Quest breach of duty in dragon age. Passage - Bresilian forest. East Bressilian Forest

Walkthrough - Forest Brecilian

Walkthrough - Forest Brecilian

Story quests

Essence of the Beast

FROM once you enter the territory of the Bressilian Forest, you will be stopped by a patrol of Dalian elves. They will escort you to the Keeper Zathrian, who ruefully admits that he would be glad to help the Gray Wardens, but - alas! – is currently unable to do so. And the reason is that the elves are at war with the local werewolves, many of them are already infected. And there is absolutely no escape from this curse... well, except that someone who, out of the goodness of his soul, is not averse to risking his life, will go to the Bressilian Forest and kill the wolf Witherfang, from which this curse began.

L The werewolf hideout is in ruins in the southern part of the Eastern Forest, but you can't get there that easily - the magical mist turns you back every time you enter it, and there is no other path leading to the ruins.

FROM There are two ways to remove the effect of the fog.

    1. Complete the Great Oak quest, which is located in the Western Forest, and return the stolen acorn to it. The acorn is in the hands of a crazy hermit in the Eastern Forest, and you can either kill him (but this is a pretty strong magician), or peacefully exchange the acorn for something interesting for the old man. For example, he will gladly take Denaila's scarf, Atrian's amulet, or the book received from Kammen.

    2. Agree to the hermit's proposal to kill the Great Oak.

AT In both cases, you will receive an item that allows you to pass through the protective fog without interference.

At ruins, you will have to fight a group of werewolves led by their leader Swiftrunner (Fast Runner). However, as soon as you remove almost all of his life, a white wolf will jump on you and the werewolves will take advantage of this to escape. Follow them to the first tier of ruins.

L The staircase leading to the werewolf lair is located very close to the entrance, but it is currently closed, so you will have to look for a detour. Go to the southwestern part of the map. This tier is rather small, so after fighting off a few spiders along the way, you will soon find yourself in front of a relatively spacious hall, on the floor of which you will see several corpses. Send a rogue ahead if you have one in your group - the floor in this room is littered with traps. When you find yourself approximately in the middle of the hall, you will be joyfully greeted by its inhabitant - the dragon. Luckily, this is a small dragon, but it can be quite dangerous nonetheless - tactics of course depend entirely on the composition of the group and your personal preferences, but one of the safest ways is to keep it permanently paralyzed or frozen. After his death, you will inherit the dragon treasure - a very impressive pile of a wide variety of little things, which lies a little further.

D the rakon was the guardian of the stairs to the lower tier, so now you can freely go further.

AT The second tier of ruins is larger than the first one, and the enemies (mostly undead) on it are quite numerous. They especially like to pounce on you from almost nowhere, crawling out of all possible cracks, including behind your back. Be careful.

AT In a huge hall in the southwestern part of the ruins, you will be greeted by several skeletons on the stairs. Deal with them and move on - and you will see Arcane Horror (Arcane Horror). He has a bad habit of teleporting around the hall from end to end and also summons additional skeletons to help him. The safest way to finish him is to simply shoot him with bows from the stairs, periodically healing up - in this case, he does not move and does not summon skeletons. (If you have Andraste's Arrows in your inventory, you can finish him off without taking any damage.)

R After dealing with the Horror and the skeletons sitting in the side rooms, you will finally find an alternative entrance to the werewolf hideout north of the Horror room.

The werewolves will pounce on you just a few steps after entering, but after you deal with the first two groups, they will throw a white flag and offer to take you to a certain Lady of the Forest for peace negotiations. Whether or not you accept their offer is up to you. If you accept it, then you will be taken to the Lady of the Forest, who will tell you the curious story of the origin of the curse and ask you to bring Zathrian to them. If you agree, you will find Zathrian on the first tier of the ruins.

P The initial negotiations between the werewolves and the Guardian will not end well, and you will have to choose which side to take in the upcoming battle. If you choose werewolves, you will get Alistair's approval.

FROM The fight may or may not be severe depending on your level and the composition of your group. If you kill Witherfang, then Zathrian will give you support in the coming war with the Shadowfiends. If you defeat Zathrian, you can persuade him to sacrifice himself and remove the curse from the werewolves - in this case, Lanaya will tell you the support of the elves.

BUT Alternatively, you can convince the Lady of the Forest to destroy all the elves, including Zathrian, as revenge for what she did. In this case, you will receive support in the war from werewolves. If you select this option, you will not be able to complete non-plot quests elves (if any of them are still outstanding).

FROM a completely black option: to side with Zathrian, kill all the werewolves, and after that finish him off. In this case, you will still receive support from the elves, as they will assume that Zathrian fell in battle with the werewolves.

E If you persuade Zathrian to remove the curse from the werewolves, then earn Leliana's approval.

Non-plot quests

Dalish camp

E that quest is given to you by Atras. His wife Denaila seems to have died after the battle with the werewolves, but Atras suspects that the Guardian Zathrian told him a lie and in fact Denaila did not die from her wounds, but turned into a werewolf. You can promise him to find out the truth.

D you will find enayla in the Eastern Forest near the northern exit. The poor woman is indeed now a werewolf, and will ask you to kill her, giving you a scarf for Atras before that.

AT There is nothing you can do to help Denaila. If you refuse to kill her, she will attack you and die anyway. Return to Atras. You can follow Denaila's request and lie that she died of her wounds, or tell him the truth (in both cases, you can give him the scarf as additional proof of your truthfulness). One way or another, as a reward, you will receive an amulet with + 4% to magic resistance.

E If you lie to Atras, you will earn Leliana's approval (+3).


O gunsmith Varathorn will complain that Zathrian no longer releases clan members into the forest, and therefore they cannot replenish stocks of a special bark - Iron Bark, which is very good for making both weapons and armor. You can promise Varathorn to find this bark, as you will still have to go to the forest on Zathrian's assignment.

To Ora can be found in the Western Forest on a fallen tree not far from the northern passage to the eastern part of the forest. It is guarded by a wild sylvan, a possessed tree that will come to life if you get too close to it.

E If you give the bark to Varathorn, he will make you either a longbow with excellent damage against animals and good damage against the undead, or medium armor with +25 stamina. Alternatively, you can refuse the reward altogether - in this case, Varathorn will insist that you take at least the amulet (gives a high increase in resistance to natural damage, i.e. poison).

Kammen's Regrets

M The young elf Kammen will share his personal problems with you if you are a Dalian elf. If you're not, then you'll have to use Persuasion/Threat to get him to talk. Kammen's problem is that his girlfriend Geina rejects his advances, as he is not a full-fledged hunter. Kammen would be happy to go hunting, but this is impossible, since the Guardian Zathrian forbade members of the clan to go into the forest for fear of werewolves.

R There can be many solutions to the problem here. You can convince Geina to accept Kammen as he is, or you can convince Kammen to accept a wolf pelt from you (if you don't have the pelt, you can get it in the Brescilian Forest). You can also prevent them from being together by convincing one of them that the other hates him (really, why would you do this? Except out of sheer spite of nature.) You can seduce Geina yourself and tell Kammen about it, who will run away in grief are looking.

E If you somehow bring Geina and Kammen together, you will lose 5 influence points with Morrigan, but you will gain Liliana's approval (+5). If you seduce Geina, then Liliana will not like it too much (-3).

AT The reward for the quest you will receive from Kammen is the book Tales of Iloren. He will give you the book only if you either brought him together with Geina, or at least did not break their relationship forever (that is, you talked to her, but did not achieve anything).

Halla Elora

O one of the hulls (graceful deer-like creatures that the Dahlians use instead of horses, although they treat them with much more reverence) is clearly unwell, and Elora, the caretaker of the hulls, is concerned that she may be infected with the poison of the Darkfiends. You can explore the hull yourself using the Survival skill. In order to calm the hull, you need at least two points in this skill - and this time it's you, the skills of the companions in this quest do not count. If you manage to calm her down, then Elora will find out what the problem is, and your quest will be completed. If you prefer to follow the "evil" path, you can lie to Elora that Halla is terminally ill and will not live long, and it is better to kill her out of mercy. If Elora believes you, you will be rewarded with hull horns - Varathorn can use it to make an amulet with +10 mental protection. (If she doesn't believe you, she won't talk to you anymore.)

Additional Information

O With Zathrian's First Mate Lania, you can learn a little about the history of the Dali elves (and get the corresponding entry in your Codex).

FROM the arel (a rather aggressive elf, especially if you're not dalian yourself) will tell you stories about the past of the elves, as well as what he knows about werewolves, which will give you new entries in the Codex.

AT arathorn sells an unlimited amount of dead and elven root, as well as poisonous extract.

H A little north of Varathorn is a chest in which you will find a Love Letter (required for the Services to the Interested Persons quest in Denerim).

West Bressilian Forest
wounded in the forest

AT In the center of the map, not far from the tombstone, you will find the wounded elf Deygan. Depending on how kind your GG is, you can take him to the elf camp, heal him and send him to the camp, kill him or just rob him. If you healed or delivered him to the camp, then the next time you talk, he will give you a sapphire as a reward for saving him.

Mage's Treasure

E If you have already activated the quest for the mage's treasure in the Eastern part of the forest or the ruins, then go to the center of the map to the marked grave. If you disturb the security signs, then a revenant with several skeletons (including a skeleton magician) will jump out of it.

Place of Power

R poison with the revenant's grave is the Place of Power, which you need to activate on the instructions of the magic guild.

Safety sign

E If you received this quest in Denerim through the “Services to Interested Persons” line, then it is here, approximately in the center of the map, that you should shoot an arrow. (See the Denerim quest section for details.)

Additional Information

To When you finish talking to the Great Oak, you will be attacked by several Savage Sylvans.

To south of the Great Oak is an abandoned camp. If you examine it, then your entire group will fall into a dream, and the Shadow will attack you. Usually only one member of the team was awake to fight the Shadow (although sometimes others wake up as well).

E If, after examining all the items, you chose the option “We need to get out of here quickly” in the conversation instead of staying and checking what was the matter or succumbing to the temptation to rest, the Shadow will not appear at all.

T he is not such a difficult opponent, even for one character, especially since it is usually a magician - the worst thing is that after the awakening of the rest of the comrades, they all get injured.

E If you win the fight with the Shadow, the camp will disappear, and in its place there will be several skeletons and a chest from which you can take Dali gloves - a "special" gift for Zevran.

East Bressilian Forest
Treasures of the Mage

AT In this part of the forest you will find two graves - one in the very north of the map, the other in the south. If you disturb the guard signs, then a revenant and several skeletons will rise from each. After killing the revenant, you will find a part of the Juggernaut heavy armor on it and receive a quest to collect it in full. There are four parts in this set. Two, as already mentioned, are located in the Eastern part of the forest, one is in the Western, in the grave in the center of the map, and one lies in a sarcophagus on the lower tier of the ruins - to get to it, you need to perform the Elven Ritual. Your quest will be completed when you have collected all four pieces.

E If you went to the Bressilian Forest early on and the revenants are too strong for you, try the escape tactic - even if all the opponents are chasing you, they will still stretch along the road and (probably) not attack you all in droves. It's also a good idea to throw something holding the revenant like a Force Field - then you can deal with his assistants, and only then deal with him yourself, without being distracted by all sorts of trifles. As a last resort, you can always return to this quest later, with better gear and weapons.

Wynn's regret

E If you have already received Wynn's Regret quest, then you will find Enerin not far from the crazy hermit (see the companion quests for details).

The killer of your brothers

E if you have already received this quest in the mage quest line, you will find malefics in the northern ruins near the revenant's grave. (See mage quests for details.)

Additional Information

At ruins in the north-central part of the map, two ogres will attack you.

FROM a mad hermit, in addition to the acorn you need, will offer you to bargain with him for a helmet (an ancient elven helmet, part of a very good set) and a book (gives an entry in the Codex). Here are some things that are of interest to him: Denaila's scarf, Atrian's amulet, the book received from Kammen.

First tier

Services to interested parties

H and to the north and south of the entrance are two fake brick walls - if you get close enough, you'll see that they're actually secret doors. Behind each of them sits a pair of skeletons in ambush. In the chest in the south room you will find the love letter you need for the Services to the Interested Persons quest in Denerim.

(Another small secret room is behind a false wall a little further, opposite the stairs leading to the werewolves' lair. Although there is nothing particularly interesting there.)

Second tier

Elven Ritual

AT spacious hall you will see the ghost of an elven boy. No matter what you say to him - as a result, the ghost will run away, and a whole horde of skeletons will appear around you. Depending on the level of your group, they may not pose much of a threat to you, but if you have problems with them - you can always quickly retreat as far as possible, it is best to the very entrance to the tier - then there is a good chance that you only a part of the walking dead will follow, and it will be much easier to kill it.

AT In a small room south of this hall you will find a clay tablet and a scroll describing an ancient ritual. Go ahead and turn north at the first crossroads. You will find yourself in the hall in which you must perform this ritual. We carefully read the scroll, study the tablet and repeat the instructions exactly:

1. Take a jug

2. We collect water in it.

3. We put it on the altar.

4. Pray.

5. We drink a sip of water from a jug.

6. Pour the rest of the water from the jug into the pool.

(Keep in mind that if you haven't found the scroll and tablet yet, then you can't do anything to the altar. The ritual can only be performed after finding them.)

E If you correctly reproduced all the manipulations, then the previously locked north door will open. Behind it, you will first find a couple of skeletons - nothing too scary - and the ghost of an elf. As in the case of the boy, it does not matter what exactly you say to her - everything will end in a battle with the Shadows, including the Shadow of the elf herself. All three are elite. After the fight, you will find the Juggernaut armor in the sarcophagus, which is part of the quest to collect the Juggernaut set.

Warrior Mage (ArcaneWarrior)

H and at the next crossroads from the hall with the ritual, you will find a trinity of skeletons, but do not relax: as soon as you deal with them, a much more serious ambush of a dozen opponents will immediately attack you, some of them appearing behind your back. After you deal with them, head to the south room, where you will find an altar and a phylactery. Touch the phylactery, and you will understand that for many centuries the spirit of an elven magician has been in it. The spirit will offer you to release him, promising in return for training in the specialization "Mage Warrior" (allows mages to wear armor and actively participate in hand-to-hand combat if the entire branch is developed). You can also simply release the spirit without asking for anything in return. You won't get a specialization then (you can try this option when you re-pass, as it will already be open), but Alistair (+2) will approve your actions.


