Sewer key sword and magic 10. Quest: Shard of Air and Silana's blessing. Master in the Art of War

Released back in 2014 another game"Might and Magic 10", which became the last in the series. It was expected to resurrect old ideas, rethink the gameplay and update the graphics. However, the opposite happened. Lots of dissatisfied reviews, disappointed fans and the final death of a once great epic. But there were heroes who went through this creation to the end. It is thanks to them that people can now familiarize themselves with the passage of Might and Magic 10. In order not to spoil the impression of the game, only the selection of a group, 1 act, as well as the most difficult dungeons, with which players usually have problems, will be considered.

The birth of heroes

There are only 4 races in the game, but they affect the available pumping options. Humans, Dwarves, Elves and Orcs. The player can choose for each 1 of 3 classes - warrior, mage, hybrid. However, most players do not recommend the use of "pure" classes and shooters, as they are "useless". So what should be the ideal party?

  1. Human crusader (hybrid). It is an excellent tank with a heal. Can become a grandmaster of heavy armor, sword, arcane discipline (magic protection) and light magic.
  2. Orc hunter (hybrid). Can become a grandee of stamina, evasion and magical protection. Masterfully owns air magic and maces. Unfortunately, it only uses light armor and shields at the base level. The basis of his survival is a large supply of health and evasion. If desired, you can replace it with a gnome-protector (warrior). Can become a grand axe, heavy armor, shield and warfare.
  3. Mage Man. The only one able to learn black magic. Uses spells of any school, but especially excelled in the spell of the earth, darkness and primordial. Not able to use armor, and "passive" skills do not even reach the master level. If you need survival, you can replace it with an elf druid. But this way the party will lose the spells of the dark school and fire. And that means "Whispering Shadows", showing secret passages.
  4. The last slot should be used at discretion. Can be left under any gnome (warrior or hybrid).

However, it is definitely not worth taking classes that specialize in shooting - an elf (warrior or hybrid). In this game, the most important part is the heroes. The passage of "Might and Magic 10" is such that in certain moment the group runs the risk of being caught in the middle of the plot, unable to resist.


This city has nothing to do with its "brother" from the 6th part. In addition, the passage of Might and Magic 10 begins here. Here you need to do the same as when you first visit any city:

  • go around all the buildings for quests and information about teachers;
  • search the nooks and crannies for chests and barrels;
  • sell unnecessary junk from inventory;
  • buy potions;
  • submit assignments.

If you go around the entire town, then the following entries should appear in the list of tasks:

After finishing sightseeing, the party advances to their first dungeon, the Well of Spiders. It belongs to the corresponding task. Also in the dungeon will be found "Bay of smugglers". After opening the quest chest, monsters will attack the heroes. The dungeon itself is not too difficult and linear, but it is worth remembering that spiders are very poisonous. Before the campaign, you should buy "green" potions, or try to shoot monsters from afar. Upon returning to the city, you will need to turn in both tasks and receive the quest "The Extinguished Beacon".

Aegin Peninsula

You can go here from the starting city. But don't be in a hurry to get things done. One of the main tasks in the passage of "Might and Magic 10" is the leveling of the group. This location is perfect for that. The cleaning procedure is as follows:

  1. The plain between the entrance to the city and the bay.
  2. Den of thieves in the west.
  3. Ash Hills (there is a quest altar in the center of the map).
  4. Valley around the castle in the north.

It is advisable not to miss a single chest. To restore, you should use either fountains (once a day) or supplies. You don't have to go to the "Dangerous Caves" yet. But you can visit another location.

The passage of the "Mysterious Crypt" in "Might and Magic 10" is not considered very difficult. It's just a little mystery. It is enough for the player to turn all the torches to the center of the room by pressing the tiles on the floor. To do this, "enter" the following combination:

  1. Click once on the right tile.
  2. Twice on the left.
  3. And three times to the far.

After completing the passage of the "Mysterious crypt" in "Sword and Magic 10", the player receives the first artifact in the game - "Sacred Sandals" (Titan's Gaiters).

Den of thieves

The second serious "dungeon". Here the player will need even more antidote potions, as local opponents can shoot poisoned projectiles. You will also need the "Whispering Shadows" spell, studied by adepts of fire magic. It will allow you to see hidden doors. The location itself is not too confusing.

Important: all directions are indicated if you look at the map:

  1. Immediately to the left of the entrance is a room with a chest.
  2. A room with a quest key is symmetrical from it.
  3. Next you need to move down.
  4. First, turn right. On the left hand should be a secret passage with a chest.
  5. Going straight ahead, the player will enter a room with a teleport book to the "Remote Star".
  6. Returning to the place with the cache, you need to go down. At the end of the corridor is a treasure room.
  7. Then you can go to the left side of the dungeon. On the right hand is another cache with a lever. By pressing it, you can safely go down.
  8. To the left is a room with a chest. Opened with a lever in the cache.
  9. To the right is a chest and a passage to the lower floor.

