth. Readers of Lovecraft will understand.

How to leave the forest? Firstly, in the southwest there is a way out of the forest, we leave, go around it and move further and further north. If you have activated the portal to Purgatory, you can try to leave through the similar one in the southern part of the forest. In short it will work. But even in this case, a long road full of adventures awaits us.

After crossing the river, you will need to go through a passage in the mountains. It leads to a whole labyrinth inhabited by demons and other unpleasant creatures. Keep heading northwest. Every now and then check with the map, because getting lost here is a piece of cake. Just in case, I note that the road, before finally leading you to the tower of Shaddar, makes a big detour to the north.

Shaddar will meet you with open arms - he has been re-educated. In addition, another demon lord occupied his tower. In a word, our usual program: first the demonic lord, then the demon of Saqqara. Routine already, in fact.


So, the last gates are sealed. Now it's time to defeat the kidnapper of Villa - Andukar, the ruler of the dungeons. But it just won't work. We need to go to the infernal blacksmith, who owns an artifact called the Stone of Light, which is the only one that will give us the strength to inflict at least some harm on the villain.

To go further, you will need to open the magical gates: the path lies through a cave, in the rooms of which there are pedestals. They look like bizarre mechanical petals lying open on the ground. Attention: not all sections of the cave are open from the very beginning. We must insert a rune in the center of each such petal (i.e. go up and click on the petal with the mouse).

The blacksmith will offer us a choice: bring him an artifact (well, again ...) or a fair fight. The cave with the desired thing is not far away and is simply terribly guarded, but the blacksmith himself is a very serious enemy.

Then the path lies straight into the lair of the villain. Along the way, you will be pleased to meet the demons of Saqqara (and where are there so many of them?)... The castle is simple - it's hard to get lost, even if you don't follow the path clearly marked on the floor. Along the way, in addition to the usual enemies, you will meet a group of three demons who serve as the traditional minions of the main boss, designed to shake your strength before the main fight. They do not hit very hard, but quickly.

And here we have the dungeon master - he looks simple, no wings and hooves, just a man in a hoodie. Without thinking twice, he will reveal a terrible plot intrigue: Vilya herself wished to get here, hoping that Andukar would help resurrect Prince Valor. Naivete itself...

First, it will be necessary to defeat Andukar in the form of a man (this is not too difficult), but then he will transform into a demon with wild cries (and here they are, wings and hooves). He has an unpleasant ability to create a wide field of spikes around him. At a time, such a spell can save your hero from more than half of his health.

In general, we behave carefully, if possible we use long-range abilities.

When the enemy is defeated, we will be shown a beautiful video and offered to save the hero. They will be able to complete the game on a higher difficulty.

The developers were clearly people with humor, so in the game you can find a huge number of different secrets, funny and not so. So, there is an incredible amount of familiar characters from other games, as well as from books and films. Funny can be found in dialogues, inscriptions on tombstones, and in a bunch of other various details.

In this section, we tried to collect all the known secrets, but as the developers add new ones every now and then, the section will be constantly updated.

Unusual Grave:
There is a small village on the road from Silver Creek to Porto Vallum. The desired grave is located to the southeast of it, on a bend in the road. After examining the grave, a zombie boss will come out of it, which must be sent to another world. After this is done, a unique sword will drop out of it - the "Quick Sword of Arwen", and sometimes one or even two runes may come across. A very useful place, given that it is located almost at the very beginning.

Hidden Grave:
To find this grave, you need to go up from Mascarell and get to the island. Once on the island, you need to cross the river, to the left of the place where you entered. And then move along the bank so that the river remains on the right. Very soon you will see a forest in which up to the left there is an invisible path leading straight to the grave. In the grave you will find a unique axe.

Dungeon Packman "a:
To get there, it is enough to get into the city of Faeries Crossing and from there go west to the forest. There is a not very noticeable path that leads you to the cave. In fact, all the rules of the original are not respected. The main thing is to collect yellow balls, and if a blue clot catches up with you, a certain number of lives will be taken away. All in all, a pretty cool place...

Orcs on vacation:
To get to this place, you need to go from Khorad-Nur south to the sea, and then all the way east, to the cliff, there you will find a narrow path leading to the pier. There is a boat at the pier, on which you can get to the island where the orcs rest. The orc at the pier will ask us to rid him of annoying tourists. Just so the "tourists" will not attack, to piss them off, trample their towels. After you kill everyone, talk again to the orc on the pier and he will give you sunglasses as a reward. They don't give any enhancements, but they look stylish...

Remember the village from the first Diablo, but the Prince of Darkness also has it. It is enough to exit the Mystdale Castle and walk along the river bank to the northeast. Having reached the end, you will find yourself at the source of the river, where the local Tristram is located...