AT a huge central-south hall, in which skeleton archers are waiting for you, and the floor is literally littered with traps (if there is a robber in the group with a good ability to hide, you can try to disarm all the traps before the fight starts), you will find the corpse of the adventurer and his magazine. The journal is part of the Unshackled quest - but it will appear in your journal only when you collect all the information on the mysterious Unshackled from various sources.

Additional Information

AT in one of the southern rooms you will find a "black vial". This is one of the six flasks that will summon a revenant if you break it.

Lair of the Werewolves
Scrolls of Banastor

AT In the southeast room you will find the "old texts" with Banastor's scroll - one of the five scrolls you need for the mage quests.

Additional Information

AT in the southwest room you will find the "black vial". This is one of the six flasks that will summon a revenant if you break it.


I say right away that this is the story of my brother (he also loves this game), so he asked me to write down his story :)

1) "Initiation into the Gray Wardens" - we find Alistair,
it is located in the northwestern part of the outpost. Talking with him, we ask you to come with us. We return to Duncan (he is standing near the fire). Quest completed. No award

2) "Hungry deserter" - in the west of the location there is a hospital, and a cage with a prisoner hangs near it. He asks us to give him food. We speak with the guard (requires the "Persuasion" skill) and he gives us food, feed the deserter and the quest is over. If you did not improve the "Persuasion" skill, you can pay 10 silver coins and he will give you food and water. In order to receive a reward, you must first ask the deserter what we will have from helping him, and then we give food, go to the chest of magicians and there we find very useful things such as elixirs, flasks, hoods, etc.
Quest completed.

3) "Mabari" - there is a kennel near the fire. We speak with the kennel, he asks us to put on a collar, we put it on, after that you need to find a flower that grows in the swamps (it can be found during the quests "Infected Blood" and "Cache Gray Wardens"). We bring a flower, the dog is cured, but she "needs rest". The quest is completed. Reward - new satellite, appear after leaving Ostagar.

4) "Infected Blood" and "Cache of the Gray Wardens" go as one quest. After talking with Duncan, he gives us 2 more partners, in addition to Alistair,
and we go to the location of the Korcari Wildlands.

Note: I highly recommend upgrading such skills as: "Skilled Hands" (picking chests and doors is very helpful, and is an integral part of some quests), "Persuasion" (helps you achieve a lot without using force) and "Combat Training" (increases damage and the ability to improve combat skills)

Wildlands of Korcari

Since this is an independent location, it also has its own quests, and they are here: Missionary, Pinch of Ashes, Testament, Hasind Cache. During the quests "Infected Blood" and "Cache of the Gray Wardens" you will most likely stumble upon a couple of corpses, after searching them, you can activate 3 quests.

1) "Testament" - In the northeast of the location, you can stumble upon a small, active battlefield of darkspawn with wolves, killing both of them, you will find a dead missionary, taking whose diary you will activate the quest. After that, it is best to go to the diary, and there make the quest "active" so that it would be easier to look for the box, which, according to the quest, must be given to the wife of the deceased. The box is in the cache.
We find a box. DO NOT open it, this is a condition of the quest. Further execution will be in Redcliffe. If you opened the box, you get an emerald, malachite and an amulet of your beloved (quest item)

2) "Missionary" - while wandering the Wildlands, you will most likely stumble upon a dead body, Rigby
(Use the "Tab" key (default) to make searching easier). Having found his body, we examine the western part of the location, where a couple of three wolves and creatures of darkness will attack us. Also, to simplify the search for the cache that is needed to complete the quest, it is better to make this quest "active" in the "Diary".
We find the chest, (a narrow path leads to it in the west of the location), open it and the quest is completed. Reward - Flat Sword Hasind, a letter (code) and a regular Axe.

3) “A pinch of dust” - on one of the battlefields, you can find a corpse of a person, during a search of which, we find a bag of ashes. This bag needs to be dispelled over a pile of rocks that towers over the swamps.
With this, we will summon a spirit, upon killing which we will get a Chainmail item + 180 experience (for killing). Quest completed.

4) "Hasindsky cache" - in the course of exploring the location, we can stumble upon places that are designated as "Hasindsky road sign" by finding all these signs (you can check the map, they will be marked with a cross), we will activate the quest. To find the cache, just in the "Diary" we put the mark "Make active". Reward - things (many things)

Well, now I will continue the description of the passage of those two quests. Along the way, we meet the creatures of darkness. By killing them, we can get vials of infected blood (not all creatures of darkness). To complete the "Infected Blood" quest, return to Duncan, but it's better to continue your journey through the swamp. While roaming the swamp, we can find the "Ordinary Flower" which is necessary to complete the "Mabari" quest. After we have collected the bottles, we go to the ruins, which are all in the same swamps. There we find the "Cache of the Gray Wardens". When the "Take" action is activated, a video is launched in which a girl of a very pretty appearance appears.
This is the witch Morrigan. We talk with her and agree to an appointment with her mother. We talk, and after that Morrigan "takes" us to Ostagar. We have received the scrolls, which are the key item of the "Cache of the Gray Wardens" quest and we can complete the quest, but here it is best to go talk to the houndmaster and give him the flower. He thanks us and on this the quest "Mabari" is over. Then we speak with Duncan and agree to go through the ritual of Initiation (we have NO other choice). We pass the Initiations (during which 2 side characters die) and the quest "After the Initiation" appears, for which you need to go to the Military Council,
which is located near the place of passage of the Initiation. The quest is completed. No reward. Immediately after the advice, we are given the quest "Tower of Ishal". To complete this quest, you need to go to the south of Ostagar, to the tower. When entering the tower, 2 more side characters will join us. Note: if at the beginning of the game you chose a robber, then a mage and a warrior will join you, if you chose a mage, then a warrior and a robber. We enter the tower, go through all the floors, at the top we are waiting for Ogre, which is essentially the first boss. Let's kill him
we take everything that was with him, and do not forget to take all the useful things from the boxes that are in the tower. Light a signal fire. Quest completed. No reward. After the signal is ignited, a cutscene is shown showing Teyrn Loghain's betrayal. Our glorious heroes are attacked and we lose consciousness. On this, all the quests of the Ostagar location end.

We wake up in a small room where Morrigan meets us, we talk to her, after that we go outside and talk to Flemeth. She gives us her daughter, Morrigan, as a companion, and the three of us go to Lottering in order to decide what will happen next. I want to say a few words about the movement. Many fights, skirmishes and the like are NOT random. And so, during the movement, a fight starts and it starts with the fact that a dog runs up to us (provided that we saved it in the Mabari quest) and we kill all the creatures of darkness and move on.


Arriving in Lottering, we stumble upon a gang of thugs who are ripping off the refugees.
This is the very first quest in Lothering, and it's called Bandits on the Road. There are two ways to get rid of them:

1) If the skill "Persuasion" is improved, you can intimidate them and take away the money;

2) You can simply kill them and take the money again;

Reward: some money, Sir Henry's letter and medallion (quest items), and things in boxes + 20 pieces of silver from templar Brian in the church.

Arriving in the village, we go to the preacher's board in order to take some quests, namely:
"Bandits on the Highway", "Robbers Everywhere", "When the Bears Attack", "The Last Gift". Also, in addition to these quests, there are others, namely: "Dead Templar", "More than Just Plants", "Poisonous Offer", "Prisoner of the Qunari", "Traps - best friends girls."

Note: some quests will appear after you complete the previous ones.

1) Robbers Everywhere (Optional) - We have to kill 3 groups of bandits that are located in the north of the location. Reward - money and things killed + 3 gold from preacher Devons, for killing 3 groups of bandits. Bandit location:

2) "When the bears attack" (The quest does not appear immediately) - in order to complete this quest, you need to kill three infected bears in the northeast of the location. We return to the preacher and the quest is completed. Reward - 1 gold. Place of the bears:

3) “The last gift” (The quest does not appear immediately) - you need to find the corpse of a woman, since the location is small, then it’s very easy to do this, we go north, with the Tab key pressed, and we find a corpse in the grass, we take everything for ourselves, we return to the preacher and quest completed. Reward - 50 silver coins. Place of the body:
Note: at the end of these 3 quests, in addition to money, you will be given the sword "Keeper of the Oath"

4) "Dead Templar" - during the passage of the "Bandits on the Highway" quest, you most likely found Sir Henry's letter and medallion. To complete this quest, go to the church and approach one of the templars, Sir Donal, talk to him, hand over the letter and the quest is completed. The reward can be claimed and you will receive 1 gold.

5) "More than just plants" - in the west of the town, there is a small makeshift hospital, we speak with Elder Miriam, she asks us to bring her healing poultices. There are also several options for passing, either make them yourself, or buy, or bring her the ingredients (elven roots and deep mushrooms). Reward - 50 silver coins.

Note: if you want to increase the defensive and offensive properties of your mabari, then look in the north for a landmark, and study it when the active character is a dog, this will give you 1 article from the codex + the above bonus.

6) "Poisonous Offer" - this quest can be taken from Barlin in Lottering, in Dane's Refuge. To complete it, you need one of the companions to have the skill "Preparation of poisons". Since we need animal poison to make the poison, we go and kill the spiders that are in the north of the location.
We make 3 bottles, and give them to Barlen. Reward - 75 silver coins.

Note: There is a girl named Lillian in this tavern. Talk to her and agree to travel with her and she will become your new companion.

7) "Prisoner of the Qunari" - going to the north of the location, to complete the previous quests, you might notice that there is a cage with a Qunari named Sten.
Talk to him and he will tell you his story. Return to the church and talk to the Reverend Mother (requires the Persuasion skill) and get the key. If you have not improved this skill, then just intimidate her. We get the key, return to the Wall, unlock the door and get a new companion. Or you can make it even easier, if you are a robber and you have learned the “Skillful Hands” skill, then you can simply break open the cage. Quest completed. The reward is Stan's new companion.

8) "Traps are a girl's best friend" - in the north, a girl named Allison asks us to make three traps. To complete the quests, you need to learn the "Trap Making" skill. We make 3 simple traps. We return to the girl, give the traps and the quest is completed. Reward 50 silver coins.

Note: in the church, from the templar Ser Bryant, you can ask for some more help, because you killed the robbers on the highway, he will give you the key to the closet where there are healing poultices.

Now, I want to talk a little about the quests that, let's say, you can complete the entire game. These quests you get from: Blackstone Volunteers, Society of Mages. But only if you agree with them. Personally, I would recommend you to do these quests, because they give us a good profit.

You find the first Blackstone Volunteers in Lothering. Here they give us 2 quests: "Scrape the bottom of the barrel" and "Violation of duty." Attention: When completing the quest "Scrape the bottom of the barrel" do not forget to take the letter to Patter Gritch, who is in the church, if you leave, then most likely this quest will not be completed, since soon Lothering will be destroyed by the creatures of darkness.

9) "Lothering and the Imperial Highway" - After completing all these quests, we go north to help the gnomes of the merchant, we kill all the creatures of darkness that are there.
We turn to the gnome and ask him for a reward (he gives 1 gold) and tell him to come with us, despite the fact that he refuses, he still joins us (he can be seen in the camp). We leave through the Imperial Highway, and this quest is over. This concludes our adventures in the Lothering location. As soon as we leave through the Imperial Highway, we are shown a dream
in which they show the Archdemon and his army, we wake up in the camp and get the quest "Sorcery". To complete this quest, simply approach Bodan and Sandel and talk to them and ask for "magic".
Quest completed. The reward is the ability to insert various runes into weapons.

Now I want to talk a little about satellites, I recommend that you support a good relationship(50+). In this case, the satellites will trust you, and additional quests. I will talk about them a little later.
Note: I advise you to expand the skill bar to the maximum, and secure it with a lock from the bottom left, this should be done so that in the heat of battle you do not “throw out” the spell or poultice from the bar.

So, leaving the camp, 5 new locations open before us: Denerim, Radcliffe, Orzammar, the pier on Lake Calenhad and the Outskirts of the Bresilian Forest.

Now we have a choice of where to go. It seemed to me that best walkthrough consists of: Radcliffe, Tower of Mages, Denerim, Forest of Brecilian and in the end - the ends of Orzammar. This is my personal opinion and it may differ from yours.

Arriving in Radcliffe, we meet Thomas, a patrolman, who tells us about the tragedy that happened in the village.
We agree to help him and he takes us to Bann Tegan, who stayed with his subjects to protect the village from the creatures of darkness. And we must help him with this. After the conversation, the quest "Village under siege" is activated. This quest can be supplemented with all sorts of additional sources. For example, find barrels of oil in the warehouse,
in the tavern, force Lloyd (the innkeeper) to go to the battlefield, “raise the spirits” of the militias, forcing the same Lloyd to give them free drinks, persuade Dvin to enter the battlefield, talk with the blacksmith about weapons (Quest “Lost in the castle”), ask the Reverend Mother to bless the soldiers.

Well, I think there is no need to explain why, since you perfectly understand that by finding these sources, you will ease your lot at night (during the attack of creatures).

In order to achieve the location of Dvin, it is necessary that the Persuasion skill be improved. Or you can negotiate with him by giving 1 gold. Persuasion (Level 2) is also required to receive Sir Perth's blessing from Reverend Mother Hannah.

By the way, I advise you not to throw away such things as: pomegranate ( gem), animal poison, love letters (all this will come in handy in Denerim), stone of life 2 pcs. (leave, in Orzamarr come in handy).

In addition to all this, do not forget to take the box to Jetta (Quest "Will") only if you have not opened the box. No reward. Also, in the church you can find a girl named Caitlin, she asks to find her brother. In order to find him, just go to her house, and go into a small room with a closet, a video will start in which the brother will come out. You may or may not receive a reward for this quest. To get a reward, you can simply intimidate the boy or convince him (requires Persuasion skill). Reward - Green Sword. If you don't want a reward, just send it back to your sister. Quest completed.

Note: if you ask your mabari several times to look for something interesting, he may bring you a cake (gift), an article from the codex, a Piece of Wood (staff), a tangled ball of thread (gift), wine (gift), etc. That is, from time to time, ask the dog to look for something.

Well, now that you have completed all the instructions, you can stay and wait for the sunset ...

And so began the bulk of monsters. If you notified Sir Perth about the oil barrels, you would get something like this:

We fight off this wave, and a militia runs up to us and asks to come to the aid of his detachment below, near the church. We go there for this man, we fight off the monsters. Quest completed.

This is followed by a video where Bunn mentions all the fallen, etc.