The second floor is much simpler:

  1. To the right of the entrance is a room with a barrel.
  2. A little further to the left - 2 chests.
  3. Having passed along the "linear" corridor, at the fork, you should first look to the right to the next treasure.
  4. Return to the fork and continue straight up to the end. Don't miss the lever. At the end there will be a chest.
  5. Return to the turn and move to the left.
  6. At the end there will be a room with a boss and a quest chest.

On this, the passage of the "Den of Thieves" in "Might and Magic 10" can be considered complete.


Having pumped "in the field", having handed over tasks, you can go to the lighthouse along storyline. If the player's group has raised several levels earlier, then there should be no difficulties.

  1. On the ground floor, you can find a chest and a barrel. If you go down from the exit from the floor, the party will stumble upon a quest NPC, next to which there is a cache.
  2. On the second floor there is also a chest and a barrel.
  3. The third stage will require pressing two tiles at different ends of the location. There is a secret passage in the left corridor.
  4. On the last floor, the group will meet with the boss. It is necessary to stay away from the edge of the site, otherwise the monster will throw off the heroes. In addition, it deals damage to all characters at once, so it is worth using massive defensive spells.


Continuing the passage of the game "Might and Magic 10", the group goes to the local governor, but even such a trivial task turns into a test.

  1. There will be few forks on the first floor. It is recommended to first visit the tunnel to the left of the entrance, then the right one. Be careful, there will be a secret passage near the lever.
  2. The second floor is just huge. It is recommended to simply go around it completely, collecting all the treasures. Do not miss secret room. Use Whispering Shadows. It will contain a key to a locked door with a book. At the end of the dungeon is a room with levers. There are three of them, so picking a combination is not difficult.
  3. On the third floor, no surprises. 3 chests, a barrel, a book and a boss.

Thus ends the first act of the game. After talking with Morgan, the difficulty will increase exponentially.

Shards from doors

The first quest that the player will have to face in Act 2 is "The Forge of the Elements". The passage of "Might and Magic 10" in its entirety will allow you not only to complete the story quest, but also to receive the blessing of Shalasa, which makes it possible to walk on water and reach some interesting points in the game world. Therefore, it is initially recommended to visit some places and collect all the "keys".

  1. Shard of the Earth. The group will receive it story quest when you first move to the Forge.
  2. Shard of Water must be found in the Forsaken City at level 4.
  3. The Shard of Light is stored in the Falagar mansion on the 2nd floor.
  4. Wind Shard in the skull cave on level 2.
  5. Shard of Fire, again, in the Forsaken City only at stage 3.
  6. Shard of Darkness in Karthal Prison.

After collecting all the items, you can safely go to complete the plot.

Elemental Forge

The passage of the forge itself is not too confusing. The group will appear on the 3rd level of the catacombs. With each transition, there will be more and more enemies, so you should prepare for serious resistance. Since most of the corridors are straight, it is enough to list the caches in each level so that the player knows what to find:

  1. On the 3rd floor, you should look for 2 chests, a barrel, a book and a key. Another chest can be found in the "Area of ​​Light".
  2. The second floor is a little bigger. It has 3 secret passages. Hidden behind the first one is the master teacher of Enhance Magic. 2 move nearby, followed by a chest. The third passage is next to the door to the "Area of ​​Water".
  3. On the ground floor you can take a book and a chest. A chest is hidden in the "Area of ​​Darkness". Also in the "Region of the Earth" there is a barrel and a treasure.

That's all. After opening the quest door, the party will encounter a golem boss. It hits one target, but can put the whole group to sleep. For combat, you should stock up on scrolls of removing spells. You can find them right there as you progress through the dungeon.

"Unknown Peninsula"

One of the most annoying quests for "superficial" players. If a person does not like to read books and notes in the game, or is simply inattentive, then he is unlikely to be able to answer all the questions of this quiz himself. Also, the game does not have a detailed study of the world. So here is the list of answers:

  1. The name of the bay is "Tiriya Bay".
  2. The river in Kartal is "Naveya".
  3. The name of the lake on the island is "Oko".
  4. Rocky coast - "Mentil".
  5. North Sea - "Iris".
  6. The old name of the lands is "Malin".
  7. Eastern forest- Shady Woods.
  8. Songs of the wind - "Vayslin".

The heroes will be rewarded with 1500 experience and an artifact. Thus, in Might and Magic 10, the passage of the "Unknown Peninsula" is nothing serious.