Jedi Sword:
We must immediately make a reservation that the opportunity to get a real Jedi lightsaber only available when playing as Seraphim. It all starts with the release of a seraphim captured by black magicians near Bellevue. She can be found in the cave to the east of the old mansion where the vampire starts. After the release, the former hostage will assign you a new meeting place... To get there, go to Khorad-Nur and go east from it, through the bed of a dried up river, go south, to the rocks, and again east along them. There you will see a burnt building, in which you will find a dying seraph, who, before dying, will leave you a book about Ancaria and a powerful light blade.

Have you seen Friday the 13th? Well, yes, this is the same Jason and in the Prince of Darkness you can find his hockey mask and machete ... To the northwest of the westernmost building of the village of Drakenden (Drakenden) there is a completely invisible path in the forest (while running along it, it seems that there is no path at all). But this path will lead you to the letters laid out with stones and to the treasured little things ... (although the triggers do not work very well, and sometimes there is no valuable prize).

Vampire Queen:
You can fight the vampire queen only when playing as a vampire. To do this, go to the "Call of Ascaron" tavern, which is located south of Braverock Castle and, after going to the upper right corner, talk to a man named Lucius, then kill him and pick up the key that will open the entrance to the dungeon ( located right there not far), after going to the 2nd level of which you will find the queen of vampires...

Torvin's grave:
You can come to the grave in two ways: either through the dungeon that is located southwest of South Hedgeton, or through the dungeon, the entrance to which can be found to the west of the dragon, named Sssilith, Swamp Dragon. Then, once in the area with a small lake, find a tree - under it there will be a grave in which you will definitely find Torvin's Mace. In addition, in the same place, you can complete a secret quest: to do this, pick up the sword and take it to the lake, where the forest shooter Arogarn will be waiting for you.
Note: The secret quest can only be completed by completing the "Wood Shooter Arogarn" quest - southwest of Bellevue - not far from where the Dark Elf and Wood Elf start.

Re: Secrets from the game

Orc resort island
If you go from Khorad-Nur south to the sea, and then all the way east, to the cliff, you will find a narrow path leading to the pier. On the pier, you will notice a boat on which you can get to the island where the orcs rest. The orc at the pier will ask us to rid him of annoying tourists. Trample the towels of these orc tourists and they will attack you. After you kill everyone, talk again with the orc on the pier and he will give you sunglasses as a gift.

Jedi Laser Sword
When playing as the Seraph, you have the opportunity to get a real Jedi lightsaber. First you need to free a seraph captured by black magicians near Bellevue. This seraph is being held in a cave east of the old mansion where the vampiress starts. Then go to Khorad-Nur and go east from it, across the bed of a dried up river, go south to the rocks, and again east along them. You will see a burned building, in which you will find a dying seraph, after the death of which you will get a laser sword.

Pacman Level
In the city of Fairy Crossing, go behind the blacksmith's house to the north, and turn west. When you reach the forest, look for a barely noticeable path leading to the southwest. At the end of the trail, you'll find a cave that contains a Pacman mini-game. Collect yellow balls, they add experience, and blue ones should be avoided, because. they do damage...

Exit Mistdale Castle and follow the riverbank to the northeast. Having thus passed to the sources of the river, you will find the village of Tristram, well known to you from the first Diablo

Jason's stuff
North of the village of Drakkenden (the one where the peaceful dragon lives) there is a well-camouflaged path through the woods leading to a clearing containing Jason's hockey mask and machete from the movie Friday the 13th. Only the Gladiator can use them.

vampire queen
Entering the Call of Ascaron tavern, which is located south of Braverock and going to the upper right corner, you can talk to a man named Lucius, then kill him and pick up the key, which will open the entrance to the X6 dungeon. then going to the X7 dungeon - you can fight the Queen of Vampires.
Note: only works when playing as Vampiressa

Torvin's grave
You can come to the grave in two ways:
1. through dungeon 73, which is located southwest of South Hedgeton
2. through dungeon 76, west of the dragon, named Sssilith, Swamp Dragon
Then, once in the area with a small lake, find a tree (red circle) - under it there will be a grave in which you are guaranteed to find Torvin's Mace.
Additionally, in the same place, you can complete a secret quest:
pick up the sword (green circle) and take it to the lake, where the forest shooter Arogarn will be waiting for you.
Note: The secret quest can only be completed by completing the "Wood Shooter Arogarn" quest - southwest of Bellevue - not far from the Dark Elf and Wood Elf spawns.

hidden grave
Vertically up from Mascarell, there is an island. Near the island there is a quest "Boris of Garfield". Then across the island and across the river to the left. Then up the river, so that the river is on the right, until the forest appears. And through the forest up and to the left there is an invisible path that leads to the grave. There is an ax and a bow, and the name and 2 dates are written on the grave.

Note: Only exists since 1.8(Sacred PLUS).

When creating a game, developers, instead of catching glitches, sat and inserted into the game various secrets funny and not so funny...

In this section, we will try to collect all known secrets. The developers promise to add secret locations, etc. with each new patch, so the section will be updated all the time...

8 Dragons of Ancaria
In the world of Ancaria, you can find 8 dragons, 7 of which are warlike and you can kill them, the eighth is friendly, you will receive a number of quests from him. See more at page dedicated to the search for dragons.