Blackstone Volunteers and Preacher's Board have now appeared in the village.

There you can find such tasks. Board: Fate of the Caravan, Brothers and Sons, Skin Thickness, Last Hope, Unintended Consequences (appear after completing Circle of Mages). Volunteers: “If you don’t grease, you won’t go.”

We have the quest "Earl of Radcliffe". We go to the mill, where Bann Tegan will be waiting for us, we talk to him and erlessa Isolde runs up to us, who asks Tegan to go with her (one), let him go, and he gives us the key to the secret passage in the mill.

We find ourselves in a dungeon, where we are met by a couple of creatures of darkness. We quickly kill them, go a little further, and a dialogue starts between our squad and the prisoner, the blood magician - Jovan. We release it to freedom, it can be useful to us in the future. We follow further, we rise to the lower floor. We clean the rooms from evil spirits, corpses and other muck, while collecting everything useful and valuable. Do not forget to collect the bile of corpses, you need it for the quest "Thickness of the Skin". Here is the location of Vallena, the blacksmith's daughter, for the quest Lost in the Castle. After returning to the village, go to Owen for a reward.
After that, we go down to the basement, and through it we go out into the courtyard, where a small army of creatures of darkness awaits us, but we can simplify our task by opening the gate and letting in Sir Perth and his assistants.
After defeating the monsters, we turn to Ser Perth and ask him to come with us. We appear in the main hall where Connor (the son of Earl Eamon), Isolde, and Bann Tegan, who is under the control of a demon who has taken possession of the boy, is waiting for us. We "kill" all the hostile units that are in the room and talk to Isolde. She asks us to save her son from the demon that has settled in him. And then Jovan comes (if you didn’t kill him, or didn’t leave him in a cage), he offers his own solution to the problem: take Isolde’s life for the exorcism ritual. This path is the shortest, but Alistair (-30) will greatly frown upon this, so it's best to take the longer route to the Mage Tower. Or, you can just kill Connor by going up to the second floor.

Note: in one of the rooms
Creatures will be waiting for you, kill them and take the key from one of them, after that go to the second floor, and there you can open the vault with this key.

Because the shortcuts needless to explain, I decided to go the long way and went to the Tower of Magicians in order to ask them for help with the possession. But before I left, I went to the camp and talked to Stan and he told me his story. In the diary. in tasks, the column "Comrades" appeared. I mentioned this above, but now I want to tell you a little more.

Completing the quests of comrades (Sten) - We need to go to Kalenhad (Near the tower of magicians) in order to find a marauder there, who most likely stole the Qunari sword.
After talking with him, we learn that he sold it to Farin, a merchant from Orzammar. We follow to Orzammar, we find Farin (he stands on the "central" square)
we speak with him, in horror he tells that he sold the sword to another dwarf, namely Dvin (the same one from Radcliffe). We follow to Radcliffe, we find Dvin (if he did not die during the battle), we speak with him, he gives us the key to the chest. We unlock it and voila, the quest is completed. Reward: Sten +13, Sten's Sword and jewels. Gradually, I will tell you about all the quests of comrades.

Also, in Calenhad there is a messenger of the community of magicians, talk to him and agree to help and find the following in the bag:
Well, now I will continue the quest "Earl of Radcliffe". We have arrived in Calenhad, but we cannot get into the Tower due to a strange event. But since we need to get there, we turn to Carroll. After talking with him, you can get a pass to the tower.

Circle of Magi

Once in the tower, we learn from the lips of Gregor, the senior templar, that the tower was captured by the possessed. And we are ordered to destroy them all. As soon as we go a little further into the tower, the door will be sealed behind us, thereby protecting ourselves, the templars locked us in a trap. Along the way, you can find places like this

Find them all and the Guardian of the Limit quest will be updated. Also do not forget to walk with the Tab key, maybe you will find something interesting

And after walking a little more, we find a bunch of magicians led by Wynn, whom we could meet back in Ostagar.
She can become our ally if we agree to help her instead of killing her. The sorceress becomes our new companion. Having removed the barrier, we pass a little forward and come across a trio of possessed, kill them. Now we are looking for a torn book (the Tab button is indispensable). And we get the quest "Science of Summoning". This quest can be completed right now without leaving the location. So, we need to call four creatures. To call, you need to perform rituals. Here they are:

Summoning the First One: Font of Summoning - Directory of spiritual figures - Touch the place of the call. The summoned creature is Pig.
It does not pose any danger; a grenade can be found during a search.

Summoning the Second: Summoning Font - Rodercom's Unusual Profession - Statue of Magus Gorvish - Touch the place of the call. The summoned creature is the Artful Trickster.
Doesn't pose any danger. Just spirit.

Summoning the Third: Font of Summoning - Elvorn's Greatest Bestiary - Place for carving tables - Spiritorum Etherialis - Statue of Mage Gorvish - Beginner's Amulet - Touch the place of summoning. Summoned - Shadow Rip (Strong Enemy)
. The reward from it is electrified mitts (gloves).

The quest is supposedly completed, but you may notice that there is also a place for the Call of the Fourth.

Summoning the Fourth: Summoning Font - Spiritual Guide - Roderkom's Unusual Profession - Statue of Mage Gorvish - Great Elvorn Bestiary - Table Carving Site - Spiritorum Etherialis - Statue of Mage Gorvish - Beginner's Amulet - Touch the place of summoning. The summoned creature is Earl Forshadow.
Attention! To get a reward for summoning Earl, you need to steal something from him. Spirit is maintained for about 5 seconds, so hurry up! Reward - text from the codex.

Event Quest Items: Mystic Place of Power, Summoning Science, Student Notes

Well, now we are moving further up the tower. We rise to the rooms of senior magicians, we clean them from monsters. In parallel, do not forget to check the chests and piles of books, there can always be something interesting. On this floor, from the quest items you can find: a love letter and a scroll of Banastor, a glass phylactery (codex), a small painted box, a Black Grimoire (a gift for Morrigan), a note from a student.

I want to tell separately about glass phylacteries. There are a total of 6 such phylacteries in the game: 1 in the Mage Tower, 2 in Orzammar, 1 in Denerim, and 2 in Brecilian Forest. If you go a little deeper into history, then these are most likely the souls of the damned, which are sealed with especially strong magic, as evidenced by bloody fingerprints at the end of each article.

After we cleared the rooms of the senior magicians, we rise to the Great Hall, again we clean them from demons. And here we find the last note of the student, which tells us about some kind of ritual (Quest "Guardian of the Limit"), in order to carry out this ritual it is enough: touch the three statues that are in the rest room, the order of touch is (3, 1, 2), and then touch the statue that is in the center of this floor. Quest is being updated. We go down to the first floor and "open" the door
and instead of opening, this appears:
We kill him and get Yusaris sword and some other things (random choice). Quest "Guardian of the Limit" completed.

We return to the top.

The Great Hall contains the following quest items: Scroll of Banastor, Torn Pages (5 pcs.)

If you have collected all the pages, then the quest "Five pages - four magicians" appears

We rise to the fourth floor (rooms of the templars). Again, we clean the floor, and collect the necessary (potions, things) and go to the center, there the Demon of Idleness is waiting for us,
but we will not fight, because he lulls us and sends us to the Shadow. And here, as for me, the most exciting part of the game begins. Here we can try ourselves in the role of a mouse, a spirit, a fire elemental and a stone golem. But more on that later. And now we have the quest "Lost in Dreams".

So, we appear in the Shadow, we pass a little and find Duncan, the one who died at Ostagar.
But this is just a ghost, we tell him that he is a fake and he attacks us.

Note: Wandering the shadows can reveal things like this.
So far, they are useless, but when you get the form of a spirit, then go back and activate these places. They will give you a permanent boost to one of the stats.

After killing Duncan and his soldiers, a pedestal appears in front of us, with which we can travel to the Shadows. We approach the pedestal, “examine” it, and the following card appears in front of us:
We pass into the location available to us (at the moment it is only one) and there we see Nial, the magician who tried to save the Circle of Magicians. From a conversation with him, one can understand that he has lost all hope of salvation. But he tells us that you can get out only by killing the demons of each circle, and then the Demon of idleness itself.

Note: Lyrium veins restore life and stamina mana

Along the way, we try not to forget about the so-called spirit doors
So far, they are nothing significant for us, but when we acquire the form of a spirit, it is worth returning to them. There are 2 doors in the first shadow location. Entering the portal
we will be attacked by a demon, we kill him, thereby saving the mouse
who will give us her strength. After that, we will be able to crawl into holes, this skill is necessary. After we went through the circle and got the mouse abilities, we turn to the pedestal again and this time we already have a much larger choice of movement

The sequence in which it is best to visit "dreams":

Darkspawn Invasion. Here we get the form of Spirit. In order to get it, you need to do the following: Crawl into the indicated holes in the following sequence:

We kill all the creatures of darkness, we speak with the templar and voila, we have acquired the form of a spirit

Burning Tower here we get the power of Ragos (fire).
To get it, you need to: climb the stairs,
crawl into a hole
and kill the demon with the templar.
Thanks to the form of Ragos, we become invulnerable to fire.

Scattered mages. Here we get the power of the golem. In order to get it, you need the following: clear the location, climb the stairs
help the sleeper in the fight against golems and churchmen and voila, you are a Golem.

Well, now that we have received all the forms, it's time to kill the demons. And it is desirable to start from the very beginning, that is, from the Primordial Shadow. It is advisable to go around all the locations a second time, so as not to miss any bonus.

Note: It's best to look for bonuses when you've already mastered all four forms.

Bonus location:

Now that you have killed all the demons, instead of the usual blue "spots" there will be signs in their place

In the very center, the Demon of Idleness awaits you, but you should not go there. First, "visit" the 3 remaining "blots". That is where our allies are. By releasing them, we make them "wake up" and they leave the Shadow world.
After freeing all allies, the map should look something like this

Well, now we actually go to the "heart" of the Shadow, the Holy of Holies. And then we kill this bastard with the whole detachment. Assassination tips: the first incarnation is best to hit in the form of a golem (a wedge is knocked out with a wedge), the second incarnation is best in the form of a spirit (fire does not like ice), the third incarnation is again a golem, the fourth and fifth incarnation are best again in the form golem. After the murder, Niall appears and asks to take Adralla's Latania from his corpse. He himself cannot do this, since he has been in the Shadow for too long and his body is no longer able to move. This completes the Lost in Dreams quest. We "wake up" and find ourselves in the same place where we were put to sleep, we take Latania from Niall's body. Let's explore the next floor. After going to the end of the floor, we find the templar, who is in the barrier.
We speak with him, if you decide to save the magicians, then nothing will happen, if in the conversation you decided to destroy all the magicians, then Wynn will attack you. After the dialogue, we go up to the Hall of Torment. And here we are waiting for Uldred and his "company". Attention! Use the Scroll of Latania near these people.
If they all die, then you will not get the support of the mages.

If you failed to save at least one magician, then instead of the magicians, in the fight against the Blight, the templars will take their place. But keep in mind that if all the magicians die, then the Earl of Radcliffe quest will have to be completed with the murder of either Isolde or Connor. Therefore, it is better to keep the mages alive. So, we return to Radcliffe, but on the way we are attacked by a bunch of robbers led by Beiha Joam, if you have collected all the torn pages in the Tower of Mages and you have the quest "Five pages - four magicians", then this skirmish will be his end.
The reward is everything the Beiha has. There may also be another quest encounter along the way ("Unintended Consequences"). We kill the whim of the swindler and the quest is completed. No award

Well, now, when we arrived in Radcliffe, we go into the castle and see such a picture (if you saved the magicians, if not, you will see the same picture that you left when you left :))

We speak with Irving and he starts the ritual. But only magicians can get into the Shadow, and therefore we are given a choice: Morrigan (if in a team), Wynn (if in a team), Irving or Jovan. It is better not to send Jovan to the Shadow, since he is rather weak and does not know very much, but if we do send him, then we give him hope for redemption. After we entered the Shadow, we need to find Connor, finding all the "Connors" we will fight the demons of Desire.
No special tactics are needed to kill him, but when she creates duplicates, you need to find the real one as soon as possible (clones die with one hit), otherwise she will restore her life. After killing her, we will be shown a video that does not play a role. After it, we find ourselves in Eamon's room, and here we get new quest"Urn of Sacred Ashes". To complete it, you need to go to Denerim. But before you go, go to your camp. Alistair will approach you and express his gratitude for saving the earl's family. After that, give Morrigan the Black Grimoire that you found in the Tower of Mages and receive the quest Grimoire Flemeth. The girl will thank you and ask you to come later, but for now she will sit down to study it. Along the way, you may encounter "quest skirmishes" such as "False Witnesses".

And while we are going to Denerim, just such a “quest skirmish” happens. A girl runs up to us and asks for help.
But this help is nothing but a trap
Tactics to destroy the Zevran squad: let the robber disarm the traps and eliminate the robbers from the right flank, with the help of Winn, cast the Earthquake spell, but only so that it does not hurt our own soldiers. First of all, we try to eliminate the magician and Zevran, since they are the most dangerous enemies. We send either Alistair or Stan to tank. After killing the magician and Zevran, there should not be any difficulties, let Alistair Stan go to the left flank through the center, and with the magicians we beat the remaining robbers from above. After defeating the last of the robbers, a dialogue will start in which Zevarn will offer you his help, or you can kill him.

Note: To eliminate trouble in the future, keep a good relationship with Zevran.

I have decided to accept Zevran into my ranks. Now you can search chests, boxes and the like, in one of the boxes I found a letter, and thus activated the quest "Red Jenny's Friends". During the passage of the Circle of Magicians, I wrote some quest items, and one of them, a small painted box, is condition for completing the above quest. We continue our way to Denerim.

If you have a good relationship with Alistair, then upon arrival in Denerim, he will ask you to visit his sister, Goldanna.
This is another one of the "Comrades" quests, and it's called "Aleister's Family". This quest is very quick and easy, there is a house in Denerim. Let's go to it.
To complete the quest, you just need to come to the house, talk to Goldanna, in any case, she will reject Alistair, even if she is offered 15 gold money. Quest completed. Also in Denerim there is a preacher's board,
liaison of the community of magicians
and a Blackstone liaison.

Turn in the quest "Red Jenny's Friends" at this address:

Reward - 3 gold. You can also meet Sir Henry

He will offer you a duel, supposedly for killing King Cailan. But you can convince him that he is wrong and that the Gray Wardens have been slandered (This requires the skill "Persuasion 3rd level"). Or you can agree to a duel with him and just kill him. But it will be more useful if he stays alive. And what exactly will be the point you will find out later.