Questions and answers

Another unpleasant moment is the "Tower of Riddles". The passage of "Might and Magic 10" can come to a standstill if you do not answer a few rather interesting questions. The group gets into this dungeon through two quests - "Advancement in the Archmages" and "The Forbidden Saga". The player should not expect strong resistance in the form of monsters, however, most caches and chests can only be opened by solving riddles:

  1. The first floor is square in shape. In each corner are pieces of the code from the door to the second floor. Chests can be found behind three secret doors. The answers to the riddles are as follows - "Cloud", "Death", "Nothing". Near the exit you can find the quest book "Night of the Destroyer". The answer is "age".
  2. At the second stage, the corridors are "linear". The first test will be pressure plates. The order of passage, if you stand facing them, is WDAWAWDDA. Before this room, you need to visit a cache with a chest. Then there will be a room with traps. Entering the room, you need to turn left and walk along the wall, but do not get right into the corners. In the last passage in the cache is another riddle. The answer is "coin".
  3. Bypass 3 floors can be done in a straight line. From the entrance you need to go straight all the way, not forgetting the barrel along the way. Then left and all the way to the statue on the quest. She needs to answer - "Fear." Then up the map. The group will run straight into a cache with a chest and a flute. Then you need to get out of the cache and to the right until it stops - on the left there will be another cache with the answer to the riddle - "Mushroom". Here you can also find a grandee teaching Primal Magic. It is worth leaving through the upper corridor, in which you can find a relic.

If a player is worried about whether Might and Magic 10 will launch for him, then he should calm down. Regardless of the release year, finding a PC that won't run the game is very difficult. The required configuration is shown below.

On this we can finish the descriptions of the passage of "Might and Magic 10. Legacy". Heroes will be able to survive and complete their journey only with the help of the player and careful leveling. In order not to discourage interest in the plot and the game, to give people the opportunity to independently study new world, only general tips by passing:

  1. Carefully inspect each area. It is never known in advance where a treasure or cache can be found.
  2. Kill everything that moves. The influx of experience is severely limited, monsters are not restored. Therefore, the player is forced to extract every grain.
  3. If during the first act it feels like the party is too weak, then perhaps you should start over with other playable classes.
  4. You shouldn't go head over heels. If the first monster in the dungeon is too strong, it's best to leave and come back later.
  5. Elixirs are life. IN previous parts games they played not such an important role.
  6. Think carefully about pumping. What skills are needed now, what later.
  7. Learn spells. More than half of them will never come in handy. It's a shame to spend money on unnecessary things.

Sorpigal by the sea

Arriving in the small town of Sorpigal-by-the-Sea, you adventurers, a team of four characters, found out that the gates of Kartal, big city Aegina Peninsula, closed. Having met mentor Dustan on the shore, you received the first task -. To do this, you need to find Maxim, the captain of the local garrison. Take Dustan with you. However, before you go into the city, turn right and look into the barrel. Barrels are broken using the "space" button. Chests also open. The barrels contain different colored liquids that increase the characteristics of your characters (magic, defense, spirit, etc.). But sometimes a monster can also jump out of the barrel. By the way, you will find all useful places, as well as the names of houses, a list of teachers, chests, tasks on our maps.

I'm going to the city. In the nearest building City garrison”, just outside the gates of the city and it will be possible to turn in the task. A knight will sit at the entrance. You can immediately go to the house, or walk around the city and listen to Dustan's stories about local attractions. However, if you decide to complete this task right away, you will have to kick Dustan out.

I advise you to walk first, listening to the stories of Dustan at the same time.

If you go around the city garrison, you can find a book and a chest. Nearby are shops where you can buy weapons or armor, shields. But I don't think you have enough money yet. And for starters, what you already have is enough for you.

In the upper left part of the city, you can take tasks:

And also soak your first creature - a spider, clean another chest and a barrel.

In the store "Warmers and talismans of Jokhara" you can buy potions, magic items or spells. You will need:

  • red potions- restore health
  • blue potions- restore mana
  • green potions- they remove the antidote, this is especially important, since spiders will soon poison you.

In the center of the city stands " Chapel of Elrath”.

In such religious institutions, you can resurrect characters who died in battle, restore health, mana. In the Chapel of Elrath, talk to Rosalyn (at the top of the screen, the tab for switching characters in this building). Rosalyn will give you the task “”. Take her with you. There is also a teacher of a connoisseur of light magic. All teachers are marked on the map. To develop your character, you need to gain experience points (given for killing monsters and completing tasks), thereby increasing your level. For every new level you are given 3 skill points. Skill points you spend on the development of skills (for example, magic of light). There are 3 stages of skills: expert, master and master. Each stage has its own teacher, teachers are scattered throughout the cities. In general, you better read in more detail. To the right of the entrance to the chapel, take the book.

Opposite the chapel is Goblin Watchtower Tavern. Ailos is standing next to her, he can be hired, but there is no particular benefit from him. In places like this, you can rest (8 hours), buy supplies. Your party needs a rest every 20 hours (game time) otherwise the characters will weaken and lose strength until they eventually go insane. You can rest either in the tavern or in the field, spending supplies. In the tavern, you can take the task “ ”, hire a cook. However, there is no special meaning in the cook either.