Orc resort island
If you go from Khorad-Nur south to the sea, and then all the way east, to the cliff, you will find a narrow path leading to the pier. On the pier, you will notice a boat on which you can get to the island where the orcs rest. The orc at the pier will ask you to rid him of annoying tourists. Trample the towels of these orc tourists and they will attack you. After you kill everyone, talk again with the orc on the pier and he will give you sunglasses as a gift.

Jedi Laser Sword
When playing as the Seraph, you have the opportunity to get a real Jedi lightsaber. First you need to free a seraph captured by black magicians near Bellevue. This seraph is being held in a cave east of the old mansion where the vampiress starts. Then go to Khorad-Nur and go east from it, across the bed of a dried up river, go south to the rocks, and again east along them. You will see a burned building, in which you will find a dying seraph, after the death of which you will get a laser sword.

Pacman Level
In the city of Fairy Crossing, go behind the blacksmith's house to the north, and turn west. When you reach the forest, look for a barely noticeable path leading to the southwest. At the end of the trail, you'll find a cave that contains a Pacman mini-game. Collect yellow balls, they add experience, and blue ones should be avoided, because. they do damage...

Exit Mistdale Castle and follow the riverbank to the northeast. Having thus passed to the sources of the river, you will find the village of Tristram, well known to you from the first Diablo.

Jason's stuff
North of the village of Drakkenden (the one where the peaceful dragon lives) there is a well-camouflaged path through the woods leading to a clearing containing Jason's hockey mask and machete from the movie Friday the 13th. Only the Gladiator can use them.

vampire queen
Entering the Call of Ascaron tavern, which is located south of Braverock and going to the upper right corner, you can talk to a man named Lucius, then kill him and pick up the key, which will open the entrance to the X6 dungeon. then going to the X7 dungeon - you can fight the Queen of Vampires.

Note: only works when playing as Vampiressa

Torvin's grave
You can come to the grave in two ways:
1. through dungeon 73, which is located southwest of South Hedgeton
2. through dungeon 76, west of the dragon, named Sssilith, Swamp Dragon
Then, once in the area with a small lake, find a tree (red circle) - under it there will be a grave in which you are guaranteed to find Torvin's Mace.
Additionally, in the same place, you can complete a secret quest:
pick up the sword (green circle) and take it to the lake, where the forest shooter Arogarn will be waiting for you.

Note: The secret quest can only be completed by completing the "Wood Shooter Arogarn" quest - southwest of Bellevue - not far from the Dark Elf and Wood Elf spawns.

hidden grave
Map 1 | Map 2
Vertically up from Mascarell, there is an island. Near the island there is a quest "Boris of Garfield". Then across the island and across the river to the left. Then up the river, so that the river is on the right, until the forest appears. And through the forest up and to the left there is an invisible path that leads to the grave. There is an ax and a bow, and the name and 2 dates are written on the grave.
Note: Only exists since 1.8(Sacred PLUS).

Starting from Sacred Underworld

Babylon 5
Screenshot | Screenshot 2 | Map
This easter egg from the movie Babylon 5, at the bottom of the cave lies the Shadow Cruiser. Found in the Dryad Forest. It is an elevator leading to the cave. If you approach the cruiser, it will instantly kill you, as evidenced by the inscription in the next room.

lumber merchant
In the location Underworld "a" Embalming Forest "there is a hidden merchant who is located in the forests, you can get to him through a small path through the forest. The merchant itself is unremarkable, but he will not be superfluous either.

Timber Trader 2
In the location Underworld "a" Embalming Forest "there is another hidden merchant. He hides in a house near the gate leading to the task of the Green Hell and is an undead, his name is Mick swift (pirate).

your grave
One of the many graves is located in the Khadukov settlement, it is notable for the fact that your name is carved on the tombstone. The content is unlikely to be interesting.

Screenshot | Screenshot 2 | Map
In the forest of the Dryads, as you know, there are two portals. Through the one located to the north (with an arch) you get into the room where the merchant stands, and the room has an arkanoid. You can play it. How? - easy to guess. Winning is experience. (100 per hit ball). Sometimes the portal does not open, if this happens, then you need to complete the "Way of the Warrior" quest and jump through the portal and teleport to the Dryad Forest.

mountain cemetery
Screenshot | Screenshot 2 | Map
In the north of the Volcano Island there is an entrance to the caves in the form of a stone gazebo. The way there is very, very simple - only the blind can fail to notice it. The route is marked on the map, and its "secret" part is actually a straight line among dense thickets of trees. We go into the cave. The undead are falling on us and we are quickly clearing the dungeon from enemies. There are a great many graves in Ancaria and the Dungeons, and less and less often we discover new ones. But in vain! When you open the graves in this dungeon, bosses like the Forest God, etc. will rain down on you. And in the northern part of the dungeons, heroes crawl out of the graves ( Dark Elf or Elf, etc.)