In the tavern "Bitten Nobleman", asking the innkeeper for help in matters "not entirely legal". New quests will appear as the old ones are completed. So, "Services for those interested":

1) "Incomplete correspondence" - I said above that you should not throw these letters away. After collecting 12 pieces, return to the innkeeper. Reward - 6 gold.

2) "Problem Solving" - collect 3 corpses (places: a warehouse and a nook in the shopping district, a brothel "Pearl") and throw them into the well near the church.
Reward - 2 gold

3) " Diplomatic Needs”- again I said that you should not throw away animal poison. It can also be bought from Varathorn (Brecilian Forest) in unlimited quantities. To complete this quest, you need 15 servings of this substance. Bring them to the innkeeper. Reward - 2 gold.

4) "No concessions" - you need to signal with an arrow in the Brecilian forest in the indicated place and kill the attackers. (see Les Brecilian). Reward - 2 gold

5) "False Witnesses" - kill 3 witnesses. The first is in Denerim. Curiosities of Thedas, second at Calenhad Lake on the Wharf, third in the Frost Mountains at " central square". We return to the tavern. Reward - 3 gold

6) "So as not to be tracked" - bring 10 grenades. I also talked about this at the beginning of the guide, that it’s better not to sell them or throw them away. Reward - 1 gold

7) "Cashes" - you need to take the "deserved payment" to 3 caches. The first in Denerim in the market square, the second in the "Spoiled Princess", a tavern by Lake Calenhad, the third on the pier in Redcliffe and the fourth in the Frost Mountains, in the "central square". But the last transfer was explosive. Now that you have found out what kind of "surprise" is hidden in the "board", then you can neutralize the traps. If you neutralized them, you will receive a reward of 3 gold and 98 silver, if you left them "charged" then 3 gold upon returning to the innkeeper.

8) "Severe measures" - you need to kill K. To do this, just go "walk" around Denerim. There will be a quest skirmish
We kill everyone and take the map of the refuge K from the body of the assistant. A new location appears. Let's go there. We kill K. and return for a reward of 10 gold. On this quest, all quests for "interested parties" end.

Also in Denerim, you can stumble upon Cowdry's Rogue,
it is advisable to agree to rob houses, since this brings a good profit, but you will have to pay for tips. 1st tip (cost 1 gold) Rob Lady Sophie's room. 2nd tip (cost 4 gold) - warehouse, but it will not be empty, there will be a considerable number of Howe's thugs. The 3rd tip is, as it were, not accurate, but it is free. And its solution is available only in the Palace Quarter.

You can also find Sergeant Keelone,
which will also give us 2 tasks and completely free. "Pearl and Pigs" 1st in a brothel to beat a pearl, but not to kill the robbers who settled there. Reward - 2 gold.

"Bloody oars" 2nd clear the taverns from the "Bloody oars". You can get rid of them in 2 ways: peaceful and rude. Reward 3 gold (in any case)

There is also a certain Master Ignacio in the market square.
After talking with him for the first time, you can’t suspect anything, but after contacting him a second time, and choosing the replica “I didn’t say that I was a Guardian”, you can understand that he is hiding something. Opposite him, on the wall, hangs a wanted poster for the Gray Warden. Remember the phrase “the griffins will rise again” there. After we have examined the poster, a messenger boy runs up to us and gives us a note.
The quest "Trial of the Crows" appears. We go to the “Bitten Nobleman” and there, in the first room, Master Ignacio and a couple of thugs are waiting for us. They offer us to enter the service of the Crows. I would recommend accepting this proposal. So, the 1st task for the Ravens is to kill Pedan, he is in the Pearl brothel. We go there, at the same time there and we will be able to complete the quest from Sergeant Kiloun, to pacify the robbers. We intimidate the robbers from the detachment of the White Falcons. In the back room of the brothel, a goal is waiting for us, in order to get to it, we say the code phrase (the griffins will rise again). Well, now we kill Pedan,
take his orders. And back to Killone and Ignacio. But along the way, there is a skirmish in which Killone thanks us for what we have done, but then the leader of the gang appears and a fight begins.
We defeat all enemies and Kiloun rewards us with 2 gold. Quest completed.

Upon arrival at the marketplace, you can again contact Kylon and receive an order to eliminate the "Bloody Oars", which have settled in the "Bitten Nobleman" tavern. We go to the tavern and drive them away, either by force or by word. Back to Killone. Quest completed. Now you can continue our "flights" for the Ravens. We return to Ignacio, but we do not receive any reward, but we receive only 2 new contracts for the murder:

1) "Audience with the Ambassador" - if you have not yet begun to pass Orzammar, then the quest will not be completed yet, since the goal is to be in the royal palace under the castle. The quest will become available as you complete quests in Orzammar.

2) "Hunting for mercenaries" - a new location opens up on the world map. We go there, kill all the mercenaries. We return. Reward: Rough Gut Gauntlets.

Note: You can steal a tiara from Hybren (gift)

Well, while we're still in Denerim, it's worth going through the quests from the Preacher's Board, Justice in the Back Alleys, Missing in Action, Fazzil's Request, Loghain's Offensive.

1) "Justice in the back streets" - this quest is easy to complete, 3 locations appear on the map of Denerim. We "visit" them. We return to the preacher preacher and get a reward of 1 gold.

2) "Missing" - this quest cannot be completed at the moment, since the "missing" is in a dungeon. When we get there, I'll tell you more.

3) "Fazzil's Orders" - you need to find a sextant. It is also impossible to complete this quest at this stage, since the sextant is located in Elfinage.

4) "Loghain Offensive" - ​​as soon as we took this quest, the Civil War location appeared on the world map. We follow there. We kill all the soldiers of Loghain, we return for a reward of 1 gold.

Note: while wandering around Denerim, you may come across "patrols"
who want to kill you for some theft. In a fight with them, it is worth sticking to such a simple tactic as running to the dais for the archers with the whole team.
This will make it harder for your opponent to kill you, as they simply won't be able to get through.

In the "dirty nook", you can find just such a door.
This is a quest location. This is a quest location. And it will open when you find the diary of one adventurer in the location of the Ruined Temple,
then the second in the ruins of Brecilian
and a third at the pub's tavern in Orzammar.
Also in the first nook and cranny there is a door from the quest "Blood warns" and the girl to whom you need to give a letter about the death of her husband (volunteer quest "Funeral")

In the "dark alley" there is another door for the "Blood Warns" quest + a hooded messenger for the Blackstone quest "If you don't grease, you won't go."

In the "port backyard" we can find the body of Sir Frieden, who asks you to destroy the blood magicians. From that moment on, another place appears on the map of Denerim - "Abandoned House". There's also a hooded messenger and a door,
which will lead us to the deserter from the volunteer quest "Breach of Duty"

Well, now I decided to go "check in" on the inhabitants of the abandoned house. Arriving there, we will find that there is only one room, but it is worth pushing bookshelf, as a large room will open in front of us, which we need to examine. Here we will be met by a couple of enemies, we kill them, we take the key to the door from the corpse of the blood magician, unlock the door and move on.

Note: since the house is downright teeming with enemies, it is better to kill them in small groups. To do this, it is worth using something like this tactic.
Note that lures 1 person, not a squad.

This is what awaits us at the end of this house
here it is desirable to immobilize the magician while you deal with the soldiers. The best way to do this is with the Force Field spell. We deal with everyone and the quest "Last Request" is completed. The reward is everything that the enemies have.

Well, in order not to repeatedly return to the topic of volunteers and the community of magicians, I decided to do full list quests and their completion. So: "Blackstone Volunteers":

“Scrape the bottom of the barrel”, “Violation of duty”, “If you don’t grease - you won’t go”, “Funeral”, “Replenishment of supplies”, “Change of power”

1) "Scrape the bottom of the barrel" - this quest may not be completed if you did not fulfill my request in Lothering (see above). To complete it, you need to give 3 letters. 1st letter to the man in the church (Lothering), 2nd letter in Radcliffe there is a house that rises above all the others (it can be easily found if you go up to the mill) we go into the house there and the second person. It is advisable to give the letter to the second person as soon as possible, because after a while, the door may mysteriously disappear. The 3rd letter must be given to the person in Elfinage, but since access there has been closed for some time, the quest will have to wait. Reward - 50 silver.

2) "Breach of Duty" - to complete this quest, you need to "visit" the Pier at Lake Calenhad, the Frost Mountains and Denerim. Reward - 2 gold

3) “If you don’t grease, you won’t go” - to complete this quest, you need to give 5 letters to people in hoods. All of them are in Denerim. One is in the marketplace, the second is in the Pearl brothel, the third is in the second Corner, the fourth is in the Port Corner, and the fifth is in the Elfinage. Reward 50 silver

4) "Funeral" - give 4 letters to the wives of the dead. Two in Denerim: 1st in the marketplace, 2nd in the Dirty Stub. Another one is in the Radcliffe Church and the last one is in the Pampered Princess Tavern (Lake Calenhad Pier). Reward - 1 gold

5) "Replenishment" - take 20 healing poultices to volunteers. For 20 any healing poultices give 3 gold 98 silver.

6) "Change of power" - we need to kill Taoran's father so that he can ascend the "throne" of volunteers. We find it in Denerim, on the market square.
After talking with him, we find out that Taoran wants to dishonor the order and asks us to kill our own son. We can kill Relnor and ask for a reward (if you did that, the reward is 4 gold) or kill Taoran. Attention! Taoran is located in Lothering, which is captured by the creatures of darkness, so "look like" in locations that lie near Lothering (Hidina Flemeth Radcliffe). During the wanderings, a quest skirmish should take place. And here we have 2 options for the development of events: either intimidate him and he will give us 3 gold and the quest is completed, or kill him and upon returning to the volunteers we will receive 4 gold.

"Community of Magicians":

Community of Mages Quests: Places of Power, Dismissal Notice, Your Brother's Killer, Blood Warns, Let Justice Be Done, The Gift of Silence, Have You Seen Me?, Banastor's Scrolls, Mushroom Magic", "False Witnesses", "Protect the Community", "Destroy the Community".

Completing all quests:

1) "Places of Power" - there are four places of power (Denerim, Brecilian Forest, Deep Roads, Circle of Mages). Finding them is pretty easy. In the Circle of Mages, in the same place as the quest "The Science of Summoning". Brecilian forest - tombstone, near the edge of the Great Oak, Denerim - Elfinage, near an ancient tree, Deep Roads - an altar in the Ortan taig. Reward - 2 gold

2) "Dismissal notice" - find three students. Quest is also easy. Two apprentices are in Denerim, one in the market square, the other in Curiosities of Thedas, the one in Orzammar is in the main square. Reward - 1 gold.

3) "Your brother's killer" - kill a gang of maleficars (apostates) in the Brecilian forest. They are located in the West Brecilian location, near one of the tombstones. Reward - 1 gold.

4) “Blood warns” - mark 4 houses with blood. 2 of these houses are located directly on the market square. The third in the "dirty alley" and the fourth in the "dark alley" of Denerim. Reward - 1 gold

5) "Let justice be done" "Gift of Silence" - these quests have 3 completions. 1st (unfavorable) Give the required 10 portions of lyrium to Knight Commander Tavish. He will thank us and the quest is over. 2nd (Beneficial) Deliver 10 lyriums to Knight Commander Harrit, in Radcliffe. The commander stands near the mill. 3rd (most profitable) to give lyrium in both places. Reward - 50 silver (if you give lyrium in Radcliffe) and 1 gold if in Denerim.

6) "Did you see me?" - We need to find Renold. A "quest skirmish" should take place here, in which there will be Renold's corpse and the Possessed who killed him. Reward - 50 silver.

7) "The Scrolls of Banastor" - this quest is very long, because it cannot be completed immediately. You need to find 5 scrolls. 2 in the Tower of Mages, 1 in the Lair of the Werewolves (Brecilian Forest) and 2 in the Temple of Andraste (the location will open as you progress through the Urn of the Sacred Ashes quest). Reward - 1 gold

8) "Mushroom Magic" - bring 10 bundles of deep mushrooms. Reward - 1 gold.

9) "False witnesses" - to intercept information. This quest is also solved by a "quest skirmish" along the way you may encounter an adventurer. Talk to him and convince him to intimidate him into giving you information. Return to contact. Reward - 1 gold.

10) "Protect the Community" "Destroy the Community" is the last quest from the Society of Mages. We need to talk with Harrit, from Redcliffe (if we want to save) and with Tavish from Denerim (if we destroy). If you told Tavish, you get nothing and the quest is completed. You need to stand up for the community BEFORE the coronation of Alistair Anora, since after it Redcliffe will be attacked by the creatures of darkness. The reward in case of defense is 2 gold.

Well, now that all possible Denerim quests have been completed, you can continue with Earl of Redcliffe and Urn of Sacred Ashes. To do this, you need to visit Brother Genitivi in ​​Denenrim, that's actually his house.
At the house we meet Waylon, Genitivi's assistant. He tells us that his brother has gone to a hotel near Calenhad Lake. But, is it true that you can check it yourself? in a simple way- just go to the back room. A dialogue will start in which Waylon will ask us not to go there. But persevere and enter. The assistant will immediately attack you, it would be because of what, because in that room lies the corpse of the real Waylon. But, I decided to go on the wrong track. On the way to Calenhad, I was attacked by the creatures of darkness, after the battle with them, Wynn lost consciousness for a short time. Arriving in Calenhad, I went to the tavern and spoke with the owner of the tavern.
After talking with him, you may notice that he is nervous and does not finish something. From his story, you will learn that Genitivi's brother is not in this place. As soon as I left the tavern, a group of cultists attacked me.
After I killed the attackers, the quest was updated and said that it was worth "talking" with Waylon again. And I went to Denerim, but before that I turned into a camp. Wynn told her story. After talking with her a little more, I was able to succeed and get the "Comrades" quest "Wynn's Regrets" from her. Along the way, there was another skirmish in which the spirit that lives in Wynn showed his abilities.
We received the ability "Spirit Vessel". This ability restores some life and mana, grants a bonus to magic power and mana regeneration, and casts the Disorientation spell on all nearby enemies. There are also disadvantages in this spell: a long cooldown (recharge), as soon as the ability ends, Wynn will be stunned and will receive a penalty to attack, defense and movement. Arriving in Denerim, I again returned to Waylon. He was quite surprised that I returned and he tried to kill me, but alas.
And now when I killed the pseudo - Waylon. I went to the back room, where I found Brother Genitivi's true location and the corpse of the real Waylon. Well, now let's go to the "Vault" (this location opens after you take Genitivi's diary from the chest).