We leave the tavern and turn the corner. There you will see Zeil, who will give the task “”. After completing this task, you must return to Zale to receive a reward (gold and experience points). Behind Zale is a chest. Next to it is the “Training Hall”, where there are a lot of different teachers (see map).

If you go around the Training Hall, then in the lower right corner of the map you can find the place “Horse Paradise”, from here in the future you can get to Kartal and the Sea Harbor, but for now the road there is closed to you. You can also hire a horse here. In this case, you will have an additional bag for items. A very useful character, especially when you walk through different dungeons - over time, you will not have enough space in your bag.

At the very bottom of the city at the exit is a guard. He will not let you in until you receive a task from Maxim "".

At the bottom you can also find the “Library of Arcane Knowledge”, where you can buy spells and find teachers. There is a chest next to the building. If you go around the Library, then you can soak another spider.

So, you are ready - return to Maxim to receive the task “”. Maxim will go with you.

Well with spiders

To complete the task with spiders, we go to the well (it is marked on the map). We stock up on antidote, buy uniforms with the money that we have saved up. The passage of this task is described here "“. Also in the well you will find a cove of smugglers from the task ““. Do not forget to turn in this task to Zeil.


After you soak all the spiders - go to Maxim, he will give you the next task - "". South of Sorpigal is an old lighthouse where strange nagas have been seen before it went out. Maxim wants to make sure these nagas don't belong to the cult of the Flooder. After receiving this task, you will be able to leave the city. Well, let's get out of here!

Aegin Peninsula

We leave the city and get to the Aegin Peninsula. The map is enlarged.

Our strategy in this part of the world is as follows: first, we clear the entire plain near the Gulf of Tyria. We collect books, open chests. You can periodically meet crystals that will give additional protection from different schools of magic and fountains that fully restore health and mana once a day for the entire team. We are not in a hurry to go to the Lighthouse, since there are quite strong enemies there and it is better to pump the characters first. I recommend that you first visit the Den of Thieves (on the left side of the map) and clear the Ash Hills and the area around Portmeyron Castle (above) from monsters. The entrance to the Castle will be available only after receiving the corresponding quest.

Ash Hills

In the center of the map in the Ash Hills, you can complete the quest " " by placing them on the altar. The center of the Ash Hills is also home to a Wagon Trader who sells potions, supplies, and teachers. After crossing the bridge to the right side of the map, you can find an obelisk. Read the inscription on it and you will have a task with the inscriptions on the obelisks, which will need to be collected. Obelisks are located throughout the peninsula.

We open a couple of chests, we do not enter the dangerous caves, which are located here and near Tyria Bay. You won't be able to defeat these monsters yet.

Mysterious crypt

At the top of the map, you can find the entrance to the Mysterious Crypt. In it, you need to click on the plates on the floor so that all the torches light up and turn to the center. I think that by poking a few times in different orders - you can set them in the right position. Usually, this doesn't cause problems for anyone.

Cursed Ruins

They are located on the left side of the map. We are not going there yet (and not soon). However, there is a chest and a barrel with a spider nearby. If you go around the Cursed Ruins, you can find another obelisk and a chest with a riddle, if you don’t guess yourself, then you can find the answers to all the riddles.

There is also a guard at the top of the map who will only let you out after completing the quest with the lion and the elemental forge.

You can also come across a place that will require Ylat's blessing from you. You don't have it yet, you can get it much later.

Den of thieves

So, let's go to the lair. Stock up on antidote, as there are a lot of shooters who shoot poisoned arrows. To get there, you need to go through the Shady Forests, there we also clear the chests and kill the monsters, which are enough there. Having reached the entrance, we listen to Rosalyn's confession and go inside.

To make it faster and easier to pass the game, gather a squad of four characters, do not forget to distribute their skills and other necessary attributes. A feature of this game is the division of the screen into cells that have their own coordinates on the map. Further, some of the places will be indicated using these coordinates.

Act 1

A colorful video that will briefly tell you about the plot of the game and your goal. Of course, you can safely skip it. Then your journey will begin from the harbor. Do not turn anywhere and you will see a guy who will offer you a job. Don't give up! After listening to his advice, go to the general. On the way you will meet an arch, immediately after which you go into the door on the right. You receive your first task: the destruction of spiders.
Ugly spiders want to ruin the lives of people in the city. To get rid of them, go to the town hall, which is a large building. On the left side of it is a well (15.8). Go down the well and enter a cave. In addition to completing the main task - killing spiders, carefully inspect and study everything in this cave. Then head back.