Tip: Buy yourself as many poultices as you can before heading to the Sanctuary. Because fighting dragons is no joke.

Arriving at the Vault, I began to look around the area, but I was immediately stopped by a guard.
He forbade the move to the village, but you ignore this ban, move on. Talk to the boy and after he tells about his "talisman", which is a phalanx of the finger, and you will understand that insane people live in the village. In The Villager's House, one can also find an argument supporting this theory (there is also a love letter in his house). As soon as you leave the house, you will be attacked by a small army of Selyuks - sectarians.
We kill them and move on.

Note: there is an iron chest in the village shop, open it and get a nice prize.

Entering the church, launch into a dialogue in which the mystery of the "Vault" is vaguely explained. After this dialogue, Eirik and his guards will attack us. You can find a cultist's medallion on the body, take it. Now open the brick wall. Genitivi will lie on the floor there. Talk to him and he will tell you how to get into the Temple. After that, you can either send it back to Denerim, or take it with you. What decision you make does not matter. I decided to take my brother with me. He told me that there might be traps in the Temple. Well, now I'm off to research. In the hall of the Temple, you can see a small room on the left, we go in there, kill everyone who is, and pick up a letter from the corpse of an adventurer, we also take all useful things from corpses, boxes, etc. There are 2 "quest" items in this room: a wick and a sealed letter. Then we follow to the southeastern rooms, from the quest items there are: Banastor's scroll, ancient encrypted scrolls (the quest "Forgotten Verses" appears). Then we head to the rooms of the sectarians, killing all the enemies along the way. These rooms contain a quest item - Banastor's Scroll. In one of these rooms you can find the key to the southeast rooms. We pick it up, and all the contents of the chest (optional), and go to those (southeast) rooms. We open the lock and get the key to the main hall. We pass on, along the way, killing all the spirits and the like. Now we have the choice to go left or right. Where to go does not matter, because all the same, these paths lead to one point. If you went to the left, then there are 4 chests in one of the rooms
but if you want to get things then open the right one. All the rest hide the spirits of dust. If you decide to go to the right, then there are no special surprises there. Climbing the stairs, we find ourselves in the Caves location. We clean the corridors and go into the tunnels. This is where the fantasy begins. As soon as we disarm 1 trap, 3 dragon cubs will attack us from behind and in front. After passing the cave, we find ourselves in a room that is a mixture of a bedroom and a laboratory. Here we are “meeted” by a bunch of crazed sectarians and children of the dragon. We kill them and move on. We again stumble upon a bunch of fanatics and dragons. After killing them, we see a fork in the roads. If you go to the right, then you will find something like a menagerie, but then they will find you, as a dinner, 3 dragons (no longer children). If you kill them, you can skin them. The quest "Dragonscale Armor" will appear. If you went to the left, then after killing three enemies, a fork awaits you again. Don't you think it's a little monotonous? If you go to the left, then you will stumble upon the followers of the Andraste cult, led by Kolgrim. If you went straight, then you will fall into a meat grinder. And this meat grinder will consist of you, dragons (with a different suit), and a bunch of sectarians. After passing it, you will find yourself in a laboratory for growing dragons. There is nothing interesting except the code no. Now, back to Kolgrim.

We talk with him, he will offer us to help him with his request to destroy Andraste's urn, in case of refusal, he will attack you. If you killed Kolgrim, then you can take the "Horn of Kolgrim" from his corpse. With it, you can summon the Highest Dragon, those that were before him are not even a match for him. But you can call him only by going to the Top of the Mountain. As soon as we reach the Top of the Mountain, we will be shown a video and introduce that very High Dragon
who we can kill. But the death of the dragon is not a prerequisite for completing the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest. And to complete it, you need to go to the "Test" or as it is also called the "Glove". We are met by the Guardian
We talk to him and ask him to go. He replies that the one who passed the test of the "Glove" is the only one. We pass the Test, it consists of several parts, namely four:

1) You need to solve riddles. There are 8 people in front of us, or rather, spirits.
Each of them has its own story-mystery. We start guessing. Answers: Brona - Dreams, Elisha - Melody, Lady Vasily - About revenge, Thane Shartan - About the house, General Maferat - About jealousy, Disciple Havard - About mountains, Disciple Katair - Hunger, Archon Hessarian - Compassion.

2) Meeting with those whom we have lost or those before whom we have been guilty, in this case it is Shianni. After talking with them, we will receive the Reflection amulet.

3) The fight against doppelgangers, in other words, with clones. We kill the clones and move on.

4) Bridge, I noticed that this is one of the most difficult places in the game%

1) Escort the hero to the 2nd platform:
We put heroes on stones that activate 1 platform on the left, 2nd on the left and 1 + 2nd on the right = The first 2 platforms are activated, transfer the hero to the 2nd.
2) Escort the hero to the 3rd platform:
The hero who held the 1st platform on the left is moved to hold the 2nd platform on the right.
The hero who held 1+2 platforms on the right is moved to keep 2+3 platforms also on the right.
The hero who holds the 2nd platform on the right is moved to hold the 3rd platform on the left.
= 2 and 3 platforms are materialized, we transfer the hero to the 3rd.
3) We transfer the hero to the 4th (last):
I think everyone already understood the principle,
The hero who held the 2nd platform on the left is moved to hold the 3rd one on the right.
The hero who held the 2+3 platform on the right is moved to hold the 3+4 on the right.
The hero who holds the 3rd platform on the right is moved to hold the 4th one on the left.
= 3 and 4 platforms are materialized, we pass the bridge and
Voila, it appears in its entirety - you can guide everyone on it.

And now we go to the end and here we see the altar. We undress in front of the altar and go through the flames. The Guardian comes up to us and informs us about the completion of the purification. We approach the Urn and pick up a pinch of ashes and leave. Having reached the Top of the Mountain, I decided to challenge the Dragon. I blew my horn...
Well, I can’t give exact advice on killing, but I will say that dragons are very vulnerable to cold, and have resistance to fire. So draw your own conclusions. So, with grief in half, I did kill the dragon.
"Inside" it you will find a lot of different things.
By taking the dragon scales you will activate another quest which is "Dragonscale Armor". A little higher, I mentioned the Dragonscale Armor quest. To complete both of these quests, you need to go to the blacksmith Vane, in Denerim. Quests completed. The reward is armor. Well, now that we have the ashes of the prophetess Andraste, we can go to Radcliffe Castle to save Eamon and finally complete the Earl Radcliffe quest. Upon arrival there, we turn to Tegan. We heal the arl and he offers to raise an army to oppose Loghain at the Land Rally. As for Jovan (I remind you that this is the blood magician who poisoned the earl), he was sent to the Tower of Mages. Now we have a new quest "Raise an army". Now that I've finally completed all of Redcliffe's quests, I can head to the Brecilian Forest.

Forest Brecilian

When we get to the Dalish camp, Mitra, the guard, will meet us. Ask her to take you to the headman in connection with an important task. She will lead you to Zathrian. He, in turn, will say that now he cannot help the Gray Wardens, since his camp is going through hard times. better times And all because of the curse of the werewolves. He asks us to bring him the heart of Mad Fang, the leader of the werewolves. The quest "Nature of the Beast" appears. But since there are more quests in the village, I will complete them. And the quests in the Dalish Camp are: "Kammen's Woe", "Rare Iron Bark", "Cursed", "Elora's Gall".

1) "Mountain Kamenn" - to receive the quest, talk to Kammen. He is saddened by the fact that his girlfriend does not want to marry him because he is not a hunter yet. This quest has a couple of walkthroughs. To complete both of these quests, you need to have the persuasion above level 2 skill. So, you need to either persuade his girlfriend to marry him, despite the fact that he is not a hunter yet. Or persuade Kammen to bring him the skins, thereby making him a hunter. Reward: The Iloren Saga book.

2) "Rare Ironbark" - this quest can be taken from Varathorn, a blacksmith. He asks you to get a piece of iron bark. Finding it is very easy. We go to West Brecilian, and there will be a fallen tree.
We take away the bark, we return to Varathorn. You can choose the reward yourself - bow (Wolfboy, very good) / armor (Varathorn's Armor, excellent armor) if you refused the gift, he will give you an amulet (Varathorn's amulet). As for me, it's best to take the armor.

3) "In the power of the curse" - the quest is taken from Atras. He asks to find his wife, Danielle. Although Zathrian told him that she was dead, Atras still asks to check again. We go to the Eastern Forest. Here we meet Danielle
she asks us to give Atras a scarf, and to convey that she is dead. Let's report it, whether we say she's a werewolf or that she's dead. Quest completed. Reward: Athras Amulet.

4) "Galla Elora" - We take the quest from Elora, the senior shepherd. The quest can be completed in two ways. 1st, if you have the “Survival” skill of at least the second level, then after examining the gall you will understand that there is nothing wrong with it. If you do not have such a skill, then you can kill her. The reward is given only in case of killing the Gauls - the horns of the Gauls.

Note: there are a lot of statues in the camp, examine them to get the codex entries. There is also a love letter here.

All camp quests completed, except for one, even two. Above, I mentioned Wynn's "Wynn's Regret" quest. To continue its implementation, you need to talk with the narrator Sarel. He said that Aneirin the healer lives in the forest. Let's go in search of him. Along the way, killing werewolves, wolves, bears and all enemies who meet on the way. In the western forest, you can stumble upon a place marked with an arrow (provided that in the tavern "Bitten nobleman" you took the quest "Question about dismissal").
You need to shoot a signal arrow. After we have done this, a gang of mercenaries runs up to us and wants to kill us, we kill all of them, take the letter from the body of the mercenary and go further in search of Winn's student. You can also meet a bunch of werewolves led by a Runner.
You can talk peacefully with them, or just get into a fight. But if you defeat them, then a video will simply start in which the werewolves will run away. Also along the way you can find Deygan
bring him to his senses and talk to them, after he lost consciousness you can kill him or take him to the camp. Since there will be no sense in killing, it is better to take him to the camp. A cutscene will play in which Mitra will thank you for saving him. The quest “Wounded in the Forest” will immediately appear and immediately be completed. Later, you can approach Deygan and ask for rewards. The award is a sapphire. Well, now we continue the search for a student. You may also stumble upon the Great Oak, sylvanas.
He asks you for help to find his acorn. We agree, since there will be nothing good or bad from killing this tree. But behind it, there is a small camp. Arriving there, you will begin to fall asleep. Well, if you decide to leave, then there will be nothing to worry about. But if you fell asleep, then one of you will wake up and find that all the rest are “dead” and an aggressive spirit is wandering around the camp.
If you kill the ghost, you will receive a prize, it will be in the chest that appeared. You can also stumble upon tombstones,
so far they have no value. And so in East Brecilian I found Aneurin
after talking with him, Wynn realized that he forgave her long ago and she finally calmed down. Quest completed. Reward - Wynn +4, Aneirin's amulet. Now he (Aneurin) can heal our wounds. After passing through the arch, you can see the “arrival” of the Hermit, this is the thief who stole the acorn.
We talk to him, answer questions and ask him them too. Then there will be an opportunity to exchange things. And among the things there will be an acorn. We change it, we return to the Oak, he gives us the staff of the Bark of the Tree. With the help of which it will be possible to pass through the barrier.
There are also other developments. You can agree to a deal with the Hermit and kill the Oak. If you did so, then return to the Hermit and he will make you a "disguise" with which you can pass through the barrier. All these proceedings regarding the passage through the barrier are part of the passage of the quest "Nature of the Beast". We pass through the barrier. Runner meets us behind him. After talking with us, he decides to drive us away.
As soon as we defeat him, a video appears in which the appearance of the Mad Fang is shown.

Note: While wandering through the ruins, secret doors may come across.
In them, not only monsters will be waiting for you, but also an additional reward (love letters, etc.)