Bestiary of Yassad

The next tasks of the same plan are to kill all sorts of different creatures. However, do not forget to visit Yassad after killing every tenth monster to get a bonus.

bandit bay

The guard needs one treasure. But thanks to your discretion, you have already found it in the well. Give the found thing to the guard. Now you have the opportunity to go to the lighthouse to continue to complete new tasks.
But do not rush to go there, do others, Additional tasks, for example, just kill creatures that are nearby.

The thieves

Now go to the bandits. Look around carefully, killing everyone who meets on the way, as well as collecting treasures. Look into the corners, suddenly there is something interesting for you.
Next, go to the cave at 31, 26. The cave consists of two levels with enemies that, of course, must be killed. But the main thing is to defeat the leader, pick up the sword and take it to the one who asked.

Flowers for the fallen

Move to coordinates 108, 43. There you need to put flowers.


The lighthouse is located in the south, next to the water (113, 22). Kill the enemies at the entrance and go up to the 4th level. Of course, one cannot do without enemies, which will be not only monsters, but also soldiers. Don't forget to kill them.
At the fourth level you will find a difficult fight with the boss. Don't get too close to the edge or you'll just end up at the bottom. It is better to use a ranged attack.
If you did not guess to take such a character initially, then use the strongest character in this battle. After the battle, use the teleporter to go to Maxim.

Way to Portmeiron

Now look for the governor's house. In the last room there will be a lever, with the help of which you will open the passage. Go forward along this passage. When you kill everyone, go back, and then to the west. Using the lever, go to the eastern rooms as well. Then walk through them to the ruins. Don't forget to kill the enemies. Now there will be a lever on the left and a spearman.
Climb up to the second level. And again look for the lever - it will be on the wall (0, 15). Again the lever and new enemies. Then on the way you will meet a door (8, 11). Now you have a choice. You can try out all the options, but there will be many different creatures and people who will need to fight back. As soon as the battles are over, pull the two levers towards you and the gate will open, which will open the way to the third level.
Next, you also kill enemies. Look for open door, there you will be given a golden key. Then you will need to find another key, which is located in the east. Then go towards the southeast. After you open the door, you will come face to face with Ivan. In order to defeat him, you need to move quickly and it is better to use an archer or a knight. After the fight, you will have a conversation with the guard, and then go to the forge.

Act 2

Elemental Discontent

The forge consists of three levels, each of which will have to be completed. In addition to many enemies, you should not have other difficulties.
Do not forget to collect trophies and go to Morgan.

Eyes and ears

Visit Horse Paradise and go to another city. At coordinates 60, 66 talk to the guy.

Mandbat hunting

If your location coincides with the place where the task was taken, then you will find a free passage at coordinates 75, 75. Before you go there, purchase potions. Don't always kill enemies, if you can't, retreat.
You will take the door key from one of the dead soldiers. Then you can safely go to a new level, where you also have to kill enemies. But you have a closed door ahead of you. To open it, go to the harbor, then up. Open the door with a bronze key.
And there will be many opponents. Go to the end, where there is a fight with Mandbat, use magic to win.

Last wish

Go to the first city, look for the church.

Spy Morgan

Then head to the harbor, and then south, on the way you will meet a forest. Go right and look for the entrance (71, 32). Talk to the girl and again go to kill everyone. In the end, you will find yourself in a cottage. Talk to Ripley and use the levers (4, 7; 12, 0) and then walk towards the door (3, 3). The ashes should rest only at the church.

Naga tea

In each city, you need to buy several varieties of tea from each seller, and then take them to the store (4, 23).

Arch Druid

Look for the guy in the slums (7, 26) and take the book from him, which you then need to take to Minho (40, 53).

Fallen star

Go to the abandoned lands: you can find an artifact there (45, 19). Head towards the harbor, look for a blade shop. Wait. And now you have a rare sword.

Master in the Art of War

Just kill everyone.

Great Salvation

Head to the witch who is waiting for you in the tavern, and then to Hamza (14, 31).

sewer key

Tavern again (17, 23). Give water to the tramp, for which you will receive the key.


Now go to the Kartal area (3, 23) - there will be a shelter. Then go to the forge to receive a blessing. Give the blacksmith the water that is in the chest. Look for the key under the cabinet. Fire door, plates and levers. The death of the leader and the flight to the sunken ship. Killing a guard, talking to a person. Next, go to the dwelling of the fang at the place where the water used to be.

Master of Archery

In the cave of skulls, kill the mermaid and return back.

Peace with the Pirates

In the west, in the empty lands, look for the Greek, to whom you need to give the letter.


In Karthal, talk to the bartender who's waiting at the tavern, then head east without fearing the jungle. Look for a tent and a girl.

Rank chief

Swamps, jungle, mountains, nest. Kill the dragon and talk to the leader.