In the Ruins, various creatures can attack us, from the dead and spiders to dragons. And if, going down one of the stairs, you hear a roar, then know that a dragon is waiting for you in the next room. Attention! There are traps in the dragon room.
When you kill the dragon, don't forget to pick up your prize, it will be in a pile of dragon hordes.
Going down to the lower level of the ruins, you might notice a ghost boy running away, you still won’t be able to catch up with him, so just move forward. Having removed all the obstacles in your path, you get to the room where the same boy wanders.
But I must warn you that after talking with him, a horde of the dead will immediately attack you. After interrupting them, you can inspect the surrounding objects. In the right room, there is a sarcophagus. You can take a tablet in it and a new quest will appear - "Elven Ritual". This quest takes place in the ruins, but I will talk about it a little later. After searching all the rooms, you can move on. Here in this room
where the character stands, you can find an amulet, it represents the soul of an imprisoned magician who wants to find peace. This is a quest called "Wizard Warrior". This quest is completed in 1 dialogue. So how to break up throw away, etc. amulet you can not, then you have 2 ways: 1st help the soul; 2nd leave the amulet. If you have helped a soul, then you have the choice to either ask for a reward or not. If you asked for a reward, then you will receive a new specialization - Battle Mage. Quest completed. Well, now let's continue wandering through the ruins. Also in these ruins there are 2 glass phylacteries, here is the location of one of them:
Also in the ruins you can stumble upon such a picture.
This place is the completion of the Elven Ritual quest. We need to open the metal door. To do this, we approach the fountain - take a jug - fill it with water. Then we go to the altar, now we choose the following actions: Put the jug on the altar - Examine the earthen jug on the altar - Take a sip. After that, ghost demons will attack you.
After we defeated the ghosts, the door should have opened, if this did not happen, then do not worry, the quest has not yet been completed. To complete it, you need to: Take the jug from the altar - fill it again - go to the altar - put the jug - bow - take one sip - return to the fountain - throw out the water. We will be notified that the jug has broken, but the door has opened. This completes the Elven Ritual quest. In the room that was behind the door there is a ghost of a woman, she, unfortunately, speaks Elvish and we cannot understand anything. After talking with her, no matter what we choose, she and a couple of ghosts attack us.
Now that we have dealt with all of them, it is worth looking into the elven burial chamber. There you will find the Plate Armor of the Juggernaut, as soon as you take it, a new quest "The Mage's Treasure" will appear. This quest is completed by "robbing the tombs". Above, I talked about tombstones, which at that time had no value, but now, approaching the tombstone, you can summon the Risen One and a couple of ordinary skeletons. Each Risen will have one piece of armor. After killing them all (three), you will complete this quest and receive a reward - Juggernaut Complete Set. This set is one of the best in the game. All places of tombstones are indicated on the map with a cross. Well, I'll continue wandering through the ruins. Here is this room
I would recommend going through as a rogue (alone) first.
I think this screenshot, although not all the traps here, will help you draw conclusions. After you have neutralized the traps, you can safely enter the room with the whole squad. In this trap room, there is also an adventurer's corpse,
after searching which you will receive an entry in the codex. This entry is significant for the opening of the Miraculous Shed in Denerim. We go a little further, and autosave starts in front of the door (if it is active). From this you can understand that there is something aggressively tuned. As soon as we enter the hall, a detachment of skeletons will attack us. We kill them and go down the stairs.
Attention! Kill the Arcane Horror as soon as possible, whatever it calls for more dead. In case you didn't manage to kill him before the call, then my advice for killing him would be: first take care of the ordinary skeletons, paralyze, freeze the Spell Horror so that he can't move. We take everything useful from the hall and the left room and go to the right, there we kill the three skeletons. Before us is the entrance to the Lair of the Werewolves.
Now we are already being attacked not by the dead, but by werewolves. After walking a little, we stumble upon a bunch of werewolves led by the Gatekeeper.
He offers us peace negotiations. If you agreed, then you will be taken directly to the Mad Fang, if you refused, then about 20 werewolves attack you from all sides (in total). We go to the Mad Fang, which turned out to be a spirit girl. After talking with her, we get several options for events.
So, here we have 3 options, either kill Mad Fang,
either make negotiations and "kill" Zathrian,
Or kill all the elves.
I will say right away that killing Mad Fang or elves are options that are more profitable in terms of things. If you decide to negotiate, then you will need to return for Zathrian. You can also return to the room where we met the Gatekeeper, on the right there are 2 more small rooms, they have a Banastor scroll and a glass phylactery. Now let's go after Zathrian. Oddly enough, for some reason it ended up in ruins.
We convince him to come with us. After talking a little, you can do the following actions: kill Mad Fang with Zathrian, kill Zathrian. So, if you decide to side with the Fang, then you will have to kill Zathrian yourself, after which he will remove the curse himself, thereby killing both himself and the Mad Fang.
In this case, we do not receive rewards. If we agreed to kill the Mad Fang, then we receive as a reward all the things from those killed + in the camp a reward from Zathrian (Gryphon's Beak, ax). If you decide to kill the elves, then the reward will also be from the bodies of those killed. Attention! What you do will determine your troops in the future. If you killed the elves, then instead of them in the war with Pestilence, there will be werewolves and vice versa. This completes the "Nature of the Beast" quest. Well, I did what seems to me the most humane way, I decided to free the werewolves from the curse.

Well, now that all the quests are over, you need to return to the Dalish camp in order to seal the contract. But before that, I want to say that the quest "The killer of your brother", for those who do not remember, this is a quest from the Society of Mages, can now be completed.
Also, do not forget to complete the quest "Mage's Treasure". The whole set looks like this:
Well, now that all the nuances have been settled, you can return to the main quests of the game. Since we have secured the support of Radcliffe, the Mage Tower and the Dalish elves, we are left with the last destination - Orzammar. But, since we completed some quests in the Brecilian Forest, ("Your Brother's Killer", "No Concessions", "Banastor's Scrolls"), it's worth returning to Denerim for a reward. But as soon as we click on it, it will go to Denerim (or another point), as a cutscene starts here, which shows the Archdemon. Then we are attacked in the camp by a small band of screamers.

When you arrive in Denerim, you may notice that Sister Justine has become marked on the map with a quest completion icon.
And the name of this quest is "Forgotten Verses" (provided that you found them in the Ruined Temple). We speak with her, give the scrolls, and get a reward of 7 gold 50 silver. Quest completed. Also, don't forget to go to Wade's forge (if you haven't already) to complete the quests "Dragonscale Armor" and "Armor of dragon scales» (After completing this quest, you are given the choice of what armor to make. Unlike my brother, I play as a female warrior and chose Dragon Plate, an excellent armor). Also, if you approach Sergeant Kiloun, he can reward you with four gold pieces for free. Visit Brother Genitivi and he will give you a Dweomer Craftsman Rune. Now head to Orzammar, or his first location, the Frost Mountains. As soon as we arrive there, we will be attacked by a gang of hired killers. We deal with them and approach the gate. It turns out that we are not the only ones who need an audience with the Dwarf King.
We can both drive them away and kill them. Arriving in Orzammar, we learned that elections are now taking place. There are 2 main candidates: Prince Bellen, and Lord Haromont. We have to help someone ONE of them. From this it follows that the minions of the second will interfere with us. Also in Orzammar there are such quests: "Search for Chief Bandelor", "Dulin Forinder", "Vartag Gavorn", "Mother's Hope", "Song of the Deep Roads", "Lost Naga", "Unbelievable Scientist", "Key to the City"

1) "The search for the foreman Bandelor" - we go to the Diamond Halls, we go into the Council Hall. We open the door to the meeting. Quest completed. No reward.

2) Dulin Forinder "- he can be seen in the house of Haroumont (Diamond Halls), this is the representative of the owner of the house. He asks us to help him. Attention! We can only help one. He wants us to perform at the Trials, as Prince Belen has persuaded the Haromont fighters not to compete. No reward.

3) "Vartag Gavorn" - you will meet him in the Council Hall, this is the representative of Prince Belen. He asks us to help him. To do this, you need to transfer 2 receipts to such people: Lady Days (Diamond Halls) and Lord Helmi (Community Halls, the tavern "At the pubs"). But if you go to the Guardians and talk to the Chronicler, he will say that these papers are fake. We pass the papers to both (we help Lady Days). Quest completed. No award

4) "Hope of the mother" - We take the quest from Filda (Community halls). This quest is completed in the Deep Roads.

5) "Song of the Deep Roads" - we take the quest from brother Berkel (Common halls). He wants to open a church, but the keepers won't let him. This quest requires Persuasion Level 3 or higher. We go to the guardians (Diamond Halls), we speak with the Chronicler.
We convince him of the benefit of the church, we return to Berkel. No award

6) "Lost naga" - we take the quest from the naga beater Bemora. You need to find all the nagas. The map shows the location of all the Nagas.
For each naga they give 12 silver. (Do not forget that you can give the naga to Liliana)

Note: when you hand over the naga, you will be told that the quest is completed, but this means that you have only handed over one naga. Give everyone else away.

7) "Unprecedented scientist" - Near the entrance we can meet Daphne, from whom we take this quest. She wants to study in the Circle of Magicians, but all her attempts to get there were unsuccessful and she asks you to help her. This quest has 2 solutions: 1st, go to the Circle of Magicians and talk to the First Enchanter Irving to accept it; 2nd, tell her father about her intentions ("Gunsmith Janar"). If you completed the task in the first way, you will receive a rune or lyrium dust, if in the second - nothing.

8) "Key to the City" - in the Hall of Heroes, near the entrance to Orzammar, you could find a guard's report. The quest is not activated, to activate it you need to collect all the records about Orzammar. Finding them is pretty easy, just run with the Tab key pressed. Then go to the Council Hall, a cache will appear there. Reward - the key to the city (thing).

Note: In the Hall of Trials, there is a room with a gunsmith. He arranges secret fights. Win 5 of these duels and get the Warrior's Ring.

After returning from the Diamond Halls, you may notice the following picture:
Wait for them to talk and follow them. These thugs are representatives of the Charter, which is controlled by a certain Jarvia. Thugs can be intimidated, or they can be killed. It is better to intimidate here, because if you kill them, the merchant will not want to trade with you. In the tavern "At the taverns" you can find Ogrin, this is our future companion.
If you started doing quests for Prince Belen, then Lady Days, one of the "deceived", will give you a pass to the Deep Roads. Of course, you can get it later, but it's better to do it now. We need to go there to find the father, this lady, since she herself cannot make decisions. We go in search. We find it at the first crossroads and go back. Quest completed. But you can go a slightly different way. If, after talking with Vartag, you received papers, but decided to help Doolin and won the Trials for Haroumont. Then you can side with Belen again, and you will have the quest "Betrayal from within". To complete this quest, you need to do everything the same as for Doolin's quests. So, after talking to Harrowmont, he asked us to kill Jarvia, the head of the Charter. But since we are spies, we report this to Vartag. He asks us to do the same as Harrowmont, but also to plant some papers on her, which will be evidence against the opponent. Now we go to the Dusty City and go into Alimar's shop. We ask him, pay some money or kill him, arrange an interrogation for Nadezhda
then we go to the Poor Shack, in the same city. When we came before, there was no one there, but now there are a bunch of thugs there.
Having interrupted them, we get a key in the form of a phalanx of a finger. We leave the shack and go through this "door".
Arriving at Jarvia's lair, we can stumble upon a gatekeeper. Whatever password we say, it will be incorrect. There are a lot of enemies in the caves, but in order to get to them, you should first let the robber into reconnaissance to remove obstacles.
Note that Stealth must be active. In the room behind these thugs, you will find Jammer's diary, and you will receive the Jammer's Cache quest. This quest will be completed as you wander around the lair. To complete it, you need to find the chests of his friends and take the cheapest items there. In the chests (caches) you need to take the following items: Kanka's cache - a silver ring, Jammer's cache - an iron writing knife, Piqué's cache - a pomegranate decoration If you made a mistake, then it's okay, you just get a little electric shock. Here is a map with the location of all the chests:

After you have collected all 3 items, they will turn into Jammer's Key. Wandering through the tunnels we might stumble upon a room
which serves as a prison, we interrupt everyone there and release the gnome, the key is at the jailer. The prisoner plays no role. After going a little deeper into the caves, you will find Jammer's cache,
opening it, you will receive a reward. Quest completed. At the end of the tunnel, Jarvia and her gang are waiting for us.

Killing Jarvia Tips: Since Jarvia is a rogue, she can hide even during combat, so it's worth protecting yourself. It is advisable to use the Sleep spell and capture as many enemies as possible. If Jarvia is also caught, then the Horror spell should also be cast on her. Then in the codex you will have a new combination "Nightmare dream". Attention, wherever there are barrels there are traps that, when exploded, knock you down for a long time. Well, now that you have killed her, search this room, there is a love letter here. You must have found a chest called Jarvia's Personal Items. It is only available if you are completing the "Betrayal from Within" quest. But here you are faced with a choice: either invest documents (help Belen) or not (help Harrowmont). I put in my documents and headed out the door. But this exit does not lead to the Dust City, but to the armory of Janara! Well, now let's go to Vartag. He takes us to the prince (Belen) who, in turn, asks us to find Perfect Branca, who has gone to the Deep Roads. We have the quests "Anvil of the Void" and "Perfection Itself". You can also activate this quest ("Perfection Itself") a second time if you also go to Harrowmont.

Note: now that all Royal Palace open, we can complete the Crows' Audience with the Ambassador. There is also a glass phylactery in the royal palace.

In one of the rooms you can find Lady Brodens, who was poisoned. The herbalist knows the recipe for the antidote, but is unable to make it himself. The quest “Outlandish Remedies” appears. To complete it, you need the “Herbalist” skill of the 4th (last) level. At the beginning of the walkthrough, I mentioned that you will need 2 life stones, for this quest they are needed. We cook the antidote, give it to the victim and the quest is completed, there is no reward for it. Attention! In the throne room, you may have noticed that if you "examine" the royal throne, an inscription appears: "Nothing happened." Here you already need to run and "examine" the throne. Then a field of lightning will appear and a Dragon will come out of it.
From it you can get a beautiful sword "Ageless". And when I say beautiful, I'm not exaggerating in the least, because against the creatures of darkness it is almost a panacea. Well, now let's go to the Deep Roads. As soon as we approach them, a dialogue will start in which Oghren will offer us his help. We agree and move on. First of all, we go to the Aedukan teig, where we found Lady Days' father. On this map:
marked the place where there is a bloody bag, take it.

Note: In the tags you can find a lot of "Shattered Stones"
if you are looking for something special in them, then you are simply wasting your time, because there can be nothing else in them except for frozen lightning, fire crystal, spiritual stone or ice rock.

It is also in other tags and we will need it for the quest. This thaig has nothing special other than the above, so I go to Caridina Crossing. Exploring this crossroads, you can find such interesting things as: Chronicles of the Guardians, pouches with limbs, collecting which we activate the quest "To Pieces". Its implementation awaits us in the next tag, but for now let's continue wandering around this one.

Also here you can find the code "Free Prospectors", which after collecting all the codes will give us a quest. All records of "miners" are marked on the map:

After you find the last codex, a mark with a cache will appear on your map (arrow on the map). You will be rewarded for this quest with some items.

In another gorge you will meet a group of genlocks, kill them and search the corpse of the genlock emissary. On it you will find the hilt of the landman's sword. This is part of the sword that we have to collect. A sarcophagus can be found near the western location with the "prospectors" entry, opening which will "summon" the Deephunter Matriarch (boss) and a bunch of Deephunters. No special tactics are needed to kill them. Also here, at the crossroads, there is the last phylactery. Well, now that everything in this location has been found and killed, you can poison yourself further, to the Ortan taig. At the very beginning of this location, you discover that someone has already killed the creatures of darkness. We should look into this. Since we have not seen spiders before, it follows from this that it was they who killed the creatures of Mor. Here in this place
you can find the grave of a warrior, which will give us an entry to the codex about the sword of the terrestrial. Going further, we stumble upon completely new enemies, such as golems and ancestral spirits. Having killed all the enemies, you can notice the Hand,
who eats the remains of the creatures of darkness. It was this gnome that she asked to find Field (the quest "Mother's Hope") As soon as we approach him, he runs away from us, but stops in the passage, when we approach him again, a short dialogue begins after which we are attacked by spiders. After killing them all, follow the Hand. After walking a few steps, we find a cave, which, although primitive, is still equipped. Now we are talking with Rook, from his story you can understand that he was influenced by filth, in other words, he became insane. When I mentioned his mother, he asked me to tell her that he was dead so as not to upset her. I agreed, but here you can do differently: you can kill him or tell your mother the truth. If you kill him, you will get only poison and nothing of value. Also in his cave, there is a vase, search it, take the tip. As soon as you take it, you will receive the Glorious Grounder quest, provided that you have found the hilt and the warrior's grave. In this thai, it is also worth completing the quest "To Pieces" and "Lost Records" (provided that you have activated these quests). There is also a Mystical Place of Power on the altar. This altar serves as the ending for the quest "To Pieces". To complete it, you need to put all the parts of the body on the altar, a demon will appear.
And now we have a choice: to demand a reward for liberation (will give 25 gold) or to kill him. If you killed him, you won't get any rewards. Quest completed. Well, now let's continue the journey through the teigu.