Title Guardian

In the northeast, behind the sea harbor, across the river, go into the cave, where you will have to kill the cyclops and chat with the dwarf. Then walk to the Nevean plains.

Act 3
Dive into horror

Stock up on the full in the store and kill everyone in a row up to the fourth level. There walk on the yellow plates. Then go down to destroy the eye of fear. Chat with the locals and go to Morgan.

Battle for Kartal

After talking with the Greek in the city of pirates, go to Karthal. Look for the necromancer. Mercury is sold by a merchant, sulfur can be found in the harbor. Heal the Greek and go to the pier. Don't forget to empty the store. At coordinates 13, 21 and 2, 20, look for details. Well, then kill the enemies, explore the rooms in search of fragments. Defeat Erebos by moving all the time.
Collect an object from the fragments, put it in the center of the bridges. The general's name is Michael.
Finally, victory awaits you!

ABOUT Might & Magic X we already - at the end of August last year, the game was allowed to be torn apart by the public in early access in order to bring it to a better form by the method of "open development". Almost For six months, the developers have been darning the game, finishing the content and making changes at the request and wishes of the players, and now the result has finally come out. We collect four heroes - and forward. See if the classics have returned or have remained where they buried them .

Big heroes...

For the nine parts of the series, the heroes came from many worlds - non-space stations "Varn-4" (in the first Might & Magic) and "Kron" (II), Terra divided into elemental islands (III), cloudy-gloomy Xin (IV, V), two continents and the archipelago of colorful Enroth (VI, VII, VIII) and nondescript Axeot (IX). The worlds were of decent size, with lots of cities, abandoned castles, caves, secrets and treasures - and a sci-fi backdrop that was sure to show up at the end. In the tenth part, they donated not a continent or a whole planet, but only a piece of Ashan, familiar from the fifth and sixth "Heroes" - the Aegin Peninsula in the southwest of the Falcon Empire. Blasters, robots and entertainers, the Ancients are alien to this world, so here we have pure fantasy.

Instead of the Ancients, the Shantiri civilization, previously mentioned in passing in the Ashan games, took on the role of “gods from the machine”. Their ruins and sun disks are found everywhere.

The plot of the game begins after the events of the sixth "Heroes", and there are plenty of references, familiar characters and old conflicts. Some of the Griffin family, some heroes of might and magic, and even Crag Hack, this time a retired pirate, all ended up on Aegina. In the meantime, a "violent quartet" of adventurers arrives in the small port town of Sorpigal - our squad.

You will have to start, as usual, with the creation of this very detachment. Four races (humans, elves, dwarves and orcs) with three classes each and a limited set of skills - compared to what was in the previous parts of the series, role system poor, but there is still something to think about. You can choose a balance: take a “tank” warrior, an arrow and two magicians - a combat and a healer. You can experiment and recruit, for example, four magicians - it’s not a fact that such a party will be able to survive some battles, but since there is room for creativity, it’s a sin not to use it.

Governor John Morgan is our main employer in the main story. At the same time, he teaches everyone who wants to wield a sword. A more or less universal composition - there is a strong warrior, a well-aimed shooter and a couple of sorcerers complementing each other. Should work like clockwork.

Such an important part of the series as the development and growth of controlled characters did not suffer in the tenth part. As before, with each level we train skills, look for teachers and move to new levels of mastery - from beginners to masters. It is a great pleasure to watch how the four adventurers turn from a team of green krivoruks into legendary heroes. The new developers managed to transfer this element of M&M as expected.

...V small world

Aegin is a small province. Only four cities and a couple of dozen dungeons fit in it, and you can go through it from end to end in ten minutes of real time. The question "why so ma ?!" suggests itself, but here you have to face the truth. limbic, with their means and experience, could go two ways - to make either a huge, but empty and meaningless world, or a tiny, but extremely saturated one. They chose the second path, and, as it begins to turn out as they enter the game, not in vain.

Travel across the peninsula takes place in real time, but discretely - cell by cell, as in M&M from one to five. A lot of people didn’t like it - for some reason everyone was waiting for rebirth more late games series, although the benchmarks were set from the very beginning of development. There is nothing wrong with discreteness to this day, LegendofGrimrock recently proved this successfully. Despite the apparent slowness of the process, the compactness of Aegina compensates for this, and for the impatient, ships and crews go between the four cities - Sorpigal, the multinational Sea Harbor, the metropolis of Kartal and the pirate Crag.

But you have to wander around Aegina, looking under every stone and meticulously studying every corner of the map. Limbic filled every nook and cranny with at least something worth looking into, whether it's a chest with trophies, someone's house, a monster languishing over gold, or another fragment of the history of Ashan, set out in someone's handwritten work.

Worthy compensation for the size of the peninsula came out another mandatory attribute of any "party RPG from the first person" - dungeons. Multi-level caves, castles and ruins are bursting with secret doors and switches, puzzles and weighty trophies. That very spirit of Might and Magic, expressed in “where else to climb in search of adventure, treasure and experience points”, Limbic conveyed flawlessly.

Scattered across the world are nine heretical poems about long-forgotten worlds. Remember Love.

Legacy is "concentrated" - and it's a pity that it's still very small. It is quite possible to solve the riddle of the Obelisks, find all the master teachers and climb the world far and wide, almost with a swoop. There could also be more quests - especially those that are not limited to come-kill-report or clean up another castle full of bandits.

Dance of death

As soon as the party stumbles upon enemies, the game switches to turn-based mode. Parallels with Legend of Grimrock are immediately swept aside here - there is much more from native ancestors, and even from WizardryVII With Landsoflore. Considering that you have to fight almost as much as wandering around the world, it is worth remembering as early as possible that even at a moderate level of difficulty, enemies do not stand on ceremony with the squad.

From venomous spiders to exploding fire elementals, there are plenty of enemies, and almost everyone has some interesting ability to make life difficult for us. We can contrast a wide selection of spells (seven schools, eleven spells each) and military techniques, a supply of potions and our own ingenuity. The latter helps to track the imbalance in the arsenal. Some skills are clearly more useful than others - like the “armor of god”, which saves from most of the incoming damage, or the “hour of power”, which turns the squad into four all-destroying terminators.

But even with this, you can’t see through the fight in the forehead - it’s necessary think, what to do with the heroes on their turn: defend, heal, deal maximum damage or take the enemy out of the battle for a while so as not to risk it. Boss battles that can knock out a strong knight with one blow are a good test of what you have learned so far.

The fights start to get boring little by little as the party's strength grows. When more powerful magic appears and the heroes begin to argue in strength with the dragons, the enchanting prospect of “becoming cooler and then showing them off” disappears. Enemies are taken to be thrown at the squad by almost dozens, alternating warriors, shooters and magicians, adding giants like minotaurs and cyclops. But a careful approach and patience fray even such divisions. One mistake, however, can still cost the victory.

What is a dungeon without a giant shell-shaped spider, which with one bite will send even a knight clad in armor to the next world?

* * *

Talking about the early version, we predicted that the graphics would remain weakest point games. And so it was, from an aesthetic point of view, the tenth M & M is helpless. There are few portraits for heroes, the “doll” of the hero, memorable from the Enroth trilogy, which displays the equipment worn, is gone. In the game world, a hodgepodge of styles and motifs meets, a fair amount of NPCs and monsters came from the fifth and sixth "Heroes" and Dark Messiah . Get ready to watch the dwarven kings bend their backs in the forge, dark elves, repainted green to look like woodlands, and cloned townspeople... which we've also seen somewhere before.

Three screenshots, three models from three different sources. All three are in fundamentally different styles.

And there are too many simplifications and oversights in Legacy compared to older games. The death of heroes has ceased to be a burden, many auxiliary skills have disappeared, such as repair and identification of objects ... after all, now you can even set up camp right in the middle of an enemy crowd, and you will not get anything for it.

Before starting the game, you can assemble your squad (create 4 different characters, distribute their skills, etc.). Note that in the game everything is divided into cells that have coordinates on the world map. Therefore, some places will be indicated as coordinates.

Act 1

Watch a bright and epic video, which will reveal the plot and your task. You will start your journey in the harbor. Go straight ahead, the guy will talk to you. He will offer a job, agree and, on his advice, go to the general. After passing the archway, go to the first right door. Get an assignment.

Destroy the spiders

Creeping creatures just want to spoil the life of the townspeople, go to the town hall (the largest building). On the left there is a well (15,8). Climb down it. You ended up in a cave, explore everything in it and most importantly - kill all the spiders. Be sure to collect everything from the chests. Come back.

Bestiary of Yassad

You will be asked to kill various creatures. It's simple, when you kill every tenth monster, go to Yassad for a bonus.

bandit bay

The guard will ask you to get the treasure. It's funny, but you found it in one of the chests in the well, so just return the thing to the owner. Next, you will get the opportunity to go to the lighthouse to find out new details about your mission, but it's better to complete additional tasks and just kill the monsters in the area.

The thieves

Go to the bandits' lair. You need to kill everyone in the building, collect treasures. Study every corner carefully. Secret rooms are available at 10.6 and 7.2.

Headhunter's Sword

Follow the cave (31,26). You need to go through two levels, each of them has a lot of enemies that you have to kill. At the end, defeat the leader, take the sword and take it to the owner.

Flowers for fallen heroes

Leave the city, go to 108.43. Put flowers.