After passing through the cave, you will stumble upon a small squad of spiders led by a genlock emissary. After killing them, you can see Branca's diary ("Anvil of the Void"), but you are immediately attacked by the Infected Spider Queen.
We kill her, this is not difficult to do, so there is no need for any special tactics. Now let's read the Perfect's diary, from which it became clear that she went to the Dead Moats. Upon arrival at this location, a video will start in which we are shown the army of Mor and the Archdemon himself.
Well, now we are moving forward, but before we have time to go even 20 steps, a battle between the creatures of darkness and a group of gnomes unfolds in front of us.
We help them fight off the freaks. A conversation with the leader of these gnomes, Kardel, does not give anything. We pass along the bridge, along the way killing all the enemy minions. After passing the bridge, we will see a large gate and an army of creatures of darkness with Ogre at the head. We destroy them and move on. In one of the rooms you can find Boots of the Legion. As soon as we take them, we will receive an entry in the codex about the caste of the dead. In the Dead Ditches, you can collect all the armor, I will tell you about its “spare parts” as we progress. Here at this place
Legion's boots are in the uppermost room.
we will find a record of the guardians and gloves of the legion. Let's go further, and having met a group of genlocks, we will see the boss,
killing which we get the last part of the blade from the quest "Glorious Grounder". But when we received it, the blade did not “assemble”, and we need to take all its parts to the grave, to Ortan teig. We go there, we approach the grave (to the one we approached earlier) and instead of the “Explore” icon, the “Production” icon appears. In truth, I was disappointed with the sword I received. The quest is completed, we return back to the Dead Moats. We delve into the ruins of an old castle, or a fort. And so we stumble upon a group of gengar loks led by the Master of the Anvil of the Void.
We kill them. Assassination tips: since the enemy outnumbers us, it is worth luring them in small groups, for this you just need to “show yourself” and move back into the ambush. You need to “show up” alone, not in a detachment. Well, then, as usual, we first kill the trash, then the strong ones, and in the end we kill the main one. Well, now let's move on. After a few turns we find Hespit
who speaks very strange verses. The field of conversation with us, she runs away, but we have no choice but to continue the journey. As soon as we leave the cave we will be attacked by 2 ogres. There is also a locked door here, you can open it a little later. In the same hall there is a passage that leads to the Temple of the Legion. On the way here, you could find parts of the armor, if not, then here is a map for you with the location of the pieces:
In the temple we find a relic, which is an entry from the codex. Now, we go to the altar and take the key for ourselves, and the "Dead Castle" quest will be activated. Now touch the relic, than you will provoke the appearance of the Ghost of the empty breed and the aggression of the rest of the spirits. After killing the spirits, we go to open the door that was closed. And after going a few steps we will see the sarcophagus ("Dead Castle"), we take away the amulet from there and the quest is updated. But we continue the path, but before that, the best will be saved (not a quick save, but a “long one”), because when you enter the next “room”, the boss will appear and the game will automatically save.
This is exactly what the boss is. Assassination Tips: To be honest, for me, the Uterus is one of the most powerful bosses in the game. Well, I can give advice such that zone spells (Sleep, Earthquake, etc.) do not work on this monster. If one of your allies was lifted into the air by the Mother, then cast the Force Field spell on your comrade as soon as possible, so you can save his life without spending mana on treatment. Also, in this way, you can save allies who are squeezed by enemies and tentacles, since the opponents of the targets do not change. You can also use the combo spell "Burning Fat" ("Mud" + any incendiary spell). As the tentacles are killed, you will also be attacked by side enemies (harlocks, screamers), keep this in mind during the battle so that this does not come as a surprise to you. Well, now that we have finally destroyed this creature, we can go to the new location “Anvil of the Void”. Upon arrival there, we pass through a narrow cave and they change our companion - instead of one of the company, they put Ogren. After that, a dialogue starts with Branca, which we were looking for.
She became obsessed with wanting the Anvil. And in the form of an ultimatum asks us to get it. We do what she says and move on along the way, killing everything that moves.

Note: Lyrium veins restore both life and mana.

And here we come to the room with the poison.
I will say right away that this room can only be passed by brute force. Well, since the gas interferes with us, you can turn it off with valves, which is on the side of the room. golems can be lured one by one into the cave and killed there. They lend themselves best to magic rather than brute force. After passing through this room, you will enter another, no less dangerous. It is also filled with golems, but there are also traps.
There are only 4 golems and 2 traps. We go further and here the most difficult task awaits us - to kill this statue.
How to kill her: each time she releases 4 spirits, kill them one by one and immediately after the kill, touch the anvil near which the spirit was.
Do the procedure 8 times and the moonshine will fall apart. You may need fewer "procedures" if you kill 2, 3, 4 spirits. In total, the moonshine must be "hit" 8 times. We move on and here we see Perfect Karidin and his small army of golems.
He tells us a terrible secret about the anvil and asks us to destroy it, and here we have a choice - either kill Branca and destroy the anvil, or kill Caridin and save destroy the anvil. The choice is yours. Tips for killing CaridinBranka: if you see that Caridin is a little bent and does not attack you, then it is better to move back a little, he will cast a spell. Branca also has the unique ability to make illusions. To begin with, we deal with the golems and then we move on to the leaders. If you killed Karidin and Branca did not destroy the anvil (and in order to persuade her to destroy the anvil, you need the Persuasion skill of level 4), then instead of the dwarves, golems will fight against Mora, if she destroyed it, then they will go into battle gnomes. With Karidin, only the second option is possible. I decided to kill Branca. After her death, Karidin made a crown for the future king,
and he himself jumped into the boiling lava. In the same room as the anvil, there is a Golem Record Book, copy the text and ask Ogryn about these records and you will receive the Golem Record quest. Well, now we are going to the Council Hall to present the crown to the future heir to the throne. As such, I chose Belen (if you choose Harrowmont, then Belen and his people will attack you). Belen's first order was...the execution of Harrowmont. Well, in general, the quests "Anvil of the Void" and "Perfection Itself" are completed. Now you can go and do side quests. As soon as you leave the Royal Palace, Kardel, the leader of the Legion of the Dead, will meet you and thank you for your help in choosing a king. We go to the Chronicles there, we hand over the Lost Records quest to Orta, who fled to the Council Hall, to complete the Dead Castle quest, read the memoirs, this quest is not rewarded, and finish the Golem Records quest by talking with the Chronicler. The reward for the Golem Records quest is Master Rune: Vigor. We go to Orta in the Hall and demand a reward, the reward is 5 gold. We also turn in the quest "Mother's Hope", no matter what we say, we will receive the Ruka shield. Quest completed. Now you need to go to Radcliffe, to meet with Eamon. Since the game is almost over, you can complete the quests of your comrades. You can relax in the camp. If you have a relationship with Ogrin over 35, then after talking with him he will tell you about his "girlfriend" and we will receive the quest "Ogrin's old sweetheart". To complete it, you need to go to Calenhad. Filza, Ogrin's girlfriend works at the Spoiled Princess, we tell her that Ogrin has changed, then we tell him to talk to her, and then we whisper in his ear all the time and in the end we lie that the queen is waiting for us. Quest completed. Quest Morrigan "Grimoire Flemeth" - we go to Flemeth's Hut, without Morrigan (quest condition) and negotiate with Flemeth or kill her. If you chose the path of killing her, then she turns into a dragon.
Assassination Tips: Same as High Dragon - ice, ice, ice, and more ice. After killing her, we take the key from the body, open the chest in the hut, pick up the book and give it to Morrigan. The quest is completed. (As for me, Flemeth was much stronger than the High Dragon and the Archdemon)