Go south to the water, there you will see a lighthouse (113.22). Further, everything is simple, kill the enemies at the entrance. You need to get to the fourth level. Soldiers and monsters will come across on your way, they will have to be eliminated. Reach the goal. A conditional boss will appear, so don't expect an easy fight. Beware of the edges, otherwise the villain will simply throw you down. Try to attack with ranged combat, if you do not have such a character, then go to the enemy with the strongest. When you're done, teleport to Maxim.

Way to Portmeiron

Go to the governor's house. Proceed to one of the extreme rooms, press the lever. A passage will open. Follow it and only forward, kill enemies on your way. When you're done, go back, go west, use the lever to open access to the eastern rooms. Go further through them to the ruins, along the way, eliminate opponents. Activate the lever on the left, go to the spearman.

Follow to the second level. The new lever is on the wall (0.15). Go to another lever that appears, kill enemies on the way. Further to the door (8,11). Next, you have the option to choose a path. Try to go through each of them. We note right away that bad people and creatures are waiting everywhere, give them a rebuff. After a long fight, pull the two levers and open the gate. Follow to the third level.

Continue on your way, kill enemies. Go through the open door, get the golden key. Now go to the eastern part, there you will find another key. Then go southeast to the door, open it. You are waiting for the battle with Ivan. Move more often in battle with him, it is better to fight against him with an archer or a knight. Talk to the guard, go to the forge.

Act 2

Elemental Discontent

You are in the forge, it consists of three levels. Each of them will have to pass. You will not have strong difficulties, unless, of course, you do not consider a huge number of enemies on your way to be a problem. When you're done, collect the trophies and go to Morgan.

Eyes and ears

Visit Horse Paradise and move to another city. Talk to the guy who is at 60.66.

Mandbat hunting

If you are located where you took the task, then the passage is at 75.75. First, buy potions and only then hit the road. Kill enemies, do not be afraid to retreat. At the dead soldiers you will find the key to the door. When you're done, go to the next level.

Clear the area again. You can't go further because of the closed door, go towards the harbor and eliminate everyone in your path. Now upstairs, open the door with the bronze key. You will be attacked by a large crowd of opponents, so be prepared for mass killings. Reach the end, defeat Mandbat with magic.

Last wish

Go to the church, which is located in the starting city.

Spy Morgan

Follow the harbor, then south through the forests. Turn right and find the entrance (71,32). Talk to the girl, and then kill everyone in your path. As a result, you will find yourself in a mansion. Chat with Ripley, turn the levers (4,7;12,0;12) and finally make your way to the door (3,3). Take the ashes to the church.

Naga tea

Collect several types of tea (5 pieces from each merchant in each city). Take the herbs to the shop (4,23).

Arch Druid

Take the book from the guy in the slums (7,26). Take the book to Minho (40,53).

Fallen star

Go to the abandoned lands, find the artifact (45,19). Take it to the blade shop, which is located in the harbor. Wait. Get a rare sword.

Master in the Art of War

Kill all monsters.

Great Salvation

First, talk to the witch in the tavern, and then to Hamza (14.31).

sewer key

Follow to the tavern (17,23). Drink the tramp, take the key from him.


Go to the poor area of ​​Karthal, find shelter (3,23). Go to the blacksmith to get a blessing. Give water to the blacksmith, it is in the chest (fourth level lost city). The key lies under the cabinet (4,15).

Follow the fire door. Open it, then place the plates and activate the levers. Kill the leader. Keep the path to the sunken ship. Kill the guard, talk to the man. Go to the fang's lair through the place where the water used to be.

Master of Archery

Get to the cave of skulls. Eliminate the mermaid and return to the guy who gave you the task.

Peace with the Pirates

Go west to the empty lands. Find the Greek in the fort, give him the letter.


Go to Karthal. Talk to the bartender in the tavern. Go east through the jungle. Find a tent (25,76). Talk to the girl.

Rank chief

Pass through swamps, jungle. Go through the mountains, find a nest. Kill the dragon, talk to the leader.

Title Guardian

Pass the sea harbor. Go northeast across the river. Go to the cave. Kill the cyclops, talk to the dwarf. Follow to the Nevean plains.

Act 3

Dive into horror

Buy supplies, because there will be no turning back. Punch through crowds of enemy creatures up to the fourth level. On it, walk on the yellow plates. Get down. Destroy the Eye of Fear. Talk to the locals, return to Morgan.

Battle for Kartal

Keep your way in pirate city. Talk to the Greek, then go to Karthal. Find a necromancer, he will tell you what ingredients are needed for the medicine. Buy mercury from the merchant, and sulfur from the harbor. Give the medicine to the Greek. Follow the pier. You will not be able to return, so stock up on everything you need.

Find details ( 13.21 and at 2.20). Well, then just kill a huge number of enemies, demons. Look around all the rooms. As a result, you will find a lot of fragments. Kill Erebos. He will try to kill you, so keep moving. When you collect the item, place it on the platform that is in the center of the bridges. The general's name is Michael. Game completed.