Zevran does not have the Comrades quest. Leliana's quest is available only if you have a very good relationship with her 75+. During the wanderings, there will be a quest skirmish in which we are attacked by hired killers. After killing them, a dialogue starts and the leader of the raiders tells what's what. It turns out that Leliana does not have such a sinless past. We leave for Denerim, a new location will appear there - Marjolay's House. We talk to her and we have 2 options: either kill her or let her go. It's up to you. I let her go. Reward - Bow Marjoline (in any case). This is one of the best bows in the game. Well, now let's go to Radcliffe in order to talk with the earl about our situation. He offers to go to Denerim, we agree. This is followed by a video telling about the characteristics of the capital of Ferelden and at the end of it, Teyrn Loghain himself approaches us.
Now we are at the estate. There is a love letter in one of the rooms. We have a new quest called "The Gathering of Lands". To complete it, you need to go to the earl's room, but as soon as we enter there, a dialogue will start in which the maid of Anora, Loghain's daughter, asks for help.
We cannot refuse and we have the quest "Saving the Queen". You can leave this quest for now and go turn in side quests, for example, "Ambassador's Audience". The reward for this quest is a Crossbow with improved traction. Now we are talking with Ignacio. He gives us a new order - "Redemption". We need to set up an ambush in the place marked on the map, we go there. But along the way there was a skirmish in which Talliesen meets us,
if you have a very good relationship with Zevran, then he told you that this is his killer friend. And here comes the turning point in Zevran's life. If you have a relationship with him, I repeat, very good, then you can convince him not to oppose you, if the relationship is not very good, to put it mildly, then he will join Talesen and attack you. We kill Talesen and his squad, after that Zevran thanks us and now we can let him go, or we can leave him. We go further, arriving at the place of ransom, we will see a small detachment of Ravens and guards, led by Captain Chase.
We kill them and return to the Bitten Nobleman for a reward, and the Red Jenny Seekers (gloves) serve as a reward. Now we are talking with Ignacio. This conversation will be the last since you can kill him at will or let him go. I would not advise killing him for that simple reason. that this would be of little use, and in addition to this, the merchant Cesar would disappear. Leave him alive and he will put in a good word for you to Cesar. Also, don't forget Cowdry's Rogue, talk to him and he'll give you one last tip, worth 10 gold. As soon as you pay, a new location will appear on your Denerim map. Before leaving, stock up on healing poultices, lyrium potions, as soon as everything is done, we go there. Arriving at the estate, we discover. that it is empty. but as soon as we reach the place where the treasures lie, the quest will be updated and we will be trapped.
Kill all attackers and return to Cowdry. The burglar sympathizes with your failure and returns the money, but promises that the bann whom we “robbed” will pay, while he leaves for the time being. Well, now I will continue the quest "Rescue the Queen". We leave for the "Manor of Earl Denerim". Upon arrival, we approach Erlin, a maid who shows us a secret path. To pass without attracting attention, you need to go around the corner, activate "Stealth" and move on with one robber
and so we go to the end, there will be further obstacles. If a guard appeared to your squad that was left behind, then you can kill him, you won’t raise the alarm, the main thing is not to catch the eye of the guard on the balcony. Well, now when the guard is finished and our robber crossed the garden, Erlin comes up to us and says that he will distract the guards
We use this and get into the house. Now we must quietly get to Anora. You can calmly talk to everyone and also calmly catch the eye. Well, now when we got to Anora, we see that the castle is not simple
Therefore, we need to find Earl Howe and force him to remove the barrier. We move on. Checking all the rooms, I came across one very interesting find.
I'm sorry, but I can't answer your question: "What is she doing?". Attention! Do not disturb this guard, as he is the captain, and will immediately raise an alarm. Well, now let's move on. A little further on I came across a very useful little room.
Having taken everything, I went further and again a pleasant find - a chest with documents, we select them and go into the next room and see such a picture.
But do not panic, the neck of the guard was twisted by our, let's say, colleague - the Gray Warden named Riordan. He thanked us for saving us and asked for the papers we found in the chest. After the conversation, he left, saying only that he saw Howe in the dungeons. We go down to the dungeons and there the gatekeeper meets us. No matter what answer we give, he will attack us anyway. We pass further cleaning the passages and rooms from enemies. In one of the rooms you could find a rack on which a person is being tortured
Release him. It turns out that this is not some poor man, but the son of Earl Dragon Peak. Ask him to speak out against Loghain at the Gathering of Lands. After the conversation, you will have the quest "Nobleman Under Torture". To complete this quest, you will need to visit the Bitten Noble tavern and talk to Sieghard. We go further, and in the next room another find awaits us. Missing from the quest of the same name. We release it, the quest is updated. If you killed him, then the quest is completed and you will not receive any rewards. Let's move on. And finally we find Earl Howe
We kill him. We pick up all the things, then examine the prison cells that are further. There we can find Irmirink, the missing templar, who asks to give his sister an amulet. We agree, since his sister is one of the banns, and her vote can become decisive at the Assembly of Lands, and we have the quest "The Lost Templar". Now, let's get out of jail. And back to Anora. Attention! If you do not want to raise the alarm, then use the Stealth skill and go through with one person. After we talked to her, we need to get her out of the estate. But to do this is not so easy.
Here we have 2 options for the development of events: 1st to accept the battle, 2nd to surrender. I decided to kill her along with the detachment. Assassination Tips: It is advisable to lead Couthren into a narrow corridor, along with her guards, who fight in close proximity, in order to protect themselves from a hail of arrows. Now I would recommend using the Fire Hell and Blizzard spells on archers (capture the entire squad). And it will be possible to kill Couldry simply without releasing her from the ice. The Sword of Summer (Summer Sword) can be removed from her body. While you were fighting, Anora ran away, but don't worry, she's already at Eamon's estate. If you decide to surrender, then you go to jail. You will receive the quest "In captivity". We need to get out of prison. We have 2 options: 1st try to escape yourself, 2nd wait for help from any 2 allies (optional). How to get out of it (according to the first option): talk to the guard. If your character is female, then you can invite him to "have fun" or grab him through the bars. If you decide to have fun, you can either ask him to strip and knock him down, or slip past him and close him, or just knock him down. We leave the camera and release our neighbor. We go to the exit from the room and open it in the chest - so we will get back all our equipment. Then we go further, we kill mabari and the soldier. Next is a room with open door, we go there and there the uniform of the guards hangs on the counter. We dress her. Then we go to the officers' arsenal and tell the guard that we came to replace him.
Now, when he left, we go to the colonel's office and he sends us to the pantry to help two boobies. We go to them, then we need to go with them to the arsenal for weapons and return to the colonel. Then all we have to do is say: “That’s right, sir!” and we are one step away from freedom. We go to the guards who ask for the password and full speed ahead! We are free. If Alistair is with you, then you will be asked another question, the answer to which is Honor. We go to the guards who ask for the password and full speed ahead! We are free. How to get out of prison is the second option: it is advisable to choose one of the cunning characters (Leliana Zevran) and a tank or healer. Now we approach the guards and give the floor to the one who has more cunning. Then the doors will be opened to us, but there is one more obstacle
we speak with her again cunningly and she leaves. Or you can launch a projectile with a catapult, and it will move away. Well, then you need to break through by force. Rescuing the prisoners. Well, now we return to Eamon, we speak with him and Anora. The quest "Unrest in the Elfinage" appears. Now the Elfinage location is available to us. But first, complete the quest "A Noble Under Torture" and "The Missing Templar". For the quest "Nobleman Under Torture" you can get a reward of 40 gold or 50 if you have improved the "Persuasion" skill. For the quest "The Lost Templar" we get 2 gold pieces and the "Watching Sea" amulet. Also, do not forget about the missing person. Reward - 1 gold. Don't forget the "Wonderful Shed" in a dark alley in Denerim. Go there and kill Gakskang.
We take our reward from him and the quest "Breaking Free" is completed. Well, now let's go to Elfinage. Immediately in front of us is a messenger in a hood and a recruit from the quest “Scrape the bottom of the barrel”. We go into our house and talk to brother Soris. He says that after our departure, Earl Howe began massacre of the local elves. On top of that, a strange plague has appeared in the area. There is also a beggar here, it’s better not to give him money, since he will later bring a whole gang of the same “veterans”.
Well, now let's move on. Near the tree we see a crowd of people and our sister Shianni. She tells us about a strange treatment, after which no one returned. Now you need to talk with the guards and "healers". And here we can choose how to get into the room: either pretend to be sick, or kill everyone. What you do is not important, because when you enter the shelter, you will soon be attacked. We kill everyone inside and read the note, the quest is updated. Then we open the door and there we find the elves, beaten, but quite healthy
we are told that the father was taken away through a secret passage a few hours ago. Then we return to Shianni. She directs us to the lanes, or "Apartments". There we can find Fazzil's sextant from the quest Fazzil's Request. We pass to the exit, and we are met by a group of robbers. We kill them and move on. A stronger enemy is waiting for us in the warehouse. We can intimidate her, but we can also kill her. I recommend the second option, as you can get a very good bow from it (Bow of the Golden Sun). We move on, killing all the enemies that fell under the arm, and finally we reach the room with the main slave trader - the magician Caladrius. To avoid a fight, we can agree that he will give us documents against Loghain for 100 gold. There are also such opportunities, but they need the skill “Persuasion” of the 4th level: to persuade him to give the documents for free, and that he would wash off taking everything with him; gave everything and left everything and got away; left documents and elves and got away; kill him. I chose the assassination option, for this option the persuasion skill is not needed. We defeat him, and he asks for mercy on him,
but I decided to finish it. Now we are talking with our father and he hands us the dagger of our mother - "Fang". Do not forget to take the documents from the body of the murdered magician. Well, now we go to Shianni. Since the quest is almost completed, you can also complete 1 side quest this location. It is taken from Sir Otto and is called "Evil". We go to the exit from Elfinage, but a pool of blood and a dead dog can now be examined.
We return to Otto and tell him about the evidence found, and he goes with us to the "Shelter", before this door was inaccessible. We see that the building is, to put it mildly, a mess. We move on, killing along the way all the restless. And we reach the demon. We kill him and go further. And at the very end of this shelter, a demon is waiting for us. It turns out to be easy to kill him, even suspiciously easy. But as soon as Sir Otto began to celebrate victory,
a real demon appeared and killed him. We "avenge" Otto and the quest "Evil" is completed. No reward. There is also a chest, opening which you will find an amulet, as soon as you take it, the quest "Hearing voices" will appear. To complete this quest, take it to the Mad Beggar. Quest completed, no reward. Well, now we return to Eamon to complete the quest "Unrest in Elfinage". Then we go to the Gathering of Lands (we will open a new location) Arriving there we meet Couthren (if you didn’t kill her earlier) You can kill her now or you can just convince her to let you through (requires Persuasion level 4) After killing her, you you can take the Sword of Summer from her body. Well, now we enter the Assembly Hall. Now, from our words there is practically no sense, everything is decided by our actions that we have committed in the past. If the Council opposed us, then there will be a brutal scuffle, if the council voted for us, then at the end of these negotiations, Loghain will offer us a duel, who will fight? - You decide. Then, when you defeated him in a duel, you will have a choice - either kill him or make Gray Warden. The second option will not approve of Alistair, so I killed Loghain,
he will also be against the fact that Anora will sit on the throne. If we put her on the throne, she will order the execution of Alistair. Or there is another option, but it requires the Persuasion skill level 4, and this option is to marry Anora and Alistair. Everyone will approve of this except Alistair. Well, now that all political conflicts have been settled, we get the "Decisive Battle" quest. To complete this quest, you need to go to Radcliffe. BUT when we leave the estate, we will see that "Slick" Couldrey is back in the old place. He gives us a tip on the same estate, but already offers to enter it not through the basement, but through the roof. In this wing we came to, every passage is guarded by traps, so be careful. To get what we need, Andraste's tears go here:
But be careful, do not step on the traps in the room, otherwise they will revive these guys.
Does he remind you of anyone? Well, now when we have tears, we go to the Weasel. It does not matter how we deliver the tears to the church personally or through Cowdry, but the reward awaits us is one - 10 gold. Quest "Crime Wave" completed. Well, now when our diary, on the Current Tasks tab, looks like this
you can go to Redcliffe. Upon arrival, we find the village is not in the best condition - the creatures of darkness attacked the village. There will be a lot of them, but don't worry - they all die in one or two hits, regardless of your strength, only enemies with yellow names will be the same in strength. Arriving at the castle, we also find that it is also attacked by creatures. We interrupt them all and turn to the messenger to let us in. We speak with Eamon and we are sent to rest. You need to talk with Riordan, he is on the second floor. After talking with the Gray Warden, it becomes clear that whoever kills the Archdemon will also die. Well, now we must go to our room and rest. As soon as we enter the room, we will see the Morrigan. She knows about the fate of the Gray Wardens after the murder of the Archdemon and suggests that we perform a certain ritual.
If we agree, then a bed scene starts between you (if your character is male) or Alistair Loghain (if female) and Morrigan. In case of refusal, Morrigan will leave your squad. I decided not to perform the ritual. (And I did, although it was a pity for Alistair)

The dawn has come... All forces are thrown into Denerim to destroy the Archdemon and his troops. Arriving in Denerim, we find that it is occupied by the creatures of darkness. We kill all the evil that only gets in the way. After that, we speak with Riordan. He invites us to take someone from our team with us. Whom you take is a personal matter. May the force be with you! And here comes the moment that I dislike the most - this is parting with comrades. But now is not about that. We need to kill two darkspawn generals. One of them is located in the shopping district, the second in Elfinage. We go to the shopping area. When we get there, we will appear new opportunity- management of the army. We can choose who to call for our help. The ranks of these warriors depend on your actions in the past. Instead of magicians, there could be templars, instead of elves - werewolves, instead of gnomes - golems. Well, now let's start destroying the creatures. Generals don't look much different from ordinary darkspawn. We kill these and go to the Elfinage, where we see that Shianni led the defensive detachment, although he is of little use. We ask her to run away and we ourselves go to defend ourselves from the creatures of darkness. The quest "Protection of Elfinage" appears. To complete it, you just need to kill all the creatures of darkness and the general at the same time. We return to Shianni and she gives us the sunrise ring. Quest completed. Well, now we go along the bridge to the next location, but as soon as we approach the exit, a cutscene starts in which the Archdemon destroys the bridge, thereby cutting off our way back. Along the way, we have a quest skirmish in which we play not for our guard, but for those whom we left to guard the gate and we have the quest "Hold the gate". You just need to hold the gate so that at least 1 of the guards remains alive. It is very easy to do this, so after the battle, talk to the messenger and the quest is completed. Then we are shown a video in which Riordan tried to kill the Archdemon, but unfortunately he did not succeed and he fell from a bird's eye view. Well, now we are forced to break into the fort. I immediately recommend killing the emissaries, as they can really spoil our lives. Well, now, finally, we got to the fort. But when we arrive there, we see that not everything is perfect there either. The advice is the same as before, first get rid of the emissaries and the prisoner of dragons, and then move on to the rest. Well, now the fort itself. Here, opponents will no longer die on the first hit, so do not relax. In the fort, we will be met by Genlock the mage-creator. We pass further, killing everyone in our path, and now we reach the room, which, when escaping from prison, was called the Warehouse. There, out of nowhere, Sandel is waiting for us. We go to the second floor. There is a very interesting room with a bunch of enemies, you can defeat them without any special expenses in this way: a robber with the active ability "Stealth" enter the room, and then use a magician to "shoot" the room with mass magics, such as: "Fiery Gehenna", "Blizzard", "Storm", etc. In the next room, a surprise awaits us, a mini-guild of hired killers of the creatures of darkness crawls out of the ground. We pass further and there will be 2 ogres and an emissary. We kill them and we are almost on the roof.

Note: In the right room there are 2 chests full of poultices and lyrium potions.

We rise to the roof where our last enemy is waiting for us. Kill Tips: The Archdemon is a dragon by nature, which means he is afraid of ice. Do not even try to use mass spells ("Storm", "Snowstorm", etc.) as he flies to different parts of the "arena" from time to time. When you remove about 50% of his life, he "flies away, but promises to return", in his place appear the creatures of darkness. It can also be shot with a ballista.

And when the Archdemon is defeated, Alistair comes up to us and offers to kill the Archdemon, thereby sacrificing himself for us. But I refused, because the country, whatever one may say, needs a king, so I killed him myself

Thanks to everyone who read my walkthrough. I hope you liked it and somehow helped, I tried to retell the possible outcomes along the way, but if I missed something, I apologize.

Created 18 Aug 2010
Skinny Frank x1 Rogue Rank 3 Quest battle false witnesses.
Thug Bodyguard x2 Warrior Rank 2
Deserter Sammael (Sammael the Deserter) x1 Warrior Rank 3 Quest battle Breach of duty.
Vicious Thug (Shady Thug) x2 Warrior Rank 2
Cultist Leader x1 Warrior Rank 3 Optional quest battle Urn of sacred ashes.
Cultist Reaver x2 Warrior Rank 2
Cultist Archer x2 Rogue Rank 2

Quest Community of Mages (can be taken at Calenhad Lake). received from a contact Runes of Krebulash, you need to visit four places of power: in western Brecilian (tombstone), in Orzammar (Ortan teig, Altar of Separation), in Denerim (Elfinage, tree), in the Tower of magicians (student rooms, central room).


Community of Mages Quest (available at Calenhad Lake or Redcliffe). On the world map (Location Wooded Valley) you need to meet the Leader of the Adventurers and convince or force him not to inform on the magician.

ring Red Rat Seal, if you kill the Adventurer Leader;
175 XP and 2 gold coins for completing the quest.

Quest Community of Mages (can be taken at Calenhad Lake). Need to give three Layoff notices. The apprentices are located in Denerim (the market and shop for Curiosities of Thedas) and in the Frost Mountains of Orzammar.


Quest Community of Mages (can be taken at Calenhad Lake). You need to destroy four maleficars in eastern Brecilian (in the north of the location).

gloves Gauntlets of Black Hands one of the maleficars;
175 XP, 2 gold coins for completing the quest.

Community of Mages Quest (available at Calenhad Lake or Redcliffe). You just need to bring ten deep mushrooms.

175 XP and 1 gold coin for completing the quest.

Oghren's personal quest. If you talk to Ogren about his past, he admits that he misses his ex-girlfriend Felzi. The meeting with Felzi will take place in a tavern on Lake Calenhad. You can prepare in advance by talking to Felzi without Oghren. If you wish, you can support Oghren during his meeting with Felzi, whispering answers to him, and reconcile him with his ex-girlfriend.

250 XP for completing the quest.

Stan's personal quest. If the relationship with Stan is good, he can talk about the loss of the sword. You need to talk to the Marauder at Calenhad Lake. Then ask Farin in the Frostback Mountains to whom he sold the sword. In one of the houses of the village of Redcliffe, you need to convince Dvin to give the sword, then give the sword to Stzn.

125 XP for talking to a Marauder;
125 xp and two-handed Stan's sword for completing the quest.

The third quest for those interested from D. (quests of this series are given in the Denerim tavern). It is necessary to destroy three false witnesses: on Lake Calenhad, in Denerim ("Wonders of Thedas"), in the Frost Mountains of Orzammar.

6 gold coins for completing the quest.

Quest of the Blackstone Volunteers (can be taken in Lothering, Redcliffe or Denerim). Gotta pick up the stolen Guild Supplies three deserters - in the Frost Mountains, on Lake Calenhad, in Denerim (Port Backyard).

ring frost strike with a deserter in the Frost Mountains;
175 XP and 2 gold coins for completing the quest.

Quest for those interested from R. (quests of this series are given in the tavern of Denerim). You need to collect twelve love letters. Letter Locations: Dalish Camp, Brecilian Ruins (upper level), Orzammar (Charter hideout and royal palace), Calenhad Lake (tavern), Mage Tower (senior mages' rooms), Denerim (Earl Eamon's estate, "Pearl", forge), village Redcliffe (mill), Redcliffe castle (cellar), Vault village (house).

125 XP and 6 gold coins for completing the quest.

Quest of the Blackstone Volunteers (available in Denerim). We need to give four funerals to widows. They are in Redcliffe (church), on Calenhad Lake (tavern), in Denerim (Merchant District and Dirty Corner).

175 XP and 1 gold coin for completing the quest.

The third quest for those interested from K. (quests of this series are given in the tavern of Denerim). It is necessary to take four "bags" to the so-called Transfers(secrets). Locations: Denerim Market Quarter, Calenhad Lake Tavern, Frostback Mountain Pass, Redcliffe Village. The last pouch will explode upon placement.

175 XP and 3 gold and 98 silver coins for completing the quest.